Neutron Viateim/Toy Box

From Accct Wiki

Revision as of 01:56, 25 March 2013 by (Talk)
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[edit] Quotes

[edit] F1

Okay, Here Goes... Once Upon A time, there was a man who died...
His goal was to tell a story to ensure that he be reunited with his true love.
She used to be able to change into a human girl from a Duck

[edit] F2

[edit] F3

[edit] F4

[edit] F5

[edit] F6

[edit] F7

[edit] F8

[edit] F9

[edit] F10

Hello, Thank you for your usage of the Neutron Viateim AutoWriter Super-Computer for buisness
This Fully Autonomus Piece of Hardware is created to simulate an entire Omniverse within it's 13 Trillion Yottabyte memory banks
This computer's character history records exactly 1,853 Dairantou Warriors in the Universe. A Good Chunk of the Warriors weild Mechanized Zords

[edit] F11

Final Mystery: Our Perpose.


  • Manga [X]
  • Model Kit [X]
  • Action Figure [X]
  • Video Game [X]

[edit] F12

[edit] F13

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