Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 48

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(Phil awakens to find that he and his friends are in the ruin that used to be the Original Continuity of Bonus Stage.)

Phil: Huh, The Cartoon's Still there? (The Planes have patches of TARDIS-Blue Grass and Purple Water among white Sand, Multi-Colored Sand flowing upwards to make a starry sky) Everyone Alright.

Elly: Phil, Is this Place...Charismaville.

June: Geez, The poor show's seen better days since the time fix-up.

Joel: I Cant Believe It! It Got even Crappier!

(We see the Decimated BGs of Bonus Stage and a Top Rate Grade School)

Rya: Follow me, We've got to find The TARDIS...

<Free Roam, Realm of Darkness; Find the TARDIS>

(We cut to Xehanort, Saburo, Moffat and The 9th Doctor hovering above the waters of the ruined TARDIS Console Room as they lay on their backs, fast asleep until Moffat opens his eyes to find the beautiful sight and the Bonus Stage Gang that are headed for them.)

Moffat: Well...Air, Right? I guess they made it. We saved them from obscurity by creating the One True Paradise. Light and Darkness in perfect harmony...Just like you wanted.

Xehanort: Indeed, It's quite beautiful...Bonnie has been given a complete being, and all the pieces of the story have been tucked away, hearts made of both light and dark, this is free will incarnate. And all the hearts my Actions have created are able to co-exist in peace... Thank You, All of You!

Saburo: Moffat, I have to say something to you, about the universe.

Moffat: What's wrong now, We've saved everyone from their eternal Torment.

Saburo: I know, Rose has raised higher on the cosmic food chain alongside our lady Atomisa

11th Doctor: Quite, Xehanort has splintered from My Past as well as Madoka, making them their own people.

Moffat: And without Master Yen Sid to transform into {AkaRed/The Red Melenium Ranger}, I have to step in and fill his Helmet.

Saburo: You really are nieve... You forgot one last price to pay. The Last member of the spell has to remain in the ruin of many names that is the Original Bonus Stage, (He starts being transparent with gold dust flowing from him) meaning that now I have to say goodbye...

(Cyclone Effect {~Kadoya's Thirteenth})

Xehanort: You gave up your way home for the birth of the Thirteen Worlds?

Saburo: It was the only thing we could do, Xehanort. We never had a choice. All of this was destined... I just didnt realise it as much until I saw your now non-existant adventures...but now, I feel stained by my bleak story and devestating schemes. All for a pointless globe. After All, It's already begun.

Moffat: What?

11th Doctor: Right now, I'm Degenerating, Unwinding, Fading Away. I've already regressed one full incarnation, but I'm gonna keep reverting until I die of unbirth.

Saburo: I'm sorry. There's Already an Andy Davis in this world...

Moffat: I knew it... After all that trouble we had to negate, all the hoops we jumped through. In the end...we still couldn't change a thing about the Doctor's Fate! But now, I'm going to loose you, too? We were just starting to be friends again! We could have prevented this if we went through with Project Hexagon!

Saburo: The Whoniverse no longer has a place for some old toys such as Daleks, Cybermen, Hell the Time Lords being Saiyans was basically the only way to keep them on the show... What do you think Project: Hexagon was in the end. (laughs)

Xehanort: Ah, I get it now...My whole existance was a one way road and Now, there's a me known as an entertainment legend that defined the universe since the distant past: Walt Disney, A Me who is destined to atone for the pain felt by the universe in the present: Anthony Brian Xehanort, and A Me who will become a graceful warrior woman in the not-too-distant future, Madoka Kaname...

Saburo: Yeah, That's Right...Even if I had won an acctual emmy with that last Doctor Who Episode, we'd still be right where we are now. Don't Worry, I planned a good 100 member group of people who will remember the old world as it is. Hell, the Old world's on life support.

Moffat: and by life support, you mean Power Rangers and Riders and Cure.

Saburo: Dont forget Digimon!

