Episode 12: Game For a Game

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My name's Naoto, You're Not Gonna Beleve This, But, I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, That's Right, You're Saying, the Blue Blur is back, Don't Hold Your Breath, Why, I Don't Remember Much, Exept for The Cartoon Knights and The Delete-You-Guys


Part 1

“So this is Central Square,” a person said. It was a male in his early twenties. He had a long brown closed over coat with dark violet pants, brown gloves with metal plates on the back of the glove, brown cowboy boots, and a brown cowboy hat. His long violet hair hanged from the back of his head, he had black sunglasses, and a tiny sharp looking tooth hanging out of the right side of his mouth.

He looked around with a focused searching look in his eye until he saw what he was looking for. The police surrounded the area the robot rusted while keeping the public, and the press away from it. The man blended in the crowd easily. He looked in from the distance and saw the police looking over the site of rusted metal.

“What could have done this,” a young police man asked. “We couldn’t take it down with our bullets.”

“What ever did it,” the older police man he was talking to replied. “It couldn’t have been human.”

“If it wasn’t,” the younger police man continued. “Then GUN will want to see this.”

“That’s right,” the older officer replied. “As a matter of fact, they were called. An officer of GUN arrived just a few minutes ago.” He pointed to someone. “That woman over there,”

The younger officer looked over at the woman. The woman was about eighteen years old. She had short white hair, and lovely green eyes with blue eyeliner. She had a curvy figure hidden under a long white lab coat of some sort. On her feet were white boots with pink heart shape end, and elbow long white gloves. Most the police male stared at her, in trance by her sexy figure.

She looked over her shoulder. She smirked when all the guys looked away trying to look like they weren’t staring. She gave a sly smirk knowing they all were. “Men are so fun to toy with.” She thought.

She looked down and noticed what people with less advance detection skills as her would miss. She picked it up for closer examination. It was a small blue quill from an animal of some sort. “Not very many blue animals with quills,” She thought. She turned and walked over to the chief of police, a short old man, with grey hair and a beard.

“I’m closing off this area.” She told the chief in a sly soft spoken voice. “It is now GUN’s jurisdiction. When GUN arrives, clear the area.”

“Ma’am,” the chief said. “We can’t just leave, we…”

“This is GUN’s jurisdiction,” she repeated interrupting him. “In other words you have no further value.”

“Now see here Professor Rumi,” the chief said offended by her rudeness. He took out a silver colored Police badge. “This badge represents that I must protect this city if there’s a threat.”

The woman, Professor Rumi took out from her coat, a square badge shining with an opal color with her picture, and a symbol along with words stating her place in GUN. “Yes but mine is prettier and has more value then that piece of tin.” She put it away. “Now you and your men leave. That’s an order.” She turned her back on the chief and walked off putting black sunglasses on.

She was aloud out of the police barricade, and went through the crowd of on lookers. The man from earlier was close by. The two’s arms brushed as Professor Rumi walked by. As she walked off, she grinned. The man grinned as he looked in his hand. It was the quill Professor Rumi found earlier.

Naoto felt feint. His muscled were numb and tired. He could barley feel his own body, especially his legs. He felt like he woke up from a deep coma. He opened his eyes and saw where he was. He was in his bed in his own room.

“What happened last night?” he asked himself tiredly. He got up slowly and looked down at himself. All of his clothes were still on, even his shoes and gloves. He looked at the calendar. It was Saturday, no school today. He looked over at the clock. It was twelve in the afternoon. He had been sleeping for more then twelve hours. He didn’t even remember getting home last night.

“Last night,” he remembered. He got out of his bed quickly remembering that robot. The last thing he remembered was Miles being attacked by it. He ran out of his room ignoring the numb feeling and strains of his body. He opened the door next to his room which led to Miles’ room. He opened it. He wasn’t there.

“No,” he thought the worst. He ran to the living room. “If anything happened to him I’ll…” he stopped.

There sitting on the floor of the living room was Miles on his mom’s laptop. He was fully dressed and typing as if there was no tomorrow.

“Miles,” Naoto said. No reply. “Miles did you hear me?”

Miles looked over at Naoto. “You’re awake,” Miles said stopping his typing.

“What happened last night,” Naoto asked walking over to him. “All I remember was that robot, but it’s all a blur after that. How did we get away from it?”

