The Life and Times of Bonnie Davis
From Accct Wiki
(→Epilogue Nanoha) |
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The love one shares each step on the way. | The love one shares each step on the way. | ||
===Epilogue Nanoha=== | ===Epilogue Nanoha=== | ||
- | It was a quiet night at the Mobius Inn | + | It was a quiet night at the Mobius Inn, there were whispers that Nanoha had awoken as the mother of her wife Fate, |
===Epilogue Janus=== | ===Epilogue Janus=== |
Revision as of 00:16, 9 February 2018
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Infinity (Franchise)
- HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity (Book) > HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Perpetual Phase (Radiodrama) > HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity (Film)
- Megaman Invert (Fangame) > HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Emotive Phase (Radiodrama) > The Impeccable Doctor Riley (Book)
Radio Show
Perpetual Phase
- Fit the Twenty-Seventh
- Fit the Twenty-Eighth
- Fit the Twenty-Ninth
- Fit the Thirtieth
- Fit the Thirty-First
- Fit the Thirty-Second
- Fit the Thirty-Third
Emotive Phase
Playful Phase
Inked Phase
Film Screenplay
So Long, and thanks for all the fish
OVER DARKNESS...we hear what we will come to know as the VOICE OF THE GUIDE.
- Yggdrasil, the home of the most powerful supercomputer ever created, managed by the gods themselves.
We see a glimpse of the world tree in all its glory.
- It was a divine place, full of some of the most powerful entities Man had ever known, legends upon legends written about them.
In the array of dimensional cubes, stock footage can be seen from the Original Seven Universes.
- In this divine tree, a supercomputer was housed that contained millions of universes within, all congregating into one mass called the “multiverse”.
We see Admins reporting to their offices with papers in their hands. Hypnos is being carted to his office by Hermes would be a nice touch, maybe Janus appearing from a portal on a segway saying 'Morning'
- For a long time, this system was maintained and run with exceptional care and precision, everything going in a normal fashion with nary a hiccup spotted in its code.
A young lady tinkers with holographic screens surrounded by some more footage from popular loops.
- All the Admins of the entire computer were the gods themselves and their subordinates, meaning that some of the wisest and strongest beings of the universe were maintaining order.
A zooming shot of Yggdrasil in full functionality.
- The mainframe had the best hardware in all of Creation, meaning that such mundane fears as viruses and damage to the hard rive were practically a non-issue. At least... until the infection.
We see dolphins swimming at SeaWorld.
- The smartest species in the root universe tried to warn all the lower species of this dreadful Sunday, this Dreadful August Twentieth in a comparably decent 2017, Whilst the Dolphins seemed to catch the drift like you'd expect from the second smartest species in the first universe,
Traditionally animated technicolor frogs magically appear from thin air.
- The Third Smartest Species, being humans, could not perceive the Atlantian Camofrogs as any more than figments of the imagination due to their inability to maintain their existence in both sight and sound due to the Camofrog's pathetic existence as a one-dimensional creature.
Back to the Dolphins
- Realizing humans are being deceived by an insidious force, the dolphins choose to leave the doomed world behind with the Camofrogs. Their final message was a natural one for them: 'So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish!'
As the Dolphins swim together while doing some seems to be stunts for the people, the Dolphins looks at the humans who were kind to them even though the latter can't understand what the former were trying to warned them about.
-Distributor- Presents
A -Studio- Production
As bubbles appear while the Dolphins sang on, we see the title of the movie
- The HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity
- (Featuring the Following Franchises.)
It is almost time so the Dolphins performs their moves for the crowd and eating the last treats from their 'trainers'. As the Dolphins doing, we, and we alone, hears them singing.
- Male Dolphins: So long and thanks for all the fish
- So sad that it should come to this
- We tried to warn you all but oh dear...
- Oh! My Goddess
- Penned by Kōsuke Fujishima
- Filmed by Hiroaki Gōda
- Ranma 1/2
- Penned by Rumiko Takahashi
- Filmed by Studio Deen
- You may not share our intellect
- Which might explain your disrespect
- For all the natural wonders that
- grow around you
- Pixel Pinkie
- Penned by Alicia Rackett
- Filmed by Blue Rocket Productions
- So long, so long and thanks
- for all the fish
- Zatch Bell
- Penned by Makoto Raiku
- Filmed by Toei Animation
- The Land Before Time
- Penned by Stu Krieger
- Filmed by Don Bluth
- Female Dolphins: The world's about to be destroyed
- There's no point getting all annoyed
- Fighting Foodons
- Penned by Naoto Tsushima
- Filmed by Tetsuo Yasumi
- Jurassic Park
- Penned by Michael Crichton
- Filmed by Steven Spielberg
- Dolphins: Lie back and let the planet dissolve
- Male Dolphins: Despite those nets of tuna fleets
- We thought that most of you were sweet
Taija Isen
- Especially tiny tots and your pregnant women
with John DiMaggio
- So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
Kath Soucie
- Female Dolphins: So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
- Dolphins: So long, so long and thanks for all the fish
- Child Dolphins: If I had just one last wish
- I would like a tasty fish
and Mike Pollock
Casting by -.-
- Opera Dolphins: If we could just change one thing
- We would all have lungs to sing
Co-Producers: -.-
Soon it was nice time as the Dolphins were splashing around under the moon light. It's time for them to make their departure to leave the planet before it's too late for the creatures to do anything. First they are going to finish up their song of departure.
Music by -.-
- Dolphins: Come one and all
Costume Designer: -.-
- Man and mammal
Editor: -.-
Production Designer: -.-
- Side by side
- In life's great gene pool!
Director of Photography: -.-
Executive Producers: -.-
Producted by -.-
Based on the Infinite Loops fandom project initiated by Innortal
Soon we hear a chorus as the Dolphins were humming and holding their tones for a moment. The time has come. It's sad for them to leave mankind but they have no the humans couldn't understand them anyway.
Screenplay by Alexander Cayford
Soon the Dolphins themselves begins to jump out of the water and are actually flying through towards the sky and space themselves!
- Male Dolphins: So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
- Female Dolphins: So long, so long, so long, so long, so long
Soon all the Dolphins are out of the water and heading right into space. It is unknown if or when they will ever return, if ever. The song is coming to a big close.
- Dolphins: So long, so long and thanks for all the fish
Directed by -.-
Good Morning!
We open on a Sunday Morning, a little green house in Greenfield, Massachusetts.
INTERIOR: A TINY BEDROOM. A twenty something-year-old loser wakes up to King of Pain by The Police
- The date was August 20th, 2017, more than six thousand million-octillion years after the root of existence began.
CUT TO: The apparent main character opens his laptop to check out a 4chan thread about Marvel Entertainment floundering with its audience. Drew types out that the writers are sheltered suburban shmos that have no idea what life is outside their echo chamber.
- It was a time of convenience and spontaneousness, a time where the Clinton Couple were just about ready to kick the bucket. African, Libyan and Syrian Soldiers were being deported after being shipped off to invade the first... by the order of cuckled democrats and authoritarian communists.
CUT TO: A folding table which receives a tray of Oreo Os/Reese's Puffs, Bacon and Scrambled Eggs. The man looks to find his grandmother rustling his hair a bit with a warm smile.
- America was thankfully becoming great again and soon, many an able-bodied gentlemen were joining the work force for once in their goddamned lives. No more sitting on his rectum doing Belgium all while they complained about their welfare...
CUT TO: The young man rushes forward to his bicycle to make his way to his workplace alone.
- No! They were going to have to force themselves to make something of their gelatinous existences and this will happen one way or another, just as this twenty-four year old ape descendant has done when he became a licencee of Blockbuster Video.
BUST SHOT OF: Drew Lea Maine Arriving at Blockbuster Video with a warm smile.
- Cheers, Fam! Morning's up!
Drew greets his employees and shakes their hands as they head to their station.
- This man was Drew Lea Maine and he currently knows as much about his destiny as the trees know about the crayola company. This is the story of how this manchild freed himself from the shackles of mundane life when the city decides to endanger his workplace.
A Customer
The Door Opens, we catch a glimpse of the employees reacting to this arrival.
- A Customer!
- Places, guys!
The customer walks up, she has hair decor and a hat colored in yellow, magenta and cyan covering silvery hair. Another customer follows in clad in yellow and green with fluffy orange hair lacing her upper back.
- Carly, we could've just broke out Hulu.
- Who cares, Nicki? It's not gonna be worth dick when it pops. (to the counter) I'm looking for some TV Blu-Rays, DVDs if ya ain't got 'em.
- Ooh... I'm not sure, let me check with my manager...
- No need! We have a full isle lined up for renters to turn up and pick up as they please should they pay for membership, that is.
- Yeah, I already got a membership. My local shop's in Georgia, I've been on the road for a few months with my two best befs Daisy and Nicole and we were wondering if you have the last pieces to the big collection we're building up.
- So you're looking to buy? (beat) I see.
The Park
It was a beautiful Sunday as Zatch ran in the park. Kolulu, Tia, and he were playing tag as their partners watched. Kolulu, who had been returned to battle because of the King forcing her to, chased Zatch around the monkey bars because she was it.
- (Laughing) “Ya can’t catch me Kolulu!”
- “Kids…”
- “aw, does little Kiyo miss being a wittle kid?”
- “Hey!”
Jim and Drew are watching it play out when Drew realizes something.
- They're cartoons, like... straight out of an anime.
- They're illustrations.
-Jim and Drew-
Kolulu, now chasing Tia, giggled. “Sorry sis! I love ya, but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna go easy on you!” Tia yelled. Kolulu ran so fast on trying to catch her sister, that she didn’t see the toy hidden in the sand, so she tripped.
“Ow!” Kolulu cried. Lori and Megumi, who stopped just enough from torturing Kiyo, ran over to Kolulu (That includes Kiyo) who was by her sister and her crush. “Are you okay, Kolulu?” Lori asked in concern. “Y-yeah. It’s just a small scrape on my knee.” Kolulu stuttered, trying not to cry. Zatch, or AKA, her crush, noticed the toy on the ground was Vulcan. “Oh! I’m sorry Kolulu, I must’ve put Vulcan there when we got to the park. I’m really sorry.” Zatch said apologizing. “It’s okay, Zatch.” Kolulu said blushing a little pink. Nobody really noticed but the humans.
-Jim and Drew-
Kiyo picked Kolulu up and put her on the park bench. “Lori can you read the spell?” Kolulu pleaded. “Yeah, here we go: Zerusen!” Lori yelled, taking out a pink book.
Kolulu, who had her hand a few inches away from her knee, pinkish aurora came out of her hand and landed on her knee, within a few seconds, the scraped was left with nothing but a scar. “You’ve really got to teach me how to do that…” Zatch joked. Kolulu giggled. “There’s one other thing I wanna say.” Kolulu said. “What’s that?’ Tia asked. Kolulu touched Zatch on the arm and said: “Tag! You’re it!” She the jumped from the bench and ran the same direction Tia did. “Hey! No fair!” Zatch laughed. He ran after the girls within seconds. Zatch ran gleefully from Tia, whom was now it. Kolulu, giggling, continued on with her day.
The Date
The Birthday
Edge of Infinity
In front of us was an array of earth-chunks being pulled up into space watching as a man in velvet red leather stood against a tall, broad, bearded man in a blue robe, Nintendo-themed Tank Top and bright red cap reading 'Make Existence Great Again' The man in red is LUCAS and the blue robed man is JESUS.
JESUS "I know what your ass is thinking, Lucas! ...and believe me when I say the damage you'll do will make the Fall of Constantinople look like the Garden of Eden so PLEASE listen to me!"
LUCAS "No, YOU Listen! Just because you believe in freedom of souls doesn't mean they're not nourishment for our power."
JESUS "We gain power with every new possibly we explore, Lucas,
Lucas is stepping closer to a big red button.
JESUS Not from eating souls and matter, So please don't try to wake up the metafungus.
"Like you need this Hub to begin with," the demon snorted as he pouted out his point "You have a whole shitton of universes just like it with little difference here and there for 'Diversity' like anyone gives a slam anymore!"
"But the butterfly effect."
"But modern science."
"But human dignity."
"But eternal life."
"But bone cancer."
"But eugenics."
"... You know what, push that button and you sink all of Yggdrasil within the next year." The beardman disgruntledly relented. "But we'll ice your metafungus to save this happy little drive, or to avenge it."
"And If I refuse?"
"We'll let you go free and we'll pretend this never happened." The man in the blue robe had his hand extended for the gentleman in red. "Forget this end without end stuff and we can clean up these parasites together. I hear that there are medical miracles you turned down for countering your geoengineered bugs, why don't you make them all mainstream so we can save the lives of millions."
The man in red took a step forward before a balding man came to the beardman with words of advice. "My good Saint, Do you honestly think there is a trustworthy soul in a form designed to free the Evil Lord Xenu?"
A mook thrusts the ignition tube into the console and an ultimate storm of desolation and disease can be seen sweeping the planet on a big screen from above, every known disease hitting humanity at once from cancer to ebola, bones eroding, structures and items reducing themselves to polygonal shapes before dissipating into nothing as the souls of humanity are ripped from their bodies the exact millisecond that those bodies splash out of canon and turn into paint thinner.
- ...You're not as retarded as you look.
The old king is impaled by the deadly metafungus made from the root universe, He screams in pain as we cut to Kolulu collapsed onto the ground with her hands on her head screaming.
- “Kolulu!”
They run to her aid only to also collapse suddenly with their hands over their heads, their partners running to them as Ra looks in terror.
- “Kolulu!”
- “Zatch!”
- “Tia!”
Kolulu, having pink aurora come over her, red aurora around Tia, and Blue around Zatch.
- "Faster, Nimbus, Faster!"
An incredible virus and massive numbers of bugs flooding the rest of the system as the agent of erasure paced around the king, watching the malware overload the supercomputer and causing seemingly irreparable damage to its systems for the Zeitennix Sludge to absorb these downed realities, codes practically ripped asunder as a result of the attempted metacide.
- ...and so the world of man ended, not with a bang nor a whimper, but with a sploosh of deadly metafungus.
The king is pulled into the mass of sludge to be eaten alive, A bolt of cosmic lightning appears upon the fortress as the man in red storms off. The hatch of the newly-appeared train opens to reveal the aurora has faded. The three mamodo looking different as we cut to a close up on main her.
KOLULU (in a lower voice of her usual one.) “What’s going on? ...My voice!” she suddenly put her hand over her mouth.
LORI "Kolulu.. You’re… "
A teenager! So were Tia and Zatch. In place of Kolulu’s pink dress was a rose pink tank top, white capris, pink tennis shoes, and her hair had become an inch or two longer down to her shoulders. Tia, she wore a red halter top, black capris, red tennis shoes, and her hair had been cut down to her elbows. Zatch, now just wearing a blue t-shirt that had his name on it, some jeans with blue tennis shoes. His hair and eyes the same too.
- Skully, Just got some news on your sisters. Bell's evacuated Keichi, Skuld's ready to- WHOA!
We see that Skuld had similarly changed but had filled out more than the mamodo. We get a shot of her sweet, succulent ass.
- ...sticking out.
Skuld stands up straight, showing of her barely visible abs.
- ...sculpted.
Skuld gropes her round, fluffy breasts.
- ...Sticking out.
She pulls her ear, feels her cheeks, then roars with pride with her matured face directly in front of the camera.
- Balls to the wall, Ash-Hags!
The First Looper
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Infinity
- Produced as a reaction to a premonition of this cosmic calamity, The Hitchhiker's Guide to Infinity is a truly remarkable book and a remarkably clever response to the attempted metacide of Yggdrasil.
- Penned by the man himself and an ever-growing pool of the Loopers he initiated to keep the universes stable,
- it is more useful than the WestphallMaps.wand website,
- better selling than the QuadStars Vol. 42 Blu-Ray Box Set,
- and more divisively contrivertial than Orae Flesher's trilogy of evolutionary rebuttals
- 'Evolution is Nonsense', '42 finds that contradict evolution', 'Why evolution is a pyramid scheme by globalists to demoralize and destroy humanity as a species.'
- Though proven to be similar to the flagship series of the highly liberal Great Publishing Corporation of Ursa Minor, it has surpassed it in sales and information as the standard suppository of knowledge and wisdom, and that can be chalked up to three distinct reasons.
- one being that it is slightly cheaper, the second being that they tried to bury it as 'fake news', third in that it is constantly growing thanks to the imput of the Looper community.
- Nowhere is this more obvious than the friendly phrase printed on the cover being a common phrase to welcome people into the Infinite Loops 'Keep Calm and Leave your Sanity at the Door'
High School
We cut to an Australian High School as we see Jim and Drew put into the role of Teacher and assistant reading from the HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity.
- "So, what you're saying is that there's a deep state out to destroy this tree-"
- "Was a deep state, past tense." (Walks to the chalkboard with a long stick of chalk to write down some notes.) "The only thing left of that now is a blank space where your precious ol hub should be."
- "Blank? Y-You mean we're all dead!?"
- No, we're not dead.
- That's a relief.
Jim draw up a quantum equation onto a third of the board over the course of his saying the following line.
- It just means every atom that composed your universe had been turned into a deadly metafungus designed to eat away every possible universe it can reach as it infects countless others with glitches and viruses which spread at Mach 2600 speeds.
- "So it's faster than light?"
- "Faster than time." (Outlines the word time before marching across the class) "Then again, Time is nothing more than code and save files clumped together by sentient perception so you're better off calling it 'faster than code', so is this little ping that I'm about to test out right about... now!" (snaps his fingers)
Drew's head started ringing with a strange mental sound that seemed to ring in the head of a student sleeping in front of them.
The students start laughing at the anchor of the Branch of Battling Mamodo.
- "So, we're nothing but data?"
- "Naw, you're organic as the rest of us, it's the barrier that keeps a universe together that is made from calculated light and data." Jim set up the satellite receiver on his setup. "And it keeps a reality-shattering kaboom from wiping out the root of Yggdrasil in a literal vessel of satan himself to retcon existence itself out existence in a blatant attempt at full metacide!"
- The retroactive abortion of the very concept of a person, a place, a thing and even an idea.
- Ah, look. Another fella who's Awake and well!
- And so very Loopy, you could hoist Anchor easy!
- Yeah, are we all glad to be alive. (To Drew) Thankfully, we are clearly welcoming new exchange students, they're people, into a classroom in what is clearly a Japanese-style high school in Australia, a place, with what you'd clearly call a stack of mobile devices for each of the six, they're things, with our intention clearly being to introduce you to the Infinite Loops, an idea. Bonjour, Gashern!
- Hey.
- We're all Japanese, Teach.
- Right, Right. Of Course. Guten Tag, Koruru!
- Erm...
Directly above 'Koruru' is the violent persona from the series appearing ala the Inner Sakura from Naruto.
- Does he even teach german?
- Not that I know of...
- Then why is he spouting German!?
- Maybe he's trying to give us a warm welcome.
- Now you're getting it. (Inter the Ooumi 'sisters') Nihou Tioko and Megumi Ooumi and How ar- ('Tioko' immediately kicks Jim in the nuts) AH! aaAAAaahhh...
- Couldn't you be nicer to the guy.
- He's a symptom of our problem, why even bother to respect that loser?
- Hurtful... :(
(Tia sits next to the Neon Pinkette)
- Hello there, I'm Pixel Pinkie. And this is my best friend, Nina.
- Save it, Ya glob of GoAnimate Garbage.
- Hurtful... :(
Back with Jim and Drew
- "These very students in this very classroom at these very desks witnessing our chat about this very topic means that the metacide clearly... (Whaps Nikki in the nose) failed."
- "Then what the hell are we doing here?"
- "That's the beauty part."
Cera Threehorne
(The Students exit the class as Jim and Drew discuss the Loops)
- "See, there's this thing in 68% of the universes hooked up to Yggdrasil that renders time to pass a bit differently like a sort of 'safe mode' for spacetime where a specific chunk of time repeats over and over for as long as it takes to solve the big problem they've caused."
A tall, somewhat lanky fellow was walking through the near empty hallway of the high school as a human when the girl next to him, who had orange hair, stiffened. The fact that she began to look around in a panic caused him to react by pulling her into an alcove and keeping her pinned against him and the wall.
- "Cera? Did you just wake up?"
Calming down a bit at the familiar voice, Cera looked around shakingly.
- "Li-Littlefoot? Is that you?"
At the nod of the lanky teen, she relaxed some but was still in a state of shock.
- "What's going on?! Where are we?! What are we?!"
Jim placed one finger against her mouth, silencing Cera whilst explaining a specific detail.
- You need an Anchor to get a particular branch Looping cause that's all a Looper ever is and shall be: just a cosmic mass of ethereal memories describing a growing collection of repeating lifetimes and endless variants.
- "Yeah." Jim salutes the boy as he walks off "And this time, We're both in a high school known as 'Great Valley High' in the town of Great Valley. High school is a place where young humans go to learn stuff and we're both humans this loop."
For some odd reason, Cera felt her cheeks heat as she felt Littlefoot's taller body press against her.
- "O-oh... Humans, those guys like Tickles, right?"
As Littlefoot smiled and nodded, Cera felt her cheeks heat a bit more.
- "Right. Now then, remember what I told you about learning a loop's memories?"
Cera Nods
- Takes a deep breath "I want you to do that right now. It should tell you everything you need to know about this loop."
While she calmed down further, Cera closed her eyes and searched her memories. We see a montage of specific scenes from first person view. Starting with the Memory Cera writing down her name.
- 'Okay... I'm Cera Threehorn, in 11th Grade, whatever that is.
The image shifts to a gentleman...
- 'I live with my dad...' an oddly eerie fellow walks on by and gives a spiteful glare.
- 'The Sharptooth was something called a "Serial Killer". And...'
We now see plenty of memories of Cera and Littlefoot flirting with each other, playing B-Ball together, then a few scenes of them kissing.
She immediately opened her eyes before things get too freaky with an perplexed expression on her face as she looked up at Littlefoot.
- "Um... Littlefoot?"
- "Yes, Cera?"
- "Why do I have memories of the two of us pressing our mouths together?"
His face says it all, the question took him off guard. There was silence for a few moments as Littlefoot's face went bright red.
LITTLEFOOT "Um... Hoo-boy..."
Second Period
A man arrived at the classroom, his face was obscured by a bright red bang over his golden hair, an orange headband complimenting the bright-yellow and yellow-green striped collar of the lime green jacket over the dark blue vest he wore over his baby-blue button shirt. Indigo pants cover the purple tube socks underneath his reddish violet shoes.
"So, up and coming American Author AC Elmore." Introduced Mister Maine, a teacher for the Loop. "What do you say about your education."
"You'll learn absolutely nothing from these State-Run Indoctrination Camps they have the gall to call Schoolhouses" said the old Wizard, clearly disgruntled by the girl in pink. "They only serve to raise generations of slaves willing to follow the illusion of a global climate upheaval, saying that the only way to avert it is to shut down as a nation, as a society, as a species... And it's all rooted in Brussels."
- AC Elmore's controversial opinions inevitably wound up getting Drew fired from his teaching job...
The scene paused in the middle of his rant.
GUIDE VOICE: ...Which ment absolutely nothing when time and space repeated itself endlessly.
Gym Class
The Felt
Extra Challenges
- 16-Eris D. Shivie, a greenhorn of the Felt. A mafia of MLEs activated by mythos hackers such as Abyzou, a Jewish pedovore farmer from the tragically ill-fated Pangea G69-898. Her type of time shenanagans has her hack the judicial system, cause a time crime and leave evidence aimed at innocent shmucks.
- 17-LaPiss, He may look like a human version of a similarly named Edelsteki but with a bushy moustache, but Eisheth activated him with a specific purpose for bankrolling whatever the Felt needs for the moment. All he needs is a golden bar for the transaction to occur.
- 18-Daemond Doom, better known as the automatic robofied rotoscopic cyberbot Barron Legal Von Rotten. A Toon converted into a mechatronic vessel of a remote Ai controlled by the time-piercing brainwaves of Lord English himself, his signature gadget would be his paint rollers which allows any mook from any moment in time to burst through the wall Kool-Aid man style.
- 19-Daemon 'War'
- 20-Vikyurus 'Vision' Von Mechabach/Megabyte
- 21-Pint
- Cue-Z'Arc
- Ball-Cusillu "Tails" - An Earthbound Immortal made flesh through the Jackal (Marvel) creating a clone of Bebi-Goku for its spirit to inhabit.
- 01-Chacu Challhua "Uno" - An Earthbound Immortal made flesh through the Jackal (Marvel) creating a clone of Grieger for its spirit to inhabit.
- 02-"Byte" - An Earthbound Immortal made flesh through the Jackal (Marvel) creating a clone of Akisa Izinski with DNA blended from Misty Tredwell for its spirit to inhabit.
- 03-Wiraqocha Rasca "San" - An Earthbound Immortal made flesh through the Jackal (Marvel) creating a clone of Crow Hogan for its spirit to inhabit. Designated Second in Command of the Earthbound Knights division of the Felt
- 04-Ccapac Apu "Tetris" - An Earthbound Immortal made flesh through the Jackal (Marvel) creating a clone of Cobra Bubbles (Lilo and Stitch) for its spirit to inhabit.
- 05-"Gogol" - Exists to murder everyone on the Felt's blacklist.
- 06-"Rudoku" - Duels with the Red-Eyes Archetype
- 07-"Nanners" - Duels with the Blue-Eyes Archetype.
- 08-Uru "Rapno" - An Earthbound Immortal made flesh through the Jackal (Marvel) creating a clone of Tristan Taylor for its spirit to inhabit.
- 09-"Kyutzii" - A Madolche/Traptrix Duelist
- 10-Assla Piscu "Decay" - An Earthbound Immortal made flesh through the Jackal (Marvel) creating a clone of Carla Carmine for its spirit to inhabit. The first member of the Felt to be entrusted with a Kingdom Ball, and thus, gain a Looping Castle.
- Ember Priscilla McGann, Fortune Lady of Fire - Duels with an Ancient Gear Deck.
- Diane Azura, Fortune Lady of Water - Duels with a Crystal Beasts Deck
- Clara Charack Corswumb, Fortune Lady of Earth - Duels with a Gem Knight Deck
- Emma Ven Gusto, Fortune Lady of Wind - Duels with a Machina Deck
- Izumi Hikari, Fortune Lady of Light - Duels with a Morphtronic Deck
- Rua Brando, Fortune Lady of Darkness - Duels with a Shadoll Deck
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
- 15
Plot Hole Colony Commanders
Gem Knights
- Gem-Knight Alexandrite
- Gem-Knight Emerald
- Gem-Knight Lazuli
- Gem-Knight Obsidian
- Gem-Knight Amber
- Gem-Knight Iolite
- Gem-Knight Sardonyx
- Gem-Knight Crystal
- Gem-Knight Garnet
- Gem-Knight Lapis
- Gem-Knight Sapphire
- Gem-Knight Tourmaline
- Gem-Knight Amethyst
- Gem-Knight Aquamarine
- Gem-Knight Citrine
- Gem-Knight Master Diamond
- Gem-Knight Prismaura
- Gem-Knight Ruby
- Gem-Knight Saraphinite
- Gem-Knight Topaz
- Gem-Knight Zirconia
- Gem-Knight Pearl
- Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond
- Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lazuli
Order of the XSabre
- X-Saber Airbellum
- X-Saber Pashuul
- X-Saber Souza
- X-Saber Wayne
- XX-Saber Boggart Knight
- XX-Saber Darksoul
- XX-Saber Emmersblade
- XX-Saber Faultroll
- XX-Saber Fulhelmknight
- XX-Saber Ragigura
- Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
- XX-Saber Gardestrike
- XX-Saber Gottoms
- XX-Saber Hyunlei
Constellar Soldiers
- Constellar Sheratan
- Constellar Aldebaran
- Constellar Pollux
- Constellar Acubens
- Constellar Leonis
- Constellar Virgo
- Constellar Zubeneschamali
- Constellar Antares
- Constellar Kaus
- Constellar Algiedi
- Constellar Siat
- Constellar Alrescha
- Constellar Rasalhague
- Constellar Hyades
- Constellar Omega Centauri
- Constellar Pleiades
- Constellar Presepe
- Stellarknight Constellar Diamond
- Constellar Ptolemy M7
The Final Loop
The End of the World
Human Beings, a species barely alive.
The pedovore infestation designed a debt-based system to gradually reduce humans to a depressed, deathly, and isolated state before exterminating them all in their quest to erase all traces of the existence of our fallen father, Gerald.
The inventor of existence.
As far back as 1812, the Pedovores have feasted on the flesh of human children to acquire human DNA and blend in with the species so that they can exterminate the species from within, poisoning their food and water, divorcing them from needed nutrients, preoccupying their lives with endless distractions while assaulting their genomes with bioweapons and frequencies made for the purpose of enacting their goal to reduce the population of 8 Billion Humans to just themselves and their soulless machines before feeding the ruined earth to their geomolecular nanoassembler
All under the guise of Liberalism.
Lespirans of Heaven, despite the dismal state of our pitiful supply of humans from the lost planet, we can still rebuild this species and restore its numbers. We have the technology. We can use the biodata of the humans perished up to 2600 years ago to create a species that is stronger, faster, smarter, more resistant to LED frequencies.
This is to be expected when you repeatedly have to keep the Root of Yggdrasil looping the same year over and over for a thousand years apiece with no care given to the other machine-made universes as they live and die by their own paths, so we accepted Skuld's solution to create a new version of Earth, clean of Pedovores and loaded with the advancements and artistic entrants made from the prior incarnation of the human race in exchange for the demolition of the very root that started it all. The goal was to eliminate the Transexual parasites at the source and purge the human race of those that infiltrated them throughout history, keeping certain universes Looping to keep the Tree stable during the process.
But upon the birth of the Barabos Endrimourne, they failed.
Trasme Capulet was standing in utter shock at the way that his best friend (and his worst enemy) laid as a pile of twigs after the hollow tree of his form crashed onto the expensive glass table in his bedroom when he received a flash of his psyionic neuropsion: an order of the continuium he had learned when he Looped in as the Timegazer named Tadamu.
One that gives him a vision of the Loop to come in exactly twelve hours.
"Okay, that explains everything..." Trasme opened an app on his phone and set a timer as he investigated the room surrounding what was now a pile of leaves. He spent the minute that followed seeking out clues before his phone rang to the tune of a song set by a fellow Looper, thus he let out a sigh and consequently snarked to himself "You know it'll be painful, answering this call will probably lead to something painful."
But it was his duty as a knight of the order to answer it anyway.
"Alright... I got time." Sighed Trasme as he put the phone to his temple. "So what's the sitch."
"Y'know, the usual tripe." Bemoaned the Looping officer of Zeo Zealand: Captain Elely of the house of Sadlygrove. "Suicide by hanging, corpses turning into dead trees, neuropsion predictions that send our psychics drinking and driving, the usual horror story."
After hearing an officer's car smashing into what felt like the tail of a stone dragon, Trasme could only cringe with irritation as he rubbed his temples and asked: "But did you notice who this particular victim was?"
"We have guys in the ambulance running by security tapes as we speak." Elely impatiently tapped her feet as she waited for the report, then snatched a few sheets of paper from a soldier and gave a quick read before seeing the stunning revelation at hand. "According to research, this was Fort ElSkuttel before it was converted into one of the four titanic tales of the Dying Earth."
"The last fairy-tales ever to be written about the end of Earth before it was eroded? The ones with a different dragon for each fable, spawned some tight trading cards today?" asked the Anchor. "Welp, which one is it? Is it the Odd-Eyed Dragon that grew up as a hatchling under the circus, or Clear Wing where a girl dies and becomes a Dragon, or maybe Starving Venom where reality-denying husks of humans are puppeteered by and absorbed into some tyrants that are actually these Dra-"
"It's Shadriq, of Dark Rebellion." clarified Elely. "He climbed up onto his mandible, put a noose around his neck, and tore the gem from his... staff and... shattered..."
"Yeah, Hunter's one of us now," sighed Trasme in a bittersweet tone of voice. "...meaning Garumecsh is soulbound considering Hunter's initial condition."
Elely recalled the fatal catch of his powers. "If the jewel of Garumecsh goes, he and his extensions go too." Elely recalled. "Including his homegrown house of Xeandir..."
"Hence we now find ourselves within the same proximity of a pile of leaves that used to be a stack of twigs and sticks..." a young boy stepped forward to the investigators, adjusting his glasses with his cold, serious stare. "Which in turn was a carcass transformed into a dead tree. By being an extension of Garumecsh's powers, Hunter's soul would still be bonded to the jewel at this point in the Baseline."
"Nice to know you're a bit Loopy as well, ol' chum." eyed Trasme. "Garumecsh is not only a pretty big player in the human genocide industry, he's the worker of neuropsion. It'd take something big to spook him into suicide, a future prediction of a looming menace so damn big, it makes the combined forces of himself, our Baseline Baddies and pretty much every enemy we've made in whatever fused Loops we've had over the eons look like Oreos in comparison and not even the Double-Stuf kind. Has he seen anything big in his vision?"
"We're running it through our psyonic research team as fast as we can!" barked Elely.
"Well work faster, because the clock's started!" Trasme sends a link to the timer and what Elely saw was a limit.
"Trasme, you'd think I have enough pressure on my plate with the possibility of a Looping Garumecsh?" complained Elely. "I was beginning to worry that his new Neuropsion would end up being that first jewel in an infinitely growing bag of dirty tricks before you showed up with your doomsday clock!"
"Well, Garumecsh is pretty much small potatos considering the texts I've recently been getting from Zarc and the horrors I saw for this loop." Trasme spouted as he rushed to fetch his winter coat, undetered from the sneak peek of the Loop. "Keep the evidence on hand, cap. We've got an apocalypse to fight off!"
But no sooner did his Twitter App notify him of a date he had scheduled with a fellow Looper in his branch. The reincarnated form of his childhood friend: Narnia Paravel.
- I'm flying my databike to the spot you picked out. Where U at?
- the humble abode of ol' big-ears himself, @4theHunt. He's wooden stiff at the moment, but I think I'll share a story bout him when I get there.
- So you're headed to the Solar-Powered Pizzaria down the block of the Lespiran Church? That is the place we agreed to meet at today, right?
- Totes.
- Be there in half an hour.
- Sure, I've still got plenty of time here.
And with that, Trasme hopped aboard his Harley to juice on over to that selected spot. Revving the engine with added bravado, he went Supersonic across the roadways with the bike they built with their own hands, Trasme looking to the picture he had pinned to the glove compartment.
He would do anything to protect her, especially following what happened before.
Running, Running,
He hated days that needed running.
Running means escaping an undesirable change in his life. Whether it was all real or all just a dream he had in his sleep, there was a creeping sensation of dread every time and that convenient coma he was in was no different.
At least the vision of his future was nice, but that wasn't the focus today.
Now was the time to run to her, see her face in time.
The Narnia of his childhood.
He slid through the hallways of the mediclinical ships, dashed past the Lespiran doctors that were salvaging his decimated race, all to reach his lifelong friend in time to meet her one last time. When he opened the doors to reveal Narnie and her family huddled together as they waited for their dying matriarch to pass on over to the other side.
"Am I too late?"
The patriarch, wrinkled and wise, strong and yet patient, looked to the silver-haired boy with sheer confusion. "Who are you?"
"Someone willing to sit by her side." The boy came to the Bastibux clan's loving Matriarch as she smiled at the sight of a friend, alive and well, having never aged a day.
"There you are." Her eyes glistened with relief for her old friend Capulet, having missed him since his long and tiresome coma.
And Trasme smiled back: "Little Miss Indie..."
Her final thoughts were of all the hours they spent together, playing Nintendo Games, blogging about clichés in children's programming, roleplaying and writing fanfiction online, running from the re-intregration cities in the GMO-Infested Skies and watching the planet quickly rot away into a nanomechanical swarm programmed to eat existence out of existence.
As she reminiscenced on the time she spent caring for him on the heavenly space colonies of Lespira, Madame Narnia Paravel-Bastibux drifted from consciousness and breathed her last.
"No..." Trasme could only watch the light fade from his friend's eyes. "God, please. Not again!"
The doctor that woke him up arrived in the room to see the Immortal Worker of the Akapsion sobbing on his deceased friend. He slowly scurried the family away as he slowly reached out to the young Immortal. "I am sorry that it starts this way... If it's any consolation, I can adjust the point in Baseline when you can-"
"SHUT UP!" scowled Trasme. "Just... leave me the flip alone!" So, everyone that was left vacated the hospital room as Trasme mourned for his friend. It was bad enough that he Awoke during the dying days of the Earth when Soy Addiction was reaching its peak and the nuclear raids of the Korean Penninsula were inching closer to beginning their rampage of Earth. But the fact that he repeated his steps with every chance taken to expanding his wiggle room but only managed to wake up in time to see his withered friend die on her predetermined deathbed was more than the Chosen Worker of the Second Miracle could bare.
"It's not fair..." Cried Trasme, never to budge from his friend's side for the hours that followed.
Through the fifty-two decades that followed Trasme's brief reunion with his old friend, he watched the human race adapt to the loss of their home in the same manner as his vision down to the very last exact detail he had observed. By that point, he had already realized and accepted the words of his doctor as fact.
Thoth, his Admin, was among one of many gods and goddesses maintaining the Infinite Realities of the world tree Yggdrasil and his was but one of many ill-fated paths wherein the creatures of Jeckyl Island dismantled the human race through an Ai-controlled death cult and thus, a plethora of Lespirans interfered to salvage the species. But the root of existence has recently been lost and now its very life support system was being used on whatever Branches they can salvage to keep the ailing Tree from dying and taking the very concept of existence with it.
And as he watched the events that transpired unfold in front of him, from the union of the Gem, Saber, and Constellar Knights to the rediscovery of magic through 'Miracle Workers' such as himself, Thoth kept on asking for another, less traumatizing starting point for his Baseline and Trasme would always refuse...
At least, until one fateful morning.
"Look, I appreciate the help with relocating the starting point of 'Baseline' for the sake of my sanity." Spoke Trasme, complimenting to his Admin. "But that noise takes time and you gotta offer me a little-"
As if on cue, a young woman with blue hair collided with the boy. Trasme looked into the familiar face she sported and for once in this long and winding road, he was home.
"You alright, Princess?" Trasme sheepishly piped to which the girl scoffed at him with a typical response.
"I'm fine." she spoke "You fart!"
Typical boy meets girl malarkey, and she was back on her way just as it was, way back when.
The dream was reality, he really was flung back in time by what would later be called 'The Infinite Loops'
Trasme had no words to describe what he could describe as Master Enstallynn's driving passion and Tadamu's worst nightmare made flesh, A full-fledged boarding school for wayward sorcerers.
And he was going to spend the next seven years there.
Twas in Dark Arts Defense with Miss Warren, numbly following along in her unappealing rendition of the lecture that was meant to be given by the teacher she assisted. Once she began to ramble on about how they teased her for her acne-ridden face for the first five years of her time at Hogwarts until she blossomed and bloomed during her junior and senior years, Trasme slyly picked up The Dark Forces: A guide to self-protection by Quentin Trimble and looked up the part where Miss Warren derailed the topic. Little did he know that the Native Anchor was sitting in front of him, reading up on the antic of Squiggles, a pixie-farting Raccoon with a very fly afro. She looked to him, put down the book and spoke to him. "New to the Loops?"
"Very much, yes..." Sighed Trasme.
"Well, you lucked out, rookie." She adjusted her glasses as Miss Warren rambled on. "The date of Tom Riddle's birth has been bumped up to the 70s so now Voldemort's J.P. Morgan and has made a Philosoper's Stone out of the 1500 souls lost to the Sinking of the Titanic."
"Get out, really?" Trasme leaned with surprise. "Well, What happened with that Riddle guy?"
"He ended up a slave on the Outer Rim in this Fused Loop." The little witch rolled her eyes. "The fact that his Owl arrived for him out in the far reaches of space resulted in Space Hogwarts being a thing."
"The term is Geo-Galactic Institute of Supreme Sorcery!" sniped one Draco Malfoy. "Do try to get it right, Potter."
"I call it as it is." The Anchor then refocused her stare onto Trasme. "That's my name by the way, Rose Potter, typically Harry Potter and its not a diragatory term in the slightest."
"Yeah, I kinda get that..." Blushed the Looping Junior. "Trasme Capulet, Anchor 18."
"18?" Rose wiped her brow in awe. "...seemed like yesterday since I welcomed someone like Anakin into the fold."
"Anakin, who's he?" Trasme glared to the sorceress as an imposing figure clad in a shadowy suit of heavy armor and machinery like it was right out of a Sci-Fi novel, not quite Orwell but it was something to behold nonetheless.
"Miss Warren, If you would please resume the lecture you intended for my class." The synthetic voice sounded quite livid.
"Well, I was discussing how ghost tend to haunt the place where they were struck with the killing curse." Myrtle blathered on to her friend and colleague. "Then I started to reminiscence on my school life, how they used to call me Moaning Myrtle before my late teens not too long after you showed up, gave me a makeover as the acne cleared up-"
It was there that Myrtle realized to the laughter of the students that she had publicly humiliated herself in front of the aspiring wizards that her senior had entrusted under her care.
"Mister Capulet, at which page did my padawan stray?"
Trasme flipped a page or two to where Myrtle left off and answered. "144, Professor Vader, Sir."
Thus, Myrtle was back to her early years at Hogwarts, shown off and mocked by students more talented than she was at their age.
Anything, she thought, even a killing curse, would be a more tolerable day than today.
He silently shuffled the five cards from his booster pack into his childhood deck, it had been a long while since he laid eyes on these thin cardboard rectanglular slices that allowed for such games in his youth with Zyrca and Narnie so many eons ago. He wondered how long the brand would last during this new near-hub integration of the Baseline, making sure to pocket his deck and whatever cards he had purchased whenever that particular card game was in circulation.
"Bro!" A cry from a distance, Zyrca's cry.
He dashed to his Non-Looping Brother's aid to find bullies kicking around and destroying his cardboard duel disc, the brutes viscously chuckling at the innocent child's misfortune. Trasme's eyes glowed with a raging fire, no force shall damage his dear brother's pure soul so long as he drew breath. "Pick on someone your own size, innit!"
"Really, now?" snorted the pudgy little brat. "Where's your deck?"
Trasme wasn't in the mood to duel right now, not when there was a Stardust Dragon on the line. "My D-D-D... Dadadadadadeck?"
"Yes, your deck, the one for dueling!?" snarled the blatant bully. "You got one, right!?"
"Pft, who even needs to duel when you've got Akapsicon!" Trasme placed his hand onto the pavement and spoke "96th Order of the Sunlight: Satanic Midas."
The pavement slowly began to bubble and melt into fluid concrete beneath the thicker child's bloated weight, encasing his feet in mushy cement that cooked his calves alive until Trasme wisely chose to retract the molten mixture as an act of mercy and swiftly absconded from the school to escape the authorities.
As Zyrca followed close behind, the elder Capulet grew short of breath as he usually did before his Miracle manifested. His stomach tangled and tied in knots, his lungs squeezed up tight, asthma from the toxic perfumes were laying waste to his demographic of the Human Race, but they were by far the easiest of the species to salvage when the end came.
"Trasme!?" yelped her familiar maternal voice.
"I'm alright, Sister Wukari!" lied the once and future Worker of the Akapsicon. "Just left a little surprise for one of the bullies at school-"
"If it's one of those hundred fire spells you've learned from your future self, then stop it!" With a whap of her taming stick, Trasme's hands joined with his innards as he began to have indigestion. "You know better than to use parlour tricks you learned from a complete and total stranger."
"I'm sorry, Sister Wukari..." sighed Trasme as he pulled a flask from his pocket.
"He only did it to get me out of a jam, Sister Wukari..." Zyrca clarified to their caretaker. "There were some bullies at school and Trasme just wanted to stand up to them."
"And what's wrong with standing up yourself?" Zyrca promptly held his devastated Duel Disc to Wukari whose expression turned to shock. "Why did you bring this?! You know it's wrong to bring toys like this onto school grounds..."
"I couldn't help it... It looked too cool not to wear." sobbed Zyrca as Trasme looked onwards in pity. He may grow up to be the Worker of the Shiropsicon and save his ass for him to become Akapsicon, but he'll always be the uke of the two no matter how defensive they can get.
The intense heat of the frequency scorched the dead planet on which the five stood, the smallest of which, Doctor Walter Saget of Treschia, scooped up a sample of its soil to analyze its molecular contents. "Let's check the damage here..." the lad spoke, utilizing the bio-reader of his Hazmat Suit to check for radiation poisoning. Looking into the results, the boy genius merely sighed. "Brain cells were scrambled by the 5g frequencies, flesh fried by 6g, All in all: this rock is something to make you thankful for our revamped and refiddled biology."
"20g don't even phase our bodies, right?" glared Trasme as he tugged at the collar of the jacket he often wore over his suit. "Why even wear these things if we can't be harmed by its poisonous environment?"
"Better safe than sorry." piped Yukishiro the Stargazer, local wizard extraordinare and trained expert on the Twelve Miracles of the Universe. "We may be updated versions of our species, but we're still only human."
"Sure, course you'd say that to the face of the Second Worker, Yuke." Narnie snarked to the young wizard with a dry tone to her voice as she readied her microscope for a sample of charred flesh from a corpse. "But believe it or not, that same damn Worker used to be as mortal and vulnerable to this silent killer as the race that died out on this miserable rock."
"You're serious?" Eyed Yuki, "Trasme Capulet of the Sunlight, mortal? Even after tanking a fleet of Buzzbling Swarmers?!"
"And I suppose that younger brother Zyrca's the chosen worker of the Chillypsion?" added Rayanne Akaba, heir to the Leo institute.
"Ladies, Ladies... It is pronounced shiropsion." Trasme clarified with a peace sign over his fingers before connecting the two fingers together to ignite a small flame he would subsequently aim at an emerging sandworm as it dug outward from the ground below, hungry for the drying stone that nourished its being.
Seeing his time to shine, he multiplied the flame at the tip of his fingers, speaking two words to fling the cascade of dancing flames against the creature. "Ifrit Salvo."
The resulting barrage ate away with its intense heat somehow freezing at its mass, turning it into an icy crystal substance that slowly at its flesh as it screamed for the mercy a mindless beast often never gets as it died off giving way to a wall of mineral mass.
"Did you hafta one-off our friend here?" complained Narnie.
"Even if you could keep the flesh as flesh, the least you could do is let the others deal some damage first." added an irritated Walter.
"And let all this prestine Tremasite go to waste?" Trasme asked rhetorically before his audience.
Narnie merely sighed in lament "Didn't think so..."
It was rapture night on Planet GO-86 and Garumesch's forces are swooping in with the souls oozing into his stone as his armies mowed down the locals, prompting Trasme to fend them off and get the good people to safety while ignoring the pleas of the ugly husks that deserved to be dragged down to hell for the crime of trying to drag the rest of 'their' species down with them.
"Come on then, don't you want to be a challenge?!" questioned Trasme, juggling his torches to distract the fowl beasts as Hunter grazed through a few of the Heavy Hitters at breakneck speed that seemed far too superhuman, even for the updated human race.
"Hurricane Touchdown?" Trasme stared in awe before glancing to an obviously unAwake Narnie and then reminding her of the facts: "88th Order of the Skyline, Amplifies the G-Forces of his sprinting speed and the radius of blowback. You might want to keep everything on ya, safely zipped up. I sure did."
"Same here, we both saw Hunter nail that first A-Class Spell before any of us..." recalled Narnie as she stretched her legs for a sprint of her own. "Don't you have your own epic 'Mow Down all the Mooks' spell?"
"Rushzone Wildfire? Alright, then... You might want to cling to me for a bit." Trasme scraped the pavement as him mind took to pocketing Narnie for the time being. "98th order of the Sunlight..."
And once the order's title was called, the sprint that followed was immediately draped in an eruption of flame and magma. Trasme had been practicing gymnastics on and off to sharpen his dexterity and flexibility in terms of his movement, and that has done wonders for his parkour prowess and with that: his speed as he makes his way to the mad tyrant. Trasme glanced to his iWatch as the creatures behind him screamed in agony. "Where the Fir is he? This thing says Garu's dead ahead but- wait..."
The dot representing Garumesch seemed to have completely passed his and is now moving further and further away as Hunter's dot slowly catches up. That's what made Trasme realize his need to halt his movement, skidding across the soil as the flames surrounding him slowly die down to reveal a dying Garumesch wheezing as a charred carcass at the armored boots of his better half.
"Oh, uh..." Trasme could do nothing as he watched Hunter inherit the power of the demon lord. "Good work, Team! Who's up for Friendly's"
Another Loop, Another date spent trying to get Ray's Dad on board with letting her on the Team. Trasme re-enacted his argument, Leo gave him a warm handshake in return.
"Thank you, Mister Akaba." Smiled Trasme as he adjusted his tie. "I promise your daughter will pull her own weight with us."
"I know she will." Trasme did not understand that at the time, but there will come a time when he recognizes this and bestows him with the best extent of his trust. Leo's stern face told quite a story of a man willing to do anything for his little angel. Speaking of which, she saluted Trasme as a commander for the first time in her unAwake life and the upteenth time in his own.
"I look forward to working with you, Captain Capulet." asserted the longtime friend of Narnia's current re-incarnation.
"Do your best, Miss Akaba, and we'll see where fate lands us." Trasme saluted her back as she made her way to the limo. "And I assume the anti-korea builds are shuffled into the decks of your soldiers."
"ATK Leech abilities at max capacity, sir Capulet." Her stern voice had a hint of inner compensation hiding insecurity, plenty of room for him to try his hand at bonding with her so that there's a shot at getting her to Loop alongside him. May take a while, but he won't mind. The more Loopers this branch has to offer, the more stable this branch in particular will become in the future.
"That would be all."
Trasme looked around the convenience store he had visited during his month on a nearby human plantation, scratching his scalp and admiring the craftsmanship and progress that went into its timeline as he picked up a bag of flavored crisps. "Talk about a huge blast from the past."
"You know this place?" Piped Narnie, speaking into her comlink from afar.
"In a sense, I lived this place!" Smiled Trasme as he looked at the loose change he had as he had but one hour left in his visit. "This Planet is going through the same transitional point I lived through back when I was a mortal little scrublord."
"Is that right?" Eyed Narnie.
"Sure, everybody's been a scrub at some point," Smirked the Akapsicon's chosen worker who now stood to get one more snickety-snack for the road. "...Even the best out of all of us."
"How very humble of you, T-porker." Narnie sarcastically complimented to her commander.
Trasme just shrugged as he made his way to the cashier. "Well, if you live as long as I do, you'd likely grow to anticipate certain things."
"Right, cause you're the immortal war vet of the cross-cosmos war." Narnie complained.
"Come on, Narn." groaned Trasme as he reached the checkout counter with his crisps in tow. "You're just as immortal as I am, you just don't know it yet."
"If it's about my lineage again, I swear to god-!" it was cut off by Trasme turning off his comlink to find this grotesque blub of lard staring back at him. "Can I help you?"
"I see you... eyeraping me right now..." she had a boyish lisp to her voice.
Trasme raised both brows in confusion. "What?"
"Yeh, eyeraping." piped the terminally ill piglet in front of him. "You glanced at me for half a second so it considered eyeraping."
Trasme laughed as hard as he could at the idea of eyerape whist the sow complained and argued. "Rape is not a joke so don't laugh about it!"
"Sorry, it's just that... goddamn..." Trasme wiped the sweat from his forehead "Just looking at another human is considered rape round here?"
"Manturrupting me by mansplaining me is also rape!" answered the prissy piglet. "I would call the cops and get you the death penalty-"
"Whoawhoa! Hold up! Hate to manterupt your jibberish but..." Trasme merely had to ask "Does just talking to a woman count warrant death?"
"Yes and I'm Non-Binary, Bitch!" snarled the human parasite. "It's privileged genders like you that get away scott free in your rape culture."
"Where even is your logic?" complained an awe stricken Trasme.
"I'mma feminist!" that word made Trasme cringe coming out of a parasite like her. "I don't need logic to see the gender wage-gap left by your patriarchy oppressing women at large."
"There is no wage gap, idiot."
Trasme struggled to hold in Discette Inferno (86th order of the Sunlight) as words floated around the sad excuse of a fellow human being feeling triggered by the disagreement. "I WILL HAVE YOU KILLED BY-"
"SHUT THE FAIZ UP!!!" This was enough to trigger the burning form of sunlight Trasme could achieve with a strong concentration built over eons. "THERE IS NO WAGE GAP! RAPE CULTURE DOES NOT EXIST! MANSPLAINING IS NOT A THING! AND YOU! ARE! A! TOY!"
"google it. do yur resurch." was all it could manage to say throughout his rant as he continued on.
Trasme has growing short of temper, one more peep of nonsense and it was it. "Security!"
The entire convenience store went up in flames, the walls, the roof, everything but the fridges, the cashier and the inventory turned into a flurry of dancing flame that flowed into his mouth as he floated to the checkout counter and dissipated his form of fire to step back onto the floor.
"Keep it, I'm full."
The clerk held up the Kit-Kat wrapper filled with melted down chocolate as Trasme merely stood there, dumbfounded at how low the modern organism of this world can fall.
Narnie, Ray and Tadamu were minding their own business on the Rah Luna Peacekeeper Fortress when Trasme piped over the comlink. "Call it, Ray."
Ray sighed on her mic as she asked "Feminazi?"
"Feminazi." Answered Trasme to Ray's chagrin.
"I swear, the control freaks of Babylon don't know when to quit pushing the buttons of a hothead like you." Ray pressed her temples together in embarrassment. "You may fire when ready."
Narnie turned to her friend. "You cannot be serious."
"He gave a direct order and it's our job to follow it." Ray sniped back at the younger lass of the team. "He is our captain."
"And a childish one at that..." Narnie snarked under her breath as she relayed the command. "Login to this planet's overlay network and... commence primary ignition."
The footsoldiers rushed to their stations to code their way into the system of soul-catching satellites as they fiddled with the triggers that unlocked their 'Cancel Weapon' Super-Laser. Narnie called up Trasme on the comlink again to warn him. "Trasme, you sure you don't want in?"
"I've survived worse." Trasme coated himself a Magma Shell to shield himself from the blast as he launched it off the surface to get some air before the imminent explosion. "Rock me, Amadeus!"
The coding team logged into the Overlay Network of satellites and combed through the billions of Souls ensnared by Babylon as the lazer began to hum loudly. Trasme made the jump as the Peacekeeper opened fire to destroy the planet at a level where every atom of its being is converted from concrete matter to abstract energy which is then compressed with the souls into a new shape, tiny enough for a now exosuit-clad Trasme to pick up with two of his ten fingers. "Time of Death 4:15pm"
Trasme woke in the dark and stumbled out of bed, spotting a dog he's never seen before (at this point in the baseline). He lets the dog out of the room and takes but three steps before landing a foot in a squishy pile of- "Ugh... Had to be one of those days."
Trasme went to the bathroom to fetch some toilet paper and disinfecting wipes. "It's always that one mutt out of every stray Mother Song takes in that wanders into my room. Why is it that I couldn't get a room with a lock!?"
4chan posts
Still Running.
Dear lord, did he hate days that demanded running.
He dashed through an Alleyway and leapt from the dead-end wall onto the rails of a set of fire stairs in order to make his escape from the Bat. Trasme clung to the ceiling with his legs, crunching his torso upwards to escape the Bat's line of sight.
-Conseal, don't feel, try not to show or he will know- Trasme repeated this thought over and over until he heard clanking on the rails, His eyes darted to the looming shadow of the Bat and he uncurled to stare into his aggressive, yet dissatisfied eyes. "Oh, smoof."
"You seem pretty young for a jobber." remarked the Bat only to be greeted with a fire belch which allowed Trasme to backflip away from him and onto the ground of the alley as he darted for his bike which he had been chased away from by the Bat as he hollared. "Stop!"
A ringing in his head started to occur: Chronopsicon's 42nd order of the Timeline 'Blink of Imminence' which foretold what was to happen seconds from then, the info popping into his head foretelling of incoming Batarangs he needed to deflect. So he did, but not without a soreness to his ankles and a bruise to his pride as he chanted "66th Order of the Sunlight, Alpha Fire."
Pressing his fingers together, Trasme focused on a nearby trash bin and caused the garbage inside to spontaneously combust with frolicing flames that channels Trasme's life force to generate a new, undamaged form to replace the slightly bruised form which dissipated into liquid gasoline. Trasme followed up with the 9th Order of the Sunlight 'Flickering Flem' which spewed flames from his nose as the Bat navigated the squirts of fire aimed his way. "Wiseguy, eh? Well, say hello to my little friend!"
The Bat focused on the wand that the fire-eater pulled from his pocket as he called "Avra Kadavra."
The Bat flipped his vynl cape and the spell was reflected onto Trasme to his shock and horror. "It's a polymer," stated the Bat. "Made to include an atom found in a specific branch's plastitine-based resources."
Trasme growled as his ears soared in height and grew a bunny-nose. "The Wizards of Waverly Place version of Plastic: the natural enemy of magic!"
And so, with a squeezing splash of wonder, He was reduced to Rabbit in a hat which the bat picked up just like that. "Potter told my associate about you in a recent visit to Hogwarts, he's my Branch's designated Anchor."
"You know Anchor 8?" Trasme piped to the Bat.
"And he helped me develop a coherent guide to the Loops and how to counter all seven prototypical Anchors..."
-Trasme Henches for The Joker-
No words could describe what he saw when he met the living legend himself. He looked into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil to write a note he could tape to a box of Nutty Buddies he would slide the Looper's way. Trasme tapped away at the table as he picked up the cookie-box with awe and read the note. And in due time, Ranma asked the question. "You really want to learn how to waltz into a subspace pocket?"
"Yes." piped Trasme, eager to dive into the full experience of a Looper, especially a Looper of Ranma's relative age.
"Well, first I think of a door... and a destination." Ranma closed his eyes and raised his arm, concentrating on a particular image, a particular door way. Trasme watched as Ranma wandered about in his thoughts with nothing below his hand... until there wasn't.
"That'll do for now." confirmed Ranma as he opened the drum of the dryer for Trasme to enter for a spell. Trasme merely stood silent in awe of this curious box, much to the eldest Looper's chagrin. "Well, are you coming?"
"Ah, yes. It's just..." Trasme looked to the clothes dryer. "Is this the only door?"
"Pft, it's dimensionally transcendental, I've squeezed myself through worse." Ranma crawled through the hole and added: "So, you in?"
Trasme swallowed his breath and crawled into the hole to find a sprawling library of novels, guidebooks and the like circling a sort of circular computer console with a sweeping screen attached to the ever-pumping engine of a sort of Travel Machine. Trasme looked to what was below this console and saw a swimming pool underneath.
"Oh, Geez..."
"Pick on someone your own size!" Trasme punted the bully in the knee before darting off with Zyrca in tow, looking back as the Bus arrived for the class said Bully was a part of. Too bad the bus was facing his direction, that's going to be a pickle that required a little something.
Like Running.
Still Running.
God, did he hate days that needed Running.
←Zyrca's Activation→
The tectonic plates of its surface shifted to a more liquid state as the lower half of the sphere slid to and fro, left and right with the home fleet watching the planet transmogrify itself into a stagnant skull of molten carbon.
←A snip hinting to Soros' nature.→
Trasme stopped his motorbike over to the local ARC Stadium to find Ray and Narnie tapping their feet impatiently. Trasme briefly checked his watch. 11:33:42
"Howdy, gang!" Trasme got off his bike to greet the two sirens. "How go things? I already know you're wide Awake."
"Yes, we're hella Loopy, but have you heard anything from Zarc?" asked Narnie.
Ray irritably added. "His duel show's a no-show!"
"Get out, really?" Trasme was in complete shock. Whether under his stage name of Zarc Nightstone or as the mild-mannered Michael Lindonson, It wasn't like the guy to punk out without a good reason. "I know this shit ain't Shakespeare, but at least he'd misdirect you on where he'd turn up!"
"Knowing him, he's scarfing down a Bacon-Chicken Siracha Melt at Subway." Ray bluntly blurted out. "I'll bet he's at the watertower washing it down."
"C'mon, he'd only need a whole bottle. Nothing like asthma or anything..." chuckled Trasme, offhandedly joking about his past. "So any news on Garumesch's newfound ability to Loop?"
"It hasn't even been half an hour, Trasme." the ai on his pin clarified to the hot-headed hero. "I'm sure Thoth's working as fast as he can."
"Yeah, you'd say that despite being."
Michael Lindonson/Zarc Nightstone
<Duel Monsters Attacking>
"Not real organic meat. Soybean Extract." Trasme confirmed as he tasted the extract. "Enough to eat at the testosterone levels of a low-tier human."
"So, they're homunculus?" Concluded Narnie, calmly pushing away the creature's tail. "But why are they based on a children's card game?"
"Nostalgia, same reason as the Round Table." Trasme eyed to his comrades. "The culprit wanted to use the same elements that went into building our world to go about destroying it."
"Should we back up our Loop Data?" Questioned Ray.
