Episode 39: Partnerships

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Part 1

It was a fine week for Jimmy Neutron in ToonSchool. He smiles as he types his email to his friends: Carl and Sheen, who were still in Retroville. He was typing it on his computer in his bedroom at night. This is how he wrote it…

Dear Carl and Sheen,

I really missed you guys since I moved into ToonTown. Still, ToonTown was great here and even ToonSchool. I already met new friends that are cool like you guys! I even saved the day from these shadow creatures that some bully unleashed on my first week of school. This was just like hometown. In fact…I met this guy who’s kinda like you guys and we have this weird and crazy adventure! It all starts a little while ago in my homeroom with Mr. SquarePants…

The bell rings in ToonSchool as the students are in their seats with their teacher, SpongeBob, in Classroom 714. “Okay class, it's that time again,” SpongeBob said, “ We're going to start on a school project and it will be 75 percent of your grade. And guess what?”

“ What?” the students wonder.

“It's time for...” SpongeBob began and takes off cloak to show a giant spinning wheel like the Wheel of Fortune, “’Wheel... Of... Partners!’ Whoo!”

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” The students, except Jimmy and the new kids, scream in horror to see the wheel.

“Not the Wheel of Partners!” Tommy cried.

“More of the Wheel of Torture yo!’ Jake moaned.

Jimmy looks around curiously and turns to one of his best friends, Danny, as the ghost boy shivers. “What's wrong with the ‘Wheel of Partners’?” Jimmy asked.

“Really bad,” Danny replied, “You spin it and it chooses your partner randomly. It may be someone who's your friends...or someone you hate that you have to work with!”

“Now then…” SpongeBob continued, “I'm going to pick some of my top students to spin the wheel and get their partners...” SpongeBob takes out his clipboard and looks at it. The students mutter to themselves nervously as they cross their fingers. SpongeBob smiles. “First up is...Danny Fenton!” he called out.

Danny’s eyes widened. “NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!” he cried and falls facedown on desk. “I had to be first,” he muttered.

“Come on! It's not that bad!” SpongeBob said, “Now go and spin the wheel!”

Danny sighs depressively and reluctantly walks to the front of the class. He spins the wheel. The students look at it as Danny is sweating nervously and closes his eyes. The wheel stops.

SpongeBob looks at the wheel. “Ash Ketchum…you're Danny's new partner!”

Danny opens his eyes to see the pointer pointing at Ash's name. He sighs in relief as Ash comes to the front. They give each other a high five, glad that it's over as SpongeBob writes their names on his clipboard. “Next up...Bart Simpson!” SpongeBob called again.

“Aw man!” Bart groans and comes to the wheel. He spins it. Everyone watches and the wheel stops.

”Jake Long…you're Bart's new partner!” SpongeBob announces.

“Yes!” Bart cheered.

“Oh thank you!” Jake smiled. Jake walks up to give Bart a high five and SpongeBob writes their names on his clipboard.

“Next...Jimmy Neutron!” SpongeBob once again called.

Jimmy was a bit shocked. “Don't worry!” Timmy whispered to him, “I bet the first ones up are always lucky and there's only few students in class who's bad to be your partner...”

“Jimmy! Come on down!” SpongeBob called to him again.

Jimmy gulps and comes to the wheel. He spins it as the wheel turns. Everyone watches. The wheel stops and shows the name.

SpongeBob sees it. “Billy…you're Jimmy's new partner!”

All the students gasped as horror music plays and lightning strikes. Jimmy was horrified as well as he sees one of the students, Billy. Billy was right now trying to write but hitting his desk with a pencil. “Hi new friend!” Billy greeted and laughed.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” he cried dropping to his knees on the floor.

SpongeBob looks at Jimmy and notices the horror music. “Buttercup! I told you not to play horror music in class!” he snapped to Buttercup with her boom box.

“Sorry,” she said and turns off boom box.

Later on school, Jimmy and his friends were eating lunch outside the school as they sat around a table. “I can’t believe it! Your partner is Billy? Billy is the most craziest and annoying student ever!” Bloo warned Jimmy.

“Aw come on!” Jimmy said, “So Billy is well…odd. So are my old friends last time. But how bad can he be?”

