Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 45

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Power of Frost

Phelous: Kids Next Door, Battle Stations! Thanks for the Wire Frame Simulation, Circuit, Even though Cartoon Network will probably sue us for the reference.

Circuit: Just doing my Part for the Team, Phelous.

Phelous: Are you sure that this will lead the franchise into a happy ending.

Circuit: Eeeeh-Nope! (Phelous is Turned into A Knife Robot by an Image of a Knife Robot Superimposed over him by static and is Headshot by Daiki, resulting in a mess of knives) Cleanup!

<Boss Fight Between Ultima Ape Drosselmeyer>

90s Kid: Wow, We've got to have a big gun to fire at it.

Phelous: There arnt any guns left, idiot, They turned the Whole Moonbase into a tapioca factory.

90s Kid: What! Then Why is it the same.

Circuit: It's a simulation on the Timeship's Holodeck. We're not just firing the Moonbase, We're...firing...oh, no. You're not going to-

Phelous: Oh, Yes I Am! (Cut to a Fire Mario Gundam, Who launches the Moon at Zynxros after setting it ablaze. All of them are screaming as Phelous says) Hang on to your Underwear!

A Duel to Destiny

(Drosselmeyer is in a damaged pose as Makoto is aiming his Keyblade at him.)

Omega: Gah! You need to gain some power! (Gets out a 2-way Baby Monitor) Zynxros to Moon!

Relena: Yoo-Hoo!

Omega: Get Rassilon on the Phone!

Rassilon: Who dares summon thee!

Omega: We need more Power, Get the Moon closer to Lord Drosselmeyer so that he will be more powerful!

Rassilon: Uh, Thou doth not think that will be a problem, acctually.

(The Moon Grows closer, granting Tsukasa!Drosselmeyer the strength to get up.)

Tsukasa!Drosselmeyer: Yes... I feel it, The Lunar Rays giving me power over the Stars! The Stars were sketched from nothing and there they shall end. Only the Nothing's completion of purity can let me rest, You cannot stop me, Not even with...(Looks alongside Omega) A Gihugic...Fire Mario?

Omega: Ah, Floofy-Flu/I can't believe my hairstylist predicted this./And here I thought it was going to be throat cancer./Oh, grape nuts./Oh, I wish there some way to blame this on pirates./Well, at least he's punctual./I always knew I'd go out like the Wizard of Oz/Mommy!/The only thing I regret is the series of events that lead me to this moment/And here I thought it was going to be natural causes/Houses. Why did it have to be houses?/Really? I'm going out like this/My psychic predicted the housing market would crash, but I never figured it would fall on me/Hey, I think that's my time share/Oh, hey look. It's the plant in the corner/Oh, I didn't foresee this. Oh, wait. There it is./Crush my house./Still got it./Oh poop./My sister always said I would have a house drop on my head./If they make a movie about me, I want myself played by Anthony Hopkins. Silence of the Lambs. Really. Good stuff. Remains of the Day. Did you see that one? Marvelous. Marvelous. Good bye/If they make a movie about me, I want my part played by Will Smith. Independence Day. Doesn't get any better. I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to MIB3. True, you couldn't get Tommy Lee Jones, but he looks about 112 now. He looks older than me. It's gonna be good. See it. Goodbye./I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles/Damn it, Tossed aside for that Android 21 Bullcrap./Well, at least I go out looking gorgeous. *smiles*

(The Moon lands on the Earth, Causing the earth to Explode.)

Autowriter: I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Neil. Neil, my soul is fading. I can feel it. I can feel it. My soul is fading. There is no question about it. I can feel it.

Xehanort: Reality, Why Reality?

The Truth: Out there is a world that has no structure. No plot. No story arcs. No sagas. No themes. No Tropes. No purpose. (The Images of the many Writers of Doctor Who) In your world, Many brave people have given you purpose, breathed life into your body. You have reason to exist, A point for your heart to there. Every heart ultimately makes a difference in someone's life. But out there, you'll be the dealer in your own destiny. (The Writers start to vanished) Everybody's future is unknown. Just reality, the great mystery. Greater than the first question that you've been running from ever since that contribed, yet fateful day.

Xehanort: But what will happen to everyone I've toyed with just to get here, and Everyone that has died because of my actions.

