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[edit] Chapter 14

“Fox, we’ve got bogeys coming in fast” Falco said as he monitored the screens in Slippy and Peppy’s place. “What? More than one?” Fox responded as he made his way to the screens as well. “Attention Star Fox Team, this is Star Wolf, your better, speaking” a voice came over the intercom. “Star Wolf…” Fox said, this wasn’t someone he wanted to see right now. “Prepare to be boarded” Wolf, the leader of the Star Wolf team, stated. “In your dreams Wolf” Fox replied. Things went quiet then, that’s when the entire ship shook!

“We’ve been hit” ROB stated. “That didn’t come from Star Wolf, who fired at us?” Fox demanded to know. “The Halberd, it’s leaving the planet’s surface” Falco said. “Alright everyone, it seems our friend the minister has decided to call in some help. That’s okay though, we’re able to handle them. Falco, you can take Leon right?” Fox asked. “No problem Fox” Falco stated. “I’ve got Panther, Fox” Krystal spoke up. “And I can take care of Wolf. That still leaves the problem of the Halberd” Fox said. “I’m going to fly over there and destroy the monster myself” Samus stated. “Not if my blade finds him first” MetaKnight said.

“Ganondorf is still at the minister’s right hand” Zelda added, making sure everyone realized that the minister wasn’t alone. “He still has all of those primids as well” Mario spoke up. Fox nodded. “Samus, could you use your ship to help attack the Halberd?” Fox asked, Samus nodded. “Good. Metaknight, I’ll need you to attack that ship, show ROB its weaknesses” Fox told the dark knight. “The mighty Halberd has no weakness!” MetaKnight insisted. Kirby however seemed to disagree as he shook his head no and then yes. He then puffed himself up and floated over to the controls and began pointing some weaknesses out that MetaKnight apparently didn’t want to admit to. “Alright, the rest of you guard the prisoners” Fox said. With that Fox and the others headed out, running for their arwings as Samus ran for her own ship.

“You are no match for Star Wolf, Fox” Wolf stated. “Don’t you ever shut up?” Fox asked. All of the arwings and wolfens began moving about firing at each other. Samus meanwhile sent her ship out and began firing what she could at the Halberd. ROB meanwhile was activating the main laser on the Great Fox to blow the rival ship across the stars.

From the Halberd appeared a thick black mass, a shadow in the middle of space. Ness pointed out the window. “They are coming” Mewtwo added to his gesture. Indeed the primids were on their way. Within minutes they fell upon Samus’s ship, causing the ship to take on auto-pilot mode as Samus warded the creatures off of her. The Great Fox was preparing for a similar encounter. “Hyah!” Zelda said as she released a burst of fire at the first intruder. The primids flooded then, they came in from all directions. Mario and Luigi fired off some fireballs as the Kongs began wrestling and tossing them around.

“Fiends!” MetaKnight said as he slashed them with his sword strokes. Mewtwo used his psychic abilities to keep them away from the cages holding the recent prisoners. Blaziken and Lucario did what they could to keep them away as well. “Aura Sphere!” Lucario said as he blasted four or five of them down. “Blaze Kick!” Blaziken added as he plowed down three others. Link was slashing at them when suddenly he found his sword and shield gone, and he was much closer to the floor as well. “If I’m going to be a part of this, I might as well help out” Midna said as she took her impish form and sat atop Link’s body. He growled, not personally caring for the return to this form, but he decided now was not the time to argue, he had to protect Zelda and the others. Midna and Link barreled into them, getting the monsters away from Zelda. “Oh no, this can’t be good” ROB said as they came through the computers. Kirby opened his mouth and began to inhale the primids in and away from the computers.

