Andilites in Unova

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Yogano-Shilphin-Emiradu - the Andilite that gave Ky-Nim and her Pokemon the ability to morph.

Tales of Sinnoh

Chapter 1: The Cube

Route 201

Posted onto Tumblr 6/14/16

Chapter 2: The Change

Posted 6/16/16

Chapter 3: The Scale

Posted 6/24/16

Chapter 4: The Mourning

Chapter 5: The Turbulence

Chapter 6: The Legacy

Chapter 7: The Champion

My name is Cynthia.

And I have witnessed a phenomenon that could take the world of Pokémon science by storm!

To see an Infernape reshape its own body into a human being, and quite a handsome young man at that. It was absurd on paper but seeing it in practice reminded me of Natali and Fantina's meeting with Kynim, her trainer.


"I sensed an extra presence in the ER." She spoke to Kynim, "It's gone now."

With a glance, Kynim saw the strongest of the Gym Leaders standing in front of her.

"I know the struggle that comes with losing a valued teammate such as Tyrius." She spoke, "But to think that there was a fate which was worse than his... a fate like hers..."

Kynim stepped back in shock, then aimed her stare to the floor. "Nat's stuck, isn't she... A Nothlit as he called it."

"You don't have to be a psychic to know how dangerous a visiting life-form's technology can be." Fantina hugged Kynim as tightly as she was able to without smothering her outright. "If it's bad to lose a teammate... How much harder it must be to lose a piece of yourself."

She watched as Kynim walked to the room where her former Giafreig lay resting. She would fill me in not long after she steps out of the hospital.


I placed my hand on Kynim's shoulder. "Nat told me everything about your recent ability... Do not be afraid."

"I just don't understand why..." she frowned. "Why does this sort of thing happen? Why would I have this one thing that others don't"

"Maybe its because... there are barriers between you and your Pokémon that a strong bond alone cannot break..." I guessed, I did not really know the answer as to why this 'Andilite' creature gave her the morphing cube in the first place... "If anyone is willing to go Nothlit and become human permanently... Don't hessitate to ask us about it and we'll be more than happy to give you a new legal identity to use."

<If that is the price, then I shall go first> Spoke a voice. It was a postured, calm, and collected Medicham who was slowly morphing into more human-like woman. Pouchlike Red legs firmed and tightened into human calves and thighs, I blushed at what had formed inbetween the limbs and scrambled to find something with which to cover up the growing body of the medacham in front of me. I realized that I could take off my jacket and wrap it around the newly morphed woman. I saw that she sported a sizable B-Cup bussom underneath over a slight muscle tone to her body, almost as visible as my own. "Whoa."

That was all the trainer could even say at the moment. My abs were rippled a bit and my biceps were as big as lemons, mining for fossils and other artifacts can do wonders on the human body.

"My Trainer has named me Shakti, and I intend to travel the world to ensure a better future for man and Pokémon alike." stated the new woman in front of me.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this..." said Kynim, my successor. "You won't be able to be allowed to battle in the League, I don't even wanna know-"

"It's already too late. I can sense it." She said to her Trainer. "The thoughtspeak, The wandering, the burning glance of Independence! Even through our choice of attire do I believe that these things are happening for a reason."

Kynim was shocked to hear of this turn of events, "You mean..."

"Yes, I believe that andilite's gift could change the future."

Chapter 8: The Captive

My name is Mel.

And for some reason... I think I've gone Nothlit.

Let's see, I morphed Dialga, regressed a gaurd to infancy, demorphed, morphed my human form in the size of the Guard's Clothes, Snuck in to get battle plans, then wound up with a tranquilizer up my butt...

And it's nightime when I fell at noon.

Yep, Definitely a nothlit.

I looked at the Guard and he questioned me about some sort of Gijinka uprising to take their jobs or some shit like that...

I naturally kept my mouth shut but they punched and kicked me several times. And it really hurt like hell. Eventually, things had to give and with that, I chose to cave in the secrets as to what I was doing.

"I didn't actually mean to stumble across these plans to take down Sinnoh because you don't really see the meaning of Arceus or some pagan bullcrap like that. See, you have this kid's stuffed Merill plush..." I lied to their faces... "And I'd like to have it back, if you please."

"Why sure, Diana, anything for a Pokémon Champ." Damn it, they confused me for Diana!? "I can't believe that she's a ditto, let alone that we'd actually knock her out."

"I'm actually a Garchomp who stumbled upon a gift." I corrected my captors as I started cutting through the rope with my nail file. "It allowed me to morph into any Pokémon I could touch, but there is a pretty big rule that your actions caused me to unconsciously break..."


Battle Time

"If you stay in that morph for over two hours... You'll end up stuck in the morph for good!" And a high kick for emphasis. Snapping the ropes apart with a full yank of my arms. The crooks made their way to their guns and I gave chase and kicked the guns into the fireplace in the corner. And to knock them out for the moment, I jumped hands first onto the Table, clutched one crook's head between my thighs and flipped the fool flat on his ass before leaping onto the top of the mantlepiece.

"Well, aren't you a Lady Legasus wannabe." sneered the remaining crook which promptly ate shoeprint before 'tucking himself in' so to speak.

"Look, I don't want to cause any trouble for you guys." I exclaimed to the two, they panicked and started begging for mercy. "Please, We're sorry for sticking you in that thing, we loved you when you and your buddies mowed down the Elite Four, Honest!"

I loved the praise I've been getting for things I was never really a part of... But here....

It didn't feel right...

"Who the hell sent you?" I asked. There was hell to pay for leaving me stuck like this, And I wanted to relish every waking moment.

Chapter 9: The Union

My name is Chip.

Today, I watch as my Trainer walk the isle to finally marry Roark. The smaller members had morphed human, myself included, while the giants merely sat in the back. I tucked in my dress as it has trouble fitting my... Oh, I'll tell you when I tell my master.

The only exceptions being Shakti, who had been flown in from her cross-country travels in Hyrule for the wedding. Natali, who was buzy with filing through legal documentation. Mel, who was still fighting that War, I guess... And Regina...

How to describe what happened to her... Well, you know how males forsake protection when their mate is considered attractive enough? Well, Gohan and Regina came into a hotel as Morphers and came out of it as a morpher and a broken bird. See, his seed managed to get planted within the fertile soil of a newly morphed human and that automatically locked her morph permanently, she's now studying in law school to support her infant children. She's already up to a bachelor's degree, she's aiming for a master.

And here she comes now, in Rowan's arms. The chosen godfather of the bride, and in such a spiffy suit to boot. Now don't get me wrong, everyone but the bride has a suit on to make sure Roark couldn't be distracted by anyone in the crowd. Not sure what the logic in that thinking was, but hey, that's the wedding planner's idea, not mine.

What was my idea was the little ditty I shall perform upon the two lovebirds completing their vows.

"You may kiss the Bride..." spoke the priest. And Roark put his arms around Kynim as she did the same for him. There were many cheers in the crowd upon the kiss and that was my cue to get the tempo humming. I heard them talking as I waited for the right time to strike...

"And it's gonna be a full moon at the reception, just the way I like my sunday nights." Spoke Kynim.

"I made sure to get the best fireworks for tonight," Roark added in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. "And just think, we're both members of the League, of course we'd be ready for any-"

"We're Sex Bob-Omb! One! Two! Three! Four!"

The Guitar Rhythm and Xylophone Melody roared through the Altar, the sound of drums filled the air and my voice rang its sweet and graceful tones as I belted out the song from an Anime about Magical Lesbians.

The Reception

We played a few more songs before the reception, I did one with a high voice, and one with a low voice, damn this morph has quite the range.

Chapter 10: The Bloodshed

My name is Shakti

I speak for peace in a world that flees from it.

Chapter 11: The Trial

My name is Doofers

I act as a local Champion of Justice, Xavier is my detective, Liang my police contact, and my defense attorney in the case that things go sour as is the case for what recently led me here, Regina Hawkins.

"Regi, I don't know how you do it!" I declared with delight.

Chapter 12: The Whithered

My name is Alex.

I just got the news from Kynim.

One of her Pokémon had Alzheimer's Syndrome.


She had been wilting and whithering since before the pregnancy and I knew she wouldn't be too long for this world. And that's why I came, to see her again.

Make her apparent final moments meaningful.

I looked at the box in my hand and the tickets in my pocket. They were to a big-name tourist destination: Lugia Lofts. Record-Breaking Rollercoasters, Fanciful Entertainment, Wall-to-Wall Shopping, all for a low, low price.

I walked in to see her dulled leaves decorate her whithered head, the more than half her majestic greens having turned sickly shades of brown. It was a struggle to even open her eyes as I approached her.

"Hello, kind sir... I take it you are the doctor..." she said, her memory fading fast.

"Yes..." I lied straight to her face, "And it's time for your morning stretches..."

"Oh... Okay..." Said Annie, confused as to where she was.

"Now, I want you to invision yourself among the human race as a beautiful young woman." I advised to her, "and then Imagine yourself growing bigger as you keep that Image close in your head"

"I think I saw a face somewhere in the Elite Four..." she said, "She had a silvery voice and a head of white hair."

"Yes!" I said as I clutched onto her feet with a finger and a thumb for each one. "Now keep that picture in your head, and at the same time... Imagine yourself growing bigger than any Roserade you know!"

She closed her eyes as her wrinkled face grew firmer and paler as leaves and petals dissasembled themselves into countless strands of white hair.

"and you're growing and you're growing..." I whispered to the Roserade as I focused on her legs and feet. "There we go..."

As her feet climbed in shoe size I went from two fingers to three fingers before moving to the full hand. Her outspread legs lengthened themselves as the calves and thighs grew in girth. And with this view, I caught a glimpse her green leaves retreating to the loins. getting thinner and thinner before becoming a small patch of lime-green Pubic Hair.

"Oh, your tummy's a bit round there..." I added, which triggered the torso's changes. hips and shoulders broadened in unison as her waist tensed up to provide slight abdominal muscles to match her toning arms. the final step was seeing her brittle lungs grow stronger and healthier as I watch the newly morphed mounds on her chest grow to pointed cones, to A-Cup and finally B-Cup breasts. She opened her eyes to reveal the familiar burning crimson that felt like a fire ready to burn into the night.


"A... Alex?" She was remembering my face... that meant she was starting to remember everything else!

Chapter 13: The Baby

My name is Gohan.

And today is the day I have to go nothlit and leave my battling days behind me just like everybody else.

Natali had already gone Nothlit due to Fantina's Fight with us and naturally acted as our ambassador to Cynthia, who had taken her in as a Personal Secretary.

Regina went first not by choice, per se, but simply because I didn't pull out in time. To put it bluntly, I got her pregnant and that made her a nothlit automatically. Now taking care of twins, she now has a relatively upscale job in Unova as a defense attorney, often times asking me to go Nothlit to support our children. Man, is she going to be happy after today.

The first one of us to chose was, believe it or not, Shakti, she believes enlightenment is seeing the world through the eyes of a mortal being such as a human being and improve the lives of humans who live amongst them, she now travels the world to find the most kind and caring individuals out there and fights for the rights of underprivileged sociologies.

Alex was aiming to be a Gym Leader at one point, but the way his Dedenne looked, it was just about ready to kick the bucket. He naturally realized the short lifespan of Mouse Pokémon in comparison to his human form and has gone to medical school as a safety net for when the Gym Leader thing doesn't go over well...

One of the longest holdouts was Annie, watching her petals wilt and whither over the seasons was a rather depressing sight... but that's just how it is, I guess. I honestly thought that Annie would accept her death, but last week, I saw a photo online with herself in Human Morph with Yvette, Alex and Kynim at the hospital. She looked more Vibrant and energetic than she had ever been in her life. I never seen anyone so excited to go Nothlit... And that's coming from the girl who, as a Rosellia, grieved for a Haunter as it faded away.

Speaking of which, Yvette became a member of the Witness Protection Agency and would often help out in creating new legal identities for each of us. The sight of an ID in Annie's Hand was all the proof I needed of my current status.

Chip... or Charlotte as she's more commonly known, had become a successful Pop Star via Reality TV and is now branching out into a career in acting with dreams of becoming a star in a multi-film franchise. With the lofty build she's morphed, it'd probably be a snap.

Mel was just on of those guys who unconsciously ran up the clock and is now paying the price for it. She works as a stunt double for numerous female actors in Unova, she's currently angling to get a full-on acting career going with Maximus' funding.

Yeah, Maximus wanted to take advantage of the stock market. So he wound up accepting the startup money to invest in budding businesses and trading stocks into progressively bigger companies, with his goal being the purchase of Viacom. What he wants with the butt monkey of the entertainment industry is anyone's guess.

Tiffany's doing alright, after the scars she faced in the war, she's still the same Gyrados I've known throughout the past five years.

Liang was naturally aiming to be a lawman, much to the surprise of everyone, the guy who was against this mindless war with Neo-Galactic was now among the many enforcers of the law that demanded it.

Diana took up the last name Killagan in memory of her 'Father' and has served in a war or two before a talk with Shakti made her realize the error of killing innocent lives for the sake of a pointless conflict. She is now going to Medical School to hopefully get a degree and ultimately make up to those she had slaughtered.

and Vivi? Well, ever since it's become tradition for elder trainers and their Pokémon to start new lives, be it the trainer giving up on a league challenge or just the fact that some of their companions grow old faster than others. This has given rise to Gijinkaization: the process of registering a Pokémon as a legal human being. She is a Gijinkaization instructor who is paid to walk them through the procedure, touching the cube, sampling humans, morphing a body and then waiting for the clock to run out with family and other morphers.


  • Kynim - 16 (Her Initial Journey) 18 (Neo-Galactic) 20 (Birth of Nina)
  • Gohan - 11 (Chimchar) 15 (Monferno) 18 (Infernape)
  • Regina - 8 (Starly)
  • Josie - 16 (Geodudette) 21 (Graveler + Golem) 22 (Birth of Nina, went Nothlit 7 month prior)
  • Mel - 10 (Zubat) 14 (Golbat) 17 (Crowbat) 20 (Birth of Nina, went nothlit three years prior)
  • Chip - 7 (Start) 13 (Elite Four) 16 (Neo-Galactic Wars) 18 (Went nothlit the year before)
  • Xander - 15 (Buizel) 18 (Neo Galactic War, Went Nothlit the year prior) 21 (Nina's Birth)

Myths of Unova

Chapter 1: Birthday

My name is Nina.

Today is my eighteenth birthday.

My friends are coming in right on time, meaning that Uncle Gohan shouldn't be too far behind.

Chapter Z: The Vengeance


My name is Ky-Nim.

And there's going to be hell to pay.

See, Team Peta here has gone from protesting at Gyms to stealing and yes, even murdering Pokémon in cold blood. And of course my own daughter would be among the main targets as I was a renowned champion at the time.

I got Gohan out of retirement, Called in Diana to do her wrecking thing, and my husband's navigating me throughout the base. Simple search and rescue business, right?

Oh, it was. Until I met a certain grunt.

I clobbered her Emboar and clocked her Reuniculus, But then I ran into a Bronzong... Probably Imported from Sinnoh. Purugly, then Skuntank. I was on a Roll, until I got to her Golem.

It was level 64, had nothing but anger in its eyes, and it had a flower in her head.

Josie's flower.

I kicked the Golem in the face and started punching the mook in the face over and over until the helmet fell from her crown to reveal her bruised smile. "So... The prodigal girl returns, eh..."


"Deep down, I knew... that seeing a familiar face's... unforfilled promise... would ultimately get to you..." Her hair had grayed a fair bit, and there were plenty of wrinkles lining her once-beautiful face. "At least you'll be getting your front-row seat to Team Galactic's Destiny!"

"Seriously?" I complained aloud to the admin-turned-pawn, I knew my Team Galactic and they naturally faded back out of the limelight alongside that surge of popularity Lady Gaga experienced back in the day. "Since when does you sneaking your way into the ranks of Team Peta-"

"Oh, not just me, dear champion." spat the coward as she lay fainting... "But Jupiter as well, all by the orders of our Master Cyrus."

My mind raced to the utter hell raised in Sinnoh, and the brand that, once clensed of its memer stench, cost us plenty of good men and their Pokémon, including quite a few of my own.

Team Neo-Galactic



My name is Nina.

And the last thing I wanted out of my situation was a lecture from the guy who killed me.

Pick clean the bones of Pokémon caught in the sea or stream.
Thank them for the meals they provide, and pick their bones clean.
When the bones are as clean as can be, set them free in the water from which they came.
The Pokémon will return, fully fleshed, and it begins anew.

Mimi... Jordan... I am so sorry... I know how much that Joltik means to you, but please forgive me for losing him to this... Thing!

At least he can meet his 'daddy'...

There lived a Pokémon in a forest.
In the forest, the Pokémon shed its hide to sleep as a human.
Awakened, the human dons the Pokémon hide to roam villages.

Jojo, Rex, Laila... It's all my fault... Maybe if I were a stronger trainer then maybe I wouldn't be seeing your corpses kicked around by N's jerk of a dad.

There once were Pokémon that became very close to humans.
There once were humans and Pokémon that ate together at the same table.
It was a time when there existed no differences to distinguish the two.


Zach! All I could do was reach for him from my spot on the floor as our blood and the blood of the others laced the incarved markings of the floor. Ghetsis could only laugh at the pathetic state I was in.

"And these clowns believed them all to be true and blindly obeyed the commands I had ordered." Gloated Ghetsis, his face melting away to reveal a balding head with the last outlines of baby blue on the back of his hair. "Revenge certainly is all the sweeter when you're the only one in on the Joke."

N was dumbfounded by the man's sudden change in hairdo and asked the obvious question: "What are you and what have you done to my Father!?"

"Not much, just kept him quiet in regards to my plan, you see." The balding man continued as his arm began to morph into that of a Scyther, aiming to attack. "In fact... He's right over here!"

Impaled in the stomach by a Scyther's blade thrust by a Ditto morph, N was sent flying towards the final pedestal where he met his frozen father one last time.

Is it me, or are the lights reflected off the ice a lot shinier than they should be?

Glancing around the room, I notice that there were these metal cages on each side which contained each of the four legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh: Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Arceus...

In that moment, I recognized who he was.

In that moment, I knew it was the guy who decimated my home.

"And now all that's left is to claim my prize and erase this now meaningless world from the face of time!" and just like that, the machinery began to whirr and the electric currents erupted through their bodies and mine. I could feel him ripping my soul from body, being consumed by his hatred for the world, for humanity, for my mom.

I saw a blurry image of a blue haired figure in the distance, it was distorted but I could make out the voice that was calling to me. "N--AAA!!!!!"

M...Mom, I'm so sorry...

"You are too late!" He cried, "The proceedure has already begun!"

He was right, and I was not alone. With each passing second, I saw my friends suddenly burst into gushes of paint-like energy flowing into Ghet-no... Cyrus...

Bianca, Cheren, Juniper, Alder...

I failed...


My name is Cyrus,

And Vengeance is finally mine for once...

I generated a mirror of water to gaze upon my reflection, and starring back was a marvel of a god. My legs were as long as the river of time, my arms were as strong as the vacuum of space, my chest had six new arms to reach beyond my world, and the wings were fit to make lesser gods kneel!

Kneel before King Nindocyrus!

"What have you done..."

That voice... I glanced at the source to reveal the woman whom had thwarted my ambitions twice before. {How? I have absorbed the universe and every atom, neuron and experience to ever had existed. You should not be real!}

"And yet, I am! Care to explain why that is?!" She roared at me, having heard my telepathic words. "Why am I alive and yet everyone else is dead!"

{So I can see you suffer and mourn the family that I had devoured alongside you and every other speck of the universe!} I gloated with such sadistic pleasure that would make my court of mortals cower in fear!

"Well, it is obviously working. I'm pretty damn pissed that I can never see my friends or my family ever again and if we're being perfectly honest with each other..." responded Kynim. "I'm not even afraid of you anymore."


"In fact, with this: your most successful plan ever. You've done something pretty goddamn stupid." stated she in a matter-of-fact sort of tone. "So stupid, in fact, that I am left to pity you...


"I pity you because out of all the souls you could have brought from your core, you chose me because you believe that you had needed a hint of confirmation that you have claimed your godhood and destroying me would naturally be the perfect way to do so..." Sneered the Champion of the non-existant thought once known as Sinnoh, "But deep down, you are afraid of who I am or what I might pull so you bring me back to see if I'd merely cry over my deceased daughter. I won't stop the tears, but I wll stop you for the same reason you brought me back into being: ...because you Fear me."

{King Nindocyrus shall not be pitied!! King Nindocyrus knows no fear! You dare stand against a God?!} Tears appeared to be gathering in her eyes, but they still displayed a fierce fire within it.

"I see no god but a petty old Pokémon pretending to be one!" What! Me, a Pokémon? Then if she has...



"You can guess how this is going to end the second you see this:" She tossed her Master Ball towards my being and I felt the energy tear me apart atom by atom to be condensed into pure data as is the fate of all Pokémon.


I was trapped, sealed away in the most common of prisons. And I could feel my consciousness slipping away.

My past experiences, my current identity, my newest ideals,

Washing away like sauce on a soaked shirt.

There is no doubt about it...

My mind is going...

I can feel it...

I'm ah...



My name is not your concern...

My concern is the presence of a guest who has surrounded herself in Unown.

Did Arceus invite her?

I can sense his essence, but Palkia's and Dialgia's are in the exact same point, I think there might even be a Giratina... Which means that fool actually went through with his plan to eat the world.

It was rather rude of him to absorb four legendary Pokémon at one moment for that one counterproductive goal... But now that he's turned himself into a... Nindocyrus, was it... he wound up ensnared in something far worse than a mere trip to Punishland: Twas caught in a Master Ball and stripped of his memory and identity, leaving him without a trace of the human fool he used to be...

What a depressing waste of a perfectly good soul.

Oh, well...

Perhaps the Unown have an idea or two to fix things up.

Oh, her. She'll do.

"Consider this your ultimate time-out, Goten." the lady with the 'Nindocyrus' stated before aiming her attention to my presence. Startled at first, she was soon told of my role here by the Unown that helped the now deceased (at the moment) Arceus build the world she called home. "What do you want?"

I extended my arms to pass her the collection of games I have laid out before her, from the original Kanto Data with a mere 151 specimen inside the ecosystem to the latest model of the Alola Region where the cumulation of 20 years of effort and appreciation was pooled together into an unforgettable experience...

She felt nervous of what she'd choose, but then she thinks of some folk tales that she had heard in her homeland of Pokémon becoming human and man marrying Pokémon. All that sort of creationist nonsense that went into creating the old world...

Slowly, she narrowed her choices to the Blue X and the Crescent Moon. But still, she felt unsure of her decision.

Ultimately she touched th3@&$%#



A kick to the face was all it took to knock me clean off my bed. I struggled to get up as I stared back at the flirty young girl perched on my window. Her outfit was a gray and red cloak over a white tee and gray jorts.

"Gimme a break, Nat." I scratched my bruised scalp in an awkward expression of surprise, struggling to get up and out of my pajamas.

"You do realize that your big ol' journey across Kalos is today, right?" she grinned.

"How can I forget..." I smiled, putting on my favorite t-shirt.

"Andy, did I hear Natalie's little wake-up call?" Mom's voice rung loud and clear. So I got my backpack and scaled the stairs in a huff...

"Coming, Mom!" I rushed to the dining room table to find a plate of bacon strips atop some scrambled eggs, I took the bacon weave off and started to scarf down the yolk-based protein as I looked to the woman who gave me life. She always had that blue ribbon in her beach blonde hair, a reminder of dad. He was an image of strength and willpower to me, even when the best shift I could do was a small, pathetic Joltik. Though my Galvantula shift wasn't all that much better, I still know that out there, Dad was proud of me...

I rushed out the door to begin my Pokémon Journey. A spring in my step and a wide smile on my face.


History Class was boring.

History Class at Homeroom was the pits.

But that didn't stop Rex from asking Jojo to walk us through the impact Team Plasma had on the past hundred years.

"See, when the Castle Harmonia ascended into the sky, All forms of life blended together into a pool of life when the world was born anew." Jojo explained from her table on the side of the patio. "But among them were Pokémon reborn in the shape of man and humans-"

"reborn with the powers of Pokémon, and the world changed to reflect that." I sighed in boredom. "That's pretty much basic knowledge, Teach."

  • Humans and Pokémon are now one.

Infinite Loops

iIVtruder Z.E.R.O.

It begins with the Kids Next Door branch melting into a bloblike cancer on Yggdrasil. It is suspected that this is the work of a newly-awakened Grandfather from that branch.


It was a Doctor Who loop, Madoka was subbing for Clara in the Twelfth Doctor era

My mind is clearer now.
At last, all too well,
I can see
where our tree
soon will be
If you strip away
the Moff from the Man
you would see
what our tree
soon will be

Madoka rushes to the console room where her Anchor is playing on his signature guitar.

You've started to believe
the memes they make of you
You really do believe
That Moffat shlock is True!
And all the good you've done
Will soon get swept away
Your legacy now matters more
Than the things you say!

Madoka kneels from atop the stairs.

Listen, Doctor, I don't like what I see
All I ask is that you listen to me
And remember,
You've been fit for the loops all along.
You have set the world on fire
SuperWhoLock, the new messiah
Tumblr turns on you the day they're wrong.

Sarah Jane Smith entered the TARDIS through the doors and began to sing along.

I remember when your story began
1963, we called you a man!
And believe me, Our admiration for you hasn't died.

The Doctor is performing for a crowd of his entourage. River Song, Madame Vastra, Jenny, Strax, and Nardol

But E-e-e-e-every step you take today
Just drags you down, and regulates
repetition is how he keeps warm.

Madoka marched out the door with Sarah Jane. She had decided to visit the Victorian Era: A time of snowy days and Charlie Dickens

Verity, your famous son
should have stayed the great unknown
educating commonwood
He'd of made good.
Science Facts and Alphabets
Might have suited that show best
Steve wouldn't have cause you harm
No one alarm.

Madoka leaps atop the roof with Sarah Jane joining the admin with a grappling hook in her hand.

Listen Doctor, do you care for my chase.
Yggdrasil needs to keep things in place
but it's occupied.
Don't you get how down broken they are?
I am frightened by the crowd.
The hate is getting much too loud.
Netflix'll crush you if you fall too far.
If we faaa-aaall too faaaa-aaa-aaaar!

Apparently this was a Multi-Doctor story as the Second, Seventh and Eleventh Doctor was facing off against an ice sculpture of the witch Ocktavia. Guess who was puppeteering them all. Here's a hint, she's started smooching the Eleventh Doctor in front of the robot friends who looped in the place of Handles. The prior doctors promptly shoo her away, Seventh dueling umbrellas with her.

"Oh, my gitty aunt." The Second Doctor and the robotic natives of the Satellite of Love looked in fear as the woman traded blows with his later self. "Is that really-??"

"Yes." The Eleventh rubbed his cheeks in shock and terror. "I have just been kissed... by the Master."

"Gods, My oldest friend and most persistent rival," The youngest point in the time lord's existence stood in fear of what was happening. "He basically up and regenerated into..."

"Evil Rose Tyler!" Crow T. Robot's piercing words made his brother in comedic arms rush towards a trash bin to vomit gumballs out of disgust as Sarah Jane and Madoka began to prance around the three TARDISes parked out back.

Listen, Doctor, to the warning we give!
Please remember that all wanna live!
But it's hard to see the fandom
Shrinkering with every hour!
The Tumblrettes are blind!
Too many triggers on their mind!
Moffat's ego made his words turn sour!
His written words have gone Sooooouuuuuur!!!

The two companions rush into their home TARDIS as the Twelfth Doctor's entourage march out with the old scotsman.

Listen, Doctor, to the warning we give!
Please remember that all wanna live!
Come on! Come on!
He won't listeeeen to me! Aaaaaahhhhh!!

The two continued to cry out in vain to the lord of time, who stood blissfully unaware of the damage done by Moffat's meandering run over the past seven years of the show. Both parties were naturally unaware of the looming shadow to come that would push the doctor and his fellow loopers closer together.


"Hey! Bossbot!" Flash was waving hello, I waved back at the guy in respect for the other dude's crew, a group of droids that... to be frank I haven't really seen in a dog's age.

Perhaps that's why they took so long to loop.

"You wouldn't believe the stuff we've been through, see there was this glowing red blob in a suit, he tried to kill us. We kept dreaming that day up in sleep mode, then all of a sudden we looped back to that day." I knew the day Flash brought up all too well, what else would he bring up other than the day the sun rose on a world without Toonami after eleven-and-a-half years of service.

"Looping back to the cancellation, huh?" I guess I don't need to spew the old Welcome to the Multiverse speil this time.