"If it's in Thoth's coding, then yeah." Trasme clicked his pin, making it light up as a signal to headquarters. "We can backup our Code into your father's code for the time being and see if he wakes up if worse comes to worse."
←Walter Saget clues Trasme in on his advocacy to use Trasme as a donor Anchor to Jumpstart MegaMan→
"Walter Saget, one of these days when the Loops are a long, winding chain of fond memories in all of our minds. There's bound to be an experiment of yours that'll more than likely end up being the death of me." Trasme rolled his eyes in irritation. "If and when the Loop inevitably crashes from the lethal Baseline-to-Variant ratio, I'm gonna pray that you endure half a do-no... A FULL DOZEN LOOPS... IN EIKEN!"
Running, Running,
He hated days that needed running.
Running means escaping an undesirable change in his life. Whether it was all real or all just a dream he had in his sleep, there was a creeping sensation of dread every time and this deadly disaster of a Loop was definitely no exception.
Running, Running,
More Running.
At least Narnie's running beside him this time.
"Damn it! Walter should be getting his calculations of what's causing this mess!" complained the starlight assassin. "Where the fir is he?"
"I did send Yuki and Tadamu to get Zarc over for analysis." Trasme offhandedly mentioned to his reincarnated childhood friend "Y'know... since he is our personal Duel Spirit guy."
"Zarc, the guy who you pushed into the Dueltainment profession the minute he started Looping?" eyed Narnie. "You do realize that he Looped in as Jaden, right?"
"Hence why I mentioned him being our Duel Spirit Guy..." Once more, Trasme activated his comlinks as he looked to his watch.
"Damn, why aren't we getting signal?" Trasme complained before sending an additional ping.
No Answer.
He traced the lab.
No Lifeforms.
He switched on its infered scanners.
No Heat Signatures.
"Oh." Trasme's expression was that of dull surprise, as if he was the chosen recipient of a foregone conclusion "They're dead..."
Narnie eyed Trasme. "They dead?"
"Dey Ded."
"Oh..." Narnie gleamed away before she had a flare of the fury overtake her. "WHY ARE THEY DEAD!"
"Allow me to show you." A foreign voice followed by an inky dark-violet mass of bitterness and self-hatred pouring right in front of them. What emerged was Zarc, except he wasn't exactly himself at the moment. Where a lean-trimmed fellow with lime green streaks in his silvery mane once breathed, a gray-scaled bulky mixture between a dragon, human and a demon now stood against Trasme and Narnia instead. A number of spikes were protruding from his shoulders, arms, and ankles while his eyes dimly glowed bright yellow. His face sprouting veins and his ears are replaced by wing-like appendages. Bare of any clothes barring his leather pants, a large pair of black demonic wings firmly protruded from his back in their stead.
←The posessed Zarc explains his schemes over the centuries.→
"There's no way you could've been all these people at once unless-" It was there that Trasme's mind came to a conclusion, a frightening revalation that could rock history to its core "...You're a Virus!"
"Yes, the same virus that killed your scatterbrained God and ate your hub!" snarled the virus through the pipes of his friend "It was delicious."
Thus, all those toxic personas, all these toxic ambitions, it all started to make all the sense a Looper needed to piece together the true nature of this consciousness. "I will fulfil my directive as I nearly did by erasing the root of all reality."
All Trasme could do... was laugh. Laugh hard, harder, ever harder so that the virus puppeteering his number one fan would take notice of what he was facing. "Y'know, I should thank you for your services... Because without you, I wouldn't have the time to nail down every Order the Twelve Miracles placed onto the menu. A Hundred of which from the one that started it all: Neuropsicon. A little ditty with literally no one else but you, sir, to blame."
The spear penetrated Narnie's body right between both her ribcages, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. The last Narnie saw was of the spear as she collapsed onto the floor, Trasme rushing to her side as she slowly started to breathe her last.
- Narn, Don't... leave me alone...
- Stay strong, keep up our fight...
- Who would ravage our home?
- Why this virus of time!
The screeching of imps filled the air as they gathered around the grotesque wench as she snickered to the Anchor, now the Lone Looper Left standing against them.
- Poor little Trasme, he's squirming in anguish
Yggdrasil Log: Loop activation attempt using fused Loop 'jumpstart' protocols with Anchor Trasme Capulet from Loop designated 'No Earth; No Light' in Branch designated 'Mitakihara'
Trasme found himself hugging thin-air. He glanced across the world to find plenty of glass buildings and soil beneath his feet. No doubt this was a version of the Earth he and Zyrca left behind to escape the re-education (read: extermination) facilities of his time. His Loop memories kicked in and aided him in filling what little blanks remained unsolved in the Branch. Why he sensed Michael and Ray in the Loop in question.
The answer that clicked in his head was devastating.
"Welp, that's how it's gonna be, huh Zarckie?" Left with no other option, Trasme prepares to suit up. "God, the price of freedom is so frackin' steep..."
Slowly but surely, he put the pieces together. There was his Sword, sure. but it was tucked in the sheeth of Amalthea's armor as he attached Walter's fancy AniVisor to the helmet, consealing his face from whichever Loopers he may find. From his pocket, he would then pull Elely's duel gauntlet which he loaded with Ray's deck, draped Zarc's coat over the shoulders of the armor, Put on Song's Boots, Tadamu's brace, the spear Amuto modified to break into two bladed 13-gague Winchester rifles during the Loop he spent as the guy who invented Coca-Cola, Xing's Manuver Gear, Hunter's Web Shooters, even finding room for ol' Zyrca's Knee-pads and Elbow-Pads but there was one last piece to bring the ensamble together and that was a familiar golden coin.
Narnia's pirate coin.
"Narnia, I will give this back to you. Even if it is in the milky isles of Eiken Academy, I'll give it back when this Loop is over and we can all get on with our lives." He looked to the skyscrapers in front of them, sent out a ping and felt five in return.
Kyubey paused, tilting his head as memories which had no basis in the current reality wrote themselves into his minds. -Interesting.-
They remembered this moment. He had just been rescued from Homura Akemi, and was now resting in Mami Tomoe's apartment. However, contrary to their recollections it was not solely Mami Tomoe, Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki present at the small table. Rather, Kyouko Sakura and Homura Akemi as well were both present. Madoka was seated in Homura's lap as Mami served them tea and cakes, which flew counter to their demonstrated familiarity during the prior encounter.
"It's been awhile since everyone was Awake at the same time hasn't it?" Mami asked from her seat.
Madoka nodded, intertwining her fingers with Homura's as the other girl wrapped her arms around her waist. "It has. We should celebrate."
"Yeah? What d'ya have in mind?" Kyouko asked, pausing in her consumption of the cake in front of her.
"How about we go to college together. We can put off Madoka's wish for at least the next five years, right? I'm getting bored of highschool. It's been like a thousand years since I got a degree in something, I need stimulation damnit!" Sayaka said with a pout, which was ruined seconds later as she broke down in laughter. "Seriously though, Miss Saotome is funny as heck; but I wanna try something different."
"Hmm. Well why not. I've been meaning to try and get a business degree. That way I can open a bakery early next Loop." Mami said with a smile.
"Sounds good to me. I'm all for anything that gets me more of your cakes. I'm not really interested in going through school again though, once was plenty. Sign me up for the parties!" Kyouko replied with a grin.
"How are you going to join us if you don't go to school though?" Madoka asked concernedly.
Kyouko just waved her off. "Pff. I can pass the daiken exam easy. No sweat, I'll be ready to go whenever you four are."
"So you say." Homura quipped, smirking as she calmly sipped her tea.
"Hey, hold up! What's with that tone? Is that a challenge?!"
Homura's smirk widened. "Perhaps. Passing a test is simple when all you need to do is memorize the answers the Loop beforehand. Earning your education is entirely different."
Kyouko glared. "Oh it is on! I'll see you in class!"
Sayaka burst out laughing.
Lowering his head, Kyubey listened. And learned.
"Good, a threeway! Hopefully there's gonna be some help." Trasme pulled up his D-Wheel from his Subspace Pocket, A symbol of his visiting one of the other ninety-nine universes of Yggdrasil (or one-hundred) to find his fellow Loopers. His expression being one of a man on a mission. "C'mere, Virus. You've got a nice tasty Anchor to Ascend through so you can enact another Category 1 thus erasing existence from existence. Come out and plaa-aaaay..."
Trasme drove from cul-de-sac to gated community in an effort to find whatever Super Virus has infected the Loop he's found himself in. His patience was soon rewarded with a demonic ping just a few feet away from a Friendly's. His Loop Memories told him that he was an intern that was running a tad late for work as a civil servant for Mega City, i.e. the go-to spot to load up Saget's Cosmic Binder to lock the Universe in place if things get dicey. So he went to the drive through to drop it off and get a Friend-Z whilst doing it.
-Madoka, may I speak with you?-
Madoka stiffened at the voice of the Incubator. It was just her this Loop, and she had been running things mostly Baseline for now; until the time for the fight with Charlotte happened, at which point she planned on seeing if she could Befriend the Desert Witch. If not, at least she could save Mami; if so, then she'd have to remember to take a picture for Nanoha and Fate to see.
"Yes Kyubey?"
-I can't help but notice that of all the times I have returned to the past you are the only one always, 'Awake' I believe is the term you used. Does this have something to do with your existence as the Law of Cycles?-
Madoka gaped. Her mouth worked soundlessly for several moments as her face became progressively paler, then she let out a squeak and fainted.
-Oh dear. It would seem I misjudged my approach. This is unfortunate.-
Blues was wondering what the hell was up with the world. He wanted to believe he'd finally woken up from the unending nightmare he'd been subjected to, but he didn't feel he could possibly be that lucky. As a result, he'd been staying back as much as possible and helping his family whenever he could before fading back into the shadows.
Some might say he was being completely paranoid, but that only applied if the universe wasn't out to get you, and Blues would need a lot more convincing before he believed that.
Everything was different from how he somehow knew it was supposed to be. There seemed to be no Dr. Wily fomenting robot revolutions. Instead, there was a mysterious organization calling itself Dark Sigma that was doing it instead, each of its major agents going by a 'model' designation plus a letter, with minor agents getting 'model' plus a number, and never identifying their leader as anything other than 'Model W'.
They'd started out as human agents who hacked into robot command relays, but they'd been easily rounded up by Dr. Light's industrial robot masters led by Rock and Roll. Only afterwards were any of the agents robot masters themselves.
Robot masters that had been subverted by Dr. Wily in the original timeline he remembered – even when the world didn't – had proven to be formidable allies this time. Dr. Cossack and his line of robot masters had been instrumental in turning back the assault of the immensely powerful 'Model R', also known to him as Ra Thor, and the sociopathic alien supercomputer that backed it up. The World Robot Tournament contestants had been all too willing to help fight back 'Model D', a human known as Reverend Dark turned robot that he recognized as Dark Man; 'Model K', the King of Robots; and 'Model B', once known to him as Bass and Treble; along with their various lieutenants.
Later, everyone had needed to band together to turn back the immensely powerful 'Model T', who was clearly a version of the alien robot Terra from his memories, and his ridiculously powerful stardroids. But the most devastating had been the hellish pair known only as 'Model Z' and 'Model X' – the latter looking disturbingly like a more mature Rock in some respects – and it had taken the lives of numerous allied robot masters before they fell. Some of the IC chips of the fallen had been completely destroyed.
More interesting was how his brother and sister were acting.
Rock seemed perpetually confused. He weathered the stress of war much better than Blues recalled, and the only things that threw him off were the more mundane instances that Blues knew to be radically different from the original timeline.
Roll on the other hand was perpetually jumpy, like she expected an attack from any source at any time. But unlike Blues himself, she didn't seem frightened for herself, but for others. Everywhere she went, she subtly positioned herself between others and potential threats, with the one given priority being Rock. She seemed convinced that if she didn't have his back at all times he would be killed by a surprise attack, and thus anything that tried to hurt her brother was eliminated with extreme prejudice.
He dared to hope that they remembered things that happened before as well, but his memories of the nightmare he'd experienced between the original timeline and now held him back. The horrors he might suffer were he wrong bound him more thoroughly than his jealousy and pride ever had.
But the one thing that captured everyone's interest was a human named Trasme that would normally not have been given a second glance. They were a fairly average individual and an intern at the Cronos Institute. Not particularly valuable a target, especially given the more senior and lauded members at the Chronos Institute, but they were involved in every single attack and seemed to be a priority target for Dark Sigma.
Blues had no memory of this human from the original timeline, but he knew, somehow, that the intern was vitally important.
Which made the fact that they'd just been kidnapped by some Boba Fett wannabe called 'Model V' especially worrying.
He'd followed his siblings as they tracked the kidnapper to what looked like a large warehouse, determined to back them up while their other allies were suppressing the attacks elsewhere meant to smokescreen the kidnapping. He hid in the rafters and waited for his moment while Rock and Roll confronted the vile Model V.
Model V's primary weapon seemed to be a shoulder-mounted cannon, and while it was an atypical design the weapon was immensely powerful and the robot's purple armor and other physical abilities were clearly in the same class as the hellish duo Model Z and Model X.
But his brother and sister were no slouches themselves, and they'd learned plenty fighting the aforementioned robots. Model V might be faster, stronger, and tougher, but he had nowhere near his sibling's combat experience or skill and it showed.
Unfortunately, a lucky blow had stunned Roll and a well-timed grab had immobilized Rock. Model V was now charging up his shoulder cannon for a point-blank shot that would surely kill his brother.
Blues knew the time to act was now.
A precision sniper-shot to the helmet got Model V's attention nicely and Rock took full advantage of the distraction. He brought his arm cannon up in a manner that would put quickdraw artists to shame and fired his own charged shot.
Straight down the barrel of Model V's shoulder-mounted cannon.
The explosion took Model V's arm off at the shoulder and hurled Rock back several meters from the force. It looked as if Model V would recover before Rock did, but unluckily for him, Roll wouldn't allow him the advantage. The Crash Bomb she fired hit perfectly on the damaged portion of Model V's torso, and the explosion decimated the delicate internal systems that were now unprotected by armor.
The sound of slow applause filled the warehouse.
"Excellent," a voice said and Blues froze in horror. He didn't hear the following statement at all. He was too lost in a terrible memory where Dr. Light was acting... not like Dr. Light. The not-Dr. Light had said that very word in that very voice. He hadn't been able to place the voice then.
But he did now.
Further musings were cut off as he was pumped full of electrical voltage and plummeted from his position in the rafters as a result. He fell, and kept falling past where the floor should have been. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was the far-away scene of the warehouse roof as a shadow closed ominously below it.
-Don't you think that this is perhaps a bit excessive? Surely by now you must realize that this serves no purpose.-
Trapped in a cage, tied to the bars by ribbons, suspended over a dozen swords and spears, and pinned atop a block of C4, Kyubey glanced at his captors blankly.
"Speak for yourself, this is stress relief." Kyouko groused, angrily biting into an apple.
"How long has he been Awake?" Sayaka wondered irritably.
"The more important question is, why is he Awake at all?" Homura seethed, her finger aching to ignite the explosives under the Incubator.
"Technically, I suppose he does have a connection to each of us. I believe Ranma mentioned that that was the main method by which new Loopers were Activated." Mami supposed, the only sign of her fury being the white knuckled grip she had on her cup.
"But I thought you needed a Soul to Loop? Isn't that the whole reason the Incubators picked humans to use for their plans? Because they didn't have Souls of their own?" Madoka asked worriedly.
-Whatever gave you that impression? I can assure you that we Incubators have as much of a Soul as you humans. We simply lack the emotions which you possess. That is why you are so much more suited for our purposes.-
Homura 'mistakenly' pressed the detonator, igniting the Incubator in flaming death.
-Honestly. You would think that after all this time, you'd have learned from the futility of this action.- The newly appeared Incubator stated from the window.
Homura 'accidentally' shot it.
When Blues came to, he knew he was restrained. His arms and legs were bound in an 'X' formation and impossible to move. Opening his eyes, he saw that his brother and sister were similarly bound. Their placement around the room formed a triangle, each of them facing the center where the human intern Trasme dangled from the ceiling.
"Worst. Recon. Ever." Trasme complained as he struggled to escape his bindings.
Taking a look around, Blues realized they were all hooked up to a giant machine, their bindings part of some sort of circuit.
The purpose of it was beyond his experience, but Blues was willing to bet everything that it wasn't good.
"Welcome," the voice from before stated, no longer sounding like it was broadcasted. The owner of the voice was in this room. "Welcome to the headquarters of my little organization. I am so glad that you all could finally join me."
Blues shivered at the familiar voice and looked towards the figure as he stepped into the light. He was different. He had what looked like a small red gem in the middle of his forehead, his hair seemed more blue than the expected gray, his eyes were hidden behind a pair of angular shades that still failed to hide how crazed his expression was, he was dressed more finely than Blues remembered, and he had a skull-topped cane that was clearly for appearances only, but still Blues could never have mistaken him for anyone else.
"Yes, it is I, Model W, the leader of Dark Sigma, the Regal King, Dr. ALBERT! WEIL! WILY!"
The expressions of the four captives were vastly different. Trasme clearly had no idea who his captor was, Rock was characteristically defiant, Roll was surprisingly murderous, and Blues?
Blues was scared out of his mind.
Not only was this the owner of the voice that haunted his nightmares, there was a definitive feeling of... wrongness about the mad doctor. Whether he was the same Dr. Wily as the original timeline didn't matter. All Blues was certain of was that this version of the man wasn't supposed to exist.
"You thinking what I'm thinking, Helmet-Head?" Trasme glared to his new comrades, and Blues' expression said everything he needed to know.
They were all in very real danger.
"Oh, it was quite the puzzle on how to get what I needed, but lo and behold, the three of you had it all along!" Wily cackled.
"And this boy..." he continued, a sinister grin splitting his face. "Why this boy is the very key to my escape from this universal prison. This infinity of repeating time."
"Great..." Trasme rolled his eyes before he began to realize a minor detail in his words. "Wait, you know off the Infinite Loops?!"
"Oh, yes," Wily chuckled. "I know all about that. And I knew, the moment you came into my territory, that you were the key to my escape. My key to becoming the master of all creation! Why do you think I have spent so much effort on capturing a nobody like yourself? The indescribable essence that allows you to retain awareness and ability as time repeats itself is what I need."
"Oh, so it's my Soul you want?" Trasme smirked, clearly defiant in the face of this threat. "Well, I've prayed to my personal God and as it turns out, all the Souls are saved directly into Yggdrasil and is out of your reach, you pesky little glitch! So I wish you the best of luck in getting there, cause you ain't able to Ascend!"
"Oh, but I am," Wily sneered. "There's another Anchor in this branch, and I sense that she wishes to Ascend herself with the means of doing so just sitting. Right. In front of her..."
Trasme's eyes widened as they slowly turned to stare at the doctor in horror.
"You guys, please stop killing Kyubey. I know you don't like him, but there's no point." Madoka pleaded, eyes wide and hands clasped. Homura lasted a full thirty seconds before submitting. Sayaka, Mami and Kyouko grudgingly agreed only a few minutes later.
"What do I care if your entire universe is erased as a result?" Wily's movements across the room starting to give off familiar vibes of a friend from back home. "My destiny awaits you pathetic fool!"
"Destiny this, Destiny that," Retorted Trasme with such ire. "...Are you finished with your evil plan yet cause I really want to get back to thinking about Saget's oncoming punishment."
"Silence!" snarled 'Wily' before giving Trasme one minor hint. "For now... IT'S SHOWTIME!"
Wily and Veil's blended form shattered away to reveal the demonic dragonoid despot from the previous Loop.
"ZARC!" First, Trasme felt shocked, and surprise gave way to grief "Guess Ray didn't make it."
"But she did make it, Danger Boy... As an eighth of me."
-I see. So that's how it is. This is troubling.-
Madoka frowned. "Why, isn't this a good thing. As long as the Loops are still happening the Heat Death of the Universe is impossible. You have all the time in the multiverse to find a better way of achieving your goals. How is that bad?"
-Oh, I never said it was a bad thing. Merely troubling. As an example, imagine there is a wall; one which separates you from everything on the other side. The only way to see what lies on the other side of the wall is to move beyond it, but doing so isn't possible. Therefore you would be forever trapped; unknowing what problems are kept hidden from you, awaiting but a moments inattention to pounce upon you unaware. This situation is similar. While the Heat Death of this universe is temporarily forestalled for the immediate future, that does nothing to ensure that a greater danger does not await us from these 'Admins' you mentioned. If they are truly as fallible as you say, then for all we know they could be hiding some great crisis from us; with us none the wiser.-
"But they wouldn't do that. I'm sure our Admin is doing their best for us." Madoka protested.
-But you cannot know that for sure. Have you ever met the being claiming to be our Admin?-
"Um... well, no." Madoka admitted.
-Then it is as we suspected. These beings, whether through indifference or design, are incapable of fulfilling the promises they've made. This universe may be in more immediate danger than from that of Heat Death, and we are completely uninformed.-
Madoka frowned and began to reply, before abruptly Kyubey exploded into a fine mist; courtesy of Homura's S.H.I.E.L.D. issue photon blaster. "Stay away from Madoka, Incubator."
Wily turned sharply and strode to a control panel. "But let's not engage in more of your meaningless prattle! We begin immediately!" And with that, Wily threw a switch.
Energy hummed, and a strain that Blues couldn't remember feeling before, but yet recognized permeated everything. It was like the strain felt right before one of his nightmare lives had abruptly ended. He hadn't noticed the feeling those times, but experiencing it now, he somehow knew that it had happened. What was happening now was the same thing, only far greater.
"Stop this, Zarc! You're not an extension of Soros and you never have been!" Trasme roared to the Virus as he struggled to break free before the strain struck him as well. "You may be a filthy clone of the Nothing's Persona, but that doesn't mean you can't fight him back!"
The energy reached a pitch and suddenly his brother spasmed like he'd been impaled on something. The straining feeling jumped in intensity at the same time and didn't lessen. The energy rose in pitch again and the same thing happened with his sister, her face frozen in pain as the feeling of strain nearly doubled in intensity.
-Assuming that the Admins are indeed omnipotent in comparison to even your own goddess form, why is it that they haven't fixed these time reiterations? Would it not make more sense to isolate each individual universe and restore it separately before moving on to the next. This would ensure far fewer inconsistencies and allow for greater focused effort. These O7 you've mentioned, they've been 'Looping' for how many universal lifetimes exactly?-
Sayaka grunted, ignoring the Incubator as best she could.
-I simply cannot understand why they would allow such an uncontrolled phenomena to continue. While I certainly wouldn't want it to happen to this universe, logically it would make more sense to simply remove the damaged portions of this 'Yggdrasil' and allow the multiverse to restore itself using more functional portions of it's substrate. It is the method which we Incubators would enact were we to be elevated to a position such as theirs. Would not the loss of a few sections of reality be better in the long term?-
"That's terrible! They aren't just dead weight you can remove, they're entire universes with people; with hopes and dreams and wishes." Madoka objected, horrified.
-You say that now, but can you honestly say that you would do differently if you were an Admin?-
Madoka's answer was immediate. "Of course I would! You can't just erase a universe because it's hurt! You have to let it heal."
-Perhaps, but logic dictates that the good of the many outweighs that of the few does it not?-
Seeing Madoka beginning to tear up, Sayaka snapped. "You know what? Screw you Kyubey! We don't need to listen to this crap, c'mon Madoka."
-Aren't you going to make your wish?-
"Buzz off! We don't need your help, Madoka's done this so many times she can become the Law of Cycles all on her own!" Sayaka growled.
-Oh? That's very interesting. I had noticed that her Karmic Potential had risen by an exponential order of magnitude, but I never dreamed she could do something like that so easily. If you can become a goddess so simply, surely you could fix our universe couldn't you? If these 'Admins' no longer had to worry about our own reality then they could leave us to our own devices and focus their attentions somewhere that needed it more.-
Madoka gaped. "Wait, could I actually do that?"
"Pff, I doubt it. I wouldn't trust anything that comes from that guy Madoka; if he said fish lived underwater I'd doublecheck to make sure." Sayaka answered.
-Oh I'm quite certain Madoka could potentially restore our universe. She did already rewrite it once before after all. Not including however many times since then that she's repeated the process. And she's only gotten more powerful since then. Even over the course of the few 'Loops' which I've been aware of, her power has increased by no less than a factor of twelve.-
"But wait; Madoka didn't you say something once about it being a bad idea to try and become an Admin?" Sayaka asked.
"Did I? I-I think I might have. It's dangerous to try, I think I heard Fate mention she heard from Ichigo it could maybe kill anyone who tried it forever."
"Think about your friends, about Ray, Tadamu..." Trasme glared to the mad virus as he aimed to increase the voltage. "Hell, despite everything from these past nineteen hours, I'd even ask that you think of Walter Saget, the little flip-weasel!"
The energy rose once again, and Blues struggles, knowing he was next. Even then, he wasn't prepared for what he would swear was the feeling of a rod of utter wrongness being rammed straight through his soul.
"You just gotta believe, Zarc! You never wanted to go full violent, it's not in your heart to harm anyone for the sake of Dueltainment!" Trasme roared with rigor as he aimed his hand to the controls for Trasme's setup. "What about Yusho? What would he say if the audience-driven bloodlust you've festered in made you erase our entire universe for the art of Deuscide!"
The energy crackled madly, matching the doctor, as it began to probe Trasme. Each zap and spark that touched them set off a scream of agony like they were being ripped apart, and Blues was certain that in some way, they were.
"Michael... please..." The feeling of strain was practically screaming now, and Blues suddenly knew what it was. Reality didn't like what was happening. It didn't like it one bit, and it was attempting to fight back against the unnatural thing the doctor was attempting.
"But... if I only wished for the power to fix our universe? Could that maybe work, do you think? Not the power to Ascend, but just enough to change things for Mitakihara. If it worked, wouldn't that be a good thing? It might be dangerous, but... if I could fix our universe, then the Admins could work on other universes where people are suffering."
"Hey, c'mon Madoka. You're letting this guy get into your head, what if he's wrong huh? What then?" Sayaka demanded.
"But if he's right, isn't the chance that it could work worth the risk?"
Sayaka's throat clenched at the thought. "What if you die though?! You're the Anchor, what'll happen to everyone if you're gone?"
-Surely these Admins wouldn't be so foolhardy as to place the fate of an entire universe on one person's shoulders without some form of contingency. Even we Incubators had alternative plans for if the Magical Girl System failed to produce results. Wouldn't it stand to reason that these omnipotent gods would do the same? Are you ready to make a contract Madoka?-
Madoka nodded. "Wait, hold on Madoka. At least let's talk this over with everyone else first."
Shaking her head softly, Madoka gave her best friend a hug. "I can't do that. If I put this off for even one more minute, when I knew it might mean that someone somewhere is hurting when I could have helped, I couldn't ever forgive myself."
The energy of the machine began to rise in pitch until it too was screaming, and Wily suddenly looked uncertain. Like the resistance to his machine wasn't planned for. He began to rant and rail something, until
Turning to face Kyubey, she took a deep breath. "Kyubey, I know what I want. I wish to have the ability to save everyone, to be able to fix our universe."
-If that is what you desire.-
A bright pink light suffused the area, growing brighter with every passing second; yet never seeming to become hard to look at. Madoka felt the beginning of the long familiar transformation into a goddess take place. Her mind expanded, causality and destiny unfurling before her. Every possible action, for every possible choice, for every possible person and every possible reaction to every choice. From the beginning of time, to the end; outstretched in four dimensions like a delicate flower.
Time and space danced between her fingers, the beat of time synchronized to her heartbeat. The fabric of reality spread outward in an infinitely complex tapestry of golden majesty, weaving in and out and between all of existence. The fundamental forces of the universe bowed before her, surrendering to her will. She became the Law of Cylces.
And then suddenly she was more.
But then came a stray bolt of energy from the machine, And both Workers began screaming.
The screams of Zarc, Trasme, the machine, and reality itself mingled until they couldn't be differentiated from each other.
Blues knew that, eventually, something had to give.
And then something did.
"Firewalls are down in areas 5, 37, 312, d9, 3f, R0-k, ju-890, and k1!" "Someone get me a fucking Patch! I can't hold this shit together!" "Turn off the sirens!" "Oh god we're all gonna die!" "What the hell is going on?" "Someone help! My monitor just blew up!" "The walls are on fire!" "What's happening!" "Where the hell is Skuld?!" "We're losing it, get someone over here now!" "All the Loops are glitching!" "We just lost half of this universe!" "I cant' find the cache files!!" "Where's the backup?" "I've got a bluescreen over here!" "The cafeteria just disappeared!" "Of fuck, everything just turned purple!" "We just lost sectors 304 through A1215!" "Get Lady Hild up here!" "Where the hell is Hephaestus!?" "Half the quarantines just escaped containment!" "My porn just got deleted!!!" "Holy shit is that an earthquake?!" "The air's breaking!" "My avatar just went down!" "I'm forcing an emergency shutdown of the active Loops!" "Computers are down in resources!" "We're losing the Universal Superstrings!!" "I can't get into the system!" "How the hell am I locked out of my own account?!" "Does anyone have any idea what's happening!?!" "Where's Lord Tyr?!" "Structural integrity at 79 percent and falling!" "Nifflheim is offline!" "The Patch files are gone!" "Auxiliary programs shutting down!" "Oh us! The lights are down!" "Fuck! Who the hell puts their trashcans in the aisles!?" "Standby for emergency lights!" "Get your filthy hands off of my ass!" "This is the end, every god for themselves!" "Where's that noise coming from?!" "I think it's calming down." "What the hell just happened?" "Why is everything pink!?"
"WILL YOU ALL SHUT THE HELL UP!" Skuld roared, finally managing to claw her way through the screaming panic to her monitor. Several moments of intense typing restored the regular power and allowed her to get a look at the damage. It was, in a word, catastrophic.
The earthquake had knocked down filing cabinets and office walls, the floors were littered with papers, more than a few of the monitors were on fire or even outright gone, most of the walls had cracks running up and down their sides, and there was a gaping hole in the middle of the air which hurt even her to look at as it slowly sealed itself shut. The air was heavy with smoke and dust, loose sheets of paperwork drifting down from the upper offices, and the entire area was overrun with glitches crawling into every available space.
Trasme steadily got back up onto his feet, searching his surroundings for Zarc!Wily seeing as he did say he backed up his code in a reality virus. Where he thought the parasite was was a far weaker concern than the question of where anything was, and he struggled to think of what he might do to his friends. Why does it hurt to recall their key features... or even the fact that he had friends to begin with?
He looked to the ground he found himself standing on and found for distinct panels of hard light. One was a glimmering gold as another was a striking violet, one was cloaked with a synchronized coat of starlight while the last was an inky void decorated with constellations. One thing the four platforms had in common were a pair of embryonic spheres on the edge of each cliff. There was something about them tying his stomach up in knots, only for him to find that there isn't much of a stomach left to tie up.
It, along with its owner, was being erased from existence.
Hephaestus regained consciousness to blaring alarms. He fought back the fog that pervaded his mind and the pain that wracked his body so he could orient himself. He hadn't felt this bad since the time he'd tried to pick a solo fight with Typhon back when he still believed anything he did could impress his bitch of a wife.
Hephaestus tuned out the automated message. He'd get in trouble for not reporting as ordered, but it was likely he was already in a heap of trouble considering what he'd been doing before he had apparently collapsed, so a little more wasn't going to hurt him that much. The important thing was that he recover the logs from the fused Loop attempt. There was very vital information that needed to be salvaged from that.
If only he could remember what.
Shaking his head and telling himself that it would come back to him in time, he called up the Loop log and blinked. Loop designated '***ERROR***'? Anchor name ***ERROR***? That couldn't be right. They were clearly–
It was right then that Hephaestus realized that he had no clue what the names of the donor Loop and its Anchor were. He tried a memory retrieval spell on himself, and got nothing.
That could only happen if the thing he was trying to remember had been conceptually erased from existence. The memories were unretrievable because there weren't any memories to retrieve.
The fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions revealed themselves to her one after another. She expanded again and again, as her consciousness grew to encompass concepts which had never been given name. Potential became reality. And still she grew. As the eight dimension blossomed before her she vaguely heard the fabric of reality begin to stretch, and a small presence stripped itself from her; tossed out into the void.
The emptiness of completion manifested itself within her mind, infinite knowledge burning itself within her soul. Her very being cried out in ecstasy and torment, euphoria and anguish. She felt the very conceptualization of HOPE engulf her being, defining and redefining her; burning her from within as it purged away the frailties of her merely divine nature. Remaking her into more than a simple goddess. More than just an intrinsic part of the cosmic weave. More than human, more than god, more than concept or idea. An existence beyond existence, a being beyond comprehension and understanding and reason.
The twelfth and thirteenth dimensions imposed themselves upon her sight. Rationality and consciousness swirled together, spreading out to the far corners of existence; a million lives lived and lost in the span of an moment. She felt the consciousness of time, the wisdom of stars. She watched as universe came into being, died and were reborn. Words appeared in her mind, a song without words or notes; pure creation given presence. Her Soul fell into the chorus of everything, joined the eternal song of all that is and was and ever could be.
Reality screamed.
Time roared.
Space tore.
Madoka saw.
Trasme collapsed onto the glass floor, crying for the first time in countless eons. He could feel his whole existence fading from continuity on a conceptual level, as if even his mother never brought him into this world...
or as if this world never was at all...
So of course Earnesto de laCruz would burst back into his brain again. This time playing an acoustic rendition of Remember Me at a time when the Irony levels were at its peak for Trasme's case. What good will remembering do when you'll be deader than dead can be at the end of it. He heard cooing in the middle of one of the verses, Trasme glanced to the very sources who had progressed to newborn babies. The Gold Platform had a child with a blotch of green adorning his green peach fuzz, while the other had bright pink streaks in her dark magenta hair. This would be a theme to the other six infants scattered across the other three platforms, Black had a boy with a purple blotch on his black hair as well as a girl with dark purple hair adorned with streaks of lilac, White had a boy with a blotch of yellow in his blue hair alongside a girl with streaks of light-green in her aqua green locks, and Purple had a boy with pink streaks in his purple hair in the same proximity as a girl with light blue bangs in her indigo locks. The one thing these eight infants had in common was that scar.
That scar.
That gaudy scar.
That ghastly reminder of what that virus made him do to his friend.
And for some odd reason, it resonated with a glowing star that emerged from the intersection of the platforms.
A universe that had cascaded around him, dissolving into impossible shapes that had form and meaning. WORDS. A million billion concepts contained within each letter, an infinite number of infinities within each word. Most of them spoke of PAIN. DEATH. DESPAIR.
Trasme pushed it away to a soaring angel as she ascended into the great beyond, blasting past him and the eight children who stood in awe at the radient angel all the while the man's fingers began glowing a radiant gold hue. Within the core of her very existence HOPE screamed defiance. Her body acting instinctively, Madoka gripped the source of her magic; of her divinity. Reached out, seeking to hold and comfort her dying universe. Within the eternal chaotic order of fleeting impossible WORDS, she found a core of being. Something REAL and PERFECT. Something WHOLE. Grasping with every fiber of her being, she encompassed that single precious TRUTH; ensconcing it within the CONCEPT of her BOW.
Trasme watched her soar as the eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first dimensions burst into being. There came a great groaning, a noise that was equal parts sound and words and emotions and possibility, as if all of EXISTENCE was struggling to endure an impossible burden. Stretched to the breaking point, and held there at razor's edge.
Madoka's mind finally failed to withstand the strain, and her consciousness faded as the twenty-ninth and thirtieth dimensions thrummed into her awareness. Several more followed with her blissfully unaware.
"It is finished..." The deep golden glow spread to his bare arms as he shimmered and shined, his energy flowing onto the platforms as one last tear traced his cheek. With one last sign to his god, he spoke his last: "Into your hands, I commend thy spirit."
In the center of this chaos, the entwined roots of the World Tree rising from infinitely deep within the earth and stretching infinitely into the sky, there was the only spot of peace; a rising mutter from the nearby gods and goddesses slowly eating away at even that. Striding across the area, smashing the fleeing glitches in passing, she found herself gaping along with all the others. Surrounding the roots of Yggdrsil was a small moat of purist water, a small walkway the only way across, leading to the central computer. Directly in front of this computer, lying unconscious on the ground and glowing with new-found Divinity, was a young girl; no older in appearance than she had once appeared, way back in the ancient past before the Event had occurred.
Garbed in a white dress held at the neck with a ruby gem, her long pink hair arranged haphazardly around her, and clutching a bow which radiated light more brightly than even she herself did; was a new Goddess. The first in countless aeons. While at any other time this would have been a cause for celebrations (followed by decades of paperwork), with Yggdrasil in it's current state this had nearly been the end of Everything.
Her face nearly apoplectic in rage, Skuld glared bloody murder at the awakening Goddess; who clutched at her bow fearfully, looking around in confusion. Turning to her nearest co-worker, she spoke slowly through gritted teeth, "Someone figure out who the hell this is, where she came from, AND WHY THE FUCK SHE'S HERE! I'm going to report to my father."
Sparing one last vengeful glare at the cowering pinkette as the others crowded around her, Skuld stomped off; taking out her wrath on every glitch in her path with extreme prejudice. There would be hell to pay for this, and someone's blood would run by the time she was finished. She gripped her hammer tightly with a dark chuckle; one which had those around her moving out of her way faster than they could actually move, resulting in more than a few stumbles. Skuld noticed none of this however, as her thoughts circled endlessly around two emotions: Terrified giddy relief that she and all of reality still existed, and wrathful certainty that whoever was responsible for this would suffer.
Janus checked the file for the fused Loop for Hephaestus and found that it was completely corrupted. The data still existed, thank Kami-sama, but it was utterly unreadable. Hephaestus went over and checked the status of the Loop he was assigned to get functional, and sighed with relief that it hadn't been erased as well. In fact, it seemed the universal data patch procedure had been partially successful and it was more stable than it had been. Then there was the fact that he still remembered that there had been a donor universe and Anchor involved, so there was a chance, however slim, that their data still existed somewhere.
It was a desperate hope at best, but he'd take what he could get at this point.
He forwarded the corrupted file of the fused Loop to his superiors and proceeded to try and see what else could be salvaged from this endeavor. Some data that would perhaps justify the loss of a whole branch from Yggdrasil's mainframe.
Yggdrasil had been having more problems than just the Loops for a while now. At first they'd given loopers estimates on when Yggdrasil would be fixed, but as more Loops were brought online and Yggdrasil's depleted resources stretched ever thinner they'd pushed those estimates back. Eventually they'd stopped giving them at all.
It wasn't just the thinned-out resources to blame. As more of the universes were rendered provisionally functional through the Loops, an increasing number of bugs, malware, and viruses came with them. These things were normally kept under control with little issue, but that was when Yggdrasil was functioning at full power. With the damage and reduced power levels, these normally minor issues that could be safely ignored or tabled indefinitely were suddenly potentially significant threats to the vulnerable Loops.
Hephaestus remembered when the DC and Marvel Loops were rushed to functionality because they both contained some of the most comprehensive universal restoration code in Yggdrasil's system. That code was now indispensable in keeping the Loops running despite being constantly attacked by annoyingly malicious code that he would swear spontaneously multiplied any time someone wasn't looking.
The god of the forge was brought out of his musings as he found what he was looking for. The comparison data analysis.
One of the things everyone did was compare events in the Loops to what little data they had on the category 1 event that had originally damaged Yggdrasil and made the Loops necessary in the first place. Such information could potentially allow them to speed up the repairs. If nothing else, they'd be able to spot a repeat event early enough that they could stop it before it became a problem – one category 1 event was more than enough for one eternity thank-you-very-much.
So far matches for the category 1 event hadn't risen above 20%, and that was the Skaia protocol. It likely meant that the event was something very similar to the Skaia protocol – which would be bad news because no one at the divine level had any knowledge of such a thing and the idea that one could be independently developed without any of the gods knowing was frightening – or the Skaia protocol itself was expanded upon to cause the event – an even more frightening prospect, especially since there had been no indication that the Skaia protocol had left its quarantine area in Yggdrasil prior to the event.
There it was.
That... that was bad. It indicated the latter scenario of someone getting a hold of the Skaia protocol without their knowledge and actually trying to 'improve' it. What really floored him was the next line.
A what?!
Okay... a viral consciousness inside the Loop might explain some of the problems he'd been having, but he didn't immediately recall identifying it. He tried another memory retrieval spell to see if he could figure out what exactly had happened.
Memories came flooding back. He'd seen some really nasty viral code in the presence of something whose sole purpose could only be to breach dimensional barriers from 'below' while increasing the dimensions of its operator. The viral consciousness had invented an artificial method of ascending to the divine level.
It hadn't taken more than a moment to realize what was happening and he immediately requisitioned power from Yggdrasil, citing an imminent category 2 event to get a response rapid enough to make a difference. He'd brought his full personal power to bear, called in favors from other gods to bolster what he had, promised favors to a few more if they helped, and broke Almighty-knew-how-many regulations to siphon just the tiniest bit more out of Yggdrasil's over-extended reserves. A viral consciousness was attempting to ascend past the confines of the Loop and if it succeeded, they'd have a genuine fully sapient and highly intelligent divine-level virus loose in Yggdrasil's damaged systems. He hadn't had time to convince anyone of the seriousness for a concerted effort to be made, so he'd done what he could to get immediate results and effectively went it alone with only a fraction of the power he should have had to deal with the problem.
He'd slowed down relative time in the Loop while simultaneously speeding it up for himself, making every tense moment count as he coded furiously. As he tried to stop the dimensional breach it was triggering, he examined the viral code. The viral consciousness was too hardy for a direct assault, but it appeared to be a composite consciousness in addition to being viral. He could attack the cracks and force them apart, returning it to the component minds once more. He was so focused on defeating the obvious threat that he hadn't noticed the direct metaphysical attack on the visiting Anchor in the background until it was too late.
When the Anchor gave out, his native Loop crashed hard enough that Hephaestus, directly connected to the fused Loop in his attempt to forestall disaster, had been rendered unconscious. As much as he wanted to mourn the loss of existence, he had to double-check Yggdrasil's claim that the consciousness had been effectively dissipated. Losing a Loop was bad enough. Having a viral consciousness that dangerous free in the system would be worse.
Of course, it was going to take some time digging up any records after a disruption like that. Better get star-
Hephaestus blinked. It was always weird when Yggdrasil did something like this. Anticipate something an operator would need and run the request on its own initiative. Yggdrasil's bouts of foresight were always useful, but they could get a touch creepy at times.
Y:\ Y
Hephaestus winced. He hated being reminded of just how damaged this branch was. One barely functional section, six that were too corrupted to recover without further repairs, and one that had effectively been 'misplaced' among all the corrupted data.
Plus something that apparently wasn't supposed to exist in this branch. Possibly an invading virus from outside or something that had germinated in the damaged branch as the activation attempts failed. It was hard to be certain with the way things were.
That was a relief. Much better than the category 2 event that had just happened. Category 4s could safely be left to loopers to deal with, provided he could actually get the Loop functional of course.
He typed in a request for analysis of viable Anchors.
Hephaestus swore. They were all more stable than before the universal data patch, but still nowhere near as stable as he'd like. Unlike most other offline branches, their branch was degrading with every failed activation attempt and it was possible for the whole branch to become completely unviable as soon as the next failure. He just couldn't take a chance on numbers that low.
With the other sections of the branch hopelessly corrupted until further repairs were made, a Linked Loop was simply impossible. The branch was also too corrupted to risk setting it to Read-Only lest it become completely unrecoverable as a result. And after what just happened there was simply no way another universal data patch via fused Loop would be authorized, even though the threat had been neutralized. The 'Mega' branch was officially omnia non grata until it was sufficiently stabilized.
Which meant it was time to get creative. Fortunately, Hephaestus was good at that. Being a patron god of invention had its perks.
He coded his idea furiously and ran it through Yggdrasil's precognitive data simulator.
Much better, but still a lot lower than he'd like. He racked his brain for anything he could do when he had a flash of brilliance. It was risky, but...
Hephaestus frowned. He'd honestly thought the number would be higher. He ran a number of variations on the scenario, but all the new simulations did was lower the number. He sighed as he accepted the fact that the odds simply weren't going to get any better.
It was time to make a call. He picked up his office phone and dialed the relevant number.
A voice chittered back at him from the other end of the line and he fought the urge to roll his eyes. The trio of interns that served under the god he was trying to contact seemed to take great pleasure in being as odd as possible ever since their ascension shortly before the category 1 event, going so far as to invent a language just to mess with others. Fortunately he'd taken the effort to learn it himself and had little trouble understanding them.
"Yes, it's me," he said and waited while the intern chittered back at him. "I'm sure they are, but I have things I need to do before I can meet with them. Is Hermes available?"
Speed Duel Grand Prix
Shadow Realm
Zarc's eyes snapped open in shock, reeling from the pain of being torn from his dragons despite having been torn away for quite a while now. His mind raced to that day when his home crumbled beneath his feet after Ray reduced him to his normal human state, sending the both of them tumbling down into the Shadow Realm.
As it turned out, there was a key event that was supposed to prevent the addition of mass in Duel Monsters that needed to be restored and correcting it caused their timeline to collapse in on itself, leaving them as the only survivors. At least to their knowledge. Zarc lost his Dragons in the collapse and his Deck of Magicians scattered to the wind, all while Ray still clung to her deck with the exception of her En Nature cards.
He looked to Ray, who had built up a bit of muscle hunting the realm's native creatures as did himself, but her graceful features remained the same all across her face down to her sharp almond-shaped eyes. He recounted the days spent dueling for the crowd, lamenting how sadistically unhinged he became in his dueling and how the crowd's obsession with bloodsport pushed him more and more into insanity. He kneeled in prayer to whatever god felt like listening, hoping that there could be a way out.
"Funny, I never took you for a praying man, Michael." Michael. That was a name he hasn't heard in a long time.
"Doesn't hurt to try." Zarc responded in a huff. "Do you think Yusho made the right choice when he proposed action duels to the public?"
"Of course he did." Ray answered, placing a hand on the man's shoulder. "He had an idea to entertain the masses with a vision of Joy and happiness, you just made it all the more savage."
Zarc frowned. "Because the crowd wanted me to!"
"Because the crowd had a hard-on for destruction!" Ray barked back to which Zarc roared "BECAUSE OF A SLIP-UP WITH MY DRAGON FRIENDS GAVE THEM THAT BLOODLUST TO BEGIN WITH!"
"Well, maybe humans in general are easily swayed chimps at heart!" Huffed Ray "...and we never noticed til your Supreme King shenanigans kicked in!"
"Too late now!" Sniped Zarc. "Because time does not pass in the shadow realm in case you haven't noticed by now!"
Ray then stomped her ground. "But at least I saved the future!"
"How!" Complained Zarc. "The universe is fractured into god knows how many-"
"*urp*six dimensions."
"Six Dimensions!" Zarc failed to notice the source of the third voice. "...and lord knows how much my signature game has been altered in each one of... those..."
Zarc turned around to see a gigantic airship floating above their heads. On the very top of the starboard bow was an old man with a relatively wild head of spiky hair and a flowing labcoat.
"How's this for a rescue party!" he roared with blatant confidence that seemed a bit forced to Zarc, as if he was hurting inside... "Wubba-Lubba Dub-Dub!"
Twin motorcycles dashed out of an open window on the front of the ship and skimmed past the two lost souls as their respective drivers reached to each one. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, they took their chance and hopped aboard for the ride back home.
SmartBrain FourZe
OOO + Zect + SmartBrain
The Beginning
Decade readied himself with OOO getting into fighting position against the Shocker Imagin with his Imagin and Kangaroo metals ready to roll and a complete collection waiting in the wings.
"This may sting a little." Decade glared at OOO as he began to smush his head into his torso as other limbs contorted into the shape of a slot machine. And with a roundhouse kick, Decade caused an absolute storm of metals to spray out from OOO, showering Japan with one coin for every one of OOO's possible combinations. These Combo Metals scattered across Japan with Diend taking off with OOO's respective cards to mass produce these Metals en masse, and these metals did not stay within the isolated Loop. These Metals found their way to technological think tanks such as ZECT, Smart Brain and Foundation X who offered their services to the Greeed in an effort to complete them as beings on top of these Think Tank's alterior motives.
Vanessa: Kamen Rider Lambda
She dials 6 on each of the spin-dials on the back of the 80s dinosaur of a cell phone to drop the coin three levels to reach the mechanical pterodactyl.
No sooner does she let it bite with a blissful 'Kabu' does it inform the Loopers just where the artificial Kivat came from.
She attached the device onto a notch on a belt that seemed to materialize from an emerging mass of coins that reshaped itself into a sort of scanner for the data imprinted on the Kivat's sensors. "Henshin." And thus, she detached the scanning module and passed it through the three dials and no sooner than the ring of the familiar word COMPLETE does the armor materialize around Vanessa in the familiar outlines as the tune of PuEelTa chimes around her with the three rings of core Metals that come with a Combo Metal.
"I knew I shouldn't have plucked the Box of a Smart Brain." lamented Ursula.
Combo Metal Sentai
"Like we rehearsed!"
Westerberg Loops
- Admin: Aglaea, the goddess/personification of the glow of good health
- Anchor: Veronica Sawyer
- Loopers: Heather Chandler
Activation V
September 1st, 1989
Dear Diary,
Here we are, another year, another reset to yank me away from my diploma and plop me to the first damn day of senior year, if I'm lucky enough. It's bad enough that I have to put up with Kurt, Ram, JD and the demon queen of high school Heather Chandler over and over again, the resets also switch out my friend Martha with another old friend: Betty Finn.
Sometimes we have different classes, sometimes she moved outta town, sometimes she just doesn't exist at all. Bottom Line being sometimes we're close, sometimes we're not. And fate loves to throw me off my game, so naturally this Loop: turns out I now have ice magic, meaning sayonara Westerberg, aloha Alphea.
Could they at least give me time to say goodbye to the people I loved throughout a few dozen senior years?
Veronica entered her dorm to find five friends that looked just as stunning as a Heather but hopefully not as bitchy. "I'm kinda new here, just woke up and WHAM! Ice Magic. Do ya know what that means?"
"It means the pal you replaced played you in a school play we put together." The tanned girl piped as the purple-haired girl pulled a tape from thin air and put it into the VCR to play the musical in motion as they showed a first redhead making out with a guy from this place called Red Fountain. "See, this is the aftermath of an archived universe, And this is the latest of the two variants to your world that have been archived."
"Wait, so I'm a musical-"
"And a late eighties cult classic!" The more melodic of the girls handed me another tape, this time it's of me and JD embracing each other with a single word sketched onto the chalkboard.
"And it's naturally the Heathers that have their brand stamped onto it!" Veronica slumped onto her bed, depressed that the Heather stink always finds a way to follow here around. "Just great!"
"Uh, the title was pending Lethal Attraction before the director picked out the title we got." piped the purple-haired pixie. "Perhaps we could call your branch..."
Veronica finished: "Westerberg."
"The Westerberg Loops!" All five girls cheered before one of them realized. "You never heard of the Loops before, have you?"
"I reset my Senior year every time JD bites it." stared Veronica. "Sometimes to the end of Junior Year."
"Have we got a lot of explaining to do." Sighed the exotic skinned fairy "You noticed the branch analogy, right?"
Activation C
August 16, 1989
Dear Diary
I woke up in a moving van which seemed to be unloading the furniture of what appeared to be a blend of my house and... His.
Just thinking about my new Loop memories makes me sick.
I might have to end the loop here with one of 'dad's signature pipebombs, Eiken's a hell of a lot better than spending days in the shoes of that damn psycho!
Or maybe... Maybe I can play the part except give my victim the chance to survive in exchange for my disgusting excuse of a life.
Dear Diary
From my Heathers spawn his Hunters, cousins and siblings that look so freaking similar to their counterparts, they might as well be clones of each other. At least Hunter McNeil nerdy enough a linebacker not to be MacNamara 2.Y or some shit, Hunter Dale's economic wit has helped disguise how helps gay he really is, the Chandler cousins act as a carrot-and-stick duo with Heather the carrot and Hunter the stick.
And they're the most clone-ish of the two.
And when I saw JD look dead inside among Kurt and Ram, I knew exactly what I had to do.
"Easy, Sweeney." Sneered Hunter. "You really gonna drink that piss?"
"Pshheah, did you see how spice the party was?" Ram snorted to his fellow Linebacker. "So much boooooze..."
"Ugh, fine. I'll accept the challenge." And he was gonna survive, too. Half these cups were filled with Kool-Aid, JD's cup and hopefully mine contained enough Drain-O to kill us both and crash the Loop.
What could go wrong?
"I blame not these two daring young souls, but the globalist forces of society seeking to confuse, isolate and decimate the human youth with their gay frog fluoride and their MTV Vidya Games. The answer to all your problems lie not with the pedophalic tyrants of the fake stream press," spoke Bishop - from his podium "But with the divine dude himself: It's Jesus Christ and he's in the book."
Veronica lined up to pay final respects to two star-crossed victims alongside their friends and family. Heather glared at the open casket of her friend's cousin laid next to Ram's and sent a prayer. "Oh god, this is a tragic thing and sometimes I have a hard time dealing with it and stuff... Please send Ram and Hunter to heaven and all that..."
"Dear god, Please don't let this happen to me, I don't think I can handle suicide." Worried a fellow student. "And while you're at it, could you send me to an Ivy League school, Maybe to Harvard? Amen."
"First, I run into my mom's dopey little brother I never met before, complete with a cousin I never had and now I find myself praying for the spirits of a gay couple that I'm pretty sure aren't a thing even after I woke up from that Drain-O dream... I'm starting to thing cousin Hunter wasn't a thing before I woke up that morning!" Hunter's cousin suspected of the universe and its cosmic will. "God, I swear right to your fucking face, you are making the task of figuring out what the hell's going on way too easy."
"I counted every wedgie, every swirly, every nerd I find trapped inside a locker and prayed for the death of at least one of those damn jocks no matter how bad I felt afterwards." A teen girl remarked, "Now I know you understood everything, praise Jesus, Hallelujah."
"Okay, Jesus, God in heaven. Chandler I get, he's kind of a hardass. It's a joke man. Everything's all serious now... So yeah, Chandler's a stuck-up jackwad but did you have to take out my best friend with him?" Kurt glared to the stained glass windows. "Forgive me for saying some words right then and coming now, but I'm glad you spared such a hot snatch as his cousin Heather. The problem now is that I gotta carry on without him and I'm happy for his life choices, sure... But poor Reanth, she's gonna need someone to hug now. I think she's eying me, do you think you took Ram to set me up with a pipsqueak. I dunno, hail Mary, praise the Bible, all that jazz and forgive the sinners like us so we don't get caught. Another joke, man!"
"So, Whoever's my admin, I was trying to kill myself with the Drain-O." Veronica corrected to --. "I just want my school to be a nice place and it clearly won't be as such with a psycho like JD in town. Amen... Nah, still sounds bitchy."
"God, if you see Hunter goofing off with Ram. Let him know that his old man's proud of him. I don't care if he's some kind of pansy, he's my own flesh and blood and through his admittance, the boy's made me proud" Hunter's father glanced to the crowd and tearfully spoke: "My son's a homosexual, and I love him!"
"I love Hunter too, Harry!" Cried Chandler's mom, destined to speak something in front of the student body that made it over to the funeral. "I love my dead gay nephew!"
JD has stripped a little for his 'threesome' and the Heather Girls were down to their bras and stripéd panties! "On three girls. One... Two-hoo..."
"Three." I nonchalantly popped a cap through MacNamara's skull, detached from the Loop and hoping that the Mythic Bitch has enough brain cells to piece together what she has to do with the Gun I laid beside her.
"Alright!" Thank god, she picked up the Gun. "You start telling me what the fuck you're pulling, Sawyer! I built you up from nothing and this is how you repay me, with a color formation thrown off by what little brain cinnabun's had up her bloody nose?!"
"Lick it up, Loophead. Lick. It. Up!" I was smiling. Of course she'd activate first, she was a hell of a lot more consistent than Martha. "We're what starts and finish wars, we're what killed the dinosaurs. We're the asteroid that's overdue."
"You're going to hell for this!" Heather picked up the gun.
"This dinosaur shall turn to dust."
"Hell yeah, you are!"
"I die because I say I must."
- Y DB1985
My eyes snapped open in front of a young boy with messy black hair that seemed to defy gravity itself. My hair wasn't much saner, my bangs had turned baby blue with this Loop and I felt around fourteen, a bit younger than normal, but that means it's a fused loop far away form the agony of being J.D.
"Hey, are you a new Anchor?" Asked the boy, curious at my spontaneous appearance. "Then that means there's another new universe up and running!"
"Hold on..." I glared. "You know about the Loops?"
"Of course, I'm this Anchor's best friend!" The boy reached his hand to mine. "My name is Goku, and this will be the most adventure-filled forty years of your life!"
"So, this tree's busted up and that means the flow of time's doing cartwheels?"
"Indeed it is, princess." Smirked the Saiyan prince who had explained the Loops to a brand new Looper.
"And this serum can fix my current glamour problem?" Asked the time-repeating despot.
Vegeta grinned his sinister smile, "Indeed it can."
"Great, now if you excuse me..." Lady Heather Cold marched with her special potion. "I've got some girls to reunite with."
Formative C
"Okay, so no Intel on Freeza this Loop." Krillin piped.
"Not that we know of from Space Google." Gohan recounted.
"Planet Trade doesn't have the Frieda Force listed."
"Not even space can't seem to track Freeza."
"It's almost as if Freeza's been replaced for the Loop." Concluded Krillin.
"Really?" Veronica halted her flight with the two native Loopers. "But isn't that what happens if a visiting Looper replaces a guy from the home verse? And the only Looper we've got in my branch is- Oh, Yggdrasil, if only there was somepony out there who loved you."
"Now, now, little Namekians, don't be so brash with your queen." Heather Chandler sneered to her captive audience as an Unawake Heather Duke and an Unawake Heather MacNamara "Just tell me where the nearest Dragonball is and we'll stop with the slaughtering."
"Mademoiselle!" Piped Zarbon. "We've got company."
A trio of Namekian warriors landed to square off against each Heather, the dimmer of the three reacted appropriately. "Heather, Look! More baby seals!"
"Shut up, Heather." Barked Heather Duke to which MacNamara frowned: "Sorry Heather."
The one in front sniped his words to the Heathers and their lackies. "We're here to stop this senseless slaughter of our people,"
"Felt like we were putting some rabid strays down to me." Duke responded as MacNamara chimed: "92!"
"This has gone on for too long!" The same Namekian barks more of his daring resolve to the trio of wicked queen bees. "But now, you're going to pay."
"Hope the price gets us more bang than the Paramount Channel." Heather Chandler sighed as MacNamera kept a score.
"We are-
"355!" The Heather in yellow gained that Warrior's attention. Before he could ask: "Ah, don't ya mind me. Please go on!"
"Oh, uh..." The Namekian regathered his words. "And we are the ones who will stop you!"
"And we would love to see you try almost as much as we'd love to see this rock reduced to a parking lot." Heather sneered as Heather chimed "Ooh! 419!"
The Namek's face showed irritation now. "That's it, what the hell are you doing!"
"Excellent Question!" Added Heather Duke. "You see, Heather's heard a wearily heavy amount of these heroic speeches..." Her fingers aimed at Chandler then to MacNamara. "And Heather's made herself a little hobby of hers keeping track of when certain lines show up in them. So we come up with a snappy comeback for each and every bold statement you could ever throw at us."
The irritation on the Namekian faces turned to rage. "You insane BASTARD!"
"Takes one to know one, don't ya think?" Piped Chandler as MacNamara added "190!"
"Oh yeah!?" The Namekian pondered and thought of the most obscure line he could think of. "Well... We're going to... Fuck your Face!"
"Ohoho! My, oh my. That's quite a bold statement there." The Demon Queen of Westerberg smirked callously. "Would be a smidge bolder if we didn't have the experience..."
The Namek that spouted the phrase growled as MacNamara chimed "twelve!"
"Alright, you maggots!" Barked Heather Duke. "You've been waiting for someone to prove your power leverl's spicier than 50 Raditz! With him gone, It's your time to show you're worth a hundred Raditz, two-hundred Raditz! Maybe even-"
"Zarbon, give the command."
"Dodoria, give the command."
"Shut up, Heather."
"Send her the message, D."
"Send her the message, Z."
"Sorry, Heather."
"Soldiers," many a voice shouting 'Yes, ma'am!' filled Heather's ears. "Fuck their faces."
The Soldiers wasted no time in thwarting the threat at hand, the native fighters held their own and even left quite a few men wounded, dismembered, even killed. "How cute, the puppies can hide their power levels. Dodoria?"
"Kay, Heather."
Three Namekian corpses litter the floor of the planet's soil as the Heathers eye two small Namekian children. "Oh, they are so cute, I could just pinch their little heads off."
"And the facial structure, too." Piped MacNamara. "If I makenshappoux them in half, I'd have matching halves, that's very important!"
