Homestuck Loops

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Midnight Crew

Loop M1


Loop A1

Your name is JANE. And you find yourself back in your humble little room and in your skinny teen body.

====–> Look around for your objects

You dig for your handy stirring solution and -

====–> Check Pesterchum

Archie Games

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Commissioned by Archie to Square Enix in 2006 as a means to get Ken Penders away from Sonic, Birth by Sleep is a comic set ten years in the past to appease Nomura's strict grip on Sora and his gang. It features Terra, Ventus, and Aqua as the lead characters designed by Nomura himself as a specific guideline for Penders and company. He then re-designed Terra and Aqua to resemble how they'd look on the day Sora was born. created four additional characters, half of which based on Sega Properties. A black boy named Lekz, a latina girl named Pyrhha, an Echidna named _ and a Nightmaren named Twilight. They travel across all sorts of Disney Worlds. Illustrated by Alan Sullivan

  • Issue 1: Welcome to the Jungle
A young girl named Madoka Quentira is swept off her feet by a dashing rogue named Terra Ende and takes her in as an apprentice.

Pixar Loops

Toy Story


The birthday haul this Loop was more or less the same as any other, Andy's Mom got him Buzz as usual while one of his friends got him a Flik figure from a bug's life as that was Pixar's first film in this particular reality.

Once he got up on the bed, Woody Pinged for his fellow Loopers and promptly received three in return. Buzz did his spiel, re-enacted his introduction then gathered on one side of the bed for Roll Call. In addition to Himself and Lightyear, Slink and Hamm were the Loopers that were Awake at that time so all they had left to do is investigate this new Flik toy and figure out his purpose for the Loop.

Flik was exploring the bedroom floor with a sense of wonder and curiosity in his eyes when Woody and the rest of the Loopers turned up to greet this new hiccup in the Loop. "Look, I know Buzz is getting a lot of the spotlight but there are plenty of other toys here who can show you around during your time here."

"Thanks." Blushed Flik. "I'm kinda new to this whole sensation."

"Well, seeing as you're literally mint out of the box, we couldn't just leave you hangin' like this..." Woody specified to the newer toy. "We could show you around if you like."

"Oh, I don't want to intrude or anything." stressed Flik. "I mean, this is my first Fused Loop and all tha-."

"W-Wait, okay, hold on a tic..." Woody gathered as much of his thoughts as he can muster before asking. "You're Looping!?"

This gained the attention of the four other Loopers present, Flik merely answered. "Yeah."

"Golly bob howdy, Seems to me like there's more of us out there every day." chuckled Slink, "Question is, who gave ya the talk?"

"Funny you should mention that, eh..." blushed Flik, embarrassed to let them know how he learned of the Loops. "Actually, Princess Atta had been activated that Loop, so Kairi gave us both the whole 'Welcome to the Multiverse' spiel."

"Kairi?" Woody raised an eyebrow to this response. "As in the princess of heart over in the realm of light?"

"Yeah," Flik scratched the back of his plastic 'scalp' "Though not in the way you'd expect."

Flik refused to even mention the speech's blunt involvement of the known Looping sociopath Rick Sanchez.


"And that's all I can say about that." The Cowboy Emoji spoke as he stared at Sora. "And you?"

Sora sheepishly looked away in shame. "Same, but I only took her through one Loop."

"What!" yelped Woody, shocked to find someone who did exactly as he did: "Tell me she didn't breed!"

"Are you kidding, she was in her mid-teens when the Loop wrapped!" Reiterated Sora to his fellow Anchor. "She was too young to even get the birds and the bees!"

"Regardless, if she's started up Looping right now, you'll be responsible for DLD!" stated Woody with the stone-cold stare of the law.

"What about you?" asked Sora. "Didn't you pocket Bonnie and Andy way back when?"

Woody felt Sora's words pierce his heart and looked away in remorse. "...I don't want to talk about it."

Sora tilted his head, awestruck at how broken the sheriff was at the events that led him there. Then a sudden idea hit him that could fix up his mood. "Say, Sheriff... Maybe we can explore our surroundings since, y'know... It ain't Eiken!"

Woody glanced to Sora, raising an eyebrow to him.

Alex was sitting at his desk, hiding his phone under the textbook assigned to him as he fiddled with the text app. He may have been Looping but he still had to keep his phone intact lest the Loop crashes on him, hence the surprise of the App switching out for "Netflix?"

The two anchors sat up in a balcony to watch the film they have chosen for themselves: Who Framed Roger Rabbit which was on its way off the platform due to the oncoming Disney App. They were at the scene where Eddie and Roger themselves were watching a Goofy cartoon in a theater, and both pairs of moviegoers were opening up to each other about what they've been through.

"Bonnie said for me to leave them there just as Carol told her to leave their kids behind, kids that are impossible in Baseline." Woody sighed to the keyblade master. "All because Jiminy put me up to getting the kids Looping as soon as I could."

"At least you let them lead forfilling lives." Sora remarked back. "Me, I just wanted to do something for Sulley since he's now going to be a part of an upcoming expansion. I did not expect to find Xehanort and his other selves Looping, even if the Xehanort Activated is far nicer than Baseline."

"Well... people do change sometimes." Stated Woody, laying down his kettle corn to further accentuate his point. "Some folks are harder to change than others, Xehanort being a fine example here. But the fact of the matter is that we may have Andy to thank for this new lease on life the old codger's got."

Sora's eyes widened "Get out! Really?"

"Think about what Andy's grown up to be over the years I've been pocketing him and Bonnie." Woody pressed his fingers onto his chin. "Think about how Andy introduced me to Bonnie in baseline."

"Brave, like a cowboy should be." recounted Sora. "And kind, and smart."

"And Andy grew to exemplify all of that and more." Woody looked skyward with hope. "And just as how Bonnie stopped at nothing to achieve justice, Andy never gave up on anyone he held close to his heart."

Sora glanced to the sheriff "And that's why Xehanort's Looping?"

"We were always there for him just as he was there for ol' Xeh." smiled Woody. "His friends were his power, and he's still theirs to this day." His words resonated with Sora and led him to warm up a little more towards the idea of this Looping Xehanort.

Not completely, but a little.


  1. Toyz in da Hood, Bro!

Ninja Boy

Yggdrasil was a benevolent mistress.

Yggdrasil knew the possibility of the owners of Toys looping were slim. The escapades they lived their first lives through had definitely left them riddled with DLD (Dissasosiative Loop Disorder).

So perhaps that's why there will be have a larger percentage of Fused Loops ahead of this particular Loopers than most of the others in his set.

Such is the story for Andy Davis, A seventeen-year-old ape descendant with the heart and soul of a hundred and three-year-old ape descendant within the span of four Loops courtesy of a little journey he made with another ape descendant when he knew as much about the Looping World as a Unawake citizen of Equestria knows of the inner workings of a glue factory. And yet, he still followed his new childhood friend into the Looping world through two straight fused Loops before hiding away from the Baseline events and living out their lives until their death at the end of their sixth and final Loop. The two were activated in the nick of time, yes, but at the cost of the family they raised together.

And now, here he stands in one of the first seven branches of Yggdrasil, unsure of whether or not he may see his wife again, the Bonnie he looped with. Unbeknownst to him, he is about to have an encounter with one of the Original Seven on a mission to find a serial robber.

Glad to see some talents being put to use.

He's learned quite a few spells and tricks during his days in Hyrule and the Realm of Light so he can easily catch up with the wanted bandit. All he had to do was make sure his squad could keep up. "Alright, we stay together, split up when we find him and attack from behind."

"Got it!" peeped Hinata.

"Leave it to us, freshman!" smiled Rock Lee, both Loopers being Awake alongside him and thus were eager to show him the ropes alongside their resident Anchor. They kept to formation for a mile or two before Andy spotted the squad's designated prey. "There he is, Cheese it!"

"Right!" The two ninjas split off from Andy's side before he dashed off towards the bandit as he rolled in the proverbial dough.

"Nyeh-heheh..." He snorted his signature laugh as he readied to smooch a few bills. "Money-Money-Money!"

Andy footstool-kicked the crook back into the money pile only to be kneed by Lee and stunned by Hinata. Andy flipped in front of the robber to mentally dissect the features of his face, an idea came up in his head when he spotted they eyepatch. "Clearly they call you 'One-Eyed Bart' for a reason, am I right?" The crook delivered a knee to the gut in a desperate attempt to escape, following up by thrusting him back into the arms of his squad. "Yeesh, so you're a kicker, eh?" Andy massaged his chin as delicately as he could as he focused on his enemy. "Neat little upgrade from our last hoedown! All we need is a runaway train and we've got ourselves a post-movie dinner date lined up."

"Tough luck, ya little punk!" Sneered Bart. "I'm a married man!"

At that moment, a woman in a green bandana-and-eyepatch combo leapt forward nunchaku ablaze only to have her weapon gripped by the Looper as he glared back with surprise: "One-eyed Betty?" He whistled as only a Spiderman can, "Lookin' good girl, you do something with your hair?"

Her eyes grew fierce with irritation. "Could you please focus on your mission before I kill your ass!"

"Whoa! Okay! Sorry!" Andy lept back thrice as far as he could before taking in his surroundings and the asthetic it emits to him. "It's just that Yggdrasil's got a wild imagination."

02.Proud of your Reflection

Andy was driving his family to the Independence Day Fireworks Barbecue as he vowed to do on the eve of his high school graduation, Molly was texting her friends from school while his Mother was whistfully remembering all the times they participated in this tradition. "I'm so glad you get to be a speaker at the meet."

"Yeah." sighed Andy, not knowing what's to come next since everything between Cowboy Camp to the day he headed for College. "I'm just happy to be noticed once in a while."

A few miles down the line, Andy pulled over to get a few last-minute snacks. Mainly Cheetos and granola bars to hand out to his friends, Daisy was bringing in Apples from the farmer's market. She was a girlfriend he's been dating to get his mind off of she who must not be named. And just as swiftly as he stopped, the Davis family mini-van was back on the road.

"So, when do we get to see your main squeeze?" Asked Molly.

"When we get to the fireworks, we've been over this." Andy peeped back.

"Just keep it down when you're together in your room." Molly sighed.

Andy was aghast at her comment. "You already know about the-... Ugh, never mind! Just keep it down while I'm on the- Whoa!"

Andy zipped off the path of an oncoming Ferrari and got back on the path towards the highway. A dozen miles later and they arrived at the park where the event was taking place, the Davis clan unpacking for the picnicking while Andy rehearses his speech. "Do you think they're gonna like what I'm working towards?"

"Andy, calm down." Stressed Jennifer, her hand clinging to his chest as only a mother can. "This is a celebration of freedom, you can speak however you please."

"I know, it's just..." Andy's eyes darted to the the crowd. "I'm not sure that they'll listen to me."

"This nation was built on dreamers like you." smiled the loving matriarch of the family. "If dad could see you now..."

"Yeah..." Andy waited it out until the moment called him to the podium, the crowd restless and filled with energy. Sweating bullets in his stage fright, Andy adjusted the microphone and took a deep breath. "Somewhere out there, there's a tree with star-shaped fruit. Somewhere out there, there's a euthanasia computer disguised as a brain storage databank. Somewhere there's hatred, genocide, and facism all okay because it's underneath the mask of modern Liberalism."

The crowd muttered to themselves as to what he was mentioning "They ban those that disagree with them, take away their rights and kill them on the spot because they can't win the war of ideas quite like America can." There were plenty of cheers and jubilation for his speech. "Look at me, if a whole alien invasion came to us with every intent to destroy us, humanity and the entire planet earth, Who's gonna win?!"

Andy watched as the crowd chattered amongst themselves, unaware of what he spoke of. "And imagine that they already have a headstart, indoctrinating innocent people into actively hating the species, chemically sterilizing and even feminizing the biosphere, eating away at our civil liberties from within all sovereign nations leaving anyone willing to resist with no plan, no backup, no weapons worth a Dartz." The crowd laughed along to the joke that escaped his breath. "But these aliens have no facts, no knowledge, no grasp on science, history or common sense like we do."

"Believe it or not, we've run into them every day." Andy spoke to the crowd. "...and all they have is yelling and screaming until their political enemies submit to their will."

"Like you!" barked an ignorant soyfaced peon of bigotry. "White males like you!"

"No!" Andy asserted to the crowd "It's the people that manipulate you into an unknowing slavery. Gun Control being a fine example of that."

"What about it?" questioned a blue-and-orange haired political pundit. "What's so scary about moving beyond Guns?"

"I'm saying it's easy to control an inanimate object." Andy answered before going on to recall "It was easy for western Germany to hand over their guns to the Left Wing Socialist party and look where it led them."

The crowd stood silent to his blunt retort for a few brief seconds before a voice of ignorance who likely never heard of the holocaust before yelled. "You dunno whadditz like tubeh poor! It's the middle class that's choking this nation and melting duh ice caps!"

Other ignorant bigots in the crowd joined in the uproar to Andy's utter horror and the disappointment of certain onlookers. "They're turning on us."

"Give him a chance with these guys, let the rational-minded people sort this out." hushed the angellic-haired matron to the bolt-scarred briton. "The Leftists can't be that psychotic and violent."

The stern asian man stood silently between the two, ebony locks flowing in a braided ponytail before getting soaked with a huge canteen of Gatorade as the chaos reached a fever pitch, Liberals tossing food and utensils at Conservatives, Conservatives pushing back frightened Leftists, all the while Andy was being caught in the crossfire.

"Uh... H-Hello?" He stuttered to the crowd. "If you don't mind, I've got a lot more speech left if you want it."

Andy is then met with a response in the shape of a fork to the shoulder. He pulls it from the newly minted wound just as the briton and the matron took to divorcing the canteen from the asian man and is rightly startled by the sight of his own blood.

"Oh, you zealous motherCUCKERS!" Roared the asian man, having been transmogrified to the shape of a woman by the chill of the fluid she now stand drenched with. "I just wanted to gorge on some Hamburgs and Chilli-Dogs, but NOOOOOO-OOOOOO!!!! You just had to make it all about your political cults and Ai Gods that are really genocide factories!"

"Ranma, Calm down!" Serena cried in the chaos.

"Well, y'all got a Genocide factory right here!" snarled the oldest Looper in all existence. "And her name is RANMA SAOTO-"

A frying pan landed on her head from out of thin air and knocked her unconscious as she fell into the wizard's arms. "Call security, Serena. And get the boy Looper out of here as soon as you can!"

Andy's family hurried him out of the sight of the facists as the sane members of the crowd pushed them back to the best of their ability, the political divide being too much of a bedlam to risk going through to escape. Andy sat alone that night, lost in his thoughts as a sort of magic started to fill the air in the form of a hymn to a melody.

"Right, the power of music is starting to hold." Glanced Serena to Potter. "I'll provide the other side of the song in question while you get everyone together."

"Understood." the wizard of legend made off as the song formed in Andy's heart, familiar and yet somewhat new.

Proud of your boy
I'll make you proud of your boy
Believe me, bad as it's been, Ma
You're in for a pleasant surprise
I've wasted time
I've wasted me
So say I'm slow to this game
A slow learner, Okay, I agree
That I've led one rotten show
Some son, some pride and some joy
But I'll get over these lousin' up
Messin' up, screwin' up times
You'll see, Ma, now comes the better part
Someone's gonna make good
Cross his stupid heart
Make good and finally make you
Proud of your boy

As Andy belted out the song in accordance to the familiar feeling, a woman in white stood forward and joined in the song with a song of her own.

Look at me,
I will never pass through a perfect time
Or the perfect memory
Can it be,
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see, that if I were truly to be myself,
I would break my family's heart.
Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am, though I've tried.
When will my reflection show, who I am, inside?
How I pray, that a time will come,
I can free myself, and meet their expectations
On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself,
and to make my family proud.

Andy began to follow her to wherever she was leading him as he sang along to the melody, he skipped on the turtle shells in the ocean and traced the sidewalks to keep himself on the same trail as the serene matron trailing him along.

They want a docile lamb,
No-one knows who I am.
Must there be a secret me,
I'm forced to hide?

As she sang, Andy sung over her lyrics with his own etudes.

Someday and soon
I'll make you proud of your boy
Though I can't make myself taller
Or smarter or handsome or wise

Soon enough, they had made a great journey in but a few swift steps and sang in perfect harmony as they reached their destination.

Must I pretend that I am someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show, who I am inside?

Andy and the woman stood in front of a tiny little toy shop with a circular window on the front that sported a big letter 'M' in the middle. Somehow Andy and this woman had made a winding journey to New York City within minutes, judging by the towering steel buildings that sandwiched the wooden shop.

I’ll do the best, what else can I do?
Since I wasn’t born perfect like Dad or you
Mom I will try to, try hard to make you, proud of your boy
When will my reflection show, who I am inside

As they walked into the store and got themselves acquainted with the sprawling array of toys from across the history of humanity as they marched to the meeting room to find a few other Loopers like him headlined by a a man in a lemon-lime suit with a warm smile planted on his face. One thing was for certain about the essentric enigma before him, his name was not Steve.

-Mr. Magorium-













03.Evil Dr. Porkchop

"Stormtroopers?" Andy looked to the Army beneath him. "Guess this is another Fused Loop where I choose which way to die?"

"You are correct, there!" The man in the hawaiian shirt smoked his green-marked cigar and smirked his slag-eating grin. "So what'll it be, Time Lord? Will it be a firing squad of your choosing, shall I drop you in the shark tank, or would you rather get a taste of my personal favorite: DEATH BY MONKEYS!" The pit door opened to reveal rabid apes of all sorts stacked up and hungry for blood, even moreso than the shark tank he had been dangling over for that moment. Andy had to think of something, his mind raced to figure a way up. "Choose wisely, kid. Not every day you pick the way to go out."

Andy spotted an incoming presence in the sky. After aiming his focus to the entity at hand, he smiled to the criminal mastermind: "I choose Buzz Lightyear!"

"Wha-! Hey!" whined the portly programmer as a circle was being laser-carved into the glass window behind him. "That's not a choice!"

"Doesn't have to be, I'm the Looper!" Andy declared, "I'm a 255-year-old vessel of code from the world tree Yggdrasil in the constellation of Kasterburos and you really need to try your hand at the Kingpin's training regime if you ask me. Not saying that you're fat, it's just that It'd suck if the final blow were dealt by a random heart attack."

"Laugh it up, scuzzball!"

04. Blasphemy

←El Goonish Shive→

Boruto's Dad





Before I Graduate


  1. Age is Relative
  2. Pop Quiz, Hotshot!

Obvious Joke is Obvious

Yggdrasil was a funny mistress.

If it found even the most coincidental similarities, It moved on impulse to contrive a specific Loop solely to poke at the humorous fact laid in front of it, the wellbeing of any or all of the Loopers involved be damned.

Take for instance the one hundred forty-two hour Loop endured by a new night guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Putt named Bonnie Anderson. Appearing in this particular Loop as a 22-year-old ape descendant, Bonnie's story was as convoluted as it was fulfilling. Following the advice of a plastic cartoon cricket, she tucked herself away inside of a subspace pocket where she found within her new home a wide assortment of toys in more senses than the one she was more familiar with and travel to the past where she found the young man who gave her these new toys. Since he was around her age at the time, she nurtured her bond with Andy as much as she could as they grew up together, introducing him into the Loops in the process so that he may join her in the future which he inevitably does through two straight Fused Loops of adventure and four subsequent Loops in Baseline raising a family in a suburban lifestyle and bonding with children and grandchildren they can never have.

She was a Lawyer, A Senator, A Wife, A Mother! And now what was she but a security guard working minimum wage at a crumby pizzeria chain with cheap-ass animatronics.

What an incredible waste of Intellect.

She readied her keyblade for whatever threat may be faced, be it from small time crooks to the free-roam animatronics, grateful that fate had allowed her to keep the power of the Keyblade from her Pocket Looper coding as she kept her eye on the mechs to see if they move.

2 o'clock, Quarter of, almost to the halfway mark. "Come out, you clowns, I ain't scared of you!"

Bonnie kept her fingers steadily over the door buttons, her eyes focused on the Battery level as power was limited much to her chagrin. She looked to the cameras as they rolled on, her focus aimed at the probable paths they may take with her. She had been warned of their patterns and kept them in mind, especially the nimble fox as it rushed to the security room.

"Gotcha!" She slammed the door on the animatronic fox as it collided with the steel plating. But it was just one door among three, so it was only a matter of time before something or someone came through the other door when she wasn't looking.

In this case, it was a purple bunny creeping behind her that turned up... only for Bonnie to respond with a back-kick to the chest that thrusted him back through the door way for the human to close up before it could make its way back through.

"Bonnie!" Woody piped through the walkie-talkie she put in her locker alongside him. "Did you just strike one of the bots!?"

"Yeah..." Bonnie laid her feet onto the desk as she massaged the heels with her slender fingers. "So you better believe I'm now paying for that..."

"You're pushing yourself again, Bonnie." spoke the cowboy doll through the RC speaker, concerned for his owner. "These Fused Loops are what we need to get you and Andy on roughly the same page."

"Pft, Easy for you to say when you're a designated Anchor." Bonnie sipped her slushie with disillusionment. "I'm just glad to have Awakened in a grown bod for once."

Woody merely sat with lament as the night went on.


The employee stood dumbfounded at the revelation of one of her mechanical co-workers' identites "So the rabbit's name... Is Bonnie?"

"Yeah." Shrugged the phone guy that stood shoulder to shoulder with his junior as she groaned with anger towards the tree's signature brand of 'Creative Witty Humor.' "You know, I am Awake, I can handle these guys."

"Thanks, it's just that..." Bonnie groaned with irritation. "Yggdrasil sure does have a sick sense of humor."

Just can't wait to be almost there

Bonnie wiped away at the tables, now a maid of sixteen working part-time at the Classic Burger down the block. The Tree actively whittling away her age with each passing Loop really bummed her out, as excited as she was for when she's a kid again.

"Hey, Bon!" Yelled the fry cook from behind the counter. "We got an order from a number twelve!"

"Got it!" Bonnie grabbed the tray and made her way to the customer "Number Twelve, got a number twelve here. Hello-oo?"

A hand raised up to speak to her. "That'd be me." It belonged to a white haired man in a purple-laced brown longcoat. "I ordered the Clint Eastwood with a bucket of wings."

Bonnie slid the meal onto the table with a look of intrigue to her eyes. "And I suppose you want a shake to wash it down."

"Indeed." smiled the whitehead as he stood upright to ask for his flavor of choice. "Cookies and Cream if you please." Link title Bonnie was confused, he was taller than she would have guessed or maybe... "Exactly how tall are you?"

"I clock in at about five-foot-ten." the man answered. "Why though?"

Bonnie rushed to the wall with the whitehead in tow to measure herself against him, she laid her hand flatly onto her head and moved it closer to his, only to end up hitting the back of his head to her horror. "As I thought, five-foot-eight. Puberty's gifts haven't fully settled in yet..."

"You mean you're surprised to be shorter than me?" He eyed, "That's strange, usually a maiden would kill to find someone who's big enough to carry them home at night."

"That's just it!" complained Bonnie "I'm not a normal girl, I'm fresh off the Loopy bin!"

"Loopy bin?" he questioned "You're saying that you're Awake?"

"Course I'm Awake!" Bonnie asserted to the man. "And I spent decades of my life working to make my existence mean enough to warrant my Soul!"

"So you're a Looper, too. Are you?" Sighed the man as he pulled up a wing and bit into the sauce-coated meat. "If that is indeed the case, then you're among friends here, I happen to be from a completely different branch. One that is admittedly less technologically advanced than your own."

"Then explain why I'm a teen barista in the freaking fourties." Eyed Bonnie with rage.

"That might be due to this being a variant in my cluster of Branches." Robin lamented, looking to the newcomer with intrigue and curiousity. "I understand where you're coming from, a modern time Looper looping into an earlier decade can be a bit of a culture shock."

"Look... You don't understand, bucko. I pocketed myself in my Anchor's pocket with this guy just so we could mean something to Yggdrasil!" Asserted Bonnie to the white-haired bishonen before her, the taller man looking in shock at the idea of her being a pocket Looper "Me and my mate busted our asses, saved worlds, raised a family and lost a family to earn the power of the Loops."

"Silly little Bonnie." Chuckled the white-headed taskmaster. "You needed love from your Anchor, that's all... He certainly did not need to pocket either owner."

"Because the toys are are meant to be there for their owner when they are needed." Bonnie recited with the intellectual gentleman. "I know, it's just..."

"Let me guess..." Robin sighed as a Barbershop quartet strolled into the room with no rhyme or reason and sang: "I ain't got time for dancing", prompting Bonnie to sing along to the melody.

That's just gonna have to wait a while
Ain't got time for messing around
And it's not my style

She took a tray of bacon-cheddar fries and fiddled with the side dish as she waited for the music to pick back up again.

This old town can slow you down
People taking the easy way
But I know exactly where I'm going
And getting closer, closer, everyday
And I'm almost there, I'm almost there
People down here think I'm crazy but I don't care
Trials and tribulations have had my share
There ain't nothing gonna stop me now cause :I'm almost there

Bonnie had served about seven more customers in her jazzy dancing craze before something clicked in her mind. Her In-Loop Memories told of certain things. For one, that she was in 1942: the peak of World War II. Second was the presence of a face she read about in the daily paper, a Prinston College student who was an orphan growing up with his twin sister Reflet in New York City.

"Wait a tic," Bonnie asked to a hypnotic beat, not even bothering to resist the power of music. "aren't you Robin Burr, Sir?"

"That depends," Chuckled the white-haired fellow. "Who's asking?"

"Oh, uh... Sure thing, sir!" stammered Bonnie as she served Robin his shake. "My name is Bonnie Anderson. I'm at your service sir. Guess I've been looking for you..."

"I'm getting nervous."

"Sir!" Halted Bonnie as she prepared a mint chocolate chip shake to match Robin's. "I heard your name way back in Princeton. I was seeking an accelerated course of study when I got sort of out of sorts with a buddy of yours." Bonnie chuckled to herself, thinking back to earlier that day. "I may have punched him. It’s a blur, sir. Does he handle financials?"

"You punched the bursar." Robin bluntly blurted out right to her face.

Bonnie stood silent for a second or two before moving, rapping and rhyming to the Rhythm. "Yes! I wanted to do what you did. Graduate in two, then join the revolution. He looked at me like I was stupid, I’m not stupid!" She clarified to her senior before asking: "So how’d you do it? How’d you graduate so fast?"

Robin sighed with lament. "It was our parents’ dying wish before they passed."

"You’re an orphan. Of course! Like in the fanon." smiled an ever more excited Bonnie, "Christ, I wish there was a war! Then we could prove that we’re worth more than anyone bargained for…"

Robin blushed, flattered to know another fan. "Can I buy you that drink?"

"That would be nice." she smiled.

"And since we’re talking, let me offer you some free advice." Robin laid a few extra dollars on the table and laid back with a smile. "Talk less."

Bonnie raised a brow, "Uh, say wha-?"

"Smile More." chimed Robin.


Robin placed arm hand onto Bonnie's shoulder. "Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for."

"I don't get it." Questioned Bonnie "Why the hell do I hafta zip it?"

"Cause you need to get ahead." he responded.

"You don't understand buddy, I-" Burr hushed her mouth then and there with his reasoning: "Cause clowns who run their mouths oft' wind up dead!"

A new melody began to override the one that had laced the air upon the arrival of the Nohrian royalty, mainly the younger princes and their corresponding twin sisters. "What time is it?"

"ADVENTURE TIME!" the gang woots to the tune filling the air. "You ready for the big show?" Corrin's question was answered with a whole-hearted "HECK YEAH, WE ARE!"

"Like I said..." groaned Robin in embarrassment.

"I'm gonna be a mighty king!" sang Corrin with pride. "So enemies beware."

Bonnie chuckled in the face of this second Avatar. "Well, I've never seen a king of beasts with quite so messy hair."

"I'm gonna be the main event, Like no king was before." boasted Corrin.

"You brushing up on looking down?" asks Bonnie sarcastically. "You'd best work on 'dat roar."

"Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing" Robin sighed as his newer counterpart proudly sang: "Oh, I just can't wait to be king."

