Page 165: What Means It Means To Be Human Part 5

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(In the Real World)

Moshimo escorts Ro and Tommy back to the living room where Muemue was waiting with Lola, Gus and Robotgirl were waiting. (Muemue did have them patched up in the first aid room and now their in the living room).

Robotgirl:(Runs up to Moshimo)Other Robot gonna be ok?

Moshimo: I hope so Robotgirl...I hope so.

Robotgirl: Me no want to see friend go away...

Tommy: None of us want to Robotgirl.

Robotgirl: Where Robotboy?

Moshimo: Robotboy is having a nap...

Robotgirl: Robotgirl nap too?

Moshimo: No Robotgirl you don't need too ,Robotboy was worried about Rina and got restless and needed to be calmed.

Tommy: Proffesor when we have to charge Rina how long will it take?

Moshimo: Rina's charging will take 24 hours to insure full recovery.

Tommy: Ohhh...This all your fault Gus! You and your stupid coin collection!

Gus: Hey I made up for it by helping plug in the charger!

Lola: Yeah that he did do that!

Moshimo: I knew you could do it Goose.

Gus: It's Gus!

Moshimo: Right why don't you tell us what happened why we wait for the gears to clean out?

Everyone: Ok!

Robotgirl: Me wake Robotboy! (Pushes activate button on Tommy's watch).

Everyone: Robotgirl no!

Robotboy (activates) Blink , Blink Where me? Where Rina?

Moshimo:(Thinking: I hope he's a little calmer...)Robotboy were cleaning Rina's gears right now so we have to wait an hour.

Robotboy: So what now?

Moshimo: We were just about to here Gus , Lola and Robotgirl's Plug Adventure.

Robotboy: Me want to here..

Moshimo: Are you ok?

Robotboy:Me calm but worried (Looks down sadly)

Tommy: Maybee this story will cheer you up Ro?

Robotboy:Me guess..

Robotgirl(runs up to Ro and moves him over to the couch Muemue was sitting).

Moshimo: Everyone sit down wile Goose tells us what happened.(Sits down next Muemue on the couch).

Gus: It’s Gus! And well we went..

Lola: Proffesor may I go see Rina...I want be near her wile she's in need.

Moshimo: Well Ok but please don't touch anything in the lab.

Lola: I will (Dashes off too Moshimo's Lab).

Tommy: Ok Gus continues..

Gus: Well..

(In Moshimo's Lab)

Lola walked up to Rina who was lying lifeless on Moshimo's Lab table. Rina's coition brought tears to Lola's eyes.

Lola:(Whispering in Rina's left drum ear)were here for you Rina...I love you...(Lola huggles Rina).

(In Rina's mind)

Lola's voice echo’s through out Rina's mind..

Lola:(Whimpering in Rina's left drum ear) Were here for you Rina...I love you..


IRB: Looks like you have loved ones out there?

Rina: How I heard Lola's voice?

IRB:A part of your robotic brain is still functioning so you are able hear voices from the outside world.

Rina: Ohhh Hear this! (Blasts IRB with torpedo guns)

IRB: Ouch! Your good but take this! (dose Ro's center bomb spinning attack).

Rina covered her arms over her face as the bombs hit her. Rina could feel the sting of the bombs hit her as she protected herself.

Wile IRB was spinning Rina tried something new. Wile IRB span Rina circled around him around him and froze him with ice breath(Yes Rina has Ice Breath).IRB hole body froze up due to Rina's chilling move and began to plummet down to the ground but in the mists of that Rina grabbed him and blasted up into the sky and began to spin around fast but before she could launch him in to the middle mountain IRB punched Rina in the face which caused IRB to break free of Rina's hold.


While Rina was recovering IRB lunged at her with a fist attack but Rina caught glism of IRB in her optical sensors and flew to the side missing IRB.

Rina: eep trying!

IRB:I see you take after your brother in determination.

Rina stood floating two meters in the air deep in though. She was thinking about her friends and family...

Rina: I want go home... me miss family and friends (an oil tear drops from her eye).

IRB: If you want to go home get thorough these tests.

Rina: I don't want to!

IRB: Then perish!

IRB changed his arms back to normal and flew down to meters above the ground and started spinning round and round causing the snow on ground the swirl up into the air and surround the robots at a fast pace.

Rina: Huh? (Rina struggles to hold her balance againest the snow winds and begins to get caught in IRB's snow twister.

IRB: Aww what's the matter Robotsister can't handle a challenge? To think you’re the sister of one of the one of the world's best battle bots! You might as well give up on your dream of going home cause me winning this!

