Episode 41: Candy Sale Craze

From Accct Wiki

Part 1

It's another typical day in class 714 of ToonSchool. Every classmate including Jimmy, Danny, Bart, Timmy, and others were writing essays. As usual, Jimmy happily wrote his essay about his inventions, Danny was writing his about ghosts, Bloo was trying to copy off Mac's essay as he hides it away, Billy was picking his nose with a pencil, and Bubbles was glancing dreamily at cute boys like Ash, Tommy, Ben, and others.

"Okay Class!" SpongeBob announced to them, "You can stop writing your essays now." All the children did as they were told.

"Aw man," Jimmy moaned, "But I was gonna write more about how I was inspired by Albert Einstein!"

"We're writing essays Jimmy, not autobiographies," Danny told.

SpongeBob continued, "I have big exciting news."

"What is it Mr. SquarePants?" Danny wondered.

"Guess!" SpongeBob said.

"A school carnival is coming up?" Timmy asked.


“A food-drive?” Blossom asked.


Bloo smiles. “Inflatable-“

“No,“ SpongeBob interrupted and answered. "Our school is having a candy selling contest to raise money." All the kids groan at this. "Oh come on!" SpongeBob yelled, "It's gonna be fun!"

"BOR-ING." Bart groaned. "I rather two a hundred essays."

"Yeah," Bloo agreed, "I rather be nice than do essays or sell candy."

"You're never nice," Buttercup mentions.

"But, it's exciting. You all get to help our school by selling delicious chocolate bars." SpongeBob mentioned. "Also, the person who sells the most will win a mountain bike and a free pass to mini golf."

"Wait!" Jake smirked, "Did you say mountain bike?"

"Did you say mini golf?" Jimmy questioned.

"Did you say mountain bike and mini golf all together?" Bubbles asked.

"Yup," SpongeBob answered. "All you have to do is sell the most chocolate bars and it's all yours."

"Dude, I'm in!" Danny shouted. 'I'm gonna get that mountain bike!"

"Forget it!" Bloo shouted to Danny. "They're all mine!"

"No way!" Buttercup said, "It's mine!"

”Actually, I'm gonna win the contest." Bubbles said.

"No way! I am!" Lilo argued.

SpongeBob sighed dreamingly, "I love it when students are so devoted to helping our school." SpongeBob smiles as all the classmate argue. Suddenly, a fight starts as they fight in a cloud of dust. Then, they hear the bell ring. "Okay, you're excused children." SpongeBob said. The students all walk out of the classroom.

Later on in the school hallway, Jimmy, Danny, Timmy, and Bart decided to team up together and were holding a wagon truckload of candy and walking up the halls. "Mountain bike and mini golf pass, here we come!" Timmy smiled. They stop and notice some of their friends Tommy, Ash, Jake, Buttercup, Mac, Tommy, Bloo, Lilo, Stitch, and Bubbles. “Joining the contest guys?” Buttercup asked.

“Yeah,” Jimmy said, “Hey, where’s June and Blossom?”

“They left to sell candy as a team with Carrie,” Jake explains.

“Well good luck to them,” Bart said, “…cuz we are so gonna kick their butts!”

“Bart, that’s not nice to say to our friends,” Danny told, “Although we are so gonna kick their butts!”

“If you guys kick everyone’s butts, can I ride on the mountain bike?” Bloo asked.

“Sure thing Bloo,” Timmy smiled.

“Don’t forget me!” Janitor smiled and came out of nowhere, “By the way, did you guys know that I used to mountain bike at the X Games?”

“Right…” Jimmy, Danny, and Bart groaned in sarcasm, knowing that Janitor is obliviously lying about it.

“Really?” Bloo asked, thinking it was true.

“Yeah!” Janitor said, “Well I was…”

Suddenly, few girls like Vicky, Princess, and Mindy are screaming and running away. “AAGGH!!! RAT!!!” Princess cried. They ran away followed by Dash and Brad who screamed like girls.

“Wimp!” Jake called out to the Snob Squad.

Suddenly, the school alarm some how starts. Everyone panics but Prickly stops them. “Don’t worry kids! This isn’t a disaster!” Prickly called out. He turned around. “Aha!” he pointed out and the kids and Janitor look behind him. Scurrying through the hallways was a little rat as it walked on two feet and carried off a piece of cheese. “Not that rat again!” Prickly yelled out as the rat ran away. He sighed and turned to Janitor. “Janitor!”

“Yeah?’ Janitor salutes.

