Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 42

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Corpse of Xerxes

(Hoenheim wakes up to find his master dead and various other bodies half erased as well as the buildings)

Hoenheim: Hello, can anybody hear me. Is anyone out there, Willard? Barnabis? Tony? Ranmire? Mayo? Somebody...There must be somebody...

Dante: There's no use, all our bretheren have been used as the price of our endless lives.

King Xerxes: So, All of their souls have been taken from them.

Eleventh Doctor: Indeed...

Hoenheim: Magesty! (Bows) Are you alright?

Sanbey: Well, You've done and Gotten this story off the rails.

Eleventh Doctor: Yes, All my friends got exactly what they wanted, I even put all the Tragedies I've seen... And Yes, Hoenheim, that is the king this time, not some blatant clone of yourself you were to meet today, my friend. Now tell me, how does your body feel?

Hoenheim: What do you mean "I was to meet Today"

Eleventh Doctor: You still dont get it do you, You had the First or Second Telling of the Story to connect to, and by using elements of both tellings, Neither one of those sides have one...I broke the chain of destiny is what I'm saying! Using your blood, I was able to spread my essance across the Four of you, And I even have a few new tricks up my sleeve. You see, Instead of Giving Life to just you, I through it off course by giving life to myself, Dante, The King as well as yourself.

Sanbey: This is the true power of the Timelord Victorious, Control of the story itself. Assured by his little dwarf in the flask!

Eleventh Doctor: Be sure to thank Sanbey for my tutoring your knowlage, and your name in return for giving me the blood I needed in order to create Sanbey and in time, give you and your lover a body that can live forever. If you focus on my heart, we can make contact...

Hoenheim: Contact...

Dante: Contact...

King Xerxes: Contact...

Sanbey: Contact...

(They Contact their minds and find the screaming voices that come with the philosopher's stone.)

Eleventh Doctor: Go ahead and listen to the people that live deep within the country inside of your cute little human noodles! I even gave Sanbey a helping of souls as well, and It's not just the people of Xerxes that were used in equivilent exchange for our immortality, I also happened to have brought the deaths and the Tragedies of those who have been killed by my enemies in all of my adventures, Even The ones that were slaughtered by the Daleks, They are the tastiest of them all, you know... It all worked out in the end, their stories have ended but for the five of us... Oh, We can do so much more!

Dante: We just wanted our son!

Sanbey: Sure, go ahead and claim your prize.

Eleventh Doctor: Though I look directly at it though.

(The Couple Rush inside)

Sanbey: And they are? (Points at the Baby Girl and The Three year old Boy)

Eleventh Doctor: Your new younger siblings... (Wide Angle Shot that Starts on the Boy...) Ignorance... (and pans to the girl) And Want...

Sanbey: How is it possible, What did you sacrifice?

Eleventh Doctor: They were originally ment to be future faces for myself but through this Philosopher's Stone, I never need to Change,

(Dante and Hoenheim stare into the...things eyes)

Eleventh Doctor: I can stay like this forevermore...

(The Couple crys out in fear and dispair)

Shuu, You Dolt

(We see the fifth doctor, Shuu trudges to him.)

Shuu: Doctor, I should have told you...before all this erasure happened to the world...I'm so sorry...

5th Doctor: Dont apologize, Technically...I'm the one who pulled the Trigger...

Shuu: I sensed something in Kairi. She wanted to fight alongside Sora, but it turned out that the friend she fell in love with...At least, the one that's here... was nothing more than a Machine. We all wanted to protect my friends, to protect you from the nothing Sora has fallen to.... I'm so sorry...I just wish that I could have been told of the big Bossbot sooner. (falls into the Fifth Doctor's Chest) Let me...sleep here for a While...

(The Fifth Doctor Embraces Shuu as they Imagine Kairi and Sora in fancy dress clothes and dancing in the Ballroom of the B3BOP. We then cut to Cher and Quent running to the Doctor alongside TOM v4 and Tsume.)

TOM: Shuu, You Dolt...

Winds of Dispair

(We see Hubb walking in the blustering winds of nothingness...)

Hubb: Hey! Anyone there?

Grief and Sorrow

(Drew, Hige, Jade, Chase, Jess, Gomez, and Natalie rush to the Fifth Doctor while he is cuddling Kairi's lifeless Body.)

Drew Tyler: Five!

Hige: Kairi!

Jade: No, Impossible...

Hige: How did this...happen.

(Chase props up the Fifth Doctor)

Chase: Dont go yet, Too many enemies would delight in your death...

Fifth Doctor: Enemies that all stemmed...from a single god...

(We see the Dimentio bringing Hubb, Mikey, Cher, Zeus, Oz and Toboe to the Scene with his Teleporting abilities)

Hubb: Oh, please, no... Doctor...

Zeus: Sister, We couldn't save her after all...from the book of the sun...

