Meet The Robinsons

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Claris: What is this movie's Purpose here on Movies that Shaped Weirdies? Why is Disney XD in on this? and Why Are the Flicks Watching G4 on their TV?

Mater: Find out after this Moving Picture show Ends!


Claris: Claris Here! You may be asking yourself "what's with the Wilbur Standee?" Well, the Wilbur Standee's Here because Wilbur himself couldn't be here on account of the fact that he won't Exist through the Majority of the Trilogy.

Mater: Thanks for watching Movies that Shaped Weirdies! Now where did you get this here standee?

Claris: Uh...

(The Standee is erased into oblivion)

Mater: Oh, Dang.

Claris: Watch Cartoon Network for Weirdies Noods, Watch Disney XD for the 4Real Versions and Keep Watching G4 for More Weirdies Info from us Weirdies.

Mater: Goodbye!

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