You've Got Legs Studios

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RebelTaxi Loves MADOKA MAGICA (The Disney Executive's Guide to Puella Magi)


Greetings, And congratulations, You lucky devil! I'm an obvious parody of Jeff Probst and You have found our big multimedia presentation for this. A Prime contender for the Arch Nemesis of Toei's Pretty Cure franchise, Or "Glitter Force" for those who think Saban can find a home for the show. An essentially overnight powerhouse in terms of merchandise and fans in Japan alone, not even counting the United States of America. It has the potential to crush Toei's attempt to unleash "Glitter Force" into the world as you can obviously tell by this Graph. Madoka Magica has fans in the states, Figmas are popular and they've dubbed their first season. While Precure has it's fans, Saban is probably planning to release the 16th Pretty Cure Team stateside just like they did with Power Rangers. But what is a Puella Magi? How did they become Puella Magi? Let's hop aboard my peanut butter powered sleigh and find out.

Chapter 1: The Start of Darkness

Imagine if you will, You need a way to generate thetans out of capable lifeforms after the main thetan generating races have been dumped into a Volcano on earth to channel the souls into a x-blade which the dark lord who masterminded it all has promptly dubbed: 'Demise'. *Cue Xenu's Maniacal Laugh* All life on the planet Earth which housed the Volcanic Grave felt a sense of disturbance, since the dawn of the Earthling Man, a handful of alien species guided them along the path to prosparity dispite their fears, their anxieties, their problems, and their long-ignored grievance for the souls combined into 'Dimise'. The universe needs Thetan energy to starve off Entropy, the heat death of the Universe and the what this deal's success shall declare the Third Biggest Brick Move a Disney Villian has ever made before or since, A highly destructive risk the cosmic overlord was more willing to take. *Cue Xenu's Maniacal Laugh* Back to you, you are derping one off to a lolicon website when in comes the Director of the project, Nagito Shinbo, alongside his longtime associate, Mr. Cold, seeing the teenaged Tikyakian girls on the screen "Brilliant!" he said! "Magical Girls are known to defy the laws of science through magics that haven't yet been analyzed! If we make a system to create such warriors of justice, We can generate plenty of thetans to keep Entropy at bay, grow a potential army to turn the tables on Xenu, and we can have pretty dudical Toy Deal while we're at it!" If it were some other donkus, You'd clear it up and keep that mess a secret but if the boss has you in his sights, Your Job and possibly your life's on the line so you nod and agree with him like a Pritch! Sounds like a lot of hoopla to go into the Arch Nemesis Franchise of PreCure, Right? *WRONG!*

Chapter 2: How does it work?

Chapter 3: The Holy Quintet

Now that you know how and why the system came to be and what goes on in the life of a Puella Magi, It is now time for us to introduce you to the cast of that wonderful Show that Started it all. We start off with Madoka Kaname, A fourteen year old girl who encounters Kyubey, a mysterious critter who works as an Incubator. After struggling to stomach the difficulties of the job she witnesses firsthand throughout the series she wishes to somehow free all Magical Girls from their suffering

The Proposal

Matt: Hi, We represent the Up and Coming You've Got Legs anime studio!

Miller: We're here to propose to you a Disney Infinity Animated Series!

Matt: In one Take!

Miller: In Under Five Minutes!

Matt: Starting Now!

Miller: Upon an impending Mass Media and Finantial Crash, the Muginga Corperation...

Matt: A Multimedia Corperation that has invested in Gaming, Arms and Technology Companies since the start of their BFFs at Disney.

Miller: Plans a big investment in Virtual Reality Software and Nanotechnogy, This leads up to the Disney Infinity MMO!

Matt: A special update to the Game in which you can access the largest open world ever assembled from Every Toy Box Ever connected to the Internets.

Miller: We focus on three friends, Trasme, Xandre and Narnie, Who get Playsets for themselves and in Xandre's Case, his loving family.

Matt: Aw, that's so sweet of him. Forcing his Hobby onto other people!

Miller: After a Medical Examination that apperantly was required for the Game and it's Virtual Reality Neropod...

Matt: A sort of bed like contraption that can connect to your original body and can be loaded onto Trucks ala the Droid Transport from the Star Wars Prequels.

Miller: They put their Custom 3D-Printed Avatar Figurines onto the Infinity base and engage in the funtimes to come!

Matt: Maybe this information could be helpful to you in the future when you make the MMO a Reality!

Miller: They meet up with their friends at Team Infinity-Gurren; an Anime Club that has stuck together from Grade School all the way into College.

Matt: Growing up on Japanese Animation, That is the Way Team Infinity-Gurren Rolls!

Miller: And they meet a Badass Young Lady of Seventeen Years Old named Sekai Montague, She's the Personification of Non-Sequitur Playtime that ensues with Kids of all Ages!

Matt: So she can be a Beautiful Damsel one Minute and then a Heroic Amazon the Next?

Miller: Of Course! There's even an unknown past to her, she's even animated by hand whereas the Usual Cast of Characters from the Disney Characters to the Virtual Avatars are animated in Either Miku Miku Dance or Source Filmmaker, Whatever works best.

Matt: It's safe to say you're gonna go for Source due to Valve's Steam Technology.

Miller: When they try to log out into reality only to find that the Logout Function is not on the Menu!

Matt: That sounds familiar.

Miller: That's when the King of the game's Hubworld 'digitally' summons forth Our Heroes, Xandre's Clan, Team Infinity-Gurren and the rest of the 13,000,000 Buyers and cooresponding plus ones of the Carbon-Based copies of the Online Shop-Exclusive Playsets based on Disney Parks and Resorts.

Matt: Obviously another Idea for the Real Life MMO...

Miller: There they realise that for buying the MMO, they have applied to be evacuated from the Planet Earth through aformentioned Disney Parks...

Matt: Litteraly reworked for space travel courdacy of Muginga.

Miller: escape the upcoming finantial crisis that might ensue back home due to the Wars, Pollution and Downright Corporate Stupidity!

Matt: Lookin' at you, Potential Perchase Capcom!

Miller: Also the King warns the players about Viruses that Perma-Kill you both in the Game and by vaporizing the Player Biomass on a Certain Vessel.

Matt: I think I've seen this Before.

Miller: The Last thing the King does is tell them to access a gift he had inserted into their inventory called a mirror.alude

Matt: Yeah, the name of the item comes before the dot which is classified by certain class of item after said dot.

Miller: It incases the players' Avatars in Bubbles while images of their real world selves are projected by their temporarally disembodied souls.

Matt: I think that show was on Toonami.

Miller: There are surprises aplenty ranging from Petty things like Opposite Gender Masqurade or Age Differences between Player and Avatar to Big Reveals that some characters are merely self-programmed AIs or that some Players are have been using a .alude item at the same time.

Matt: some '.' items react to other types of '.' items including when types are the same. In this case, A newly activated .alude and a consistantly projected .alude can cancel each other out, Get it Memorized!

Miller: And that is the Case for Big T, he was using a mask.alude to hide his prosthetic right arm! Prompting people to spout the line

Matt: It's like that anime I watch on Toonami. You are the Fullmetal-The Fullmetal Alchemist!

Miller: The Last thing this episode reveals right before the line is that Sekai is neither an Ai nor a Player. Who is she?

Matt: We have no Idea!

Miller: And Speaking of Toonami, We want you to air the dang thing right there on the Block because let's face it. We all know how Disney XD treats Action Cartoons like Motorcity that arn't based on Marvel Comics.

Matt: And even then, They're not even pure action cartoons, they're drowned in Ill-conceived Comedy so what is the Point?


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