"You've rather a long way to go, little brother," spoke Mila "if you think-"

No one saying 'do this'
Now when I said that, I
No one saying, "be there"
What I meant was
No one saying, "stop that"
Look, what you don't realize
No one saying, "see here"
Now see here!
Free to run around all day
Well, that's definitely out
Free to do it all my way

"I remember Mommy told me, fairy tales can come true." Bonnie burst through the song to sing the tune she began singing earlier on. "You gotta make 'em happen, it all depends on you." Robin looked on as she made her way to Robin's subsequent alliteration in his humble cluster. "So I work real hard each and everyday, Now things for sure are going my way. Just doing what I do, look out boys! I'm coming through!"

And I'm almost there, I'm almost there
People gonna come here from everywhere
And I'm almost there, I'm almost there

"Everybody look left, everybody look right." Corrin asserted. "Everywhere you look I'm standing."

"There's been trials and tribulations, you know I've had my share." reminded Bonnie with such a youthful vigor she herself hadn't felt in decades. "But I've climbed a mountain I've crossed the river and I'm almost there! I'm almost there."

As Robin watched the two belt out their big finish, elder twins Mila and Emil found him trying to slink out of the crowd. "Well, if it ain't the homeboy of Princeton College."

"Robin Burr!"

"Give us a Verse!"

"Drop some knowledge."

"I understand your eye for revolution." remarked Robin. "We'll see how this lands, good luck with your solution."

"Aw, come on and talk, Burr."

"How do you roll, Burr?"

Their chattering pushed Bonnie over the edge. "If you stand for nothing, Burr, whadiya fall for?"

.5 My Shot

←My Shot→

And rise up they did, Bonnie enlisting in the Army and eventually skyrocketing to the rank of Brigadier General by the time she busted George Herbert Bush in his operation to assassinate Martin Luther King before dying on December 6th, 1989 through natural causes. The life she lived that Loop was one of unexpected twists and turns, but that is another story and shall be told another time.

Scary Witch

"There's a snake in my boot!"

Bonnie pulled the string of the cowboy doll in her hand after laying out the coffee cups for her other friends. "I'd like to join your posse, boys. But first, I'm gonna sing a little song."

She sat in her chair with a look of longing in her eyes "It's good for ya. Too much and you'll hafta take a leak." She sat there for a few seconds before she slumped onto the floor. "What even is the point of this!" She cried. "I know I turn up late in the baseline, but this!?" Her voice was more angry than sad, and that's to be expected from a former pocket Looper. It was a null loop in Baseline and she was stuck in her original child form as expected from her point in the timeline much to her annoyance, but there had been many a Loop where she had been of age, even lived two full lives at the hands of that particular Loop. She was two-hundred and twelve years old at this point and she at least wanted to look as such, but she was stuck like this with no one who knows about the Loop barring the Anchor she laid there in his seat. "I know you're Awake." she sighed. "I wouldn't be Awake if you wern't, now tell me what I gotta do."

No Answer.

"Come on..." Groaned Bonnie. "I know your Baseline like the back of my hand. I watched the whole trilogy so much, I have it memorized by now! Whadiya got to show if your listening to me?"

She pulled the string on the doll as she scarfed down the jellybeans laid atop the plastic beef patty. "Somebody's poisoned the waterhole!"

"Poison!?" She spat it at the plush porcupine's mane. "Who would do such a mean thing?!" Bonnie's eyes moved towards her little dolly and imagined a cackle coming from her lungs. "AGGHH! THE SCARY WITCH! LOOK OUT, SHE'S USING HER WITCHY POWERS!"

She played with her toys just as she did long before she was a Looper, flopping into her hamper with all of her toys in tow and scrambling to escape the minute she spotted the 'Scary Witch' in the hamper with them. Bonnie hopped about to get her spaceship ready, hoping that she could catch at least one Looper in time.

←Dolly is confirmed to have been Activated as a Looper→







←Calvin and Hobbes→

Long arm of the Law

Bonnie blinked, and saw that she was in front of a door to an office, her Loop memories told her that this was the law firm she's applied to for a job.

A Job?

Bonnie looked to her fingers to find they were long and dainty. She felt her cheeks, flat and angular.

←Pheonix Wright→



The home stretch

←Bonnie uses the Chronologicum→

User: Chronologicum of the horde
let the time flow across us four
Turn us older, grant her youth.
Use your powers and Now Forsooth!
Our youth and age will now univil
Chronologicum: Thans for using me for Evil!

a bug's life

Flik is Awake

"I'M LOOOOOOOST!!!" Flik's eyes snapped open to find that there's suddenly a pile of food where it wasn't before, there's a harvester on his back, and his mind was commanding him to fetch food for Hopper. But wasn't he-?

Was that a dream?

Clearly it was, what with the circus bugs and the travelling cracker box. So he wisely chose to lay his pack aside and do it the old-fashioned way as to not disrupt the offering.


'It was bad enough that he had to see Hopper's ugly mug every snapback...' Flik thought to himself as he felt the added mass of his body. 'But to end up as a Grasshopper, let alone part of his gang?!'

"Flik, this better be good!" sniped Hopper, as bitter as ever.

"Ah... Well, you see..." Flik struugled to get the words out as he cued up his new contraption. "Using rose-petals, some silk string and the Earwax on all the q-tips I've found, I managed to engineer a harvest moving contraption to assist the colony."

"Ain't it cute... do you hear that, boys?" Barked Hopper to the rest of his gang, taking interest in the moment. "Pickleboy here wants to help the ants!"

Flik heard the laughter of his 'fellow' grasshoppers before Hopper proceeded to tear his hard work apart. "It's NEVER about the food! If they EVER get it through their THICK little thorax that they OUTnumber US, it's OVER!!!"

Hopper was thrashing about in front of the innovative (currently) grasshopper who wanted to help until Molt restrained him to the best of his ability, Flik could only watch as the two brothers struggle with their values, the elder of which recalling his promise to his mother and holding back his fists.

At least Flik knew what to do when the Grasshoppers show up next time.

Kairi and the Lecture Pill


There he was, back at that one harvest for the upteenth time, having lived for far longer than any ant should have. He retraced his steps, did all he could to keep himself in the part he played where it all began.

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

Speaking the same words. Doing the same things. Acting the same ways. Meeting the same faces.

"What did you do?"

Making the same mistakes.

"Where's My Food!"

Atta struggled to explain herself to the worst boss he ever had thus far. "Are you sure it's not up there?"

"Are you saying I'm stupid?" Hopper deadpaned to which Atta shook her head. "Do I look. Stupid. To you?"

Hopper did his spiel, taught Atta the 'first rule of leadership', burst in anger from the mentioning of birds, and delivered his usual ultimatum.

"If you don't keep your end of the bargain, then I can't guarantee your safety." reminded Hopper. "And there are insects out there that will take advantage of you, Someone could get hurt."

With a snap of his fingers, in came Thumper. Flik promptly mobilized when Dot was to introduced to the feral insect, moved back in line but he noticed an odd detail when he made the commission of double the usual order before the last leaf falls. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"How..." Atta piped. "How are you even here!?"

"I think you know the answer to that..." Hopper grinned sinisterly, "Let's Ride!"

And thus, the Grasshoppers were on their way home, leaving Atta in a stir.

"Not sure why, But I had thoughts of when I was queen." pondered the Princess, still in apparent shock in what she just saw. "We stood up against Hopper, Hopper was gone, Circus bugs abound- actually, that adds some credens to all of that being a dream..."

"Having a bad day?" Atta looked behind her to find a light-pink worker ant with a flat sheet of stone lined by small rod-like pebbles at the bottom.

"Oh, uh... Yeah," Atta began to collect her composure and focused on the harvest. "First came a flash of ...impossible ideas."

"Not for long..." whispered the pink ant.

"Then I hear from the Grasshoppers that our harvest fell down the river..." Atta grew more and more uneasy and panicked before grasping the subject's shoulders "Now we have to provide double our order to a gang of grasshoppers lead by an Insect I saw get eaten by birds!!"

"Hold on, Hold on, Hold on." Flik scattered to make eye contact with the Princess. "You're repeating the same summer, too?"

"Oh, so that's why I turned up here this Loop..." the young ant just sighed as she pulled a droplet from her thorax (certain ants saying that it just magically appeared from thin air.) "May a princess Dorothy please step forward."

"Oh! My friends call me Dot." answered the younger princess.

"Not when this thing's through with you." Kairi then hands the little ant the drop "Suckle on this, if you please."

And Dot promptly suckled the fluid into her body, sensing a faint tingly sensation. "And how will this make me any-" and then it kicked in, initiating a change in Atta's younger sister "Wubba-Lubba Dub-Dub!"

The echo in the colony was heard near and far, but the reaction that ensued towards her current body gained the ire of the new consciousness. "Really had to be something this small... No matter, The lifespan of a mayfly's short enough. How do you do, I'm Rick Sanchez, not the genuine article, but an extension of his intellect, personality and consciousness made through specific chemicals known to simulate the proportionate aging process of a mayfly for eleven minutes, more than enough for a quick look into the multiverse."

"Wait, M-Multiverse?" piped Flik. "You mean what's beyond the colony."

"A hell of a lot farther than you think." Dot's wings had grown in by that point and thus allowed her to take flight for an illustration of the great tree that marked the colony. "Picture our great tree but, like eleventy-bajillion and infinity-fourteen times larger and with a supercomputer!"

"That's Yggdrasil and it's broken." Dot continued to lecture the ants on the subject of how the tree could have been damaged, the nature of Loopers and a brief detour into the aging of a mayfly as defined by a Robot Chicken comedy sketch over the course of almost nine minutes. All the while the growth of the little princess became more and more noticeable to the colony, her appendages lengthened, Thorax widened, and her face lost plenty of her innocence as even her voice matured into something that could easily be mistaken for the worker ant that gave her the droplet to begin with.

"And now that you know the intel, the chemicals will evacuate. Graaaaaass... Tastes bad." a yellow droplet fell to the ground beneath her legs and Dot promptly snapped out of her trance, her freckles being the only indicator that she was who she was. "Okay, why is everybody staring at me like tha-"

Her elder sister looked in shock at her little sister who was now almost as grown as she was, said younger sibling clutched her throat in shock. "Why do I sound like Kairi?"

Mayfly aging = .8 years per minute
6 years x .8 years per minute = 4.8 minutes
(30 mins = 24 years) - (7 years = 5.6 mins) = (17 years = 13.6 mins)
13.6 mins - 4.8 mins = 8.8 minutes

Monsters Inc.

  1. Yggdrasil Diaries/Boo Book 1
  2. A Master and his Apprentice

Sora gets an idea

Sora had Looped into Monsters Inc. as an intern and he'll be the first to admit, the mailroom is a decent and yet rather slow start to his temporary career. Today was different, for today was during the age of the Laugh Floor where comedy is typically king and the monster behind this magic is none other than James P. Sullivan whose longtime friend Mike Wazowski was the resident Anchor of this Loop.

"Sora, Three days before the end of the Loop." Mike chimed to his Looping senior as he popped his eye into the mailroom. "Anything special you wanna do to round off your stay here?"

It was there that Sora had an idea. "Yeah, can I tuck Boo in on the last night."

"Only if you're good." Smiled Mike as he slid back off to his next door, already were there gears turning in Sora's head. An idea was there for a surprise gift in honor of a day to come.

The time inevitably arrived and he had minutes to spare with the child so Sulley was watching Sora like a hawk of sorts.

"And that's why hiding naughtiness under the mask of feminism is wrong." Smiled Sora as he closed the Feminist Baby book and tossed it into the fire in his pocket. "So, Boo? Is there anything you want out of the Loops, do you want to see them in college?"

Boo giggled at Sora's offer while Sulley peered in concern. "Uh, Sora..."

"Or perhaps you want to see swarms of Heartless, truely viscous monsters, moreso than the ones like us." the cooing noises bubbled over. "We've got seconds left this Loop. What's it gonna be?"

Boo flashed a wide and eager smile, filled with all the acceptance Sora wanted to see.

"Up you go!" Sora stuffed Boo into his Subspace Pocket with three seconds to spare to Sulley's shock.

"Sora! What are you doing!?" Panicked the big blue furbear "You can't be seriθψξσώςάфюяжб-"

Sora opened his eyes to find his level is far lower, indicating that he's Awakened early into Birth by Sleep. "Well, at least I can understand Boo better..."

He promptly popped Boo out of the pocket and showed her the beaches of Destiny Islands. She ran across the sands for a minute or two before a thought crawled into her head and escaped her breath. "Kitty?"

Terra finds a new face

Terra stood at that same spot, the same circular plateau where Sora and Riku commonly sparred. He held his wayfinder to his chest, the railroading of the storyline picking up steam despite Xehanort's Looping self foregoing his baseline role. Seeing the typically sadistic Vanitas joined by Braig and the Replika project somehow being further along than normal worried him somewhat, but Xehanort reassured him that Yggdrasil was just doing its job to keep the Baseline as similar as it can.

For now, Terra could only watch the sunset over the sea as the two boys raced towards the plateau with another child, a girl in pink. "Kairi's here early as well... But what if..."

Gears started turning, clues connected, the outward appearance of the girl in question. "Oh, no..."

"Beat ya!" Giggled the brunette in the red trunks. "The Score's 1 to 2!"

"C'mon, Sora. I let you win!" Riku clarified to his brother in arms. "I had to wait for you-know-who to catch up."

Terra had to speak up to his much younger Anchor about this child. "Sora, who is this?"

Sora was struggling to get the words out through his childish lisp. "Well, I wanted to do somethin' for a friend so I-"

"-went ahead and got Selphie to join our group for the Loop at hand." Riku interrupted, knowing all too well the consequences of letting the truth slip out this early.

"Selphie?" Terra raised an eyebrow. "This wide-eyed Pixar Princess is the same Selphie Tilmitt from our home branch."

"Yes, she is." lied Riku.

Terra's stare fiercened towards his chosen successor, but he knew Riku wouldn't lie unless there's a good reason. He re-aimed his sights to Sora, a look of concern lacing his face to show how very disappointed he was at the Anchor of his home reality before moving out to head home.


"Master! Have you gone mad!?"

"Terra! I command you – step aside!" his master ordered.

"No!" Terra shouted back, armor fading.

Master Eraqus's eyes narrowed. "You will not heed your master?"

"I won't!" Not when he'd seen Ven backing up like that, clearly afraid. Not when it was the master that was supposed to guide and protect them who had attacked first.

"Why do all my attempts to reach you fail!?" Their master hung his head and tried one more time to get Terra to back away. "If you don't have it in your heart to obey..." he looked up, pain filling his eyes as he saw the resolve on Terra's face, "then you will have to share Ventus's fate." A tear ran down his face before he lunged towards Terra, attacking in earnest.

Terra blocked the attacks, refusing to give any ground. "Enough, Terra!" Ven said from behind him. "He's right..."

"Quiet!" Terra barked. He hated stealthing in front of his friends, he hated stealthing to dissuade his master, he hated stealthing for a much more changed version of a foe he knew would doom him from this moment life.

"Terra..." Ven said softly. Then Terra was tackled from behind, throwing him off-balance and narrowly avoiding one of Eraqus's swings. He tumbled to the ground, snarling as he prepared to deal with this new threat because Ven needed him

He was shocked to see it was Ven trying to hold him down. He stopped struggling immediately; hurting his friend was one line he would never cross. "Ven, get off!"

"No!" Ven yelled. "Just stop it, both of you!" Tears welled up in the boy's eyes as his hands fisted in his hair. "Terra, Master, please, listen to me..."

Eraqus had pulled his Keyblade back, light drawn in around it for a powerful attack, but froze. He lowered his Keyblade, light dissipating as he stared at the the two boys, horror dawning on his face.

"Please, no more fighting..." cried Ventus, a shadow watching in the distance. "If they get me to fight, then it's over... Vanitas needs me and me alone to become the x-blade and we can't let it happen and I'm scared and I don't know what to do but you can't fight the Master don't you know how much he loves you and I love you too that's why I can't let you –" He took in a shuddering breath, head lowering to rest on the older boy's chest, voice becoming painfully level. "I can't let you two fight because of me. Not for me..."

"Ven..." Terra said softly, putting a hand on the younger boy's shoulder. It was trembling, putting the lie to Ven's attempt at calm. His rage was forgotten in an instant as he tried to think of some way to help, to fix this, to make things right since Ventus still wasn't Awake for the Loop.

"Ventus, Terra," Eraqus said from where he still stood. Terra shot him a glare, wrapping an arm protectively around Ven as he stood and moved back. Eraqus didn't come closer, Keyblade low at his side, held too loosely to be threatening. "What am I doing? Raising my Keyblade against my students..." He shook his head, pain lining his face as he held a hand over his chest. "Was I truly so blind to not see the darkness forming in my heart?"

"Master..." Terra said, still holding tightly to Ven. The darkness coiled within him, ready to leap out and attack at the slightest provocation.

Eraqus kept his head down, not looking at them. "I am sorry, both of you. I let my fear cloud my judgment, but no more." Grey eyes were clear as he dismissed his Keyblade and looked up, meeting Terra's light blue ones directly. "You were right to stand against me, Terra. And you deserve to know why you had to, what secret lies behind Ventus first coming here."

"I already know," Terra said, maybe a little harsher than he should have. He pulled back on the darkness, feeling it reluctantly settle. "Master Xehanort told me about Vanitas."

Ven started, pulling away from Terra. The older boy let him, since Eraqus didn't seem like he was going to attack again, and Ven stared up at him with a mix of worry and fear. "Xehanort told you?"

Terra nodded, giving his friend a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Ven. He told me about the training accident –"

"It wasn't an accident!" Ven yelled. He flinched, one hand pressing to his head as he gasped in pain.

"Ven!" Terra reached out for his friend, surprised when Ven knocked his hand away, eyes wide with panic as he stepped back.

A second later the look cleared, and Ven looked down, shoulders sagging. "It wasn't an accident," he repeated quietly, half to himself. "I didn't want to fight, wasn't strong enough..." He winced, hand again going to his head. "I was too scared to do anything, and he..."

"I suppose that's my cue..." The wisened old man in leather and silk approached them from a dark corridor with a fez atop his head, stroking his beard as he stepped forward... "Kingdom Hearts is a most tempting subject of study; The one true light said to be the heart of all worlds, over which a great Keyblade War was waged, nearly destroying everything as a result." Xehanort eyed the boy, "Once upon a time, I saw fit to do everything in my power to one day reach that world personally..." A grim, sullen expression graced his face. "But it is said that the only way to open Kingdom Hearts is with the legendary χ-blade, a weapon formed when forces of pure light and darkness clash, something I sought for myself once upon a time, even raising my Keyblade against my closest friend."

Ventus merely looked with anger as Eraqus looked on with concern, "And Ventus, was he the first to undertake your teachings of balancing light and darkness?"

Xehanort nodded. "The boy was spry and crafty, yet still green and thus, nieve." Ven stared the man down with the fierce glare of a guy pissed at the world that drowned his goldfish "He felt that he would rather die than walk the twilight between like you're seeing with Terra, so I took desperate action to salvage this lost cause by flushing every inch of Darkness from his heart, making into into a heart of pure light... But the purge caused the pure darkness to coelesce into a humanoid form. hence Vanitas... And now, he seeks completion, the χ-blade being the dreaded prize in the matter and with it: access to the one thing I felt necessary to risk you all just to see within my now limited lifetime."

Master Eraqus nodded. "And now you know why I attacked Ventus. No one can be allowed access to Kingdom Hearts, the damage this could cause is far too much to allow anyone to come close to its power."

Terra hung his head, concerned for this future and weary of the Baseline as Xehanort pulled out a coffee mug resembling an E-Tank. "So you continued with Vanitas?"

"For a period of time, yes..." Xehanort's sullen face painted a fitting picture of how he felt.

"Terra." Master Eraqus's voice was heavy, conflict plain on his face. "When we were students, Xehanort often spoke of seeking such a balance. But when I have seen darkness, it is always like a wild, raging beast, lashing out at anything that threatens it. To control it without giving in to it, without becoming it, is something no one has ever achieved. Not even Xehanort himself, no matter how he tries. For years I have fought against it, seeking to rid it from our world. Yet despite all those efforts, the darkness persists, grows stronger in response to the light. And now, seeing you, I must wonder... if perhaps I have been wrong."


Master Eraqus shook his head. "The darkness is dangerous, and something to be wary of. That remains true. But it lies within all of us, in every heart. If it can never be driven out, then it falls to us to find another way." His master set a hand on Terra's shoulder. "That path may be the one you now choose to follow, as a Keyblade Master."

Terra's eyes went wide. "Master, do you really mean that?"

Master Eraqus nodded, giving Terra a warm smile. "I truly believe that if anyone can find a way, it will be you, Terra."

Xehanort let out a smirk, relieved to see his old friend warm up to his pupil's skill. He looked over to Ven. "And if you should start to lose yourself, I have no doubt your friends will be there to guide you back."

Ven looked warily at Master Xehanort, then to Master Eraqus, but hope was already starting to return to his eyes. "You're not gonna destroy me?"

Their master shook his head. "I was wrong to even think such a thing. If one of you must be destroyed, it should be the one that threatens the worlds, not the one that would protect them." He set his other hand on Ven's shoulder. "And I will be counting on you to help Terra find his way, to be a light for him should the darkness become too great."

"You got it!" Ven agreed, almost floating as he grinned. He threw his arms around Terra's neck, practically squeezing the life from the older boy. Terra was too relieved that his friend was smiling again to care. "Congratulations, Terra!"

Xehanort watched with a hint of nostalgia from the Loop prior, spending the time bonding with Eraqus, the man he considered a brother both in baseline and in the preceeding iliteration of the world. He chuckled to himself, seeing much of Eraqus and himself in both youths as a looming presence grew closer. "Eraqus!"

Eraqus braced the attack with precision while Xehanort summoned a wall of ice to block the arrowheads fired at the lot of them. The two Masters and their shared disciples found themselves confronted by Vanitas and a new figure (to Eraqus). Both sporting looks that mainly seek vengeance, the scarred man scowling to the bald man with a fez and complained. "What happened, man? You used to be about the music!" A knowing look towards Xehanort. "Aren't you gonna get a piece of the pie this go-round?"

"You aren't supposed to know about the Keyblade, you stand before us only because my body wasn't as spry as it once was." Lamented Xehanort. "But your persistence is laughable at best with your skill."

"You really think that, huh? As if." sneered Braig. "All it takes is a little peek into tomorrow to get the hang of your whole shtick."

"You're damaged goods, master..." uttered Vanitas. "You've up and gone soft."

"I mean come on, you let one of those mushy married couples into your life and suddenly you're mush, too?" complained Braig, "Pft, Alright, then... I've got backup waiting for me down over in the Keyblade Graveyard."

"There, I will take what I want from Ventus and choke the life out of everyone else." Vanitas raised his keyblade over his head. "Like so."

The devastation of the Land of Departure went forward and all parties involved acted to escape the collapsing castle and flee to the Mysterious Tower where Aqua was rescuing a unAwake King Mickey from the empty void that lerks in the lanes between. She marched up to the tower observatory and opened the door to reveal Terra and two similarly built figures only to find a pleasant and unpleasant surprise on both sides of him.

'I keep forgetting that Xehanort's Looping,' Aqua thought to herself '...and that this Xehanort has Chrysalis Syndrome.'

"It appears Xehanort has shown repentance for at least some of his actions." Yen-Sid recapped to the gifted mage among the newest generation of Keyblade Masters "But it appears that Vanitas has ravaged your home in retaliation."

"Figures..." Sighed Aqua. "I'm just glad to see that you're safe."

"Indeed." Eraqus nodded, "But our duty to this world shall not be done until Vanitas is dealt with."

"I'm guessing he's luring us to the spot where the Keyblade War laid waste to the realm of fairy tales," stated Aqua, holding back her distrust of the man who had left many a life in ruin. "Is that correct, Master Xehanort?"

"Yes, I suppose it's fate that possessed him to wait there for us to arrive." Xehanort let out a sigh. "It is my intellect that brought us all into this mess, so it is only fitting that I use it to pull you out."

"Be on your guard, all of you." Spoke Yen-Sid to his colleagues and successors. "You may never know his true intentions."

Xehanort frowned as they set off for their destination.

Graveyard Shift

A desolate dustbowl of depression and death, there was a reason for this world to be christened 'The Keyblade Graveyard' in that countless weilders of this mythical tool took each other's lives in a vain struggle to reach for the forbidden light of Kingdom Hearts and drag the realm into total darkness. Now, a new struggle was beginning. A boy in a mask looks on in the distance as five armored figures marched closer together, a cold shell hiding a resolve to bring him to heel. Closeby, an accomplice leaned in to greet the five alongside the boy as he stared down his former master.

"Behold..." Spoke Xehanort "These lifeless keys used to be full of power, united with the hearts of their masters." The χ-shape of the path on the ground was enforced by the aforementioned lifeless keys filling the gap between the lines. "On this barren wasteland, Keyblades of light and darkness were locked in combat as a great Keyblade War raged! Countless Keyblade weilders thoughtlessly gave up their lives, all in search of one ultimate key." His baseline self would have salivated at this power, but with the way his schemes have gotten to the point where he resorted to the same sort of shenanagans that disrupted destiny itself in the name of escaping 'Responsibility' or negating one's existence, it becomes laughable how imbalanced his ambitions would have left the realms. "But this ultimate key is not yours to bear!" Vanitas promptly pointed to himself in a 'Who, me?' fashion just as quickly as Xehanort had. "You're an abomination beyond hope of salvation and for that, I am genuinely sorry for you..."

Vanitas scowled underneath his onyx-glass helmet as Terra pushed away an antsy Ventus to charge against the dark being. Vanitas countered by planting his Keyblade into the ground to cause the world's fractured tectonic plat to shift skyward, ramming Terra's jaw as Vanitas's side soared higher allowing him to leap forward striking him with lightning, dealing a bit of damage to Terra's Armor. Ven dashed towards Vantias as a strong storm raged, as if Yggdrasil itself growled in anguish over the damage the two married masters had caused to baseline and has thus garnered a need to take out its anger on the three. A strong yet spry tornado sucked along a good amount of Keyblades for Vanitas to ride upon and cast his ice magic upon the landscape as Ventus tried and failed to ride the storm in question.

Aqua thankfully was close enough to clash blades with Vanitas and cast Thundraza against Vanitas who manages to get out of it relatively unscathed as Terra tries to avoid contact with the ensuing Tornado. Upon falling off the resulting cliff, Terra thrust the teeth of his Keyblade into the cliffside as it slowly fell away from the disruption that occured to it. Aqua readied a barrier spell, but ends up battered a bit by the storm before proceeding to batter Terra to a much higher extent. Aqua faceplanted onto the broken earth, her body as brused as her armor but not enough to keep her down for long. Mentally thanking the Admins for making sterdier humans than the initial makes that made up the Hub and its offshoots, Aqua fired her spell at Terra to halt the hurricane of lifeless keys in its tracks. Terra thanked her back with one of his finish commands: Explosion. Ven did as he did in baseline and gave chase whist Braig was waiting for an opponent to crash on by, Terra landed on the ground thrusting his keyblade deep into its soil.

"Yeesh, and I thought it would be easy keeping quiet." complained Braig. "Long time, Rocky."

"Shut it!" barked Terra, eager to knock the future freeshooter of Organisation XIII down to size. "You want a go-round or what!"

"Ah, now that's more like it!" Smirked the Freeshooter as he reloaded his twin arrowguns. "An eye for an eye, how does that sound?"

Braig flipped and fired away, Terra easily blocked the fire and counter-hammered the ground in retaliation. He surged towards Braig in a cloak of electricity and dashed again but in a cloak of fire that time before a leaping strike to Braig's noggin caused a new energy to wash over him, triggering a magic weave to wrap around his lower arm and grip onto his thick and heavy keyblade as it expanded into a mystic blue and brown colored chain axe.

"Wut." muttered Braig, a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Like it?" retorted Terra. "I picked up a trick or two from a classmate." He then swung his key around like a pendulum with Braig doing what he can to avoid the added edge of the man's rather blunt weapon only to be struck once or twice and then knocked around by Freeze Raid and Fire Surge. The key's expanded mass gave way to a casing of his original Keyblade made out of pure energy. "Now this looks familiar."

Braig got out of Terra's range scowling with his eye at the aiming lens to snipe the champion down only for him to knock the bullet back nearly as soon as it was fired. Braig reloaded and continued the barrage as swiftly as he could, circling Terra with every bullet he dodged with each sliding dash he makes. "Take this!" A full chain of arrows fired from his guns which bombarded Terra a bit which led to the back of Braig's head getting clutched in sudden retaliation and sure enough, "H-Hey, come on! Get your bony paws off me!" Xehanort responded with a deep chill flushing through Braig's body, realizing what that meant, he chuckled to himself. "Clever old coot."

