Episode 5-The Beginning

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Arnold: (in the abandoned factory) Whoa! Sure is creepy! (sees an old elevator and goes inside) I wonder if it still works? (press the button and the elevator goes down to the bottom floor where Arnold sees something that amazes him) Wow! A supercomputer! (goes up to turn it on) I hope I'm not going to regret this in a minute! (turns the computer on. Up in the scanner room, an activated scanner opens up and someone comes out)

The Next Day at Kadic Academy...

(Arnold is talking to Arthur and Dongwa about his discovery at the factory at the vending machines)

Arthur: That seems too good to be true.

Dongwa: Yeah If it's true then show us!

Arnold: Okay I will!

Arthur: Uh oh! It's time for lunch! They're serving Fish and Chips today! Let's hurry!


Arthur: So who is this X.A.N.A.

Arnold: He's a evil computer virus that has problably infected that computer.

Sagwa: Do you guys mind if I sit with you?

Arthur: Sure. What's your name?

Sagwa: It's Sagwa. I'm new here. And are you Arnold?

Arnold: Yes?

Sagwa: Well I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about that discovery you made.

Arnold: Yeah, what about it?

Sagwa: It sounded so familiar like I heard it from somewhere some time ago. Could I join your group?

Arnold: Sure! We needed a girl anyways.

Dongwa: So Arnold. When do we get to see this Supercomputer.

Arnold: Tonight.

(as they speak Gunji overhears them)

That night...

(the 4 friends go to the schools boiler room and go though a secret passage way into the sewers and Genji follows. Later they climb up a ladder, go across a bridge into the factory then they go inside the elevator and before the door closes Gunji dashes into the elevator)

Dongwa: What are you doing here, Gunji?

Gunji: Sorry. I couldn't help myself. But more importantly, what are you doing here?

Arnold: I'll explain later.

(the elevator takes them down to the Lab. Arnold lifts up the door button cover to show a set of buttons. He punches in the access code, puts the cover back on, pushes the button and the door opens up leading the friends into the computer room)

Arnold: Here we are!

Arthur: You have got to be kidding me! You were right!

Arnold: (sits in the computer chair and turns on the computer) This is Lyoko. A virtual world existing in this supercomputer.

Gunji: What is it like on there?

Arnold: Well I haven't seen it for myself.

Dongwa: How do you access this world?

Arnold: There are three scanners in the room below us. They are big enough for a normal sized human being. When you're in one of them, the doors will close on you. Then the supercomputer will scan you're body and analyze your DNA. Once that's done, a flash of light will break down your atoms, send them to Lyoko, and recreate you as your own virtual incarnation. In short, you get in a scanner and you're teleported directly to Lyoko, that is if someone's manning the supercomputer.

Arthur: Is it safe?

Arnold: Well, apart from the loss of consciousness, lack of oxygen, and the rough landing, it's just fine. I need someone to explore this world and find information on it. Any volunteers?

Sagwa: I'll go!

Arnold: Are you sure?

Sagwa: Of course! When it comes to exploring there's no one better than me!

Arnold: Okay!

(Sagwa goes into the elevator and goes down to the scanner room)

Sagwa: So what do I do?

Arnold: (on the speakers) Get in one of them and wait.

(Sagwa looks at the other two scanners and back at the on she is in front of)

Sagwa: (in her mind) Strange, I feel like... like I've seen all this before.

Gunji: If you're scared I can come.

Sagwa: No I'm fine. (goes into a scanner with her heart thumping with excitement) Here's goes nothing.I'm ready.

Arnold: Okay. Here goes! (activates the middle scanner and presses the enter button) Transfer, Sagwa.

(the scanner doors close on Sagwa)

Arnold: Scanner, Sagwa.

(a gust of wind blows in Sagwa's scanner as her character is loaded onto the supercomputer)

Arnold: And Virtualization!

(Sagwa disappears from inside the scanner and reappears in the Forest sector of Lyoko as a elf. She look around her and herself)

Arnold: Are you there Sagwa? What does it look like? Sagwa?

(a window opens and Sagwa's face appears)

Sagwa: I'm here.

Arnold: Great! So where are you and what is it like?