Rina didn't say anything she just scanned for a weakness in IRB's robotic system. Rina's scan came almost unsuccessful when but before the scan finished she got a read out on a weak point IRB's thrusters. Rina struggled the snow winds and charged up her thrusters like there was no tomorrow and flew under IRB.IRB was to busy spinning to see what Rina was up too. Rina positioned herself under IRB's feet and activated one of her less unused powers Rina placed her palm holes under IRB's thrusters and caused two electric spark orbs to release from them and shoot up IRB's thrusters. The electric orbs flew up in IRB main thrusters joints which connect his thruster’s boots and legs together. The orbs reached their target and sorted out IRB's boots who caused him to loose balance and plummet down to the ground which caused Rina to move out of the way.

IRB :( falling) What did you?

Rina didn’t answer she just grabbed hold of IRB' and flew up in to the air.

IRB: What do you plan to do drop me? It won't help you win!

Rina rose up high into the sky above the main mountain and began to spin round and round which made IRB dizzy. When IRB was dizzy enough Rina took hold of him and flew downward towards the mountain at a semi fast speed and when she got close enough to the mountain’s body she let go of him and let gravity take way. IRB fell onto the main montians side and slide down to a snow peak. Rina flew a few feet away from IRB who returned to his normal mode.

IRB: Congarts You’re the winner...

Rina :( Changes back into normal mode) I allot tougher then you know!

IRB: I'm sorry about taunting you...

Rina: I just want go home...

IRB :( claps hands which causes the test room can back to normal) You are a creation of Moshimo's alright. You put a tough fight...

Rina: You ok?

IRB: I think I pulled few wires fighting you (giggles)

Rina: I sorry...

IRB: its ok you must be feeling hurt yourself right?

Rina: Yes but not worried about physical wounds... (Looks down sadly).

IRB: You really miss your loved ones don’t you?

Rina: (sniff)...miss (sniff)...them... (Cries oil) What this?

IRB: Those are oil tears. tears are a form of crying and to cry is to show sadness. You learning how to cry is a one step closer to becoming human. Your bro can cry too but is crying dangerous in the real world at least for you human robots.

Rina: How?

IRB: Your systems will shut down if you leak oil and you'll deactivate.

Rina :( Gasps) It hard being a robot girl...

IRB: You’re learning...

Rina stopped crying and looked at the floor sadly.

IRB: You really miss your friends don't you?

Rina: I miss Oniisan the most I loved others very much but miss Oniisan more...

IRB: I sure your brother misses you too...All you friends want you back...

Rina: Then why don't just send me back and forget tests?

IRB: I afraid sending you back is not something I can do see it lies in the hands of Moshimo in fixing you and as for the tests their just really a time passer until you can be rebooted.

Rina: Huh you say tests part of learning how to become human.

IRB: They are the tests are to see how strong your will is. Meaning I want to how determined you are in wanting to go back home. I want see how much you can go through wile trying to get back home.

Rina: So whole setup to see if I strong enough too fight in combat?

IRB: Pretty much...

Rina: You mean! (Try’s to Superactivate but is too tried and damaged the last fight and so she gets zapped).

IRB: Whoa there little robot. Don’t short yourself out...

Rina: I tired...

IRB: Your totally excusuatsed from our fight...You need recharging. Follow me

Rina: What about video clip?

IRB: You want to see a clip feeling all damaged?

Rina: No...

IRB: Then come on...

IRB lead Rina out of the testing room and into her Mind Room again. Wile Rina walk through her mind room she heard a voice she recognized coming from out outside her mind in the real world...

Voice: Come back to us Rina...

Rina knew the voice right away Lola!

Lola: We need you back with us Rina...I need you., You are the closest girl friend I've ever had...You listen to me , You keep quite when I tell you a secret , you protect me when Kamazazi and Constantine try to attack us and you show mercy to humans when you fight meaning you don't hurt them. Your more then just a robot you’re a kind and caring individual that’s more human then you know. Come back to us Rina! (Lola starts crying).

Rina: Lola...

IRB: Hear That? That is a human begging her heart out for a robot to come home. A robot who that person sees an individual and treats her like a real girl. Lola takes care of you, dresses you when you go out in public so you aren’t found out to be a robot and feeds you oil. Lola loves you’re more then you know and it kills her to see you like this. You are one lucky robot to have an owner like that.

Rina: More the

IRB: What?

Rina: Lola is family to Rina...

IRB: How is Lola family to you?

Rina: She treats like best friend and loves me.

IRB: You’re calling that love?

Rina: Yes I see it and feel it.

IRB: You’re right congrats. You are more human then you think. Now follow me we have to get you cleaned up for your next fight.

Rina: Who next challenger?

IRB: You see...Lets just say she's knows you very well and is a "part of you" that is important for com-Never mind you'll see...


<Ran Out of Money, Will Afford To Add Part 6 In a Later Time>

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