Episode 11: Future for a Future

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Intro Tale

Three hundred years after Sonic the Hedgehog, there was a war. Humans discovered the power of Chaos control, and entered Mobius. For a while there was piece between the two worlds. But sadly that piece did not last. No one knows who struck first, but war broke loose. A war that lasted one ten years… until one Mobian found a way to win. Using the Seven Chaos Emeralds, and the Master Emerald he stole from Echidnas guarding it, he was able to create something to end the war. He created an Eighth Emerald… a Black Emerald. The Mobians attended to use it as a weapon to combat the humans. The plan, Due to Lord XANA, back fired… and upon awakening the true terrible power of the Chaos Emerald… every Mobian disappeared, vanished as if they never existed. With the Mobians gone, the humans rained victorious, and Mobius, became theirs.


Part 1

The Year is Two thousand five hundred six. The location is Mobius, in Central Square II. Central Square II was a large city with high sky scrapers and lovely views. It was next to a beautiful beach, and was somewhat reasonably crowded. It had everything a city needed, Libraries, Hospitals, Stores, Malls, and a School, where our story begins. Or should I say Naoto’s story begins.

“Naoto,” A woman’s voice could be heard. “Naoto Ryder, wake up, now.” A female teacher in her early thirties in a red dress, and glasses was trying to wake up her student. The student had his face on his desk and was snoring.

The student woke up. He looked up at his teacher. The kid was a human like his teacher and everyone else in the world. He had blue hair that made one triangular form at the back of his head with another two below it, and another two below that one. He was well built for a fifteen year old, and had green eyes.

“Is detention over already,” Naoto asked with a yawn.

“As a matter of fact yes,” the teacher said irritated. “You slept through it all.”

“Great, thanks I’ll be going now Mrs. Peters,” Naoto said getting up from his chair.

“Hold it you,” Mrs. Peters stopped him. “We have to talk about your behavior. This is the sixth detention you got this week.”

“And it’s only Friday,” Naoto said with a wide grin. “I’m getting good at this, aren’t I?”

“Don’t say it like you’re so proud of it,” Mrs. Peters Demanded. “What about your little brother? What kind of example are you setting for him with this behavior of yours? And I’m sure your mother…”

“First off, Miles is not my brother,” Naoto interrupted with out even giving her eye contact. “He’s my Foster Brother. And that woman is my Foster mother. Second off,” he smiled again. “Miles is the genius at eight, I’m nothing but the trouble making rebel without a cause.”

“Why is it every time I try to have a conversation with you, you make everything sound like a joke?” Mrs. Peters asked irritated.

“Because I’m that kind of guy,” Naoto said with a chuckle. He walked over to the window, and opened it. “See you, I’m out of here,” He jumped out of it.

“Wait,” Mrs. Peters called trying to stop him. She ran over to the window and looked down. They were on the second story of the large school. Naoto landed on his feet, making it look easy, and showing no fear. With a smile, he began to run off at human speed.

“See you in Monday’s detention,” Naoto waved still smiling as he ran away from the school.

Mrs. Peters sighed heavily. “I really wish he’d stop doing that. We have doors, and stairs for a reason.”

As Naoto ran down the streets of the city, he dodged, and maneuver around people trying to get home as soon as possible so he could change. “These school clothes are too boring. I gotta get out of them ASAP.” He smiled as he ran.

He loved speed. He loved the feel of the wind in his face, and the excitement of the acceleration. He had no regret of going fast. Well almost none. There was one thing that bothered him. “I want to go faster,”

When he said that out loud, he heard could have sworn he heard something. He stopped in his tracks and looked around curiously. He thought he heard whispers in his ear “like the wind”.

Just then, the wind began to blow, not hard, but strong enough for Naoto to notice. It was blowing from east to west. Naoto did not know why, but he felt like the wind was directing him. He followed the direction the wind was blowing.

He followed the wind for five minutes, until he reached the beach. There the wind directed him to a certain location on the beach. He looked down at the sand and noticed the wind was shaping the sand into a very small very shallow whirlpool like an Antlion pit.

"What’s this,” Naoto asked. He knelt down and assuming he had to do so, started to dig the pit up. “I wonder what’s going on,” Naoto thought. “Either I’m loosing my mind or the wind is telling me to dig in this spot. Probably I’m losing my mind, like I’ll find anything…” he stopped when he felt something hit his fingers.

He continued to dig around it, and discovered something he never seen before. He dug up a blue ring the size of a shirt color.

