Chapter 42: Keyblade

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"How long do you think we're gonna be here?" Kimi asks again who took a bite from her peach.

"I don't know." responded Kimiko.

The two have walked at least a meter now. All the trees, animals, and the sun made it feel good. But the one thing was being with a friend.

"Kimiko, it feels...Like how you know when someone thinks they know someone else, but they don't?"

"Like Deja Vu?"

"Exactly. It feels like I know you from somewhere."

With that, both girls stopped walking and looked at each other.

"Really?" asked Kimiko.

"Yeah. There's something interesting about you but I can't put my finger on it."

They walk a few paces more, but look up and gasp.

Through the boy's eyes, he woke up and saw Danny. He screamed and backed up a wall, startled.

"Uh, sorry about that." Danny replied, who was in his human form.

"!" the boy groaned in pain.

"You're still hurt. Don't worry, Jenny should get the kit."

Jenny walked in holding a first aid kit and carring a long, white bandage. The boy screamed again.

"A r-r-robot?"

"Yes," replied Jenny. "You don't have a problem with that, don't you?"

"Eh, I've seen bigger things." she wrapped the cast around his arm, which was still bleeding.

"My name's Danny and that's Jenny. What's your name?" questioned Danny.

"Jake. Jake Long," Jake said. For a moment, there was a pause 'til he spoke again. "How long was I out?"

"About...3 days."

"THREE DAYS?!?" Jake jumped up surprised. Three days he's been out? No.

"Give him a break Danny," Jenny protested. "We barely know and took care of him."

"Hey, I can't help it if my friend did it to me...once." Danny said.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." Jake interrupts. Then he remembered something. "JUNE! Oh, where is she?"

"June? Who's that?"

"Just...a friend. We both landed on the island and took down some out bad monster, bro!"

"Really? 'Cause that's what happened to us." said Jenny.

"Say what?"

"Yep. I saw Jenny battling some monster and then we used this stone and took it down." Danny exxplained. "Great, I just revealed something else?"

"What stone? And what other secret?" asked Jake curious.

"Duh, nothing!"

"Danny, chill. He's one of us now. I think he'll understand. Like I did." Jenny said. Jake got a 'you-don't-wanna-know' look on his face. Then, Danny transformed into his ghost side on purpose. He could have just shown him the rock first, huh?

"You're a ghost?" yelled Jake.

"No. I'm a halfa." Danny corrected. "But you can't tell anyone else, please!"

"Well it's better than mine." Jake just then transforms with red scales, a tail, and a yellow, segmented stomach. Only his hair stayed the same.

"You're a dragon?" Danny also yells, flabbergasted.

"A robot, ghost, and dragon. How original." said Jenny sarcastically.

"June was gonna tell me something, but..." Jake sighs. "It was too late."

"Late?" said Danny.

"Yeah! She was gonna tell me something she kept, until the darn monster disappeared and took her away! Man, it was strong, and big. Big and strong."

"That's sad."

"Yeah. I wouldn't do anything without her." said Jake sadly. Danny knew the feeling. What if he lost Jenny?

"We'll stick together and find June. I promise." the robot conforted.


"We promise." Danny nodded in agreement and all put their hands out in the middle. "Ready guys?"

"Ready!" Danny and Jake said in unison and the three raised their hands up, like a team. Now, they ARE a team.


Jimmy, Timmy, Numbuh, Mandy and Eddy sat down and drank their drinks. They also ate sandwiches they packed.

"You know, I was thinking. Maybe we should SELL the island and make a ton of money!" Eddy suggested greedly, dollar signs in his eyes.

Jimmy and Timmy look at one other. They didn't want to sell the island since it was already owned.

"Eddy, you think of most stupidest things." Mandy said in her tone.

"Now, isn't this a nice, day to relax and eat under the palm tree?" said Numbuh 5. "Nothin' can possibly go wrong."

However, sayings had other plans. We zoom out, and Heartless surround them.