"I didn't expect to see you looping..." Ranma laid his legs on the table as he sat in a familiar chair plucked from his copy of the Enterprise. "What's your plan... 'Sirs'..."

On the hexfield was a mustachioed fellow clad in green and accompanied by a nerdy, scrabble-haired fellow in black leather. They sat comfortably on their sofa, devilishly sipping from their Fribbles. "Oh, the usual, drive people absolutely insane with the most abysmal film ever conceived."

"Yeah, how's that search coming along?" Ranma dared to ask.

"Quite swimmingly, actually." The lanky scientist answered as he walked to his collection "Especially considering the major progress we're getting through our usual scheming and the recent expansion!"

"Now, this new plan was Larry's idea. Once I somehow get my lovely daughter Kinga to loop... or in the very least Frank, we move to show the worst movie ever to fellow villains and it will drive them so insane that they begin to loop along with us!"

"You can not be serious...."

"Oh, you laugh now, Mister Saotome. But rest assured, our day will come to give the tree its eternal reward!" The scientist in green loomed ever closer to the camera. "See, the movie I'll be showing you this week is one that we intend to show to a father of two very important gentlemen in their home reality."

"To say it's a stinker comparible to Johnny Cage's Nut Krackers is an understatement of a thousand millennia" Doctor Eirhardt's kiniving grin was enough to sell the menace of this movie for me. "It has been known to scar critics for life and the nutjob who came up with this flick engages in 'weaponized victimization', can you believe this guy."

The mustachioed megalomaniac spoke the words that had the power to seal Yggdrasil's fate. "Enter the nightmare-encrusted world of Where the Dead Go to Die!"



"Guys, I'll hold off [ERROR], you get back to the moonbase! NOW!"

"We can't leave you!"

"Yes, you can! Before it's TOO LAAA@@@8€£¥©™¿§"



"Waaaaaaaaggghhh!!!!" Toboe recoiled in pain, Tsume rushed to the aid of his close friend.

"Toboe, snap out of it!" yelled Tsume. "What's gotten into you!?"


A pint of Nice Cream falls onto the floor, gaining the attention of a certain skeleton as he drank his bottle of Ketchup. He scratched the top of his skull, pondering what it could mean before a sudden thought crawled into his brain, one of devastation. "Welp, there's some trouble."


Somewhere in the valleys of Thra, A Samurai has looped in the place of a gelfling, a crystal shard around his neck, an enchanted katana mounted on his back. The winds blow sour with an ominous scent, indicating great tragedy and grand catastrophe.


A pencil dropped onto the floor, gaining the attention of the highest Admin available. "What's wrong, Miss Kaname?"

"Oh! Hey, Skuld." Madoka glanced to the Goddess of Tomorrow. "Is there anything you need?"

"Nothing much, just turning in for the night." Skuld punched out her ticket and began illustrating a door to her bedroom. "And with the remaining overtimers left being Ares, yourself and the true Thor, you're shaping up to be a pretty great asset to us."

"Thanks." giggled Madoka as she shared her latte with Skuld "Y'know ever since the restoration, I've started to feel better around you guys."

Skuld smiled to her junior, "Aw, that's so sweet!"

"But that's not what's got me in a fit..." Madoka clutched her heart in grim anticipation. "I feel as though something bad's gonna happen... and ruin everything for everybody..."


In a shopping plaza fitness center, A boy with a brown-furred tail was doing some crunches with his mother, or at least, a version of his mother. The boy stops upon sensing a strong surge of power from a far-off source... And then another. One thought came into his head from this power: If his jumps in power can be felt from a distant loop, then he must be someone extremely strong!

The boy smiled as he pondered what his friends might think.


A bubbleheaded mechanized host scrambled to get the housewife in front of him. "Look, I get what you're trying to convey here-"

"Like what, that Goku's off looping through who knows what while I live through raising Goten through infancy yet again!?" Chi-Chi's fury knew no bounds. "Finding myself pregnant with my second child ain't too fun I can tell you that!"

"Just wait the loop out and we'll piece together what Goku wants when you meet up with him again, sounds okay to you?" The white and blue Robot picked up the four-star ball. "I just want what's best for all of us, you understand. Let's just wait and see what happens when my outside matches up with my inside again."


"The diabolical dastard actually did it!" Ranma was slamming the console as he lamented a foolish man's scheme and how he managed to pull it off without him noticing! He cued up a clip of a guardian saying: "User have mercy on the net."

"$#@// W!! t£@^$f©£m ¥©u£ b£@tt¥ ex-f£!€^¿$"

"@g€ b€f©£¢ b€@ut¥, $!$..."


Numbuh One was rushing to the bridge of the Moonbase, making sure to take down as many Senior Citizombies as he could come across. Yes, It was one of those particular loops that made you pine for a loop into Equestria. Twas bad enough that this was an Operation Z.E.R.O. loop, but the fact that it was a read-only loop with the rest of his team unawake made things just as difficult as it was long ago. The only thing he had were ice powers and ageless practice, but the upside to this was that he found that Numbuhs 358 and 2:41 were fellow loopers and thus were more than capable of surviving the onslaught of ageification.

It also helps that there's also an extra boost in strength to counter Grandfather.

"Alright, With Sector Z holding off the Senior Citizombies. That should give me just enough time to launch the cargo." Numbuh One looked to the hard-light being beside him as she opened the door. "Thank you for the assistance, Numbuh 360:42."

"Garnet will do." Garnet did a final ping to check if there were other loopers around, but was shocked at what she sensed "No... She said it was gone, dust in the wind!"

"Welcome, Numbuh One as in One sorry son of a gun now that we're gonna transform you into one of us!" Numbuh Two's cackling was interrupted by Garnet of all loopers. "Incredible, You've managed to out-suck that sack you're wearing."

"Real Unlikely," Numbuh Five's rebuttal was a common one for her. "Even as a Senior Citizombie, his lines are always jank!"

Garnet was bewildered, "Was that the Schnider word for Suckish I just heard from your mouth?"

"Bet ya bahoobies and Numbuh Fi-I..." Numbuh Four's body language was all Garnet needed to know.

"You have no idea how to make your hivemind drones act seemingly independent, do you."

"You're one to talk for a fusion!" 'Numbuh Three' snarled for 'Numbuh Four' to add: "I'll take care of you once I destroyinate your anchor!"

Numbuh One found himself surrounded by the hollowed out shells of his comrades, filled with the same dread as the first time around just by knowing what he knows now of their condition's true nature. "I've mastered my four-foe attack plenty of times... even on you, I thought that my friends were being controlled instead of hollowed."

"Tough!" With a tackle, the fight began. Numbuh one began the speil he spouted when he found himself in those situations like these. "Abby, I know you can still hear me! You're the one that got me into the KND!"

Garnet was lost in thoughts as 'Numbuh Four' charged forth.

Garnet POV

"Wally! Who saved you from those bullies on your first day of school!?" I watched as the age-ified puppet struggle his way up.

"That's old news, mate..." As old as him, yes, we get it. Nigel wasn't really attached to Kuki so... of course he tossed her against a computer without a second thought. Next was:

"Hoagie!" Nigel was dodging each punches with added prescision from the other Z.E.R.O. "You've been my best friend since Kindergarten!"

"GEEET OOOOOOGRE IT!!!!" Okay, that's it, butting in myself.

"Hate to get under it," I could easily lift 'Numbuh Two' by the bulge, albeit right before a quick after-battle shower. "But if i'm drawing the line at Shrek memes then allow me to take this all the way."

I chucked the obese husk at the other three as the willowy husk in green dropped the needle for what's next.

Some-body once told me that fusion's kinda scary
I ain't the sharpest cut in the sla-ab.
See, my future's kinda dumb
and It's making me feel bummed
for this loop wishing that we were de-ead.

Sector Z burst in to join in the song, one of them uttering 'this is gonna be... delightful.' before attacking the husks that the intruder acted to puppeteer.

Welp, the loops start coming and they don't stop coming!
Loop us up here and we hit the ground punnin.
Never makes sense if you wipe out heart
The set up's strong, but the pay off's dark
Too bad for you, too bad for us
I guess youth's a waste for the web streets
You'll never laugh if you don't lol.
You'll never flame if you don't troll.

I acted to bring it all home, kicking and punching them all about. The rhythm in my spirit, my fury, my patience, all in my conversation.

Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able
Don't you see that my relationship is stable
You can try and grind up earth until it's long gone.
But the fact is you're still just a Carbon.
So you can't break apart what we have together
In case you need an extra quick refresher
No matter what you eat, we'll just make it newer
Cause you're barely an eighth the gem that we are.
I am ma-ade o-o-o-o-of
And it's stronger than you!

"Thanks David, I don't know what I'd do without you!" Numbuh One glanced to the Sector Z operative, unaware that 'Numbuh Three's arm was starting to move.

"I think you should think fast, as they put it." I mentioned to Numbuh One, trying to warn him of something. "They could revert back at any time for any reason."

Sure enough, I was proven right as 'Numbuh Three's arm lunged at David's Arm. Age-ifying him as an unknown force pulls his team together for them to be immediately ageified with him. Try as they might, they can't resist the pain of being torn atom from atom and converted into hunchified flesh puppets of this intruder. "Tell the Kids Next Door we miss them!"

Numbuh One was reacting in utter horror as much as I was. Not only was Sector Z Senior Citizombified, but the age-ification had cancelled out their recommissioning. "IIIIII'M BAAAAAAA-AAAAAACK!"

I'll admit, it was creepy when they talked in Unison like that. But now they were hideously aged, so they were extra frightening to say the least. Didn't help that they were in truth puppets of this thing. "No more games! No my facades! No more pretending to have their basic personas intact! I am one-hundred and thirteen percent done!"

And just like that, Nigel Uno was absorbed, mind, body and soul, into this new looper. A new MLE. I held it steady while the world around me began to melt away. I hesitated not as I slammed the husks around and about, unaware that it was converting Sector V into a sort of molten Megazord type thing. 'Numbuh Five' aimed head first towards me, reaching out for my Gem Forms, once she clutched her hands... It was over... I felt my consciousness flow into the husk as my body was poofed into oblivion.

For once, We were scared.

[Steven Universe][Uncle Grandpa]

A sudden chill crept up my ethereal spine, causing me to drop my controller and grant my son the opportunity to spike my character down the pit, winning the round.


"And Steven Universe claims the championship from her mother in a surprise clutch!" Uncle Grandpa's cheering gave light to the relatively smaller moment at hand. "What are you going to do next?"

"You're going to get the Admins!" I stood to my son.

"But Mom, I just managed to get you here! The Real You!"

"C'mon, Rose." Retorted U.G. "This is an opportunity to catch up with the real world."

"First, I already have an opportunity to catch up, acting as half of your own son will do that." I rustled Steven's hair. "Second, I sense something terrible has happened."

"She's not wrong." U.G. dug up a TV showing the world tree Yggdrasil, a branch flashing bright red and melting into a molten moss-like substance. "Kids Next Door is no more..."

"I think you'd know if it were!" Pizza Steve was in his 'Pizza Steven Universe' garb. Holding a Box of Cartoon Network DVDs from a Hub loop. "Go on, check it."

I started skimming throughout each of the shows, tracing my fingers across each show to find the world that was lost. It was then that Lapis entered the Room, decked out in full Momswap garb, clearly acting as the Amethyst of the group. "What's up, Doc."

"We're looking for Kids Next Door DVDs."

"Neat." A thought occurred to Lapis, so she asked. "'Member Kids Next Door?"

I raised my brow in reluctance "Yeah, I member."

"Then it ain't scrapped, is it, Drama Queen!" Lapis was clearly milking her role as Amethyst, even echoing her imitation of Pearl by doing the same to me.


"Look, Deus. My hands are tied when it comes to these loops." I frowned towards the Froudian deity acting as the patron guardian of the loops. "Loki's been in quite a lot of hot water since he activated your Universe, So I highly doubt the other Admins would want to tolerate a new looper from your branch."

"Surely you jest!" The God argued




[Digimon Frontier]x[Fairly OddParents]

"CHOO-CHOO!" The Male half of a whole idiot was chugging to his Faggiglygland's content, with his fairer half acting as the attendant to the passengers aboard his current Trailmon form. "TWENTY MILES TO DIGILAND!"

"I don't know which part of this loop's more humiliating." sighed Takuya. "Our Ride, or that Blackmail Book of yours."

"Says the guy who's collected every spirit first." The boy in the silly pink hat replacing the boy in the fluffy brown hat smirked to his leader with a copy of 'Angel Bunny's Big Book o' Blackmail' in his arms. It was a relatively unique experience for the fairy godchild to loop into the show that killed its home franchise for a spell, especially when he's subbing for one of its local digidestined, but it was one that's more than worth the look on a specific Digidestined's face. "I wonder if I should show you as Kazemon or as Ranamon, which lovely lady shall it be..."

"Shut up!" snarled the goggle boy as he reached for the book which got further from his grasp upon sitting atop the head of J.P. to both his and Takuya's annoyance and Agunimon's amusement. "You're not getting away with this."

"Judging by how Awake I was when I first witnessed it, he doesn't have to." in stepped Koji with the Swirly-haired Stewardess. After a call from Takuya to get Koji to 'Piss off!' the stewardess made her announcement.

"Attention, we will be nearing our destination in just a few minutes, please pick up your personal belongings."


It was a typical day at the Bazzar, merchants were at their booths selling the typical wares, the food was fresh as always, and the people were paying with their mint. It wasn't every day that Kikiyo was at the marketplace, but then again, twas not every day that she looped back to the moment Naraku tore her life asunder.

"Would you care for some jewels, sister Kikiyo?" a sinister cackle escaped the seer's breath, gaining the attention of the local priestess of the provence.

"I'd rather not." Kikiyo slowly backed away and reached for her bow. "I don't think African Minerals are in high demand at the moment."

"Are you sure you don't want them, heartsweet?" asked the beggar. "These are old, precious antiques... ASss$$ O√‡ @$ ÷£££££££!!"

Twas a certified, wrinklifed Cavity Creep which was reaching for civilian to assimilate as others emerged from the canopy tent. "w£ ™@‡£ =©¡£$ !± †€€†‡! w£ ™@‡£ =©¡£$ !± †€€†‡!"

Their chants were all the threats they needed to summon her fellow loopers, fortunately she had spent some time with Techna building an underground garage beneath the shrine and has spent this particular loop training with her current team of Loopers. The wail of the Crestmobile fills the air as she fires her crossbow at the Cavity Creeps to disable them, reducing them to their core charms upon impact. From out of the Crestmobile came Inu-Yasha opening strong with a Wind-Scar, Techna followed suit in her Techno Ranger Armor, The Angry Video Game Nerd fired his NES peripherals on all cylinders, Batman merely lurked in the vehicle issuing commands. In time, out of the seven cavity creeps, two were assimilated from local villagers, neither were the one that was left standing.

"70^, 70^, l£†$ 70† §€† 7@$†¥ ^!†¦–¦ †¦–¦©$£ $¶€¢!@↓$..." The bald creep in grayish-orange was then greeted with Inu-Yasha's latest special attack.

"SHIN-KIKOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" His hands just below his crotch, Inu-Yasha blasted away the hard light that made up the body of the Cavity Creep. This gained the attention of the Nerd who had long since accepted the zaniness of the Infinite Loops, but has still kept his heart open to surprise.

"Jesus, did you fire a Ki-Blast out of your dick!?"

Doctor Gero

The Mad Scientist stepped forward, looking above his head to find a swarm of 2600 Unown overseeing their captor. He takes his seat to find that nine vulture-like creatures were beginning to march ever closer to the table. One of his creations sat down with his knees against his belly, the knowledge of the looming attack on the World Tree leaning down upon him like the ghost of Richard Nixon.

Dr. Gero: Great Grandfather
The Skeksis wait for you.
Your MLEs
and pawns exist for you.

The shadowy Grandfather, the Sector V husks newly integrated into his body, leaned forward.

Grandfather: Now, gentlemen
You know why we are here.
We've not much time
We've quite a problem here.

The voices of the Unown chant in rhyme and unison.

Chorus: This world is old and worn
the fabric shall be torn
the ending of the first
shall make our bubble burst
the tree will not survive
this game you want to try
To save the tree afar
we need a superstar

Their words grew swifter with each rhyme as papers cycle across them, words appearing on them like a printer. Grandfather struck the sky with thunder to make these papers fall from the sky, each one landing onto the table. No.15 lay headfirst on the table lamenting the danger that lay in store for them, indicating a strong hunch of something terrible ready to transpire.

"'Doctor Pinkie?!'" Read Starscream, armored with the kibbles and bits from Knightbrace. "Senior Citizombified Pinkie Clone in the fridge of the Party Star appears to be made from molten carbon and...Tapioca Pudding."

"No way out."

Next was the towering powerhouse Android 14, who read the headline on his paper as best as anyone could with a broken sound driver. "Additional Rangers to be drafted for Gaoranger, Abaranger, Boukenger, Goseiger and others... and their Power Ranger Counterparts"

"No way out!"

"Research begins on the molten loop." Xehanort is in shock that Admins are able to monitor the loop, how was that possible in the branch's current condition. "Real Studies show an additional anchor was present in the conflict, Fake News states that the loop was, to put it in a way that won't make one seem mad as all hell, a trap!"

"NO FUCKING WAY OUT!" 15's panic was further complimented by the Goblin King who acted as the sixth numbered member of the Yggdrasil Organisation XIII. Jareth donned a sleeveless version of the black coat, zipped up from neck to chest. As he sung his complaints towards the shadowy flames, the age-ified wrinkly husk of a creature merely grimaced.

Jareth: Listen to the ruckus
for the world you had to eat
The Admins up in arms
Loopers marching to our feet
All: This is Dangerous!
Chorus: (Infinite Loops, Innortal Superstars)
All: This is Dangerous!
Chorus: (All of time and space shall soon be reborn)

"Here's some good news, Deus X Machina working with admins to design Future Diaries for all incoming loopers." Cell glanced to his superiors. Despite being number ten in the organisation, he has this sense of superiority in him. "This includes us MLEs, right."

"But it also includes the loopers woken up by Yggdrasil." The Georgia Gold Colonel Sanders has been awakened with his fellow selves, eager to spread the powers of the loops to the rest of humanity and hungry for a golden tree like Yggdrasil, he joins as Grandfather's left-hand man and number three to the ire of his fellow Colonels "So that possible advantage has been rendered moot before you laid your mitts on that paper."

Cell could only watch as Master Xehanort and Starscream marched up from their own desks representing their standing as the second and seventh. They naturally join Jareth in singing for the cast.

Xehanort: Yggdrasil is waking up
more loopers for support
Starscream: The tree knows of your mission
and it wants us to abort
All: This is Dangerous!
Chorus: (Infinite Loops, Innortal Superstars)
All: This is Dangerous!

"Harmless under a normal awakening, the now age-ified and totally gross Toilenator has gained not only the complete set of Darkness Spirits but also the Beast Spirits of Earth and Fire to achieve a form the esteemed Doctor Ice Cream has deemed 'crazy nasty'!" The husk Grandfather had occupied to personify his fears through something as initially pathetic as the Toilenator was reacting as you'd expect out of the fourth member of the Organisation. "Now they fear me!"

Gero: Quick, Grandfather!
Admins approach our yard.
Chester: Come, Grandfather!
We must maintain our guard!

No sooner was Chester then vaporized by a beam of antimatter fired from the palm of the thirteenth chair: Anti-Pops

Anti-Pops: I have a more permanent solution to our problem.

Grandfather's eyebrows raised in intrigue "You don't mean-"

"Honestly, Grandfather. Have a little more faith in me."

What then to do with this Doctor of Galifrey
Last of the Timelords,
the oncoming storm!


[The Legend of Korra]

I opened my eyes to find a lion turtle gazing back at me, My old Lion Turtle. I felt my face, not a wrinkle in sight. I tapped my bare chin, clearly the beard hadn't grown in yet.

"May the element of fire protect you against the spirits." I couldn't believe it, I was back at the day I first got the fire.

Wait, is the lion turtle not like the spirits or...

I looked behind me to ask. "Who said that?"

"Said what?"

I merely shrugged it off as someone making an off-collar remark against the lion-turtle. And thus, I did a flip kick and ignited the sky around my shoes. After a comparatively spectacular landing, the voice started ringing again.

Oh, so he can use it immediately without any training or foreknowledge or anything. So great, the whole idea of Bending as a Martial Art, a discipline, and an innate genetic ability: completely wiped from the slate! Do you hear me correctly?

"Yes, Spirit!" I spoke to the voice, as I assumed that this was a spirit that left the spirit wilds to hunt us! "Now show yoursel-"

Bending is now a magic power on par with waving a f--king wand. No, not even a wand, really. Since the Hogwarts kids still needed genetic resposition to perform magic. This stuff is just free-for-all superpowers!

"You're lying! Stop haunting my memories!" I spoke in front of the spirit in anguish! "Take me to Raava!"

Wait... Are you talking to me?

"Yes!" The group behind me were looking in confusion and dumbfoundment "And I bet Vaatu sent you to haunt me in my dying nightmares!"

Whoa, Spoi- Uh... I mean... Well, that's cause I am Vaatu! Raaawr!!

"You have literally no idea what you're doing, do you?" I asked the spirit. "Shall we seek out Raava, or would you care to explain where I can find these 'Hogwarts Kids' that you showed us?"

Seriously, how are you able to hear me through this clearly edited review?

"I...I'm not sure..." I stood in silence, only to be interrupted by a bearded face as fat as a ChuJEW uttering through a loud, distorted voice "AM I DED YET?"

We're here! Enjoy breaking up those giant carpet spirits, Stinky! I'm gonna go call someone.

It has been far too long since last I heard that insult tossed at me. I felt the back of my head to feel my head of hair has updated to my twenties 'do. I glanced over "Please, Save me. She has tormented me for ten-thousand years..."

"Why a thousand?"

"It is actually nine-hundred, sixty-two years, but a thousand sounds more omimous"

I leapt up and punched Vaatu in the face with all of my strength. Sure, it helped him break free from Raava, but it was worth it to see him react to my foresight of his misdeeds.

Yeah, Hi. I was wondering if you've noticed anything different about the worst two episodes of Korra...

"How did you get my number?"

Okay, notice anything odd recently?


"Well, for starters, one moment I was reviewing THIS!" Jerk pointed to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios, "Then the next I was in the middle of an episode of some TGiF Sitcom I've just forgotten about."

Yeah, well-


Oh, god. This can't be what I think it is.

"Well, let's check. Is the main character aware of the history awaiting them?"


"Is he doing things differently than his canon self?"


"Is there a character in the episode that does not belong in that episode?"


Vaatu ripped himself farther from Raava's grasp to the point where there was only one tendrill holding them together. I was not willing to make that strike, making that strike meant I would set him free to start this entire mess. But I felr the earth rip itself skyward as a typhoon grasped tightly onto my body, a speeding flame shooting skyward across the earthy ramp as a figure became visible.

"Who are you!?" I called out, only I could bend all four elements. Why would he be able to do that too...


"I am the Avatar!" He yelled as he spun his body around to generate a ball of wind from beneath his feet. "You better deal with it."

I was knocked onto the last remaining connection between the spirits by the wind sphere. As she screamed in pain, he merely laughed at our misfortune in a maniacal manner... until Vaatu whipped him in the back! "Someone stupid get in my way!"

I tried to struggle my way back up, only for this... false Avatar to collide into me for more pain. Never have I felt more ashamed of myself, to get a second chance... only for him to knock it away... just like that.

I looked to find a screen moving in featuring a man with these seeing eyeglass things who was less portly than the chusJEWS.

"Vegeta?" The man struggled his way up to smile at them.

"No... AVATAR Vegeta."


Hello, Disney loops! One is pleased to announce a deliciously hot idea to celebrate Toy Story 4 dropping in 2019! Unnecessary, yes. Unworthy of notice? Well, I wouldn't be doing this drabble if that were the case so... Here ya go.

[Toy Story][_i___o_ _ea___]

My name is Andy.

To say that repeating the past decade of my life three times over would be the least weird aspect of my life would be a bit of an understatement.

It all began when I drove up to the college. It was a new chapter of my life, one I was more than happy to begin.

I wake up.

My eyes dart around the bedroom, the wallpaper was blue, had clouds, full of board games and toys.

Toys I clearly didn't have anymore.

I reached out for my phone, struggling to stretch out my arm before picking up a phone... Not mine in particular, but an actual iPhone like mom uses on a regular basis. I looked into the screen and saw my seven year old face, A face I haven't seen in almost eleven years.

I naturally dropped the phone and felt my face, chubby and undefined. I heard a baby start bawling in the background, I looked to the crib. Was that Molly? I couldn't believe when I was at first, but then my eyes darted to the phone, its screen glowing with the words 'User is Awake'

I reached for the phone but I was predictably stopped by my mom. "Andy, don't tell me baby woke you up..."

"I'm fine, mom." I clutched my throat, same boyish voice, same boyish body, I'd check everywhere but that would raise eyebrows, mainly from mom.

"I suppose baby Molly needs a quick changing is all." I chuckled to myself, of course Molly would be stuck in the Crib. "Just get some sleep, Andy. Wouldn't want the birthday boy dozing off in front of his friends, do you."

I tucked myself in a bit tighter than usual, I figured I might want to figure out what sent me back. What exactly was this phone, and why is it here with me.

I played along with the reset timeline, opening my presents, playing with my toys, hanging with friends, all while writing my thoughts on the phone. I made sure to hide it whenever possible, though it did help that no one would even know what an iPhone was at the time. As I grew back up, I documented the goings on of my life, even learning fencing in high school.



Rainbow Dash







Twilight Sparkle


"Your wish is my command, bud." I reached out into my Subspace Pocket, and pulled out the Wand. The golden star's luminescent glow enveloping us both as I activated its magic. "Don't say I didn't warn ya."

Instantaniously, I saw the holographic representation of the world tree decorate itself with a whole plethora of the ships pocketed from each of his many attempts on my life.


I felt the tremors growing stronger as each explosion drew closer to The World that Never Was, shaking the foundation we were standing on. I de-activated my optics and displayed an image of Kamina and me welcoming Spike to Pinkie's good ol' Party Star. If I'm goin' out, I'm gonna need a good image to go out on.


"So you're saying that we all have access to his advanced cyborg intellect from being extensions of his consciousness as well as his ability to loop?" asked the blob wearing the flesh of the ageified narwal man, the fellow puppet nodded with agreement as the narwal puppet glanced to the Buffalo-headed puppet "An excellent deduction, wouldn't you think Mister Wink."

"Indubitably, Mister Fibb."

"So all life in their entire universe are gonna start looping if and when the you-know-who ends up destroyed?" Questioned Android 13.

"Run for your li001011-010011-00001-


Belldandy Loops

Arc Mark

  • Cell absorbs TOM during Mother and transitions from Imperfect to Semiperfect form. Then achieves perfection upon absorbing Super Android 14 during a raid of Cavity Creeps where he meets Grandma Stuffum and falls in love.
  • Bloodstone begins holding a grudge with Inu-Yasha after the looping champion Kikohos one of his vessels into the ground.


  • Toiletnator's Head and Core with Terrible Tutor's Arms, Sora's Legs and Ryuko Matoi's Torso
  • Grandma Stuffum's Head, Arms and Core with Ryuto Matoi's Legs and Kasumi Tendo's Torso
  • All of Alucard's pieces, minus a leg.
  • Toiletnator's Head and Core with Vegeto's Arms and Naruto's Torso and Legs
  • Ranma's Head and Core with Vegito's Torso, Piccolo's Arms, and Sora's Legs

00: Ah! My Goddess

  • Anchor: Keichii

Drabble list

  1. Keiichi is playing on his new Nintendo Switch when he looks into Belldandy's room, she was sobbing to no end.
  2. TOM has explained what had happened to the world tree, and more specifically Urd and Skuld who protected the makeshift Yggdrasil from the destruction caused by the mass ascension.

Prologue: Loss

"Hey! Bossbot!" Flash was waving hello, I waved back at the guy in respect for the other dude's crew, a group of droids that... to be frank I haven't really seen in a dog's age.

Perhaps that's why they took so long to loop.

"You wouldn't believe the stuff we've been through, see there was this glowing red blob in a suit, he tried to kill us. We kept dreaming that day up in sleep mode, then all of a sudden we looped back to that day." I knew the day Flash brought up all too well, what else would he bring up other than the day the sun rose on a world without Toonami after eleven-and-a-half years of service.

"Looping back to the cancellation, huh?" I guess I don't need to spew the old 'Welcome to the Multiverse' speil this time. "Who filled you in?"

"A little kid, rather a kid with a cassette tape telling us about the sitch." I looked around them for this kid, but he appeared to be absent at the moment. "He seemed to be on the lookout for this other Anchor, whatever that is."

