Episode 44: Rina's Origins Part 1

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Deep in a lab in the far hills of Japan worked an elderly Robotolgest on his latest creation. The Robotoest was named Proffer Moshimo a world renowned professor in advanced rotobotics. The Professor had thrilled the world with his inventions, teachings and knowalage on robots and had even made one who posse human emotions. The robot’s name was Robotboy and he was the on the most advanced robots the world had ever seen well to those who had seen him. See Robotboy was so advanced in weaponry and technology that Professor Moshimo feared that military forces, law enforcers and other higher ups may want to use to robot’s power for other unknown purposes. Like Moshimo's own arch rival Dr.Kamazazi a crazy robotolest bent on conquering the world. With this in mind Moshimo kept Robotboy close to his home and only a few interviewers got to see the world’s first human like little robot. While Robotboy was being kept a secret Moshimo was intent on making another super advanced robot which he had accomplished he just need to finish the following touches like a tweak on screw here and there.

Moshimo held open the robot’s face and called to his assistant Muemue who also happened to be his fiancé. “Muemue would you hand me the flat head?”

Muemue eagerly handed her husband to screwdriver with a smile.

Robotboy flew eagarly flew up behind her and spoke. “Is new bother or sister ready yet?”

Moshimo tightened one the bolts and spoke. “Not yet Robotboy.”

Robotboy asked eagerly. “When?”

Moshimo sighed. “Soon.” and went back to tightening the bolt. Having kids around was tough sometimes even if the kids are robotic with their constant questions. Robotboy was a polite young robot but when he got excited it was no different then dealing with a regular boy.

Moshimo continued to tighten the other two bolts while Robotboy continued to perch happily on about his new sibling. “I can’t wait to meet new friend…I teach them how to fight, fly and sing: WAAAAAA!”

Robotboy’s tune shattered the windows to pieces and stopped Moshimo in deep thought while twitiling with the bolts.

Moshimo scrunched up till Robotboy’s song had end and he turned to Muemue. “Muemue would you take Robotboy outside to sing and play with him? I just have to finish tightening these bolts.”

Muemue nodded and took the little bot outside.

Moshimo sighed. “Kids.”

Moshimo continued to his work and screw the last two bolts in and clamped the robot’s face shut. Overlooking his creation he called Muemue and Robotboy back in.

The two walked and looked the robot in completion but one question still remained: will

It work?

The robot sat motionless in Moshimo’s hands for it was deactivated. The deactivation stage was the form stage of the robot’s three stages. The first stage was deactivate, deactivation is the stage where the robot motionless and unresponsive till they are activated. Second stage activation. Activation is when the robot is activated and it functions on its own walking and talking and flying and using various weapons to defend themselves. Stage three is Super Activation. Super Activation is when the robot activates into it’s more powerful form. The Super Activation form is most powerful of the three forms it has all the best weapons and technological devices known to man. The programming of the robot itself is advanced too. The robot’s SA programming makes it able for the robot to handle any battle situation.

Moshimo looked at the robot happy and contently excited. “I did it! Another robot completed. (Muemue hands Moshimo the robot’s remote.) Now let’s see if you work?”

Moshimo put the robot on the table and backed away to press the button on the remote. Moshimo pressed the button once but noting happened. Confused he pressed the button again and nothing happened still. Concerned with this Moshimo checked the robot’s fanny space and opened it and laughed at what he saw. “Hehehe…I forgot to put the batteries inside.”

So he slapped to double AA batteries into the robot’s fanny and shut the case. Then he turned the robot again with the activation remote. The robot doubled in size and switched on looking around.

The robot was the size of Robotboy but different in color. Where Robotboy was silver and blue this robot was light blue and black. The robot also had yellow eyes instead the green eyes Robotboy had. The robot looked around tilted on it’s tummy because that’s how Moshimo left her during activation. (Yes it’s a.)

Robotboy flew over to the new robot and blinked at her. “This new sibling?”

The robot instantly blissfully repeated him. “This new sibling?”

Robotboy got annoyed. “Stop that!”

The robot repeated annoyed thinking it was as game. “Stop that!”

Robotboy got rattled and pointed his ink bolter on the robot. “She annoying.”

Moshimo calmed the little robot. “Calm yourself Robotboy. She’s only new. She’ll learn…Eventually. Now do to business. (Turns to the new robot.) Greetings to you young robot I am Professor Moshimo and this Robotboy.”

The Robot spoke confused. “Moshimo? Robotboy?”

Moshimo nodded. “Yes Robotboy is here happens to a super advanced android capable of human feelings just like you.”

The Robot spoke still confused poking her nose senor area. “Hey?”

Moshimo sighed. “We have a lot of work to do.”

The new robot Moshimo created continued to poke at her nose senor area looking cute. As cute and sweet as this little robot looked was she was every bit as powerful and dangerous as Robotboy but if treated right she would be no danger to good.

Moshimo picked up the robot who thought this was weird but quickly ignored it and went back to rubbing her nose socket. Moshimo walked the robot in the hallway and put her down. “I’d like you to show me you can catch Robotboy.”

The little Robot smiled. “Sure what catch mean?”

Robotboy slapped his head and flew over to her. “You chase me and hold me.”

The little robot spoke. “Sure. What chase?”

Robotboy dropped to his feet and walked over to the robot. “You follow me and try to grab me once close enough.”

The little robot smile. “Ok.”

With that Robotboy took into the air and waited for her at the end of hallway. The little robot scurried down the hallway after him and Robotboy flew down the right passageway at the end of the hallway. There was a left passageway to at the end of the hall too but I chose left.

Moshimo spoke to Muemue. “Wait till she learns flight. Will have a tough time catching both of them then.” Muemue giggled.

The little robot scurried after Robotboy as fast at her legs could carry her. The little robot scurried down hallway after hallway trying to catch Robotboy who had given up trying to fly forward. Flying up a little in front of her was too much fun. Robotboy giggled at the robot’s attempts to keep up with him. So he blasted forward another turn at the next hallway but came back and saw the robot looking at the ground. “Me never catch you…”

Robotboy flew next to the robot and spoke calmly. “You can fly…”

The robot turned to him. “What fly?”

Robotboy spoke with a smile. “Fly what I do. Walk in air sees?” and Robotboy lifted into the air and hovered beside her.

Robotboy spoke. “You try too. Concentrate. “

The little robot concentrated and Robotboy spoke. “Let all fire out of your feet. Try!”

The little robot groaned and stressed to let the fire out her and then whoosh! Boom! She crashed into the ceiling lucky the ceiling was only made old plaster. Robotboy pulled his sister out the ceiling and he held her. “You got fire going! Now lift off!” Robotboy let her go and she fell back on the ground on her back side and watched Robotboy take off again so she got angry and her feet flared up again and she crashed back into a wall with her feet flaring and she set off after him.

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