Level 01: C'mon B0713%, Make a Wish already!

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How the Story Rolls

Age 10

The monitors on the bridge started to bleep.

Leeron's eyes widened "No, not possible." everyone else next to him were staring at the screen with wide eyes.

Simon saw Kamina's face on his screen and started to shake "Br...brother?" He asked quietly "Brother!" He shouted.

Laganns power fluctuated until it finally exploded from Simons emotions.

The Dai-Gunzan started to glow green and released shock waves of energy throwing anyone on the Dai-Gunzan out and cracking the top crust of the land releasing lava from a near by volcano

Simon wallowed in his greif not knowing or caring that the Dai-Gunzan was walking toward a volcano

"What the hell is happening?" a pilot asked.

"I don't know the Dai-Gunzan just started to go berserk." someone else cried out.

The Dai-Gunzan continued and was nearly halfway up the volcano when Gurren jumped on to Dai-Gunzan and punched Lagann making it rock violently and shocking Simon from his depression.

"Didn't I say that I would punch you if you doubted your self, Simon." Kamina called to him over the com.

"Br-bro." Simon said his voice heavy with emotion.

"Thats right now what the hell are you doing?" Kamina asked with a slight chuckle.

"I-I thought you were dead Simon said rubbing his neck.

Kamina smiled softly "You don't have anything to fear bro, I'm here right by your side and together we shall pierce heaven itself and drill to the future side-by-side."

"Bro." Simon said with tears in his eyes.

Thymilph growled "Take him down." he said to his subordinates

Kamina's smile turned more animalistic "You ready Simon?"

"Yes." Simon said with a grin.

"Alright...Gurren Lagann, combine!"

Gurren turned into a drill shot into Lagann and drilled down to where Kamina sat.

"Get them!" A beastman shouted attacking.

"Just who hell-" Kamina started.

"-Do you think we are!." Simon finished.

Thin giant drill came out of Gurren Lagann and destroyed all the Ganman.

"Impossible." Thymilph mumbled.

Gurren Lagann took Gurren's Shades and threw them boomerang style at Thymilph pining him in the air.

"GIGAAAA..." tons of tiny drills popped out of Gurren Lagann's arm "DRILLLL..." the drills formed together becoming one giant drill BREEAAAAAAAKKK!." Kamina shouted and Gurren Lagann launched through the air slicing Thymilph and his Ganman destroying it in a huge fireball.

"We did it bro!" Simon shouted.

"Ya we did." Kamina said faintly.

"Whats wrong bro?" Simon asked but got no response.


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