Miles was silent for a while until he answered. “This is what happened. I don’t know why, but you turned into a Mobian named Sonic the Hedgehog.” He went over all the details, involving Sonic’s speed, how he defeated the Robot, and him dropping Miles off back home in a flash of light. “He then told me to tell you, listen to the wind.”

Naoto was silent. It was shocking to think hear he transformed into a completely different person, a Mobian none the less. It all made sense. Somehow, this Mobian Sonic was using the wind to communicate with him. It must have been that blue ring.

“The ring,” he remembered. “Miles, where’s that orange ring we found?” Miles was once again silent. Naoto’s eyes widened. He knelt down at Miles at his eye level and grabbed both arms. “That ring, did it… disappear into you?” Miles averted his gaze. Naoto let him go and looked down. “It did, didn’t it?”

“It happened last night,” Miles said. “You turned back to yourself, and I couldn’t sleep. All I could do was think about you. I fooled around with the ring, and then it vanished. When it did…”

“You saw things flash before your eyes,” Naoto finished.

“Yes,” Miles replied. “Did the same happen to you?”

“Yesterday afternoon,” Naoto replied. He sighed sitting back. “Does Rosemary know?” he asked.

“No,” he said. “Mom has no idea. She was in her room all this time. When she went to check on you to see if you came home, you were there asleep. She then went to check on me. I pretended to be asleep though.” He went back to the laptop. “Right now, I’m looking for information on these rings and the Mobians.” He typed at a super fast pace again. Naoto looked at the screen and saw it had all kinds of sites minimized and bookmarked. Miles was also continually typing with no end in sight.

Naoto was shocked to see this. Miles looked so adult when he did this. “Man, I knew you were smart, but I never thought you could do research with this much vigor.”

“Vigor,” Miles repeated. “Wow, you used a big word, and used it correctly.”

“Very funny brat,” Naoto said irritated.

“But in all seriousness,” Miles continued. “I can’t explain it, but after that ring entered my body, I began to think more, a lot more then I ever did before. It was like a door locked in my mind was opened. I have this burning desire for knowledge. I believe that ring is causing me to think at a college level.”

“Heavy,” Naoto said. “If that’s the case, you’ll be even harder to beat at board games.” He got up from where he sat. “So where’s Rosemary now?”

“The Market,” Miles replied. “She said she…” he was interrupted by a knock on the front door.

“I’ll get it,” Naoto said getting up. He walked over to the door and opened it.

“Who is it,” Miles asked still typing on the laptop. There was no reply. He looked over at Naoto. “Naoto,” he asked. “Who is it?”

“No one,” Naoto replied in a questioning tone. Miles got up and walked over to him. Naoto was looking around outside. “Nobody’s here,” Naoto stated. Miles looked around with him. After a few seconds, they went back in the apartment. “I bet it was those kids on the seventh floor again. Man if I ever catch them I’ll…” They both froze.

A man in a brown over coat was in their living room. He looked at them through his sunglasses and smirked. The two stared at him with surprise. They did not know the stranger that had entered their home.

The stranger removed his sunglasses revealing a pair of black eyes, cunning, and looks as though they can’t be trusted. He looked down at the laptop with the information on it. His grin widened.

“Looks like some kids have been doin’ their homework,” the man said in a New Jersey accent.

“Who are you,” Naoto demanded pulling Miles towards him. “What do you want?”

“Relax kid,” the man said in a sly tone. His dialect was a cross of a mafia gangster, and a New Jersey or New York. “Depending on whatcha do, I won’t hurt any of you. I’m just here looking for information.” He took off his over coat. He was revealed to wear black pants, a dark violet windbreaker and a white shirt. Around his waist was a brown belt with a gold buckle. The belt held a large gun like weapon. On his hands were brown gloves; on his feet were brown and white boots. He fixed the brown hat on his head.

“I’m going to ask you again,” Naoto repeated demanding answers. “Who are you, and what do you want?”

“Just call me...CUE CLIFFHANGER!” the man replied.

Commercial Break

We now see Bugs and Mickey again. Peter Griffin is in the Background Eating a Hot Dog!

"Hi, I'm a Disney." said Mickey.

"And I'm a WB." said Bugs.

"Hey Bugs," said Mickey "I heard you have quite a line up of new shows."