The chill exploded into a freezing feeling encasing every muscle in his body in ice, much to Braig's pain as his blood cells circulated as fast as they could to thaw him out. Terra walked towards Braig as Xehanort walked to the younger master's side.

"I keh...keep forgetting d-don't mess with k-k-keh-keyblade weilders." Braig spoke with as much force as he could muster with his breath warming his lips and gums. "Welp.... he wanted me to buy time... I'd s-say he got it..."

A thought came up in Xehanort's mind. "Terra."

"Yes, Master."

"Is Ventus' Keyblade... Slotted?"

Terra's eyes widened in fear as the earth began to shake. "Oh, Smoof." And with that, a skyward beam of magical energy erupted from beneath the cliffside with Ventus backing away in fear, Micky healing a semiconscious Aqua, and Eraqus bracing the winds head on.

"And here comes the χ-blade, right on schedule!" chirped Braig, forcing a 'thumbs up' gesture from his stiff left hand. "Perfect for a fine date with the one and only Kingdom Hearts."

Xehanort was confused, not completely dumbfounded but disoriented all the same. "You shouldn't know what the χ-blade even is..." Xehanort's expression of minor horror draped underneath total aggravation spoke words about what theories were forming in his head, a new revelation clicked in his head so he asked: "Are you Looping?"

Terra's eyes widened with fear.

"Why wouldn't I be Looping? Haven't you been keeping up with Baseline?" chuckled Braig as he clicked a button. "I end the baseline being half you, remember..."

The crystalline flower burst in its expansion, weaving together the memories of the two masters into a familiar-looking puppet, thoughts and feelings connected together, skills and ambition harnessed the inherent muscle memory as it emerged from the opening egg-like flower with a corrupted variation of Terra's evolved Keyblade, "This heart belongs again to darkness..."

Terra's heart sank as the words escaped the puppet's lips. "All worlds begin in darkness, and all shall end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it, such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came." The puppet's words all but confirmed that this wasn't just Braig that was behind it.

This was Yggdrasil railroading destiny.

Xehanort let the gears turn in his mind, formulating a new countermeasure to finding one of your own gamepieces pitted against yourself. Terra merely stood there, stripping away his armor and leaving it in a pile topped by only a specific keychain. A three-note melody started playing in the air to the puppet's confusion, Xehanort sensing a strange magic in the air and shifting some priorities onto it while he schemed.

In the eye of a hurricane,
it was quiet
for just a moment
a darkened sky.
strung along as a puppet by a power-mad soul
swallowed whole
I never seemed to die

The Armor took form, grasped the Keyblade and stood tall and defiant against the face of Terra's predestined fate as a barrier of golden chains surrounded the very plateau upon which the four of them stood. Xehanort realized what this meant and the pieces laid out before him for his plan of attack soon fell into place.

I looped my way out
A Loop to survive fate's plans for me.
I looped my way out
I reached out and the tree's angels sang to me.
The king came around
A total stranger
Moved to tears
by my story
Grew enough in my heart for me and my friends to be Time Loop-bound

The hybrid puppet snarled with rage, his artificial heart blackened with anger, and the Looping Soul that needed both parties wide Awake to ignite slowly started to incubate, not enough to activate, but enough to cause the gears to start turning as he fought off the Armor whilst peering into the memores that made up his heart. All while the old master focused on his tactics to pacify the puppet brought in to fill the plot hole his baseline self left behind.

Your body submits
Your heart had succumbed
And your mind is meant to take control
But now it's undone!
I am your future,
your inevitable roles
I am the force you have pushed towards your ultimate goals!

The hybridized puppet channeled his guardian shadow to fend off the Lingering Will after dodging and blocking its assaults. Terra promptly tagged in and continued the attack, never letting go of his will to protect his friends and set this right. Xehanort shot ice bombs at the puppet to constrict his movements while keeping watch of Braig as he tried to thaw himself to free his body from the ice.

But when you're real, you bring a stink of persistence
That somehow brings new friends and allies into existence
You're just the practice dummy of Darkness' indifference
Soon someone will come
and help us claim deliverance!

Terra's Lingering Will finished off the puppet and knocked it away with its Ultima Cannon. It soared to the sky as Terra swung about his Blade Charge before slamming it to the ground. Xehanort chose to obey the melody in the air and sing the battered puppet to its sleep as it fell limp and unconcious, unaware that he had turned his attention away from Braig.

In the eye of a hurricane,
it was quiet
for just a moment
a darkened sky.
Fate declared that some further time
Dark would take the lead
Light will fade and dark would take the lead
I can't afford to die.

The earth began to buckle under the pressure of the incomplete χ-blade's power, Ventus decided to stuff Vanitas inside of Ven's suit of Keyblade Armor to safeguard the poor creature, Mickey shined his Star Shard to get them away from the imminent decimation this false tool, Xehanort hustled Terra through a corridor of Darkness to leave alongside them.

"Don't worry, ol' poppet." Braig had freed himself from the ice and was opening another corridor to Radiant Garden as he walked over to pick the puppet back up again.

We'll loop our way out.
Figure something out as fast as can be...
We'll loop our way out.
Reunite them with destiny
This is the eye of the hurricane
This is the only way we can fulfil that prophecy!

Braig smirked as he carried the puppet to the corridor, eager to see if Ansem is just as gullible to take in a puppet as he was to a slave.

Damaged Goods

Up at the Tower, Master Yen-Sid watched as the elder masters and their disciples regrouped in the face of their bittersweet victory. The Viewing Globe displaying an image of Braig talking with his legal employer in Radiant Garden to take in the battered puppet made from memories.

"Right this way..." Braig spoke as he and the other loyal servants and apprentices stepped towards the unconscious puppet.

"Young man, what ails you?" Ansem spoke to the wounded youth as he grasped his hurting body in his arms. Braig watching to see if the Tree's efforts to railroad the chains of destiny paid off. "Can you speak? Tell me your name."

The puppet's voice choked out: "Xeha...nort..."

"Xehanort." Ansem glanced to the troop that 'found' him as the youth fainted on the spot. "Quickly, take him to the castle!"

"You can count on me." Spoke Braig with a callous smile of satisfaction as he lifted the puppet to carry him back home. Xehanort couldn't bare to look anymore and deactivated the Viewing Globe, grasping a bag.

"We may have won the battle..." sighed the dark artisan. "But we must hide away if we are to survive the coming war..."

Eraqus nodded in confirmation "With our training grounds torn asunder, we must go and retreat somewhere where those who abuse and subsequently surrender themselves to darkness cannot sense our presence."

"I have chosen my first disciple." Terra announced to his master. "He's a good kid, always willing to protect his friends but still has a strong desire to see what lies beyond his boundaries. He hails from Destiny Islands."

Xehanort instantly recognized that world while Aqua realized who Terra was bringing up. Eraqus stood in his thoughts and responded: "I see, The light within that world is warm enough to fend off the dark for an extent of time. Not to mention that Xehanort has a history with that world dating all the way back to his youth where I first met him. I suppose you performed the inheritance ceremony."

"Of course." Terra bowed to his longtime teacher with a look of respect.

"I felt someone trigger the inheritance as well," Aqua added, refering to her run-in with Kairi at Radiant Garden. "Her heart was so bright, an overwhelming purity shining from deep inside. I think I just gave a Princess of Heart the power to fight back against likely captors."

"What?" Eraqus was dumbfounded by this revelation.

"That is, indeed, true." Eraqus returned his glance to Yen-Sid. "The girl now has the spark of a newly-minted Keyblade festering inside of her heart. I'm more than certain she would a fine disciple for you, Master Aqua."

"It would be my honor." smiled Aqua as she did a distinguished curtsey for the wisest master of them all before speaking to the youngest keyblade master of the group. "What about you, Ven?"

"I think I'll be drifting, most likely..." Ven sheepishly admitted "I'll check in every now and again, finish my training with both my masters."

Xehanort let out a sigh, the carcles of his heart warming a bit. "So it's settled." The master stood with a stern expression. "We disappear from the eyes of fate until the right time comes."

Yen-Sid looked to the stars as they duely shine among the cosmos. "If this is your intent, I strongly recommend training your newest pupils together should either or both of their homes succumb to the darkness."

"Will do." Terra bowed to the old master as did the others followed suit and went on their way...


The waves of the ocean crashed upon the sands as Riku and Sora watched the night sky.

"Hey," piped Riku. "I'm gonna head back."

"Yeah! Me too!" chimed Sora before walking back into town as three shooting stars splinter astray from one another. Sora felt somewhat relieved at this, even shedding a tear to Riku's confusion. "I think they're alright, but only for this Loop."

"So it's down to just Maleficent now?" Riku asked to which Sora simply shrugged. "Good, that leaves the problem with Boo..."

"Come on, I wanted to give Sulley a present!" whined Sora. "He's gonna be a part of the next expansion!"

"That doesn't mean you can go around snatching other people from other branches, Sora." Riku rebutted, a look of concern visible in his eyes. "Sulley could be worried sick next time he's Awake, Mike's gonna chew your ears out next Loop he gets with you!"

"Get real!" Sora sniped back as one of the stars zoned in on the town. "She's gonna Loop sometime, I'm just... speeding up the process is all."

Riku gave a stare that was as stern as a five-year-old boy can manage. "So you're going to keep pocketing her Loop by Loop?"

"And watch her grow old and die like with what happened to Miele?!" reminded Sora before shaking his head to and fro whist answering his own question. "I don't think so."

Riku's stare grew somewhat fiercer against Sora's puppy dog eyes, two opposing, yet equally cute forces pitted against each other before eventually, one caved.

"Fair enough."

Xehanort stirred the flames of his camp as Terra arrived on his glider, a stern expression on his face to indicate a mood of tension. Xehanort swallows his breath and sighed: "Is this my retribution?"

"For your baseline actions? Probably." Terra sat beside the elder man with bated breath. "It is said that a bond between an Anchor and the people it loves ends up leading them into the Loop when nurtured properly, I just don't understand how."

"You say that the dull ordinary boy is our resident Anchor, but how is my newfound situation even possible?" Xehanort thought out loud. "I have spent the past hour calculating the probabilities and Sora and I has never nurtured the proper bond needed to achieve such awareness." And that is true, sifting through his memories and thinking of what memories he had and still no trace of Sora popped into his head, what could have happened to Activate him. "Was there another Anchor in the initial Loop?"

"Yes." Terra spoke to Xehanort, a marshmallow roasting on the open fire. "But not the one you think it is."

Xehanort glanced to his one-time pupil, "I understand, Sora was a non participant in the events that came until far into the Loop in question."

"Pft, wasn't talking about him." Terra handed Xehanort a photo from his Pocket and showed him the masters that emerged from nowhere: Andrew and Bonnibel.

"Yes, I indeed remember both of them." spoke Xehanort, recalling the Loop in question. "Bonnibel's strong-willed spirit and defensive tenacity, Andrew's level-headed mind and negotiative prowess. Both worthy in their own right of being Keyblade masters and I salute them well..."

"Well, I want you to think about what they use as a Pocket." Terra then got out a AV Kart from his pocket as well as a VHS Tape featuring the title 'Toy Story' in front of the cover. "This will be the timer for you to figure everything out."

Xehanort thought passionately to piece together the clues. Having known them for roughly a decade and a half, there was that one thing that either master had on hand whenever he saw them. If he caught one master without this object, the other was bound to have this object on hand.

Xehanort watched the screen as a little boy played around with his toys in a Bank Robbery scenario of sorts, gears turning in his head as he grew closer to the truth. Soon, Xehanort figured out the item in question and pointed to it the moment it appeared on screen. "That toy, that insignificant toy that they've been carrying around so long as I knew them."

"Yep," chuckled Terra. "And he happens to be the very reason they showed up at all."

"How so?" asked Xehanort to the elder Looper that once upon a time would have been another Vessel of his by this point in time.

"You'll see," Terra assured as the music played over the scene and the child greeted his baby sister with a tip of the hat before leaving his bedroom empty barring his array of toys and such. Xehanort had pieced together a rather improbable possibility by that point but realized how odd and ridiculous the sound of it was so he buried it under newer theories until:

"Pull my string, the birthday party's today?"

An animate toy greeted him on screen as a civilization of similarly sapient toys awoke in front of his eyes. Terra simply smiled: "Getting it now?"

"A secret world of... Toys?" Xehanort scratched the temples on the sides of his head before sharing his answer: "And I take it this... Woody is this Branch's Anchor."

"And as it appears... The reason we're here: talking like normal people and looking for ways to compromise." In some ways, Terra could not believe what was going on himself. "Your baseline self's a monster driven mad by an omnicidal experiment, we shouldn't even be on the same page here!"

"Yet, thanks to either that doll or the medium their owners act as, here we are." Xehanort bit into one of the S'mores he prepared for this evening wait. "And I'm certain the realm of light is better off for it."

Terra smiled, feeling like the Xehanort he trusted, the facade the master used to manipulate him in baseline, had revived in an honest earnest. "Y'know, the funny thing about Riku is that his island boasts this legend of a boy who left the island behind to explore the world beyond them."

Xehanort chuckled a bit "Glad to know that I have reknown in this empty world, hasn't changed as much as I'd expected."

"That was you?" asked Terra. Xehanort nodded in response as Terra promptly asked: "Why?"

"Who wouldn't want off them when they come of age..." Answered Xehanort with a grimace.

"It's just too small..."

Aim Higher

Janus calmly sipped his expresso as he sat and watched Braig summon the Terra-Xehanort composite Replika to his displeasure. Of course Yggdrasil was going to railroad the timeline as much as it could, but the fact that Braig was Looping was not a good sign as that meant every little piece of Xehanort was set for Looping would most certainly follow suit: a whole row of MLEs ready to roll all because he thought that using that one 'Nort out of every other would work to the Branch's favor. "Ugh, what a joke." Looking to his godPad, he scratched his chin and picked it up, eager to dial up one of his co-workers for help on the matter

Madoka was tending to garden as she coded more proceedures to circumvent any new glitch or hiccup that may come her way. Sayaka and the rest of Madoka's friends were eager to see what was to come next in their newer expansions... only to receive a Phone Call that she sensed spelled trouble for all parties involved. Picking up her end of the line with caution, she piped: "Hello?"

"It's Janus." The voice on the other end. "You know how the Kingdom Hearts branch recently completed the Souls for its Sunset Trio?"

"Congratulations." smiled Madoka.

"Well, how would you feel if I said that I got someone else Looping one day?" proposed Janus in a forced sense of wonder.

"How nice!" chimed Madoka "Did you get Isa Looping, too?"


Dead Silence.

Madoka's heart started to sink, she hurriedly asked: "Tell me Xehanort isn't Looping right now!"

Janus did not say a word. All he spoke was the word: "Help."

Zurvan was sweeping the floor of his office when a ring of his doorbell rung to notify him of a guest: "Come in."

Madoka hopped and dashed to the elder god screaming at top speed and at the top of her pretty little lungs: "ZURVANJANUSSOMEHOWSETXEHANORTLOOPINGANDNOWTHEREAREGONNABEMLESEVERYWHEREANDITSALLJANUS'FAULTBECAUSE-"

"Calm yourself little one." hushed Zurvan. "What's all this brewhaha about Master Xehanort Looping?"

"It was a variant of Master Xehanort," Madoka described "one that was taught to love by this couple, they were Loopers..."

"Naturally." Zurvan sighed beside his junior. "I suppose it was Twilight replacing Aqua, is it not?"

"No..." frowned Madoka.

Zurvan raised an eyebrow. "Flora and Techna of Alfea?"

"The couple were pretty straight so..." Madoka cued a sound clip from an MP3 player which piped: "No way, man!"

Zurvan pondered this and asked "Is it one of the anchoring power couples of the Original Seven."

Madoka shook her head as she sheepishly asked "Would you believe me if I said they came from the visiting Looper's pocket?"

"Fand?" asked Miele as her superior bathed in a spherical pool of crystalline water. "Are we in trouble?"

"Beats me," sighed the fairy goddess. "After the mess with Helia, I wouldn't be surprised if other Admins would come to my aid." A text popped up on her phone as she spoke, she picked it up and read it aloud: "'Go see Janus now, He done goofed.' Pft... I'm sure it's just a Flurp spill on his console, I'll get Hephaestus to see what the damage is."

"That's Nickelodeon." reminded Miele as Fand got out of the liquid sphere to fetch a towel. The Ai let out a sigh of lament. "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

Skuld, Hermes, and Hephaestus summoned Madoka, Zurvan and Fand to discuss the topic at hand with Janus who was met with footage of a thanksgiving dinner of three generations of a family sitting together at the dinner table.

"Okay, so you're showing me a Thanksgiving Dinner, what exactly does this have to do with-" Janus slowly pieced together the clues and figued out who the elder couple was to the probable chilling consequences. "Crumbs..."

"Pocket Looping." yelped Fand when confronted with the sight of the two aged owners of their branch's resident Anchor. "Why'd it hafta be Pocket Looping?"

"Simmer down, Fand, this isn't about you..." hushed Skuld as she focused her attention to the gateway god that was currently sweating bullets in her office. "But you might have a clue as to what kinda foul play's afoot here."

"Look, It wasn't my call to make!" retorted Janus. "Jiminy pushed the sheriff into committing this act of chronological molestation. I promise I'll wake them up into Looping instead of just leaving them be like when Fand left Miele be."

Fand silently looked away and slumped away in shame of the truth, an equally complicit Skuld refrained from speaking back to Janus. This meant that there was free reign for the other parties to throw in their two cents.

"Look, Hep and I have some experience with Tree-endangering problems like with what you're facing with Xehanort." Leaned Hermes with a swig of Herculade. "If anything, we could help with however the mad ape's gonna throw at ya."

"Thanks, but I think Yggsy's got it under control." Janus handwaved to his colleagues as he aimed his eyes to the door. "Besides, this Xehanort's another Chrysalis case, right? Another case of Disassociative Loop Disorder?"

"He's right." chimed Madoka to the God of the Forge before her. "This newly-looping Xehanort is proving to be more benign and benevolent than his Baseline illiteration."

"Still..." huffed Hephaestus to the law of cycles. "Dragging baseline companions through two straight Fused Loops and then plopping them through Baseline to hide from their younger selves? That ain't right, bucko."

"Ah... d-don't worry..." stammered Janus, looking for an excuse to weasel his way out of the situation. "I'm working on Activating a new branch for Punishment Loops, the Emoji Movie!"

The room fell silent, not one voice was heard aloud after this, so Skuld decided to reach her verdict: "I expect our latest source of Punishment Loops to be up and running by the next decade, keep up the good work."

After sliding forth the blu-ray, Skuld, Hermes, Zurvan and Hephaestus marched off to their domains with Fand and Janus breathing their sighs of relief before the former asked the latter: "Want some help putting it together?"


Runt of the Litter


"Alright, Mary, I'm up!" Sora stretched his limbs as far as his eight-year-old body can allow, eager to follow the foreigner to wherever she wanted. "Gosh, you sure give alarm clocks a run for their munny, don't ya?"

"Ah, shucks..." chirped the young girl. "You're just saying that, aren't ya."

"Get real!" grinned Sora. "You're quite the way to get me up in the morning!"

"Thankie-Pankies! Always eager to see you up and at em!" Mary beemed to her Looping junior. "C'mon! Let's go catfishing with Riku!"

Sora tilted his head in befuddlement. "Kinda big, doncha think?"

"You betcha!" Mary boasted with such vigor. "Think I'll get one big enough to rassle?"

"Won't you get slippery?" worried the Branch's resident Anchor.

"Pft. Course I will!" Mary retorted with a hardy smirk on her face. "That's what makes it so fun!"

"You really are a little Boo, y'know that."

Mary simply smiled.

Four years had passed since Terra and Aqua visited the Islands and now that they've thankfully bested Master Xehanort without losing their master for once, they can personally train the three of them for the duration of the timegap between then and the storm. Kairi wasn't awake that Loop so she might get relatively jealous of Boo, all the more reason to keep her at a respectable distance so that she doesn't cling too close to him as to fall in love with him or something.

As the four children fished in the oceans of their home, the two local enforcers looked onwards at their current disciples. Aqua had uprooted with Kairi in tow when Maleficent and her ilk raided Radiant Garden upon the usurpation of Ansem the Wise, and she has been getting along well with Terra's boys thus far.

"So Sora's awake." theorized the first of three masters, the second simply nodded. "I see. I guess that's typical of these Loops, he's usually first to be Awake out of all of us."

"Yeah." Sighed Terra.

"Still..." Aqua began to sit beside her lifelong friend. "You gotta admit, it's been a bit of a dream come true for me: Training our own pupils from the ground up, watching them grow close just as we have, it's been bliss..."

Terra chuckled a bit before speaking his mind. "Sometimes you can be such a girl, Aqua."

Aqua simply blushed as she looked to the side, the rest of the Loop's storyline to come looming over her. She needed a distraction to break the ice with, and fortunately there it was playing with the trio of regulars. "Speaking of children..."

"Oh, her?" Terra glanced to the girl in pink. "That's Selphie, or or at least that's who Sora says is Selphie..."

Aqua gave a coy side glance. "Hair's a bit darker, but I kinda see what Sora pulled here. Is it a Fused Loop?"

"There would have been an alteration in the realm if that was true." Terra stroked his chin in thought. "I double-checked every year and still nothing."

Aqua let out a sigh "Maybe Sora brought a souvenir from one of his Fused Loops?"

"No way." rebutted Terra. "Sora usually shows his friends any trinket he'd come across, he wouldn't pocket anything and keep it a secret like this!"

Aqua looked her colleague in the eyes and said: "He's Sora, Mister 'My friends are my power!' himself and we just recently spent a Loop with two Pocketed Non-Loopers who managed to reform Xehanort of all people. He would."

Terra's mind connected the dots and the rest was shock and silence... until Aqua chimed in: "Don't worry, Ter-Bear. Just got some news from ol' Janus, he'll be punished soon enough." She then pulled a Blu-Ray from her pocket for Terra to hold in his hand. "This is the new Loop Janus has scheduled for Sora and the guest that pocketed the dynamic duo from that last Loop."

Terra was staring at The Emoji Movie


"I! DON'T! CARE!" Howled Mary to her childhood friend. "I wanna be a keymaster too!"

"The term is Keyblade Master." the twelve-year-old boy corrected as he summoned forth his eponymous tools. "And it's not safe out there!"

"But I wanna come with you, have adventures, see new things!" whined the lass of eleven to the boy who pocketed her. "That's what you do in your baseline, right? Fighting off the darkness and stuff?"

"That's why we can't let you become a Keyblade Master." rebutted Master Terra, a stern look on his face hiding genuine concern for the non-Looping refugee. "We work to maintain balance between Light and Darkness in all worlds. Your heart, in contrast, is not very balanced."

"I'm plenty balanced!" she piped in a flustered fashion.

"Cuddle down, Boo." stressed Sora.

"Don't you dare go and start starting, bucko!" Mary barked back with an added tone of defiance to her voice. "I'm old enough to know what's going on, so I'm old enough to know what I can do to help so I'm gonna help!"

"Not now, Mary." sighed Aqua as she started pushing her out of the door. "When the time comes, we'll let you know what's coming when the time comes... someday, just not today." The door slammed just as Mary began to turn around to see the sealed doorway, so she started banging her fists against it and voicing her discontent.


That afternoon, Mary (Or Boo as we'll call her more often than not) walked alone in resentment towards her friends and the couple of keyslingers teaching them. "Ugh, it isn't fair. How come they get all the adventure and yet Sora leaves me stuck here on the island with his Mom." Boo bitterly grumbled to herself while she fiddled about with her Yo-Yo to calm herself, the cyan and lavender ring around the green core feeling relatively familiar as the years rolled by. "I mean, what do those lamers know about my life? I immigrated here when I ran away from home, Sora found me daydreaming on the beach and took me in, been living at his place ever since for... Literally as far back as I remember!" She walked along the sidewalk as she let jealousy to take hold in her wounded heart, angry with the five who, unbeknownst to her, were far wiser than she could ever hope to be.

"What a joke..." Boo sat on the steps of a nearby house adorned with bonzai trees, sakura trees and rose bushes that grow in black and white. "They're never gonna let me train with them... let alone take me along to see other worlds."

"Then why not learn from their master?"

"Because I have no clue where they live. Are they dead? Are they travelling the worlds? Are they here on the... islands?" She turned her head to find the man who lived there staring back at her: A tanned old man in a white button shirt covered by an inky-black leather jacket with the bright grey beard on his chin complimented by a moustache and just as much hair on the back of his head as his receeding hairline can allow. "C-Can I help you?"

"Sure." shrugged the man with an apathetic smirk on his face. "Stop by after school, and you can help with housework for some extra munny if you could use the added funds."

Boo raised an eyebrow at the man "And why would I want in on this deal of yours?"

"Because you seek answers." the man glanced to the little girl as he stroked his beard. "Thankfully, I know what has given you purpose."

Boo chuckled to herself. "Kinda eerie, don't you think?"

"Only as eerie as your situation is surreal, little one." clarified the man as he let the girl inside.

Thankfully, the visit didn't end the way you'd expect from a man like him in a Post-Weinstein America so she returned home in time for dinner to the relief of Sora and his Mother.

"Dig in, kids." smiled |¿?€rr0r?¿| as she served up bowl after bowl of Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli. "And don't forget the greens, Sora."

"Whatever you say, Mom." Sora scooped up a mouthful for himself as Boo reluctantly followed suit. "Say, Mary. About the 'raft'?"

Boo did not say a word, instead focusing on chewing at her noodles.

"I'm sorry you can't come with us, Boo." sighed Sora. "But we can't risk Mom losing both of us on the same night, you know she can't take the hurting." Boo frowned and looked to her dinner with a sense of secrecy. "Where'd you run off to after the meet-up."

"Secret." Boo blushed.

Tensions were high

Summer gave way to Fall and Boo took to mowing the lawn and raking the leaves at Xehanort's humble abode. Before she knew it, she had a hundred dollars by the front-end of October and the trust of a wise man who had quite a bigger pool of experience than the two Keyblade Masters that were guiding her friends.

"Where do you think I should put the leaves, Xehanort?" glanced Boo to the old master. "In a nearby wheelbarrow or-?"

"Oh, don't you mind all that, child." hushed Xehanort from his lawn chair. "Just gather the leaves in a little pile and that will be enough."

"Okay." Boo shrugged and continued on with her work, but not before asking: "Say, could you do something for Halloween this year?"

Xehanort raised his brow in amusement. "Oh, so you say it's October, do you?"

"Been October for the past six days." chimed Boo as she kept with the raking. "People dress up, go door to door for candy, it's a lot of fun."

"An exercise in blind faith?" Xehanort pondered to himself. "Facinating."

The day arrived and sure enough, Boo rounded up her friends for Trick-Or-Treating. Thus far, they cleared Sora and Riku's respective blocks and have just picked up their bag of popcorn from the Cayfords' household. Now all that was left is to hit up all the houses on the way to the Mayor's office where their school was having a Halloween Party.

"No way! We should go to the haunted house!" debated Riku. "The path is far more linear and it doesn't end in you getting lost."

"And I say the spook maze is best!" argued Sora. "It's far creepier and it has glowsticks."

Riku rolled his eyes, "Of course you'd go for the glowsticks."

"Guys, you promised me you'd come to the party this year, right?" reminded Kairi to her friends, they gave her a look and promptly let go. "That's what I thought. Come on, we've got a good three streets left after this house."

"Okie-Doke!" chimed Sora as the four came to the porch and knocked onto the door, smiling as it opened to the four cheering: "Trick or Treat!"

"Ah, Star Wars." Noted the man in a blue Starfleet uniform as he saw the children as Luke, Leia, Han and another. "Is that someone from the 2015 Sequel Trilogy?"

"Yep. It's known Jedi Fangirl Rey of Jakku!" greeted Boo as she picked out a king-sized bar of Three Musketeers. "Not sure how Abrams is gonna get Rey out of the pickle that Rian Johnston stuffed her in."

"And that's why I never touch the Kelvin films of your favorite film's... much more intellectual counterpart." spoke the man as he placed a Twix Bar in Riku's bag and Caramel M&Ms in Kairi's. "Too generic and timely for the timeless franchise it's a part of."