"Other Anchor? What are you talking about?" I immediately realized what he could mean by that and carefully asked: "Let's change the subject a bit, any defining deets of the kid in question like buckteeth or a silly pink hat?"

"No buckteeth, but he did have a hat. Stashed a collection of Cartoon Network flicks in there, too..." But if Timmy's not the Anchor, that would leave T.K., Tommy, even Billy as the kid in question... But none of them are anchors, so who would- "Not sure how he'd be able to watch it with his giant honkin' nose and all!"


That cannot be possible...

But it was... "SARA, activate self-destruct! We gotta stop him!"

"Roger that, TOM!"


"So he tossed chemicals at you and threw you out!?" Billy asked to his new 'friend' after fingerpainting with him. "Well that doesn't sound like what a good host would do."

"To be fair, I did try to eat them out of house and home. But they clipped a wing with me locked in it!" Billy's friend somewhat truthfully spoke. "Who does that!?"

"A No-Good Nincompoopoo head, that's for sure!" Billy's mindless insult was naturally aimed at the wrong party, but he foolishly believed both parties were at fault when in actuality the morality was pretty clear cut from the get-go. "How'd you survive? I bet it was that generic cleaner bot you absorbed, wasn't it?"

"Yeah... 'Generic'." A blatant lie that went straight through Billy's empty skull. "So, you showing me this movie of a world that's currently looping..."

"Because I have a theory about Grandfather!" at this point the movie had introduced the notion of Senior Citizombies, a notion that all loopers would be very familiar with in due time.

"Uh, May I be excused? I've, uh... I got some Keesh in the oven and-" Grandfather lunged forth and clutched Toiletnator by the Toilet Seat and the energy flowed his body as he screamed in terror.

"You see, while they show the same basic personalities you'd expect, they're just hollowed out shells puppeteered by Grandfather's conseeohsinus!" Billy theorized to the glob monster who watched as the harmless villain ageitize before his non-existant eyes in awe "He's just pretending that they're slaves when really they're clones."

"So, the Industrial Revolution?" Billy nodded to the comparison.

"Suppose Grandfather was a sort of gem-based Carbon Vampire, one with seven shards to his body." The disfigured being added to the theory, realizing what could be done. "That would mean he is scrunching segments of carbon together into seven distinct pieces and vaporizing all other bodily elements in favor of hard-light body mass."

"That's how Gems are made!" Billy smiled.

"They could all fuse together into bigger and bigger and bigger gems if they wanted to..." Now it was painfully obvious who this being truly was, thank glob we began the Self-Destruct countdown right there, a trip to Eiken was more than worth the sheer stupidity on full display whilst the Senior Citizombie horde on the screen grew ever larger. "And if this gem was looping, then the ageified puppets would be activated as loopers themselves!?"

"Eh, I guess it'd be possible!" Billy just shrugged it off.

"Oh, it most certainly is..." The Intruder and Billy exchanged their laughter, one side evil, the other downright dumb. They were fortunately nuked mid-laugh, leaving me and SARA hanging on tight for Eiken as we hoped that the Intruder's next loop wouldn't be where we thought it would go.

It was.

Chapter 1: Awakening

I was sitting at my house recording Belldandy's reaction to the film series that is numbing her mind with each of its seven cinematic droppings.

They say a man should always care
for the goddess that they got
So why is she sobbing, sittin through
A Swan Princess Marathon

A small can of Pringles was beside him, the lid glowing with cosmic energy. It was containing the remnants of something that was lost.

It's all because some asshole
blew up our Yggdrasil
now I'm stuck here fetching twigs
to keep the stars stable

His friends from the club appear in pirate garb square-dancing because of course that'd be an activity.

Shoulda gone to
I might've seen it coming at me like an atom bomb.

Keiichi lifts aloft the Pringles can and looks into it somewhat.

They monitor your branches
and send you email alerts
So you don't end up like your god,
defeated and alone.

Offer applys with enrollment in Drazzl Ayeai.

Chapter 2: Protection

Nabiki was biting her lip in anticipation, Inu-Yasha and the Doctor gathered as many survivors as he could, Adric was wandering about wondering what was going on, and I comforted Belldandy as to act as a shoulder to cry on for her sisters. Their sacrifice was all the more worthwhile by protecting the Hub Universe and what little twigs we could scrape together that was free of the infection. And now, here I stood in front of a sobbing goddess and her sleeping sisters... One was downscaled to the size of a cumquat, the other shriveled and wrinklified beyond all recognition. The goddess of the Present, grieving for the past and the future... Just then, I heard a siren in the air, "CRE-EST! CRE-EST!" The Crestmobile pulling up as if to show that there were some survivors. "CRE-EST! CRE-EST!" I felt the all-too familiar ping, so I pinged back to find that there were dozens upon dozens of newly-orphaned loopers looking for an explination as to what had happened to their branches. "CRE-EST! CRE-EST! CRE-EST!"

"It's the Admins' Crestmobile! We're saved!" Krillin was expressing his joy for the apparent success of Ranma's so-called 'Operation: TIMBERFELL'. X, Zero and Iris helped to clear the road for the approaching vehicles zooming closer, Jayce's posse of Wheeled Warriors helped the Pole Position Team with traffic, And the first fellow to step out of the Crestmobile was none other than Madoka Kaname, then came the True Thor, Freyja, Hades, and... Deus X Machina? "The commander asks for you, TOM."

He looked as grim as his design would tell about his existence, I realized from his expression that things went about as well as you'd expect when you stare down the bullet of a war engineered by you-know-who. I made my march and pushed along Chrom and the fellow shepherds that were looping at that time, shoved aside C-3PO and watched as Riley opened the door to reveal: "A Cavity Creep?!"

I was dumbfounded, I half-expected the shadowy glob to chant 'WE! MAKE! HOLES IN TEETH!' into the night. I reached for my pistol and fired at it as it snarled in searing pain, something I did not expect from the creature that had tormented me for so long. "What did you do THAT for!?"

I knew that tone, but it was garbled with that thing's mishmash of a voice. It slowly stepped towards me as it clutched its side in a visibly vain effort to slow the apparent bleeding. I could see its murky tracks dissolve into light as the onlooking folks watch over the dying monster, legs collapsing on the floor in a dying defeat.

"Ranma!" Nabiki rushed to the creature's aid, confirming my fears and leaving little room but to follow his orders. "Welp, at least the robot's here..."

I kneeled to the first looper, deformed by the blob-creature he became through the ever-dreaded Timberfell protocol. Just one more reason against mass ascension, but it matters not due to the collapse of Yggdrasil that he had caused. I could sense that he was hacking up these crystal flowers, red and green in color. "TOM..."

"Yo." My optics scanned for organic matter, all I could see was molten carbon and another substance, indetectable by a common scan. "How's it hangin'..."

"Welp, I'm dying... other than that, I'm alright..." The amorphous mass revealed a face like jerky, the age-ified face, Ranma's face. "TOM, you've got to keep these stones locked up... separate from their full bodies... and most of all... find a way to fix this... save everyone... save Akane... save... me..."

"Sure thing, bud. The load'll be kinda tough with the original workforce depleted, but we've got a full hub to back it all up." As I held the tiny body to my hands, I could feel my servos start to degrade. Clearly Ranma was fighting his consciousness, but with how little energy this mortal coil has at the moment, it mattered not. "I swear that we will get this place cleaned up and I swear that we'll get the rest of us back up and running..."

"Aye... That's a relief..." The age-ified husk glanced to all the loopers surrounding him. I laid him onto the ground as it started to decentagrate in my now clunky hands. "You were a real great soldier... in this hopeless war..."

"It was an honor serving you, sir."

The two-foot projection dissolved into blue snow sailing skyward as Nabiki cried for the last drop of home she had left... "RANMAAAA!!!"

We gathered some straw and weaved together a faux corpse for the one who saved us all. As per tradition, we burned it away to symbolize his passage into the next world... at the very least, for right now.

Chapter 3: Threat Detected


Urd merely rolled over at the blareing lights and struggled her way out of bed to toss a pillow at her screen. "Can it, will ya!?"


"...Fine, I'll check after a midnight snack." Urd marched out of the house in her sleepwear and got onto Keiichi's motorcycle to drive her towards the nearest Taco Bell, having failed to notice the screen's blaring warning even when it blinked up a new message onto her tablet screen.


"I'm sure the other mods'll handle it..." Urd then comes to a realization about who she lives with: "I should get Skuld a little something!"

So she ordered a few Doritos Locos for Skuld and a Cheesy Gordita Crunch for Belldandy with her Naked Chicken taco. All three goddesses receiving a full plate of Nachos Bellgrande eaches. By the time she returned to her house 42 minutes have passed since she woke up to that blaring alarm, and guess who was sitting on the recliner? "Urd, would you kindly check your inbox?"

"Sure thing, little sis..." Urd pulled out her Sake and found a dangerous surprise.







All sorts of loopers from that one branch alone were activated. And the cause was all the same, souls absorbed and bodies assimilated by a newly recognized looper, and the same fate befelled the concurrent loopers even when its anchor was the only one awake.

"No way..." Urd glanced to her sisters in shock and looked to her phone to find that admins have been calling for her non-stop, sending calculations of how 2/3rds of KND Treehouses have been converted into Tapioca Factories with that timespan and messages telling her that 'You need to get here NOW!'

Another twenty-seven minutes and she saw a sight of an amorphous mass of decayed flesh and molten blood howling directly to the admins "I am eleventy-bajillion and thirteen percent done!"

And it all confirmed our worst fears as the branch destablized and the Cavity Creeps spread across the looping branches of the world tree.

He has started looping.

Chapter 4: Frankenstorm

It happened so fast for poor Skuld, first an entire branch was corrupted and the next thing she knew, she was dealing with the aftermath of 'Hurricane Cheese', a by-product of the cancerous moss infesting that branch deleting the Billy Patch. New loopers have been activated by the cataclysmic event, including the entire Drawn Together gang with Wooldor Sockbat initiating 'Hurricane Wooldor' which repeated the same type of damage. 'Hurricane Patrick' followed with reports of twenty-seven missing loopers and four corrupted branches.

It is theorized that there was an MLE activated within this one branch where the moss all started. The looper was a known tyrant and is reknowned for being capable of assimilating every organic lifeform. But there was one naysayer among the group who would one day be proven to be right in his accusation.

"There is no way Grandfather could possibly be looping" Stated the robotic pilot of the Absolution as he banged his fist onto the table. "...and there's no way his Senior Citizombies are sentient after seeing this jumbled mess of a body he's made for himself.

The Guardian of Mainframe leaned in his chair as he pondered the possibilities towards this MLE "Maybe it's a side effect of mastering the loops, or-"

"Megabreath looped into his role? I can handle a supercharged computer virus, even with his loop-proof contagion." asked the legendary soldier of Foxhound, smoking a finely printed cigarette. "Then again, it could be that CRON virus..."

"Daemon? Looping!?" the Guardian was taken aback by this theory. "I don't think so!"

"Don't you get it!" panicked the Saiyan lost to time. "Cell could be absorbing more innocent loopers as we speak."

"Trunks, this isn't Cell!" roared the robot, furious at the accusation. "Stop saying that it's him when the evidence doesn't add up!"

The four bickered while Ranma and Skuld came up with a battle plan to contain the looming threat, just then Isis rushed in with more papers. "Six More Loopers gone and a fifth branch lost to the moss!"

"Will all of you just commit to a prime suspect!?" howled Skuld, bringing forward a few vidwindows of the imagined culprit. "All the evidence points to [DATA EXPUNGED] so we've got to figure out a game plan before-"

"Did I forget to mention that there's now a Hurricane Joker on the rise."

Chapter 5: Madoka and the Goddess

It had been a long day for Madoka Kaname. Since setting up the IRS emergency hotline in the aftermath of Timberfell, she's been left with little opportunity for free time to the point where what little moments she had to spare were spent in her native branches which she naturally quarantined the minute she heard of the infection.

Though she knew she would be nursing a headache and a hangover in the morning, she and her friends felt the need to drink when things got too difficult to manage. Her preference was to drink a little around her fellow magical girls before getting well and truly wasted on her own.

"C'mon, Madoka. This is the third time this week you summoned us to this freakin' Bar." Asked Sayaka to the Admin. "What's going on with your IRS?!"

"Too much work, not enough hands..." Madoka moaned as she gulped down another shot. "We haveta call these clowns Cavity Creeps as they aren't really [DATA EXPUNGED] to begin with. I just don't get it..."

"Well, it's not all that different from the work you did when you first ascended." observed Sayaka, "Maybe it's because of the Admins he absorbed into his being?"

"Yeah... But think about the Admins we haven't found yet, how are we gonna convince them to enlist in the IRS?" Madoka's voice slurred a little.

"Maybe change the acronym?" sneered Kyoko as she downed a full pint of whiskey. "There's already one IRS, and I don't really respect that enough to care about a second one."

Madoka slunk against the table and continued her drink.

Chapter 6: The IRS

Life at the Innortal Rose Society has been all the more depressing all things considered. Fand, Madoka, Odin, Deus, and Saraswati

Chapter O

Some loser with a Gumball Watterson on his head stacks some DVD Box Sets on top of each other before slapping on a VR Headset which warps him and Gumball into Elmore.

Mr DeeP DiSH, Writer, Reviewer, Goddamn Weeaboo. He hoped to gain the power to leap into any fiction of his choosing by bingewatching all of Spongebob, Simpsons, and Fairly OddParents within a split second. Unfortunately for the world tree...

"Wait, What's going on!?"

"W-what. My acne's back!"

He failed.

Anais screams at her non-existant arm before we cut to Nicole and Richard regressing to infancy.

Now, when DeeP DiSH is outraged or upset, a startling metamorphosis occurs.

The fellow's eyes turn bright orange and the whites turn a burning red.


His spine grows these spaded blades on his back as his skull grows more lizardlike with a phallic bladed nose and a squared jaw to offset the draconic transformation he is undergoing. Its shaded face howling at the moon.


The world tree shakes and shifts as the Neighborhood of Elmore degrade in animation quality, Cut to Skuld's lab as a red-headed girl clad in blue picks up a DVD Box Set containing the entire Fairly OddParents Series.

The creature is driven by Nerd Rage and is persued by the sovereign princess of the Valley of the Wind.

"Miss Xandra, Don't make me angry..." The reviewer is desperate to escape the princess who is pointing a rifle at him. "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry..."

The Dragon whips down buildings with his tail before firing his atomic armpits at the Viacom building. We get shots of Nausicaä and the Original Seven

also starring ALISON LOHMAN








Cut to Belldandy and Keiichi getting on a Bus to escape the collapsing reality of Elmore, and the children in front of her dissolve polygon by polygon, Even the CGI Puppet they run over on the way to the portal.

The collapse of the Elmore Branch took the lives of its inhabitants, and supposedly DeeP DiSH along with it. Severe damage done to the world tree necessitating that other universe begin looping as well, certain Administrators believe the creature to be responsible.

"Despite how drop dead sexy it looks, this killer bod of mine is a blatant indicator of an attempted Metacide!" A full 360° rotation of Skuld's fully-developed 'assets' is promply followed by a shot of Blotzilla roaring out loud before cutting away to our hero for the snip attending his own funeral, all the way to the headstone reading ALEXANDER WIL.I.AM CAYFORD on the front

A Metacide DeeP DiSH can never prove that he or the creature didn't commit, so he and every looper he can trust must let the Admins above keep on believing that he, too, is dead. Until fate finally hands him the loop home and allows him freedom from The Zone where Normal Things Don't Happen Very Often

01: Rick and Morty

  • Anchor: Rick Sanchez
  • Loopers: Morty Smith, Jerry Smith, Frankenstein (Universal Movie Monsters), Summer Smith

Day in, Day out

It always on the same day...

Ever since Timberfell, I was looping into this one branch of all places. Somehow I was adapted into the baseline, each loop usually starting with Rick and Baron in 'Nam. It's gotten a bit easier when Baron started looping a while back, but it always hurts when that one day ends my loop, it hurts when I'm stuck with a locked pocket from the destruction of Yggdrasil, it hurts when I'm kept from my tradition of seeking out the good doctor.

It just hurts.... Day in, day out, no end in sight.

Damn it, Frank, what would Ranma do!?

"Frankenstein? I-i-is that-?"

"Whadiya want, Pencilvester?" That name always lingers when you cap off a loop with a bullet to the throat, another of those zany characters who was a parasite more often than not. "Pencilvester! You gotta be kidding me, you're feeling this Deja Vu, too?!"

"Well, I woke up from this terrible nightmare," Pencilvester was having a panic attack as per usual when there's a dangerous situation in store for us... "Rick had a gun aimed at but it was Morty that-!"

"Hehey, slow down, slugger." I smiled to the Survivor of Elmore who has just given me the best Idea I could ever have. "Just talk to Mr. B, he could clue you in on the goings-on 'round here."

"Sure thing, Frankie!" Pencilvester left with a standard salute, marching off for me to send out a Ping to the best butler you could give a license to kill 'round here. I wanted to see if he was around, so I checked the floors to see if it was spotless knowing he always cleaned the floors on thursday. I made sure to check each of the currently empty rooms to see if there was an evidence of BB being real in this loop instead of, well, a parasite.

"I will admit it's Suspicious that Summer's only friend beyond the schoolyard is a magic ballerina lamb that we've never seen." I heard that voice and recognized who it was, throw in the obvious lack of pingback from Baron and I found myself in what Summer would call a Hell of a lot of trouble.

I rushed downstairs from my surveillance point to find Dracula on the couch with his young friend Mina standing by him, Rick was aiming his gun at Summer, Someone I knew for a fact was real. "That is S-Suspicious, we're always hearing about this Tinkles character, but we never get to-"

"Hi, everybody. I'm Tinkles and these are my friends!" The flying sheep soared across with her cute and cuddly compadres in tow. Summer said her usual spiel about her being confirmed real by Tinkles being real. An Oxymoron if you asked me, Nothing left to do but wait for the Barbecue Flashback and call it a day.

I watched as all these Parasites manifested within that flashback and waited til the jig was up. All while talking with a little one, trying to see if I could get her to loop with me. "Look, I know I've been on both sides of the pitchfork throughout my looping life, but I assure you, one of these days you're gonna start looping, too."

"All this because the tree is sick..." Tinkles had a rare frown on her usually chipper face. "So you're saying that soon, I could loop along with you."

"If what I've told you is correct, then yeah..." Even I was not certain.

"And me and Summer could be together!?" Tinkles smiled.

"Together forever, lambchop." I snarked back.

I watched the laser fire sweep away the lives of those psychic bed bugs before me. I raised up my hands and waited for the inevitable, and believe it or not, It was one of those loops where the past I looped into was thankfully real. This did mean I had to visit the grave of the master seas apart from the Smiths, Meaning I had to see the floating heads on the flight back, just missed Tiny Rick's expulsion from school, and watched as Earth was occupied by the Galactic Federation.

And just like that, I was back on the table. Hearing the words of the good doctor, currently alive and well, congratulating himself in succeeding in his goal. "It's alive... IT'S ALIVE!!"

Chapter 2: Eat My Grits

I hate these damn 'Nam loops! The smell of blood oozing onto the dirt, the sound of Napalm bursting through the sky, and the thing that makes this even worse is that Subspace Pockets are locked up so you can't necessarily summon the big G to wrap up the war with a mere blink.

"So, uh... This is a real loop for you, I'm actually witnessing it in my baseline." Rick was at a loss for words in terms of what Frankenstein was doing. "That's neat."

"We're stuck here in the dreaded Vietnam War, gentlemen." The swave, dashing voice of Baron's youth showed uncertainty towards the future. "Neat is not the word I could use to describe this."

"How 'bout Rikki-Tikki-Tabbi!" One of Rick's catchphrases, but it isn't necessarily one without meaning, just ask Birdperson.

"Yeah, Guess 'Why are we still alive?' can cut it for the time being."

Chapter 3: Love never dies

"Summer, I always loved you!"


My eyes snapped open and I felt my heart racing. I looked at Summer, Kindergarten aged as I remember her being during my early life with Summer. The kids were all looking at me, I thought that only true friends could see me...

I rushed to the bathroom and saw my reflection, I wanted to hold back a scream but a familiar scream made it all the more contagious.

In the place of a cute and cuddly critter was a chubby child's face with a mop of messy milk white hair, a plain white dress and bright pink boots. I stretched out my rosey cheeks and looked to the girl behind me and recognized the firey orange locks.


Chapter 4: The Show must Go On

"-- Michael, at your service." the Alien bowed to his new comrade in respect for a fellow ally of Rick. "Just gonna put this up there, I am proud to be among your candidates of potential successors to the Vindication's second-in-command after the... rather grim reasoning towards your promotion."

"Don't mention it, Michael." sighed Robin, cuddling the creature with all the tolerance he can muster up. "If we're being honest here, I'm... not too sure I can live up to TOM in terms of charisma, But it's clear that I've taught TOM everything he knows about leadership and tactics."

Chapter 5:

02: Undertale

  • Anchor: Frisk/Chara
  • Loopers: Asriel, Sans, Undyne, Toriel, Papyrus

Drabble list

  1. Sans returns to his home loop right after the kerfuffle that destroys the world tree as we know it now.
  2. Frisk begins training to at least maintain a tangible layer of magical strength for when the loops inevitably throw a curveball at our heroes.

Chapter 1: Now, I'm home

A lone wheelchair is on the side of the moonlit road when a pudgy little skeleton leapt into the seat and said: "i have highly lethal insomnia!"

Red Week with the Ebott Crew

"heya, pal. you 'member us, doncha? yeah, we're the guys who proposed the big idea to save the multiverse."

About Me

Who filled you in?

First Fused Loop

Favorite Looper

Favorite Event

Other things that you like

Chapter Q

Sans looked at the calendar and saw [D+3][MTH][YR] on the front page, indicating that it was a post-pacifist loop. He got up and yawned like he hadn't in a long time, and made his way to the kitchen. There he saw a dark indigo robot leaning on the table, drunk on magnetized marbles as a small pink pixie tries pulling him back off said table. "To the fallen branches of Fairly Odds and Ben 10, Steven Universe and Evangelion, everything else inbetween so may my prayers and those of the others echo throughout what little remains..."

"TOM, we can still salvage Yggdrasil as long as we've got a Hub backup, we've been over this." try as the pixie might, she struggled to move even a bolt of the bot in question. "We've still got everything we need to fix it, even a few admins left untorched by Timberfell!"

"Buzz off..." The robot whapped away the pixie into a trash can.

"Belldandy's plantation plan can work!" The pixie rushed to fetch a tablet from the counter, her tiny hands struggling to pull it skyward. "We just need a few admins to work out the kinks is all..."

"What about the orphans, SARA. Like Takuya n' Koichi, Yue n' Raava, Bebop crew, not to mention the huge surplus of MLEs activated by Yggdrasil's yeast infection." TOM continued to drown his sorrows as his Ai confidante struggled to reach out.

"Yeah, well Belldandy's already fetched the branches to staple onto her hub drive." SARA stood atop a carton of orange juice to accentuate her point. "As we speak, she's getting her collectiom of universes to loop, even Fire Emblem Fates!"

"Yeah, like that'll loop..." This was when Sans glanced to the robot and started to talk some sense into him.

"I know we had it kinda rough with you know who." Sans picked up his Waffle and bit into it. "But at least we made it out okay."

"Because your branch was quarantined with the others!" TOM then ended up in a fine tirade. "I warned you 'bout my proof against Grandfather looping, but did you listen? Nooooooo...."

"Welp, we're all still here and we're doing our best to get it all back." Sans slid a pop-tart to Frisk and no sooner do they take a bite.

"We'll live."

Chapter 2: Even Rocky had one.

Frisk navigated the obstacle course to prepare for an attack from those dreaded Cavity Creeps. Channeling magic to clutch onto walls, leaping across sloped panels and firing all sorts of spells at speeding targets representing the hollowed husks. The only place where Frisk was allowed to stop was at the peak of the wall climb to press the clear button, and even then there are twelve obstacles between them.

Frisk stepped through the floating tiles from platform to miniscule platform, then through the paddleboards, leaping across the quintuple steps before sliding between the legs of a giant almalgamized spider husk model. All that was left standing between Frisk and the goal was Sonic Curve and the Warped Wall...

And also a few voices shouting: "WE! MAKE! HOLES IN TEETH!"

Frisk looked to see a strainer helmet on the head of the lead, the body was draped in white fabric laced with blue and sported two green-clothed arms and two more below those draped in white. Though the pink boots were pretty on it, the face was as grotesque as ever. The husk in the suit charged forward with a blue-hilted sword aimed at Frisk, only to be dropped into the drink by a monkey flip from the ever-determined human.

"Been a real cheese!" snarked Frisk as they cast a spell against the husk after emerging from the pool, turning the hard light that made up its body into cheddar cheese. Frisk then ignited the cheese for them to chuck the husk in white into the flames so they can engulf its hard light body, causing it to explode into dust, leaving nothing but the gems from their corresponding husks.

"It's just 'Nacho' day, huh, Cavity Creeps."

Chapter 3: Whine and Cheese

"So, this is a special role-playing scenario where characters repeat their lives starting from specific key moments." Frisk explained to their group. "You can come up with your own Jedi characters to traverse through the story."

The group of Roleplayers gave a look to their new Game Master, "The heck's a Jedi?"

"A type of Cheese." responded the man beside Ben, much to Frisk's Chagrin.

"Oh, boy." A typical response towards a world where George Lucas was never born.

It doesn't exactly take a genius to know how hard it would be to get these six young ladies and gentlemen looping with the group.

03: Fire Emblem Awakening

  • Anchor: Robin
  • Loopers: Chrom, Lucina, Lissa, Frederick, Owain

Chapter 1: Mikasa

"A Mikasa Glitch?"

"Yes, but it feels different this time as if the other half's far away..."

"Well, then how far do you think this other half is?"

"Possibly another branch."

"Well, we have to do something..."

"Then what do we suppose we do?"

"Well, fair anchor, since we're here..." The more regal of the voices belonged to a broad-shouldered blunette beside an ivory-haired gentleman in a cloak. The features growing clearer as my eyes opened wide to observe this new land. "Ah, speaking of, guess who's awake?"

"Hey there..." The young pigtailed girl smiled. Her dress shimmering for it was as gold as her hair, her eyes warm and welcoming to the young lady.

"There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, y'know." The white haired tactician took my hand and helped me up like his friend once did for him.

Chapter 2: Starting Fresh

"So I suppose you're all wondering what we're all doing here." Robin was tucking in the young woman from the previous Awakening snip. "Wonder not, for we have come to explain the reasons to the destruction of Yggdrasil and the aftermath of the Mass Ascension event. But enough about how trees were burned to the ground, let's talk about my role in Belldandy's Tree reserve.

Brown Week with Robin and the Shepherds

"My name is Robin, I work as the lead tactician for the Shepherd Army of Yllise, saved the haildom from Valm and the cult of Grimleal, and I am currently one of three chief advisers to Belldandy's makeshift Yggdrasil alongside Sans and Chronoa." Robin walked to a scale model of the aforementioned makeshift Yggdrasil and held it to his head. "While Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick are looping on my end, It will take a long while before the others start looping alongside us. But knowing how these multiverse computers work and factoring in how scaled down the makeshift world tree is compared to the behemoth that had once been our home, It won't exactly be that long until they start to loop as well..."

About Me

"My home loop was first archived in 2012 as a game for the Nintendo 3DS console. The thirteenth and initially the final installment of the Fire Emblem series." Robin pointed to another branch on his Yggdrasil model. "But successful sales numbers lead to another addition to immediately break its records on the spot. And that is where our guest comes into play."

The girl shifted in the bed Robin laid her upon.

Who filled you in?

"Twilight Sparkle. She helped to walk us through the ins and outs of Yggdrasil, she has grown to be a true friend to the shepherds... which makes her absence and lack of intel on her whereabouts all the more disheartening..." Robin glances at a photo with himself, Lucina and the Princess of Friendship. "Which brings us to..."

First Fused Loop

"Equestria." Robin belched out a purple flame which solidifies into a scroll of paper in his hand, he opens up the letter to reveal: "A message from the Doctor. 'Silver Quill has taken his newfound role of Anchor into the office of designated leader of Equestria, I was asked by KP to send help.' That can't be good."

Favorite Looper

"Though me and Twilight are pretty close, my dream is to become a companion to the Doctor." Robin lifted an arm of a familiar scarf "Preferably one from the classic eight regenerations."

Favorite Event

"I had the chance to flex my tactical muscle during Timberfell, but that was a nightmare for everyone involved." Robin pressed his hand against his head in shame for being unable to have helped more than the others would have allowed. "I guess I'll have to go with attending Nyx Sparkle's wedding, as it's a testiment to free will."