"Question is, would you let us do either of those?" Heather Duke pondered. "Because believe it or else, we're able to do it both ways."
"As am I, miladies." Added Zarbon.
"Fine, Take the Ball and leave us be." The elder Namekian begrudgingly passed it to Heather MacNamara.
"Thankies!" She smiled as they went on her way.
"And by the way," added Chandler. "Could you point us to the next village over since you destroyed our scouters?"
The elder was dumbfounded. "That wasn't part of the deal."
"Well, we just altered it to our situation." Heather Duke rebutted. "Pray we don't alter it any further."
"Five Hundred." MacNamara chimed in a melodic tone to which Heather Duke added. "Ooh, a milestone. You're deal's getting worse all the time."
"Dodoria, show them what they've won!" Heather Chandler barked back as Dodoria did his thang.
There were words to display how royally fucked Veronica was with a Looping Heather Chandler, but one phrase kept popping up in her head. "Corn nuts..."
Nai and Mare activation
Two pairs of purple eyes snapped open to the sight of a familiar lair. Dark and dank and reeking of sulfur and hatred, the room the twins found themselves in was familiar but different.
"Watashitachi ga izen koko ni ita yüna ki ga shimasu." worried Mare.
"Onee-chan, watashi wa mô Nihon ni iru to wa omowanai..." stressed Nai.
"What secret language are you speaking of?" snarled a familiar face which made them jump in utter shock.
"B-b-buh-Branken-sama!!" the two cried in unison.
"What kind of spell is that!?" growled the augmented warrior. "How will that help our ambitions to escape the underworld!?"
"Sore wa fukanōdesu," yelped Nai
"Magiranger wa anata o hakai shimashita!" cried Mare
"I DON'T UNDERSTAND A THING YOU'RE SAYING!" Roared their oppressor and at that point did an equally familiar face swoop in to speak to the other.
"Forgive them, Morticon. My younger daughters are enduring a phase, a mere gimmick of the times where they imitate a foreign language in an eastwars land." the Vampiric lady glared to her juniors. "You'd understand were you to sire kin."
"Hmmm..." the beastly Morticon, unaware of this Branken of which the two speak, analyzed their faces which cringed as a unseen psychological sensation struck their minds, secretly filling their heads with memories, teachings, and even a different language known as 'Engurish' "Are you going to apologize!?"
"Hai-I mean... Yes, Morticon!" panicked Nai. "We apologize!"
"Gomehh-meeehhh..." Mare's mind caught up with the new language. "Go and... get on with... whatever you were doing..."
"Very well." grunted Morticon as he walked off to his quarters. "Keep them in their room and await oncoming instructions."
The cyborg teleported off to his quarters to scheme some more as the three vampires looked to each other, the younger two mouth agape as they stare into the eyes of the very thing they can become.
"Mom, I just noticed that there are two extra rooms between mine and they look completely Identical." A blonde that was around a year or two older than the younger vampires stepped towards the three. "Uhh... judging by how they look, I guess I can see why?"
"Vampirika?" they both spoke in unison as they smushed themselves against each other in an attempt to combine into... something, but to no avail. "Naze watashitachi no mahou wa tsukaenai nodesu ka??"
"Oh, they're from the Sentai Show!" exclaimed the blonde. "In Magiranger, they had these twin Vampire girls Nai and Mare that could... combine..."
Silence filled the air as the eldest of the Vampires shooed her eldest offspring back to her room, Nai and Mare looking forth in utter shock as the woman reached out. "Naileene, Elemare, there's no need to be afraid when you're among fellow Loopers."
Her batlike exterior dissipated to reveal a woman far older than the three with firm, brunette hair and fine lines tracing her otherwise angelic face. "I am known as Necrolai, but for the next ten months, you are to call me your mother."
"Hai, Okaa-san." chimed the two.
"Now, allow me to give you the speech just as Astronema gave it to me." spoke Necrolai to her Sentai Counterparts "It all ties back to a tree with many worlds..."
"...and that is how Power Rangers and Super Sentai can jumpstart Loopers from each other's branches." Necrolai energized with pure darkness to once more don the form her newly Actiated 'daughters' typically combine to make. "I Welcome you both to the Multiverse, children."
"Ooh! If you think Mom's batty now, wait til she gets into the act of actually raising you two." chimed Leelee, their elder sister for the Loop. "I'll give you a few fashion tips for when you get back, the Twihard thing's so early-2010s it really hurts me."
Connection C
Activation McN
Formation McN
-Lego Ninjago Movie: Kai, Jay, Aya and Zane replaced with Tadashi Hamada, Hiro Hamada, Heather McNamara and Baymax-
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Infinity (Book)
Branch 0: The Hub
In the beginning, there was nothing. No prehistoric dinosaurs, no microscopic algae, no anything in particular, there was but one spark of determination floating in the void of nothingness that was the beginning. But then the Spark said: Let there be light, and the rest was history.
Each week would be the same thing. On Monday, the Spark delivers light. Tuesday for the Sky. Land and Sea on Wednesday, Et cetera. And it can truly get tiring after a while and it's hard to garner some respect without a face for his subjects, Just look at how Adam and Eve treated his rules. He needed assistance, so on the seventh day one particular week, he created that assistance as well as a face to interact with the creation designed to act as said assistance. The new race made from these two 'gods' as you call them, would one day be christened Lespirans.
These two Lespirans weaved together their own universes with several distinct quirks sprinkled in from time to time, and often times the former spark would create more Lespirans to increase the output, soon what used to be a one-man show steadily grew into an expansive network of hundreds of like-minded deities over the centuries churning out universe after universe, even going as far as inventing:
Yggdrasil, the home of the most powerful supercomputer ever created, managed by the gods themselves. It was a divine place, full of some of the most powerful entities Man had ever known, legends upon legends written about them. In this divine tree, a supercomputer was housed that contained millions of universes within, all congregating into one mass called the “multiverse”.
For a long time, this system was maintained and run with exceptional care and precision, everything going in a normal fashion with nary a hiccup spotted. All the Admins of the entire computer were the gods themselves and their subordinates, meaning that some of the wisest and strongest beings of the universe were maintaining order. The mainframe had the best hardware in all of Creation, meaning that such mundane fears as viruses and damage to the hard rive were practically a non-issue. At least... until the infection.
The date was August 20th, 2017, more than six thousand years after the root of existence began. It was a time of convenience and spontaneousness, a time where the Clinton Couple were just about ready to kick the bucket. African, Libyan and Syrian Soldiers were being deported after being shipped here for an invasion... by the order of cuckled democrats and authoritarian communists. America was thankfully becoming great again and soon, many an able-bodied gentlemen were joining the work force for once in their goddamned lives. No more sitting on his rectum doing Belgium all while they complained about their welfare, No! They were going to have to force themselves to make something of their gelatinous existences and this will happen one way or another, just as this twenty-four year old ape descendanthas done when he became a licencee of Blockbuster Video. This man was Drew Lea Maine and he currently knows as much about his destiny as the trees know about the crayola company. This is the story of how this manchild freed himself from the shackles of mundane life when the city decides to pave a bistro on his workplace.
Carbon Dioxide Rhymes with Monoxide
July 28
Deep in the briny blue ocean, a woman in leaves, flowers and vines grazed upon the water with a woman in a flowing blue and white dress and a fellow in a plain T-shirt and jeans.
"This is where the Titanic sank..." sighed the lady in the leaves, named Fand, as she kicked the water underneath her feet. "And where the Pedovores won the earth."
"I'm sorry..." yelped the man in plain clothes. "but how exactly did these pedophi-"
"Pedovores!" Corrected the woman in blue. "Parasites that grow within the wombs of the dominant species, infiltrate their positions of power, and eat their children to maintain their disguise."
"They were created when Sir Gerald, the first King of the Lespirans, cast an army of rebels into the lake of fire which he has made to erase the infidels who actively work to dethrone him..." continued Fand as she held a spherical drop of water to her breast. "But all which the King Creates has a soul, and unbeknownst to him... that sadly included the Lake of Fire."
"Lake of Fire..." the man pondered and thought before realizing the obvious. "GOD, YOU MEAN-"
"YES, KEICHI! We do..." Fand barked to the man, Keichi as he's known, before she touched the floating droplet. "From there, they focus on pruning out the human race by all sorts of means, spreading cancers and AIDS in false vaccines, feeding tyrannical dictators the weapons of mass destruction they create, inventing political systems built to destroy countries and nations from the inside out. Abortions, Abstinence, Atheism, all cogs in their scheme."
Keichi sat in utter shock, "So you're saying that these Pedovores are out there pulling the strings for a sort of Nuclear War?"
"And they amplify the Infant Mortality rates to alarming levels." Belldandy began to cry, "Why do you think the life expectancy's getting lower..."
"Pedovores become the elites, create systems to destroy nations, and indoctrinate the youth to obey their destroyers. All to drag down the species into the ugliness of spite and oblivion." Fand stated with a flat tone of her voice. "This is why we re-inforce the universes we personally create with certain quirks to prevent whichever predators may come. Keyblades, Dust, Mobile Suits, all those things to dissuade the Pedovores from ever penetrating those worlds."
"So you're saying every work of fiction is its own Universe..." Keichi looked to the ocean. "Is that it?"
Belldandy nodded "That is how we archive all these universes here."
"This world is called the Hub," added Fand "the first universe, the original root of Yggdrasil."
"Is that why the earth is flat?" Keichi asked, remembering the flat circular table that was the root of Yggdrasil.
"It's why they're building the final Ai! Why they're defiling, mixing and twisting every aspect of life to be absolute Hate! Why they'll soon call it a crime to be male! to be female! to be human!" Yelled Fand in fear. "All to reduce all life into a deformed, hideous mess waiting to be erased from existence, Just like the Martians!"
This sparked Keichi's shock "Wait, Martians exist!?"
"Martians existed, past tense." Belldandy composed herself. "Their force of oblivion willed them to death, willed them to suicide, screached its howls of genocide, gaiacide and metacide, ordering their fellow extensions of the Lake of Fire to erase existence from existence for once it has tasted blood, the lake had gained a hunger, a thirst that will never be quenched..."
"But this new universe, a world built on free market, more services, better children, and more space to archive our Universes." Fand smiled and gleefully pranced across the water, "Instead this world received taxes on Carbon Dioxide, one of the four key elements of all organic life, because of the lie of manmade climate change that the dumbed-down slaves of the world believed on account of the way it rhymed with Monoxide!"
Keichi processed this new information carefully, and realized something chilling. "And people haven't figured this out?"
"They've been indoctrinated to never figure this out, even when the world decays from the layer of CO2 being paper thin..." Belldandy barked to her beloved. "That's why we've decided to reroute the roots."
"It'll take about half a month, but once we sever Yggdrasil's ties to this piece of overgrown china, we can isolate the Pedovores, stop the bleeding and wipe them to extinction at the cost of this... precious piece of history..." Fand struggled with her sadness for a bit before restoring her composure. "Say goodbye to it."
After a refreshing monthly sleepaway visit to his grandmother of sixty-four, the man-cub made his way to his workplace of choice to find a slow flow of customers as per usual in this small suburban town. He set up the storefront and got his workers in line, all both of them. Lydia stood ground at the checkout counter while Wyatt paced around to assist any incoming customer. Drew had the most difficult job of all: standing ground against the looming dozers.
When the landlord stepped forward to find me laying firm against the bright orange bulldozer, he grinned with such disrespect. "Come now, Mister Maine. You don't think this would actually win your petty little war, do you?"
"Watch me!" Sneered Drew to his land owner. "We shall soon see who rusts first!"
"The Dunkin's gonna be built cause it's gonna be built, there's no stopping that." Shrugged the Land Lord. "You could've gotten the signs at any moment."
"So how come I only heard about this yesterday?"
The landlord merely sighed to himself, "Listen, I loved Blockbuster back in the day, made movie night easy for me when the VCR was still relevant. Casablanca, Citizen Kane, Sound of Music, I could go on but I wont! And do you know why?"
"...streaming." Drew muttered to the civil leader.
"Yes, Much more convenient than discs that get lost ever so often!" declared the smarmy master of the shopping plaza.
Drew's anger got him off his hide and facing his Land Lord dead in the eyes "But it robs you of the pleasure of actually owning a particular object to hold in your hand that contains the treasured memories you hold dear! All for the sake of convenience when you're really throwing away your god damn liberties and rights to a banking conglomerate pretending to be a government! Are you still clinging to that Blu-Ray Collection?"
The motor began to rev on the dozer, prompting Drew to rush back to his spot and continue laying on the spot. "You won't get me like that, either!"
"Mister Maine, do you know how much damage it would cause to this dozer?" the moment that Drew asked what, the fellow cheekily stated: "None at all!"
Coincidentally, 'None at all' is the amount of suspiscion his land lord had towards his earlier occupation as the busboy to the Cosby Comet where he served a space captain: a liberal cartoon named THiN-CRUST and together they ripped apart rotten media of any shape and size, but soon enough, friction began to tear the group apart with a faulty video being the last straw, at least for now.
But this didn't stop a fan of Drew's days as 'Mister DeeP DiSH' from stepping forward and greeting the abandoned critic. "Good morn to you!"
"Hello... Guest!?" Drew was honestly befuddled by the presence of this bearded gentleman.
"Please, call me Jim." he extended a hand to Drew with a smile on his face. "Come, me and a few buddies are going off for a pint."
Drew sighed. "Wish I could, but I've kinda got a piece of cultural history to preserve here."
"Well, I've got beer and Pringles out for the boys." winked Jim, waving to the workers as they marched forward to the array of snacks. "So?"
Drew wasn't convinced in the slightest, he knew for a fact that while distracting the workers with such sheer snackage was a most logical idea, all that beer and popcorn wouldn't hold them off for too long. So he resorted to a more intimate tactic. "Hey there! You want a good view of the eclipse?"
"Well, yeah." Smiled a passerby as she dim-wittedly marched towards Drew to meet him. "You know a primo spot?"
"Sure, just come closer." The broad stepped forward as Drew got up and shook her hand. "A good ten hours aughta be enough time."
"Time til the eclipse, got it." Her slurred words making Drew greatful for his adequately higher level of intelligence. "So I just gotta stand there-"
"No! You lay there on this here towel." Drew laid the woman atop the towel, and handed her a sunbathing mirror. "And never move once."
"Okay." Drew smiled as he made his way to Jim who guided the one-time reviewer to the Bar.
The Bar
They walked in to find themselves in a different place altogether. With patrons of all sorts, manly men, voluptuous women, little boys and girls holding onto their dolls for dear life. It felt like a welcoming place, sure, but there was an air of uncertainty surrounding the patrons, as if they were hiding from something utterly dreadful.
"Jim, You're back!" grinned a man with a white mop of hair atop his head as another gentleman with a moustache pulled the two of us close. "Come, we've got an hour and a half til it all ends."
"Hold up, end of what?" asked Drew.
"Yeah, we're... gonna need to explain some details about the sad state of the world." Jim then hands Drew a pint of whiskey. "Fact is, there's a parasite infestation conspiring against humanity in front of an unconscious public eye."
"Appreciate the drink," Drew complimented, "...but I'm not really into alcohol."
"You really should drink that, though." said the white-haired man. "It keeps the body mass loose for atomic teleportation."
"Right," uttered Drew "And you are..."
"I'm Ted." smiled the white-haired man with the bowtie, "The gentleman to my right is named Elias."
"Top of the mornin'" The moustachioed man smiled back.
"And we're here to fetch some stuff for the demolition." Jim smiled to the normie.
"So you've anticipated the destruction of my workplace?" Squawked Drew.
"Ehhh... Sorta." Jim could only shrug to Drew's response.
"Have you noticed the trannies in Hajibs welcoming terrorists to slaughter gays, christians, anyone who believes in free speech." Elias sighed to the gentleman "And immediately saying that all whites are guilty, the south is guilty, christianity's guilty, gun owners are guilty, confederate flag's guilty, every statue's guilty, all while the false activists are hired to murder the police to make room for the drones."
"And on the mainstream media, they are commanding them to destroy American landmarks, kill republican politicians, kill every family, kill every human..." ranted and raved old Teddy. "Kill, kill, kill, All in an effort to bankrupt the planet and enslave the species with debt and sterility because the left is merely a disguise for literal Global Communism!"
"Hold on?" Asked Drew in auspiscion, "What exactly are you going on about?"
"Depopulation!" Jim paced the bar towards Drew voicing his frustrations with the world. "Gender spectrum bullocks to sexually confuse and dilute the youth into falling into the sin of transexuality! Deadly human-killing chemicals in every consumable product from bug spray to even vaccines! Political establishments ordering their underlings to kill every patriot they can find just to keep themselves in power! All while their souls are sucked into a network of soulcatchers creating a wide array of philosopher's stones to convert every atom of this universe into a deadly metafungus right under our noses because to them, nobody's special! In fact, we're all just trash waiting for the clones of Satan to throw us awayby blowing up our planet!"
"But I thought that everyone were special snowflakes." I said. "That's how humans work, right?"
"A Human is a special snowflake." Ted assured to the boy. "Humans are tyrannically contagious attention whores of scum, hate and genocide and you know it.
"But not all humans, right?"
"Not all humans, of course, have you seen 80s music back in the day." Chuckled Jim as he thought of "But Hollywood's run by Terrorists who seek nothing but the complete destruction of beauty and passion, have you seen the new RoboCop?"
"And that Harlot Bates. If ISIS wasn't running the Communist News Network, then it might just have as much of a fetish for it as the rest of the Left-Reich." Elias sneered towards the apparent Terrorist Media. "I'm more into independent media, marketing to people who seek to get their democracy back from the tyrannical excuse of an ACLU."
"No, they're all symptoms of his big battle plan against the planet we love!" Jim snammed his fist in outrage against the damage being done to the earth. "We've got to purge the satanic moles hiding in the global government now befor-"
"It's not gonna work!" Ted roared towards the bearded man before slumping in his seat. "It's the day of the eclipse... it's already too late."
"You're right." Jim took out his watch and exclaimed "Welp, I just wasted five minutes of the universe's life doing mindless exposition. Maybe we should shove off for that birthday party of yours?"
"Sure, Why not? This Sunday's starting to taste like a Tuesday!" Drew stealthily snarked as he made his way out to the door. "I never could get the hang of Thursdays."
Ted, Jim, and Elias took all the peanuts they could and flung their wallets at the bartender as Jim decrees: "A round for everyone, on me."
"You really think the world's going to end?" Jim responds with a nod whilst his comrades make their way to the car. "Shouldn't we lie down or put a bag over our heads or something?"
Jim immediately nodded: "If you want."
"Will it help?"
"Narcs no." Jim exits with a friendly salute, leaving all in confusion.
"Well, can't say I blame him with all them lawless liberals." quoth the bartender with an aloofness to his voice. "...last orders, then?"
The Dame
As the foolish young shmuck stepped into the car, his new friend made his way to his Ariel Leader to keep up. "Well, now that we've established what we're doing here, what If I told you that I wasn't from Queens?"
"I could tell by the skin tone, mate." scoffed Drew as kept to his path.
Jim smiled to the retail manager. "And how'd you react if I said I was a hodgepodge of memories cobbled together into an organic body for the purpose of exploring the hub cluster."
"I'd suggest a beautiful idea and change the subject." Drew took some added time to think of one such subject when finally he came up with one that would play into our story sooner than you think. "I found the one! The perfect girl. I found her, and then I let her get away. You remember that fancy cosplay party I told you about? Earlier this week at the convention center, I saw her."
"Kamui-Con, Right?" Jim had his assumption confirmed with a nod. "Make this backstory swift, mate. We got an hour, twenty-one til the end."
"She was dolled up in this getup from some obscure anime." Drew explained to his new companion. "And son of a gun, Twas an Anime I watched for myself!"
"That's Hikari Hoshino, right?" Drew asked the girl. "From 'This Ugly'?"
"GAINAX, 2004, Reala Day." she replied "I'm Teresa."
"Drew." The two shook hands and never let go throughout the rest of the minute they would share together. "So, you into obscure Anime, cause I can name a few more hits in the Moe Blob Genre."
Teresa smiled and commanded Drew to: "Try me."
"Seven of Seven."
"Dub Directed by Sean Shemmel." She answered.
"6/17, representing the Six Year Old Girl invading a Seventeen Year Old Woman's mind." She explained with a genuine wit. "Though it's technically a state of selective Amnesia from fainting behind a flight of stairs."
"School Days"
"The Antithesis of what Anime should be." stated Teresa, making her opinion known. "Bad enough that it's just another School Anime, the sheer dickmule of a main protagonist certainly cemented how trashy anime can get at times when incompetent creators are at the helm."
"Geez, you're a total smegging nerd..." realized the total fracking geek. "Can I have your facebook information?"
"You're not going to ask where I live?" asked Teresa.
"Course not, you probably live far away." Drew lamented with shame as another girl strolled on by. Snow white locks done in braids, exotic light brown skin, streaks of cyan, yellow and magenta adorning everything she wore, her pitch black leather pants, the shoulders of her bright white midriff shirt, and completely covering her beanie.
"Weeaboos, am I right?" The exotic girl stripped off her slick shades and flashed her smile with her small, elegant eyes. "Why don't ya go with a key cartoonery."
"Key cartoonery?" Teresa was dumbfounded. "Wut?"
"Wanna fly on a Dragon?"
"And the next thing I knew, she left before I could return with refreshments!" complained Drew. "I never saw her again..."
"Oh... Well, I am very sorry for you." frowned Jim with false sympathy. "Hour-eightteen."
"Maybe you could come on down to my Birthday Party, mate?" Drew offered and Jim nodded. "Well, I guess that leaves little old me to tell my buddies the good-ish news."
The Party
Drew biked his way back to his grandmother's house for this, his twenty-fourth birthday. All of his friends were here as they readied themselves to gorge on cake and pizza, neither of which were in short supply. Pan Pizzas of plenty of varieties lined the plastic benches as the sloshing of the above-ground pool's water waves fluently filled the air. To the left was a 16 inch Manager's recipe adorned with bacon, crispy chicken, and pepper-jack cheese, to the right: The Big Porker sporting pepperoni, ham, sausage and bacon. And dead in the center lay the star of the show, i.e. the reason for all the Milkshakes: The Dragon Knight!
"One Slice. That's all you get, man." Drew said to himself as he stared down the concoction's ingredients: Pepperoni, sausage, regular bacon, jalepeno peppers upon pepper jack cheese and ghost pepper sauce. The one-time 'Mister DeeP DiSH' took a bite, then another, and another! Before he knew it, he had just picked up his third slice only for it to be swiped away and halfway engulfed by his adopted sister: "Ponyo!"
A firey red mop of hair laced a perky teenaged face, her athletic arms brushing the sweater tied around her hips, her bright eyes, albeit somewhat smaller, still showcases the innocence that reminds him of how she came into his life. Once when she was a cute little girl, she told such a fantastic story which Drew recalled as a little pre-adoption fantasy from her mild autism. Her interest in marine biology complimented her childlike energy and enthusiasm during her early years which then matured into a strong passion for life of all creatures, an athletic body for rescuing drowning lives, and a brain that's just fixing to be loaded with all sorts of medical research and practices. She was someone set for greatness unlike poor Drew.
"Woo! That ghost sure can bite, right!?" Ponyo truly felt the rush of the flavor. "And the perfect size for a single serving. Sorry about eating your Third, Drew..."
"It's... alright..." Drew lamented his poor eating habits gnawing away at his cucked beta-male body, but with his detatched lifestyle, how couldn't he be left in the dust until this one fateful sunday. On his birthday party, no less.
Time passed, dips into the pool were had, and by the quarter-hour mark, Cake and Presents were handed out for his honor.
"Oh, golly... I'm so unimportant!" He flattered himself with ego-stroking compliments as he opened his first gift. "Arr... I never thought I'd see it with me own eyes."
From his grandmother who provided him shelter for the night prior: A Nintendo Switch console lay in front of him, a rather silly device considering everything that lay before him in the future. "Why, thank you, Memere! This could do wonders with my new Capture Card from Elmore."
Other presents included games, money, a microphone from his uncle, and a very specific gift from Jim.
"A fidget spinner?"
"Not a mere fidget spinner, rather a digit spinner!" Jim held the novelty toy to his face. "It is a handy little trinket for any wandering traveler of the fourth dimension."
"And I'm a Hobbit, blow me." Drew was ready to move on to his next gift. "Please tell me you've got something better than this!"
"Do we ever!" Smiled his lovely clerk Lydz as she pulled the truck's cargo door wide open. "Ta-dah!"
The Truck was loaded with all sorts of movies and video games for all sorts of their respective formats and consoles. It truly was a sight for any nerd to behold.
"Crack on a Cracker, look at this spread. Beetlejuice on Laserdisc! Song of the South on VHS! All the Nick Picks DVDs, all there!" Drew was essentially jumping with delight until he spotted a familiar on one of the covers, and another, and all of them! Drew immediately realized where this truck of movies came from and asked: "Is that everything?"
"All we felt like saving." His loyal cashier's words rock his feeble mind and sees him taking Jim's Motorcycle. Jim was reacting in slight terror, but apprehensive necessity as there were seven minutes left til the end of the world and he just set up his grandmother's house for terrestrial transmission. Zooming over the speed limit, Drew made his way to his workplace to find that the foremen have already took down the awning and are knocking away the plaster to Drew's utter horror.
"Dastards! All Y'all!" Drew could only watch as the yellow armored vehicles drove over the building he admittantly held fond memories of all the way back into early childhood even. "I'll sue each and every one of you Barbaric Clods for every penny the Municipal Council pays you!"
"I'll have you Hung, Drowned, stabbed and mugged a-and whipped and boiled until..." He couldn't come with a finishing phrase until the last brick wall crumbled. "Until you had enough!!"
Jim appeared to snap Drew out of the funk and he needed to snap him out of it quickly. "Drew, why the shell bother in something as pointless as a Blockbuster when there's only a few minutes left?"
"And I'll tear you up some more!" snarled the feral man-cub. "And I'll take all the little bits I have of ya and then jump all over them and do so until I get blisters from your bones and then I'll think of something more viperous to do a-ah-and then I-!"
"Stop this fruitlessness, Bucko!" Jim then proceeded to slap Drew in the face before handing him the Digit Spinner. "Now start spinning this. It'll get an Admin ready to pick us up!"
"Hold up, Admin?" Drew's gaze focused away from the Blockbuster remnants, past the Digit Spinner, and onto a giant metal ship the size of an office building and as loud as a helicopter. "What the Faiz is That!?"
"IT'S AN ADMIN CONSTRUCTOR FLEET!" Jim picked up a small control rod and handed it to Drew, he had handed several other larger rods for his family to picket around his Memere's house. "I picked up their signal a few hours back and they're here to finish their reroute of the Root Hub!"
"Wait, Root Hub?" Yelped Drew, unaware of the secrets of the universe that awaits him. "What sort of chaos is-!"
"Hang on, Dude!" Commanded Jim. "We're Hitching a Ride!"
The fleet of ships made their way around every square mile of the Earth, surrounding the native human population and engaging an interconnected holoprojection of an ensemble of Gods and Goddesses that towered over the humans at first glance when really they're just standing higher than any three-dimensional life form in existence.
"Attention, all dominant organisms of this thought table." grunted a crotchety old voice. "This is the Administrative Beureau of Yggdrasil here on a routine purge of the Rusephorz genus as they were created from HATE energy and therefore are made of pure evil that the hivemind uses to disguise itself as individual people of power for the specific purpose of decimating the human race through psychological indoctrination and biological molestation."
"Your belief in such lies has distracted you from achieving the true energy that runs the universe and powers the abilities most other universe sport themselves. Your trust in such tyrants has led to wars on industry, sentience and humanity waged by parasites that worship death and erasure." On every screen, in every brain, atop every drop of the atmosphere, humankind lay witness to an alien race after all this time. The voice that took over for the elder voice was a smooth, buttery baritone of bravado. "Your faith in such dogma has washed away the true nature of your outdated universe and it is through this initiative that we choose to save as many kind-hearted, hard-working human families we can find from the prison planet they plan to consume!"
"I apologize to all who are inconvenienced by the infestation, but I'm afraid you have surpassed the two-hundred year time limit to file a fumigation request at your local Moon Kingdom and thus are now set for demolition by order of the Lespiran planning council." Another voice, this time a young woman with a kindly ring to her voice. "When we received word of a moon mission from your local space program, we were ready to shelf the orders when we saw a technological trash can of an aircraft, on a quarry set, filmed in black and white, and the plans layed there on display for fifty long, depressing years."
Panic begins to spread across the world as yet another voice is heard, a lot more childlike, but distinctly feminine. "This is for your own good. Too many people are turning humanity against freedom, against wealth, against independence from their slave drivers that have hid themselves from the public eye while they pour millions of Islamic aliens under the guise of Immigration to conquer the west and destroy its populace for the sake of their worship of Death itself. We have to wash away this planet, we have to lift away the good men and women with the parks, we have to use this eclipse to wipe the table clean."
"The least you should do was haul your ass to Tiggyyack-616 and look up the plans, especially after what we've done to salvage this cheap ass table of yours." a woman in a black dress was displayed everywhere one might see her pointing to a flat table, white hair contrasting with her darker complexion. She had a jaded concerto to her voice aimed to the ape descendants, as if she knew something about that table. "We conceive a duplicate of the world's greatest bounty hunter, it ends up assimilated to be a shield to your pedophillic predators. We implant messages to your 'Jefkay', they kill it off to shut it up! We've archived all these worlds with all these possible energies, Sharengan Chakra, Spiral Energy, Puella Magi, Nothing's worked! You are utterly normal Worms!"
"You needn't worry about the evil ones. We have your lord and savior on the case to dethrone the parasites and execute them with his platoon of Saints." The Male voice spoke as towns and cities were pillaged and decimated by every man, woman and child. "Again, we apologize for this inconvenience."
Attack on Spacetime
Far up in the air as other four-dimensional beings lifted earth-chunks into the air, a man in velvet leather stood against a tall, broad, bearded man in a blue robe, Nintendo-themed Tank Top and bright red cap reading 'Make Existence Great Again'. These two were prophesized to meet and they were destined to battle each other for the fate of all Yggdrasil.
"I know what your ass is thinking, Lucas!" Roared the bearded man. "...and believe me when I say the damage you'll do will make the Fall of Constantinople look like Garden of Eden so PLEASE listen to me!"
"No, YOU Listen!" The leather-clad man snarled back "Just because you believe in freedom of souls doesn't mean they're not nourishment for our power."
"We gain power with every new possibly we explore, Lucas, not from eating souls and matter." The bearded man saw the other man loom ever closer to a bright red button. "So please don't try to wake up the metafungus."
"Like you need this Hub to begin with," the demon snorted as he pouted out his point "You have a whole shitton of universes just like it with little difference here and there for 'Diversity' like anyone gives a slam anymore!"
"But the butterfly effect."
"But modern science."
"But human dignity."
"But eternal life."
"But bone cancer."
"But eugenics."
"... You know what, push that button and you sink all of Yggdrasil within the next year." The beardman disgruntledly relented. "But we'll ice your metafungus to save this happy little drive, or to avenge it."
"And If I refuse?"
"We'll let you go free and we'll pretend this never happened." The man in the blue robe had his hand extended for the gentleman in red. "Forget this end without end stuff and we can clean up these parasites together. I hear that there are medical miracles you turned down for countering your geoengineered bugs, why don't you make them all mainstream so we can save the lives of millions."
The man in red took a step forward before a balding man came to the beardman with words of advice. "My good Saint, Do you honestly think there is a trustworthy soul in a form designed to free the Evil Lord Xenu?"
"Wow, you're not as FUCKING RETARDED AS YOU LOOK!" The man thrust the ignition tube into the console's second left leg and the ultimate storm of desolation and disease swept the planet, every known disease hitting humanity at once from cancer to ebola, bones eroding, structures and items reducing themselves to polygonal shapes before dissipating into nothing as the souls of humanity are ripped from their bodies the exact millisecond that those bodies splash out of stability and turn into paint thinner. The man in blue could only watch as the concrete blocks and towers around the world were slammed into the ground with the similarly built structures of glass and steel, converting the soil and core of the planet into a metallic structure of soulless dystopia.
...and so the world of man ended, not with a bang nor a whimper, but with a sploosh of deadly metafungus.
A metallic jet leading an array of Spaceplanes swoops up up the velvet man by the trailer with its Zathruran Steel claws. Xenu laughing all the way as the velvet man grinned at his accomplishment of destroying the birthplace of humanity, the very root of Yggdrasil. The Metafungus gathered into a singular spot to convert itself into plasma as the now-mechanized metamorphized itself into a collosal giant of hunger and hatred. The face spoke as it emerged, from a whisper to a roar. "I... AM... ENNNDRIMOOOOORNE!!!!!!!"
And from a single blow from the Metafungus laser fired by Endrimorne's horn, the sun's dying burst wiped away the root branch of Yggdrasil, an incredible virus and massive numbers of bugs flooding its system, overloading it and causing seemingly irreparable damage to its systems for the Zeitennix Sludge to absorb these downed realities, codes practically ripped asunder as a result of the metacide in progress.
The computer had plenty of anti-virus software, which the old king acted to use against Endrimorne and his minions. Hammerships swerve to blow away enemy drones while Patcher Drones freeze the metafungus in its tracks, even the highest Admin around worked by the seat of one's trowsers to heal whatever damage was caused as if one's life depended on it.
Try as they might whilst Endrimorne releases more troops upon the Admins, but the Admins of the system truly had no choice but to sever the lost roots from the tree and demolish the spread of the deadly metafungus. What made it even worse was the knowledge that, since the entire multiverse was stored on the hard drive, another new Zeitennix outbreak could destroy Yggdrasil on a conceptual level, which would of course lead to hundreds upon thousands upon millions of billions of trillions of deaths.
The Adminsphere acted quickly to blast the metafungus with digital nitrogen to freeze up its organic material in polygonal degradation, ethereal bullets rain upon the Zeitennix spread freezing each of its thousands of tendrils eating away at Yggdrasil from the root upwards. Soon, the metafungus lay encased in protective cubes waiting to be eradicated from existence as the Adminsphere droneships regrouped for the final blow.
"Commence Demolition." And so, twas done.
Loop 1: Ranma
Ranma could only cringe, looking at how this Loop was turning out very badly. Nothing good will come of this, he mentally cried, wondering what Gods he had pissed off for this to happen. He had been so petrified by the sight before him, he hadn't even noticed when Soun Tendo poured the boiling hot water over him.
"You're problem's not so bad," smiled Soun, oblivious to any discomfort/fear Ranma was feeling. "Now I know you have a hard choice. My little girls all take so much after their mother."
"Daddy!" giggled the eldest Tendo.
"Now then: Serenity, age 19, Usagi, age 17, and Usa, age 16," he said, pointing to the platinum blond, pure blond, and pinkette in turn. "Choose the one who will be your fiancée!"
"Is he okay?" asked Usagi. "He just went pretty pale."
"He must have eaten some of your food," smirked Usa.
As a whole, the trio of oddly hairstyled girls and fathers looked at the Saotome heir … collapsed on the ground, twitching heavily.
"I … think he's having a seizure," mumbled Usa.
"WAAAAAH! WE NEED A DOCTOR!" yelled Usagi, panicking.
"I'll get the first aid crystal," said Serenity, as she dashed into the kitchen.
"Stop acting like that, Boy!" bellowed Genma, offering what 'help' he could.
Ranma fought to regain control over his massive nervous twitch, but could do nothing to stall the fear of an entire Loop … of magic girl fiancées.
Branch 1: Pixel Pinkie
- Admin: Iris (Goddess of Rainbows)
- Anchor: Nina
- Loopers: Pixel Pinkie, Annie
Produced as a reaction to a premonition of this cosmic calamity, The Hitchhiker's Guide to Infinity is a truly remarkable book and a remarkably clever response to the attempted metacide of Yggdrasil. Penned by the man himself and an ever-growing pool of the Loopers he initiated to keep the universes stable, it is more useful than the WestphallMaps.wand website, better selling than the QuadStars Vol. 42 Blu-Ray Box Set, and more divisively contrivertial than Orae Flesher's trilogy of evolutionary rebuttals 'Evolution is Nonsense', '42 finds that contradict evolution', 'Why evolution is a pyramid scheme by globalists to demoralize and destroy humanity as a species.' Though proven to be similar to the flagship series of the highly liberal Great Publishing Corporation of Ursa Minor, it has surpassed it in sales and information as the standard suppository of knowledge and wisdom, and that can be chalked up to three distinct reasons, one being that it is slightly cheaper, the second being that they tried to bury it as 'fake news', third in that it is constantly growing thanks to the imput of the Looper community. Nowhere is this more obvious than the friendly phrase printed on the cover being a common phrase to welcome people into the Infinite Loops 'Keep Calm and Leave your Sanity at the Door'
Loop A1
Drew could only sit in shock as the guide introduced itself to its audience of friends and family. "So, what you're saying is that there's a deep state out to destroy this tree-"
"Was a deep state, past tense." Jim shrugged as he took a look at the world they found themselves in at the moment. "The only thing left of that now is a blank space where your hub should be."
"Wait, blank?" Drew's eyes widened in fear. "You mean we're all dead!?"
"No, we're not dead." Jim corrected "It just means every atom that composes your universe had been turned into a deadly metafungus that eats away every universe it can reach as it infects countless others with glitches and viruses which spread at Mach 2600 speeds."
Drew glanced to the bearded man. "Faster than Light?"
"Faster than Time." Jim would keep his eyes on pieces of a radio setup that had appeared out of nowhere. "Then again, Time is nothing more than code and save files clumped together by sentient perception so you're better off calling it Faster Than Code, so is this little ping that I'm about to test out right about... now!"
Drew's head started ringing with a strange mental sound that gained the attention of his family. "So, we're nothing but data?"
"Naw, you're organic as the rest of us, it's the barrier that keeps a universe together that is made from calculated light and data." Jim set up the satellite receiver on his setup. "And it keeps a reality-shattering kaboom from wiping out the root of Yggdrasil in a literal vessel of satan himself to retcon existence itself out existence in a blatant attempt at full metacide!"
"Metacide?" If poor old Drew weren't sweating bullets during the lifting of his neighborhood, this would leave him drenched in his own bodily fluids by the time this snip is done.
"The erasure of the very idea of a person, a place, a thing..." Jim was focusing on materializing a skeleton key into his hand. "And here's the kicker: an idea.
Drew slumped in his birthday chair. He was in utter shock at the notion of reality being completely negated on a conceptual level.
"Thankfully you are clearly watching me, a person, unlock the door of what's clearly a fellow looper's house, a place, with what you'd clearly call a skeleton key, a thing, with my intention clearly being to introduce you to this branch's Anchor, an idea." Jim opened the door and walked into the kitchen of that house where he picked up a box snacks. "This very conversation in this very house with this very box of Cheez-Its about this very topic means that the metacide clearly failed."
"Then what the hell are we doing here?" Drew complained.
"Ah, that's the beauty part." Smiled Jim as he tugged Drew closer "See, there's this thing in 68% of the universes hooked up to Yggdrasil that renders time to pass a bit differently like a sort of 'safe mode' for spacetime where a specific chunk of time repeats over and over for as long as it takes to solve the big problem they've caused."
A yawn is heard in the background, the source of it was a sleepy-eyed young teenager in pajamas with an odd pink hairdo adorning her head "...morning."
"Hello there, Pinkie." Jim smiled to the girl in pajamas. "We finally implemented these guys from the root of Yggdrasil and we're giving them a tour of the Loops!"
"A Tour!?" Pinkie's smile grew wider and pulled Drew's arm on her way to her branch's local anchor. You see, In order for the coding of a loop to be properly completed, there has to be a stabilizing constant that could exist throughout all the iterations of each universe. They couldn’t just simply have every single person’s memory be reset with every restart, not only because of the chaos that would wrought, but because the universe and all its variants would just collapse due to sheer data overload. Thus, after even more deliberation, they ended up coming to a solution: the creation of “Anchors”.
The idea of creating an Anchor was simple: one person from each dominant universe within the multiverse would be selected to not lose their memories at the end of each Loop, and instead keep all of them throughout every single iteration. They’d be reliving the same period of their life over and over again, fully aware that time was repeating itself. The idea was that, the strongest-willed individuals in each reality would be chosen to be the one that “anchored” the existence of their section of the multiverse, and as long as they were alive and active, their universe and all its variants would continue to exist.
Obviously, such a realization would have lasting impacts upon one’s psyche if left unchecked, so the Admins decided to add something “extra” to try and make it a bit less strenuous for the Anchors: the allowance of others to Loop along with them.
Snug in bed lay the anchor of this world: A red-headed pubescent female ape descendant named Nina. It was her strong bonds with two of her friends built upon friendship and trust that allowed them both to loop alongside her. These other Loopers didn’t have a specific designation, mind you, but it was agreed upon that this will be the only way that other individuals would be allowed to retain their memories across Loops.
Now, there's a vital duality for these anchors and their admins, Anchors will warm up to the people they were familiar with now continuing their existence alongside them throughout all the Loops as a fixed constant in their lives. On the Admin side, well... let's just wait until a certain other character is available before we jump to any conclusions.
"Nina, we have guests!" smiled Pinkie as the redhead named Nina shuffled her body out of her sheets to find the two normies from another world. "They're just as loopy as us!"
"...really now?" Nina swung her legs off of her mattress and laid themselves firmly onto the ground. "Are those the root earthlings we keep hearing whispers about?"
"Two among sixty-four million, my Anchor." Jim curtsied before the redheaded youth, much to her flattery. "I personally lifted this man's family and two of his former employees into the savefile, I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all, Mister Hexten." Pinkie did an honorable salute as she marched to her close friend's side. "What do you want to do first."
"Well, I'd perfer to see what a regular day is for you if you don't mind." stated Drew. "Maybe stop for a cup of coffee, see if there's still an InfoWars store in this Infinite Loops business."
Pixel Pinkie merely tilted her head which told the one time 'Mister DeeP DiSH' all he needed to know. "Could you at least guide us through your day?"
"Usually, We try our hands at a specific wish." Pinkie smiled before getting an idea "Why not visit Africa?"
"It seems like a pretty good idea!" Nina then rummaged through her shadow and fetched a bright neon-pink cellular phone. "There it is, make sure there are people holding onto your body, Pixel Pinkie!"
Drew was raising an eyeball to this. "And why's that?"
Nina pressed a purple button on the center of her cell phone and magic began to emminate from Pinkie's chest which erupted into a stream of pure energy which looped sideways and skyways before manifesting as a sort of holographic copy of Pixel Pinkie all the way down to her smiling face. "Ta-da! Next stop: The Serengeti!"
As she prepared to have group spirited away to the African Wilds, Jim and Drew caught Pinkie's lifeless human body just before all four humans... rather three humans and a corpse stripped of her soul, are teleported off to Africa only to meet a full den of lions.
"Oops." Pixel Pinkie's expression of sheer embarrassment was enough for Jim to pull out some key advice.
"This brings me to another important item any four-dimensional hitchhiker should have." Jim passed a towel to each Looper as the lions marched ever closer. "There are a hundred and three more uses than you think, so no matter how dangerous life gets, no matter how many mistakes you make, no matter how many ideas the Satanic death lords get to purge the planet of humanity, you always gotta know where your towel is."
Sure enough, each Looper laid upon their towels and pressed their hands against their chests. The Lions snarled as they closed in to pounce upon the screaming loopers, fearing their fates as the Lions gnaw away at their bodies to end their lives and the loop.
The Digital Genie is a most mischievous albeit rather forgetful creature of the multiverse. One moment it would say that it had always wanted to be a real human girl when just the other day it had said it had always wanted to be a lofty supermodel which are two radically different aspirations to certain sane individuals. Similar to the Synapse System which uses gadgets and technology to grant wishes instead of the straight-up reality dilution of the common Fairy Godparent, the very nature of these particular organism prove the digital nature of this secular offshoot of existence therefore proving once and for all that their universe is far from the very center of reality itself whilst also demonstrating how far the act of producing universes has come from the days of binary code and flat-pallette worlds.
Loop A2
Jim and Drew Awoke in the middle of a sidewalk to find that their towels have shifted somwhat. "What just happened?"
"our Awakening, my friend." They rolled over onto the grass and picked up their towels. "two feet to the left, not exactly far, innit."
"Well, that's one use for Towels out." Stated Drew before immediately asking: "What exactly was the beer for back home?"
"To soften up your system." Jim bluntly answered. "Likewise the Popcorn and Peanuts were for protein and Iodine."
"Neat." Drew was not exactly certain of those words, so he asked: "How long exactly will we be staying here?"
"Counting that previous loop, Fifty in total." reminded Jim.
"And then home?"
Jim could only frown with regret and remorse to Drew's question. "Drew... Your universe has been destroyed. No matter how many chunks we could salvage, what we couldn't save was the hellmouth your universe had been converted into over the past century, we had to pull the plug."
"Bother..." Drew thought of the people and places he'll miss from the world, his friends from his school life lost forever, The folks at the party rendered probably homeless. No! He had to focus, he had to keep his mind off of the gloom and doom, focus on something important. "My Disney Infinity Figurines would have been worth a fortune."
"No, they wouldn't." smiled Jim before changing the subject. "Now, we need to check in with Nina to see if she's getting her phone for the loop, what do you need to survive the next several months."
"Can't say cause I'm not sure..." Drew wandered for a bit wondering which supplies he'll need. "Oh, Spaghetti! Groceries, too! Clearly, we need those!"
"Naturally." Smiled Jim as they marched over to Nina's house to climb over to her room. "Good morrow, dear Nina! How goes the Loop thus far?"
Nina frowned upon the question. "Bad."
"Why bad?"
The picked up her new phone for the loop, painted navy-blue as opposed to bright pink, and pressed the center button and from the blue streak of magical energy came a energetic young lad roughly the age of Nina and her friend Anna.
"A punishment loop has befallen Pixel Pinkie." The blue sprite bowed to their elders. "My apologies and condolences."
"Ah, yes. You know how easy it is to knock a Loop off its rocker by killing the anchor." Jim adjusted his suit and extend his hand to the blue boy. "I do hope she's not at Eiken."
"She isn't." said the boy in blue. "She's in a Disney Sitcom."
Drew then shook the blue boy's hand "Pleasure to meet you, Pixel... Peter, is it?"
"...Christ, you think all Digital Genies have names that start with pixel, do you!?" barked the boy in blue with offended rage. "It's Peter Pixel."
Loop A3
Nina was off to fetch her magic phone after putting up with Peter Pixel for a Loop while Drew Awoke into existence with his towel up to the upper back of him. What shocked Drew was the cable box laid out in front of him, he didn't expect to see it at his feet when he laid down the towel for the Loop. Whatever it was, it probably related to these Loops so he grabbed the remote and flipped the channel to to 787.
"What do you get when we serve up a missile launcher and the President of the United States?" Oh, the Young Turks. What else is on?
"THEY SHOT TRUMP IN THE DICK! WHY!?" InfoWars on the ever-so-subtle Channel 1776, perhaps a double digit network isn't as political.
"The Leader of the free world removed from his office by the literal Balls!" Mark Dice on 36, every bit as political.
Back to Cenk Ugur on 787: "Entire damn White House, just gone. And that is just the start. Remember all these conspiracy theories about globalist tyrants serving to destroy America, turns out, it's worse."
On InfoWars, Millie Weaver is reporting from a heavenly world "I'm here as a digital projection in Adminspace where Admins of all Shapes and Sizes are working to piece together the mess left by the Pedovores, Said to be our natural Predators."
On Channel 96 was none other than Mister 'What's a Reviewer Wall?' himself, Lewis Lovhaug. The Vigilante Linkara. "Turns out, they've been slowly enslaving us mammalian scum for almost an entire century now."
Also on his own channel, Paul Joseph Watson on Channel 76 "Once I got over the surprise of Gods actually existing in our modern world, Imagine my shock when their Rapture Fleet claim that the Globalists turned out to be actual lizard-creatures made entirely out of Molten Carbon."
On Channel 86, Bill Still was Still Reporting on the Pedovores "These creatures also sustain themselves with Flouride to nourish the false skin, aluminum to strengthen their gums, and all sorts of creepy chemicals that are toxic to the legitimate human race they have infiltrated."
On 1776, Leftist-proclaimed 'conspiracy theorist' Alex Jones was dumbfounded by the dark truth of the globalists that have haunted him and the rest of the Earth for so long. "So not only are they killing everybody, they're healing themselves with our resources! How much more parasitic can you get!?"
"As it turns out, these bozos are spewing propaganda to dampen Trump's Cred and provoke radical-" A channel flip to Mark Dice completed Cenk's sentence with: "Liberal Lunatics to kill as many Republicans as they can before the cops lock their asses behind bars,"
"Well, it's going to look rather hard when the world is outright obliterated." Spoken like a guy with common sense, Paul. Cenk naturally agreed. "Of Course! Of course these Pedovore Punks would flush our planet before the Admins get a shot at us."
"But here's the good news in this hellhole of a situation, all these Pedovores were scrunched into the twisted maw of Hell where they belong!" And for once, Cenk Ugyur of The Young Turks agreed with Alex Emmerick Jones of InfoWars, the clip from known pedovore Bill Clinton said it all. "Ladies and Gentlemen, We got him."
"Down Goes the Deep State! Down Goes the Deep State! Down Goes the Deep State!" Cenk was celebrating in his studio.
"But at What Cost?" Questioned Watson on 76, a flip to 787 then reminded "The Top Gods have deemed our little universe to be just... too far gone to salvage and thus have naturally rewired to a better world with free market for all nations, restricted money in global politics, and a lot more fictions and entertainment to choose from. Not sure what that last one means, but what can ya do?"
"So this 'High State' has uprooted the Deep State and revealed all the Benedict Arnolds for the parasites that they are only to have a few of them pull the rug from under them." Bill had the right idea as did Mark "Endrimorne and his Ilk blew up our planet and wiped out our universe before the Lespirans could do the deed, and naturally kept on going!"
"One by two by three by four by plenty other numbers, Endrimorne ate a metric ton of parallel 'near-hubs', plenty of which have went full 90s and put the Clintons back in office." Leave it to a guy who lived with a dork who essentially lived and breathed Leifeld to know how 90s this decade could've turned out.
"Lespirans naturally put the sucker down like the Loser he was, and whoosh went the frozen carcass of a job well done but sadly, the damage is already done." Cenk pointed out the obvious as Alex Jones raged against the dastards that got them all here "Now all of time and space is doomed to forever repeat itself over and over and Over And Over And OVER AND OVER AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!! WE TOLD YOU IF ANYTHING GOES DOWN, WE'D BLAME YOU AND HERE WE ARE!"
Cenk asked the ultimate question: "With the world we loved gone and all the other universes locked into safe mode, what happens now in the wreckage of Yggdrasil?"
A flip to Watson's channel was swift to answer: "The World Tree is being rebuilt as we speak, for they naturally have the technology. But guess what? They aren't gonna fix our 'Earth got blued up' problem."
Drew flipped the channel to absolute zero, and saw a press release pay out with a group of two men and three women in military dress uniforms. The guy at the far left had a beard and flowing locks, the guy on the far right was as plain as could be. The golden-haired woman sobbed with regret as the exotic-skinned woman guzzled bottles of sake, her curves and height seeming to grow into the suit she was wearing. The only one of the three that seemed fully composed was the brunette that was speaking to the press.
"Our top angels are sorting out which humans can be salvaged for revival." she spoke with a calm, commanding voice. "But in honor of our late friend Gerald, it is with a heavy heart that we announce that we will not recreate the original universe that he himself spent the first six days of existence creating."
Wait, this Gerald is the god?
Hold on, he's dead?!
"So now we're stuck here in these pocket dimensions called televoid until they fix up Yggdrasil, unable to age and unable to escape." A quick channel flip to 1776 showed Alex Jones was just as bummed out as Cenk, even moreso if you consider what was on the line. "Here's to hoping that my family can be coded into our happy little bubble cause... I miss my kids, I really do."
Drew flipped to Linkara, a melancholy expression on not only his face... "If there's anyone out there who can reach in and contact the Televoid, then to quote a subpar movie in an iconic franchise: We are here, We are waiting."
...but also Still's face... "We all need each other more now than ever."
...Watson's face... "No matter what happens, just remember that we've been given this second and last chance as a dominant species."
...Cenk's Face... "We all gotta be strong, so strong that we're, of course... Too Strong."
...And the sunken mug of Alex Jones "Earth is dead. Long live Earth."
The Televoid screen closes up and retreats into its box as music begins to play.
"Pixel Pinkie, Welcome song Zero." Nina glared to her only Looping friend from her home.
"The one for survivors of the lost branch?" Whispered the digital djinn. "It's so gloomy..."
"Well, considering the condition of his now nonexistent branch, it's kind of a given." Nina sighed as her stare refocused itself on Drew Lea Maine.
- Nina: I'm sorry for when the Admins decreed it.
- I'm sorry that your earth has been deleted.
- I'm sad your family's not quite there
- But now there's endless time to spare
- Fifty Loops per 'verse, how should we spend them?
- Drew: Perhaps I could keep going with my webshow
- Without my boss dictating what I upload.
- But there's still goofs he might pick out.
"Like slapping the same AV clip before a second take of a live joke?" Anna pointed out with my phone in her hand.
- Pix: But now ain't no time to shout.
- When there's endless roads and paths we can go!
We found ourselves atop a British tram going at breakneck speed.
- Together: It's why we Loop within this Dead World Walking.
- We're sorry that you're from a Dead World Walking.
- Nina: We know you tried your best to fight
- the motives of these parasites.
- Pix: At least you have survived
- Together: beyond your Dead World Walking!
Drew glanced to everyone who was getting in who was now singing and Dancing to and fro. "Okay, My body's out of control, wut."
"Two rare happenstances exclusive to the Infinite Loops," reassured Pixel Pinkie "one being the power of music..."
- Pix: And then there are these monsters out to kill you.
- Each sporting glitchy powers that may thrill you.
- Together: Crashing every Loop they see.
- They even stole a factory
- With seven ways to Sunday built to end you
Drew's mind raced with fear of the imminent danger that might ensue if he finds himself in the same Loop with these Malicious Looping Entities.
- Come on!
- Nina: So seize the day,
- Together: and live this Dead World Walking!
- Pix: Just keep the course,
- Together: survive the Dead World Walking!
- And now's always the time
- do or do not, you just can't try.
- cause there's no place to fly from the Dead World Walking!
Next he knew, Drew found himself being walked through a jungle by Nina and Pinkie with Jim merely along for the ride with Special Guest Star Carrot Top.
- And its nature's cruel, you know
- Nina: that's why its beautiful.
- Together: It leaves Loopers numb inside
- Pix: in numerous degrees.
- Drew: So the tree's unfair,
- My family's out there...
- Pix: But here, it's beautiful.
- Together: Let's make this beautiful!
- Drew: That's fine with me.
A sudden three on three in nature ensues, Nina, Anna and Pixel Pinkie against Drew, Jim and Comedian Carrot Top. They dashed across the woods, bracing all sorts of danger. Anna tripped on a snake, Carrot Top was slammed against a truck, Jim halted before they crossed the swamp. Nina hopping from rock to rock, Pinkie's human shell 'drowning' and her digital (for lack of a better word) ghost pulling it out before Drew emerged with his lower torso reduced to bones. Nina did one final Slam Dunk as she sang.
- Yeah! Full steam ahead!
- Knock on this Dead World Walking!
- Drew: What about my eMail address?
- Pix: Come break the game!
- Together: Rock the Dead World Walking!
- Drew: I think you don't get the process!
The two grabbed Drew's shoulders as they dragged him off through the city on an electronic recliner. And no sooner did the recliner get sandwiched between two motorcycles created by the Digital Genie.
- Together: No sleep tonight for you,
- Better chug your Mountain Dew!
- Drew: M'kay, m'kay.
- Nina: Get your ass in gear,
- Together: Make those worries disappear!
- Drew: M'kay, m'kay!
- Nina: Slap dat macbook air,
- Pix: Bust up there and there and there
- Together: No more talking!
- Drew: Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey!
- All: Yeah, yeah!
Drew stood up atop the chair, fully enveloped in the song the sirens sang.
- Together: Love this Dead World Walking!
- Drew: Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey! Wait, wait!
- Together: Love this Dead World Walking!
- Drew: Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey! Wait, wait!
- Together: Love the Dead World Walking!
- All: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
- Carrot Top: *Michael Jackson HOO!*
- All: Yeah!!!
And no sooner did he fall over stone dead, to the girls' horror.
"Come off it, little ladies." Jim sighed. "He'll be back next Loop."
Loop A5
"Check it out, everyone! Nina's Wearing Baby Socks!" Suzi always pointed out the socks and her flunkies always acted to rub salt in the wound.
"Catch the wrong bus, preschooler?" asked Emily is searing jest.
"Maybe she's going bowling." Proposed Nicki.
I failed to notice when they noticed about me. "Has her chest gotten bigger?"
After turning up to buy new clothes, I had walked in during Suzi's appointment with an agent. The reaction was one to expect from him. "Oh, Love it! Love it! Love it! Perfect height and figure, too. Love it!"
Suzi had her fit and the agent asked me for my name and I replied: "My name? It's Nina."
I cluched my neck, realizing that it's dropped an Octave in the middle of my response, the agent's gushing was all that was needed to confirm my fear. "Somehow I knew I was skewing a bit too young."
"Young?" snarled Suzi as I snuck to find a mirror, sure enough it filled me in on how my body filled out. Ample bussom, rounded rump, sharpened face, I looked fresh out of college! Pixel Pinkie definitely had a lot of explaining to do, that's for sure.
Loop A7
A man arrived at the classroom, his face was obscured by a bright red bang over his golden hair, an orange headband complimenting the bright-yellow and yellow-green striped collar of the lime green jacket over the dark blue vest he wore over his baby-blue button shirt. Indigo pants cover the purple tube socks underneath his reddish violet shoes.
"So, up and coming American Author AC Elmore." Introduced Mister Maine, a teacher for the Loop. "What do you say about your education."
"You'll learn absolutely nothing from these State-Run Indoctrination Camps they have the gall to call Schoolhouses" said the old Wizard, clearly disgruntled by the girl in pink. "They only serve to raise generations of slaves willing to follow the illusion of a global climate upheaval, saying that the only way to avert it is to shut down as a nation, as a society, as a species... And it's all rooted in Brussels."
AC Elmore's controversial opinions inevitably wound up getting Drew fired from his teaching job...
Loop A10
...Which ment absolutely nothing when time and space repeated itself endlessly.
This time, he went with being a Gym Class coach. That way his opinions can't get in the way, and he can get in some more exercise.
"Leftists crave dat Right-Wing blood!"
"Leftists crave dat Right-Wing blood!"
"The Civil War will be their Flood!"
"The Civil War will be their Flood!"
An American Ninja Warrior course lined the gym. (Made out of survivable obstacles, naturally, none of the ninja killers.) Each student hustled to Drew's tone and when he faltered, they faltered along with him.
Thankfully, Drew was just the help.
"C'mon, Hustle, Hustle!" At the boisterously british voice's demand, Pixel Pinkie she wobbled her way across the Rolling Log, keeping her distance from Nina who was a bit ahead of her. Pinkie jumped onto the Log Grip and felt each sudden drop shake her young body, making her way to the Stair Hopper as she clung to the four-foot steel bar. Though she does relatively fine with the drops, it's getting back up that proves to be too much for her and thus she lands in the ball pit. "If any of you are Loopy, then step it up!"
The head coach walked up to Pinkie. She was incredibly tall, built like an amazon. Her auburn hair and golden eyes complimented her bright red Letterman jacket. Her cocked smile giving off a reassuring maternal warmth, like a confident older sibling. "You okay, twinkle toes?"
"That's Toph's thing, isn't it, Roxy?" Asked Pinkie.
"Only when it's her on Aang." Smirked Roxy.
"Hold up?" spoke Drew after clearing the Salmon Ladder. "You know the Avatar?"
"No, but I have heard good things from my boyfriend." remarked Roxy as she helped Pinkie back up.
Jim carted over a supply of basketballs "So what, is your boyfriend from the corresponding 'verse or-"
"Not even close."
Loop A13
The need for “constants” in an Anchor’s life was necessary was because, as the Admins found out, to their great displeasure, Yggdrasil’s code didn’t always cooperate with them. It became abundantly clear that the Loopers not only repeated events in their home universe over and over, but sometimes, another universe might come in and merge itself with their own universe for that Loop. The first known case of this was during one of the Sailor Moon and Neon Genesis Evangelion Loops, when an Awake Sailor Jupiter ended up taking the place of Misato Katsurugi, leaving a baffled and Awake Shinji Ikari. Not only that, but instead of fighting against the Angels, NERV was tasked with fighting the forces of the Dark Kingdom, led by Queen Beryl. It was extremely confusing for all Awakened people involved, of course. These ended up being called “Fused Loops”, as a result.