“Jimmy, look at him,” Mac said gesturing Jimmy to Billy who was at another lunch table. Billy was about to eat some peas with his plastic spoon- fork, quite normal actually…until he shoved the peas into his ear, giggling freakishly. “Billy is WAY usual. You’re gonna get an F on it with him!” Mac cried to Jimmy, “An F!”

Jimmy gasp to look at him. “You’re right Mac! What am I going to do, guys?!” Jimmy said to his friends, “Billy’s going to make me fail with his non-stop insanity!”

“Why don’t you just do the project by yourself?” Tommy suggested. “I mean, you ARE one of the most intelligent students in the school.”

“Sure, it wouldn’t be right,” Jimmy explained. “I REFUSE to allow a student to pass with me doing all the work and he doesn’t do anything!”

“How about asking SpongeBob to change partners?” Danny suggested.

“Yeah!” Jimmy agreed, “Be right back!” Jimmy quickly zooms out. He walks around and sees SpongeBob. “Hi Mr. SquarePants!” he greeted.

“Hi Jimmy!” SpongeBob said, “Anything you need?”

“SpongeBob?” Jimmy asked his teacher. “Is it possible for me to have a different partner for the project?”

“Why, Jimmy?” SpongeBob asked.

“Well…it’s because…”

“It’s because you think Billy is an idiot, right?” SpongeBob answered for him.

“How did…?” Jimmy gasped.

“Hey, I didn’t become a teacher by accident! I became teacher because the old English teacher was catapulted out of town and I was just so happening to walking by,” SpongeBob said rather quickly, making Jimmy stare blankly. “Anyway, I think it’s good for you two to be partners. It’ll teach you guys a lesson.”

“A lesson in what?” Jimmy asked.

“A lesson in…um…well…you…er…Billy…Oh! Look at the time! Better head off now, Jimmy!” SpongeBob said, pushing Jimmy and he zooms out of the lunch area.

“That…was weird,” Jimmy declared and sadly walked back to his friends’ table.

“Hey guys! Watch this!” Bloo said and throws a grape up in the air and catches it with his mouth. He suddenly chokes and collapses on the ground. The gang looks at him oddly.

“You’re a moron,” Danny spoke up, “By the way guy, did you hear the news?”

“What news?” Bubbles wondered.

June takes out a ToonTown newspaper and shows it to the gang. “’Professor Calamitous escapes and heads to ToonTown,’” Mac read.

“Calamitous?” Bart wondered, “Wasn’t he from Retroville, where Jimmy used to live.”

“This seems bad,” Danny said, “I hope Jimmy’s not in danger.” They turn and see Jimmy walked back to the table.

“Couldn’t find a new partner huh?” Buttercup asked.

“Yeah,” Jimmy said, “What can I do?”

“We could always turn him smart,” Timmy suggested.

“Hey…that’s not a bad idea,” June agreed.

“Perfect! Time for a tutor session for Billy!” Blossom declared, pumping a fist in the air.

“Cue the montage,” Bloo rolled his eyes.

The gang is standing in front of a chalkboard, and Danny holds up a pointer, pointing at the word ‘Cat’. Billy shouts, "HOT DOG!"

Everyone sighs. Danny shows the word ‘Dog’. "PIGGY!"

Danny shows the word ‘Billy’. "ASHTON KUTCHER!"

Danny points to the word ‘Cheese’. " Ooh! Ooh! I know this one! Don't tell me! DON'T TELL ME! It's... um... UNDERPANTS!" Danny smacks his forehead.

Timmy hands Billy a piece of paper that reads 2x2. Billy looks at it and knows the answer. He hands it back to Timmy and looks surprised when he sees the answer he put down is a picture of a pirate holding a flame thrower.

Then, Jimmy helps Billy write down notes. He turns to see Billy with his pencil up his nose. Jimmy groans and falls on the ground.

June then writes words down on the chalkboard writing, ‘School.‘ June turns but sees Billy smiling and writing the word, ‘Moo.” June groans also.

Soon, the gang was exhausted. “I give up…” Danny groaned, collapsing to the floor and falling asleep, since it was really late.