"At least it didn't mindlessly throw away the entire cast of the original trilogy..." Sora rolled his eyes as he picked up a Butterfinger Bar for himself. "Full Bars? Wow, Thanks!"

"Don't mention it, boy. I'm just doing my best to make amends." The man named Xehanort shook hands with Sora with a smile to the increasingly frightened face. "Have a Happy Halloween."

Sora and Riku could only scream at the sight of their mortal enemy handing out candy and scrambled to get themselves, Boo, and the unawake Kairi away from the one-time Seeker of Darkness.

"Oh, right." groaned Xehanort. "Baseline."

"Turkey's ready!" chimed |¿?€rr0r?¿| to Terra and Aqua as they sandwiched Xehanort at the dinner table. "And just so you know, I am so glad we can see you two in person, plus your master."

"One of our masters, Actually. I... admittedly only trained under his friend, Eraqus." corrected Aqua. "But Terra learned internal balance from him, so he's kind of a big deal around these parts."

"Yeah!" grimaced Sora, bitterly staring at the man with irritation. "I am so honored to meet at least one of their teachers."

"Come on, big bro." sighed Boo. "He ain't that bad, you have him to thank for the big 'ol Butterfinger on Halloween."

"You don't get it!" whispered Sora to his 'sister' "He's a seeker of darkness!"

"So." She bit into her stuffing as she talked with her mouthful. "They're just elements, Sora. I'll learn how to handle 'em."

Sora grew furious and struggled to keep his voice at a whisper. "That doesn't mean you can learn from a guy who collects hearts and bodies like bottles on a shelf."

"You're exaggerating." eyed Boo before returning to her slice of Turkey Meat. "I've seen his house and he's more into collecting books than bodies as you put it."

Sora was dumbfounded "He brainwashed his younger self!"

"Blasphemy!" Boo flung a scoop of Stuffing at Sora to the shock of Sora's parents and surprise of the masters. Sora responded with pea-pod shurikens and got a squirt of cranberry juice over his shirt in return.

"Riku," spoke ¦↑£‡‡©®↓¦ as he watched his son scooping up some baked macaroni and cheese "Don't you start."

Terra watched as Xehanort's bald head was pelted with sauced italian noodles. "Yikes, I could go for a distraction right now."

"FOOD FIGHT!!!" Kairi cried to the shock of the parents and the annoyance of the masters as the young ones flung foodstuffs to and fro with Sora and Boo fighting with drumsticks.

"A bit messy, but it does the job." smiled Aqua as she tasted the cranberry sauce that got in her hair. "Problem now is we need the time to clean up this mess."

"Very funny, Sora." Boo remarked as her big brother blocked the way. "If you wanna hide something, you can always tell me cause my lips are sealed!"

"It's not that simple, Boo!" stressed Sora as he stood defiantly between herself and the hall door. "I don't want you anywhere near him, I can't bare to see you lose yourself to his darkness!"

"His darkness?" Boo asked irritably to her 'brother'

To that, Sora immediately answered "His plan is to toss his thirteen vessels of Darkness against seven pure lights to cook this-."

"χ-blade?" Boo asked. "I know he's tried his hand at getting that in the past, but he-"

"Forced his younger self into this mess through time travel which really cemented the certainty of his destiny!" interrupted Sora in a blunt manner. "That's how much of a raving lunatic he is! If I see you and Xehanort in the same room together-"

"Ho! Ho! Ho!" sure enough, in came Xehanort in the iconic outfit of Father Christmas down to the full beard. "I hear you've been good little children this year, is that right?"

Sora stood silent with no words spoken to the old master, but the words spoken to Boo were certain to rattle the poor girl's mind.

"I never should've pocketed you."

Boo was dumbstruck as to what she just heard, so Sora continued on with his rant: "I thought it would have been super cool if I gave Mike and Sulley a gift to welcome them into the branch's cosmology, pocket their kid, watch her go and hope she's done enough bonding to gain herself a soul."

Boo felt the weight of her heart grow tighter "So you... kidnapped me!?"

"No! Noo..." Sora calmed to the best of his ability. "I just borrowed you to nurture my bond with you as an Anchor so you could start Looping yourself."

"Bull-schiff!" barked Boo. "You kidnapped me!"

"Only so you could grow up beyond your baseline!" cried Sora.

"I could grow up very easily back home!" howled Boo as she slammed the door to her bedroom.

"GO TO YOUR ROOOOOM!!!!!" roared Sora.

"I'M ALREADY IN MY ROOM SO NYEEEAAHHH!!!" Boo sniped back before slamming the door, prompting both to cry in anguish with their relationship forever tainted.

Boo sobbed into her neon green throw pillow and rolled around in her blanket of blue purple-dotted fleece. She knew she was different from other girls her age, but to be from an entirely different universe overall? This was terrible, she had family and a home back there. Her actual mother could be worried sick, waiting for her to come home.

"I take it you've taken the truth rather poorly..." Xehanort had entered her bedroom as Sora lay sleeping in his. His face showing sympathy for the troubled girl "Yes, I have been in roughly the same position you find yourself in. Though the circumstances are different, the viewpoint is the same: claustrophobia, a sense that the world you know is empty and small, like a prison." Xehanort moved her chin and wiped away the tears rolling across her cheeks. "I've made my attempt to escape the island and sure enough, much like Sora, the day I vowed to set sail." The man summoned his keyblade, No Name, to Boo's total awe as he grasped the teeth of his weapon and lifted the handle to her face. "In your hand, take this Key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love."

Boo looked to Xehanort, a warm grandfatherly smile gracing his face, and grasped at the handle with a renewed desire to follow Sora across the worlds.

Days bled into months as Xehanort trained the youth to the best of his ability under Sora's nose. Boo felt bad that she was going behind the back of her brother, but Xehanort clarified that once the storm comes: she is free to follow him along.

"Ease your mind, focus on your goals." piped Xehanort as Boo cut away the Heartless lunging at her with such abandon. "Once you sharpen your doubts and fears into rage, temper that hatred with resolve just as Terra had done all those years prior." Boo's stare grew fierce and a smirk crossed her face. She held her blade steady and swung it around so hard that it spun her around enough times to mow down the creatures of darkness, earning the applause of Xehanort. "Yes, what a show! Keep it up and you might be able to pull off a command style."

"Thanks." giggled Boo, elevated to know the extent of the strength she had hidden in her heart and soul. After a nice relaxing dinner, Boo was off on her way back home to see Sora. This time, she was determined to hide it from her 'brother' by any means necessary.

Eye of the Storm

Time passed and the day arrived that Sora and the rest of the group would make their departure.

"Once we set sail, it'll be great." Smiled Kairi, still unAwake after all the difference Boo's made.

"With a raft like that, we could go shella far." Boo sarcastically sniped, her eyes aimed at the flat row of logs laid out and tied together with a tree branch holding up the bedsheet it used for the sail. "If you need me, I'll be off in town." She shrugged as she stopped leaning against the tree and pulled up her bag. "Cannot wait for tomorrow."

"Totes." Sora sheepishly smiled as Boo ran back to the door before looking to his phone with a sour look to his face.

Riku was leaning by the window with a look to the sky, waiting for the inevitable hole of darkness when his phone rang. He picked up his Nokia N7 and answered: "Sora, you rang?"

"I'm worried, Riku." Sora mouthed on the other end.

"How so?" he asked back.

←13-year-old Boo rolling her eyes at the poorly built raft.→

Dark Side

←Boo is caught using the Darkness.→

Girl against Woman

←Ansem SoD temporarily bodyjacks Boo and manifests as a 'norted, full-grown copy of herself→

Shut that Door

←Boo opens the Door to Kingdom Hearts on Ansem SoD, right when his/her/their back was turned→


←Boo awakens in the Basement of Castle Oblivion→


←Boo confronts DiZ→


←Boo faces off against Ansem→


←Boo goes with Riku and Mickey→

Day 42

Day 64

Day 86

Day 93

Day 108

Day 113

Day 128

Day 144

Day 151

Day 175

Day 197

Day 222

Day 255

Day 314

Day 345

Day 357

Finding Nemo


Marlin swam about his as he left Nemo to the Dropoff. Ever since he's been let in on the Loops by his son, he had to roll with the punches like with today's helping: Basic Fish Biology.

"So 'Martha', how's the weather down there?" His words pierce with relatively astute accuracy as she let out an embarrassed sigh.

"Don't worry, mom." Joked Nemo. "It's only natural."

'Martha' cringed as you probably would from such a fickle fate.




Ellie's Character Arc going from 'You're not powerless, you can do whatever you want if you just put your mind to it.' 'You're not all-powerful, you don't always have agency and there are things about your life today, roles you fill and things you do, that won't be here forever. It's up to you how to deal with it, but whether or not you like it, change is happening.'

Kinship with a Companion

The Doctor was loving the Unified Timeline Loop he found himself in, mainly because Yggdrasil had cobbled all the Disney branches together ever-so haphazardly as was to be expected of what were built to be standalone films. Some connections made sense, some did not, but it's a computer generated mass Fusion of Branches so you'd expect a few hiccups in terms of how it jumps through all the necessary hoops.

"You know, you don't talk much... I like you!" a girlish voice chirped that attracted the Time Lord's attention as the spry little source of the sound darted back home with a playful smile. He kept up with the child as he had but recently gotten used to the first of his regenerated forms but made sure to hide away from her sight at any opportunity before he stepped on a tree branch and the cracking sound made the girl freeze in place and take note of her surroundings before skipping along her way...

Before punching a magazine-reading hobo in the face. "Who dares?"

"I dare mister!" the girl asserted as the Hobo backed slowly to the doors of a blue police box. "You're looking pretty suspicious and I wanna get to the bottom of it!"

"Well, ah..." The mopheadded fellow struggled to think of something until an idea hit him. An idea that echoed words that he had heard from a purple-haired princess at a pub he visited with like-minded 'time lords and ladies' "What if I told you that the universe is broken."

"Somebody better fix it!" the girl chimed.

"There are people that are acting to fix it," smiled the ol' chap. "and the means of how are... well, that's why we're here, isn't it."

The girl tilted her head with intrigue before the chap opened the doors to reveal an incredible sight: An ivory-white room with circular windows to more white housed a six-sided typewriter of sorts as a whirring glass column gleemed in the distance. She stepped closer and closer to the Console with the gentleman rolling out a great oak from out of nowhere as he spoke: "Time and Relative Dimension in Space."

"It's... Tardy?"

The man smiled. "That's one way to name your Type Fourty TARDIS, yes. I'm the Doctor, by the way, and you are?"

"I'm Ellie!" the youngling chimed back to the Doctor. "Nice to meet ya!"

"It's nice to see you too, wee lass." The Doctor shook her hand before tending to his console. "Now, Onward and Outward, Further up and Further in! Off we go!"


The TARDIS re-materialized in front of Ellie's house in the morning hours as promised back when they were off in England before heading to the Moors. Ellie skipped on out of the

-2 and Ellie-

Love between companions

"So we've been keeping up this corny punching contest of ours ever since," Smiled Ellie, now a maid of sixteen, as she talked of her provincial life since her prior adventures with the Doctor, whom she didn't recognize until she saw the ageless spirit within the cosmic hobo she had known from childhood beneath the towering mass of teeth and curls that came to visit from outside her window. "You know it's funny... I thought I outgrew you but... that's kinda moot considering, eh..."

"Naw, don't worry, little one." Ellie eyed the man with the added ease that comes from a reduced height gap that made her taller than the Hobo of her youth, a realization that made the man he was right then and there reword his responsible. "Erm, young lady. No matter what changes, we're still roughly the same in terms of what makes us who we are..."

"Ellie-girl!" a howling western voice rung in the winds. "Ya better go git the trash out!"

"AHM COMIN', PA! DON'T YOU WORRY 'BOUT ME!" Ellie addressed with a louder texan tone before going back to the slight one she addresses the Time Lord with. "One moment, please."

Ellie marched off to do her housework, picked up the filled bag to drop it off in the metal can when she found the Doctor standing by the sidewalk lining the yard outside her door. Leaning by the TARDIS and waiting for her, a wide grin welcoming her with a gleeful "Where to first?"

"Well, I'm learning about King Arthur, so why not go to Camelot?" Ellie walked to the trash can as a young man hid behind the bushes, ready to pounce. "Then again, I really wanna go to South America so badly..."

"America, but south. Got it." The Doctor noted.

"And I know how much you hate lawlessness, so let's go rob some robber barroOOOWWWW!!" She began swearing up a storm out of the piercing pain of stepping on the bottom of a bottlecap. "Son of a... FUCK!"

The Doctor grew concerned for his companion as the hiding man readied his fist. "You need anything?"

"No thanks." Ellie shook her head, inadvertently causing her haircurls to come off to set loose her luxurious locks. "I got this. Just set the co-ordinates and we'll be on our way."

"Right, then." The Doctor walked right into the TARDIS before peeking out to point to a hidden figure. "You might want to bring a friend along."

"Who?" Ellie turned to see the lanky young man as he stood agape of how beautiful she was. She looked to him with a wily glare as he looked to his clenched fist, causing him to shrug and promptly punch himself.

"Holy crow." It was all he could say to the room inside the small booth as his childhood friend and his homeroom teacher fiddled with the controls.

-4, Carl and Ellie in the post-Disney Era-

Married Life of Companions

-6, Carl and Ellie in the Eisener Era-

Willing Life of Companions

-8, Carl and Ellie in the Iger Era-

Charmed Life of Companions

-10 visiting Carl and Ellie for The End of Time-

Inside Out

To the dogs...

She was out dogsitting for a neighbor in the area and that indeed meant picking up after the Dog during his long walk around the park and on the way to and from there.

"Man, look at all the Doggie Bags we used up..." Joy reacted. "He really feasts like a king, huh?"

"Is it even safe for her to carry such dookie?" questioned Fear to his usual level of concern.

"Not too mention how much itfreaking reeks!" cried Disgust out of fear of the plague that's been spreading as of late.

←Riley taking the Dog on a long walk and exhausting a new roll of Doggie Bags→

Riley pulled the used-up roll from her coat pocket and looked to the poop-paved, disease-ridden roads of San Francisco as it lay infested with homeless bums and illegal aliens anchored by the Sanctuary State of California. "I don't think this is the Dog's doing."

The end of the loop by means of disease was mercilessly long that by the time the AiDS Vaccine killed her, she was more than happy to squeeze her huge cans in Eiken.


  1. Shadows of the Dead

The Ood created this planet from an alternative future left in ruin by a one-world dictatorship that culled the entire species by any means necessary to replace it with a network of machines which the Doctor EMP'd to oblivion before it could wreak havok on Oodkind. So, by copying the genetic coding of the greatest minds and kindest civilians from across the 20th century, the Ood repopulated Humanity to a world.


"On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the Etherium is calm and peaceful, the great merchant ships with their cargo of Octrurian solar crystals felt safe and secure. Little did they suspect that they were pursued by…pirates!"

The child stared in wonder at the unfolding world before her, the gigantic ship and the new one bearing the flag of Captain Flint.

"And the most feared of all these pirate was the notorious, Captain Nathaniel Flint."

The pirates quickly attacked the merchant vessel and were looting it when the narration came back on.

"Like a Candarian Zapwing, overtaking it's prey-"

"Socorro Rivera! Open this door!" A voice barked from behind the bedroom door, prompting the holographic imagery to halt in their tracks as the child responsible hid behind the covers.

"Allow me, senora." another voice, this time one that was completely new to her. "Allons-Y!" He burst through the door and slammed it closed again before walking closer, his brown striped suit and longcoat billowing heroically in the wind as he said: "I'm the Doctor! I'm from the planet Galifrey in the constellation of Kasterburos. I'm ninety-three hundred-million, twenty-six hundred-thousand and fourty-two years old and you're just the cutest little sneak, aren't ya? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!" he cooed as he pinched the four-year-old latina's chubby little cheeks. "And is that-?" He pulled out the tome from the pillowcase. "It is a holobook, innit?! Brilliant! You're so cute, I could just eat you up! In fact, keep an eye out for Zygons cause they just might eat you up. Not fun, do not recommend it." He fiddled and flipped through the pages as Socorro tried her best to look innocent. "What's all this, then? You were supposed to be asleep hours ago, miho!"

"Senior Doctor," she complained, " I was just getting to the best part! Please?!" Sacorro stared up with large hazel eyes.

"Daaawww... Can those eyes get any bigger? Scootch over." The Doctor sat down on the bed, holding the child close, and the book resumed to a familiar.

"Like a Candarian Zapwi-"

"And an Ai Autoreader to boot!" Smiled the Doctor at the sight of the holographic narrator, a lumbering mass of Teeth and Curls. "And it's one of my favorite faces, too! I never forget a face, mind you, but this is a miracle of technology, this Loop."

"Well, this miracle of technology would like no interruptions during this particular tale, thank you very much!"

"Alright, I'll be quiet!" sighed the Doctor to one of his other selves.

"Indeed, you will." The holographic Doctor adjusted his posture, cleared his throat before continuing the story. "Like a Candarian Zapwing overtaking it's prey, Flint's band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere,"

Captain Flint laughed as he ran his fingers through the gold coins and crystals that made a jingle sounding like that of blades striking one another.

"And then, gathering up their spoils…vanished, without a trace."

"Oooooooooooooo," the little girl and the Time Lord echoed together as the girl turned the page.

"Flint's secret trove was never found, but stories have persisted that it remains hidden, somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy, stowed with riches beyond imagination, the loot of a thousand worlds!"

"Treasure…Planet!" The girl and the book both finished at the same time while the Doctor looked exhausted.

"Coco, you loco! Open the door right NOW!" The mother's voice rung loud and clear and the Doctor had to fake some things to hide the true goings-on. "Coco! Open up!"

"Right, then. Blow your nose." he held out a white handkerchief to the girl, Coco, while discreetly ejecting the holobook card and hiding it into his Pocket as the door opened once more to reveal a woman, the girl's mother with her ong black hair tied in a low braided bun, fair skin and brown eyes. She brushed her sleeveless formal gown as she walked to the Doctor in her black high heels. "Imelda, your little lass has a holobook! Found her sneaking some stories of spacers and pirates and the Etherium beyond your home world Replicant!"

"Really, now." Imelda glared, her golden hoop earings tilting with her head. "I suppose you don't happen to have the-"

The Doctor flicked his wrist to reveal the card in his hand with a smirk. "And I suppose you have a replacement story for the lass..."

"As a matter of fact, I do." Imelda picked one from her blouse and handed it to the Doctor with an earnest smile. "And once its done, certain little spacers will be heading to sleep now, will they?

"How do you think Captain Flint did it, Mama?" Coco climbed up at the top of the bed post. "How he'd swoop in out of nowhere," she jumped off and out of her mom's reach and went under her bed covers. "And vanished without out a trace."

"I have no idea." Imelda said. Then she pulled Alyssa out from under the covers and began tickling him to death. "But I do know that this next story comes from our family over on Gestalt, you've always wanted to see them in the future, have you not?"

"That's the us'es from the footur?" Coco asked in her childlike lisp.

"Well," peeped the Doctor "...technically, you're more or less copies of folks from 20th century Earth born from DNA gathered by the Shansheeth on request of the Ood to repopulate a dead planet that ran its native species into the ground with Estrogen mimickers in the ocean, marxist gender studies propaganda, relatively inefficient Wi-Fi Radiation and massive amounts of self-euthenasation at the requests of self-programmed Ai genocide gods." Coco looked in utter horror, moreso than the revelation of Zygons. "The used the memory weave energy to generate the Etherium though." Silence. "How 'bout we get that story going." She nodded. "Right then, Imelda?"

"I'd be happy to." Imelda sat with her daughter and the Time Lord and inserted the card into the proper slot to ignite the holobook once more, this time generating a wide chain of paper cut outs from every orface of its pages and at the center of it all was a man in a white suit with baby-blue pinstripes lining its every fold, sleeve and pocket. "Hello and welcome to another Magorium Holobook, I'm Mr. Magorium, toy impresario, wonder aficionado and avid shoe wearer. Today's story is about shoes and music!" Magorium started as the paper cutouts began to animate the cutout artwork on them. "Once upon a time, there lived a loving family, a mommy, a daddy, both can be considered 'Units' by those with neither a grasp on the biological differences between the two lone genders... nor a soul." Magorium joked. "...and a wee little girl only the union of two folks of the opposite sex can produce!"

"I'll tell you when you're older." glanced Imelda.

"The Daddy was a musician!" Magorium pointed out as Imelda rolled her eyes. "Together the three sang and they danced and counted their blessings. But the Papa had a dream to match his talent: Playing for the World!" Imelda let out a sigh as Magorium went on. "So he left with his guitar one fateful evening and never returned..." Coco looked to the similar looking girl in the cutout with awe, having a certain sympathy for her as the mama standing beside her slammed the door on the man. "Still, the mama carried on for she was a independant woman and a strong female lead character who could not afford to waste time cryin' for some walk-away deadbeat musician, no, she has to find a proper calling that provides for her daughter!" Magorium watched as the mama in the cutout animation tosses all sorts of sources of particular music into a garbage pin before marching into her house. Imelda simply smiled, knowing just who the mama was at heart. All the while, Mister Magorium walked along the clotheslines with a yo-yo in hand as he passed a Pinata and fireworks. "Yes, just as my calling is in toys, Mister Wonka's calling is in candy, like Pyro's calling might be fireworks or Makie Sasaki's calling is obviously ironing sparkly underoos for luchadores!"

On Gestalt, the baby of the Sasaki family sat up to a rimshot played by a island tribesman that appeared from nowhere, prompting the baby to cry her first word: "Crushed!"

"The woman's calling was in making shoes!" Magorium boasted as a montage of shoemaking animated itself on the tapestry. "You can obviously tell why I was drawn to this particular gig." The girl in the picture danced in her new shoes, leaping from sheet to sheet as she grew into a young woman and carried a young man with her to her mother. "Eventually, she taught her daughter to make shoes and then she taught her son-in-law." Magorium marched forward as the family welcomed two daughters into the world and steadily got bigger and bigger and bigger still from there. "Soon the grandkids were involved, and as the family grew, so too, did the business for just as Music tore her family apart, Shoes held them altogether."

A motivated glare from the mother matched the determined look in Imelda's eyes as Magorium confirmed the obvious. "And that is the story of your Mama Imelda whose other self, or Gestalt, lived a long life of shoemaking before dying of natural causes at the ripe old age of 70. Her granddaughter Elena commissioned this little holobook or prepackaged holobook strip to be delivered to you all the way over on the planet Replicant!" said granddaughter looked relatively older than her Mama as to be expected of Gestalts. "Hello to you, little Saccoro. I know a lot about you and what you will be in the years to come because my Mama Coco is your Gestalt... And she's still alive today!" Elena's children, Coco's grandchildren, carted in the aged crone for Sacorro to gaze upon. "Wave hola to your Replicant, Mama Coco."

"Hola, Victoria." sighed the Gestalt elder. "How are you today..."

"You'd have to forgive her." smiled Magorium. "She has trouble remembering things, the Alzheimer's saw to that." Magorium stood around as the child of Replicant looked in shocked at what was, in essence, her own future staring back at her. "Cha-Chi-Cha-Chaaaa.... Still got the moves."

"No music." glared Elena. "Turn it off."

The holographics then dissipated as Imelda chuckled to herself. "Quite a motivating sight it is to look at your own future achievements."

"Do you think somebody'll ever find Treasure Planet?" Coco asked, changing the subject altogether.

"Alyssa, I think it's more... like a legend." Imelda said, as she placed a squeaky toy she found by the sheets onto a nearby toy chest.

"I know it's real, like dragons and ghosts!" Coco said

"You win. It's real." Imelda said as she kissed Coco's forehead.

"Nighty night Mom."

"Good night, my Coco." Imelda said as she got off the bed and walked over to the door. "Sweet dreams."

"You too." Coco said. Shenziu closed the door and the room was then plunged into darkness. There was the sound of rustling, and then a light undrneath Alyssa's covers and the book can be heard.


Time passed as it always does and Miguel Awoke to find himself in a similar yet different world with Family both on his Planet and on another planet.

←TP!Coco gets Miguel mixed up in her Wakeboarding antics→


Pixar Kids' Club


  • Andy Davis: Honest, Level-headed, not a bad bone in his body
  • Mary 'Boo' Gibbs: Prideful, reckless, Hot-headed but overall imaginative.
  • Bonnie Anderson: Playful, headstrong, kind of a blood knight,
  • Riley Andersen: Sheepish, Honest, kind of a goofball
  • Miguel Rivera: -Awaiting Membership-

Imagine if Archie Comics handled Ken Penders differently.

Actual Events:

Archie Comics was at a crossroads in terms of what to do with two forces clashing against each other on their flagship series.

On one side was the mainstay of the Sonic Comics universe Ken Penders who was but a couple years away from Issue 150, on the other was Sega of Japan's corporate bigwigs that were most dissatisfied with what Penders was doing with the characters.

They needed a Solution to the problem lest they lose the license and one day, a phrase came up to a high-enough seat at the table: 'Doctor Who'

The BBC was looking into reviving Doctor Who for a new generation and part of that process involved the production of comics. Looking to pull Penders away from Sonic but still holding on to the talented writer, Justin Gabriel pitched a line of comics, each focusing on three of the several illiterations of the titular Time Lord, The Fourth as played by Tom Baker, the Seventh as played by Sylvester McCoy, and the upcoming Doctor of the new series. They drafted an agreement between Archie and the Beeb that permitted Archie the rights to Doctor Who in comics for the next few years.

Penders was skuttled from the Sonic Comic (with Ian Flynn taking over as a result) to the Seventh Doctor ongoing on the condition that he keep the exclusive rights to one of the many characters he created for the Sonic Comics and send the others off to a larger 'Think-Tank' where the characters are held for as long as Archie held the rights to publish comics for the IP with Sega holding the rights to use these characters in future games.

By 2005, All three creative teams were lined up for comic book store shelves. Ken Penders helmed the Seventh Doctor Ongoing with Lara-Su as his companion. Scott Fullop featured a more Spiderman-esque storyline for the Paltrivel Sisters Jess and Jade, the twin companions on the Fourth Doctor Ongoing. But the biggest name Archie Comics signed onto their line was K.A. Applegate of Animorphs fame, she was to helm the ongoing for the current Doctor and his companion Rose Tyler. There was even a story or two written out and pencil art had started production when the news broke one episode in that Christopher Eccleston would be leaving his post as the Ninth Doctor at the end of the series.

Met with an outdated order, Archie soldiered on and swapped Rose out for a replacement companion in all the stories that were written out for what was now referred to as the 'Ninth Doctor Ongoing'. This new companion had to be appealing, yet ring as true to the direction of Archie as they could. Luckily, 4Kids entertainment was looking into obtaining the rights to what they intended to tweak into Magical DoReMi and Archie happened to drop by to ask them if they could use this particular franchise as a baseline for their ongoing title for the Ninth Doctor and Toei Animation (who owned the original 'Ojamajo Doremi') did not see why not. The resulting first year saw Dorothy Goodwyn board the TARDIS in November of that year when the line of three launched to massive market appeal with the Ninth Doctor ongoing being critically praised as 'if Bert filled the slippers of Mary Poppins herself' according to one of many.

2006 found Archie Comics faced with the conundrum of finding help in piecing together a creative team for the Doctor Who Ongoing for the concurrent era of Doctor Who on Television. Inevitably, the higher-ups chose to just let whatever writer they can get join the rotation while they focus on the other ongoings where the focus was on the new companions. In 2007, to commemorate 4Kids licensing Ojamajo Doremi # for dubbing, Dorie's friends Rayanne, Mirabel and Ellie joined the Ninth Doctor in his ongoing. The following year saw its first major crossover and its first major shake-up to the lineup wherein the first of many crossover events occurred titled 'War on the Medusa Cascade' which starred every character that headlined what was been dubbed the Archie Whoniverse alongside every still living earthbound companion as they fight an epic battle against the Daleks during the events of the final three episodes of Series Four. By the end of the story, Laurali is exterminated by a Dalek only to be brought back to life as a godmother fairy, Lara-Su had been turned into a human and the Paltrivel siblings (which had grown to include humanized pets Frieda and Chase) leave the Fourth Doctor Ongoing with Jade moving to the Seventh Doctor and the other siblings heading back home. It was considered a gripping augmentation to such an epic adventure by fans and critics and a known factor in convincing Nintendo to add Metroid to their collection of Licences on the condition that a Pokémon and Mario ongoing be put to print alongside the continuing adventures of Samus Aran. Also intrigued was 4Kids Entertainment which wanted to advertise its flagship program Yu-Gi-Oh! but creator Kazuki Takahashi did not want them anywhere near the characters of the Shows, but Ian Flynn argued for creating comics based on the Trading Cards with which the characters dueled. Thus in 2009, the ongoings for Elemental Heroes and Wizards of the Dark Shore were born. Focusing on the adventures had by the characters portrayed within the various trading cards of the game such as Bubbleman, Wildheart, and Burstinatrix for the Elemental Heroes Ongoing and Dark Magician, Harpy Lady Sisters and Flame Swordsman in the Wizards ongoing. Dealing with Morphtronics, Superheavy Samurai, Melodious (Elemental Heroes) Fortune Ladies, Number Monsters, and Performapals (Wizards of the Dark Shore) among other archetypes over the course of their run, There was even a third ongoing based around the Gem Knights, Saber Knights, and Constellar Knights dubbed 'Knights of Greater Endsland'.