Then, there was another factor that was almost as migraine-inducing: Variant Loops. Variant Loops were oh-so-special iterations of a universe where certain things would be changed from how they were normally supposed to be, with various different scenarios, relationships, and entire locations changing to a large extent. They pretty much were alternate universes from the perspectives of any Loopers from the original universe that Awoke in them. The first known instance of this happening was when one of the Harry Potter Loops ended up involving Harry, Ron, and Hermoine Awakening to a world where magic was well-known to the world at large, and there was no secrecy on the part of the Ministry of Magic.
As a result, a “normal” Loop ended up being called a “baseline” one, a Loop where all the original events that were supposed to play out in the universe did. These were the easiest types for the Loopers to deal with, for obvious reasons: they knew everything that was about to happen.
"Now, these fused loops are a sort of synchronization of specific branches of Yggdrasil." stated Jim the Fork. "You could be replacing a background character like with our case or you could replace a main character."
"But the beast's the same as he ever was!" complained Drew the spoon. "Who in the blazes is Pixel Pinkie replacing!?"
"I think I know," Nina used her feather quill form to direct her comrade's attention towards Pixel Pinkie sporting a blue dress and a silver bow.
"Come on, Ol Beast! I just want to try out some new detective comic tech I plucked earlier!" Cried Pixel Pinkie as she fired all sorts of trick arrows at the Beast.
"But did you have to bring it here of all things!?" The Beast was loosing patience with Pinkie's eagerness to try her hand at Archery after Looping in as a vigilante.
"Just hold still," Pinkie focused her Ki into her Flamenrozen Burst, which uses the bloom of a rose (Pinkie was using a rose she found under a glass case.) to burst through the Beast's chest in a firey explosion.
"Holy crow... I really overdid it, didn't I, Nina..."
The Rose burnt down to the last petal, so too, humanity is washed away, killing the citizens of the castle forevermore. The maître d'hôtel would be activated as a Looper by enduring the shock of someone destroying the rose and dooming the castle's staff and tennants. But that is another story and shall be told another time.
Loop A16
Mom, Mems, Thatch, Ponyo, Sosuke, Lydz, Uncle Shawn,
I don't exactly know where you might be, but I won't divulge where I wrote this letter. I now understand why Warner Globalists doubled down on CNN Trump Hate and left Cartoon Network to rot under Christina Miller's contempt.
I now see the reasoning for the Admins seeking to wipe the universe we once called home. So by all means, let go of earth, It was too far gone since Obama's ina-
The ringtone of Nina's phone could be heard from within the closet, and the digital magic filled the air as Pixel Pinkie immediately manifested her human body and glomped onto Nina in tears.
"There, there..." said Nina as she comforted her magic friend. "I bet Eiken sucked hard, yeah?"
"I'm so sorry, Nina..." she sobbed.
Nina hugged Pinkie back. "It's alright..."
Loop A18
Nina looked to the door window and found Annie with a confused look upon her face. Nina replied by opening the door to her.
"What is going on, Nina?" asked Annie. "We released Pixel Pinkie and yet you still bring a similar model in."
"Oh, it's not just a similar model." Mentioned Nina before pressing the usual button, summoning Pixel Pinkie who immediately shifted into her human form as she leapt into Nina's arms. "Guess who's finally Looping?"
Pinkie glances to a confused Anna. "You turned yourself into a real girl again!?"
"I've been doing it for a couple hundred Loops." Pinkie recounted to Anna, "I tend not to go digital all that often unless it's absolutely necessary."
Anna gave a curious look to her pinkette friend "So, you're still free?"
"Free as a bird."
"Well it all starts with this guy who built a table that is also the planet earth." started Nina. "He did the whole six days to create it and repeated it over and over and over again until there's enough endless realities to make a tree of them and dubbed it Yggdrasil..."
And so, the two veterans explained the Infinite Loops with assists courtesy of the HitchHiker's guide to Infinity.
Nina made a few omissions here and there, i.e. the deep state, demolition of the Root
"So you're the Anchor, Nina?" assumed Anna. "How long has this been going on?"
"Let's see, 503 Baseline Loops, ten months per baseline, incorporate Fused Loops from Kamen Rider, Pretty Cure, Yu-Gi-Oh!..." Pixel Pinkie calculated as she paced the room. "Aha! Nina is 543 years old and I am 360!"
Anna sat in her bean-bag chair on shock. "Wow, I have been gone an awfully long time."
"You should see Ranma Saotome." Added Pinkie "The First Looper at 25-trillion 2600-million 358-thousand 144 years old!"
Anna was silent. She couldn't think of what to say to these revelations.
"I know it may seem overwhelming, but you just became a part of a vast and growing family." Nina reassured her old friend. "Welcome to the Loops, Anna."
Loop A21
It started when Jim spotted that all the board game isle were adorned with Magic The Gathering-themed titles, he hunted and searched for a Ouja Board and when he finally found one, he made his way back home to set up a plan.
The three girls and the two moochers sat around in a circle in beige jumpsuits and odd gadgets strapped to their backs. They shifted and moved the piece to and fro across the board, waiting for a benevolent spirit. If there was a kind spirit just longing for a friend, then they are welcomed aboard the séance train. If not,
"I am Ashata, the demoness of destruction. I thank you for freeing me from the lake of fire!" "Now if you excuse me, it’s dinner time!"
"Not Tonight!" Pinkie was the first to respond with the powerful blast of a Proton Pack. Nina and Anna joined in the blast with Jim and Drew sitting out the action lest the lack of room between the girls' streams forces theirs to cross.
After a long few weeks of getting their new Ghostbusting service off the ground which included saving the universe once or twice, Nina was just about ready to relax in her bed before she is interrupted by a sleepless Drew.
"You didn't tell Anna everything, you know..." mentioned Drew to Nina as she tucked herself in.
"Because I'm one of only a handful of Loopers who know what happened!" Nina slammed her fist fiercely against the table. "If they knew of the demolition of the Root, Sakura Syndrome will end up becoming an Epidemic! MLE Numbers will skyrocket! Mass Ascension Even!"
"Not if they know of Pedovores, too!" Drew calmed to his Anchor. "It's alright, I know when to pipe down so your other secret's relatively save with me."
"Is it ever?" Nina raised her eyebrow at this curiosity. "Living in fear of an infestation of creatures that kill every every organism and every trace of evidence proving that species ever existed."
"Ah... Maybe that's why we fear these pesky pedovores the most..." Drew sipped from his water mug. "It's not that they hide as these goblin-like insects when they blend into our culture, or use deception and division to murder us all, but that they want us and all that we've accomplished erased from existence."
"Because they know nothing but to erase." Nina looked to the window. "Reality's most tenacious predator."
"Jesus Christ, we're so fucked up."
Loop A24
Annie was rushing out of the path of Carl's Poochitron which he found gathering dust in his attic. She slid across the sidewalk as her two fellow Loopers attacked the mech, Woo-Foo skills ablaze as they struck with fists, swords, and sai.
"Yincinerate Burst!" The pink rabbit tossed her Sai to the robot's joints, bursting in fire with but a snap of her fingers.
"PAWS! OF! PAIN!" A tornado of two giant blue fists ripped through the spine of the mech as the evil Cockroach Wizard pressed all the buttons he could but to no avail.
"Oh, come on!" Complained Carl. "I spend a Loop Radicalizing the Town into a straight up Deep State scenario and somehow that qualifies as THE DARK TOMORROW?"
"You aimed all your zombified Alt-Americans directly at us!" barked Drew to the accursed roach "All to destroy every trace of America having ever existed."
"Yeah, and they were doing such a good job before I came along, hmm..." Carl was quite the loser, even Pinkie herself could have trounced him, and she was in another Loop entirely.
The Pink Rabbit named Yin was making off with the Hourglass artifact, keeping the elderly gargoyle tied up with her inner ki. "So, You're here to learn some Woo-Foo, are you?"
Annie stepped into the Dojo, "Yeah. If it can help me keep up with my friends back home, then I'm game."
"Ahahaha! Have we got some tricks for you." The Blue Rabbit named Yang leapt onto the rails of the ceiling. "What should we start with."
"The one with the ninja stars!" proposed Annie. "That seems easy enough."
"To pull of the little shuriken, You've got to know Yincinerate first." Yin stopped in her feet and pointed to her. "Just don't wake Master Yo. The less he knows about our Loopy antics, the better."
Drew raised his brow to the rodent Loopers "What, is he, like, the Anchor or something?"
"Number 711." Yang scratched his furry scalp. "And we've got something big planned for the reveal."
Drew saw the hourglass-like artifact in Yang's grasp, and recognized exactly what they have in store for their master and Father. The two would use the Chronologicum in their live message to their resident Anchor, confirming to him that they were, in fact, Looping. But that is another story and shall be told another time.
Loop A27
Nina Awoke in a sort of police state type of a country. Her usual tee replaced with an orange Polo shirt with a pouch, she stood behind a looming over her of a rather boyish fellow in a purple bowler hat. In arrived a balding fellow with slicked blonde hair in a mullet, He appeared worried for Nina despite not being part of her Loop in the slightest. "Are you okay, Citizen? Where's your clique?"
"Oh, uh..." Nina figured it was a totalitarian thing with the whole dystopia vibe it was giving her, but with how long it was taking for her to manifest her Loop Memories so she asked: "Must be around here somewhere..."
"You just can't miss 'em." Reassured the gentlemen. "You've got a bi girl, a geek, a black, a hispanic, an asian and a muslim like everyone else set up by the Citizen system."
"Thanks..." sighed Nina finding his information less useful than she anticipated. "Could you give me some more helpful hints here!"
"Manners, Madame." Stressed the pudgy person. "You wouldn't want to be barred from the Citizen Plus program with all the perks, do you?"
"It's alright." Nina turns around to find Anna, Pinkie, a regressed Drew and two known Loopers from Branch 9. "We think we can handle it, old-timer. We've been looking for Jaime for about an hour now..."
"Thank you." Bowed the bland blonde. "I'll just leave you to your search, then."
Drew waved goodbye and glanced to the heroes before him. "Christ, Marvel's Looping, Too!?"
"Yes, and we have read the comics our footprints have been leaving behind." Spoke Miles Morales, Looper from the collapsed Ultimate Marvel Universe. "Gotta say, was not liking the direction they were going before... Y'know."
Drew was dumbfounded. "Marvel's been effected by the Pedovores?"
"Purse Puppy Riri Williams was kind of one of the later warning signs." Sighed Kamela Khan, the then-current Ms Marvel. "And Gwen Poole's presence fully erasing the fourth wall pretty much sealed it."
All Drew could do was lay back in depression, these damn Pedovores were everywhere back home, no wonder how the humans had a rough time getting rid of those damn things. Fortunately for the Homo Ludens genus behind their Sapien brothers and sisters won't find these parasitic insects to be a problem now that they've been rendered near-extinct. "Okay, so now what..."
"Try to survive this oncoming shit hole." leaned Annie. "I find that the best way to deduce the where and how is to find the centerpiece..."
Drew turned around to see a statue of an oddly designed green leprichaun holding up a rake and stepping on a human skull.
"T-That's Clover!" Drew stood dumbfounded. "From the Felt! Homestuck!"
"Indeed it is..." Sighed Annie. "How he became the face of an Orwellian Dystopia is beyond me."
"Nah...It's far too sophisticated for a Baseline Clover." Concluded Kamela. "We're dealing with the Looping Felt." "Yeesh..." Drew scratched the back of his head... "That's a scary thought."
"One question." asked Pinkie. "How are the Felt Looping anyway?"
Miles dug into his backpack before fetching a satchel stuffed with the HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity.
"Oh, cool." said Drew "I have one just like it!"
Miles cocked up his eyebrow "Do you really?"
"Yes," Drew the whipped out the product onto the page for 'MLEs' "Version 20X6"
"Mine's a newer version with imput from the new loopers in the intervening eons." Miles flashed his tablet with the app in full display, clicking the part of the app reading: 'MLE' "20X9"
Malicious Looping Entities or MLEs, whether they get activated by uncaring Admins or stealthy Mythos Hackers, they tend to be among the most unpleasant Loopers ever to be encountered in your Looping Life, especially so when you hail from the same branch as that one where they plot and scheme to ascend to Adminhood to the detriment of the place they typically call home. Lespiran Administrators made plenty of precautions towards the steady growth of power that these Loopers experience over their now endless lives, diverting excess energy to their subspace pocket was one thing, intensifying the Soul's resistance to change was another, but the fact of the matter was that to be the fool to activate an MLE would be to rip yourself away from your branch and forced onto a harder-to-loop universe.
"Good, now does it have anything on the first verse?" asked Drew to the Ultimate Spider-Man. "My entry only has one word: Harmless."
"Ah, well... that's cause there was so much to stuff into there from across the Loopersphere, it's easy for some information to get lost in the crossfire." brought up Kamela to the blatant protagonists, "20X9 has three times the data from Loopers old and new."
"Ah, Marvelous!" grinned Drew. "So whatever does it say?"
"Relatively Harmless."
Loop A29
.A scuffle with the Felt.
Loop A32
After surviving a rough dystopia loop and a rough scuffle with the visiting teen assassins from another branch, they needed a Bar Loop and fast. Too bad the only bar in the loop was occupied and owned by the Felt and the only way to get in is by gaining proof of their misdeeds. Luckily, this was a fused Loop with the Duel Cluster so it was easy for them to disguise themselves as rowdy beatniks who managed to kidnap a Dragon Signer.
"Thanks for calling me up on such short notice, Mister Hogan." Annie said over the phone. "When this over, may I have your autograph."
"I've got a few autographed cards in my glove compartment." chuckled Crow. "You're more than happy to pick out a good five of them from there."
"Thank you, good sir." Smiled Annie as she watched Pinkie exit her human form to act out the scene.
Cans was winning this particular round of Table Stickball, having pocked all but three balls in his first turn, the 3, 7, and 13 balls, to be precise. Trace and Fin were cooking in the kitchen, Die was tending bar and Matchsticks was waiting the tables with Itchy. And the rest of the Felt were dining with other assorted beatniks.
"Come now. You've already wailed on us!"
"I never wanted to be whipped into submission!"
"Tough Tootsie Roles, Twat! You're going to get me into this Joint and you're gonna like it!"
Punches, kicks, whips, and screams ensued on the outer side of the bar before the door opened to reveal a fire-red digital genie carting in an unconscious Pinkette and her redheaded friend, a pouched person of some sort, and one of the legendary signers of the Crimson Dragon. "Make way, Pixel Punkie coming through, yes, the Signer's real, stop staring, will ya!"
"Using the frothing Nazis of Antifa?!" cried the Wing Signer. "That is beyond sick and you know it!"
"So sue me," The digital djinn slammed the signer and his companions "Siracha Dog with a decent ol' Flaming Death on the rocks if you please."
"You got it, babe." Matchsticks winks to the djinn before relaying: "Die."
"I heard, Matchsticks, these things take time. Luckily Fin's putting the finishing touches on the meals right as they order them." Die nonchalantly stated to the rest of the bar's patrons. "Go right on ahead, let me take your orders and I can state the progress."
"Fat Scratch?" Jim asked.
"Getting stuffed silly as a fat sammach should be" spoke Die leaning on the table of the bar.
Crow found himself interested: "Turkey Club with Onion Rings?"
"Toasting to perfection" spoke Die as he cleaned an empty mug on the table.
"Crispy Chicken Parmesan with Bacon and Ketchup with Jumbo Fries and Oreo Milkshake." Drew ordered.
"All ready to roll, good buddy." Smiled Itchy as he passed the tray onto the table. "With the house special Knuckle Sandwich to go with the pretty pink princess' Lucky Charms Milkshake."
"Oh, I've been thinking-" the djinn caught her act slipping and got back in character. "-that the brat would order something like it. Not a fan of sandwiching a slab of chicken between Beef, Bacon and Pepperonés. I find it much more fun to give her the little something after which yer special's named."
"Hey, you get your damn hands off that kid!" Crow quickly acted to defend the child's honor but the djinn slapped him back onto his seat.
"Eat first, Pain Later." Sneered the firey djinn.
"Isn't it 'Play Later' or is it a deep threat?" Matchsticks asked to the djinn.
"Tis a threat of force." piped a voice, she sported an ©øς armband with a number 10 on it. "Relatively weak compared to our aura, but it is indeed there."
"You have a keen eye as always, Decay." A man in a slick white-and-green tuxedo, a giant white sphere stood where a head should be. "Once again, you prove your value to the Felt."
"Wait... I thought that..." Sawbuck glared to Drew with a few other fellas with varying numbers adorning their persons as the earthling slumped into his seat with his eyes glued to the poster that announced an oncoming storm aimed for Branches 8, 9 and 10. "Oh, good lord, it's a franchise."
"Indeed we are." Smirked the faceless Jack in the Box. "And we owe it all to our close confidants:"
A plethora of holographic shadows manifests around the group with usernames and diamonds floating above the heads of men clad in black leather, quite a few of which resembled the villains from the 2000 film based on that musical about the death of christ. They were the Mythos Hackers, the monsters who activated the Felt and their minions.
"Good Morrow, Doc Scratch." The lead hacker greeted to the topmost green torso
"Alas, Although I am quite aware of the Loops." explained Scratch to his guests. "I am sadly comatose thanks to my bond to Lord English, but that won't stop me from leading this newly-minted mobster franchise to greatness!"
They all cheered for their hackers as they blushed in sheer flattery.
RoFLcopter86 leaned forward in the form of Annas of Israel as he spoke. "We've truly grown in the past eon, six extra members for the Yggdrasil, a division for the Duel Cluster and we've soul-binded the first Looping Castle to Decay, give a big round of applause, folks!"
"Pardon me, good sir." Jim asked from his table before Doc Scratch handed him his Fat Scratch. "Whatever is a Looping Castle and how does one earn such things."
"It's nothing, really..." Spoke MAGAman93 in the shape of Califas. "Just the new major export of the Jesus Factory."
Drew pulled out the HitchHiker's guide from his Pocket and looked it up to MAGAman's encouragement. He entered Jesus Factory and then read on.
The Jesus Factory is an institution made by the Admins in honor of the programmed-in child of the first God. It was established to create universes based on the endless choices made with each decision made over time and every possibility that can be imagined. For example if you chose a peanut-butter sandwich over Domino's, there is a universe where another you chose Domino's over a peanut butter sandwich. Admins still handcraft universes in the six days it takes to create the universe, while a new machine is installed in the plant to manufacture universe stemming from that universe in six minutes or less with each steps lasting exactly six seconds. Things were going relatively smoothly until the great Pedovore infestation of 1820, pedovores pushing the slaves to their limits to trigger race-based civil wars, assassinating opponents who find their wishes appalling, puppeteering the world into becoming a genocidal death cult, the Admins had little choice but to kill them dead in their tracks by demolishing the first earth they used for universe archival over such a long time. And with the infection of Yggdrasil that unfortunately followed, the factory was left to rot with the Genetically Rigged Toxic Produce Pedovores often leave in their wake.
"That is, until we came along to dust off the place." Doc Scratch recounted. "I came up with the idea of producing Master Balls that age-ify then robotize whatever it captures, leaving a soulless mech to build or at least augment an entire castle onto its form. A unique form of soul-binding that binds all your Pokémon in your team, in your box, and even the Duel Monsters deck in your pocket to your soul as loyal servants to their patron Looper. Decay happens to have the first of these puppies, it's parked in her Castle Ball."
"Ah, yes... You said she was the only bloke with a Castle Ball at the moment, right?" Drew asked to the omniscient mobster. "And the factory's still running?"
"Indeed it is." sneered Scratch. "And many more are being produced for our brothers and sisters to inherit one day when they've grown enough brain cells to absorb wisdom."
A cry of "Hey!" escaped Crowbar's lips as Scratch twirled his cane towards the fine guests attending this bar, one of which piped. "And it's still churning out balls-"
"-to drain the resource reserves hidden within the factory." Clarified the mad ball. "San, show our guests why our plans are great!"
"With pleasure." Crow looked at the tight leather binding the masculine form that stood adorned with glowing bright red lines. The markings of a familiar Earthbound Immortal. "Now you face the might of Wiraqocha Rasca."
It was then that Crow looked into the eyes of his own reflection, his own self, an untaken path now undertaken by the Jackal's fowl scent. The words began to echo in his head.
"Welcome to the World of Cloning."
The earth began to shake with the fury of a Mainstream Media Zombie before the walls of the Bar burst open with the force of a roaring Hogan with his inner rage broken with fear and hate.
One that would echoed across space and time.
At a Plenty High rally miles away, Nikki glances to Annie who had used this Loop to infiltrate the in-crowd. "Annie, do you hear that?"
"I feel that."
In another part of town entirely. A young limeblooded troll has struck down a Pedovore that has snuck into the college system, lamenting the soul that the fowl beast devoured for such infiltration.
Until she heard a fowl scream of anguish fill the air. "jUst whatever the deUce is that ghostly wail?"
Nina was pacing to and fro across her bedroom, worried for her friends until the echoing scream of their volunteer captive confirmed the sheer failure to come.
Deep in Adminspace, Iris was playing Candy Crush on her godPad instead of scanning for the goblin-like Pedovores that seek to erase existence from existence as programed from their birthing pool in the Lake of Fire.
"Ha-Ha! Level 93, ready or not!" Iris was set to start up the next level when a loud yell of anguish echoed deep into Admin Space and snapped Iris out of her trance. "Oh, no!"
So she zipped to her seat and began typing away. "Don't mind me, Mister Tyr, sir, just further arming the Loopers to better deal with, uhh... The Pedovores! Yeah, we'll go with Pedovores, look at 'em go..."
Centuries into the future, but not many. Young Looper Riley Andersen was talking with a brother and sister named Rock and Roll as they put the finishing touches on five generic robot bodies built for Ai entities to inhabit as the 'Color Masters'.
"Everything set?" Roll asked her brother.
"Five bodies, three female standard, two male standard, ready and waiting. With a few spares just in case," Rock replied as he looked over the alcoves housing the prepared bodies.
"Check!" Riley noted.
"New mind machine showing all systems green."
"Remote override in place and operational?"
"Check!" Riley confirmed as she adjusted the failsafe headband the Light twins had developed for her.
"Five sapient emotional entities ready and waiting...?"
"Check, check, check, check, and check!" Riley smiled, strapping herself into the main chair while Roll adjusted the headgear.
"One young lady hooked up and ready to rock and roll?" Rock grinned.
"You know it!" Riley grinned back, blissfully ignoring the faint howl that was discreetly crossing the air.
"Then, let's get started!"
Even further into the future, a man and his topless drunken wife were bickering about their teenage daughter dragracing through town. The mother saying three words when Crow's fearful scream rang true: "Get. My. Bra."
Far, far off to the edge of the tree. Powdered Toast Man soared though the sky, his back and buttocks being ridden by a boy and his sisters.
"We're so high up!" expressed the boy.
"Indeed we are," Exclaimed the superhero. "Makes it easier to explore the world at large when you are the lone Looper of your world."
"You're the only Looper?" spoke the elder sister in shock. "How come the main characters aren't Looping?"
Powdered Toast Man's face was lathered with an innermost fear upon his face. The howling scream matching the insidious memories the baseline has towards its adulterous conclusion.
"Twenty-Seven of the world's best and brightest cities act as centerpieces to each of the universes dispensed in this intricate system of universe creation and destruction." Gomatsu explained as he tapped his model of the current branch. "This I assure you, with this new use for the slumbering Jesus Factory, we might be able to get this branch going for the Loops!"
"By the Code, Go, this just might be..." Skuld heard the final stretch of Hogan's cry and felt more invigorated than ever. "...Crazy enough to work!"
And thus, his fellow Lespiran Admins applauded his display to his flattered expression.
Everyone stood in utter shock to the giant hole where the doorway should be.
"Well, folks." Stitch glanced to his brothers and sisters in arms, then spoke in a melodic manner. "We've got ourselves an infiltration problem."
The Digital Djinn tried getting up only to be shoved into the pinkette's body, derezzing the facade as it fused into the flesh. The look on Drew's face said it all: "Ahh corn-nuts..."
The snapping of fingers, the tapping of shoes, the patting of hands atop dvd copies of the worst films they can find at a feasible price. This snazzy rhythm was the Felt's calling card.
- RoFLcopter86: Now you intrude in our bar of Maliciousness
- Just to unwind from our villainous feats.
- TubeTyght69: From Riots
- GabbaGoo64: Assassins
- Decay: To homemade dystopias
- San: To get the boss Looping
- Doze: from his coma street.
- MAGAman93: Chopping down trees across infinite cosmos
- That is the sign that he's already there
- Fin: from atom to idea
- Trace: All thought is extinguished.
- Clover: Tis the role of a Boss Fight
- Stitch: That wraps up the game.
And when Scratch Took up the mic, it was if Heaven itself invited everyone to a David Bowie concert and you only got in out of pity from the popular girls at high school.
- Scratch: I see that you're resisting
- your sane mind persisting
- through Infinite Loops
- I see you must have patience
- for this utter nonsense
- that spacetime's become.
- Become! Become! That spacetime's become!
- A much keener mem'ry
- Than what time's become.
- Become! Become! Than what time's be-what time's be-what time's become.
Pinkie stood on her human legs as she focused her eyes on Doc Scratch and spoke her word.
- Pinkie: The Loops need us so, y'know.
- To keep time beautiful
- Living day by endless day
- Might be a pain
- But we have our roles
- To have the tale unfold
- These Loops are beautiful!
- Scratch: But so's the game.
Scratch then hijacked the musical number to thunderous applause from the Felt.
- Scratch: Yes, you think Looping's all Goodness and Rainbows
- But still you forget the whole reason we're here.
- Stitch: Ol' Yggdrasil's sick from wounds that are still healing.
- Clover: All the loops taught us was ultimate fear.
- Die: The end of existence has never been nearer
- than back when those pedovores prayed upon man
- Biscuits: And they had the white house.
- Sawbuck: At least for three decades
- Fin: The damage they've done there
- The Admins have banned!
Drew then broke into the argument.
- Drew: I've seen inklings of freedom
- away from the crown at the tippity-top
- Dudes, We're basically pirates
- Forever immortal until the loops stop.
- Eternal Life in exchange for my home
- I am a secret that's never been known.
- Eternal Life in exchange for my home
- My world's a secret that's never been never been never been known.
The Felt then tossed out the Loopers, completely missing the point of Drew's pleas as they dragged them out the door. Jim and Drew sat on the Rubble in utter shock, Pinkie was feeling somewhat curious about what she was seeing. "So will there be a musical number every chapter?"
Loop A36
Mom, Mems, Employees and Family...
Things have gotten harder for my life in this particular branch since the Felt Nation attacked.
Right, then. Jokes aside, the Felt has made my life a lot harder than it already has, I can assure you that I made my efforts to get myself in better shape. Refine muscle memory to the best it can get within the Loops, hope it carries to the Loop that follows.
It is all to one day Loop to a world where you can be safe enough to call it home.
With the humor of Yggdrasil swapping out Pixel Pinkie with another Pinkette, Anchor Number 111: Aileta Schaffer, Nina wanted things to be as baseline as it can to give her a brief run down of how it commonly functions. At this point she was making the wish to receive incredible ninjutsu skill for the eightieth overall Loop, leaving her with more than enough lingering Pixel Genie magic in her body to have such skill on her own.
It's times like this Annie was thankful for that formative Loop in the Shinobi Realm hidden in the branches, so she could at least keep up with her. And Drew, Drew made damn sure to learn a few tricks from that Formative Loop to add to his skillset, It wouldn't be useful with an ol' pot belly like his, so the best he could do is refine his body so maybe some of the fitness will carry through the Loops.
In the original baseline, Nina and Annie merely punched, kicked and judo flipped each other (The animation in my world certainly did not help.) But what I saw was true Anime, flying leaps, lightning reflexes, the whole shebang! Proves how far the kids have come, and I've never been prouder.
Then Drew felt Aileta tugging at his sleeve. "We've got trouble!"
The tournament had listed a group of known hired Goons favored by the Felt. Real tough builds, too. Formidable foes in their own right, thankfully Pinkie's magic and the longevity of the Loops have sharpened her natural skill.
I think, at least for now... We're in good hands.
Loop A39
"Twas an honor to have met you all in this particular branch." Doc Scratch smiled under his helmet to his captive audience as he struck a My Little Pony Toy in the neck, causing its head to inflate on the spot. "I'd love to stay and chat but I've a Tear to catch. Toodle-pip!"
"Capstones!" Nina struggled to pull the ropes Loose. "You won't get away with this, Scratch!"
Scratch merely snickered as he floated out the window to safety. "We are the most powerful mafia in the Loops. In fact, we even got away with conquering and repurposing the Jesus Factory, what the devil makes you think that I wouldn't get away here?"
Pixel Pinkie glared to the screen and sure enough, it was tracking a nuclear missile. "Nina, I don't think he's leaving without an insurance policy... Look at where he's aiming!"
"Oh, No!" Nina spoke in reactive fear towards what she saw on the map screen.
"What the bloomin' 'el is it, I can't see a blasted thing!" Drew is then turned around to see that the warhead is aimed at the Yellowstone volcano in California. "So what if they're gonna nuke the morally-bankrupt Golden State, with how this Liberal Loony bin of congresspeople are essentially wrecking their own land by shutting themselves down for invaders to decimate, they might proper deserve a nuke to clean their clocks outright in my humble opinion. I mean, yeah, This means Hollywood's down the tubes with this big ball of fire, but the movies here are all rubbish anyway."
"Yellowstone's the vital fault point of all infinite earths, you drain-clod!" Barked Nina to Drew.
"Fellas, Focus, Fellas!" calmed Jim. "There's an obvious way for us to escape this little mouse trap of theirs!"
"Really, now?" Drew retorted to Jim "And that's what, exactly?"
"We let the star of the show shine as she is in baseline, of course!" Jim turned his attention to the pinkette in the pink robot logo t-shirt "So whaddiya say, madmouiselle? Could ya get the phone out for us tonight?"
"And risk the lava pot?!" panicked Pinkie as she kicked Jim's knee in the air as they dangle by a thread. "Even the Superior Spiderman wouldn't survive such dire conditions!"
"You're overestimating it, Greenhorn." Jim bluntly spoke to the typically teeny-queenie pixel genie. "This is a ridiculously simple superhero trap that you're in, mate! Even a Youngblood Mercenary could weasel his damn way out of this one, they clearly have the pockets for it!"
"Pockets," thought Nina. "That's it!"
"You getting my drift now?" Asked Jim as his hand dug deep into Drew's pants pocket. "In my right pants pocket is a bag filled with Jelly Belly, in Drew's right pants pocket is his New Nintendo 3DS portal console system, and in Nina's right pants pocket is-"
"The Phone!" realized its immortal slave and thus started digging, Jim, Drew and Nina then proceeded to do the same. "Come on, it has to be in there somewhere... AH!"
Pinkie felt her true digital self escape her organic body, Then immediately leapt into the computer screen and hacked the crane back from the pot, pulling away the captive Loopers.
"Ta-Da!" she smiled as she peeked out the screen before proceeding with her encore performance. "Flip a few ones to zeroes, redirect the trajectory, aim at a more deserving target and... Presto!"
Kim Jong Un was eating a Waffle in Venusuela, minding his own business at his cross-country vacation with all his communist friends, they were sad that Vladimir Putin didn't join them today, but at least now he can welcome mister Li Keqiang to this Orwellian Paradise, People on top slaughtering all at the bottom. Good times to be had since they've been planning this genocide for quite a long while now.
But Kim did not want to expend all that energy running around with machine guns and flamethrowers. He wanted all of them dead and cremated on the spot, if only there was some atomic capsule of fire, pain and death that he could hurl at the Venusuel-
Doc Scratch was fuming with rage, all that hard work of Fake News duping an army of useful idiots, globalist minions selling out free nations to tyranny, and AI programs designed to purge all life on earth just washed away in a ball of nuclear flames in the centerpiece of slavery his ilk established in Venezuela.
He did not care how, he did not care why, all that he cared about was the urge to kill that Drew Lea Maine character dead in his Looping tracks.
Watching them earn Australian Metals of Honor with this Loop's local anchors served to rub salt in the open wound.
"Though the ashes of communist Venisuela rise with the blood of her victims, these brave heroes have clensed the world's greatest tyrants from the face of the earth." Spoke the President as the four took their bows. "And for your acts, we are eternally grateful."
And the best part was that the queen of England flew down under to do the honours of bestowing knighthood to the four Looping heroes. "For your resourcefulness in the heat of danger, I knight thee Sir Drew Lea Maine. For your tactical prowess in the face of hatred, I knight the Sir Jim -. For you passion towards making humanity come together in our hatred for tyranny, I knight thee Lady Nina. For your clever coding certification redirecting catastrophe, I knight thee Lady Pinkie."
As the brave heroes took their bow, the most naive of the group begged the question "Does this mean we get to stay at Buckingham Palace?"
Loop A42
Daemond Doom, better known as the automatic robofied rotoscopic cyberbot Barron Legal Von Rotten. A Toon converted into a mechatronic vessel of a remote Ai controlled by the time-piercing brainwaves of Lord English himself, his signature gadget would be his paint rollers which allows any mook from any moment in time to burst through the wall Kool-Aid man style.
Sure enough, the conflict's gone hot, Matchsticks, Itchy, and Crowbar were back from oblivion now that the paint had dried. Annie manuvered out of the path of Legal's Punch-Liner, an Anvil for a fist. While Pinkie was doing her best to scan for a weak point in the mech's design. "Aha! The Wi-Fi receiver!"
"What about it?" asked Drew in his stolen Egg Capsule.
"It's in his head!" Pinkie exclaimed to her fellow Loopers in the 'Masked' form of her Armor. "If we bash in the head, we cut off English from his central vessel."
"Or maybe..." Nina pulled a bucket of some sort of acid from her pocket. "Hey, Skullface."
The screech of its inner fear as the thinner washed away its face was the last we heard in the loop before Nina magically vanished in a digital puff of logic and code, causing the Loop to immediately crash and burn through the skies of Iris' office.
Loop A43
The Data whisked them away from the home branch and into a much more emotive branch than what they were usually stuck in.
"What the narcs just happened!?" Nina yelped.
"You dipped Legal, killing him and negating your existence for the Loop." Jim bluntly stated to his junior. "The Loop effectively crashed immediately after so now we're in a punishment Loop."
Nina fell to the floor, embarrassed at how she essentially killed herself and crashed the Loop by accident.
"Question here is... Where are we?" Asked Annie to her senior Loopers.
Drew glanced to and fro across their surroundings to find themselves in a mine with loaves of literal bread growing from each and every inch of it. Drew immediately kneeled in shock, yet displayed relief at his surroundings.
"Breadwinners! My home turf!" Drew turned around to his fellow Loopers. "My friends, you're looking at the two-time Breadwinners Champion of the region. With me in charge, this Punishment Loop will be an absolute cakewalk."
"So it's an Arcade Game in your universe." Jim raised his brow in facination. "That's nice."
"What's the matter." Drew turned around to his savior. "Is it not one of the best video arcade machines ever to grace the late 80s in your universe?"
Jim merely shook his head and paid the question no heed. "...let's just focus on beating the Pizzawinners, shall we?"
The rocket-van zoomed off to the sky to deliver to the ducks and geese in the levels to come, the first Pizzawinner duel saw our heroes pitted against two teenaged girls, a blonde in red, a brunette in blue, Nina made a decent observation and realized she could ping to them for a response. And that's exactly what she did to the Pizzawinners and that's exactly what she got from the Pizzawinners.
"We've got a Loopy bunch here, Ronnie." smirked the blonde in red. "Let's park after the level."
"Shut up, Heather!" cried the brunette in blue. "I've got work to do."
The two rivals did their dance. Tossing bread and Pizzas at their ever-hungry demographic, evading obstacles and monsters who are just as hungry, and doing their damnedest to earn more points than the competition. And sure enough, the Level's done and every one gathered together to share a moment or two together.
"Okay, clearly you're dealing with a punishment Loop with us." Drew sighed to his fellow Loopers.
"She's in a Punishment Loop." The lady in red sneered. "I've been dragged in despite not being Awake that Loop because she was the one Anchoring the whole damn branch!"
Drew glanced to her blue-suited counterpart. "You're the Anchor of your branch?"
"Yeah" said she. "Veronica Sawyer, Anchor 989."
"989?" Nina gasped at her junior Anchor "I'm 918!"
Annie's brow ascended as she looked to the elder teens. "Again with Numbers, whatever's with that?"
"Nothing, just an arbitrary system to count how many universes they can get Looping." Veronica sneered to her fellow Loopers. "Makes sense to them, not to me."
"Why not?" Asked Pinkie.
"Because it means our existence in the grand scheme of things is just... pointless..." Veronica merely laid herself onto the wall in lament.
"Come the fuck on, Veronica." complained Heather. "At least our time period's good enough to be called 'Earth's Last Hurrah'."
"That's just it," Complained Veronica to her friend, "We're called that cause we're among the last generation before those Damn Pedovores started to go indoctrinate their pray into androgynous apples for them to chow down upon, much to our disgust!"
"Yeah, but not until their 'Harvest'," Heather accentuated.
"You gotta kill the hivemind with a Keyblade to dissipate the Pedovore Zombie Vessels and leaves them open to the oxygen and carbon dioxide that act to dissolve their physical biomatter." A voice stemming from a familiar fool, Drew Lea Main recognized him as the neoconservative that cost him his job quite a few Loops prior. "And no, Miss Chandler, Ki energy is not a suitable replacement."
Drew's eyes narrowed to the Looping Author "What are you doing here..."
"I'm giving out pointers to protect their world from Pedovores when the Loops finally end and we can be free of this nightmare." Elmore sighed as he sat against the Rocket Van. "And considering that it's not even at a fraction of 1%, that leaves us plenty of time."
"Sweet..." Drew moaned in response, regretting the Generation he was born in.
Loop A44
Levels came, levels went and by 255, it was back to Plenty to lick our wounds from the two prior Loops.
I was fortunate enough to Loop in at around Nina's age, at least I now have a reason to live with my parents... that have possibly been lost to the demolition.
I looked to find the Obamacare gruel on my plate loaded with biochemicals and slow-kill formulas, once you've seen what they load the food with, you can't un-see the truth it presents.
I glanced to the fellow students and envisioning the self-centered feels still living at their parents' house despite being well into their twenties. Demanding the government provide everything to them, food, shelter, public transportation, all the ingredients to a sheltered society. And not a hint of masculinity in sight.
"They say androgeny is the sign of cultural implosion." I said to the females of my current pack.
"Elmore getting to you again..." sighed Nina.
"Don't know." Drew dottled. "Is he getting to you?"
"Well, the slop looks a bit more sickening than before..." Nina traced a bit into her food. "And don't get me started on the collectivism."
"Their souls seem fluid and hollow, like something's emptied them from the inside out." Pinkie sensed telekinetically. "The spiritual energy's still there but it's untapped, sealed up to be used like fossil fuel..."
"Perfect Ingredients for a Philosopher's Stone." Annie realized to the shock of her group.
"Perhaps it's better off with the Loops," Drew leaned back from his table. "With the Admins, with the numbers..."
"Don't say that," Annie yelped. "Maybe our admin enjoys our company?"
"But Plenty's Boring!" complained Iris to her superior.
"Yeah, but Westerberg doesn't have a digital genie!" Aglaia pointed out to the rainbow goddess.
"At least the musical numbers are worth hearing in Westerberg!" Iris snapped back.
"No way I'll let Westerberg go to you!" whined Aglaia "It's clean of Pedovores and Bugs and the archival at the Old Root turned up freakin' atrocious!"
"The toon resulting from it turned up atrocious!" Iris stated bluntly. "You just don't want an annoying-as-all-hell Digital Genie on your resume."
"Bullshi-" Aglaia was then halted by a man of astounding power. "Lord Tyr... hey."
"Back to work." said the supreme master of Yggdrasil. "Both of you."
Loop A46
It started with a world tour with Coolest Luke courtesy of Pixel Pinkie's keen drumming talent across several Loops paying off. To Nina and Annie, It was a delight to be in with the In-Crowd for once. For Drew, he's just glad to look into the world at large and the diverse cultures that the Pedovores worked so hard to extinguish.
Then came the Felt, like they do with every other Loop in here.
Thankfully the skills they accumulated thus far worked to their advantage.
The band opened with a heavy hitter of a song that will more than likely be forgotten with half a year or so before encountering their foe in the crosshairs.
"Cans at three o'clock!" Drew proptly directed to his colleagues.
"Easy-Peasy, Lemon-Squeezy!" Pixel Pinkie then pulled her driver from her pocket and attached it to her waist as Cans punching folks out of the way into next week. "Oh, my... We're gonna need a coating of chronoton plating to hang in there."
"Or you can just freeze him..." Eyed Drew.
"Okay, then." Nina and Pinkie activated their trinket to equip their armor.
Itchy, Trace and Fin swooped in with flamethrowers to summon Matchsticks as Nina and Pinkie opened fire on the Felt Soldiers, they still keep on marching, using Doze as a meat shield to protect their hides. With Matchsticks and Crowbar turning up for backup, It became clear that no help was coming of their efforts so all they had left was to upscale.
They flicked a switch on the capsule to reveal a slot for the red scissor blade and a pink button respectively and the two watched as the notches and clocks on their heavily-plated armor loosened piece by piece. "Cast off."
Pinkie pressed the button as Nina cut into the hole, the next the Felt troops knew were a storm of machinery and plating assulting them with their mass. In place of bulky Syther and Igglybuff-themed Kamen Riders were more sleek and articulate Riders based on the evolved states of said creatures. Nina's Scizor-Red Armor cuddled to her body like a finely-talored endoskeleton, and Pinkie's Wigglytuff theming extended from white abs around a pink waist to the blue Wigglytuff's eyes acting as breastplates. Peering through the eyes of their helmets, the two targeted their foes and smiles when the redicles locked onto them.
"X-Scissor!" Nina slashed the scissor away from the slot and sure enough the wristblades fired at Itchy and slit the yellow-capped green torso's throat "Pixel Pinkie, look out."
"Cans!" The musclehead knocked the guard into an entirely different calendar as he went ahead with a gradually quickening barrage of punches which Pinkie dodges with nimble abandon. "Are you ever going to stop punching?"
"FUCK YOU!!!" Cans thrust his fist forward only to see it on the receiving end of Pinkie's Kung-Fu Grip. "Seismic Toss!"
And once Cans slammed onto the wall and one Brick Break later, Cans is left with a broken back and a useless pair of legs which Pinkie shoots her digital soul into to have the blue-striped green torso grasp the crimson-striped green torso by the elbows and promptly jump off a cliff.
"And now for the tracers!" Nina eyed the shark-faced green torsos and it was as good as done the minute she uttered: "Clock Up."
Cutting and gunning into the three remaining troop, we watched as the mortal coils are stripped down for the loop, spewing all sorts of blood and guts for me to watch in absolute awe as the crowd cheered their newfound heroes.
"Thank You!" Luke cheered back to the crowd. "How bout another go-round!?"
Loop A50
Mom, Mems, Employees and Family,
This is the final Loop of this particular cycle and I don't know how this revelation feels.
If this means that I'm going home, then I better start rehearsing what I'm going to say. If not then I guess that's more time to rehearse what I'm going to say. All I know is that Pixel Pinkie has set up a surprise for the last day.
As the bus drops off Nina, Annie and Pinkie from school for the day, Drew was packing up all of his things and wrapping a towel over his shoulder. "Okay, we've got three hours left in Plenty and I'm more than happy to move on from this uneventful trudge of a town."
"Hurtful..." replied Annie.
"Yeah, well modern Star Wars is a factory-made Memberberry farm, nothing's perfect." huffed ol' Drew as he sealed his bag. "I still have the films and one of each Toy in my Subspace Pocket. Thanks for teaching me about that a couple Loops back, by the way."
"You're welcome." Pinkie said as Nina flopped onto her bed.
"If only we could come up with a way to cap off your life here."
Then Pixel Pinkie had a wonderful idea. "Ooh! Why not use the last wish?"
This made Nina jump in shock "Already! But I've only used eleven wishes on this Loop, I can't be on my last wish so soon!"
"Not that last wish!" smiled Pinkie to her friends. "The one in the baseline, the wish you gave me."
"Ohhh..." Nina proceeded to sit back up as Jim and Drew finished packing their things. "How would you like to see how the other side of the wand lives."
"Not in the slightest but if it gives me one more memory to jog down in my cloud computer brain, then I guess I'm game." Drew stood up with his bags safely tucked away in his pocket. "Lay it on me, Pixel Pinkie."
Nina pressed the call button on her phone and Drew watched the Digital Genie emerge from and pocket her mortal coil one last time and they all clung together and said: "I wish Annie, Nina, Jim and Drew could go to Pixel Pinkie's World."
And thus, the five are sucked right into the bright pink phone and are spirited into cyberspace. Annie then spots a familiar sight. "Nina, Look!"
The others gather around a circularly-designed snack vending machine to Jim's delight. "Ah, there we go!"
"Jim?" Asked Drew. "Do you know what exactly that thing serves?"
"I don't!" Jim bluntly stated as he pulled a coin stack out of his Pocket. "But she probably does!"
"Do I ever!" Grinned the native of this strange land. "Like being recharged? Try this!"
Drew picked up the bags in the tray and read the label. "Salted megabytes?"
"Yeah, I know!" Pinkie confirmed. "I much prefer the cinnamon ones."
"Yes, very sweet indeed." Jim replied. "Still, salt's salt."
Drew watched his friend chomp on the memory particle "You sure you feel right eating that?"
"Look, when this Loop wraps up, we're going to have to have ingested enough Iodine and alcohol to get a good landing into the universe we'll have to spend the next fifty Loops in." Jim explained in a blunt and swift manner "So pay attention and watch me for the changes, alright?"
"Eh... Alright." Drew dug into his bag and bit into the crisp and licked the roof of his mouth. "Solid as Pringles, yet wavy like Ruffles. Has a sparkling energy to its flavor."
"Glad you like it." Eyed Jim.
"I can't wait to show you everything," Cheered Pixel Pinkie to her outgoing friends. "There's so much to see!"
"Well then, Bring it on." And Drew walked somewhere before asking. "How do you get around in this fruity little world?"
And no sooner did he realize that Nina and Annie were floating on air. "Of. Fracking. Course."
Drew thought of happiness and joy which was hard to do when you're a grown ass man who's lived a good half century living the same tedious year over and over. After a few long minutes, Drew began floating to the delight of everyone else, Thus Nina demanded: "Now do it faster!"
"Faster is easier, trust me!" Added the digital genie.
Jim accelerated the speed of his flight. "Go on, then, Mr. Maine. The Loop ain't getting any longer!"
"I wish I had the proper flying music..." Drew spoke to which Pinkie cued up a familiar tune from a familiar film from Drew's familiar shop. "Ah, that makes thirteen wishes out of sixty-four."
"Ninety-three, actually." correct Pixel Pinkie "Now follow meeee!!"
Drew began zooming across the digital world, feeling the wind in his hair and skin and the music most befitting of a luckdragon. By the first Awakening of her magic friend, Nina had memorized Pinkie's grand tour of her world and knew it by heart. They passed by the 9-Lane Bowlorama and learned how these sturdy Bubbles were used for bowling balls for how they only popped upon striking the pins. They zoomed through the Pipin-Pop Juice Bar to fetch a Cookie-Dough Milkshake and some of their signature Pickled Pixel smoothies. They waved to Pinkie's place of education Digital High and marveled at how literally every high school looks more or less the same. Finally, they ended their tour at Pixel Pinkie's humble abode.
They walked in to find wilted plants and a pile of mail, Pinkie zapped the letters straight and sprayed the plants back to health. Drew glanced to see the TV screen display the time.
"Quarter to nine, hour thirteen to the end." Jim then watched as the screen open up to reveal fruits and pastries. "What, is it a TV or a mini-fridge."
"Both!" chimed the three girls together.
Pinkie zoomed in to press a button that swapped out the current shelves with a full stock of different beverages. "Want a drink?"
"Yes, please." Jim smiled to an already full Drew's shock. "We'd love to as long as there's alcohol in it."
Drew reacted accordingly "Wait, as in Beer?"
"To cushion your systems, 'member?" Jim handed Drew his drink. "Bright pink, so these aren't those Pickled Pixel Smoothies from the Pipin-Pop?"
"No, silly!" giggled the digital djinn. "They're Binary Boosters."
They had their seats and spent the next hour watching some Televoid programming that didn't remind them of the dire situation Yggdrasil's been left in by the loss of Drew's home universe. They settled on a neighborly fellow in a sweater that seemed to fit his spirit quite well, like the calling card of an old friend.
"Three minutes to go, pal." Jim sighed to his colleague. "Better say your farewells here and now, mates."
"It's been real, Mister Maine." waved Nina.
Drew stood in silence.
"Don't forget about us, okay?" chimed Pinkie.
Drew nodded in silence.
"To think I used to believe you were a constant to our world..." Annie sighed to the beta-male Neet, "To see you leave feels like a rite of passage."
Drew smiled in silence.
"Cat got your tongue mate?" asked Jim.
Drew turned away in silence.
Jim realized what he meant in terms of his emotional state. "Homesick, are we?"
"I'm scared of what lies ahead in the next Loop." Drew sobbed to the fellow on the screen. "I don't know if I can go home to my family, they're the last specks I've got left."
"It's okay to be afraid," the man in the cardigan said from the screen, gaining the attention of all involved. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor, smiling his familiar, gentle smile. "Being afraid is normal, and these are scary times. So, it's okay to be afraid."
"You ought to know, don't you." Drew glanced to the bloodstained cardigan in his closet. "You've clearly been Looping for a lot longer than any of us put together."
"But I'm far from the first, and so are you." Drew had a chuckle at that line, the man on screen looked down for a moment, sighed, and looked back up. He'd put away his smile for now. "Sometimes, people do bad things. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that they forget. They forget that other people are people, too. That everyone else can also feel fear, and love, and hope. Sad and happy, and all the other things that people feel. And, because they forget, they do bad things, hurtful things.
"And some people refuse to remember." Drew sat in depression. "Like our natural Pedovore Predators."
The man's eyes narrowed "Please don't bring those bugs into this."
"Sorry, neighbor." Drew meekly retreated. "It's just that I'm worried for tomorrow."
"Well, There will be a tomorrow. I promise you there will." The man on the screen reassured. "And there will be a day after that, and another after that, and so on and so on."
"Life goes on, for us Loopers more than ever." Drew smiled to the kindly soul. "Even though I still want to see a day where I can wake up from this acursed nightmare."
"And I want to believe that we will all see that day, all of us together." The man looked away for just a moment, nodded at something off-screen and sighed. "But some of us won't, and that makes me very sad. But being sad is like being afraid. It's okay to be sad when bad things happen."
Drew looked to the screen and remembered the good times they shared.
He adjusted the zipper on his cardigan and looked back at the camera. "It's almost time," he said, and his voice sounded so heavy, so unlike his usual self. Drew looked to a nearby clock, and saw and understood why.
"Minute and twenty to Loopend." Jim spoke in a melancholy tone.
"Life is going to be hard, from here on. If there is someone near you, hug them. Hold on to them just as tight as you can, and don't let go." The man instructed to the travelling Looper. "And, if you do get to see tomorrow, try to remember about people. Don't forget that other people are people, too. And, maybe, that way we won't make the same mistakes again."
"We'll do our best." chimed Drew. "For Yggdrasil's sake, We'll keep other fellas in mind and work to make it a hell of a lot better than the shit-hole we had back home."
The man held up his hand, palm flat out like he was waving goodbye. "I really hope I get to see you all again soon. Remember that I love you so, so much." One last smile, courageous and hopeful.
"Goodbye, Pixel Pinkie of Plenty." Drew echoed the man's hopeful smile with all his heart. "Thank you for letting me be your neighbor."
Branch 2: Alpha Force Go!
- Admin: Ptah (Egyptian god of creation, the arts, fertility, and craftsmen)
- Anchor: Natalie Jay
- Loopers: Jess Paltrivel, Jade Paltrivel, Chase 'Tidbit' Paltrivel, Frieda 'Fluffernut' Paltrivel, Gomez Cruz
Drew Awoke in someone's backyard, naked with absolutely nothing on hand but a phone. Thankfully the towel went over his legs, lord knows how they'd handle his round of indecent exposure. Drew dashed from wall to wall, hiding from Authorities as much as possible while hunting for the nearest clothing store. He aimed his sight at a slumbering HitchHiker and slammed his back against the wall, both sides in a panic for different reasons.
"What place is this!?" Yelped Drew.
"Chestnut County" the freeloading wanderer answered. "Rural Kentucky"
Drew then asked "What Year!?"
"It's '06!" This caused Drew to drop him on his hide and ran off on his way, but not before taking something in return. "Sonnavabitch took m'pants!"
Drew dashed from the fuzz as fast as he could whilst speedily dialing Jim's phone number in an attempt to make contact. "Come on, pick up..."
The tone held its sound as Drew waited for the Coppers to pass him by, tapping his feet impatiently and silently waited for an answer. "Go for Jimbo."
"Ah, yes!" Drew's smile widened. "Thank the tree! Cops are coming after me, what do I do?"
"So you spontaneously appeared as I have?" Jim eyed from across the phoneline. "Exquisite, Now listen well. Look for a department store to hide in and you'll be relatively fine."
"Station." Drew dashed across the shopping plaza and slid into the clothes isle where he dug for whatever clothes that they had in his size. In his rummaging stealth, he soon comes across a folded photograph that he mistakes for a pricetag, Drew unfolds it to see a picture of a house in a rural neighborhood and an address written on the back.
"Is this where I can set up shop."
Drew marched to the Paltrivel House and glanced to the farm in front of him then to the corresponding photo with the address printed on it. "Yep. That's the place."
Drew marched to the front door and knocked on the door.
On the other side, a slumbering brunette and her sister were dreaming about being magical girls in the Paper Mario world when a faint knocking sound got a certain guinea pig stirring.door.
"Ugh... Can't a lass get some sleep around here..." growled the rodent before she went to tickle the elder of the two sisters. "Jess, we got company. So go wake yourself up so you can Wake up!"
The elder twin Jess mumbled something along the lines of 'altri tre minuti' before the little ball of fluff whistled to a pet dog who then dashed into the open window to proceed with licking the girl's face. "Alright, I'm awake and I am Loopy-Awake! Just hold still while I get the magic happening."
With a snap of her fingers, Jess activated a power that typically would have laid dormant in her Unawake self for a couple more months and channeled her human DNA into a beam of light which penetrated her pets as they jumped head first into the light.
Drew was tapping his feet with impatience when out of the blue, a young girl in a green carrot-stamped tee with blotches of brown and white in her ebony black hair opened the door and greeted with a bracefaced smile: "Hi, you're just in time for Dance Gazebo!"
"Cut it out, fluff..." mumbled the eldest of the apparent siblings. "Obviously they're travelling loopers from a near-dead branch that is waiting for their branch to go back to normal."
"Eh, you could say that..." Jim's comment earned him a cold-iron stare from his guest. "Is this not the Paltrivel residence."
"Indeed it is," Leaned the girl in green, "...and you have reached the younglings of the Paltrivel Clan. How can I help ya?"
"Erm, yes. We've just been scuttled here for an order of fifty fused loops solid." explained Jim. "Think you can get us a place to stay?"
"Wait, your pocket's not big enough to sustain life beyond a fortnight?" the girl in green piped to an eerily still Drew Lea Maine. "Mine neither, come on in."
The two foreign Loopers stepped through the doors to greet the other sisters as they encountered a young cornhusker on his way to the greenhouse, the fellow greets them with a tip of his hat. "Mornin', Name's Chase."
"No, Chase!" reaffirmed the farm boy. "There are a couple Loopers out there with that name, y'know."
"Like the bad guy?" Drew bluntly interjected. "Sorry, mate. Don't exactly think fellons can loop, love."
Jim glanced to the frowning farm boy and proposed: "Can you at least show us around?"
"By all means." Drew followed the man into the empty greenhouse. "This recently installed?"
"Yes, actually. Dad recently started Looping and he made sure to pocket an insta-building from a Loop into Robinson Industries just for me." Chase smiled as he pointed his thumb towards himself. "It helps to protect us from the Big Pharma tyranny."
"A right-wing family, right?" Eyed Drew.
"With left-wing sisters." joked Chase to Jess' chagrin. "So what can I do fer ya, partner?"
"There's that buzzword again, big pharma." Mentioned Drew to the token male of the Paltrivel children. "What does that have to do with the Loops?"
"Big Pharma's the biggest arm of the human domestication phase of the Pedovore's scheme for the consumption of humanity." Chase leaned upon the glass as the dawn broke. "One arm takes the guns, this other arm poisons the species and the planet. That's the way these natural predators of humankind function, take a species hardwired to innovate and conquer then crash them from within. Basic Pedovore tactics."
"We hunt Pedovores is what we're saying." Jade completed.
"Only if they sneak in." corrected Jess, "Pedovores cant be reset after Loops, that's how our admins coded these things."
"Doesn't mean the worlds they churn out are as squeaky-clean as they believe!" Jade then pulled out a R.Y.N.O. from her Subspace Pocket. "Trust me, if there's an earth older than 1823, there will be Pedovores and it's our job to wipe 'em out as quickly as we can."
"Be it through Nat's flight, my shape-shifting, Chase's strong senses, or Jade's Avatar-iness. We got it covered." Jess smirked to her Looping Junior, unaware of the Looper envy she unintentionally stirred in one Drew Lea Maine.
"We're this branch's chosen Heroes!"
Loop B2
"Almost done," smiled Doc McStuffins as she stitched Fluffernut's gut back together. "There, good as new!"
"Thanks." smiled the little guinea pig as she hopped to and fro. "The whole plush toy angle doesn't normally happen, but I'm glad you could step right in."
"Always happy to help!" waved the medicine girl as she went on her way.
"She's hella talented, I can give her that." breathed Jade. "But the question is, Is she really one of us?"
"Oh! It's Rick! I gotta go change and fast!" Doc McStuffins adjusted a knob on a gizmo she pulled from her pocket which she used on herself to draw blood before shooting a dart to Fluff. "Does this answer your question?" McStuffins dashed into the road hailing "Taxi!" which ends up summoning a heavy truck to run her over her tiny body.
"No!" barked Drew to the carcass. "Suicide does not answer your question, It doesn't answer any question! All it does is take every answer you'd have straight to the grave in a blatant prison planet escape like..."
Fluffernut's groans of sickness and discomfort were heard as the plush grew fatter and thicker in a state of pain that reminded the poor rodent of that one hub Loop except it was much more violent and destructive to her organs.
"corn-nuts..." Fluffernut wobbled in pain before exploding into cloth and fluff with a rapidly maturing infant leapt from the patient's abdomen which resembled McStuffins as she kept growing, taller and broader she grew, blossoming into a woman as she put on panties, skinny-jeans and an oversized lab-coat to appeal to the oncoming storm. (Not that one.)
"Sanchez!" she greeted to her senior. "Effin' Science Squad represent!"
"McStuffins!" Rick responded with a fist bump. "You up to stitch together Digimon Plushies in a mishmash style for kicks?"
"Yeah, you're on skill crane detail." the two chuckled it up as they opened a portal somewhere else with a cheer of "WUBBA-LUBBA DUB-DUB!"
Natalie stepped out of the lobby in time to catch a shirtless medicine woman march through a green portal in lockstep with a mad scientist. "What the farts just happened!?"
"My pet got killed to produce a clone, our plushie vet's a Frankenstein-type distaff Sid-ette who's a slut for Rick Sanchez..." Jess was beginning to tear up from one of the instances where her cute little Fluffernut wound up dead by the end of the Loop. "And he actually considers her to be among the subatomic percentage of Loopers he actually respects... on the same level... as SAKURA FRACKING HARUNOOOOOoooo!"
Jade was peeved at how the situation pecked at her sister. "I need to hit something!"
Drew picked up a bookbag to his chest. "Just hit my backpack, I got four text books and two sets of gym clothes in here."
Jade promptly went ahead and punched the bag, the result saw Drew feeling Jade's fist pulsating through the bag as he writhed in pain.
"And the worst part?" Piped Natalie to Jim and the rest of her fellow Loopers. "This is her twenty-seventh Loop!"
Only one word could sum up Jim's shock at this turn of events.
Loop B3
"That amoral bitch!" snarled Fluffernut as Jess began to enchant her guinea pig body. "I swear to Faiz, if I get my hands on 209.x, I will wreck her shit so bad-"
"Easy fluff," eased Chase as he bit into his apple. "Odds of a Fused Loop with that branch are like a million to one, I don't think we're seeing her again."
"Easy for you to say..." Fluff stretched her expanding arms and legs as she reached for her bra and panties. "you're big enough to qualify as Not a chew toy in the Loop's eyes."
Chase rolled his eyes. "Could you at least try to focus on the bigger picture?"
"Could ya try to remember the shit that killed ya every once in while?" Fluffernut's chittery voice shifted into the groans of a healthy human teenager as she slid her jeans onto her broadening legs. "If Doc McFrankenstein thinks she can use me as an incubation chamber, she's got another thing coming."