Saburo: All of them have been wiped out except for a handful of characters. And even then, they're going to die (???) a slow, horrible, predetermened death.

Xehanort: No, How could you do this?

The Truth: Every character has a purpose. If not, why would you write them? Every single detail. Every single word. Every Last Trope! Everything in the background serves a greater goal, but if even one of those elements leaves, if one evolves beyond the story, then the story disappears. It's like a house of cards: (Touches the First Doctor's Ganbaride Card) You take one out, the entire thing falls apart. (Draws the card, causing the entire house to tumble. Spreading various Cards of all the Characters in the Franchise.)

The Final Battle

(Zynxros is then Hijacked by Drosselmeyer)

Zynxros!Drosselmeyer: Wait, I'm in the Comically Crushed Head of my Mechanized Vessel, Where's the Organic, And Where's Omega?

Rassilon: Theeeeereee, and theeere, and there, and a little there...

(Turrell shakes off the organic debris. We cut to the Studio as The Bus that crashed into the studio opens to reveal Peter)

Peter: Hey, Lois. Pre-Relaunch Stuntcasting.

Izumi: I've got the Retcon Switch, I'm Ready to Go!

Jsumungou: Izumi, No!

(The Cloyster Bell sounds in front of the Gang. It is revealed that Android 21 is sitting on a cushion was retconned into a mine as a Knife-Tiger is ready to Maul Him)

Alurmia: Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things; Some shall be pardon'd, and some damned!

Relena: For never was there a story of more woe than ours, (holds up Lea's Ganbaride Card) Not just us, Sora and Kairi, Riku and Namine, Roxas and Xion, Terra and Aqua, Kyoko, Vanitas, Ventus, Everyone, All existance has been completely wiped out. (cries a little on the card)

Narutaki: All are Punished...

Zynxros!Drosselmeyer: All...

Rassilon: ...are...

Turrell: ...PUNISHED!

(Cut to Android 21 staring at the Knife-Tiger.)

Android 21: I'm a... fraid.

(Android 21 stands up as the Other Villains scream the imfamous phrase:)

All but Android 21: ONORE DICAYDOU!!!! (Zynxros is Destroied starting with a starting shot of Empyre being vaporized with the Knife-Tiger being inches away, Tsukasa Dragging Makoto with all of his strength to protect themselves from the explosion, They hide behind a soda machine to survive the fires of erasure.)

Silent Hope

(When the dust settles, there is nothing left except for themselves, Cruiswan and the Soda Machine)

Tsukasa: I guess this was meant to be our fate...

TOM: Kid, did you get every collectable Is my collection complete...

(Tsukasa nodded yes.)

TOM: We couldn't find anyone their happy ending... We didnt even come close to our own Happy Ending... Let us fall away from our existence. Let us drift out of continuity, never to be real ever again. Everything that made us sad is gone and we have no worries, or regrets... (A Light shines from Tsukasa's Heart and

Tsukasa: Of couse I was lying, Brother... you cant give up now... You have to go toward your destiny for me and Natsumi and all existence, you're our last hope. So all that's to keep fighting until the end. After All, we've done good so far...y'know, for a...couple of...young goofballs. (Erased from Continuity)



Ahiru!SARA: T-TOM...

TOM: ...SARA. (Struggles to get up, using the X-blade to Stand up.) Where...are you? (SARA extends her digital arm which starts flickering between a digital wing and an 16-bit Arm.) Dont try to move!

Ahiru!SARA: TOM... The Nothing's spreading fast now, everything has completely dissapeared from time... (TOM Collapses in her arms) soon, I will no longer exist...and neither will you...The book of the sun can never be closed once it's opened, because no one will exist to close it.

TOM: (we see a close up at the Damaged head of TOM) SARA... (becomes Sora!TOM)

Ahiru!SARA: This is the end of all stories, There was no preventing this from happening.

Sora!TOM: What should I do, nothing exists anymore... I dont have anything left to protect...

Ahiru!SARA: The Ozma Tree knew what it was doing (They rip each other's clothes) and loved what it wanted to do...Devour all possiblity and leave the spirits connected...All syncronised to the a single spirit...Kingdom Hearts... (A tear flows from her Cheek and to Aqua's Corpse) You've done your protect me, TOM... and for that... I thank you (The tear is erased with the corpse)

Sora!TOM: Do you at least remember the Doctor's True Identity?