11th Doctor: They're Included in the old universe, Too?

Xehanort: Fantastic, Isnt it. They seem to have it under control, after all. We obviously need the rest...

11th Doctor: Right...

Moffat: Ah, so... Do you think you'll be able to move on with your lives.

Jessica: Well, I already Moved on, I Escaped this place for Soccer Practice, Remember?

Cassidy: Y'know, I think I can accept this, Obviously Killing Rya will lead to a self destructive hell if I do it again. Especially in the real world...

June: Sure, I'll keep it real. There are still some stories that need closure in the detail department.

Elly: dunno if I can go on... I broke up with Andrew, so I ultimately have abso-freaking-lutely no idea what to do with my life!

Phil: I-uh...I think I know how... (looks into Elly's eyes, feeling the impact of the true love they were denied by Matt Wilson's apathy. They Kiss as the screen pans to Joel)

Joel: I'll Probably just continue my methods of ACTION SCIENCE! I'm gonna need a guy to help out with my Ideas and ultimately patent them.

Xehanort: heh-heh. Consider it done.

Rya: What's gonna happen to me... I dont know if Ansem survived?

Saburo: Dont worry, I have a little memory magic up my sleeve... (he draws a card... she sees herself giving birth to a baby girl)

Rya: Is that? It is! That's Kairi, Kairi Ann Botkins... (she looks up to the sky and tries to float upward but is interupted by Card-Rya screaming some more, She sees another baby girl with strawberry blonde peach fuzz on her forhead, ergot:) Wee little Namine... (Indeed the Pram was labeled "Namine Elmyra Botkins" and still another baby girl with dark peach fuzz on the top of her head.) Melody... Xion Melody Botkins.

Saburo: I'm sorry, man. For Everything! For the Ponds, For the Doctor, For the Omniverse, For Everything... I just, I just want to start over with our friendship, Y'know if it's okay with you.

Moffat: Just Be sure to find a way back like Riku did...

Saburo: I'll make certain of it! Dont forget who's supposed to be the one laughing at the good doctor's funeral. (he vanishes into the realm of Darkness as Rya looks down on him, tearing up with a few chuckles along the way. We see the Eighth Doctor looking at the stars as a Voice Speaks.)

Self Destruct

Voice: Beyond these walls is Brand New Continuity waiting to be explored by you so go forth and live out your new lives altogether, (Alarms Sound) The Retcon will catch up with the Doctor when the Co-Responding Lifeform is Concieved and Born and the TARDIS in fifteen minutes and erase them both from existance seeing as co-responding lifeforms exist in this continuity as well as the old one. Please Remove all personal belongings from the TARDIS Immediately!

AC: Okay, The Sirens are Telling us all to make like Eggman's hairline and receed, Why is that?

11th Doctor: The Regenerations will revert since we're in the Time Stream, I'll set it to 1963 so that I'll live longer and do some change, rest up, claim my reward.

Phil: Head to the Buses, I'll Try to rescue any of the staff members stranded in the TARDIS or held captive by Metacons!

All: Right!

(They All rush out to the Trains as various hearts appear inside one of which.)

Joel: (stops for a second.) Wait, Shouldn't the Doctor Be...Y'know...Gone... Ah, Well...

(We cut to the Metacons reacting to the Alarms.)

President Shroom: What's going on? Where the shell are we, Disneyland?

Voice: This is your fourteen minute warning. This TARDIS Will go the way of the guy who reversed his life too far back and melted into primordial ooze as a result in Outer Limits.

Shroom: You've got to stop it. Is there any to stop it?

Captain Orimax: I can't. It's irreversible.

Shroom: Like my raincoat.

Captain Orimax: (in microphone) Attention. This is Captain Orimax in forward command. Abandon ship. Abandon ship.

