Episode 512: The INKD Arsenal

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Next 2 Levels of de Blob

Wii For Mii

TOM: The Television Friend Channel allows Wii users to check what programs are on television. Content is provided by G-Guide. It is unlikely to be launched outside Japan, as most countries have a guide built into set-top boxes and/or TVs.

FLASH: What if you hacked your Wii and TV to Reach Japanise Data?

TOM: Sweet, Then you're good to go!

SARA: Look forward to the Next one!

Next Time

BIF: Comin' Up!

ELITE INKY: I Fear No Blob!

INKY: Is he one of them or one of Us?


PROFESSOR: Next Time: Comrade Black's Secret Weapon, See you in the Battlefeild!

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