“No way, a Power Ring,” Naoto stated amazed. Power Rings were what Mobians used to get an extra power boost, much like a very quick working vitamin or mineral. Now days, they are used for power replacing electricity and gas since the Mobians disappeared two hundred years ago. One could be worth a lot of money.

“I never thought I would see one in real life.” Naoto said out loud. “So cool and it’s a strange color, usually its gold. Maybe it’s a rare one. It could be worth more money. I could buy a new CD player, or a Flat Screen TV, or a load of Video Games, or…” He was interrupted by the wind strongly and violently blowing past him. The wind was strong, very strong, and it almost created a sand storm. Naoto covered his eyes to prevent them from being hit by sand. He held the ring tightly in his right hand.

“Okay, I get it, you don’t want me to sell,” Naoto yelled to the unknown force causing the wind. “Now cut the wind works, I won’t sell it, I’ll keep it.” The wind settled down, and stopped blowing. Naoto sighed with relief. “Either that was a coincidence, or I made a new friend.” Naoto had arrived home. He lived on the fifth story of a ten story apartment building with his Foster Mother, and Foster Brother. He entered it with the Blue Power Ring hidden in his clothes. He looked around to see if anyone was around. It appears no one was home.

He walked over to the door to his room, opened, and entered through it locking the door behind him when closed. He removed his clothes and replaced him with his own clothes.

He wore a blue sleeveless over jean jacket, with reachable sleeves that can zip up hanging on his back. Under the Jacket was a white short sleeve T-Shirt with a Blue Emerald on the front. He also wore Blue Jeans, White fingerless gloves, and red shoes with white strap above with a gold buckle on the side. A blue sash hung around his waist with small piece of it hanging from the back of his pants.

When in the clothes he was more comfortable in, he went to his bed and laid down on it, his bare forearms resting at the back of his head. He looked over at the Blue Ring he set next to him and needed to decide what to do with it.

“Should I tell someone about it?” he asked himself. “Nah, they’ll probably just sell it or something. If I sell it, I may get a huge tornado after me.”

He picked it up and twirled it a bit with his finger like a small hula-hoop. He played with it a bit while deciding its fate. He did tricks like tossing it in the air, and catching it, and balancing it on his finger.

Eventually, the ring went through his hand and on his wrist. When on his wrist, it began to shrink. “What,” Naoto asked noticing this event take place. Before he could do anything however, the ring shrunk to his wrist, and began fusing with his skin. The ring started to glow blue as it disappeared into Naoto’s body.

Naoto sat up surprised as he looked at hi wrist. “What just happened,” he asked. He felt his wrist and found nothing there. It was as if it vanished into his body. “Where did it go,” he asked. “Did I just imagine it or…” At that, something flashed through his mind. For a slight moment, the image of a Mobian flashed through his mind. “What’s going on,” he asked. After that, another image of a blue Mobian past through his mind. It happened again in the blink of an eye, and again, and once more. He did not know what was going on.

Naoto held his head as he saw a repeated image go through his mind. He kept on seeing a Blue Mobian, a Hedgehog, running fast. He was running as fast as Naoto wanted to run. He was like the wind, running fast, and looking so cool. Naoto heard stories of one Mobian from five hundred years ago that defended humans and Mobians alike from disaster. That Mobian was Sonic the Hedgehog.

Eventually, the visions disappeared. Naoto’s eyes were opened as he looked around. He did not know what just happened, but this concerned him. He looked at his wrist and saw no proof that the ring was even around it. “What happened? Where did the ring go?” he asked himself. When he found no logical answer, he gave up, and laid back on his bed to think up a reason.

Meanwhile, something was going on at another part of town. It was in a tall building in the center of the town. Someone hidden in the shadows was plotting in a dark room. The room revealed to be a headquarters of some kind on the very top room of the sky scraper. There were robotic beings pressing buttons and looking at computers analyzing data, and reporting finds.

One robot approached the being hidden in the shadows. It had an oval head, blue synthetic eyes, metallic arms, and had tank wheel like legs. “Sir, we found one.” It said in a robotic voice. “One was found in front Central Square’s Police Station in the center ground, right in the middle of the fountain.”

“Excellent,” the figure said. His voice sounded like a man in his late forties. “When the repairs on the Scavenger are over with, send it. It will retrieve what I desire.”

“Yes sir,” the robot said with a bow. “They should be ready in twenty four hours, if that is alright with you.”

