Ball Park Commercials

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new Diet Pepsi Max, with Ginseng and more caffeine
new Diet Pepsi Max, with Ginseng and more caffeine
==Advert 10==
''On the next, ALL NEW Episode of Transmorphers…''
“Time for…Wheel…Of…Partners!” SpongeBob said to the class taking out the cloak revealing a giant spinning wheel, “Whoo!”
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” All the students except Jimmy and the new students scream.
''Jimmy has a new partner…''
Jimmy gulps and comes to the wheel. He spins it as the wheel turns. Everyone watches. The wheel stops and shows a name. “Billy (from Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)…you're Jimmy's new partner!” SpongeBob announced. All the students gasped as horror music plays and lightning strikes.
“Billy is the most craziest and annoying student ever!” Bloo warned Jimmy at lunchtime.
“Hi new friend!” Billy said to Jimmy as they work on the project.
''Will he ace the school project?''
“You’re gonna get an F on it with him!” Mac cried to Jimmy, “An F!”
“Whatchadoing? Whatchadoing? Whatchadoing? Whatchadoing?” Billy asked repeating again as Jimmy grits his teeth.
“THAT’S IT!!!” Jimmy cried angrily with his fists in the air.
''Find out on Transmorphers! Saturday @ 7.5 am, Only Toonami''

Revision as of 15:32, 24 February 2008


Advert 1

We see Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse standing next to each other.

"Hi, I'm a Disney." said Mickey, to you.

"...And I'm a WB." continued Bugs.

"Today, I would like you to meet the most beautiful girl in the world, Minnie Mouse." Mickey then points to a cardboard cut out of Minnie.

"What are you talking about?" asked Bugs "My girl is WAY prettier." He tehn points to a cardboard cut out of Lola Bunny.

"Are you kidding? She's all rumble tumble and not very lady-like."

"What about your girl? She's just you in bloomers!"

"So, that means she's my perfect match. All of the Looney Tune couples make no sense. Pepe and Penelope aren't the same speices, Longhorn's wife is three times his age, and all of Elmer's too dumb to realize that all the girls he dates are just you in drags. For goodness sakes, you had to wait 80 years for your girlfriend."

"Oh, if your lady is so loyal, why don't you marry her."

"I did marry her."

"F*** you."

"F*** you too." They both then stormed off screan.

Peter griffin appears and takes out a hot dog! "Finally, Now I can eat a hot dog without me dying outside the show's continuity"

(Just as this commercial Flips to script format, He is Crushed by a sign that Reads "HUNGER GETS WHAT HUNGER WANTS")

GRUNTY VOICE: HUNGER GET WHAT HUNGER WANT! (We Cut to the ball park logo under a ball park hot dog as it gets taken by Cuddles and Giggles walking to a hand which takes the hot Dog, Crushing the Couple, Lumpy is holding a giant Pic of the hot dog, he lays it down and Runs) BIG! TASTY! BALL PARK FRANK!

Advert 2

We now see Bugs and Mickey again. Peter Griffin is in the Background Eating a Hot Dog!

"Hi, I'm a Disney." said Mickey.

"And I'm a WB." said Bugs.

"Hey Bugs," said Mickey "I heard you have quite a line up of new shows."

"We do," replied Bugs "This spring we're having a new show about Spider-man on Kid's WB."

"Spider-man, eh?"

"Yes, and we're working on a new, non-anime, Transformers."

"You don't say?"

"Yeah and we also have plans for a Thundercats movie."

"Yeah. Do you have anything that's NOT a remake?"

"Hey, if it works, go with it."

"Yeah, but did it came to your mind that what's cool in the 80's isn't NOW."

"Oh yeah, then what are you working on that's so cool?"

"Glad you asked. We have a tv movie we call 'High School Musical' that was a big hit, so we made High School Musical: Sing-aLong edition, High School Musical: Fun Facts edition, High School Musical: The broadway show, High School Musical on ice, High School Musical 2, High School Musical 2: Sing-aLong edition..."

"Monotonous, isn't he." said Bugs, over Mickey's lines before finally interupting him "Do you have any other projects besides High School Musical?"

"Well we do have some show about two guys and a platypuss, but I lost interest in it. Now where was I? Oh yeah, High School Musical 4: Get a Job, High School Musical: the series..."

"Oh just stop the fic already." Bugs said to me.