Other things that you like

"Reading is quite enjoyable for fellows like myself, especially about the exploits of the Original Seven spearheaded by the first looper: Ranma Saotome" Robin leaned against his chair, "All his adventures make for great individual novels in his baseline alone. With the time in which he acted as the leader of the Bloodstone resistance was the perfect capstone to Timberfell."

Robin placed his hand against the globe in mourning. "But the thing with the MLE in question was that he acts to strip away any or all options we have. His sacrifice was one of the few that we had left, but believe it or not, we have survived."

Chapter 3: Hierarchy

-Robin, TOM and Ranma discuss the leadership amongst the loopers with Doctor Ian Malcom.-

"It's going to work, I promise." Ian marched beside the first anchor. "Drazzl is going to revolutionize the way we keep in contact with fellow loopers."

"Look, We appreciate the effort, Doc." Urd layed against one of many windowside control panels as she read from her kindle device. "But no amount of MLE interference is going to change our minds."

"But a greatly diminished pool of looping universes certainly would." Doctor Malcom began to pace the room, with the Admins in front of them showing concern for the future "If anything, the destruction of Yggdrasil could do a number to us... Better safe than sorry..."

The scientist walked away as Skuld analyzed the fruit of SogothChan's labors on her Google pixel phone. She then glanced to Belldandy who was also on Drazzl, tinkering with her Admin level account. "It's certainly intuitive, I can give it that."

"But it's kind of difficult to influence every drip of Yggdrasil." Urd slumped into her office chair.

"It's probably why he mentioned the destruction of Yggdrasil, like we can rebuild from That!" Skuld tightly clutched her phone as she looked to her sisters. "Ranma... What if we don't make it... What are we gonna do then..."

"Bell or Madoka." The two goddesses reacted to the words of the taskmaster with utter surprise. "Depends on which of the two survive the MLE's scheme."

"I'll keep the operating systems of Yggdrasil stable upon mass ascension." Bell glanced to Madoka. "You figure out a system to gather the branches that fall from the tree."

"Right, and Ranma?" The Martial Artist glanced to the pinkette as she laid out a holo-map, displaying the current layout of Yggdrasil "These are the fourty-two branches that have been infected, We've quarantined as much of Yggdrasil as we can. We're pending an activation of the whole Citadel of Ricks as a last resort to restore Yggdrasil to its normal state. With the damage Hurricane Peter being bad enough to rope admins into infiltrating loops and risking their lives against [DATA EXPUNGED], it'll be up to you to guide whoever's left."

"But what if I want to end this here and now, eh!? What If I feel the need to avenge the branches this dastard ate!?" Ranma was fired up to face this new opponent, even after so many comrades were lost. "What then, huh!?"

"...Then you need someone to pass the torch onto."

Chapter 4: E is for Eggs

It was a fine Yllesian morning

Chapter 5: Dragonbind

"I don't know, you guys. Most of us are pretty omnivorous here, but to go full carnivore at a Restaurant Loop?"

"Nowi, I understand it can be difficul-" Robin's words fell on deaf ears as the Manakete gorged on a full plate of three Bacon Cheeseburgers. "Nevermind all that..."

Gregor felt concern for his comrade. "Listen, Nowi. I understand your taste is rather basic, but If you have the decency to share your food."

"I'll tell you when I'll share with you by myself, thank you very much!" sneered Nowi, "I am a growing girl, after all."

"Well, you're gonna grow fatter if you gorge as much as you're doing right now." protested Robin, not wanting to let his troops end up as ginormous tubs of lard.

"C'mon, what's the worst that could happen?" At that point, A tall, muscular white-haired man marched forward to the counter and made his order.

"Triple Prime Smokehouse with a side of Baked White Cheddar Bacon Mac ‘n Cheese." The man in the Pioneer's Cap spoke in his Southern Drawl. "And for desert, Ultimate Chocolate Cake."

"Would that be all, sir?" asked the waitress of the establishment to which the man whispered into her ear something that sounded like a Man v. Food Challenge waiting to happen. "Two orders of Three Hundred Triple Prime Smokehouse Burgers, each with a side of Mac 'n Cheese-"

"To stuff inside the Burger." pointed out the man.

"Quite." The Waitress expressed disgust with what Nowi accepted as a Challenge. "And three hundred cakes for each one?"

"I accept your challenge!" Chimed Nowi to Robin's utter horror.

It didn't exactly take a genius to know how thick the calories could stack up.

04: Dragonball Xenoverse

  • Anchor: Chronoa
  • Loopers: Dumplin, Towa, Puddin, Cooler

Chapter 1: Dumped

About Me

Who filled you in?

First Fused Loop

Favorite Looper

Favorite Event

Other things that you like

Chapter 1: Setup

Dumplin glanced at the pile of papers that Chronoa was writing on alongside his wife, and immediately he asked the obvious. "What's with all these droids marching around?"

"Ah! The new breeding system! Hey, Tantor, could you get the little-" A muscular fellow dropped a pile of notes and a few games onto the screen "Thanks, now the thing we're planning with this 'Project: Deeprealm' thing is we gather the children of loopers from possible realities and educate them about the loops and guide them through a few gameplay loops with Towa here guiding each graduate from a run of a random Pokémon game to the latest version of our own Xenoverse."

"Mommiiiiieeeee!!!!!!!" Cheered the Demon Goddess' cheerful young daughter, Puddin. "I can't believe you're actually working with the Kai!"

"Now, Puddin. This is strictly a business-only venture brought about to keep Yggdrasil alive after the Timberfell incident." Towa sorted the papers into a straight stack in her hands then laid it on her desk as she got out of her desk to look into a filing cabinet. "The fact that we've lost a few admins among the hundreds of loopers who fought the MLE responsible."

Puddin then hugged her mother, held her tight. "I'm proud of you, mom."

"Of course you'd be this way, you're my ever-nieve daughter." smiled Towa. "The problem now is that there is now a looping bio-android on the run."

"Keep calm and trust the dump, my little Tow Truck." Snarked the Demon God. "Dumplin and the Puddin' Patrol are on the case!"

"Just be sure to keep that buffoon Mira out of the way if he isn't awake to the loops."

Chapter 2: Shovelware

"Cooler-sama..." Puddin smiled as she held up her Fribble (chocolate chip cookie-dough) to the elder arcosian prince. "You're gonna miss the sho-ow... ;-3"

"And knowing you, it is far from a mere sport..." Cooler made his way to the table his wife had occupied for the two of them. "I shutter to think what this game entails."

The Majin girl pointed to a Table nearby the Ruby Tuesday kitchen where a muscular fellow and a manakete gorged on Hamburgers as the 12th Doctor roared to the cooks in the Kitchen to shovel out more burgers. "Come on, then! Keep serving them the burgs! You've only got five hundred sixty-three burgers left so hustle!"

"YES CHEF!" This incarnation was proving to be like if Son Goku regenerated into this Gordon Ramsey type of fellow. More personality than what his Hub medium portrayed him with, that's for sure. Just another reason why Steven Moffat's shortcomings following Season 5 have tainted the time lord's timeline, Speaking of which...

"Would you mind getting your own damn drink!?" Cooler yelled to the galifreyan anchor's previous incarnation.

"Sure, why not, I'm more into strawberry myself especially when I'm taking in how sickeningly sweet this place is!" The mad man with a Fez smiled as he took in his surroundings. "All this from a Jedi Dynasty! Just the way I love my favorite species, Indomitable."

I don't have the heart to tell him here and now, maybe when someone pockets a Dalek Progenitor.

Chapter 3: Break it down

"So you're putting each looper-spawn through a nuzlocke-"

"Before plopping them here!" Doctor Malcom was in a branch where a nuzlocke was ensuing.

05: NiGHTS

  • Anchor: NiGHTS
  • Loopers: Will, Helen

Chapter 1: Awakening

Chapter 2: A waking NiGHTmare

"Okay, testing, testing." A young man adjusted his bow-tie and flashed a cheeky grin as he reached for a brush to comb back his mussy purple hair. While he brushed his locks, he rubbed a visible lump on his neck. "My voice is that low, that's very odd."

He opened the door of his TARDIS to meet his Original Dreamers, fully-grown for this loop as well as a moustachioed fella in a militaristic suit. "Mister Brigadier, Sir. Is this earnestly the Doctor?"

"Why, yes, Madame Sinclair." The Brigadier spoke. "Though he has regenerated into a more... loopier form, he is still the same gentleman who saved you from the Spider. He's just had his personality traits shuffled about is all..."

"Sir Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, I presume." Asked the Nightmaren-turned Time Lord as he fetched a Sonic Screwdriver from his back pocket. "I take it there's a branch out of place, yes?"

"Very... 'yes', Doctor." The Brig's expression turned to that of subtle reluctance but stern anticipation of the madman he'd usually find in the blue box before him. "If I may, shall I persue a moment with him alone, Mister Edwards, Miss Sinclair."

"Well put, sir." piped Elliot as he took Claris away from sight as he stroked the soul patch below his lower lip. It is there that the Brigadeer confronts the Nightmaren-turned-Time Lord on his true nature.

"I take it you're here in the Doctor's Place on urgent business from the Time Lords." Spoke Alistair with a stern but yet suspicious tone to his voice "Guess that explains how Time has repeated itself for the past several half-centuries of my existence."

"You're aware of the Loops?" Asked the so-called 'Doctor'

The Brig merely nodded "So, what's keeping my usual comrade away from his responsibilities at UNIT?"


A box of severed tree branches lay on the floor to illustrate what the 'maren sought to put across.

"I see, so the world tree has been destroyed by a... Mass Ascension event, was it?" asked the Brigadier. NiGHTS simply nodded with remorse. "So who's left?"

"Not counting myself, we have Sonic and most of his friends with Blaze, Shadow and Silver falling in the Final Stand of Yggdrasil. Nabiki's the only looper left from the Original Seven Branches, they're all stuck as archived data. Batman, Iron Man, Megaman, I think Mace Windu was activated to assist Yoda." NiGHTS recounts "But as of this moment, we're fishing out the severed branches left by the fallout under our acting leader TOM just to say that we're a fraction of the community that it once was."

"Oh, dear..." The Brigadier reflected on the sheer fruitlessness of war as he looked to the branches of the tree. "At least the Doctor is Safe..."

"Yeah, he wisely chose to sit out all the battles and plan out tactics from here in his home branch." NiGHTS started picking up branches. "It's why we have the remaining admins of Yggdrasil form the Innortal Rose Society to create a more tangential relationship with Admins and Loopers."

"A world where loopers and admins work in unison? Doesn't that sound familiar" Sir Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart felt right at home with the similarities to UNIT this new IRS sports, despite sharing an acronym with a certain inevitability of life. "Say, do you have any Jelly Babies in your back pocket?"

Chapter 3: dunk

Puffy was starting to feel annoyed at the Traitor.

It was bad enough that NiGHTS could knock her to and fro when they took flight, but being a class below them whilst they juggled Donbalon, herself and a metal capsule housing a moustachioed overweight white man with the hands of their very creator was just insulting.

"Come on, then. Tell me why hasn't Wizeman upgraded you yet?" asked NiGHTS ever curiously. "Seriously, Reala's given me the most challenge out of all of you, he even turned up against two other visitors."

NiGHTS Juggling Puffy with Wizeman's Hands.

06: MLP (Brony Analysis)

  • Anchor: Silver Quill
  • Loopers: Dr. Wolf, Commander Firebrand

Chapter 1: Trouble afoot

"I must say, this is very troubling..." Dr. Wolf pulled a book from his desk in the Ponyville library, being the place that housed Twilight before her time as the Princess of Friendship. "Not only are we trapped in this time abyss due to unforseen events and conflicts, but now we're among the only ones who are able to see the now blanked out ponies we've lost to this destruction of the Tree."

"Gotta admit, the way the tree got itself trashed was... unnerving at best." Commander Firebrand was pacing around with his hoof planted on his head. "And with the Mane Six mushed and all our other pony loopers munched out, we don't exactly have enough manpower to plow through it."

"Well, there's us, y'know, the ponies, wolf and hypogrif that Belldandy switched on." Lightning Bliss flew up to Twilight's vacant room and fluffed a pillow for herself. "We're the only loopers left in the branch, or twig right now..."

"Yeah, I know... It's all a matter of waiting for Admins to fetch more branches to staple to their makeshift world trees" KP glanced to her hooves, furious at how she couldn't help in the Battle of Lyoko. "When I get my hands on that Bloodstone that absorbed Discord, I will make that thing pay!"

"Don't lose focus, KP." The Equestrian Army Commander reassured the cyan pegasus. "As long as we keep our guard against the bloodstone collective, we can hopefully find a way to restore our fallen friends to normal. We will save Discord, I promise as a friend."

"Well, gentlemen. Looks like we've got work to do if we're looking to fix up Equestria and save our looping brethren." Silver Quill then opens the door to greet his royal subjects. "Come, my followers. Your High Anchor demands more cowbell!"

Chapter 2Z: C-3PO (Crossoverpairinglover)

"Protocol Droid: PUNCH!"

The most dramatic punch that C-3PO had ever delivered someone struck the Grand Moff in the face, knocking him to the ground in pain as the golden droid shuffled himself over to the controls of the most fearsome weapon in the galaxy, the Death Star.

Well, not really anyway. As it turned out, there were a lot of even more horrifying weapons out there. It was as if everyone in the past and the future knew of the Death Star and wanted to attempt to trump it, or do their own version of Luke, Wedge and Han's daring fighter strikes on it.

Yet, the Death Star was easily the most iconic of all of them, and by far the easiest to obtain on a regular basis for loopers.

Working the navigation controls, 3PO set the coordinates to somewhere where he could get help in removing all of the incapacitated Storm Troopers and Imperials. After all, you could not pocket organic life forms.

Plus, who would want to keep Tarkin around in your pocket as a pet?


Equestria was known for panicking.

If the sky was red, they panicked.

If Discord was elected mayor, they panicked even if they voted for him.

If Pinkie Pie calmed down, they went beyond panicked.

So, as one might suspect the moment the giant grey sphere of death appeared in the sky over Ponyville the locals began to panic.

For the loopers was probably just a matter of some concern.

"Didn't he already do this already?" Spike the dragon noted as he, Twilight, Rarity and Applejack gathered immediately below the Death Star, ready to knock back a death ray if necessary.

"I don't think this is Anakin guys...the guy's a little less subtle" Applejack noted the lack of orchestrations or flier formations.

Turning her head to Rarity, she narrowed her eyes "You don't have anything else on order for him, do you?"

Rarity shook her head "Goodness no. I am actually ahead of all my special orders at the moment, I can finally work on some projects for curiosities sake again. Like..."

"Master Anakin isn't available this loop, I'm actually here for my own reasons"

The gathered Equestrians, and Spike, turned sharply around to see the golden Protocol Droid. At the moment he was dressed as if he was a Lawyer, with a fancy suit, a tie decorated in R2 units, and a briefcase.

Apparently he was here for business of some sorts.

"Um, why are you dressed like a Lawyer? Discord doesn't owe you money, does he?" Twilight wasn't sure if 3PO had learned Equestria's court system yet. A court drama loop was not what she wanted at the moment.

"Do I really look like a Lawyer? Odd, I was going for entrepreneur" C-3PO said with some disappointment "And to think I got this suit fitted and everything..." the droid managed to get back on track though "Oh, now where was I? Oh yes, I was hoping to enlist the help of Mistress Rarity, and perhaps Mistress Applebloom and a few others who have time to spare while I am here, to help me begin work on my dream".

"Your dream?" Rarity questioned, her curiosity rising. Perhaps this loop would not simply be one where she tinkered with Geass Boots.

"Oh yes, my dream" 3PO rose his non-briefcase arm up and pressed a button on it. The arm began projecting a holographic image between the Equestrians and the Droid, that of a center court area of what looked like a mall, with what looked like a fountain with a center statue of George Lucas spewing forth water inside it.

Thousands of numbers and letter were spinning off in the side: The Bar Floor, the Shopping Floor, the Arcade Floor, the Basketball Floor, the Quidditch Floor, the Turbo Duel Floor, the Pokemon Arena Floor and countless others.

"This is my project aimed at making something of my time in the loops: I call it C-3PO's Entertainment Galactoplex, name subject to change. 21336 floors of Entertainment, the best in the Multiverse and all staffed and maintained by re-purposed B1 battle droids. Everything that a looper could want I plan to provide, and accepting all forms of currency. Credits, Berries, Wulongs, Poke..."

Twilight blinked at what was probably going to be the loop's biggest example of Capitalism in shock "Well...I guess if you want to go in, you should go all in."

Chapter 2: A Horse's Patoot

"And if you look to your left you'll see our marvelous mantlepiece with a matte painting of this fine establishment's founder C-3PO." Silver Quill walked us through the lobby of the monolithic facility. "Currently the only known surviving looper from the Star Wars branch, he started this joint with quite a few loopers ranging from minor faces to mighty legends, Luke and Ani's Entertainment Galactoplex is a monument to the loopers that persisted past the storms and to the loopers that paid the ultimate price."

Our attention was shifted towards the wall of names and faces that stood to the side of us, names like Rainbow Dash, Son Goku and Clark Kent were written in silver whilst the names in gold such as Yusei Fuuto, Twilight Sparkle and Anakin Skywalker symbolized their contribution to the facility. "From Yusei's advancements in Turbo Duel Technology to Pinkie Pie's pre-programmed party plans programmed just with the schematics alone, Built-in Hyperbolic Time Chamber with up to seven straight days per customer and adjustable age and gravity features for when you want proof, this place has everything you could possibly want in a Vacation Loop."

"Excuse me, but these names are of those who are no longer with us, right?" I asked to the tour guide as he struts through the halls. "But they're still activated loopers that can never be de-activated until the end of the loops, is that right?"

"Yes, but their souls have been scrunched into a casing made from the carbon that once made up their bodies." A smaller wolf, a biped in a vest, rolled forth on a segway machine. "It is a difficult process to figure out how we could free the loopers on the wall."

"So there's hope for freedom..." I asked to the wolf on the segway, "and paradise, too?"

"I suppose a loop into paradise would be a viable reward from your world," The smaller wolf put a paw to his mussle. "I don't see why it wouldn't be the case should you do something big for us, like freeing a looper from its casing."

I kneeled within the context of my human illusion and vowed to serve this Innortal Rose Society by all means necessary.

"Registry for the IRS is at the 2600th floor."

Chapter 3: Rigged

"And we're here in the land of Nohr for the King's Choice Awards!" Silver Quill marched alongside the purple carpet. "If you're just joining us, we are about to give out Favorite Cartoon."

Doctor Wolf held the blimp to the side of his head: "And the Nominees are Loud House, Teen Titans Go!, SpongeBob Squarepants, and Steven Universe."

Silver Quill kneeled to Garon as he sat on the throne "Magesty."

"You say this 'Spongeboy' has won nine of these blimps before?" Garon was confused at the design of the trophy, but made his decision upon seeing Silver Quill nodding in confirmation. "Then I guess I'm going with that."

"THE KING OF NOHR HAS SPOKEN!" The audience cheered as a recycled SpongeBob clip was played on the giant screen. The Royal Subjects merely cheered for their king as Dr Wolf sat down with regret.

"Admittedly, This was still a much more honest method of awarding Favorite Cartoon than the actual KCAs..."

07: Fire Emblem Fates

  • Anchor: Corrin

Prologue: Bloodstone

"Fire at will."

Arrows, Spells, and these odd fluids shower over and throughout Sumeragi. He collapsed in seering pain over the searing pain he found himself in, shocked to see the gemstones Garon had offered him manifest themselves as these incomplete shells of pure nothingness. The forms they took were of shriveled humanoid lizard-zombie creatures, their eyes empty and red, acting as extensions for a darker power.

"This is how the great Sumeragi fares against incomplete vessels performing a shoddy immitation of a trap destined by the baseline." Spoke the leftside head, a mustachioed mouth adorned with tusks. His bald head contrasting with the large tuft atop the buffalo-horned crown on the righthand side. "Very dissatisfactory. Wouldn't you think so, Mr. Wink."

"I'm amazed this isn't even the best trap, Mr. Fibb." The three-headed husk opened up its torso, a mouth between its drooping breasts through its starchy waist proceeded to bite into the high Shogun of Hoshido by pulling him in through the medical gaws wrapped upon the wrist of its lower arms. The blood that gushed from that bite and the foul creatures' repeated chant of 'WE! MAKE! HOLES IN TEETH!' was more than enough for me to charge in with full force, piercing the cavity between said once ample bussom as the husk glared in shock. I tore through its chest to reveal the harlot donning the mask: Arete. I saw the jewel flower break into the nine bloodstones it was ultimately made from, the jewel flower she promised to give me on this night... If she knew what this ornament could do, she'd probably have used the husk to ensnare Sumeragi and have him bite into me the way she bit into him. Angered and ashamed, I glared to the other twelve beings who were just as shriveled as the husk that I had struck down.

"Yeah, uh... could you hand me those Heliotropes with the arms?" The upper body was plated with actual barrels while the head sported a roll of gaws. "They're mine and I, uh, I don't feel comfortable pulling out the Keesh I've got in the oven with arms that are filled with soda po-"

I chopped off the top of his head and sure enough, the husk dissolved into smoke to reveal one of Sumeragi's troops, confirming my fears and cementing the failure of our negotiations with Hoshido. So I began mowing down troops one by one, watching the blood gush through with each chop and slash. Before I knew it, I was down to three husk to mow down. I cast Arcfire towards a flying husk in red and green, causing the Hoshidan to go down in my flames. Next was a flamboyantly dressed being in black with red sleeves, red fluffed shorts and spiked shoes, the only thing that seemed alien was the metal ring pulling up his paper thin lips to reveal his decayed gums. I put down my axe and drew Arete's Gunglari, dragging it on the pavement faster and faster to ignite a barrier that draws metal.

-Damn it, Alu, focus! You're stuck with the head of a dentist, the legs of a golfer, and the torso of a pedophillic spank-happy vampire. But despite everything, you still got your arms, you still got your core, So you are required! By fucking law! NOT! TO!-"PANIC!" Sure enough, the metal ring around his head was pulled towards my blade as it cleaved off his throat. Admittedly, this was the more well put-together of the twelve-to-be-thirteen husks I've slain.

"Arm Combo!" A voice howled in the distance, I aimed my eyes to find... A husk in a brown hat knitting a doyley. Not sure what this means, but I guess a Thoron through the lungs should do it. "NONONONONONONOTHETOMMYDOESN'TWANNADI-!"

And like that, it was over in a wink. All thirteen husks were slain, their crystals scattered over the ground with Hoshidan corpses as the proof of their existence. I couldn't help but feel ashamed of how these soldiers were possessed by these entities that watched Arete strike down the noble king they were sworn to protect, All because she passed these bloodstone flowers to our humble guests.

Garon was taking a sip of his tea when he heard Sumeragi's last gasp, so he rushed out to find me. First he saw was my Axe in her chest, and watched as I mowed the soldiers down with my book and my blade. To say he was saddened to see another one of his concubines slain by the power struggle that smothered the once lively Nohrian Court was quite the understatement. "How could this happen."

"It might have to do with the gift that Arete intended to give to our Hoshidan guests, she said she wanted to give one... to me." This revelation caused Garon's heart to sink into despair, that could have been me ravaging his already struggling country under the influence of one of these flowers so I hid it under another outcome. "Arete's intentions might have been all it took to seal his fate, but Sumeragi's stubbornness saved his soul from a much grimmer fate."

"Stubborn to the end, perhaps that was why I found it difficult to negotiate with him..." Garon composed himself and acted to gather the stones, clutching the bud of the flower laid beside the body of the once-proud dutchess. "Gather the stones, if these things are their cores then we must not let any of its pieces connect to it lest we repeat the same catastrophe."

"Lord knows what could happen if all of a flower's petals match with its bud." My concern for these retched ornaments struggled to see me crush one beneath my feet to be extra safe, but I had more pressing concerns to deal with. "Garon, did you get any of your concubines pregnant again?"

Garon hesitated, but meekly nodded in compliance. "I'll be expecting within a few moons."

"Good, then the child's birth shall be marked with the final execution." Garon began his march back to the castle before I noticed the small child laying in fear for the monsters that took his father. "Garon."

Garon's attention redirected itself towards a bawling child crying out for its now deceased father. "You poor thing, orphaned by these... bloodstones... at such a tender young age..."

"You are my child now..."

Chapter 1: Nohr

"So let me get this straight, you brought in a marble flower that somehow fell from a box?" The dopey-haired young lad pointed to the maiden who was tending to the two children as she held aloft the stone in question. "Don't you think it's a little strange that the queen is desperate to get her mitts on these things?"

The little girl meekly asked "Maybe they're like money here?"

"Bullshop! We know they've got a gold standard, so we may as well drop that thought!" The boy frowned at the girl, the woman beside them putting on the broach. "And the stones are all loosely hanging, too!"

"I got one of them to hang in..."

"Look, I didn't mean to. We got stuck somewhere in a midival kingdom, one of us in a worse situation than the other, and I'm just concerned about this flower thing. We've got to tell the king and queen." At this exact moment, a woman on a high horse marched out of the wardrobe. A crown adorning her blonde-haired head as she glanced back and forth for this crystal.

"No need, I traced the scent to this household." The queen began to get out her axe. "I'm amazed you managed to find a full flower. I just hope to christ that it isn't bonded to blood at this late hour or worse: complete."

"Does complete mean all the pieces fit together?"

"Yesssssssssss..." A hissing sound, the queen illuminated the spot where our current caretaker was, but in her place was a fedora-wearing shriveled husk of a creature with rolls of toilet paper on his wrists. The creature snarled and mashed its teeth while the children frightenly jumped from their feet. Katerina merely prepared to cause its defeat.

"Has this ever happened to you?"

An army of old crones marching through an elaborate Treehouse and ageifying the soldiers present.

"A bloodstone monster attacking your world in an effort to find all six of its missing parts to complete its existence?"

An artist's rendition of an Army of bloodstone "Senior Citizombies" made from Nohr's forces

"Therefore causing an apparent Zombie apocalypse when really all that they're doing..."

A man in a Toilet-themed costume getting magically aged...

"Is converting body mass into seven more bloodstones controlled by a hivemind of sorts while converting fluids into hard plasma. But more Importantly..."

The queen impaled (The Tommy's) forehead with extreme prejudice.

"Did you live to tell the tale thanks to the noble queen of the kingdom who-"

The two children are holding aloft swords in their hands with another child with messy white hair as opposed to the short cut of Andy.

"Took you under her wing as her son's personal retainers and contractual best buds..."

We cut to a room in the northern tower. A wheeled office chair rolled into view, the person sitting in it is the girl, now grown up into finely toned young woman. "Then you, sir, could be a looper!"

Purple Week with Bonnie Anderson, Andy Davis, and Prince Corrin of Nohr.

"So yeah, this was our first loop together with me and Andy together, trapped in a faraway land in a faraway kingdom! This was the kind of fantasy I dreamed about back when I was the little tyke you saw in the opening sequence." Bonnie held aloft a piece of the marbled flower. "See this? This is the spinepiece petal of the bloodstone that attacked us, it was loose so It didn't match up with the core unlike with the headpiece betal which was kind of a perfect fit. This is the only part of the flower I was allowed to keep from that day, since the heads activate the matching core. But enough about Jewelry, I bet you wanna know about me and my friends!"

About Me

"I don't think I belong here since I live someplace in San Francisco, a place that seems pretty alien to them, but this world was backed up on a Vidya stream up the 3DS on 2015-2016 through the lenses of Intelligent Systems. It was the third game to incorporate personalized units and Casual Mode, though heavily criticised for their Deeprealm Mechanic which is a bounceback from an old mechanic from the previous game." She then laid her feet up onto the oaken chest that acted as her desk. "Now, I never really played a Fire Emblem game in my life, so of course I'd be a bit lost when it comes to learning world history such as Hero King Marth slaying the dragon or the Ylisean royal bloodline."

Who filled you in?

"Uh, no one, really. Like I said, this is the first loop we're on right now and I don't think we know much about its mechanics." Bonnie rubbed the back of her head. "Though I guess you could argue that I've been looping through my dreams, guided by a guy who I honesty saw as my imaginary friend at first."

First Fused Loop

Bonnie pans to Andy who is using a scale replica of the Exhalted Falchion to make toast. "Next question, please."

Favorite Looper

"TOM, Hands Down!" Bonnie then lines up a few drawings she made. "If I'm not spending my dreams in a fused loop with him, I'm sharing my art with him on Drazzl. It's this Social Network from a neighboring world tree, we use it to connect to Orphan Loopers who have taken refuge in these patchwork world trees as well as those in the midst of a loop in these aforementioned trees."