“Falcon Kick!” Captain Falcon said as he drove a group of them toward Ness, who hit them directly with his trusty bat. “Jiggly… puff. Jigglypuff…” came the familiar song. Soon all of the current primids in the Great Fox were fast asleep, but so was everyone else but Jigglypuff. “Jiggly!” the puffball frowned and began writing on everyone angrily. Upon awakening they’d find the primids gone, the prisoners gone as well. The Great Fox was destroyed, blasted completely in two. The only thing keeping them from floating into outer space was Mewtwo, who Jigglypuff had the sense to wake up when the disaster struck.

“What happened?” Peach asked, looking around at the destruction and the missing prisoners. “We fell asleep, and according to Jigglypuff, the ship was blasted by the Halberd” Mewtwo stated. “What about Fox, and Samus, and the others?” Mario asked. “I haven’t been able to locate them. They either were captured, destroyed, strewn across the galaxy, or possibly still fighting the minister” Mewtwo said. “Why didn’t the minister take us then, turn us into those statues. I mean, if he succeeded, why not destroy us too?” Red asked. Mewtwo didn’t reply, it didn’t quite add up to him either.

Fox, Falco, Krystal, and Samus had vanished even from the reach of Mewtwo’s mind. The prisoners, as well as any sign of the minister, were all gone now. Floating through space now were lost nomads, they had no place to call home, their worlds had been obliterated, save for Ness’s that is. “Where do we go?” Mallow asked. “We must track them down. With the galactic federation, Samus, and the Star Fox team gone, it is up to us” she said. “But how are we going to do anything? Our ship is in ruins” Yoshi said. “Not for long” Mewtwo said as he began repairing the parts of the ship. “Then we’re off” Mario said.

[edit] Chapter 15: Pikmin

“Uh… where am I?” Fox said as he woke up, looking around he noticed he was still in his arwing. It came flooding back to. The Halberd had blasted the Great Fox in two. That’s when Wolf and his team found their chance and blasted Fox and his friends from the skies. Apparently Wolf had given up the chase or something as Fox was still alive, but he had no idea where he was. He quickly began flicking switches and pushing buttons, but the arwing wasn’t responding. “Great” Fox said, then looked around the place where he’d landed. He saw plants, and a few small creatures running about here and there, but no signs of intelligent life.

Opening the hatch, Fox stepped out onto the ground and looked around. “Fox, you might have done it this time, you just might be stuck here” he told himself. He tried his communicator on his wrist, but it failed as well, just static. At least it was sort of working. Just then something crawled across his boot. Looking down he saw a bunch of different colored flowers moving about, but then in the middle of the flowers was… Fox bent down and scooped whatever it was up to get a better look at it. Right there in his hand was a tiny little man, not even as big as his pinkie finger!

“Whoa!” Fox said, nearly dropping him. “I’ve seen flying giant heads, dangerous dinosaurs, and a lot of other things. And now you” Fox said. “I am Captain Olimar, I’m from the planet Hocotate” he told Fox. With his large ears, Fox had no trouble hearing him. “So this is Hocotate?” Fox asked. Olimar shook his head. “No, I’m not really sure of the name of this planet, I refer to it as the planet of the Pikmin” he explained. “Pikmin?” Fox asked. “Yes, those flower type creatures around your feet” Olimar explained. “Oh. Wait, you’re not form this world? So you have a space ship then?” Fox asked. Olimar nodded a simple yes. “I’m not from here either, my ship crash-landed” Fox explained.

“Perhaps I could help, I have experience with repairing ships” Olimar said. Fox nearly burst out laughing at that. “Thanks, but my ship is a little large for someone of your size” Fox said. “Just set me down, let me see what I can do” Olimar said, now determined to prove him wrong. Fox complied and set him back down among the strange moving flower creatures. The tiny spaceman made his way to and then inside Fox’ ship, he moved cautiously around the engine and investigated the situation. A few minutes later he called the flower creatures in as well. Fox wasn’t sure what they were doing but he could hear stuff going on inside.

