Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium: a tale/1/1

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[edit] Prologe: The Gospel Truth

Tony Jay walked through an ancient gallery full of statues and vases. “Long ago, in the System Mainframe, there was a golden age of powerful gods and extraordinary heroes,” NL narrated. “And the greatest and strongest of all these heroes was the mighty AC.”

NL pointed to a vase with a Picture that familiar AC we Know and Love.

“But what is the measure of a true hero?” NL asked the readers. “Ah, that is what our story is Thought up by a lunch”

"AC, No Limit 5, Whoever Wrote the Story, All Sat down."

“Will you listen to him?” A voice asked irritably, cutting in.

“Hey, who cut in?!” Tony Jay asked, now annoyed. He looked on the top of the vase and saw the painting of 5 girls in purple robes moving. This wasn’t a surprise to him, since he was an all-powerful superhero.

The first girl was an Asian Waterbender girl with brown hair and brown eyes. Her name is Katara.

The second girl was Ranamon.

The third girl was a Tamaranean girl with orange hair and green eyes. Her name is Starfire.

The fourth girl was another Japanese rockstar girl that had blue, gothic hair and blue eyes. Her name was Yumi Yoshimura.

The fifth girl was also a Japanese girl with long pink hair and pink eyes. Her name was Ami Onuki.

“He’s makin’ the story sound like some Greek tragedy,” Ranamon continued, holding up a sad theatre mask.

“Lighten up, dude,” Yumi agreed.

“We’ll take it from here, TJ,” Starfire smiled.

“You go, girls,” Tony Jay said as he walked out of the gallery to get ready for his next scene.

“We are the Muses,” Katara said to the readers as she gestured to other four girls. “Goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of heroes.”

“Heroes like AC!” Ami added.

Ranamon slides down to the face of Danny’s painting. “You mean Hunk-C! Ooh, I’d love to make some sweet music with him…” Ranamon hummed.

“Our story actually begins long before Danny,” Katara said, after giving Kimi an angry look. “Two Weeks ago…”

Katara, Kimi, Starfire, Yumi and Ami: Back when Mainframe was new,
it's Twin City was down on its luck.
And everywhere gigantic brutes
called D-Mons ran amok!

They past a moving vase of a Plasmus, X-Tremebob Square Pants and Gigabyte destroying the world.

Ranamon: It was a nasty place, Shugah!
There was a mess wherever you stepped.
Starfire: Where chaos reigned and earthquakes
and volcanoes never slept!
Ami and Yumi: And then along Came Nux.

They Past a Blue Haired Boy in a White Tunic

Ranamon: He Added Robotboy to to the Script!

Robotboy is Seen Super-Activating!

All: He Zapped

The D-Mon are then locked into another dimension with gates made with lightning.

Katara: Locked those Doseblams in a vault!
All: They're trapped!
Ami And Yumi: And on his own stopped chaos in its tracks.
All: The guy was too type
A to just relax
Starfire: And that's the world's first dish
Nux tamed his globe while still in his youth.
All: Though, honey, it may seem possi'ble-
That's the gospel truth!
Katara: On mount Olympus life was neat
and smooth as sweet vermouth.
All: Though, honey, it may seem poss-ble
That's the gospel truth!

[edit] Chapter 1: Mii Channel

Darkness in its fullest form, that’s what it was; darkness that longed to expand, to grow, to cover, to change, to control, and to destroy. It started on a happy little planet of people that spent all of their time having fun. Fun for them consisted of games of baseball, golf, bowling, tennis, and friendly boxing matches. They would play musical instruments and exercise for fun, loving the competition, but no one ever got too competitive.

Here the people called each other Miis. No matter what their first name was, they all shared the last name of Mii. The Miis were a happy and content people, living in a paradise. Until one Mii became bored with the day-to-day life he lived, he looked to the stars and wanted more. The other Miis would sometimes listen to him in fascination, but in the end they’d smile and leave him alone to his thoughts. This Mii began building and wasn’t seen for quite some time by the other Miis. Then one day, as the sun was rising and the Miis were awakening to go out and enjoy their games and their music, a loud and unfamiliar noise could be heard.