(Everyone on the ship starts to panic and run like crazy)

Captain Orimax: (in microphone) All personnel, proceed to Trope Page #2468: Put on a Bus. Give out Everything you can for absolutely free in every shop at the mall. Close down the circus. Evacuate the zoo. Save your Data in your flash drives. The TARDIS is being retconned from existance! Abandon ship!

<Abandon Ship Mission>

The Homunculus Revealed

President Shroom: Alright, One Pod Left... And I'm the President, Y'know I like it her, Although it's Rather Exciting, It's my desision to leave this ship and for you to go down with it... (Heads off to the Pod) Goodbye! (He Finds the 1st Doctor Sitting there, Breathing Heavily as the Door Closes on them.)

Moffat: Alright, This should be the Ticket Out, yes?

Voice: (Everything Freezes in Time Except for the Heroes) Time Stop!

(It comes from a newly dressed 11th Doctor)

11th Doctor: Ah, You're here... and yes, I've got a Tatoo now... (Reveals an Oroburos on the side of his hand) Tatoos are Cool

Drew Tyler: What is this

Brian: Drew, that's not the Real Doctor.

Voice: He's right, eh. (It comes from a Digitized Gray Wolf with a holographic cross with a blue wire frame figure. One eye is TARDIS Blue and the other is the Face of Kriemhild Gretchen)

Stewie: Impossible, Your actor

First Doctor: Yes, I am aware, Have you ever heard of an Other Darrin...

Brian: How is it possible that you have Degenerated so Fast?

First Doctor: Remember When I made Ignorance and Want out of my own regenerations, well these puppets came from my own Degenerations... I figured that I would be brought to justice one way or the other, so I figured why not make my escape with one life than exhaust all eleven in one fight?

Xehanort: You killed...Peter Parker...

First Doctor: No, He never existed, he was just one half of Ron Peralman's Replication set up to destroy creation... And It's my turn to hide under the shadows and if someone were to revive me, I'd finish what he started. Ta-ta... (Dissapears)

Stewie: According to this we are able to go home, it's one of the thirteen worlds that are left.

Brain: Wait, Thirteen?

Meg: My god... So all the other worlds are his...(Gasp)

{Rage Reborn}

Brian: This is Obscene, I cant stand for this! I'm gonna show you how outclassed you've become, You cant even hurt a shaggy dog!

(The Eleventh Doctor Unleashed an Octavia Von Sekkendoff-Type Gaurdian Heartless.)

<vs. Eleventh Doctor (Homunculus)>

After the Defeat

(The Eleventh Doctor falls flat on his face...)

Eleventh Doctor: Damn it. Do you not understand...I'm Just an empty clone of a Fictional Character, I have nothing to live for.

Moffat: Are You kidding, You've made a name for yourself... You made yourself a Legend of the Last Great Time War. You've been a friend to Sayasis for the Last Two and a Half Years of the War. You've sent Xehanort, Your Own Regeneration somewhere that has your two best friends ready to raise him, a world where he can just be a kid! My Velenex Fayed...

(A Flash of Light Later, they were out of the TARDIS with Doctors 2 through 9)

Eleventh Doctor (Velenex Fayed): Steven...Moffat... I never wanted to be this Important to the Universe. (shows a little bit of Emotion.) I wanted to create my own dreams, Tell Stories, work in entertainment.

AkibaRed: (Gasp) It's Retcon Time!

AkibaYellow: ESCAPE! ESCAPE!

Eleventh Doctor: So I followed Lord Sandirfold's spirit as corrupted and emotionally crippled by Dr. Roleplay to avoid that fate. (Bawls in Moffat's Arms)

(Moffat hugs Fayed Back as all the Other Doctors Join in, Making it a Group Hug.)

Fourth Doctor: I Believe, We've got a Train waiting for us to go back to game central station so lets all say goodbye to the old girl...

Second Doctor: I'm all for it, but I dont think the Girl Remembers Us anymore...

(They make their way to the Train, While they ae still hugging. Back to the Kissin' Keys looking for a way out.)