“Here’s a job for you,” Prickly said, “I want you to get rid of that pesky rat!”

“What?” Janitor asked.

“You heard me!” Prickly yelled.

“Oh no!” Bubbles said angrily, “There’s no way you’re gonna hurt an innocent tiny creature. You are not gonna hurt Remy!”

“Remy?” Stitch wondered.

“That’s his name silly!” Bubbles smiled.

Prickly looks at the girl oddly and turns to Janitor. “You better get rid of that rat!” he said, “Or else! You’re been fooling and goofing off here instead of doing your job. If you don’t rid of that pest…”

“His name is Remy!” Bubbles snaps.

“Don’t rid of Remy,” Prickly corrected, “You, Janitor, are FIRED!!!!”

Everyone gasped, even Janitor. Then, Prickly stomps away. “Janitor, you can’t be fired!” Jimmy yelled.

“Yeah, who’s gonna mop the dirty floors?” Danny asked.

“Who’s gonna tell us more about ToonSchool?” Lilo also asked.

“Who’s gonna give us the keys to use on all the rooms here?” Bart asked also.

“Well don’t worry!” Janitor smiled, ‘Cuz Janitor is on the job to capture that rat!”

“That is if you catch him and sent him back to the wild,” Lilo told.

“Yeah, cuz no harm shall come to Remy,” Bubbles said.

“Okay, good luck Janitor on finding the rat,” Jimmy said as he, Danny, Timmy, and Bart walk out of ToonSchool to sell.

“THAT’S REMY!!!” Bubbles yelled out.

Soon, the four were outside and so were other students to sell candy. "We're so gonna win this contest." Jimmy enthusiastically said. "And nothing can stop us!" Danny said.

"At least we agreed to team up for this and not fight," Bart said.

Timmy agreed, "Yeah, and nothing can ruin this."

"Yep," Jimmy said as they walk to a house, "Starting off with customer number one!" Jimmy rings the doorbell and a humanoid fish appears who is yellow and green, wearing a purple shirt, and brown pants. "Excuse me sir," Jimmy announced handing out a chocolate bar, "Would you like to buy some chocolate?"

"Chocolate?" The fish asked, "Did you say chocolate?"

"That's right sir," Danny said taking out a bar, "With or without nuts?"

"Or white chocolate, double chocolate, nutty chocolate, or mint chocolate?" Timmy asked holding out multiple bars of candy. The three stare at him. "What?"

"Would you like some sir?" Jimmy asked to the fish.

"Chocolate? Chocolate?! CHOCOLATE!!!" the fish screamed. "CHOCOLATE!!! CHOCOLATE!!!" Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, and Bart stare at the fish that now has bloodshot eyes with a crazy look, still yelling, "CHOCOLATE!!!"

"Psycho alert," Bart gritted through his teeth to his friends. They start to slowly back away from the fish.

The four take a few steps back, and run away as fast as they can. They continue running as the fish starts running after them, still yelling and repeating, "CHOCOLATE!!!"

Back at ToonSchool, there was a small piece of cheese on a small plate which the cheese is tied up to a rope which Janitor was holding from a long distance, planning to get Remy when he gets the bait. “Here Remy, here Remy,” Janitor said, “Soon, I’m gonna get ya…” Then, Bloo and Mac walk by, In fact, they with Tommy, Lilo, Stitch, and Bubbles are the only students here in ToonSchool after it ended for the day. “Hey Janitor?” Bloo asked.

“Now not…” Janitor said.


“No Bloo.”


“What?!” Janitor turned around when he turned back to see the plate spin and the cheese gone.

“I was gonna say is that if you stop looking at the plate, maybe Remy will come,” Bloo said, “And it worked! Yay for me!” Janitor glared at Bloo as Mac and Tommy rolled their eyes.

They soon arrive at another house. "Man that was close!" Timmy said nearly catching his breath. "Okay, that guy didn't count," Jimmy said. "So let's try customer number one...again."

"And let's hope he's not psycho," Danny said.

"Yeah," Jimmy said, "And don't worry! We'll keep ringing 'til our fingers go numb and we will not take 'No' for an answer!”

Later, Jimmy heads to a door to smile. "Hey there!" Jimmy announced, "Want some chocolate?" "No!" the door slams in his face with Jimmy shocked.

Next was Danny in another door. "Hi!" he greeted. "No!" the door slams in Danny's face also.

Bart was next. "No!" Before he can say anything, the door just slams in his face.

Timmy was then next. "Sic him Cuddles!" the voice said. There was growling heard from the house. Timmy screams and runs away.