The usually bright sunny morning sun was hidden behind something. Looking up the Miis weren’t sure what it was. Then it came closer. It was a living thing, or at least it seemed alive, it moved and it definitely had senses as when someone spoke up it looked at them. “Welcome to Mii Channel!” said a Mii. The Miis looked at this visitor, it was cone shaped with a red and green coloring. The only facial features seen were too yellow eyes surrounded by an unnatural darkness.

The Miis only watched in amusement and amazement at this spectacle before them as the visitor said no words. Instead, a large orb dropped to the ground, this odd ‘thing’ had been carrying it up until then. The Miis attention turned there. Then two more strangers appeared, these were robots with similar ‘eyes’ to that of the first stranger. They moved to either side of the strange dropped orb and pulled on it. From within a clock was visible, the unsuspecting Miis gathered around, curious of this totally new thing in their world. The clock’s countdown began.

“I bid farewell to you” came a voice from the original stranger. The Miis looked back up again. “This world has made me quite bored, there must be better things out there to be discovered, and I shall find them all, and you shall help me” said the creature. The Miis weren’t sure what it was talking about, it spoke as if it knew them their whole lives. “Who are you?” asked one of the Miis. “You can call me the Ancient Minister, for I am answering the call from beyond the stars, and I shall bring you and all others who live in such a mundane existence out of it, by force if necessary” he said.

Just then the countdown finished its completion. Darkness spread from a tiny little orb, to one so large that it enveloped all of the Miis, and then their entire planet!

Starfire Appeared "If there's one Evil Subspace Villian you didn't wanna mess up with, it's The Ancient Minister!"

"'Cause he had an evil plan." adds Arial.

Cut to A.M. Floating far from the Mii Planet!

Ami and Yumi: He ran the Subspace Realm
But though Lost souls were dull and uncouth

A bunch of souls that belonged to Miis climbed onto the boat The Ancient Minister Added to the script for some Reason and grabbed him. Annoyed, he blasted them back.

Ami and Yumi: He was mean as he was ruthless
That's All AC wrote

Pan to the Subspace Covered Mii Channel. The Miis vanished, and now in their place grayish green bodied forms stood, with darkness for arms and legs. The friendly faces of the Miis were gone; all that was left were eyes, red eyes with no emotion in them.

Ranamon: Some folks had Nasty Fates

Starfire: Turned into Primid if Not so Strong!

All: All that no ryming seems inposs'ble
But 'dat da Gospel Truth

They Pass X-Trembob Squarepants, the Ancient Minister tossed the Beast a Steak.

He had a plan to shake things up

“It has begun” the Ancient Minister said.

And thats the gospel truth

[edit] Chapter 2: Mario

The Italian plumber brothers, Mario and Luigi, were off on yet another adventure. Bowser had kidnapped Princess Peach again, and it was up to the heroes to reclaim her from his evil claws. They marched onward across the ash-covered Koopa Kingdom, ridding the world of Goombas, Koopas, Bullet Bills, and several other enemies from their path as they went. It was then their first real obstacle appeared in their path, right there; blocking the bridge to Bowser’s Castle was a chain chomp.

Mario had fought this enemy; he knew how to handle this foe. Pulling a green box from who knows where, Mario changed from his regular form into Metal Mario! “I will keep him busy, you open the door Luigi” Mario told his younger brother, who nodded in reply and made his way to the door. Pulling out a fire flower, he began burning the door down. Mario’s metal wore out and Luigi and him hurriedly rushed inside. Their second obstacle met them inside; it was none other than Kamek!

“You Mario brothers have caused me enough havoc over the years, this time you’re done for” he told them and waved his magic wand. Mario was swift and pulled out his yellow cape and quickly flung the magical attack back at his enemy. “Nooo!” Kamek cried as he was turned into a frog, quickly hopping away.

