Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 39

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Fem!Dan: Hey, Mr. Nomura! You should keep the Doctor On Board. Get Moffat and Friends to Keep on doin' that whole Kingdom Hearts Thing and never change. (She Drives off failing to realise that this is Not Mister Nomura)

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(Hiromu is coated in blankets as she shifts and turns in bed.)

Answering Machine: Hello, Hiromu-chan here and you know what to do after the beep *beep* Hello, this is --- Iwata... I'm never traveling to Oklahoma again...

Voices: *FMA Characters* Bring us Back. Bring us Back. Bring us Back. Bring us Back. *Father* The Mouse Commands you. *Darcia* Think of the Fame and the Fortune. *Nina Tucker* You can allow me a chance to grow big like big brother! *Maes Hughes* by the way, you should really check a Mirror. *Pee Wee Herman* Yeah, Check Yourself Out. Ha! Ha! *Roy Mustang* Pee Wee Herman, What the Hell are you doing here? *Pee Wee Herman* It's a Dream, Dreams are like that. C'mon, let's fly on Mark Zuckerberg's Pet Wallet *Greed* Now that's a Pet I would love to have over! *Envy* Ah, Will She Seriously have some serious Questions about this When she wakes up. *Anime!Sloth* That is, If she doesnt first ask about what the game is doing to her. *Nina* I call Shotgun! *All* Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

(Hiromu wakes up, she picks up her glasses and finds in her reflection not herself but a bright eyed, busty Young Woman in her early to mid twenties. She feels her new body to see is it's real and it is. She runs to change into a Blood Red Dress and when she looks in the mirror again to find in that Dress not the new Her, but Lust.)


(Hiromu is frightened at this Image. And calls Steven Colbert:)

Steven Colbert: Hello.

Hiromu: My name is Hiromu Awkawa and I'm debating if I should revamp the Fullmetal Alchemist Manga in the El Goonish Shive Universe.

Steven Colbert: Ha! Ha! Ha! I dont care! (Hangs up only to find Lust on her Bed.)

Lust: Our master wants you. He wants to change our fates and give us a light at the end of our tunnel. (Grabs her left arm and right breast) And We're taking you in, Mommy. (They spirit her away into the Mirror which leads them to Michael Grade)

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