"Nothing could go wrong, eh?" Eddy said sarcastic.

"SCRAM IT!" Timmy bawled, as they jumped over the Heartless.

"Numbuh 5 thinks this isn't gonna be easy!" Numbuh 5 yelled across.

"She's right! We need a plan to get rid of these things!" agreed Jimmy.

Timmy thought as he pulled out his backpack and took out the golden thermos.

"Timmy, what is that?" Mandy pointed. Timmy next opens the thermos and the Heartless look at it as it glows. He swifts it around, which the Heartless' heads follow.

"Cool! I have power over them!" yelled Timmy.

i"Not for sure..."/i thought Jimmy.

Then the Heartless attacked the thermos and Timmy, uncontrollably.

"Ah, my eyes! My hair! My silly pink hat!" Timmy yelled under the mob of Heartless.

Mandy scoffs. "Wimp."

"Timmy, hand me the thermos!" Jimmy said.

"Okay." Timmy spoke his best and tosses the thermos.

Jimmy finds a red button on it. "Just like Danny does..." He sucks the Heartless inside, leaving only Timmy unharmed and closes it.

"Gee, thanks." Timmy felt himself.

"What was THAT?" asks Numbuh 5.

"Who cares? They're not all the island more anyways."

"That was some really neat stuff," said Mandy. Then she observes the thermos. "What kind of thermos is that, anyway?"

"I don't know, but..."

'Congragulations. You've been selected to go anywhere on the island.'

Jimmy was interrupted. The voice came from the thermos itself, like a computer's. Then appeared a holographic map of VI.

"Anywhere here, eh?" said Eddy.

"I choose...this one." Timmy pointed a spot on the map. Suddenly, the ground took impact as the kids got sent into a portal as Jimmy held the thermos tightly.


Meanwhile, Jake, Jenny, and Danny flew until they landed near a stinky old cave.

"Eww, gross!" Danny plugged his nose due to the smell. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Sense, according to my radar sensers." replied Jenny looking at her scannings.

"Plus they captured June here, I saw it," added Jake. "I hope we can find her in there before it's to..."


Jake couldn't say the last word because of the scream.

"That sounded like June! Let's go!"

"I'm right behind you, Jake!" said Danny as the three charged in.

As they enter the cave, water drips from the ceiling slowly. They look the place they're in.

"HELLO? ANYONE HERE?" Danny called. However, Jenny and Jake hushed him?

"Shh! Quiet, Dan. They'll hear us." whispered Jenny.

"They might be in the other room." said Jake. Then they hear the scream again, only louder. "We're close!"

In the next room, that was like a kitchen, they saw three monsters and inside the boiling pot was a girl that had black hair (a part of pink), golden eyes, a light green T-shirt with the Te Xuan Ze on, blue jeans, and brown shoes. Danny gasps.

"That's her alright." he said.

The monsters, are ogres. They had green skin, with beady little eyes. The first one wears a blue hat, brown clothing, and sandals to match. The second one had a black cap, with red blended with black clothes on. The third had on green and purple blended in.

"Let me go!" yelled the girl. "YOU'LL be the ones who's dinner!"

"Sweetie, it's only past lunch." the first one said. "Besides, we LOVE Te Xuan Zes."

"Jake, what the heck's a Te Xuan Ze?" Danny asked.

"Donno. Maybe that's what she was gonna tell me." Jake replied.

"Let's save her now." Jenny said. Danny put both hands on them as they went invisible and enter the room.

"Now, we're gonna leave in a bit to get out knifes and forks." the second said in a wiseguy voice.

"Uh yeah, silverware." said the third. "Or our names aren't...Smoo!"

"Cardiac!" yelled the second.

"And finally, Xamm!" the first completes. "Come on, boys."

After the orges leave, Danny lets go of Jenny and Jake as they appear visable. They peek out and see June.

"Ahh!" June screamed startled. "Okay, who wants to go down first?"

