Episode 431a: Jellyfishing

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French Narrator: Ah, ze early morning in Bikini Bottom, when ze jellyfish are buzzing about and making the jellyfish jelly.

Telescope peeks out of SpongeBob’s window.

French Narrator: Oh, what is happening here?

SpongeBob looks through the telescope for a jellyfish.

French Narrator: Collectors?

SpongeBob nods to Jimmy, Timmy, Danny and Patrick that there are jellyfish around. SpongeBob jumps into a metal, square vent like contraption while Danny, Jimmy, Timmy and Patrick jump into a round one. Then they slide down a rope but stop before hitting the ground as their hands burn from sliding down it.

SpongeBob, Patrick, Jimmy, Timmy and Danny: Ow ! Ow ! Ow ! Ow !

After their hands cool off, they go to the cupboard and put together some nets and try them out. SpongeBob also wears his glasses before they head out the door.

Jimmy: Okay. So, what do we have to do now in this whole “jellyfishing” ?

SpongeBob: Just watch me and Patrick.

A jellyfish floats by as they stare at it and then go after it.

SpongeBob & Patrick: La la la la la! La la la la la! La la la la la!

Danny, Timmy and Jimmy follow them.

SpongeBob: I think I’ve got it! No, wait a minute...

The jellyfish stings them as they run away from the jellyfish.

Patrick: Go! go! go! go! go! go!

They tumble over in front of Squidward's house as the jellyfish floats by and stings them on their bottoms. Squidward gets out of his house with a bicycle.

Squidward: Hmph.

SpongeBob: Hey Squidward, we’re jellyfishing.

Squidward: Of course you are. Bye now.

Squidward walks away but Timmy stopped him

Timmy: Wait! We made a net especially for you! Do you want to come with us?

Squidward: Really? Jellyfishing with you guys? Oh, that would be the best day ever in my book. I would love to go jellyfishing! I can’t think of anything I’d like to do more on my day off than go jellyfishing with my five best friends: SpongeBob, Patrick and...uhh...

Jimmy: Jimmy, Timmy and Danny.

Squidward: Right. But I can’t. Bye bye.

SpongeBob: Next time?

Squidward: Oh sure, right! Whatever.

Squidward rides away from the Nicktoons on his bike.

Squidward: (talking to himself) Like that would ever happen.

SpongeBob: You know ? It always seems like Squidward never has time for fun.

Jimmy: Maybe he doesn’t like us.

SpongeBob: No, are you kidding? We’re his best friends.

We see Squidward laughing as he bikes down up and down the road.

Squidward: Ha, ha, ha, ha. Jellyfishing! Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, I’ll go! Ha, ha, ha, ha. I sure had them going.

Squidward laughs more. Then, a jellyfish floats towards Squidward direction and floats into his mouth causing him to spit it out and smack it.

Squidward: Stupid jellyfish! Beat it!

The jellyfish flies up Squidward's shirt causing him to lose control of his bike and falling down a cliff. And then BOOM !

Squidward: Ooowww !

Then we see SpongeBob gradually waiting for Squidward as he checks every so often, out the window, for Squidward's return. Then Squidward, in a wheelchair, rides down to his house wrapped up in bandages from head to toes.

SpongeBob: Squid’s back!

SpongeBob calls Patrick, Jimmy, Timmy and Danny on the phone.

Patrick, Jimmy, Timmy and Danny: Hello?

SpongeBob: Hey guys, Squid’s home! And we’re gonna make sure he’s greeted by his five best friends!

Patrick: Oh great! Who are they ?

Danny: Us, Patrick.

The five is shown talking right next to each other as they hang up.

SpongeBob: Let’s go!

We see Squidward. He rolls into his house and turns on the lights to reveal SpongeBob, Patrick, Danny, Jimmy and Timmy with a banner hanging over them with the words 'welcome home' on it.

Jimmy: Welcome home, Squidward!

Patrick: Merry Christmas!

Timmy: We’re gonna make this your best day ever!

Squidward tries to roll back out but Danny grabs him and turns him around.

Danny: Well, your best day’s sure not gonna be out there.

Patrick: How about some soup on your best day ever ?

Squidward is rolled over to the table with the soup. Looks down at it with the words 'best day ever' spelled out.

Patrick: Here we go!

Squidward: Mmmmhhhmmm.

Patrick: Oh, it’s a little hot.

He blows on it too hard causing it to splash on Squidward. Then Patrick notices the soup is gone and gets some more and blows it on Squidward again. He grabs some more soup and tries it again but he blows it on Squidward again. About to blow on more soup but Danny stops him.

Danny: I don’t think soup is the best thing for him on his best day ever.

SpongeBob leans over to Squidward's clarinet.

SpongeBob: How about some music on your best day ever ? Played on your very own clarinet.