A few minutes later Olimar came out with the flower creatures. “Alright, it should be fixed, some things broke apart and needed remolded when you crashed. Fox had to test this, so he pushed a few buttons on his wrist, and sure enough the arwing started up! “Whoa! That’s great!” Fox said. “Can I repay you in anyway?” Fox asked. “Well, I’ve been waiting on my friend Louie to come back with the ship from our home planet, but if you could take me there it would make things much simpler for me” Olimar said. “Sure, I can do that” Fox agreed, and scooped Olimar back up. He decided to just go ahead and place him in his pocket for now. “Alright, ready?” Fox asked, Olimar nodded and the Arwing was off! What neither of them knew was that those mischievous Pikmin had hitchhiked along for the ride in hiding.

The trip was a short one for Fox’s ship, and as he prepared to land, he stopped. Noticing a familiar darkness surrounding it. “What happened? What’s wrong with my planet?” Olimar asked, noticing it too. “The minister, he’s been here, or one of his lackeys” Fox said. Fox decided it was best to explain the situation to Olimar.

“So this minister, he longs to destroy everyone and everything?” Olimar asked, Fox nodded. “Then I too shall fight against him” he insisted. Fox once more wasn’t sure what the small man could do against the minister, but he liked his spirit. “Alright, then we need to find the rest of my friends. Together we can defeat the minister” Fox explained and headed off to locate where the Great Fox and the others all were.

[edit] Chapter 16: Kid Icurus

This world, whatever it was, was beautiful. Falco gazed around in wonder after stepping out of his downed arwing. “Halt!” came a young voice. Floating down from above came what looked like an angel! Falco began to worry then. “Am I dead or something?” he asked. He was after all standing on clouds, there were beautiful buildings, and beautiful scenery all around. To top it all off now was an angel standing right in front of him!

“No, this is Sky World” the youthful angel stated. “I am Pit, leader of the guardians of Palutena and all that you see” Pit explained. “Alright. I’m Falco, ace pilot of the Star Fox team. I crash landed back there and…” Falco began, but was interrupted. “You’re the ace pilot, and you crash landed?” Pit asked. Falco gave the angel a look of death, Pit noticed and decided to keep his mouth shut over the matter. “…and, I need to get back up there to battle the minister” Falco explained. “So why aren’t you back up there?” Pit asked. “I’m out of fuel” Falco stated.

“Oh, well. Perhaps Palutena can help you” Pit suggested. “Don’t really know what some chick can do that I can’t, especially when it comes to my arwing” Falco said, folding his arms. “Just come with me, you’ll see” Pit said, knowing that Falco was in for a surprise when he met Palutena. Pit then flew ahead, leading the way across the clouds toward Palutena’s temple. It was a short trip and soon they walked into and past the doors and columns that made the temple. As they walked forward, Falco noticed an odd glow coming from up ahead.

“Pit, is that you?” came a beautiful voice. “Yes my goddess! It is I, Pit. Guardian over Sky World and Commander of the guard!” Pit announced himself. “To what do I owe your visit?” Palutena asked. “This is Falco, he comes from the stars and needs to get back there to defeat some great evil. His transport however is unable to move” Pit explained. “Welcome to Sky World Falco, I sense a good soul in you” Palutena said as she made her appearance at last before them. Falco’s eyes went wide at the beautiful woman before them, he snapped to though. “Thank you uh, your majesty?” he said, wondering if those were the right words to use.

“I shall grant your transport the ability to fly once more, on a condition” Palutena explained. Falco’s eyes opened more still. “I request that Pit here accompany you” she explained. “What?” both Falco and Pit asked. “Goddess, if I leave, who will guard your kingdom?” Pit asked. “I sense a great foe,” Palutena said to them, “the enemy is strong and his power grows more and more. He is a destroyer of whole worlds. With your departure Pit, you will be protecting this world. So I bid you to leave with this pilot” Palutena said. “If it pleases you Goddess” Pit answered and bowed. Palutena then opened her hand and a strange glowing golden light appeared and encircled Pit. A bow and a strange armament appeared in his hand and on his wrist.