Then suddenly, a man appears out of nowhere and spooking everyone to death. He’s a very tall man at a height of six and a half feet, wearing a gray-colored janitor’s suit. It had a nametag that simply read “JANITOR” and on his back is “MAINTENCE”. He had very short black hair and a mean-look on his face. This was one of the janitors of the school, the Janitor (A/N: No Limit 5’s idea and suggestion and the character is from Scrubs). No one knows his name and he was also a good friend of Jimmy Neutron and his other friends. “You know what you need to do?” Janitor suggested.

“Janitor!” Ash yelped. “Jeez, you just appeared outta nowhere!”

“Eh, that’s what I do,” he shrugged.

“So you have a plan, Janitor?” Lilo asked.

“Sure do!” Janitor nodded with a smirk. “Here’s what we do: we kidnap him. Then, we perform a surgery by removing his peanut-sized brain and replacing it with a super-brain! Huh? Huh?! Good, right?”

Everyone stared at Janitor with a freaked out look. “Uh…Janitor?” Mac began slowly. “Wouldn’t that kill him?”

“Quite-possibly, yes,” he nodded.

“Besides, where could we find a brain?!” Bloo asked, actually considering the idea, until Mac and Blossom smacked the upside of his head. “OW! What did I say?”

“Thanks for the idea, dawg, but we’ll stick with something more legal,” Jake said.

“Okay,” Janitor shrugged, picking up his mop, swinging it over his shoulder and walking off. “But if you consider it, you know where to find me!” He leaves. Then the bell rings as school is over.

Danny sighs. “I guess we should start working on those school projects.”

“Yeah,” Jake agreed, “I wonder how Jimmy is handling the project with Billy yo?”

Jimmy was annoyed as he walks to school with Billy following him, since they are planning to do the project at Jimmy’s house. “Whatchadoing? Whatchadoing? Whatchadoing? Whatchadoing?” Billy asked repeating again as Jimmy grits his teeth.

Jimmy turns around. “Look Billy,” Jimmy said, “Let’s get some closure.”

“Okay!” Billy agreed, “What’s closure?”

“You see,” Jimmy said, “Yes, you can help me with the project.”

“A project?” Billy asked, “Projects for squares!”

“But you’re failed!” Jimmy said, “We, well mostly me, can’t fail on this!”

“But Mr. SquarePants is a great guy!” Billy said, “He can’t fail us!”

“Yeah!” Jimmy smiled, “Maybe you’re right.”

Suddenly, Bart comes from the fence. “Actually Jimmy,” Bart said, “SpongeBob’s nice and all but can fail students. Remember the time with the apple?”

Jimmy stops and has a flashback…


Jimmy was talking with Danny and Bart when Mac and Bloo come in. Bloo places a apple on the desk. “Whatcha doing Bloo?” Danny wondered.

“I’m giving Mr. SquarePants a apple,” Bloo said, “So that he can see how nice that I can be.”

“You’re just giving him the apple cuz you know you’re gonna fail that quiz,” Mac said in a oblivious tone.

“What!?” Bloo said, “I am so…”

The bell rings and the kids head to their seats. SpongeBob comes in. “Hi everyone!” SpongeBob greeted and sees a apple and gasps, “An apple? For me!”

“I got it for you Mr. SquarePants,” Bloo smiled, “Cuz you’re my favorite teacher!”

“Thanks Bloo,” SpongeBob said eating the apple and comes to him. “Speaking of that, here’s something from me.” SpongeBob hands Bloo a paper.

Bloo reads it and gasps. “An F!” Bloo cried to see he failed the quiz.

“Nice try,” SpongeBob said, “But no apple can make me ace you and you didn’t ace it very well. I mean Edgar Allan Poe wrote the musical Cats?”

“Told ya,” Mac mentions.

“Aw man!” Bloo said, “I’m so mad like that meteor worm I found in that apple.”

“Meteor worm?!” SpongeBob repeated in shock. He screams out loud as a giant killer meteor worm comes out of the apple. The students watch and shudder a bit.

End Flashback.

Jimmy and Bart laugh out loud remembering it. “I remember now! That was funny!” Jimmy laughed, “Even when Mr. SquarePants overreacted and stabbed the worm to death with one of his giant pens! He was so mad and crazy that he tried to stab Bloo right before Prickly gave them both detention!”

“I know,” Bart laughed and sighs a bit to calm down, “Good times, good times. Still, SpongeBob could fail you.”

