Page 127: Keep circulating the Tapes

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[edit] Half one

TOMMY: oh, Great!

TARA: Tommy, What's Wrong?

TOMMY: I'm Trying to Access the Files, But it only Shows AC in a Drag.

AC: Kolulu here, I Regret to Inform You that TBS Is Officially Shut Down, but you can Try out It's Spinoff, FanFic Ball Z

{enter Kolulu in a drag}

KOLULU: Here's one of it's Early Pages

{Cut To a screen}


24 worlds Devoured

  1. . Jimmy Neutron
  2. . Fairly Oddparents
  3. . Xiaolin Showdown
  4. . Grim Adventures
  5. . Kim Possible
  6. . Camp Lazlo
  7. . Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy
  8. . Danny Phantom
  9. . Powerpuff Girls
  10. . Teen Titans
  11. . Juniper Lee
  12. . Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
  13. . Teenage Robot
  14. . Sonic
  15. . Avatar
  16. . Invader Zim
  17. . Codename Kids Next Door
  18. . SpongeBob
  19. . Catscratch
  20. . Lilo and Stitch
  21. . Ren and Stimpy
  22. . All Grown Up
  23. . Hey Arnold
  24. . Ben 10

Day: 1; Hours: 7; Minute: 40; Second: 51; Millsecond: 56

???: Exelent, the Test Run is Complete

Meanwhile, group 2 was searching around for a town or place nearby to stay at.

"Ok, we all been walking together for an half hour, and that makes it 7 hours total! Still, nothing! And I'm hungry!" Angelica yelled. Then the teens' stomach's grumbled.

"Aw, man." Tucker groaned.

"Well, there is Plan B." said Sam.

"What's that?" asked Starfire.

Sam pulled out some leaves from her pocket. "Leafy greens. Everyone dig in!"

Danny, Kim, Ron, Sokka, Katara, Robin, June, Beast Boy, Raven, Brad, and Sam dug in. However, Tucker, Angelica, and Cyborg looked in disust. Jenny wasn't with them, but didn't eat the leafs too.

"Oh no! There is no way I'm stooping down to this level! Nuh uh." insisted Angelica.

"We're with her." Tucker agreed. Cyborg nodded.

"Come on. It's not that bad." Danny said.

Angelica looked at him for a moment and then shrugged. "Okay." she ate some leafs. "Man, these are good."

Tucker and Cyborg smacked their heads.

"I can't eat that anyway, because I need oil. Oh yeah." Jenny pulls out a can of oil. She puts a bendy straw in and drinks it. "Ah, much better."

"Well I'm not gonna eat leaves." said Cyborg.

"Yeah. Because I'm a meat eater."

"Me too."

"Really? Cool."

"Well either you boys eat, or starve for the rest of the day." Katara said as she smirked. Tucker and Cyborg looked at each other and decided to dig in. "Works every time." she said to herself.

"Well, at least we're getting our exersize." Lazlo sighed.

"Yeah, but my feet are hurting my from the blisters." Raj said as he took off his shoe that showed his foot having red bumps on it.

"I have to agree. This is so stupid!" grunted Mr. Blik.

"Relax, we'll be fine. Right Sonic?" Amy asked Sonic, flirting at him.

"Uh, yeah." Sonic replied nervously.

"Man, this is so boring! I mean,...-" Bloo points at Amy. "-You flirting with Sonic...-" then he points over to Mr. Blik. "-You groaning a lot, not like me, and you...-" he points to Raj. "And your feet! Eww, put your shoes back! You're fouling up the place!"

"Sorry." Raj said as he put his shoes back on.

"And I wish something cool would happen!"

As if to Bloo's wish, a huge puff of smoke appears in front of them. As the smoke clears out, someone is coughing. It was the Grim Reaper, and next to him was Gir.

Eduardo screamed and hid behind Knuckles. "Ahh!! It's the Grim Reaper! He's gonna kill us all! We're gonne die!!!"