Sagwa: It's so amazing! It's so unbelievable! It's so real! I'll sent you a visual. (shows Arnold Lyoko on another window)

Arnold: Wow! Hold on let me do something! (types in a code of some sort and a holographic image of Lyoko appears) It's more than just a forest! It's has a mountain sector, a desert sector, and a ice sector as well! Also a tiny core.

Sagwa: Not just that but when you're on Lyoko, you get a whole new outfit. Also my body's been changed to a humanoid animal. This is like a state-of-the-art virtual reality video game.

Dongwa: Whoever made this was one heck of a genius! By the way who did make this?

Arnold: I don't know. I just discovered it. Oh yeah. If it's like a video game then maybe you have weapons or special powers. What the-? (sees two Blocks heading toward Sagwa) Sagwa! There are these things heading for you!

Sagwa: I know!

Arthur: What are they?

Sagwa: They look like blocks with legs. (to the blocks) Hello.

(the block shoots Sagwa)

Sagwa: Ow! Mabye it's a little too real!

Gunji: Looks like those things aren't so friendly!

Arnold: Sagwa! Those Blocks are monsters of X.A.N.A.! Do something!

Sagwa: (running) Do What?

Arnold: I don't know! Anything! Do you have a weapon or a special power?

Sagwa: I haven't got a weapon! (thinks and raises her paw and creates a pink ball of energy) Energy Fields! (shoots one of the blocks)

Arnold: Nice job!

Sagwa: Arnold! Could you send some help?!

Arnold: Okay! (turns to Dongwa and Arthur) You two! Get to the scanners! Sagwa needs help!

Both: Okay! (they go to the elevator and it takes them down to the lower level)

Gunji: What about me?

Arnold: You stay here.

Dongwa: (in a scanner as well as Arthur) Okay! We're ready!

Arnold: All righty then! Let's get it on! Transfer, Dongwa! Transfer, Arthur!

(the scanners close on Dongwa and Arthur)

Arnold: Scanner, Dongwa! Scanner, Arthur!

(a gust of wind blows in Dongwa and Arthur's scanners as their characters are loaded onto the Supercomputer)

Arnold: And Virtualization!

(Dongwa and Arthur appear on Lyoko in front of Sagwa)

Sagwa: Welcome to Lyoko!

Arthur: Wow! It's great here even though I look like a mix between an aardvark and a purple cat.

Dongwa: And this sword rocks! So where are the monster?

Sagwa: Well I took care of them all ready.

Dongwa: Aw!

Arnold: Hey! Quit chatting and start exploring!

Sagwa: Okay!

(the three walk throughout the forest as they talk)

Arthur: Hey. What if Gunji was here? What would she look like?

Sagwa: I don't know but it may concern her weight.

Dongwa: Yeah, maybe her powers will be to crush her foes with her entire body. Ha Ha!

Gunji: I can hear you, you know!

Dongwa: Sorry.

Sagwa: Everyone, stop.

Arnold: So what have you found?

Arthur: Well there's this tower and it's glowing blue!

Sagwa: Well let's go in!

Dongwa: But how?

Sagwa: (goes up to the tower, looks at it and touch it and her paw goes though so she goes inside)

Arthur: Hey wait for us! (him and Dongwa go inside and find the inside covered with screen panel with binary codes on them)

Dongwa: Amazing!

Arthur: (looks below the platform they're on) Hey There's just a dark ravene below us and I think it goes somewhere.

Arnold: You're right Arthur! It goes to another part of Lyoko.

Sagwa: Let's go see. (jumps down into the hole)

Dongwa: Hey! (follows Sagwa)

Arthur: (jumps down also) Geronimo!

(they go down into a stream of numbers then they go up, land on another platform and finally walk out of the tower)

Sagwa: Hey Arnold! We're in the ice sector I think.

Arnold: Seems that there are tower in Lyoko that lead to other parts of it. (sees that there are 3 Krabs heading towards them) Uh oh! Look out there are more monsters!

Dongwa: I know and they don't seem happy!

(one of the Krabs shoot Arthur)

Arthur: Ow!

Arnold: Careful! You lost about 20 life points! You better defeat them fast and Gunji please get off my lap! You're crushing it!