“It’s Okay,” the shadowed figure said. “No one else knows its whereabouts either way. After all, in the end, the will all be mine… all eight of them.”

It was dinner time at Naoto’s home. He sat at the table eating dinner with his foster family. He lived with his foster mother Rosemary Yasushi, and her son Miles Yasushi.

Miles had Golden Orange hair, and sky blue eyes. He wore a white t-shirt with an opened orange jacket over it, and had on white fingerless gloves with grey wrist bands. He had brown pants, and red and white shoes. On the back of his jacket was two swirling tails of some sort, much like those of a fox.

Mile’s mother Rosemary had similar hair and eyes like her son, and wore a red and black dress, and had glasses on.

“So did you hear,” Miles asked. “There was a rumor going around of Mobians appearing in Central Square.”

“Those are just rumors the press starts to sell news papers,” Naoto said with a shrug. “They’d say anything as long as theirs people reading it.”

“You don’t believe them?” Mile’s asked.

“Nope,” Naoto said. “I only believe what I see.” As they continued to eat, Rosemary stared at her foster son with concern. Naoto noticed this. “Okay Rosemary, what’s wrong?” he asked irritated.

“Nothing,” she replied lying.

“I know there is,” Naoto said. “Is it because of the detentions I get? Or is it because of my behavior? What is it?”

She was silent for a while until she relied. “Miles, can you go finish dinner in your room? I want to talk to Naoto alone.”

“Yes mother,” Miles politely replied. He got up with his plate and left the two alone.

“Okay, your son’s gone, what’s on your mind?” Naoto asked rather rudely.

“It’s just that,” she paused for a moment. “I get the feeling you’re not trying to make this your home.”

“It doesn’t matter for me,” Naoto interrupted. “It’s not like I’ll be here long. Eventually you’ll just kick me out too, like all the others. It shouldn’t be too long.”

“But that’s just it,” Rosemary replied. “I don’t want to kick you out. I was hoping you would stay with us.” She paused for a few seconds. “Ever since Miles’ father left us, he had been feeling lonely, and he grew to be depressed and distant from others. But since you arrived, he feels more confident in himself. He looks up to you like a brother. He even dresses similar to you. He even started to wear gloves like yours. But I am concerned with your behavior around him.”

“What you mean you’re afraid he’ll grow up to be a punk too?” Naoto asked angrily. “You don’t have to worry, like I said, I’ll be long gone by that time. Trust me.”

“But Naoto, please don’t confuse what I’m trying to tell you.” She pleaded. “Please listen to me…”

Naoto said getting up. “I am who I am, deal with it. You don’t want your son to idolize a punk, send me back to where you got me.”

“Please listen to me,” Rosemary pleaded.

“I don’t have to listen to you,” Naoto said turning his back on her. “You aren’t my mom. And Miles is not my brother.” He started to walk off towards the front door.

“Where are you going,” she asked concerned.

“Out,” he said not even bother stopping and looking at her. By the time she tried to stop him, he was already out the door. She could do nothing but stared at the door Naoto exited. Little did Rosemary know, Miles was had his door opened. From inside his room, he had heard everything. He sat down next to his open door staring sadly at the food he barley touched. He got up from where he was sitting.

From outside, Naoto walked the lonely dark streets of Central Square. There were barley people out, and the street lights illuminated the streets well. As he walked down the street, he passed many stores, and buildings. Just then, the wind began to blow again. It was that same strange wind from before.

“Now what?” Naoto asked irritated. The wind blew pass him and to his right. He looked at the direction the wind was blowing and saw a large black of cement next to the building. Naoto walked over to the cement block and looked at it. The black was no larger then a toaster, and seemed to shoe no significance other then sitting there at the end of an alley, between a music shop and a bakery.

He knelt down to it and examined it. “Is this what that wind wanted from me?” he asked himself. “Great, now I’m starting to believe the wind is alive.” He thought. “I wonder… could there be another one of those rings in it?” He looked around and saw a lead pipe over in the alley. He got up and walked over to it, picking it up, and walking back over to the cement block.

When he got a good grip, he began to hit the cement block repeatedly. Eventually, the block bumbled as more hits were blown to it. The cement was oddly easily breakable. He looked inside the crumbled rubble. He was right with what he saw. It was another Power Ring. Unlike the first one however, this one was orange.

At first, Naoto reached for it, but hesitated when he remembered the last one vanished into his skin. “There’s no telling what that last one did to me. I don’t know what two in my body is going to do to me either.”