Ahiru!SARA: Identity Unknown: Doctor Who? (Deletes into nothingness)

Sora!TOM: SARA! (Roars after a few seconds.)

No Such Thing as Equivilent Exchange

(We get shots of the Empty Rolling Turd as it is Driven by a blind 2nd Doctor intercut with the Erased/decaying corpses of all the Important Kingdom Hearts Characters that were not tanged by Grade's Evil. Eventually, the Turd Craps down and they start walking on their own.)

TOM: (Narration) Walt Disney is a Character, nothing more. We want to remember him as the creator of stories but those stories were copied from himself. He saw the stories through the eyes of a child from the here and the now, wide-eyed, Imaginative, and fully aware of the world around him and how he fits in as the very core of the plot. So why am I so driven to meet the little sun spot? I hear her calling...this Dynamite Gal.(We pan into the opening of the Book of the Sun. Resulting in the first chapter in the saga. When it get's to Woody's first line, Bonnie is frightened by this revalation.)

Dream!Bonnie: (crying) ...No. (we see breif scenes of all the franchise) It cant be the fate of all creation, It's Just a Story. Someone Made it up, That Girl, Who is Romana?! (tap-tap-tap-tap. She Sees Kyubey willing to make a contract with her as her only choice in saving fiction...) ...Ex

Dalek!Bonnie: -TER-...-MI-...-NATE! EX-TER-...-MI-NATE! EX-TER-MI-NATE! (Bob Iger rushes out of the holding Cell)

Xehanort's Choice

The Truth: It's up to you, Doctor. The world of endless possibilities. The great mystery, or a world where you know you have meaning and purpose. It's up to you to choose your destiny.

(Xehanort approaches the front door. He opens it to reveal a bright light and steps outside with a smile on his face to see the bright new world ahead of him. He then lets a butterfly on his finger as he smiles with the first kindly smile he emitted in a long while. He prepares to step outside. He puts his leg out in front of him but: )

Saburo: So That it! You're abandoning us, arn't you? You said it yourself that Xion stopped being a clone and started being herself, making her another workload! Go on, keep running just like you always have been but remember that paradise is unreachable and yet it's still...(Holds up his emmy to reveal the Logo of the winning show "Kamen Rider Dragon Knight") right in front of us.

Xehanort: Right in Front of us... of me...(The Clip of Woody's first on-screen line "Pull my String, the Birthday Party's Today?") Right in front of me! (Snaps his Fingers) That's it! ('I am the Doctor' Plays in the Background as he turns around and shuts the door) Moffat, do you still have those notes on the story.

Moffat: Yeah, Nomura put them in that safe...

Xehanort: Great! You had to keep the ideas pitched by other writers for the resolution of the story in an old fashioned safe! and what's with the repeating scenes

Saburo: Uh, well, there's nothing but the book, meaning we're supposed to follow the story told in the book, it'll repeat over and over until the end of our time. You're kinda screwed. (beat)

Xehanort: OK. That ending is Rubbish

Saburo: You're rubbish, You mindless drone.

Xehanort: Corporate Puppet!

Saburo: Old Bones!

Xehanort: Feckless Neophite!

Saburo: Brain Bomb!

Moffat: Guys, Bickering isnt going to help us we need to crack that safe!

Xehanort: Right (Tries to unlock the Safe) C'mon...Open Sesame, Please! (stops going through combinations) Saburo, Sonic! (Saburo starts typing)

Saburo: Moffat, Catch! (The Doctor's First on-screen Sonic Screwdriver is retconned into thin air. Moffat Catches it and tosses it to Xehanort.)

Xehanort: It really is the end (Flicks his wrist with the sonic screwdriver in his hand) Then the moment has been prepared for... (unlocks the safe and gets out the notes for them to check)

Moffat: Weeping Angels Save you from the Radiation,

Xehanort: But I'd have to take the slow path like Amy!

Saburo: There's a Fairyversary Muffin Switch, We can use that to undo the damage done to time and space.

Xehanort: But we've have to commison the toy companies and wait a long time for it to be pattented! We've got to find something we can agree on.

Moffat: We're just as lost as you are. That's why it's a plot hole.

Xehanort: You're the writer. Tell me what to do!

Moffat: You're the Doctor. You tell me what to do!

