Page 135: Cambot

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Nightfall has finally approached Dinosaur Land, but the racers are about to recieve a few surprises in store for them...

"...So I said "screw her! She's not even worth 2 cents!"" Godzilla laughed, drinking a martini.

The other monsters also laughed, applauding Godzilla for his humorous jokes.

"Man, Godzilla, that is so hilarious!' Mothra giggled, drinking root beer.

Rodan wheezed, almost out of breath because he was laughing so hard. "Godzilla, I don't think anyone can compare to you when it comes to great jokes! Haha!"

"Yeah!" Anguirus added, laughing heartily, "You truly are the king of comedy, Godzilla!"

Godzilla chuckled, putting the martini down. "Thanks, you guys." He then snapped his fingers together. "Oh! Do you guys know what I found out about the 7th and final Harry Potter book?"

Anguirus, Mothra, and Rodan googled in excitement as they crept close to Godzilla. "Ooooh...what is it, Godzilla?"

Godzilla raised his finger, "Well, in the course of the 7th book, Voldemort kills-"

Just then, Meta Knight bursted into the room. "Sorry to disturb you, but have you guys seen Kirby around?"

Godzilla growled, gritting his teeth. "No...why, are you looking for him?"

Meta Knight rubbed the back of his head, nervously. "Actually, heh heh, I am." He chuckled nervously.

Anguirus moaned and rolled his eyes. "Well, he sure ain't in here. Why don't you try somewhere else?" He suggested.

Meta Knight nodded. "Good idea. Thanks a lot," He said, closing the door and leaving to find Kirby.

Rodan turned back to Godzilla. "So, Godzilla, what was it about the 7th and final Harry Potter book you were saying about?"

Godzilla raised his finger, but he frowned. "Damn it! I forgot about it!" He shouted, banging his head on the wall. "If Meta Knight didn't burst in, I could have told you!"

Anguirus, Rodan, and Mothra all moaned in disappointment as their one chance of hearing about Harry Potter's last foray has been ruined.

Meta Knight continued running down the hallway, searching room to room for Kirby. "Darn it...I know he's here somewhere, but where?" He asked himself.

Back in Mario's room, the 7 male Smashers have finished their belching contest, and they are commenting on the NASCAR race.

"Who'd think would win?" Link asked, stretching his arms.

Kirby munched on the popcorn inside the bowl. "Jeff Goldblum. Or Goldbloom. Or whatever the heck he is. Check Wikipedia."

Captain Falcon ran to the computer and typed in NASCAR racers on Wikepedia. "Well, it says that there are William France Senior, Erwin "Cannonball" Baker, and Bob "Barky" Barkhimer, but no Jeff Goldbloom." He said, turning to the others.

Kirby moaned, covering his face with the popcorn bowl. "Great. And I wanted to be right, too."

Yoshi looked around. "Erm, where's Pikachu?" He asked.

Mario shrugged. "I don't know, wasn't he just here burping?"

Donkey Kong scratched his head, when he head the door knocking. "Oh! I'll go get the door!" He ran to the door and opened it, to see Pikachu, Brock, and...a girl? "Huh? Who are you?"

The girl giggled. "I'm Hikari! I'm fron Sinnoh!" She greeted.

Pikachu laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "How do you like her, Donkey Kong? This is Hikari, and even though we've known each other for a few months, she's become good friends with me, Ash, and Brock." He explained.

Donkey Kong noded, rubbing his chin. "Interesting..." He looked at Brock. "And any reason why you are here, also?"

Brock chuckled, patting Donkey Kong on the back. "Because Hikari is becoming my new partner, of course!"

Donkey Kong, Pikachu, and Hikari all blinked, looking at Brock oddly.

"Wait, don't you already have a filler party of partners, Brock?" Pikachu asked interestingly.

Brock twiddled his fingers. "Well, about my filler party of partners, they decided to stop competing in the race, so they became supporters instead."

Donkey Kong, Pikachu, and Hikari all nodded n awe, understanding Brock's reason.

"Hey Donkey Kong, are you coming back?" Mario shouted from the inside, "You're letting the cool air get out!"

"And plus, if you're gonna be out, then get some more chips and dip!" Link added.

Donkey Kong turned around. "All right, I'll get the chips and dip!" He turned to face Pikachu, Brock, and Hikari again. "Now, if you guys excuse me." He headed down the hallway, to get some chips and dip.

Hikari tugged Brock. "C'mon, Brock! Let's go to our room!" She giggled with enthusiasm, "I want to see what it's like!"

Brock chuckled. "Heh heh, sure!" He waved to Pikachu, "Good seeing you again, Pikachu!" He and Hikari left.

Pikachu waved as well. "Good eeing you guys again, too!" He walked into Mario's room, closed the door, and sat back in his usual spot in front of the wide-screen high-definition TV. "So, did I miss anything?"

Mario, Yoshi, Kirby, Link, and Captain Falcon were all left speechless.

Pikachu shrugged. "Fine, don't talk to me. Suit yourselves," He said, opening a bag of Doritos and stuffing the chips into his mouth.

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