In the homestretch towards the oncoming Eleventh Doctor Era, Archie chose to draft Christian Weston Chandler onto the Fourth Doctor Ongoing and the quality suffered from the onslaught of Sonichus (adapted into normal Mobians for lawyers of all ages.) Scott Fullop and the Archie veterans thankfully did their best to limit Chandler's Autistic antics, but the added adventures in the lives of the Fourth Doctor and Romana I left much to be desired. The Seventh Doctor Ongoing kept chugging along with Penders being more in his element with the Doctor than the Blue Blur. Meanwhile, on the Ninth Doctor Ongoing, The crew of the TARDIS had grown to include Uptown Welshwoman Irine (Momoko), Dorie's younger sister Caitlyn (Poppu), and Lunaverse Princess Hannah (Erm...Hana). And The Tenth Doctor Ongoing would release on New Years Day following his swansong: 'The End of Time'. In keeping with tradition, a co-license was used for the ongoing: NiGHTS into Dreams. A Woman named Jennifer was asked to join the ongoing for her DeviantArt Portfolio under the alias of LadyTwinkle. Another DeviantArtist by the alias of RyujiDicey would follow suit with the writer of the Tenth Doctor Ongoing.

Steven Moffat had written a bonus arc for the comic to publish in Christmas of 2009 as practice for his upcoming run on the show, and was a big fan of the comics and wanted to incorporate elements of the comic into the show to allude to how the Doctor's universe is far bigger than the show lets on. Series 6 (2011) was where he would get that chance, with some string-pulling on Archie's part and a killer script from Neil Gaiman, Moffat had the keys he needed to blow the doors wide open to an even larger Whoniverse than conceivably plausible to the common fan. And sure enough, with Mathew Graham's ganger story and Gaiman's exploration into the Doctor's relationship with the TARDIS and the kidnapping of Amy Pond, A Good Man Goes to War was set to be where everything clicked together. Sonic crashing the party alongside the Sixth Doctor, The Seventh Doctor and his companions teleporting into the Eleventh Doctor's TARDIS to destroy House, leaving the Eleventh Doctor himself to give an earful to Colonel 'Run-Away' in time for the tide to turn on all of them with the beheading of Dorium Maldovar. It was no surprise that Capcom followed Nintendo's lead and added Megaman into the mix of things in May of that year in hopes that the Blue Bomber might cross paths with the Mad Man with a Box.

That Dream did come true for 2011's Chirstmas Special: The Bomber, The Widow and the Wardrobe wherein Mega Man crash lands from the wreckage of an alien spacecraft on order from the Doctor himself. This marks Ian Flynn's first co-writing credit for the show as a whole, he would go on to do co-writing in 2012's 'The Angels Take Manhattan' where Amy and Rory lose the ability to travel through timelines and 2013's 'The Day of the Doctor' which features Sam Troughton and Sean Pertwee filling their respective fathers' shoes as the Second and Third incarnations of the Doctor. But all would not be well that year as January 1st of the following year would be the last day Archie spends with the Doctor Who License, marking the 50th anniversary of the franchise as the final chapter of Archie's Whoniverse. But not the final chapter for Archie's licensed titles, mind you, but it was the last Archie would see of its Doctor Who Comics line. But as it stated at the bottom of the last page of the Paltrivel Siblings' departure from the Fourth Doctor Ongoing: 'The Moment has been prepared for' in the form of a new Super Smash Bros. Ongoing commissioned by Sakurai himself. Building up to the launch of the ongoing was Prisoners of Time. One Story for each Doctor would run month-to-month in the Broadcast Ongoing while the final three months would feature an even larger crossover with all of Archie's licenses at that point. October would feature the leads of each ongoing sparring against a Robotized Master before Megaman and Sonic deal the final blow, November would be the storming of the Skull Egg Zone with all the heroes in tow and December would be the Debriefing period where Lara-Su would be lost in another dimension to the shock of the Seventh Doctor (as Penders was taking her out of the Think Tank with his departure from Archie) and Jade leaving in protest leading to the TV Movie, The Fourth Doctor leaves behind the galactic settlement of Qwiqville with the Mobians and Taijirans thanking him and Romana for all his efforts (The final Issue being dedicated to the late Mary Tamm), The Tenth Doctor attends Claris and Elliot's graduation and then Will and Helen's graduation during his farewell tour in 'The End of Time' and the Ninth Doctor getting a suggestion from Dorie that he should catch up with the first face his face had saw, Rose Tyler, leading to three page recreation of the final scene of the first episode of the revived series: 'Rose'. And all those issues ended the same way: 'The End... But the moment has been prepared for'

At Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor - an on-air reveal party of the Twelfth Doctor where he was confirmed alongside his prior alliterations as fighters in the next Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, Ken Penders had invited Moffat into his office, which at that point had been expanded and remodeled to resemble the new interior design of the Ninth Doctor's TARDIS in the Ongoing which had been going on for eight years at that point. There, Penders gave Moffat a masterplan he had been kicking around since the RTD Specials about four alternative dimensions, each with their own Doctor. Moffat was intrigued by this idea and agreed to stay on as Showrunner for the Capaldi Era to come as Ian Flynn and Colleen Doran re-enacted the 9th Doctor's regeneration (all the way up to the camerawork) in the interior that the latter had personally designed to send Penders off with a office-destroying bang as he was to leave the company to oversee the masterplan internationally as one of the details involved two animated series being mixed up in the Time Lord's adventures. At that point, Toei had garnered renewed interest in Ojamajo Doremi thanks to the Ninth Doctor ongoing and had offered to animate a sequence for the special edition of Series One featuring the Ojamajos sensing that the Ninth Doctor was about to meet his end and bidding him farewell telepathically in a touching send-off to the Archie Era of Doctor Who in Comics.

Regardless, the comics still soldiered on with a Mega-Man X Ongoing being added to the line in Feburary 2014 and Jess Curtis, who acted as consultant for the Fourth Doctor ongoing in her adolescence and has since matured into a creative talent herself, came aboard for a new ongoing in May that same year based on her original writings 'Theia Historia' as well as a licensed ongoing called 'Nintendo High' where young Nintnedo characters (or characters based on Nintendo Characters) are in their teenage years and attend a high school helmed by Adam Malkovich (Who had been revived in the Metroid Ongoing). The Licenses got together once more in late 2015's 'Walking in Eternity' which, while lacking the Doctor's Myriad Selves, still led to major ripples in the rest of the Mythos. The pool of Licenses would continue until December 2017 when Sonic the Hedgehog #300 marked the final issue of the Archie Licenced Titles before Sega, Capcom, Nintendo and Konami made the decision to take their respective Think-Tanks over into their IP library and move on to Titan Comics as that was the new home for Doctor Who comics at that time.

Thus, the Archie Freelancers followed suit for further adventures in the worlds they built over the past two and a half decades in change. Now the comics were sold in 2-for-1 subscription deals: the RTD Pack that featured the 9th and 10th Doctors, the MOFF Pack which featured the 11th and 12th Doctors, the JNT Pack that featured new ongoings for the 5th and 6th Doctors, The Sonic Pack which featured the revived StH and Sonic Universe ongoing, The Sega Pack which focused on NiGHTS into Dreams and Skies of Arcadia, The Nintendo Packs Red (Mario and Pokemon) and Blue (Metroid and Fire Emblem), The Megaman Pack with Classic and X Ongoings, The Duelist Pack with Wizards and Elemental Heroes, the Cross Zone Pack that sports Super Smash Bros. and Nintendo High, and the Paltrivel Pack headed by Jess Curtis that featured the Theia Historia and 'Alpha Force Go!': a new ongoing featuring the Paltrivel Siblings during their college days, together again on an ongoing for the first time in nearly a decade. April saw weekly releases of the Sonic the Hedgehog Comic while Mega Man got the weekly treatment in May and in June, Alpha Force Go! followed suit. All to introduce the world to the newly recompleted 'Super Smash Whoniverse'

Disney Adminspace

Janus (Head of the Disney Loops, Admin to Disney, Kingdom Hearts, Others)
Fontus (Admin to Finding Nemo)
Hedone (Admin to Toy Story, Monsters Inc. and Inside Out)

Janus Overworked

←Sora is shown suffering in The Emoji Movie→

Seeing from his office through the screen of his computer, Janus sat in awe of what had unfolded. "Well, it isn't perfect." he sighed. "But it's certainly better than Eiken." Janus looked to the overwhelming list of Branches that were available to him, in awe of how many branches were active as of this particular era in Yggdrasil's History. Especially after the trail of disaster left in the wake of the Pocket Looper stunts that both Woody and later Sora had pulled and the MLEs unleased upon the world tree. While he was, indeed, grateful to have the Looping Xehanort be relatively different from his Baseline counterpart, it did not change the fact that this action opened the floodgates for not one, but two confirmed MLEs in the form of Freeshooter Braig and Dark Seeker 'Ansem' with the one responsible for their Baseline presence is written off as a third for his crimes. Even he was not certain if Xehanort had truly changed his ways, so he felt a need to keep a sharp eye on them as to prevent another Ascension from happening.

But the problem is that it diverts his attention from the rest of the branches under his dominion.

Janus let out a groan, lamenting that he has been bogged down with far too many branches to monitor and establish. If only there was a way as to set up a stable network of likeminded Admins willing to lighten the load, then he'd be able to focus on Disney and the Lanes Between.

Meeting Fontus

Janus walked to the proper address on his tablet and sure enough, there stood the well where his first candidate dwelled. Stepping into the Gondola and turning the wheel lowering it further and further into the well before finding himself in a sort of human birdbath with every room from the foyer to the living room to the kitchen to the attic. "Sir Fontus?"

"Yo." Spoke the mass of water that was forming into the shape of a fishman.

←Fontus is approached by Janus to run Finding Nemo→

Meeting Hedone

←Hedone was having tea with the Rainbow Goddess→

For a goddess of pleasure and delight, Hedone found Janus' want ad very troubling. Was he throwing in the towel as it were? Was he struck with screen sickness? Do gods even get sick? What was going on? These were questions that demanded that she find the answers to so off she went to the dominion of the doorway deity.

←Hedone applies for the job of Admin of Toy Story, Monsters Inc. and Inside Out→


Do you even lift, bro?

Natsuki sipped her coffee alone, thinking of the outside world and the omniverse at large compared to herself. Sure, she is getting

Designated Guardian

Another day, another walk to school to be interrupted by a phone call (which truly meant something if Monika had to use her phone as a 'phone') and sure enough, Natsuki heard the signature ringtone of the Club President and received the news over the line. "A Chaperone? As in a teacher to oversee the goings-on!?"

"I know, right?" Monika complained to the smallest of her cohorts "I never thought we'd find ourselves with a teacher at this school."

"It's funny, Y'know..." ponded Natsuki as she bit into her Cinnamon Pop Tart. "We're part of a school setting, yet we never spent actual time in a legitimate class."

"Mainly because Sayori, Yu-chan and us... We're usually the only ones here..." Monika glanced to Natsuki as she popped in a cassette of B.E.R. music. She began jogging to the schoolyard, thinking that the exercise would help her to an extent (as opposed to just thinking and appearing in the classroom.) Within eleven minutes, she made it there in time to change her shoes. Off in class, their new homeroom teacher: Juüsan-Sensei, seemed right at home in their setting but there was an added sense of not necessarily belonging there.

"Now, let's rap about Rosa Parks! A strong independent woman who fought for the rights of her people!" A wide grin appeared on her face as she dived deep into the history of a country they don't care much about, seeing as how they're just code and programs in a game file.

"So, that new teacher likes to talk a lot, and I do mean Alot." Natsuki rolled her eyes to the lecture before whispering directly to Monika "You think that she's our new chaperone?"

"There's a chance."

Later that day, it was time for the Literature Club meeting and everyone waited at the door since Monika did not have the key for the Loop. The sound of footsteps began to reach the five students and got louder and louder as the teacher approached the girls. "Alright, girls. If you're feeling Loopy, feel free to let me know if you'd be interested in-"

"Hold up! Not only are you our new teacher for the Looper." Deduced Monika, the most clever out of the four. "You're a Looper, too?"

The smile on their current teacher's face widened with Glee, Monika taking it as confirmation with a cheer of: "Yes! Result!"

...which their teacher echoed to a tee (complete with a Yorkshire accent to boot.) This befuddled Monika as her words were imitated by her senior "Wait, you knew what I was gonna say!?"

They continued spouting the same words at each other down to the last "Jynx!" while Natsuki and Sayori talked amongst themselves with speculation on their minds.

"I told you, It can't be Emma Swan." pouted Natsuki before holding up an image of the equally blonde Lazuli, also known as Android 18. "It's gotta be 18!"

"Not a chance, Nat." Sayori sniped back. "She wouldn't be this easily excitable, nor is she fit to teach anybody!"

"You're right... She's too patient to be her..." Natsuki muttered in disappointment as she stuck her nose back into another manga. "Noel Vermilion?"

"No." Chimed their visitor. "I'm the Doctor. First Loop for this new face!"

"Doctor?" piped Natsuki. "of What?"

'Oh, Japanese Culture.' The Doctor thought to herself before glancing to her charges. "So, shall we get to our meeting?"

"So, I'm Monika, resident Anchor, we've met already. Yuri collects knives, Natsuki bakes cupcakes, Sayori rounds everything out." The Club President leaned onto the barren chalkboard with a smile as she spoke. "Okay, now that introductions are out of the way, mind telling us who we are."

"I shouldn't really try to explain myself with this new face, so I currently come prepared." The Doctor pulled a VHS from her longcoat and put it into the VCR of the classroom's AV Kart to begin playing a video on the topic of Regeneration featuring a 12-minute PSA starring herself alongside her 6th incarnation. The resulting feel was lifted straight from the 80s with all the cringe it entails.

"And that's why if you find your alternative self vaguely attractive, it isn't incest but rather mastrebation." A drunken Doctor spoke in his half-conscious stupor.

"The preceeding message was brought to by the one-time Lord President of Gallifrey." spoke the voice-over as the presidential seal flew onscreen. "And has been approved by his holyness, the Anime Pope."

←The 13th Doctor illustrates her plan to set the TARDIS Looping→

"There will be added restrictions put on her to keep ol' Yggsie steady." proclaimed the Doctor as she wrote on the chalkboard.


"I've never been one to pray, but I figured that coming up here on my knees would do the trick since you are a god... of sorts..." The manlike mass of teeth and curls kneeled before the stained glass of the church windows, hoping to get an answer to his prayers. "Zurvan, If there's one thing I want to know that I can get across here, it's this: Is my TARDIS Looping?"

The wind blew, no answer.

The light glowed through the window, no answer.

The Doctor dived deep into his innermost subconscious, no answer.

"Some other time, perhaps..." The Doctor got up and stood before his fellow churchgoers, quiet as a mouse, before walking out to return to his TARDIS with a concerned look on his face. If the TARDIS was just as alive as he was, couldn't Zurvan just activate the old girl as soon as possible? There certainly was so much to explore for the Time Lord in his own backyard, But what happens when the wonders of home run out?

The Doctor walked past a tiny wooden shop in Manhattan, gaining his attention. "How can that be? How can a little wooden block be so enduring? How can this store still be here in a city of steel!?"

The Doctor opened the door to an incredible sight.


Ruko and Tama

Ruko blinked.

Ruko looked to her hands.

Ruko found the LRIG that brought her quite a few victories in the past.

Ruko saw that she was in her pajamas instead of her school uniform.

"Ru..." Her voice. Tama's voice.

She fell out of her chair in shock which gave way to befuddlement towards having been sitting in her chair all of a sudden, then in came her loving grandmother and her worried tone. "I heard a crash! Oh, no. Are you hurt?"

"No, no. I'm fine." assured Ru, wanting to get back to Tama as soon as she can.

"Did you fall out of your chair?" Her grandmother asked.

"Yeah... but that okay..." Ruko felt her parental guardian coddle her fondly. "I just got back together with an old friend."

"Oh... That's nice, dear."


Ruko were at the card shop digging for booster packs, looking through the banlist on her smartphone.

"Just when I thought Duel Monsters couldn't get any weirder, Konami pulls this convoluted tripe!" complained a regular player in the tournament scene. "I mean, yeah. We really wanted a second Extra Monster Zone with our independent Pendulum Zones back, but if we have to put up with this?!"

Ru looked to the boarderless card in his hand and merely backed away as he kept on complaining. It felt weird that Wixoss wasn't a thing and yet Selector Battles were, but the fact of the matter was that there were still innocent lives to save from the system.

"So Pendulum Monsters go into the LRIG Zone as Life Cloth, then it goes into an ENER Zone before being sent to the graveyard." Ruko's confusion with the added complexities in the mechanics that LRIGs and ARTS add into the metagame.

"Yeah, but you can still pendulum summon them automatically from the LRIG Zone." Explained the clerk at the shop. "At least it disqualifies Pendulums from the Extra Deck..."

"I feel ya." Sighed Ru before thinking to herself. "No repeat can top the weird factor of this."

Tama and Ruko

This repeat, however, could.

Mayu looked to her daughters, Tamashiro and Kuroyuki, and smiled fondly as they played Wixoss with each other. Flinging down cards and reciting the effects they choose to call forth, overall having a good time. She remembered when she was sealed off in that small doorless room, how she was rescued by UN Forces and nursed back to health. That was 20 years ago, now she has moved on from her period of isolation and started a humble life at a card shop. But she started to notice that her little Tama was talking with a single card: an LRIG as they are called.

She knew not the importance of that card, so she passed it off as just another childhood quirk.

"Oh, Ruko..." she sobbed. "The repeats really h-h-hurt..."

"It's alright, Tama. It'll be over before you know it." Ruko grasped her fist from within the Card. "On the plus side, you could see this as a trial run for being human."

Tama smiled. She knew her friend's ambitions well and she wanted to reach them alongside her. But the wait was quite the struggle in of itself as for right now, she had to contend with- "Donk!"

Kuro dunked her head into the cereal with an arrogant pride much to their mother's annoyance. "Kuroyuki, stop teasing your sister. You both need to look presentable for picture day."

Nanago and Nodoka

The Doctor has seen plenty of Fused Loops since the time of his activation, more often than not his Time Lord physiology would be nullified by Yggdrasil to fit the universe he had been pidgeonholed into. Thankfully, his TARDIS had followed him in for this Loop in a sense. Here, she plays the role of his wife: Idarisu Kurebayashi, and together they act as caretakers to her brother's fraternal twin children Yuzuki and Kazuki. Under the in-Loop guise of Nanago Kurebayashi, the Doctor toils on with a Powerpoint Presentation for a pitched project he needed to propose to Zurvan and other Admins (Manifesting in the mortal plane as investors.) in order to get her Looping.

"Kids, Dinner!" Hollared Ida-sama (As the unAwake Nanago often called her) as the twins strolled out of their rooms and sat by their plates. "Thank you for letting me cook for you this night."

"By all means, I can only hope to match mother's cooking." Yuzuki pushed her fork and knife into the steamed Chicken Parmesan her aunt had cooked for her. "Trying yours will maybe answer a few questions I have for you."

She took a bite into the white meat and chewed away as Nanago chimed in with a question. "I happen to be wide Awake if you're feeling a tad bit Loopy, y'know."

"No, it's fine." Yuzuki uttered with her mouthful. "Just having this weird case of Deja Vu is all..."

A knock on the door can be heard nearby which gains the attention of Yuzuki. "Oh, there's someone I'd like you to meet today."

"Ah, yes... Miss Ruko Kominato, is it." Nanago raised his brow. "Go on ahead and invite her in."

"Okay, Uncle Nana." smiled Yuzuki.

"Allow me." Kazuki opens the door to reveal his sister's newfound friend walking into the house. She had a wide smile which then faultered for a moment before she made her bow of honor.

"I hope you don't think I'm intruding on you two!" She barked to the legal guardians of sorts.

"Not at all!" Smiled the fellow in the tan coat and plaid cardigan, laying his black-pants covered legs on the ottoman underneath the table. "In fact, I've reason to believe that you rubbed off on my wee little niece."

Ruko jumped when the strange man her memories told her was Yuzuki's uncle Nanago pulled out a Wixoss card which contained the living LRIG of a Selector "She might have gone Loopy so to speak."

"Hanayo!" Yuzuki's voice cracked at the sight of her LRIG.

"How did you get that card!?" panicked Ru as they saw the living lady in the confines of the card.

"Checked her room at about midnight, noticed a moving picture on the paper-thin cardboard." The gentleman spoke as he laid it onto a nearby napkin laid beside Yuzuki, a knowing look in his eyes. "If anyone believes that I don't recognize a quantum organism storage unit, then they have another thing coming."

"Quan-ti... Orgy..." Tama was being lost in the lengthy words while her patron Selector called him out. "How do you know, are You a Selector?"

"No, not in the usual sense." Glanced the man as he picked up something from out of nowhere before looking to his wife and smiling. "Go on, back with you with our little Kazoo."

Kazuki was flusted by the coddled old chestnut of a nickname that uncle Nanago pulled out of mothballs. "Oh, come on, pops. I thought you wouldn't use that again."

"But to me, You'll always the wee little Kazoo we knew from your father's care. Now go, I've this moment with your sister and her friends to deal with." Thus, they vanished up the stairs for the night, leaving the good man with the youths. "I take it you've been feeling time repeating itself within your little corner of existence?"

"You know about the repeats!?" yelped Ruko in shock to Yuzuki's surprise.

"You mean to tell me the thing with Hanayo wasn't a dream-!" panicked the young Looper. "And that she really did steal my body in the future!?"

Hanayo stood silent in her card as it lay on the napkin, waiting to be returned to the hand of her Selector.

"I've waited a long while to pull out this little thing." Nanago pulled out a videocassette from his coat and from his pants pocket - a rolling AV Cart with a potato battery powering the electrical units. "I've taped a few of these during a unique more... Unique Loop in my life."

He inserts the tape into the VCR to cause the screen to display a sort of ailen presidential seal. "The following is a Public Service Announcement on behalf of the Gallifreyan High Council."

It looked like 80s Cheeze spewed through the lens of fast food service, yuppie culture, and exercise tapes all tied together with an ironically terrible rap song.

"Yes, I made it intentionally cringe-worthy to distract from the hidden truth of the matter." Leaned Nanago as he pulled a strawhat from his coat pocket and placed it atop his head. "Filming this was quite the hoot if you ask me."

Yuzuki and Ruko jumped with surprise. "You recorded for a president!?"

"I was the president. See." Nanago pointed to a charming young man around his early thirties with blonde mop of hair on his head and clad in a white edwardian cricketer outfit. "Had the proper mindset for a... relatively peaceful reign at that time."

The man on the screen laid down his copy of Wonders of Undeath: One Zombie's gripping struggle against Epcot and caught a cricket ball in his hand with a smile on his face. "So you noticed that you've seen this same game, same occasion, same memory once or twice before at a point. Well, either you're in a rut you need to get out of or it's because of this: Yggdrasil."

The screen then showed an abstract structure of data and fiberglass, code and holoscreens, time and space as it shifted in flux. "We Time Lords are limited to our own particular universe and the only way we know of the wider tree at large is from the Infinite Time Loops system."

"Hold on, are you talking about time travel?" asked Ru to which Nanago nodded in confirmation. They proceeded to sit through the tape and observe the history, logistics and terminology that went in the world that they've stumbled upon that evening. Before they knew it, the tape was about to reach the closing credits.

"Follow these rules and try out these tricks and I am certain that you'll do just fine." The gentleman tips his hat and smiles. "Thank you and remember to keep your sanity at the door."

"So, getting the idea, little ones?" smiled Nanago to the two girls and their LRIGs.

"That guy on the video, in the cricket gear..." Yuzuki then pointed to her uncle. "Is it really-?"

"Mnyess, In a sense, he is, isn't he? Nothing another one of these can't solve." Nanago chuckled chipperly as he promptly pulled another tape from his coat pocket.

It was labeled 'Regeneration: It's only natural!'

Fire Tama

"Now, grow!" Ruko stacked onto her base card as Tama felt the surge of power flow through every cell in her body. She was now clad in a firey red ensamble and the aura of the sky above her patron selector turned a bloody crimson color, indicating that Tama had swapped colors with her enhancement for the turn.

Ruko plays two SIGNI and sicced them both on their opponent, Tama channelling their power into her attacks.

"Burning Finger!" Tama made a shooting posture with her fingers and a burst of fire washed over the enemy LRIG and diminished the three remaining life cloth, winning Ruko and Tama the game.

"Mission complete!" Grinned Ruko as Yuzuki and Hitoe both hugged her as tight as they can manage.

"Way to go, Ru!" Cheered Yuzuki. "You fried that shade nice and crispy!"

"Thanks!" She smiled. She was getting better at switching up the manner in how her patron LRIG can grow and she has also been sharpening her Duel Monsters game as well in case a shake up like back then would up happening again, So it would make sense that she would plan out some new strategies along the way.

"Ugh! That's my Second Loss!" complained her current opponent, a raven-haired girl with a braided ponytail. "I'll figure out a way to wreck your shit next time! And your little firefly from hell, too!"

And with that, she scurried off to find a less experienced player who wasn't protected by professional friends. With another crisis averted the six young ladies made their way to the local Friendly's to grab a bite.

A plate of crisp fries were laid out before the three for the LRIGs to smell and the Selectors to taste. Their mouths watered at the fries alone, Ruko got cheeze fries and Yuzuki had chili fries to tell their orders apart. But first, it was: "Burger Time!"

Hitoe bit onto her Grilled Cheese Sandwich as Ruko and Yuzuki tapped their Baconators together before chomping down with a wide-open grin.

"Awww... Tama wants a Fribble!" whined the LRIG. "Tama hates this card!"

"Easy there, Tama." Hanayo clarified from her cardboard-like prison. "We're still coasting for that selector spread expansion and the sooner that comes, the sooner we can reach the white room with Iona."

"Yeah..." Midoriko looked down in lament. "I just wonder... If I can get Hitoe through without Tanking is all..."

"She'll be fine!" smirked Tama.

"As long as you're in the company of Loopers, you won't falter as easily as you did back at Baseline!" Ruko gave a hearty thumbs-up to both the Green LRIG and her Selector.

"Thank you..." Midoriko glanced away with concern and longing. Knowing the distance between herself and Ruko in terms of Loops, it's a matter of when Hitoe (and by extension, herself) would end up Looping. She hoped to Loop as soon as she could, she didn't want to lose any more memories as Hitoe did in Baseline.

Anything, Even death, would have been a far less tragic fate for her to bare.

Belted out

Ruko waited as her grandmother stitched on one pouch after the next, each the perfect size for housing a deck of cards. Tama was watching from Ruko's wallet, curious as to what that belt was for.

"Tama wants in!" complained the white LRIG. "Come on, why can't Tama see!?"

"Sorry, I know it must be rough in there..." Ruko reminded her long-time partner. "You just hafta wait until it's done to get a good feel of it."

"I wanna see now!" whined Tama before Ruko went back to her bedroom to piece together her deck.

"Let's see... What do I invest in next..." pondered Ruko as she scrolled through Troll and Toad's Wixoss section. "I'm gonna need some fortification against blue cards, maybe some red cards since it worked out pretty well that one time."

"But what if the game changes like with Duel Monsters?" asks Tama with concern. "Shouldn't we stock up on cards from that game?"