Voice: Attention, The TARDIS seems to be shrinking in spurts which means it is winding down to the Teenage Years feel free to press the Un-Retcon Button.

President Shroom: Un-Retcon Button? Hurry!

(They All Slide Down A Ladder)

Nightmare Narm: Where the Shell is it?

(Captain Orimax opens a panel to the Un-Retcon Button. It has a sign on that says, "OUT OF ORDER: SHOW CANCELLED")

President Shroom: Show Cancelled!

Nightmare Narm: F***, Even In a Video Game Nothing Works!

Voice: TARDIS Unborn in Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Bye, Baby!

All Remaining Villains: Thankies! (Eyes Closed)

(The TARDIS Dissapears in a Blue Splash of Color that brightens from it's usual TARDIS Blue hue all the way until it turns completly white...)

Wrap Party

(...When the white clears, Walt Disney is in front of His Tardis, Only the Walls are gone, Revealing Mami and Homura's Apartment, not to mention all the past TARDIS Sets that has ever existed. In this familiar yet fresh location, Every Doctor Who Character is dressed in White for their final fates in the new universe.)

Walt Disney: Didnt Know I touched this many hearts...

Wreck-It Ralph: I got the word out, Cocktail Jelly Baby? (Andy Takes one)

Mami: So, You're the Doctor.

Walt Disney: Apperantly So.

Mami: Your destiny was set in stone as all fates were, but now you go ahead and break the chain, knowing all too well of the friends you'll be leaving behind.

Walt Disney: Thank God that I have some.

Mamiya: Quite.

(Mamiya is Pooring Coffee into his Mug (Doctor Who the Coffee Mug).)

Mamiya: You've become a part of our hearts, just as all of us have become a part of yours...

Walt Disney: Yes...My friends are my Power, And I am theirs!

(We get a View of the location being taken apart by Stage Hands, with the Newest form of the TARDIS going down first.)

Jenna Louise Coleman: Doctor, Are you sure that you understand how fearsome a wish that was?

Walt Disney: Yeah, More or less.

Jenna Louise Coleman: This means that for all the past and future of this new story. You will have to keep fighting forever to alter reality's true destiny. In doing so, you will neither be a human being or a Saiyan. You will vanish from continuity without a Trace...

Tenth Doctor (Drew Tyler): Simply Dying would be a Kinder fate. I should know, I died once... But For all eternity, you would merely be this rule of this world...

Andy: That as long as there is Imagination, Reality can Never Fade Away.

Seventh Dotor (John Smith): And we, the Trophies of your lost Life will remain to continiue your saga

Andy: it's alright. That's basically my parting gift to the Matrix of Leadership. If someone says that It must be destiny that they've done something wrong, Then I'll tell them they're wrong about destiny's existance, Every single time. I'll always find a way to free them from their eternal nothingness...

Ninth Doctor: So, that's the way it is? If you think you can do it, then do it and Make this new world Fantastic! After all, you now have a reason to fight, Right? You know that you can't run away. No problem, just run straight ahead to your new Valhalla!

Andy: Yeah, Thanks, Doctor.

Kyoko: By the way, you've gotta Try this. (Hands Trasme a Banana, Andy Eats it.)

Andy: It tastes delicious.

Velenex Fayed: It's called a banana, Bananas are cool.

River Song: Hold on, I need to return something to you... (River song hands Andy her Diary.)

Velenex Fayed: River, Your diary?

River Song: Wont need it where I'm going. (points to the Doctor's Chest)

Kyoko: Huh, the Doctor's got a girlfriend...

River Song: Doctor Who?

Kyoko: Oh, I'll be silent.

Atomisa: You arent just giving us freedom from fate, you've become the concept of free will itself, Just as I became the hope of all life.

(The coming hole is floating above the heads of our guests.)

Kyosuke: Is that the plot hole?

Masaya: Looks like.

(Sayaka clutches onto Kyosuke)

Wreck-It Ralph: Guess this is finally it.

