Disney Infinity Beyond 5.0.

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Dear Mr. Vignocchi

As a gamer, I happen to enjoy Nintendo Games a whole awful lot. And as a gamer, I'm guessing you could make a partnership with Nintendo to work on a new steam-esque service where old games become new again through the magic of the Toy Box


Virtual Console

By 5.0. Hopefully you can use the Toy Box to recreate any and all games in some way, shape or form to encourage exploration and completionism. (i.e. 2-D Mario™ Levels now play like Tomba!™ Levels, 3-D Land/World Levels now contain Power Stars to Collect)


  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels
  • Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Super Mario Bros. 3





Wii U





Master System





Toy Story of Mary Poppins


Bonnie is babysat by a teenage girl who looks somewhat familiar, she reads her a bedtime story of a Kingdom of Toys deep in a world of dreams.


  • NiGHTS (In Pack)
  • Sekai Montague (In Pack)
  • Bo Peep
  • Mary Poppins
  • Zurg

Studio Stories

Double Dipped In Japan

AC: It's no secret that I really love this Anime, Bokurano. So much that I invented a Fanfic that pretty much became the skeletal frame for the basic plot of Kingdom Hearts: Fractured Destiny. See, the game was pretty much Days but with a Dating Sim before every mission and on fifteen of the ninety days available, a Turn-Based Giant Robot Fight. But what the guys over at Avalanche didn't expect was this big twist in Bokurano that I require an Anime Reviewer's tongue to do the thing justice.

Arkada: See, Piloting the Show's Mech, called Zearth, is not as simple as telling it what to do, It requires... power to function, Specifically power that comes from the pilot's life force, so when you're done piloting, you die.

Humble Beginnings

Kingdom Hearts Fractured Destiny

Chapter 1 (Earth)

After a notoriously brief coma of 2 and a half Days, Riley Anderson is back up and ready to move on from the pain... pain that she somehow can't remember at all. A week following her wake-up call, she literally runs into a young lad about as old as Riley if not older. He is on the run from shadowy monsters which he vanquishes with a mystical weapon called a Keyblade, he introduces himself as such.

Eraqus: I'm Eraqus, by the way! What's your name?
Riley: I... I'm Riley.
Eraqus: Nice to meet you, Riley, Run for your life! (grabs Riley's arm and takes her on a wild, flowmotion-powered ride.)

The both of them run across a specific path, encountering a Darkside Heartless at the end of the road, Eraqus fends off the Darkside for a bit but is beaten up for his trouble. The result has Riley suddenly gaining a Keyblade of her own, which she transforms into a Sythe to indicate that she has somehow spontaneously mastered its power. She makes short work of the Heartless as Eraqus congratulates her by offering to take her with him on his journeys across several different places called 'Dreamlands'. He even introduces his best friend Xehanort as he makes his proposal.

Eraqus: Either you join me in my adventures across these living dreams, or you stay in a government run by private education firms determined to systematically neutralize public education and stamp out imagination through a testing-centric environment in an effort to turn them into obedient slaves to a corporately-owned empire that plans to transmutate the entire planet into a universe-sucking black hole to create a big ol' Philosopher's Stone!
Riley: ...What?
Eraqus: Your planet is going to be completely drained of free will by the time you finish college and your universe will be gone before you turn thirty.
Riley: ...! (Starting to break down into a sobbing mess)
Xehanort: Yeeeah... you clearly said too much. {Have him channel Team Four Star's interpetation of Tien}

After some kind words from Eraqus, Riley tells her parents about her decision to join Eraqus and Company on their escapades and the parents give her their blessing on the condition that they check in regularly.

Chapter 1: Traverse Town

Their first stop is in Traverse Town.

Chapter 2: Tatooine

Chapter 10: Land of Departure

Chapter 11: Corescant

Chapter 12: Keyblade Graveyard

Chapter 13: Headquarters

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