“Do you accept the help I offer you Falco?” Palutena asked. “We could use all the help we could get up there right now” Falco said, not about to turn the angel away. “Very well, your ship is waiting for both of you, I bid you good fortune” Palutena told them. Pit nodded again and then led Falco back to his ship. “So tell me, who is this enemy?” Pit asked as they climbed in and Falco started it up.

[edit] Chapter 17: Fire Emblem

“That way, something fell from the sky!” said a man. Many men and a woman riding together on horses, they had apparently been following a dirt trail somewhere. And that’s when one of them noticed a strange object falling from the sky behind them. The strange thing happened to be the arwing that contained Krystal. She woke up coming into the atmosphere, but her landing was still fairly rough. As soon as she was sure she had landed on solid ground she began flicking switches, about to start it back up and leave, when someone leapt onto her ship.

“There’s a living creature inside! But none the likes of which I have seen before” said the man who had leapt onboard with his sword drawn. “Come out strange creature” said the man, directing his words back to Krystal. Krystal wasn’t sure about this, she checked to make sure her staff was still at her side, it was. Opening the hatch and standing up, the people were astonished. “What is she?” asked another man. “She has the color of the blue jay, the appearance of a fox, but the stature of a man.. ere, a woman” said another.

“I am Krystal” she said; this shocked them all the more, it could speak! “I’m the telepath of the Star Fox team, we’re a group of pilots…” Krystal said, trailing off a bit as she noticed the glazed look on everyone’s faces. She realized they had apparently never come in contact with any of her kind, or probably never heard of piloting. “Um… I don’t you any harm, I’m peaceful” Krystal told them. “I am Marth, prince of Altea, son of the great Anri” a young man announced. Krystal smiled, glad that she hadn’t completely scared them to death. “A pleasure to meet you” Krystal said with a smile. “What are you?” asked the man that had jumped onto her arwing. Marth held a hand up, “Hector, please” Marth said, suggesting the man refrain from questions like that.

“Never mind that question, Krystal was it?” Marth asked. “Yes” Krystal said, looking at Hector for a moment and the others, she felt much like a circus attraction here. “This is Hector, Roy, Ike, and Micaiah. What business brings you to Altea?” Marth asked. “None actually, I was engaged in a battle and was shot down” Krystal explained. The crowd looked into the sky, what she said made them wonder what was up there. “We too will be in the midst of battle soon, we ride to fight the…” Marth began but stopped, his eyes focused on something headed their way swiftly through the sky. “Dragons!” Roy yelled out as one then two, and then three dragons appeared.

Krystal was only slightly surprised at the sight of the dragons, after all she had fought against dinosaurs before, dragons weren’t all that different. “We attack!” Marth commanded. The group of them headed in then, weapons drawn and ready to destroy the beasts. Krystal watched for a moment, Marth fell off his horse as he fought valiantly. One of the dragons prepared to crush the life from Marth, however Krystal took action and fired a blast of fire at the dragon, which halted its attack as it turned its attention to Krystal now.

This gave Hector a chance as he jumped onto the beast, hoisting his axe high, and plunging it into the ferocious creature. It reared back, throwing Hector to the ground. Marth too his own opportunity then and stabbed the dragon in the heart! There were still two more though. The woman known, as Micaiah seemed to know magical abilities as she attacked the beasts with no weapon but making energy blasts and such attack them. The other two men, Roy and Ike, were battling against the third dragon and seemed to be making some progress against it. Krystal saw it prepared to breathe fire on them, her staff came out once more as she ran up and blasted the fire with an ice attack.

Ike and Roy, no longer having to worry about the fire, soon took the dragon down. They turned to help Micaiah only to see that Marth and Hector had already joined her to defeat it. “You were quite helpful in that battle” Marth said. Krystal smiled a bit then. “Thank you, I get a lot of practice with the rest of my team” she said. “What enemy do you face that offers you trouble?” Micaiah asked. “His name is the ancient minister, or that is what he calls himself anyway. He plans to destroy, well, everything” Krystal said and continued explaining things to them. They were all fascinated at the descriptions of what this minister could do, but when she spoke of the odd trophy gun, Hector stopped her.

