Page 162: What Means It Means To Be Human Part 2

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(Robotgirl lead the group through the house to find Moshimo)

Tommy: Where is he?

Robotboy: Tommy...Rina be ok right?

Tommy: Don’t worry Ro Moshimo is best robotics mechanic in the world, he built you, Rina and Robotgirl.

Robotboy: Right...

(The group decides to go to Moshimo's lab)

In Moshimo's lab the group found Moshimo and Muemue playing Tetris on a giant TV screen).

Moshimo: You beat me again Muemue.

Muemue :( giggles and notices the kids) Robotboy is here...

Moshimo: Robotboy? (Turns and see the group).

Robotgirl: Friends here for help!

Moshimo: Help? What's wrong?

Tommy: We were repairing Robotboy and Rina when well Gus accidentally dropped a gold plated coin in Rina's back gears...

Lola :( turns Rina around shows Moshimo the problem.) We though best to just come here show better then call you cause after the coin was injected Rina went off line.

Moshimo :( takes Rina from Lola) Oh dear. I’ll have to look it right away. Muemue please get my equipment ready I have take out this coin emmenditly for if I don't Rina will never run again.

Lola: Is there anything we can do?

Moshimo: Yes there is when I finished with Rina I need to charge her so I can get her running again but for that I need to power up the Charge Chamber. So I need you to go the basement and plug it in.

Gus: Is the chamber in the basement?

Moshimo: No but the chamber's power cord runs from here all the way to the basement.

Gus:.. Well I'll go I kinda owe it to Rina.

Lola: Kinda!?! Your stupid coin caused her to shut down! Anyway I'll go make sure you don't break anything.

Robotgirl: I go to! Want to save new friend!

Tommy: I’ll stay here and watch what you do to Rina..I may need to know if it ever happens to Robotboy.

Moshimo: Ok..Good..Robotboy?

Robotboy:(looks at his lifeless sister)Robotboy stay here and watch over Rina.

Moshimo: Ok..The basement group please go and plug in the Charger.

Basement Group: Right! (The group runs off the basement).

Moshimo:(To Rina) don’t worry we won't let you die. We care too much to let you experience that.

Moshimo :( Puts Rina on lab table) I've never lost a robot to death well expect Protoboy but I won't lose anymore. So I do my very best to fix Rina...

Muemue: Boys maybe you better wait in the Observing Room. It’s probably best you leave Moshimo work on Rina alone...

Moshimo: Muemue's right it might better if you watch from a far because Robotboy might get to worried in view of his sister's operation.

Tommy: He would?

Moshimo: Robotboy and Rina have deep kinship and love each other tenderly so it can get emotional for them to see either one in pain.

Tommy: You’re probably right come on Ro...

Robotboy :( almost leaks oil in a form of crying) Imoto...

(The to boys walk out of Moshimo's lab in the next room which had a huge window that viewed into Moshimo's lab).

(Moshimo scans Rina and look at her robotic x-ray on a giant TV screen)

Moshimo:(Look at the x-ray and turns to Rina) Lets see what happen to you...Hamm somehow that coin got wedged it's way into your back gears pretty hard.The coin is blocking your gears from spinning which caused you to shut-down. Your systems all need to be running smoothly for you to operate. I’ll do my best to wedge the coin out of there and then take out your back gears and clean them to get rid of the gunk that rubbed against your gears and hope by putting them back in and recharging you you'll come back to life. By the look of that x-ray your electric brain is operating a little so that’s a sign you’re still working a little. Let’s hope we can fix you I don't want to lose you and neither does the rest of us especaily Robotboy and Lola.

(Moshimo starts working on Rina)

(In the Observation Room Robotboy pounds the wall with his fist wile Tommy watches)

Robotboy: Robotboy angry want to help Rina!

Tommy: I know you do Ro what can we do? Moshimo's better at this stuff then anyone so lets hope on him for fixing Rina.

Robotboy: This Gus fault! He sends coin into Rina!

Tommy: It was an accident Ro you know that...

Robotboy: Yeah but still angry...

Tommy: Well just think about a time when you where happy...

Robotboy: When Rina got over fear of Super Actuating for first time.

Tommy: She was scared the first time?

Robotboy: Yes...


Moshimo:(To Robotboy and Rina) You both have a great power in side of you the power to Super Activate which allows you to change into a much bigger battle bot which is complete with more weaponry then you could every dream. Although first you have does a battle dance to Super Activate so follow my lead?

(Moshimo dose the SA dance)

Moshimo: Robotboy you go first...

Robotboy :( Super Activates) Robotboy big...