Bonnie then shows a few Smash Trophies of iconic loopers on her desk, she starts fawning a little. "Back to TOM, I learned of the history and mechanics of the loops throughout my teen years and overtime, I even got a few nights in hosting Toonami! So yeah, TOM's a good friend of Nohr."

Favorite Event

"It's hard to choose, though... The wedding between Spike and Rarity was quite romantic, but the Crash brought some lessons to be inevitably learned." Bonnie placed her finger upon her lip. "Although it was Hurricane Billy that helped resolve a few story arcs and awaken several loopers as well, I'm still biased to the legends of the original seven, warts and all!"

Other things that you like

"Well, the fact that I'm talking to you on the internet means that I'm pretty damn tech savvy. There's also how I bring Andy and all fourteen Nohrian princes and princesses out to play baseball every so often since my twelfth birthday." Bonnie's voice immediately dropped upon mentioning: "But don't you dare put me in a dress! Garon ultimately found out my reasons as to why the hard way during my quincenera..."

"Bottom line, even after being ripped from my home for... what is it, a decade now? I'm a relatively well adjusted young woman, open to any challenge that comes my way, on behalf of Andy, Corrin, and the Royal Family of Nohr. Bring on the loops!"

Chapter A


Chapter B


Chapter C


Chapter 2: Confusion

"Good Morning, Big Brother!"

"Ngh... Mornin', Mila..." the voice sounded like her, she was older than Corrin by about a year or two. To say that she teased her troops to a tee was a bit of an understatement. Really bold and notoriously rowdy, she was magnificently unafraid of any risk in her path for better and for worse. Her court etiquette most unorthodox, even more so than our currently late brother Marius, to the point where she takes a lot of delight in confusing newcomers about what she looks like by just changing her appearance very often and leaving the new people guffawing (and hopefully awed). She always gets a kick out of pulling pranks on her brothers and sisters... Y'know, if enough of them are alive in a single day's loop.

And sure enough, she was wearing Corrin's garb, la-di-freakin'-da. "That the best you got, Mila? Or are you saving up for a big number on Xander next week?"

"Mila, what are you talking about?" The girl's expression changed to a look of pure confusion. "I'm Kelana, the princess who signs your checks."

That was enough for me to jump out of bed without the added help of the Ice Tribe's signature spells. How could this broad be Corrin? "Let me guess, a genderswap?"

"Naw, I've always been like this." Clearly not the best question to ask, so I'm going to change tactics. "The problem I've got to ask is where were you when I wound up on the fields of Yllise?"

"Oh, uh..." Gods! She's been to Yllise? Then that means our Corrin's been swapped into her place in wherever she ended up on that branch. "We've been tending to a house guest... By any chance, have you seen Princess Mila?"

"Never even heard of her." So she's been tampered with, too? "But I've heard whispers of an Emil being the 6th prince of Nohr like how I am the 6th princess... But he was snuffed in the pram so I guess he doesn't matter now."

Yikes... So it's one of those days. While only five out of the fourteen princes and princesses remain alive on a consistent day-to-day basis, the fates of our other siblings are very cloudy to say the least. Some days Marius ends up dying to poison, others see him succumb to the wounds of a Hoshidan trap. Some days Jeremiah is executed for being deemed useless to Nohr following his loss in a magical duel against Leo, others saw him exiled to Hoshido where he probably ended up a prisoner if not killed outright anyway.

My mind wandered back to Mila, Considering the life they lead, she apparently spent her early years struggling and coming to terms with her lifestyle, but with some support from the big sibs, she came out of it more assured in her confidence. There’s also the part where her mother Danica has connections to Theresa, another one of our sibs, so in part they would have to struggle with that part of their identity, too. An example being how long Damian took to inevitably warm up to her, but she's eager to win their uncertain siblings’ respect by any means necessary. I'll admit that it will feel empty with Mila gone for the first time in what, nine months. But I've managed to enjoy the quiet from a lack of Thomas' whining or Liselotte's foul language before, so I guess I can manage with the prankster princess out of my hair for a day or two.

"Bon, you might wanna look at our sister."

Chapter 3: The day arrives

"You aren't scared of our King's opinion on your presence... are you, Bonnie?" Lillith's words were cautious in tone, but I ultimately brushed it all off.

"C'mon, I've been through zanier loops than these before I even hit puberty." I reclined against my seat. "I know for a fact that I can handle a grumpy dad, so just chill, Lil. I got this."

"Ugh... Fine." The stable girl clutched her arms and looked out the window. "Just don't even try to embarrass us out in-"

"AAAAAAHHLOLA WINDMIREEEEE!!!!!!" my voice echoed across the underground citadel and the city it was built around, gaining the attention of my siblings. So I kept my voice low for the time being, eagerly awaiting the moment where we grace Corrin's dad with our presence.

Garon and Katerina sat upon their respective thrones, no doubt this was a day where both King and Queen were alive and well. I checked the court and counted the princes and princesses lined up to watch over the lot of us. The usual suspects were there of course, Xander, Leo, Camilla and Elise. But also standing were Marius, Diantha, Thomas, and Liselotte. We were halfway to a full family reunion, but deep down I knew it was just for one night. I was never one to back down from a time to shine, so me and my buddies made our way to the king and queen.

"I see you and your consorts have made it here safely, Corrin." Garon's grimace was enough to send a shiver down our spine, but it was the sort of stern from a typical father.

Corrin nodded with agreement and compliance to his mother and father. "Long have I wished to see you and visit Castle Krakenburg again. I feel like I’m dreaming…"

"It is only thanks to your diligence that you are here. I am told you are now a warrior almost on par with Xander, are you not?" Katerina's voice was that of a proud, noblewoman willing to protect her children by any means necessary. "You finally possess the strength to be an instrument of Nohr’s power in the world."

"But, Mother, will he be all right outside of the fortress?" Elise worried out loud.

Camilla was quite unnerved as well... "I worry about that as well. Isn’t it dangerous for Corrin and his consorts to live outside the fortress’s magical barrier?"

"I appreciate your concern," Corrin let out a faint smile. "but I earned my way here and I’m ready to fight."

See, Nohr's resources are in a bit of a crunch right now and thus, is now at war with the eastern kingdom of Hoshido as a final resort invoked after a perfect storm of stubborn kings, concubine power games, and even an outbreak of Cavity Creeps. The Royal Family me and Andy will now be paid to serve under are descendants of the ancient gods of the continent: the First Dragons. These inheritors of their divine strength can protect their land and conquer those in their way with ease. One can see that through how Queen Katerina slam-dunked the Cavity Creep that tried to eat us the day we arrived in Nohr, or how she effortlessly destroyed an army of them during a failed negotiation meeting with the eastern country. We trained with Corrin's dozen sibs each day we got, albeit without relying on monthly calendars and such to keep track of which sibs were alive and which ones weren't.

"Your brothers and your sisters have proven themselves worthy of using this power and you've certainly shown your share of promise so I expect no less of you." The queen then opened her briefcase to find a suitable weapon for us to serve Nohr. So she got out the very sword that she has used to fell plenty of Cavity Creeps over the past fourteen years.

"T-th-th-the Ganglari!" I was awestruck by the glow of the blade brought by the sword being infused with Valmeese magic from across the pond. And now it was Corrin's turn to mow down the Hoshidan Armies the same way the queen did to the Cavity Creeps from way back when. "Shmowzow, Corrin, you have hit the family heirloom jackpot!"

"Thank you for this generous gift, Mother..." Corrin's expression was priceless.

Xander, however, was not impressed with its gift. "Generous indeed."

"Now, let us see how much of that idiot girl's influence rubbed off on you, my child." As you've heard, Garon does not think too highly of me. But that's to be expected when you're a foreigner from another, more technologically advanced world entirely, he does not want his children to be weak and sedated by the modern luxuries we have today. I commend him for that, as I'll admit it can get monotonous when it comes to the things a basic looper like myself can do on Drazzl, hence all the blogging and content creation features I now use regularly to share with you guys.

"Bring out the prisoners!" The soldiers complied with Garon and brought out two asian-like people, one in full ninja garb, another with barely anything on, both adorned with chainless shackleson their necks. No doubt those were prisoners from a recent skirmish with Hoshido and thus needed some pruning out. What I didn't get were the two other prisoners, one was a caucasian pinkette clad in a bright pink turkish belly-dancer outfit while the other donned a purple cirque de solet outfit with a bright red jewel on the front. "I want to see your power with my own eyes."

"Allow me to assist you, milord. My lance arm is perhaps a bit rusty but it is still somewhat servicible." Gunter the Knight stepped forward to assist us both whilst our servants Felicia, Flora and Jakob followed suit. "I take it you seek to join as well?"

"Naturally, I couldn't allow someone of your advanced age to bare the burden alone." Jakob then glanced to Flora and Felicia "I'm just intrigued that you'd be willing to fight as well..."

"H-Hey! I’m as much a bodyguard as a domestic, after all." Felicia soon shrank after her burst. "To be honest, I was never that great at the domestic stuff anyway."

"Clearly." Jakob remarked to the maid before glancing to his prince. "Lord Corrin, there is no no need for you to soil your hands with this filth. Do please relax and leave the fighting to us. Afterward, I will prepare you some tea."

"Alright, Maggots of Hoshido, we've got to show our struts to the king and I fully expect you to cooperate." I droned about as I marched forward, "Just state your names and we can get this over with."

"I am Rinkah! Daughter of the Flame Tribe’s honorable chieftain." Roared the tanned savage in a strong and commanding tone. "What is your name, Nohrian prince?"

"They call me Prince Corrin of Nohr!" the prince's words pierced the ears of a nearby ninja, his expression being that of sudden recollection.

"I am Kaze, a ninja of Hoshido." The Ninja took a silent bow of respect. "Show me what you can do."

Corrin smirked with a false brashness to his voice "Alright, glad you know who's in charge here."

"My name is NiGHTS..." The flamboyantly-dressed fellow does a welcoming curtsey for the young nobleman. "A pleasure to meet you in the flesh, o prince."

"And I am Pixel Pinkie!" a leap of jolly exuberance soared above the head of this last person, a child no older than a single decade in a... blue-and-purple... stripéd shirt... It couldn't be... "And this is Frisk!"

My mind was racing to justify who this kid was, How could Frisk be here when the only thing connecting us wont fully come into existence here for centuries! Saying that this was an ancestor would mean that I'd be bleaching the kid I know and love from History, saying this is a programmed-in troop to add to the enemy count due to our increased forces meant that this makeshift Yggdrasil's weaker than I thought! I struggled to find a reason as to why Frisk was there all the way until Katerina uttered a nonchalant, apathetic: "Kill them all."

I felt my feet begin to tremble, as if I was loosing my edge... I was shaking in my shoes, was this dread that I was feeling?

"Oh! Th-that’s amazing!" Felicia's voice. I looked in her direction to see that no, twas the debris being rewound into its place by a dragon vein that was responsible for this loop thing.

"Extraordinary! No debris field can stand up to your mighty lineage!" Jakob's encouragement was enough to get us psyched as Garon silently complimented us.

"Excellent plan, milord-now we can hide in there and ambush our foes." Gunter's brief hint was then followed up with a grim warning to the lot of us. "Remain focused and remember your training, milord. Each weapon has strengths and weaknesses. You would do well to consider them before you attack for this is no mock battle."

Of course it wouldn't when they go all-out. It's one of those life-or-death scenarios where every split decision counts for something. Gunter and Flora will route the Oni Savage to the left, Corrin and Felicia will tackle the Ninja to the right, I will deal with (read: talk to) Frisk while Andy and Jakob handles the Dancer and Acrobat combo.

"Frisk, what are you doing here!?" I shuffled her shoulders to and fro in a panicked frenzy "Don't you know what they do to Hoshidans around here!?"

"They E-E-Execute them!" Frisk was sobbing uncontrollably as a green barrier is formed around us... "But Marius was a-at least kind enough to give us a last meal of turkey..."

"Don't worry, I'll get you outta here... I'll just need some Arcfire from your subspace pocket." I mentioned to the child. "You've saved up some Arcfires from your loops to this realm's countries, right?"

"Oh, right. I can loop apparently." Frisk then pulls out a few crimson tomes with a fine golden trim. "Yeah, see... I looped in as an Empress so I got all these Cymbeline tomes instead, hope they can help."

"Just be sure to teleport out when you can, I would love to see you again in this branch of ours." I smiled to the kind-spirited child and gave it the customary farewell of a fantasy classic. "May your heart be your guiding key."


I rushed to Corrin and handed him a Cymbeline Tome while breaking down my plan, his reaction was as follows: "Are you insane!?"

"Chillax, Cor." I said with a grin. "Frisk'll teleport themselves outta here when we've rounded 'em up and knocked 'em out."

"But… they’ll be long beaten by then." Oh gods... Corrin's baby-birb face. "You can't be saying-?"

"'Fraid so, bro." I sighed with regret. Andy walked to him, having taken care of the other two loopers, as he worked up the courage to bluntly lay down the truth in front of his innocent face that screams 'Hey, let's nurse a baby bird I found back to health'. "Orders are orders, and we gotta kill 'em all to satisfy Garon."

"No! It’s wrong to execute helpless prisoners like this!" Corrin piped as quietly as I could make his voice. "These people can’t fight anymore. Why not show mercy?"

I began to get into a silent argument before Andy piped, "Why not have Frisk's teleport ratio expand to accommodate the others?"

That gave me quite the idea in my head.

So, I broke out my yo-yo ball and wrapped em up with momentum! "So this is how it ends…"

"Phew! They’re really tough, aren’t they?"

"Here's hoping all Hoshidans aren’t this strong." Andy merely nodded to the prince with an: "Amen to that, bud."

"Don’t just stand there, idiot boy." Iago snarled at the lot of us... "Finish them!"

"With pleasure..." Corrin's tone seemed somewhat fake, but it matters not to a harsh and twisted will such as the current royal viser. I did a few hand gestures with Frisk to clue them in about the new game plan before I raised out my hand with Corrin and Andy raising their hands right alongside me. "CYMBELINE, HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" And just like that, they were all seemingly up in smoke. The next Garon would see of them would be nothing but their shoes, resulting in a subtle grimace with his hand stroking his beard.

"So now, you understand how Hoshido is our mortal enemy?" sighed Garon. We nodded with agreement, Corrin and I were more reluctant that Andy of course. He always was top of the class...

"Guard!" Xander pointed his attention to the shoes left behind, "I would like to examine the prisoners’ belongings. Bring their remains to my quarters."

The soldier nodded in agreement and fetched the shoes and ashes, unaware of the true nature of what had ensued so I stepped forward to the crown prince and explained away my trick with the Hoshidans as the guard examined their charred 'remains'

"That was a very brave and dangerous thing you have done this night." Xander's stern face was enough to convey his concern for me and Andy. "Mark my words, Corrin… One day, an act of kindness on her or any of our parts may soon be the death of you."

"Perhaps," Corrin sighed to himself and smiled towards his siblings "But if I’m kind. I will die without regrets."

"…Well said." replied Marius

"It was..." added Diantha "But I doubt this will be the last we hear of this. Father never forgets a slight."

"Then what are we gonna do if they catch them?!" panicked Elise. "I don't want my brother to die like this..."

"None of us do." sighed Camilla as she paced by her siblings. "We have to see them off, be absolutely certain that they won't get themselves caught."

Twas late into the night and Xander, Corrin, Andy and I were staring down against the prisoners that we had helped to free.

"Listen well. It is only my brother’s kind heart and his retainer's cunning wit that has bought your freedom." Xander was blunt with his wording, thus he was the commanding force of the siblings that were checking in on the lot of them. "Disappear now, lest you be spotted by our king."

Kaze makes his exit with nary another word on the matter. Rinkah then makes up for his silence with words of her own. "Tch. I am not a hostage to be freed. You said your name is Corrin? When next we meet, I will make you pay for this humiliation!"

"I was hoping the next time we met, it could be as friends." Andy, why the Narcs did you say that!?

"Softhearted fool!" Rinkah was giving him an earful "I am a Hoshidan warrior. You do not understand what you suggest."

"I understand that right now Hoshido and Nohr are at war." Corrin stepped forward and made his proposal, "But I’m trying to plan ahead for the day the war is over and we can live in peace."

"I’ve heard rumors of a sheltered Nohrian prince who knows nothing of the world and a pair of alien retainers from another reality altogether. I see those rumors are true." Her voice sounded annoyed and dissatisfied at the same time, she clearly expected more of this newest target in the midst of the house of Lorenzen "If we do meet again, the world will have no doubt taught you the error your ways."

As Rinkah made her exit, Frisk started walking off, turning around only to say: "Thanks."

Seeing Frisk scamper off with Pixel Pinkie telling me to find her in an upcoming loop, that actually made me smile in a way I haven't felt since before the loops. NiGHTS took his bowas the last 'Hoshidan' standing, remarking a little something from my introductory video. "So you've been given the whole multiverse speech from the legendary TOM!?"

"The one and only."

Chapter 4: The Journey Begins

Me, Andy and Elise were just outside the door where Father was having a nice dinner with a few members of his court.

"All right, Corrin. Let’s go in there together." Elise's determined expression was all the hope we needed for this brief intrusion. "I’ll help as much as possible. This is our father we’re talking about. He has to forgive you guys for the charred carpet, right?"

"Thanks, Elise." said I "I hope you’re right."

"All right. Deep breath, and…here we go." Elise marched up to the front door, where I heard the cold-hearted cackle of Mother and Father's most trusted visier Iago. If there was one man who hated me and Bonnie's guts more than Garon's reluctant acceptance, it had to be Iago's sheer unbridled bias against the both of us bonding with Corrin and the rest of the royal family. Hearing his cackle from beyond the doors Andy and Elise were now opening up left me with a pretty bad feeling. "Father! We have something we need to talk you about!"

"Is that a fact?" Garon glanced at his two children and the alien retainer from another world.

I humbly piped: "Yes, we apologize if this isn’t a good time."

"Why, it couldn't be better. We were just talking about you, so do please come on in." I felt like savoring this warmer moment with my father as this was the first I've seen of this particular side to him in a long time. "So, What do you want, Does Bonnie want me to referee in one of her Earth Sports again?"

"No, Father..." sighed Elise, disappointed in Garon's bringing up of a rare day in our personal canon that wasn't locked out by the current loops. "We’re just here to apologize for the carpet. Right, Corrin?"

"Yes, that’s right." I glanced to my Father as he got out a book to read. "I’m sorry about the carpet."

"What's a carpet to a king but a drape to walk upon." Garon snarked in a looser tone than usual. "As you are my child, Corrin, I will grant you some leeway unlike our low-ranking soldiers who probably would not be alive, had it been their actions that torched it, of course."

"I understand…" I glanced at the bare floor, waiting for the tapestry manufacturers to cobble together a new carpet for later, hopefully one in a deep indigo with violet accents and pattern designs in the color of mahogany.

"I have something in mind for you. A mission to fully break you greenhorns in." Garon then got out a map and pointed to a distinct location close to a certain ravine, Bonnie's going to be pretty upset when she sees where we're headed... "There is an abandoned fortress perched on the Hoshidan border. I wish to know if the building there remains serviceable. You are to travel to the site and inspect the premises. No battle will be required. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father. It shall be done." I glanced to Andy and he took his bow, stating that he will guide the troops he'll assign to us. I noticed Iago glaring directly at us with his spiteful stare emitting from even his mask, I just feel like something's rubbing me the wrong way and that feeling has lingered even to my brief moment with my siblings.

"Darling, are you sure you’re going to be OK out there?" Camilla was showing just as much concern as she did during the dreaded Concubine Wars. "I don’t like this…"

"Of course!" I comforted my elder sister. "Please don’t worry. It’s just an abandoned fort."

"You’re acting rather casual about all this, Corrin." Leo was a bit more concerned than usual as well.

"What do you mean, Leo?" I meekly asked my younger brother.

"Just consider this for a moment" Mentioned Marius, the second of the princes of Nohr. "It isn’t like Father to be as forgiving to mere retainers as he is to his flesh and blood…"

"That’s enough, Mar! Don’t be so worried all the time, sheesh." Elise accentuated her meek rage with a subtle slap to Marius' face with Leo deeming it unnecessary. "And don’t even try to scare Corrin before his first mission!"

"I'm sorry, alright." Marius rubbed his squared and chiseled cheekbone. "I hate to see how strong you could be after puberty has its way with you."

"I suppose I’ll just have to come along." Camilla just shrugged and started to walk to her dragon's stable. "That way I know Corrin will be safe."

"That might not be necessary." Diantha's words led Lillith to run in front of the younger half-sister that the eldest princess used to stack books upon before adolescence blessed her with a generous growth spurt. "Father intends his expedition as a test of sorts."

"He's right." I solumnly sighed to my currently living siblings. "No matter how Iago coordinates this mission. He wants to know whether I am worthy…"

"Despite his choice in retainers, Corrin is a part of the royal lineage." Diantha described to her younger siblings. "Therefore, your assistance would simply muddy the results."

"I need to do this all by myself." I reinforced to my brothers and sisters. "Surely you understand."

"Not all by yourself, Corrin." Out stepped Mother with her Axe in her hand. I greeted her as she aloofly stated: "Rest assured, We don’t intend to send you out there completely defenseless."

At this point did an armored man step forward, bald, buff, strong as you could get. "…Milady."

"This is Hansel Van Darke." Mother introduced to us "He is a veteran warrior and will ensure no trouble befalls you."

"Thank you, Mother." Xander analyzed the man with suspiscion as I talked with the man. "A pleasure to have you aboard."

"Charmed to be servin' the army with my kid." He then looked to Marius and said: "My son's one of your retainers, right?"


"I’d be wary of that man if I were you, Corrin…" Xander's words shifted my attention away from Hansel's friendly conversation with Marius. "Hans is a criminal. A murderer and scoundrel."

"You don't even know the half of that middle part." Bonnie remarked in the background.

"I arrested him myself, years ago."

"And for a pretty damn good reason, too!" Diantha merely glanced at Bonnie and Xander in an odd tone for the words leaping off the latter woman's sharp tongue.

"Father seems to think he’s rehabilitated, but I’m not so sure." Xander glanced at Hansel (or Hans, as we'll call him now.) as he waved goodbye to Marius and Leo. "That said, he is a formidable soldier."

"I see."

Chapter 5: Eastwood Ravine

"HEY!" Bonnie cried out to the Hoshidan occupants with a contraption made from string, a squirrel and a megaphone. "THIS IS A NOHRIAN BOARDER CHECKPOINT! WE COME IN PEACE AND HOPE TO RESOLVE THIS CONFLICT WITH A SAMPLE OF OUR RESOURCES!"

"I AM OROCHI! ONE OF OUR EMPRESS' ROYAL RETAINERS!" The well-endowed woman howled out as loud as her lungs can allow. "THIS IS OMOZU, THIS STATION'S HUMBLE CAPTAIN!"

"WHAT IS IT THAT YOU SEEK TO BRING US!?" Howled the Hoshidan commander.

"HELIOTROPES, OMOZU-SAN!" yelled the Samurai warrior that had come to receive the treasure chest of precious rocks to adorn their palaces. "ARRANGED INTO DECORATIVE FLOWERS!"


"MAYBE IF SHE WEREN'T SO STUBBORN-!" Bonnie took this chance for a low blow while I started to notice something terrible occurring with the stone flowers.

"Uh, Bonnie?"

"YOU THINK WE ENJOY NOT BEING ABLE TO SHARE OUR CULTURE WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD!" Omozu yelled at the woman who was mere 'Nohrian scum' in his eyes.

"HEY, YOU GET A THANKSGIVING FEAST WITH US EVERY YEAR!" Bonnie brought up the big thing keeping the two lands at a safe and respectable political distance from each others' throats. "AIN'T THAT ENOUGH FOR YA!?"

"Bonnie, could I have a minute." I could see the flowers smothering the samurai warriors with this sinister energy. "I think you might need to-"



"Bonnie, The Bloodstones!" Two Hoshidan soldiers lost to these special stones, each piece cursed with being either the mind, arms, legs, body or soul of an evil spirit. Unify the whole set, and certain doom and destruction will occur to our world.

The giant one in a grayed cyan snarled with his helmeted face before a coughing fit makes him realize something about the form of his colleague. "OH, COME ON! Fifteen Years, I've been out cold and this is where my arms end up!"

"Soliders of Hoshido, hear me! Do not leave a single Nohrian alive!" Thus the Hoshidans attacked like mad and charged forth with all their remaining might.

"So much for diplomacy..." Complained Hans, lifting up his axe to keep up the pace. "'Least my Cleaver Hand's getting herself a workout."

And thus he charged forth at the one with the green top and breathing apparatus hooked to a squirt gun. "N-No! My mucus gland hasn't fully-"

Impaled in the Nose, the last thing the green husk would ever see was of the grinning face of Hans "Less talk, more death."

Hans cleaved the husk down to the side of its waist before the wrinkled shell dissipated with the Hoshidan corpse thunking on the floor, the one that was left wound up backed into a corner by Lillith, who instantly starts casting a powerful lightning spell. "L-L-Look, I know what you're thinking and it doesn't seem moral or becoming to strike a geezer like me with Lightning Magic."

"Aren't you made of Magic?" asked Lillith.

"Wait a tic, I am!?" A blast of Thoron sees the husk sailing into the sky, further and further away he did flew until he crashed the the glass sky of reality itself... This strikes further fear in the Hoshidans and flat-out confusion in Lillith.

"Looks like there’s no getting out of this now." Gunther sighed as the soldiers approached our crew with cries to burn Lillith at the stake. "Get ready to fight, Lord Corrin."

The skirmish was a nightmare to navigate my way through, but keeping the hoshidan troops under control was a walk in the park, probably from the fact that Casual Mode was switched on for the game, meaning my troops could just bounce right back for another round. All in all, not exactly what I had in mind…but at least Corrin has completed our mission. But then came re-enforcements.

"Hey Guys." The Cheat Commando was then followed up with several Hoshidan Troops, including another ninja like with that Kaze dude.

"You’re the leader of these troops? Pah. You’re nothing more than a boy." The ninja seemed disinterested in us, dissatisfied in who we were in a way. "My name is Saizo. I’ve come to claim your life."

"Great, Re-enforcements!" Hans' bitter mood towards him earned him an angry 'Hey, Guys!' from the Cheat Commando in question.

"Destroy them!" The Hoshidan soldiers rushed towards us at high speed before-

"I won’t allow it!" Xander's voice ripped through the ravine as Xander cleaved down a Hoshidan Arch Deluxe, leaving Saizo to believe him to be the true commander. " What’s going on here, Corrin?"

"Bloodstones." I flatly stated to the crown prince as his siblings arrived, Thomas, Lisoette, Camilla, Leo, Mila and Elise.

"We’ve arrived just in time." Leo remarked on his steed. "Your luck never runs out, does it, Brother?"

"Well, we did survive another Bloodstone attack." responded Bonnie "Guess you could say we had the devil's own luck on our side."

"Are you all right?" Camilla started pulling at Corrin's cheeks "I was so worried about you."

"We’re all here for you, Corrin!" Elise hugged her brother with all of her might.

"Thank you, everyone!" Smiled Corrin.

"I'm sure Diantha would've been proud." My added comment was followed with a moment of silence, meaning that she and Marius were among the deceased.

Yeah, Before we get too carried away… we ARE under attack." And thus the surviving sibs got into fighting stance.

"Who dares attack my beloved Corrin?" Camilla charged forth against two of the troops "I’ll have their heads on a platter!"

This mildly annoyed Corrin to an extent "I’m not hurt, Camilla."

"But, darling…it’s the thought that counts!" Camilla spoke those words with two severed Hoshidan heads in her hands before going off on a few other troops. I never knew Camilla could be so… ruthless when it comes to protecting Corrin… Then again, I've never seen her on the battlefield before so what do I care. At least Saizo's facial expression sells just how glad I am feeling for not having to fight her, at least it did before another fellow turned up to check in on the decimated army. She appears that she rivals Camilla in terms of bodily development, as evidenced by her bodily movement.

"I misjudged the situation. We’re outnumbered." The Ninja glanced to his comrade "Kagero, do we have anyone else on the way?"

"Affirmative." Nodded the woman. "Lord Ryoma is right behind me."

The name Ryoma imprints a sense of relief in the surviving troops and sheer dread on our side. "Ahh… Then I think this battle is as good as won."

Xander watched as the shinobi begin to march forward from afar. "It looks like more Hoshidan reinforcements are on the way."

"Indeed…" Leo's face showed the concern you'd expect from such re-enforcements. "What should we do?"

"Well, Corrin is safe, and the fort’s condition has been evaluated." Xander mounted his horse and began to march off. "There’s no reason to engage Hoshido further at this point."

Corrin led the platoon with Gunter, Flora, Felicia, Jakob, Hans, Bonnie and I while Xander and the rest of the Nohrian Nobles followed close behind. I glanced to Corrin and he appears to have lost Felicia along the way to the bridge.