Dongwa: Time to try this out! (takes his sword)

Arthur: Well what weapon do I have? (hits his hand and shoots a laser arrow at a Krabs and distroys it) Hey! That's pretty useful!

Dongwa: (runs and cuts a Krab in half and distroys it) Two down! One to go!

(the Krab shoots Arthur and he gets devirtualized)

Sagwa: Arthur!

(Arthur reappears in the scanner)

Arthur: I'm Okay!

Sagwa: Energy Field! (distroys the last Krab) Arnold! Can you bring us back?

Arnold: Sure! (types in the materialization codes and Sagwa and Dongwa reappear back in their scanners)

Sagwa: That was the best time of my life!

Dongwa: Yeah! I hope we get to do it again!

(Arnold, Arthur, Sagwa, Dongwa, and Genji are sitting on the benches taking about Lyoko)

Arthur: So did you find out anything about Lyoko?

Arnold: A few things. There's a digital sea beneath every sector on Lyoko.

Genji: Is it dangerous to fall in?

Arnold: Very dangerous! Another thing is the towers on Lyoko. They can be used as a way into our world went taken control of.

Dongwa: And?

Arnold: Well suppose our friend XANA takes control of one of them. If he could attack you on Lyoko who knows what he could do on earth?

Sagwa: How do we stop him?

Arnold: I'll explain later. Tonight we're going to explore the other part of Lyoko.

Genji: All right! I can wait to see what I look like on Lyoko!

Arthur: Me too! Maybe I won't look like a nitwit this time. I mean Sagwa is a Elf. Dongwa's a Samuri. And I'm a Purple cat!

Dongwa: Well I better go. I have Martial arts with Sheegwa.

Sagwa: You know, if I didn't know better I'd say you have a crush on her.


Binky: Welcome to Martial arts with me, Binky. I'm glad some of us decided to come.

(Dongwa and Sheegwa are the only ones there)

Binky: But first a word from me.

Sheegwa: What is it? Stupid?

Binky: No. It's about how martial arts saved my life.

Dongwa: Maybe you shouldn't talk about it.

Binky: Okay I won't. So anyways, have fun. I'll be outside if you need anything.

In Arnold's room...

(Sagwa walks into the room)

Sagwa: What're you doing Arnold?

Arnold: (press the enter button) I've connected my computer with the supercomputer at the factory. That way we can keep an eye on XANA as we fight him.

Sagwa: Wow! You can do all that?

Arnold: They don't call me Einstein just because I get straight "A"s.

Sagwa: Hey Arnold. Have you ever actually went to Lyoko?

Arnold: No. I actually found a mannual explaining everything I needed to know. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was left there for me.

Sagwa: Well, I better go before someone sees me. Bye. (leaves)

(Arnold gets back to work but can stop thinking about Sagwa)

Arnold: So cute.


Chet Chet: So Genji. Why won't you go out with me?

Genji: Chet Chet! I said it once and I'll say it again. NO! I'm going with Dongwa and That's That! (opens her closet door and a big ball of energy attacks her) AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

(meanwhile Binky was eating yogurt when he heard the scream and heads for there)

Sheegwa: Ha! Pinned ya again!

Dongwa: You're good for a little girl. (hears his cell phone ring and answers it) Hello? What?!

Arnold: (on the other line) That's right! Genji was attacked by something electrical! It's might be XANA! Meet us in the sewers. (hangs up)

Dongwa: Sorry Sheegwa, I'd like to have a rematch but... (sees the ball of energy behind Shegwa) Uh oh!

Sheegwa: What?

Dongwa: Look out! (Moves Sheegwa away from the big ball of energy and they run to the boiler room)

Sheegwa: What's going on?

Dongwa: I'll explain later! (they go into the passageway to the sewers to meet the others)

Sagwa: Hey! What's she doing here?

Dongwa: Everyone! Meet our new warrior.

Sheegwa: Huh? Warrior?

At the Nurse Muffy's office...

Mr. Ratburn: What happened?

Binky: Genji got shocked by something!

Mr. Ratburn: How did this happen?

Genji: If I told you you would not believe it.

Mr. Ratburn: Try me.