"It's okay! We're the good guys!" stated Danny.

"We came here to save you." said Jenny.

"Hey June." Jake waved at her.

June gasped. "Jake! You're here."

"I wouldn't leave without you." Both look into each other's eyes.

"Okay, let's get out of here. Then you guys can make out." Danny joked.

"We're not together!" June and Jake snapped at once. While the three were help untying June. However at that moment, the orges enter with forks and knifes in their hands, and bibs tied to their necks.

"Hey! You aren't supposed to be here!" shouted Smoo.

Danny laughs. The rest look at him. "What? Smoo's funny."

"Get them! We'll serve them along with her!" Xamm commanded. The two ogres obeyed, but Danny shot some ectoplasm (a glowing orb) one of each. Jenny spun Cardiac around, yelling like an indian. She threw him to the wall, with Cardiac dazed then passed out.

Danny took care of Smoo first by his freeze ray. He froze him up, but broke through it. Smoo used his head (literally) and went through Danny's stomach, surprisenly. Danny phased back right in. His face went red in anger, Smoo kicked Danny and started smacking him.


"Ekk." Danny yelped.

Jake used his fire breath, but the rope wouldn't cut.

"I won't work. It's fireproof." June said.

Jake groans. "Great! So what now?"

"It's hard to use the claws, so..." she tries to break out herselfonce again, and finally succeeds. Jake catches her before she falls, but the fire reaches his tail and yelped in pain, throwing June into the direct hands of Xamm.

"Ow! My tail!" Jake sees then June. "Aw man.

"Hmm. Both of you defeated my henchmen. Both you won't defeat ME!" he then raised his hands a blue fire rose in frnt of him."I'll take your friend, now."

"NO!" Danny yells frustrated as Xamm disappears with June, but goes inside with them.

"They're gone..." Jenny cried.

"He was so young." adds Jake. "I was gonna be 14 soon."

But meanwhile, Danny lands in his human form, on a flat dark blue surface with the spotlight shining on him as to everything else is black.

"Where am I?" he asks. Then he sees something. It is a silver logn end like a key's, only a yellow outing and a blackrod in the middle (I know I'm not great describing), like Sora's. He picks it up and sees Xamm, standing before him.

"Hello there." said he.

"Where's June?" Danny demanded.

"Sorry, boy, but she's gone.

Angrily, Danny hits him with the keyblade. Xamm gets back up, with a 'blade of his own that appeared. Both began to fight with the keyblades.

"Why? Explain to me why did they next choose you!"

"What? I have no idea what you're talking about!" snapped Danny.

"Of course you do! You and your little buddies were chosen!" howled Xamm.

"You mean Timmy and Jimmy, and SpongeBob?" he asked before falling down.

"Yes." Danny took out his blue stone in his pocket and aimed Xamm with it. He stepped back, but then stopped to realize. He chuckles not scared. "It seems you don't have the second power yet. Good for me."

"Second power?" asked Danny confused. "All I want is June back! GIVE HER BACK!!!" he used his ghostly wail, and knocked Xamm down unconscious. On cue, it shows June out cold. Danny weak but quickly gets her out and they go into a portal.

Jenny and Jake are still sniffling and crying, that is 'til a light shines on them. It caem from the vortex, that Danny carrign June came out of. His friends hugged him.

"Danny, you're alive!" Jenny cheers.

"Is June alright?" asked June.

"She's fine," Danny responded. "I just had a rough battle with Xamm."

Just then, June wakes up. "Huh?" she looks up at Danny. "Thank you for saving my life, uh..."

"Danny. I'm also part human, like Jake, but Jenny's full robot." he explained.

She chuckled. "What's that?"

Danny saw the keyblade and picks it as he gets up. "The keyblade. I fought with him." He recalled his dream. 'Now you are worthy of being a keyblade master.'

"Come on, y'all lets get outta here." said Jake. The boys leave first, followed by the girls. Jenny helps June up.