“You’re right. I’m doomed,” Jimmy said and realizes something, “By the way, how can you stand there?”

Bart was surprised and looks down. He screams and falls as Jimmy clings to hear a crash from the fence. ‘Hmmm…’ Jimmy thought ‘Maybe I should tell Billy about how I really feel about us being partners. Maybe hell understand even if he is dumb.’

“Whatcha doing?” Billy said popping out of nowhere and makes Jimmy scream.

“Geez Billy, you scared me!” Jimmy said, “Almost like Professor Calamitous with his giant robot from last time. I mean, it was silver and red and metallic. It was bigger and was dangerous!”

“Like the one behind you?” Billy asked.

“What do you mean?” Jimmy wondered. Billy points at something behind Jimmy. Jimmy turns around and gasped.

It was a giant robot that Jimmy described. “Nice to see you again Jimmy!” the robot smiled. Jimmy and Billy scream and run away. But it was no use. The robot grabs Jimmy and Billy with his hands. The two tried to get out but can’t. The robot laughed evilly as it flies out from the ground and heads somewhere…

Part 2

Jimmy and Billy were in a power cell as the robot laughed to see them captured. “Thought you seem the last of me Jimmy?” the robot asked.

“You know him?” Billy asked.

“Oh yeah I do,” Jimmy said turning to the robot, “Professor Calamitous!”

“Exactly,” Calamitous said in the suit, “My revenge will now be complete and I will get rid of you!”

“What makes you so sure?” Jimmy asked.

“Because your friends are far away from here and won’t back you up!” Calamitous said and laughed evilly, “Now I must…um…uh…”

“Ooh! Ooh! I know!” Billy cried.

“Don’t!” Jimmy groaned.

“Eat a hotdog!” Billy said.

“No, that’s not it,” Calamitous said.

“It’s rule the world,” Jimmy corrected.

“No that’s not it”: Billy said, “Ooh! It’s put on underwear!”

Billy laughs as Calamitous and Jimmy stare. “He’s much stupider than your other friends,” Calamitous mentions.

“Yeah, I agree,” Jimmy said, “This kid makes Carl and Sheen look like super-geniuses.”

“Well, you’re still doomed,” Calamitous said, “And you can’t escape! This cell is too powerful for humans to get to. Now it you excuse me, I must plan…uh…plan…uh…”

“To take a bath?” Billy guessed.


“Doomsday?” Jimmy asked.

“Right!” Calamitous said, “Doomsday!” He laughs and then leaves.

“So what are we gonna do?” Billy asked and laughs picking his nose.

Jimmy grits his teeth. He couldn’t take it anymore. “THAT’S IT!” Jimmy yelled out with his fists in the air and stomps angrily to Billy. “You annoy me! You trapped me here!” Jimmy yelled poking Billy on the nose, “And you’re gonna fail me!”

“So what’s your point?” Billy asked.

Jimmy smacks his head. “YOU’RE A MORON!” Jimmy yelled out, “SpongeBob was wrong! You’re the worse partner ever!”

“But we’re friends right?”

“NO WE ARE NOT!” Jimmy yelled again, “And I’m sure I wouldn’t be friends who pick their noses and have no brain at all!”

Billy hears this and has a tear in his eyes. “WAH!” he sobs and falls on the ground, still crying.

Jimmy sighs and calms down. “This is bad,” Jimmy said, “If Calamitous didn’t take my watch, I could have called for help. How can I get a phone now?”

“You mean this?” Billy asked giving Jimmy a cell phone.

“Thanks!” Jimmy said, “Where did you get this?”

“Get what?” Billy asked, “You…big meanie!” He cried again and sobs on the ground.

Jimmy stares at him. “Never mind,” Jimmy said and dials the phone number.

In Danny’s house, Fenton Works, Danny and Ash were doing their school project and also talking about things. “So…” Danny concluded, “Maybe with some of my parents’ inventions, it could be possible that they make a PokeBall that could easily catch Ghost Pokemon. Maybe.”

“Hmmm…I wonder…” Ash said thoughtfully, “Can your Ghost Sense detect Ghost Pokemon?”

“Well…” Danny was about to say but his cell phone rings. He answers it. “Hello?” he asked.

