Kingdom Hearts: Ours/Episode 11: Glory

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(everyone arrives in the Cockpit as Kako slowly opens his eyes.)

Kako: Guys...

Koyemshi: Alright, the Pre-Show's over with, Now the real battle begins. C'mon Kako, Up and at 'em.

Kako: I won't, I don't wanna... (cries in pain as his Legs have been crushed by debris, the same debris that 'killed' his 'savior', "Spiegel" The other pilots react accordingly.)

Koyemshi: What? Someone died during the opening animation? Bullcrap! At least die fighting if and hopefully when the time finally comes, Alright!? (To Kako) Least it ain't you, buddy!

Kako: Shut up, You Damn Bug!

Koyemshi: Look all you need to do is finish off the mech and cap off your life in an cute little armorized bow.

Tanaka: All Kako needs to do is get to the hospital where he can get the proper treatment he needs to survive!

Chizu: Please, Koyemshi... Kako might die... if he stays this way... I've led Spiegel along with me, and told him to keep Kako safe... but in the end, that only served to kill him...

Maki: What are you saying, Chizu?

(as the following conversation, Chizu walks to Kako.)

Machi: He'll bleed to death... and we'll lose for certain.

Koyemshi: We're down a pilot too... But he's still alive and kicking right now, So it's not my problem!

(back with Chizu and Kirie)

Kirie: did something happen between you and Kako.


Tanaka: We need to select another Pilot, Kako won't be able to survive long enough to defeat the enemy mech!

Koyemshi: Nope, Not gonna do it!

Walt: (Grabs Koyemshi's head and tightens his grip as hard as he can.) Yes. Yes, you are. Because I can't bare to see this world be destroyed, I can't afford to see my hard work get wasted, And I won't even live with this weight on my concience knowing that by loosing the battle, my ultimate goal and my ultimate legacy and possibly even the whole of creation's last hope going up in smoke. (These last three words cause Koyemshi to Crack a bit.)

Koyemshi: Ow! Ow! Ow! Alright, I'll do it! I'll select another pilot, save your batteries, pal...

(The chairs start spinning again.)

<End Credits>

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