Rina :( freaks out to what Ro just changed into) EKKKKKKKK! (Runs out the room!)

Robotboy: Imoto! (Flies after still in SA mode)

Moshimo: Rina, Robotboy get back here!

Rina :( runs outside and hides in a cave)

Ro scans in on Rina's location and goes into the cave.

Robotboy: Imoto!

Rina: Go away you no Oniisan you different!

Robotboy: Imoto me no different still Oniisan just bigger and have more weapons.

Rina :( See that Ro is telling the truth) Oniisan! (Hugs her BIG brother),

Robotboy: You can change too just do dance Moshimo showed us.

Rina: I don't know...

(The Robots bonding moment is spoiled by Kamazazi and Consintine and their robot chicken army)

Kamazazi: Look Consintine Moshimo's little Robotboy has finally "grown up"! HA! HA!

Consintine: What about the little robot Boss?

Kamazazi: Ahh...Moshimo probably just built her to accompany Robotboy when he's in normal mode! She's no threat to us! Chickens attack!

Rina: No Threat? Me very powerful! (Super Activates for the first time!)

Rina: Me big too...

Robotboy: Moshimo make us the same. Time to fight Chickens! You with me?

Rina:Hai!(hive fives her brother)

(Robotboy and Rina blast all the mind controllers of the chickens and shos them off)

Consintine: They beat all the chickens Boss!

Kamazazi: So what? They still to deal with my giant robotic rooster! Rooster attack!

Robotboy:(To Rina)Attack with double cannons from back!

Rina: Attack with wh-(Rina absentmindly attacked with her douldle cannons) how I do that?

Robotboy: We programmed to know what to do in battle situation.(Blasts Rooster)

Rina: Ohh..(Blasts Rooster)

(The Rooster walked around unscratched)

Kamazazi:Ha! You fools my bird is made out of the strongest metal money can buy...

Moshimo:(walks in)and my Robots have the best cutter blades money can buy! Robotboy , Rina use your cutter blades to saw open that rooster brain and destroy the antenna that gives rooster the ability to walk and the both of you saw the through the brain together!

(The Robots did what they where told and saw open to the rooster's brain and destroyed the antenna which caused the rooster to stop moving and then they sawed through the rooster's brain and attacked it but the brain went unfazed so Robotboy ripped out the rain inners and Rina used ice breath to freeze it and then she blasted it with her eye beams , then Ro blasted it with a arm cannon and then Rina shattered it wit a giant hammer that Moshimo threw her but it was still Ro stepped on it then kicked it and then Rina spat oil on it and broke.)

Rina: We did it(hugs her bro)

Robotboy: We did do it together!(hugs Rina back)

Kamazazi: I'll be back! Consintine run!

Consintine: Coming Boss!

(The two bad guys ran off)

Robotboy and Rina turn to Moshimo

Moshimo: I'm am so proud of the both you. You both must be tired so to reverse your transformation just relax and let go your thoughts you'll power down)

The Robots did as they where told and powered downed.

Moshimo: Rina I’m glad you learned first impressions are not always important but don't run away from your problems next time..Ok?

Rina: Rina try...

Flashback Ends

Tommy: Whoooaaa..You guys are pretty close

Robotboy: Yes We very closes which is why I very worried about Rina...

Tommy: We’ll save her Ro I promise!

(Lola and Gus find the way to the basement with Robotgirl's help by showing them a holo map of Moshimo's house).

Gus: Ok so this the door to the basement?

Robotgirl: Yep!

Lola: Let's go...

(Lola opens the door to the basement and she, Gus and Robotgirl walk down into the basement.)

Gus: Hey it's to dark in here! Where's light switch?

Lola: Robotgirl can you brighten up things in here please?

Robotgirl: Uh-huh! (Uses eyes lights to bright up the area).

Gus: Look there’s the light switch!

(Gus flicks on the light switch on the wall.)

Seeing how Gus turned on the lights Robotgirl turned of her eye lights.

Robotgirl: Where charger plug?

Lola: There! (Points to a big plug sitting on the floor)

Gus: Is that it?

Lola: It says Charger Chamber on it.

Gus: Oh...Come on lets get it plugged in so Rina can be recharged!

Lola: Things aren’t that easy look!

(A small army of robotic rats surrounded them!)

Gus: What are these things?

Robotgirl: Moshimo like to make robotic rats to past time...

Lola: Why Rats?

Robotgirl: Rats better shooting practice then bugs.

Gus: Anyway just don't stand there fight them Robotgirl!

Lola :( a robot rat moves closer to Lola) Hurry!

Robotgirl Super Activates and crushes all the rats with her mighty feet!