“Hurry Mario, Peach is still being held by Bowser!” Luigi warned, Mario nodded and the two continued on their way. Dodging thwomps along the way they realized they were nearing their target as the heat from the lava in Bowser’s throne room could be felt beneath their feet. That’s when another obstacle presented itself. “Not so fast Mario brothers!” came a sinister voice from in front of them. It was Waluigi, joined by his older brother Wario! Waluigi pulled out a bob-omb and tossed it straight for Luigi. The green plumber however was quick and caught it, much to Waluigi’s surprise, and threw it right back at the purple clad perpetrator. Blasting those two through the roof. Mario and Luigi continued onward into the next room.

“Why you lousy Princess! How dare you!” Bowser said as the brothers walked in to see the Princess tossing turnips at the large reptile captor. “Hand the Princess over Bowser!” Mario cried out upon entering. Bowser turned and his agitation turned to complete anger, but he managed to smile. “It’s time we end this you pathetic plumbers!” Bowser said, then leapt into the air, planning to fall right on top of them! “Luigi, let’s do this together!” Mario told his brother, who readily prepared himself. Just as Bowser came soaring down on top of them, the two plumbers leaped up to meet him, their hands stretched upward.

The impact was fantastic! Bowser was sent flying through the roof of his castle just as Wario and Waluigi had before him. The Mario brothers landed back on their feet. “Now to rescue the Princess” Luigi yet again reminded his brother. But when they turned to see Peach, she had already opened her cage, smiling at them. “That’s okay boys, you’ve done enough for today. Let’s go back to the castle for some cake” she said, to which they happily agreed.

Meanwhile, Bowser, Waluigi, and Wario stood on a lone piece of ground, surrounded by hot lava, they moved their feet continuously to keep them from burning too much. “Oh.. I lost to those losers!” Wario said as he angrily pouted to the others. “I’ll get that Luigi yet, just you wait” Waluigi added into the pity party. “Shut up you two, what’s that?” Bowser asked as a strange cone shaped dot approached them. The closer it got, the more they could make out.

This was none other than the Ancient Minister, he had traversed the skies and found himself on the nearest life-sustaining planet, which was the one, that Mario, Bowser, and the others lived. “What planet is this?” he asked of the defeated trio. “Who wants to know?” Wario asked. “Yeah?” Waluigi added. “I am the Ancient Minister, and I have traveled across the stars and came here. I long for knowledge, for change, and for power” he said. “Join the crowd” Bowser growled to him.

“It seems the three of you have found yourselves in a situation” the minister stated. “It was that no good Mario” Wario stated. “And Luigi” Waluigi piped in. “Mario and Luigi?” the minister continued, wanting knowledge, as he himself had stated. “They are a pair of plumbers that live with Princess Peach and the Toads in the Mushroom Kingdom. We’ve all tried to take them down before and we thought if we teamed up we’d succeed, but it didn’t work out” Bowser griped.

“Hmm.. it seems I could help you out, if you’re willing to help me” the minister suggested. The three of them looked intrigued, but suspicious as well. “And what do you want us to do?” Bowser asked. The Ancient Minister was pleased and began to explain his plans to them.

Meanwhile, Mario, Luigi, and Peach arrived back at the castle to an onslaught of applause and cheers from the toads. Toad, Peach’s top servant, and Toadette, Toad’s girlfriend, appeared alongside of Toadworth, the oldest and most respected of the Toads, in front of the throne room’s door inside Peach’s castle. “Welcome back!” Toadsworth said happily as they joined the group. “Thank you Toadsworth, Toad, could you have the other toads bring in some dessert for my heroes?” Peach asked. “Okay!” Toad said and ran off to do just that, with Toadette quick behind him.