"Get off me!" Knuckles snapped angrily.

"My bad." then the purple imaginary friend got off him.

"Are we dead?" Patrick asked stupidly.

"No, you're not gonna die. I'm lost like you." Grim said. "And far away from Billy and Mandy as possible." he muttered.

Suddenly Gir started to act crazy and got onto Ren. "Hi, little doggie! I like you!"

"Ok...ay." Ren said uneasy.

"Aye, this is getting weirder by the second." Monore groaned.

With Group 3, they were all amazed and surprised with all the people. All of them are in a underground cave, but in more like a ancient room. They all introduced themselves.

"Hi." greeted Dil to Ben, Omi, and Timmy.

"Hey." said Timmy.

"What's up?" added Ben.

"Yeah, my peeps." Omi said. The others just looked at him. There was a short pause.

"Cool, we sound like each other!" the four shouted at once.

"Wait, this is a good thing, right?" asked Ben.

"Well this is just great! We're all in this room for no reason at all and have no way to get outta here!" yelled Helga.

"Look, I see a light!" Sheen pointed. He was right. There was a white light at a distance.

"Spoke too soon, Helga." Gerald joked. The kids ran out of the cave and when they got out, they found themselves in. a abandoned town.

"Wow, a ghost town." Blossom said.

"Kinda looks like a tornado destroy this place." Clay added.

"Whoa, check it out." Aang said amazed. He picked up a sign that was ripped and the paint was mostly scratched off.

Cindy read it. "Welcome to...ToonTown, the town for toons." she said.

"ToonTown! I love that game!" Billy shouted stupidly. "It's when you make your own character and..." Mandy covered his mouth so Billy can only speak muffled. "...and that's ToonTown."

"Oy vey." groaned Lil.

KOLULU: AC, Just be yourself on this one

AC: Got it...

MAGIC VOICE: Clip Shown in 3-2-1

AC: If you love Kim Possible, Prepare to Cry, Because both her and one of her Rivals are Going to Die

{There is A Screen}

KOLULU: That was Great, AC!

But with each bounce on the floor, it fired more beams. This caused Shego and Lois to stop fighting and begin to dodge the random beams heading their way. The goons had already fled the building.

“Ack!” said Shego almost getting hit.

Drakken was not as fortunate as one of the beams struck him. “Noooo not me” he shouted. He could feel himself starting to shrink.

By now sparks and smoke were coming from the juvenator as it hit the floor once more. It was about to blow. On it’s last bounce, the juvenator exploded, but not before shooting out one last beam of energy. Kim saw it coming and tried to get out of the way, but she tripped on her clothes and fell down. It struck her in the back.

“NOOOO!” screamed Lois and ran as fast as she could to her daughter.

“KP NOO!”, shouted Ron and also ran toward Kim, who was now shrinking.

“I WIN!”, yelled a teenaged Drakken, his voice cracking. He was still regressing.

Shego was pleased when she saw Kim get hit with the juvenator. “Finally, a plan of his worked”. She then looked down at herself. “He better have a way to reverse this, no way am I growing up again”, frowned Shego.

Lois felt Kim grow lighter in her arms as she shrank into her clothes. “Please let it stop, I don’t want to lose you”, she cried. Tears were flowing down her cheeks.

Kim, now around 1 years old, gurgled out, “Mama”, and raised her tiny hand to her mother’s face. She could fell her baby teeth grow back up into her gums.

Poor Ron was bent down and crying out in anguished, he beloved Kim was fading away right before his eyes. Rufus was joining his friend and owner in tears of sorrow. “Nooooo, Kimmy!”, he wailed.

On the other side of the warehouse, a little light blued skinned boy was jumping up and down with glee.

“Me win, Me win,”, giggled a 5 year old Drakken jumping up and down in a pile of his clothes, which had fallen off his shrinking body. He failed to notice that his regression had not stopped.