Andy: Looks like...

Wreck-It Ralph: But still, fifty years on the air. At least you can say that you had a good run.

Andy: A Fantastic Run...

The Chain of Fate

(The Pandorica flies up to the Skies and into the Year 1963. And It causes a Mystical Starstorm all around it.)

Kyubei: Your attack on the Finalarg has broken the chain for fate. Destiny has been rewritten you have prevented the war that has created the Daleks, you have granted humanity a few great magics including one long forgotten. In return, the Matrix shall revert your existence to a simpler time, you will no longer be the brilliant hero you were to the will be the nieve young boy you used to be, you'll have Terra to look after you and his new twin, Molly. All your miriad forms shall be in the form of Trophies, Immortal yet Lifeless beings of pure Imagination. Those who doth splinter from you shall be Independent beings with their own Unique History. And even a few strong hearts have been given life in this new world... But there will only be a few who will remember. And you will not be Among them...

Moffat: so what you're saying is he'll have to start his life all over again? What would make you say he would want this! That's a Rediculous Way to end a Franchise! (Starts sobbing) I just wanted to keep everyone I could nice and safe... Andy... You should've just accepted Death like the hero you became...

First Doctor: So, All this Bruhaha is about this pickle being worse than Death, Eh.

Moffat: Doctor!

First Doctor: Drop the Formalities boy, We're nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Nothing can hear us, Only we can hear them, All the Universes and Fantasies of the Omniverse, all the souls I have freed from their nothingness, The worlds that could be or could have been, Everything that was real at a single time, that is why I must say "thank you all for such an adventure!"

Moffat: Doctor, You're welcome. (Cries in the Doctor's Arms)

First Doctor: It wasn't until I read the Neverending Story that I could truly know about all the sins I have wrought by playing into corporate hands, And All the friends that I have made, and the most important friends I did not know that I had, was my own family, I'm glad I know of everything about you now, and all the family I will get the chance to know better. So could you do me a favor, Mr. Moffat? I wont be born until long after the year of 1995 so will you look after the universe as AkaRed/The Red Melenium Ranger?

Moffat: I will, But What about the TARDIS? You wont remember the place you went home to all these 3000 years, not to mention your desendants you'll be seperated from alongside your companions and you wont be aware that they even exist!

First Doctor: But I wont be alone, Steven. Every Heart of Every Lifeform of Every Story will always be together...Forever alongside me In this new destiny, It will be everywhere at Every moment from here on out as my final gift to time and space. Even if I cant remember them, Some will remember my presence and shall know as much as you do that I will forever be by your side, AkaRed.

Moffat: But, Where will you go? I'm the only one who will recognise the sorrow you felt, And I'm the Neccessity of Celebration! AoBlue and GiYellow would follow...To lead up to the birth of MidoGreen, KuroBlack and MomoPink... HikaHope would be used as a vessel for our Lady Atomisa...And by using the OmoKing and JoseiQueen Morphers And My being AkaRed, I'm just another character...Nothing more, Right?

ShiroWhite: Quite...

Prismo: There is a way to maintain writer status for a while.

Moffat: And what do I have to pay for such power?

ShiroWhite: Whichever you wish to sacrifice, My leige. I'll even throw in this. (Hands Moffat Yen Sid's Keyblade)

Moffat: Of Course, The universe needs it's AkaRed, And you are the only man standing to do it. My friend wont torment anyone, anymore. Not without remembering these events that had led me to this moment.

ShiroWhite: And how exactly will you pay for it?

Moffat: I dont think I need this portal to be happy so that will be my payment for authority of this final chapter?

Prismo: And How are you to spend these 13 days of storytelling?

Moffat: With the Characters that I love because...because I owe it to them, To Andy and Terra, To the Wolves, To Tsukasa, Makoto, Homura and our Lady Atomisa...My Characters, no...My Friends are my Power and I'm theirs!