Fifth Doctor: It's getting Blurry, and the cosmos...feel so cold. Just some closure to my role in seprate existance would be nice.

Drew Tyler: I'm here... Just you hang on.

Fifth Doctor: You're a copy...just like me...yet you're different...

Drew Tyler: Oy, that's no way to talk to a fellow regeneration!

Fifth Doctor: (chuckles a bit) neither is that...odd choice of words.

Drew Tyler: Please, Keep believing in the world... You have to Keep Dreaming of a better destiny than this!

(The Rest of the Main Characters Arrive, Including Kiba, Natsume, Rikku, Adric, Coop and The Third Doctor)

Adric: Doctor, You have to stay...

5th Doctor: (Tears wells up in his eyes as he smiles) ...Adric. (dies as his hand goes limp in Adric's. Hubb lays his arm on Adric's shoulder as the tears flow.)

TOM!Sora: Kairi... (a single tear is shed)

(All Nine Wolves Howl in grief for the last Keyblade Weilder of the Continuity while Drew cries out for his metaphysical Brother. Cheza sings a song of misery for Kairi with scenes from the original game.)

To the Holy Land

3rd Doctor: There, you see? No matter how different you slice it, These Stories that involve the Book of the Sun always ends in War, Death and Erasure!

Kiba: If that's the case, we have to keep moving. The Holy land of Mo'aire is the only safe haven for any living thing that exists. None of us is anymore vital than the other. In this world, Nothing is indespencable, not anymore.

Cheza: Brother, The Holy Land is right in front of us, this one suggests that we fly there...

Tsume: So, what's your plan this week, Porky... You said you wouldnt be stickin' around when it got costly, But if what the Dolt's saying is true, then It got costly before we even stepped in. After coming all this way, seeing so many of our friends die in front of us... what are you gonna do? Where are you gonna run off to this time.

Hige: I'm not running, I just thought you didnt need me anymore... I guess, you never did.

Blue: That's the nature of this reality we live in, you never know what fate acctually has in store for any of us.

Hubb: But you can bet that whoever's pulling the strings upstairs could be stopped to change the course of the future.



Jet: Sure, now we exist. (Holds up a car alarm which lights up the ship for a blink or two. A Clyde 52 pulls a stretcher-like technobed thing from revenge of the sith and the Hanabito siblings get her on the stretcher)

Toboe: So, Spared by the Adaptation?

Kiba: It would appear so...

Hige: Who's up for corn dogs?

Jess: Whew-Hew! I am!

(The Weirdies of the Bebop head back to the Ship)

Radical Edward: Onward to Paradise!

Jake's Resentment

(The Megaforce Rangers are Walking along the path when Jake stops in place)

Troy: Jake...

Jake: They Won, We Lost. The End of Creation's Coming, We may as well just wait for the end...

Insert Woobie Backstory

Tsume: Would ya look at that, Shuu. She's grown into quite some woman, that Kairi. One moment she's a pure-hearted useless living prop of a princess who'd rather play in the sun than face her future. When that moment ends, that nieve little girl had become a brave young Keyblade Mistress ready to light the shadowy nothingness of Dispair with a single key to the future.

Toboe: Y'know, Nomura... Sora was quite the Sucker for his friends, Riku and Yourself Included. I didn't realise how much you ment to him until today.

Tsume: Kind of like your deal with humans that got us onboard the B3BOP in the first place!

Toboe: Hey, C'mon. Tsume, You're making me blush.

Tsume: The Point is, I see a bit of Toboe in you, Kairi. The Both of you have grown so much throught these past couple of years of adventures we've had. Maybe that's why...I felt Jealous of him. He once asked me how I got this scar on my chest, This mark is a reminder of my sin. (Engage Flashback) I ran, my friends were being slaughtered and I abandoned them. They knew what I've done, and banished me from the pack. (End Flashback) I didnt need any friends, I never trusted them.

Toboe: So you turned tail and betrayed everyone you could meet... Until Kiba came along, brought the four of us together. What you're saying is that...

Tsume: Congratulations...

Toboe: What are you talking about... I wanted... to escort him to paradise... Now that I let him die, he's never gonna see it!

Tsume: You'd be amazed how big a runt can grow on a journey like this...

Toboe: I get it... Shuu's been through alot

Tsume: Kid... I was talking about you.

(Toboe gasps as he looks at Shuu's Robot Eye. Quotes from Kairi are sandwitched between quotes of Toboe and Shuu)




Toboe: You know what, Tsume, You're right. I guess I have grown up throughout this whole Adventure.

Tsume: Yes. Yes, You have. (sheds a tear of pride. Stands up afterward.) Doctor, take care of the bitch for me. See ya... (heads to the B3BOP)

Toboe: (Uses Yen Sid's Paintbrush to recreate the parts of Shuu that have been destroyed by Kairi's Body being splashed over him as Paint thinner) So long, Brother... (Sends Shuu's body to sink into the Ocean)


No Tears

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