Chronicle Bay

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Once Upon a Time

Children: Although the future's just begun, May god still bless us, Everyone. And May God bless the Keyblade masters who showed us hospitality for the Night, Amen.

Mrs. Jiha: Alright, I'd say it's time to have this sleepover live up to it's name. Good Night, Dear Children, Sweet Dreams.

Sora: Hey, isn't Master Renasei gonna tuck us in?

Mrs. Jiha: Oh, he'll be along... Don't you worry.

Ventus: Alright, Master Renasei! Do you know what that means?

Vanitas: Another sickenly sweet bedtime story?

Ventus: With Candy, Van.

Vanitas: Please, Idiot. If I wanted to fall asleep to some religious story, I'd watch the 700 club.

(Master Renasei arrives at the castle to the Joy of Master Eraqus and Excitement of...Master Xehanort?)

Renasei: I hope I'm not too late...

Eraqus: Are you sure you want to tell them that secret story? The one in which they forged the key to creation's destruction?

Xehanort: This could be a whole awful lot for the children to take in.

Renasei: You both have been and forever shall be my friends, but these children deserve to know... It's almost time, after all.

Eraqus: Yes, I understand...

(Enter Mrs. Jiha)

Mrs. Jiha: They've been waiting for you.

Renasei: Alright then, I'm off... I love you all.

(He arrives to meet the kids.)

Aqua: Master Renasei!

Renasei: Hello young ones, Now look sharp and Follow the bouncing balls. A-one, A-two, A-three, and there! (Bows) Thank you, Thank you and thank you, sweetheart. (Kairi Giggles...) Go ahead and take one out of my little easter basket. Open them up.

(The Children open the Easter Eggs to find a Tootsie Roll and a Jelly Baby in each egg.)

Vanitas: Fine, I'll eat the candy but I'll be awkwardly embarrassed and belittled by it.

Isa: Master Renasei, The Tootsie Roll I recognize, but what is this? (Holds up the Jelly Baby.)

Renasei: That would be a Jelly Baby, Isa. They're really good, and they come in a spectrum of color coded flavors, Such is the nature of light. Try one, and let the tastes flow into your dreams for tonight, but do keep in mind that I want a full report in the Morning.

Xion: Arn'tcha gonna tell a story, Master Renasei?

Y. Xehanort: I heard something about a Secret story about a key.

Renasei: So you have heard, Takuma. Very well then, There will be a lot of explaining to do and so little time to do it, Hope you kids can stay awake.

Riku: Are you kidding, You've given us sugar, I think we can handle a little recap.

Renasei: Alright, now where did I put my-

Sora: Story Hat? (Sora is wearing Renasei's story hat.)

Renasei: Ah-haha... Alright, Sora. Always nice to know someone will be the light to guide you home. (turns on the light.) Since the age of fairy tales, there were gaurdians of the Balance between light and darkness. Weilders of a certain tool for any certain use imaginable, the Keyblade... This is the story of a few Keyblade Masters and their disciples and how a string of tragedy wove their lives into the lives of three other children and wrought the existence of three more. I shall refer to them as The Knight, The Knave, and the Sorceress, The Master, The Wizard, The Shadow, The Hero, The Warrior, The Princess, The Witch, The Sun, The Moon, The Echo and The Puppet.

Happily Ever After

Renasei: So the Plot left the Hero of Dreams alone in the farthest past of his former enemy. Thus he though, after the assistance he gave during the battle for the Book, He'd make a great friend. Somehow he knew in his heart that the Nothing would return, With new faces that were stronger than he would be even when approaching the peak of his strength and skill... So he dedicated his life to building a better world, taking a few of the worlds that made him feel closest to home, that brave new world was dubbed Chronicle Bay.

Xion: Does that make you the Hero in the story?

Renasei: Let's not point fingers now, Be still. I still have a story to tell, So be silent. Now, (cue a scene in the Toy Box) Before the Plotworks chose to do away with the stain on Humankind, Preparing him for a great feast and a bountiful harvest. These were the final words he said before his arrangements for his Death were set in motion...

DeGrade: My fortune is yours for the taking, My sparks, my Toys, My Keys, All of that, even the memories of the Worlds I erased... But you have to find them first! I have built the perfect Chain of Toy Box after Toy Box, And Hid it all in the ChronarX Network. (glares at Sekai as he is directly above the.) Start Digging, Princess.

Shake: Submerge! (The Claw drops DeGrade into the Boiling Oil, leaving him to cook in the batter covering his Carcass-to-be. With his role forfilled, the evil Ponce DeGrade dies with a smile on his face.)

Renasei: On the matter of the Hero himself, he and his new friend met a strong hearted Keyblade Weilder and Trained Vigorously to be masters in their own right, Upon becoming Masters, The Hero wrote down various important dates.


Sora: Hey, Master... It's been a while.

(The Grave reads:)

To the boy who touched all hearts
Renasei Elric
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