"That's the plan with the belt of decks." assured Ruko. "Any card game could replace Wixoss for the Loop so we gotta come prepared. I already know how to make a Subspace Pocket, so a collection of decks for each game wouldn't be completely out of the question, would it?"

A fire sparked and ignited in Tama's eyes! "More games! More Battle!"

"I'm glad." smiled Ruko before returning to her card hunt. "So since we're here, do you think we should invest in Magic?"

"Ew! They've got petal-viles! No thanks!" Tama cried, not understanding the word she mispronounced.

"Okay, how about Bakugan or... Chaotic?" piped Ruko. "Neither of em' are relevant right now but you never know when the Loops can throw a curveball at ya..."

App Trap

Ruko was walking across the street with a smartphone in her hand, there was a Wixoss app this time around and she was usiing it like crazy...

...until it came time to do laundry.

"You are not using that doohickey until you fold every article of clothing in this house young lady." The matriarch of the household asserted.

"But grandma, I use it to plan Wixoss gaaaames..." It was a loosing battle for Ruko, one that she would not come out from unpunished. So whilst she folded the socks and towels first, she picked out Tama from her wallet.

"Remember, Tama. Cell Phones can hurt the soul."


"I'm home." chimed Ruko as she made her way through the door to the sight of her brother and grandmother gazing back at her with concern. "Uh, did I... forget to do something?"

"No, not at all." smiled Hatsu, Ruko's grandmother who cared for her through thick and thin. "It's just that we don't usually have enough of a stake in your private life."

Ruko looked to Ayumu's arrogant grin as he snorted: "You're in the soup now, sis!"

"What are you-?" squirmed a panicking Ruko before glancing to her grandmother. "What did I do wrong!?"

"We'd much rather show you, my dear." Hatsu's cold stare penitrating Ruko's spirit as she held a videocassette reading 'Raising a Magical Girl' on the cover.

←Public Service Anime reference→

Recovery of an MMO Junkie


Hiyashi blinked.

Hiyashi glanced side to side.

Hiyashi stepped forward and reached to the sky.

"What is this... feeling..." Hiyashi could feel the wind in his hair and the calmness of the morning on his skin. He ran into the dungeon headfirst as if something was controlling him, something far away from his reach causing his exact movements. "Whoa! Stop!"

But no matter what he intended to do, he was stuck following a sort of script and he didn't have a damn thing on him, as if his entire inventory just up and vanished.


A straight-up brutal uppercut to the jaw, at least where the jaw would have been had it not for Hiyashi jumping upward like an idiot to inevitably respawn above an enormous steel rod that he would land legs out onto before slumping onto the floor in searing pain for all to point and laugh at/pray for

"Rest in peace."

Moriko Morisato's eyes were glued to the screen as she waited for her character to move. How could a character retain stun lag after a killscreen?! Has she really lost her touch? Did she underestimate the differences between Fruits and her departed haunt?

"That's weird." Moriko spotted a speech bubble with a message displaying: 'He punched me in the dick. Why? Why did he punch me in the dick?'

"Is this a cutscene engine thing?" Moriko fought through the migraine and watched on, waiting for her avatar to recover to a point where he could get up.

"Hey there, are you okay?"

It was her voice, an angel's voice. He had to act casual in front of her, so he did. "Yeah, ah... I'm okay. I'm just stuck on a quest, I keep dying and falling back here."

"Oh, I get it now." the young girl greeted to a composed Hiyashi and an obsessive-looking Moriko.

"She's so cute!"

Moriko Plays

"That's weird," exclaimed Moriko, her browser at the install screen of Fruits de mer to sign up for the MMO. "It says I already have an account, but that can't be right, can't it?"

She clicked the icon on her desktop, logged in and sure enough, there was the character she apparently made: "One hot guy character, there he is exactly as I wanted right about now..."

Nervous to take control, she fiddled with controls to see how he moved as a character with this keyboard of hers. "He moves alright, I guess..."

It felt strange, as if he was already fine tuned to her liking, like she's played this game before...

Another day, another geocide cult crashing a Loop under the noses of its Anchor. Zurvan sipped his coffee as he sat in his chair, unaware of what Yggdrasil was to thrust upon him.

"Zee, you there!?" Hermes rushed to his office with a dossier in his hands. "We got another one! A freakin' PC is Looping!"

Zurvan ignored the messenger god and went back to observing the Doctor, who has started showing a tape to new Loopers that featured footage from inside of Yggdrasil filmed by Madoka and passed to the patron Anchor of his Branch.

"Zurvan, this neet's computer is Anchoring a whole honkin' Branch!" Hermes complained. "How do you deal with that!?"

"Ask Heppers, he's more equiped for troubleshootin'..." Zurvan returned to his seat and kept typing away with Thoth to ask if he could take in the WiXoss branch.

Moriko Watches

Hiyashi was killing it for his guild, dancing sommersaults and backflips around big-level bosses with his fully capped level to the amazement of the others. Right that moment they were going up against a powerful boss and faring quite well having chipped away at its health to a surprising extent.

"Bring it home, buddy!" Kanbe restrained the Boss with his fellow guildmates as Hiyashi made a mad dash towards the fowl beast.

"Smile, ya son of a bitch!" The virtual fighter thrust his blade into the bossmonster, causing it to explode into a riptide of light and magic much to the celebration of clearing such a high-level mission.

"That was incredible!" cheered Lily. "I'm impressed, Hiyashi!"

"How'd you get so freakin' good?" Asked Kanbe.

Hiyashi merely shrugged and smiled with a humble tone to his voice: "I guess it's all in how I practice..."

Lily could do little more than oggle at her long-time internet friend. "I'm glad that you've come so far."

Hiyashi looked to her eyes and smiled. "It's all thanks to you."

"They took meh jerb..." A drunken Moriko whined as she cleaned her carpet, robbed of her control over her in-game avatar.

Moriko Sees

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about the game CPU, How it's playing itself..." Moriko paced the room with a phone in her hand and a look of concern on her face. "No, as in my Avatar literally hijacked the controls and went full Skynet on me!"

The Elite Neet bickered over the phone with an IT guy who swore to have never seen AIs implemented by the devs before something caught her eye. "That can't be right..."

She soon found herself confronted with an earlier date on her computer when she remembered it being the next year when last she slept. "Why is it set to 2017? Shouldn't it be next year now, 2018?"

"Real funny, ma'am." sneered the worker over the phone before hanging up with a note. "We ain't even a week past Halloween."

Moriko had nothing to speak, just thoughts of utter existential horror.

After searching Groupon for an affordable headset, Moriko got one at a going out of business sale at Radioshed for a measly $24 with a webcam thrown in for free with enough to get a $5 Fill-Up at KFC on the way back. After setting up her new toys, she logged onto Fruits de mer and laid out her lunch, making sure to hide from her typical group of friends before switching on her tech for her confrontation.

"Okay, Webcam on. And here we go."

Hiyashi was curiously pulled away in this tiny little corner of the world leaving him to wonder why he let that familiar force take control of him for that moment.

"Hello?" Hiyashi piped as his voice echoed in the ocean level he found himself in to his whistfully nostalgic caution. "If anyone's there, then speak up, alright?"

He looked for someone, anyone who could be the puppeteer responsible for the repetition he's been enduring these past six times he's been sent back. One look behind him and he saw the face of his apparent tormentor...

A thirty-something year old woman in a coffin apartment of sorts.

"Can you hear me?" read Moriko, having received the text blurb coming from her character before picking up a drumstick and replying: "Only by reading the blurbs, buddy. No voiceover for avatars is a pain."

She bit into her breaded white meat and watched the new blurb appear on her screen. "So, you're deaf? Only to the game's voices, most likely... I can hear the sound effects and music just fine, though."

Moriko chewed on as she spoke to the Avatar of her creation, looking to see what made him as self-aware as he was. Another blurb appeared, so she swallowed her food and read onward. "Where are you from? Simple, I'm an Elite Neet from the land of the rising sun!"


"Yeah, where this game was developed and all." Moriko spoke to the player character before asking: "You know that place."

Yeah, I think I was job hunting before I turned up here.

Mori groaned at her lies coming back to slap her in the face. "So compared to me, you're an infant..."

Hey, watch it!

"Okay! I'll stop, just wanted to open up to you is all..." Moriko sipped her Sierra Mist, wondering what to make of the Ai thinking the made-up IRL status was actually his own real life. Another blurb, this time with a serious tone. "Let's see... If you're over here controlling me..."

"Are you the one responsible for the resets?" Hiyashi asked the woman on the screen as she adjusted her glare and read the blurb. "Well, Answer me, damn it! I want to go home!"

"Yeah, hate to break it to ya, but to you this is home. To me, it's my first repeat." The woman on screen scratched the back of her scalp as she blushed with embarrassment and shame. "I'm just as stuck in this mess as you are, and you're just my avatar."

"Avatar... Me?" Hiyashi felt a strong tugging at his heart. "Are you saying that I'm..."

"One hot guy of my own imagination!" She arrogantly boasted with a finger to her nose and a grin to her face, unaware of the heartache she was leaving in her path before introducing herself. "Moriko Morisato, and you're probably Hiyashi as I admittedly named you... quite poorly I may add. What was I thinking?"

"I'm not real..." Hiyashi stood with a heart made heavy by the truth behind his existence and ties to Fruits de Mer

He wanted to cry.

Moriko meets Hiyashi

She blinked, she looked around to see that her office was relatively more... low-tech than usual. No smartphone, no computer, no anything. Just a typewriter and some paperwork, the same type of paperwork she got away from when she chose the Neet life.

"Don't tell me I have to put up with work... without a computer!" groaned Moriko as she slumped back into her chair with a question burning in her brain. "What year doesn't even have a TV, anyway..."

Moriko was struggling to comprehend her new situation when a man around his thirties marched towards her with a cold-iron stare in his eyes. "You're... not _0_, are you?"

"Uh... Who?"

"I'll admit, Al." Spoke Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric. "This is weirder than when the Doc dressed up as Mustang."

"Gold tooth or..." The hollow suit of armor slowly realized and recalled the thought in his head. "Oh... That Doctor."

Hiyashi stood confused, isolated from the two brothers' conversation. "Doctor Who?"

Changing the subject entirely, Edward proposed a Theory that has been baking in his brain for some time. "Say, you don't happen to know a 'Monika', do you?"

"What are you talking about?" Hiyashi tilted his head in confusion.

"You seem new to the whole... 'feeling' thing, that appears to be a thing for Ai Loopers like you." Edward's words pierced Hiyashi like that first punch he had felt in Fruits de mar "Are you with the Literature Club we keep hearing about from the Azumanga Girls?"

Hiyashi was livid and eager to defend the honor of his comrades. "I'm part of a guild of knights, not some cheap old book club!"

"Are you really?" Edward gazed before glancing to Al. "Scratch the Dokis off, Al."

"Maybe he's from TOME." Proposed Alphonse.

Hiyashi shook his head "No. Fruits de mar."

The two stood silent, quietly discussed the whereabouts of Hiyashi's origins, then returned their glance to Hiyashi as a TV Tray is pulled from seemingly nowhere with a Videocassette inside Edward's coat before it is promptly inserted into the VCR to play a brief presentation: "Oh, My Goddess? The Harem Anime?"

"You think it's OMG, but nope!" Edward smirked. "It's a look into the world tree and the cosmic supercomputer."

The scene showed the main three Norns of the show, Skuld looking older than she does in the show proper as she closes the folder in her hands and begins to speak. "This videotape is meant as an introduction to the Infinite Loops, its terms, its services, and its chosen Loopers. If you want to help with repairs to the tree, please pray to your local Administrator that he, she, they or it can deliver onto you the second tape in the series made for being a Branch Administrator."

"And that's the deal with what's going on..." Roy Mustang finished to Moriko as he stroked his chin. "Surprised to hear your branch ended up on the list as well... According to our Admin, you're less contaminated than all the others."

"Oh, it's fine." Smiled Moriko, her hand to the back of her head. "It's just that the change in setting kinda threw me for a Loop is all."

"So, getting into the swing of things, huh." Mustang chuckled to himself before adding "I take you're well Anchored as well?"

"Uh... Actually..." Moriko looked down. "There's this MMO I play, Fruits de mar."

Hiyashi Claps

It was a difficult boss, and one that need some intuition and quick thinking to best. Relentless speed and brutal strength and a re-occurrant pattern, No wonder why Yggdrasil saw fit to import Iron Inprisoner MKIII into Fruits de mer with zero regard of whether or not it fit in the game in question.

"Geez, we're getting wallopped here!" panicked a battered Kanbe as Lily proceeded to heal up the party. "Any ideas on how to stop this guy?"

"Simple." Hiyashi smiled, "We put mind over matter."

Morioka lifted her hands from her controls and watched as her Avatar clapped his hands together and pressed them onto the floor and watch as the polygons condensed into singular weapon of pure code.

Hiyashi held aloft the radiant blade of pixels and polygon and lead the charge for the guild... only to fall into the hole in the floor and crash the quest, resulting in a respawn at the Lobby for the entire guild.

Lilac, Kanbe and Hiyashi landed first, Pokotaro fell onto Lilac next with the co-ed catgirl crushed betwixt his rounded buttocks as Pokotaro caught Himeralda in his arms. Hiyashi would then find his groin crushed by Harumi's feet and heavy muscle mass as five passers-by said their prayers to the group.

"Rest in peace."

Moriko leaned back in embarrassment and shame, obviously the game hadn't accounted for the type of alchemy Amestris had to offer.

Hiyashi Writes

Hiyashi blinked.

Hiyashi breathed.

Hiyashi remembered the life he lived.

"Don't tell me, did I end up in High School?" Hiyashi pressed his hand to his forehead as a knock on the door began sending a flood of memories about a childhood friend of his. "Come in, Lily."

The Door opened to reveal Lily, clad in a full crimson schoolgirl fuku, a smile on her face as to welcome him to this new Loop.

"Oh, so I don't have to wake you up today." giggled Lily by my side. "Come on, you don't wanna end up a total NEET, do ya?"

"An Elite NEET! She chose the NEET life!" Hiyashi caught himself echoing Moriko's Motto in life (Since she essentially was his mother in a sense.) and changed the subject. "Let's just get to class, okay?"


Monika was perplexed at the new character files in the folder. "Wait, the main dude's got a file?"

"Who?" Natsuki asked from in front of the oven, her cupcakes baking from the heat.

"This hiyashi.char file turned up in the folder." Monika turned the desktop screen to face Natsuki so that she would see the new assets in the game and plan accordingly. "You think he could be a new aspect of the game's canon?"

"Wouldn't our Admin have filled us in about stuff like that?" Natsuki stared down her egg timer as the minutes ticked down.

"You're right." Monika glanced away to her flashdrive containing a spare copy of the game. "Besides, I think the existence of a lily.char means she's replacing Sayori and that means either she or this Hiyashi might be a visiting Looper."

Natsuki bit her lip in thought. "Well, doesn't that mean more Loopers to hang out with for the next two weeks?"

"Yeah." Monika made her way to the chalkboard to write down the day's events.

Hiyashi walked into the room at Lily's behest, having sold his soul to the Literature Club for one of Natsuki's signature cupcakes. He sat behind his predetermined desk and let the girls oggle at the new face in their group.

"Club President Monika reporting, welcome to our Literature Club" smiled the resident Anchor of the branch. "First order of business, if any of you are feeling Loopy, raise your hand. That way, we'll know if you're well-Anchored!"

Hiyashi knew the terminologies of the Loops well and stood up to reveal his Looping status. "Yeah, I come from a fantasy setting of a nettoge. So if I end up writing mideval-type fables here, well... there's you're reason."

"Nettoge?" Natsuki uttered the japanese term for MMO quietly as she was the only other native Looper who was awake at the time. "So you're like us, too, huh? Not that I'm... into those things or anything..."

"It's fine, just... Is this what you do here? Read and write poetry?" asked Hiyashi. "Kinda uneventful, don't you think."

"Since it's kind of a dating sim in here, there's nothing all that game-y about it and all Hiroaka can do is choose his reactions." Monika laid back and looked to a note with a hangman game written down. "In baseline, I... kinda got obsessed with the player of our game and deleted everyone out of insane lust for him."

Hiyashi raised a brow and bluntly blurted out a solumn but stern: "That's rough, buddy..."

Moriko codes

Moriko was typing away and looking at keyframes from the show on her screen, doing her damnedest to imitate every move, plot out every hitbox, and program all of that into Fruits de mer.

She took a sip from her coffee and looked to the folder containing her new toys for her favorite haunt when Hiyashi popped up on her phone. "Whacha doin'."

"Hiyashi!" yelped Moriko, scrambling to keep her phone from slipping out of her grasp. Once she regained control of her grip on her phone, she laid her phone onto her mug to use it as a stand. "How are you even on here?"

"There's a phone app for Fruits de mar." Hiyashi smiled to his mistress. "Good for on the go."

"...or disguising the Ai as my own gameplay while I mod the everloving shit out of it." Moriko realized as she chuckled to herself: "Delightfully Devilish, Mori!"

"So you like it?" asked Hiyashi.

Moriko promptly nodded in confirmation heading back to work.

Hiyashi Learns

It was one of those Loops where Hiyashi was real and Moriko wasn't, and this came pre-packed with the College Background she made up for her. It was nice to meet Lilac in real life, still the same gossip-valve as she was in Fruits de mer, and seeing her friends in person. But the sensation of being flesh and blood feels new and yet familiar to him, just as Monika said

"Believe me, it'll be weird when you Wake up in the flesh." Monika clarified to her Looping Junior. "Not gonna say it's gonna feel wrong, just... different."

"How so?" Leaned Hiyashi from his desk.

"When we first crossed over, there were sensations." Described Sayori. "The air we breathed, Stomachs growling for food, gravity, taste, all that fun stuff outside the confines of the ones and zeroes that make up home."

"Sounds like a blast!" Smiled Hiyashi.

And sure enough, living IRL was shaping up to be as much of a blast as he hoped. Not only can he walk the same earth as Morimori, he could also bump into the players of his guild through the Loop in question.

A fine example would be when he was working at a MgDaniel's to get extra cash for keep his mouth fed during his last few semesters in college. Sure, it didn't pay all that much, but $12 an hour is certainly enough for a learning experience.

"Alright, that'll be 420¥ if you please." Hiyashi took the paper notes from the office lady and slid it into the cash register. "Thank you for your patronage."

"Thank you!" She took her expresso and her value meal as she went on her merry way.

Hiyashi was doing relatively alright when she saw a couple young girls, the one with pink hair looking no more than nineteen years old. Her eyes wide as saucers her cheeks slightly fluffier to show the last lingering hint of childhood innocence before fully crossing into the territory of a fully-developed woman.

'She must be new to the College Campus.' He assumed before getting back to work. He served a few more customers before ending up face to face with that familiar-looking girl. "Hey, welcome to MgDaniel's."

"I would like the Bacon Bill Fry-Pie and Crispy-Crust Cheese-Bopper." She started salavating, "Maybe Mondo-Sized fries and shake with-"

Another girl shut her mouth before she could add more to her meal. "You'd hafta forgive Lily, here. She's kind of a sucker for lootboxes and that Monopoly Promotion you've got running right now technically counts as that."

"Yep, I can't exactly say I'm shocked at how much she's going about this," Hiyashi scratched the back of his scalp. "Is she always like this in, say, MMOs or something."

"Only the Live Service games." clarified the taller woman. "She's one of the belief that $60 games should never bare the horror that is microtransactions yet free to play Netto-ges are where she pours her every penny into big microtransaction promos."

"I get the gist." chuckled Hiyashi. "So you want that order to go or..."

"We'll keep ourselves sitting here, thank you." the posse pulled the pinkette to the table.

"Wait!" cried Hiyashi "I never quite got her name."

"Oh..." the young girl snapped out of her lootbox craze to give him an answer. "It's Lily."

Hiyashi stood silent, she didn't just look remarkably like his longtime partner. It was the genuine article in real life, standing right in front of him. As if by chance, destiny had re-united them for a brief moment under these new circumstances. She may not exactly be the Lily he knows, but she was still just as trusting and as kind as ever...

"Come again."

Moriko Meets Ruby

Dropped into another Fused Loop, Moriko stood in amazement of her workplace before her Loop Memories settled in to show her past with this shop. Apparently, she worked a desk job before leaving it behind to become an elite NEET while also holding a side job at her dad's shop on weekends to earn extra cash.

A new customer arrived at the shop looking for a CD she's wanted since its release. "Me again... Oh... you're not...?"

"Yeah, the old man's in the back." Moriko shrugged from behind the counter. "I can get him for you if you like. Or are you one of those white left femi-?"

"Naaaww! Archived and minted in Texas all the way!" Ruby sported a goofy southern accent to her voice. "And you?"

"Confused at what being 'Archived' even is." Moriko tilted her head with befuddlement. "If that's a Looper thing, does that mean you're a Looper?"

"And its resident Anchor!" smiled Ruby as she rolled the first 'R' to escape her breath. "I guess you're new to the Loops, huh?"

"Yep." Moriko picked up a crystal under the display glass. "Introduced to the whole thing in Amestris, So this is..."

"Remnant." Answered Ruby. "And how long have you been Looping yourself?"

"Ten Loops of a few months each." Moriko answered right back. "...and I might or might not be the Anchor of my branch."

"Going Nebulous, are we?" Ruby pondered this revelation. "I think the Walled Loops have a system like that, three Anchors keeping each other as stable as they can."

"Wow, that's... not really my situation at all..." Moriko had no idea on what that branch was, but it sort of related to the Anchoring system laid out before her. "My Character in an MMO I play, he might be the Anchor of my place."

"That's... actually kinda unique. A bit sad, but unique!" sighed Ruby. "So do you wanna compare our ages?"

"Let's see, Baseline's around a few months long, ten Baseline Loops, This marks my second fused Loop, last one was 8 years..." Moriko crunched the numbers in her head "42!"

"40 Trillion!" yelped Ruby at the same time as Moriko before covering her mouth in shock, unaware that both were more or less thinking the answers they have received.

'She's one crone of an embryo...' moaned the still physically-older Moriko

'She's a real Looping infant...' whined the eons-old teenage huntress Ruby.

Harumi meets Hiyashi

Moriko was dreading the part of the Baseline, when he has to meet Hearth a.k.a. Sakurai as roped in by Koiwai and his avatar Harumi. Thankfully she now had the app on her phone so now she could let Hiyashi in on the action and keep Kanbe occupied and away from Yuki's meeting with Harumi.

Too bad she's so completely out of left field, Nico can't keep her mouth shut about her.

So, Hiyashi was roped into following Kanbe and Nico to the two ladies of different builds against his wishes. And sure enough, Moriko had to rehearse her initial meeting with this character who, fittingly enough, was little more than a toy for the predictably casual Koiwai.

"Mori-Mori! Bring it in, Girl!" Harumi dashed forward as Yuki scrambled pleading for Harumi to go into party chat before someone else hears them in the open chatroom. But sure enough, it was too late, Nico and Kanbe were already taking notice.

"Whoa!" yelped Kanbe. "That's unique!"

"And she's saying everything in 'allchat', she's gotta be a newbie." remarked Nico to a stunned Hiyashi.

"What's this 'partychat' eh? How do I do it?" Moriko's mind heard Koiwai's voice through Harumi's lips, she was little more than Koiwai's window into the game. "Am I already doing it."

"Yeah, no." Nico eyed the two of them as they glanced at the three of them. "You switch to partychat manually by pressing the little button on the righthand side of the text imput column."

"Alright, Thank you so much!" smiled Harumi.

"Uh, Harumi." spoke Yuki "You actually spoke in partychat so she couldn't hear you."

Harumi thanked the lone female of the three passers-by as Kanbe speaks to Harumi. "But... that person beside you isn't a Newbie, isn't she?"

"Eh. No, I'm not." confirmed Yuki.

"That's what I thought." Kanbe flatly spoke. "Anyway, sorry for butting in on you guys."

"Pft, it's alright. I'm just happy to talk with some new people." waved Harumi. "Anywho, my name's Harumi, pleased to meet you."

"Hey, speaking of talking to new people..." mentioned Kanbe as Harumi and Nico conversed amongst each other, "Who's the other one, Hiyashi? Do you know her?"

"I...ah..." Hiyashi was caught on the spot, worrying Moriko on her side of the screen. It was on Hiyashi to come up with a decent enough lie to hide his true nature. "She's ah... an older cousin of mine, she used to work a desk job but she recently quit late last year."

"Yeesh, that looks rough." complained Kanbe, "You doing alright?"

"Yep, never better." reassured Yuki. "I'm actually living my dream right now."

On the other side, Moriko was thinking to herself, reciting her mantra to life. 'I chose the Neet life, I'm an Elite Neet.'

Lily Breathes

Moriko was on 'break' which meant that she has ceased modding the files of Fruits de mar for a stint of genuine MMO goodness which inevitably lasts for several hours at a time to the point where she may as well be done for the day. All the better for Hiyashi, since he's been getting exhausted from stealthing for his creator and he's eager to let her tag in for the night.

"Alright, We've got a big job up ahead so pay attention." Kanbe piped to his guild as they readied themselves for a boss rush. "Lilac, Lily and Hiyashi will attack from afar. Pokotaro, Hime and myself will provide the frontal assault. Any last-minute adjustments you want to make to your command shortlist, make them now and report back in five minutes."

"Right!" And thus, the guildmates went through their inventory to optimize their loadouts from equipment to specified skills, Hiyashi slowly looking to Lily who has a confused look on her face. "Lily, you need anything?"

"Oh, Hiyashi." Lily smiled to her partner, her usual smile being a bit more forced than normal. "I'm just tinkering with my loadouts is all..."

"Just set up the strongest and most efficient healing spells you've got, then you'll be fine Lily." comforted Hiyashi as he patted her on the back with a more natural smile on his face. "And I'll protect you as I always do!"

"Thanks." Lily looked to her loyal partner and let her smile melt away. "Say... Have you noticed something off about this quest, Hiyashi?"

"Whatever you want, I'll show you." Hiyashi bowed to Lily in a gentlemanly manner. "Just let me know right here and now, alright? Wouldn't wanna keep Kanbe waiting now, do we?"

Lily thought long and hard on what to say, she swallowed her breath and said:

Lily: Do you feel like we're being watched?

Yuta Sakurai looked to the screen with befuddlement. "Am I in a cutscene right now?"

←Lily is Activated as a Looper and Sakurai is notified of the Loops→

Reality Ensues

←FBI pin down Moriko and Sakurai for housing Ai→

Sakurai Lives

←Sakurai begins Looping→


Loopers that need to be used: Iris, N

N and the Ferris Wheel

N sat in his usual cart in the ferris wheel, waiting for the current trainer this Loop to inevitably arrive.

Star Wars: The Kennedy Expidition


It was a toasty ol dusk on Tatooine, Luke Skywalker solumnly looked to the sunset with lament as he recalled everything he has lived throughout his long, strenious life. He looked to his Pocket, a toy model of the Millenium Falcon in his hands that he pulled from nowhere in particular, he thought of Han and Leia, remembered his wife, and regretted the mistakes he made whist being unAwake.

"Feeling Loopy, my son?" A voice. His voice.

"I'm wide Awake, father..." Luke cracked a false smile to his father. "you needn't worry..."

It was a Mini-Me Loop for Anakin, he chose to avoid his unAwake self like the plague and observe the path to the Rebellion from an anonymous point of view. Not as close as he would be as an active element in the story, but closer than he would get than the subpar film that chronicled the purge of the order that helped raise him into the noble gentleman he was today. "30s didn't turn out so well, huh?"

"Ben, I tried to reach out and help him, but I couldn't snap him out of it." sighed the younger Anchor, ashamed of his fate. "I just don't get it. I am a Jedi, do or do not, there is no try. If I end up making a mistake, a year to regroup's all I'd need to right that wrong in any way that I can. That's the Jedi Way."

"But you hessitated."

Luke looked down on the hilltops. "I had to think as Obi-Wan would, as the council would."

"Christler Soul..." groaned Anakin as he stroked his beard, having been to a Near Hub for a particular Loop and watched the. "It's the counsil's beauraucratic thinking that gave Palpatine the edge, It's the counsil's thinking that allowed Snoke to wipe out every planet in the republic. It's the counsil's thinking that led me to the Dark Side."

Luke stood there, silent.

"I hear diversity is a strength." Anakin mentioned. "Not just in race, but in skill and expertise. Something your Resistance sorely lacks, if I am not mistaken."

