Yggdrasil Diaries/D-01

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Coco is Jim’s character in this AU. Filling that role of the teenage protagonist with an absent father and a mother who runs her own business (Imelda and her shoe shop of course), with her younger twin brothers.

Hector is Silver. However, instead of turning to piracy and seeking Treasure Planet under his own power, his role as a pirate captain is very unwilling. Hector has had a very rough past 10 years. He’s working under the orders of a pirate general of sorts who runs a criminal network primarily based around piracy and smuggling. Hector is essentially a puppet leader of the crew, who would willingly turn on him if he showed indication of betrayal. He’s been placed in charge of the Treasure Planet mission as a test, and ‘trusted’ with leadership of the crew. Hector has to play his role as pirate captain to survive his current environment and circumstances, that he has been trapped in for the past 10 years.


  • The Ood watched as a breakaway society of humans running a totalitarian one-world tyranny on a Future Earth culled most of humanity and turned the rest into Cybermen. The Reapers EMP'd those suckers to act as the Ood's enforcers and used the data to create an Aetherium barrier around the Earth in 1900 and gathered enough genetic coding over time to repopulate the dead planet, connecting it like the second brain Oodkind is known for.
  • The result was Modern-Day Earth being linked up to a second Earth that was decades ahead scientifically but decades behind genetically.


Im gonna post my concept for this au within the plot of Treasure Planet, but before that I feel like I need to make this post establishing some important backstory for Hector (who is Silver in my AU, though with some key changes). Feel free to tell me what you think!

Ernesto and Hector: Before the Story. I haven’t really worked out some parts of the backstory yet. I imagine they both were still musicians but perhaps their big ambitions were set on something else in this au - Ernestos at least.

Either way Ernesto during the time of the film is probably living it up as some popular and likely powerful person on some planet or in some system far from where Hector’s family live. He’s rich and well loved but for sure has some shadiness going on. Definitely has connections to pirates.

I’m thinking for his getting rid of Hector it was either very premeditated - Ernesto staging everything by ensuring that pirates will attack the ship he and Hector are on and hector is “accidentally” left behind when he and as much of the crew as he can “heroically rescue” get away - Ernesto probably believing that the pirates will do the rest of the job for him OR it was an act of opportunity, seizing his moment (most likely this one). He probably had been planning to get rid of Hector somehow it hector kept talking about going home/etc…whatever motive Ernesto has to want hector dead in this au. But instead an opportunity arises when pirates really DO attack the ship they are on.

Ernesto again carries out a rescue/escape during the attack but…realises when he sees hector that actually…this is an opportunity to get rid of him in a way that can easily be written off as bad luck and not look suspicious.

He leaves hector behind.

Ernesto uses the urgency of the crisis as his excuse ‘I forgot to check, I didn’t see him, I thought he had made it out too and now it’s surely too late to go back’.

And again. He assumes that the pirates will do the rest of the work for him.

And so Ernesto escapes the attacked ship with the majority of the crew and things are a little rough because some people arent happy the cargo was lost but he also…is seen as something of a hero for managing to get the majority of his crew out of a pirate attack alive and with minimal injuries, and with some valuables. And he builds on top of that and keeps on climbing to success. Perhaps he also kind of…uses the loss of Hector.

And Hector was captured by the pirates. He’s terrified, thinks hes going to die. Knows it.

But he cant. He cant die here. He’s got to live, hes got to go home to his family. And so Hector talks. He first tries appealing to any sort of sense of compassion they may have, saying that he has to go home to his family he wont go to any authorities if they let him go please he just wants to go home. But that doesnt work and hes desperate. He cant die here, hes got to go home and be with Imelda and Coco again, but…if it means living to see them again some day maybe he will have to delay that reunion. He tries again, this time trying to convince them that it will be beneficial to them for them to keep him alive. He will be useful to the pirates, he promises.

Hector thinks if he can just convince them to let him live he can find a way out of this and make an escape.

The pirates actually consider it. They don’t agree right away, but do let him live and decide to take him to their boss for him to decide if they should kill him anyway or find some use out of him. Who is in a way kind of a pirate general - they have authority over a kind of network and this crew of pirates and their ship and captain are only a part of it. This boss clues on to what Hector is trying to do/planning right away and it amuses them. And so Hector joins the pirates. And despite many attempts to escape, is with them for 10 long years.