Freddy Kruger Gets a Ball park Frank


Advert 3

We see a brown colored bear, wearing a green shirt and a blue, backwards, baseball cap. He was Kit Cloudkicker(from "Talespin") Standing next to him was an unidentified fellow. He was black with white feet and face with a red nose, looked closest to a cat or a dog in a 1930's style, wore a light blue shirt, a backwards red cap, and white gloves. He was Wacko Warner(from "Animaniacs").

"Hi, I'm a disney." said Kit.

"And I'm a WB." said Wacko.

"Today, we thought we can show you our shows on DVD." They both pulled their respected box sets out of hammerspace. "Mine has the first 27 episodes on three disc, and in chronological order."

"That's interesting," said Wacko "So what else does it have?"

"What do you mean 'what else does it have'?"

"Special features, what are it's special features?"

"Oh yeah. Well the're a few trailers on the first has a few trailers, but that's about it."

"You call that a sale? Mine has 25 episodes on five disc, commentaries with the creaters, AND trailers."

"Hey, I can't help it if Disney now thinks little of it's old works."

"Just face it, we topped you again. Maybe if you mentioned a celebertie, you would of had another season."

"Oh yeah, like I can find Rush Limba and Meshelle Phifer in 1940." Kit said sarcasticly "And it didn't even work for you. All you and your siblings references were other the viewers' heads and didn't make much sense. How do you guys even know so much about what's hot when you were locked in a tower between 1939 and 1995?"

"Well, having plotholes beats having an education from a bunch of seadogs."

"Well, you know what? Those DVD's are now useless, because people can now what those episodes on the internet. FOR FREE."

"You think your so smart. Well guess what, the only reason your on 'Talespin', was because they couldn't hire that bomba boy in his underwear!"

Then they started to bicker so much, you couldn't make out what the're saying.


Master Hand has Taken a Ball Park Hot Dog


Advert 4

We now see two guys. One had short brown hair with greyish white sides, and wore a business atire. He was Dr. James Possible(from "Kim Possible"). The other was an older man, but a litlle more muscular. He had short white hair and wore a red hawaiian shirt, blue geans, and hicker boots. He was Max Tennyson(from "Ben 10").

"Hi, I'm a disney." said Dr. Possible.

"And I'm a WB." said Max.

"This chapter, we would like to talk to you about good parenting."

"That's right, we want you to know that good parenting can make a big deference between a successful life and bad reputations."

"Yep, you don't won't them to end up like Max's grandkids."

"What?" Max asked Dr. Possible.

"Just face it. You let Ben use unknown technology to mess with his own DNA, and Gwen could of had bin as successful as my Kimi Cub, but you made her go into witchcraft.

"Okay, first of all I didn't force them into having powers and did what they knew was right, and second your a fine one to talk."

"What are you talking about, my Kimi Cub had never done anything wrong."

"I'm not just talking about 'Kimi Cub', I'm also talking about your two boys. The're like Bart Simpson times two and you just let them play with REAL rockets and use your equipment, and you did nothing about it. And now that we're on the subject, that daughter of yours should know better then to use her real name when saving the world AND put everything about her on the internet where anyone can get to."

"I understand the stuff about the boys, but what's wrong with being a celebirty?"

"Your a scientist, you of all people should know that information is a powerful thing. What was stopping Dr. Dragon and Banshe from nuking your house at 3:00 AM?"

"Their names are Dr. Drakken and Shego. And last time I check that octipuss guy knew you personally AND knows your grandson's sercet identity. How come he didn't nuke YOUR house at 3:00 AM? Hmm?"

"Vilgax doesn't know where we live or who Ben's and Gwen's parents are. And besides, we practicly spend the whole series on the road."

"Oh yeah, well I'm a rocket scientist, and my show had Ashley Tisdale as a guest star."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"It just does, so their." He then sticks his tounge out at Max. Max then pulls out a gun(the Nullwoid Generater) and fires it, making an orange portal. "Using an interdimensional gateway to win an argument, yeah that's real ma..." then Max pushes him in and it disapears

(AU: You are going to get him out, right?) I asked Max.

"Well, if he's such a 'great scientist' he can find his own way out." He then walks away.


Super Why and the super Readers are carring a Ball Park Hot Dog away


Advert 5

A Guy paging the two dogs for the commercial yawned and then went to sleep and homsar took over

We now see two dogs. One was a grey Sher Pei(I think that's how it's spelled) with a red collor.(He's Fu, from "American Dragon: Jake Long") The other was no particular breed. He was light brown and had a thin tail that curled upward into a spiral.(He's Dukey, from "Johnny Test")

"Hi, I'm a disney." said Fu.

