Level 01: C'mon B0713%, Make a Wish already!

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How the Story Rolls

Now the story is told in various flashbacks and flash forwards throughout the show

Age 10

The monitors on the bridge started to bleep.

Leeron's eyes widened "No, not possible." everyone else next to him were staring at the screen with wide eyes.

Simon saw Kamina's face on his screen and started to shake "Br...brother?" He asked quietly "Brother!" He shouted.

Laganns power fluctuated until it finally exploded from Simons emotions.

The Dai-Gunzan started to glow green and released shock waves of energy throwing anyone on the Dai-Gunzan out and cracking the top crust of the land releasing lava from a near by volcano

Simon wallowed in his greif not knowing or caring that the Dai-Gunzan was walking toward a volcano

"What the hell is happening?" a pilot asked.

"I don't know the Dai-Gunzan just started to go berserk." someone else cried out.

The Dai-Gunzan continued and was nearly halfway up the volcano when Gurren jumped on to Dai-Gunzan and punched Lagann making it rock violently and shocking Simon from his depression.

"Didn't I say that I would punch you if you doubted your self, Simon." Kamina called to him over the com.

"Br-bro." Simon said his voice heavy with emotion.

"Thats right now what the hell are you doing?" Kamina asked with a slight chuckle.

"I-I thought you were dead Simon said rubbing his neck.

Kamina smiled softly "You don't have anything to fear bro, I'm here right by your side and together we shall pierce heaven itself and drill to the future side-by-side."

"Bro." Simon said with tears in his eyes.

Thymilph growled "Take him down." he said to his subordinates

Kamina's smile turned more animalistic "You ready Simon?"

"Yes." Simon said with a grin.

"Alright...Gurren Lagann, combine!"

Gurren turned into a drill shot into Lagann and drilled down to where Kamina sat.

"Get them!" A beastman shouted attacking.

"Just who hell-" Kamina started.

"-Do you think we are!." Simon finished.

Thin giant drill came out of Gurren Lagann and destroyed all the Ganman.

"Impossible." Thymilph mumbled.

Gurren Lagann took Gurren's Shades and threw them boomerang style at Thymilph pining him in the air.

"GIGAAAA..." tons of tiny drills popped out of Gurren Lagann's arm "DRILLLL..." the drills formed together becoming one giant drill BREEAAAAAAAKKK!." Kamina shouted and Gurren Lagann launched through the air slicing Thymilph and his Ganman destroying it in a huge fireball.

"We did it bro!" Simon shouted.

"Ya we did." Kamina said faintly.

"Whats wrong bro?" Simon asked but got no response.


Age 17

Age 10

Kamina stood on the edge of a cliff over looking a vast desert with a setting sun in the distance.

"Where...am I." Kamina asked himself.

"Son." a familiar voice called out.

Kamina's eyes widened as he snapped around.

"D...Dad." Kamina stated shock evident in his voice.

The man smiled "Yes Kamina, its me."

'What do I do? Hug him because I love him, cry because I have missed him, punch him for dieing and not fulfilling his promise?' Kamina said paralyzed.

Kamina's dad smiled and walked over to him "Son, its good to see you."

Kamina's eyes water a bit.

"Not starting to cry are you." Kamina's dad said with a small chuckle.

"No, It...its manly tears." Kamina said proudly.

Kaminas dad's smile softened a bit more "I've just come to say, after all these years, that I am proud of you son. "

Kamina was openly crying now "Dad."

Kamina's dad looked down for a second then looked back up with the a familiar confident face "Well son, I just wanted you to know that I love you and that I am proud. So this is good bye for now. One day we will meet again, but that is still quite far off." he turned and started to walk off.

"Wait! Dad!" Kamina called out reaching for him.

Suddenly a bright light was in Kamina's eyes.

Kamina slowly opened his eyes and looked up.

He wakes up surrounded by unfamiliar walls. It feels sterile, but the curtains block his view of the rest of the room. The lights are bright. They're white, and he has trouble adjusting to seeing real light that isn't the sun or the tinted shade of blue from underground. He's also seen the bright colored screens from inside the Gurren, but that's different. He sits up quickly, intending to push the curtains aside. The splitting pain in his side makes him groan loudly and collapse back onto the bed. Well, it's surprisingly comfortable, at any rate.

He hears a strange sliding noise, somehow similar to air-pressure, then footsteps. Before he even has time to jump to conclusions, Yoko throws the curtains to the side, Simon standing slightly behind her. They both look relieved; he can't tell which of them seems closer to tears, despite the wide smiles.

"I knew you'd make it through, Bro!" Simon says, and sounds proud.

Yoko's look of relief is quickly replaced with a glare. She crosses her arms over her chest, huffing loudly. "An idiot like him wouldn't die so easily," she says, turning away. But after a short pause, she gives him a sidelong glance. "That might be admirable, though."

He can't keep his confusion off his face, and cocks an eyebrow, frowning. Still, he manages to say "Who the hell do you think I am?" It's much calmer than usual, and hardly a question. The red-head just nods and sighs.

"Kamina the idiot," she tells him. He's surprised when she turns and begins to leave, tossing a quick "Get some rest, idiot hero," over her shoulder.

The door's close behind her.

Simon sits by his side, and stares at his shoes. Kamina had nearly forgotten he was there, just for a moment, and berates himself. But he grins.

"Keep your head high," he commands. The younger boy looks up obediently, but his hands remain stuffed awkwardly in his pockets. He knows that Kamina won't be angry with him. But he still thinks You almost died, this is my fault. But over that guilt, over that feeling of helplessness and self-blaming, Simon thinks Almost dying isn't bravery, it's stupidity. He hates that he isn't more sympathetic for the injuries. Hates that he's betraying Kamina by disagreeing with him.

"We have t'keep fighting," Kamina says slowly, and pushes himself up against the headboard of the bed with a minimal wince. He looks at his bandages, and adds "Don't have time t'be layin' around doing nothing."

He still looks so strong. His body is still so big; still so tough. Simon stares at the bandages instead of his face. "Rossiu and Yoko have been trading off piloting Gurren. You've been out for two days. This is the Dai-Ganzen, which… Well, luckily it has a lot of first aid supplies, so Leeron was able to patch you up."

After grimacing at the thought of Leeron touching him, the older boy sighs. "I can take it easy for a while, at least." He doesn't look at all glad. "Tch. Missing out on the fun."

"You'll fight better scarred up than you will bleeding everywhere," Simon says, and manages a small laugh. Kamina laughs back, louder, more enthusiastically. Simon is still so small. He still looks so insignificant.

"So you're doing just fine without me," he hears himself say.

Simon almost looks offended. "We're having a really tough time without you there! We're doing our best, but only just getting by. Yoko and Rossiu aren't as good with Gurren."

"Heh." Kamina can't stop his mood from lightening, and grins. "Of course! Only the leader of the Great Gurren Brigade can properly control Gurren itself!"

Simon nods, smiling contentedly. After a moment of hesitation, he opens his mouth to speak. A loud siren cuts him off.

"You rest up," Simon says hurriedly, and nearly dashes out the door. Kamina is left staring at the empty space, with many things to think about.

Age 17

Age 10

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