A young teen, almost pre-teen, Shego made her way over to where she saw Drakken last. Her green jump suit was slightly hanging on her limbs and off her hips. She could feel her panties move around inside her suit as her hips no longer could truly support them.

“Dr Dee?”, said a shocked Shego as she spotted a naked 3 year old boy standing in a pile of lab clothes.

The little boy turned and looked up at Shego, “She goo, me win. Yiipeee me”, he giggled and clapped his hands.

“You sure did, but let’s get out of here. You need to make another device. I don’t want to go through puberty again.”

Shego wrapped some clothes around little Drakken and picked him up. But she failed to notice that the little boy she was carrying was slowly shrinking in her arms. She snuck out of the back door and disappeared.

Back with Lois, she watched as Kim’s tiny bald head sink deeper into the cheerleader’s uniform. She felt hopeless, as the weight on her arms slowly diminished to nothing but the clothes. Just then the clothes dropped out of her hands and there was no Kim that she could she. More tears came flowing out of her eyes. Unseen by anyone, as they were too caught up in their sorrow, a tiny red glowing sphere floated from Space with a escape pod, under Lois’s skirt and into her undies it went.

(Hexfield opens to show Spax sitting in the escape pod)

Sonic: Hey!

Spax: Hey guys! Look at me! I'm on my way back to earth! Pretty crazy, huh?!

Sonic: Hey! What about us!?

Tails: Yeah!

Sonic: What are we suposed to do wtih out you! Who's gonna teach us about what it is to be human and stuff!

Tails: Yeah!

Spax: Listen you guys. At this point you guys know about as much about it as I do. (Cheese Whiz flies before Spax, simulating static.) Listen, I don't alot of time. My signal is starting to break up. I can tell I'm getting out of range. Listen, if you look under the desk, there's a plaque I made for you guys to put up to remember me by. (Cambot pulls back to show plaque now sitting on desk.)

Tails: Yeah, here it is! Look! Boy! Nice job, Spax! Very professional looking! Really nice job!

Spax: Yeah, thanks. I really gotta get out of here, I'm almost out of range! Listen you guys, be strong and true. I love you! Bye! (Hexfield closes.)

Sonic: Well, it's been a big day. Who's hungry?

Tails: D'oh! NOT YET, DOFUS! Let's find out what's on the plaque! Press that button there.

Sonic: Oh yeah. (presses button)

'Voice of Kim (Oriental style music plays): To all on the Satellite of love from Kim Possible.

Cosmo: Hey! Thats us!

Sonic and Tails: SSSSSSSSHH!!!!

When the clothes had fallen to the floor, it caused the communicator to hit the floor and beep. An image of Wade came into view. He noticed everyone was crying.

“What happened? Why is everyone crying?”, asked Wade.

“Kimmy’s gone!”, teared Ron.

“My daughter is is is..”, Lois could not finish her sentence. She put her hands to her face and wept.

Wade got the jest of what they were saying, especially when he spotted Kim’s clothes laying on the floor. He too felt tears flowing down his cheeks. Kim was his best friend ever. But his intelligent mind won over his emotions as he decided to scan the area for any hope of Kim still being around. ""The whole world is a circus if you look at it the right way."" He wiped a few tears from his vision as he used the communicator’s sensors to scan the area. First he detected the charred remains of the juvenator, too far gone to get any real data for him to use. ""Every time you pick up a handful of dust, you see not the dust, but a mystery, a marvel, there in your hand."" As his scanning beam passed over Lois, it beeped. When Wade looked at his computer, he was awe struck. He double checked the readings to make absolutely sure they are correct. All his scans came back with the same answer. ""Everyime you stop and think, "I'm alive, and being alive is fantastic."

“Guys Guys Kim’s not gone, she’s still alive!”, said Wade excited about his finding.

Ron paused in his wailing, “Whaa What did you say Wade?”, he sputtered, wiping his face clear of tears.

“Kim’s still alive”, repeated Wade.

“My Kimmy is not gone?” asked Lois.