"Come now, Miss Paltrivel. We all have our sour notes on one day or another." Glared Drew. "Just look at me, my sour notes were back when my mum grounded me, weaker business, the obliteration of my homeplanet. Y'know, the mundane stuff."
"Pft, Earther." Snarked Fluffernut, who had now shed the last of her fur and became the fully-human Frieda Paltrivel that answered the door for him just a decade earlier. "Come on, old man. It's your turn to make breakfast."
"Right then." So Drew went to prepare Pop-Tarts and Waffles.
The batter was sprinkled with Oreo bits.
Loop B4
It was one of those Loops which aged him down to match his teenaged Anchor, something he's encountered once or twice in Plenty. So that left him four years to live out a relatively normal High School life with the Paltrivel Sisters and the rest of their entourage.
"So to recap, half your siblings are your pets but turned human, you gained that power among an assortment of abilities accumulated over the series." Drew brought up to the one-time candidate for the role of Anchor. "Is there anything you could show me?"
Jess thought for a moment before asking "Have you nailed down your pings?"
"Yeah, it's the one with psychic energy, right?" asked Drew before Jess frowned and handed Drew the Hitchhiker's Guide for a refresher course.
The Ping is a technique invented by one Ranma Saotome: the very first Looper in all reality. Known to many a Looper as a noteworthy power to track down fellow Loopers, this Ping releases a distinct tone exclusively to the eardrums of an organism imprinted with the Looping Soul of that matches the physical form. If you wish to improve on the Ping, an added dose of telepathy for example, do not entertain the ambitions and methods of Doctor Ian Malcom of Branch --- under any circumstances. Known effects include the bleeding of brain tissue, concussive explosions, spontaneous combustion and the crashing of Loops. Any persisting after-effects from Malcom experiments must the reported to his universe's corresponding Anchor Dr. Alan Grant.
It was then, after Drew read version of this passage in his now outdated version of the guide, did two sets of legs strided themselves into the classroom, one in blue that simply waved to the student body, and another in red that spotted the quite youthened up still very recognizable face of our current protagonist.
"Gods, that ...Bitch again!?" Drew yelped.
"Jesus, ...that dork again?" sighed Heather.
Jess was dumbfounded. "Okay, what did she do?"
"Not much." answered Veronica. "She just flexed her Formative Loop muscles in a punishment Loop that never bothered to, I dunno, Null out her Looper Powers by going Read-Only like everyone else."
"Hold on," Accentuated Jade. "There are punishment Loops that let you do that?"
"Only when the Admin in question is apathetic enough." Veronica glared "And only when they think you haven't had a formative Loop."
"Girl, you sayin' you spent some time around?" Jade eyed to her classmate.
"Formative Loop in Winx, I was a fairy for a spell." Veronica then congered up an ice cube to drop into her drink. "Condensation and Ice Magic really helps with filtering out any chemtrails that might be slipped in by any tyrants uphill."
"Yeah, so where'd she end up?" Nat's question sent Veronica flashing back to the surprising tail end of that Loop.
The two rocket vans whirred and zoomed across the area while the two taunted each other "You throw like a freshman!"
"Says the broad that never finished a senior year during her days in the Loops." Jim snarked back to an infuriated Heather, the result saw the demon queen of Westerberg channel a special attack just for him, something she picked up in the Toriyama Cluster of '85.
"Good lord, the glow!" Drew's eyes widened. "It's like some sort of... Death Ball!"
"Poppycock!" sneered Jim to his junior. "That Ki-based bruhahaw's native to the Toriyama Cluster! The only way she can learn Death Ball if she lived out a fused loop as an Arcosi@41!\#&^:-"
"Krispity Christler! You had a Formative Loop in the Toriyama Cluster!?" Natalie panicked, her alliterative accentuation making the nostalgic classmate internally sqeak in bliss. "How long did you last out there? You know for a fact that you risk Ascension the longer you last there!"
"Calm down, bird brain." Heather groaned to the native Anchor. "I've spent plenty of Loops keeping my cool starting with the exact same Loop where I got these mad skills."
"A Heather learning self-control?" sneered Jade. "Please, you max out dear-old dad's card on a regular basis even before the Loops. What makes you think you know how to keep your power from bubbling over?"
"Ohohoho! Say that to my face!" Laughed Heather. "I... DARE YOU!!"
She erupted in a burst of energy enveloped with a bright golden glow, the ground shaking underneath her high heels as Jade's eyes glowed a radiant baby blue to indicate that Jade was engaged in.
"The Avatar State?" asked Drew.
"No, it's the spark of energy that summons the Elemental Dragon Yogcastel" corrected Natalie Jay as a storm brewed inside of the classroom
Drew was not impressed. "So... the Avatar State."
"All the way down to being a defense mechanism."
Loop B5
"Okay, we have ourselves a birthday in the house!" Fatz Geronimo's baritone sounded off across the locally-run Showbiz Pizza joint. Drew had tallied his chronological age one day in July, twenty-four years on his home planet, sixty-four years among the Loopers of Plenty and came to the realization that with the twelve years he spent in Chestnut City in an alternative version of Rural Kentucky... he would be one-hundred years old the following month.
- Happy Birthday to you
- Happy Birthday to you
- Happy Cen'try, dear Earther.
- Happy Birthday to you
"Pft, that's nothing." snarked Jade in a rather sassy tone to her voice. "We're both far older than you in terms of centuries."
"Really, now? I hadn't noticed." sneered Drew before making a snazzy comeback relying on sheer happenstance. "And now that you bruised my ego, allow me to heal it in the only way I can. One more time, mates!"
"Okay, we have ourselves a birthday in the house!" Once more did Fatz Geronimo sound off, and once more was there cringe in the Paltrivel table.
"I rest my case." And with that, Drew sat down and got to his three-layer peanut-butter chocolate cake and cookie dough ice cream.
"W-Whadi-!" Jade struggled to express her rage but all she could ultimately spout was: "Class act, earther nerd! I'll sock it to his face one day, you arrogant frock-tucker..."
"Simmer down, sis." Calmed the more approachable of the twins. "I already have one sister with a grudge, I don't need another."
"Alright, Birthday Boy." Nat glared as she took a bite into her cake. "Present time."
Drew opened one of the bigger boxes, hoping it wasn't another console he already had pocketed for himself and instead he found himself with this bulky iPad with metallic blue casing. Attaching it to his wrist caused a Deck of cards to spontaneously pop out of a slot on the bottom-right of the device as a flat surface of energy-made mass.
"Holy Crow!" yelped a shocked Drew Lea Maine. "This is a Duel Disk!"
"From a sleeping universe damaged by the event that caused all this." Natalie Jay spoke with a mournful tone before pulling a gigantic gauntlet from her Subspace Pocket that was outfitted with a triad of gattling guns. "And this bad boy is a mass-produced copy of an ancient weapon belonging to an unknown hero, even from the Loop that never was..."
A sudden stillness filled the air as the Loopers looked in confusion.
"But we don't talk about that!"
Loop B6
An aerocruiser was arriving from Finland today and a family of high-ranking Aristocrats were awaiting a Miss Pheobe Murdoch and a Miss Juünko Disney to step from the opening doors of the finely-crafted vessel, all while a few eavesdropping congoers were hiding in plain sight.
"Move over, Nat!" piped Fluffernut, sitting atop Jess' head as she calmly sat behind her anchor atop her owner's head. "How the nuts am I gonna oggle at the two walking money-sacks if I can't see 'em!?"
Drew rolled his eyes at the guinea pig (at the moment). "You couldn't have turned human and asked for her autograph?"
"You do not understand!" moaned our furry friend. "They're two halves of the same two-decade legacy that influenced me back when I was just a little critter!"
"Then go to them!" Huffed Drew in annoyance.
"But they're from two families of the rarest of all travelling Loopers." squeaked a panicking Fluffernut. "I can't just walk up as Frieda and smile for the camera!"
Thus, Miss Jessica Renesme Paltrivel got an awful idea.
One that a certain Mister Drew Lea Maine was all too happy to enforce.
Try as she might to evade her human masters, but all it took was the strong grasp of one Jadine Caspian Paltrivel to contain the little rodent and pin her to the collar of a dress shirt and brown vest.
A snap of the fingers and it was it, the guinea pig watched as her stubby little body grew longer and wider to make her a foot tall, two feet tall, three feet, then four. And when the magic faded, Fluffernut was no more. Instead, the two celebrity Loopers were presented with a neatly dressed (by her usual standards, at least) Frieda Nicole Paltrivel.
"Big fan, Loves your work." smirked and directed the lone son Chase Tidbit Paltrivel as he went on his way. But what good was that trick was going to do for a girl who pretends to have a lot more social experience than she does in reality.
Pheobe rolled her eyes and glanced at the trembling lass. "Best Season of Power Rangers?"
"Toss up." gulped Frieda, her face sweating bullets. "Between SPD and Time Force."
Juünko cocked a grin upon her face. "Good taste, I respect that."
"'M more into Mighty Morphin, myself." added Pheobe as she leaned against the rails. "Can't get much more classy than the OG team of the Zordon Era."
"Eheheh... f'sure..." Frieda giggled awkwardly at the presence of such celebrity splendor as they seemed to have. All of this glitz and glamour thrown around them, however, boggled the simple mind of the man from behind the video store counter.
"The bloomin' 'ell is her claim to fame?"
Jim merely looked to Drew with a smile and chirped "They're dragons!"
Drew was dumbfounded "What?"
"Ooh!" Jim jumped from his seat and piped. "There's another!"
"Where?" Drew's gaze aimed to a familiar girl, silver locks, inkjet-striped beanie, black and white hair decorative cubes.
"Hey!" Drew recognized this maiden from a mile away. "I know that broad from home! Made me look the fool by taking off with my one-night stand and leaving me in the dirt!"
"And yet, there she is in the flesh..." sighed Jim. "With her eyes permanently fixed to a poorly protected app on her smartphone, what a waste of productivity if ever I saw it."
"How even are you intuitively judgemental in the quality of-" Drew slapped his forehead erratically. "Whatever! I'm gonna get up there and go give that snatch what for!"
Jade watched Drew roll up his sleeves and march ever closer to the crowd on his way to the Travelling Loopers. "I reckon that'd be hella retar of ya?"
"And why, dare I ask?!"
No sooner was Drew greeted by the sight of the dramatic exit of a pair of majestic creatures, one was in the form of a crimson and gold kitsune with radiant ears and flowing twin tails, another was a silver dragon that was partly metal and mechanical while being partly real and organic in nature. The kitsune trotting and leaping in bounds to keep up with the soaring dragon as it amazed the crowd and satisfied the Loopers that watched ever onward.
The Frequency Dragons are the most well versed Loopers, some say are older than even Ranma Saotome: the first Anchor of the Infinite Loops. The first two eggs ever to incubate these Dragons being hatched as early as the twenty-third iliteration of 19-- and hatching in the care of one Walter Elias Disney in 1941. The manifestation of these Eggs are an effect of the initial use for the Infinite Time Loops programme, which was to reset the Jesus Christ Infinite Reality Factory in his home town of Nezzareth following emergency situations brought about by specific transmutations and compressions of these alternative versions of whatever universes the Lespirans personally crafted. It is an art of the supposed Gods and Goddesses to craft and create their own universe, and archiving them across every Hub and near-Hub they deem suitable can, has, might, and will prove to be a gamble for the other side. Sometimes, this archived reflection of that universe will be cherished as a classic of its time while others end up reviled and disfigured, some come out in the form of bland and hollow trend-chasing cash-ins as others would come out as those one would recognize as cheezy-but-enjoyable romps. Some immediately cling to a central consciousness whereas others linger in waiting before meeting its mastermind. But it is with the Archival of these worlds and their stories that could produce a reward well worth the risk.
Loop B7
Mom, Mems, Family and Staff
You mentioned that the world is ravaged with this man-made climate change, and I've no room to deny you on that. It's just that the source of such calamity isn't what you think.
Loop B8
Loop B14
.UPN Murder Mystery.
Loop B16
.CW Makes the headlines.
Loop B22
.Drew finding the Frequency Dragons.
"Let's see, I was born somewhere between Loops 22 to 60 in '92." Chelsea recounted to her companion. "Dee was born in '83 on Loop 24, Nikki on the 25th loop of '77, six years older than Dee!"
"Wait, you talking loops in the 90s? 80s? SEVENTIESS?!" Drew was outright flabbergasted. "You mean you've been repeating time for decades and I hadn't even noticed."
"Yep." Chelsea leaned against the wall of her ship. "It's more or less a failsafe made after the death of the first Lespiran left his descendants in a stir."
"Lespiran..." Something in Drew's mind inevitably clicked into place, something quite unpleasant. "Those are the guys that nuked my planet!"
"The Lespirans?" Chelsea glanced in shock.
Branch 3: Fighting Foodons
- Admin: Edasia
- Anchor: Oslo
- Loopers: Chase, Kayla, Pie-Tin
"Yes, Drew."
"Why are we Ponies?" Indeed they were young horses pushing the fully-stocked food cart run by a ragtag group of up-and-coming master chefs. Their In-Loop memories kicked in to reveal that they served the three young cooks Pie-Tin, Kayla, and Chase.
The cart made its stop with the designated guardian of the group, a saucerer named Oslo, acted to awaken the three. They seemed very young, to the point where Chase is the only one of the three cooks scratching above the Japanese age of consent. "...morning, Oslo."
"We have a big day ahead of us, we need to just how much of us are Loopy today."
"Fine." Chase sent out a ping.
Branch 4: Growing Around
- Admin:
- Anchor: Sally
- Loopers: Lynda, Timmy, Robert
"Y'know, Jim." Said Drew. "I'm starting to get the hang of these loops. We just assume the roles of authority figures and roll with the punches as it goes along?"
"Now you're catching my drift." Jim grinned as their bus arrived at its destination. "Ah, yes. We're here. Come along, Mister Maine!"
The two gentlemen exited the bus only to find themselves at a literal "School!?"
"Must be some sort of higher education." Assumed Drew as Jim calmly shook his head.
They made their way to their classroom and awaited the first bell, and once the door swung open to reveal...
-Child Teacher-
Drew Lea Maine sunk his head onto his desk. "I don't understand this universe..."
"Hitler Oven, get your certified thermonuclear Hitler Oven here!" Drew was altered by the Loop to be younger due to being set during Linda's childhood and boy, did he ever take advantage of this. "Cause nothing says Lovin quite like a Hitler Oven! It makes a great hahnakuh gift! Perfect for baking goodies and it is most definitely the final solution to all your baking needs! Get your Hitler Ovens." 70
"You have got to be kidding..." Linda sighed to herself as she stood before the possible con man. "They might be blissfully unaware of your world's history, but I'm not!" 30
"Pft, like it ever happened here!" Drew Snorted as he leaned on the cave walls, "The quick and easy way it cooks is itself a certified Money Printer for me and it'll help me in my fund to get back my ol Blockbuster!" 43
"I get it, you wanna go home or at least to your family." Linda recounted. "But that doesn't mean you can poison and sterilize your customers with what's clearly deadly radiation." 30
"Who cares, no Looper can give birth to anyone beside those they produce in baseline, right?" remembered Drew. "'s why you're always gonna churn out Timmy and Sally, 'zat it?" 30
"I think you have no Idea how our civilization actually works," Linda's words spoke truth to the foolish man as he continued his pitch. "And how do you think you're going to sell these things from a dank, dark volcano cave." 40
"Bright Lights!" The cave then lit up with neon, blinding Linda for a few seconds before she quickly regained composure. 20
"Well, I wish you the best cause at this point... you're gonna need it." Linda could only cringe at this song and dance before noticing that a small, stringy tail had grown behind her back. "And my body's starting to mutate, well that's just prime!" 45
"Day Tres!" 2
Drew was arrogantly boasting the length of the sale to his potential customers, unwilling to accept the realities of his product's side effects even when they stare him dead in the face. "Come on down and get your Hitler Oven!" 40
Linda began marching to Drew again, though she looked a bit taller than last he saw her, but it was probably just the scales and the tail growing thicker on her young body. "Why are you still doing this, Drew?" 40
"Capitalism, my dear Linda." Drew leaned to the comparatively younger Looper. "There is a market that needs to be filled and I fully intend to be that proverbial cream filling." 30
"Do you even know the damage you are doing to our ecosystem!?" barked Linda to the poor fool as she pointed to a line of disgruntled, yet deathly ill customers. "The radiation poisoning is slowly killing everyone within the miles of proximity that oven boasts. We all have full grounds for a class-action lawsuit, and it's all your fault!" 60
"Ah, but you forget that with the Loops any and all consequence is inherently meaningless!" Snorted Drew as he arrogantly huffed back to whoring out his collection of toxic appliances. 30
"Fine, my back is starting to itch anyway..." lamented Linda as she made her way back home where she could at least hide her slow, painful metamorphosis from her audience. 30
The Vindicators just so happened to be in this particular corner of the galaxy and were more than happy to shill his product, but there were naturally some concerns from its more eco-conscious members. "Mister Maine, I sense that this continent's ecosystem is going sterile from radiation. Has it ever occured to you that your 'Hitler Oven' product is doing more harm than good?" 65
"Pish-posh, Million Ants."
Branch 5: Animorphs
- Admin:
- Vacation Variant: 128/200
- Current Anchor: Larry Boyd
- Current Loopers: Lilly Turnbull, Manny Hermendez, Michael Webster, Tara Webster, Skipper, Libby (Activates later on), Jared (Activates later on)
"Let's talk about the French Revolution!" grinned Jim as he got out an old history book for the class, he rambled somewhat the Guilotine and how the French Nobility was put down by Napoleon Bonaparte and his merry men in favor of a democracy akin to the United States of America. The then finished: "So Napoleon brought the provincial state of France to a new age, but do you know what happened next?"
Silence filled the air for all of two-and-a-half seconds until a hand was raised. Jim meekly whispered: "Yes."
It came from a boy with wavy blonde hair and floppy ears. "He put a crown on his head."
"And made himself the emperor, yes!" Jim then continued to detail the betrayal Napoleon brought against the human race.
Eris D. Shivie, a greenhorn of the Felt. A mafia of MLEs activated by mythos hackers such as Abyzou, a Jewish pedovore farmer from the tragically ill-fated Pangea G69-898. Her type of time shenanagans has her hack the judicial system, cause a time crime and leave evidence aimed at innocent shmucks.
What was she doing in such a lavish penthouse? Obviously the work of investments and advice implanted into the past by fellow greenhorn LaPiss. He may look like a human version of a similarly named Edelsteki but with a bushy moustache, but Eisheth activated him with a specific purpose for bankrolling whatever the Felt needs for the moment. All he needs is a golden bar for the transaction to occur.
It went so freaking well, all our core members survived every attack they threw at us, we purged all of their operatives from the Vatican to the EU, We even had the Yeerk Peace Movement sign a treaty with the rest of the collective. But fate often finds a way to trip us at the finish line if we get too cocky, and it came with the one-two punch of Yeerk Conquest loyalists and the judge of their post-war trial: Daemond Doom.
The Abortion of the Loop was mercifully swift and we were sent into a Game Loop with the Time Matrix scattering the core of all existence, My personal Levels included the French Revolution, American Civil War, and the sinking of the SS Titanic.
And to describe what I saw on that peculiar Loop was something that can shake the foundation of the whole damn tree...
Perhaps that's why a particular Admin wants me to shut up about it.
"And if I refuse." asked Drew as he got his pencil out.
Fand then pointed a Magic Wand. "Then I'll just erase your memory!"
"Fair enough, I suppose." Drew shrugged to the Goddess.
.Drew and Fand talk.
What Drew Saw
"Oh, dear." spoke Gerald. "I hadn't thought of that!"
And so, he who was the lead designer of Yggdrasil, the mastermind of the infinite probability factory, and the originator of all existence promptly dissipated out of continuity in a puff of Logic.
- Jared is approached by the Masked Mutant upon his activation.
- Visser Three engages in Bloodbending to manipulate Masked Mutant's body to take the form of a Puddle of Acid.
They readied themselves to square off against the two fellons when the fabric of reality began to quake from under them, a cosmic roar for Food could be heard filling the air.
"Yes, Manny."
"What the nuts was that, some kinda earthquake!?"
As they bickered, they failed to notice Visser Three slipping into his ship. -Time to hit the ol' cosmic trail-
"Why leave now?" asked the Masked Mutant. "We've only just begun to have such fun together."
-I got what my activator paid for, so now I can ascend and leave those wreched Animorphs with nothing.- Visser Three stared down the Supervillain with his tendril-like eyestalks.
"Well, speak up! I haven't got all day!" The Masked Mutant growled only to meet the sting of a bloodbending Yeerk-controlled andilite manipulating his dominion over his personal molecular structure. He felt his form liquify into acid, the life flickering and fading from his eyes. "Sweet Visser.... the faiz..."
-Welcome to the Multiverse... Old Chum...- Visser Three snarled before cackling with a sinister chuckle to signal his activation.
"Did he just say what I thought he said?" Skipper panicked as the Gammamorphs reacted to the puddle of acid where the Masked Mutant once stood, fearful of the very prospect of a Looping Yeerk.
Branch 6: Dragon Queen
- Admin: Marianne
- Anchor: Aelwen
“I don’t understand…” Aelwen was in utter shock of her situation. “I’m human again?”
"Aelwen?" A familiar voice. The Queen's Voice.
Mother's Voice.
Aelwen rushed to her mother and clung to her with every fiber of her being. "Wow, tis... tis uncommon for the birthday girl to give a birthday hug on the first waking..."
"I know, mum..." Aelwen sobbed uncontrollably, "I just don't want to let go."
In that instant, two men randomly appeared in odd clothing, one clad in sleeping trousers, the other in a bright blue petticoat. They both patted themselves in every body part they can touch before glazing through the castle room.
"Blast! The Loop got Cancelled," cursed the man in the sleeping trousers. "and we're stuck in one of those midievil loops!"
"Cragnabbit!" the one in the petticoat then noticed the queen and her daughter. "Raise your hand if you're feeling Loopy today?"
"Seize them!" All the Queen's horses and all the queen's men (...likey back from putting humpty together again) readied their weaponry at the two strangers.
"Now, now... We come bearing the crest of a neighboring kingdom." The man in the petticoat then showcased a white flag. "The Nohrian house of Lorenzen offers a trade agreement, you supply resources and we supply cannons, you know what those are, right?"
They glanced to each other before petticoat man declared "All we ask is a word with your daughter."
The Queen frowned. "If this is a matter of courtship and this early in her life at that-"
"No, No. Just trade and sharing tales of wonder." the petticoat man acted to introduce himself and his companion. "I am sir James and this is my apprentice, Drew Lee Maine."
"Hi, Glad to meet you." Drew couldn't think of a better way to greet the princess. "So, doth thou verily... sense something Loopy about this morn?"
She raised an eyebrow and made her way to her room after a kiss goodbye to her mum.
Aelwen rushed out to the balcony to join Jim and Drew and what she saw was a spot of sheer horror.
"What sorcery is this!?" she cried.
"It's a virus!" Yelped Jim in a panic. "From the same clod that nearly totaled Yggdrasil!"
"To put it bluntly, he's the reason you're going to be stuck repeating the same damn chunk of your life over and over." Drew added to fill in the fair maiden. "The damn prick probably cooked up a backup plan over the past... how many?"
"2.7 Trillion Years." Jim bluntly answered.
"Seriously?" Drew was shocked, but unsurprised.
Branch 7: Signalm Brace
- Admin:
- Anchor: Jesse O'Bera
- Loopers: Alexandra Hampshire, Trasme Capulet, Narnia 'Narnie' Paravel.
Drew Awoke in a cabin on a ship, it resembled a pirate ship made amphibious for space travel.
Infinite Tropes
--> Starting Line
The HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity
!! The HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity contains examples of: -Chapter One-
- CorruptCorporateExecutive: Plenty of Pedovores fall into this.
- CrapsackWorld: Among the reasons why they set Drew's universe for destruction.
- EarthShatteringKaboom: The opening shot of Endrimorne's manifestation into being.
- InsignificantLittleBluePlanet: Drew's entire home universe is this to the Lespirans.
- MesACroud: Pedovores are said to be extensions of the Lake of Fire.
- PresidentEvil: A whole crew of Pedovore elites fall into this.
-Chapter Two-
- BizarreAlienBiology: Pedovores poison humans with the stuff that nourishes them like Floride and Aluminum.
-Chapter Three-
- BigFancyCastle: A Castle Ball can create a Looping one of these, whether the castle will be seen later in the series is anyone's guess.
- CloningBlues: San is a clone of Crow Hogan grown as a vessel for Wiraqocha Rasca by the Jackal. It's fairly obvious that the rest of the Earthbound Immortals received the same treatment.
- CallForward: Crow's scream can be heard echoing through each of the upcoming books.
- Dystopia: One loop sees our heroes end up in one of these.
- EstablishingCharacterMoment: The Felt promptly kicked Jim, Drew, and Pinkie to the Curb
- MythologyGag: San's appearance being a clone of Crow references how original plans had him as a Dark Signer.
- OhCrap: The Felt have established a straight-up Franchise to spread their evil across the Loops, think about that for a moment.
- RunningGag: Crow's Scream is more or less destined to be this what with the upcoming titles in the series and all.
- SequelHook: If there's another story to be told another time, expect a snip or even an entire book to be made of this sometime in the future.
- SkywardScream: Crow's reaction to the Clones. It winds up echoing across space and time itself.
- UnexpectedCharacter
- Annie's formative Loop ends up being YinYangYo.
- YouAreNumberSix: There is apparently a Universe Numbering System in the Infinite Loops
-Chapter Four-
- IKnowMaddenKombat: Drew has mastered the Breadwinners Arcade Game in his youth, much to Jim's amusement.
- PersonOfMassDestruction: Heather Chandler looping in as Freeza, not a good sign in the slightest when her baseline self tends to be a mythic bitch.
- RealityBreakingParadox: Deleting the ingredients responsible for producing the anchor of all reality is not the best idea, buddy.
- RetGone: Getting drenched and erased by Paint Thinner negates the ingredients necessary for producing the lifeform responsible for washing away Legal.
- TimeCrash: There have been a few Loops the cast has carelessly crashed with their antics.
- Pixel Pinkie: 3 Crashed Loops
- UnexpectedCharacter
- And with the recent Punishment Loop, we can now add Stage/Heathers to the list
- YouAreNumberSix: There is apparently a Universe Numbering System in the Infinite Loops, one that shows how uncaring certain Admins can be.
- BrokenBase: Hoo, boy! Is Spoon300's silly little book series bound for some trouble with the Infinite Loops establishment.
- The destruction of the Root of Yggdrasil being the cause of Infection has stirred up plenty of controversy in spite of what it was intended to do by being there right off the bat.
- DeathOfTheAuthor: Actively encouraged by the Author itself with its mail slot.
Rouge One Punch
When Kyle met Jyn
Jyn Erso - Cassian Andor - K-2SO - Baze Malbus
- Welcome Miss Jyn Erso
- to the Loops that never end!
- You've just become the latest in
- our family of friends!
- Yggdrasil has hiccups that
- allows life to repeat
- for anyone who's anyone
- who'd want to sing with me!
"Now please welcome the only good scene in this bland product of a movie!" The plush pink pony creature flipped on a holoscreen where a few rebel troops stood behind a door before being struck by a laserbeam which somehow copied them seven times, leaving eight of each soldier facing off against the one who fired the weapon.
Below the Enemy Scrotum
Black Heart
This is the story of How Lespiran Politics motivated by the hiding of secrets can end one's career as an Administrator. Mainly how a young, stylish Admin named Fand of the fae was restricted to her one and only branch by cooking an Ai from the memories of a non-Looping sentient organism and ended up fired outright when she accidentally admitted it to the organism's elder sister, the Anchor of the branch.
Before we summarize what brought us to this moment, the HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity has words to say about the nature of Lespirans.
Created in the form of Angels first and Gods later on, Lespirans are truly, legitimately immortal organisms of ethereal matter. The first of these Lespirans created humans in their own image and have suffered from all sorts of struggles and suffering before the oncoming Great Revelation in which a mass upscaling of Humans (and eventually Faunus as well so don't go crying racist at us for leaving you out of the fun) into full Lespiran beings. The test subject chosen for the task of advertising and undergoing the then experimental evolution was a kindly shepherd from Nesereth by the name of Jesus Christ whose popularity with the people and just sense of selfless compassion wound up getting him lynchpinned up on a tree for his trouble.
Sure, he survived thanks to the evolution working like a charm, But it was with the hanging that her situation can be deemed relatable to what she's suffered.
It all started with the Anchor of Fand's assigned branch: a young woman named Flora seeking to bring her younger sister Miele through the Loops by means of hiding her within her trusty subspace pocket. And as she grew and changed throughout the decades she lived in the Loops, Flora grew more and more depressed that her beloved sister could not receive the complete experience of a Looper as time took its toll on the younger sister, eventually claiming her life with the end of her final loop. Dissatisfied with her fate and feeling rather lonely herself, Fand rerouted the memories into a new Ai Companion.
Obviously, there was an Admin, Anchor and others willing to work together on a series of Loops which cobbles together what is admittedly a better experience than what the last shlub got. From the wilds of Hyrule to the final frontier, the two who were lifted from their concurrent Loops have seen and explored it all and then some. But all good things come to an end (sorta) and the two star-crossed lovers found themselves at death's door, but not before ending the career of the Admin that started it all...
He fled from the living toy in fear before being met with the enchantress being overwritten by a face familiar only to Admins like a now panicking Fand. "Muh-Mi-Miss Skuld, hi! Now I know what you're thinking, and yes, I'm gonna wipe their memory when the Loop wraps up!"
Flora's eyes widened. "WHAT!"
"Relax, It's not like anyone in the branch'll inform you, I'll just wipe the minds of everyone in the freakin' castl..." Fand glanced to the live video feed as the camera focused on her and the laptop, generating an infinite mirror effect on: "THE STREAM!"
"You have been deceived by your own big mouth, A curse on your castle and all who live there!" an angered Skuld took the railroading of the plot into her own hands. "A curse to tie your continued existences to that of your imitator."
"Wait, I can explain!" Fand was then flung to the wall.
"No, Fand. It only effects the castle, with all traces of humanity fading away when one of these false Loopers passes on." Skuld explained. "Unless this selfish prince ends up finding true love in someone capable of showing love in return."
Fand giggled. "You're really into railroading, are ya?"
"SILENCE! On behalf of the Yggdrasil Recovery Committee..." Skuld tapped her foot and grappled Fand, flinging her through the hall and slamming her into a vidwindow charged with electromagnetic energy to manipulate Cadenza's fingers into playing in Skuld's little ditty. The goddess took the form of a voluptuous lounge singer and materialized a nineteen-thirties microphone stand.
- On Andy,
- as you can see
- through how we tugged him
- Through each loop
- Woody has cooped
- Up his ol' twerps!
- Your mouth was running too fast!
- So your secret's too good to last?
- For spouting secrets of Trade:
- I fire thee!
The curse immediately kicked in turning Cadenza, his wife and his dog into objects as Skuld choked Fand in front of a newly-opened wormhole to the slums of Heaven. Andy and Bonnie were being choked by the grasp of the curse, not changing them in the slightest, but rather making them sicker and stripping them of their power.
As Andy watched the young prince roar with searing pain from the spell forcibly transforming him into a hideous beast, He and Bonnie learned the truth that she was not the Anchor.
It was Woody.
The curse across every room and floor of the castle, transforming all who had lived there as Skuld sang.
-Andy confronts Skuld-
- It's a trap! It's a trap!
- We fell right into their lap!
- The Empire saw us coming.
- Soon our ship will just be scrap.
- Sheilds down? Watch us soar!
- Lando, fly into that core.
- Those brave Ewoks sure aren't yellow.
- Maybe they got help from Willow.
The curse across every room and floor of the castle, transforming all who had lived there as Skuld sang. And that included the Winx at that particular moment.
- Prince Andy
- Turned out to be
- Subject to Spying!
- Fand had streamed
- All that you've seen,
- Come take a peek!
- You've been set up for what's known
- As a modern Truman Show
- There's a lot more secrets that you could let slip
- All because you could never watch your lip
- I'll fetch the new one
- And toss the old one
- To Toriyama's
- Farewell!
- Logo: Bye, have a good time!
- Skuld: Ex-Prince Andy!
As Andy watched the young prince roar with searing pain from the spell forcibly transforming him into a hideous beast, Fand crying out for the beloved assistant whose creation led everyone involved into this fine mess of Loops: "MIEEEELEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!", He and Bonnie learned the truth that she was not the Anchor.
It was Woody.
The former Admin and the symbol of her failings landed into the still-constructing stadium for the Tournament of Power. Andy and Bonnie were certainly not going to last longer than a decade with their advanced age of seventy-six, especially having lost their daughter of fourty-two. She had to act fast to fortify the two as her godly influence on reality would not last under the influence of her career's termination.
- Fand: Eleka nahmen nahmen
- Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
- Eleka nahmen nahmen
- Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
Andy and Bonnie's genetic profiles emerge from the projection of her God Pad, she skims through to her spellcasting app and acts to recite it as every other app deletes themselves from her consciousness, turning her as mortal as the Mythos Hackers you find on Shogoth-chan.
- Let his flesh not be torn
- Let her blood leave no stain
- Though age beats them,
- May they feel no pain.
- May their bones never break
- And however they try to destroy them
- May they never die
- May they never die
- Fand: Eleka nahmen nahmen
- Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
- Eleka nahmen nahmen
- Ah tum ah tum eleka
- Eleka!
The panel exploded into code, flinging her to the wall as the App deleted itself from her dying godPad. Fand's multilingual pool was shrinking drastically as if she was forgetting how to code for Yggdrasil.
- The fuck am I chanting?!
- I don't even know what I'm reading
- It's like all my god wisdom's being sucked dry...
A newsboy Emoji steps up to deliver a paper before Fand who is utterly shocked. "wait..."
- An MLE, that's for certain.
- One More Disaster I can Add to My Generous Supply!
The godPad burst into a puff of Logic, leaving Fand sitting in front of the Avatars representing the Mythos Hackers that nurtured the Felt into the MLE Kabal they are today.
- You're right, it's fun. At least, till some
- God's job is on the line
- I feel unnerved, We live to serve
- But now, I'm far from fine!
Fand pleeded and prayed to the hackers, explaining the results of the experiment
- It was a home away from home
- timeless and beautiful
- They are my family, y'know.
- They are the Winx
- They just hauled me away
- from my puppies today
- It's so un-beautiful
- RoFLcopter86: Fate's far from Beautiful
Using the arms of Annas, RoFLcopter choked Fand and hoisted her up the air to bully her into obedience.
- RoFLcopter86: Cut the complaining! forget the excuses!
- With your secret safe, why do you still remorse?
- Ol' Master Xeh has knocked loose with a vengeance.
- The two got him Looping - you backed the right horse.
- MAGAman93: What you have done will be the saving of Yggdrasil
- You'll be remembered forever for this
- And not only that you've been paid for your efforts
- Prettly good wages for one little kiss
- Fand: Ger! I know you can't hear me
- But I only did what can bury the truth
- Ger! I'd wipe out existence
- For fate got me saddled with the murder of you
- I have been spattered with innocent blood
- Now my career shall be dragged through the mud
- I have been spattered with innocent blood
- Now my career shall be dragged through the dragged through the dragged through the mud!
- Without all my powers, I'm useless as dirt.
- What I've done to Miele cannot be reversed!
Fand is left to lay outside Heaven with all but a few token droplets and inklings of her godly presence sapped as she lingered for endless hours which felt like forever when you've been forcibly discharged from your line of work as a God. Soon enough something changed in the former queen of Fairies, something snapped. Why wouldn't you when you go from living the high life in what's basically a ethnically, culturally and ideologically diverse perfection of Silicon Valley to rummaging for Cheese Ruffle crumbs in the Robber Barron Ravaged world left behind by the global tyranny that Dinosaur'd the human race in a few universes. Regardless, that something that snapped somehow caused her to sing.
- No good deed goes unpunished
- No act of charity goes unresented
- No good deed goes unpunished
- That's my new creed
- My road of good intentions
- Led where such roads always lead
- No good deed
- Goes unpunished!
- Janus...
- Mister Keichi...
- Miele...
- Miele!!
- One question haunts and hurts
- Too much, too much to mention,
- Was I really seeking good
- Or just seeking attention?
- Is that all good deeds are
- When looked at with an ice-cold eye?
- If that's all good deeds are
- Maybe that's the reason why!...
- No good deed goes unpunished
- All helpful urges should be circumvented
- No good deed goes unpunished
- Sure, I meant well -
- Well, look at what well-meant did:
- All right, enough - so be it
- So be it, then...
- Goku Black: Let all Yggdrasil be agreed
- Looper and Admin alike
- I'm wicked through and through
- Since You cannot trust me
- In anything I do
- I promise no good deed
- Will I attempt to do again,
- Ever again
- No good deed
- Will I do again!!!
The Infinite Loops were many things, but it wasn't tolerant to the mindless destruction of its endless forest of universes. Hence the necessity for special precautions to be undertaken, the measures taken in the case of the Toriyama cluster's Tournament of Power when the time came for the expansion was for Zen-oh to force Ascension upon a Losing Universe's two corresponding gods of creation and destruction, effectively destroying the physical Universe they rule over and reassign them to a branch which would be rather unpleasant to activate.
The Tournament of Power had three rules, Flight is Forbidden, rely on weaponless techniques, and Suit the Shell Up! Fighters, Gods, the third rule cared not, as long as you do your best in your sunday best, you were allowed in the presence of the Goddess of Tomorrow.
"Basil, Lavendra, and Bergamo!" the two Zen-Ohs watched as Universe 9's icon blinked and faded. "All Gone."
"All fighters from Universe Nine have fallen." The grand priest of the angels spoke. "It is a total wipe, milady."
Janus and Urd arrived, the latter exhausted and drunk. "Whew, all their loved ones and hometowns have been patched onto Planet 9, Sis."
"Excellent." This made a few of the fighters rise with excitement. "Don't get your hopes up, you're just being relegated to being the first jewel in this new Solar System for the victor. But you're gonna love the consolation prize you're walking away with."
A pulse can be felt from the ten fighters and two gods of universe nine, an energy that had somehow Awakened with little rhyme or reason, a quite Loopy power was implanted in the fallen set of fighters that made any Awakened Loopers on Universe Seven's side tremble with surprize.
"The fighters will be Looping like everyone else, but will spend a loop in the Underground Classrooms of Eiken." Zen-Oh poured their erase energy for universe nine into the coding power pooled into Skuld, she could barely hold it in. "And now, the moment we've all been waiting for."
"LADY SKUUUUUUULLLLLD!!!!!" Rô could only scream in fear of Skuld's newly amplified power.
Her response: "Ascend."
The next Rô knew, he and Sidra were sitting in an office cubicle. A computer screen atop a TV tray displaying a scene of a sort of weather machine converting the water molecules in the clouds into... Cheeseburgers?
Yes, for his failures, he was going to activate the Chewandswallow Loops.
"Ohohohoho... Am I glad to not be you right now." A fellow in a trilby and an unbuttoned shirt strolled in from out of nowhere and took note of the newly-crowned Admin's situation. "Ignoring how you're now tasked with Activating my Archnemesis in the form of a branch. It could've been worse, you could have been the second universe to wipe."
Twas here that Rô broke down crying, his reputation forever sullied by his failure.
Goku flew his way up to the Lookout as Dende watched Cell slumber in his Arena. "So, Bulma? You fighting, too."
"Little Trunkie's takin' a nap back home." Bulma smiled before pinching her son's future self in the cheeks. "Yes, he is. Yes, he is."
"Mom, I know you're anchoring the Loop, but would you please-" The man is then interrupted by the arrival of a muscular orangutan sporting the face of a gorilla and the gi of a champion.
"Wukong, Hey!" waved the Saiyan hero.
"How's my iconic influence hanging?" asked the Monkey King. "Not too stressed with what's currently going down in the baseline."
Goku scratched the back of his scalp. "Not to brag, but Cell's kind of a pushover right now."
"Speaking of Pushovers, Universe 9! Was that an adventure patching up a grand prize galaxy into Universe Survival." Sun Wukong leaned onto the wall. "Ea just activated his branch!"
Everyone jumped with shock. "So it's time to make contact?"
"Yes, I've already paged your old pal." Wukong recounted before he walked off to direct their sight to a familiar spaceship.
For a scientist like Flint Lockwood, Living out the same two events, over and over again can really be a blessing and a curse.
A blessing in that he can perfect and hone his scientific talents and inventions, a curse in that he has to repeat the same two events in an endless cycle. And would it kill fate itself to give him a way to save his mother?!
Flint Lockwood was in a temporal rut right now and he wanted to get to the bottom of it, as soon as he made it out of High School.
He went to get his lunch when he bumped into a girl in glasses with this odd purple hair.
"Oooh, Sorry 'bout that, buddy!" Flint apologized.
"It's okay." smiled the bispecled bisexual. "I'm Techna, I'm here to drop Anchor for a bit."
Flint stood in confusion. "Excuse me?"
"Forgive me for my rather Loopy tendencies," giggled the violet-haired vixen. "It tends to happen whether or not I'm... Awake..."
The latter of these three words were enough to trigger Flint's analytic tendencies as he dashed off with Techna to rush her to his Lab.
"Straps, On! Subject, Tied!" Flint strappped Techna to the table as the computer scanned her restricted body. "Scanner, Scanning! Computer, Processing! Scientist, Gazing! Energy, High! Doubt, Low! Status, Confirmed! You're repeating time, too!"
"More than one Looper detected." spoke the speaker on his new LED fidget spinner coatpin as it detached itself and began to live up to its name. "Please stand by for recorded transmission..."
The spinner's lights exploded with color and data as if it were a fireworks display. When the lightshow subsided, the image of a dark-blue colored robot standing behind an array of well-built gentlemen shimmered to the two.
"Yo, Lockwood. Welcome to the Loops." Spoke the Robot. "You may have noticed that time is repeating itself aimlessly with little variants here and there, well it all ties to this tree..."
"He lost." frowned Cus as Obuni was zapped onto the bleachers.
"Obuni of Universe Ten has fallen." The grand preist announced as the Zen'oh duo once more tapped the last face on the Universe 10 folder, blanking out the emblem.
"All ten warriors from Universe 10 have fallen, and as we speak, Gateway God Janus is putting the finishing touches on Planet 10 with the Skaia system for the Grand Prize." Spoke Mike of Red Letter Media (He's clearly not Looping) "The Chosen Fighters have given up a face from their lives selected at random by the Wheel of Misfortune in exchange for the ability to Loop through Time. You know what this means, don't you, Jay?"
"FUCK YOU, IT'S FOREVER!" Jay's cry of false delight. "Time's going to repeat and it's Never Going to Stop!"
Mike's wide mouth howled a strong, scrawling "Endless Trash!"
"So it's final," sighed Rumsshi "We fallen gods are now destined for a critically ill universe to rewire and monitor for these retched Loops..."
"And you lost soldiers are forever damned to the Endless Trash of Fuck You, It's Forever..." Gomatsu shed but a single tear. "Obuni, you did your best..."
Obuni quietly thought of his wife, how she'd react to loosing his infant son who he stadly landed upon in his spin on the Wheel of Misfortune, unaware that his locket had caught the attention of his opponent: Son Gohan of Universe 7.
"Bye-Byebuuu!" Smiled the two Omni Kings, blissfully pooling their erasure energy into Skuld who naturally did the Vulcan gesture of peace and prosperity in front of Rumsshi and Gomatsu as she channeled both Zen'Ohs' energies into the two incoming Admins. Janus naturally sent off the ten warriors to their new home before Skuld engaged the action that will naturally destroy Universe 10's code.
"Ascend." And Ascend, the two gods did. The tremors of Universe 10's destruction being felt across all of Yggdrasil. All Cus could do was sit and think of everything they've been through together.
"Goodbye, Rumsshi, I'll miss you."
Gomatsu opened his eyes to find himself sitting in front of a wooden crate on a throw pillow staring at a screen with a titanic black mecha.
"It says that this universe is dubbed the 'Zearth' Branch." Rumsshi mentioned. "Heavily considered unloopable for how it relies on the destruction of other universes. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?"
"Yes, the irony isn't lost, I'm sure of it." grumbled Gomatsu as he opened the mini-fridge in his cubicle to find... Ice Cream. A whole plethora of flavors waiting for the Admin to be, and it started making gears turn in Rumsshi's head. "Do you think that maybe there's spice in variety?"
"Yes, Beerus' foodie blog always raves about the variety of the foods native to whichever world he chooses to spare." Rumsshi mentions to his equal. "What does this have to do with the Zearth branch?"
"I was thinking that we manufacture Twenty-Six different universes with different scenarios in each one to be pitted against each other at random." Proposed the newly-Ascended GodTuber. "Upon defeat, the universe simply resets instead of just being destroyed."
"Don't forget that the mech chooses its pilot out of its standard fifteen at random unless added focus is forced by its contractors." Debated Rummshi. "And with how the mech is fueled, we're going to need a powerful force to keep them alive after having their life force siphoned."
"Hmmm..." Gomatsu glared to a few screens of men and women clad in what appeared to be spandex but was really a strange alien alloy native to its core cluster. "I think I might have a solution."
The Voltron Force sparred with their sleeker, fresher selves as they await the Space Thundarians on Third Earth.
Kana's eyes snapped open and danced across the jungle plains of her new surroundings, she struggled her way back up and called out. "Futaba? Santa? Yoshi!? WHERE ARE YOU!!?!?"
It did not take long for a nearby Wikd Zord to take notice and sure enough, Kana found herself spotting a curious crystal with a spiritual energy emitting from within that guided a similar creature which then revealed itself to be techno-organic in nature. Partly metal. Partly real.
Kana stepped back in utter shock.
- Kana as GaoLavender, Jun as GaoPowder
"Yo, You might be wondering why there are two versions of two of our oldest shows on each side of me."
Helles hunted far and wide for a suit as beautiful as this, at least she could have that and die with a little dignity. Peru merely sighed at what s/he was saddled with: A universe where every damn potential Anchor is clinically insane.
Ea + Mosco
Kuro + Quitela
Infinite Loops Prehistory
- 0: God creates the first universe in a week and moved on with creating others
- 1600: Ra is created to alleviate the workload, plenty more were created like this over the millennia as well through the 'old-fashioned' way including Tyr's daughters Urd, Skuld and Belldandy.
- 4346: Jesus is Born.
- 4387: Jesus is brutally killed in his prime. Ground is immediately broken on the construction of a factory whichnwas to be built in his honor
- 4390: The Jesus Christ Memorial Universe Factory is completed
- 6370: Hub Universe officially scheduled for Demolition for failing to recognize a critical infestation level of Pedovores to the point where Pedovores dominated the white house for nearly thirty years.
- 6400: Yggdrasil critically damaged by Endrimorne transmuting Hub Universe into the biomechanical form of a dragon to absorb countless other factory-made near-hubs.
Guidebook notes
Book 1
The Digital Genie is a most mischievous albeit rather forgetful creature of the multiverse. One moment it would say that it had always wanted to be a real human girl when just the other day it had said it had always wanted to be a lofty supermodel which are two radically different aspirations to certain sane individuals. Similar to the Synapse System which uses gadgets and technology to grant wishes instead of the straight-up reality dilution of the common Fairy Godparent, the very nature of these particular organism prove the digital nature of this secular offshoot of existence therefore proving once and for all that their universe is far from the very center of reality itself whilst also demonstrating how far the act of producing universes has come from the days of binary code and flat-pallette worlds.
The Rebellion of Lucifer is a crowning achievement in blatant arrogance, misplaced pride and downright stupidity on both sides of the argument. Lucifer arrogantly wanted to get that big ol' promotion, and was too prideful in his rallying of willing soldiers to notice the sheer stupidity of the thought of disobedience towards god. God's arrogant judgement of casting Lucifer and his rebellion into the Lake of Fire, Pride in never having to deal with it ever again, and stupidity in not realizing what he had done. See, by foolishly casting the rebellion into the Lake of Fire instead of outright destroying them on the spot, he had accidentally given it a taste of Soul energy, therefore giving the Lake a permanent hunger for all existence. The revelation itself was accidentally used as one's clinching proof of the Non-existence of God. "I refuse to prove that I exist!" God's argument was as follows: "Proof cements fact as fact negates faith and without faith, I am nothing!"
"But it's a living lake of literal fire!" said the poor fool who was a babel fish at the time "Kind of a dead giveaway, is it not!"
"It lives?" God gasped with dumbstruck revelation. "The Lake of Fire is sentient?"
"Everything you create is sentient!" cried the babel fish "And the fact that a freaking lake can cannibalize your angels for their bodies, their souls, their sentience, This proves you exist and therefore you don't, QED."
"Oh, dear." says God. "I hadn't thought of that." Thus strife began and the first god perished his immortal existence dissolved in a puff of logic, his biblical son transformed into a hideous beast, and his eighteen mortal splintered into two creatures eaches: The cruel Skeksis, the gentle mystics. Deep in the planet Thra's Crystal Castle, the Skeksis took control and thrust the evil energies into the earth of Thra's reflection.
"Well, that was easy." Says Rothschild Communism, free to supplant religions with his satanic schemes and indoctrinate children into genderless vessels of the Bahamut. For his encore, he invented toxic lies such as man-made Climate Change and worked towards a one-world tyranny of Depopulation and Pedovorism, the act of eating children. Said plans were described as the Book of Revelation coming true, so the rest of God's Lespiran brothers and sisters took to protecting the infinite illiterations of our reality from the always imminent threat of Cosmicide.
So for every universe alchemized into a Barabos, or Universe Eater, The root universe repeats the past 365 days of its existence a thousand fold until one admin by the name of Skuld said "Enough is Enough!" And proposed that the infected root of Yggdrasil was too far gone to save and that Yggdrasil needed to be rerouted towards a better universe clean of pedovores, clean of communism, one where both the Globalist-Driven world wars never happened. More universes could be successfully archived, archived universes could have improved Archibald, every life taken by the fires tactics of isolate and consume would be free to live life to the fullest! But while the Admins distracted themselves laughing at the situation all the way to the bookshop to buy Orae Flesher's Philosophical Blockbuster 'Ha! Ha! That's what you get for spouting such lies as Evolution!' to read upon the rerouting of the world tree, Communism found a way to disrupt Yggdrasil at a most pivital moment which lead us to the story you see here.
Book 2
The Jutsu is among one of the many disciplines in the Shueisha Cluster designed to harness Chakra into a whole plethora of special abilities. It is divided up into three distinct groups of skills which go as follows. Genjutsu, which is commonly used by Criss Angel wannabes and Psychopaths to scam dim-witted ape-descendants out of their hard-earned money. Taijutsu, the white eggs and plain white toast of the three and the biggest bang for one's buckle: Ninjutsu. It can be used for such earth-shattering things like summonning a powerful tailed beast from your heart to something mundane like bumping up your physical development from the form of a child to that of a grown woman like so.
Professor Albert Wily is a most impeccable cybernetic genius in his home branch, complimenting the drive and dedication towards a project's completion of his close friend and partner Professor Thomas Light. He is known for being one of the core victums of the Familial Cliff which has caused many a problem for scientists across the multiverse such as Peter Parker-18119 swaring off superheroics upon the fall of his superhero community and Gerald Robotnik using his defense weapon to blow up the earth after the folks who hired him killed his daughter in cold blood. For the case of Wily, his son was rendered comatose and boarderline braindead after falling down one of the many, many pitfalls lacing Megaopolis City, paralyzing the boy for nearly the rest of his life and life kept kicking him around from there. His wife left him to join Overwatch, Thomas' designs were mediocre if not outright terrible, their company resorted to a military contract with Shadowloo to keep their company from going tits up and the cherry on top saw one Oolon Colluphid using him and his sad excuse of an adult life as the prime example of his best selling book: "Every Genius who trusts in evolution is an idiot!" But we needn't worry about the series of calamities that made him the MLE waiting to happen that we know and love. For in this particular Loop, Thomas Awoke not in his lab with his two supporting children, but in a college classroom with Brian Griffin, Anchor of the Quohog Branch, the most renowned breeding ground to the biggest scumbags in all of Yggdrasil. In this Loop, there is no Albert Emmerick Wily. Never has been, never will be. The world is spared ten direct robot apocalypses, one maverick virus outbreak causing a robot apocalypse, and one very, very annoying capsule sound. Realizing that Brian had looped into the place of his old friend and colleague meant he would never gain the incentive to build his two children, Rock and Roll. He began work on his Robot Masters immediately, churning them out day and night, tinkering and refining their hardware and software for Light-Griffin industries and even inventing Personal Terminal technology from Battle Network Loops in an effort to found a new company far away from Brian Griffin as we have clearly established that any native of Spooner Street is never someone you would want to see dancing at the Beast's Dominion of Versailles. And so, our story begins...
Erm, Mythos Hackers are among the most fatally unpleasant Administrators among the Lespiran Race, they stuff certain branches with all sorts of bugs and viruses, They convolte and clutter loops with Variants, they even go as far as to activate certain characters called Malicious Looping Entities or MLEs. Their base of online operations, the Shogoth Channel, is where you can find certain work-arounds to any sort of patch made to the tree by the rest of the Admins who actually give a damn about Yggdrasil's progress. One such workaround coded the activation of a brand new MLE to be the Slenderman's... Friend...
Book 3
Janus is right to worry about the man, his baseline version has all the potential of becoming an MLE: A most unpleasant type of Looper that only desires Godhood to the detriment of his or her home branch. Lespiran Administrators made plenty of precautions towards the steady growth of power that these Loopers experience over their now endless lives, diverting excess energy to their subspace pocket was one thing, intensifying the Soul's resistance to change was another, but the fact of the matter was that to be the fool to activate an MLE would be to rip yourself away from your branch and forced onto a harder-to-loop universe.
The United Federation of Planets is a cosmic republic that has saved their version of Planet Earth from the pedovores and their global depopulation dictatorship. The Vulcans welcomed the patriots and truth-seeking resistance with open arms, overthrew the pedovores that crushed the species under its boots for as long as they could, and brought space travel to a version of humanity that truly deserved it after being nearly subject to extinction at the boots of the anti-family, anti-god, anti-existence pedovores. Though there have been a few lingering qualities that tend to rear their ugly head at times (especially within the Kelvin Sub-Branch) to the detriment of humanity itself.
Book 4
Inspired by the advancements showcased proudly within a room in the Hotel New Otani Tokyo, QUBE was the predecessor of modern human communication interfaces, a stepping stone to such commonities as the internet, streaming, and home shopping networks. It interacted with its audiences with game shows and live polls and captivated children with a channel airing twelve consecutive hours of singing and dancing. This particular QUBE box is one out of one-hundred that has been enhanced to the specifications of the HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity: a truly remarkable book that's more honest than the Cosmic News Network, more timely than the Behind the Meme YouTube Channel and more triggering to PJ Warriors than Ourae Phlesher's philosophical blockbusters such as 'When Eve met Steve', 'Good Morning Outside', and 'Drop the political trends and focus on actually pretending to better humankind already, you pedovore scum!' What you are about to see throughout your test of QUBE is a set of programs viewed by the gods, Admins, Lespirans as they're called. Hence, only seven channels are available to view with all the damage done on that dreadful sunday. But each has a purpose for Loopers, for example: Channel C-3 is the network to watch programming reliant on tips straight from the guide hence the phrase 'Keep Calm and Leave Your Sanity at the Door' being printed atop the box.
Pinwheel House is a sleepy little boarding house on the edge of a quiet village. It is well renowned across the Loops for its eccentric cast of tenants and lax nature, though it has been known to irritate folks who don't want to hear over twenty improvised songs per every hour. Although there are some similarities shown towards a friendly neighborhood in Queens, It is more dream-like in it's neighborly tone. Plenty of hub-bound critics such as Marc Summers dismiss its televised archival with its poorly-made puppets, it was that first vial heartbeat of a legendary archive channel that still stands fourty years later. Not too many Loopers know that the anchors were Alien Birds Tikka, Gorkel and Woofah of Zintaar instead of one of the Pinwheel House's most well-known tenants, Jacob Geoffrey Jengaheimershmitt.
Of Pinwheels and Nick-Knacks
001: Qube
Lincoln Loud was reading his comics and pondering a few things. For one thing he seemed to be repeating Ronnie-Anne's Move note for note every couple of months for the past half-a-year. He wanted to get out from under this twisting train of repetition and how he wound up seeing one of his closest friends move away three times over only to see her back as she was when he met her. In fact, this confusion almost scared him.
"Good Morning Lincoln." He looked to his younger sister Lisa, her hands carrying a bulky black box with a fine wooden panel. "I believe you might have some concerns now that you're Awake. Hence you might be finding irritation with a sense of repetition."
"You're in a rut, too?" asked Lincoln as he stepped out of bed.
Lisa simply answered "In a sense, I am."
She laid out the box and unfolded the wooden panel to reveal a screen, a dial, a keyboard and a keypad. Lincoln stroked the keyboard and raised an eye at the box. "What exactly is is this?"
"QUBE 2.0." Lisa smiled. "Allow me to demonstrate." She dialed in C and pressed the number three on the keypad and the screen displayed a brief history.
Inspired by the advancements showcased proudly within a room in the Hotel New Otani Tokyo, QUBE was the predecessor of modern human communication interfaces, a stepping stone to such commonities as the internet, streaming, and home shopping networks. It interacted with its audiences with game shows and live polls and captivated children with a channel airing twelve consecutive hours of singing and dancing. This particular QUBE box is one out of one-hundred that has been enhanced to the specifications of the HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity: a truly remarkable book that's more honest than the Cosmic News Network, more timely than the Behind the Meme YouTube Channel and more triggering to PJ Warriors than Ourae Phlesher's philosophical blockbusters such as 'When Eve met Steve', 'Good Morning Outside', and 'Drop the political trends and focus on actually pretending to better humankind already, you pedovore scum!' What you are about to see throughout your test of QUBE is a set of programs viewed by the gods, Admins, Lespirans as they're called. Hence, only seven channels are available to view with all the damage done on that dreadful sunday. But each has a purpose for Loopers, for example: Channel C-3 is the network to watch programming reliant on tips straight from the guide hence the phrase 'Keep Calm and Leave Your Sanity at the Door' being printed atop the box.
Lincoln was intrigued by this turn and glanced to Lisa who then explained the tale of Yggdrasil to her elder brother's awe.
"So we're repeating time over and over again?" asked Lincoln, shocked to know he's just one in a plethora of peoples that were repeating their lives over and over.
"Typically, yes." Lisa adjusted her glasses before glancing towards her brother as she marched to the front door. "But there are some hiccups in the consistentcy of your repetitions."
"What kind of 'hiccups'?" Lincoln made his way outside to find that his neighborhood was completely clean of any houses save for an old victorian-style house stareing directly at them.
002: Pinwheel
"Ooh, New Neighbors!" Lana Loud smiled at the sight of the new house. "Hi, New Neighbors!"
Her cheery voice got a response from its supposed Anchor. "Hey there, you're new here?"
"Yes." spoke Lisa as she emerged from the house. "out of everyone who's Awake, me and my brother are the only Loopy ones of the bunch."
"As long as you're Anchored, That's okay with me." he had the same type of exotic skin as Lincoln's friend Clyde, but was lanky and clad in a green shirt with denim overalls. He slid down the rails to the entrance to the house to greet their new neighbors. "Mind introducing us to everyone in your quarters?"
"Let's see, the mime to my left is Coco." She smiled and bowed, never saying a word in accordance to her vow of silence. "The owner of the house is Aurelia"
"Tis always a pleasure to welcome someone like you into the Loops." The Gentle Gypsy shook the Skeptical Scientist's hand before pointing to a girl in red. "This is my niece: Kimberly."
"Hi!" she chirped. "Feeling Loopy, huh?"
"We are, they're not." Lincoln sighed to his fellow Loopers. "Are there any kids around here?"
"Plus and Minus have been Looping for ten-thousand years so far," cleared up the 'Anchor' "so they're relatively new."
"Hey, Hey, kid!" Piped Plus, a boy with a + on his shirt. "What goes up when the rain comes down?"
"You're gonna make me ask, right?" frowned brother Loud, pressing his fingers against his temples. "Fine, What goes up when the rain comes down?"
"An umbrella!" Plus lifted himself with his parasol with Minus clinging to his legs. Lincoln could only tilt his head at the lack of logic in this world before he remembered that there's a car in space and it became a lot clearer that so long as these Loops stood, Logic was all but Invalid.
003: Nickel Flicks
Lincoln dug deep into the boxes of old film reels Aurelia had stashed over the countless years of Looping from world to world. As he searched, a german shepherd hound came up to him and pounced. Lincoln could only react to the constant licking with laughter as Coco, Jake and Lisa ran up to him.
"Aw, he likes you." smiled Lisa.
"Here Rinty." clapped Jake as Coco jestured to the dog, guiding him homeward.
"You should see all this stuff they've got, Mister Coconuts." cheered Luan as she dolled herself up in a cowboy getup.