(And Hector has no idea that he was left behind on purpose. That Ernesto left him to die deliberately. He thinks it was just bad luck.)

The cyborg limbs were gained separately after two different really bad escape attempts. The eye? After a particularly harsh and horrible punishment for a failure.

The eye is the most recent addition and kind of what tipped him over the edge to that complete and utter terror of failing to the point where it causes that crisis decision between the treasure and coco at the end due to him being so deeply caught up in it.

Side note about Ernesto in this au: he’s been living the past 10 years under the assumption that Hector really is dead. He’s probably got some kind of high ranking and highly respected position among the space navy or something by now as well as fame and popularity and has no idea that this cyborg pirate he has been hearing so much about lately, causing trouble, is in actual fact Hector.

The Plot

  1. Coco is 15 and helps her mother and uncles in the shoe shop. At this point in her life she’s a bit troubled and rebellious. Things change when a spaceship crashes close to their house/shop and the dying man gives Coco a golden sphere while telling her to “beware the cyborg”. Shortly after this they are raided by pirates and just barely escape in time, though the shop is destroyed.
  2. From Hector’s perspective, he recognises the location they have tracked Bones to almost right away, and feels sick with horror. He tries to convince the crew that it would be best to just leave it, that Bones probably landed there to throw them off, or to at least approach the situation peacefully. His efforts are ignored, and after his protests cause one of the pirates to threateningly question his loyalty to the mission there’s not much more he can do. Hector stays out of the raid and tries his best to minimise the damage done. He hopes, prays, that Imelda and Coco no longer live there. He wanted to go home, but never like this.
  3. When Coco boards the ship, she and Hector don’t recognise each other right away. 10 years have passed since they last saw each other and they both look different now. The last time Hector saw Coco she was only 4, a little girl, and now she is only just 15. Hector himself looks very different as well, older and less healthy, and of course the biggest change being his cybernetic limbs and eye. However it’s not a case of complete lack of recognition. They both feel that they know each other somehow, they feel familiar.
  4. Hector realises who Coco is first. He begins to suspect early on but then one evening he overhears Coco singing “Remember Me” and just hearing that is all he needs to know, but he goes up to her and asks her about it, just to be sure. He asks her where she heard that song and she tells him it was her father’s song that he used to sing to her. Hector…has very complicated feelings about being reunited with his daughter like this. He would be happy to be reunited if it weren’t for the circumstances. Not here, not like this. It isn’t safe, the situation is too dangerous for him to say anything. Hector resolves to keep quiet about it, as much as it kills him inside to do so.
  5. The “Im Still Here” sequence shifts in significance slightly in this AU because during it, like Jim, Coco grows to see Hector as a father figure, but she has not yet realised who Hector really is.
  6. When Scroop (or whoever may play his role in this AU) kills Chicharron (Mr Arrow) and then blames his death on Coco not properly securing his lifeline, Coco is devastated and blames herself. Hector suspects what really happened, and catches Scroop’s eye. The pirate gives him a look that confirms he really did kill Chicharron. There is a clear underlying threat to Hector that if he doesn’t keep in line the same could happen to him or Coco (Scroop in particular having noticed his fondness for her). Hector is furious, but has to bite it back.
  7. Hector has a talk with Coco afterwards, reassuring hrt that no it wasn’t her fault. He gives her a talk/speech similar to what Silver gives to Jim, including “I hope in there catching some of the light coming off you that day”. Hector secretly also thinking that he hopes that some day he can come home and be a proper father to her again.


Prologue A

"On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the Etherium is calm and peaceful, the great merchant ships with their cargo of Octrurian solar crystals felt safe and secure. Little did they suspect that they were pursued by…pirates!"

The child stared in wonder at the unfolding world before her, the gigantic ship and the new one bearing the flag of Captain Flint.

"And the most feared of all these pirate was the notorious, Captain Nathaniel Flint."

The pirates quickly attacked the merchant vessel and were looting it when the narration came back on.

"Like a Candarian Zapwing, overtaking it's prey-"

"Socorro Rivera! Open this door!" A voice barked from behind the bedroom door, prompting the holographic imagery to halt in their tracks as the child responsible hid behind the covers.