“Where is she Wade? I don’t see her anywhere”, added Ron looking around. ""Every time such a thing happens, Woo Foo Adventures Take Place in Your Life.""

“Hmmm how to put this, Mrs Possible, how do you feel about being pregnant again?”, questioned Wade.

“What do you mean?”, said Lois picking up the communicator.

“To put it simply, Kim is a gem of the Swartz, Lois.”, stated Wade firmly.

(It Means a fetus touched by Woo Foo in space in someone's Womb)

“SAY WHAT!” loudly blurted Ron in shock.

“I I I I’m pregnant with my daughter?”, muttered Lois, lowering the communicator to her lap.

“Yes, and by the looks of it, just conceived.”, explained Wade looking at his computer screen, it detected a single cell in the egg that was about to split. ""When Those Kind of adventures Take Place, Some of these have Time travel.""

Ron took the communicator from the lap of Lois and faced Wade directly, “You got to fix this Wade”

“I’m sorry I can’t, not without Drakken’s device and it’s destroyed. The only way to bring back Kim now is the old fashion way, and that is about nine months from now.”, said Wade, slightly annoyed with Ron.

“I’m pregnant and 15 years old”, sighed Lois and new tears formed.

Ron spotted Lois was about to cry again, he put his hand on her shoulder, “Lois, I care for Kim deeply and I’ll be there to help with anything you need.”

“Thanks Ron”, said Lois and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Same here Lois. Give me a call if you need me.”, said Wade just before he faded from the screen.

“See you have friends to help you LP, I can’t wait to see Kim again.”, smiled Ron and helped Lois off the floor.

The ride home was a quiet one. Ron drove since Lois was no longer the age to have a drivers license. She kept looking at her bare stomach and putting her hand on it. ""if the first one is a Time Travel Adventure, You're Life as A Woo Foo Knight Begins as a 4 year old."" When they got to the driveway, Lois had a horrible thought.

“What am I going to tell James?”, said Lois at the point of almost panicking.

“You’ll think of something. I’ll be by in the morning. Goodnite Lois”, said Ron.

“Nite Ron”, Lois waved as she got out of the car. “What am I going to say”, repeated Lois over and over as she walked up to the front door.

Ron left Kim’s car in the driveway and walked home. Lois opened the door and walked in. She was greeted by James as she entered the living room. ""If you Find My Picture at Age 8, You will Possibly Encounter Sayans.""

“Lois, where’s Kim?”, asked James not seeing his daughter walk in.

Lois did not say anything, only ran up and hugged James tightly and cried. ""When a Virtual World made by a boy Genius arrives, there will be some Bad Data along the way""

“Honey what’s wrong?” James concerned about Lois’s reaction about his question. He rubbed her back.

Lois sat on James lap and wiped her eyes. She began to tell her husband everything that happened at the warehouse. When she got to the part where Kim was hit with the juvenator the second time, she started crying again. At first James was shocked when he heard the news about his daughter and the destruction of the only device that could bring his wife and daughter back to their correct age. His logical mind won out. ""You have friends, Remember that""

“We’ll get through this honey, I promise, remember we are Possibles”, comforted James hugging his young wife.

‘But I’m only 15 now and can’t be your wife anymore or a doctor. I have to grow up again.”, cried Lois.

The twins were listening from the back hallway, but did not interfere in the conversation. ""When two evils spy on you and use that to destroy the earth...""

“Whoa, mom is pregnant with Kim”, said Jim.

“And she is only 3 years older than us and has to grow up again”, whispered Tim.

“We’re going to be Kim’s older brothers and mom’s younger brothers now”, said Jim quietly.

Later that night, Lois sat in Kim’s room alone in her underwear. She walked up to the mirror and turned to show her profile. She placed both hands on her bare belly. Spax appeared, taking off his Jumpsuit. ""All is not lost, You are alive""



"I Drank from the Fountain of Youth and Guess what?"

Spax Starred...

"I'm Pregnant!"