"I’m sure she’s right behind us." reassured Gunter "Now hurry up, I can’t stand being on this bridge a moment longer."

"Me neither, I'm not quite a fan of bottomless canyons, bad for my acrophobia." Bonnie's fears would see confirmation as what appeared in front of us was a being in a gray trenchcoat and a dried-up gray face with wild, yet short dreads on the top of its head.

"Don’t worry-you won’t have to stand there much longer." The creature smirked as it floated above with its... Rocket Boots? "Go-Go Gadget Circular Saw!"

Oh, crap. I recognized that gimmick so quickly, I almost barfed from remembering that terrible movie I asked my mom to take me to see in theaters. When I snapped out of my trance, Gunter had been knocked into the ditch and everybody was reacting in terror. But the distorted voice from its throat hole, an old hag's shrill shrieks smothered by a robotic male vocoder program... or was it two? "Aww, did I knock your widdle babysitter into the ditch?"

"Well, if we just slaughtered them right out of the gate without any of those bloody bloodstones seeing moonlight, we wouldn't have to worry 'bout these damn Cavity Creeps!" Hans did have a point, bribing the Hoshidans with obviously unsealed bloodstone flowers was clearly not the brightest idea, but it didn't excuse Hans for striking down a Hoshidan with a flower to the eye!

"Tell you what, I can fetch the pieces I need to fix up my current vessel..." Clearly the hivemind gloating in a way that only that one face can. "And you can meet up with him at the bottom of the void!"

"You’ll pay for this!" Corrin's inner rage saw his entire arm wrapped in this cloth-like energy, freakin out Hans and startling the rest of our group. A mask appears on Corrin's face as he begins striking the Cavity Creep, finishing it off by firing a blast of water at its rocket boots, sending it sailing into the Ravine.

"What kind of…freak…are you?" Hans wanted to retreat and go back to his young son, but Bonnie sadly had other plans for the veteran soldier.

"I want answers, Hans! Why would you the Hoshians something as dangerous as these Bloodstones, Even when you know they could create these soulless puppets such as the Cavity Creeps?" Bonnie was lifting Hans by the straps of his armor in an impressive display of the kind of strength you'd find in a 5'11 martial artist. Clearly, Hans had everything to fear and I was right alongside him. "Well, C'mon then! Answer me!"

"I'm a hired hand, kid!" Panicked the wannabe merc with a mouth. "Garon just wants the damn things out of the kingdom before it gets worse!"

"That doesn't mean we can just ship them off to a neighboring country!" Corrin was irritated by how out of touch Garon's method of disposal truly was, And Bonnie was not going to take that lying down for she added her commentary into the mix.

"That would be like if Tyler Perry directed a flick like Madea fed the Dog Chocolate, so let's see what happens!" This wasn't the Bonnie I knew, this Bonnie was brash, angry at the world for meddling with her.

It was too much for me to handle, so I pulled her from Hans and said: "That's enough, Bon!"

"Let go of me, Andy! You're gonna let him get away!" With Bonnie restrained, the veteran got himself out of her reach as she struggled to escape my tight grip. "Hey, come back here! I ain't done with you!"

She pulled the Ganglari from Corrin's hand and I naturally grabbed on as well, pushing and pulling to and fro. "You can't do this so just stop, Bonnie!"

"Andy, you shmuck! Get the shell off of me!" We tugged from side to side across the bridge, pulling ever closer to each of the edges, "This bridge is a cheap pile of twigs and I'm terribly... afraid of... HEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHTS!!!!!!!"

And thus, we both fell into the Ravine screaming like hell. To make matters worse, Corrin jumped in after us and later...

"I'll get them back!" Lillith stepped onto the edge of the bridge to Hans' chagrin.

"How can ya?" complained the man as our servants fled to Xander and the other sibs, "Don't tell me you've tricked yourself into thinking you're able to fly!?"

The only thing Lillith did as a response was a single 'thumbs-up' to the man who had lived a good long while longer than her before jumping into the Ravine. "Fine, Leave ol' Hansel Van Darke alone with the Butler, then! Guess I'll have to say that he did it wnen Garon finds the house of Lorenzen down a Prince, Just like with all the other snot-nosed brats he lost!"

To be continued...

Yin and Yang are hanging around in Midgar, aged to Early Adulthood to fit the respective roles of Tifa and Cloud.

"Hi, I'm Yin. You may be wondering why my dim-witted brother Yang tied a squirrel to a megaphone." And right on cue, the cavity creep with a familiar head on a pleasantly plump body ends up impaled in the narcs with Yang's Buster Sword, poofing the creep back into a pile of heliotropes and killing the Hoshidan unfortunate enough to wear it. Yang merely showers in the blood after an expression of 'ooh, gore.' escapes his lips. "Well, good night!"

Chapter 6: Rock the Dragon


♪Faith No More - "The Perfect Crime" (Cover by the Dazzlers)

I was plummetting towards the ground, stepped up from pulling the sword as it meant nothing at this point and just straight-up punched Andy in the face and against the side of the cliff. "And now you have the sword! Congratulations on throwing our futures out the window, Andy! And for your reward for pulling away my blade of vengeance: SHARP-ASS ROCKS!"

"Look, If you hadn't kept pulling on Ganglari, we wouldn't be having this problem." Andy was quite furious at me as one might expect from him.

"Well, you're the guy who packed the bloodstones here." I roared back.

"I didn't know that the chest were full of those damn flowers."

"Whaddiya know? My best beff silently did something to put our lives in jeopardy, Whoop-De-Doo!" I'll admit I was just as unpleasantly surprised by that as I was by who was leaping to our... 'rescue'. "And speaking of Jeopardy, Mr. Trebek... I'll take Idiot Boy Princes for $2600! Ah well that's just prime, turns out I got the Daily Double!"

"Damn it, Bonnie!" cried Corrin, desperate to save his retainers. "Do you realize what you've done!"

"What I've done!? What about what you've done!?" Bonnie's temper was flaring like mad, the pressure of being far from home getting to her like a pack of bloodhounds. "I've had it pretty well 'til we got ourselves stuck here, then we've had to slum it through etiquette and killing, neither of which'll help us in the real world."

"Tensions are skyrocketing with Hoshido, we've been over this!" Corrin reiterated to the latina. "Gods, even Lillith gave you the rundown when she first applied for the Job!"

This struck a raw nerve with Bonnie "Oh, so now it's Lillith's fault we're stuck!?"

"No, now you're just assuming sh!^ on a name alone!" Andy barked back.

Corrin was more or less fed up with the in-flight squabbling "Calm down, both of you!"

"If you wanna save us, then you shouldn't have bothered cause you can't fly!" Bonnie rightfully pointed out to the Nohrian prince.

Andy's patience was wearing thin as well... "You could have saved yourself, you numbskull!"

"So now you're insulting me, too!"

"Cause you threw away you life to save ours!"

"I couldn't just leave you!"

Bonnie was just done with her life. "Well you should've thought of leaving us behind for Lil!"

"Okay, why bring Lillith into this!?" Corrin squawked back.

"Oh, nothing..." Bonnie sneered with her hands on her hips, "Just the way she looks at you makes me believe she's a total slut for you!"

Andy was dumbfounded. "You can't be serious!"

"Admit it!" roared Bonnie "She's hungry for the gift of Ganglari she will never receive as a damn scullery maid."

"You're just assuming things about her." stated Corrin.

"Not too sure why, though." sighed Bonnie, failing to notice the stable girl jumping in after them, hearing every insult she heard vocalized by her strong, sassy concerto "She's flat as a brick, she's not all that tough, and she barely sees you on a regular basis. It basically all amounts to a crush which makes me all the happier to have her out of my tits for good!"

"My kin, my gods, my blood… Dragons grant me strength! Great Moro, I beseech you!" Her boiling rage fumed throughout every pour in her body and her angered expression was the last face her human body would make as it vanished in a bright light to give way to a sort of kappa fish-like winged lizard on a crystal.

♪Megadeth - "Go to Hell"

The tiny dragon clutched onto the three as its pull slowed their descent into the pit below. "Wow! An idiot boy prince and that bird arriving under my breath, this must be my lucky day!"

Corrin's cry to 'Stop calling me that!' could be heard to the chagrin of the baby dragon "You do realize that I'm... trying to rescue you."

"How are you even holding us up right now!?" Andy naturally asked to the dragon.

"Answer, she can't." Bonnie saw no hope in the 'Bird's best efforts "Our weight'll drag you down despite your efforts, Tweety!"

"Yes, but I can at least slow the descent!" yelped the 'bird'

"Are you sure this will work!?" Asked Corrin.

"Oh, let's see..." Bonnie began to exercise her mathematical muscles "Me and Andy are an even six feet eaches, you're shorter at 5'11, Andy's lanky frame of 123 pounds and my killer fight bod of 148 pounds pooled together with that plainly built bod 144 makes... (minor whispering) 415 pounds of soon to be skewered Nohrian scum!"

"This is why I'm trying... to pull you as high as I can..." The little bird pulled with every ounce of strength it had.

"Come on, then! You can do it!" Corrin's words of encouragement saw Bonnie merely roll her eyes even as her fellow retainer joined in the cheering. "Keep going! Stay Determined! I wanna live!"

Bonnie's faith in the bird was so low that she counted on her doom. "She'll plummet in three and two aaaaand..."

Lillith's flight succumbs to the weight of three grown-ass human beings and they plummet towards a pile of Sharp Rocks. Bonnie screaming 'Allah Ackbar' as she meets her fate.



Y - N


My eyes snapped open on the same bridge that stood above the ravine, I glanced to the group and found myself with that same sealed chest with the same group, even Gunter was alive and well! Gotta love the loops sometimes, they can sweep the mistakes you made and save your ass from grusome death.

"Soliders of Hoshido, hear me! Do not leave a single Nohrian alive!" Thus the Hoshidans attacked like mad and charged forth with all their remaining might.

"So much for diplomacy..." Complained Hans, lifting up his axe to keep up the pace. "'Least my Cleaver Hand's getting herself a workout."

Then Lilith began dashing towards the Cavity Creeps, tossing Knives and casting spells against them to strike them down. Clashing blades with Samurai troops and kicking down ninjas with her boots.

"I misjudged the situation. We’re outnumbered." The Ninja glanced to his comrade "Kagero, do we have anyone else on the way?"

"Affirmative." Nodded the woman. "Lord Ryoma is right behind me."

"Ahh… Then I think this battle is as good as won." We performed a tad better than before we made our way over the bridge, then we chucked an axe at the Cavity Creep with the circular saw.


"What…ARE you?" Both the girls found themselves eyeing each other.

"That's very odd," Corrin marched closer to the group. "That's what I was gonna ask you."

"Lord Corrin… I knew this day would come eventually." Lilith took a deep breath and stared deep into Corrin's eyes. "This may come as a shock, but I am not a human."

"Well, I clearly saw that with how speedy you were with legs that lanky." he then pulls out his speedometer from his subspace pocket, an expedient twenty-seven mph glowed from its display and the awe that shined from Bonnie's face was all the compliments she needed. "I had this nightmare on the way here, that-"

"Cavity Creeps tossed Gunter into the abyss," Andy interrupts the prince "You had this odd transformative power..."

Bonnie then continued "Next we knew, we were falling into that same ravine after fighting over the Ganglari..."

"That strange bird I rescued in the barn… It tried to save us from the sharp rocks below." Corrin realized something about that returning face in his life. "That…was you…? Are you a dragon?"

Lilith: Yes, 'twas my true form. Once I recovered, I was able to take human form. You were so kind to me that I decide to remain a human that I might serve you.
Lilith: But in that dream, I used a power that goes beyond the capacity of a human body. Iwasn't able to return to that form. Not that I minded, however. The most important thing to me is that you’re safe…
(All four are knocked out by Rinkah)

08: Robot Chicken

  • Anchor: Robot Chicken (Stealth Looper)
  • Loopers: Seth Green, Matthew Senrich

Chapter 1: Evacuation

I woke up to find myself in a Dentist's office. I glanced across the room to notice the outside was a cross between midevil times and future tech. I immediately recognized where I was and put two and two together to realize that I was trapped in the office of Mo-Larr, Eternian Dentist.

"Now then, Mr. Green. Shall we begin your checkup?" I was in full-on panic mode so I pressed my button.

"Not now, my pee hurts!" Optimus Prime immediately popped up and did his 'What did I just tell you!?' crap and the skit wraped on the spot!

Chapter 2: Drive

I dodge-rolled along the piles of coins, feeling the impact of cold, hard gold brushed against my body as I rolled away from the looming army of Cavity Creeps led by a man clad in all white with flesh made of solid gold. "C'mon, Seth. No one entertains stoners quite like your gold standard."

"Yeah, but that was before I started looping into these skits!" I was panicking at what I was enduring at this particular moment, especially compared to the MLE in front of me.

"But you've got to admit, boy." The metallic midwestern leaned forward and flashed his dirty grin. "You've done a whole awful lot for Star Wars."

As if on cue, a dual-weilding Cavity Creep leapt into being from behind him. This one with an arm and a leg each draped in light and dark evened out by the body being a deep crimson. "WE! MAKE! HOLES IN TEETH!"

I hit the ground running and dived across the piles of hundred dollar bills, feeling the paper slide along my belly as I reached my close compadre and fellow looper Matt. "Am I glad to see you, Seth!"

"I'm just glad to see anything with how bright this Gold Colonel Sanders is, I mean, c'mon, what were they thinking!?" I struggled my way up from the pile of paper money and looked towards the army of Cavity Creeps "Okay, let's relay the situation... We're fighting a gold-plated Colonel Sanders in a giant-ass money bin and our only hint of help-"

"Eh-Oooh..." ...were Teletubby Power Rangers.

Because New Zealand.

Matt glanced from side to side and analyzed the situation. "I think I might have an idea to get out of this mess."

Two hours later, we found ourselves with a hefty chunk o' change from the Gold Colonel's pocket after besting him with his leaked secret recipe. How did we spend the dough we couldn't find it in our hearts to just pocket like that? Why, Idea #27 on how Doug Goldstein spent the $12,000 he blew on his timeshare, of course: Twelve Hundred Chicken Shares!

Chapter 3: Oz

Dorothy was resting her head on the windowsill all the way up to a crash outside, guiding her to a devastated house flung into Munchkinland by Twister winds.

Right onto the Witch of the East.

Hoping that this was a roleswap loop where Dorothy was a native of Oz while Ozma hailed from Kansas, she dolled up her face, practiced her smile and did a brief rehearsal of her newfound role as the Good Witch of the North.

"HELLO! FRENCH BOOBIES!" A lanky young lad, all elbows and knees, leapt forward to bask in the sunshine of Oz... until he realized where exactly he was and expressed his disappointment and frustration. Dorothy handed the lad the Ruby Slippers and explained their power, only to be met with the obvious question: "Can I tap these shoes together and wish to go to a topless beach?"

"No. The story doesn't work that way, idiot." And thus, I walked with the Nerdy fellow as he complained all the way to the scarecrow.

"Here I am, having an adventure in the land of Oz... yay." His dissatisfaction oozed from every pour of his body whilst he made a decent observation. "It's nice of you to show up, Miss Good Witch of the North, but you appeared in the book and not the movie and the book version didn't really-"

"Look, this job's a tempory duty I am to have till the end of this story, alright? Let's just meet the scarecrow and move on!" Dorothy then heard the Scarecrow's voice calling her name from right beside them. "Oh! Well, speak of the devil!"

"It's so good to see you, old friend!" Smiled the Scarecrow. "I hear you've become the good witch of the north!"

"Yep, and I have someone to accompany me throughout this 'fun' adventure." Dorothy then looks among the crows and finds a clumsy little crow, and asks a favor of the nerdy fellow. "We've got some crows to get rid of, maybe you should start with this one."

"Okay, you go help that scarecrow guy, I guess..." The nerd walked to the clumsy crow as it fell upon the yellow brick road it tried to escape. It is there that a thought comes into his head... "Wait! This is my dream! So if I want it to be Super-Cool, all I have to do is dream it!"

Dorothy was socializing with the Scarecrow as a voice chanted 'Be super-cool...Be super-cool...' before the two longtime loopers spotted a pasty-faced man with messy black hair and a tight leather jacket sitting on the Yellow Brick Road. "I seek vengeance."

"Good, because I am vengeance." Dorothy couldn't think of a better response upon realizing what kind of loop it was from the nerd's gitty reaction. The four made their way to the tin woodsman, and Dorothy welcomed him into the group albeit after finding his heart from within his Subspace Pocket. "You're clearly going to need the heart to kill the witch of the west."

"Dorothy, I..." The Tin Woodsman stammered and gulped: "I don't think I have a heart like that!"

"Take mine." said The Crow. "It's brought me nothing but pain."

"Hang on, let me try something." The Nerd took the ticking Hearts, laid them out, did his 'Be super-cool...' chant and before us stood five gigantic machines. The Yellow One of which had a bright smile of relief.

"Dorothy! I can't believe we found your branch!" The yellow mecha was grinning ear to ear "Bell's gonna be excited!"

"Hold on, Dorothy Gale is the Good Witch of the North?" The Nerd's face began to glimmer with excitement. "Is this the Infinite Loops?"

"Eyup. And naturally your branch is looping too!" Said the blatina with deep-scarlet locks. "But if we're being honest, you ain't the anchor at all."

"Ah, dang it..." The Nerd transitioned from pessimistic to passionate as he spoke the sentence that followed. "Can we at least move forward with this loop and stomp a mudhole in some Decepticon ass so hard, we won't stop until we're wearing socks made of dry S#!^..."

"...Quite!" The Nerd was delighted by the Leader of the Autobots' confirmation. "Transform and Roll Out!"

As the fellowship were singing their way along the yellow brick road, they came across the Cowardly Lion who was chasing a group of super swift rats carrying a steak away from the Lion. "Dorothy, I just can't seem to catch up with them, I'm far too scarred and they're far too-"

The Cowardly Lion had failed to notice what had happened to the mice, in their places were a group of humanoids that were somewhat feline in nature staring in awe over the metallic titans towering over them. The Yellow one, Bumblebee, apologized: "Sorry we couldn't get the ones you wanted."

"Yeah, least I got the Sword of Omens on my side." The Nerd kicked back in the driver's seat of his comrade's vehicle mode "Besides, I can get my fix of homoerotic undertones from your chats with Bulkhead."

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?"


"Ugh! I must have those Ruby Slippers!" snarled the Wicked Witch of the West.

"Sheesh, Chicks and shoes! Am I right, fellas?" Snarked one of her hordes of flying monkeys, apathetic to her wishes as they act on commission like they always do. She issued the command to bring her the Good Witch and her fellowship of cats, clods and automobiles... only to be answered by a three-note precussion of pure masculinity echoing through the castle.

"Did you order a pair of Ruby Slippers, o witch?" Dorothy was more than ready to wipe the floor with the Wicked Witch. "Cause we're breaking out a special delivery Right on Up Your Ass! HEY! KOOL-AID!"

"Be Super-Cool!" And from out of the walls burst a jolly round pitcher of red liquid with surf trunks, a jacket and a wide open smile that means every drop of his catchphrase of 'Oh Yeah!' And thus, the battle was thirty-three different flavors of on! Lion-O was cutting the flying monkeys to ribbons, Optimus Prime shifted back and forth between vehicle and robot mode to crush the monkeys with a magnetized cargo trailer. Even The Crow's nihilistic apathy made one of its leaders give up on living.

"O-oh.. c'mon now fellas, I-I was just playing around with the whole 'Kill Them!' thing..." The witch awkwardly laughed to the group of certified badasses in front of her "Let's just take it easy."

"There's only two ways to kill a Witch and I don't see any falling farmhouses around here." The Nerd's point gave Dorothy an Idea, so she called forth Wilykat, who had been holding in a little something and thus, she asked to relieve himself onto the Wicked Witch of the West, acting as her screeching end.

"There's only one way this dream can get any better." And before they knew it, our heroes felt the sand beneath their feet, the blood flow to some of their faces, and the tingling heat on bare flesh.

"FRENCH BOOBIES!" cheered Sari, getting into the spirit of the Topless Beach they now found themselves in by stripping off her dress and letting her breasts bounce freely much to the embarrassment of Lion-O, the confusion of Wilykat, and the utter shame of Optimus.

Chapter 4: I don't like sand

"You understand why you two have looped here. Do you not." Mace Windu glared towards the two shmucks who dedicated three half-hour specials to pay parodic tribute to the galaxy far far away.

"Because your usual anchor and his teacher wound up taken out by he who shall not be named." The brunette of the group smiled as the timelord in the fourth chair caressed his temples with shame.

"Ah, yes. Well unfortunately, I've looped in from a season 18 episode, so I really don't give a shit."

09: Pixel Pinkie

  • Anchor: Pixel Pinkie
  • Loopers: Nina

Chapter 1: A Dream is a Wish

"Hello, my name is Nina. I'm 13 years old at base, I'm from Australia, and I have a talent for basketball. This is how I've started to loop" Nina adjusted her table lamp and lined up her chair "So there I was, back in my room, And beside my bed was a familiar pink phone. Turns out it was the same phone housing my world's anchor, none other than my old friend, Pixel Pinkie!"

About Me

"Well, It all began when I got a new cell phone. It was in a dusty old box, and when I switched on, a fifty-two episode life of wonder began." Nina smiled. "Archived in 2009 on Channel Nine in Australia, I've been known to have lenses that are quite... how should I put this... fickle to criticism."

An image of Mr. Enter's copyright claimed review of an episode.

Who filled you in?

"Well, Pixel Pinkie, who else."

Her magic friend emerged from the phone and added: "And I heard it from the Admin of new Yggdrasil herself, Belldandy! She's very nice once you get to know her over tea, and Keiichi's friends are a pretty tight group of burly mates themselves, they take their auto-club activities very seriously!"

First Fused Loop

"It was in a town called Porkbelly." War Flashbacks began pouring into Nina's mind. "That's literally everything I have to say in the matter..."

Favorite Looper

"A personal favorite looper would have to be Mario. From what I've read from loop archives, he seemed to be quite the nice guy once you get to know him. He's even welcomed the Angry Video Game Nerd to his first fused loop." Nina glanced at her NES console, "It was such a great time for being a looper, this unified age..."

Pixel Pinkie then chimed "Mine's Roxy cause she's a Dinosaur!"

Favorite Event

"Though I have to give credit to the activation of the Marvel and DC universes..." Nina leaned back in her computer chair "I'll have to tip my hat to the Mitakihara Restoration Project for proving any universe can be restored with enough salvageable data."

Other things that you like

"I've already brought up Basketball, but shopping for new clothes is always a must." Nina walks through her closet and picks out a few outfits. "And Drazzl's finely tuned array of networking tools are pretty tough to topple when it comes to connecting with people across all sorts of branches both here and on the few other trees planted by the few admins both newly promoted and left behind from Timberfell."

"That's why I wanted to be this branch's designated vlogger for the Fandom Arson Transmissions team, to talk with fellow loopers about these things in the wake of loosing a majority of our world to Timberfell." Nina stood up and picked up a squeeze-toy globe. "I'm proud to be looping, aren't you?"

Chapter 2: Age-Itize

I kept my pace as the masked teens gave chase. The pink one with the wheels was rushing forward at top speed, the winged one slowly gaining on me, and the one with the yellow mask is skating ever closer to get us into the range of her attack cane.

"Disc Away!" The one in pink chucked one of his chakrams at me, so I flipped sideways and ducked into a dark tunnel to hide. I was downright puffed, sure, but at least it bought me time. Unfortunately, this only bought me a twelfth of a minute to rest before the winged one swooped in with his cheeky grin and clutched me by the shoulders. I struggled to loosen his grip as soon as I was close to solid ground, swinging my 110 pound body to and fro so that I could wingjack the bloke's back on the spot.

"H-Hey!" he cried when I sat on his lower back "Get off of me!"

"Why would I do that now, We're too high." Once more did he grab me, this time by the wrists and I was flipped against the top of a dumpster. I screamed as loud as I could, I knew I could feel pain as a real girl, but this was pain on a level that was downright unbearable!

"PIXEL PINKIE!!" Nina... I can still hear you, that's good... So I struggled to sit up and found on my lips... Ketchup? No, that's blood! Then I guess that means I don't have a choice but to try out this odd new toy.

"N...Nina..." I swung my legs over the edge of the dumpster, despite my body feeling a faint, but plausible urge to merely roll over and die to spirit me and Nina to the next loop. But I couldn't give up, I was the anchor! A minor cough of blood won't stop me from pocketing a power boost from Zect, I was going to survive no matter what was coming at me. "The levers on your belt, push them down."

"Wait a tic..." Nina looked at the belt buckle and its scyther-like features such as the twin scythes on each side. "You don't mean-?"

"Just do it, Nina!" I cried out. "I'll even do it with you!"

Nina looked at her belt and grasped at the levers and shoved them into their sockets with a loud cry of: "Henshin!"


A coat of octogonal data cells manifest over Nina's body in the shape of heavy armor themed after a common Scyther's exoskeleton, while mine was of a baby pokémon in what else but PINK! Ooh I think mine is an Igglybuff!

I glanced to the upper teens and got into a fighting pose with Nina following suit. I suppose people who are into Power Rangers know what's next.

Chapter 3: Fandom Arson

DeeP: (Walks to the center of the room, sits in the chair and says:) Have a seat. Now, you understand how the loops work, right? Resetting to certain savestates in each of your miserable lives until we manage to get the world tree fixed up, all the while accumulating an assortment of gadgets and superpowers. An example being Nigel Uno's Ice Magic from a Fused Loop with Frozen because that shit was popular at the time, another would be the absent Anakin Skywalker with his array of Gundams within his Subspace Pocket. But the only way you would obtain these powers would be if you were to be inserted into Fused Loops, and the only way we can do that is through the Hub Archives, a version of which you are currently finding yourselves in for the next two weeks. Why, Just beyond that door, the KCAs are around twelve miles away, would you want to check it out?
Nina: Uhh... No thanks, I think I prefer to stay.
DeeP: Suit yourself. Besides, I think you'll be getting a much better experience here, I'm capping it off with the first episode of the Final Season of Samurai Jack. You ever seen that show or heard of the loopers from its corresponding universe?
Pinkie: Can't say that I have.
DeeP: Okay, clearly we're going off track here, so I'll get to the point and drop the bass.

You've certainly been slammed with a stinker of a baseline, haven't you, Miss Pixel Pinkie. To a similar premise of a digital genie such as yourself being summoned from a Cell Phone to even the quality of your backup files has made hubworlders dub you 'The Johnny Test of Australia' And to be perfectly blunt with how each savestate sees a corresponding wish that you grant go horribly and yet hilariously awry, I think I understand their arguments.

DeeP: Now we're going to try an episode of your backup format, Episode 18: Real Cool Girl. So if you see it as a perfect time to RiOT Loose with a Fandom Arson-
Nina: Sure, we've got -- minutes to kill. Why the Shrek not?
DeeP: You guys have Shrek's name as slang, you poor unfortunate souls... Belts up, gang. We're about to land.

(0:48-0:56) DeeP: Dumbass bitch has a point, people tend

(2:35-2:45) DeeP: Now, do you notice anything odd about the animation?
Nina: It's choppy...
Pinkie: Like in Flash!
Nina: But it's barely above the limits of GoAnimate.
DeeP: And thus you see the big problem with the show.

(3:15-3:25) DeeP: And so we get your first on-screen moment in the flesh and blood form we now see before you.

Nina: To be perfectly honest, It's because you misheard my thinking out loud. (3:56-4:04)
Pinkie: Yeah... And now, becoming a real girl seems like second nature to me these days.
DeeP: Makes your secret easier to keep, does it?
Nina: Mm-hmm...
Pinkie: One of the many peaks and perks of the Infinite Loops.
DeeP DiSH used Mean Look.
Pinkie: It seemed really fun at the time, before I hit my head...

(5:06-5:20) DeeP: Sooo... When did your real girl Metabolism stop being friendly with you?