"We do," replied Bugs "This spring we're having a new show about Spider-man on Kid's WB."

"Spider-man, eh?"

"Yes, and we're working on a new, non-anime, Transformers."

"You don't say?"

"Yeah and we also have plans for a Thundercats movie."

"Yeah. Do you have anything that's NOT a remake?"

"Hey, if it works, go with it."

"Yeah, but did it came to your mind that what's cool in the 80's isn't NOW."

"Oh yeah, then what are you working on that's so cool?"

"Glad you asked. We have a tv movie we call 'High School Musical' that was a big hit, so we made High School Musical: Sing-aLong edition, High School Musical: Fun Facts edition, High School Musical: The broadway show, High School Musical on ice, High School Musical 2, High School Musical 2: Sing-aLong edition..."

"Monotonous, isn't he." said Bugs, over Mickey's lines before finally interupting him "Do you have any other projects besides High School Musical?"

"Well we do have some show about two guys and a platypuss, but I lost interest in it. Now where was I? Oh yeah, High School Musical 4: Get a Job, High School Musical: the series..."

"Oh just stop the fic already." Bugs said to me.



Freddy Kruger Gets a Ball park Frank


Part 2

“Just call me...CUE CLIFFHA-I mean Greed” the man replied.

“Greed,” Naoto repeated. “Is that a fake name?”

“Code name,” Greed replied kneeling down and picking up the computer. He held it with one hand and scrolled through it with the other. “Someone I work for gave me the name. I don’t see any reason why I should give you my real name. As for why I’m here…” he showed them the laptop. On the screen was seven small emeralds, each a different color.

“Are those Chaos Emeralds,” Naoto asked. “What do we have to do with the Chaos Emeralds?”

“I know you got one,” Greed said in a sly tone putting the computer own on the floor. “I can sense it, with this.” He showed his left wrist. His grin got wider. Around the wrist, it began to glow. As it shown, a violet ring appeared around it.

“That ring,” Naoto stated surprised. “You…”

He nodded. “I got a Meta-Ring too.”

“A what,” Naoto asked.

“You mean you don’t know,” Greed asked dropping his grin. “You were the one who took out that robot last night right?”

“I don’t even remember last night.” Naoto stated.

Greed’s sly grin returned. “I get it,” he stated. “You just got it, didn’t you?” He walked over to a chair in the corner and sat in it. “When I first got my ring, I had no idea what happened the first time I used it too.” He sneered. “Looks like you kids need some lessons. Want me to tell you what I know?”

“You know,” Naoto asked surprised. “Tell me, what are these rings?”

“It’ll cost yah,” Greed replied. “Where’s the Chaos Emerald?”

“We don’t have one,” Naoto replied. “We don’t know about these…”

“Actually,” Miles said. He got from his pocket the blue emerald the hedgehog got from destroying the robot.

“Miles, is that?” Naoto asked.

Miles nodded. “When you were Sonic, you took this from the Robot.” Naoto stared at the emerald with amazement. He had never seen an actual Chaos Emerald in person before.”

“Good boys,” Greed said with a smirk. “Now, how about you be good boys and hand it over.”

“No,” Miles said holding it tightly. “I know what these things can do. We can’t let you have it.”

“Really,” Greed asked. “Too bad,” he got up from the chair. “I hoped we could do this the easy way.”

“Wait,” Naoto said. Greed did as instructed. “Tell us what you know, and maybe we’ll consider giving it to you.”

“Naoto,” Miles said trying to talk sense into him.

“Depending on his intention, we may or may not give it to him,” Naoto explained.

“No deal kid,” Greed said. “Emerald first kid,”

“The emerald can wait,” they all heard a dark, almost echoing voice come from Greed’s coat he put on the floor. Greed knelt down to his coat and got out a small communication device. He opened it up and looked at it.

“How long were you listenin’ in Cardinal?” Greed asked.

“Long enough,” the person referred to as Cardinal said. “Show me these creatures.” Greed set the communication device down on the chair in an angle which a lens on it pointed to them.

“It has a small camera,” Miles observed.

The voice said nothing for a while. After a few seconds, it spoke. “What a repulsive creature you are blue one.”

“Now that’s not very nice,” Naoto said hanging his head.

“Who are you,” Miles asked.

The voice from the device once again paused until it replied. “Call me Cardinal. I am speaking to you from afar.”