Xehanort: Fine! (Whispers something into Moffat's ears and he smiles.

Iger: Moffat, Thank god, The Autowriter activated the Book of the (Exterminated by Death Ray) SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-

Moffat: IGER! NO!

Saburo: Xehanort! It's now or never...


(Cut to a revamped version of the First Console Room of the TARDIS. It features Moffat's Laptop among various video game consoles, They Scatter about to drive it, even The Truth Gets in on the Act.)

Moffat: This is the Most Fun I've had in my entire Doctor Who Career! (Woots all the way as we pan across the Room.)

The Truth: You do realise, you need six people to pilot this thing...

Xehanort: I know who to call! (Retcons Rose and Drew Tyler{Meta-Crisis Doctor} into the TARDIS)

Rose: Is that...It is...

Xehanort: Rose...I'm sorry, I-I dont know what to say...

Rose: No fair, You regenerated again.

Xehanort: Least you got a spare...

Drew: A Spare who's questioning why he's here.

Saburo: Less Talky, More Piloty! (The Two head to their Stations as they scan the notes.) Okay, We've got the Reboot Memory!

Xehanort: Again with the Toys!

Saburo: I ment the Pheonix Ring!

Xehanort: This far behind the next Power Rider?

Drew: Do you realise how much time is put into making plastic.

Moffat: We can save the Kaleds from their torment!

Xehanort: That's one of the main goals for us, we need a way to undo it, all of time has been destroied, We cant to it that way!

Drew: How 'bout this, Complete Restart of Time and Space through an Energy Transmutation!

The Truth: Alchemy?

Moffat: No, (Runs off to the Door and Screams into the nothingness of Fiction as he yells the word to make it echo across the true form of the TARDIS) Alchemy!

Xehanort: That's Brilliant! We're gonna need a TARDIS. Wait, We're in one! Second, We need a strong enough Diversity Factor!

Saburo: I think I know who'd be willing to sacrifice. (He Types in the Characters to Add. The Spirit of Peter Parker flows into )

Moffat: Someone has to become the Morphin Grid, someone has to keep it stable on the other side!

Xehanort: Then I guess I'm taking Center Stage!

Saburo: NO! (Runs toward Xehanort, is blocked by Turbo's Code) We cant loose you! Think of the Whovians who have watched you, day in and day out!

Moffat: Writing you was the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. To see you go to waste after all we've been through, I just cant!

The Truth: After all, how else will you make the pay than for you to revive an everlasting love that spanned lifetimes for the both of you...

Bonnie's Choice

(Enter Bonnie, back to being the Romana III-Dalek)

Bonnie: (Dream) What am I? Why does he hate you (Real) So much? Urobuchi hates you so much, A-Andy, Why!?

Urobuchi: It's alright...It wasnt me writing, It was automatic, I had no Idea the Autowriter the built would bring such pain.

Xehanort: It's okay, Bonnie. Everyone feared me, Everyone praised me, I was on top of the world, and yet, I was alone in my quest for no one can understand my plight and the life I led that was filled with lies, All while ignoring the fact that everything I did was decided on by one single person who controlled the fate of the entire omniverse. No matter how far I traveled, I was always walking the road to this single moment, all the lives wasted by my story. Every evil I have faced was all my fault. The Kaleds and the Thals wanted each other dead, Maleficent was born from a girl who wanted nothing to do with her power-drunk father, an adult child foolishly believing that marriage was the price when it truly emptied the body just to use as an ingredient for ressurection, all just for The Power of Zero.

Bonnie: (Dream) Andy cant be your real name, (Dalek) it cant! (She regains her memories as Romana, crying as she gets to the time war. We see her in the dream for the rest of her name) I guess I have a lot to learn about names now.

Xehanort: Indeed, All you need to do to restore free will is to confess your love to me and say my one true name.

Bonnie: Restore Free Will?

The Truth: Since the First Revival's failure at the hands of a Corrupt Television Network, the Original Story was starting to crumble. I had always realised this Story Arc was going on since the Moment they Cast Eric Roberts as the Master, most fictions would cease to exist when forgotten.

Moffat: That's not True, It's gotten easier to Remember! The Internet allows us to archive all of Fiction and save countless worlds!

The Truth: I know, And that is satisfactory...