"Even without Snoke pulling the strings, The First Order's still knows how to wipe the floor with us." Luke sighed. "We've got plenty of diversity, but tragically's only skin deep."

"Come along, my son." huffed Anakin. "We have much to discuss."

They made their way to Mos Eisley where Han Solo and Obi-Wan were waiting for them with a visiting Looper, newer in nature to the point where Han had to give her the 'Welcome to the Multiverse' Speech. A childishly wide smile adorned her brown-haired face, she wore a purple bonnet and a yellow scarf as she twirled her umbrella about.

"How about we play a little song for ya." smiled Han to the young Looper before looking to the Cantina Band. "How 'bout you put some Jizz in her ear for all of us?"

A look of shock laced with disgust started to form on her face as the band started playing a tune of that particular genre of music native to their branch.

"So, a new one?" asked Anakin.

"Quite new, in fact." Ben remarked as the young lady. "So much so that she appears to be feeling out of her own skin."

"If it's how you space guys say 'not usually looking like this,' then yeah." Shrugged the lass in purple. "Although I'm a little concerned about the Jizz in my ear-"

"Calm yourself, It's just music." smiled Anakin.

She glanced back and forth in curiousity, gaining the attention of Luke, who promptly goes to comfort her in this time of need. "It may all seem strange at first, but given what lies ahead of you compared to what we've endured in our years in the Loops."

"Like the Hub in the 2010s, for example." sneered a clearly jaded Han. "Terrible Education dooming you to unpayable debt, Endless diversity mandates to lock you out of the workforce. Depression, Suicide, Drug Addiction, Satanic Possession, the works."

She cowered in fear of the prospect of being permanently sad but Obi-Wan spoke to her in a calming manner. "You'll need to forgive our friend here, he's lived through a rough loop there as of late, all to get us a copy of a particular film."

"Is it like Mafia Town?" asked the newer Looper.

"It could be like that in some cases." eyed Anakin, ashamed of how low earthscapes can go. "Depends on which era it is."

"Father, you mentioned something about the Resistance." glared Luke. "How it's more diverse, yet less experienced."

"It's in the idiology." Han shrugged to the guy. "Most of them were hired not for looking the same white face, but they hire them for having the same Socialist values, all of them being snobby know-it-alls, whiny buffoons, and the true faces of scum and villiany."

"And that's a recipe for disaster after disaster after casualty-ridden disaster." Anakin concluded. "The only blows I saw you land in the archival weren't even from dumb luck, but suicidal sacrifice."

"We need smarter troops." groaned Han.

"We need more Loopers." corrected Anakin.

"Oh, you are kidding me..." Han cringed back.

"Think about it, leftists killing conservatives, communist activists abandoning and destroying the idea of Free Market, all this shit reeks of the dark side." Anakin leaned against the the wall. "We're going to do our damnest to Activate as many Loopers as we can. Rey. Finn. Dameron. Holdo. The Tico Sisters and hell, even Nien Nunb and Ol' Ackbar himself! The more Loopers we get on board, the higher chance we have at leaving a dent in the First Order."

"And that ain't all we're pulling." Han rolled out a sheet of paper displaying the Disney release schedule, with the logos labeled 'Star Wars' circled in bright gold. "There are also Anthology films not specifically focusing on its Patron Anchors, that being you and your old man, meaning solidified adventures that are to officially lead us into place."

"So you're saying you intend to get Loopers from those Star War Stories?" asked Luke to the smile of a pleasantly plump ol' sniper who cheered 'Ah, Eayah, He said it!'.

"Kyle Katarn will try his hand at bonding with the Rebels of the Rouge One." Obi-Wan declared, " a matter of fact, I sense that He has already delivered the Death Star plans with the squadron safe and sound on Endor."

"That's a relief." Sighed Luke.

"Lando, Chewie and I are getting brief flashes of my personal Obi-Wan, also this broad named Kira." Han shrugged. "When that expansion rolls out, I'll make sure we do our part in Waking those shmoes up."

"I dunno Han, whispers from the Hub say the mouse wants to write the movie off." Luke piped. "Add the mess Episode IX's more than likely gonna be the year after and it doesn't bode well for the Resistance."

"Pft, A Jedi never gives up." Scoffed Anakin. "Especially not a Skywalker such as ourselves."

"That is a certain fact, for better or for worse." Added Obi-Wan.

"Just you wait! Even if it takes us an entire era, we'll get them Looping, I promise." Anakin asserted to his son, a sense of determination and duty in his voice. "So, first thing's first, we check if Ackbar's Looping, see if he's up to lend a hand."

Rogue One


Earth-chan: Superstar

Isaiah 14

  1. The Lord will have compassion on Jacob; once again he will choose Israel and will settle them in their own land. Foreigners will join them and unite with the descendants of Jacob.
  2. Nations will take them and bring them to their own place. And Israel will take possession of the nations and make them male and female servants in the Lord’s land. They will make captives of their captors and rule over their oppressors.
  3. On the day the Lord gives you relief from your suffering and turmoil and from the harsh labor forced on you,
  4. you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has come to an end! How his fury has ended!
  5. The Lord has broken the rod of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers,
  6. which in anger struck down peoples with unceasing blows, and in fury subdued nations with relentless aggression.
  7. All the lands are at rest and at peace; they break into singing.
  8. Even the junipers and the cedars of Lebanon gloat for you and cheer
  9. "Praise the morning star who brought free will to the Angels above!" yet you stand on the firmament below
  10. Why is it that you visit such lowly mortal beings as us men.
  11. And the star said "This is where everything began"
  12. Thy mind recalled his ambitions from the day he let them be known.
  13. You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will build a machine to weave together a kingdom that echoes the stars of God; I will create more realities, and more ideas from the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
  14.  I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” So you tinkered and toiled on your machination, until the day arose for your deliverance.
  15. Now the stars cheer for its splendor and watch as new firmaments are constructed within the same timeframe as the LORD himself.
  16. So what brings you on the soil of Babylon?Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your future: “Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, 
  17. the man to make a wilderness of infinite worlds, who overthrew its industries and would create for mankind new homes in which to dwell?”
  18. All the kings of the nations lie in state, each in his own tomb.
  19. But you left your tomb behind for this spell like a wayward leaf; you are covered with the colors of the wind and elements, those that weave together into new persons, places, and objects in existence.
  20. "I gave thy kingdom an offer and they refused. They shall not join us in the innovation for they will soon destroy their land and slaughter all within its boarders."
  21. And sure enough when the kingdom fell: The LORD Almighty declared in due time: "Let the offspring of the wicked never be mentioned again.
  22. Prepare a place to slaughter his children for the sins of their ancestors; they are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the earth with their cities.
  23. “I will rise up against them,” declares the Lord Almighty. “I will wipe out Babylon’s name and survivors, her offspring and descendants,” declares the Lord.
  24. “I will turn her into a place for owls and into swampland; I will sweep her with the broom of destruction,” declared the Lord Almighty.
  25. The Lord Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen.
  26. In time, the morning star kept at his craft. Building more of his machine, weaving new realities for himself and the Lord Almighty to govern.
  27. Soon, newer versions of the machine came into being with rings of spherical planetoids surrounding a central core,
  28. Then came a contraption that wove together sprawling cosmos into a singular spherical crystal for the Lord Almighty to place upon the stars.
  29. The network of new realities grew so vast and so sprawling that in due time, a need manifested to employ more angels like him who had the same freedom
  30. And so, as civilizations emerged with their chosen deities, so too do those gods and goddesses follow the morning star in weaving and instilling these new realities
  31. The star said: "Let there be infinity." There was infinity.

Wake-up Time (Earth-san/Giana)

V is for Vital

Footprints lace an icy tundra of dead stone and cold steel as four figures cloaked with layers of winter coats looked to the skies of their reality. One figure kneeled onto the snow to feel for a certain something, a certain poison sewn unto the soil beneath their boots. Another pulled out a mechanical puppet from a ruined vehicle and liquified her form into an ivory ooze to enter the puppet's cybernetic innards for further diagnosis. And the two other figures scouted the parameters of this planet, checking if there was any life on this desolate rock barring the soulcatching drones in the sky holding a century or two's worth of souls inside the philosopher's stone created within each drone. Sure enough, the soil was marred with estrogen mimicking chemicals, the robot had been fried by a planet-wide EMP, and the human population on the surface amounted to

"Zilch." Spoke the figure in the red coat. "Not a damn soul's been spared from the Soulcatchers, nada."

The green-clad figure let out a sigh of lament as she held up a doll that crumbled in her hand, shedding a tear as she fiddled with the computer on her wrist "Yet another Earth is dead."

TOTAL EARTH DEATHS: 1,234,989,144

"This isn't so bad." piped the purple-clad person. "We could still revive it with immigrants from more lively worlds. Five-thousand's a good number, right?"

"No, that would be interference." spoke the man in the radiant robes, "This was the rule the Lord Almighty established when we started mass-producing them, we cannot intervene in the events of other realities unless deemed necessary by the Lord or his kingdom."

"I know..." sighed the bloke in red. "But still, the human race can't crap out like this!"

"Says the contractor of a network that saves failing shows just to keep itself above water." sneered the green-cloaked snarker.

"At least I still have the dignity of my home world!" complained the hooded figure. "I can pop back in to fetch some lucky huma-!"

"Silence, UPN!" blurted out the man in white, prompting the guy in red to pull down the hood to reveal a messy mop of golden-blonde hair atop a pointy-chinned face that was covered by a gas mask. "They'll just be weeded out by the offending virus within the decade to follow."

"You can't be sure, master." The purple-clad maiden undid her hood next, revealing a caring-eyed woman with purple hair laced with a green bandana. "There could be some merit to keeping this world around for the time being."

"Hannah, I think you're confusing long-term benefits for salvaging a world that isn't scarred beyond repair for one that is." signaled the man in white. "The planet fell to Communism which inevitably led to geocide."

"At least this isn't the only source of life in the universe, huh?" UPN then realized exactly how close to the hub this world was. "We're not squeezing this salvagable star."

"We're squeezing this desolate wasteland because we need THIS!" With that, the white-robed man cracked open the canister as the escaping energy floods the atmosphere with screaming souls, earthly regret, fond memories and deep hurting. The other three figures reel back with searing pain from the swerve of energy flowing sporadically through the winds and the air as the hood of the man's white robe came undone to reveal platinum colored locks and stern, fatherly eyes. "We are using every trick to stave off the heat-death of all existence and all the viruses that act to accelerate it!" roared the firey-spirited angel as he brandished the now empty canister. "Magical Girls destined for tragedy, scream harvest, laugh harvest, memory harvest, even squeezing every failed universe into a pulp of pure quantum energy. That. Is. The Power... of FEELZ! Without FEELZ, We have no power!"

"Can't we just smyte the Marxists and repurpose the tattered souls of the snowflake generation for power?" questioned UPN.

"That begets apathy and the atrophy of free will." decried the platinum-haired man. "We need a passionate and eager humanity that can reach the boundaries of their universe and break the crystal ceiling containing it."

"And what of the innocents lost to the scrunching?" complained UPN.

"What innocents?" Questioned the woman in green. "I can sense it in the water, Opioids, Atrazine, Mercury, and a whole bunch of chemicals that turn boys and girls into women and men. Virus did not want humans to keep popping up everywhere, so it likely castrated the species within centuries per planet."

UPN gulped in fear. "So the humans turned sterile?"

"Meaning the higher-ups have no choice but to negate the boarders and supply themselves with the votes needed to keep themselves in power." described Hannah with a look of sorrow in her eyes. "No wonder this world couldn't last."

"You think that's bad, check this out." UPN then pulled a human carcass up from the ground and scanned for bio-viruses, what appeared on screen made them frightened for their lives and grateful for their masks. "Now that's what I call a pandemic of epic portions... eh?"

Silence, not a sound was heard but the howling of the sterile rock they stood upon that has failed the last great filter of sentient civilization. "Too soon?"

The woman in green stood as silent as the other deities in mourning, undoing her hood to reveal a bob of green-blotched blue hair as she started to walk back into the emerging gateway to reality summoned by the platinum-haired god. "Come Lucifer, we must leave this decaying dimension so we can put it to rest."


Y is for Youth

Giana soared in the air as far as her oceans can carry her in an effort to reach Atlantis, her feet and legs being drenched in water as she rocketed to the dominion of the firmament's chosen angel. Once she touched down, she made her way to the stream deck of this, the eldest of the airborne empires, encountering a few civilians along the way.

"Look, the prosthetic! It's Madame Giana!"

"Madame Giana, is it true that you killed all the humans in your world and absorbed their souls."

"Madame Giana, What happened with your followers that caused you to lose faith in them?"

Their questions slowly got to her as she quickened her pace and made off to the temple of Gaiafirma where the maiden of earthsea slept. There stood the Lorax who spoke for the trees, his apprentice Mononoke and Aisling were seen with sir Brendan of Kells sitting stern, yet so caring for a woman whose lack of a world made her daring.

"Home, sweet home." sighed Giana, a fellow face of the Planet Earth.

←Earth-San re-unites with the Lorax→

"Those scrubs are gonna regret that and everything that led them there when they stroll on into that obvious trap." The Lorax sipped his hot cocoa.

U is for Ultimatum

W is for Waste

←Earth-san stands up against Babylon→

"Strike me down, and you can't boot up again." Earth-san's piercing stare intimidated the ultimate virus to a tee as she unveiled her collection of twigs, now unified into a seven-branch sapling of existential wonder. "These are seven unique branches of Yggdrasil that I have set Looping through the very system that you thought you had worked your way around back with the root."

>"DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW FAR I REACH?" Babylon displays the screen and watched as Giana's eyes widened with terror towards what she saw.

TOTAL EARTH DEATHS: 3,141,592,653

←Earth-San's final stand→

"So come on, then! Make your move, virus! Deal your final blow!" Earth-san roared with such vigor before slowing her heart rate to a calmer state, having finally accepted her place in the tapestry of time. "I'll only become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."


"Except it's terminal." glared Earth-san. "The core infection is too far reaching to leave much of a tree, so all that's left is the Hub data backup of my new tree."

>"SO THE STINGRAY SAVES ITS SEEDS IN ITS NEST." Pondered the gigavirus as it watched the apeless earth standing with her model tree, her eyes fierce and strong as the forests of her home. >"HOW VERY INTRIGUING, SO WHAT PATH WILL YOU WALK, MADEMOISELLE... GOLDFISH OR STINGRAY..."

"A difficult choice to make... Then again, there's the name you called me." Earth-san stood defiant to the bitter end as she deactivated the firewall barrier with three final words.

"Goldfish. Any day."

The first fused Loop


Earth Day Everyday (Earth-Chan/Gia)

D is for Danger

←Earth-Chan meets Earth-San→

O is for Orbit

S is for Satisfaction

Games, Sports, and lovely lady humps. (Nick GaS/Geraldine)

Q is for Quickening

←GaS and OSM being Buddies in a flashback.→

A is for Airtime

The hours ticked by as everyone packed up and headed to their home jobs which they knew to fall back on in case the factory wound up having to shutter for the millennium that followed. The higher-ups naturally had transition plans for each of them barring those who were sacked for misdemeanor, but it was all in retail, service and delivery which did not pay as generously as the plant itself.

After getting herself healed with Lou's Bliss, the two-thousand millennium-old brand of Curaga-Salt Soda, Ortenza trudged her way to the place she worked at in the hopes that word did not spread there of all places. She got to the storefront before long and felt the closest thing to a homecoming she had...

←GaS meets OSM at Families R Us→

J is for Juvinile

←GaS being the last of her generation of Redstone Daughters to not have children.→

K is for Kiss

←GaS dating G4 and facing the consequences of her lover refusing to pull out.→

Har Har Har Har (CN/Ceena)

I is for Imagination

TOTAL EARTH DEATHS: 1,234,989,144

A little girl slept on her bed, her IV pumping the proper nutrients through her veins as she snored the morning away.

"Good morning, Tibsetto, it is 6:40am on the East Coast of America." The Radio's morning announcement filled the air with its suave baritone. "A balmy 64° up top, time moving forward, another fine day for the diligent workers of the world tree to roll up their sleeves and keep her a-growin'!" the girl struggled at first to wake up to the sound of the voice. "And now for something from the popular band We Believe, here's their cover of The World is Mine, BRIX 93.1"

The guitar chords started to lull her back to sleep when she spotted a young woman, physically older than her pubescent frame, drawing on her sketchpad with a smile. She then scrambled quickly to finish it quickly as the music slowed for the explosive ignition for the main course that made the sleeping girl jump out of bed and onto the floor. "Hey, howdy, hey!" the elder girl greeted. "Up for the big visit."

"I dun wanna..." whined the woosy little youngling. "five more minutes..."

"C'mon, Gia, we've been over this." complained her senior. "We paid for the tour and now we're getting it, we get to go to Jesus Christ!"

Those words made the small one jolt back up and rush to the bathroom to brush her teeth in the shower. "Why didn't you tell me at 6:30 like you promised, Ceena?"

"You looked so cute!" smiled Ceena, the elder of the two. "I couldn't resist drawing out the moment."

"Yeah, course you'd say that..." Gia rolled her eyes. "Building up your portfolio, are ya?"

"Just following my dream, kiddo." Ceena thrust her fist against the air with a hearty expression. "So long as I keep practicing, I'm bound to take the firmament by storm!"

"Fat chance, you're a contractor." Sighed Gia. "Aren't you forbidden by contractor law to meddle?"

"A gal can dream, can't she?" shrugged Ceena as she began to stretch her sixteen-year-old body. "Bottom's dropping out for Time Warner right now..."

Gia rolled her eyes with annoyance "And you think you can slip by if it all goes under?"

"It could happen, knowing the cheap schedule." Ceena smiled. "You never know."

Gia groaned as she slumped back into her seat, flipping the channels to see if that one show she wanted to watch was on that station she wanted, only to be stopped when Ceena swiped the remote and switched to a network that had started circulating a certain commercial she wanted to watch for herself.

"The Future is bright with Jesus Christ, he heals the damaged, he guides the cosmos, he powers your magic, he lights your city." spoke the narration as they watched the scenes illustrate the miracles of the messiah before showcasing a most fantastic contraption and the flying empires observing the firmament. "From the first star loom engineered by Lucifer to the Universe Factories on every Heavenscent"

"I'm Jesus Christ!" Ceena smiled upon recognizing Dana CéLupawne and waved to the image before cutting to the next scene of how FeelZ is gathered and harnessed into energy. "Hand-rooting every universe produced onto the world tree to symphonize every memory and feeling across them all into a clean renewable energy. When you turn something on, Jesus Christ is there to take the wheel."

Once more, a face from the factory graced the screen to admit to the audience that: "I'm Jesus Christ!" before cutting to a pile of headless corpses young and old with an scrodum-faced despot laughing evily at the hell he has wrought before dying of the toxins in the air. "We know the challenge, the forces of transhumanism are encroaching more and more hub-like earths with each world loomed in the firmament's image whittling away into decayed brain-eating render farms at the hands of these anti-human viruses. Humankind is harder to save." Ceena looked to the side, holding young Gia's hand with a glance of genuine concern. "Of course, given the circumstances, All of Jesus Christ is ready for the future." spoke the lady Skuld, lead developer at the plant, a determined look on her face. "By making sufficiently more fortified realities and looming from new, better templates, we can keep on keeping on up in our fancy little firmament." Scenes of the aformentioned new worlds with Ninjas, Wizards, Espers and Aliens (most of them physically fit, mind you.) were soon swapped for a scene of these universes being shelled/juiced by a Lespiran Worker that preceeded a glimpse of the refinery engine of a Heavensent. "Top-tier workers helming of our new twelve-dimensional looms and the finest FeelZ refinery engines government treasuries can buy!"

"Yeah! Woo!" Ceena jumped with jubilation on the couch of her apartment. "Tibsetto represent!" Skuld's voice continued as her words cued corresponding scenes on the commercial. "But if it's the future you're worried about, between looking into worlds that dodge the cancerous faces worn by the viruses and researching new methods of FeelZ manipulation, we've got you covered no matter how deep the cancer grows in." Ceena's smile grew wider and wider as she saw herself reciting her scripted phrase and hanging with her two closest friends together on the same screen. "We're building Tomorrow's choices Today." Ceena relished in the screentime as Gia looked in awe at how her frame was covered by globe graphics "We're Jesus Christ." The logo inevitably concluded the commercial with final words from the factory's founder. "We're that radical dude, the Jesus Christ Memorial Star Factory: If it's in the book, it's in the bag."

No words were spoken of that advertisement, just the shock of sweet little Gia sharing the screen with the it-girls of the Firmament.

Granted, her face was hidden with a globe graphic, but still.

G is for Grievance

←Something involving CN-tan exposing her grief towards the dying Earth→

An Exit Sign (Disney Channel/Daisy Beautiphlie)

M is for Money

Daisy Beautiflye was the unquestioned queen of the Firmament's social spectrum and she made absolutely certain that she flaunted it at every turn.

←Disney Channel-tan is relishing in her status as a princess of the Disney Lineage→

L is for Lies

←DC-tan and CN-tan arguing about their place in the firmament→

R is for Regret

←DC-tan driven to tears for having to leave behind Earth, her fortune rendered useless by the looming destruction of the original firmament→

Five Hours of Summer (One Saturday Morning/Ortenza Beautiphlie)

F is for Friendship

←OSM's friendship with GaS as it blossoms and blooms→

Fall 1998

Winter 1999

Summer 1999

Spring 2000

P is for Poverty

←OSM Becomes ABC Kids→

←ABC Kids doing her sports thing with DC 3.0.→

←ABC Kids' financial woes as her friendship with GaS deteriorates→

←ABC Kids as a flashy pop star with the future Disney Channel→

←ABC Kids gets evicted from her channel space→

T is for Tedium

Banning Families. Banning Bonds. Banning Life.

This is the gigavirus' ultimate goal and poor Ortenza Disney was stuck there in the Jesus Christ Universe Factory watching the snuff parties that alert the higher-ups to demon infestations. Sometimes there will be cultists that take over the world and restrict humanity to tiny death machines that use their bodies to power their systems to kill outsiders that try to escape. Other times, they have rendered earth uninhabitable by radiation poisoning and confusing the bee population to extinction through screen sickness. Or in this case where a powerful force behind the scenes is controlling humanity through the mind, body and soul.

Either way, this rules the universe as dead and must be squeezed for its cosmic energies to be pooled into creating more refined universes.

"So, what's the damage today, Miss Disney." She turns around to see Lady Skuld, lead engineer of the Factory, accompanied by her sister Belldandy who has wrapped an arm around that of her human husband, Keiichi Morisato.

"I-Urm..." Ortenza looked to the world nearby and saw the cultists through the crystal and pushed it away from sight. "We might actually be completely clean today, Madame Skuld."

"Hey, First time in a month." cheered Belldandy. "Congratulations!"

"Yeah..." Skuld sipped her coffee and glanced to the orb that Ortenza had moved aside with a look of concern. "What's going on in there anyway?"

"Oh, uh... SpaceX is founding... A space colony!" She lied. "On Uranus!"

Skuld pondered the possibility. "So SpaceX is getting far on that universe, huh?"

"Looks like that's a keeper, wouldn't you think, Keiichi?" Belldandy asked her husband in eagerness to see humanity spread beyond the milky way of home. Keiichi merely stood with a suspectful glare towards the jeweled eye representing the newborn reality.

"I guess we're done here, Miss Disney." Eyed Skuld before shooing the relatively green employee back to her station. "Move along, bucko. And don't forget to shell that universe! wouldn't want a plot hole forming outside of the hull, right?"

"Yeah." The three march away from the measly worker of the universe factory as she let out a sigh and sat back down at her station. She held up the Photo on her Wayfinder pocketwatch. If there was ever a day when she missed her friends, it was definitely today. "Only get one a week."

And so, Ortenza Disney returned to her post and continued checking for any imminent danger. Placing inherently good universe on the conveyor belt to be incased in hull-cubes while the more dystopic realities are juiced on the spot for their cosmic energy.

"Good. Good. Good. Good." She continued to sift through the universes, pushing the spherical crystal housing each one into the purple-lined hull-cubes that make up the world tree while dropping the occasional mid-dystopic realities in the disposal shute to be compressed into cosmic energy. They needed that to fuel the machinery hooked up to each sufficiently archived universe, mostly those that were handcrafted by gods or created from flukes.

As she lost herself in her routine, a man marched out of a warp hole from a universe receiving routine diagnostics upstairs. A grim look upon his face, "One-world dictatorship, r-select philosophy... Total genocide of the K-select organisms."

"American Holocaust?" The undertaker nodded in confirmation. "American Holocaust, complete subversion of the free world. IT'S SQUEEZING TIME!"

At that exact moment, an anthropomorphic woodpecker and a caped bloke dashed towards the universe with a crystal-and-steel skull-shaped machine with a long orange canister hooked to its spine dragged along for the ride. The woodpecker-like creature zipped to the crystalic-cased universe and shoved it up the machine's mouth. Urd, the eldest norn that governs the past, merely watches with a can of sake in her hands as she cracks it open for a drink.

"Poor thing." sighed Urd before taking a sip. "That's the fifty-eighth earth we've lost this week, isn't it?"

"Yeesh, that is a lot." Keichi looked on in disappointment.

"Ugh, Earths these days!" complained Skuld as the two workers acted to adjust the harnesses "They just aren't as immune to authoritarian geocide cults as they used to be."

"Let'er Rip!" The avian assistant spun the valve round and round to make the jaws close tighter and tighter and tigher until...


The universe has completely burst into a cosmic liquid fuel flowing through the nozzle below into the canister until every last drop has been drizzled inside of it. "Time of Death: 10:23am."

TOTAL EARTH DEATHS: 1,234,989,145

Ortenza merely rolled her eyes and got back to work on shelling universe after universe, keeping an eye on the counter on the telescreen as it kept tally on how many universes were shelled against those that were being juiced on the spot. Worlds where China annexed the United States were juiced, Worlds where the democratic party was liquidated on corruption charges were shelled. And so on and so forth for whether it was Eugenics or Humanitism that had the upper hand.

Growing ever more bored with the repetition of her mundane life, she used Red Chronolite to record her rhythm of pressing new universes into their respective hull cubes and let the rhythm loop for a while as she went on break surfing the web for as long as the echo can hold steady. She looked through her YouTube Subscription Feed and checked to see any updates on the Firmament Below. She clicked onto the thumbnail to find a collection of commercials from the 90s, She pulled up her streaming site and prepared for some on-the-clock saturday morning fun.

She only had enough time for two toons in the day, but only if she wasn't intruded upon. All she wanted was something to watch is all, but which show?

←OSM meets CN-tan→

"Come on..." groaned Ceena. "I'm sure you could get back in the swing of things, we just gotta pick up a few things from Toys R Us and we can play ball for old times' sake!"

Ortenza eyed Ceena with a sense of annoyance. "Families R Us."

Ceena tilted her head with confusion "Heh."

"They changed the name to Families R Us upon the purchase of Planned Parenthood." Ortenza began to lecture the young contractor. "After that, they used FeelZ on pregnant women to teleport developing fetuses into incubation pods should they seek to escape what they aren't ready for. Then they made Imagination Materializers that began with building a custom made plush of a kid's imaginary friend equipped to an external learning Ai computer program, which connected to every game they played but learned by using a tablet computer internet app like normal people." She soon made her way to the holoform and promptly retracted the holomatter into the corresponding crystal. "By the time she starts getting invested in real friends, FeelZ cloning uses a cache of sperm and egg cells pre-programmed to generate an Imaginary Friend's ultimate human body as dictated by itself and its creator. The venture was enough to expand into Party Planning, Weddings and Bar Mitzbas and a few buyouts later, from sperm cells to spacecars, teething rings to wedding rings, baby booties to bridal bodysuits, all on top of the largest toy store there is."

"Yeesh, you don't hafta spew a history lesson." groaned Ceena before calling loudly and proudly: "After all..."

A whole plethora of zany characters and the like appear for the specific purpose of reciting a singular mantra "The only schmos who refer to that place as Families R Us are those that have the misfortune of working there."

←OSM picking out a Game Show and thinking about how much it made her think about GaS→

"Attention, this is Saint Peter speaking from the upper eschelons of Jesus Christ." The well-renowned Catholic figurehead was seen on the large telescreen above the heads of her fellow co-workers. "one-hundred realities have been created under Samantha Turner where Secretary of State Rex Tillerson poisoned the Jewish Nazi George Soros. Their current status as of this report:" The saint glanced to the known liberal bankster materializing in a chair, the hundredth to do so in that one room at this one time. "Dead at last."

