Bad Egg

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Chapter 1

I can’t believe it. Amu thought to her self as she left the school. I just can’t believe the nerve of those boys!

-Flashback-Classroom-5 minutes

“So how are the rankings for the cutest girl in school?” A boy asked his accomplices. You see this boy and friends gathered in the classroom after school in secret every week for the past few years, for one purpose and one purpose only.

To see who was the cutest girl in school.

“Is it really any contest? Mashiro-san is definetly the cutest!” One of the boys answered.

“What about Hinamori-san?” One asked.

“Nah. When she first transferred here, she seemed ‘cool and spicy,’ but now she’s been acting like a normal girl.” Another boy answered.

“Yeah, she really has been out of character lately, hasn’t she?” The first boy asked.

“Exactly! Nothing is cute about someone acting out of character!” one of the boys replied.

-End Flashback-

I was totally acting in character…Wasn’t I? Everything would be going great if it wasn’t for that spoiled Mashiro.

“Isn’t spring supposed to be a time for new beginnings?” Amu whispered.

“Amu-chan…” Su mumbled, her voice coated in worry.

“Don’t let those guys get to you!” Ran cheered.

“How can I not? How am I supposed to know who I really am? What is my real character?!” Amu cried out her voice rising with each sentence.

“The egg!” Miki cried out as she saw Amu’s most recent egg, the diamond egg, floated into the air.

Amu and her Charas looked on in awe as the saw an X slowly form on the egg.

“An X egg!” Ran cried out.

“Come on, Amu! We have to get it!” Miki told her.

“What’s the point? The Joker’s job is to capture the X eggs, but one of my own eggs has an X. I’m a failure as the Joker.” Amu replied with a sigh.

“If you fail as the heroine, then change into a villainess.” A voice said. It seemed to be coming from everywhere.

“Who said that? Who’s there? Come out!” Amu called out nervously.

“I am your true self. You may call me, Dia” the voice said as the egg, branded with an X, hatched.

What came out of the egg was not what, the girls were expecting. Normally when an X egg hatches, the X character is pure black, with a giant red X on their forehead, there appearance and ability’s differ depending on what the human counter part specialized in.

Dia was a girl with long blonde hair that went well past her feet. She wore a plain black dress. Her eyes were cold and emotionless. In her hair was a black diamond shape hair clip with a white X on it.

“Yo-You’re my true self?” Amu nervously asked.

“I am one of your true selves just as Ran, Miki and Su are.” Dia replied.

“I don’t understand.” Amu replied.

“Chara are a person’s true self, born from the wishes and dreams they made when they were children. They can change as the person they belong to changes or they become X Charas, but some were meant to be that way from the start.” Dia explained.

“I’m still confused. What do you mean?” Amu replied.

“Have you not noticed that I’m different from all the other X Chara you have seen before?”

She’s right. Every X chara I’ve seen until know. Normally they’re just mindless beings that lash out at anything they see.

As Amu was thinking, the eggshells of Ran, Miki, and Su appeared. They slowly began to close around their respective Chara.

“Tell me, are you happy with the way things are? Are you happy with Ran, Miki, and Su? Are you happy with the way you’re treated? Are you happy with the current Guardians?” Dia asked.

Am I-I really happy? Do I like the way people treat me?

“No, I’m not happy!” Amu replied. As she said this, the eggs of her Chara shut tight.

“Tell me, why are you not happy?” Dia asked.

“Because no one likes me for my true character.” Amu replied.

“But didn’t you just say that you didn’t know what you true character was? Maybe your true character was the ‘cool and spicy’ girl everyone loved?” Dia retorted

Could that really be the true me? No, that’s just my outer character, isn’t it? Now that I think about it, I’ve hated how a reacted when I was out of it. Have I been playing the part so long, that it has become the real me?

An X appeared on each of her Charas’ egg.

“But the Guardians are my friends, they know the real me!” Amu cried out.

“Really? From what I understand the only reason they asked you to join was because you had three Chara. And Tadase only likes you for Amulet Heart. Let’s not forget that Mashiro is the new queen. You two don’t strike me as best friends. The two guardians who you thought were your friends abandoned you!” Dia responded.

“Th-That’s not true, is it?” Amu asked.

“The King and the others have been manipulating you away from your true self from the start. Did you forget his Chara, his true self? How he pines for world domination? He was born from the kings wishes. That’s means that the real reason the King wants the embryo is for his own gain!” Dia told her.

