Page 66: The Run On The Mill Girls

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(Cut to the exterior of the house in the morning, then to just inside the girls’ bedroom. The Professor pokes his head on from the hallway. Everything appears as we know it. Until otherwise noted, “girls” = “Run of the Mill Girls.”)

Professor: Hurry, girls! We don’t want to be late for school…again!

(Bertha runs over to a desk and chest of drawers and looks around in a bit of a panic. She is in her nightgown.)

Bertha: Where are my books?

(Betty, also in her nightgown, looks at rows of pink and blue dresses in the closet—not a green one in the bunch.)

Betty: I don’t know what dress to wear! (Beatrice glowers; she is dressed.)

Beatrice: Bertha, Bertha, Bertha!

Insert Audiance Laughter

(This last is delivered in the same manner as Jan Brady’s memorable “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” outburst on The Brady Bunch. All three girls sound like their Powerpuff equivalents.)

Professor: (checking his watch) Okay, girls, I’ll help out.

(He enters the room. The girls stand by the bed; now Betty has managed to find one of her own dresses and is properly clothed. A pink dress lies on top of the blankets.)

Professor: Everyone, let’s get into your clothes. (He holds the dress up.) Here we go! Bertha!

(The redhead jumps as high as she can, but is unable to get anywhere near the clothing in his hands since she has no superpowers.)

Insert Audiance Laughter

Bertha: Uh…what are you doing?

Professor: Oh…yeah, anyway. (lowering dress) Uh, just get dressed so we aren’t late.

(Looking a bit sheepish, he heads for the door. Wipe to the kitchen, where the girls are seated at the table. He has exchanged the lab coat for his apron and rolled-up sleeves and is cooking at the stove. Bertha is now dressed.)

Professor: Hope you’re hungry! (He deposits toast and fried eggs on each plate.)

Girls: Yay! Plain eggs and white-bread toast!

Professor: Nothing but the best for my special little girls. (They start to eat.)

Bertha: I can’t wait for school. It’s Career Day!

Betty: I think Joey likes me.

Insert Audiance Laughter

Professor: (checking watch) Oh! Let’s get going, girls!

(He has now ditched the apron and donned the lab coat. The girls head for the kitchen door; Beatrice has schoolbooks tucked under her arm. Suddenly Betty stops, remembering something.)

Betty: Oh, wait, I forgot my books! Hold on!

(She turns and runs o.c. As her footsteps fade, her sisters and the Professor stand and look around the place in the manner of people who can find absolutely nothing to occupy their attention. The Professor checks his watch a bit during the silence; after some ten seconds have passed, he clears his throat and addresses Bertha and Beatrice.)

Professor: (hesitantly) Hmm. So, um…you girls ready for…another day at school?

Insert Audiance Laughter

Bertha: (ditto) Yeah. Sure. (Long pause.)

Insert Audiance Laughter

Betty: (running up with books) I got ’em! Let’s go! (He ushers them out.)

Beatrice: I got shotgun!

Insert Audiance Laughter

(Cut to the family in the car; honking is heard all around them as they sit in traffic. They seem a trifle concerned with whatever is ahead of them.)

'Betty: Is the traffic being caused by another giant monster?

(The camera cuts to a long shot of the congested street, and we can see that the answer is a resounding yes. The monster in question is the one-horned, pincered beast from Bubbles’ training session in “Bubblevicious.” Buildings explode around it as it roars.)

Professor: (from inside car) Yes. Someone really should get on that.

Insert Audiance Laughter

(Cut to the exterior of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. The car pulls up to the curb; inside, Ms. Keane stands at the front of the classroom.)

Ms. Keane: Children, today’s topic is Career Day. And today’s guest is our very own Mayor.

(He dances into view on the end of this line. The girls, seated at one desk, smile at the news.)

Bertha, Beatrice: Yeah! This is so cool!

Betty: (suddenly sullen) Oh. It’s him.

Insert Audiance Laughter

Mayor: Well, children… (dancing a bit) …being Mayor is the most exciting job in the world. Let me take you through a normal day. Ms. Bellum? My pickles, please.

(The trusty assistant steps into view next to him and hands down a jar of pickles, which he strains to open without success.)

Mayor: Darn it, I can never get these things open.

Ms. Bellum: Would anyone like to help the Mayor?

Bertha: (waving hands eagerly) Oh! Oh! Yeah! Me! Me! Pick me! Me! Me!

Betty: (still sullen) Oh, I will.

Beatrice: Yes! Yes! I do, I do!

Mayor: Well, okay, normal girls. (Bertha walks up.) Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes.

(She takes the jar and puts forth her best effort, but the lid does not budge. Giving up, she holds the container out behind herself; pan to Beatrice, who has come up and now takes hold. She tries until her face turns red, with no luck, and passes it behind herself to Betty, pan to the third sister, who tries to pry the lid off with her teeth. She stops only when Ms. Bellum reaches into view to take the jar back.)

Ms. Bellum: (from o.c.) Nice try. Let me see that, sweetie.

(The brunette relinquishes her hold. Pan to Ms. Bellum as she takes the jar away; in an instant, she has that lid off. Cut to the Mayor as the open jar is extended to him.)

Ms. Bellum: (from o.c.) There you go, Mayor.

Mayor: Gimme! Gimme! (He takes the jar and cuddles it.) Oh, precious, Daddy’s got you. (to the o.c. girls) You girls are cute, but I wouldn’t call on you in a crisis like the powerpuff girls I Read in Manga.