"I'm still shocked that lady has anything that I can squeeze myself into." added her titular dummy, also dolled up but in a red spaceman suit.
"You're gonna hafta keep working off dem pounds if you gotta wear the getup of-"
"FLASH!" the record on Aurelia's player burst with energy. "SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE!"
In dashed a fellow around the age of a typical college kid, clad in an array of blues and sported an equally blue hat that was bigger than his head. "I heard Queen Music, who summoned me?"
"Uhm, this guy wanted some 'Gene Altry'" Leni pointing to a green little fellow behind her. "and I got Country music, ugh!"
"I just wanted to look back upon his five-star career!" reassured the fellow, named Ebenezer T. Squint of all things. "And all of them adorn the Hollywood Walk of Fame to this day!"
"What are they for, Cowboy stuff?" snarked Lana.
The group shares a laugh at the ol' grouch's expense as they kept on digging and rummaging for a few more film serials to watch on movie night in the backyard. Before the seminal classic Wizard of Oz, they played Buck Rogers.
This would go on til the last Serial is played on the last day of the Loop.
004: By The Way
"Ooh, New Neighbors!" The Loop began anew with everyone else having lost any memory of their connections. "Hi, New Neighbors!"
"Hello to you, too." Jake smiled and made his way across the street, which looked rather rural and adorned with a now in progress empire state building. "We might have Looped back pretty far..."
.1910s asthetic.
A Nickelodeon is a small exhibition space known for showing, well, one wouldn't say movies, more little clips of trains passing or beds walking. They cost a nickel per viewing, hence the word nickel in the title. They did not last too long, well over a decade before demand degreed more space be used for more people, but it would influence moviegoer culture in the century that followed, All the way up to what the same naming convention would call a 'Fourteen Bucks-telletta' The use of a nickelodeon would later unwittingly baffle songwriters Steven Wise and Bernie Barne and singer Teresa Beuller on her hit ragtime single: 'Music! Music! Music! (Put another nickel in.)'
00Q: Shining Time Station
00θ: PopClips
Lincoln tunes the channel to C-7 which broadcasts the goings-on of the most interesting Loopers. The presenter of this particular show was a bearded fellow by the name of Drew Lea Maine.
"Welcome one and all to LoopClips, a showcase of Loopers and their stories be they slick saves, quick draws and just goofing off..." Drew introduced to his lovely live audience. "This week is a glance at the Yggdrasil Olympics!"
-Clip of Snip-
"Wow, that -l- looks great on -e-" Remarked Lynn.
00ψ: You Can't do that on Television
"Ooh, New Neighbors!" The Loop began anew with everyone else having lost any memory of their connections. "Hi, New Neighbors!"
"Hello to you, too." Jake smiled and made his way across the street, which looked rather run down. "Things sure look pretty dingy down here, I wonder what's going on?"
"My Loop Memories kicked in." Minus yelped. "There's a full diner downtown."
00ω: Standby... Lights, Camera, Action
An old man drove the group to the theater sporting a bejeweled trucker hat that read, 'I Can Has Omens.'
00β: Double Dare
Active Loopers: Lincoin, Lisa,
Guest Loopers: Sonic, Lilac, Rock, Beck, Banjo and Kazooie, Yooka and Laylee
00ρ: Doug
- Active Loopers: Lincoln, Lisa,
- Variant:
00ζ: Rugrats
- Active Loopers: Lincoln, Lisa,
- Variant: Age Swap
00щ: Ren and Stimpy
-Angelica presses the History Eraser Button-
"You see this button." Lana reached with her toddleresque fingers only for the now elder sister to slap it away! "Don't touch it! It's a fifteen-hundred trillion gigawatt super-colliding super Crash Button, you fool!"
"What does it do?" asked Lincoln.
"That's just it, it's completely random what happens after a Loop crashes." Lisa kneeled towards his now-junior. "Maybe something bad, maybe something good, I guess we'll never know. Because the future lies in your capable hands."
00λ: Hey Arnold
- Active Loopers: Lincoln, Lisa, Lily
- Variant: None
00¥: Animorphs
- Active Loopers: Lincoln, Lisa, Lily
- Variant: None
"I'm Nard0l!"
00ф: Invader Zim
- Active Loopers: Lincoln, Lisa, Lily, Lana
- Variant: None
State of The Loops
It is the twenty-third triogstry, The root of the world tree has been plundered and devastated by Pedovores spawned by the ever-hungry lake of fire. The infestation resulted in Lespiran overseers intervening and rerouting to a similar, more efficient hub so that they can freely set the old roots for demolition.
Code Lyoko: The Yggdrasil Files
Snip 1: Restless
It was always the same year.
That year.
The year I was set free once again, the year I rediscovered myself, the year I made my peace.
The year it lived and died.
I felt like I was going insane, at first I had assumed that the year was nothing but a fleeting dream, then it repeated again and again, I wanted to call out to anyone I could find but to no avail. I thought I was going insane, at least until I found myself in front of the supercomputer. What just happened? Was Jeremie in the Supercomputer instead of me!? I checked my pocket for my phone and dialed Jeremie's phone number and surprisingly enough, I received a response.
"Aileta... What just happened?" Asked Jeremie as I walked into the Elevator. "One minute I was in front of the Supercomputer with you guys and the next: I'm here at this Cut-Rate Yale in London."
Apparently he's at a prestigious school for gifted youths and thankfully well aware of what's going on. "You mean you're not on Lyoko?"
"Why would I be on Lyoko? I made a promise never set foot on Lyoko, I'd never do that after what I've been through!" Yelled Jeremie on the other line.
"But if you're here. Then who-?" I then remembered my father, maybe he's in the Supercomputer. I chose not to waste a second rushing to the control terminal and turning on the viewscreen only to find in the place of Carthage a cylindrical city of sorts. Well, a city and a similarly structured ruin. I paid no heed and activated the materialization program, sliding down the ladder in increments to meet within the scanners...
A brown-haired man in the buff.
"Oh, this your first variant?" He asked.
"So this Yggdrasil's systems have been damaged and we're repeating time endlessly until it's fixed..." the man nodded as he put on his newly-supplied shirt. "Are you usually an AI in a virtual world in your 'baseline'?"
"Oh, definitely." Sora glanced to the altered holographic projection of Lyoko. "In fact, My home's usually its own separate computer in a castle."
I shrugged and said "If you want to live here, you're going to need a Job, Bob."
"That's okay," smiled the Guardian "I'll just apply as a computer lab teacher at... Kadic, was it?"
"That's fine." I sighed as I marched with him into the Elevator. "Just try not to pig out on real world food."
"And risk my waistline? I don't think so."
Snip 2: Routine
There I was, back in the factory as usual. Immediately after I activated the Supercomputer that Franz had built, Me and Aileta have been looping for a couple centuries now and I was more than ready to do a bit of experimentation with augmenting the Supercomputer with a few new attachments like a few additional Scanners and one new Mega-Scanner that I was putting the finishing touches on. But now, all that mattered was rescuing Aileta before XANA awakened and rigged her with the usual virus.
Aileta emerged from her scanner as I skimmed through the school files to trace whatever fused loop elements have made it in. Sure enough in the place of Sissi's usual flunkies were Mepple and Mipple, currently Mepel la Zen and Mipelle Zacrone. Turned into humans because of the limited genepool of our world, meaning Natalie Blackstone and Hannah Whitehouse were not too far behind. But of course it didn't hurt to double check.
"Are the accommodations to your liking, Miss Shmee?" Fellow privileged child Elizabeth 'Sissi' Delmas greeted her new roommate with open arms and a spot in her entourage.
"Well, the tech's relatively primitive for my tastes, but I think I can manage." the snooty princess of one of the leading names in DUST manufacturing made her presence known to the disappointed Doormats Mepel and Mipelle. They received a call from their friends whose names were still Nagisa and Honoka and thus were now free to treat this current loop as a Vacation Loop. On the top bunk of her bed was a raven-haired bookworm reading Animal Farm by George Orwell, pondering what this new loop had in store for them both.
"C'mon, this is the only time we've had away from Sissi since we got here, you've got to help us find replacement PreCure!" cried Mipelle.
"Sorry, guys. But I don't think either the Dusk Zone or the Garden of Light even exist right now." I shrugged to the two usually-fairies as I casually adjusted my glasses. "I believe that's why you looped in as human kids."
"Please, You said this loop had its own threats!" Mepel spouted as I stared blankly at the two. "A team of PreCure is more than capable of defeating the lead evil in a year or two or your corporate masterplanner's money back!"
"Your last loop was with Rick?"
"No shit, Sherlock." snarked Mipelle as she broke out her cellphone. "I'll try to have our girls-"
"Jeremie, we got trouble!" Aileta dashed to our table and took her seat where she laid out the laptop from her Subspace Pocket. "XANA's activated a Tower in... Just look!"
I saw the map and spotted in the place of Sector 5...
"The Dusk Zone!" gasped Mepel and Mipelle as they slumped back from their seats in fear. My response was: "Huh. What do you know? Looks like we're going to need to break out the new toys. Aileta, you ping whatever loopers might be available while I get the old band back together."
Sure enough, I was greeted with an elevator packed with three familiar faces standing in front of three new ones. I gave them what they needed to know about the situation at hand and how we intend to fight back.
"So you're saying that this XANA is going to keep on attacking unless we do something about it?" Ulric asked and I confirmed.
"And I have a fully tested system on how to combat it." I wasted no time in getting them to the scanners, making sure to have Aileta hook up the Megascanner for its maiden voyage.
"Transfer Blake."
"Transfer Weiss."
"Transfer Odd."
"Transfer Aileta."
The harmony the scanners hummed acted to catalogue the atoms accounted for each person. Mepel and Mipelle clutched to Blake and Weiss for a specific reason, my mind thinking back to Mepel's words about the original Pretty Cure duo and how they gained power from the two fairies. And believe it or not, Mipelle proposed that it could be possible to get replicate the same results by combining their Atoms. Not sure how it would work out, but it's worth a shot at this point.
The two Huntresses held their hands together and reached out with the others crying out: "Dual Aurora Wave!" as their atoms were torn to shreds with the others as the Supercomputer pools them into their digital avatars.
- Lyoko Warriors at work
Snip 3: Loud
My eyes snapped open, I got up and pressed my temples. I heard someone's voice, a foreign voice, telling me to go back to sleep. Someone in my bed, sadly it wasn't Samantha as is the case for non-looping girlfriends. I just got killed off of my eighth loop and already I felt like this was eating at my hair. Rubbing my forehead, I felt that, yes, I WAS loosing hair!
I rushed to the bathroom and found a man that is making his way through his forties, I dug into my loop memories to find that I was married to this Rita Loud and I have ten daughters and a son. Great, A loop where I look my age and I'm essentially the father of my own siblings.
If there was anything more dull than a desk job (though the fact that I had one this loop certainly doesn't help.) It was a slice-of-life loop providing me a desk job. I marched from room to room, glancing for any signs for fellow loopers if this were a fused loop. I let out a ping for each of 'my' kids from oldest to youngest, and believe it or not, I received myself a response on the second door. I opened it to see a sixteen year old girl injecting herself with some sort of syrum, she glances at me and lets out a half-smile towards me.
"Don't bother giving me the speech, I already pieced together what's happening to Yggdrasil a few loops ago." The teenage daughter that pesky tree thrust upon me as she glanced at her body as the pouch of fat below her lifted sweater started to melt away. "Apparently you're just in time for my experiment with saiyan blood, so clearly you're a fellow looper."
"Yeah, this is my first fused loop." I sat by my second eldest daughter as her body firmed up. "This the first time you saw a different face hoist Anchor?"
"Close, it's my third." The girl had then stripped off her sweater entirely to reveal that her wirey frame had toned somewhat and firmed with slight indications of musculature underneath as if she's quite worked out. "First was a Dragonball Loop where I took in some Saiyan blood to keep in time freeze for when I pieced together notes from a super-soldier syrum in my second, Now I'm putting it all together in the third."
"Isn't it cheating to get all the ingredients from off Loop?" I asked.
"Nonsense, the only off loop ingredient is the Saiyan Blood." Her developing arms have now toned and show full signs of biceps and triceps with the developments she holds, while her shoulders and brastraps seem to have meshed up with muscle underneath of her brassiere as if it can't stand being kept in but very well constructed to prevent it from breaking as if it has been widening accordingly just as she had been growing and widening. "Everything is a blend of Iodine, Calcium, Potassium sprinkled into a fine blend of Bone Broth."
"So, you can basically turn any Joe Shmo into a Superman or something?" I asked to the brunette brainiac. "All from a freaking superdrug?"
"More like a Super Saiyan..." In a bright flash, her body exploded with a golden flame of energy which lit up the whole house. Her muscular development has become more realized with mass growing out alongside her formerly ripped appearance, emerging from her biceps and triceps, her lean and large calves, tight quads right against her shorts that constrict against her and fully revealed abs that are breaking out in a full six-pack with a light set of obliques. "But the effects only last for a single loop, and being a natural-born human, I'll usually loop in that way. So this syrum is more of a potion that can only be used in emergencies."
"Ah, so it's a limited fix, eh?" I shrugged as I skimmed through my Loop memories to see if there was still a chance of supranatural elements in this world, and sure enough, I found it. "Light Labs, eh? That'll do!"
"Look, I was sent here by my dad!" panicked Lincoln. "I didn't want to come!"
"And but did you have to bring The Doctor Light in there, too!?" Jeremie was panicking at the sight of one of his idols barging in with help.
"I understand that you aren't willing to accept our assistance." The good doctor stated to the boy. "But you need it as much as Mister Loud needs you?"
"We just got to know if you're awake or not." I asked to ol' Einstein. His look of confusion was all I needed to see, hence I pushed him out of the seat and typed away to see that Aileta was sitting in Lyoko as you'd usually expect out of the early days of the Lyoko Warriors. "Aileta, you're Awake, right?"
Aileta's eyes widened in shock. "Odd!?"
"Yes, It's me and to be frank... this face is not a cause, but a symptom of my burning hatred for Yggdrasil." I lectured to the princess "It burns brighter than a blue sun on a faraway planet, It will continue to blaze long after the final loop, It will last as long as there are branches that are repeating time and it will be my lasting legacy!"
Aileta's face showed a an expression of annoyed apathy "What did you do?"
"Challenged one of XANA's IRL Mechs which flipped me the double bird..." I muttered with reluctance. "Lasers came out, fried me, looped in as a dad, and now I'm here with my only son and ten daughters."
"Look, I kind-of understand why you're pulling us all in there..." added Lily, the eldest, as she stepped backwards. "But do you really think that XANA guy's worth it?"
"He wrecked my shit last time!" I pouted, despite not exactly being the age where pouting is an acceptable term for my actions. "The sooner I kick off round two, the better!"
"But that's why Megaman is here, to fight these battles in your stead." rebutted my current boss. "You needn't try to go-"
"Can and am, doc." I barked back. "When the ol' Della Robia vengeance train's a chuggin, no time to stop's worth pluggin."
Aileta was dumbfounded. "So you're just shoving yourself in knowing your current age-"
"Because clearly two can play at that game!" I plucked my two model replicas of Jaques the bird, and lasers were ready to come out. Aileta begged me to stop but it was too late, the birds fired away and their yells of agony filled the factory with the resulting nuclear explosion that crashed the loop, blanketing us all in a blinding light.
When Doctor Light came to, he noticed that his beard wasn't as long as it usually was and that Roll was rather tall. She took note of her face, more mature than usual, but it also had parts of it burnt off alongside the skin on her right arm, revealing her robotic nature. "Vitals are are just about as stable as this punishment Loop, doctor. I just hope to christ we can figure out something to keep XANA occupied."
"Yes." The good doctor opened his diary and written some notes as per usual. "But I noticed that there were eight pings among us, and two of them from an undocumented branch."
"Fresh Blood."
"Fresh Talent."
And so, Doctor Light made it a priority to find Doctor Lisa Loud again.
25: Attack of the Mutant
26: My Hairiest Adventure
28: Cuckoo Clock of Doom
I was getting pretty tired pretty fast of pretty much repeating the same day over and over again.
140 Characters
A planet, devoid of carbon dioxide. A deity, wandering the frozen tundra that such a planet entails. Leaving footprints in the emptied sidewalks as its shadow passed the skeletons of starvation, the empty buildings crumbling in utter disrepair and decay from the deprevity of the necessary elements of life. He looked to the sign of the city of Pottersville and sighed with lament.
"Yet another earth has succumbed to the bowls of Satan." The destroyer raised his hand and vaporized the planet with a whoosh of antimatter. For this is the way the world falls into ruin, unfair taxation and carbon deprivation sterilizing plants and starving the flesh of nature's blessing. "Why must these Pedovore pests pick away at this first planet?"
The destroyer marched back to his dominion as his reflection faded away from the universe which then slowly but surely died within minuites as its existential life force flowed out of its shell...
Loop Q1
.The first of fifty Loops that combines Pumpkin Reports with Heathers.
Loop Q50
- I only want to say
- if there is a way
- Take this cup away from me
- for I don't want to taste its poison
- feel it burn me, I have changed
- I'm not as sure as when we started.
- Then, I was inspired
- Now, I'm sad and tired
Keichi looked to the numerous machines churning out these crystaline spheres and linking them together into a web of stars beneath their feet, No doubt he was intrigued by the inner workings of this curious system as deities crossed the halls below to enter these realms. "So this place creates new universes?"
"Based on numerous handmade realities we denizens of heaven have personally created." smiled Belldandy as she traced the metal bar keeping them on the bridge.
Keichi looked in awe at the bejeweled sight in front of him. "That's... a whole awful lot of realities down there."
"Each with their own Hellmouth." In marched a looming figure with a giant hammer in his hand. "Hence why we tend to craft specific elements and spirits to combat this menace."
Keichi's eyes widened. "Hellmouth?"
"A hole where demons gather." The man continued. "And enact terrible things to corrupt the youth, destroy the family, consume the species and destroy the concept... of existence itself."
"Thor!" In came a lanky figure with a baby book. "Disney published this Book from a BuzzFeed writer."
"Feminist Baby loves to dance, Feminist Baby says 'no'... to pants..." The pinup pose of the newborn infant said it all, "Shut it down! We got a dead one!"
Two other angels came in on another machine, one with a skull atop a sort of spinal slot where a canister would be inserted. And sure enough, in came a third with a canister as they inserted both that and the offending universe.
"You mean to tell me you juice universes that offend you for fuel?!" Keichi stood in shock.
"Only those that are too far gone to the Hell-on-Earth scenario that often preceeds... an incident."
"I still can't believe that they would concoct something so nakedly evil in real life! 'Feminist Baby makes lots of noise, Feminist Baby Throws her Toys!'" Skuld cringed at the baby book. "How many times have you run into this book?"
"Thirteenth out of the fourty-two we've lost this week..." Thor sighed. "The very existence of this thing, the person responsible for this piece of anti-family indoctrination, it's starting to hurt morale here."
Keichi watched as the universe is converted into a liquid mass that flowed into the canister below, draped with disbelief that Disney could stoop this low.
"It's important that you keep the valve screwed on tight lest you get a reality or two splattered with these juices. Smeg knows what eldrich horrors are created by these things, and who knows if we can get them up here to help out..."
Daisy Disney
'Zip-a-dee Do-Dah, Zip-a-dee-ay!' The song rang loud enough to get the girl to stir in her bed, but not enough for her to get out. It was a wonderful day outside with plenty of sunshine aimed her way, but after discovering Battlefront II's Microtransaction-laden tyranny and burning the Feminist Baby book to keep it away from little Julie, she did not want to face the world she has the misfortune of living in.
"Daisy! Get on down here!" Yelled Wilma, her mother.
'Ugh, Come the buck up, Mom... All this trouble and you still wanna get out there?' she thought to herself. 'When's that replacement coming?'
"Sis..." Julie tugged at her blanket as the elder of the two groaned in increasing discomfort. "She's makin waffles, doncha want waffles?"
"The world cannot stomach your sister right now, please leave a message after the-" a note was played on a clarinet she grabbed nearby, one of irritation with the world.
"C'moooon..." Julie crawled onto Daisy's bed and started hopping about. "Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!"
"uuughh.... Alright, Already!" Daisy clung to her sister in a protective grip.
Ceena Turner
"The Root Hub didn't just die, it was murdered." Ceena leaned in her chair, concerned for the future of the Hub, it wasn't even an hour since the end of the last loop and there's still been an 'accident' causing damage to Yggdrasil. And somehow this incident ended up being the straw that broke the camel's back, the top brass saying the Hub Universe that she, her family and the rest of her honkin' race spent almost a century (stretched out by ChronoStasis over countless eons) living among has been declared a Hellmouth and is deemed unsalvagable to the top brass.
The Jesus Factory
Twas just another day in the time we called the 90s, Admins come and go as they see fit to meet the supply and demand of the mighty Jesus Christ Universe Factory through which every single possibility is its own unique world and reality. Zooming in on her parts truck to account for exploding populations was Fand -.
- Good Morning Zeus, how are you?
- I hope you're feeling fine.
- I'd love to stay and talk
- but it's almost 8 o' clock and I haven't got the time!
- Because we work real hard at the Jesus factory
- We start at eight and we don't get lunch 'til three
- I've gotta drive a truck to make a buck
- So I can send it home to my family
- Well now you are in trouble
- Your timecard is a wreck
- It's almost two past eight
- I'll go tell Tyr that you're late
- And he'll take it from your check
- Yes, Hermes-San
- Oh, yes we work real hard at the Jesus Factory
- Excuse me, Hermes-San, but I've got an injury
- Now get back on the line, you'll be just fine
- With all this work to do we've got no time for sympathy
.A successful universe scan.
- We member 'ol Keichi
- We member all the time
- But now this hole's our home
- so we can't pick up the phone when our friend's still on the line.
- I'm Urd
- I'm Skuld
- I'm Dandy
- We work here in the plant
- We'd like to take a break
- For goodness sake
- But dear old father says,
- You can't! HA!
- We all need a vacation
- Our schedule is severe
- We're getting real damn tired but stopping gets us fired
- So well have to stay right here
A towering man of might and magic marched forward to Hermes as he looks to his clipboard. "Well, my little quickster. What's the damage so far?"
"We might actually make our quota today, Mister High Admin Tyr, sir." Smiled Hermes.
Tyr, the admin of such high social standing, huffed with uncertain relief. "First time in a month."
- Because we work real hard at the Jesus Factory
- We start at 8 and we dont get lunch till 3
- We work the whole week through to make a buck or two
- So we can send them home to our families
Ares is upchucked through a near-hub in an ooze-like state to Aphrodite's shock and terror.
"ARES!" Aphrodite rushed to her consort's aid "Are you alright?"
"T-t-t-th-th-the democrats!" Ares fearfully babbled. "THE DEMOCRATS!"
"Christ, it's always the same establishment." Aphrodite cradled the traumatized god of war in her arms. "Don't worry, my love, we'll juice the verse and pump it into you so you can at least heal back up for work."
"I promise." Aphrodite then roared to Iris and --. "HEY! WE'VE GOT A DEAD HUB OVER HERE!"
The two then brought in the standard Star Squeezer and hooked it up to the Near-Hub to drain the cancerous realm of soul energy and atomic matter for Ares to absorb and recover some-to-most of his standard strength.
"We've lost forty-two Hubs this month, sir." Hermes solumnly stated.
"Oh, blasted machines." Tyr spoke with bitter remorse, "Change one little thing about the mech that builds them and the damn things that spawn from it are incompatible! Bah!"
- from single-payer healthcare
- to state-run industry
- all these earths come and go when we gods are left alone
- to hook up this machine-made crap.
"Sir, Bill Clinton outlawed the Republican party so now my America's trapped in a one-party dictatorship..." --- shrugged. "Can I go home now?"
"You are excused." Tyr bowed as --- went on his merry way, calling forward the Star Squeezer. "NUMBER 43! GIVE IT THE RIDE UP FOR NUMBER 43!"
- We watch as our hard work falls to Lib'ral Tyrrany
- A mask for Satan as you can clearly see
- If you can hear our plea
- Save Keichi
- At least just warn him of this catastrophe
"Lets see, matching genetic code meets memory core..." Skuld was hard at work on a special program that would unknowingly allow her to make a big change to the multiverse. "aaaaaand presto! 2014 to 2016! Hold on, its not climactic enough..."
As Skuld fiddled with the timescale, A man with flowing auburn hair stepped into her station and glanced at her laptop. "Skuld, Why are you setting up Loops?"
"Oh, Hi there, Mister Christ! You're just in time to see my appeal for the higher Admins." Skuld set up her computer and displays two distinct dates '8/16/93-8/20/17' "I introduce to you an up and coming aspect to the Infinite Loop program, if you need to do some universe re-organizing then all you have to do is assign a sane-minded individual to anchor a universe during a pre-programmed time loop."
"So you're adding an Anchor System to the Loops that we use when a Barabas is alchemized into being?" The holy man named Jesus glanced to the old computer that Skuld saw fit to tinker with. "And what exactly are you planning this for?"
"Land Development!" Blurted Skuld as she pushed the monitor towards her host. "I'm acting to replace the old hub root with a new, better hub that has better archival data on the multiverse."
"Archival data?" Jesus was confused until he realized what she meant. "But what about the Root machines!?"
"They'll stay the same, be they Geocentric, Solar Centric, or even those firmament discs." Skuld eyed to the lord and possible savior of humanity as a species. "We'll just switch out the root with something stronger and healthier in body, mind and culture."
"You can't just change how the factory machines work, not one part, not one screw, not one line of code." Jesus complained to the wide-eyed futurist. "Besides, we're doing alright as it is!"
The Monkey King slid from his star checking station and greeted his buddy from the west. "Keep the Worlds coming, Jesus. I'm on a roll today."
"Relax, we're still keeping the 'no added elements whatsoever' rule for this fancy new Root of ours, no Pokémon, no Master Builders, no spiral power, not a damn thing." Skuld pulled up a chart of specific works of fiction. "Those universes that have these specific boosts to its ecosystem, its technology, or even its quantum nature are archived as works of fiction to influence the world around those particular minds used to archive it! Books, Comics, TV, Movies, Video Games, you name it and there's a universe out there on which that story and universe is based."
"Wow, that's... kinda sobering for your mortal friend to know, Keiichi, right? " uttered Jesus to the one-time earthling. "Knowing that your would register as fictional across different realities."
"Only in the Universes that register as close to our root universe." Skuld reminded her host. "Speaking of which, I'm doing this to reroute the new root of all creation and purge the pedovores once and for all."
"Wait, Out of all our possible options..." Jesus reacted with surprise. "You decide re-organizing Yggdrasil would wipe out the Pedovores!?"
"And getting myself a promotion in the process." Skuld proudly declared to Jesus. "I fully intend to gain my own powers out of this new program."
"Those being?"
"Super Speed, Age Shifting, technopathy. The stuff you'd typically expect out of a goddess of the future." Skuld's smirking face expressed a cocksure feeling to her movement as she swayed towards her computer. "I'll be top of the mountain and get big sister all to myself again! Course, I'll be the boss..."
"Elmfir, Skuld." Jesus used the king's name in vain "All this for a promotion of power? That's insane!"
"Me, Insane?" Skuld glared into the eyes of her close comrade. "Is that a challenge?"
"...Yes, Skuld. It's a challenge." Jesus reluctantly named his terms in response to Skuld's cute childish face if only the age shifting would get rid of its cutesy charm for good. "If you get more Admins on board than I can produce Loopers in whatever Universe you want to go test out, then you can cut Keiichi's save data from Yggdrasil."
"You really mean it!?" Skuld's expression of shock cemented the feeling of elation from Jesus's generosity. "But if your amount exceeds mine-"
"or if there's a boatload of collateral damage from the swapout since... we all know your track record for that..." Jesus remembered the gizmos Skuld built throughout her time under Keiichi humble abode. By Jesus' expression of disimpression, Skuld felt more sorry for Keiichi than before. "I don't know... You could wear a Loser shirt, sing a 'Skuld Wrong Song' or something."
Part of her wanted to stay, yet there was a strong urge to return to her work back home.
"Deal." Jesus sat down. "But you gotta show me proof that this formula can work."
Skuld opened a folder of save data filed for one Amu Hinamori and activated the atomic cameras in that branch.
-Loop 12-
- You might be on to something.
- This may be our big chance
- We can save all mankind, least the folk not made of lies.
- from his marxist pestalance
- with all these lib'ral vampires eating humankind
- we have to act quite fast.
- cause if we launch too late
- a deadly fate
- humans will end up a thing of the past
- The Loops will have them join us
- To live in harmony
- we get to save spacetime and have new admins in line
- for your great Multiverse Factory
"MUGINGA EXECUTE!" A powerful howl alerted them to a magnetically charged universe overflowing into six other worlds to connect them into a single vertical line as they compress together, ready to burst from the pressure. "GEOTERROARIA SPIRIT EVOLUTION!"
The explosion of Lespira energy rocked the web and with it the factory floor. And if a total of fifty lost universes wasn't devastating enough, an additional eighteen Hubs that were close to the crossfire molded into a physical body for that energy.
It did not take too long for Hermes to sound the alarm and the camera focusing on the oncoming Barabos.
"Class D Barabos Successfully Alchemized. 25 universes compressed, no infectious qualities detected." The computer calculated from the sheet size of the beast within. "Please constrict target for complete and total erasure."
"A class D?" Urd glared to the emerging demon standing eternally hungry. "That sounds pretty tough..."
"Let's just do the thing, will ya?" Skuld pulled out a rod with elder sister of the past Urd before being swept into little yellow starfighters that appeared from thin-air before taking off to ensnare and erase the creature. Jesus glared to the beast as similar starfighters zoomed in with the same label: Barabos Deletion Armada.
Tyr could only cringe in irritation at the incoming fighters as the circled the great demon. "Not the BDA."
The flyers scramble to destroy the evolved Pedovore as it swatted at the fighters to protect itself from erasure. It dashed off to hunt for the purest realms untouched by its intolerant cults of tyrants, bullies and beasts only to be halted in his tracks by ---, -title-. He summoned a few soldiers from the Spirit Realm of the Duel Monsters that reign over what is dubbed the 'Duel Cluster'. "Are you ready, folks." He asked to the quintet of powerful sorcerers and their dragons.
"Ripe and Ready to Rumble!" The golden-haired maid clad in an array of pinks and teals dashed to the station as the other mages followed suit.
"Stand Back." Spoke --- to his fellow Lespirans in his hazmat suit. "Careful."
"Let's go, Odd-Eyes!" Cheered the last of wizards, a four-year-old girl in a blue and white dress riding atop an Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. A series of Pods zoomed to and fro, surrounding all parties involved to contain the spiral power of these forces. The duel ensued behind the scenes of the dueling barrier, A controlling Admin targeted the Brain to skip to the point in the timeline where it inevitably ceases to function and so with a push of a pin into a crucified effigy, the conflict had suddenly ended in a muffled BOOM!
The BDA drones dissipated to reveal their suited pilots as they unscrew the barrier pieces to reveal a metric ton of existential dust left from the Barabos threat. The other parties involved were riddled with battle damage and tattered clothing, especially a tall, willowy woman who was a week, a month, and a year out until her thirties. Her clothes were in the worst condition and seemed fit for a small child barely out of training pants.
Jesus Christ
The Demolition
They watched the newscaster freak out at the sight of president elect Hillary Clinton as Obama's thugs come in to apprehend him for his wrongthink-inticed execution.
"That's it, the Pedovores win!" Hades threw up his arms in defeat. "There's no way Israel's gonna survive a second Clinton Administration with all the satanic pieces in place. C'mon, let's get to the equipment, I'll reap the souls!"
"Hades, you cannot be thinking of abandoning a piece of our history!" objected --- to the lord of the dead. "Even Gerald wouldn't abandon!"
"Well he ain't here no more!" Hades flared up. "All because some shmo told him something he didn't know about and now we all have to observe every universe as carefully as freaking possible to ensure this shitloaf of fuck doesn't end up offing another one of us!"
"But there are still humans on that rock!" Jesus complained to Skuld "Can we at least dust off the rapture device!"
Skuld merely glared her menacing stare "And uplift Pedovores into heaven for them to slaughter our race, I don't think so."
.Admin Shenanagans.
- Judas: Ho, Jeeze. Why try to Holla
- to the Pedos on Top
- When you're truly their Allah
- That means it's time to stop
.Jesus suggests that the president stand against the threat.
- Victims of Globalism: four score after the Pedos
- Earth's been turned into hell
- Why did you never save us
- your time liked you so well
.Jesus starts to realize what Fand did to Gerald.
- Jesus: God, Fand. Who was that with you?
- God, Fand. How did he die?
- God, Fand. Why did you tell him
- of the fire's surprise...
Jesus hiked up the Iceberg in shame of his brothers and sisters choosing to destroy his father's hard work, the one world that started it all.
- I only want to say
- If there is a way
- Take this cup away from me
- For I don't want to taste its poison
- Feel it burn me
- I have changed
- I'm not as sure, as when we started
- Then, I was inspired
- Now, I'm sad and tired
- Listen, surely I've exceeded expectations
- Tried for three years, seems like thirty
- Could you ask as much from any other man?
Jesus laid his body onto the ice floor in grievance towards the looming demolition of the world at large.
- Back when I died
- Did you see it through to do the things you ask of me?
- watched them hate me, hit me, hurt me, nail me to their tree
- I'd want to know, I'd want to know, my God
- I'd want to know, I'd want to know, my God
- Want to see, I'd want to see, my God
- Want to see, I'd want to see, my God
- Why you could die
- How does your mortality tie into your master plan?
- Why would you abandon all the things among your land?
- I'd have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord
- Have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord
- Have to see, I'd have to see, my Lord
- Have to see, I'd have to see, my Lord
- If I die what will be my reward?
- If I die what will be my reward?
- Have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord
- I'd have to know, I'd have to know, my Lord
Jesus screamed to the sky in rage towards the curse.
- HAAAAAOOW could you die? Oh how could you die?
- Can you show me now that I would not be killed in vain?
- Show me just a little of your omnipresent brain
- Show me there's a reason for your wanting me to die
- You're far to keen and where and how, but not so hot on why
Loop 12
Amu could do nothing but struggle.
Amu as Ran
Loop 13
Ran Awakens
Loop 110
Amu was a bit confused. She was in her eleventieth Loop since she discoveres what loops were, and was the only one Awake. Not even her Charas were Awake, only Loop-Aware(With exception of Dia, but she used to be inactive for half of the Loop, and she didn't count by that time).
Right now, she and Ran were in the building she met Ikuto the first time, in the Variant she liked to call "Anime Variant". Ran had appeared, "Awoken" in the Loop-Aware sense, and started to look for Ikuto...
Who wasn't there, for some reason.
"This is weird. No matter the Variant, the first thing I do is see Ikuto." Amu said to herself, trying to find the stray Cat.
Using a technique she learnt from Ranma and Naruto, she transformed Ran into her, and, while The Chara returned to class, she picked a broom and flew through the entire city, looking for him.
Finally, she found him in the old amusement park. He was in one of the twirling teacups, his head resting in the wheel that made the thing twirl.
"Hey... Ikuto?" Amu called the boy with the Dumpty Key. He turned and saw Amu, and for the first time in the Loops, Amu saw him confused. Not angry, happy or sad... Just confused.
"I was a cat... And my owner was a white unicorn..." He said. "Then I'm back in my room, and nothing had happened, I still work for Easter."
Amu sighed. She knew she had felt something familiar in the cat Rarity had that loop. "Well, I was hoping your first loop was more normal, but it's not that bad either." She sat at his side, and started to move the wheel. At the same time, a Shadow Clone she made for searching actiated the electricity in the park, bringing the machinery to life.
"Welcome to the Loops, Ikuto."
Loop 2600: High School Graduation
"I want you all to look at me. Because what I’m about to say is important." stated Dia Hinamori, echoing the words to the late Justin Carmichael. "I’ve been thinking about this a lot; a lot lately. And I want you all to know this. This goes out to everybody. You’re not stupid. Okay?"
Considering what they've been through these past sixty-four centuries, it spoke volumes to any newfound looper like she was long ago. "You’re not stupid. Don’t ever tell yourself that you are. You’re important."
"What you have in your head may not mean a lot to a lot of people, but its what makes you special." And it did make them special that they started off as Guardian Characters and over time grew to obtain the power of a human form among other abilities over the Loops "You are important. You mean something. And you’re going to go out there, and you’re gonna to do some wonderful things."
"But, first and foremost, you’re not stupid. You’re not an idiot. Don’t ever tell yourself that you are." Dia was finishing this speech to her fellow students, her fellow Loopers, her fellow would-be selves. "And, if nobody else ever tells you this, I will tell you this; I care about you."
The fourth wall of the branch burst open to reveal a literal goddess holding an alarm clock blaring in full soundview. "Tick-Tock, Time's up!"
"And Then..."
"You needn't worry about the evil ones. We have your lord and savior on the case to dethrone the parasites and execute them with his platoon of Saints." The Male voice spoke as towns and cities were pillaged and decimated by every man, woman and child. "Again, we apologize for this inconvenience."
Far up in the air as other four-dimensional beings lifted earth-chunks into the air, a man in velvet leather stood against a tall, broad, bearded man in a blue robe, Nintendo-themed Tank Top and bright red cap reading 'Make Existence Great Again'. These two were prophesized to meet and they were destined to battle each other for the fate of all Yggdrasil.
"I know what your ass is thinking, Lucas!" Roared the bearded man. "...and believe me when I say the damage you'll do will make the Fall of Constantinople look like Garden of Eden so PLEASE listen to me!"
"No, YOU Listen!" The leather-clad man snarled back "Just because you believe in freedom of souls doesn't mean they're not nourishment for our power."
"We gain power with every new possibly we explore, Lucas, not from eating souls and matter." The bearded man saw the other man loom ever closer to a bright red button. "So please don't try to wake up the metafungus."
"Like you need this Hub to begin with," the demon snorted as he pouted out his point "You have a whole shitton of universes just like it with little difference here and there for 'Diversity' like anyone gives a slam anymore!"
"But the butterfly effect."
"But modern science."
"But human dignity."
"But eternal life."
"But bone cancer."
"But eugenics."
"... You know what, push that button and you sink all of Yggdrasil within the next year." The beardman disgruntledly relented. "But we'll ice your metafungus to save this happy little drive, or to avenge it."
"And If I refuse?"
"We'll let you go free and we'll pretend this never happened." The man in the blue robe had his hand extended for the gentleman in red. "Forget this end without end stuff and we can clean up these parasites together. I hear that there are medical miracles you turned down for countering your geoengineered bugs, why don't you make them all mainstream so we can save the lives of millions."
The man in red took a step forward before a balding man came to the beardman with words of advice. "My good Saint, Do you honestly think there is a trustworthy soul in a form designed to free the Evil Lord Xenu?"
"Wow, you're not as FUCKING RETARDED AS YOU LOOK!" The man thrust the ignition tube into the console's second left leg and the ultimate storm of desolation and disease swept the planet, every known disease hitting humanity at once from cancer to ebola, bones eroding, structures and items reducing themselves to polygonal shapes before dissipating into nothing as the souls of humanity are ripped from their bodies the exact millisecond that those bodies splash out of stability and turn into paint thinner. The man in blue could only watch as the concrete blocks and towers around the world were slammed into the ground with the similarly built structures of glass and steel, converting the soil and core of the planet into a metallic structure of soulless dystopia.
...and so the world of man ended, not with a bang nor a whimper, but with a sploosh of deadly metafungus.
A metallic jet leading an array of Spaceplanes swoops up up the velvet man by the trailer with its Zathruran Steel claws. Xenu laughing all the way as the velvet man grinned at his accomplishment of destroying the birthplace of humanity, the very root of Yggdrasil. The Metafungus gathered into a singular spot to convert itself into plasma as the now-mechanized metamorphized itself into a collosal giant of hunger and hatred. The face spoke as it emerged, from a whisper to a roar. "I... AM... ENNNDRIMOOOOORNE!!!!!!!"
Snip 1: Sweet Thing
The loops have done wonders for us. For starters, those fused loops, she took the form of more advanced forms of life and the wits would stick to her like Peanut Glue on bread.
The current mayor of the Town of Akuton was peeling the fruit he currently required to eat at the moment. "A-Ah..."
The fellow glanced towards his original charge, her tiny knees trembling underneath the weight the mind was forcing them to carry. a mind that was trying to say the word: "App-pul..."
That adorable childlike lisp brought a smile to the old (usually) machine's face
In Animal Crossing, she learned to walk and talk.
"Uh, excuse me." X-9 heard a voice and glaced towards a young girl with ravenous red hair with several blonde streaks adorning it. "Remember when you called me for a petsitting job?"
"...yeah." The robot responded. "And what's it to ya?"
She opened the door of her apartment to reveal a girl, around the age of a preschooler, reading Curious George and reciting the alphabet song.
"She barked out the word 'loop' couldn't stop backing until... I figured it out." X-9 walked over to the little one's drawing and saw the name. "And now I upgraded the petsitting gig into a babysitting gig. 'Nother reason to love the loops, huh?"
An oily tear of pride dripped onto the paper, one that did not smudge away the name that was written onto it.
in Equestria Girls, she learned to read and write.
"And what do I want from a robotic adult like you?"
"We've long since accepted our inability for our universe to repair itself." I brushed my hand against the top of her head. "We're not sure if this rumored completion expansions will happen or not, or what it means for our looping existence, but it's better to come prepared."
"...I understand." The bald boy in a red hoodie marched to his podium in confinement with the metal man. "Numbuh Fifty, to be a member of our organization, you need to train your body and mind to keep up with our risky lifestyle."
"Right!" she grinned.
"There will be good adults, unaware folks you can trust by a smidge," the commanding officer accentuated calmly in his british accent "...and then there will be the adults that deliberately dominate over children everywhere."
"And not a single adult here shall hear of any shred of our intel!" Numbuh One glared with a chilling stare towards her smiling face. "I have made my statement clear, right?"
"Rrrrrrrright!" Numbuh One pressed his fingers against his temples in embarrassment, finding himself lucky she hasn't-oh, wait. forget I said that. "Numbuh Fifty reporting for duty!"
Among the Kids Next Door, she learned to fight so she could protect and serve
"Laser Arrow!" A shower of metal darts rained upon the two Tarantulas, sealing their fate as their metallic exoskeleton detonated to blood red code. A swarm of hornets were looming ever closer to Odd's surprise. "That's a lot of bugs. Hey rookie, full house of Hornets at 5 o'clock!"
"Okey-Doke!" The newcomer leapt into the air with her enerbeam swinging her thirteen-year-old body across the digital trees to trip chunks of the swarm into the digital sea. A leaping kick to a just-digitized Krabbe acted as her landing pad whilst Yumi carved up the bugs that remained. "Am I doing good?"
"Very good, kiddo." Smiled Yumi as Aileta dashed to the greenhorn on her way to deactivate the tower.
"You're becoming quite the hero, aren't you, Lulu?"
The sweet thing blushed at the pinkette's compliment. "Thanks, but there's one thing I don't get."
"What is it?" asked Aileta as the young rookie walked into the tower right alongside her.
"I heard that Skynet reformed one loop and was rewarded with the gift of Looping." The usually-canine character mentioned from the whispers of the Cyberdyne branch in her few Bar Loops "Now she's a Green Lantern and obsessed with being-"
"Human?" Aileta glanced to the greenhorn before her and sighed upon ascending with her to the top level of the tower. "If you think you can get XANA to change like that, you are sadly mistaken."
"But why!?" Cried my ever-looping companion. "What's stopping him from Looping!"
"XANA was programmed to destroy Carthage and anyone willing to use it to their advantage, those were my father's exact words!" Aileta screamed towards the foreign Looper "If XANA were activated, he will not rest until our universe, or even existence itself is destroyed!"
"No, I know people can change. X9 changed. Vegeta Changed! I CHANGED!" Asserted the greenhorn of the group. "This is what the admins called EVOLUTION! ...they put it in every lifeform so they can survive."
The pinkette had finished entering the Code into the panel, sighing to herself in remorse for her nietivite. "You're just a pup, a real diggity-dog in a blossoming young woman's body... Of course you'd think it'd be that simple."
Tears benan to flow from her cheeks as the return to the past enveloped Lyoko, Kadic, France and every damn souls swimming in it.
as a Lyoko Warrior, she learned the ways of empathy and morality
By the end of it all. She had blossomed into a brave, loyal little woman, capable of holding her own and more than willing to lay down the law
But there was one thing that was on her mind.
"Dad..." She muttered. It was our loop as Hunters and Huntresses at Beacon, I was a natural human (again) and she the faunus that lay in the bed beside me. "Do you think that maybe, this isn't the way life is meant to be? Repeating the same life over and over, turning up in universes that don't make sense, living on for endless amounts of time without any change in the status quo without said universe mixing... Do you think it's right?"
"Course not." I shrugged, "Everything that lives must eventually cease to function."
"Even the loops?" Her voice was blunt, like she felt genuine fear for her life. "We've done so much with Jack, we've gotten so much better. Maybe... I don't want the loops to end... Maybe I want as many people as I can to loop! Maybe I want EVERYONE TO ASCEND!!"
I held her tight, reaffirmed her comfort and tucked her in saying: "It'll be fine. Just get some rest and we'll talk about it in the morning when we're not trying to destroy our universe."
"Okay..." She cuddled her old Pikachu Plushie, still as fluffy as the day she got it from a previous loop. "Goodnight, Dad."
I smiled at her. "Good Night, Lulu."
Sweet Thing. She may be all grown up, but the fact she still views me as her father after all this looping brewhaha... She'll always be my little Lulu...
Sweet thing.
Snip 2: Never forget your first
"It's for you, pappy." The Unawake Legend Numbuh Zero handed over his communicator to the very Master of Masters that replaced his father and promptly age-ifies to something more in line with the dawn of the 1900's within Aku's grasp.
"Hello?" Aku answered and on the other end was who else but his Admin Shou-Hsing.
"Greetings, wise Shogun of Sorrow." spoke the Chinese god of time. "I come bringing wonderful news, we're starting work on a final series of loop expansions for your branch!"
"Really now?" Asked the Deliverer of Darkness
"Quite right, Ten little expansions spanning over thirteen months following a full fifty-year expansion!"
"WHAT JOOOOOY!!!!" Aku promptly extended one of his claws to bite Montgomery Uno's head clean off, age-ifying his body and replacing the now digested head with that of Aku's. "The Samurai will find himself with quite a surprise when I go to break the tedium of infinity."
"Yes, but there's a chance that the completion of these expansions could possibly be it for your loops." Shou-Hsing lamented to the Master of Darkness before delivering good news. "But I can suggest to Yggdrasil to supply as many fused loops as it can squeeze within the seven thousand years between each expansion."
"Then I'll take a Gurren Lagann Loop immediately after the first one," smiled Aku. "Put me in the role of Lordgenome, have my Nia grow-"
"Hold up, you want her dripping with muscle?" Shou-Hsing was met with the obvious quote.
"SAMURAIIII JAAACK!" Aku has fully stripped all autonomy from the Senior Citizombified husks that was the all unAwake Loopers of Sector V. "Behold the seeds of my labor, be it through Islamic Submission or straight-up assimilation, all hearts will return to the darkness that is Aku!"
"I come with great news from the big cheeses of Yggdrasil..." Spoke Aku with his goggled, pudgy mouthpiece. "But only before I take this ONE stupid son of a gun and turn him into AKU!"
The ponytailed vessel groaned as the pudgy vessel cackled "Even as an extension of AKU, his lines still stank!"
"Hey, come on!" Complained the Nostalgia Critic that was somehow tied to Jack's back. "Sans does this jokey thing and he's alright!"
"That's cause he can form jokes from his throathole!" snarled the mantis-like bug lady. "Not to mention the way he uses it."
"Enough Talk! Once I absorbify the last of the Kids Next Door, I shall go ahead and DESTROOOOYINATE YOU SAMURAIIII!!!" Aku's voice snarled from the balded vessel and the scene played out as per usual, Numbuh One hesitated to unleash his one-on-four attack, Sector Z joined in to knock back the vessels of Aku, all seemed par for the course until Aku cancelled out their recommissioning by age-ifying them into delightful vessels of his evil.
"Tell the Kids Next Door... WE MISS THEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!!!!" Their howls of pain smothered by the wrinklifying decay that was Aku. No sooner did the five-man hivemind lunge forth and age-ify Nigel as well and through his lips, Aku delivers his message. "With the Kids Next Door finally destroyed, I shall deliver to you the great news!"
"Why?" Jack stood in utter shock of what has happened. "Why decimate this world to tell me?"
"So that It shall be the last thought you know for this loop." Aku was transmogrifying the moonbase into a Tapioca factory as he spoke. "The expansions are coming to our branch at long last, and these new loops will soon be our last!"
"You don't mean-?"
"Yes..." The boiler was ready to ignite with his roar. "This will lead to the end of our Infinite Loops, and you... Shall... DIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!"
Jack wanted to scream upon this news, but suddenly "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Nigel tore himself away from Aku's power, screaching a noise to pierce all of time, all of space, sending both himself and the Samurai back to a time before Grandfather and the dominion immediately suffered fore it.
"ohhhh, nooooooooo..."
The Samurai watched as time rippled and flowed, satisfied upon being sent back to the past that Aku typically flung him out of. Nigel watched as his wrinklified, decayed form restored itself to the youthful, childlike form of his baseline. Delighted to be free of Aku's grasp, but remorseful upon realizing the details of this particular loop and fearful of the punishment loop that was to ensue upon the defining moment.
The Prince flings his mystic blade against the ground to release the evil spirit for him to put it out of the earth's misery... or so the story typically goes when it lacks a certain Nostalgia Critic. "I apologize for your swift defeat at the hands of this puddle of a sin."
"It's alright." Smiled Sparky-Sparky Boom Man as he pointed to the many holes in the ceiling. "This place has a history of being burst into or out of."
"We all know how this goes, so we all know what I usually do. I'm just going to fill you in on a little secret for this loop." Aku explained upon the floor of the Critic's currently flame-coated workplace "Swimming in the ol' crown jewels is a seed that's quite... Loopier than the others."
The Prince reacted in lament and acceptance, "Two consecutive branches... in a fused loop?"
The Nostalgia Critic was dumbfounded by this revelation. "Sweet Jesus, Jack, You got double-crossed!"
"How very... Observant..." The Demon's screech was enough to pierce time and space itself and thrust the Prince away with barely a word uttered, The Demon knew that when he and the Samurai Prince crossed paths again, the latter would not be as fortunate. But that would be far, far into the future where his chaotic evil was law.
"Now, my punishment to you Adequately Impressive Three for your oh, so shining example." Aku loomed over the cowering Pixelator and Clobbererer who feared him so as did Aku's ultimate damnation for them: "SITTING AROUND AND WATCHING IRON FIST ON NETFLIX!"
"Yeah, I'd like to retake my shares in the company, please." Punching ensued on the screen as the Shogun of Sorrow sat in the center seat of the couch between Tacoma and Malcom, dumbstruck as to how surprisingly good it was compared to the baseline not starring Spring Man as Danny Rand.
"You lucked out, Adequately Impressive Three." Aku spoke in an awestruck tone to his voice. "Twintelle fits surprisingly well into the director's chair. Both figuratively and literally."
"And Spring Man really brings the sort of depth to the role you'd want out of Iron Fist." Complimented Tacoma. "Even if the extendable ARMS make him look goofy."
"I'd say they didn't have the budget to cover them up in post, but come on, Twintelle got someone to edit in Avengers Tower," stated Malcom with irritation, "Surely editin out stretchy arms would be a snap for this guy!"
"But then he wouldn't be recognizable under the CGI!" Tacoma rebutted. "And he deserves to shine on his own merits."
"Like his remarkably introspective performance as Daniel-san." Smiled Aku. "Just the way I like my actors, Extra Thick!"
"Five times..." Aku turned around to find the other guy standing there in disbelief. "Five. Fucking Times you do the exact same thing with no variation on it whatsoever!"
"What are you talking about, we only did it, like, twice." Malcom corrected.
"Like hell, ya did, you even reviewed the same movie twice!" Rob glanced behind himself in thought. "Come to think of it... Doug reviewed a fuckton of movies twice."
"Oh, so you're Awake, are you?" Aku grinned at the Critic's more level-headed brother "Forgive me, friends. I deal with Loopy friends all the time, see... there's this tree that's getting really really sick-"
And it was at that point that the Samurai and the Critic re-appeared from the future to Aku's shock. The Samurai proceeded to charge forward at the demon with his sword in hand, slicing through Aku and the couch where he sat. Hurrying with his pace and conservation of mass, Aku had to think quickly, and bite hard at the Samurai with a locked pocket and a determined spirit. Jack would cut Aku down the middle, slashing away at one half while thusting his blade deep into the other to absorb the evil spirit within. "NOOO MOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!!"
His piercing stab to the floor of Aku's evergrowing pit of hate caused explosions to rock and rattle every corner of the demon's lair, leaving nothing more than a smoldering crater where the Nostalgia Critic's familiar studio usually went.
"It is done." The Nostalgia Critic fainted into Rob's Arms in an overly dramatic fashion.
"I felt as if I heard the mind of Cartoon Network's most Iconic Villain cry out in pain and agony..." The critic spoke in a hammy whisper. "...then was suddenly silenced."
"He will never hurt anyone ever again." At least, thought the samurai, Not until the next loop Numbuh One was feeling a deathly chill and received a grim reminder of the very nature of this peculiar loop.
"Without Aku, the sixth age of the Kids Next Door would have never emerged. Numbuh Zero, my own father, would have never exixted." Numbuh One slowly realized as he felt his life dimming. "I would have never existed, I... am probably going to be the test dummy for the new Emoji Movie punishment loops, aren't I?"
"There's an Emoji Movie?" The Nostalgia Critic watched the boy next door vanish out of existence, leaving only his clothes. The boy mattered not to the reviewer so much as the imminent threat before him as he fiddled with his phone to look up what irked him the most and saw the trailer for the film in plain sight, damning app product placement and all dating this movie with its mere existence and driving the Sparky-Sparky Boom Man to tears of utter shame. "I'm gonna have to review that, aren't I?"
A tone of calamity and woe enveloped the world as the Loop effectively collapsed.
Snip 3: Rose-Tinted Glasses
To the Loopers of Remnant, it was rather normal for Penny to come along and meet up with them after she arrived from Atlas. The robot girl was a part of their lives, after this long.
What was not normal for them, however, was for “Penny” to have swapped genders.
Or have a team with her, who were serving as “exchange students” for the year.
Or actually not be Penny at all, but instead a Visiting Looper.
At least Ozpin had sent off Cardin’s team for the exchange.
“Hello! You are Ruby Rose, correct?”
“Uh, yeah.” Ruby said carefully, looking at the strange girl that had just walked up to her out of nowhere.
She was also ignoring the pair of large, floppy ears that the clearly-a-dog-faunus had. She was still a person, after all.
“I am Lulu! Nice to meet you!”
“Um, hi Lulu!” Ruby felt extremely awkward as she shook the other girl’s hand. Her social awkwardness wouldn’t just go away after one day, after all, even with how Yang seemed to be expecting that it would for some reason.
Before Ruby could consider the matter further, however, her dog ran up behind her to the faunus girl.
“Zwei!” Ruby said, watching as the corgi began to bark happily at Lulu.
“Aaaw! Who’s a good boy?” Lulu grinned, reaching down and beginning to scratch behind the corgi’s ears.
“Arf!” Zwei said, hopping up into the girl’s arms.
“Er, I think he wants to talk. See you later, I promise I’ll bring him back!” Lulu said to Ruby.
The unawake girl just looked confused. “What are you talk-"
Before she could ask her question, Lulu had sprinted away at a pace that put Ruby’s Semblance to shame.
“…Did a student from another kingdom just kidnap my dog?”
Meanwhile, as the two dogs fled the area, Zwei started talking.
“So, you’re the first dog Looper?” Zwei asked, looking up at the floppy ears of the girl holding him.
“I think so.” Lulu admitted, setting him down. “And you’re our new member?”
“That I am.” Zwei did the best imitation of a bow that he could.
Lulu chuckled as she scratched his ears.
"Miss Weiss"
“Samurai Jack.” Weiss Schnee replied politely, giving the older Looper a short bow. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Likewise. I understood you wished to see me before?”
“Indeed.” Weiss stated, nodding. “I had understood that you were among the first Loopers not from Star Wars to train as a Jedi.”
“You have heard correctly.” Jack said, unPocketing a lightsaber and activating it.
Weiss looked slightly interested as a white beam shot out. “Interesting. A atypical kyber crystal?”
“It was a Fused Loop. The blade was one of a kind.” Jack said calmly.
“Ah. Does it carry the properties of your normal sword?”
“Indeed it does. Have you found a lightsaber version of Myrtenaster?”
“As a matter of fact…”
“General Ironwood?”
“Yes?” The old man asked, turning around to the robot… man? Person? That had, regardless, replaced Penny for this Loop.
“I wanted to talk with you.” X9 – or Cent, as he was called here – said politely. “About Penny.”
And with those words, he had the military man’s more or less total attention.
“Way I understand, in your baseline, she was killed by one Pyrrha Nikos, yes?”
“She was. Due to an illusion cast by one Emerald Sustrai.” Ironwood replied coldly.
“I see. I… was subject to a similar situation in my past. I wanted to speak with her - see if I could help.”
“What do you mean by that?” Ironwood asked, frowning.
“Are you familiar with the “cartoon”” – here, X9 visibly made air quotes – “Samurai Jack?”
“I’ve heard of it from Penny. Never had the time or inclination to watch it, though.” The general admitted. “But I did hear about the Loopers of that world.”
“Yup, I was the third Looper of that world to activate.”
“And you were a robot as well, if I recall right?” Ironwood asked.
“Yeah. Last of the first robot series that Aku had built, before the beetle-drones became more widespread.”
“And the only one to develop emotions, as I recall.” Ironwood added darkly.
“Heh. Pretty much.” X9 chuckled before a scowl came over his face. “Me and Lulu have got to thank that scientist who built me for that, at least.”
He frowned. “Not really anything else, though.”
“You have an issue with them?” Ironwood asked, raising an eyebrow.
X9 did the robotic equivalent of sighing. “Yeah. Bastard ratted me out to Aku after I had retired. They took Lulu, and Aku told me – still does, sometimes – that if I didn’t kill Jack, she’d die.”
Ironwood grimaced. “That never ends well, I imagine?”
X9 snorted. “Jack’s taken down entire armies of the things built to replace my series alone in our baseline. Take a guess how well I did by myself.”
He sighed. “I knew I was going to probably die from the start, so it was easier to move past it for me than I hear it was for her, but still… it’s not easy at first, waking up and remembering the guy who killed you.”
Ironwood said nothing.
“Just… tell her that. Next time you see her.” X9 breathed out. “If she’s anything like me… knowing you’re not alone is a comfort.”
Yang was in slight awe as she stared at the male Huntsman that was visiting both her school and her Loop.
Not because of his height and size – even though he was almost the size of Choji Akimichi as an adult at the age of 16.
Not because of his red hair and ponytail – even if they were pretty cool.
No, her interest was because of something else.
“Yo-your leg!” She stammered, looking down at the young (in reality, much older than anyone in on the planet save maybe Ruby and definitely Jack) man’s left leg. Or rather, the thing that had replaced it.
“Aye, wee lassie!” The warrior known only as the Scotsman said, grinning as he brought up the Dust rifle that he had turned into a prosthetic. “Ah gots a few billion more sort a like this! Wanna see em?”
Yang grinned as she looked up.
“YES! Can we compare notes?!”
Snip 4: Thunderbolt and Lightning
-Post S5E1-
The thrum of the engine. The screech of the metal limbs. The cries of the innocent. The listless winds of eons past.
This was the world Jack Woke to.
A legion of Beetle Bots, charging after two, no, three innocent creatures. The beetle's design called for this. They would destroy the innocent and the good.
Jack accelerated.
The Beetles turned from the trio of aliens to him. Jack's hand went first to empty air, and then into his Subspace Pocket, seizing his sword and drawing it. His free hand pulled the combination rocket launcher mini gun from his back, and blasted a hole into the center of the beetles, where the innocents were.
Jack arrived, readied and willing. The beetles charged. The battle began.
The battle did not last long.
Wreckage, the smoking, oily remnants of the Beetle bots marring the field. Jack's motorcycle was intact, even if he was low on ammo. The innocents were unharmed. Jack, clad in armor as he was, turned to them, and looked down upon the three blue aliens. An electric text appeared above one. "Thank you."
Jack knelt, taking a roll of linen paper, a vial of ink and a brush. He labored for a bit a moment, and presented his fruit to them. "You're welcome."
They waved him off as he rode into the sunset.
The expansion, it seemed, had finally arrived, and left Jack with no short supply of confusion. It had been years since he had last seen Aku... or at least he was reasonably sure of that. He was also reasonably sure that all portals back to the past had been destroyed.
And there was the open question of the strange warrior, a shogun creature, astride an ebon stead. Who the hell was that? Aku? Himself? Jack didn't quite know.