Cut back to ToonSchool, Janitor smirked behind a hallway to see a loop of rope on the ground with a plate of food. “I’m gonna get that rat for sure!” he smirked when Mac walked by. “Janitor, isn’t that TOO big for Remy?” he asked.

“Oh come on!” Janitor laughed, “This is the perfect trick!” Suddenly, they hear a scream from nearby. Janitor runs out of the hall. ‘I got you now!” he smirked but froze to see Stitch. He smiled and they notice Remy laughing and running away with some food.

Bubbles and Lilo walks by. “Yay for Remy!” Bubbles cheered.

“What about me?” Janitor asked.

“Boo Janitor!” Bubbles said.

Later on, Danny, Jimmy, Bart and Timmy (covered in bruises), sitting on a bench, with the cart still full of chocolate. June, Blossom, and Carrie, who are a team, come in to see the four boys. "Tough luck huh?" June asked. "Oh yeah," Jimmy agreed.

"What the heck happened to you guys?" Carrie asked.

"We got slammed in the face with doors." Danny answered.

"What about Timmy?" Blossom asked to see Timmy injured and in bandages.

"Timmy got bitten up by a dog." Bart replied.

"A VICIOUS dog." Timmy mentioned, "His name's Cuddles."

"Wait," Caddie said, "Isn't that dog a poodle?"

"A VERY vicious and terrifying poodle!" Timmy corrected.

"So, how many boxes have you sold so far?" Blossom asked.

"None." Danny replied.

"What are we gonna do?" Bart wondered.

"Hmmm," June thinks for a second, "Here. Try this." she hand them a small book.

Jimmy takes it and reads the title. "'Candy Selling Methods for Dimwits'?" Jimmy asked, "What can this be for?"

"Just follow the rules," Carrie said. "And you'll be selling chocolates in no time."

"Yeah, we already sold 20 boxes already." Blossom mentioned.

Danny, Timmy, Jimmy, and Bart look at each other as the girls leave. Jimmy shrugs and opens the book to read. "’In here are Plans A to Z’" Jimmy reads, "’Plan A...Ask to buy some chocolate from people next door.’"

"Did that." Danny mentions.

"’Plan B...Avoid being bitten by vicious dog of angry costumer...’"

"Did that." Timmy says.

"’Plan C...run away from psycho neighbor yelling 'CHOCOLATE!!!!'...’"

"I don't wanna think about it!" Bart said wincing.

Jimmy turns the page. "Here's one we didn't do," Jimmy said, "'Plan D...try advertising. Get some tall guy into some goofy looking costume and create a candy sale stand near a supermarket.’"

"Hey! That's a great plan!" Bart smiled.

"Yeah," Timmy agreed, "But where are we gonna get some tall guy to put on a goofy looking costume?"

"I know who," Bart smirked, "It starts with 'D' and ends with 'Anny'."

"Who's 'D-Anny'?" Timmy wondered.

Jimmy smacks Timmy's head and they realize something and they smirked turning to Danny. Danny's eyes widen as he starts to realize something. "Oh no!" Danny scowled to the three friends with big smiles, "No way! No! There is no way I'm gonna..."

Later, Timmy, Jimmy, and Bart were near the Malph's supermarket with a wooden built stand in front of them with the sign reading, 'Candy Sale.' "Candy!" Timmy called out to people passing by, "Come and get your candy! Only a dollar and fifty cents!" "And buy three more candy bars and you get to meet Dandy Candy and take a picture of him!" Bart called and turns to a giant candy bar with legs and arms. He snickers a bit. The giant chocolate bar was really Danny in costume.

"'Dandy Candy'?" Timmy asked Jimmy.

"I couldn't find any good catchy names,” Jimmy explained.

"Why do I have to do this?" Danny angrily asked.

"Because you're the tallest one in our group." Timmy told.

"And don't blame us! Blame the book!" Jimmy said, "Just smile and wave Dan. Smile and wave."

Danny reluctantly did and muttered. "Do it for the mountain bike, Fenton. Do it for the mountain bike."

"Come up and get your candy!" Timmy called out.

"Hey!" Jimmy, Timmy, and Bart turn to see three Squirrel Scouts: Pasty, Gretchen, and Nina.

"Uh oh!" Timmy gasped, "Squirrel Girl Scouts!" He turns to his friends, "This is bad."

"It can't be that bad." Jimmy said.

"You're not a Boy Scout," Timmy said, "I was afraid of this. Don't you know what happens when you sell stuff near a supermarket?"