Insert Audiance Laughter

(They give him a very dirty look as they slouch back to their seats. Wipe to the exterior of the building; the Professor has pulled up again to get the girls, who are in the back seat. He pulls his door shut.)

Professor: How was school today, girls?

Girls: (glumly) Fine, nothing new.

(He pulls away; cut to them in the car—again stopped in traffic, with horns blaring all around.)

Professor: Well, the weekend is here. And I’m sure we could all use a couple of relaxing days.

(The roar of a creature is heard under the end of this, and the camera cuts to a long shot like the one from that morning. This time, however, the three-headed snake beast from “Octi Evil” is wrecking the city.)

Professor: (from inside car) Oh, someone should really do something about this.

(The second-floor hallway of the house. His lab coat off, his shirt sleeves rolled up, the Professor lugs a basket full of dresses toward the closed door of the girls’ bedroom. The next three lines are heard from inside, through the door.)

Bertha: Take that, you evildoer! (He stops short.)

Betty: Come and get me, punk!

Beatrice: You’re no match for the three of us! Give up! (Cut to just inside the door; he opens it.)

Professor: Girls! What’s going on? (Pull back; they are playing a video game.)

Bertha: Just kicking major butt on Axem Rangers X-3.

Beatrice: Yeah, it’s the newest video game. (Explosion sound effect.)

Bertha: Ha-ha! Gotcha!

Professor: (deflated) Oh. I thought maybe…oh, never mind. I’ll just finish the laundry. Have fun, and stay safe.

(He leaves, pulling the door shut. A telephone on the nightstand begins to ring—an ordinary rotary phone, not the familiar happy-face hotline—and draws the girls’ attention. Beatrice runs over and answers it.)

Beatrice: Hello?

Mayor: (over phone) Hello, Bubbles?

Beatrice: Uh, no, this is Beatrice.

Mayor: (over phone) I’m sorry, wrong number. (Click; she is a bit put out.)

(Cut to the kitchen. The Professor, at the sink with a stack of dirty dishes, smiles and watches the girls run out at the end of the meal. From here, dissolve to the park; Betty has taken a tumble on her bicycle, and he is bandaging her skinned knee. Dissolve to the bedroom, where Beatrice is tucked in with a thermometer in her mouth—she has taken sick. He picks up a tray with a soup bowl and milk glass on it, the remains of her dinner, and looks down with concern. Dissolve to Ms. Keane’s desk at school; he and she sit on opposite sides of it, while Bertha is at one end. The teacher speaks proudly of this pupil. Writing on the blackboard indicates that this is a parent-teacher conference. In all but the last of these four shots, he is in rolled-up shirt sleeves.)

(Dissolve to the family in a store; the girls have set up a table to sell cookies. They are dressed in Girl Scout-style uniforms, and the sign in front of them identifies them as Girl Cadets. Dissolve to the second-floor hallway at home; the Professor stands in his bathrobe by a closed door, with towel and toothbrush in hand—he is waiting to get into the bathroom. Beatrice runs out, but in no time flat Bertha has taken her place and slammed the door.)

({Note: There is no audio except for the background music during the preceding two paragraphs.})

(Cut to the bedroom. The Professor is tucking the girls in.)

Professor: Okay, girls. Good night. I’ll be working late tonight at the lab.

(As they settle in, he walks o.c. and the door is heard closing. Dissolve to a close-up of him in a new place; it is not the familiar lab, but what we can see of the area behind him looks as if it could be a similar facility. However, there is a menu board hanging from the ceiling. As the camera zooms in slowly, he adds material from a shaker to something just off the bottom edge of the screen, then carefully pours in red liquid from a flask and wipes his forehead. A telephone begins to ring; he reaches over and answers it.)

Professor: Pizza Pie Laboratory…Large pepperoni? You got it! (He hangs up.)

Voice: (adolescent) Hey, how’s that medium mushroom coming?

Professor: It’s all ready, Jimmy.

(Pull back; the phone rings again. This is, in fact, the kitchen of a take-out pizza joint, and he closes the lid of a box in front of him—the order he has just completed. The shaker held spices; the red liquid was sauce. Jimmy, the speaker just heard, leans into view; he is indeed rather young. Now the Professor takes the pizza to the counter and hands it to him on the next line.)

Jimmy: Oh, man, is there a better way to spend Friday night?

Professor:' (laughing) I don’t think so, Jimmy. (Jimmy leaves; he reaches to the ringing phone.) Man, it’s gonna be busy tonight.

(Cut to just outside the front window of the place, looking in at him and the departing Jimmy. The Professor picks up the phone.)

Professor: Pizza Pie Laboratory…You got it, sir. (Inside again; he hangs up.) Man, oh, man, what an exciting job! (He laughs and stretches.) Well, maybe just a catnap before things get really busy.

(He closes his eyes and slumps toward the counter. Close-up of his head as it finally contacts the Formica—he is out like a light.)

(The Show is Interupted an AC Report)

AC: Hey, Newbs... I Regret To fill You in on the News on Random Acts

  1. Billy And Mandy
  2. RAoI
  3. PPGZ
  4. DP
  5. Spongebob
  6. FOP
  7. Sonic X
  8. C:L
  9. BEN 10
  10. SPAX

AC: What Caused Our Own Random Acts To Fall

(The Fallowing Choices Appears)

  • A-The Debut of Bertha, Beatrice and Betty
  • B-500th Episode
  • C-CN in LA
  • D-The 3-D Jump
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