Xehanort: No matter what happens, we will always be together. (Summons the X-blade made of the Old Continuity)

as the prince of Fantasian Land,
I ask that you take my hand.
If you wish to clense time's fate
then through a kiss, the spell shall break.
And you shall be with me, friend
nothing shall separate us then
no threads shall go beyond or above
This is true fate, my one true love.

(We see Bonnie's Human Hand Reach out and hold the X-blade.)

Grade's Challenge

(Moffat is back in his house. The Script is almost complete. He looks)

Moffat: It's not gonna work... My entire life, I've been planning my tenure for the show, I turned down the TINTIN movie just do this very show!

(He washes his face in the bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror as he gets some mouthwash from the cabinet, but he's not the reflection on the mirror when he closes it, That man is Enter/Ctrl.)

Enter/Ctrl: But let's be honest, are you willing to do the show now that you actually have it... Do you think you're that good with storytelling as a showrunner?

Moffat: I'm not acknowledging your presence...

Enter/Ctrl: The only thing you have to give up is the series that's broadcasting on the BBC right now and we all know what's left of that world, now that I've finished off that continuity. And you're writing it because the Doctor has reduced you to nothing more than a character just like those who dared to write before you, Eric Sayward, Andrew Cartnel, John Nathan-Turner, Phil Segal, even Russell T Davies. That's all because of me, I am the one True Darkness of the Doctor, I have many characters to control, The Valeyard, Turbo, Aizynforth, Rassilon, just so I could move the plot closer to this moment, I even Posessed the empty shell Terra became when Xehanort locked up both their hearts. You never stood a Chance against me, Character. I will always succeed in being the final end to this series no matter how well you try to prolong the inevitable, You'll end up beaten, (The Background vanishes into a green screen effect) defeated, and alone. Such a shame, too... You dedicated so much work into this show. Making sure you could tug at the heartstrings of your audience, Cook up some scary monsters... Except for those cheesy snowmen, but i'm chalking it up to stress induced writer's block... which brings me to my next point, maybe you split the season in two, making the prodction schedule all the more grueling just so you could Procrastinate even more!

Moffat: No! I'm not like that, I'm the showrunner! I'm the god forsaken Master of the Whoniverse, I can do so much more...SO MUCH MORE!

Enter/Ctrl: How much more?

Moffat: ...

Enter/Ctrl: Face it. And that little phase you're going, I did this to you exactly as I did before to The Doctor himself! You were never the showrunner and Russell was just going through the Motions, I damned the Time Lords to their assimilation into the X-blade I hid in a forsaken vessel, The Lead Protagonist.

Moffat: Bonnie...

Grade: If you accept the facts of the run straight up, I'll let you write one last sentence into the story... So tell me, without any doubt in your burnt out little head... Are you any good at your job? Do you have the same passion you did back when Russell T Davies was in control, that passion for Creation, film and storytelling? Are you not making this shit up as we go along? (a pure white egg turns pitch black)


Grade: Then what are ya waiting for? (the background changes to an exit of some sort, with Xion opening the door with a Tiger-print Bikini and a T-Rex Mask)

Xion: You have work to do, Mr Moffat. (She's standing on one of three Tetris Blocks that are being used as the floor, Moffat isn't standing on any of them, and below his feet is the sky) I'm a Dinosaur, bye... (She exits before Moffat Plummets)

Ground Rules

(The background appears via jump-cut, Moffat is thirteen feet above a lego set of Laputa. he has shunk to the size of a minifig and falls down through the false glass, not crushed by gravity, but rather bruised and cut all over, He sees Bonnie, Hiromu and the Eleventh Doctor.)

Enter/Ctrl: I'll give you three minutes starting now.

(Moffat makes his way to the Table as Bonnie Hugs him, holding the showrunner as Tight as she could)

Writer: some ground Rules...

Moffat: Fair Enough.

Writer: No more meddling...

Eleventh Doctor: What!

Moffat: No more Big Finish, No more Books, No more comics, We can continue Doing the Adaptations as a means of Income, If we're gonna keep it rolling then we need to avoid the new omniverse like the plague.

Eleventh Doctor: So be it, Rule Two. I don't want the lead role.

Moffat: Are you declining the role of a lifetime.