"Hey!" Gretchen snaps, "You're in our territory!"

"We were selling cookies here!" Nina cried.

Timmy gulps. "I knew this was gonna happen!" Timmy said shivering.

"Your territory?" Bart asked, "We were here first!"

"Yeah!" Jimmy said, "It's a free country! We can sell here whatever we what!"

"Well...it's Squirrel Scouts versus three boys and a dork in a stupid candy bar costume," Pasty declares.

"Hey!" Danny snapped.

"And there's only one way to settle this," Gretchen said stepping up front.

"And I know what it is," Timmy said seriously. He turns to his friends. "Leave it all to me." Timmy walks out of the stand and approaches Gretchen. They slow approach each other as a tumbleweed passes by them somehow. Everyone was silent for a moment.

Gretchen glares at Timmy and Timmy daggers at her. Pasty and Nina stood. Jimmy and Bart were whimpering. "I've seen movies like this," Jimmy said, "I know what's gonna happen. I can't watch!" He covers his eyes.

"Well, I can," Bart said watching.

Timmy and Gretchen were still silent and pause. Timmy waves his fingers and so does Gretchen. "One...two...three...draw!" Gretchen declared. It was on. Gretchen rolls and shows a fist showing "rock."

Timmy rolls forward her and shows his hand showing "paper." "Ha!" Timmy smirked, "Paper covers Rock!"

"Drat!" Gretchen scowls.

"That means...I WIN!" Timmy cheered and does a little dance with the Squirrel Scout bowing their heads in shame. Jimmy, Danny, and Bart cheered for him. "I forgot to mention that I was the best player in 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'," Timmy smiled.

"Great job Timmy!" Jimmy said standing on the stand, "This territory is ours!" He raises a fist in the air with Danny, Timmy, and Bart doing it also.

"CHOCOLATE!!!" a voice called, “CHOCOLATE!!! CHOCOLATE!!!”

Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, and Bart can recognize that voice anywhere. They turn to see the psycho fish chasing them again and catching up. "Uh..." Jimmy turns to the Squirrel Scouts, "And this territory is yours again," Jimmy said to them, "RUN!"

They all run away, except Danny, who's having a hard time catching up in the costume. Bart quickly grabs Danny and carries him as they run away from the fish again. The Squirrel Scouts stood and stare at the boys being chased by the fish still yelling, "CHOCOLATE!!! CHOCOLATE!!!"

At ToonSchool, Janitor now laughs even more. “What are you doing now Janitor?” Tommywondered, “And what’s that?” He turns to see tons of mouse traps everywhere on the floor. “Oblivious that the rat…” Janitor said.

“Remy!” Bubbles called out.

“Um…Remy will fall for this!” Janitor said.

“Oh yeah?” Tommy asked, “Turn around.”

Janitor turns around and gasped. He sees Remy, who is walking by with cherries and dodging and moving away from the mouse traps. “What the?” Janitor asked.

Then, Bubbles flies by. “He’s a smart rat,” she said, “Go Remy! Foil the evil Janitor’s schemes!”

“What did I do to you?” Janitor asked angrily.

“Try to hurt an innocent creature,” Bubbles said, “Go Remy go! Yay for Remy!”

Remy some what smiles and dodges the traps and does into his rat hole. “Come back!” Janitor said with a net and jumps at the hole, but…

Prickly was in his office whistling and reading when he suddenly heard loud cries of Janitor from outside his room. He runs by and stops to see mouse traps and turns to see Janitor with the traps painfully on him. “You still didn’t catch the rat did you?” he asked.

“Please Vice Principal Prickly,” Tommy said, “I know Janitor is kinda idiotic…”

“Hey!” Janitor snaps.

“But he’s trying to get that rat!”

“Remy!” Bubbles shouted.

“Please give him a chance!” Mac pleaded.

Prickly thinks a moment. “Okay fine!” he said, “You have ‘til tomorrow to catch that rat or you’re done for!“ He stomped out.

“HIS NAME IS REMY!!!” Bubbles yelled out.

Janitor gets up with mouse traps still on him. He was still mad. “Okay you rodent,” he said, ‘This mean war!”

Part 2

Later, Jimmy, Timmy, Bart, and Danny were walking down the street. "Can I take off this costume now?" Danny asked, "What if people find out about this?"

"Relax," Timmy said, "No one’s gonna see you in a goofy costume and laugh at you."

That's when Ash and Jake appear to see Danny in the candy bat costume. "Is that Danny?" Ash asked as he snickered.