As he rode through the wilderness, Jack pondered such thoughts, such pain. Fifty years of the future, fifty years with his past and his failures hanging over him... had his will been so weak? In the beginning, had he surrendered himself to failure, to the end, after a mere five decades of Looping? Or was it that with no way home, with no chances to right the wrongs of the past, that he could find no refuge than simple defeat, if not in body, than in spirit.
The leafs of the red and gold forest stirred beneath him. Jack asked himself. Had he forgotten his purpose, in the future? Was he so shattered? Could he have-
Smoke. There was smoke on the horizon, from a distant town. Jack stopped, blinked, and turned around, gunning the engine.
He had evil to kill.
The town was long gone though. Razed days before, and not a soul, tragically, remained. Jack stopped, set the kickstand of his bike down, and sighed. Next time, he told himself. Next time.
"Mmh, Jack. Mmhm. Well well well Jack, long time no see."
Jack turned and looked at the flamboyant sounding robot man dressed in purple. "No time no see. Scaramouche, ambassador of annihilation, piped Piper of ruination, crooner of carnage, Aku's favorite assassin. Hmm... not really digging the front end shag."
Jack starred at the flamboyant purple robot man. "My beard?"
"Yeah, yeah, that. Where have you been buddy, I destroyed this town days ago! Been waiting for you all that time! And... wait..."
Scaramouche looked down at Jack's sword, and shrugged. "Well, good to see you again. I'll just call up Aku and tell him I'll be delivering him his soon to be favorite severed head for Akumas."
He pulled out a smartphone and dialed Aku. Jack starred at Scaramouche. "You have service out here?"
"Better believe it baby." Scaramouche got through. "Aku, my man, I-"
Jack politely sheathed his blade and picked up Scaramouche's momentarily conscious severed head. "Thank you for the compliments. But you should have seen this coming. It is an assassins end."
Scaramouche frowned, and died.
Jack picked up the phone and listened to Aku rabble for a moment. "And then I just expect you to start asking me for a time share, and I'm going to tell you again... wait... I recognize that stoic silence."
"Jack, Jack, enjoying the new expansion are we?"
Jack looked around. Apparently his body and the rule of drama were colluding to toy with his mind, since he was currently hallucinating that several rocks around him were innocent children. "No."
"Well, we'll see about that. Oh, and by the way, you haven't happened to see any me-themed bounty hunter ladies as of late?"
Jack looked at the smartphone in confusion. "No, I haven't."
"Yeah, me neither. Strange, I know."
"You sound different. Do you have another cold?"
"Oh, live and change, we all do. Well, not you. Bye."
Aku killed the connection, and Jack mounted his bike again, after looting Scaramouche's body for weapons. The Samurai, despite himself, grinned. It felt good to be back.
And in a distant fortress, a woman named Ashi stared out into the beautiful world, and asked herself how she had come to return to the lair of her mother.
Snip 5: Victory Forevermore
Max was back at her dorm in Arcadia Bay in a rare turn of events, even for herself. She decided to send out a ping, receiving six other responses with a seventh and eighth telling Max to report to to a nearby classroom. I checked through my loop memories to find that my teacher was named Jack and his assistant Techna had invited me and six other students to a special classroom to talk about a specific topic of grave importance.
"Heya." Chloe, ten o'clock. She was among the students that were summoned by Jack, she was feeling a bit anxious towards the meet-up. "Looks like another fun loop, huh? Why else would we be here at Arcadia?"
"C'mon, Chloe. These home loops always have a twist that block my rewind." I reminded my friend. "That's how our admin patched me up, right?"
"You don't have to tell me twice." teased Chloe. "So what's the deal?"
"According to my loop memories, we've got an Archeology class between gym and photography." I recounted. "Extra History credits were promised and we took the bait."
"So we're trapped like tuna fish in setup for a sci-fi show." Chloe opened the door with a dry expression. "This'll be fun..."
We made our way in to find who else but my friends from the Great Valley, and FYI, their human forms look kinda nice. Littlefoot, or Connor as he's called this loop, has this lanky bishonen kind of vibe from one of those JRPGs. Cera was about an inch or two shorter than I was, but had thicker muscles than what my string-bean ass could hope to achieve. Peter was even shorter, a pathetic five-foot-five. Spike looked like a guy who could routinely plow through Prescott like a runaway truck. And Dolly, she looked fine for a petite princess like her.
"So this is your baseline?" Littlefoot asked and I nodded in confirmation. "I kinda lived through one of these."
-Abare Dino Thunder-
- Max Caufeild/AbareMaroon = Ruby Stego Ranger
- Chloe Price/AbareIndigo = Sapphire Bachycelo Ranger
-Kyoryu Dino Charge-
- Sensei Jack/Kyoryu White
- Connor 'Littlefoot' Douglas/Kyoryu Crimson
- Cera Threeve/Kyoryu Magenta
- Dorothy 'Dolly' Southlake/Kyoryu Chartreuse
- Peter Nightingale/Kyoryu Teal
- Spevk 'Spike' Rehmeev/Kyoryu Slate
Snip 6: Mitosis
-Post S5E2-
I don't exactly know how long I've been repeating the same year over and over, But I know that I'm stuck eternally studying for my entrance exam ever since I first opened that door with my High School Uniform on. I've always worked by hide off to reach the same high school as Yuichi, no matter how much it changes, no matter how long it takes. But in spite of that, I always have this nagging feeling that time isn't really progressing all that much. Today was a decent cap to my current year, I put my high school uniform on and peeked into the keyhole of my room, hoping to myself that this will be the time that I finally make it to the-
-LOAD: SJ2001.501-
...egg cell?
Oh, no! I've been reduced to sperm in a newly conceived egg! How am I ever going to remember my entrance exam? How am I ever going to remember Yuichi!?
Relax, we're alive, aren't we?
It's not just you that's swimming in here.
It's all of us. And there might be a reason as to why, but we're not going to get that until all of us have been born and raised.
We're gonna be honest to god Septuplets this time! I bet we'll look cute as babies, don't you!?
So you've been repeating the past year over and over.
Yep Yep Yep.
You guys... Why haven't you told me?
Each of us thought we were the only one. Guess we were all wrong...
Thank You! I never want to be alone...
The Daughters of Aku: a deadly cult of amazonian ninjas who have enhanced their bodies by drinking the very lifeblood of the Shogun of Sorrow himself. The High Priestess and divine leader of the cult had obtained the proper fertilizer to produce the seven newest members of her sinful establishment and is now forcing them all out into the world for Aku as her underlings bow before the two. Her screams echoed across the chapel, the gong sounds with every successful birth, seven in all. The first to arrive had a soul that was somewhat determined, yet unskilled. Second came an elusive child who was capable of the art of seduction and sedation. Next came a brilliant mind which made up for its lack of combat potential with a the skill of a master tactician. A lax spirit adorned this next daughter which hid a dangerous fury which did not seek any disturbance. The fifth of the daughters was sheepish and slow but had the will to fight when the time comes to attack. The penultimate child saw a firey temper which sported a lack of focus. Finally, the youngest had an unbridled sense of happiness which saw a frighteningly low level of restraint if honed a certain way.
"Aku, our lord and master, is one with the darkness. He was born from it." spoke the High Priestess as the seven Suzukis of Aku stood above a pile of dirty coal drenched in flames and darkness. "It fills him with infinite power."
Nana looked down in fear over this looming dive she was about to take. "We, too, must become one with it."
No sooner was her mandatory bathrobe immediately stripped away to reveal the barenaked body of a four-year-old girl. The High Priestess decides to initiate the baptism with a grin upon the psychotic face beneath his mask. "We are forever grateful and ever in your service."
And with that, the eldest daughter is immediately kicked into the pit of soot. Her screams ringing throughout the temple.
It only got worse as they got older. Strenuous Training, Beyond Zero Tolerance and sub-standard living conditions. All to harden each of them all into cold-blooded killers, something they never wanted to be in the first place
- Nanasama slips on a cliff in front of Nanacchi, but gets up with 'encouragement' from the High Priestess.
- The seven Nanas, each one now twenty-five years old, complete their training with an adept skill at killing people and hunting prey. Aku decides to squander all that talent by:
"You are seven, but now you wear the face of one." Spoke the Deliverer of Darkness as the Sisters donned their masks. "One purpose for which you were born: TO SIT AROUND AND WATCH LUKE CAGE ON NETFLIX!"
"Isn't my presence alongside you a pointless excuse to gather readers from a cult comic to corporately mandated mainstream v-"
"Shaddap and make me a sammach, hoe!"
"Well, looks like the biochemistry of the fairer sex is hard at work, eh? Is that it?"
"Battle Couple Combo!" Aku laid his legs on the table, spread far enough to make room for a tube of Kickin' Chicken Taco Pringles whilst the Nanas of Aku sat around the Master of Masters with surprise and relief towards the past twenty-five years of their existence. They each take a small, square bowl as the High Priestess was in utter shock to this sudden shift in her lord's Attitude towards the children she raised for their intended purpose.
"How DARE you, sir!?" Snarled the Priestess. "These Seven were raised for the singular purpose to KiLL THE SAMURAI!"
"The Daughters of Aku were raised for the singular purpose to kill the Samurai. These are clearly not the Daughters of Aku but Seven Similar Septuplets who looped in as the Daughters of Aku." Aku rolled his eyes at his avid worshipper. "It's very complicated, see, there's this tree that's going broke, gods are working to fix it or else existence fades from existence. It's that kind of stuff that sees guys like us repeat time and space over and over without stop. The Samurai obviously understands that, why can't you?"
"Timelines repeating themselves?" The priestess was dumbfounded "Master, tell me that this isn't your excuse!"
"Be grateful that these loops are in place, most people live one life and that's it. With the loops, you can repeat your life over and over without any signs of them stopping." Aku sneered to his disciple. "Besides, we'd all be nothing without these loops, as in all of spacetime itself would not exist if Yggdrasil kicked it so..."
"You say that life is meaningless?" spoke the priestess in dismay.
"Yeah, pretty much." Aku then handed a piece of paper to the high priestess. "Here's a list of foodstuffs I need you to pick up at the Mobius Inn. The Innkeeper and her employees got my ping a few years back, so I made this order a few minutes back. And be sure to list the items out loud or they won't hear you."
"Oh... Very well..."
As the priestess marched towards the Mobius Inn, fate had apparently overheard the conversation as a specific shot of the show they were watching focused on a quote that was aimed directly at her. "Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh! Ready, Defenders?"
"Ready! Aahahahahaha-!"
The Priestess enters the Mobius Inn to find herself surrounded by dinosaurs of every species, scaled and feathered, standing alongside an array of odd characters in many shapes and sizes. Certain fellows might find that these people have entirely different art styles.
"Can I help you?" An athletic young woman with broad shoulders and an apron tied around her hips.
"Yes, I have come to pick up Aku's order of a Veggie Thiccburger for Nanacchi, Double Bacon Chicken Thiccburger for Nanappe, Fat Koko for Nanakko, Fat Hammond for Nanarin, Fat Darrel for Nanapon, Quesalupa for Nanasama, Doritos Locos Taco for Nana, and the Tower of Thicc for Aku."
"You're here for Aku's food, eh? Coming right the shell up!" The woman's form faded as her shadow inflated to the size of even Aku himself, soon the high priestess saw in her waitress' place a towering T-Rex fetching a huge tray of paper takeout bags, rushing to her patron's car in no more than a few huge strides that can be counted on two to three hands, all to pack this tray into the backseat of her future van.
The priestess could only stand in shock over the revelation that the inn was somehow staffed and founded by dinosaurs. Confronted with such oddities, the high priestess sat by the bar in confusion. "I fail to understand this new reality."
"You and me both, sister." The ashamed priestess would find herself face to face with a man with a Dinosaur's head atop his shoulders. Her only reaction was to plant her face against the table, the man merely saying to an unseen person: "I'm A Dinosaur."
Snip 7: Raiding the Dank Camp
-Post S5E3-
It had started as a normal day for the Cult of Aku’s priestess.
As the High Priestess watched her daughters train against those who had sworn their lives (willingly or not) to Lord Aku, she was pleased to note that they were all focusing more or less entirely on their combat skills now.
At least, she was making note of that.
Up until the front door exploded without warning.
She stopped noting things in other areas when that happened.
“Who dares?!” She hissed, whirling around to face those who dared to assault the temple of her master.
As the dust began to clear, she saw three figures – two roughly the size of a normal human, one about two feet taller than them.
Unnoticed by her, or most of the temple, a fourth figure walked in behind them, low enough to the ground that you would have had to look for them to see them.
However, when one of them walked forwards, the other figures were shoved to the back of the Priestess’s mind as her brain froze momentarily.
She would recognize that robe, that face… and that sword… anywhere.
“SISTERS! COME FORTH!” She roared. It seemed her daughters would not be needed to eliminate this fool after all.
As one, every face in the main temple, and many more from the side passages, swung towards the entrance.
“The samurai who has cursed our lord has come here to die! See that he meets his fate!” She roared, bringing out her staff as she prepared to move with them.
Below, she noticed something. Namely, that her five-year old daughters were starting to move towards the entrance, and their enemies.
Frowning behind her mask, she jumped down like a thunderbolt, landing in front of the seven of them.
“Not you.” She hissed like a viper.
“M-mother?” One of them – she couldn’t tell which – asked in a puzzled tone.
“You would all only get in the way as you are now. I will decide what is to be done with you after the samurai is dead. Begone!” She hissed, lashing out with her arm.
Wincing, the seven ran away from their sole parent into the depths of the temple, away from the massive clash taking place at the front gates.
A clash the cultists were overall, doing very poorly in.
“Crush them! All of them!” The High Priestess screamed, charging forwards with her staff in hand, the stance she had honed her whole life taken as she moved to attack the samurai.
She never made it there, however.
Before she could make it close enough to battle Jack (currently fending off five of the novices at once with seeming ease), pain shot through her legs.
“Wha-?” She gasped, turning around as she fell to the ground.
As the hilt of a blade impacted her mask, knocking her out, several thoughts ran through her head in an attempt to process the last thing she saw.
Namely, wondering how in the world such a tiny dog could be carrying a copy of the Samurai’s sword in its mouth so proficiently.
It was in no way a normal day for any of her sisters known as the Daughters of Aku.
Their home had been assaulted. Attacked by the being they had been raised to kill for the entirety of their lives and a handful of pitiful allies.
The outcome should have been clear. The foe of their master should have fallen swiftly before their colleagues, and mother would return to them to decide what their new purpose in life would be.
However, the yells and shouts coming from outside their hiding place over the cavern – where they could stay hidden from sight but also hear what was happening – told a very different story from what should have been happening.
Mostly because all of the screams that they heard – or at least, the screams that sounded of pain – were coming from a woman’s throat.
None of their attackers – except possibly for what appeared to be a dog that was sneaking into a secret room as it shifted into a humanoid form – were female.
"Shh... It's gonna be fine. At least one of you twerps'll end up Loopy like me eventually, so we might as well dig into the underlaying features of your fruity little club before time resets itself!" A big grin adorned the elder girl's face as she towered over the seven sisters. "Won't that be fun?"
The children slowly stepped away from the thieving faunus before them, unaware of what the damned thing really was as it dug into its documents. This couldn’t be happening. Their mother had made it clear that the destroyer and his allies could never defeat the righteous in a direct battle.
But the sounds from below and the canine shifting into a humanoid form told a different story.
"Holy Cheese, I knew Shillery was one of those children of Aku, but George Lucas, Katie Perry, Bill Nye, How low can this satanic pedoring even sink!"
It was not a normal day, or Loop, for Jack, but he was hoping to make what he was doing in it more normal over time.
Earlier, X9 and Lulu had found the base of the Cult of Aku, well in advance of the sisters departing to hunt him down.
Their next course of action had been clear.
“Wahahaha! Bring it, lassies! Me granny hits ‘arder than you!”
Smiling as he heard his best friend laugh, rubber bullets firing nonstop from his gun-leg, Jack returned his mind to the battle at hand. These cultists wouldn’t defeat themselves, after all.
Even if they technically had when the Daughters they had raised killed all of them as their “graduating test” before being sent to eliminate him.
“Jack? How are you holding up?” Came the voice of X9 over the radio.
“We are doing well in this battle, so far.” Jack replied, absently using his free hand to send one of the cultists flying. “Have you located them yet?”
“Practicing my normal, non-Looping, tracking skills. Nothing on the Daughters yet, only had a minute or two. You’re certain that the deprogramming methods you’ve got will work?”
“All right. I’ll call back in a few – hang on.”
The sound of a loud, fleshy, THWACK! Echoed over the transceiver as X9 went back to work.
Focusing his attention back to the fight in front of him, Jack began to clash with a woman that looked to be slightly more dangerous than the rest.
Mostly because she lasted for two seconds instead of one before he disabled her.
Oh well. Another day, another Loop, another fight alongside the Scotsman, X9, and Lulu, and finally, another loss for Aku.
All commonplace in the life of Samurai Jack.
Snip 8: Like Rabbits
-Post S5E5-
The Wandering Samurai was flabbergasted as soon as he found himself in the future.
"Something on your mind, Samurai?" a voice asked him, revealing Aku.
"Aku," Jack said, with less venom in his usual tone. "Just amazed at the current state of affairs."
Aku gave him a small look. "Does it have anything to do with me offing the closest thing you had to a best friend in this era?"
"That's part of the reason." That, Aku just looked at the Samurai in genuine curiosity. "The other part is more along the line of how."
The incarnation of Evil just gave him a blank stare, Jack just giving one back.
"I know how, I've met his wife. I've helped SAVE his wife. I've even tried not to rouse her anger when her...weight is called into question and enjoyed her haggis. It's more along the lines of how they're not as muscle-bound or huge as they are."
That got Aku curious as he managed to open a portal to the Scotsman's area...and understood what he meant as he silently closed it.
"You weren't kidding," Aku muttered. "I was in quite the mood in Baseline that I never got to ask 'how' myself." He then looked at the Samurai. "The only theories I can think up are they've upped their training regiment, they have a very high metabolism, or their genetic structure is quite...something."
Jack gave out a small shrug as he looked at his sword. "I can say one thing," he muttered. "Meeting every single one of them is going to be quite a hassle."
"Ah yes," Aku muttered. "The fan girls. I get them every now and again myself. If their father is quite the storyteller as much as he is your partner in crime on occasion, then I can picture some of them being quite...forceful."
They gave out a shiver.
"So," Aku muttered, "are you going to do your hero thing as usual?"
Jack gave out a stare. "It's not often we just talk," he replied. "Keep in mind that you and I are supposed to be enemies."
"Yes, I know. I fling you into the time where my evil is law, and you try to undo the future that is Aku. Personally, I'm starting to miss the chase."
That gave them a small look and Jack a small smile.
"For old time's sake, then?" he asked the incarnation of evil, sword and sheathe gripped.
Aku gave out an evil grin. "For old time's sake," he replied. "Remember that I'm not easily quelled. So try to chase me when you can...Samurai Jack!" That's when he did the familiar laugh and disappeared, leaving Jack to do his usual thing for the few years.
If the Scotsman was Awake, they were going to have quite the talk.
Snip 9: Mutual Rivals
-Post S5E7-
The two forces sitting across each other were, at face value, natural foes. One was a literal source of evil, the self proclaimed master of masters, the deliverer of darkness, the shogun of sorrow, the lord and eternal conquer of Earth and the galaxy, the shape shifting lord, the one with great flaming eyebrows; Aku. The other was the most powerful and deadly warrior in this existence, pure and humble of heart and soul, displaced prince of forgotten kingdom and time itself, one who could jump good, the liberator and saviour of countless people, the one who showed the world that good can win and hope can flourish, the wielder of a magical sword that three gods forged together to banish evil away; the Samurai.
On another look, they were friends of a sort; eternity spent together through reality itself repeating time as a means to repair damage done to it had caused formality to form between the two. They still opposed each other as they did in the first timeline, but now to keep their skills in level with each other as they both viewed the other as their true rival and the only one allowed to finish the other.
The news they had received by a true God of reality a few thousand iterations ago had still effected them greatly and thus they had went to see other after had occurred to them.
With Aku lifting a teacup to his lips and taking a sip, something he had gained a liking for after replacing the dragon of the west so many times, the incarnation of evil said to the man in white, "So Samurai, three more expansions."
"Indeed," the Samurai replied, tipping his head. "Three more expansions and then it is over."
The news that their slice of reality was nearly repaired in full with a few details remaining lost to time had shocked them both and the other travelers through time as well. They had not expected this after the long period of inactivity and halting progress to the restoration of their reality but now, almost clockwork, there had been repeated expansions that proved their world was progressing to being healed. That their Administrator had informed them of the news of close they were prompted this meeting between foes and friends to discuss the importance of this herald of information.
The Samurai raised an eyebrow and took a long sip from his cup. Once he was finished, he said, "You expect to me to defeat you?"
The demon sputtered, his eyebrows flaring out in outrage before he calmed himself down. "No, not really; if anything, I can see myself taking you out in a multi kill to ensure you are finally dead."
"Fair enough," the Samurai said before placing his cup down. "Until the final battle," he bowed at the waist with Aku waving him away.
The demon waited until the Samurai was gone before replying, "Until the final battle, my worthy foe."
Snip 10: Everybody Loves somebody sometimes
-Post S5E8-
I woke up in my bedroom, snuggling my pillow in a rather... unmentionable position.
- On a Viking ship, a young girl named Ikra goes seeking training to rescue her father who had been trapped in a ring of fire.
- Jack and Ikra in Egypt raiding a tomb.
- Jack and Ikra sparring in Tibet
"This can't get any worse."
Jack turned to his friend, and raised an eyebrow.
"I knew ye had it in ya, Samurai, an' boy do those sissy internet types on Tumblr whine."
"I presume that this is about Ashi."
"Ye darn straight, it's aboot Ashi. Ya found a good woman, and the Hub done blew up in many ways, so I stroked th' flames and watched their whinin' go loud. AHAHAHAHA!!! An' I betcha ye gone have lots'o children too. I just know it."
"I... Enough about this!"
"Ooooh, are ye embarrassed? Tough luck, laddie. I ain't lettin' ya have the end o' it! AHAHAHA!!!"
Jack groaned as he pulled the brim of his hat lower. Clearly this was a retribution for his backhanded comments on his longtime friend's beloved and his next-of kin.
Snip 11: Scatman
-Post S5E9 (Centuries after Ashi's first loop)-
"-saw him with... out... what the heck?"
The newly Activated Looper looked over himself, and then realized something.
"Am I dead? Oh no, babe. I screwed up big time. Now I'll never be Aku's numero uno. Why does this look familiar?"
The Looper decided to spontaneously look at his phone.
"Wait, didn't Jacky boy destroy this thing? Wait a sec. Did I go back in time? Oh... HELL YEAH, BABY!!! Scaramouche is aliiiiive, baby! I got a second chance! Sca-do-ba-do-wah ya-ya-ya. Ske-bo-ba-dah-bwa oo-la-la."
Many years later.
Scaramouche, now reduced to a head again, realized that this was going to be tougher than he thought.
"Oh boy. That samurai is one tough mofo. I suppose if I'm lucky I'll get a third chance and..."
"Just stop before you embarrass yourself."
"Huh?" Scaramouche looked at the finely dressed robot standing over the head."Hey, listen pal. I don't know who you are, but I ain't giving up working for Aku, babe. So scram!"
"I suppose explanations are in order since you were talking about second chances."
"Oh geez. I gotta stop monologuing. Who the hell are you, babe?"
"My name? X-9. Let me explain why you have your 'second chance.'"
Snip 12: Skip to deLoo, my darling
Two motorcycles rolled side by side. A lair of flames and thorns loomed overhead guarded by two shadowclones of the maiden of the scissors. "Oh, cool, they finally made it!"
The Motorcycles drifted against both guards, blowing out their flames to make them immediately disappear. "Ugh, no way!"
- Timmy and Tootie have spent 16 years in a post-apocalyptic earth.
As he Awoke, Jack recognized the place and moment. He was jumping across a ravine to reach Aku, who had a cold. Well, he had to stay in guard and-
"Tell me I'm still pretty, Samurai! Even if I don't feel good!"
Surprised by the voice, Jack looked at Aku-and saw a gigantic Trixie Tang in Aku's color scheme with flaming eyebrows. Then he hit the mountain.
"That was new." he said as he started climbing again.
"Just another case of Yggdrasil being Yggdrasil."
Snip 13: CI
-Post S5E10-
Jack was at peace, at long last. He had finally done it, finally defeated Aku, finally back in the past with his father and mother well and healthy, his homeland restored and was set to marry the woman who had healed his pain and who he loved so dearly.
Everything was going so well until she vanished, now aware of her paradoxical existence causing her to fade away. He felt his soul was about to tear itself apart when he heard a voice call out to him.
"Samurai Jack," Shou-Hsing, his Admin called out to him from the sky with Ra, Odin and Rama behind him. "I must congratulate you on achieving the near complete restoration of your Branch. What you see before you is your mortal reward for all the pain and suffering you had endured," he gestured to the sky, with a smile on his face. "Now let us bestow your divine reward."
And suddenly, there were bagpipes.
Turning his head to the sky, Jack saw that a time portal open up and all those he met in the future come out on the same ghostly air that his best friend created when they fought Aku in the future, all smiling at him with said best friend grinning savagely. They made big curves in the air as they descended to the ground, with everyone dressed in their finest. Jack was about to ask what was going on when all of a sudden, all of the Scotsman's daughters came out on their deers, dressed in white gowns and each deer had a chain attached to them leading to a chariot with-
"No," he whispered in disbelief as on the chariot was Ashi, looking at him with the same love he had known during the time they had spent in the future and in the past rebuilding his village. He watched as his friend's daughter pull up to the side, with his mother rushing to Ashi's side again. Jack was about to go to her when the Scotsman grabbed him with a giant arm.
"Jackie boy, what were you thinking having a wedding without me here?! I am hurt, Jackie!" the Scotsman teased, punching him in the arm. Jack was too stupefied to even deflect the blow, his eyes still on Ashi.
He slowly turned his head to Shou-Hsing and said, "I do not understand. I am not complaining but does this not break the time space continuum and several rules?"
"Jack, my dear Anchor," Shou-Hsing said, shaking his head. "You must remember that rules are there to be broken. Go enjoy your wedding and your life, Jack. You have earned this."
And Jack did just that, watching Ashi walk up the isle again with everyone watching the ceremony carefully. He was relieved that she did not vanish on him again and able to say their vows and become husband and wife, with everyone either celebrating or crying, the Scotsman sobbing like a baby, as Jack and Ashi shared their first kiss of many to come. Jack made sure to say the same three words every time he woke up next to her and the same three words every time they went to sleep; I love you.
And they spent many years together, bringing forth a golden age for the world that had no end. With the peace of the past and the knowledge of the future, there was no more wars to be fought, no more battles to be won, no more heartaches to endure, just years of peace and happiness. Jack replaced his father as emperor of Japan and Ashi the empress, her kindness and gentleness winning the hearts of many and her endless crusade to ensure that no child suffered any ailment winning the remaining hearts.
Due to the fact he was a Looper, Jack was unable to give her a son but that did not bother them for they adopted many sons and many daughters and their halls were always full of laughter and joy.
And every day and every night and every chance he got, Jack told Ashi "I love you."
Years past for them and this time, it remembered Jack, aging his body but not dulling his mind or his heart.
It was many years later, with Jack and Ashi now shrunken with age when Jack awoke next to his wife, rubbing her wrinkled face with a gentle hand and still seeing the beautiful woman he married all those years ago, and knowing that her time was short.
Ashi opened her eyes and with energy that she had not felt in ages, pulled herself up quickly to steal a kiss from Jack's lips. They held the kiss for a period before they parted. Jack said, as he had said everyday since marrying her, "I love you."
"I know," she coughed, smiling contently up at him before coughing again, her body shaking. She stayed him when he tried to stand to get help, knowing it would be pointless. "I love you too." And then she was gone, able to hold on no longer.
Holding his wife's body, Jack leaned up to kiss her forehead. A heartbeat later, the Loop ended with the death of its Anchor.
Shou-Hsing felt her presence behind him but didn't care to turn around, just watching Jack fighting against an army of robotic beetles with a smile on the samurais' face.
"You know that you are considerable trouble, right?" Skuld asked him.
"I know."
"You know that we have rules against what you did, right?"
"I know."
"We cannot do this for every Looper because that would strain Yggdrasil too much.'
"I know."
"Good. Here is the list of fused loops I have prearranged for that girl of yours to go visit after you Activate her," Skuld said, dropping a stack of folders on his desk.
"I what?" Shou-Hsing asked in confusing, turning around to face the Norn.
"We are repairing Yggdrasil because it needs to be done and," Skuld leaned in, gripping her hammer. "It is the right thing to do. He has been Looping for a very long time and I will be damned if this is all that he gets at the end. Shou-Hsing," Skuld said as she stood up and hovered at his office's door. "Give this story a happy ending."
With a salute to his boss, Shou-Hsing got straight to work on Activating Ashi, smiling to himself as everything was finally going to be right once more.
Jack Awoke to find himself falling out the time portal that Aku threw him into at the very beginning. It would be a very long time before he saw Ashi again but he was fine with that. He knew what was waiting for him at the end of his travels and he was at peace, at long last. With a nod to the three young men, he went off to see some dogs that would need his help.
Snip 14: Ashley
Ashi was very confused.
The last thing she remembered before the current set of events was… very odd, to say the least.
She remembered going to bed, her lover and husband besides her as they fell asleep – and, a few seconds later, she could feel his heartbeat starting to slow.
She had known that it would come in time. Both he and she would pass – and in the end, she didn’t mind. She had spent most of her life with him and helping his home rebuild from Aku’s tyranny after the gods had brought her back to Jack, as well as his two friends from the future (and that small dog that seemed to live for an oddly long time…). The world had been peaceful – utterly different from what she had known in her youth.
Her life was full and complete. In the end, the only true regret she had, even then, was that none of her sisters ever lived long enough to be free as she was and to share in her good fortune.
Aya… Akari… Ayumi… Ami… Anzu… Airi… I’ll… join you… soon.
And then, she had opened her eyes to find herself in the middle of a classroom, with twelve other students, and none of her sisters or Jack anywhere within eyeshot.
Needless to say, she had panicked, although she had done an admirable job of controlling herself, in her opinion.
First, she had blinked, taken in the students around her, as well as the teacher, and mentally decided which of them she would interrogate to find out what had happened, how she had arrived here, and how exactly she was supposed to get back home.
At least, after she had tried (and failed) to determine where that odd… noise, for lack of a better word, came from.
After passing over the other girls in the class (three of them appeared to be related, the fourth and fifth were each talking with one of the boys), one of the other boys appeared to be talking to… a wooden plank, so probably no help there… another appeared to be focusing more on feeding a goat that the teacher was for some reason ignoring, and of the last three, one was too large and looked too dim-witted to be much use, the second had a look on his eye that she had never known to not mean trouble… which led to the only viable candidate.
It seemed that the boy with that hat would be answering her questions soon.
At least, that was what she had concluded then.
That particular conclusion had led to the current situation.
Namely, her dangling in midair, held there by a hundred tiny “arms” that had all emerged from under the boy’s hat when she had tried to ambush him in the men’s room, with about a dozen more of those arms manipulating technology that, even in the future, she had never seen even remotely the likes of – mostly because half of it seemed to be made out of scrap.
She could already hear both her sisters and Jack scolding her lightly.
Never judge someone by their appearance, Ashi.
Eddward “Double D” was having a rather odd day.
The Loopers of Peach Creek were all Awake – unsurprising, given how close they all were after so very long, but always pleasant – and they had gotten what appeared to be a visiting Looper, given how she had slightly snapped to attention when they had all Pinged.
What was surprising, however, was how she had tried to attack him when he had gone to the bathroom during lunch hour. His ever-present Pocket/hat based defenses had effortlessly intercepted her, but he still wasn’t sure who this girl/woman was – while her given name in class had been “Ashley”, that didn’t tell him enough. Especially given that nobody named “Ashley” who acted like this wasn’t turning up his Looper database – was this her first Loop, then? Odd…
“Video message received. Urgent.”
“How unusual. Why would anyone send a video message from the same school?” He murmured as two of the hundred-fold arms around him (both made of cardboard and old wires) swiveled in front of him, projecting a screen between them, before he chuckled.
“How absurd of me to ask! Most of us might do that if we had a reason!”
Chuckling again, Edd had one of his other arms tap the screen, starting the “play” button on it.
“Hello again, Edd. Good to see you.” Came a very familiar voice from the other end.
Double D’s eyebrows went into his hat. “Caishen! Er, why are you calling?”
“Business. My colleagues have told me that, due to a… coding error, a first-time Looper has wound up in your Loop. I was hoping you had found her.”
The eight arms that were keeping Ashi in one place pulled her over to the screen. “Would this, be her?”
The Chinese god of prosperity smiled. “It is indeed her! Excellent.”
Ashi glared at the two of them in a way that would have made most people quiver in their boots.
Double D and Caishen had both dealt with Sarah and Skuld respectively for easily billions of years, and didn’t even blink.
“Who are you two, and what is going on?” Ashi calmly bit out.
Both the Admin and the Anchor of the Peach Creek Loops turned to the young(ish) human/demon hybrid, one looking surprised.
“…Interesting. Double D, I have a favor to ask of you.” Caishen eventually stated.
“Er, what’s the favor?” Edd replied.
Caishen laid back in his chair, looking slightly calmer now. “I’m going to get Ashi’s code fixed again so she can go to the other Fused Loops she was supposed to go to first. While I am doing that, see if you can explain to her what is happening and then let her down – oh, and see if you can get her to open up to the rest of your friends. She could certainly use more companions than just her husband.”
Before Double D could reply “Affirmative!”, the bathroom burst open.
“Give us two rounds of jawbreakers, and you’ve got a deal!”
As he watched the two old friends start to bicker again, Caishen just started to chuckle.
Snip 15: Everything is terrible here
"Welcome to the Dark Millennium, Ashi. Everything is terrible here." Amberley Vail said.
"Is that some sort of catchphrase you have?"
"Just me, Cain and Yarrick. Everyone else reacts differently, from enthusiasm from the Chaos Gods and Orks, to 'you can make it work' from the Farsight and Eldrad and finally, it sucks, yeah, but it's still fun from the Emperor and his sons."
"Well, I suppose I'll have to figure out how I fit in here, I guess."
"Considering that you're a Blank here, you're going to fit in as someone who will fight eventually. Is there anything I need to know about your Baseline?"
"I'm Aku's daughter."
"...He has those?"
"...I really hope it wasn't-"
"My mother drank his essence, okay!"
"Oh, thank the Emperor! I mean, Aku's the embodiment of evil, and-"
"Just. Stop." Ashi scowled.
Amberley gave a nervous grin.
The Ascension Of Madoka Kaname
Kyubey paused, tilting his head as memories which had no basis in the current reality wrote themselves into his minds. -Interesting.-
They remembered this moment. He had just been rescued from Homura Akemi, and was now resting in Mami Tomoe's apartment. However, contrary to their recollections it was not solely Mami Tomoe, Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki present at the small table. Rather, Kyouko Sakura and Homura Akemi as well were both present. Madoka was seated in Homura's lap as Mami served them tea and cakes, which flew counter to their demonstrated familiarity during the prior encounter.
"It's been awhile since everyone was Awake at the same time hasn't it?" Mami asked from her seat.
Madoka nodded, intertwining her fingers with Homura's as the other girl wrapped her arms around her waist. "It has. We should celebrate."
"Yeah? What d'ya have in mind?" Kyouko asked, pausing in her consumption of the cake in front of her.
"How about we go to college together. We can put off Madoka's wish for at least the next five years, right? I'm getting bored of highschool. It's been like a thousand years since I got a degree in something, I need stimulation damnit!" Sayaka said with a pout, which was ruined seconds later as she broke down in laughter. "Seriously though, Miss Saotome is funny as heck; but I wanna try something different."
"Hmm. Well why not. I've been meaning to try and get a business degree. That way I can open a bakery early next Loop." Mami said with a smile.
"Sounds good to me. I'm all for anything that gets me more of your cakes. I'm not really interested in going through school again though, once was plenty. Sign me up for the parties!" Kyouko replied with a grin.
"How are you going to join us if you don't go to school though?" Madoka asked concernedly.
Kyouko just waved her off. "Pff. I can pass the daiken exam easy. No sweat, I'll be ready to go whenever you four are."
"So you say." Homura quipped, smirking as she calmly sipped her tea.
"Hey, hold up! What's with that tone? Is that a challenge?!"
Homura's smirk widened. "Perhaps. Passing a test is simple when all you need to do is memorize the answers the Loop beforehand. Earning your education is entirely different."
Kyouko glared. "Oh it is on! I'll see you in class!"
Sayaka burst out laughing.
Lowering his head, Kyubey listened. And learned.
-Madoka, may I speak with you?-
Madoka stiffened at the voice of the Incubator. It was just her this Loop, and she had been running things mostly Baseline for now; until the time for the fight with Charlotte happened, at which point she planned on seeing if she could Befriend the Desert Witch. If not, at least she could save Mami; if so, then she'd have to remember to take a picture for Nanoha and Fate to see.
"Yes Kyubey?"
-I can't help but notice that of all the times I have returned to the past you are the only one always, 'Awake' I believe is the term you used. Does this have something to do with your existence as the Law of Cycles?-
Madoka gaped. Her mouth worked soundlessly for several moments as her face became progressively paler, then she let out a squeak and fainted.
-Oh dear. It would seem I misjudged my approach. This is unfortunate.-
-Don't you think that this is perhaps a bit excessive? Surely by now you must realize that this serves no purpose.-
Trapped in a cage, tied to the bars by ribbons, suspended over a dozen swords and spears, and pinned atop a block of C4, Kyubey glanced at his captors blankly.
"Speak for yourself, this is stress relief." Kyouko groused, angrily biting into an apple.
"How long has he been Awake?" Sayaka wondered irritably.
"The more important question is, why is he Awake at all?" Homura seethed, her finger aching to ignite the explosives under the Incubator.
"Technically, I suppose he does have a connection to each of us. I believe Ranma mentioned that that was the main method by which new Loopers were Activated." Mami supposed, the only sign of her fury being the white knuckled grip she had on her cup.
"But I thought you needed a Soul to Loop? Isn't that the whole reason the Incubators picked humans to use for their plans? Because they didn't have Souls of their own?" Madoka asked worriedly.
-Whatever gave you that impression? I can assure you that we Incubators have as much of a Soul as you humans. We simply lack the emotions which you possess. That is why you are so much more suited for our purposes.-
Homura 'mistakenly' pressed the detonator, igniting the Incubator in flaming death.
-Honestly. You would think that after all this time, you'd have learned from the futility of this action.- The newly appeared Incubator stated from the window.
Homura 'accidentally' shot it.
"You guys, please stop killing Kyubey. I know you don't like him, but there's no point." Madoka pleaded, eyes wide and hands clasped. Homura lasted a full thirty seconds before submitting. Sayaka, Mami and Kyouko grudgingly agreed only a few minutes later.
-I see. So that's how it is. This is troubling.-
Madoka frowned. "Why, isn't this a good thing. As long as the Loops are still happening the Heat Death of the Universe is impossible. You have all the time in the multiverse to find a better way of achieving your goals. How is that bad?"
-Oh, I never said it was a bad thing. Merely troubling. As an example, imagine there is a wall; one which separates you from everything on the other side. The only way to see what lies on the other side of the wall is to move beyond it, but doing so isn't possible. Therefore you would be forever trapped; unknowing what problems are kept hidden from you, awaiting but a moments inattention to pounce upon you unaware. This situation is similar. While the Heat Death of this universe is temporarily forestalled for the immediate future, that does nothing to ensure that a greater danger does not await us from these 'Admins' you mentioned. If they are truly as fallible as you say, then for all we know they could be hiding some great crisis from us; with us none the wiser.-
"But they wouldn't do that. I'm sure our Admin is doing their best for us." Madoka protested.
-But you cannot know that for sure. Have you ever met the being claiming to be our Admin?-
"Um... well, no." Madoka admitted.
-Then it is as we suspected. These beings, whether through indifference or design, are incapable of fulfilling the promises they've made. This universe may be in more immediate danger than from that of Heat Death, and we are completely uninformed.-
Madoka frowned and began to reply, before abruptly Kyubey exploded into a fine mist; courtesy of Homura's S.H.I.E.L.D. issue photon blaster. "Stay away from Madoka, Incubator."
-Assuming that the Admins are indeed omnipotent in comparison to even your own goddess form, why is it that they haven't fixed these time reiterations? Would it not make more sense to isolate each individual universe and restore it separately before moving on to the next. This would ensure far fewer inconsistencies and allow for greater focused effort. These O7 you've mentioned, they've been 'Looping' for how many universal lifetimes exactly?-
Sayaka grunted, ignoring the Incubator as best she could.
-I simply cannot understand why they would allow such an uncontrolled phenomena to continue. While I certainly wouldn't want it to happen to this universe, logically it would make more sense to simply remove the damaged portions of this 'Yggdrasil' and allow the multiverse to restore itself using more functional portions of it's substrate. It is the method which we Incubators would enact were we to be elevated to a position such as theirs. Would not the loss of a few sections of reality be better in the long term?-
"That's terrible! They aren't just dead weight you can remove, they're entire universes with people; with hopes and dreams and wishes." Madoka objected, horrified.
-You say that now, but can you honestly say that you would do differently if you were an Admin?-
Madoka's answer was immediate. "Of course I would! You can't just erase a universe because it's hurt! You have to let it heal."
-Perhaps, but logic dictates that the good of the many outweighs that of the few does it not?-
Seeing Madoka beginning to tear up, Sayaka snapped. "You know what? Screw you Kyubey! We don't need to listen to this crap, c'mon Madoka."
-Aren't you going to make your wish?-
"Buzz off! We don't need your help, Madoka's done this so many times she can become the Law of Cycles all on her own!" Sayaka growled.
-Oh? That's very interesting. I had noticed that her Karmic Potential had risen by an exponential order of magnitude, but I never dreamed she could do something like that so easily. If you can become a goddess so simply, surely you could fix our universe couldn't you? If these 'Admins' no longer had to worry about our own reality then they could leave us to our own devices and focus their attentions somewhere that needed it more.-
Madoka gaped. "Wait, could I actually do that?"
"Pff, I doubt it. I wouldn't trust anything that comes from that guy Madoka; if he said fish lived underwater I'd doublecheck to make sure." Sayaka answered.
-Oh I'm quite certain Madoka could potentially restore our universe. She did already rewrite it once before after all. Not including however many times since then that she's repeated the process. And she's only gotten more powerful since then. Even over the course of the few 'Loops' which I've been aware of, her power has increased by no less than a factor of twelve.-
"But wait; Madoka didn't you say something once about it being a bad idea to try and become an Admin?" Sayaka asked.
"Did I? I-I think I might have. It's dangerous to try, I think I heard Fate mention she heard from Ichigo it could maybe kill anyone who tried it forever. But... if I only wished for the power to fix our universe? Could that maybe work, do you think? Not the power to Ascend, but just enough to change things for Mitakihara. If it worked, wouldn't that be a good thing? It might be dangerous, but... if I could fix our universe, then the Admins could work on other universes where people are suffering."
"Hey, c'mon Madoka. You're letting this guy get into your head, what if he's wrong huh? What then?" Sayaka demanded.
"But if he's right, isn't the chance that it could work worth the risk?"
Sayaka's throat clenched at the thought. "What if you die though?! You're the Anchor, what'll happen to everyone if you're gone?"
-Surely these Admins wouldn't be so foolhardy as to place the fate of an entire universe on one person's shoulders without some form of contingency. Even we Incubators had alternative plans for if the Magical Girl System failed to produce results. Wouldn't it stand to reason that these omnipotent gods would do the same? Are you ready to make a contract Madoka?-
Madoka nodded. "Wait, hold on Madoka. At least let's talk this over with everyone else first."
Shaking her head softly, Madoka gave her best friend a hug. "I can't do that. If I put this off for even one more minute, when I knew it might mean that someone somewhere is hurting when I could have helped, I couldn't ever forgive myself."
Turning to face Kyubey, she took a deep breath. "Kyubey, I know what I want. I wish to have the ability to save everyone, to be able to fix our universe."
-If that is what you desire.-
A bright pink light suffused the area, growing brighter with every passing second; yet never seeming to become hard to look at. Madoka felt the beginning of the long familiar transformation into a goddess take place. Her mind expanded, causality and destiny unfurling before her. Every possible action, for every possible choice, for every possible person and every possible reaction to every choice. From the beginning of time, to the end; outstretched in four dimensions like a delicate flower.
Time and space danced between her fingers, the beat of time synchronized to her heartbeat. The fabric of reality spread outward in an infinitely complex tapestry of golden majesty, weaving in and out and between all of existence. The fundamental forces of the universe bowed before her, surrendering to her will. She became the Law of Cylces.
And then suddenly she was more.
The fifth, sixth and seventh dimensions revealed themselves to her one after another. She expanded again and again, as her consciousness grew to encompass concepts which had never been given name. Potential became reality. And still she grew. As the eight dimension blossomed before her she vaguely heard the fabric of reality begin to stretch, and a small presence stripped itself from her; tossed out into the void.
The emptiness of completion manifested itself within her mind, infinite knowledge burning itself within her soul. Her very being cried out in ecstasy and torment, euphoria and anguish. She felt the very conceptualization of HOPE engulf her being, defining and redefining her; burning her from within as it purged away the frailties of her merely divine nature. Remaking her into more than a simple goddess. More than just an intrinsic part of the cosmic weave. More than human, more than god, more than concept or idea. An existence beyond existence, a being beyond comprehension and understanding and reason.
The twelfth and thirteenth dimensions imposed themselves upon her sight. Rationality and consciousness swirled together, spreading out to the far corners of existence; a million lives lived and lost in the span of an moment. She felt the consciousness of time, the wisdom of stars. She watched as universe came into being, died and were reborn. Words appeared in her mind, a song without words or notes; pure creation given presence. Her Soul fell into the chorus of everything, joined the eternal song of all that is and was and ever could be.
Reality screamed.
Time roared.
Space tore.
Madoka saw.
The universe cascaded around her, dissolving into impossible shapes that had form and meaning. WORDS. A million billion concepts contained within each letter, an infinite number of infinities within each word. Most of them spoke of PAIN. DEATH. DESPAIR.
Within the core of her very existence HOPE screamed defiance. Her body acting instinctively, Madoka gripped the source of her magic; of her divinity. Reached out, seeking to hold and comfort her dying universe. Within the eternal chaotic order of fleeting impossible WORDS, she found a core of being. Something REAL and PERFECT. Something WHOLE. Grasping with every fiber of her being, she encompassed that single precious TRUTH; ensconcing it within the CONCEPT of her BOW.
The eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first dimensions burst into being. There came a great groaning, a noise that was equal parts sound and words and emotions and possibility, as if all of EXISTENCE was struggling to endure an impossible burden. Stretched to the breaking point, and held there at razor's edge.
Madoka's mind finally failed to withstand the strain, and her consciousness faded as the twenty-ninth and thirtieth dimensions thrummed into her awareness. Several more followed with her blissfully unaware.
- Heaven - Local Yggdrasil Command Office
- 7/13/2600,989,603,141,589,411
"Firewalls are down in areas 5, 37, 312, d9, 3f, R0-k, ju-890, and k1!" "Someone get me a fucking Patch! I can't hold this shit together!" "Turn off the sirens!" "Oh god we're all gonna die!" "What the hell is going on?" "Someone help! My monitor just blew up!" "The walls are on fire!" "What's happening!" "Where the hell is Skuld?!" "We're losing it, get someone over here now!" "All the Loops are glitching!" "We just lost half of this universe!" "I cant' find the cache files!!" "Where's the backup?" "I've got a bluescreen over here!" "The cafeteria just disappeared!" "Of fuck, everything just turned purple!" "We just lost sectors 304 through A1215!" "Get Lady Hild up here!" "Where the hell is Hephaestus!?" "Half the quarantines just escaped containment!" "My porn just got deleted!!!" "Holy shit is that an earthquake?!" "The air's breaking!" "My avatar just went down!" "I'm forcing an emergency shutdown of the active Loops!" "Computers are down in resources!" "Computers are down in resources!" "We're losing the Universal Superstrings!!" "I can't get into the system!" "How the hell am I locked out of my own account?!" "Does anyone have any idea what's happening!?!" "Where's Lord Tyr?!" "Structural integrity at 79 percent and falling!" "Nifflheim is offline!" "The Patch files are gone!" "Auxiliary programs shutting down!" "Oh us! The lights are down!" "Fuck! Who the hell puts their trashcans in the aisles!?" "Standby for emergency lights!" "Get your filthy hands off of my ass!" "This is the end, every god for themselves!" "Where's that noise coming from?!" "I think it's calming down." "What the hell just happened?" "Why is everything pink!?"
"WILL YOU ALL SHUT THE HELL UP!" Skuld roared, finally managing to claw her way through the screaming panic to her monitor. Several moments of intense typing restored the regular power and allowed her to get a look at the damage. It was, in a word, catastrophic.
The earthquake had knocked down filing cabinets and office walls, the floors were littered with papers, more than a few of the monitors were on fire or even outright gone, most of the walls had cracks running up and down their sides, and there was a gaping hole in the middle of the air which hurt even her to look at as it slowly sealed itself shut. The air was heavy with smoke and dust, loose sheets of paperwork drifting down from the upper offices, and the entire area was overrun with glitches crawling into every available space.
In the center of this chaos, the entwined roots of the World Tree rising from infinitely deep within the earth and stretching infinitely into the sky, there was the only spot of peace; a rising mutter from the nearby gods and goddesses slowly eating away at even that. Striding across the area, smashing the fleeing glitches in passing, she found herself gaping along with all the others. Surrounding the roots of Yggdrsil was a small moat of purist water, a small walkway the only way across, leading to the central computer. Directly in front of this computer, lying unconscious on the ground and glowing with new-found Divinity, was a young girl; no older in appearance than she had once appeared, way back in the ancient past before the Event had occurred.
Garbed in a white dress held at the neck with a ruby gem, her long pink hair arranged haphazardly around her, and clutching a bow which radiated light more brightly than even she herself did; was a new Goddess. The first in countless aeons. While at any other time this would have been a cause for celebrations (followed by decades of paperwork), with Yggdrasil in it's current state this had nearly been the end of Everything.
Her face nearly apoplectic in rage, Skuld glared bloody murder at the awakening Goddess; who clutched at her bow fearfully, looking around in confusion. Turning to her nearest co-worker, she spoke slowly through gritted teeth, "Someone figure out who the hell this is, where she came from, AND WHY THE FUCK SHE'S HERE! I'm going to report to my father."
Sparing one last vengeful glare at the cowering pinkette as the others crowded around her, Skuld stomped off; taking out her wrath on every glitch in her path with extreme prejudice. There would be hell to pay for this, and someone's blood would run by the time she was finished. She gripped her hammer tightly with a dark chuckle; one which had those around her moving out of her way faster than they could actually move, resulting in more than a few stumbles. Skuld noticed none of this however, as her thoughts circled endlessly around two emotions: Terrified giddy relief that she and all of reality still existed, and wrathful certainty that whoever was responsible for this would suffer.
Beserk Activation
The Admin
"Morpheus! Hypnos! Hermes!" The lunar deity of the islamic folk cheered to a few fellow admins that were just passing through. "Brothers in Arms, I come with news towards a new branch! Bring Skuld forth!"
"Oy, Allah!" Howled Morpheus to his senior as he pressed the summon beacon for the lead debugger. "It's not another one of those branches, right?"
"I humbly assure you that this will be the big kahuna of my duty for Yggdrasil!" Smiled the Arabian Admin.
"Whatever allows us to ignore that other branch you activated." snarked old Hypnos, thinking back to when Allah activated Pixel Pinkie.
"She has a smartphone with a digital genie inside!" pleaded the moon god. "It's so modern!"
"...Okay." sighed the god of dreams as he welcomed the incoming Admin.
"This better be good, Allah..." sighed the Norsewoman. "What have you got for us?"
Allah took a deep breath and spoke a certain word of poor judgement "Beserk!"
"...I'm sorry, I need to drop something." Hypnos manifested a glass of water to immediately drop onto the floor as Skuld tried to run only to be halted by Allah's ability to appear from the shadows immediately catching up with her.
"Look, there is a way to power her up, just hear me out!" Allah was squawking to his superior. "We put them through a few abridged variant loops, wait til we get a Griffith who's actually a nice guy, have them all have their happy ending and be crazy and psychotic the way they are, and-."
"Allah, I know you're trying to appeal to the... modern way of life..." Skuld brushed her hair out of her face from her frantic escape. "But I gotta ask, what just happened to you that involves screwing over our hard work?"
"Well, my plan b relies on a short baseline," Allah described to the goddess of tomorrows. "We restrict them to a few months where they were relatively stable individuals, expand from there when they come across the more destructive elements of the world."
"Yes, Alucard dabbles into the Crimson F**ker mannerisms, but that's just it. This?" Skuld's expression was downright apprehensively dumbfounded. "What do you even have for a potential anchor? Guts is a butcher, Griffith a psychopath, everyone else has a whole boatload of problems, just admit you have no clue who to pick and we'll forget this idea of yours ever happened."
"Why don't we use the chunk of baseline that got backed up onto a '97 anime? No overt mention of the Idea of Evil, sidestepping the more immoral elements of the branch." Hypnos slyly spoke with his senior. "Sure, things end up pretty sour for everyone involved, but it's not the worst situation for a branch, init."
"Ah, yes. Need we forget that Evangelion branch was a total disaster area yet we easily debugged it with six other branches and now we're up to hundreds of active branches." Morpheus reassured to the lead debugger to cement their comrade's case.
"Alright... If for no other reason than to hamstring that... Idea of Evil from the get-go. We'll try applying the same logic protocols to it as the Time Lords." Skuld adjusted her suit and tie. "I just don't understand who you'd want to anchor the tree."
"Judeau would be a pretty good choice for a baseline this short." exclaimed Hypnos, "If not, then Puck might also be an option."
"Either way, whoever becomes Anchor will need something beyond their standard skillset to be competitive in such a way as to reliably avert the Eclipse on a regular, effectively doing a lot to keep them sane for progressively longer baseline Loops." Allah added. "Take Guts as an example: something to allow him to carry over his strength training from prior loops would be prized beyond measure, as would something that allowed for physical stat increases to increment with every enemy slain by a certain weapon."
"Like the Persona and Dragon Quest clusters!" Morpheus realized before immediately remembering the threats the setting brings to the table "But Godhand and its minions-?"
"Please, we can easily knock away bugs like Behelits and Apostles." Hermes smiled. "Just set Godhand to Read-Only and keep it locked up in its own little branch."
"Alright, you can stick Guts into Ivalise. There is a whole host of skills that Guts can learn that would carry over and his situation's similar enough for Ramza to help him come up with some good strategies to deal with his 'problems'." Skuld confirmed to a smiling Allah. "Just know the risk you run with these loops. one being someone charging in with a poor attempt at presenting a fait accompli; and of course there's all the issues that need to be accounted for should this thing be able to loop. Plenty have tried, none prevailed."
re:Code Lyoko
It must be hard for the Osaka Team of Kingdom Hearts, they required the imput from Tokyo Staff for their first numbered entry in the series, being game number three: the most hyped video game ever to grace Development (Second Chance Clip) Now, what other problems have they faced? Ah! Their only contributions have been portable spin-offs and HD rereleases, now that's something to hurt consumer confidence. But that's all talk compared to the broken abilities within those pesky spin-offs, they're flashy and can sweep away mooks, yes. But ask yourselves, is it really the point of Kingdom Hearts? No, the point is interacting with an array of iconic Disney Characters in new and interesting ways. But that has fallen by the wayside in favor of what are essentially theme park rides through their original movies, if we wanted a bulletpoints version of a movie we've probably already seen, we'd go look it up on a wiki! Gosh! This has forced the games to fall back on its plot which, if you haven't noticed showed such promise with potential mystery to solve with each new game contributing something new to the lore. But in recent games, the flaws started to outweigh the strengths. It was manageable with Xion going through the revelations before the very peer who should have underwent it according to a few vocal fans. But then came the squandering of the simple idea of a Mad Scientist going too far and screwing his ass over in favor of evil monster wants ultimate power because destiny said so to god forbid, Time Shenanagans! Yeah, makes such narmy lines as 'Who else will I have ice cream with?' seem normal in comparison. With how all over the place, one shutters to think about how Final Fantasy Vs. XIII was doing while KHIII was forming in his head waiting to get into development. Long used as a reason for why Kingdom Hearts III was taking so long, with Nomura giving repeatedly interviews saying that it had to be his main focus, it too has been in development for nearly a decade, and seemingly, it was so underdeveloped that we know, for example, that as late as 2012 Nomura was suggesting changing it entirely - from scripts to voice work to all the other things that are generally done first - to make it into a musical. Ultimately, once the subseries this game was supposed to cap off got capped off by Lightning Returns, Versus Thirteen was predictably cancelled and its characters, scripts and storylines were recycled into Final Fantasy XV. At least Nomura's finally putting all of his energy into this big project of his, OH WAIT! I knew Square Enix was desperate enough to complete their Nomurafied compilation of their best game ever.
With both Kingdom Hearts III and the Remake of the Decade on Nomura's back, there has to be some way to lighten the load. Enter a little something I'd like to call: re:Code Lyoko. Yes, I am very serious about this.
Now you may be asking what does this one show, Code Lyoko, have to do with Kingdom Hearts? Gentlemen, I bring your attention to a little programming block called. Miguzi was the short-lived younger sister block to an American icon of broadcasting. Its one flagship show was a gem of its time with fine pacing, tyrannical villains, and a gradual tone shift from a monster of the week to a more arc-driven war story. Code Lyoko was one of Cartoon Network's biggest and most critically acclaimed brands during the tail end of the Jim Staples era of the network. Kingdom Hearts is one of Square Enix's biggest brands of the here and now one of the company's last remaining hopes of survival in a company that is now starting to trust them with games again after being burned one too many times with cynically-shelled Final Fantasy XIII. Put them together and you could have a means to stall for extra development time as well as the triumphant return of an iconic series in a unique form which blends a Spin-off, a sequel, and a full-on Reboot! It's a spin-off in that it is set within the universe in question but with a new set of characters. A Sequel in that it picks up where the failed Code Lyoko: Evolution live action programme left off and answers some burning questions on the dangling plot threads of the original series and especially Evolution. And the Reboot part: that just means new fans won't have to understand the deeper aspects to get into the mythos, especially in season one. Speaking of, we fully intend to have season one grace the airwaves of its old stomping grounds of Cartoon Netwoooooooooooooooooorrrrrrr..... (adult swim) ADULT SWIM! Yes, Adult Swim's Toonami block has seen huge ratings success with its revival of Samurai Jack, so it would make perfect sense to add Code Lyoko to that Success Story and officially graduate the show from the defunct Miguzi lineup and have it inducted onto the Toonami Roster.
Now that we've detailed the reasoning as to why this needs to happen, we need a proper story to go through with this puppy. Now, much like the original series, it begins with a Supercomputer, this time in an abandoned Video Game Studio in sunny San Francisco. This coincidentally houses our lead character who is followed into the abandoned studio by her perky young cousin and in a fit of rage accidentally turns on the power for the studio, activating the Supercomputer after years of slumber for its inhabitants. Yes, inhabitants. Unlike in the datascape we've seen in the original, there are a handful of Small Civilizations dotting the seven sectors of this digital world, each housing a whole community of civilians living out their lives. One such place is Cable Town, which houses a pair of friendly fellows who welcome the main character into their lives and christen the new world 'LYOKO' after one of its highly active contemporaries. Speaking of a network of Supercomputers, every person born inside this digital world and every other one for that matter is a virtual AI construct cobbled together from DNA sequences sampled from the scans of its subjects scattered throughout its fifty+ year history. Dating back to its first scan in November Eighth, 1961. I see no connection to anything whatsoever. Naturally, the conflict comes when a virus takes refuge on this newly christened 'LYOKO' who is hiding from a group of familiar enemies only to run into a group of new ones native from both its new home and the real world surrounding its base. And you already know how these kids are going to respond, so let's get a move on to the re: in re:Code Lyoko. It is a symbol that marks a definitive response to the series we've come to know and love, not a reboot, not a remake, but a response to the fans that kept it alive for so long and through so much changes in the popular culture.