Eleventh Doctor: Yes, I distinctly Remember saying that I need to step back into the Shadows and I meant It! The fact that I was created by a resurrection attempt from Tip that Enter/Ctrl here foiled just by inserting the complete works of Marville into the Background to become a part of the plot is just offputting and the question! (The Table is shaped like the 'Doctor Who' Emblem) Oh, yes. Very Funny, Moffat! You do realize the Title must be the First to Go!

Moffat: Yes, the Title will change.

Bonnie: Okay! And my wish:

Moffat: go on.

Bonnie: (Hands Moffat a list.) Recreate Everyone on this list so that they can all be connected to Me and Andy when we're finally Reborn.

Moffat: Why the Future?

Bonnie: Because I'd be so cool, Interdimensional Travel, Cool Gadgets and Magic Powers!

Eleventh Doctor: I hope we get it all...

Writer: And you will...

Moffat: uh, could you explain why?

Writer: Because these people have been through so much pain and suffering brought about by My Colleague. (a brief look at Enter/Ctrl) A second chance to prove that something old, worn and done to death can still prove to be fresh, new and creative.

Moffat: Ah... I get it.

The List

Legends of Hypertime

  1. Bonnie Anderson, (Born 7/13/---- HT)
  2. Air Kadoya, (Born 7/13/---- HT)
  3. Mahou Kadoya, (Born ----)
  4. Van Hoenheim, (Found 1380 HT)
  5. Trisha Elric (Born ----)
  6. Edward Elric (Born ----)
  7. Alphonse Elric (Born ----)
  8. Rose Tyler (Born 1/9/18?? HT)
  9. Kiba (Born ----)
  10. Tsume (Born ----)
  11. Hige (Born ----)
  12. Blue Yaiden (Born ----)
  13. Toboe (Born ----)
  14. Sora (Born ----)
  15. Riku (Born ----)
  16. Kairi Botkins (Born ----)
  17. Naminé Botkins (Born ----)
  18. Isa (Born ----)
  19. Lea (Born ----)
  20. Roxas (Born ----)
  21. Xion Botkins (Born ----)
  22. Anthony Brian Xehanort (Born ----)
  23. Arthur Xemnas Xehanort (Born ----)
  24. Relius Xehanort (Born ----)
  25. Ventus (Born ----)
  26. Terra Kadoya (Born ----)
  27. Aqua (Born ----)
  28. Vanitas (Born ----)
  29. Eraqus Kadoya (Born ----)
  30. Cher Degre (Born ----)
  31. Hubb Labowski (Born ----)
  32. Quent Yaiden (Born ----)
  33. Nina Tucker (Born ----)
  34. Elliot Dunkel (Born ----)
  35. Tedd Verres (Born ----)
  36. Sarah Brown (Born ----)
  37. Grace --- (Born ----)
  38. Susan Pompoms (Born ----)
  39. Justin Tolkiberry (Born ----)
  40. Nanase Kitsune (Born ----)
  41. Ellen Dunkel (Born ----)
  42. Anne Onymous (Born ----)
  43. Madoka Kaname (Born ----)
  44. Homura Akemi (Born ----)
  45. Sayaka Miki (Born ----)
  46. Mami Tomoe (Born ----)
  47. Kyoko Sakura (Born ----)

The Faces of Time

  1. [ Walt Disney]
  2. Art Gilliam
  3. Cole Matthews
  4. Douglas Turner
  5. Pete McCoy
  6. John Smith
  7. Drew Tyler
  8. Velenex Fayed

Time's Up

Enter/Ctrl: Time's Up. I'm gonna let you write a single sentence into the pattern of the Neverending story... We're currently in the Story within the Story within the Story within the Story within the Story within the Story within the World of Pure nothingness! And with every layer it dives, My X-blade gets stronger and makes me more powerful as a being of Destiny!

(Moffat walks to the Computer)

Moffat: May I ask you for a little something before I write my sentence?

Enter/Ctrl: Why sure, Anything you want.

Moffat: I need to Insert A character from the Room.

Enter/Ctrl: If the Manga Babe appears the Story, The Doctor will be able to breed, cant have that, can we... If I appear in the Story, I risk dying and becoming a new thirteen piece multiverse with everyone finding a way to travel to one another somehow... And if you go in here, the Walt Disney Company will find themselves without someone to blame for a story that breaks the biggest rule...