“What your hide out,” Naoto asked.

“I suppose you can call it that.” Cardinal stated. “But enough of me, Greed, tell them.”

Greed hesitated until he replied. “Fine,” He leaned on the wall. He gave his explanation.

“Let’s start with the Power Rings. These rings are called Meta-Rings, or Metamorphosis Rings. Meta Rings are the souls of past Mobians in a hibernate state. Meta-Rings need human hosts in order to start living again. They bond with human souls and bodies. This bond will cause changes to the host, including more advanced physical and mental changes. For me it increased my eye sight, and reaction time to a situation. Because of my Meta-Ring, I can see a target almost a mile away.”

Miles took this to mind. “That might explain my new desire for knowledge,” he thought. “My mind power increased when I took in the power of the Meta-Ring.”

“What about me turning into a Mobian?” Naoto asked.

“That’s the process called Chaos Metamorphosis. Chaos Metamorphosis is what is used to turn a human into a Mobian, giving the human host not only the look of a Mobian, but the powers of the Mobian as well.”

“So I can become a Mobian any time I want to?” Naoto asked looking down.

“I wouldn’t recommend it. There is a major draw back to this power.” He paused. “Because human bodies aren’t meant to do what Mobian bodies can do, we pay for it when we turn back human. For example, if a strong Mobian form were to lift up something extremely heavy, the host won’t pay the price until it changed back. Its muscles will feel numb and aching as if they had been weight lifting for hours. The affect is only temporary, but I wouldn’t recommend using the power often.”

“So the more our Mobian bodies do…” Naoto said. “… the more our human bodies suffer. That’s why my body felt numb when I woke up.”

“Well, I kept my end of the deal,” Greed said. “Now it’s time for your end, the Emerald.”

“Wait,” Miles said. “We know about the power this Emerald Possesses. What do you want with it?”

“Cardinal wants it, ask him.” Greed said with a shrug.

“Don’t bother,” the voice said from the communication device. “Let’s just say I have my reasons.”

“No way,” Naoto said pulling Miles behind him. “I don’t know what you have planned for this Emerald, but I’m sure it’s no good just by looking at Greed alone.”

“Oh now that hurts my feelings,” Greed said sarcastically with a sly grin.

“Very well,” Cardinal said. “Greed, take it from them.”

“Got it,” Greed said taking out his gun from his belt. He pointed and fired it at Naoto’s arm. A small ball of red light fired out and struck Naoto’s arm. Naoto let out a cry of pain as he fell to his knees holding his wounded left arm.

“Naoto,” Miles stated looking at his arm. He saw the clothes and skin were burned where the ball hit him.

“A light bullet,” Greed stated. “They’re weaker then metal bullets. They’re meant to paralyze rather then kill. It’s quite useful when I’m doing my second job, bounty hunting.”

Naoto glared at Greed angrily. “You…” he growled. “Now I’m convinced you’re up to no good.” Just then, the blue ring appeared around Naoto’s wrist and started to shine brightly. “I will not let you have that emerald.”

“So it’s a fight you want,” Greed asked. He turned to the communication device. “I’m going to transform now and teach this brat not to interfere with grown ups.”

“So be it,” Cardinal allowed.

“Great,” the Violet Meta-Ring started to glow. Around Greed appeared a violet circle. The center of the circle, the shape of a triangular fang appeared. Greed began to say a sentence.

EXICUTE! Chaos Metamorphosis… Nack the Weasel… ZEO EVOLUTION!

The symbol began to shine. A violet light covered Greed’s body. The light was so bright; it blinded both Miles and Naoto for a few seconds.

When the light stopped, there, standing in the place of Greed was a violet weasel with a blue nose, white belly, white fur around his mouth and snout, a long pointy L shaped tail, a small violet pony tail hair style coming out the back of his head, and at the end of his tail and his long ears were darker patched of violet fur. His attire was a brown hat, brown glove, a brown belt with pockets, and brown and white cowboy boots.

“Meet the Mobian in me, Fang the Sniper,” Greed, now Fang the Sniper said.

Naoto’s ring began to shine brightly. “You’re not the only one who can do that.” The ring began to shine once again. The circle appeared around him followed by the blue buzz saw like symbol.

EXICUTE! Chaos Metamorphosis… Sonic the Hedgehog… ZEO EVOLUTION!

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