"Hey Dan!" Jake called, "Nice outfit! Are you attracting kisses?" Ash and Jake laugh out loud and fall on the ground.

"No one will see me huh?" Danny asked glaring at Timmy as they leave the two kids.

"I guess you can take off the costume now," Jimmy said. "After all, the plan didn't really work out that well."

Danny sighs in relief and takes the costume off. Luckily, he still had his clothes on. "What's the plan?" Bart asked.

Jimmy takes out the book and reads, "Cool! There are a couple ideas to entertain people next door and persuade them to have candy!"

"How are we supposed to do that?" Danny asked.

"It shows a list of things to do," Jimmy smiled.

"Good!" Timmy smiled, "Let's just hope they aren't stupid..."

Later, there was a knock on the door. Squidward opens the door to see Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, and Bart with Spanish instruments and in mariachi band get-ups with sombreros on their heads and false mustaches. "What's going on here?" Squidward asked.

"And you were wrong," Danny spoke to Timmy.

"Hola!" Jimmy said in a Mexican accent, "Buy some candy and be entertained by your very own mariachi band!" Jimmy, Danny, Bart, and Timmy start playing mariachi music with Squidward staring. But they stop as Squidward shuts the door.

“Well, that didn’t work,” Timmy mentions.

Another knock was heard as Billy's mom opens the door and sees Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, and Bart as clowns. "Hi!" Jimmy greeted as Danny dully honks on his big red clown nose, "Buy candy and see us juggling and acting like idiots!" Billy's mom was shocked as Jimmy was juggling balls, Bart was on a unicycle and honking his horn, and Timmy and Danny are throwing pies at each other.

Then, Billy comes in. "Hi Mom!" Billy greeted and turns to see Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, and Bart as clowns. "AHHHH!!!" Billy screamed. "Scary clowns! They'll destroy us all!" He screams and jumps into his mom's arms. She scoffs and shuts the door in front of their faces. Jimmy was shocked. Danny hands Jimmy a pie and Jimmy slams it onto his face.

Later on, Mama Krabs was Jimmy, Timmy, Bart, and Danny wearing Santa hats and singing Christmas Carols. "And a partridge in a pear tree," they finished singing and shake their small jiggle bells.

"Merry Christmas!" Jimmy greeted, "And don't forget to buy chocolate to make everyone merrily happy!"

"Come back when it's ACTUALLY Christmas." She says as she slams the door.

"Okay...that didn't work," Danny again mentions.

Dexter's mom opens the door, and Bart stands there. "Please buy some candy or my friend will go insane." Bart said as he pointed outside.

“AAHH!!” the mom screams to see that Timmy was running around rabidly with foam around his mouth that was actually whipped cream, and Jimmy and Danny pretend to act scared. She screams as she grabs the hose and wets Timmy.

“What are you now doing Janitor?” Tommy asked. They were in his office as Janitor works on an invention.

“Finished!” Janitor smiled, “The latest thing that can catch a rat!”

“What is it?” Mac wondered.

“It’s a vacuum cleaner and it’s a net!” Janitor said, “A Vacuum-Net!” He takes out a vacuum with a net attached to it.

“You got to be kidding,” Tommy said, “Are you sure this can even work?”

“Well, other than Jimmy Neutron, the Fentons, and other smart people, I AM a genius and great inventor also,” Janitor said, “I created lots of inventions…the Drill-fork…the Knife-wrench…”

“If you’re so smart, when how come you can’t catch a rat?” Bloo asked laughing but Mac but Mac hits him, “Ow!”

“FOR THE 100,000TH TIME, HIS NAME IS REMY!!!!” Bubbles’ voice called out.

“WE KNOW THAT!!!” Mac called to her from the door.

“Don’t worry. This Vacuum-Net will NEVER fail!” Janitor said and laughed very evilly, “WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

“Wow, you must be serious about this,” Mac said.

“And nice evil laugh,” Tommy mentions

“Thanks,” Janitor said and laughed once more.

Later on, Timmy was rinsing out his hat as he dried off. "Well, that stunk."

"Yeah," Danny agreed as Jimmy was still reading the book.

"What else can we try?" Bart asked.

Jimmy reads throughout the book: "'Plan H...beat Girl Scout at Rock, Paper, Scissors.' Done that. 'Plan I...act as clowns.' Did that. 'Plan J...' Done that. 'Plan K'...did that already..."

"Is there any other plans that we didn't do?!" Danny asked angrily.