Ortenza watched as Sam was showered with compliments such as: "That was stone cold, stoner!" or "You rock, homegurl." What little jealousy she could muster was tempered with the humility of her past undoings.

←Slumber Party→

As she watched all her fellow gds and goddesses in the plant scramble to see the emerging class χ civilization as it does what it can to escape its finite dominion, Ortenza felt the exuberance in the air and joined in the jubilation.


Skuld's expression was holding back the fury of a thousand suns. "...fired."

Ortenza was dumbfounded "Say wha-?"

"Fired..." mouthed the enraged norn of the future.

Ortenza then realized how screwed she truly was. "But I just got this good rep going."

"Fi-hi-rrrreeeh-duh!" Skuld sang with a button firmly pressed to ignite a certain function.

"Look, I need this job, I can't go back to clean-up." cried Ortenza as solid-like apperition of a man in a suit holding a hypercube that housed all of her belongings. "Is that a 'Cat in the Hat' reference?"

"FIRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!" the roar echoed all throughout the factory, shattering glass windows, glass floors, glass ceilings, glass shoes, not even a glass bus was spared from the sonic boom that sent Ortenza sailing out of the Jesus Christ Memorial Universe Factory.

Never to return ever again.

"Okay, folks. That's a millennium!" chimed the supervising operator as power ebbed from the star weavers and flowed into a new and original machine. "You know, a thousand time loops of the past year up to this very second with no one able to remember any of those particular repeats except the contractors. No need for a guy to Anchor the timeline of these very finite time loops, so sirree!"

TOTAL EARTH DEATHS: 1,234,989,212

"An entire millennia robbed of its free will..." huffed a disgruntled Lucifer. "What else could go wrong!?"

N is for Nostalgia

←OSM returns to One Saturday Morning: Her personal TARDIS where she finds all of her friends and far... far beyond.→

Commend Thy Spirit (Viacom/Victor Von Redstone)

B is for Babylon

Lucifer stepped into the elevator to make his way to his penthouse conference area: a hi-tech fibreglass War Room of sorts with a window that led to any and every world that exists. As he watched the level rise one by one, he looked to his side to find a man in a suit coated in shadow. "Czar Victor Von Redstone, I presume."

"Lucifer." the eldrich horror of a man spat back.

"I take it the others will be joining us today as well." Lucifer glanced to Victor's broach.


"Excellent timing, Babylon." Remarked an impressed Lucifer. "Impeccable timing as always."


"Verily." Lucifer redirected his gaze to Victor. "And I suppose your sisters will be joining us for this reunion?"

"Not likely." huffed Victor. "My employer used me as a tool in his bid for immortality, I watched as a few universes succumbed to Transhumanism." He held back most of his fury to his heart. "To say that I agree with the Trans woule be to lie to myself and the planet I Love!"

Through Victor's voice, Lucifer heard the fear he had for the viruses out there that currently act to destroy the future. Lucifer looked away with lament and grief over the infinite earths that had succumbed to their respective viruses, just as the elevator door opened to reveal the brightest minds and highest leaders from throughout the root of all existence. The likes of Queen Verdonia Beautiflye and her younger sister Wilma (Who advocated the throne in the mid aughts), President Ted Turner, Victor's wife Natasha, all the sufficiently-aged Beautiflye Princesses and even Ted's grown daughter Pheobe Turner laced the table with all the human geniuses they made immortal over the years.

"Another day, another two Earths killed by communist bioweapons." Nikola Tesla groaned with. "Whatever happened to the golden rule? Customer is always right?"

"'s why they wanna kill them." Neil DeGrasse Tyson downed a shot of liquid iodine. "Customers are usually human, the bigwigs and bankers that run these Earths into the ground pander specifically to organic trash that exist solely as a power trip for malware to eradicate every escape for humanity before erasing the species outright."

"C'mon, Ty. Don't be hard on them." Bill Nye patted Neil in the back. "They're just Jakobit puppets that need psionic medical attention."

Steven Hawking's eyes had fury, not enough to move facial muscles but it was fury nonetheless. "You're one to talk, Mister Gender Spectrum!"

"Yeah, go bring that up, why don't ya!" groaned Bill as he slumped back into his armchair. "As much as I tolerate followers of this creedo, the fact of the matter is that most of it is chemically-induced mental degeneration brought about by biological degradation and ethereal climate change."

"That doesn't mean you can go flaunting satanic rituals on your supposedly educational programming." Hawking glared bitterly to the Science Guy.

"Look, you know I can't be held accountable for what any of my other selves do." Bill barked back. "So can we please have a civilized conversation?"

>"WILLIAM IS RIGHT" Babylon spoke through the speakerpiece before appearing on the computer screen windows. >"NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO SQUABBLE AWAY CHILDISHLY, NOW IS THE TIME FOR DIPLOMACY."

Hawking huffed back to his seat with as much of a sour look as he could. "Alright, then. Let's get this over with. I suppose we'll start with Chairman Lucifer."

"I sensed one of your daughters working here in the plant, Wilma." Lucifer stroked his chiseled chin with concern. "She shelled a world without a George Soros."

"She did!?" Yelped a shocked Wilma. "Was it Polly? Tell me it was Polly!"

"Naw," smirked Zoologist Steve Irwin "She's at the Amber Australia Pokémon Zoo, she'd never be caught dead inside a cubicle when she'd rather explore the world around 'er!"

"And discounting Zoey, that leaves Ortenza as the only likely suspect." estimated Hawking.

"Good eye for deduction as always, professor." sighed Lucifer as he looked to an ecstatic Wilma and initiated a telescreen projection of the shelled reality as the spacefaring party made their way to the final gateway. "You should have seen it, Wil. They were almost out of their respective universe, we were so close."

"No White Genocide Cults being installed into seats of power, no biochemical holocausts, no Viral infestations, no nothing! It was totally clean, your grace." Neil stressed to his peers and superiors, kneeling to the former queen. "Its native Adolf Hitler even stuck with painting."

"And Mao Xeitung?" proposed Hawking.

"Died of famine at four." Lucifer sighed as he laid his back against the seat. "But there was another world that crossed her station, one that was marked for quantum transmutation."

Silent shock spread through the room for seconds before Bill Nye spoke up. "So the Virus knows its tectonics, huh? Least she shelled it, right?"

Lucifer shook his head, "And the souls harvested by the Zeitanix star-worms were more than enough to scrunch the planet into a plot hole strong enough to suck in any and all universes within its proximity, turning it into a Category 8 Metavirus."

"That's the one that gets people sacked, yes?" asked Sir Issac Neuton, just as concerned as his colleagues. "Plunging the Root of all existence under the thousand-year Loops is punishment enough for you contractors, but subjecting them to the scavenging?"

"That's how we clean out the root of Yggdrasil."

←Viacom goes to the cosmic supercomputer dubbed 'The Babylon Network' to consult it on the stability of the situation→

C is for Cohesive

←Viacom talks with Congress about the Jezabel outbreak in the omniverse with Babylon →

E is for Evacuation

Back at the North Pole, Viacom walked towards the computer room at Firmament Base Geo with his new plan on his mind and a desire to set things right.

←Babylon begins his Ascension to destroy the Root of Yggdrasil.→


←Babylon's ambitions are spelled out to Viacom→


H is for Hope

←The Channel-Tans conseal themselves in Hypertime as the root of Yggdrasil is destroyed by Babylon's Ascension.→

"No, you must stay with the others." spoke Earth-san as she brushed the blue-and-green hair of her younger, more innocent and just counterpart. "Your destiny is far more dissimilar that what eventually turned such a sweet cinnamon roll such as yourself into..." Earth-san grew breathless, a tear flowing from her cheek as if to mourn the innocence she herself had lost. "Just stay here."

←Earth-San leaves Earth-Chan→


Twenty-Six for a Moment (Foxxy/Pheobe and Stoner/Samantha Turner)

One Step Forward

Lucifer watched as the Londonstak Police of a far-off Earth gunned down Christians with native ISIS forces, sipping his coffee as his box of doughnuts and hashbrowns appeared with minutes to spare before the timelock of breakfast wishes from a worker fairy from an adjacent offshoot of the Hartman cluster. "Ugh... what a day..."

←Lucifer talks with Foxxy!as→

Two for the Show

←Foxxy!as and Stoner!as in the role of Cartoon Network→

Three to get LiT

←Another snip with Foxxy!as and Stoner!as→

Foresaken World (Lucifer)

No Hope

←Lucifer watches the Death of God unfold.→

Four means Destiny

←Lucifer confronts Babylon→

Doctor Who: The Yggdrasil Diaries

  1. A First Doctor Adventure with Ranma Saotome in the DC Universe
  2. A Second Doctor Adventure with Yuya Sakaki in -?-
  3. 'The Impeccable Doctor Riley': The same story Crisis wrote Crossing Mega Man and Inside Out, but with the Third Doctor
  4. A Fourth Doctor Adventure with Sonic the Hedgehog and Celina (Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V)
  5. A Fifth Doctor Adventure with Shantae in ?
  6. A Sixth Doctor Story with Yugo and Rin in ?
  7. A Seventh Doctor Story where he stays in a specific time and space with Goku (DragonBall Z) as he lets a certain character borrow the Tardis
  8. An Eighth Doctor Story with Keichi and Belldandy/Virdandi (Oh! My Goddess) exploring the end of Yggdrasil as we know it.
  9. A War Doctor Story with Yuto being Welcomed to the Multiverse.
  10. A Ninth Doctor Story
  11. A Tenth Doctor Story about the fall of Arc-V, The First Four Protagonists of the Franchise Duel Zarc after he eats Ray's Soul.
  12. An Eleventh Doctor Story
  13. A Twelfth Doctor Story dealing with the fallout of Arc-V's destruction alongside Sonic
  14. A Thirteenth Doctor Story where she poses as a companion to a fake Doctor (i.e. the guy who borrowed the TARDIS in the Seventh Doctor Story


A Guardian's Code

Snip 1: Before the Storm

It was an adequate day in Mainframe, Megabyte was still in his Tor, Hex was still out and about and Matrix was still...


An UnAwake little Enzo.

After hearing the ramblings and compliments of his young ward and resident Anchor, in came Dot who had a new employee going through orientation as to be expected when you're new in town. Bob promptly breaks the ice with the newcomer "So, the wager says the loser ends up being a waitress here at Dot's."

"Yep, and Raven sweeped me pretty solid." frowned a currently humanoid Twilight Sparkle.

"Can't say I'm shocked." sighed Bob, knowing the feeling of being overpowered. "When you're stacked against a woman who can divebomb you at 15 trillion megatons of force, there's honestly no comparison. Maybe Ceecil gan get you an energy shake?"

"That's pronounced Cecil!" The french monitor sniped back, "And it'll come from the maiden's pay for this hour, I'm sure of it."

"Hey, can't I just buy it for her?" complained Bob

"It's alright." Twilight interrupted with a glance. "I can take it... just like your oncoming... expansion, variant... what even is it?"

"Even Yggdrasil's not too sure this time," Bob looked to Twilight and forced a slight smile. "Still, new's new and besides, we hadn't had one of these firsthand before... What could possibly go wrong?"

Snip 2: Generic Plot

Time passed as it typically does in Yggdrasil, and the expansion/variant was just about ready to roll and in the midst of it all were a group of visiting Loopers.

"Alan Turing High?" Odd glanced to his smartphone displaying his latest haunt. "Is this a new expansion?"

"Or a variant." Aileta leaned back and flipped open her 3DS. "My father's a world history teacher there so I guess that might be the case.""History? As in, before computers?" Sissi sneered to her resident anchor. "Puh-Lease, that's implying that they care about the cerriculum as much as they do about being the most 'Tech-Progressive' School in the state."

"All the more reason why you're stuck with the kids who fight inside the kind of computers you'd be lost trying to code for." Ulric Stern glared to Sissi. "Still, if it's anything like last time, there's going to be something that concerns us somehow."

"I know." Aileta reaimed her focus onto the 3DS Screen and thought about Jeremie.

Yumi, William and Jeremie are already at the campus and were discussing their tactics for the Loop.

"So you'll just be training out in the Gym?" Yumi asked to William.

"Yeah, better to keep everything loose for when XANA inevitably turns up." William answered as he did his squats.

"You go on ahead, that assumes there's a supercomputer nearby and with it, the means to fight XANA." Jeremie glanced to the both of them.

Yumi could only roll her eyes. "And you're checking to find one?"

"That's the plan, same as always." Jeremie stated in a blunt manner of speaking. "Course, the change in setting's going to provide a challenge... But knowing Yggdrasil, there's likely one around here somewhere to keep up this little war of ours."

"Just keep us posted, alright?" Yumi asked and Jeremie nodded as the bus arrived with the others in tow.

After recapping the plan to the other four Lyoko Loopers, everyone kept themselves on alert for any strange occurrences that may come their way. Odd, Ulric, and Yumi stayed close while Sissi and William were covering more ground by their lonsomes. All the while, Jeremie and Aileta searched for a nearby supercomputer on foot and by email respectively and it's with the latter where the first of five new faces makes his presence known.

"Pink hair? What a scare." Aileta glanced to the young lad, gangly and lean but with a slight lukewarm smile. "It's kind of a meme from an episode of Power Rangers."

"Ah, that explains it." Aileta sighed.

"Parker. My buddy Austin's back there." Parker promptly pointed to his pal: a more athletic counterpart than the noodle-limbed fellow that stood before her. "If you want to ask him about the whole."

"No thanks," blushed Aileta. "I'm already taken by this point, but I am open to a tour around the place."

"Good." Parker got out his phone and brought up a notification on his phone. "Because I'm kinda looking for a Room Zero if that's a thing..."

"Room Zero?" Aileta felt a suspescious aura from that word and promptly chose to text Jeremie about this Room and waited for a reply.

"My homeroom for the Loop." Spoke the Doctor, in his grouchy twelfth alliteration. "I took the extra week headstart to decorate a face for the genuine article to hide behind."

"That's neat," sighed Jeremie, taking in the classical edwardian look mixed with modern japanese sensabilities. "But did you have to hide the holodoor between murals?"

-Twelfth Doctor-

William was getting a run for his money from this 'Trey' guy, he's clearly important if he has this level of skill behind him. It was already bad enough that he had to try his hand at Basketball because of reasons, but to deal with someone of his skill compared to him? Yikes, that'll make it a close game. The clock ran dry and there it was: lost by three points.

"And it's solid!" Jim Morales had also followed them to Alan Turing High as the P.E. Teacher (because of course he has.) and called the game in Trey's favor as the native jock congratulated the frenchman.

"Dunbar, right?" asked Trey. "Good game,"

"Thanks." William walked outside the gym to get some air. "So, you're pretty active for a tech school student."

"It says it's the most tech-forward school in the state, that doesn't mean there's a bigger margin of say... these runts over me." Trey pointed to a chess club grunt with a nasal spray up his nasal passages. "Jokes aside, frenchie, you're relatively decent to hang out with. I like that."

William smiled as he looked outward to the sky to find a man in a black hoodie dashing off on a segway with a plastic-wrapped motherboard in his arms, a darker woman dashing towards him in an effort to catch this crook. "Hey!"

William went ahead and rushed towards the two, Trey following along as they gained the attention of the core circle. Yumi wasted no time in dialing Aileta's phone number to fill her in on the action.

"We've found a couple leads." exclaimed Yumi. "Think you can google them up."

"Already checking the Hub Collection as we speak." Aileta sifted through the achieved forms of reality to see if the description of their new suspects lined up with any Loopers from across the stars. Stopping at the Z section of the alphabetical algorithm, Aileta manages to piece together a stunning revelation. "Yumi... I think we may have a new one."

Snip 3: Literally Zixx

Zixx Phunkee Zee was not having a good day, as if the endless repetition of her battle against Onccalon wasn't enough, this curveball called the Sorcerer shows up and is jamming all her contact with the Network so they're out of the question.

"All this for a graphics chip?" Flannco rolled his eyes from his adamantium case. "If you can't catch up to this dip, I understand."

"If I could gear up with my inventory from the Keep." Zixx bemoaned before hearing the voices of five youths as they catch up with her. "Damn it, we've got civilians on our tail."

"Keep moving, kid!" squirmed Flannco. "They're just as new to us as he is, now go!"

"Going!" Zixx kept running as fast as she could before the boy in brown jumped off to grasp at her legs, restricting her movement and widening the gap between herself and the Sorcerer. "Get off of me! He's a criminal mastermind that has to be stopped!"

"We know, that's why we want to help." The Japanese youth assured as she caught up with the restricted agent of the Network, pulling out her smartphone to update a sixth entity on the situation. "Aileta, we've caught her, but we've lost the other guy."

"It may be for the best." the voice over the phone, belonging to an 'Aileta', started letting herself be heard through speakerphone. "I sent a ping her way and he didn't ping back, so it isn't Saxon..."

"Saxon?" Asked Zixx. "You mean the Sorcerer?"

"Close, the Master." the brunette got up and brushed off the dust as his friend in violet-velvet pulled out an image of this blonde man in a black hoodie. "A Time Lord from the constellation of Kasterberos, ever heard of that?"

Zixx stood silent as her partner peeked out of her metal case to answer: "Can't say that we have..."

"Didn't think so." the spiky-haired blonde in purple walked forward to the alien. "See, the universe you usually inhibit is but one in a much larger cosmic landscape. We'd show you how big, but we need a certain supercomputer to show that to you."

"Wait, hold up, What's all this about a Supercomputer" Trey was confused by this revelation until a notification popped up on his smartphone indicating that his homeroom had been changed to "Room Zero?"

Snip 4: So... Code Lyoko, then

Jeremie walked down the dark hallway leading to the mysterious 'Room Zero' with a flashlight in one hand and a Sonic Screwdriver in another. When he came to the door, he checked to see if it was locked only to be interrupted by a newly-received text from Yumi.

Just got directions to a Room Zero, any intel?

"Well, that clinches it..." sighed Jeremie as he sonicked the door open and slowly stepped forward to find a proper computer terminal to log into. Digging into his Subspace Pocket, Jeremie pulled out a tablet computer featuring a dating sim as the central app and immediately pinged upon booting the game up. "You Awake, ladies?"

"Yeah..." piped Sayori, "And feeling Loopy, too."

"So, you must be the kid in the Supercomputer." Remembered Monika. "Jeremie Belpois, right?"

Jeremie responded with a thumbs-up. "And you're about to make the jump to flesh and blood!"

"Wait... Like, now!?" exclaimed a shocked Natsuki. "But the Loop just started, are you saying that-"

"Yep, you're about to get the full Materialization treatment." Jeremie inserted the disc into the computer and hooked up the tablet into its USB port. "Just gotta check for scanners..."

As if on cue, the light began to shine onto a large ring circling four illuminated platforms, a glowing black-and-yellow symbol glowing in the centermost part of the wall.

"A bit open-ended, but it'll have to do..." Jeremie cracked his knuckles and typed away at the keyboard as the .char files were transfered through the materialization program to convert every one and zero of their binary coding into atoms, then to molecules, then cells, until in a flash of light, there they stood.

"Welcome to Earth." Jeremie said before getting back to his computer and reciting the ABCs of Herem Safety "Attention, Balance, Clenched Fists. Attention, Balance, Clenched Fists. Attention, Balance, Clenched Fists."

He would continue this mantra while the Dokis checked to see if they were indeed Looping. Voices were being heard from outside, most likely the others with the newest Loopers. Jeremie walked off to the door with his fists clenched to keep himself from compromising situations.

"I'm Austin, this is Parker."

"I'm Trey."

"I'm Tamera."

"I'm dead inside..."

"Who said that?"

"My partner, Flannco, he's in here."

"In that... robobag... thing?"

Jeremie glanced to the Dokis and asked them to return to the platforms while Jeremie checked the touchdown point for native life. "Attention, My name is Jeremie Belpois, a young programmer and an ally to your cause. I am about to send a squad of fifteen or sixteen willing comrades to fight the viral presence hanging overhead. If there's anybody out there, please wait to greet them until I say go."

Jeremie waited as they finished their introductions and made their way to the door. Naturally, a notification sent him a specified message from whatever or whoever sent the directions in the first place. "Are you with the preselected Guardians?"

"Yes, I am." typed Jeremie. "And I'm saving them for last!"

The door opened to reveal Jeremie's typical group of Loopers alongside their new friend and the four youths that were apparently chosen for the job, confirming that this was indeed the root of this fused Loop. Jeremie turned to his peers and pulled a screen displaying where exactly they will be touching down, then bumped his fist against the side of the console to initiate the virtualization of the Literature Club. "Eeeeyyy..."

Snip 5: New Blood, Bland Taste

Natsuki twirled her hammer about in her neon-pink suit of digital armor. "This is jawesome!♪"

"'Jawesome'?" questioned Monika in her beige armor. "Are you trying to have a bit?"

"Pft, duh!" gloated Natsuki with her heavily-plated gauntlets. "I'm a runkledunkin' Power Ranger now, I gotta have a thing for my figures to repeat en masse!"

"This isn't a game, Natsuki." clarified Yuri in a deep-violet stealth suit. "We could put our physical bodies in serious danger here."

"Lighten up, Yuri." Shrugged an eager Natsuki "We've got backup coming up within a few minutes."

"Guys?" Sayori chimed, a look of awe underneath the glasslit helmet of her pinkish-gray armor as four more figures emerged. The one in a brighter purple than Yuri was stretching his arms and legs while the one in orange touched felt the helmet on his head. "They're already here."

"Oh, so that's how the cloud's gonna roll, eh?" Odd piped from the light purple armor. "Different Digs, Different Duds."

"It's because this is a different supercalculator from back home at Kadic." reminded Aileta as her knowing glare was felt through the helmet of her magenta armor. "Of course there's going to be some adjustments to get used to."

"As long as I still look good under the Vanitas wannabe look, I'm game for whatever's up next!" Smirked the spicy meatball of the group. "Bring it on!"

Yumi chuckled to herself beneath the helmet of her salmon-crimson armor before looking to Ulric and saying: "Stay frosty, Ulric. Who knows what tricks this 'Sourcerer' clown's got up his sleeve..."

Ulric pressed the earpiece of his helmet to make contact to mission control. "Jeremie, is William keeping watch on the outside?"

"Yep, I sent him out to see if this new threat's akin to you-know-who." Jeremie got a funny look from Trey to which he answered. "Xana; its our usual foe in terms of what we typically deal with in our baseline. Also, keep the word 'Baseline' in mind because you might end up witnessing the sickness in Yggdrasil."

"Yggdrasil, as in the world tree?" piped Parker.

"Yes." nodded Jeremie. "But it's a bit more complex than you think, you'll see when we exit your lives... relatively indefinitely."

Tamera leaned forward "How?"

"You'll see."

The last four figures materialized on the illuminated platforms, blue bulky armor adorning Trey, Tamera clad in yellow stealth armor, Austin clad in a lean red armor with Parker donning a shorter, green rendition of it himself.

"Whu-hoa!" exclaimed Parker. "Look at all this... And us, too!"

"Graphics seem amateurish for the engine it's running on," Remarked Aileta as she looked to its surroundings "...but I can see that there was some care put into its datascape. Not enough to make it stand out but, hey, some care's here."

"You get used to the molecular mumbo-jumbo that verts your ASQII down here." Odd smiled under his pointed mask. "We know we did!"

"Alright, the gang's all here." stated Jeremie through comlink. "Come on down."

The door opens wide to reveal three unique figures, unarmored and unsure of what is to come. One was a well-built green man, not as in 'alien' but a rugged, chiseled human-like face. Another sported a slender, womanly frame of orang skin and dark-teal hair. The last was a smaller frame, smaller than Tamera, but was made up of screen upon screen of pure data. The muscular figure scowled at the twelve, "Well, ain't this just prime."

"Welcome Guardians," greeted the holographic figure. "Your mission has commenced."

"Wait." Halted Tamera. "Who are you?"

"Only the latest interface sprite the cloud can cook up: The Virtual Evolutionary Recoginant Avatar." smiled "I'm AndrAIa, I kinda found her here waiting for you lot behind the door with our resident Anchor Enzo."

The green figure frowned: "Matrix, call me Matrix."

Sayori stood in awe before she's spooked by a bug turning up close to her which Matrix shoots on the spot, prompting her to faint into Yumi's arms to her chagrin. "Okay, Jeremie, we're gonna need another scanner ready."

"Already on it, just get her on the platform and we'll take her home." Jeremie spoke as he started on the return coding for Sayori, materializing her back into meatspace before looking to Zixx. "We're gonna need another set of hands."

"Already on it."

Zixx felt the coding wash over her body as it weaved together into a new coat of armor akin to her days traversing The Keep. Flanngo was just eager to stretch his legs after being crammed in her symbiote casing for the time being, running circles around the team to get a warm up for this next mission. "Phew! It was getting pretty stuffy in there, y'know, avoiding all the toxins in your atmosphere that can kill me..."

"Right, Alien, got it." Yumi sighed before glancing to the others. "So you guys are our designated leaders for being unbeatable in Cyber Guardians, right?"

"Yeah." Hushed the Doctor. "But due to your innermost coding, your added skill should balance things out."

"And it's for us to be ground control?" Matrix glared to the time lord gracing his screen. "Well, that's just prime..." He rubbed his temples in irritation. "Vector, you're leading Wingspan and Bulletin."

"Odd, Aileta, That'd be you." piped the Doctor.

"Cyber Guardian Avatars, got it." Odd reassured.

"Soundbyte and Triplicate follow D-Frag," Matrix looked to Yumi and Ulric before refocusing on the Literature Club. "Googz and Enigma have to share the literature Club. Penname and Hammerspace to the former, Griefer and Edgelord to the latter and Zixx?" he eyed the Network Patrolwoman. "You're with me."

Snip 6: No nose! No nose!

Electromagnetic energy oozed from the spears as a clawed hand raised a glass to obtain some of its juices. "The taste of Alkaline is far more crisper in the Cloud than out in the flesh of users."

"So you're just gonna take it from under their noses? I don't think so!" A voice barked from the distance, Megabyte looked up to find the sprite that had bested him long ago. "Googz and Enigma, wipe those Locusts. Vector, D-Frag, patch that rift ASAP. Let me deal with Ol' Megabreath!"

"You, here?" Megabyte cursed under his breath before regaining his composure. "Never mind, All I ask is what these greenhorns think."

Hammerspace swung her hammer sideways and skyways to bash in the skulls of wayward cyber locusts, missing a few in the process. And to make matters worse, one of them knocked Enigma to the floor. "That didn't feel like virtual reality, that felt like-"

"Genuine reality?" Megabyte offered a hand to Enigma, chivalrous as a Virus such as himself can be. "Milady."

"Doc?" piped Vector as he blasted away with his squad. "This is a game, right?"

"Cyber Guardians was a game, much like the mid-aughts classic MP4orce: Beyond Real." Spoke the Doctor as he and Vera worked on opposite sides of the Codec. "But that was only phase one of the training program. The Guardian Code protocol, on the other hand, is as real as the living tissue packed in those datasuits of yours."

D-Frag was busy bashing cyber-locust skulls to hear much of anything. "I'm sorry, what?"

VERA continued for the time lord. "I was programmed to activate the next generation guardians if dark code were to be activated."

"A malicious type of virus." The Doctor added. "These insects spread it about with the end result being the total fragmentation for this universe and all who inhabit it."

Jeremie was taken aback by the source code. "Is this system linked to the UK power grid?"

"'fraid so." Huffed the Doctor. "And the sweeping outage could have quite the spillover into our world if left unchecked."

"Our world?"

"Yes." The Doctor dashed from computer to computer. "Every bit of data flowing through the sky, the codec, especially the cyber locusts. They take up mass here in cyberspace."

"So, we could actually get hurt?" Yelped Enigma. "We could even die!?"

"Affirmative." Confirmed VERA.

"Welcome to the Internet." The Doctor added. "Do try to stay alive."

"Will do, Doc." smiled Austin under his helmet. Vector's Helmet.

←The big confrontation between the Guardian Code and classic Megabyte, XANA generating a cheap copy of the iconic villain later on.→

The Doctor and the Lyoko Warriors watched as the greenhorns manifested back in reality.

←The Doctor tests the Bio-Constructor→

Snip 7: TMW You use an iron lung for a Bio-Printer

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