"Okay?" she asks.

"Yeah. Danny's not such of a bad guy." June says.

"I know he is." Jenny smiled.

"Please tell me, more about him."

SpongeBob was in there for hours tell he ate was some stale bread Sin given him. He shook in fear.

"I wish my friends were here," SpongeBob said to himself. "They'll help bust me out. But these cages are so trong, and nothing works, no matter how much you try."

"There is one way."

Surprised, SpongeBob turns around to see a figure. It stepped out of the shadows and revealed to be a black mouse with round ears, a nose, wearing wear a black cloak along with.

"Who are you?" the sponge asked.

"Mickey Mouse, king of Disney Castle." he introduces as he shakes hands with SpongeBob.

"I'm SpongeBob SquarePants, resident of Bikini Bottom. I was with friends...but we got split up."

Mickey nods. "I see. I was seperated too. Twice. But the most important thing to know is the farther away you are, the closer your friendship will be. Because we have memories."

"Uh, I think I understand," said SpongeBob. "All I really want is out."

"Me too. But there's one thing you gotta do for me, SquarePants."

"What's that?"

"All you have to do is trust me." Mickey said serious.

"Do I get to wear a cloak like that?" asked SpongeBob happily.


"Okay, I'm in then!" SpongeBob silly smiled. "Just as long we find my friends."

"Mine too, and the love of my life, Minnie."

SpongeBob nodded. "What's the plan."

"There's an escape route. Follow me." Mickey leaded and both went into the shadows. The screen fades out.

Where do Jimmy & friends get suck to? What's June meaning with Danny and Kimiko and Kimi looking at the 'thing'? Why did ever Danny get a keyblade? What's Mickey gonna do with SpongeBob?

The purple ponytail and black colored hair Japanese-Americans look up to see a temple. A rock was carved like an Easter Island.

Kimiko gasps, and silently to herself, "No..."

"This It wouldn't hurt to check it out." said Kimi, as she ran into the temple.

But, Kimiko stopped her by streching her arms out to the opening. "Uh, maybe we should stay out here. It's a brand new day anyway, and the sun's real nice."

Kimi stared at her. She looked tense and nervous, not like she knew. "Uh, you okay? You you got locked up in 'Happyville' where all the crazy people go."

"CRAZY?! I'm not crazy!" Kimiko twitched suddenly. Kimi took a few steps back.

"Chill, I'm just asking. So, are we gonna go inside or not?"

"You wanna GO in THERE?"

"Duh. Since we're gonna be here, we have to work together, and you sounding like that reminds me of Chuckie." said Kimi, thinking of her brother.

"Chuckie? Who's he?" Kimiko asked.

"My brother. Step-brother. We have been together for ten years, and have a simbling connection, like family. I do miss them."

"I feel your pain, sister," Kimiko put an conforting hand on her shoulder. "Well, we shouldn't have the temple waitin'."

"I thought you said you didn't want to go in."

"Hey, is it my fault I change emotions quickly?" Kimiko grined.

"Yeah." Kimi walked ahead, 'cause Kimiko wasn't impressed and sighed. Kimikos head inside the deep, dark, magic...Um, did I say magic? Cross that out. "It's huge."

Kimiko nodded. Kimi glanced at her. It was like she was here before. Maybe that was why she didn't want her to go inside. Was she hiding a secert? Why? Kimi thought. What does she want to hide from me?

"It's best for her now to know. Not yet." Kimiko thought. In her mind was going on a lot. Can she trust Kimi? Can Kimi trust her? What if she finds out too soon? She wished it wasn't this temple. In it was...

"Where am I?"

"Don't worry, you're safe now."

Kimiko heard a voice and gasped. She was younger, looks of a chibi form.

"Who are you?"

"Don't be afraid. I have brought you from your terrible, miserable life to do...a favor."

"A favor? For what?" Kimiko asked.

