1A-The Episode After

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R.O.B.: The Episode After!

(Story POV)

<Balcony: Cayford Manor>

Something had changed in them. One day, they were all just hanging out, after a day long tournament. However, something had happened, something had made them like this.

He pondered this as he looked out at the lake from his balcony. He looked at his reflection. His new form, so to speak. He had short white hair with a small red highlight and his dark eyes were covered with glasses with black frames. He wore a white bulky vest over a long-sleeve red shirt and white cargo pants with red shoes.

He looked like himself, if he was a human cospaying as him. He still had his old moves, just altered. He pointed a finger at the lake and narrowed his eyes. A pink beam shot out, splitting the image. He turned back; he knew he was one of the few in this group who could actually solve this, Mewtwo and Yoshi had the same level of intelligence, but one was too self-centred to use it and the other, well let’s just say, you could usually find him at the kitchen.

He knew he should be working on a cure, but at the same time, he didn’t want to. For the first time in his life, he could feel, he could actually put his hand to his face and feel the warmth of his skin. He could laugh, he could smile, he could cry. He never cried before, not even when he had to send his species to their deaths.

“Rob, I presume” a calm voice shook him from his thoughts. He turned to see a man sitting on his balcony. The man had blue hair, except for the black bangs and ends, which were tied into two parts. He also wore a vest, yellow, except his seemed to be of a softer material and he wore a white spike in the middle of it. He wore a blue shirt under it which led to his hands that were covered in black gloves that both had spikes on the back of the hand. He had a black belt that held up his baggy jeans. He stepped down, his black boots touching the metal floor. He looked at Rob with red eyes, covered by a black mask.

“Yes, Lucario” Rob said as his roommate, the one known as the Aura Pokemon, walked in. Rob knew Lucario didn’t really care whether or not he was human, he could use his powers the same way, being a humanoid Pokemon anyway. However, he knew Lucario still missed his old form, despite Snake’s claim that he looked like Anubis, yet the others weren’t so calm about it, though some like Yoshi, Kirby and Pichu didn’t really care, some seemed to prefer their old form. Like Bowser said, it did feel weird.

Another part of Cayford Manor,

“I’ll try my best Fox!” a peppy voice spoke from the computer screen that a calm man looked at.

“Very well Slippy, keep us posted. Fox out.” The man said as he pressed a button closing down the message. He stood up, and lightly touched his light brown buzz-cut. He wore a gray head-piece and a green headset covered his right eye. He wore a gray jacket over a green shirt and pants as a blaster and octagonal machine hung from his belt. He also had large red boots and white gloves. The outfit was finished off with a small red bandanna around his neck.

“So, any news, Fox?”, another person asked from one of the two beds in the room. Fox turned and shook his head as he looked at his roommate and good friend, Falco.

Falco was dressed similar to him, if in red instead of green, with larger sleeves, no gloves and black boots, his main differation was his looks. He had swept back blue hair and blue gloves. His blue eyes had what seemed to be red makeup around them, but on closer inspection, it was revealed to just be a coloring of the skin, like a sunburn. His face was long and almost avian. Fitting, for anyone who knew of his previous form would understand.

Falco sighed, “Great, this sucks, I mean, I can’t fly anymore”, he said, exasperated. Fox looked at him. “You couldn’t fly before Falco.”, he pointed out. Falco glared at him before looking back at the ceiling.

“I wonder if the hands know.”

Cayford Manor: grand hall.

Two people sat in two large chairs, both wore flowing white robes and one glove. The one on the right had a calm look to him. His face was kind, welcoming, yet at the same time, stern. He had long white hair and a white beard, giving him the look of an old wizard.

In sharp contrast, his companion had short spiky white hair and a insane grin. His eyes were currently focused on a lighter in his hand. He laughed, like a small child would upon poking a anthill, not realizing the consequences of their actions, living only to destroy the order.

A group of four people were in front of them.

The first one was very muscular and wore a brown jacket, open over his torso and brown cargo pants. A tie hung around his neck and his brown hair was combed as if to resemble Elvis or a sundae. Next to him was a young boy, similarly dressed except he wore a red sleeveless shirt with yellow stars, instead of a tie and had a red hat with the words Nintendo emblazoned on it.

Next to them was a calm man, floating in mid-air. He had silver hair with two cowlicks in the back and wore a purple t-shirt over a white long-sleeve shirt and white gloves. He had white pants with a purple jacket tied around the waist, the sleeves in the back seeming to form a tail.

The final person had spiky blond hair and extremely rosy cheeks. He wore a yellow jacket with brown sleeves and a brown tiger stripe pattern around the bottom, His pants were also yellow but a lighter shade than the jacket.

The bearded man looked at the four, “Hmm, as you can see, I know of the problem, oh and Donkey” he said as he looked at the muscle man, “You can still eat bananas, your current form isn’t that much different from your normal form anyway” The muscle man nodded and walked off as the boy followed him.

“Fine, that takes of the imbecile and his dopey nephew, but what of our problem Master, the fact that every non human smasher has been humanized” the floating man said with a sickly contempt in his voice.

Master stroked his beard, “I do not know of its source Mewtwo, but Rob says he is working on a cure, so it should only be temporary, Crazy, if you burn that chair, I will personally lock in a room with Wario after he has eaten Peach’s Beanopolis” Crazy closed the lighter and crossed his arms as he sunk down in his chair.