Spax was Ammased

"Oh, Edward!"

the two Hugged an and spax3 Left.

"if I find a New guy having Problems on the Sattilite of Love, Sonic, I'll Be Back." smiled Spax.

“My poor Kimmy, I promise to be a good mother to you for a second time.” smiled Lois.


Lois stayed home for the next few days from school to come to grips with her situation. Ron came by each day and gave support. James, using his connections in the government, became Lois’s legal guardian. They came up with a story that Kim had passed away during one of her missions, that was why Lois and the twins were staying home, to morn. When Lois started back to school, she decided to try out for cheerleading to honor her daughter. She made the junior varsity team, wearing Kim’s old uniform from when she was a sophomore. ""You're Life is pure. If it's that Pure, You will find the Spirit""

A couple of weeks later, the group got a surprise. During one of the twins freshman classes, someone they thought had gone came into the room.

“Class please welcome a new student, her name is Shego Hall. Please take a empty seat.”, said the teacher.

There were two truant officers ushering in Shego from the door. She did not look to happy about being there. ""If you find the Spirit of Your D-Soul, A Threat will Come"" Gone was her green jump suit, she was wearing a black shirt and green skirt. Her black hair was pulled into a pony tail.

“We need to tell Ron and Lois about this.”, said Tim to Jim.

Shego mostly kept to herself and only scowled at Lois when they passed each other in the halls.

To the surprise of both of them, Ron and Lois started dating. Questions were rising when Lois started to show her pregnancy. Ron defended her honor when students started calling her names. Lois had to hold off cheerleading as not to harm tiny Kim in her womb. ""If you have the Courage to Delete the Threat, a girl with monkey Reflexes will come"" About that time, Shego had vanished.

Months passed, Ron helped Lois with her Lamaze classes. Lois had her 16th birthday party, now 7 months pregnant. ""If You Cry when your world is destroied, Do Not Dispair"" Wade, Ron, and a few other new friends Lois had made, were attending the party. Ronald Stoppable graduated from high school and spent more time with Lois during the summer. The family was having a cookout in the backyard while Spax was watching the sonic Gang and AC. Suddenly Lois’s water broke and Sonic and the Gang Got Movie Sign. ""If You have a Rival Named Dawn, Just Remember: 'She's Just a Rival.' also remember this""

“Lois what’s wrong?”, asked Ron seeing the strange look on her face.

“Ron my water just broke, Kimmy is on her way”, said Lois feeling the water run down her leg.

“Oh my gosh”, panicked Ron and ran around like a chicken with his head cut off.

Everyone piled into the car and hurried to the hospital. Lois grunted every time a contraction rippled across her stomach.

Dr. F is Amased at a new life change that Spax will show to AC in the season startup 10.

Once there, they rushed her into the delivery room. Ron stayed by her side, while James and the twins were in the waiting room.

“Deep breaths remember”, said Ron holding onto her hand.

“I know”, grunted Lois and then took a couple of quick breaths.

“Push, I see the head”, said the female doctor.

Lois pushed a few more times, and Kim was born for the second time. Lois was happy when she heard a little babies cry.

“Congratulations, it’s a girl”, said the doctor holding newborn Kim in her hands.

“Care to cut the cord”, said a nurse handing a pair of clippers to Ron.

Ron took one look and fainted onto the floor.

“Ron”, giggled Lois.

The nurse cut the cord and they cleaned up Kim and weighed her. Ronald Stoppable was put down as the father on the birth certificate. and Spax was put Down as the Uncle

On the other side of the hospital in another delivery room, a 15 year old girl, with black hair, was laying on a table screaming in pain.

“I’ll get him for this, his going to pay”, screamed the girl.

“Calm down Miss Hall, and push”, said the doctor.

“I am pushing!”, the girl yelled.

Minutes later another baby’s cry was heard. ""If you Make a Mistake,""

“Congratulations Miss Hall, It’s a girl”, declared the doctor.

“WHAT! IT CAN’T BE”, screamed the girl.