“You say he turns them into small statues?” he asked, causing Krystal to nod. “He is here then!” Hector said, this caused Krystal some alarm. Hector then pulled out a statue of a woman. “This is Lyn, a good warrior. She was changed by this dragon looking monster” Hector explained. Krystal thought of Ridley, Bowser, and K. Rool. But she knew that Bowser was a trophy himself, and the other two were prisoners, weren’t they? “Your world is in worse trouble than you think. He has come to turn this world and all life in it to darkness” Krystal told them. “We must fight him!” Ike said. “It may be too late for that” Krystal said, in the distance arose a large black cloud approaching them fast.

Krystal hopped in her arwing and turned to them. “I’m sorry, I can only take one, maybe two with me in here” Krystal explained. “Take Prince Marth with you then” Roy said. “Yes, it’s important that the Prince be taken” Micaiah added. Marth tried resisting, but the others were set, and there was no time to argue, as the cloud would soon bear down on them. “Take Ike with you, Ike, you will guard the Prince and the Fire Emblem” Hector told them. If not charged for protecting Marth, Ike would have refused. “Go! Go now!” Roy said, the cloud was mere feet away. Krystal fired the engines and closed the hatch as they took off from the ground up to the sky. A few seconds later, the fleeing remaining three were seemingly evaporated into the cloud of darkness.

“I’m sorry” Krystal said, as another planet had fallen to the darkness of the ancient minister. “I shall fight for my world, this minister will not go unpunished” Marth said. “I shall fight alongside of you your majesty, to the death” Ike spoke up, hurt by the loss of all of which they had fought for. Krystal decided to remain quiet as they soared across the stars away from the planet.

[edit] Chapter 18: Golden Sun

“Life support systems activated” said the voice of the ship. “Uh…” Samus said as she rose from where she had fallen down after being hit. Her ship had spun out of control as the Halberd had blasted her and she had been knocked out. Now awake she looked to see where in space she had found herself. “Unknown” is all the computer kept spitting back at her. “A lot of help you are” Samus spoke to herself about the computer. Turning on the viewing screen she knew her ship had indeed completely crash landed on a planet, but it seemed to still be operative, so there was hope she wouldn’t be stranded here.

An electronic ticking noise could be heard then. Samus recognized it well, she was out of fuel. “Not what I need to happen right now” she told her ship as she headed on out in her power suit. The door opening revealed a beautiful land, full of bright and glorious colors. “Well, looks like a peaceful place at least” Samus told herself and headed out to find a source of fuel. Up ahead she spotted a lighthouse flashing brightly.

“Halt!” yelled a young man and raced towards Samus. Behind him were three others. The first had his hand resting on a sword hilt, preparing for battle it would seem. Samus smiled from behind her power suit’s mask. Lifting her cannon arm she charged herself in case of an attack. “Who are you stranger?” asked a young woman beside the young man in the lead. “A stranger, how about we leave it at that?” Samus replied. “Are you one of the ones attempting to twist the power of alchemy?” asked a second young man. “Sorry, you’ve got the wrong girl” Samus answered. “You’re a girl?” the second young man asked. “Garet” Isaac, the first young man, said to the second young man.

“She’s from above as well” said a third young man, who filled out the group. “From above? Also?” Samus asked. She figured from above simply meant outer space, but they didn’t seem to understand space travel, so she mentally concluded that there was another space traveler there. “Who else is from above?” asked Samus. “The other could be a djinn, he looks like a wolf but he walks like a man” said Ivan, the third young man. “Sounds like Wolf O’Donnell is up to no good” Samus stated, figuring that out right away, she guessed he had followed her and was probably going to attempt to get rid of her, she smirked to herself about that.