Before he could think of something however, the wind blew again, and there was a song playing from the music shop.

Turn around, I’ll be right behind you every step that you take, turn around, I’ll be right here, every breath you’ll take, turn around, I’ll be beside your bed every moment you wake, turn around, turn around, turn around…

That song sounded significant to him. He turned around and saw someone duck behind a mail box across the street. He saw who it was.

“Miles come out from there,” Naoto ordered. “I saw you,” Miles came from behind the mailbox and looked at Naoto from across the street.

Meanwhile in front of the police station, there lay a fountain that signified the north part of the city. The fountain was not big, but large enough for one fountain to be. What was unknown to man, there was something coming after the fountain.

On top of a near by building something looked down at the easy target. It was a large green round robot with 2 huge pincers like hands, and four spiders like legs. On the Pincers were rockets in the palm. On the sides of them were little laser guns. It had a huge green head with analyzing black eyes.

“Target acquired,” it said in a deep robotic voice. “E-Unit Scavenger moving in now.”

Back with Naoto and Miles, they sat on an apartment building’s stoop. Naoto aloud Miles too hold the orange ring. Miles looked at it with fascination. “It’s really nice,” he said. He was silent for a while.

Eventually Naoto spoke up. “Does your mom know you’re out?” He asked.

“I snuck out to follow you,” Miles said. “I heard you two argue. I was concerned.”

“Well don’t be,” Naoto replied. “You know it’s true. She’ll give up on me like all the others.”

“But she doesn’t want to,” Miles said. “She cares about you. She wants you to give her a chance. I heard her tell her friends how much she wants you to make our home your home.” He paused. “I want our home to be your home too. I don’t want you to go.”

Naoto was silent for a while until he spoke. “I’m sorry,” Naoto apologized. “But I’m a punk. Everyone thinks so. Why do you think I have no friends? Everyone hates me. I can’t make a difference in this world. All I can do is make this world worst.”

“Don’t say that,” Miles said. “You can make a difference. I know you can.”

“You’re only eight,” Naoto said. “You’re too young to understand how life works.”

“I understand enough,” Miles stated. “I know you don’t want to leave us. I saw how happy you were with us. I…”

“Shut up,” Naoto said irritated. He got up from where he sat. “I don’t even know my own mom or my dad. You consider yourself lucky for being you kid.” Miles said nothing for a while. Naoto had his back turned from him, and did not notice the kid get up from where he sat.

When Naoto finally turned, he saw Miles run off not bothering to look back at him. “Kid,” he called. He ran after him in an attempt to stop him from running.

At the police station, there was complete and utter chaos. Sirens rang through the night air as police personnel gathered around the attacked area. Police were firing at the large metal robot. The bullets however had no affect on the robot’s metal hide. They all bounced off of the impenetrable metal coating as the robot continued its mission.

The robot busted through the large fountain, water rushing high in the sky like a geyser. It reached inside it ignoring the water in his face. In a few seconds, the metal pincher emerged from the hole holding a small object of some kind.

“E Unit Scavenger’s mission complete,” the robot said referring to its self. “Retreat is necessary.” It began to walk off away from the fountain with its four spiders like legs stopping into the ground leaving holes as he walked.

Encountering a road block of police cars, and police shooting it with no prevail. The Robot E unit Scavenger continued despite the barricade. It whacked away the cars as if they were insects. The police knew very well there was no way to take it down. They retreated in fear as the robot continued its walk through town with the item in its pincher.

“Destroy anyone in the way,” the robot said in a robotic voice remembering its orders.

Meanwhile, Miles with his head looking down ran angrily away from Naoto. He could not bear to look at him after what he just heard. His anger was so intense; he did not realize where he was running.

Finally he looked up. He stopped in his place when he saw it. Miles saw a giant robot at least three to four times his height just two arms length in front of him. Naoto, catching up to Miles stopped in his tracks. He looked up at the robot just feet away from Miles in fear.

The robot stopped in his place and looked down at the smaller boy. “Orders destroy anyone in the way,” The robot repeated. It raised its great arm ready to crush the boy. Miles frozen in fear could do nothing but stand there in fear as he foresaw his demise.

“No,” Naoto called in fear. He could not let Miles get hurt. He wanted to protect him the giant threatening to crush his foster brother.

At that, a powerful violent gust of wind went past him, and towards the robot. Scavenger was blown back by the huge gust a few meters. Keeping its balance, scavenger stood tall trying to prevent it from falling over.