The doctor show the girl the newborn baby, sure enough it was a tiny girl with orange peach fuzz. (She Made Love to Don Patch) ""You are on a magical Merry-Go-Round that is part of the circus of Dr. Lao (pronounces it "loo.")""

“How?” pondered the girl as she held the tiny newborn in her arms.

(Credits Scroll Diffrently, with Credits Scrolling on one side, and the Adventures of Kimmy/Yin Prin-Stars, Mostly at age 4, as it's interupted by Sonic And Pals)

Sonic and Tails: WHAT!?!?!

Sonic: Wait a Minute, Stop the Credits!

Tails: Circus of Dr. Lao!?

Sonic: Oh!

Tails: Jeez! Brother. Spax leaves and his last words are from a George Pal movie? I thought it would be somthing profound! You know, like from the Psalms, or the Upanishads or even the Desiderata for that matter!

Sara: Last transmission from Spax coming in on Hexfield. (Hexfield opens.)

Tails: Spax, buddy! Circus of Dr. Lao?! I don't get it!

Spax: Hey, I'm Leaving Sonic fandom untill SEGA inproves a little bit, so sue me! I got to go, guys. Hey, see you later! (To Cambot.) Sorry, Gamer Fans! I can't come back! I don't know how this thing works! Good-bye!! (Hexfield closes.)

Sonic Gang: BYE! BYE!

Sonic: Wow.

Cosmo: Oh, I'm goning to miss him.

Tails: Well, I guess he's gone for good, fellas. That only means one thing. I'm in charge.

Sonic: Race you to the Mallowcups. I found out where he hides them!

Tails: Oh, Sonic! Too soon!!

Cosmo: Think they'll send us a new guy?

Tails: Oh sure, they're bound to. But, until that happens...PANIC!!!

Sonic Gang (Begin running widly across the screen): AAAAAH!! PANIC!!! AAAAAAAHH!! SPAX!! SPAX!!!! SPAX!!!! HELP ME!!! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!!!!!? WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

(Frank stares into the screen, dumbfounded.)

Dr. F. (In a green bathrobe with wet hair and a towel): Nothing like a shower to make one feel new again, huh?. (Frank gulps.) I feel great! Nothing can get in the way of my good mood. Whats goin' on, Frank?

Frank: Oh, not much. Inventory under control...floor needs mopping...Joel escaped from the Satellite of Love....

Dr. F.: Well, I see you have the situation well in ha-- WHAT!!! JOEL ESCAPED from the Satellite of LOVE???

Frank: I better get started on that floor.

Dr. F.: Frank! My towel and you hinder have an appontment. We've got to rescue Joel. (Begins typing franticly.) Oh no! NO! FRANK! He's landed safely in the Austrailian outback!

Frank: Well, let's just hope he landed on Yahoo Serious.

Dr. F.: Well, thats a good point...FRANK! (Grabs him by the shoulders) Can't you see we're ruined! What are we gonna do?

Frank: Well, we could send someone else into space.

Dr. F.: Who are we gonna find at this late date to send into space?! (AC walks up)

AC: You guys sign my time card? (Dr. F. and Frank look at him and start laughing.)

Dr. F.: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Frank: Yeah! Your not gonna sign his time card are you! (Dr. F gives him a look.)

AC: Come on, you gotta sign my time card.

Dr. F.: Of course I'll sign your time card, young man! In fact, I think you'll be working for me for a long, long time. Push the button, Frank. (Frank pushes it with a disgusted look. Blackout.)

(Credits Scroll Diffrently, with Credits Scrolling on one side, and the Adventures of Kimmy/Yin Prin-Stars.)

Dr. F.'s voice: {after the Crawl is complete} Say AC, what size jumpsuit do you wear? (AC whimpers.)

AC: We're Playing a Little Game {He is Holding the cards Seen in this Movie - [1] So Is Kolulu}

SANDY CHEEKS: That's All For the First Half! Go To TurboNick for the Second Half! That Means You, Tommy...