“Well, thanks for the information” Samus said and turned back to her ship, she’d be a sitting duck if she didn’t get some fuel quick enough. “So you are not working with him?” Isaac asked. Samus continued and simply replied with a “No” and opened up her fuel tank. “You will be returning up above then?” Isaac continued. “Hopefully, got to find some energy though to get this thing moving” she answered, mostly speaking to herself though rather than to Isaac and the others. “How’s that thing move? It’s not alive is it?” Garet asked then.

“It’s a machine, something your culture hasn’t discovered yet apparently. It runs on energy, think of lightning” Samus said. “Lightning? Ivan might be able to help” Garet said. Ivan was about to suggest the same thing. “If it is lightning you need, and you don’t mind, I can help” Ivan said. Samus turned back around. “Hmm, alright how can you help?” Samus asked. Ivan then closed his eyes and moved his hands about. From the clouds and huge figure descended and stood tall amongst them all. “Thor, I request your aid, help this traveler, fuel her ship with your power” Ivan said. The huge man pointed a gigantic hammer at Samus’s ship and a blast of lightning shot out and enveloped her starship. Buttons flashed and things clicked. The ship was energized!

“I have to say, I’m impressed” she said after Thor had vanished away. “But now that my ship is fixed, it’s time I head out. I need to track down Wolf and the others, stop them from causing any more harm” Samus stated. “The other one that you speak of, this Wolf; If he is indeed the one terrorizing our lands, I would like to help you” Isaac said. “You don’t think you’ll be going alone either” Garet added in. “It’s not allowed, galactic regulations clearly state that a planetary body that has no access or knowledge of interplanetary travel should be allowed on a starship” Samus said. The other four however all seemed pretty set on going.

Samus could tell this, “Look, I know you want to help fight the guy, and that’s fine. But you’re not getting on my ship unless your world is falling apart” Samus said. Right on cue, a large dark familiar cloud began to form on the horizon, and it began to grow outward quickly. Samus noticed it too, “I had to say it didn’t I?” she asked herself. “Well, depending on how you look at this situation,” she said pointing off into the distance, “Your luck just changed”. With that she opened up the doors to her ship and motioned for them all to follow, which they did. “What is happening to our planet?” Mia asked. “It’s a long story” Samus began, heading for the cockpit she began to explain things, and the ship took off from the planet and into the stars.

[edit] Chapter 19: End of Onett

“We have arrived at the home planet of Ness” ROB stated as the repaired Great Fox moved along. Mewtwo was the only thing holding it all together though, without him it would probably fall to pieces right then and there, so his concentration was fairly focused.

“Your world seems to not be affected by the darkness Ness” Peach said, seeing from an observation window that the planet looked to be alright. Ness’s face however became slightly stern in appearance and he pointed down to his planet. “He wants to go down there” Mewtwo stated, picking up on the unstated thoughts. “I can’t blame him, I wouldn’t be here if our planet was still around” Donkey Kong stated.

“I believe we should allow ness the chance to return home. He is just a child, and his home is still intact, he belongs here” Geno said. No one seemed to argue with that. “I shall join him to make sure he is safe” Zelda said. “Are you a pilot lady? How do you expect to get down there?” Captain Falcon asked her. “I don’t require a ship. Come Ness, I’m going to take us down there” Zelda stated, prepared to show the good Captain just what she was capable of!

The two of them vanished off of the legendary Great Fox and reappeared in the midst of a great city! “Is this where you live Ness?” Zelda asked him. Ness shook his head no but ran on ahead anyway. Something he saw made him frown as he ran. Zelda looked to see what it was. Just ahead was a very large statue of what looked like a fat boy. This was curious to Zelda but she ran after Ness.