I-It makes sense. If Keseki really is Tadase’s true self then what will he do with then embryo? I can’t let that happen! I have to do everything in my power to get the embryo first and prevent it from falling into the King’s hands!

With that last thought, her Chara hatched from there X eggs. They looked pretty much the same except their clothes were darker shades, and each of their symbols was black with a white X on it.

“That was different.” Miki said

“Miki, you have an X!” Su called out in panic.

“So, do you Su!” Ran cried out

“You, too, Ran!” Miki replied.

The three Chara began flying around in panic.

“What are we gonna do?!”

“Quiet!” at Amu’s outburst the girls shut up. “Miki, do you think that you can you and the others to look like they did before?”

“Yeah, I think so” Miki replied.

“Good. I don’t want you girls telling anyone about this, alright? You can’t mention the Xs or Dia to anyone.” Amu told them.

“Alright.” They replied in unison.

“Here I go. Drew. Draw. Drawn.” Miki said with a wave of her paint brush, recoloring the girls so they look as they did before.

“So, now what?” Ran asked.

“Now, we go home and get some rest. We’ll figure this out later.” Amu told them. With that they leave but they failed to notice a pair of prying eyes.

“I know I’m supposed to be running away, but I have to report this to Utau.” Eru said before flying off in the direction she came from.

Chapter 2

“So what are we going to do?” Amu asked. She and her Chara had arrived home and went straight to her room. She didn’t even talk to her parents, or pay attention to what they were doing for that matter.

“We need to find away to keep the Guardians from finding the Embryo, without giving ourselves away” Dia informed them.

“I think I have an idea” Miki told them.

“Well, what is it? Come on and tell us. Tell us!” Ran cheered impatiently.

“We could try to cultivate X Chara.” Miki explained.

“But won’t that be counter productive? Amu is in charge of cleansing the X eggs and X Chara.” Su replied.

“We’ll have to see what the new members can do before planning are next move.” Dia told them. “So we wait until tomorrow. Then will see if Miki’s idea will work.”

“So for now, we sleep on it. Dia, remember to stay hidden. I know your not coming with us to school, but Ami can still see you. We don’t need her telling the other guardians about you.” Amu said.

“Understood.” Dia replied.


“WHAT!” Utau screamed and spat out the tea she was drinking.

“It’s true. Amu –san has another guardian Chara!” Eru exclaimed.

“That- that- that bitch! Three Chara weren’t good enough for her. Why does she get so many Chara?!” Utau began ranting when her manager and her manager’s little brother walked in.

“What’s going on?” Yukari, her manager asked.

“That blasted Amu got herself another Chara!” Utah snapped.

“A fourth Chara?!” Yukari, exclaimed in surprise. “Kairi, is this true?”

“I wouldn’t know. Amu failed to be present at today’s meeting, but I’ll see what I can find out tomorrow” The boy replied.

-The next day-

With a sigh, Amu headed to school at a casual pace. She was trying to focus so she could stay in character. That was not as easy as it sounded. She was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to pull it off.

Calm down. Just remember, "old habits die hard"

She marched on, back in her old persona of ‘cool and spicy’

When she arrived at school she was quickly inquired by Tadase.

“Where were you yesterday? You missed the announcement of the new Guardians.” The King said.

“I was busy” she said without stopping or passing a glance.

Some of the students saw this. They weren’t close enough to here what was said. All they saw was the King trying to talk to Hinamori, but was flat out ignored. They students told there friends. And their friends told their friends, and so on and so forth, until the whole school new about the incident before first period. Of course this insignificant act became skewed by wild rumors and other such nonsense until…

“Hinamori-san! Hinamori-san!”

“Is it true that the king proposed to you?”

“And you rejected him?”

“Even though when you confessed your feels to him he rejected you?”

Amu just gave a small grunt that was neither a yes nor a no.

“Cool and Spicy” the girls all said in unison.

This is easier than I thought. But why am I acting like this out right? Tadas- No, Hotori-san will be able to see something’s wrong, won’t he?

Before her internal musings could continue, Mashiro Rima entered the room. Instantly she was flocked by almost every boy in the class. The key word being, ‘almost’. Rima took notice that two or three boys were staring at Hinamori. A frown appeared upon her lips.

“Hinamori is upset!”