"Allow me, senora." another voice, this time one that was completely new to her. "Allons-Y!" He burst through the door and slammed it closed again before walking closer, his brown striped suit and longcoat billowing heroically in the wind as he said: "I'm the Doctor! I'm from the planet Galifrey in the constellation of Kasterburos. I'm ninety-three hundred-million, twenty-six hundred-thousand and fourty-two years old and you're just the cutest little sneak, aren't ya? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" he cooed as he pinched the four-year-old latina's chubby little cheeks. "And is that-?" He pulled out the tome from the pillowcase. "It is a holobook, innit?! Brilliant! You're so cute, I could just eat you up! In fact, keep an eye out for Zygons cause they just might eat you up. Not fun, do not recommend it." He fiddled and flipped through the pages as Socorro tried her best to look innocent. "What's all this, then? You were supposed to be asleep hours ago, miho!"

"Senior Doctor," she complained, " I was just getting to the best part! Please?!" Sacorro stared up with large hazel eyes.

"Daaawww... Can those eyes get any bigger? Scootch over." The Doctor sat down on the bed, holding the child close, and the book resumed to a familiar.

"Like a Candarian Zapwi-"

"And an Ai Autoreader to boot!" Smiled the Doctor at the sight of the holographic narrator, a lumbering mass of Teeth and Curls. "And it's one of my favorite faces, too! I never forget a face, mind you, but this is a miracle of technology, this Loop."

"Well, this miracle of technology would like no interruptions during this particular tale, thank you very much!"

"Alright, I'll be quiet!" sighed the Doctor to one of his other selves.

"Indeed, you will." The holographic Doctor adjusted his posture, cleared his throat before continuing the story. "Like a Candarian Zapwing overtaking it's prey, Flint's band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere,"

Captain Flint laughed as he ran his fingers through the gold coins and crystals that made a jingle sounding like that of blades striking one another.

"And then, gathering up their spoils…vanished, without a trace."

"Oooooooooooooo," the little girl and the Time Lord echoed together as the girl turned the page.

"Flint's secret trove was never found, but stories have persisted that it remains hidden, somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy, stowed with riches beyond imagination, the loot of a thousand worlds!"

"Treasure…Planet!" The girl and the book both finished at the same time while the Doctor looked exhausted.

"Coco, you loco! Open the door right NOW!" The mother's voice rung loud and clear and the Doctor had to fake some things to hide the true goings-on. "Coco! Open up!"

"Right, then. Blow your nose." he held out a white handkerchief to the girl, Coco, while discreetly ejecting the holobook card and hiding it into his Pocket as the door opened once more to reveal a woman, the girl's mother with her ong black hair tied in a low braided bun, fair skin and brown eyes. She brushed her sleeveless formal gown as she walked to the Doctor in her black high heels. "Imelda, your little lass has a holobook! Found her sneaking some stories of spacers and pirates and the Etherium beyond your home world Replicant!"

"Really, now." Imelda glared, her golden hoop earings tilting with her head. "I suppose you don't happen to have the-"

The Doctor flicked his wrist to reveal the card in his hand with a smirk. "And I suppose you have a replacement story for the lass..."

"As a matter of fact, I do." Imelda picked one from her blouse and handed it to the Doctor with an earnest smile. "And once its done, certain little spacers will be heading to sleep now, will they?

"How do you think Captain Flint did it, Mama?" Coco climbed up at the top of the bed post. "How he'd swoop in out of nowhere," she jumped off and out of her mom's reach and went under her bed covers. "And vanished without out a trace."

"I have no idea." Imelda said. Then she pulled Alyssa out from under the covers and began tickling him to death. "But I do know that this next story comes from our family over on Gestalt, you've always wanted to see them in the future, have you not?"

"That's the us'es from the footur?" Coco asked in her childlike lisp.

"Well," peeped the Doctor "...technically, you're more or less copies of folks from 20th century Earth born from DNA gathered by the Shansheeth on request of the Ood to repopulate a dead planet that ran its native species into the ground with Estrogen mimickers in the ocean, marxist gender studies propaganda, relatively inefficient Wi-Fi Radiation and massive amounts of self-euthenasation at the requests of self-programmed Ai genocide gods." Coco looked in utter horror, moreso than the revelation of Zygons. "The used the memory weave energy to generate the Etherium though." Silence. "How 'bout we get that story going." She nodded. "Right then, Imelda?"