"We didn't do Plan G, dress up as dancing lobsters," Timmy mentions. Danny, Jimmy, and Bart dagger at him. "Sorry," Timmy said.

"What about Plan L?" Bart asked.

"Hmm..." Jimmy wondered and reads, "'Plan L...Lie. Stretch out the truth and you'll get tons of cash.'"

"Hmm, you think lying would really work?" Danny asked.

"Of course!" Bart exclaimed, "Why didn't we think of that before?"

"I'm not sure guys," Jimmy said concerned, "It's like cheating off people and scamming..."

"Don't think of it as scamming Jimmy," Bart smirked, "Think of it as...exaggerating the truth. Explaining what possibilities that candy can do."

Jimmy lightens up. "Yeah!" Jimmy agreed, "Guys! Time to exaggerate the truth!"

"Yeah!" Danny, Timmy, and Bart agreed.

"CHOCOLATE!!!" The boys glance back to hear the psycho fish guy again. They quickly run away without saying anything.

Soon, Janitor, Tommy, Mac, Bloo, and Stitch were crawling around in the warehouse. “Janitor, why meega and friends here?” Stitch wondered.

“Cuz in the warehouse, this is where we have our food supplies and that rat was stealing food…” Janitor answered.

“There he is!” Mac pointed out.

They spot Remy taking a piece of chocolate and then ran off. “GET HIM!!!” Janitor yelled. He does a battle cry and they run after Remy.

Remy runs away. “Cut to the chase sequence!” Bloo called out. Soon, it starts. Remy runs with Janitor activating his Vacuum-Net and they run after him.

Sooner or later, Jimmy was next to the door of Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. He gulps and turns to his friends. "I'm not sure about this," he spoke.

"Come on, it'll definitely work." Timmy told him.

"Here," Danny said as he and Bart hold up giant index cards, "Just read the quotes here and that will help."

Jimmy gulps again and rings the doorbell. It rings and Frankie opens it. "Hello?" she wondered.

She looks down to see Jimmy shivering and wearing worn out and poor clothes. There was a cold wind blowing him as he continued shivering. "Hello ma’m," Jimmy said and coughs up, "May you please buy some chocolate from me? I have to or else my step-father will get angry at me."

"Your step-father?" Frankie asked, "Oh your poor baby..."

Unknown to her, Jimmy was reading the quotes from the index cards Danny was holding and Timmy was holding up a giant fan. "I know," Jimmy said coughing, "I can't go home now until I sell some chocolates. My step-dad's really a bitter old man who always hits me whenever I try to do something good. Even worse, if I don't sell any chocolate, he can make me sleep in the garage again with all the darkness and rats and spiders."

"Oh no! You poor thing!" Frankie said, "I'll take all the candy you have!"

Jimmy stops coughing and was lively again. "That will be a dollar and fifty cents with one candy bar free!"

Soon, the door closes and Jimmy sold forty boxes of candy. He walks up to see Danny, Timmy, and Bart cheering for him. "Guys, this is really working." Jimmy said happily. "If we keep exaggerating the truth, we'll win the contest for sure."

"Hooray for lying!" Timmy cheered.

Janitor and his friends are still running after Remy. They continued to chase all over him. “GET HIM!!!” Janitor yelled out.

Bubbles and Lilo was minding their own business when Remy passes by and then the boys. Bubbles gasped. “Don’t worry Remy! I’ll save you!” Bubbles screams and flies after the two with Lilo following.

Soon, the gang lies to people to have them buy candy. "It will make you young again!" Jimmy said.

Yzma smiles and takes her wallet. "How much for ten candy bars?"

"It will make you attractive!" Danny lied to the person, Johnny Bravo.

"I'll take twenty." Johnny said holding up money.

"It'll increase your intelligence." Jimmy mentioned.

"I want to put chocolate into ants!" Patrick said excitedly as he held up some money.

"It can make your hair grow!" Bart mentions to his dad, Homer.

“I’ll take 50!” Homer smiled, “10 more if I grow a beard.

The lies soon continue on as the boys get more cash. “You’ll find the love of your dreams!” Timmy smiled sweetly.

“Your dreams will come true,” Danny said happily.

“You’ll be rich and famous!” Bart said looking like a celebrity.

“Everyone will obey you!” Jimmy said as a barbarian.

“You’ll be in the ways of the samurai!” Danny said as a samurai.

“War will be over!” Timmy said as an injured soldier.

“Your wishes will come true,” Jimmy said as a genie.

“You’ll get all power!” Bart sad looking like a dictator.