ShiroWhite: You've done it! You've finally accepted the fate of the universe that you held so well in your hand and so dear to your heart! And you're willing to do anything to buy some time say goodbye to the friends you made on both sides of the Fourth Wall you've managed to walk right through. (A Plot Hole Opens) go ahead with your last of your power. You've earned this Prize on your own volition, I just cant wait to call you Ally someday, Farewell, Steven Moffat!

Disney's Final Fight

Nurse: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, You're a long ways away from walking out of here.

Walt Disney: Hey, is that a Demonic Duck of Some Sort.

Demonic Duck: Thank you, Your Check is in the Mail!

Nurse: Huh.

Demonic Duck: Nightie-Night! (Walt Injects the Nurse with his own ???)

(Walt Rushes past the First Doctor, Who looks in fear to find his reflection to be that of Walt Disney Ciera Pinnochio. He Rushes out to get him)

First Doctor: Doctor, She's Seven Months Pregnant, Those Machines were keeping us alive and you planned this all along didnt you.

Walt Disney: Dont I always?

First Doctor: I Kinda figured that with the holes in the c- (Walt Dashes to the Nearest Elevator Realises he now looks like Andy Davis, Then talks into The Walkie Talkie.) Deploy The Ranger Troopers...

(Walt is attacked by "Special Delivery Sentai Pizza Ranger" that came out of the Elevator, He Dodges and Blocks the Attacks.)

First Doctor: Walt, Dont do this, I'm not done yet, I dont want to go and...fade away from this story...

Walt Disney: So you dont wanna go back to the heartmaker of the stars, that's sad... (Holds up his Henshin Belt) ...because I do.

First Doctor: The Metadriver, Are you Nuts, That'll Accellerate the Poison! It'll Kill you to my grave!

Walt Disney: That's the Plan. (Puts it on.) Henshin (Uses the Henshin Functionality.)

{The Price of Freedom}

First Doctor: Attack!

(Pizza Ranger Fight for about Half a Minute as Disney Dodges their Attacks. And then Henshins into his Rider Form and then crashes through a Window as he is fighting Pizza Red.)

First Doctor: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALT! (Regresses even Further.)

(Walt Lands on the Ground and Calls out his Rider Format)

Walt Disney: Kamen Rider Disney!

<vs Pizza Red, Pizza Blue, Pizza Green, Pizza White, Pizza Yellow>

(The Five Pizza Rangers fall in front of Disney)

Disney: Why Wont you quit it and leave the Doctor to Accept My Death.

Pizza Red: It's because if you Die, He will be born...

Disney: That makes no sense!

First Doctor: Not Me-Me! The Other Me...from your world!

Disney: Then you should be excited.

First Doctor: How can I be exited when I'm fading from reality!

Disney: You're about become real in our time as well as yours.

First Doctor: You still dont get it, My World is gone and I cant survive with him-me being alive. And You cant survive without me-me being alive!

Disney: Why would both our lives be on the line here?

Voice: It's because there Cant be more than one Air Kadoya! (It comes from Pizza Burn)

Pizza Yellow: Pizza Burn!

Pizza Green: Alright, Groundhog Day Fragluckers!

Pizza Brown: He wants to live for as long as he can!

Pizza Silver: And hold on to your life that is his only link to this world.

Pizza Blue: Pizza Brown!

Pizza White: Pizza Silver!

Pizza Peri: Let's Go!

Fighting Pizza Rangers: Right!

{Blessed Wind}

<vs. Pizza Burn, Pizza Brown, Pizza Silver, Pizza Peri>

(The Four Pizza Rangers who Challenged Disney are Lying on the Ground. The Five Other Pizza Rangers are Helping them Out as it rains outside)

Pizza Yellow: Are you okay?

Pizza Burn: I'm long as I'm with you!

Disney: Anymore Pizza Rangers I need to Know about?