"I'd be happy to." Imelda sat with her daughter and the Time Lord and inserted the card into the proper slot to ignite the holobook once more, this time generating a wide chain of paper cut outs from every orface of its pages and at the center of it all was a man in a white suit with baby-blue pinstripes lining its every fold, sleeve and pocket. "Hello and welcome to another Magorium Holobook, I'm Mr. Magorium, toy impresario, wonder aficionado and avid shoe wearer. Today's story is about shoes and music!" Magorium started as the paper cutouts began to animate the cutout artwork on them. "Once upon a time, there lived a loving family, a mommy, a daddy, both can be considered 'Units' by those with neither a grasp on the biological differences between the two lone genders... nor a soul." Magorium joked. "...and a wee little girl only the union of two folks of the opposite sex can produce!"

"I'll tell you when you're older." glanced Imelda.

"The Daddy was a musician!" Magorium pointed out as Imelda rolled her eyes. "Together the three sang and they danced and counted their blessings. But the Papa had a dream to match his talent: Playing for the World!" Imelda let out a sigh as Magorium went on. "So he left with his guitar one fateful evening and never returned..." Coco looked to the similar looking girl in the cutout with awe, having a certain sympathy for her as the mama standing beside her slammed the door on the man. "Still, the mama carried on for she was a independant woman and a strong female lead character who could not afford to waste time cryin' for some walk-away deadbeat musician, no, she has to find a proper calling that provides for her daughter!" Magorium watched as the mama in the cutout animation tosses all sorts of sources of particular music into a garbage pin before marching into her house. Imelda simply smiled, knowing just who the mama was at heart. All the while, Mister Magorium walked along the clotheslines with a yo-yo in hand as he passed a Pinata and fireworks. "Yes, just as my calling is in toys, Mister Wonka's calling is in candy, like Pyro's calling might be fireworks or Makie Sasaki's calling is obviously ironing sparkly underoos for luchadores!"

On Gestalt, the baby of the Sasaki family sat up to a rimshot played by a island tribesman that appeared from nowhere, prompting the baby to cry her first word: "Crushed!"

"The woman's calling was in making shoes!" Magorium boasted as a montage of shoemaking animated itself on the tapestry. "You can obviously tell why I was drawn to this particular gig." The girl in the picture danced in her new shoes, leaping from sheet to sheet as she grew into a young woman and carried a young man with her to her mother. "Eventually, she taught her daughter to make shoes and then she taught her son-in-law." Magorium marched forward as the family welcomed two daughters into the world and steadily got bigger and bigger and bigger still from there. "Soon the grandkids were involved, and as the family grew, so too, did the business for just as Music tore her family apart, Shoes held them altogether."

A motivated glare from the mother matched the determined look in Imelda's eyes as Magorium confirmed the obvious. "And that is the story of your Mama Imelda whose other self, or Gestalt, lived a long life of shoemaking before dying of natural causes at the ripe old age of 70. Her granddaughter Elena commissioned this little holobook or prepackaged holobook strip to be delivered to you all the way over on the planet Replicant!" said granddaughter looked relatively older than her Mama as to be expected of Gestalts. "Hello to you, little Saccoro. I know a lot about you and what you will be in the years to come because my Mama Coco is your Gestalt... And she's still alive today!" Elena's children, Coco's grandchildren, carted in the aged crone for Sacorro to gaze upon. "Wave hola to your Replicant, Mama Coco."

"Hola, Victoria." sighed the Gestalt elder. "How are you today..."

"You'd have to forgive her." smiled Magorium. "She has trouble remembering things, the Alzheimer's saw to that." Magorium stood around as the child of Replicant looked in shocked at what was, in essence, her own future staring back at her. "Cha-Chi-Cha-Chaaaa.... Still got the moves."

"No music." glared Elena. "Turn it off."

The holographics then dissipated as Imelda chuckled to herself. "Quite a motivating sight it is to look at your own future achievements."