“Danny! This is Jimmy!” Jimmy called from the phone.

“Jimmy? I thought you and Billy were doing the school project,” Danny said.

“Well, we got a problem,” Jimmy explained, “We were just captured by one of my foes, Professor Calamitous. He’s a villain from my hometown.”

Danny gasped. “You mean from the newspaper? Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” Jimmy responded, “But I need help! You have to save us, well…mainly me. And you have to help before my mom finds out. She could get angry if-“

Suddenly, they hear a beep on Danny’s cell phone. “Uh…hold on Jim,” Danny said, “Got another call.” He pushes a button. “Hello?”

“Hi Danny,” a female voice said.

Danny gasped again. It was Jimmy’s mom! “Oh…hey there Mrs. Neutron,” Danny greeted nervously, “Excuse me a sec.” He pushes a button and talks to Jimmy again. “Jimmy! Your mom’s calling me!”

“What?!” Jimmy cried, “I can’t let her find out I’m been captured! She could ground me or worse, we could move again! You gonna cover for me!”

“Got it,” Danny said and pushed a button to talk to Judy. “So what’s up Mrs. J?” Danny asked.

“Danny? Have you seen Jimmy?” Judy asked, “I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Uh…” Danny said thinking of an excuse, “He’s with me at my house. He and his partner decide to work at my place. Kinda like a study party or something.”

“Oh good,” Judy said, “I’ll come to your house to check on him.”

Danny was shocked. “Wait! You can’t-“ Too late. Judy hung up on the phone. “Oh great,” Danny moaned and talks to Jimmy again.

“Did you cover for me?” Jimmy asked.

“Yeah!” Danny said, “But this is bad! Your mom’s coming to my house to check on you! This is really-“ Danny hears another beeping again. “Uh…sorry,” Danny said, “Got another call again.” Danny pushes the button again to speak to whoever’s calling. “Hello?”

“Hi. I would like ten hundred double pepperoni pizzas please,” a male voice said.

Danny recognized the voice. “Bloo?” Danny asked, “What are you doing here? And why are you calling?”

“Yeah hey Pizza Guy,” Bloo said on the phone, “Look… I know I’m not supposed to be calling, but please! I need the pizzas! Or else I have to have Frankie’s Spinach Casserole!”

“Bloo!” Danny snapped, “This is Danny Fenton! From your school!”

“Danny?” Bloo asked, “You’re the Pizza Guy?”

Danny got annoyed. “GET OFF THE PHONE!!!” Danny yelled out.

“But please! I need pizzas!” Bloo cried, “I’m starving!”

Danny smacks his head and groans, hanging up on Bloo and comes back to Jimmy. “Hello again Jimmy.”

“Uh…Danny?” Jimmy asked, “Who were you talking to on the other line?”

“Oh…Just some crazed-up fruit loop,” Danny answered, “Look Jimmy. I’ll cover for you and help you out.”

“But Calamitous might do something horrible to me right now!” Jimmy said, “What should I do?”

“Well,” Danny said, “Seems that you and Billy should work together to escape Calamitous.

“WHAT?!” Jimmy yelled out.

“Look, I know it’s stupid but I think it’s the only thing to do.”

Jimmy sighs. “You’re right Dan,” Jimmy said, “Remember! I’m somewhere in an abandoned warehouse. That’s Calamitous’ lair.”

“Got it,” Danny said, “Over and out.” Danny and Jimmy hang up on each other.

“What was going on?” Ash wondered.

“Jimmy’s in danger,” Danny said, “Worse, his mom is coming and I said Jimmy’s here! What are we gonna do?”

“I know,” Ash said, “It’s not like we have something who could pose as Jimmy.”

Then, they hear a sound. They turn to see Timmy sneak out of the kitchen window and fall on the ground. The two head to him. “Timmy?” they wondered.

“Sorry,” Timmy said and gets up, “Forgot my Crimson Chin action figure. Now where was it?” Timmy stops and sees Danny and Ash smiling and smirking at him. “Uh…why are you looking at me like that?”

The doorbell rings and Judy comes in. Danny opens the door. “Hi Mrs. Neutron!” Danny greeted, “Jimmy’s here to see you.”