"Your 12 years old soon gonna be 13. You were disliked. But the most important thing, is that you had the most valuable knowledge than anyone else."


"Of all the worlds. Waiting to be discovered. More and more come each day, and you watch."

"I see." Kimiko replied.

"But tell me one thing...what is your name?"

"Kimiko N. I have no last name."

"And it's proounced 'Kim-E-ko', correct?"

"That's right. Wait a sec...Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?" Kimiko demanded.

"You're in a world of emptyness now. One that lived, but destoryed. I am a spirit, for I cannot be seen."

"Why not?"

"That's not important." the voice said. "The most important thing is that you're here. And can take down THEM."

"Them? Who's them?" Kimiko asked.

"A darkness so pure and evil...that has been fighting us for many years. Millions. Eons. But now, you're here, and with your skill and knowledge, you can stop the darkness."

"And how the hell am I supposed to do that. Sorry for cursing." Kimiko said sheepishly.

"That's alright. Let's put it to the test first."


Suddenly a bunch of small black creatures surrounded Kimiko. She was afraid.

"Don't be frightened. All I need you to do is look down in your heart and believe."

Kimiko scoffed. "That's easy." She tried to look in her heart, but squinted her eyes as the creautes came closer and closer to her. "I can't do it!"

"Try harder! You must try again!" the voice exclaimed.

Kimiko sighed to calm herself. She closed her eyes tightly and foscused on the sounds, motions, everything around her. Just then she began to rise. A glowing white light around her.

Then she transforms in her Powerpuff Girls Z style wearing a red sleeveless shirt, a red bikini that matched with a long cloth in the middle, and ruby red high heels. After her pose, she gently falls back on her feet.

Kimiko uses energy blasts to destory the creatures. Every power and move she thinks of, works. They are defeated and disappear.

"I'm a...superhero?" questioned Kimiko.

"Congrats, the first part is done. You have found it inside you. You have the power of any power that's created, all in your mind."

"My mind? Cool!"

"However you must not overuse it for simple purposes, or else if something really bad goes'll lose it."

"Don't worry, I'm not like those people who use their powers to show off." Kimiko claimed. "Trust me."

"I do. One more thing: You may only tell three people about your secret."

"I gotta keep my superpowers a secret?"

"Yes. If everyone finds out, IT will be found out. And we do not want that to happen."

Kimiko was gonna ask what's 'it', but instead she said, "Why three people?"

"It's a magic number, of course. You'll soon find out. Your journey will begin...after this."

"One more question: Who are you?"

The voice didn't respond as the scene turned completely dark. A spotlight shined on Kimiko while a huge creaute came out. It had sharp claws, teeth, and fur all over it. The creature roared as it rams Kimiko. At first she winces, then gets up.

"If it's a battle you want, bring it!" yelled Kimiko. The creature growls and tries to ram Kimiko in the gut again, but she flies up and kicks it behind. The creature gets up and roars making a loud screech. Kimiko covers her ears by the sound. i"How am I suppose to defeat this thing? That's it!"

She took out a hammer (like most Anime girls do) and hits it on the head. Then she punches, kicks, and slashes it until the monster is bleeding. The monsters disappears out of thin air.

"You have passed the second test," the voice came back. "You look tired."

"Girl, tell me about it. Wait...what?" said Kimiko confused.

"The battle's not over yet. For it is the beginning."

"The beginning? Typical." she groaned. Then she transformed back in a DP like form.

"This will be the last thing from me. Take this."

Suddenly out of nowhere a table showed up. Kimiko walks over and picks up the item that's on the table. It's a black and white cameoflage spot walkie-talkie with many buttons and gears.

"A talkie?" Kimiko said.

"This is no ordinary walkie-talkie. You place it around you when you transform, that gives you more strength," the voice explained. "When you enter a world, you can change your appearance, age, etc. to fit in. However in superhero form you'll always be the same. Remember, don't lose hope..."