Remy was still running away from the Janitor and his friends. “He’s going to the hole again!” Tommy yelled out.

“Not if I can help it!” Janitor said. Then, he uses his Vacuum-Net, “FULL SUCTION!!!”

“On it!” Bloo said and looks at the controls. “Is it forward or reverse? Perhaps forward.”

”No Bloo!” Mac cried, but Bloo pushed the switch to forward.

Suddenly, the Vacuum-Net shot a gust of wind, blowing off Remy, making him hit the wall on his head. The rat falls unconscious. Janitor laughs. “We got you now!” he smiled.

He was about to lean forward until Bubbles and Lilo block him. “I won’t tell you hurt him!” Bubbles yelled out.

“Stand aside kid!” Janitor said pushing Bubbles and Lilo away and was about to suck Remy and catch him, “For I’m gonna…I’m gonna…” he stammered a bit looking at the knocked out rodent.

“Come on Janitor! Catch the rat and you get your job back!” Bloo said.

“Oh I can’t!” Janitor groaned, “Look at him! I can’t hurt someone who has outmatched me, even if it’s a cute rat!”

“Yay for Janitor!” Bubbles smiled.

“Now, you’re on my side,” Janitor said and turns to see Remy waking up, “I won’t hurt you anymore r- I mean Remy. So go and do what you do here in ToonSchool.”

“Gee, thanks,” Remy smiled.

The gang gasp in shock. “You can talk?!” Mac asked.

“Duh, of course I can talk!” Remy said, “And sorry about the steal, I need it for my recipe.”

The gang looks at each other confused. “What do you mean?” Bubbles wondered.

“I’ll show you,” Remy said walking to a door, which was to the kitchen. He opens it, and Janitor and his friends gasped.

Back to Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, and Bart. “Wow! We already sold 200 bars of candy!” Jimmy smiled, “We’ll win this in no time!”

“But we still got more boxes to go,” Danny said, “And we’ll running out of people. Man, how are we gonna get rid of all these bars of chocolate?!”

Bart thinks a bit and smiles. “I got an idea! Timmy, you got a dollar?”

”Yeah, why?” Timmy wondered taking out a dollar.

”Would you like a bar of chocolate?” Bart asked giving him a bar.

Timmy smirked and was catching on. “Okay...here's ONE dollar!”

”Thank you!” Bart said taking the money from Timmy, “Boy, I sure am hungry.”

”Here's a bar of chocolate!” Timmy smiled handing his bar to Bart.

”Why, thank you...” Bart smiled.

Much, much more candy bars later...

Soon, there were candy wrappers everywhere with chocolate smeared on the boys’ faces. “Well, that's the last box!” Bart smiled.

”And look at how much money we made with them!” Timmy smiled. He and Bart stare at that ONE dollar)

Danny got annoyed. “If you're done being stupid, I suggest we get going!”

Jimmy burps a bit from eating the candy. “We can’t Danny.”

“Why’s that?”

“We ate them all!” Jimmy smiled.

The boys share a laugh, but stopped and froze. “WHAT?!?!?!?!”

Jimmy looks at all the wrappers. “Gah! We ate our candy?!”

“Oops…” Bart said, “But we sold 200 bars! How much more do we need?”

“Well…” Danny said putting on glasses and looking at the clipboard of candy they must sell, ‘According to the clipboard, Blossom gave me about the candy sale, we need to see 200…”

“Yes!” Jimmy, Timmy, and Bart cheered.

“Good right?” Jimmy asked.

“…274,192,074,190,657,435,616,471,094,719,065,198,744,293, bars of candy,” Danny finished.

“What?!” Timmy, Jimmy, and Bart yelled out.

”By the next school day tomorrow,” Danny adds.

“AGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” Jimmy screams out loud in the top of his lungs. Danny, Timmy, and Bart are shocked at Jimmy going into insanity. He tumbles up and down, where sliding on the street on his behind, then sucking his thumb as he rolls around.

“He’s lost it,” Timmy told.

Danny hands Bart, the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick, which the yellow boy grabs. He walks to Jimmy, who was still going insane. Then, Bart whacks Jimmy on the heat with the bat.“Thank you,” Jimmy said getting up, rubbing his head, but still normal again, “Aw man! How can we win the contest and sell candy now?”

“Guys!” a voice yelled out. They turn to see Mac running to them. “You won’t believe this!” Mac smiled but notices the candy wrappers, “Uh…what happened here?”

“We just ate our profits,” Jimmy said sadly.

Mac gave him a odd look. “And now we don’t have any candy to sell,” Timmy groaned.