“Good,” Judy said and comes into the house. She sees two people on the couch. “Sweetie?” Judy wondered.

A kid turns around. It was Timmy but had Jimmy’s swirling hairdo and clothes on, posing as Jimmy. “Hey mom!” Timmy greeted.

“Oh Jimmy!” Judy said, “Glad you’re here! Uh…why do you have buckteeth?”

“Uh…uh…that’s because I was doing a experiment to make teeth grow,” Timmy said, “And it got out of hand.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re okay,” Judy said and kissed him. Timmy clings a bit as Judy stops and turns to Danny. “You better take care of him,” Judy said.

“Oh I will,” Danny said as Judy leaves the room and he closes the door.

“Can I take this off now?” Timmy asked, “I like the clothes but not the hairdo.”

“Go ahead,” Danny said.

Timmy jumps off the couch and rips his clothes off to show his trademark ones again. Timmy rubbed his head so his hairdo changes back to a messy one. “So what are we gonna do?” Timmy asked.

“Ash and I still have to work on the project,” Danny said, “You should get Lilo, Mac, and Bloo and get help.”

“Right!” Timmy agreed.

Meanwhile, Jimmy looks at the cell trying to think. He also groans that he needs Billy’s help to escape. He turns to the sobbing Billy. “Look Billy,” Jimmy said, “Sorry I yelled at you. I guess we got off from a bad start.”

“From what?” Billy said wiping a tear away.

Jimmy sighs. “We have to work together to escape and stop Calamitous,” Jimmy said and leans him a hand, “Friends?”

Billy saw this. “Really?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Jimmy smiled. Billy laughs and he and Jimmy shake hands. “Okay,” Jimmy said, “First, I’m gonna make this phone have some rewiring…”

Then, Lilo and Mac were doing their school project with Stitch and Bloo in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. "So the project should be in zombies on how they gore for brains!" Lilo said.

"Yeah!" Mac agreed, "Sounds cool!"

"Glad I thought of it," Bloo smiled.

"No you didn't!" Lilo scowled, "I did!"

Before Bloo was gonna say anything, the phone rings. "I'll get it!" Bloo said and answers the phone, "Hello? Danny, it's you! Look, I need a large order of..."

"WE DON'T HAVE ANY PIZZAS!!!!!" Danny's voice shouted on the phone where Mac, Lilo, and Stitch hear it as Bloo falls on the ground from the shock.

Mac looks oddly at Bloo and comes to the phone. "Hello?" he answers, "Jimmy and Billy's what?!... Professor Calamitous?... Where?... We're on it." He hangs up and turns to Lilo, Bloo, and Stitch. "We gotta save Jimmy and Billy!" he said.

"How come?" Lilo wondered.

"There's no time to explain!" Mac replied as he grabs Lilo. Stitch grabs Bloo also. The four head out of the house.

Back to Jimmy and Billy. "Finished!" Jimmy smiled with the cell phone rewired into a new gadget.

"What's that?" Billy wondered.

"I call it the Neutronic Maximizer!" Jimmy said, "Observe!" He shoots a ray out of the gadget to the cell. Suddenly, the cell short-circurts.

"Incoming!" Jimmy cried pushing Billy to a corner and they cover themselves. The cell then explodes. Jimmy and Billy look up to see the cell destroyed.

Billy giggles in joy, clapping his hands. "Do it again! Do it AGAIN!"

"Let's just get out of here." Jimmy said.

"Get out of what?"

"Never mind," Jimmy grabs Billy and they head out of the cell.

Mac, Lilo, Stitch, and Bloo head to the ToonTown Police Department. They come to the office. "Officers," Lilo said, "We need help!"

Someone peaks out of his police. It was a giant shark-like alien. "What can I do for you?" he asked.

"Oh. Hey Gantu!" Lilo said to the alien, "You're in the Police Force now?" (A/N: it's after Leroy and Stitch, so he’s good)

"Why yes," Gantu smiled, "I think working in the police force is much better than going after you and catching experiments."

"That's great because we really need help." Mac said.

"We just found out that our friends are kidnapped by a mad evil genius from the newspaper which we got info from out ghostly friend, Danny, and we think that he's gonna destroy our friends!" Lilo explained, "You and the police have to help us!"

"Is this true?" Gantu asked.