Miles worked up the nerve to turn to see Naoto. Naoto’s green eyes looked serious and strong. A blue light appeared on the ground and formed a large circle surrounding Naoto. The center of the ring started to form a symbol. The symbol resembled a blue buzz saw blade. The wind circled around Naoto. Naoto began to say something. One sentence passed his lips.

EXECUTE! Chaos Metamorphosis... Sonic the Hedgehog... ZEO EVOLUTION!

The symbol Naoto was standing on began to shine a light of sapphire and white. A large wall of light rose and circled upward hiding Naoto’s body.

Miles did nothing but stare fearful and confused over what is happening. The wind blew hard, and the light shown brightly in a chaotic but dazzling display of hidden power being released.

The wind and light then began to die down. When it was all over, a cloud of dust covered everything.

“Naoto,” Miles called unable to see. “Naoto, where are you?” There was no reply.

Miles focused his eyes and saw something walk out of the dust. Upon closer analyzing, he was absolutely shocked at what he saw. He was so surprised he didn’t notice the robot. Scavenger walked up behind the unsuspecting child and continued his attack raising his pincher up high. He then slammed it down with a bone shattering crush at Miles… but to no avail.

Before Miles knew it, he was on top of something old and windy. He looked around and saw he was sitting on the roof of a two story building. He looked to the edge and saw what he looked at earlier. It had its back turned away from him, but he knew what it was… a Mobian.

Then a Nerd(James Rolfe, Everyone Knows who He is) noticed the mobian and activated a Robotic Sea Sponge "BEEP BE-DO-DO-DE-DE-BOOP! SPONGETRON 3000 Activated" "SPONGETRON! SONIC THE HEDGEHOG LIVES! SONIC THE F***ING HEDGEHOG!" "SO, THE RUMORS ARE TRUE..."

It was a blue hedgehog about three feet tall wearing red and white shoes, silver wrist bands with green spheres around the wrists and ankles, and white gloves. He had some blue quills and some black quills. On the right shoulder was a shoulder pad like grey shoulder blade with the same symbol of the blue circle, a blue buzz saw like symbol. and on the left Shoulder is a Blastadon Symbol which is also a belt buckle on his belt "...OUR LEADER IS BACK"

"Yes, and this time, no Force in the tooniverse can stop me." Said the mobian in Naoto’s voice.

Commercial Break

We see Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse standing next to each other.

"Hi, I'm a Disney." said Mickey, to you.

"...And I'm a WB." continued Bugs.

"Today, I would like you to meet the most beautiful girl in the world, Minnie Mouse." Mickey then points to a cardboard cut out of Minnie.

"What are you talking about?" asked Bugs "My girl is WAY prettier." He tehn points to a cardboard cut out of Lola Bunny.

"Are you kidding? She's all rumble tumble and not very lady-like."

"What about your girl? She's just you in bloomers!"

"So, that means she's my perfect match. All of the Looney Tune couples make no sense. Pepe and Penelope aren't the same speices, Longhorn's wife is three times his age, and all of Elmer's too dumb to realize that all the girls he dates are just you in drags. For goodness sakes, you had to wait 80 years for your girlfriend."

"Oh, if your lady is so loyal, why don't you marry her."

"I did marry her."

"F*** you."

"F*** you too." They both then stormed off screan.

Peter griffin appears and takes out a hot dog! "Finally, Now I can eat a hot dog without me dying outside the show's continuity"

(Just as this commercial Flips to script format, He is Crushed by a sign that Reads "HUNGER GETS WHAT HUNGER WANTS")

GRUNTY VOICE: HUNGER GET WHAT HUNGER WANT! (We Cut to the ball park logo under a ball park hot dog as it gets taken by Cuddles and Giggles walking to a hand which takes the hot Dog, Crushing the Couple, Lumpy is holding a giant Pic of the hot dog, he lays it down and Runs) BIG! TASTY! BALL PARK FRANK!

Story Part 2

The blue hedgehog began to walk towards the pile of rusted metal and red dust. “Eggman,” the blue hedgehog repeated in a serious tone. “So he’s back too.” He then saw something in the dust. It was a shining blue color. He reached in it and lifted it up. On closer examination, he confirmed what it was. It was a blue emerald about the size of a tennis ball. He looked up at Miles on the roof who stared back with awe. “Hey kid,” he called with a grin. “If I give you a ride home, then give your brother a message for me. Tell him this is a message from Sonic the Hedgehog…” The small emerald began to shine a blue color. He began to call something out.

Chaos Control…

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