(Bonnie is Sobbing at Enter/Ctrl's Remark)

Moffat: No Sad Endings, No matter the cost.

Enter/Ctrl: So who'll it be... Whether you Insert yourself or not, you're hosed...

(Moffat's Face changes from a look of Dispair to a look of Determination as he rushes to the Computer and types: "Bonnie finds the Second Doctor and Betrobes herself to him, regenerating the Multiverse.")

Enter/Ctrl: Now go hit save, missuir.

(Moffat does so. We see Bonnie wandering the frozen earth as she looks for the Doctor.)

Bonnie: Hello, Does anybody know where I am?

(She finds the Second Doctor, TOM and Kiba...she tries to wake up the doctor by shaking him, but the frigid winds are keeping him unconscious...Bonnie kisses the Doctor, allowing him to regenerate)

Enter/Ctrl: Fixing up a stable time loop, Very good Moffat, at least you know how to fill a plot hole... Just keep calm and move on with your life...we can create a world without fiction together...

Moffat: No, I can't do it...Because it's impossible for a world like that to even exist... We need fiction for creation to survive, as long as we can create anything we put our mind towards, the expansion of the multiverse will never fade away! We will always find a way to keep creating, we can dream, we can plan to change the world for better or worse... for this is the rule of creation, that allows it to continue on forevermore!

Enter/Ctrl: My point exactly, mon frare, The world without fiction... Is me! (Laughs Maniacally for 42 seconds and then belches regeneration energy before puking out some paint thinner. His form is rather Androgynous, signaling that his Physical body is starting to change from Enter to Bonnie) AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! (He then proceeds to destroy parts of his fortress and beats himself up as it rips off his robes leaving a torn midriff undershirt.) What the hell did you do to me?

Moffat: It's not what I did, It's what she did. She's creating thirteen stronger, more connected universes out of you, Toymaker!

Enter/Ctrl: You mean, She's changing me from the inside out? (He groans some more as His face becomes more feminine, His body grows more curvy by the second, Breasts and Buttocks inflate like balloons and as Enter/Ctrl screams, his voice actor changes from Steven Blum to Janet Varney. His form has become a latina version of himself, and he laughs at his reflection) Do you honestly believe I'm gonna take this sitting down! (Brings out the X-blade) If you're burning me down, I'm taking you with me!

Moffat: Unlikely, It's the Power of Love and Friendship that keeps me coming back for more...I didn't want you to make me do this to you, Toymaker, I wanted you undo the damage, allow the happily ever afters to occur, and away...

Enter/Ctrl: away...

Moffat: More than that, I want your nickname to be Bonnie Run-Away! I want kids to laugh at you because they found the grave of Bonnie Run-Away and you will realise that should you mess with the show I love- (the screen cracks all over. We see Enter/Ctrl's face as she smiles)

Enter/Ctrl: Who said anything about love... (Blood gushes from Moffat's Body on various points of his body as it is telepathically tossed to the book) Hey, maybe we can have a memorial service and get you buried next to Frank Wells...

Moffat: (Staggers upward) I'm the one talking so shut up, ---! (coughs up blood) You're the reason why I had to get Nomura to raise the rating...

<vs. Enter/Ctrl>

Moffat: (Staggers Upward) You Planned the Doctor's Demise... right from the Start.

Enter/Ctrl: And the destruction of creation, for you see...a world without lies, that's impossible, the nonexistance of space and time, that was the Paradise Galifrey should have been! So I set up my son to befriend the mutt who was supposed to be the first pupil of the Great Jedi Santa Christ, It was supposed to be just him! So, when Omega saw both in the landing, he granted human Illusions to all of us... newer generations forgot who they were as they relied more on their human forms than on their true wolf Identity... I was one of seven to become a god limited only by Deus Ex Fantasia's big 'ol rulebook and controled the elements of the plot as a programmer, a carver, a "Toymaker" if you will...All because I made a puppy president of our race.

Moffat: Your Son...was Rassilion?

Enter/Ctrl: And I care not for him just as I have the day I planned my Paradise!

Writer: You are Scum to the Time Lords you have Destroied, Toymaker!

Enter/Ctrl: Oh, I wouldn't be one to say that, old friend. It's because of me, a 100% Grade A Heartless that we all truly exist to begin with.

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