First Doctor: Well, There is me...(Unmasks himself to reveal: A Human Master Shake) Ha! You thought I was him did ya? Well the Real thing is coming up right about... (Enter the Child that is the First Doctor) Ah, There you are! By the way, name's Hiroshi, dont wear it out. Anyway, let's get freaky with it! (Henshins into...) Pizza One!

Pizza Breeze and Pizza Flare: We'll join you, Senpai!

Pizza One: Eh.

Pizza Trip: We're with you all the Way!

Pizza Cosmic: The Doctor Needs us more than ever before, (Cut to The First Doctor Regressing further) We wont let our Doctor die that easily!

Pizza Space: The Stars forever owes this man their debt, and should he die, the omniverse will shiver with the extreme cold of sadness.

Pizza Liquid: Please have mercy on him, and surrender to us and at least hope that the birth's a false alarm...

Disney: You're seriously considering trying to defeat me! You're already past the point of no return, I can sense the Mother Pushing! Even if you did, I've touched so many hearts though my work and my legacy, My Friends, My family, and my creations, They are my Power! (Engages Winged Form)

{Cyclone Effect~First is Birth}

<vs. Pizza One, Pizza Trip, Pizza Cosmic, Pizza Breeze, Pizza Flare, Pizza Space and Pizza Liquid>

Disney: It's over... my Finally Over... (falls on his knees and Demorphs)

{Cyclone Effect~Thirteenth is Death}

Roy: Walt? Walt! (Runs to him with a few of Walt's Friends...) Uncle, What are you doing here...

Walt Disney: Wuh-Whu-What's Passed...Is passed...

Roy Disney: What's Passed is Passed.

Walt Disney: Pan-Pandorica...

Roy Disney: The Pandorica?

Walt Disney: Keep it safe, I've got some unfinished buisness to attend to... M-M-Mike...

Mike: Yes...

Walt Disney: Frank would want you to stay alive for him...

Mike: I will!

Walt Disney: B-Bob... (A Shot of Bob Iger, Thumbs up, With a Smile on Bob's Face) If you Excuse me...I've got some...(Looks apon the now Infant Doctor with Sanbey) Unfinished Buisness and then...That's it. (falls uncontious. Roy Cries in his arms, We see into his heart.)

The Final Dive

{Reach for the Sanctuary}

1st Doctor: You pitiful old man, you thought you could escape me. Trust me, I'm not one to die that very easily! (we see the Floor of the Doctor's Chamber of Hope) If I were to fix up this X-blade, I can come back anew and continue my plans to undo fiction and become real, That is correct, eh! So join me and undo the pain you brought into this world!

Walt Disney: How about this. You give me control and I Destroy you both!

1st Doctor: (Laughs) This X-blade was made the moment we met, Idiot! Just how do you think you lived this long? Destroy it and we are both history as they say! Me, I wont even be history, I'm just a never was which will return to nothing if I dont go through with this!

Walt Disney: Whatever it takes, Anything to Keep Smiles on the faces of the Omniverse.

1st Doctor: It's about smiling in the end isnt it.

Walt Disney: At least I have a reason. There are many ideas that have yet to be heard and many stories that must be told! This is True Destiny, Accepting your dreams and Grasping it in your hands!

<vs. 1st Doctor>

1st Doctor: So, It's really, really over after 52 years of continuity, this is my final journey... This is really it, I've still got some fight left in me, but I'm saving my aces until I get a little suicidal... (The Doctor's Shadow Detaches itself from him and becomes Merida!Dante)

Merida!Dante:You think you've won against Fate, this is what the executives wanted, You've lost your body, do you think you would win against those corporate fools as a disembodied heart, You cant even fight me, And Neither of Us are Drawing breath

1st Doctor: Ah, but you forget.

{OK Time For Plan B}

1st Doctor: I'm Ready to accept my fate... Are You?

Walt Disney: Ready as I'll Ever Be...

Both: Henshin (Transforms into their Respective Kamen Rider Forms)

NoHeart: Kamen Rider NoHeart

<vs. Dante>

The Path

(The Riders De-Morph in front of a fading Merida!Dante, the credits start appearing on the screen.)

