Kingdom Hearts: Ours/Episode 36: Depression

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Koyemshi: Wow, I gotta admit, 60 pilots is more than enough for the fifteen enemy mechs beings sent over, kudos to you and Mr. Disney for not doing anything crazy or cutting corners and the like.

Kokopelli: Thank you...

Walt: Please, Koyemshi, Call me Walt...

Koyemshi: Yeah, you'll always be the man behind the magic to me, buddy... But there's one tiny little problem that's been bugging me... Yoko? Did you try to enter the contract?

Machi: I figured, I should fight alongside them...

Koyemshi: Good, cause you weren't even contracted! It'd be perfectly fine if you stuck in the background like you're supposed to!

Machi: ..!

Koyemshi: Now this would get Yuu here a one way ticket to the grave, but the McMahon principle of Torment prevails because I found something even better to point out: Unauthorized Modification!

Walt: What how did you-!

Koyemshi: The Teach told me everything!

Kokopelli: W-What!

Koyemshi: But it doesn't really matter in the end, because the changes you made to the system won't kick in until this game is over and both the final match and demonstration match are all finished. Gotta admit, Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed? 365 Days of fighting? You've made this game into a freakin' career! and dont get me started on how you used the old Engine to your advantage with this Armorization process!

Walt: I did the best I could regarding that I couldn't remove that damned engine, so I tinkered with it when I made the new engine which I hooked up with my comrades along with some other odds and ends I believe this new group of pilots will find rather useful.

Koyemshi: Good, cause I want to exile the Woman and Child to the new world while saving the old world and scrapping this unimportant world. With it's main hero, no less!

(Kokopelli's Wife is teleported in alongside the new pilot substituting)

Mother: W-What is this! Are you seriously-?!

Koyemshi: Yeah, thought I'd call you over to watch a world die right before your eyes with your loving daughter.

Walt: (has looked into the face of the pilot.)

Pilot: This heart belongs again to darkness. All worlds begin in darkness and all shall end, the heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it, such is it's nature... in the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. (The pilot is revealed to be a Xehanort-Posessed Lewis{Meet the Robinsons}.)

Kokopelli: No, Please, You have to understand.

Walt: You magnificent bastard/dastard, I read your book (draws his sword to charge at Kokopelli who blocks Walt's attack with his Katana, Thus a sword fight ensues between the two friends.)

Yuu: Father, Stop!


(They take their fight outside, letting Lewis!Xehanort's flight in the Bad Future Doris was programmed by Ende Demise's Creator to ensure act as the battlefeild for their epic confrontation. Meanwhile Doris' Mech Combines with the dimensional mech sent in by the mastermind and these two mechs Transform into a Centaur-like Mech with the human half represented by a familiar villain from the Disney Renaissance)

Mech: Hi, Disney, I'm home!

Kokopelli: Who or what is that thing?

Walt: An old enemy from Eisner's run.

(Yuu and her Mother are looking at the enemy mech)

Koyemshi: My god, He found us... I don't know how he did... but he found us...

Mother: Who-He? What is that creature!

Koyemshi: The ruler of the underworld behind the black beast we're trying to keep locked up to prevent total erasure of existence...

Mother: Ende Demise was born from-

Koyemshi: His hatred and Humiliation stemming from Hercules' rise to Godhood, yes... This, milady... Is Hades...

(cut to back at the Lab in the present)

Eraqus: Hades?

Kids: Hades!?

Waku: Hades!?

Machi: Hades...

(Back in the Flashback)

Hades: You are correct, there!


(Hades fends off Zearth as the two friends cross blades, Hades taunting the mech eventually known as Zearth every step of the way. Eventually, Walt Corners Kokopelli and leaves a scar on his face before proceeding to re-enact the last bit of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader's final confrontation in Return of the Jedi.)

Kokopelli: Wait! Please stop! I didn't mean to hurt you!

Walt: Then why did you tell him on me!

Kokopelli: He was lying! You know better to trust that Dung Beetle Bastard/Dastard!

Walt: If he were lying, then why did he sentence one of my stories to an abrupt ending at the hands of it's hero!?

Kokopelli: ...

(Cut to Hades)

Hades: Hey, Kid. You're one to make deals right, and I figured, hey... why not give you your legacy back. Someone's gotta invent that awesome tech sooner or later so to cut a deal, when you die of Midichlorian deficiency, I'll have at least some of your ideas loaded up into the mind of one of one of the new kids, in exchange... you have to kill off the pilots with the one in charge cold starring at you. I'll make it easy for ya! (the DOR-15 Double pops off the Pilot's head with Hades blocking her face with a mirror.) This 'Naminé' chick ain't the only character who can mold yer memories into whatever fits. I engineered the Heartless and Nobody system to substitute for the Metaphopik hordes you sealed up with Ende. I gave them the powers they need to vanquish their heartless and reclaim their hearts. Course, they could grow their own hearts but it won't be complete until another heart is present in the body that's being left behind. Naminé being a Ventus and Kairi Combo. So, how about it, kid. If you want to have a legacy long after your world and yourself are prompt wiped out of continuity, fire when ready. (on those last three words, he moves the mirror out of the way: Revealing Franny as the Pilot)

Franny: Lewis... Is that you?

(Back with Kokopelli and Walt)

Kokopelli: Think about it, Walt. Everything that we've been through this past year, all the stories we shared of the past... What does that mean for you? What about your legacy as a storyteller? In life and in Death, you've touched way too many hearts to count! Is this really worth their happily ever after?

(Walt ponders this as we cut to Franny and her posessed future husband.)

Franny: It's me, Franny. I understand what's happened to make this world the living hell that it is but understand that DOR-15 was the one that used us to hurt you, we would never give such harm to you willingly... It's just... We love you, Lewis... I love you...


Franny: So how bout it... do you want to be a Robinson.



(Walt Deals the final thrust of his Blade as Lewis!Xehanort goes for the kill of the enemy pilots representing his homeworld: The Robinson Family. While the Robinson Pilots were killed on impact, Walt merely pierced the dirt next to Kokopelli, Walt breaking into tears after seeing the ruined world he chased his good friend through. Fade to black.)

Dying Breath

(The Stars native to the world of the Robinsons fade away as the penultimate light on the Mech's Face goes out, indicating that Lewis!Xehanort has passed. The Body then fades into Darkness in Yuu's arms.)

Yuu: Father... Let's go home...

Koyemshi: Oh, Yuu-chan. If only I wanted you to go home after what happened...

Hades: (Roars in Rage) He was posessed this whole time!?

Goob: Does it even matter... I wanted to lay waste to his future, And by killing his family, he destroyed his own world and mine, leaving him without a future. His Passing was the Icing on the Cake...

"It's not like it's a Deathwish or anything!"

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