“We must do something to please her!”

Before any more action could be taken, the teacher walked in.

“Alright class, settle down and take your seats.” He said as he walked over to his desk, only to trip and land on his face. Everyone was laughing at the teacher’s fate. Everyone, but Amu and Rima. It was then that Amu noticed a little clown hovering above Rima’s head, and was laughing its ass off.

The mighty queen wishes to be the fool? This should more interesting then we first thought.

-After school- Royal Garden-

“I’d like to introduce you to the two newest members of the Guardians” Tadasi said.

“Mashiro Rima. 5th year. Queen’s Chair. Chara: Kusu Kusu.” Rima explained.

“Sanjo Kairi. 4th year. Jack’s Chair. Chara: Musashi.” Kairi explained.

“Hinamori Amu. 5th year. Joker. Chara: Ran. Miki. Su.” Amu explained.

“Now that introductions are out of the way, Let us explain the purpose of the Guardians.” Tadasi began.

“No need. I managed to get a hold of the record files of the Guardians dated back to their founding.” Kairi explained as he placed the stack of files on the table.

“Well that takes care of that.” Tadasi said sheepishly

“I want tea.” Rima said emotionlessly

“Coming right up” Yaya said as she left go get tea for the ‘queen.’

“I’ve noticed a lack of efficiency concerning the capture of X eggs. I suggest from now on we due patrols in pairs.” Kairi explained.

“Fine.” Rima said.

“Whatever.” Amu replied.

“So it settled. Rima and Amu will go out on patrols.” Tadasi said. As he said this, both Rima and Amu got up and left.

“Amu-san has been acting different lately.” Yaya commented.

“I believe it has to do with the fact that the 5th year class is at war with itself.” Kairi replied.

“War!” Yaya exclaimed.

“Yes. It seems the class has split between the faction that worships Rima, and the faction that admires Amu. Amu maybe acting out of character, but to the class, this is her true character. If she doesn’t keep it up when Rima, who doesn’t know her true character, is around, she’ll be viewed as weak.” Kairi explained.

“It must be hard on her”


-Six Minutes Later-

“Come on hurry up.” Amu called over her shoulder to the panting Rima.

“Slow down. I’m not good at running. Carry me!” Rima replied.

“Why don’t you get one of you servants to carry you?” Amu retorted.

At this Rima paused and took out here phone. She immediately started texting.

“I wasn’t serious. Why don’t you go on patrol with Yaya? She’d probably carry you.” Amu said in response.

“Useless. Useless.” A voice echoed from above, before Rima could reply. Both girls looked.

“An X egg!” Amu whispered. Before she could do anything else, there was a flash of light. When the light died down, Rima stood wearing a clown costume.

“Character Transformation: Clown Drop” She said, before pulling juggling pins out of thin air. “Juggling Party!” she cried out as she threw the pins. The X egg tried to get away, but the pins homed in on it. Eventually they hit home, causing the egg to shatter. After which, Rima effortlessly caught all six pins.

“You didn’t do anything.” Rima pointed out as she dropped her transformation.

“I didn’t have to. You did my job for me.” Amu replied, before walking away leaving a slightly wide-eyed Rima, and a giggling Kusu Kusu in her wake.

“Are you alright, Miki?” Amu asked after noticing how tried Miki looked.

“I’m just tired from holding the change for so long.” Miki replied.

“You can drop it when we get home so hang in there.” Amu said before hurrying home.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

“X eggs!” The Chara trio called out in unison.

“What?” Amu said as she turned to the direction the Charas where suddenly facing.

Amu was shocked at what she saw. There was indeed a horde of X eggs floating there, but that’s not what shocked her. What shocked her was the person standing in the center of the eggs.

“Utau?” Amu asked, confused. I know she works for Easter, but what’s with the confrontation? They never outright attack us.

“Utau? The famous singer, Utau?” Kukai asked.

I forgot the Guardians didn’t know she works for Easter.

“What is she doing here?” Ran asked.

“Hinamori, you’re going to pay!” Utau declared.

“Pay? Pay for what?” Amu asked confused.

“For trying to steal the man I love!” Utau answered. Ran, Miki and Su sent glares at Kukai, all three of them thinking the same thought.

“What?” Kukai asked as he noticed the glares he was receiving.