"And I'm a WB." said Dukey. They then took a good look at each other, and jump back in suprize.

"What are you doing here!?" they both said at the same time.

"I was informed that I was doing this with Scooby Doo." said Fu.

"And I was told that I was doing this with Goofy." said Dukey "Not that YOU don't look the part."

"Oh yeah. Well with a face like yours, you should go back to selling pants. Vu vu vu."

"Well it beats looking like rhino roadkill."

"Your just jealous because my show did better then yours."

"What's that supost to mean?"

"Well, my show's been on primetime, and your show is nothing more then saturday moring timeslot."

"Oh what does primetime mean anyways? My show is the one that's doing better. On YOUR first season they deside to redesign you, then on your second season they deside to drop you. Which means my show, so far,has one more season then yours."

"Well at least I'm not losing airtime to the danish Yugioh."

"Touché, but my kid has better powers then yours."

"Your kid only has powers in four episodes. Besides, my kid can turn himself into a dragon, all your kid can do is shoot fire out his butt."

"So does yours."

"That was just the one time."

"Just face it. Me and Johnny out did you and Flicker."

"That's it! No one can compare us to a british cartoon." Fu then threw a punch at Dukey, then they both start getting into a brawl.


new Diet Pepsi Max, with Ginseng and more caffeine

Advert 6

We now see two females. One was a yellow dog, wearing a pink shirt and red pants.(She's Brandy from "Brandy and Mr. Wiskers") The other was a white mink with blonde hair and tail, wearing a red outfit.(She's Minerva Mink from "Animaniacs")

"Hi," said Brandy "I'm Brandy Harrington of the Florida Harringtons."

"That wasn't your line." said Minerva.

"Sorry, force of habbit. Can we start over?"


new Diet Pepsi Max, with Ginseng and more caffeine

Advert 7

"Hi," said Brandy "I'm Brandy Harrington of the Florida Harringtons."

"You did it again!"

"Sorry, one more time."


new Diet Pepsi Max, with Ginseng and more caffeine

Advert 8

"Hi, I'm Brandy Harrington of the Florida...Darn it."

"Can't you just say the line?"

"Sorry, it's out of my system now so let's just start all over."


new Diet Pepsi Max, with Ginseng and more caffeine

Advert 9

"Hi, I'm a Disney." said Brandy(finally).

"And I'm a WB." said Minerva.

"Today we would like to tell you how hard it is for us girls working in a career that's mostly for men."

"That's right, since it's considered abuse when a woman gets hurt. Most cartoons are about the guys and push us girls a side. Not everyone can pull it off like me."

"What's that suppost to mean?"

"Well, I'm clearly better in the cartoon business then you."

"What, just cause you do all that eye bug out stuff every time you see a boy? Those tricks are outdated. Now if you want a boy to like you, you pretend you don't like him."

"Oh yeah, like guys go for the deadpan act."

"Well I have dated more guys then YOU."

"Just because I only stared in two episodes doesn't make me bad at love. Besides, I like to keep my boyfriends longer then 12 seconds."

"That's it, go time!" Brandy then pounces on Minerva and they start to get into a cat fight.(AU: Sorry boys, no pictures)


new Diet Pepsi Max, with Ginseng and more caffeine

Advert 10

On the next, ALL NEW Episode of Transmorphers…

“Time for…Wheel…Of…Partners!” SpongeBob said to the class taking out the cloak revealing a giant spinning wheel, “Whoo!”

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” All the students except Jimmy and the new students scream.

Jimmy has a new partner…

Jimmy gulps and comes to the wheel. He spins it as the wheel turns. Everyone watches. The wheel stops and shows a name. “Billy (from Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)…you're Jimmy's new partner!” SpongeBob announced. All the students gasped as horror music plays and lightning strikes.

“Billy is the most craziest and annoying student ever!” Bloo warned Jimmy at lunchtime.

“Hi new friend!” Billy said to Jimmy as they work on the project.

Will he ace the school project?

“You’re gonna get an F on it with him!” Mac cried to Jimmy, “An F!”

“Whatchadoing? Whatchadoing? Whatchadoing? Whatchadoing?” Billy asked repeating again as Jimmy grits his teeth.

“THAT’S IT!!!” Jimmy cried angrily with his fists in the air.

Find out on Transmorphers! Saturday @ 7.5 am, Only Toonami

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