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[edit] Interpretation

[edit] The Other

The Other helped Omega and Rassalon build Time Lord society to maintain a higher standard than the barbaric genepool they abandoned in order to become closer to the Tyrant they were ruled over, a handful of those such beings ultimately joined their group of "Time Lords" to get in their lord's good graces

[edit] The Doctor

Terra, eager to gain a younger brother. Finds a Loom to fix up and use as a way to Transfer a loomed heart into a womb through a robot he also built in order to create himself a younger sibling. The first attempt was foiled by his mother sleeping on her stomach, the second attempt was tripped over by Aqua and the third attempt was the successful attempt, the baby was conceived in a heartbeat and grew to full term within hours, the fast rate of growth slowed to a normal rate a few seconds into labor and out came a baby boy made from the Other's DNA, Air Kadoya, or in our world, Andy Davis. When Andy grew up, he was lured to a forest on the way to college and wound up looking into the untempered schism in front of the first ten Incarnations of the Doctor, He fled backwards in time to the 1900s and establish himself as a new man: Walt Disney. He's established an Animation Career that got him everywhere that he ever dreamed of until he was forced to let go of everything, including his home world, and learn in the Time Academy under the title of "The Doctor"

[edit] The Time War

When the Tyrant destroyed the old home world of the Time Lords, he announced that the Daleks were the ones behind it, saying they were after the Hallowitch known as: Metaljo Nomur. Thus starting the Keyblade War, or as one would like to call it: the Last Great Time War. The Daleks and the Timelords were at each other's throats and is destroying as many lifeforms as possible until the evolved form of the Metaljo Nomur hallowitch known as the Dai Xehanort Oozaru Absorbed the unprotected Galifrey among countless other worlds, leaving a small hole within the universe made a little bigger by Master Nysou's Cosmic Chop which, rather than destroy the hallowitch as he thought he had succeeded in doing, splintered the weapon into two halves, one half decended into the realm of light, another flowed into the Other's genetic coding in order to be used by Terra to create Air

[edit] Science of the Heart

[edit] Nobody Creation Process

[edit] Projected Physical Shell

  • Steven Moffat (Projects his existence into the continuity in order to rescue the Doctor from Saburo's retcons)
  • Saburo Hatte (Appears to duel both the Doctor and Moffat before he inserts the perfect retcon)

[edit] Heart Replication

[edit] Metabolic Regeneration

  • Xehanort and Madoka Kaname (awakened by a Cut through one of his hearts, the nameless Tyrant crushes the Doctor's Soul Gem. Took 4 hours before the Regeneration began)
  • Saya, Jin and Ragna (Eraqus Lobbed Kriemhild Gretchen's Head off for Ragna. Jin and Saya are born by Xehanort Slicing the Body through one of the Two Hearts, Leaving the other heart to race to the head, Took 36 Hours before the Regeneration began)

[edit] Reincarnation Conception

  • Mahou Kadoya/Molly Davis (Andy Davis Accidentally projects a piece of his heart into his mother, And thus, Molly Davis was conceived.)
  • Zordon (One of the Doctor's two hearts conceived him inside of an Eltaran Sorceress)
  • Sora (Used a projection of his Soul Wavelength to seal all the Darkness inside of a Space Dumpster for Handsome Tom to toss into the Cosmos in order to hopefully get rid of them for good. Also used the same projection to channel his heart into a young woman from the Destiny Islands to conceive Sora.)
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