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Episode 297, or was it Episode 27?: The Final Episode

It was a very gloomy night. All of the Smashers - except Bowser, Mewtwo, and Ganondorf - were trapped inside the living room of the Super Smash Brothers Mansion, and neither of them all knew what would soon be their fate...

"So...why are we in here again?" Falco Lombardi asked, scratching his head.

Fox McCloud shrugged. "Beats me. All the letter said is that we all have to be in the living room, and have all doors locked."

"'s a terrorist attack!" Zelda gasped, clunging onto Roy.

Roy patted Zelda on the back. "There, there - I'm sure it's nothing, Zelly."

"Sure it's nothing, Zelly?" Link and Marth both repeated, looking at Roy oddly.

"Guys, will you stop attacking like this?" Dr. Mario butted in, folding his arms. 'I'm sure it's nothing that we all should be afraid of."

"How do you think we should believe you?" May asked, putting her hands on her hips.

Dr. Mario started stuttering. " see..."

"How come we're being killed off, too?" Peppy Ankylosaurus asked Dr. Hoshi.

Dr. Hoshi shrugged. "Beats me. But whatever the letter said, I'm taking a guess that this must be this stupid fanfic's last chapter."

"Really?" Yoshi's eyes widened with joy, before he jumped up into the air and screamed, "YIPPEE-KAY-AYE!!"

Mario shook his head. "Mamma mia. Yoshi is-a too happy-a to be-a killed off-a."

Luigi nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Which reminds me..." He started to stomp his left foot, "How come I can't live like the others outside?"

"Cuz, we're all suppose to be in here," Jigglypuff explained, "And besides, Bowser, Ganondorf, and Mewtwo are the only ones who escaped."

Pit frowned, looking down at his shoes. "Bummer, man." He said in a sad tone.

Pikachu shook his head. "Ugh! This is thye stupidest thing our butthead of an author ever thougfht up of!"

"Really?" Pichu asked, smiling. "I thought it was brilliant!"

"Keep saying that," Kirby laughed, eating a bunch of hotdogs on the ground.

Sonic the Hedgehog blinked. "Why am I even here?" He askec out of curiousity.

"Good question," Snake approaved, "I don't even think I should be in this game..."

"And neither should we..." Banjo muttered.

Kazooie whacked him in the head with her right wing. "Snap outta it, stupid! We DESERVED to get these spots, you know!"

"Who's Alec Baldwin?" Popo asked stupidly, looking at himself in the mirror, "Am I Alec Baldwin?"

Nana just shook her head. "Poor, demented brother of mine...I knew I should have never played freeze tag using ice blocks with him..."

Young Link patted Nana on the back. "There, there - it was in teh past."

"Shut yer trap, foo!" Ness shouted, whacking Young Link in the head with his baseball bat.

"This is not logical..." Samus muttered to herself.

Zero Suit Samus tapped herself on the shoulder. "You can say that again." She started to speak German.

"WTF?" Captain Falcon exclaimed, "Two Samuses!?" He started running around, screeaming, "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!"

"Freako..." Meta Knight whispered, sipping some de-caf, and falling asleep on the ground.

Wario started to flex his muscles, even no one was looking. "Look at-a me! I'm-a better than Mario boy over there!"

"Man, I wish I went to the bathroom before," Peach moaned, doing the pee-pee dance, and then started doing the poo-poo dance.

"Ewwwwz," Sheik moaned, shuddering and jabbing her skin with a spoon.

"!!" Mr. Game-and-Watch randomly shouted, his mouth foaming.

Donkey Kong scratched his butt. "Whut?" Was all he asked. In a stupid, stupid way.

I mean in a VERY stupid way.

"I LIEK PIE!!1!12!!" Crazy Hand shouted randomly, making farting noises.

Master Hand sighed. Having counted everyone including himself and except Bowser, Mewtwo, and Ganondorf, he turned off the lights, which made everyone scream (with Luigi being the loudest). "All right, it's time to see why we are in here in the first place."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, right at the moment, the entire mansion started to shake, and it crumbled to the ground, killing everyone.

Everyone, except...

"MWAHAHAHA!!" Bowser laughed evilly, alongside with his chums. "Take that fools!"

"You REALLY thought we were gonna join you!" Ganondorf teased.

Mewtwo smirked. "But nope! We set the whole situation up, only for all you to get killed!"

And so, the three villians laughed, as much evilly as they can, before they stopped to thinki.

"So what now?" Ganondorf said to Bowser and Mewtwo.

Mewtwo pondered. "Hmmm...maybe...we can become..."

"...GAME DESIGNERS!!" Bowser exclaimed.

The three villians cheered, and they all ran off (very SLOWLY, being the slowest characters of Super Smash Brothers) to Nintendo City, where they for the rest of their happy lives were game designers for Nintendo Co.


AC: Crud...

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