Merida!Dante: I need more erasure...More Dispair...More Hate...I Need More Tragedy!

1st Doctor: In order to use the Tragedy, The Tragedy has to occur in the first place.

Walt Disney: Do you get it, It's The Princible of Equvilent Exchange.

Merida!Dante: Unfortionately...I Dont... (Flows into the Doctor as he collapses)

1st Doctor: ...It's Over...It's Finally Over... Heh, Death doesnt frighten me, eh...Good riddance to a senile performance, My heart was never real...

Walt Disney: Are you kidding, of course it was... The Fans of your story are sad because it's over, but happy because they lived to witness it's glory...

1st Doctor: So my fans will...remember me.

Walt Disney: Your Heart is bonded to the Omniverse, both the old and the you shall never fade away.

1st Doctor: So no matter which death befalls me, The fans will be keep me alive, eh... that's okay...

Walt Disney: So, The war Freeza sparked in order to wipe you out... You've been searching for something... What was it?

First Doctor: I was looking for something you cant just buy at a store, Something that took 52 years to find...

Walt Disney: And that is?

First Doctor: A reason for me to die.

Walt Disney: Huh, so that explains it... The Homunculi you made from your Numerous Incarnations. They were your life and you decided to throw it all away...essentially killing yourself to take the easy way out...

First Doctor: And all this hullaballoo was all because I knew for a fact that I wasn't a real being...but a construct of Fiction. Guess I'm a Coward, eh, Walt.

Walt Disney: A Cowardly ol' Bastard if you ask me... (They both chuckle) Yeah, Who cares about being real, If someone thought you up, You're real to them, after all...we're all stories in the end.

{The Path}

First Doctor: One day...I Should come back,

Walt Disney: Should come back,

First Doctor: It's just, The other me will be born long after we pass away. And he would be born in a different world than I...

Walt Disney: So until the boy's birth, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties.

First Doctor: The omniverse will have to move on holding on all of it's many beliefs.

Walt Disney: So we can prove to the Truth that we were not mistaken in ours...

(Enter the Truth)

The Truth: So you think Moffat will preserve your character as well as the people you tortured through your homunculi.

First Doctor: (Now Resembles a Young Man) I Know he will, I'm certain of it...

(Walt Disney smiles as he closes his eyes. We see The Woody doll coming to life on a TV Screen at a local Wal-Mart Followed by clips of the Disney Movies that were Present throughout the series.)

Simon Petrikov: The Doctor was never mentioned or thought of again. He became the great story which no one has ever wrote, which goes on forever, where each chapter is better than the one preceeding it. The Omniverse was forever changed into Thirteen Great Worlds, Each with their own perticular style... While some of the old stories were reduced to just that: Fictional Stories that were created by a group of Talented people bound together by a single script and a legacy that spawned from one man's strong-hearted Imagination.

(Merida awakens to a hand stroking her hair, she senses no heart other than her Own and looks to find her mother. She Immediately Hugs her and is kissed all around her face. ??? Rushes to his wife's Side and Holds her tight.)

Simon Petrikov: Others were reborn in Traverse Town, Home of the Game Central Station. For they were so scarred by the doctor's own Rashness and Arrogance, that they had a hand in his eventual suicide... And when they return from this world, They would return to being mere fiction with their stories all but complete, but without the memories associated with the Masked Doctor...

(A Man gets on the Train and Undos the hood of his black coat)

Simon Petrikov: As for me, I exist in this new world with my sanity intact and I have made peace with the personification of the power of frost. In this new world I seek, Destiny isnt set in stone, but can be controled by our own hands. When everyone is all together, I'll get to see the wolves again, and until then...I'll continue to sleep, and on that day, I will finally be free to find my own that I may continue to live.

(As he says those words, the Train Departs, Toboe)

I used to wonder what friendship could be

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