"I'll always be the safe. Don't lose hope..." Kimiko repeated placing her hand where her heart should be.

"'re ready to begin."

"WAIT!" Kimiko exclaimed. But before she could say anything else, a black hole sucked her in. Her world become black.

"I'm stuck. Will you help me???"

"Kimiko?" Kimi waved her hand in front of her face to get her attention. "Hello?"

"Uh, I'm ok!" Kimiko said as she pushed the hand away.

"Just checkin'. Hey, was it darker then before?" Kimi noticed. Kimiko turned back and saw the opening they came through...closed by a rock slide. Kimi also saw it and the girls cowarded in fear.

"At least we have each other." said Kimiko. Just then a rumble shook the ground. Little pebbles moved. Both hug one other, shivering and the one making the noise is...a black and red monster, with fangs pointy as the sharpest knife, stepped out. It was over 60 feet tall.

"What's...that?" Kimi stuttered.

"Whatever you do, don't stare at it." Kimiko whispered.

"Why not?"

The monster growled and reach down for the girls, but mostly Kimi. The screen goes black as there's an overheard scream.

They land in another part of the island. Jimmy landed first, then Timmy, Numbuh 5, Eddy and Mandy in that order.

"Glad I'm safe." said Mandy as she swiped her shoes on Eddy's back who felt the pain. She jumped off.

"Lucky for you." Jimmy mumbled under the mess. The others get off and Jimmy shakes himself. He then sees something, gasps, and does a little dance (like in that episode where the gang go to Egypt).

"What's wrong with him?" asked Numbuh 5.

"I don't know, but it scares me." replied Timmy.

"What is this, 'smart people turn into morons' day?" said Eddy.

"No you guys!" Jimmy said and finally stopped. "It's..."

"A gift shop?" interrupted Mandy.

"No! It's..."

"Hey! You can't be here! It's loaded." a voice said. It came from a boy with yellow skin with spikes for hair, a red T-shirt,a dn blue shorts. Next to him was a bigger spiked hair girl, that went around her yellow skin. She wore a red rdess that went down to her knees. They stepped out from the hut that looked like a gift shop. You can tell they were brother and sister.

"Uh, who are you guys?" Timmy asked.

"I'm Bart and that's my sister, Lisa." the boy interduced. "And you are..."

"Timmy. My friends, Jimmy, Numbuh 5, Eddy and Mandy stumbled across this place. If you call it that."

Lisa spotted the thermos Timmy was holding and gasped. "Timmy, where did you get that?" she pointed.

"Oh, this old thing?" Timmy joked.

"It teleported us y'all here." said Numbuh 5.

"What? Did you guys get teleported here too?" questioned Jimmy.

"Step inside to my office." Bart said. The group walked inside the hut. A football headed kid and a girl with yellow pigtails with a uniebow, walk in.

"Hey, what's this? We made a swear deal not to bring anyone else in!" the girl yelled.

"Helga, be nice," said the football headed kid. "They were probably summoned from the machine like we were."

"Arnold and Helga, meet Jimmy, Timmy, Numbuh 5, Mandy and Eddy. Guys, meet Arnold and Helga, our other helpers." Lisa said.

The hut wasn't so small. Inside was old items, jeweley, and shells.

"Did you think we can steal some stuff?" said Eddy.

Mandy sighs. "It's ALWAYS stealing." she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Welcome to our place. Full of very, very old things." Bart told.

"This was the only place on the island we could find. And what a coincidence." said Lisa.

Timmy spots a brandly new machine with levers, buttons, and a screen, sorta like a mini computer. He went over to touch a button (that he stupidly wanted to press), but Helga stopped him..

"Hold it, bucko!" she yelled. "Don't you even touch this thing! It's new, and we don't know how to work it yet."

"What is that anyway?" asked Jimmy, his gaze at the machine.

"We call it a conjurer: a machine that summons anything, any one." Arnold replied. "However someone has been messing around with it ever since we came here." he shot an angry glare at Bart.