From inside the throne room Daisy and Rosalina appeared. “Welcome back sister!” they told Peach. Daisy and Rosalina were princesses of other kingdoms and originally had shown up for their sister’s birthday party but discovered that Bowser had kidnapped her. “I hope you’re alright” Rosalina asked. “Of course, Mario, Luigi, and I can handle Bowser” she said, adding herself into the group on purpose. As they began celebrating though, Toad rushed in, followed swiftly by Toadette of course. “Princesses! We are under attack again!” Toad said with a terrified look on his face.

“Bowser wouldn’t dare risk fighting us again, right boys?” Peach asked them, Mario and Luigi half-heartedly smiled, but they wondered over their attacker. “It’s not Bowser! It’s some new enemy” Toad warned them. Without further discussion Peach got up from her chair and raced to the stairway to the tallest spire in the castle, followed soon by the rest of the group. There, Peach was in shock. An army of darkness covered beings with grayish green bodies and red eyes were swarming the outside of her castle! “Mario, who are they?” Peach asked. Mario looked and did not recognize them, however if they were attacking the castle they couldn’t be friendly. “Luigi, we must fight them off!” Mario stated. “Let’s go” Luigi told his brother in approval as they leaped down into the swarm.

The brothers spun around in tornado like fashion, flinging the enemies backward, but unlike the goombas or koopas, thee things got back up and came at them again! The brotherly duo weren’t sure how to handle this enemy; they were outside of their element here. “They need help!” Peach stated, and before Toad could stop her she had opened up her parasol and was floating down into the fray. Toad leapt down, “Princess!” he cried, wanting to help her. One of these creatures took a swing at Peach, only to hit Toad who jumped in the way. “No!” he cried, protecting her from harm. Peach smiled but wasted no time and pulled out some turnips and began throwing them.

Daisy, Rosalina, Toadette, Toadsworth, and the rest of the castle inhabitants watched from above in fear for their friends. “Hahaha, there’s no hope for you this time” the voice of Bowser said from behind them all. Sure enough it was Bowser and he held some odd contraption in his claws. An odd beam shot out and enveloped Rosalina. Where she had been standing, now stood a small statue like replica of her. Daisy, Toadette, and Toadsworth soon followed.

“Mario, look!” Peach cried and pointed up to the castle roof where Bowser now stood in plain sight. “This time you’re mine for sure Mario!” Bowser laughed and pointed the strange device at Mario. The plumber pulled a star out and when the beam hit him it bounced off and hit one of the enemies! Bowser growled in rage. Mario, Luigi, and Peach however looked to see what happened to the odd enemy, as it was now a statue of its former self.

“Luigi, Princess, follow me!” Mario told them, the plumber then turned around and made a path through the enemies. “Where are we going Mario? What about the others?” Peach asked. “We need help Princess, once we have help we will return to face Bowser!” Mario told her as they raced onward. Mario took out his cape, Luigi a leaf that granted him the flying raccoon tail, and Peach her parasol, and the three of them took to the skies heading for the ocean.

As a Shoe-Wearing figure passed by Rosalina, Now a cold, lifeless Trophy, he tapped the trophy base and a light engulfs Both the trophy and the figure

[edit] Chapter 3: Yoshi's Island

Paranoia was rampant as Mario, Luigi, Peach, as well as Toad who was holding tight to Peach’s dress, arrived upon the large island of the Yoshis. The yoshis were running around frantically when one stopped, noticing the bunch. “Mario! You’ve got to help! Wario has invaded the island and is turning us into statues!” one Yoshi cried and then went back to running.

“Oh no, Wario is with Bowser and is turning others into statues as well?” Mario asked, “We need to find Yoshi” Peach told him, trying to get his mind off the bad news at hand. The trio, with Toad, marched onward through the island. Just up ahead they heard movement, Luigi pulled a fireflower and prepared to fire, when out came none other than four very recognizable faces. “Yoshi!” Mario cried with happiness at the sight of his friend, his joy continued at two of the other faces. “Mallow! Geno!” Mario went on, having not seen those two even longer than not having seen Yoshi. The last face was that belonging to a rival of Yoshi’s named Boshi.