"Danny seemed serious at this after shouting to Bloo that he wasn't the pizza guy," Mac said, "By the way, he also mentions that Bloo's a idiot."

"Eh," Stitch nodded.

"True," Lilo agreed.

"Yeah," Gantu agrees also.

"I agree too," Bloo said but realizes, "Hey!"

"Okay, I'll help," Gantu said, "You four get into the police car as I alert the other officers."

"Cool!" Lilo smiled, "We get to be in a police car like wanted criminals!"

"Let's go!" Stitch said as they head to the car as Gantu goes to the police officers.

Meanwhile, Jimmy and Billy sneak by on tiptoes. They hide behind the wall and sneak to see Professor Calamitous working on a deadly invention.

"Hee hee hee," Calamitous laughed, "I can't wait for the end of those idiots! This laser can destroy and vaporize anything it zaps!"

"Anything huh?" Jimmy wondered, "If we get to that laser, we can use it to zap the walls and escape." He turns to Billy who is now whimpering a bit. "Are you okay?"

"I have to go!" Billy cried.

"What do you…" Jimmy wondered but realizes, "Please don't tell me you are those beans from lunch did you?"

"Well, that and some funny smelling milk." Billy answered. He whines again.

Jimmy was worried. "Billy! Don't do it! Don't!"

It was too late. Calamitous was working on the weapon when suddenly, there was a farting noise and gas coming out of the corner. "What the?" he wondered and sniffed, "Ugh gross!"

Billy laughs nervously as Jimmy pinches his nose. "Ew!" Jimmy cried in disgust, "I thought you said you only had beans and milk!"

"Yeah, but they were baked beans." Billy mentioned.

Jimmy groans a bit and turns to gasp. In front of them was Calamitous in his robot suit. "So you two escaped." Calamitous said as he prepared to fire a laser at them.

"Watch out!" Jimmy pushes Billy out of the way as Calamitous missed them and vaporized the wall.

"Come back here!" Calamitous said trying to zap the two as Jimmy and Billy run away screaming.

"What do we do?" Billy asked Jimmy.

"Hmmm..." Jimmy wondered, "We split up!"

"What?!" Billy cried, "But we were becoming best buddies!"

"No, I mean you go that way and I go this way." Jimmy explained.

"Oh," Billy said, "Okay!" Jimmy heads right as Billy heads left. Billy laughs as Calamitous tries to zap him. "You're never get me alive!" Billy laughed running around.

"Enough!" Calamitous cried, "I will get rid of this annoyance!"

Unknown to him, Jimmy peeked from behind and finds a conduct of the wiring of the laser. "Ah ha! I bet I can rewire these." Jimmy said as he tinkered with the wires.

Calamitous was still trying to zap Billy. Billy laughs until the laser hits him but missed by an inch, but Billy falls on the floor, unable to run. He gets up and gasped as the laser aimed at him. "Game's over kid!" Calamitous said.

"Not quite!" Jimmy called out.

"Huh?" Calamitous turns to see Jimmy with some kinda of remote in his hand.

"Think fast!" Jimmy said pushing a button. The laser turns to Calamitous and zaps him, destroying his robotic suit as Calamitous falls on the ground. Calamitous rubs his behind and gasps as the laser aims at him with Jimmy in control. "I think you should prepare to scream like a little girl and run away," Jimmy suggested as the laser glows.

Outside, the warehouse, the laser fired and blasted the wall apart. Calamitous come out screaming like a little girl. Jimmy and Billy come out of the warehouse. "We did it!" Jimmy said giving Billy a high five.

Calamitous turns to them angrily. "Why I outta..."

“Not so fast," a voice said. Calamitous, Jimmy, and Billy turn to see the police with Officer Gantu, Mac, Lilo, Bloo, and Stitch. "Professor Calamitous, you are under arrest for kidnapping, attempted murder, and destruction of town property!" Gantu announced aiming his plasma laser at Calamitous.

"Oh great," Calamitous groaned as two officers, Storm and Knuckles, grab and cuff him.

"Take him away men," Lilo saluted as Gantu, Knuckles, and Storm put Calamitous in the police car.

"I presume you and Stitch have had past dealings with him." Jimmy said to her.