Pinkie: Well, there was this place where all these creatures were able to be cooked up and served in any which way you can!
Nina: She vomitted from an overstuffed stomach before we were even halfway through the first major arc of Toriko.
DeeP: Ouch.
(5:52-6:00) DeeP: Have you ever heard of the Stisand effect?
Nina: ...
Pinkie: ...uh.
DeeP: Ah, geez... If you try to smear it down or cover it up and say you can't, people will want to look into it even more. It's basic human logic, how do you think Team Gurren got the hell out of Jiha? 'Member them?
Nina: Ah...
Pinkie: Yeah! I 'member!
DeeP: Good to see we're on the same page for once.
DeeP: What could possibly go wrong!? (6:27-6:35) Well...
Nina: It was her first chance to see what it feels to be a real girl, I couldn't take that away from her!
She was almost run over by a bus!
(7:08-7:15) DeeP: What was that saying again, Acknowledging your faults without working out those kinks will get you nowhere?
Nina: It's not my fault my homeloop has terrible slang!
DeeP: It makes as much sense as how easy it is to mistake a Chiwawa for a Rat. Isn't that Right, Pixel Pinkie? (7:25-7:33) Tell me, Miss Pinkie, Is there such a thing as 'Unintentionally Savage'?
(8:18-8:45) DeeP: Pft... Guess that explains the Drumset in your subspace pocket.
Nina: And that loop where you started a band with Peter Pixel.
(9:54-10:05) DeeP: And I understand that back then, you did not comprehend the notion of mind rape.
Pinkie: I'm sorry, Mr. DeeP DiSH. That was more of a Pre-Loops Pinkie thing anyway.
Nina: 'Pre-Loops Pinkie'?
DeeP: Well, thanks for stopping by my current office, If there's anything you need, just give me a ring... No pun intended of course, Miss Pinkie.
Pinkie: None taken, Mister DeeP DiSH, Sir.
DeeP: And Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Mob for RiOTing Loose with this latest Fandom Arson, Like, Favorite, Comment and Subscribe if you're a conformist, tag along with our loopers on, follow us on social media if you feel so inclined, and if you like what we say and want us to keep doing it, just drop by our patreon and drop a few bucks. 'Kay, that's all for now, til all are one, good fight, good night, and stay-
Nina: Aren't you forgetting something, Moderator.
DeeP: Oh, right. (Stands) The Tree's broken, but that's not bad. It'll take all of the eternitys to fix, but that's pretty fun. We will never match up with our baseline selves, but that's okay. We have bonded, we evolved, we fought things and we won. We'll probably have a lot of explaining to our baseline selves in a mini-me scenario, So we'll apologize by taking a vacation loop doing some standup or something, because there's nobody I'd rather be... than me.

Chapter 4: Taller and Older!

"Check it out, everyone! Nina's Wearing Baby Socks!" Suzi always pointed out the socks and her flunkies always acted to rub salt in the wound.

"Catch the wrong bus, preschooler?" asked Emily is searing jest.

"Maybe she's going bowling." Proposed Nicki.

I failed to notice when they noticed about me. "Has her chest gotten bigger?"

After turning up to buy new clothes, I had walked in during Suzi's appointment with an agent. The reaction was one to expect from him. "Oh, Love it! Love it! Love it! Perfect height and figure, too. Love it!"

Suzi had her fit and the agent asked me for my name and I replied: "My name? It's Nina."

I cluched my neck, realizing that it's dropped an Octave in the middle of my response, the agent's gushing was all that was needed to confirm my fear. "Somehow I knew I was skewing a bit too young."

"Young?" snarled Suzi as I snuck to find a mirror, sure enough it filled me in on how my body filled out. Ample bussom, rounded rump, sharpened face, I looked fresh out of college! Pixel Pinkie definitely had a lot of explaining to do, that's for sure.

Chapter 5: Who you gonna call?

Nina and I were exploring the old Mansion

10: Shugo Chara

  • Anchor: Amu

Drabble list

  1. Amu wakes up back in her bed on that fateful day where her Shugo Charas first emerged.

Chapter 1: Frozen Feelings

"Hey, my name is Amu Hinamori, I'm eleven years old in the baseline and have I got a loop for you!" Amu tilted the camera to a stash of three eggs. "So get this, these eggs are, in fact, my would be selves!"

About Me

"My Baseline started backing itself up in 2006 through the lenses of Peach-Pit for Kodansha's Nakayoshi magazine. It received a 2007 anime lasting all the way to March of 2010 with the final season making like O.J. Simpson by foolishly shifting focus to a preschool demographic, killing the franchise in December that same year." Amu looked into her yearbook. "I bet that's why - turned up..."

Who filled you in?

"Riley, she looped in as Dia this one time. Avoided the X Egg fiasco, immediately broke out Amulet Fortune. After a trip to the bookshop, I pocketed a book to teach me everything I know." Amu places her hand onto her chest and glares at the three eggs that are already there... "I'm just hoping the little guys would graduate from the dreams and straight-up start looping, too."

First Fused Loop

"Well, beside the meet-up with Riley, I looped into the shoes of Padmé as filtered through a Shakespearian pen after studying up on that same playwright. From Verily, a New Hope to Tragedy of the Sith's Revenge" Amu laughed at the words of timeless whimsy that emerged from that particular world. "But with Ikuto unawake... In the role of Anakin... It was like these loops had something against me there..."

Favorite Looper

Favorite Event

Other things that you like

Chapter 2: The Same old Pit

So here I was, stuck in the same pitfall, in the same construction site. And guess who was worming her way out of my bag to hatch?



"Why did I end up waking up on the day we met?" Ran popped out of her egg with a confused look on her face. And 'twas no sooner that I immediately hugged my would-be self. "Uh, what's with the Hugs, Amu?"

"I'm just glad you're joining me in this hell..." I then proceeded to tell Ran about my endless repeating of all my adventures, how sometimes I marry Tadase and others with... that damn cat... We made our way to the Gaurdians HQ only to find an old man in a labcoat facing off against three mishmashed creatures of wrinkled, shriveled corpses puppeteered by invisible strings from above making these puppets chant "WE! MAKE! HOLES IN TEETH!"

"You're not getting away with a single stone, Rothbart!" The grayer man belched. "I keep all my stones in another looper's pocket."

"Come now, These loops are the ultimate test of patience." The balder man responded. "I can easily bide my time to reap your ample collection."

"As long as you lay off my homebranch, that's fine with me." The grayer man then conjured a few teal-colored folk before kicking a small disc across the floor "Don't get any ideas, alright? Meeseeks, Restrain the wing nut who sounds like a gay porno with the lead singer of Van Halen."

The oddly teal men dodge the leaping puppets before a flash snapped them out of existence, leaving behind these stone flowers which immediately splinters its six petals onto the floor. "Hard Light Pulse. Very effective against Gem-based lifeforms. You're doing well with the Order thus far, Mister Sanchez."

"I ain't doin' this for them, I'm doing this so I don't have to end up dealing with burp-hiccups like you all the time!" The grayer man shot a laser against a wall and the blast formed a portal "Now get the hell out!"

"Fine..." grimaced the mighty warlock of the forbidden arts as the soldiers marched through the glowing green portal. "But know that we will retrieve our master from the Administrative forces one way or another."

The warlock stepped through the portal muttering to himself, the grayer of the two mortal enemies glanced to me and said: "You're this branch's anchor, right?"

Chapter 3: J-Pop Cancer

Milli Vanilli was an omen of the music industry.

Now lipsync is part and parcel of a singing career, And dear god is it ever noticeable in concerts. How does Utau put up with this tripe!? The stage hands were surprised to see that I had unplugged the jukebox from the stage speakers, before showing relief when my real voice rung throughout the crowded stadium. And this did not go without its share of publicity, just look at all the tweets I've gotten out of the masses! 'stellar job @Amoru No strings to hold you down, gurl ;D #amorunatural' 'pretty ballsy to forgo the milli vanilli treatment like that, don't ever sell your soul @Amoru #amorunatural' '@Amoru may i pm U, I know it soUnds a bit loopy of me, but bear with me. #amorUnatUral'


Out popped my charas who then clicked on that user's account @funnyMonkey

11: The Loud House

  • Anchor: Lisa Loud (Stealth Looper)
  • Loopers: Lincoin Loud

Drabble list

  1. Lincoin can't seem to get the vision of this Robot Maid out of his head, as if he knew this woman from somewhere but he can't tell who.
  2. Lisa talks to Lincoin about the Infinite Loops and the destroyed world tree.

Chapter 1: Mirage

"My name is Lincoln Loud. Ten years old in the baseline. And I welcome to you now to the most normal world out of all the twigs in the can." Lincoln jumped off of his bed and walked out through the hall. "I live a relatively normal life with my loving sisters, all ten of them lacking any sort of superpowers as superpowers aren't really a thing in this one branch. Like I said, large family is the most normal out of the entire tree."

About Me

"So according to my little sister and designated anchor Lisa, my homeworld started saving itself into the hub in 2016 through the lenses of Chris Savino. It spread through the televised currents on Nickelodeon, and has even overcome the dreaded 'Spongebob Standard' that has sank all sorts of Nicktoons from Jenny to Korra." Lincoln takes out a wooden wand and grins. "So It's one of those 'Harry Potter: Chosen One' type deals."

Who filled you in?

Lisa glances to the camera from her lab. "I refer you to Lincoln's previous response."

First Fused Loop

"Well, I haven't really experienced a fused loop of my own, but I have had this weird dream where I grew up with this robot maid who had this big personality about her, she drew these comics based on these loopers of legend called the original seven." Lincoln looked at the pile of longboxes that were laid out for him to explore, "I remember seeing this young woman on my deathbed, I was old by that point in the dream, she had this ocean blue hair and this lively smile. Like an old friend seeing me off to the end... I barely understand the meaning of that dream even now..."

Favorite Looper

"Who else would it be than Ranma Saotome," Lincoln breaks out his Kung-Fu Gi and starts punching and kicking for the camera. "He's the longest lived looper of the bunch, he can drop godzilla on a guy on a whim, and he's practically ready for anything! Biggest example being his sacrifice against the bloodstone hivemind by causing a mass ascension of those condensed into bloodstones as well as the big bloodstone himself!"

Favorite Event

"Death Note Wars, Hands Down." Lincoln holds up his Death Note replica up to the screen and smiles. "From Anakin Skywalker to Lelouch Britannia, the suspense was all too real with the results being the banning of Death Notes from the Subspace Pocket system."

Other things that you like

"Well, there's comics, for one thing, manga, video games, fantasy, sci-fi, typical interests for a dude of my age." Lincoln picks up a comic and starts reading. "And that's what I like about the infinite loops, there's a wide open multiverse across a once vast ocean of endless adventure! There's just something just magical about living out adventures beyond your wildest dreams... Just don't tell my sisters about this, alright?"

Chapter 2: Echoes

It always starts with the birth of my baby sister Lily.

It always starts with a baby bawling and making all sorts of noises.

It always starts with a mother cradling her blessing from a father who clearly lacks the willingness to pull out.

Everything else is anything goes.



"Why are these White Lotis guys here?" I asked my younger sister before a burst of fire ever slightly toasted my face. We glanced to the door and saw something of deep displeasure. "Gonna be one of those loops, huh."

"I'm the Avatar!" Roared Lana with pride. "You gotta deal with it!"

Chapter Z: Deep Breath

Someplace off in the fields of Hyrule, a man dashed off from an assortment of Moblins. Leaping off a wall to clutch to a windchime's tie of silk as the chime was pulled farther from the Moblins though the weight of the fellow and the push of the winds. This man bravely leapt onto a shield to surf the downstairs when he feels that somebody was following him.

"WE! MAKE! HOLES IN TEETH!" A wrinklified face laughed and coughed atop an orange and indigo outfit and two green gorilla arms which immediately moved to hide the spot where "I wet em."

So this was a Cavity Creep.

Pocketing a Sheikah Slate for further intent.

Chapter 3: Contract?

Lisa was instructing me in the Ping one day when I saw him.

A white squirrel with rabbit ears inside his cat ears, I led him to Leni and she signed what appeared to be a contract with him. And thus, she became a magical girl. It was pretty cool, she fought monsters, leapt from rooftop to rooftop, but Lisa was more or less concerned with what the contract entailed and how quickly imported puella from a cake planet were disposed of by the 'Witches' of the town.

I kinda digged that, but it was totally secret in an age where the internet can unfortunately blow their walls wide open. The rift that tore between Leni and her sisters was enough despair and misery for her soul gem to forge the grief seed within it, shattering on sight and making Leni Loud the first victim in a semi-complete patricide.


"And that's how the Loop ended." Lincoln slumped into his bar chair as he opened a can of Diet Slurm. "With a lesson learned about Trusting MLEs"

"I wasn't even aware that Kyubey managed to survive Timberfell." Nina was in shock for poor Lincoln Loud, the Infinite Loops of a Makeshift Yggdrasil was quite unpredictable indeed, just look at how the IRS fetches its branches out of the sea of sticks. "So what was the punishment loop?"

"I ended up sad inside a wall of a haunted house in your branch." Lincoln's dead stare wasn't necessarily gaining Nina's concern, but rather the fact that he once looped into their branch. "Where I was Every single episode of Shake it Up, Hannah Montana, Dog with a Blog, capped off with a double feature of Blank Check and that dreadful Lone Ranger remake."

"That's rough, buddy."

Chapter 4: Booyakusha!

Loki - Leonardo Loni - Donatello Luke - Raphael Lane - Michelangelo

"Booyakusha!" Lane Loud soared on his hoverboard as he howled out through the streets of New York. ""

12: The Wotch

  • Anchor: Anne Omimous

Chapter 1: Meet the Loops

It always loops back to those earlier moments, doesn't it. One minute, I'm dealing with my mentor being turned into a Centaur Amazon. And then the next, I'm back at band camp with her flute in my hand! I've been through that same thing over and over again, I started raising eyebrows when I found a familiar Youth Medallion at The Magic Touch. It's weird, almost a sense of Deja Vu but I was really repeating the same events over and over... I did a few different steps with this looping thing, took a few changes in routine, let Miranda know about the thing, even wound up letting Cassie take that fateful trip to band camp.

It felt too weird and too wide for it to be a curse from Xaos, So I had to research this on the one place you can rely on when all books fail.

PocketWotch02 started pestering you at 7:13pm
PW: Alright, I hear you have some dirt on what's happening to me.
PW: I've just invited and introduced myself to my two best friends for the seventh time!
PW: Just tell me about the curse and I won't tell anyone about your Nic Cage fetish.
EG: C'mon, You know I only like him on an Ironic Way, like he's so bad, he's good.
EG: Besides, I still got my pride in my taste in movies.
PW: Like what, dare I ask?
EG: I actually find Zootopia an unenjoyable slog of an SJW Furry Film!
PW: Pointing out fetish fuel, good job.
EB: Takes one to know one.
PW: wut.
EB: Look, there's this tree.
EB: It housed every possible reality at every possible era.
EB: It was pretty awesome,
EB: Till something damaged the tree, so that it needed to put on safe mode.
EB: Which basically means we're repeating our lives over and over again.
EG: We were looping ourselves, but only after this really stressful process from the Admins which pretty much Neutered Skia for the time being til the tree's fixed up.
EG: Except now the tree being fixed up is no longer an option because of some real fucked up shit that fried the whole thing to a crisp.
EG: Now we're facing these Cavity Creeps mixed and matched from these rock flowers,
EG: We're not spoiling what the whole deal with these loopy mofos,
EG: We'll just gonna record the imminent reaction to the twist.
PW: What twist?!


I turned around to find a pair of these Cavity Creeps. One had muscular, yet weathered feminine arms. Another had legs that were cloaked in a blue pelt. The creatures marched beside a man in a white coat with flesh made from pure gold, his face flashing a crooked grin as he adjusted his lapel: a piece of Fried Chicken.

"So you're the Wotch, huh." The man chuckled with pride. "Too bad we didn't get to meet before Timberfell stripped the most potent ability away from our crew of Cavity Creeps, the mixing and matching you and your friends could have made. It would've made our collective even more... I wouldn't say unstoppable, since we've been knocked down before."

"What are you?" I asked to gold-plated clown who inevitably chuckled.

"Just a man who doesn't want the title of 'Richest man in the Cemetery' to be my legacy..." The man stepped forward and jingled around a few crystal shards. "Just by being among the sum of each creep's central parts will share the very powers and even memories of the rest of its components for they are just fragments of the master's very mind, body and s-"

Robin had hit the Gold-faced man with a shovel, and this naturally met the shovel's fruitless end. This golden man draped in white grabbed Robin by the shoulder and asked: "This your muggle?"

I nodded yes and kindly asked to the man: "Let him go."

"Gladly," The golden man picked out a shard from his suit, red and green in color and shade. "...but I'm gonna need a favor in collecting a few particular objects."

Chapter 2: Clueless

Something with Schitzofr-ANNE-ia

13: Ky-nim Nuzlockes

  • Anchor: Nina
  • Loopers: Zack

Chapter 1: Plasma Plume

I found myself standing in the same room, reeling from the same shadow, maniacal laughter echoed in my ears. I sat up and looked at my calendar, [MM][DD][YYYY], I had somehow slid back in time to before-

"Nina, you there?" A knock on the door. I smiled at who arrived at my door and asked the familiar face to come in. "Thanks, and Happy birthday to you Nina!"

Seeing Cheren alive and well with Bianca not too far behind him with my Birthday Cake and Cheren's sandwich. I opened their gifts of Running Shoes and a dress. It was the same day that started my journey, meaning that this is the first time I got to meet-

"...I'll choose this one!" Out popped an Oshawatt, my Oshawatt, my Zach. "Hey there little guy... I'm Nina."

Chapter 2: Blood and Iron

♪Erasure - Ship of Fools

My eyes snapped open and I looked around to find myself in a truck, joining me was a little purple man in a yellow suit and a lumbering chalk-white man with his raven-black hair in a braid. A voice piped from the driver's seat and said: "It's alright, little lady. You can come up."

I struggled my way back onto my feet as I stepped towards the driver's side to meet a man decked out in a Kalos Kaiser getup with hair white as snow. "Don't be scared, you and your team have got a ways to go before you're all fully synced up again."

"Don't remind me." I wanted to wash away the image of Zach tearing me apart, ripping at my flesh, eating my face! I just wanted to forget it as much as possible. "So, what just happened with me?"

"The dimma-death of Yggdrasil, that's what. Y'ever heard of this multiverse theory where every idea, every option, every choice is its own valid reality." The white-haired man explained in his southern drawl. "Well, that's what Yggdrasil was for, but it got itself destroyed by a certain tin can designated with the codename TOM and his second-in-command: Ranma Saotome."

Killer robots, just what I needed to make this day worse, first I ended up losing Mimi, then came N and Ghetsis... And to top it all off, I end up eaten by my very first Pokémon and locked up in a truck? Why can't I just die like that!?

"I bet you're freaking out, huh?" a voice rung in my ears belonging to a mop of wavy black hair topped with two small pigtails above her exposed pierced ears. "I've been shaking about those guys since I got the job, I choose not to worry about that Saotome scrub, he's long since ascended so he can't really bother us as much as you'd think."

"She's right. The one we've got to keep our eyes out for is TOM himself." The ivory-haired driver shifted his keys out of the truck to bring it to a stop, he glanced at the two. "Want something to eat?"

I walked into the Jack in the Box and saw the people and their Pokémon dig into their Tauros burgers, Embacon fries, Ice Cream topped with Vanilluxe Fur, any old Pokémon that can be put out to pasture as livestock. I felt a little bad for those old dogs and their trainers releasing them to the farms, especially after the things I saw. I stood and waited for the ivory-haired trucker to order our food. "Triple Bacon Buttery Jack for me as always, Spicy Chicken Sammach for Mushigi, and for the little lady..."

I didn't really feel like eating anything... "Just a milkshake will be nice."

"An Oreo Milkshake?"

"Nah, just a... simple little shake..." I wasn't in the mood for anything at all, but the ivory-haired trucker merely smiled and ordered more than that.

"Couple Chick-n-Tater Melts with jumbo-sized Emboar fries and a large Oreo milkshake!" His bombastic voice was enough to rouse the crowd who praise him for his generousity, generousity that I didn't think I deserved. "C'mon, it's not nice to just waste food like that."

"So give those melts to the other two in the truck, I'm sure they'd like a taste."

The ivory-haired trucker merely shook his head and added: "They ain't hungry. Just eat the food I gave ya, it'll fill ya right up before your next loop."

I looked at my sandwich and saw the crispy breading of the patty smothered with golden hash and Arbok cheese. All while my plate of fries were coated with gooey cheese and bacon bits, ready to be served to my tray. As I picked up the burger and checked for the freshly cut slices of Emboar meat, I let out a sigh and muttered: "Wilbur and Bianca are soooo gonna pound me for this..."

Chapter 3: Training

I woke up to find myself running on all fours. Realizing that something was wrong, I looked to a nearby pool to see that my reflection was that of a Ninccina... and a real shiny one at that! Wasn't really sure as to what world this was, nor if I could find my friends in this loop in particular.

My in-loop memories kicked in and said that I was coming to tell the Wigglytuff Guild about a pair of Throhs kidnapping the Glaceon that was currently my mom. And the best of the bunch were a Pansear, a Zebstrika and a Woobat. Three explorers I recognized immediately upon seeing them sitting around eating Pancakes and Doughnuts.


The Pansear merely smirked and said: "You rang, tutz?"


"Always Here to help," sighed Jordan, glaring at Freddy "Especially with our fearless leader's ill-consealed habits of his."

"Who asked you, Stripes?" the Pansear snarked back.

"Mimi..." I understood the nature of how this would be possible, I just couldn't believe it. "Is it...?"

"That's my name, don't wear it out." Her brightly giggle and innocent smile was enough to make me feel welcome here. "So, what's the sitch, sis?"

Chapter 4: Space is the Place

"So this is how you've been spending the past dozens of loops, huh." A hologram of a little girl playing with a robot danced by Nina and TOM as SARA wrote onto a holographic screen. "Babysitting a kid."

TOM glanced to Nina with a bitter grunt, another vidwindow screen appears to display a pinkette with facial markings, "That kid is a registered anomaly in the plantation system. Her loops start when she falls asleep in the world that's temporarily housing her at the moment."

"So, does she wake up, like, immediately after the loop in question ends?" The pinkette replied with a nod. "Is there anything else you want to talk about with this whole 'plantation' thing, miss...Eh..."

"Aileta." Stated the pinkette as she glanced to the sprite. "You don't happen to have Skuld's tape, do you? The one featuring Ranma?"

"Yes, but I might have to do some digging."


"Hi, I'm Ranma Saotome and if this message has been activated, then my plan worked like a charm and there's still some pieces of Yggdrasil left drifting across the mess the MLE has left behind..." the martial artist walked to the globe and spun it around. "I'm not entirely sure on the specifics, So I'm just going to have Skuld explain it."

"Thank you, Ranma. The good mister Nobuo Akagi and I came up with this theory on a mass ascension event and the devastation it could possibly cause." The goddess of tomorrow wheeled out a chalkboard with all sorts of sketches lining the scientific theorem at the center of it all. "See, it dates back to the effects of ascension. i.e. the transformation of a mortal into an upper-dimensional immortal, also referred to as a god, or in the case of Madoka's proposed Innortal Rose Society: an Administrator."

"Over time, all Loopers eventually reach a point where they could Ascend if they wanted to. But it comes at a pretty steep price, any looper who ends up ascending winds up leaving a considerable amount of damage to whatever Loop they were in at the time." Skuld merely sighed as the mask of TimeRed which sat there on the chalkboard became all the more noticeable and symbolic. "However, if an Anchor were to Ascend, like the IRS' intended founder Madoka Kaname, it would also cause the total destruction of their home Loop."

Ranma stepped forward and reassured his younger loopers, which basically amounted to everyone had ever looped. "So it would be natural that by taking the anchors and loopers of each world they can get their mitts on, this new threat would trigger a top-tier disaster that would naturally decimate the already fragile world tree."

"So the plan is that Urd and I will pool all our power into a barrier to protect the Hub loop from the frankenstorm so we can use this to hopefully retrieve the branches that survive the looming collapse." Skuld marched towards the camera with her finger aimed at the ceiling. "But with the amount of energy we could expend... To any Admin who wants to make sure that Yggdrasil lives on, don't attack the MLE or his hollowed-out mooks! They'll probably œ€×@‡£÷®"

"Ah, sorry bout that..." TOM pushes a few buttons to adjust the quality. "Damn, it always glitches out when they talk about the Cavity Creeps."

The image cleared up on the sight of an empty castle courtyard made from an assortment of Legos as Urd adjusted a marble sculpture which housed two adjacent pools of different substances. A Cowboy was striking a conversation with a space man and a Batman, all while a voice from behind the camera told Skuld to turn around and bring it home "We're putting the finishing touches on the Subspace Castle functionality that like all other initiatives of the IRS have taken several months to piece together. We are doing all we can to keep Yggdrasil alive, and no measure is too extreme for us to handle. Some of us might not make it past our final counter-attack on the MLE so Bell, if you're watching this then... just don't worry about us, okay? We'll be fine."

Madoka's Tree

01: Bokurano

Chapter One: Sweet Release

02: Rugrats

03: Bonus Stage

  • Anchor: Phil Argus
  • Loopers: Joel Dawson, Elly Strife, June Crane, Rya Botkins

Back in Bonus Stage

"I'm Back in Bonus Stage?" Phil glanced across the room around the couch he was sitting on. Joel was off to make some calls.

"I'M BACK IN BONUS STAGE!" Phil wanted to celebrate being back in the saddle of the disease-riddled horse that made him famous. All seemed Joyous... until he realized what exactly this show was: "Oh jesus... I'm back in Bonus Stage..."

04: Doctor Who

  • Anchor: Doctor Who
  • Loopers: Brigadier Sir Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, The Master, Sarah-Jane Smith, K9, Adric, Ace, Rose Tyler, Captain Jack Harkness, Donna Noble, Clara Oswald

Chapter 1: Rescue

The Cult of Skarro was in utter shock, mainly for the way the progenitor's horde of Daleks looked and acted.

"Funnybot Copies detonate their built-in tactical nukes." Dalek Sek's eye widened with fear. "AWKWARD."


05: Eddsworld

Chapter 1: Cola

-EDD expresses curiousity of the way Time has looped-

06: Yin Yang Yo!

Chapter One: Break the Fourth Wall


"Yes, Master Yo?"

"Why is there a hole in the sky?"

"Oh Yeah, that's from another tree." Yin and Yang gather a few bloodstones from across the dojo and lay them on the ground. "We made sure not to get their core cause you know how dangerous those things are."

"Yes, but that's why we need to send them to Bloodstorage Prison before somebody in our branch gets hurt!" Master Yo began packing up bloodstones into a metal case. "The sooner our admins find a way to get rid of these things for good, the easier it'll be to revive the elder tree."

"What elder tree?"

07: This Ugly Yet Beautiful World

  • Anchor: Hikari
  • Loopers: Takeru Takamoto

Chapter 1: Onwards!

Deus' Tree

01: Future Diary

02: Reboot


Chapter 1: Glitched Up

"Glitch, Game Stats!" The buzzing and beeping of my Keytool

03: NieR

Anchor: Father Nier and Brother Nier
Loopers: Yonah, Kaine, Emil

Chapter 1: Cycle

Every Time, it's the same millenium of suffering. I watch my Father Die, I go to save my sister, I spend centuries looking for a cure, the Shades take away my sister, I slaughter them all to save her knowing all too well what they truly are... And at the end, I surrender my very existance for you, Kaine.

I feel weightless, slight glimpses of the world through Yonah's eyes break the monotomy of the silent dark. A familiar figure standing beside her. And before I knew it, I was back at that day.




But one time, it was different.

My dad, he protected himself with a mysterious red sword emitting a blue beam of light from its blade. He survived and took me to Yonah, her cookie burnt as always, and the same book was there as well. I hesitated to use the book and thus: let dad do the fighting... And when I pieced the visions together with his admittedly sloppy swordplay, I realized that Dad was the figure besides Yonah during my non-existent periods.

Orphan Loopers

  • Adspace: Gold Colonel (MLE)
  • Avatar: Wan, Raava, Yue, Jet
  • Cowboy Bebop: Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, Fae Valentine, Radical Edward, Ein
  • Doctor Who: The Doctor
  • Dragonball: Android 13 (MLE)
  • Inside Out: Riley
  • Star Wars: C-3PO
  • Swan Princess: Rothbart (MLE)
  • Toy Story: Woody, Buzz, Andy, Bonnie

The Classroom Gems: Carbon

The Classroom Gems

What are Bloodstones?

Featuring Special Guests: Rothbart and The Intruder

"Ah, so nice of you to come here today, not that you had a choice." Rothbart joked to his class of Age-Ified puppets of his gem colleague. "Or a sentient soul for that matter. Regardless, we've all been gathering up to this moment, an army of hundreds upon thousands upon millions of billions of trillions of, yes, even octillions of Bloodstones. All connected to the same hivemind that we have here today!"

Rothbart unveiled the curtain to reveal the very glob of molten plasma and robot parts controlling these drones "Why are you insisting that I be here? These puppets are all extensions of my consciousness, they have no need to learn of what I already know!"