“As I live in breathe, it can’t be.. Ness, is that you?” asked an old man who was hiding behind a corner all to himself. Ness turned and smiled. “Ness it is you!” the old man said, overjoyed. “I thought I was the only one to travel across time, along with Porky too of course” the man said. He then saw Zelda arriving. “Oh my, what a fair maiden. Greetings dear, my name is Dr. Andonuts” said the man with a bow. Zelda smiled at this show of gentle introduction. “Hello doctor, I was escorting Ness home, but I can tell this is not his home” Zelda stated and looked around a little as she did.

“No, no, no.. this is most definitely not little old Onett. No, this is New Pork City, home to the Pig King himself, Porky Minch” Dr. Andonuts explained. Ness’s eyebrows came together in a display of anger at the mention of the name. “Yes, he’s been defeated before, by Ness, and most recently by another young fellow named Lucas. He’s an evil little boy at heart, and an even worse king” he went on. “Is he back to doing evil?” Zelda asked. “I’m afraid so, and now he seems to have teamed himself up with some rather horrible characters. Something called Giygas, Ness knows more about that creature I believe. And the other is someone calling himself King Dedede. That’s just what we need, another corrupt king” the poor old man said, shaking his head and looking at the ground.

“If Dedede is here, we must stop him, he means doom for your world, and all others as well” Zelda told him. “Hmm.. it would be just like Porky to team up with the likes of them” Andonuts said with a nod and a hand to his chin. “Who is Lucas?” Zelda asked then. “Oh him? He’s a good boy, much like Ness in fact, has some very special abilities too” the old man answered. “Do you know where he is?” Zelda asked then. From behind her a small finger tapped her on her waist. Turning there was a young boy, Ness’s age and height, with blonde hair, in a yellow and red striped shirt with a pair of jean shorts.

“There he is, hello Lucas” Andonuts said, noticing the young boy. Zelda and Lucas were both quiet for a bit, being telepathic they communicated their thoughts to each other, Ness joined in as well. A few minutes of the good doctor walking around them in confusion, and they were finished. “We’ve decided to fight the three of them off” Zelda told him. “I was beginning to think you’d turned to statues” Andonuts answered with a smile at their decision.

“If you think you can, go ahead and try!” came the voice of none other than the Pig King himself! He was flanked on either side by the gaseous form of Giygas, as well as the round Dedede. Dedede leapt down with his large hammer extended outward, ready to pummel Zelda. The princess of Hyrule was prepared though, lifting her arms and holding him back with a magical blast of fire.

Ness called a blue orb to appear and blast Dedede off to the side, “PK Thunder!” he said as he finished it. Lucas meanwhile got into fighter stance as Porky boarded his giant robot. Lucas also focused, causing blue energy to form in his mind but travel through his body to his feet where it blasted him upwards, he then twisted in midair and shot the mental attack from his feet into Porky.

“Fools, you can not defeat me. You got lucky last time Ness, you are weaker this time, you shall not triumph again” Giygas stated and began throwing out multiple psychic attacks, knocking Zelda down. Ness and Lucas glared and nodded to each other, hearing each others thoughts telepathically. “PK…” they both began and made hand motions. “Rockin!” Ness said. “Starstorm!” Lucas said. From ness waves of psychic energy blasted Giygas back, only to get tossed right into the main impact of Lucas’s starstorm which caused what appeared to be literal stars to fall down onto the evil creature.

“I don’t need this, I’ll take care of this myself” Dedede told himself as he activated one of the dark bombs. “You will not get away with this!” Zelda said. “And who is gonna stop me? You princess?” Dedede asked with a scoff. Zelda grinned a little, pulling out a bow and arrow. The weapons glowed in golden brilliance as the arrow released it blasted into Dedede, Giygas, and Porky, sending all three flying backwards and out into the stars above. But it was too late for this world, the bomb was off. “Quickly” Zelda motioned to the two boys and the good doctor. They soon were gone, back up to Great Fox.

“Another world has fallen, but we have been joined with some more friends. The enemy is also growing though” Zelda explained to the others. “We must find the minister” Captain Falcon added as the starship continued on.

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