He blows on it but high-pitched notes blow out.

SpongeBob: Sorry, my lips are a little dry.

He licks his lips for few seconds and reattempts to play the clarinet but Patrick takes it away.

Patrick: Music isn’t best either.

SpongeBob: But what is best is what we saved for last. The one sure fire thing to make your best day ever, the best day ever!

We see the six at the Jellyfish Fields.

SpongeBob & Patrick: Jellyfishing! jellyfishing! Jellyfishing! jellyfishing! jellyfishing! jellyfishing! jellyfishing! jellyfishing! jellyfishing!

SpongeBob: This is the Jellyfish Fields, where wild jellyfishes roam just waiting to be captured.

Squidward tries to get away but SpongeBob stops him.

SpongeBob: No, no, Squid! Over here! I know you’re eager, Squid, but you don’t even have your net. Patrick, fix him up while I find him a good speciment.

Patrick: Firmly grasp it in your hand.

Patrick puts the net handle on Squidward's hand and lets go but it falls to the ground.

Patrick: Firmly grasp it.

He puts again the net handle on Squidward's hand and lets go but it falls to the ground.

Patrick: Firmly grasp it!!

He shoves the net into Squidward's hand making a huge hole in the bandages and making Squidward scream in pain.

Patrick: Now ya’ll do it.

SpongeBob spots to a jellyfish.

SpongeBob: There’s one in position. Ready...set...

Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, SpongeBob & Patrick: Go! Go Squid! You got it! Go, Squidward, go!

Squidward doesn't move.

Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, SpongeBob & Patrick: Go! Go Squid! You got it! Go, Squidward, go!

Patrick: I think we better show him how it’s done.

SpongeBob: Da, da, da, da, dum.

They jump two steps forward.

SpongeBob: Da, da, da, da, dum.

They jump forward two steps again.

Patrick: Da, da, da, da, dum.

Patrick tries capturing the jellyfish but falls onto the ground.

Jimmy, Timmy and Danny: Da, da, da, da, dum.

They all try to capture the jellyfish.

Jellyfish: Bz, bz, bz, bz, bz.

Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, SpongeBob & Patrick: Da, da, da, da, dum.

SpongeBob: Da, da, da. Da, da, da, da, da, da, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum

SpongeBob, Patrick, Danny, Jimmy and Timmy get stung by the jellyfishes, then one jellyfish comes to Squidward and stings his nose. Squidward gets angry and goes after the jellyfish.

SpongeBob: Hey look! Squid’s doing it!

Squidward's wheelchair gets stopped by a rock but he continues on and captures the jellyfish. Then he bangs his net on the pink look-a-like rock. Then the rock raises above the ground and is a big jellyfish which hovers over Squidward.

Patrick: This guy’s good.

SpongeBob: He’s a natural!

Squidward tries to get away from the Jellyfish Queen.

Danny: Uh, guys. Don’t you think that we should help Squidward get away from that big jellyfish ?

SpongeBob: Nah. I think that Squidward will handle it.

Patrick: See what you've been missing?!

SpongeBob: You've got 'em now!

Patrick: It's in the bag!

SpongeBob: This really is your best day ever, isn't it ?

Squidward gets zapped big time by the jellyfish.

Danny, Jimmy, Timmy, SpongeBob & Patrick: Oohhh!!

Next day, we see Jimmy, Timmy, Danny, SpongeBob & Patrick, with band-aids on, walking around in front of the easter island head.

SpongeBob: Hey guys. Well, thought yesterday went pretty well, don’t you think?

Patrick: I had fun.

SpongeBob: Me too.

Danny, Jimmy & Timmy: Us too.

Patrick: Here comes Squidward!

SpongeBob: Oh, great. (laughs nervously)

Squidward rolls in on a motorized hospital bed.

SpongeBob: Hey Squid! How about that...

Squidward ignores SpongeBob and keeps going.

SpongeBob: ...best day ever?

Timmy: There’s always tomorrow!

Squidward tries to get in his house but just keeps running into his door.

SpongeBob: Umm, we’re really sorry about what happened yesterday, Squidward.

Squidward runs into his door again.

Jimmy: We got you a present!

We see the jellyfish from yesterday is in a jar.

Danny: It’s the jellyfish.

SpongeBob gives the jellyfish to Squidward.

Timmy: You know, from yesterday!

SpongeBob: You’re not still mad, are you?

Squidward opens the jar pointing towards Danny, Jimmy, Timmy, SpongeBob & Patrick.

Danny: Yup, he’s still mad.

Jellyfish goes after the Nicktoons as Squidward laughs at what he just did. In comes the Jellyfish Queen hovering over Squidward. It zaps him and Squidward's cast comes off and now in his regular attire.

Squidward: Ow.

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