"The best place to start is with our anatomy. When we were all complete, we had the ability to assimilate any organism we could grasp, compressing the carbon in a body into a single spot, atomizing the other atoms to convert the victum into... well... gems." The screen freeze frames on the complete gem created from the 'age-ification' of Toiletnator, Rothbart points his stick at each of the pieces "The gem itself can be split into seven pieces at the cost of our power to assimilate. The limbpieces, its arms and legs, are by far the most interchangeable of the bunch. The spinepiece containing tail and torso act as an intregal part of any build. The headpiece houses its false persona melded from its organism of origin but all of them are pretty much worthless if you cannot find a piece that matches up with its core which contains the very memories of the individual that had been assimilated into a bloodstone."


"This is"

Lespiran Race

Godly Generation

  • King Gerald
  • Queen Eden

Angelic Generation

  • Walt Disney

Looping Generation

  • Ranma 1/2
  • Sailor Moon
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Steven Universe: Steven, Connie
  • Samurai Jack: Jack, Aku, Ashi, Scotsman, X39, Lulu

Korra and Roxxy's Dimmsdale Daze


Korra's eyes snapped open to find herself beside Zuko, Aang's Zuko. Clearly Kya's experience towards the possibility of meeting past versions of loved ones was not really unfounded.

"Oh, uh... Hey, Fire Lord- er... Prince Zuko." Korra stumbled with the terminology to the Fire Lord's embarrasment.

"Just Zuko will do..." he muttered to the newer of the two looping Avatars. "I don't really think my title holds weight here."

"Right... Well, according to my Drazzl alerts, we've managed to get warped into a Fairly Oddparents loop where everything is the same except kids spew out the cheesy slang that executives assumed they'd say over the past three decades..." Korra then stepped towards the stairs with Zuko. "If this is one of those babysitting gigs that Vicky doesn't necessarily feel like doing, then-"

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Two young children began approaching down the stairs on pogo sticks. One had firey red hair as she donned a Khaki blouse above survival shorts and boots. "Mommy! I flushed my sunday shoes down the toilet, It was Jawsome!"

The boy followed suit, blonde, had a hat straight from Indy's closet while donning full Croc Hunter garb like the late Steve Irwin. "Mommy, she plucked my eyebrows! It was Dudical!"

As they passed them by, they turned around to find two teenagers who have immediately been soaked in toilet water with the young man's foot comedically crushed by the newly detached toilet. After a scream of sheer pain from the fire lord, the girl states the obvious: "You're not mommy."

"Course not, I'm your sitter who still cannot believe this world's on its tenth season expansion!" Korra cursed under her breath for how Spongebob-ish the show's become before putting on the best false smile she was willing to dignify this particular episode with. "But I'm here to bring you along to Mommy, because she can't stay mad at your age appropriate whimsy. Unlike her Mom and Dad and especially my old man, she is a Fun Parent!"

"Her kids are my kind of people, whoever she might be!" Chester had probably rushed in answering a ping that Zuko probably launched to get the toilet off his toes. "Dimmsdale Daze, Here we come!"

"You've got to apologize for my friend, he's too easily excitable for traditional introductions." The Bald Kid, african-american in nature. He donned gray jeans, black shoes and a blue sweatervest to accentuate his intellect. "I'm AJ, the thing that just left is my friend Chester. I take it you're from another universe and are visiting for the loop?"

"Yeah, you could say that..." shrugged the Avatar as she kneeled before the boy and extended her hand. "I'm Korra. You've probably got some science-y thing to fix the toilet independently from you due to Chester's urge to drag you into Dimmsdale Daze?"




Wolf's Rain

You guys recognize Keiko Nobumoto for Cowboy Bebop most likely, and it is renowned for being a masterpiece, why do you think we have the whole Bebop crew looping? And it is very hard to top that masterpiece, just ask Samurai Champloo! So when I found these Infinite Loop threads, there was always an itch in the back of my mind to make her Champloo loop.

[Wolf's Rain][Cowboy Bebop]

No matter how far you walk, It's always the same road.

Never has this been more true than the thousand years I've spent repeating the same journey over and over again with little variation and few cycles of success. Some times, I am a wolf, others, I am a man. More often than not, the people I meet are reset to that day without any memory of what we've been through throughout the search.

Slowly, but surely, they started to remember the endless cycle of paradise one by one. First Tsume awoke, he found himself as a man working as a guard for Harmona's chamber. Then came Blue who awoke as a detective, cue a small child bringing up something called 'Blue's Clues' in a dance of age-appropriate whimsy. Toboe was next to awaken, having lived a full life before looping back to the pup he was. And the final piece of the puzzle was currently a street magician and hypnotist turned 'space cowboy' of the notorious Bebop crew...

Yes, earth was more or less on her deathbed following the incident which resulted in earth being abandoned by two thirds of the population.

Looking to the stars, I ponder the future of the world, even as the backdrop of this new world grow ever bleaker. Only finding hope under an arriving ship, I traced it to its docking bay and never stopped to look back.

I bumped into Hige when I was closing in, socialized with him in front of one of his fellow comrades: a small child named Edward. She leaned close towards me and noticed my tracks, but thankfully she didn't get frightened. Instead, he walked me and Hige over to their ship where I met two men of differing shapes.

"Oh, didn't expect you to have houseguests, Higeru." Asked the balder one.

"Well, I kinda figured with how 'loopy' things have gotten recently..." Proposed Hige to his crew, "We could need an extra-"

"Did you say... 'Loopy'?" Asked the leaner one in a suit, "As in you?"

"Wait, you guys are looping, too!?" Hige was in shock as the lanky one with a familiar voice dialed a phone number and spoke certain things while the broader one stepped forward and responded: "You and god knows how many others."

"There are others?" My question left our new ally contemplating something, "Well, where do you think are they!?"

"I think I know a place where you guys can find a few."

Imagine if Toonami had a Toy Line


When Gen-Xers thought Kenner, They thought Star Wars. When Gen-Zers thought Kenner, They thought Toonami.

It certainly showed when Kenner met its first major failure after spinning itself off from Hasbro in 1998 after aiding in the success of its Beast Wars line of figures, Ironically coming from the brand that made them a household name. After sending Hasbro back the rights to make Star Wars Toys in an effort to distance themselves from the epic disaster that was The Phantom Menace, Kenner was left with three of its five core brands in its pocket with limited access to a fourth to seek a new brand that can carry them into the New Millenium. Fortunately, one Sean Atkins saw value in Kenner and decided to adopt the 420 men and women that did not follow the Star Wars Brand into Hasbro's work force by breaking out one of Cartoon Network's flagship block.

The Summer of 2000 saw the fruit of their labors with Toonami's All-Star Cast flooding store shelves alongside Bandai's Model Kits of the Gundams certain vehicles. The Toy Line Included action figures of Tenchi's angels, the Gundam Wing squadron and the Z-Fighters on the Kenner Side while Bandai supplied the Gundam Models and even the Absolution! But the crown jewel of this collection was the Clyde O' Crooks which housed an assortment of Footsoldiers from associated shows within a Radio Controlled Clyde Toy.

  • Dragonball Z 'Z-Fighters': Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo, Vegeta
  • Sailor Moon 'Sailor Scouts': Serena/Sailor Moon, Amy/Sailor Mercury, Rei/Sailor Mars, Lita/Sailor Jupiter, Mina/Sailor Moon
  • Gundam Wing 'Colony Liberation Squad': Heero Yui, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei
  • Tenchi Muyo 'Masaki Saints': Tenchi Masaki, Ryoko Hakubi, Ayeka Masaki Jurai, Sasami Masaki Jurai
  • Toonami: TOM 1.0.
  • Playsets: Kame House (Dragonball, Comes Packed with Master Roshi), Absolution Docking Bay (Toonami)
  • Vehicles: Flying Nimbus (Dragonball), Space Pod (Dragonball, holds individual figures regardless of Origins), Sky Gliders (Sailor Moon, An Airsail invented for the toy line) Dragon Jaw (Dragonball, A Jet Plane invented for the toy line) Galaxy Police Hovertank (Tenchi Muyo, a Tank invented for the Toy Line), Clyde o' Crooks (Toonami, Contains six random Mooks such as Saibamen and Generic green repaints of TOM)

There were plenty of odds and ends here and there, including a Plushie of TOM himself. But the biggest twist was in September when an array of these lean Generic Army Droids in green flocked the shelves in shades of green that immediately disappeared on the Friday of the Week of Toonami's 'The Intruder' Event. And for good reason as there was a certain one that was awakening that afternoon... one in blue!

Yes, Kenner decided to pull a fast one on its viewers and supply a unique character disguised as a generic. And It proved to be a wildly successful venture for the stores, the parties, and the certain consumers who found value in the generics. This twist and the addition of Sailor Moon more than made up for mistakes like Sasami sharing a mold with Ryoko as it plowed through the Fall 2000 season with stellar sales and affordable prices, proving Toonami to be a brand valuable and versatile enough for Kenner to expand to other shows on the lineup alongside the DC Toys from Mattel.

  • Dragonball Z 'Planet Trade Corporation': Freeza, Nappa, Zarbon
  • Sailor Moon 'Negaverse': Queen Beryl, Jadeite, Nephirite, Zoycite, Malakite
  • Tenchi Muyo 'Galaxy Police': Washu Hakubi, Mihoshi Kuramitsu
  • Gundam Wing 'Organization of the Zodiac': Zechs Merquise, Dorothy Catalonia, Relena Peacecraft, Treize Khushrenada
  • Toonami: Generic Troops (Green repaints of...), TOM 2.0.
  • Playsets: Guru's Domain (Dragonball, Comes Packed with Super Kami Guru), Third Form Freeza (Dragonball, A Fifteen Inch Figure)
  • Vehicles: Planet Trade Starship (Dragonball, Comes Packed with Dodoria), Ryo-Ohki (Tenchi Muyo, Comes Packed with Ryo-Ohki!), Moon Kingdom Cruiser (Sailor Moon, A repainted Vintage GI Joe Swamp Sailer repurposed for the Toy Line), Negatundra (Sailor Moon, Comes Packed with Kunzite which was the Zoicite figure from Japan recontextualized into Zoycites Brother)

Toonami's Toy Line was riding high with kids, despite its criticisms the Otaku Demographic that was attracted by the Anime output of the block aimed at it for inconsistancies such as the grown-up Sasami figure and the repurposed molds with the intent of inventing Vehicles and even playsets for shows that don't necessarily need them. Though it did help that Hasbro granted them permission to re-use old molds from the GI Joe line throughout the five years following the split, Kenner knew they couldn't keep up the recycling game forever as it was especially noticeable with the Crystal Kyoto playset.

  • Dragonball Z 'Ginyu Force': Captain Ginyu, Comrade Jeice, Commander Berter, Sgt. Recoome.
  • Tenchi in Tokyo 'Masaki Saints': Human Ryo-Ohki and Corrected Sasami, Nobuyuki Masaki, Sakuya Kumashiro
  • Playsets: Crystal Kyoto (Sailor Moon, A series of Combining Vehicles in the Vein of GI Joe's Battleforce 2000 invented for the Toy Line), Doom Tree (Sailor Moon, Comes Packed with Ann and Alan), Crystal Tokyo Station (Sailor Moon, Based on the GI Joe Defiant Battle Station)
  • Vehicles: Capsule Corp. Time Capsule (Dragonball, Comes packaged with Future Trunks), Ginyu Manta (Dragonball, a retread of the Cobra Z-Ray repurposed for the Toy Line, packaged with Col. Guldo),

Though children enjoy putting together the playset their parents probably put together years prior, many anime aficionados still tend to criticize Kenner's blatant recycling of Playsets and Vehicles from the Past which would bleed into...


Winter saw the Introduction of Roleplay Toys, Toonami Tokens and the expansion into new shows Ronin Warriors and Outlaw Star. New shows meant new Vehicles whether the show had them or not, so Kenner went forward to churn them out as much as they could. Toonami Tokens offered an annual exclusive figure to those who can gather together enough tokens to spell out Toonami, and the reward for that year was Super Saiyan Goku. The only black eye was the cheesy slogan 'T is for Toonami' which sadly stuck with the children who played with these Toys.

  • Dragonball Z 'Planet Trade Corporation': Unsealed Freeza Cold, Unsealed Cooler Cold, 2nd Form King Colurato Cold
  • Ronin Warriors 'Ronin Warriors': Ryo Sanada, Kento Rei Fang, Sage Date, Cye Mori, Rowen Hashiba (Dynasty Soldiers added to the Clyde o' Crooks)
  • Outlaw Star 'Outlaw Star': Gene Starwind, Jim Hawking, Melfina, Aisha Clanclan, 'Twilight' Suzuka
  • Sailor Moon 'Negamoon Sisters': Catzi, Bertie, Avery, Prizama
  • Playsets: Sentinel III Spaceport (Outlaw Star), Goku's House (Dragonball)
  • Vehicles: Outlaw Star (Self Explainatory), Moon Chaser (Sailor Moon, repainted MASK Firefly, Packaged with Rini)
  • Roleplay: TOM 1 Helmet (Toonami), Freeza Helmet and Gloves (Dragonball Z), SSJ Goku Wig (Dragonball Z)

With the Toonami debut of The Big O, Spring saw the Megadeus collection from Irwin Toys which was designed to be comparable in scale with Matchbox's revival and compatible with Kenner's line of 3.5 inch toys. Big O's cockpit could fit two figures, Dorothy-1 could fit only one, but the biggest surprise was the Iron Ozaru which was a purple painted Ozaru toy Irwin disguised as a Mech which could fit all three baddies from the Saiyan Arc. The best toy of the season's lineup was the Toonami Token's offering of the season: the glow-in-the-dark 12 inch Talking SSJ Vegeta.

  • Dragonball Z 'Z-Fighters': Chaotsu, Chi-Chi, Gohan, SSJ Goku (Last Season's Token Prize), SSJ Vegeta
  • Sailor Moon 'Negamoon Family': Prince Diamond, Rubeus, Emerald, Sapphire
  • Big O: Roger Smith, R. Dorothy Wayneright, Norman Burg
  • Playsets: Paradigm Skyscraper (Big O, comes packed with Dan Dastun), Negamoon Throne Room (Sailor Moon, Packaged with Wizeman)
  • Vehicles: Roger's Car (Big O), Big Dipper Banzai (Sailor Moon, repainted MASK Switchblade, Packaged with Wicked Lady)
  • Roleplay: Sailor Star Tiara (Sailor Moon), Big O Watch (Big O)

The Summer of that year was a blockbuster of a line, The Red Ribbon Army made their attack, Cardcaptors and the original Mobile Suit Gundam were added to the pool of shows Kenner could draw from. An added joy was brought forward with Clow Cards being packed in with the 'Cardcaptors' branded toys at random for kids to collect and store in their Show-Accurate Clow Books which also housed standard figures for the humanoid spirits within the four Clow Cards packed into it. But the biggest hit were the Roleplay Toys representing Clow Cards such as the Shield and the Sword, even distributing Bandai's Clow Wand with a few costumes for Sakura and one made for girls as an experiment for things to come in the form of a Toonami Token Prize for the season.

  • Dragonball Z 'Red Ribbon Army': Dr. Gero, Android 19, Android 18, Android 17, Android 16.
  • Cardcaptors 'Cardcaptors': Sakura Avalon, Li Showron, Madison Taylor, Meilin Rae
  • Mobile Suit Gundam 'Universal Century': Amuro Ray, Char Aznable, Shiro Amada.
  • Sailor Moon 'Heartbeat Snatchers': Mimete, Eudial, Viluy, Tellu
  • Playsets: Gero's Lab (Dragonball, Packaged with Imperfect Cell) Sakura's Room (Cardcaptors, packaged with Kero)
  • Vehicles: Clowplow (Cardcaptors, A repurposed Cobra Wolf), DOK Carrier (Toonami, Repurposed GI Joe Crusader), Clow Book 01 (Cardcaptors, Houses figures of The Little, The Big, The Light, and the Dark)
  • Roleplay: Imperfect Cell Helmet (Dragonball Z), SSJ Vegeta Wig (Dragonball Z), SSJ Trunks Wig (Dragonball Z), The Shield (Cardcaptors), The Create (Cardcaptors, packaged with one of the eight...), Luna Pen (Sailor Moon)
  • Plushies: The Move (Cardcaptors), The Jump (Cardcaptors)

Fall needed to Top the sheer critical mass of Toys offered up by the Cell Games, and the only option they could come up with was a blast from the past: ReBoot and Thundercats. The toys have sold quite well, just not enough to keep Toonami on the top five Toy Brands of the quarter. Thankfully Toonami decided to put its third hour to good use by airing those shows for the purpose of having Kenner churn out new toys for a couple of old classics for old fans to earn a special Toonami Token exclusive Clyde O' Crooks: Model 49. Kenner thankfully made it easy for collectors by having a full set of Toonami Tokens in their bigger version of that particular toy made for its Lockdown Event.

  • Dragonball Z 'Hercule's Champions': Hercule, Caroni, Pirozhki, Piiza
  • Sailor Moon 'Outer Scouts': Sailor Uranus/Amara, Sailor Neptune/Michelle, Sailor Pluto/Trista, Sailor Saturn/Hotaru, Tuxedo Mask
  • Thundercats: Lion-O, Tygra, Cheetara, Panthro
  • ReBoot: Bob, Dot, Matrix, AndrAIa, Hexidecimal
  • Samurai Jack: Jack, Ikra, Scotsman, Aku
  • Playsets: The Maze (Cardcaptors, Modular Playset pieces, Clow's Dozen pack packaged with Tori Avalon and Julien Star), Cell Games Arena (Dragonball Z, Modular Playset piece, Packaged with Perfect Cell) Thundercats Lair (Thundercats, Modular Playset Piece, Packaged with Wilykit and Wilykat)
  • Vehicles: DOK o' Dastards (Packed with Cell Jrs) Clowbrow (Cardcaptors, repurposed GI Joe Razorback, Packaged with Clow Reed) Clow Book Tin (Cardcaptors, Houses figures of The Bubbles, The Fight, The Flower, The Song), Hovercat (Thundercats, packaged with Jaga)
  • Roleplay: Perfect Cell Helmet (Dragonball Z), SSJ Gohan Wig (Dragonball Z), Sword of Omens and King's Claw (Thundercats)

Christmas of that year saw a magnificent Crescendo in the year's line of Prizes from the Toonami Tokens with the Bridge of the Absolution. Completing the Z-Fighter Roster with Bulma and Roshi, Distributing the Budokai Tenkaichi Arena and an Announcer to go with it, releasing a roleplay toy of the Iconic Keytool of ReBoot, this wave had it all and a bag of steamed grits. And thus Toonami stood behind STAR WARS and Transformers as the Third Highest Selling toy brand in America.

  • Dragonball: Bulma, Master Roshi, Jackie Chun, Kid Goku
  • ReBoot 'Viral Attack': Hexidecimal, Daemon, Hack and Slash
  • Thundercats: Jaga, Lynx-O
  • Playset: World Martial Arts Arena (Dragonball, Modular playset piece, Packaged with the Announcer) Scion Tor (ReBoot, Packaged with Megabyte)
  • Vehicle: Thundertank (Thundercats), Saturn Ringer (Sailor Moon, repurposed MASK Firecracker)
  • Roleplay: Keytool (ReBoot)


Winter was a slow season for the toy line, so slow that Kenner resorted to print toys based on the Movie Androids for Dragonball Z's contribution. To make matters worse, people are complaining about the roleplay toys encouraging violence among children, there has to be another way on the horizon to appease these liberal lunatics and luckily for Kenner, the American Greetings group had approached them months ago for a special project.

  • Dragonball Z: Android 13, Android 14, Android 15
  • Sailor Moon 'Pharaoh 90': Professor Tomoe, Kaolinite, Mistress 9
  • Playsets: Tomoe's Lab (Sailor Moon, Packaged with Cyprine and Ptilol), Absolution Bridge (Toonami, Modular Playset piece), Absolution Corridor (Toonami, Modular Playset piece)
  • Vehicles: Pharaoh 90 (Sailor Moon, Repainted Boba Fett Ship, packaged with Battle Ready Mistress 9), Android 13's Truck (Dragonball, repainted MASK Truck)
  • Roleplay: Crescent Moon Wand (Sailor Moon) Saturn Staff (Sailor Moon)
  • Plush: Luna (Sailor Moon) Artemis (Sailor Moon)

Spring was in the air but Kenner seemed to end up with the runs with this next wave of toys. The Odds were stacked against them, They were stuck with Teen Gohan's high school buddies for DBZ, Naoko Takauchi strongarmed them into making human form toys for the denizens from Mau, even their newest 'Care Bear Stars' line with its fully dressable action figures caught the ire of fans despite the execs picking it up for two 26-episode seasons solely for the fact that they had K.A. Applegate to helm the show. The Roleplay Toy that season was a Silly String-Spraying Belly Badge, the ratings for that show tanked harder than expected, the prize was nothing more than a playset that will be sold the following season, and for the first time, Toonami Branded Toys slipped out of the Top Ten. Kenner's only bright spot was the install base boost of the children who bought the plush Care Bears that also housed its corresponding Care Bear Star, smartly triggering a desire to buy a few more figures as to not leave the one child alone.

  • Dragonball Z: Teen Gohan, Videl, Erasa, Sharpner, Angela
  • Sailor Moon 'Moon Kingdom': Luna, Artemis, Diana, Queen Serenity, King Endymion, Rini/Sailor Mini-Moon)
  • Care Bear Stars: Tenderheart Bear + Terry Rogers, Cheer Bear + Cherry Ann Conway, Grumpy Bear + Greg Jones, Love-a-Lot Bear + Lori Evans
  • Playsets: Orange Star High School (Dragonball Z), Terry's House (Care Bear Stars)
  • Vehicles: Videl's Car (Dragonball Z), Care Sails (Care Bear Stars)
  • Roleplay: Belly Badges (Care Bear Stars)
  • Plushies: Puar (Dragonball Z)

They needed to recover the lost ground in the Summer after the disastrous Spring offering. Thankfully, Kenner delivered with a sweepstakes where the 300 most well versed Toonami fans will receive a line of figurines they missed out on, the top 10 receiving a full wave, and the grand prize being a full completion of one's collection. And that's just the celebration of Toonami's 5th anniversary, Sailor Moon saw the 'Negamoon Circus' stroll into play, Buu Saga variants of Z-Fighters, and new shows...that were still months away so have some grown Powerpuffs designed by Kenner, complete with Rowdyruff Boys as the Token Prize!

  • DragonBall Z: Goten, Kid Trunks, Marron, Krillin (Buu Saga), Android 18 (Buu Saga), Vegeta (Buu Saga)
  • Sailor Moon: Tiger's Eye, Hawk's Eye, Fisheye/Snapper's Eye, Shark's Eye/Fisheye, Queen Nehelina
  • Care Bear Stars: Bedtime Bear + Brian Sommerlade, Wish Bear + Wendee Griffith, Good Luck Bear + Gordon O'Connor, Share Bear + Sherry Brandis, Funshine Bear + Fred Curry
  • Powerpuff Girls: Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup, Princess Morebucks, Robin, Mike Believe
  • Playsets: Coldheart's Lab (Care Bear Stars, Packaged with Professor Coldheart + Frostbite)
  • Vehicles: Armored Helios (Sailor Moon, packaged with Neo Sailor Moon/Grown Rini)
  • Roleplay: Dream Mirror (Sailor Moon), Fisheye's Puppet Stage (Sailor Moon), Harp of Helios (Sailor Moon)

At this point, Kenner was making by with A Smash Bros. Line of Toys to keep their business afloat after the whole fiasco their usual Toonami caused by having made a mistake that will go down in toymaking history as 'going full Kenner', Fall had to be the point where they could feasibly recover and recover they did. With the Trapped in Hyperspace TiE closing in, this was the make or break moment, They remade the bridge of the Absolution, re-released the Absolution itself, and even dusted off the Gundam branding. Twas a Rousing success that saved the Toy Line from cancellation, cutting off a source of revenue for Toonami. Thus, Toonami returned to being among the top ten toy brands of America.

  • Dragonball Z: Majin Bibadi, Majin Babadi, Majin Dabura, Majin Spopovich, Majin Buu
  • Sailor Moon: CereCere, PallaPalla, JunJun, VesVes
  • Care Bear Stars: Friend Bear + Frankie Martin, Secret Bear + Samantha Charney, Champ Bear + Chad Culkin, Birthday Bear + Bill Williams
  • G Gundam: Domon Kashhu, Chibodee Crocket, Georges de Sand, Sai Zhai Chiyai, Argo Galuskii, Rain Mikamura
  • Playsets: re: Absolution Bridge (Toonami, incorporates slides), Absolution Engine Room (Toonami, incorporates slides)
  • Vehicles: Babadi's Ship (Dragonball Z), DoK Destroyer (Toonami)
  • Roleplay: Gundam Fight Body Grips (Toonami)

Christmas was more or less the Victory Lap of the Toonami Toyline, they've essentially completed the DBZ Toy Line, they got the go-ahead from Gendy Tartakovsky to release toys for Samurai Jack, they even managed to get away with their roleplay toy unscathed with criticism, everything was going alright.

  • DragonBall Z: Gotenks, Mystic Gohan, Grand Kai, Supreme Kai, Super Buu (packaged with fusion costumes.)
  • Samurai Jack: Jack, Ikra, Scotsman, Demongo
  • Playset: The Pit of Hate (Samurai Jack, Packaged with Aku)
  • Roleplay: The face of Aku (Samurai Jack)
  • Plushie: Little Red Hood (Samurai Jack)


Twas the Winter of the Pipes, Toonami was preparing to wind down on the TOM 2 Era and has sent them designs for their new look to work out new Toys. Thus, for their Token Prize, Kenner decided to create a pipe lamp with a wide array of Interchangeable lenses to celebrate where it all began. February saw a limited release line of figures as a two weeks notice for Giant Roobot Week

  • Dragonball Z: Gogeta, Broly, Bojack, Bido, Zangya, Vegito
  • Evangelion: Shinji Ikari, Rei Ayanami, Asuka Langley Soryu
  • Dai-Gaurd: Shunsuke Akagi, Momoi Itsuki, Shirou Shirota
  • Playsets: NERV Center (Evangelion, Packaged with Nerv Crew) Dai-Gaurd Hangar (Dai-Guard, Packaged with Keiichiro Aoyama)

Spring, once more, was in the air. New Shows, New TOM, New Absolution, and of course: New Toys to Sell. And when Kenner meant new, the meant that absolutely no previous line has been continued and all three of Toonami's lines were from new material. The biggest addition to the Toonami were Kenner Kostumes, show accurate renditions of the outfits adorned by characters from the shows on Toonami, two test costumes were distributed in sizes for kids and for adults, both for the Yu Yu Hakusho line.

  • Yu-Yu Hakusho: Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Shuichi Minamino, Hiei, Botan, Keiko Yukimura
  • Ruroni Kenshin: Kenshin, Kaoru, Sanosuke, Megumi
  • Miguzi: Dr. Payne, Amanda Payne, Tony, Welton
  • Playsets: Enma Office (Yu-Yu Hakusho, packaged with Koenma)
  • Vehicle: Yusuke's Bike (Yu-Yu Hakusho)
  • Roleplay: Spirit Sword (Yu-Yu Hakusho)
  • Plushies: Koenma
  • Kostumes: Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara


  • Yu-Yu Hakusho: Toguro, Genkai (Young and Old), Yukina, Ayame, Jorge Saotome
  • Ruroni Kenshin
  • Cyborg 009: Joe Shimamura/009, Jet Link/002, Françoise Arnoul/003, Albert Heimlich/004
  • Playsets: Dark World Arena (Yu-Yu Hakusho)
  • Vehicle: Absolution MK II
  • Roleplay: Rose Whip (Yu-Yu Hakusho)
  • Plushies: Ivan Whisky/001 (Cyborg 009)
  • Kostumes: Cyborg Uniform (Cyborg 009), Z-Fighter Gi (DragonBall Z)


  • DragonBall GT: Pan, Marron, Bulla, Uub, Teen Goten, General Rildo
  • Yu-Yu Hakusho: Toguro, Suzuka,
  • Cyborg 009: Geronimo Jr./005, Chang Changku/006, Sir Great Britain/007, Pyunma/008
  • Playsets: Cyborg Lab (Cyborg 009, packaged with Bond/007.68), Absolution MK 2 Bridge
  • Vehicle: Capsule Ship (DragonBall GT, packaged with GT Trunks)
  • Roleplay: Giru (DragonBall GT)
  • Plushies: Bond/007.68 (Cyborg 009, Astro Boy
  • Kostumes: Genkai, Piccolo


  • DragonBall GT: Baby (Truffle Form, Vegeta Form, Super Form) SSJ4 Goku
  • Playsets:
  • Vehicle:
  • Roleplay:
  • Plushies:
  • Kostumes:

Imagine if Super Smash Bros had a Toy Line


Imagine if Miguzi had a Toy Line


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