Homestuck Loops
From Accct Wiki
Midnight Crew
Loop M1
Loop A1
Your name is JANE. And you find yourself back in your humble little room and in your skinny teen body.
====–> Look around for your objects
You dig for your handy stirring solution and -
====–> Check Pesterchum
Archie Games
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
Commissioned by Archie to Square Enix in 2006 as a means to get Ken Penders away from Sonic, Birth by Sleep is a comic set ten years in the past to appease Nomura's strict grip on Sora and his gang. It features Terra, Ventus, and Aqua as the lead characters designed by Nomura himself as a specific guideline for Penders and company. He then re-designed Terra and Aqua to resemble how they'd look on the day Sora was born. created four additional characters, half of which based on Sega Properties. A black boy named Lekz, a latina girl named Pyrhha, an Echidna named _ and a Nightmaren named Twilight. They travel across all sorts of Disney Worlds. Illustrated by Alan Sullivan
- Issue 1: Welcome to the Jungle
- A young girl named Madoka Quentira is swept off her feet by a dashing rogue named Terra Ende and takes her in as an apprentice.
Bob went along his day as he usually does, gliding across Mainframe to chase down Hack and Slash. He noticed something was rather off about today, mainly that today had already happened, seven straight times. It's been bugging him since he woke up from a vision he had, it's been bugging him since he encountered Killabyte again, it's been bugging him since he ran into the Repeat Commands: four unknown viruses that tend to show up to reset computers to an earlier state.
swf, an orange sprite with pink hair and three eyes.
gif, a red sprite with white-laced green hair.
png, a green sprite with baby blue spiked hair.
jpg, A bald blue sprite in a red guardian uniform.
"You are not to speak of our resets or our existence." swf bluntly stated as she locked jpg's rogue keytool Dox onto Bob. "Our programming will prevent you from bringing it up to any of your local authorities."
"You are Anchor 144, 31 Anchor Units divorced from the Crash." png belched. "Your end can spell death without a fellow anchor present like jpg and me, 108 and 69 respectively."
"You're insane! When the Guardians hear of your 010011-011001-00001" Bob panicked as his mouth went binary from their re-coding of his thought-to-speech functionality. "You sure know how to censor a voice, do ya?"
"You should see what YouTube does with its conservatives." swf nonchalantly stated.
an irritated jpg glared at swf. "Aim higher."
"Don't worry, we won't be here for comparably long." gif bowed to the guardian "...with your timeframe, we'll be in and out of the system faster than you can say..."
Another day, another Game Cube poised to do a number on Mainframe. Bob goes to defeat the User and protect the system sector from nullification.
"Glitch, Game Stats." The keytool projected the relevant data on the current cube "Fighting Game, huh? I guess I can deal with it. ReBoot!"
Next he knew, he was clad in a mustard yellow shirt, black pants and a leopard-print bandana. And his opponent was a ponytailed man in a red Chinese outfit, his eyebrow raised at the blue tint of his foe.
"Of course the Game Loop'd dump me down here." The two fought, punches, kicks and combo.