Genji: Okay. There's this abandoned factory and in the rooms beneath it there is a supercomputer which powers a virtual world known as Lyoko. Without that computer Lyoko's as good as gone.

Binky: A virtual world called Lyoko? That's impossible! What's next? Teddygodzilla?

Genji: It's real! I'll show you!

Meanwhile at the factory...

Arnold: (walk out of the elevator and sits in the computer seat) Everyone to the scanners including you Sheegwa. Get ready for the Big Plunge!

Sheegwa: But I didn't bring my swimsuit!

Arthur: You won't need it. (presses the elevator button and it takes them to the scanner room)

Arnold: Everyone ready?

Sagwa: We're ready!

Sheegwa: (to Dongwa) I hope this is as good as it sounds.

Dongwa: Don't worry. It is. (the scanner doors close on him)

Arnold: Transfer, Sagwa. Transfer, Dongwa. Transfer, Sheegwa. Scanner, Sagwa. Scanner, Dongwa. Scanner, Sheegwa. And Virtualization!

(they appear in the ice sector of Lyoko)

Sheegwa: (looks around her and looks at herself) Oh My Gosh, this is far from amazing! I have a whole new body and the weather here isn't as cold as it looks.

Arnold: Look out! Here comes Arthur! Virtualization!

(Arthur is virtualized on Lyoko)

Arthur: (sees Sheegwa's virtual form) A Gisha?! Aw man!

Dongwa: So what do we do, Arnold?

Arnold: Head south! The activated tower is in that direction!

Sagwa: Gotcha! (they head to the tower)

Arnold: And Hurry!

Sheegwa: Hey! Wait up!


(they gang reaches the tower which is glowing red instead of the usual blue glow but find monsters there)

Arthur: Oh great! Krabs! Anyone have tartar sauce?

Sheegwa: What are those little things?

Sagwa: I think they're called Kankerlots.

(The monsters start attacking)

Sagwa: Uh oh! (blasts a Krab with her energy field)

Arnold: Good shot. But you didn't get all of it's life points!

Arthur: Leave it to me! (finishes off the Krab with his laser arrow) Sheegwa! Get the Kankerlots!

Sheegwa: But how? I don't have a weapon! (sees something on her back. Takes it and sees it's a fan so she throws it and distroys all 3 Kankerlot at once)

Dongwa: Nice throw! (distroys a Krab)

Sheegwa: Thanks! I was good at frisbees when I was young.

Arthur: Well I think that's about it.

Sagwa: (sees a black, round, object rolling towards them) I don't think so!

(the Object stops a few feet in front of the warriors, then it's halves open up to reveal XANA's eye then the eye gathers energy)

Dongwa: Run!

(the monster shoots a laser but misses so it trys to get closer)

Sagwa: Let me try something. (goes down on her knees and like a opera singer she sings at high C and creates a hole which the monster falls threw into the digital sea)

Arnold: Awesome! Okay Sagwa now you have to enter the tower and walk to the center of the platform.

Sagwa: Right Arnold! (enters the tower, walks to the center of the platform and rises up to the top platform where she places he paw on the screen panel. It says "Sagwa" then it says Code so Sagwa puts in "Lyoko" and all the screen panels on the tower walls drop down)

Arnold: Excellent job everyone! I'm bringing you all back.


Arnold: Well guys, it looks like it us against XANA. We're going to have to stop every time he makes a move.

(the elevator doors open)

Genji: See! I was right!

Binky: Arnold! What's going on here?

Mr. Ratburn: Young man! I demand that you shut off this thing before anything else happens!

Binky: You heard the man! Turn it off! It's dangerous.

Arnold: Whatever you say. (goes onto the computer and sets up the return to the past) I'm very disappointed in you, Genji. I thought you would be good warrior but it seems you can even keep a secret. So goodbye and... Return To The Past Now! (presses enter button)

(a bright, white piller shines, extends into a bubble which engulfs everything in its way and the entire world is throw back in time)

1 day and a few hours earlier...

Sagwa: So what was it you did?

Arnold: I launched a return to the past so that no one would remember what was originally going to happened a day later except us.

Dongwa: That was great!

Arthur: Looks like we're going to have one great life!

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