"What?" Bart said, a wrench behind his back.

"Conjure machine? So that's how Abby got here!" Jimmy thought.

"Now that you guys know, let's just relax and..." Lisa gasps as Timmy leaps over Helga and presses a whole lotta buttons. Mandy grabs him tightly.

"Get over here, idiot!" she sneered.

Suddenly the machine began to violently rumble and for a moment, stops. The exchanger (a little tube at the top) releases and opens four lights. One pink, one blue, one brown, and one golden. They fly off into the air, at the speed of light.

"That went well." Numbuh 5 said calmly.

The four lights land in one blank part of the island with a KA-BOOM!!! The four lights turn out to be two rabbits and two beavers.

"Hey, this isn't Master Yo's boring convention he was holding!" exclaimed the blue rabbit.

"That was nuts!" yelled the small, brown beaver.

"Aren't you supposed to say that later?" asked the golden beaver.


"Who are you guys?" the pink rabbit butts in. There is a small pause, and then they scream, backing up.

"W-w-who are you supposed to be?" the golden beaver stammered.

"I don't know, but you two are UGLY weasels!" the blue rabbit said.

Offended by that comment, the brown beaver says, "I AM DAGGETT! LET ME AT HIM!" he screeched and lunged at the blue rabbit, almost choking him.

"Aww, he's choking you of your misery." said the pink rabbit.

"Great, now I gotta stop him before he dies." the golden beaver spoke. "By the way, I'm Norbert, and that's my brother who just said his name." he he put out his hand to shake.

"I'm Yin, and that's my brother Yang behind killed." Yin said and shook Norbert's hand. All we can hear is Daggett screaming and Yang yelping. "So...are you gonna stop him?"

"Oh, right. I'm thinking of the opposite." said Norbert and calls out to his brother. "Daggett! Stop attacking Yin's brother now!"

"Aww." groaned Daggett as he got off Yang, who has bruises and punches all over him.

"I'm okay." he said and got up next to his sister.

"You guys are beavers, right?" Yin asked.

"Yep!" Daggett nodded.

"Ha! Told ya I was right!" said Yin to Yang.

"Hey..." Yang began angrily.

"Ooh, what's that?" Daggett pointed at Yang's green sword.

"Dag, be nice to these people. We don't wanna look bad in front of..." Norbert stop while Daggett tried to grab Yang's sword, but he wouldn't give in. "...them! Oy."

"It's mine!" protested Yang.

"No! I wanna try it out!" yells Daggett. Both pulled tug-a-war-ly on the sword until its beam shot up into a tree, crisping a bird that fell down. The two stop, as they while innocently putting the sword back.

"This is gonna take a while." Yin said irrirated.

Mickey and SpongeBob were digging using shovels to get out. SpongeBob is wearing a cloak, just like Mickey's. "So, what are we gonna do after we get out?" he asked.

"Frist, we gotta find the one called 'Everything Asian'." Mickey responded.

"'Everything Asian'?" SpongeBob repeated puzzled. "Who's that?"

"I don't know, but he or she might be out one chance off this island."

"And saving the day! Ahh, good times."

"Now, just let me know if we hit something." insisted Mickey. Just then CLANK, something blocked the way. Mickey hot the shovel against the wall once more.

"Did we hit it?" asked SpongeBob.

"Yes. And I think I see a clear opening."


Mickey and SpongeBob dug up to the top, as the hold got bigger. SpongeBob shapeshifted into a ladder and Mickey climbed on top of him. Then he transforms back and the mouse helps him up. However, just when they think they're finally free, they are in the base control, surrounded by a lot of soldiers and knights with their weapons aimed.

"We're not getting out, are we?"

"Don't worry, SpongeBob, we will." Mickey gulped. "I hope."

The VR World Explodes. "No..." AC was on the sidelines, "It Can't Be Over"

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