AC: Stay Tuned...

{the Screen Turns off}

TOMMY: Aw, Man! Tara, Can I Access TurboNick?

TARA: oh, Sorry, Tommy. That computer Blocks All Nickelodeon Websites

TOMMY: We'll Be Right Back, I Gotta get a Non-CN Computer...

[edit] Half Two

TOMMY: Tara, I have Simpsonized Myself, Now Can I have My TurboNick!

TARA: Is it for AC's?


{Cut To AC.}

AC: We got a New Episode of FBZ for Y'all

{There is a Clip of the Upcomming Show Page 130: and Maggie Started To Grow}

MARGE: Maggie, The Radiation of AC has gotten to You!

MAGGIE: well he made me more beautiful than you, Old Hag!

MARGE: WHY YOU LITTLE! {Strangles Maggie}

MAGGIE: Someone Call the FCC!

{Three FCC Members appear and Strangle Her}

LISA: Wish I Had the Power to age Quickly and stay that way for all eternaty

AC: THEN HOP ABOARD! {Lisa hops on his hoverstar} MiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMiMi! {He Jets out of the Scene with Lisa}

BART: I think the Streaking Maggie is Telling me Something, That it's My Fault!

{End Preview}

KOLULU: Maggie Looks Beautiful at 24

STRONG BAD: And My Type...

{Kolulu Hits Strong Bad on the Head with a Frying Pan, With a "Twang!"}

AC: Lord, That's Funny

KOLULU: Now For the Rest of the Episode Ending

James, Ron, Ron’s parents, and the twins all stood outside the nursery looking in the window at baby Kim. The name on the plastic cradle was Kimmy/Yin Prin-Stairs Stoppable. She had Pink peach fuzz on her small head.

“She’s so tiny”, said the twins together.

“Congratulations son, she’s beautiful.”, said Ron’s father.

“Can’t believe that I’m a grandmother now”, sighed Ron’s mother holding onto Ron’s baby sister, Hana

During the next couple of years, Ron spent as much time as he could away from college to help Lois with Kim. Even the twins helped change Kim’s diapers and feed her. Lois graduated from high school with honors and spoke at the graduation. Ron sat in the audience holding onto toddler Kim on his lap. She was dressed in a pink toddler dress and wearing training pants.

“Daddy look Mommy”, pointed Kim as she saw Lois on stage.

“Yes sweety mommy”, smiled Ron, he was proud of Lois.

After graduation, Lois and Ron made plans to get married. Hana and Kim were becoming great friends, being close to the same age, Hana being slightly older. Hana and Kim were the flower girls at Ron’s and Lois’s wedding. Lois officially became Lois Stoppable that day. At the reception, a little black haired girl the same age as Kim, pulled on 2 year old Kim’s pig tails. Kim ran to her mother.

“Mommy mommy she pulled my hair”, cried Kim pointing to the little girl as her mother picked her up.

Lois saw a teenaged girl and a Person Who Evolved from Rock Candy walk over and pick up the toddler. Lois recognized the teen, it was Shego. Shego walked over carrying the toddler in her arms.

“Sorry about that Lois, nice wedding by the way." said Shego. "Little Dawn Patch here is going to be punished I promise.” Said Don Patch

“No mommy, please. Me be good”, pouted Dawn in Shego’s arms.

“Your daughter is cute. Mine is a bundle of trouble”, said Shego.

“Thanks. I didn’t know you had a baby.”, said Lois.

“It was a surprise for me as well. Well I gotta go, my mom is waiting in the car.”, said Shego as she walked off still carrying Dawn.

“I don’t wike her”, frowned Kim in her mother’s arms.

Kim did not meet Dawn again until kindergarten. Dawn became Kim’s rival as they grew up. Hana and Kim, when they became teens, joined a crime fighting team whitch You all know is the Super Duper Deluxe Transforming Ultra Mega Fighters, but that is another story. A Story Continued in...



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