“What are you doing here?!” all eight of them asked each other, mainly directed at those that were not Yoshis. “Bowser invaded the Mushroom Kingdom and has taken my castle” Peach said, holding back the tears. “The same is happening in Mallow’s home among the clouds, as well as in my forest. But it was Waluigi that invaded my land” Geno stated. “I didn’t recognize the one that attacked, but when I find him.. oh.. mama.. papa..” Mallow said and began to cry, causing rain to fall. “Mallow, now is not the time for tears” Geno told the youngster, who calmed down quickly, also calming the rain.

“Where is Wario?” Mario asked Yoshi. “Are you planning on attacking him Mario?” Yoshi asked, Mario nodded. “We shall join you” Geno said, speaking for their group. “Me too Mario” Luigi added. “We will all fight” Peach piped in. “No Princess, you should not get involved” Geno spoke up. “I have just as much right and ability to fight as any of you and my sisters, my kingdom, and my friends are all involved, I am going to fight!” Peach insisted. No one decided to argue with her.

Yoshi and Boshi led the group back toward where they’d last seen Wario. Instead of seeing him continue his maddening pursuit of encasing everyone in stone, they saw Waluigi who was riding in Bowser’s clown car, joined by a stranger whom Mallow recognized, as well as Wario. “I couldn’t get Geno” Waluigi pouted. “This Mallow you told me of evaded my capture as well” the stranger, who was in fact the Ancient Minister, said. “I haven’t found Yoshi or Boshi here” Wario stated. “What about Mario, where is Bowser?” Waluigi asked.

“He is preparing this world for complete assimilation, so there’s no need to worry about Mario or any of those that troubled you from the Mushroom Kingdom, nor those that escaped us. However, if they are as powerful as you all suggest they are, they would make excellent trophies” the minister stated. Just then Mallow made a rash move and dashed from the hiding spot. “You there! What did you do to my parents?! Where are they?!” Mallow demanded to know. The villainous trio turned to face him, it was Wario however that targeted the puffball with the strange gun.

In a flash, Boshi leapt in and took the hit straight on, saving Mallow, and turning Boshi into a statue, or a trophy as the minister referred to them. It was then that the others made themselves known. Mario, Peach, Toad, Luigi, Geno, and Yoshi all stood up. “Aha!” Waluigi said in exclamation and pulled his gun to target Luigi. Wario claimed his trophy of Boshi though, happy with himself for the moment.

“Who are you?” Mario asked the Ancient Minister. “I am the Ancient Minister, and I have come to claim this, as well as all worlds” he stated calmly. “Even now as we speak your entire planet is falling to the darkness, look!” he told them. Sure enough, a huge wave of darkness was approaching from where Mario and the others had just came from across the ocean. It was then that the red and blue clad plumber did something unexpected; he leaped into the Clown car with Waluigi, and threw him right out of it. He then waved for the others to get in, which they did.

“You shall not escape!” the minister called to them as they began to lift into the air. The darkness closed in, engulfing Wario, Waluigi, and the minister, it didn’t effect any of them though as they were controllers of the darkness. “We must regroup with Bowser, then we shall head after them” the minister stated and they were all lifted into the air by the ancient minister’s strange power.

Katara: "By the Time Rosalina Got Captain N128(Sora), They were too late."

Yoshi’s island, the Mushroom Kingdom, and even Bowser’s realm, which were once filled with various life forms were now replaced by those odd bodied creatures with red eyes, they all melted away into darkness and swarmed into something on the minister’s back, this left the entire planet devoid of all life save for Bowser, Wario, Waluigi, and the minister himself.

Ami and Yumi: Shrooma was Lifeless Now...
But Sence the heroes Outran the Dark
They Chased the Ancient Minister
So thank your Lucky Star
All: The Light of Good then Shrank!
Innosent Sprites turned into Primid
Although it May Not Seem all Poss'ble
But that's The Gospel Truth...
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