Master sighed, “What is your predicament?” he looked at the blond closely, “Pikachu?” The blond nodded, “Yes, Pichu is in fact the problem, it seems his attacks still work, as do all of ours, except his nasty side-effect seems to have been increased since he doesn’t have the defense we have in our normal forms.”

Master nodded and pressed a button on his chair, “Dr. Mario, see to Pichu, thank you.” He turned back to Pikachu, “He’s in good hands” Pikachu bowed slightly before running off to the medical area.

Mewtwo looked at Master, “Tell Rob I want the cure done soon.”, he said before teleporting to a different area of the mansion.

Master sighed, “I hope this doesn’t affect the tournament.”, he tapped his chin before looking over to Crazy. “Crazy, put down the lighter, this is your last warning”

Back of the mansion.

“Man, this is awesome, you look so funny!” a large man said as he rolled around on the dusty floor. The man wore a yellow biker helmet over brown hair with a denim jacket over a blue shirt. His large legs were covered by pink pants and he wore yellow fingerless gloves. He had a large mustache under a bulbous pink nose.

“Shut up, Wario,! It’s not our fault we look like this.” A gruff voice spat from the corner. The owner of the voice had a red Mohawk and bushy red eyebrows. He wore a yellow shirt and yellow pants and had spiked bands around his neck and arms. On his back, he had a green backpack which for some reason, didn’t seem to come off.

Next to him was another man, this one had gray hair with a flash of white right down the middle, he had a steely eyed glare and a blue eyepatch on his left eye, he reached a hand covered in a black glove ending in five claws and rubbed his white goatee. He wore a blue vest over a dark shirt and pants. He crossed his legs, his black boots hitting each other. “Fine, but what should we do about this anyway, Bowser” he asked, dryly

“You’re asking Bowser, honestly Wolf, I thought you were smarter than that.” A voice spoke from the side of the room. A man stepped out, his stance regal despite his heaviness. He had a green face and a short red hair and beard. His body was covered in dark armor and a red cape blew behind him.

Wolf flinched, “Sorry, Ganondorf.”

Ganondorf looked at him, “Anyway, I’ve heard from Master that the traitorous robot is working on a cure for your…” he glanced over to Bowser and Wolf before continuing, “current form.”

Two young boys were currently having a eating contest.

The first one had short pink hair, a pink t-shirt and pink shorts with red shoes; behind him as his judges were two other people.

One was a large man with blue hair; he wore a red hat and jacket with fur on them over a robe with a large diagonal designed belt. His hands and feet were covered in yellow gloves and boots. He was sitting down with a large hammer next to him.

Next to him was a strange man wearing a suit of armor over blue cloth with yellow eyes looking out, he had a yellow sword at his waist and wore a purple cape over his body.

The pink haired boy ate his final piece of cake and turned to the two men behind him, “So, how did I do guys!”

The large man sighed, “Well, Kirby, you did terrible, you sucked, in fact, if I was there I would of, ow!” he yelled as the armored man put back his sword, “Be quiet Dedede, you did fine Kirby, though you should go to bed”

Kirby nodded, “Thanks, Meta Knight!” He ran off as the other boy finished his cake.

The other boy had green hair with a red stripe in the middle; he wore a green vest and green pants with brown shoes. He sat back and started to snore.

“Just great, hey can someone help me get Yoshi back to his room.” A young boy asked, the boy wore a red shirt and hat with white pants; he was standing with three other people.

“Okay Red, come on guys, Squirtle, Ivysaur, let’s help him” a man with spiky orange hair said as he grabbed one of Yoshi’s legs, the man wore an orange shirt over a light tan long-sleeved shirt and orange pants. Next to him a small bald boy wearing a blue shirt and jeans grabbed onto the other leg.

Red grabbed onto his arm as a red haired man wearing dark green robes with green ropes tied to his arms grabbed the other one.

The four of them carefully moved Yoshi out as Meta and Dedede, after Meta forced him, helped.

<The Roof>

A group of three was playing a strange game; it seemed to involve throwing sticks in the air and grabbing a bunch before they hit the ground.

The current winner was leaning against the door to the mansion, eating a chili dog, he had long blue hair and green eyes, and he wore a blue jacket with a red lining over a shirt that had what looked like a spiky ball. His legs were covered in jeans that covered his red shoes. He glanced at the other two, “So, what’s the score, GW.”

One of the group looked up, his face was unseen, covered by the hood of the hoodie he wore over his baggy pants. His hands were covered by gloves; in fact every bit of his skin was covered up with his outfit which seemed to be pure black. He was holding a clipboard which he glanced at before looking back up, “The current score stands, Sonic, 524, Jigglypuff, 213, and me, GW with 56.”

“Ha, you really need to work more GW, I mean ever since we changed, your not flat anymore,” the one known as Jigglypuff pointed out, she had pink hair with a curl in the front and big green eyes. She wore a pink shirt and pants with headphones draped around her neck.

GW looked over to her, “Very funny, and it has nothing to do with the fact we can still use our old moves, meaning chili dog boy over here,” Sonic glared at before taking another bite, “can just grab all of them before we even notice they’re falling and you can then just jump up and float down, grabbing the rest.

Jigglypuff rolled her eyes as she glanced at the lake. “Fine, but we should get to bed.” Sonic nodded, “Later guys!” he said as he ran off, leaving GW and Jigglypuff to follow.

GW shook his head, "Great, Why does he get to be my roomate?"

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