“Enough talk!” Utau said, before there was a flash of light. When the flash died down, Utau stood there. She was now wearing a short red dress, with batwings coming out of her back. A pair of batwings was also covering the top of her chest, along with a bat wing chocker. “Character Transformation: Lunatic Charm!”

“Go get the others.” Amu whispered to Kukai. Darn it! This is really complicating things.

“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” Kukai asked.

“Yes, now go!” Amu replied. The boy took off, gave a worried glance over his shoulder, and then headed for the Royal Garden.

“Looks like your friend abandoned you! A smart choice.” Utau taunted.

“Ran, Su, do you think you guys can handle the eggs?” Amu asked.

“I-I think so.” Ran replied. Why would she ask that? Did she really think that they could hold off all those eggs by themselves?

“Good. Miki, let’s go!” Amu said before there was another flash of light. When the light died down a new figure stood there that no one there could recognize. She looked like Amulet Spade, but all her clothes were black and her air was blue. “Character Transformation: Dark Spade!”

Amu blinked. I thought her being an X Chara might cancel the transformation, but I never thought it would give it an overhaul.

“Do you think that new Transformation will save you?” Utau taunted. She charged forward, pitchfork in hand, and gave a thrust at Amu. The pitchfork was intercepted by a giant paintbrush.

“What is your problem?” Amu asked before jumping back to avoid a second thrust from the currently demonic girl.

“My problem is you stealing my man!” Utau called out. She moved her hand, signaling the X eggs to attack.

“Chips. Syrup. Whipped cream.” Su called out before a tidal wave of batter, not unlike the one she made the day she hatched, formed and intercepted the eggs. The X eggs struggle futilely to get out of the sticky substance.

“Alright! Way to go Su!” Ran cheered.

“This isn’t over yet!” Utau snapped before charging again at Amu.

“Canvas Curse!” Amu called out as she swung her paintbrush. A glob of paint shot out and crashed into ground with a splat. A gelatinous blob son rose from the splattered paint.

What is that thing?

/It looks like this form brings paintings to life/

So my power is based on my artistic skills?

/It seems like it/

“Don’t think that thing will save you!” Utau yelled before thrusting her pitchfork.

Only for it to get stuck in the paint blob.

“What?” Utau called out in frustration as she tried to free her weapon from the blob.

“This ends now!” Amu called out as she charged forward and struck Utau with her giant black paintbrush. Utau was sent flying and crashed into the ground, causing her to revert to her normal form. Iru appeared right next to her.

“This can’t be!” Utau said as tears started to form in her eyes.

“Enough.” A voice called out. Both girls looked to the speaker. They found Ikuto and his Chara, Yoru.

Yoru floated over to Utau to see if she was alright, while Ikuto walked over to Amu. He stopped in front of her ad handed her a bag.

“This should compensate for her trouble making.” The teen replied. Amu looked in the bag and found it was full of sweets.

“This isn’t over!” Iru yelled as she flew over to Amu and kicked her in the Humpty Lock. Flashes of light suddenly blocked both Amu and Utau from view. The other guardians arrived in time to see the lightshow die down. What they saw was not what they expected.

Where Amu stood, a girl wearing only a short red skirt, black and white striped stockings, a black bandanna on her head, and a batwing shaped bra. She head a thin pointed tail, and in her hands was an electric guitar. “Character Transformation: Amulet Devil!”

Where Utau stood was a girl with cat ears and a cat tail. Her hands were claws and she was covered with dark blue fur. “Character Tranformation: Neko Charm!”

What just happened?

/How did I Character Transform with a goody-goody like you?/

I’m not as good as everyone thinks I am.

/Prove it/

Would a goody-goody have four X Chara?

/No way! Wait until I tell Utau/

You’re not telling anyone!

/Or else what?/

I shove you in a blender and set it to frappe!

/I’m starting to like you/

“What’s going on?” Tadase asked once the lights stopped shining.

“It seems the Humpty Lock has more powers than we originally thought.” Ikuto said before both Amu and Utau reverted to normal. “Let’s go”

“R-Right” Utau said. She was a bit shaken up from earlier events.

“That was exhausting! I’m going home. See you guys later!” Amu said as she and her Charas headed home.

“What are we going to do with all these X eggs?” Yaya asked as she noticed the eggs stuck all over the former battle field.

“Hey guys! What’d I miss?” Daichi asked as he floated over to them.



“Why are you in a dress?”

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

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