“That’s terrible,” Mac said but brightens up, “Wait a minute, that’s great!”

“What’s great?” Bart wondered.

“Come on and follow me!” Mac said.

"CHOCOLATE!!!" the kids hear the fish saying.

"Let's do it fast before he gets us," Danny mentions. Mac rushes to ToonSchool with the kids following as quickly as possible.

The boys soon arrive in ToonSchool, as they head for the cafeteria kitchen. “Mac, what’s going…“ Danny was about to say just as Mac opened the door and they gasped, “…on?”

They couldn’t believe their eyes. It was Remy, now cooking up meals, as Bubbles, Bloo, Janitor, Lilo, Stitch, and Tommy ate and enjoyed their meals. ‘The rat’s a chef, who knew?” Janitor smiled.

“Hey, it’s ToonSchool,” Danny said.

“Remy makes the best food!” Mac smiled and hands them a piece of Ratatouille. “Want some?”

They look at each other and have a piece of the meal. Their eyes widened. “This is good!” Danny said.

“My compliments to the chef,” Timmy smiled.

“Yeah,” Jimmy said when he gets an idea, “That’s it!”

“What’s it?” Bart wondered.

“Remy, think you can make 200,274,192,074,190,657,435,616,471,094,719,065,198,744,093 chocolate bars?” Jimmy asked.

“I think I can,” Remy smiled, “And maybe make them taste better!”

“Good!” Jimmy smiled.

Soon, a doorbell is heard and Mama Krabs answers it to show Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, and Bart. “I told you, I don’t want any!” she said.

“Why don’t you?” Jimmy asked taking out one chocolate bar, “Here’s a small sample of this delicious chocolate. Come on! Try it!”

Mama Krabs thinks a bit and takes a small piece and ate it. She chews slowly and smiled. “So what do you think?” Danny wondered.

“You like it?” Bart asked.

“Like it?” Mama Krabs asked, “I LOVE it!!!”

The boys look at each other and smile. “Keep it going guys!” Jimmy called on his watch, “One down and more bars of candy to go.”

He looks at his watch on a video to see his friends and Remy cooking up chocolate with sweet ingredient that Remy put in like frosting, cherries, etc. “Coming right up!” Janitor said placing five candy bars in a small device.

Then, it comes out of the Hyper Cube that Timmy is holding. “Nice transporting device Jimmy!”

“Thanks,” Jimmy said and reads the book, “’Plan R…find a rat to help you if you ate all your candy bars.’”

“Weird on how the book was kinda right,” Danny smiled.

The next day at ToonSchool, SpongeBob has an announcement. ‘Well, I can’t believe it,” SpongeBob said, “But the winner of the Candy Sale contest is…” There was a loud drum roll. “Buttercup, cut it out!” SpongeBob snapped to Buttercup with her boom box.

“Sorry,” Buttercup said turning it off.

“As I was saying,” SpongeBob said, “The winner…or should I say winners is…Jimmy Neutron, Bart Simpson, Danny Fenton, and Timmy Turner!”

“Yes!” Jimmy, Timmy, Bart, and Danny cheered as most of the class clapped for them.

“Great job guys!” SpongeBob smiled patting Jimmy on the back.

“Let’s celebrate!” Timmy smiled.

Later on at lunch, Remy was working something for the students with Janitor by his side with the lunch ladies handing the food to them, even Danny, Jimmy, Timmy, and Bart. “I’ll take desert,” Bart said as he gets an ice cream sundae.

They head back to their table with their friends. “Hey guys! Can I ride that mountain bike?” Bloo asked.

“Sorry Bloo, but can’t,” Timmy said.


“We kinda sold the bike and passes so Janitor can persuade Prickly and Mickey to have Remy stay as a chef in ToonSchool,” Danny explained.

“Yeah,” Jimmy said, “At least we stole the candy and won.”

“Yep!” SpongeBob cheered as he and Mickey walked to them.

“And I think Janitor is happy with Remy as his pet,” Mickey said.

“And nothing will ruin this day!” SpongeBob smiled.

Suddenly, someone appears from the table. It was the fish guy. “CHOCOLATE!!!!” he yelled out.

Danny, Jimmy, Timmy, and Bart looked at the fish and looked at each other. “AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!” They suddenly scream in horror, as they quickly run away and out of ToonSchool

The fish just stares with everyone else. He turns to SpongeBob. “What did I say?” he wondered and takes out a wad of cash, “I just wanted to buy some chocolate.”

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