(One of the rats grows huge and roars them)

Lola: How’d that happen?

Robotgirl: Moshimo give one rat Super Activate powers.

Lola: What’s it's weakness?

Robotgirl :( Rips out the Robotic Rat's brain) that.

(The Robotic Rat falls down lifeless or so it seems... (Where Robotgirl had ripped the brain out there was a antenna in it's head still blinking...)

Lola: Now that that's over can we move on to saving Rina?

Gus: Yes ma'am seriously you always have to make it about you.

Lola: I’m worried about my robot that was shut down no thanks to you!

Gus: Hey I said I would find a way to save her!

Lola: We all did!

(The Robotic Rat comes alive again)

Robotgirl :( Notices the Rat) Guys...?

(Lola and Gus continue arguing)

(The Robotic Rat prepares to strike!)

Robotgirl: Humans!

Lola and Gus: What?!?

(Lola and Gus then notice the Robotic Rat)

Lola and Gus: Run!

(Lola and Gus run around in circles screaming in terror)

Robotgirl :( Sighs) Humans...

(Robotgirl jumps on to the Robotic Rat and grabs the Rat's robotic heart out of it chests and stomps on it causing the Rat to fall over again and then Robotgirl blasts it causing it to stop moving a least for now...)

Gus: Wow your awesome!

Lola: All of Moshimo's creations are awesome!

Gus: Yah but she totally kicked the Rat's butt!

Lola: So she's Moshimo's creation and they are all wicked fighters!

Gus: Yah but she was too cool!

Lola: Gus...Were here to save another one of Moshimo's great creations remember?

Gus: Yeah right. Now lets put in that plug!

(The 2 kids try picking up the plug but it's too heavy)

Lola: Robotgirl can you help?

Robotgirl picks up the plug and puts it in the wall but it only goes in half way!

Gus: What why didn't work!?!

Lola: It’s stuck, this happens to plugs sometimes.

Gus: But if it doesn’t plug in we won't be able to save Rina!

Lola: And I loose my one of closest friends... (Cries)

Robotgirl: Robotgirl have plan two kids ride on Robotgirl and ram plug!

Lola: That sounds dangerous...

Gus: Boo hoo you wanna save your robot or what?

Lola: Yes...

Gus: Then lets go! (Grabs Lola's arm and moves her over to Robotgirl)

(The 2 kids climb up on Robotgirl and hold on tightly)

Gus: Charge!

Robotgirl flies a semi fast pase to knock the plug further into the wall which she dose but the plug still didn't go in all of the way.

Lola: This thing is so stupid! (Punches the plug which didn't move!)

Gus: Now Will never save Rina and it's my entire fault!

Lola: It’s not your fault Gus it's mine. I wanted to spend the day with Tommy so I brought Rina with me to his house and though repairing our robots together might make for some bonding time...Whoops did you just hear me? (Blushes)

Gus :( Not paying attention) what I did hear you I was too busy thinking about Rina who I'm going to save!

Lola: How?

Gus: By doing this! (Gus takes a running dash on Robotgirl who was still flying in midair and rammed the plug with all his might which cause him to fly off Robotgirl but also caused the plug to go in all the way!)

Lola: You did it! Are you ok?

Gus: Yah the ground broke my fall!

Lola: We were only to meters from the ground. You should be fine.

Gus: I think I hurt my back!

Lola: But your will saved Rina look!

Gus looked to see the plug completely plugged in.

Lola: I guess all that body weight had to come in handy sooner or later.

Gus: Hey no fat jokes!

Lola :( giggles) Sorry...

Muemue :( Walks into the basement) Oh dear! What happened here and to Gus?

Lola: Long story short we got the plug to charger working thanks to Gus.

Muemue: Oh...but thats not the plug charger...

Lola and Gus: It’s not?!?

Muemue: Kidding!

Lola and Gus sigh in relief

Muemue: Come on I take you the first aid room to help Gus get better, then I'll take you to see your friends.

Lola: How’s Rina...?

Muemue: Moshimo is still tending to her...

Gus: Lets get back and see what’s going on.

Lola: After we get you treated! It's not every day you ram into a giant plug to save a robot.

Gus: Yeah...

Muemue :( Leads the kids to the stairs) this way... Robotgirl can you carry Gus?

Robotgirl :( Changes back to normal mode) Yep! (Puts Gus on her back).

(Everyone walks out of basement unnoticing the giant Robotic Rat was straining)

In Moshimo's Lab...

Moshimo had made several efforts to jiggle the coin with each jiggle a little step closer.)

Moshimo :( Finally pulls out coin) Whoaa...Finally! Your one step closer to being repaired...


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