"Do you think somebody'll ever find Treasure Planet?" Coco asked, changing the subject altogether.

"Alyssa, I think it's more... like a legend." Imelda said, as she placed a squeaky toy she found by the sheets onto a nearby toy chest.

"I know it's real, like dragons and ghosts!" Coco said

"You win. It's real." Imelda said as she kissed Coco's forehead.

"Nighty night Mom."

"Good night, my Coco." Imelda said as she got off the bed and walked over to the door. "Sweet dreams."

"You too." Coco said. Imelda closed the door and the room was then plunged into darkness. There was the sound of rustling, and then a light undrneath Coco's covers and the book can be heard.

"There are nights when the winds of the Etherium, so inviting in their promise of flight and freedom, made one's spirit soar!"

Prologue B

[Coco]x[Treasure Planet]x[Undertale]
Family Treasures (Prologue B)

Three brief years passed since the little lass had her chance encounter with the Doctor. Coco (Sacorro as we will call this cheerful little Replicant) and her mother saw their Gestalt family invite them to their home planet after the Replicant bubble societies uncovered the leftover technology from the prior civilization with the Ood greeting them in the advent of these blessings ten years prior.

And the day of their arrival sandwiched their visit with two chance encounters in Sacorro's life. The first of which came when she, Mama Imelda and her brothers Oscar and Philippé disembarked from their shuttle to the other Earth where they were to meet the family of their future. As they made their way through the spaceport, Sacorro wandered about while her family waited for a cab to pick them up. Coming across a man surrounded with books of all sizes that he went around selling to those willing to give a listen, Sacorro pointed to one book in particular that read: "'The First Crash of Evangelion'? Aye, a page-turner if ever I saw one, chronicles the Loop where it happened, the foreplaning before and the Loop after in Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"A Crash?" Sacorro asked.

"Oui, Mija." the weary old traveler stood up from his pile of tomes and smiled to the girl. "From the middle child of the Original Seven, the Branch that brought them all together in one convenient Loop where the lot of them bonded over their seven years of magical studies as amigos, as colleagues, as familia. Ah, those were the early days of the Loops that houses this one stalled reality holding down ol' Billy Bones."

"The Infinite Time Loops?" Sacorro glanced to the raggety man as she read a picture book that was nearby. "You mean this will reset again and again?"

"Ya, if it be Baseline." shrugged Billy Bones. "But there are whispers of this being a Mass Fusion like in the early days of Yggdrasil's life of Looping where her thorns grew wherever the seams may lie." He did a curtsey to the girl and waltzed about. "Some folks say that by touching any one of the three sides of a plucked thorn can make you into a Looper y'self."

"A Looper?" Sacorro tilted her head in befuddlement.

"Ci. Loopers are human archives of alternative timelines and quantum variations." The man beemed to the little girl with a smug smile on his face. "All you need to do is follow your heart, follow the winds and chase the songs of fate itself." He then pulled a recorder from his sleeve to play a little dity until...

  • WHACK!*

A shoe had been chucked to the scoundrel's head as a voice howled in the distance: "NO MUSIC!"

Thus, ol' Billy Bones made like a tree and left without his books, "Keep em all, Lassie!" He barked from behind them. "Not a single song to be found in there!"

Imelda ran up to her daughter and clutched her cheeks. "Did the mariachi play anything, my little Coco."

"No, mama." Glared Sacorro as she picked up some of the Books chronicling all sorts of tales from Yggdrasil's Looping history before fetching Imelda's high-heeled boot as an onlooker watched her from afar with a smartwatch on his wrists. "burgertime to heartbeat, he's found our leading lady for the Branch. I'd fetch him that map of yours if I were you, kid..."

"10-4, Sans!" smiled a childish voice. "I'll head near her by nighttime!"

Sans chuckled to himself, of course they wouldn't stick to the nicknames with how long they spent in their home branch.


By noon, the Replicant Riveras had made it to their Gestalt familia in time for Tamales. Imelda stood in awe at how many grandchildren and great-grandchildren that her daughter would bring into the world thanks to the traditions she laid out for the family to follow. Shoes tied together what music tore asunder after all...

"Papa is home?" Mama Coco muttered in a brief flash of lucidity.

"No!" Blurted her daughter Elena.

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