"Yeah. Stitch and I know him only too well,” Lilo answered, “ He used to be our most persistant rival back when we were capturing and repurposing the rest of Jumba's experiments, but he turned it around for himself a little over a year ago and became a pretty decent cop for this town. Even now, I wouldn't call Gantu a friend, but he HAS, at least, gotten somewhat more civil toward us than he used to be. Let's call it a mutually grudging respect and tolerance."

"Got it," Jimmy said and turns to Billy, "Look Billy. Sorry about what I said and I'm glad we worked together to stop..."

Jimmy looks at Billy oddly as Billy was holding a pig up the wall. "Spider Pig, Spider Pig, does whatever a Spider Pig does," Billy sang, "Can he swing from the web? No he can't, he's just a pig. Heeeee's Spider Pig." Billy laughs.

"Uh...never mind," Jimmy said.

"So what are you gonna do for your project?" Stitch asked.

"He's right you might still get an F," Mac mentions.

"Not yet," Jimmy said looking at Billy, "I think I got an idea and use for him, even if he doesn't have a brain..."

Few days later, the students were showing their projects to the class and SpongeBob. The project showing now is Timmy and Tommy.

"Thus, we learned that it was possible that Edgar Poe was a drunken poor man with a dark heart," Tommy explained.

"And we thought that either he killed himself or had an unknown diease from the Black Plague," Timmy said.

The class appluaded for them. "Interesting guys," SpongeBob smiled, "I'll give you a B on it. I like that report you did, and it's true that Poe wrote horror stories...and NOT 'Cats'." He glares at Bloo. Bloo chuckles nervously and sinks onto his seat. "Next up is Jimmy and Billy." SpongeBob annouced.

Everyone appladed as Jimmy and Billy pushed something that was covered in a cloak. Jimmy clears his throat. "Ladies...and gentletoons," Jimmy said, "For this project, Billy and I builted a new invention that can be helpful." Billy and Jimmy pull out the cloak revealing the invention which looked like a massaging chair with metal arms at the back. "The Neutron Book-Reading Chair!" Jimmy smiled.

"Ooh..." the crowd said in awe.

"It looks cool Jimmy," SpongeBob said, "But how can this project be about English Class?"

"I'll show you," Jimmy said, "With my tester, Billy."

"Yay, I'm gonna get a massage." Billy shouted as he jumped in the chair.

Jimmy pushes the button on the chair as it viberates adn a hand appears showing a book in front of Billy. "This invention can relax you and let you read a book, and has a timer to set how much time you wanna read," Jimmy explained, "But here's what happens if you DON'T read..."

Billy laughs and looks up to see a fly. "Look!" Billy pointed, "A fly!" Suddenly, he screams as the chair shocks him.

"Ooh." The class said amazed.

Billy smiles as the chair stops zapping him. "It makes my head tingle," Billy said, "Look! It's that fly again!" Then, the chair zaps him again.

The class appluads for them and so does SpongeBob. "Bravo Jimmy!" SpongeBob smiled, "You finished the project with a bang of it!"

Suddenly, outside the school, part of the ceiling explodes. Back to the class was tons of ashes and soot where the chair was destroyed. Billy laughs as Jimmy wipes the soot off him. "But that's impossible!" Jimmy cried, "This experiment isn't capable of exploding!"

"That's my speciality!" Billy smiled.

Jimmy turns to SpongeBob. "Look Mr. SquarePants," he said, "I'm sorry about this. I..."

"Get an A plus!" SpongeBob smiled giving him a paper with a giant blue A on it.

"What?" Jimmy wondered in awe and shock, "Why?"

"Well, other than the explosion, you and Billy learned teamwork and it was a really cool project!" SpongeBob explained.

"Wow!" Jimmy said turning to Billy, "We did it! You and I got an A!"

"I got an A?" Billy asked as Jimmy hands him the A. "Yay!" He starts to run around yelling rapidly, "IgotanA!IgotanA!IgotanA!IgotanA!IgotanA!IgotanA!IgotanA!" This continues with the class watching him.

"Well...at that fares well...ends well" Danny said to his friends.

"Tell me about it," the Janitor said in a strange position and gets shocked from the explosion of the chair. He falls down with Danny, June, Jake, Timmy, and Bart watching.

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