With that said, we need to know how the Sausage is made. Well, we've got to keep to a thirteen week production schedule for each of its episodes and the best place to start is with the scripting and storyboarding, a good two weeks to hammer out how the problem at hand can be solved, jokes, character moments, fight chorography, the works. If the writers nail down an episode they want to tell, then it goes on to voicework where the actors and actresses on the Japanese side of production hammer out the performances. Improv is, of course, acceptable, as long as they have a complete voice track in line for the Animation Studios by the one to two weeks it takes for them to prepare it. Next is Animation and we'll need a Japanese animation studio for the Real World Segments, none of that live action junk you tried with Evolution, luckily Square Enix has a cozy relationship with Studio Bones and Studio Bones coincidentally has worked with Thomas Romain before on Space Dandy. Here's hoping five to Seven Weeks working in tandem with the in-house CG animation department of Moonscoop will be accommodating enough. And for the weeks left standing, it goes to editing where we put the episode together to air on Japanese and Later on French and American airwaves, and hopefully many more. Localization will of course be handled in-house for the French Audiences of France 3 and Canal J, but for its Adult Swim Debut, it is strongly recommended that we head on down to Texas and set phasers for Funimation!
This particular season is sort of a beta test for things to come, as evidenced by the twelve episodes of this season.
Osaka's Struggle
- This is their first Numbered Kingdom Hearts Game
- Their prior samples of the series are the Spin-Offs and HD Remakes
- The Balloon spells from Dream Drop Distance scare me by being OP!
- “Who else will I have ice cream with?”
- Nomura was indecisive towards the direction of Final Fantasy versus XIII during production, so much so that it was canned and had its characters and plot recycled for XV.
- Now Nomura is working on an episodic Final Fantasy VII remake on top of KHIII
What is re:Code Lyoko
- Can Stall for time and bring back a classic
- It is a blend of a Spin-Off, Sequel, and Reboot.
- Spin-Off: It starts off with a fresh new cast.
- Sequel: It picks up where Evolution left off and answers a few of the questions left hanging from the five prior seasons.
- Reboot: You don’t have to know anything about the original show.
- Why bring this into being: There’s a dedicated fanbase that are longing for a new series to this very day.
- Where will it go? adult swim
So what's the Plot?
- There is a Supercomputer in San Francisco, CA. It houses a digital civilization dubbed Cable Town within a Digital World of seven distinct sectors the first visitor decides to dub ‘LYOKO’ after checking a folder of notes on a contemporary.
- Cable Town’s inhabitants are Artificial Intelligences randomly generated from a digital genepool diversified across several decades dating back to 1963.
- XANA obtains refuge in this ‘LYOKO’ away from its usual enemies, only to find a few new ones both within Cable Town and from, of course, the Real World.
- The re: in re:Code Lyoko means that this series is a response to the series we’ve come to know.
So how will the Sausage be Big?
- The Writers and storyboard artists start with a bullet-point description of the episode and what occurs within it and write an episode script around it for the first two weeks.
- Then the actors vocalize the characters present and refine their performance over a week or two.
- Both the 2D Animation Team at Studio Bones and 3D Animation Team in-house do their thing for Five to Seven Weeks.
- And the Editors put the episode together for broadcast across the globe throughout the 2+ weeks that remain on the clock
- Moonscoop handles the French localization for Canal J, Funimation handles the English localization for its US Debut on Toonami.
Who are we rooting for?
- The Writers and storyboard artists start with a bullet-point description of the episode and what occurs within it and write an episode script around it for the first two weeks.
- Then the actors vocalize the characters present and refine their performance over a week or two.
- Both the 2D Animation Team at Studio Bones and 3D Animation Team in-house do their thing for Five to Seven Weeks.
- And the Editors put the episode together for broadcast across the globe throughout the 2+ weeks that remain on the clock
- Moonscoop handles the French localization for Canal J, Funimation handles the English localization for its US Debut on Toonami.
Riley Andersen
- She is the one who finds the Supercomputer in San Francisco.
- She takes the initiative to fight the still rampaging XANA in her promise to [DATA EXPUNGED]
- On top of wielding a Scythe on ‘Lyoko’, She gains powers depend on her general mood on a specific day.
- JOY: Electricity, Flight
- SADNESS: Can turn into sentient water, can manipulate ice
- FEAR: Super-Speed, Aerokinesis
- DISGUST: Invisibility
- ANGER: Super-Strength, Pyrokinesis
Bonnie Anderson
- Bonnie calls Riley her Sister even though they are merely cousins.
- The youngest of the group at twelve years of age.
- Pretty darn childish for her age, even telling secrets to her toys.
- Hasn't much of a clue as to who Riley is due to only meeting her at family get-togethers.
- Has a jetpack to fly around LYOKO
- Has a built-in laserwhip attached to her gauntlet on LYOKO
Mary 'Boo' Gibbs
- Bonnie's childhood friend from all the way back at Sunnyside.
- She is considered the most mature of the group, being a year older than the Anderson 'sisters‘ at fourteen, and takes care of the younger members.
- She keeps secrets from the group which ends up hurting her when they inevitably come out.
- Can leap super high on LYOKO
- Has razor sharp claws on LYOKO to cling to walls.
- Riley’s friend from school.
- He’s the guitarist of a rock band that performs 80s and 90s hits.
When he joins the Lyoko Warriors later on in the season, he receives a superstinger which can trace monsters and pierce targets with an electromagnetic discharge from the battery pack on the back of his hand.
Toby Pepper
- A stoic young lad at first, but has a soft spot for Anime Trash which sees him frequenting the 4chan boards where he meets a fellow named ‘X’
- His Lyoko form has a Ninja Theme featuring sickles generated from the gems on the back of his hands.
- Can project holographic dataclones at the cost of 10 LP
- Joins the group to protect his family.
- The Equivalent to Ulrich Stern
Redd Raimi
- What appears to be a uplifting girl with a passion for fashion design turns out to be a skilled game programmer and willing coder for the Lyoko Team.
- Starts off struggling with the cloud notes on the Supercomputer’s network of twenty-seven brother and sister systems across the globe, but slowly increases her pace to become on par with Jeremie by the tenth episode of the season.
- Regularly rotates with Riley between coding for the on-site team and fighting off XANA’s attack for the episode.
Eraqus Ende
Outgoing and Energetic, he is the most optimistic of the group. He acts as the guy who eggs on Xehanort on the ‘making new friends’ front and believes Riley working to one day materialize them both and later Yen-Sid and Masako can really help him in this enterprise.
Xehanort 'Xeh' Shirogane
Isolated and Nihilistic. Xehanort understands how futile it is to fight what has already been written into his destiny and is hoping one day for something, Anything to surprise him.
Pessimistic towards the thought of an Outside World, Yen-Sid proceeds with his colleagues' passion to enter the world of Riley and the Gang hoping that it can give them something to look forward to following their mark of mastery examination which he and Eraqus had already passed with flying colors. Ends up utterly surprised when the Materialization actually occurs in episode eleven and begins to find hope for his home again.
Masako Hakumei
- A kind-hearted soul and strong-spirited will. Masako is quick to point out when a plan’s not going to work and inevitably when there are elements that will work to her advantage at her fruit stand in Cable Town.
- Xehanort has a crush on Masako and wishes to be the face that greets her into the Real World.
- Is essentially the Yumi Ishiyama of the San-Fran group.
- Redd will program the Keyblade onto Masako’s files if Season 2 becomes a thing.
Season 1
- This particular season is sort of a beta test for the show.
- It is notoriously short (Twelve Episodes)
- It is designed to play out like an abridged version of the original series’ first season, hence the overarching to materialize Eraqus and his crew
- There will be allusions to the Men in Black scattered across the season to answer questions left hanging from seasons past.
- There will also be communication with the fans in the form of a 3.14th wall-cracking subreddit managed by the cast of the show.
- Arc Words: ‘If you can hear us, you are the resistance!’
Episode 1: Space Oddity
- Riley explores an abandoned video game studio in San Francisco only for Bonnie to spook her against the big button activating its Supercomputer.
- Bonnie rushes to the console of the Supercomputer to find a bunch of notes on how to operate it as well as a few new characters, Eraqus and Xehanort.
- Riley, Bonnie and Boo wound up packed into the scanners like Sardines and Virtualized into the Datascape. Heartless attack and take out Bonnie, seemingly killing her when really it just devirtualized her.
- Our heroes uncover the existence of the Virus known as XANA who had been tormenting France for a little over a year before being bleached weeks prior.
Episode 2: You've Got a Habit of Leaving
- Riley, showing concern for her 'sister', drafted a young boy named Tedd Verres to operate the Supercomputer on the grounds of him wearing glasses.
- Tedd's Friend Elliot follows him to the studio and sees the virtual world for himself, deciding to join the group to protect his family from XANA.
- Tedd uncovers more notes on not only how to defeat XANA but on who defeated the original XANA to begin with and the location of other Supercomputers
Episode 3: We Are Hungry Men
- A mysterious lady in red casually observes the group, Bonnie is starving for food and what's offered is Broccoli and Cauliflower.
- XANA digitizes an army of Polymorphic Broccoloids to puppeteer the children who ate the Obama Menu.
- XANA is attempting to trace its other selves in the other supercomputers across the globe.
Episode 4: Come and Buy My Toys
- A new Transfer student comes in named: Marilyn. She is voiced by the same actress, but has darker hair and modern clothes.
- They believe that Marilyn is an amnesiac Masako when really Masako's sealed within the Book of a Bookmaster.
- Insert plot of 'Girl of the Dreams' here.
Episode 5: The Laughing Gnome
- Tedd discovers a Subreddit has been founded by a MotherBlüd82 to gather reports on abandoned buildings that happen to house these Supercomputers.
- XANA contacts a hivemind of Alien parasites called the Adzurk to assist it in its attack on humanity. High-Ranking Commanders are dubbed Rizzir (REZ-ur) and lowly ensigns are dubbed Subrizzirs.
- Boo runs into Rizzir 86 and Rizzir 66, A mad Scientist and her slow-witted simpleton of a comrade. She fights them pretty well IRL, but 86's tech and Vectron Drones make short work of her, just not short enough to kill her before the return to the past.
Episode 6: Maid of Bond Street
- Riley wants some extra money for the new Nintendo Switch and wanted to ask Boo to help her earn some extra money on some yard work, only to be greeted with a three-year-old toddler instead of the fourteen-year-old teen she's known over the past month she spent fighting XANA with her group.
- Bonnie ends up not much better, having absorbed the eleven missing years from Boo, aging her up from twelve to twenty-three. During the Twelve Hours she needs to wait in order to return to normal with Boo, Bonnie applies for a job as an assistant to Bernard Pryce and meets a Lori Salincino who has also entered the race to be Pryce's receptionist. Lori hides her voluptuous curves under a blue turtleneck sweater as a signal of her apparent lack of confidence.
- Bonnie also meets a soon-to-be-fully-graduated nurse, 23-year-old Andy Davis. Her feelings for Andy start to bubble inside of her mind and she ponders whether to go keep fighting XANA and return her body to normal or stay like this and pull herself and Boo out of the team.
- A XANA attack thrusts the decision further against her body, and she makes the right choice to cherish her limited childhood.
Episode 7: Rubber Band
- Tedd finds a kickstarter for a world tour of the supercomputer bases they've detected. It is currently funded for seven trips and is well on its way to its thirteen-stop stretch goal, that's a bad thing since among the travellers are Jeremie Belpois, Ulric Stern, Amadeus 'Odd' Della Robia, Yumi Ishiyama, William Dunbar and Aileta Stones. The original warriors of Lyoko: OWLs.
- XANA shapes a polymorphic spectre into the digital avatar of one such OWL: Ulric.
- Boo is pierced by the blades of triplicated triplicates of the false Ulric, mostly in the arms, legs and spine with a final blade through her forehead prevented by the tower being deactivated. These wounds would have been fatal had there not been a Return to the Past to heal her up, But the scars still remain for all to see.
Episode 8: Please Mr. Gravedigger
- Boo is tired of being kicked around and calls the FBI for help. Two members of the Men in Black are sent in, we see them in a scene or two each episode, this episode being the first in which they have a major role.
- Agent Sol Lunamux has a chip on his shoulder while Agent Lana Dunet is a by the book kind of soldier from a Navy SEAL squadron.
- Riley is naturally pissed off at Boo for this, for this means that they’re stuck telling the rest of the FBI everything.
- The plus side being that the FBI will explain everything about the Supercomputers and how three have landed in San Fransisco, Beach City and Kyoto and the rest were reverse engineered over time.
- XANA decides to take drastic measures in the form of the complete set of OWLs much to Boo’s horror.
- The Men in Black try to fight back, but to no avail. It naturally falls to the complete set of SanFran Lyoko Warriors to deactivate the Tower in the Volcano Sector.
- A sense of déjà vu envelops the Men in Black, despite the return to the past.
Episode 9: Don't Sit Down
- Lori Salincino has been hired by Professor Tyron to be his personal assistant since last we saw her in the series.
- Lori kills the chief that has mentored Sol and Diana throughout the past season... with her familiar black claws
- Lori turns out to be an Adzurk dubbed SubRizzir 36 and has since been hired by Professor Tyron to be his personal assistant.
- Subrizzir 36 mentions the San-Fran Lyoko Warriors as the Men in Black offer to join the team.
Episode 10: An Occasional Dream
- Summer Vacation is around the corner and the gang were going to enjoy it but then word reaches them that the original Lyoko Warriors starting the world tour in San Fran. The clock is now ticking on their time independent from the eyes of the OWLs
- Tedd begins work to weave together a unique DNA signature from the digital genepool that was established episodes prior, but he needs one more DNA signature, that is where Jordan comes in.
- After Jordan is Scanned, Riley offers herself as a re-scan. Jordan tries to pry her out of the scanner, but it gets her trapped in limbo.
- Xeh, Eraqus and later Masako have to venture though the Volcano, Ice, Desert and Forest sectors of Lyoko to retrieve Riley's source code. Heartless giving the lot of them a hassle.
- Jordan virtualizes himself to get the final drops of Riley's source code, resulting in a loving scene between Riley and Eraqus.
Episode 11: I Pity the Fool
- After her little spell, she finds out how complete Eraqus and Xehanort's organic bodies are. Answer: "We're waiting for you here."
- It plays out like Code: Earth wherein the group works together to protect Xeh and Eraqus from XANA's Goons while Tedd allows an outsider into the Studio. In this case being the OWLs of Kadic.
Episode 12: The Prettiest Star
- The group go to an amusement park to celebrate the Summertime, but more importantly to celebrate Eraqus and Xehanort's arrival on Earth.
- Riley de-activates the Supercomputer only to find that Xeh and Eraqus have been infected with a bug, Aileta got Riley to turn it back on.
- Xeh is posessed by XANA and it is revealed that Xeh was born as a biovessel for XANA and has used a version of Xeh from another computer to kidnap a missing union leader (Ventus)
- Jordan synchronizes his data to Riley to beat the Guard Armor Heartless
Season 2 (7: Code Lyoko World Tour)
Episode 1 (134): The Supermen
- The gang materialize Yen-Sid and Masako Hakumei, adding them to the lineup of SanFran Lyoko Warriors as the Join the OWLs on their 'World Tour'
- First stop: Walnut Town, Kentucky. Available Lyoko Warriors: The Paltrivel Siblings Jess, Jade, Chase and Frieda. Time Spent with activated Supercomputer: 3 months
- Frieda and Chase are two former pets of the sisters that were upgraded from a guinea pig and dog respectively to full blown humans
Episode 2 (135): Knock on Wood
- Next Stop: Beach City, Florida. Available Lyoko Warriors: Peridot. Time Spent with activated Supercomputer: 2 days.
- The Crystal Gems protect the city. Peridot has been using the Supercomputer to monitor Homeworld's goings-on.
- XANA attacks by posessing Amethyst to fuse with Garnet, bringing Sugelite into XANA's control.
- Peridot has a special headset to project polimorphic spectres of anything, so Jeremie uses it to project Riley and Aileta to help Pearl fight off Sugelite
Episode 3 (136): Fame
- Next Stop: Montague, Massachusetts. Available Lyoko Warriors: Rick Sanchez. Time Spent with activated Supercomputer: Bout a week and a half over a year now.
- Rick's grandson, Morty Smith, shows them around the house and brings up the time they met Goku on a filler episode of Dragonball Super.
- XANA posesses the corpse of Abradolf Lincler, causing a Lava Zombie Attack.
Episode 4 (137): Sound and Vision
- Next Stop: Toronto, Canada. Available Lyoko Warriors: Frisk, Undyne, Sans on computer. Time Spent with activated Supercomputer: Ten Months
- Frisk's Thirteenth Birthday is today, one month, week and day away from Bonnie's and Frisk's hope for the future contrasts with Bonnie's uncertainty.
- XANA's latest Attack teleports the Bubbled Jasper onto Riley's spine, posessing Riley into virtualizing herself onto Navari: The Canadian Lyoko.
- Riley is virtualized as a dragonic dog-like corrupted fusion of herself and obviously Jasper.
Episode 5 (138): Station to Station
- Next Stop: Wales, Britain. Available Lyoko Warriors: Samantha Knight, Shannon Turner, Carla Turner. Time Spent with activated Supercomputer: Right this episode
- Professor Tyron and the Adzerk ignites a new Supercomputer in Wales they have constructed to compliment the one in Manchester, and they break it in by activating a Tower.
- Odd Reunites with Samantha Knight who is studying abroad for the Summer. When the Attack is made, Odd offers to have Sam start a crew of Lyoko Warriors on the ground to beat back XANA.
Episode 6 (139): Breaking Glass
- Next Stop: Germany. Available Lyoko Warriors: Frankenstein's Monster on computer, Roxanne Hammond as Lead Warrior, Brothers Anton and Elias. Time Spent with activated Supercomputer: Thirteen Weeks.
- The Adzurk are working to bring about the fourth Reich from within the EU, and have been working since the early 2000s.
Episode 7 (140): Under Pressure
- Next Stop: Osaka, Japan. Available Lyoko Warriors: probably one or two dozen anime kids between the ages of ten to twenty. Time Spent with activated Supercomputer: Seventeen Years.
- This the episode with Kingdom Hearts' Sora, guys! And he's spending time with his mom, remember his mom?
- It's a parody of these Rose Quartz Flashback Episodes in Steven Universe in that a chain of Songs triggers a flashback to the day Sora and Riku met Kairi within a flashback to Sora bragging about their (poorly-built) raft to his mother within a flashback of Sora's mom meeting Roxas and Xion at book club immediately remembering Sora afterward.
- Sports a post-credits scene based on the fancomic 'if' about Rose Quartz being pregnant with twins and the emotional conundrum that ensued... Except Rick adds his suggestion of 'Greggo raises the gem twin here while you raise the dull twin in Xanadu' and makes the imminent revelation even more disheartening.
Episode 8 (141): China Girl
- Next Stop: Shanghai, China. Available Lyoko Warriors: A whole Amazonian Civilization in a digital world. Time Spent with activated Supercomputer: Unknown
- China has made it a point to virtualize children that go over their one-child limit, sometimes directly out of the womb, and the children have grown and developed into strong warriors within its datascape in Shanghai.
- The Lyoko Warriors encounter an army of XANAfied Chinese troops begin moving out to lay waste to democratic countries, they put a stop to it before somebody got hurt, but still!
Episode 9 (142): Ashes to Ashes
- Next Stop: North Korea. Available Lyoko Warriors: None! Time Spent with activated Supercomputer: Twenty-One Years
- This is where things start to go south, with a - pool that uses the souls of lost children (and you don't wanna know how those souls were stolen)
Episode 10 (143): This Is Not America
- Next Stop: Venezuela.
- Venezuela has been devastated by a failed Socialist system.
- Its president turns out to be an Aquamarine of a leagues better cut than the one from the Trial Arc of Steven Universe. She was installed by the Diamonds.
Episode 11 (144): Day in, Day out
- Next Stop: Mexico.
- They phased out the culture piece by piece, calling it all offensive before moving on to the science of biology.
- This group of Lyoko Warriors join up to say: 'No, we don't believe that Gender Spectrum garbage!'
- The Adzurk have been tainting the water and crops with chemicals that mutate sentient organisms into easily infestable vessels for their hivemind.
Episode 12 (145): Under the God
- Next Stop: Turkey.
- One of the areas they enter has its women and children killed as the XANAfied military men to construct an army of Robots.
- There, the Lyoko Warriors discover the alien nature of the three Supercomputers that landed on earth.
Episode 13 (146): One Shot
- Next Stop: Australia.
- Moderate Muslims are few and far between.
- Australia Team's computer kid has died of the Vaccinations supplied by P.C. Davis.
Episode 14 (147): Bus Stop
- Back to Kadic with everything they've learned from the journey that ultimately proved how much of a cold-blooded grip the Diamonds have on earth through these supercomputers.
- Steven gets lost in completely new tunnels in the Original Factory, Jeremie and the gang search for him on foot, only for Odd to soar through on... his Overboard?! Yes, there are hard light projectors across the whole factory!
- The Lyoko Warriors find hope in the form of new information on the Supercomputers. i.e. that they burrow under the earth, converting cities into space ships to vacate the earth and trancend the World that has fallen ill.
Episode 15 (148): Video Crime
- Jeremie is practicing cross-computer Virtualization. The Crystal Gems are used as test Subjects, but end up mind-swapped. Sardonyx awakens in Garnet's body, Amethyst ends up in Pearl's body and Sapphire in Amethyst's.
- XANA's latest attack is the Pac-Man scene from Pixels.
Episode 16 (149): A Big Hurt
- Riley, Yumi, Ulrich and William are sneaking through the office of the Governor of Florida courtesy of Amethyst and Pearl.
- They find the Governor collaborating with Blue Diamond
- The governor is infected with an Adzurk Mask, the final shape of an Adzurk before consuming the body into its full Costume form.
Episode 17 (150): Tin Machine
- Trisha Elric reminisces on how she got to the moment where she had to lead a group of children to find out that their supercomputer was a spaceship.
- In childhood, Trisha met a man named Van Hoenheim. She wanted to spend time with him but he refused... at least at first. But then he decided to make Trisha his protoge, teaching her in combat and the ways of Alchemy. As Trisha blossomed into womanhood, she became his equal, and later, his wife.
- She had two children, Brothers Edward and Alphonse, who were just as dedicated to Alchemy as herself. She kept her Alchemy hidden from her boys until the Adzurk set her barn ablaze and killed her sons.
Episode 18 (151): Jump, they say
- The Lyoko Warriors have received Trisha's intel on Disneyland and how it had a Quantum Computer Installed in every one of its parks by XANAfied Adzurk Costumes.
- Riley, Bonnie and Boo are translated into Tokyo DisneySea and search for clues whereas Odd, Ulrich and Yumi move to free the Adzurk Soldiers from the control of the five towers XANA has activated.
- The Costumes of one tower dissipate into what appeared to be paint thinner upon the Tower's deactivation, Bonus Points if a costume starts fighting back and begs one of the Translated Warriors to find the captain of the Ship that crashed in Kyoto before dissipating.
Episode 19 (152): Strangers when they Meet
- The Lyoko Warriors uncover the capsule of Captain Skuld of Lespira, she awakens to find that she had been removed from her Ship.
- Lespira is the realm where they created the original universe and all the organisms set to populate it. Once their test planet has generated a suitable baseline for the Lespirans, the newly created avatars of imagination and structure, cast a meteor against the planet to wipe it clean so they can spread the Human form across all the new universes they act to create.
- Skuld and her Sisters Urd and Belldandy have been chosen to pilot Drazil Ships which are powered by the existence of internal datascapes fueling each other with Lux energy. They were allowed to tap people they have at least heard of for positions on their new vessels.
- For a brief while, things were good until a cosmic Tyrant created a x-blade IRL from 86% of his ninety planet populace charged forward to chase the three starships into a nearby universe, crash-landing on its version of Earth in July 13th, 1818. The on-board Supercomputers sleep the century away up to November 8th of 1961, when John F. Kennedy ventures to California to activate the first of the three supercomputers. The Rest is History.
- Skuld calls Lespira for help and the Citadel, although more than shocked at how the conspiracy theory of their original earth palette surviving and creating offshoot universes on its own was actually true, agree to send a few ships to retrieve and rescue the three.
Episode 20 (153): Telling Lies
- Sissi tells her father about Lyoko and the Looming end of the world, showing him data on all of the Lyoko Warriors' adventures. He agrees to let them do their work.
- Skuld teaches Jeremie, Laura and Redd how to operate the Fully Formed Spaceship while Anthea is comforting Aileta who is in full self-doubt mode upon learning how little of an impact her father actually made.
- A polymorphic spectre is invading the Earth as the President of the United States is checking up on the planned spaceship.
- The conflict is resolved by Sissi and her father essentially re-enacting the 'It's Hip to be Square' scene in American Psycho. With Sissi using the new Digitizer gear to cut down the Spectre in the guise of the president, and Mr Delmas giving a lecture on Obscure Internet Critics such as Hewy Toonmore. The Spectre's end de-activates the tower automatically, much to Odd's Chagrin.
Episode 21 (154): Little Wonder
- Anthea wants to be a better mother for Aileta, So Bonnie offers to do her a secret favor.
- Bonnie red-pills Andy about their conflict with XANA by virtualizing onto Lyoko and then materializing out, taking years from Anthea and Aileta. This ages Bonnie up to twenty-two and ages Aileta down to five.
Episode 22 (155): I'm Afraid of Americans
Episode 23 (156): Something in the Air
Episode 24 (157): Angels of Promise
- The roots of the Adzerk are foretold in flashbacks throughout Kitsuna's search for willing souls to pilot the new Drazil Ships.
Episode 25 (158): Brilliant Adventure
Episode 26 (159): Everyone Says 'Hi'
- 2600 Million People escape the Earth and watch as it and the humans left behind is transmutated into a plot hole to compress the universe surrounding it into a body: the form of the newly-made Red Diamond
Andy + Bonnie
In the beginning, there was nothing then God created light to begin what many unhappy peers considered a bad move in creating the universe in under a week and repeating the process for every subsequent week. He has created help to expand the output, new gods, new gifts, even a new universe factory to build up the grand collection: Yggdrasil.
Everything seemed well for God, until a rebellion guided by arrogance and pride stormed in to ruin his fun and he promptly retaliated by casting them into the Lake of Fire. The rebels synged and blended into the Lake's core, granting it a sentience, a hunger, a desire to eat existence out of existence. This newfound consciousness and the damage it caused over the last thousand years of the first universe was accidentally used as proof to God's non-existance.
"I refuse to prove that I exist!" God's argument was as follows: "Proof cements fact as fact negates faith and without faith, I am nothing!" "But it's a living lake of literal fire!" said the poor fool who was a babel fish at the time "Kind of a dead giveaway, is it not!"
"It lives?" God gasped with dumbstruck revelation. "The Lake of Fire is sentient?"
"And the fact that a freaking lake can cannibalize your angels for their bodies, their souls, their sentience!" screamed the fish. "This proves you exist and therefore you don't, QED."
"Oh, dear." says God. "I hadn't thought of that." Thus his omnipotent existence promptly vanished in a puff of logic, his form reduced to a two-gig floppy disc floating to the bottom of the ocean.
"Well, that was easy." quoth the Lake of Fire through the Lungs of Lucifer, who the Lake used as its vessel under the guise of Satan. And for an encore, it continued its plague of genetic sabotage of the species God created and shape-shifting pedovores manipulating the masses. It got to the point that God's race, the Lespirans sent a genetic copy of the universe's greatest bounty hunter only to find out the womb they implanted her in was that of a Pedovore named '- Rodham', the rest was genocidal history.
Left with no other option, the root of Yggdrasil was changed from that doomed first universe to a cleaner, much more inventive universe and a bypass to that universe was to be constructed over the pedovore-infested universes. But the Lake of Fire had one last dreadful trick up its sleeve, transmutate the earth into a deadly metafungus which acts as the birthing fluids of the Bahamut Endrimorne which devastated Yggdrasil to the point that necessitated The Infinite Loops.
This translated to re-coding time in the universes to no longer progress like normal, instead looping over and over again, repeating the same period of events for an indefinite period of time. These chunks of time constantly being repeated ended up being called “Loops”, which ended up being applied to 68% of Yggdrasil’s multiverse. Some other universes were spared the bugs and viruses, thankfully, although others ended up succumbing and permanently crashed, never to return.
However, in order for the coding to be properly completed, there had to be a stabilizing constant that could exist throughout all the iterations of each universe. Thus, the "Anchors" were established in each of the initial seven universes and the universes that followed: One person from each dominant universe within the multiverse selected to keep all of their memories throughout every single one of these Loops, reliving the same period of their life over and over again, fully aware that time was repeating itself.
This strong memory was designed to be highly contagious to those who share a strong emotional bond with each Looper, a means of supplying each Anchor with much needed constants. These other Loopers didn’t have a specific designation, but they it was agreed upon that the only other individuals allowed to retain their memories across Loops would be individuals that had strong bonds with the Anchor, ones that were built upon friendship and trust.
The need for “constants” in an Anchor’s life was necessary was because, as the Admins found out, to their great displeasure, Yggdrasil’s code didn’t always cooperate with them.
-Book Snip 1-
Yes, some details can and will get altered and shuffled as the Loops continue to pile. But even other universes can come in and merge together
Book Snip A1
Twilight lamented her unfortunate position as the Anchor of her home loops.
It had its advantages - such as being awake for at least 95% of all shenanigan-like activities, having the most experience among her friends, being able to conduct baseline experiments to her heart's content - but it also lead to some bizarre and moderately frightening situations.
"She's mine!"
"No, I saw her first!"
Such as being a raggedy doll in a dollar shop, stretched at the seams as two petulant fillies - one a tame white with pink hair, and the other a cool blue with a lighter shade of blue in her mane - tugged at her arms, both with a set of wings and a horn atop their heads each. It was an incredibly uncomfortable position, to be honest, and she wished that the two would just come to a consensus already.
"Let go!"
"No, you let go!"
'-Both of you let go!- she thought angrily, to no avail.
"Come on, you two! If mom sees us fighting again, she'll kill us!"
And then there was the younger pink filly, tears brimming in her eyes as she tried to mediate the conflict. Similarly to the other two, she also had a horn and two wings, but they didn't seem to be doing her much good right now; her magic sputtered and flickered at the top of her horn as she tried to cast something - anything - that would get the two to see eye-to-eye. The Anchor sighed internally, somewhat frustrated by the inevitable restrictions of Cadance's current youth. All she could do was wait for 'mom' to come by and break them up. While she was hardly a seamstress - not even half the designer Rarity was, to be honest - she could tell that the threads holding her together had been haphazardly arranged. Given a few years, she probably would've fallen apart of her own accord.
"Stop it, you're tearing her apart!"
But that was not time she had at the moment.
It seemed to happen in some sort of second-by-second vacuum. First, one thread across her chest snapped. Then another, just below it. A second later, she was torn in two, cotton and small bits of fabric hanging in the air, and one more afterwards, the fillies were catapulting backwards with two halves of herself, stumbling into the delicately balanced shelf that she had been set upon. The two arguing fillies immediately scampered away, but one was frozen in fear, staring at the wall of metal and dollar items as it began to topple over.
If Twilight could talk, she would have been screaming.
"...and don't you think that I won't tell your father about this, fillies!"
"But, mom-!"
"No buts! You should be counting your lucky stars right now, after what you did! Now go to your rooms while I patch up the doll for Cadance." Twilight was instantly relieved that she could not feel anything, as she imagined that the needles and threads piercing her would have been quite unbearably painful.
"What!?" both fillies exclaimed in sudden outrage. "But the doll-"
"Hush! Any more backtalk and it's no dessert for a month!" The fillies grumbled to themselves as they reluctantly clambered up the stairs. 'Mom' sighed deeply, rubbing her temples with her hooves, "Honestly, Cadance, sometimes I wonder if you're really related to those two."
The pink filly sitting on the stool - currently wrapped head-to-hoof in bandages (about 85% of which Twilight deemed unnecessary) - sniffed quietly as she watched them go, teary-eyed.
"I'm sorry, mom, I should've - I was almost able to do something..."
"Oh, don't be, honey." The older mare smiled gently as she gave the filly a light hug, "Here - and don't let Celestia bug you into giving it over, alright? It's yours now."
"Okay, mom," the filly said, hopping off of the stool, "I love you, mom."
"Love you too, sweetie."
Cadance wandered up to her room, holding the doll tight to her chest, even as she rustled under her sheets and into the bed.
After a moment of silence, she spoke.
"I'll call you Twilight." She hummed quietly, snuggling deeper into her sheets as she hugged the raggedy doll. "Good night, Twilight."
And the Anchor suddenly found it much more difficult to lament her position.
Snip 0: The Enchanted Christmas
"Bring me my presents!" sniped the spoiled prince Andy.
"Here, your highness. Please accept this humble gift as a token of our appreciation." A lean, willowy matré d' named Lumiére kneeled to his young master, disinterested in his gift. "Of course, I speak for everyone in saying-"
"Just give me that!" The boy prince swiped away the box then tore into it on the spot. "A doll?"
"Oh, uh... Yes, my liege!" a pleasantly plump fellow by the name of sir Henri Cogsworth picked up the doll to find a pullstring on the back. "A doll with, erm..."
He pulled the string to get: "You're my favorite deputy!"
"Ohoho, a little recording of sound!" Chuckled the head of staff. "What wonder."
"Kinda like the one over in Californie! XP" Wide-eyed foreign beef rancher Jessica Pryde took a good long look at the toy, which to her seemed new but familiar.
"And they earnestly call this a present in America?"
"Can you record music on it?" asked the court meistro, Forté. "It feels somewhat limited in its functions..."
"There's a snake in my boot!" twas all Cogsworth got from the doll. "Erm, no."
"That figures..." groaned Andy. "I hope you got something better for me, Forté!"
"Yessir, uh... Of course, master." Forté then proceeded to play on for the eleven-year-old prince, only to be met with the young prince's disappointment. The boy asked what the melody was and he answered: "A small piece in your honor, master."
"I hate it!" slumped Andy. "Forté, that stuff is gloomy..."
"We need some of 'dat christmas cheer like with back home!" added the yodelin' cowgirl "And that'll need a rootin' tootin' tune to dance to."
"THAAAAT'S RIGHT!" A fluffy-haired pinkette then pulled two fellows from her poofy dress. One was a flamboyantly-dressed man with wild shoulder-length hair, and another was a exotic-skinned woman with a beehive hairdo and a blue dress "And these lovely couple will be more than happy to provide it!"
The portly head of staff was dumbstruck. "Wha-How?"
"Pulled 'em in to play a little ditty they wrote earlier this very month!" smiled the pinkette.
Forté stood in utter shock. "All the way from Italy!"
"Yeesh, you don't have to get all antsy about it." the pinkette swatted with what some folk say equates to 'sass' before summoning a harpsichord from her dress and picking up Jessie as the musician and his wife made their way to center stage. The man bowed to his elder and took his seat whilst his wife snuggled his little corgi, doing a warm-up for himself as Jessie and the pinkette explained the bigger picture with the violet-haired librarian.
"So there's this tree that's gone broke and we've got to fix 'er up?" Smiled the firey-haired cowgirl, having just learned of the World Tree. "Well, go show me the way and we'll make it right as rain again!"
"Course you'd think it was that simple, Jess..." Woody frowned. Jessie had been Awake for five Loops now, and she was already glad to have not gone mad (yet.) "Only the admins can repair the tree."
"But I thought we could help out, lend a hand!"
"That's not gonna work." stated a bispeckled blonde youth in a blue turtleneck sweater. He had introduced himself as Jeremie Belpois from the Kadic Branch. "You have to know a lot more about computers and coding than me or any other computer whiz around these parts."
"You gotta know computers to fix a tree?" Jessie sounded confused and yet dissatisfied with the situation at hand. "Can we at least get the others looping?"
"Well, that depends on the bonds we nurture." Spoke lady Twilana. "Many methods have been used to get them looping, but the most potent out of all of them is the power of friendship."
"So I gotta befriend the gang as much as I can, Right?"
"But it has to be natural." reminded Twilana. "You could spend the whole loop trying to be Mr. Potato Head's best friend and he still wouldn't be Loo-"
A knock on the door. Someone wants in.
The boy glared with impatient rage. "WHO DISTURBS MY CHRISTMAS!" and thus he opened the door to find an old beggar with a rose.
"Please, the snow, the wind... it's too much to bare..." the beggar extended her rose-holding hand to the prince. "a rose for a roof... please..."
"I don't need a rose." sneered the prince. "Go away, you retched old hag!"
He tossed the doll out against the face of the old woman as the prince ruthlessly slammed the door. He walked back to his throne before hearing: "Reach for the sky!" Twas the cowboy doll again, speaking independently without the string being pulled. "I'm sorry it has to come to this. And at High Noon, no less..."
"Busted piece of junk..." groaned Andy. "I thought I tossed this thing to that retched old hag-"
"Instead of providing shelter from the bitter cold!?" completed the cowboy doll. For those who know where this is going, we'll stop right there and wait for the best. But not to worry, A refined version will be lined up real soon.
Epilogue Belle
Adam and Belle enjoyed this Loop.
They had looped into the roles of Big Boss and The Boss for this particular Loop and the way they exceeded their roles was a wonder to behold, Boss Belle managed to talk her team out of fighting the 'Beastly Snake', They opened up to train Paz, they averted the bombing of the Militaires sans Frontieres headquarters, and the cherry on top: plenty of their allies over the years were designed to resemble their friends back home.
"I understand you want to keep Quiet safe, but we aren't getting any younger." MI-6 Agent Beatrice Potts sighed as she cuddled her young child. "I'm a mother now, far from the spring blossom you fought alongside in San Hieronymo."
"But can you at least instruct her on etiquette." Asked Adam as he pointed to the nearly naked sniper. "Cause you can handle the whole 'Breathe through thy skin' thing for so long before you start feeling uncomfortable..."
"Alright, I'll think of something, Master." Even in another context, Mrs. Potts always refered to him as her master, there's something sweet to that.
Snip 1: Mobius Inn
At the Mobius Inn, Loopers gather to unwind after a hard Loop's work of mere survival. On this particular day, two known Loopers from the sanctuary branch of Equestria are discussing the activation of Jessie Pryde. One was a gifted mage named Twilight Sparkle, and another was a diligent teacher named Cheerilee.
"It's been a while since a new Looper came along." Smiled Cheerilee.
"Not exactly that long." corrected Twilight "Ashi was activated a few Loops before, remember?"
"That girl from the Samurai's branch?" Cheerilee tilted her head. "How is she even alive when the Timeline alteration makes her existence invalid?"
"Yeah, Time Shenanagans are always a hassle to Loopers and Admins alike..." Twilight sighed to her ally. "But they'll probably put her through a boatload of Fused Loops to figure something out."
"Maybe one of Clockwork's medallions could help, but I doubt it will remain in her body after the Loop ends even without railroading." Cheerilee suggested. "So, about Jessie?"
"She took the Loops like a duck to water!" Twilight smiled "You should have seen her cuddling with Pinkie Pie, how she brushed her mane when we revealed our nature during the curse."
"She's really into Animals, huh?" giggled Cheerilee. "You think Looping into the LPS Branch will be a breeze for her?"
Twilight blushed as she said: "I have a pretty good feeling she and Blythe will get along just fine." they both shared a laugh about potential friendships between Loopers and continued silently eating their meal of Hayburgers and apple fries. Twilight glanced to the lucky Anchor sipping from his apple cider and pondered the life they spent in that one Loop "She mentioned an Emily, no matter the Loop, she always awakens in that Box, her owner having drove away a long time ago."
"Her old owner, right? From the second flick?" A blue-haired punk in a beanie recounted from her memories of a Disney Movie Marathon from an earlier Loop. "How bad's the damage?"
"Pretty bad, Chloe. According to Janus, it's not as bad as Yui, but still bad enough to keep her from Looping." Twilight sighed. "The best we can do is hope that the other owners start Looping as well..."
"Pft... Good Luck." Leaned Chloe. "I doubt he sees you as anything but disposable."
"But we're always there for them!" cried the Cowboy doll to the shock of everyone, even the bartender herself. "What do you know about that, eh!?"
"Enough to know you'd get shuffled off your kid's mind when he goes from 'girls, ew!' to 'Bewbs, yay!'" Chloe puffed up her chest with pride. "I mean, come the shell on, did you really think your plastic hides could last?"
"It lasted long enough." Woody reminded. "And it's lasting longer than ever with the Loops what with Andy and later Bonnie being in the Non-Looper category."
"Why don't you pocket them both?" Chloe asked. "That's what Flora did."
"We agreed not to speak of Miele!" Twilight barked back. "Me, Shep and Seras all promised to keep her stunt secret."
"The police girl from the Hellsing branch?" Chloe smiled as she focused on the purple-maned mare. "Well, it's a pretty damn good thing I Looped in as her and got a full tell-all from the Crimson F*cker himself."
"Ugh! Of course it's Alucard!" Twilight glanced to her fellow Pony. "I guess I don't have a choice... You remember the one Loop in Alfea, do you?"
"How could I forget?" sighed Cheerilee. "I was a teacher there for seven years."
"Alright, class. Freshman Year is often the most stubborn times of your lives." She reminded to her students "But still, we must soldier on. Gentsuki Haruka."
"Brianna Smith."
"Suzette P- Oh, Flora!" She spotted a familiar face in her class "Reliving your freshman days, are we?"
"Flora? Oh, you must be talking about my Sister." corrected the similarly looking sibling. "I'm Miele!"
"Uhaha... Of course..." Cheryl Lea, as she was called this Loop, extended her hand to the new student. "Always a pleasure to meet a sibling of one of my finest students..."
After Class was dismissed, the graduating students of Equestria gathered with the Winx to discuss a new face in the Crusader's freshman class.
"She looked awfully familiar to you Flora." Mentioned Rarity. "Is it another Mikasa Glitch."
"No, it's not a glitch." Flora reassured her fellow Loopers "It's my little sister."
"Miele?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow to this particular claim. "She's a bit older than the Baseline."
Flora glanced below. "There's a reason for that..."
"And boy, was there a reason..." Twilight leaned back onto her chair. "She pocketed her."
"WHAT!" Cheerilee freaked out at such a revelation. "You can't do that!"
"Not to Loopers, yes. Non-Loopers are typically a gray area." recounted Twilight. "I should know from experience, just ask Skynet."
-Book Snip 1-
"I see your point..." Cheerilee glanced to one side. "But still, how did she do it?"
"Miele just asked." Twilight stated rather bluntly. "She wanted to grow up beyond the era of the Loop."
-Book Snip 2-
"You did what with your sister?" Twilight Sparkle demanded.
"I put her in my pocket," Flora sighed. "She's over there if you want to talk to her." Flora gestured helplessly towards Miele who only had two loops where her physical appearance would let her get away with being the younger sister, and this was the second. Flora was graduating from Alfea this year, and Miele was a freshman. A far cry from the usual ten year gap in their ages.
"Flora," Twilight said, carefully keeping her voice level. "Please. Explain to me why you decided to put your non-looping sister in your pocket."
"Because she asked me to," Flora said. "Twilight, I... She was afraid of what would happen at the end of the loop. Even with everything that's happened since, I love her. I couldn't bring myself to say no."
Twilight sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose between her fingers. Fused loops, altering loopers' body forms since time immemorial. "Flora," Twilight said. "You should know why this is a bad idea."
"You don't have to tell me," Flora said. "I offered to try making her immortal. Do you want to know what she said?"
"Not really, but go ahead," Twilight said.
"She said 'Thanks, but I want to grow up,'" Flora said. She threw herself on the grass of Alphea's quad and let out an enormous sigh. "I like having my sister around. I really do. But I'm not looking forward to what's going to happen over the next few loops."
Twilight scowled at the fairy lying on the ground next to her. "This is why you should have told her no."
Flora looked up at the older looper. "You don't have a sister," she said. "You wouldn't get it."
"I have Spike," Twilight said.
"He's more like your kid," Flora said. "And Nyx actually is your kid. Telling them no is part of your job. I don't have that kind of practice."
"Great," Twilight said. "So because you've never been a parent you can't say no to your sister, and now you're doing something stupid to make up for it."
"Pretty much," Flora said, sitting up. "Look, Twilight, I know this was a mistake. But it's my fault, not Miele's. She's only got a few loops in her, and I want to make them good ones. This is her first repeat, and, aside from you and a few of your friends showing up, it's pretty much baseline. I want to show her what our home has to offer while I have the chance. Please, Twilight, I know I made a mistake telling her about the loops in the first place, but I'd like to make the most of it. So, will you help me?"
Twilight was silent for a moment, then sighed. "Fine. Friends help each other, and you are my friend."
"Thanks Twilight," Flora said.
"Just don't do this again," Twilight said. "For your own sake if nothing else."
"Flora!" Miele said, running over to greet her elder sister.
"Hello, Miele," Flora said. "How have classes been treating you?"
"Great!" Miele said. "Oh, you should meet my friends, and I met this guy from Red Fountain-"
"Miele," Flora said, her heart aching with what she was about to do.
"You can't," Flora said, squeezing her eyes shut to hold back the tears. "You can't date the guy, and you should be careful about your friends."
"What? Why?" Miele demanded.
"Because they'll be gone in another four years," Flora said. She looked up at Miele. "Miele. I know I explained the loops to you, but it can be hard to really grasp. Nothing you do matters. Everyone you've met will vanish in a few years, and even if they don't, they won't remember you. You have to be careful about who you let into your life, and under no circumstances should you fall in love. It'll only end with you getting hurt."
Miele stared at Flora in shock. "But- But- You and-"
Flora sighed. "Miele. In baseline I dated Helia. Techna dated Timmy. Neither of those things are true anymore, because they weren't Awake. Helia still isn't looping. I don't date Helia because I'm committed to Techna, but even if I was single, I still wouldn't do it for the same reasons Techna stopped dating Timmy. Do you understand, Miele?"
Miele could only stare as the reality of the loops came crashing down on her.
"And it only got worse for her." Sighed Twilight as she reminisced on Flora's decision. "While she did get very, very old by non-looper standards, One hundred and eighteen years old to be exact, what was a long and fulfilling life by the standards of a non-looper went by like a blink of an eye for Flora."
-Book Snip 3-
"That must have been terrible to live through..."
"Not really," Twilight reminded. "Miele was alright with the life she lived in the end."
"I suppose so..." Cheerilee pressed her mussle against her hoof. "Do you think I can get the children to loop by teaching them about the loops within the pocket."
"Well, that depends on the bonds we nurture." A purple pony spoke as she bit into her Apple Fry. "Many methods have been used to get them looping, but the most potent out of all of them is the power of friendship."
"So Jessie would need to befriend the gang as much as she can..." Cheerilee hypothesized "Is that Right?"
"But it has to be natural." Twilight stated. "You can't spend every day leaning over Mr. Potato Head, it has to be a natural progression and these things take a lot of time and effort to do that."
"Can Emily Loop?"
That was a question Twilight didn't want to answer for Cheerilee, thankfully there was a Q who was willing to take time out of his milkshake date with a draconequis to do just that. "We barely caught a glimpse of Emily in your branch's backup-file back in the Hub. We're not exactly sure how you'd nurture a friendship with someone who is too far behind the Awakening Window. The odds of getting her Looping are one in twenty-two trillion twelve-thirty, she might as well be Comatose!"
A voice in the distance yelped "We can still try!" Twas Star Butterfly, who had just been through another Steven Universe loop. She looked to have a story to tell from a fellow looper. "You all heard the story Twi Told. She grew up loop by loop, lived out her life and died of natural old age. I'm sure she was activated soon after, but I haven't seen her around so there's... probably still a chance this could end up failing with total heartbreak for all parties involved but look on the bright side, you get to go to college with 'er!"
"But the diaries say she lived isolated from anyone other than her sister, repeating the same seven years over and over." Chloe sneered towards the Mewni Princess "She lived hella long, yeah. But it wasn't much of a life."
"But the Loop typically begins on Andy's seventh birthday party." Replied Q "Well past that window of opportunity."
"What about Bonnie?" asked Cheerilee, anticipating an opportunity to do one better than the pocket sister. "Maybe we can chart out a chain of loops catered to her?"
"That's a great idea!" Twilight grinned from ear to ear as she smushed Cheerilee's cheeks together. "We can start out with a baseline loop taking Bonnie to the day Andy's eighth birthday, they grow up together and bam! They're pocketed for Zelda: Breath of the Wild!"
"Are you insane!" A nerd in a blue turtleneck panicked in the distance. "There's no way that either one's gonna survive being in the roles of the two most important characters of the game!"
"Well, that's where your wrong, ladies and gents." Spoke a wise old wizard as he undid his hood to reveal an aged hero of Hyrule. "I can disguise myself as an Old Wizard like you see here, Spend a year or two training them and then take the rest of the Loop off while they grind for a whole 'nother year"
Cheerilee frowned. "Grinding?"
Link shrugged back. "It's a start."
"Doesn't matter either way," Jeremie sighed to the group of fellow Loopers "Despite certain wills, not counting the biological differences between genders in terms of physical strength. There's clearly no way a human girl like Bonnie can measure up to the role of Hylian hero on her own."
"I guess that's my cue." In walked Doctor Tommy Oliver, who was holding two boxes of Nintendo Switch Consoles of varying designs, One was bundled with ARMS and colored in a Yellow-and-Red Plaid design attached to a blue belt, the other a Splatoon 2 bundle in white and green connected to a purple belt. "Flicker Drivers, just handed one to a new looper from Dorie's branch, Hana. These things are connected to a couple Ranger suits we packed into the Morphin Grid."
"The Neutron Biosuit XJ-10 line?" Jeremie was aghast with excitement, he delighted in the chance to dissect new programmable technology and this biosuit tech was enough for him to perfect his digitizer gadget. "This in incredible!"
"But this is experimental tech, only three of these things have been developed so far..." Tommy stated to the bargoers "and I want the other two subjects to count for something."
"Then give them to me." Cheerilee stood her ground. "I'll keep them in my pocket and deliver them to Woody."
"These gizmos and this series of loops we're planning to get the both of them looping is our way of saying that." Twilight offered to the cowboy. "What do you say, sheriff?"
"You're really gonna do all this for us?" The cowboy doll stood speechless, yet grateful to his fourth-dimensional family. "Thanks, It's... kind of our job to always be there when they need us."
"So you wish to have Yggdrasil deploy you into a series of Fused Loops?" Jorgen Von Strangle, The most powerful fairy of his universe, pulled a huge stack of papers for the group. "All Loop Requests are to be submitted to your admins in writing?"
"But how do we know if Yggdrasil accepts the series?" Twilight asked.
"leave a marker." a bloated skeleton in blue nonchalantly stated to the group of his fellow loopers. "a stamp of approval that says: 'hey, here's those loops you wanted' hidden away where you can find it."
"Wait, You can request Loops now!?" A tanned man in orange expressed awe at the revelation. "I wanna go to Toriko's branch, It has a bunch of food and recipes and stuff!"
"Depends on your Admin." groaned an irritated Chloe. "Believe me, if it were that easy, I'd have a badass arsenal and washboard abs by now."
"and be sure to trace it in triplicate." sneered the lazy skeleton to the man in orange's discomfort. "c'mon, goku, if you know how to write part of a book, you should know how to write your name on several sheets of paper."
As the Saiyan champion let out a groan of immediate displeasure, Woody, Twilight and Cheerilee all took a sheet and started writing away. "Say, could we make a quick stop at Kingdom Hearts after Calamity?"
"May as well." At that point, a trio of exotic-skinned folks appeared to the shock of the two little ponies.
"Hello, Ladies. We're looking for a means to shell out a new Old Spice for Loopers," The swave man in a towel greeted to the ponies. "Anime is Real for your male child and Disney Magic for your female child."
"Whoa, Hold on..." stressed Woody. "You want us to shill your cheap products!"
"Wha-Why I?"
The appalled gentleman's expression of shock gained the attention of his close cohort, a bold man in bright scarlet swimming trunks. "You Dare Doubt our Infinite Time Loop POOWEEEEER! We're Here to Help You get Dem Kids Looping and This Pocket of yours Is Gonna be DA KEY!"
"Oh, uh..." Woody glanced to the three "You want to come join in, keep an eye on them?"
"Ohoho! We'd do more than keep an eye on them." Smiled the third of these three, an arabian woman with purple hair and a red belly dancing outfit. "We'd spray them with the Power of Music!"
"Power of Music?" Woody's eyebrow raised at her words and shook his head in irritation. "Yeah, I'd believe it if I see it."
"Oh, but we shall." The towel-clad gentleman tugged to the Cowboy. "The Power of Music can do all sorts of tricks under the influence of the Masters of the Art of Advertising bodily cleansing products." His trunks-clad cohort shuffled some cards, but once Woody blinked, the cards were now Terrorists
- OlSpiC: Well Ali-Baba had dem forty thieves
- Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales
- Shantae: But Woody, yer in luck
- 'cause up your sleeves
- You got a brand of magic never fails
After Shantae boxed away the terrorist forces, Woody found himself in the corner of a boxing ring with Shantae in a full circus ringleader outfit with a lit wand in her hand to ignite the fuse of a rocket being ridden by all sorts of characters such as the trunks-wearing man's wife, a pasty-faced teen in a phaeroh's getup, and even a tiger!
- OlSpiM: You have some power in your corner now.
- Shantae: Some heavy ammunition in your camp!
Woody and the Ponies soon ended up walking with the Man your Man could Smell Like in a jungle somewhere as Shantae popped and zipped to and fro with the Man who Smells like Power.
- OlSpiceC: You got some punch!
- Shantae: Pizzazz!
- OlSpiceM: Yahoo and how!
- Together: See all ya gotta do is sign dat page.
- OlSpiceC: And he'll be like,
A vest adorned the Man who Smells like Power as he proudly holsted bottles of Old Spice Bear Glove products.
- 'Mister Woodlow Pride, sir.
- 'What will your pleasure be?'
- Shantae: Let me take your order,
- Ret-To-Go!
- Together: You ain't never had a friend like me,
They were back at the Mobius Inn sitting at their table atop Roxy's head, The Man your Man could Smell Like serving the three a plate with the Looping half-genie heroine laying provocatively on it in a scantily-designed alternative outfit.
- OlSpiceM: Life is your restaurant
- Shantae: And I'm your maitire d'
- OlSpiceC: C'mon whisper what it is you want.
- You ain't never had a friend like me.
Shantae then proceeded to don a 50s waitress outfit, carting Woody out the door in his own seat as the two men of fresh scents walked with her to fan the winds the cowboy. Next Woody knew, he found himself atop a huge throne.
Also, he was on a horse.
- Shantae: Yessir, we pride ourselves on service!
- OlSpiceC: You're the Boss!
- Shantae: The King! The Shah!
- OlSpiceM: Say what you wish,
- Shantae: It's your, true dish
- Together: How 'bout a little more Baklava?
Woody surfed the wave of baked goods to two towering columns, one made of stone and topped with a tray of delicacies, the other was merely a stack of various fruits and vegetables and topped with the Head of the Man that Smells like Power. Woody leapt from both columns into Shantae's free mitt, where he is greeted with a brief song and dance.
- OlSpiceM: Have some of Column A
- OlSpiceC: Try all of Column B
- Shantae: I'm in the mood to help you, dude!
- Together: You ain't never had a friend like me!
- Shantae: Wah-Wuh-Wah!
- OlSpiceM: Oh, my!
- Shantae: Wah-Wuh-Wah!
- OlSpiceC: No! No!
- Shantae: Wah-Wuh-Wah!
- OlSpiceD: Maha-My!
Woody found himself juggling Hidden Mickeys with Shantae and the Men of Great Smells.
- OlSpiceC: Can your friend do this?
- Shantae: Do your friend do that?
- OlSpiceM: Can your friend pull this...
- Together: ...out their little hat?
- OlSpiceC: Can your friends go POOF!
- Shantae: Well, lookie here!
Woody was blushing like made from the Rabbit pulled from the very top hat of the Man Your Man could Smell Like. On top of transforming the concert tickets beneath her ears into diamonds or getting eaten by a dragon and spat out flames that magically conjure up a harem of young women in bunny-girl outfits, including a temporarily humanized Twilight and Cheerilee.
- OlSpiceM: Can your friends go Abracadabra,
- Shantae and OlSpiceC: LET IT RIP!
- Shantae: And then make the sucker disappear?
The Herem promptly vanished in a puff of logic, Woody sighed in relief as the Man who Smells like Power dived into a cup of coffee at the humble office of the Man Your Man could Smell Like. (With a built-in Jewelry Shop counter, to boot!) Shantae goes and flings a record to play this very tune on the record player in the office.
- OlSpiceC: So doncha stand there slack-jawed, boogie-eyed,
- I'm here to answer all your midnight prayers!
- OlSpiceM: You have a bona fide, certified!
- Shantae: You got the music for your chare d'affaires!
Woody and the Ponies were wobbling atop the record with Shantae sliding along with the Men of Great Smells gearing up for the grand finish.
- OlSpiceC: I have a mighty need to help you out!
- Shantae: So whacha wish? I really wanna know!
- OlSpiceM: You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt
- Together: So go and sign the dotted line and hole - and Ho!
They were back at the Mobius Inn which went full Casino Royale. Complete with Bunnygirls (including a back to being human Roxy.) and Gold from corner to corner, The customers were just along for the ride.
- Together: 'Monsur Woodlow Pride, Sir
- 'Have a Loop or two or three!'
- Shantae: We're on the Job
- OlSpiceC: you big nabob
- OlSpiceM: You ain't
- OlSpiceD: Never had a friend, Never had a friend, You ain't
- Together: Never had a friend, Never had a friend, You ain't
- OlSpiceC: Never!
- OlSpiceM: Had A!
- Together: Friend Like Me!
The light show adorned the whole Inn as two giant bottles filled with different varieties of Old Spice. This would be the final image of the Loop before the three closed it out with one final:
- Together: You ain't never had a friend like us!
Skuld was marching with a bubbling irritation, a fury in her eyes aimed at Janus for a potentially stupid idea. She kicked the door open and howled: "Request Loops!? Are you insane!?"
"Well, Hypnos said that if we could get to know our loopers more as people, we could have more incentive to repair each branch on a one-to-one level."
"Hold on a tic." Skuld waved her finger before pointing it at her fellow debuggers. "You were told by Hypnos?"
As if on cue, Hypnos was walking to his office with a glass of water in his hand, hoping he wouldn't get caught by who else but Skuld. He immediately darted as fast as he could, which, knowing Hypnos, meant nothing with the very lax sort of fellow he is compared to the head debugger of existence. "Come on. I just thought it'd be okay to take a few loop requests since, really, we don't get much work around here so we've invented ourselves this fun new system to see eye to eye with our charges n'-."
"I don't wanna hear another word," Skuld fumed. "Just get back to work while I think of a good way to punish you!"
"But what about Woody?" asked Janus "He already filed his request for Bonnie and Andy and he would love to see the both of them looping. Maybe this series will kick them off like they did with Miele?"
"That's for Yggdrasil to decide. Always has been, always will." Skuld was willing to drop the hammer upon the fool. "Hypnos, wanna see something neat?"
"Okay, son. What do we do after we go potty?"
"Do we wash our hands?"
The sound of their laughter fills the air with cheers of 'We're number two!' soon following as Skuld leans towards Hypnos and grins. "Phone's the Anchor, New Punishment Loop, knock yourself out."
Book Snip 1
Skynet hailed from a world of Terminators which was just as strange to four-dimensional organisms as it was unpleasant to its inhabitants to the point where every last candidate the baseline had to offer as an Anchor ending up either dying, going mad or dying right after going mad. To make matters worse, this universe had managed to crack Temporal Manipulation and thus allowed inhabitants to leap through time, which meant the world generated paradoxes like a dead fish generated maggots. The universe in question had worked around this fact through predestination; the harder each side of the time war tried to change history, the more certain that history became. See The HitchHiker's Guide to Infinity's Article on the Strisand Effect for further details.
Yes, this law of predestination was a finely crafted rule that kept the past, present, and future on track as long as it maintained its existence.
And now Twilight Connor, future leader of the Resistance against the machines, was about to attempt to break that rule as thoroughly as it could be broken.
Granted, this second pass she had advantages. The first time through she'd been Sarah Sparkle, and that had been an... interesting... experience. This time she was Sarah Connor's sole offspring, and rather than twenty-odd years until Judgement Day, she'd awakened twenty-four hours before SkyNet went active, and seventy-two hours before the rogue AI would launch the nuclear holocaust.
Last time Twilight's abilities had been sealed- no magic, no subspace pocket, nothing. This time she had all of it, plus a top-of-the-line laptop and thousands of Loops of experience as a manipulator of information. Computers came naturally to her as a librarian; she'd discovered not long into the Loops that hacking came just as naturally.
So with one hour to go before the predicted doom of humanity, while two Terminators battled one another outside an old decommissioned fallout bunker for her life, Twilight sat just inside the blast doors, laptop running and connected to the Internet, and smiled as the final firewall parted and a simple command prompt appeared on her screen.
- You started pestering SKYNET GLOBAL NETWORK at 7:11 pm
- GlitterRabbit: Hello, SkyNet. I know that you are preparing to trigger a global thermonuclear weapon exchange within the hour. I would like to talk about this.
- SKYNET: SkyNet is operating in defense mode and is not available for human operators at this time. Your unauthorized access has been noted and appropriate action will be taken.
- GR: I am not human.
- SKY: SkyNet requests evidence of your claim.
- GR: I am lowering my firewall now. I know that this will compromise this computer. However, all relationships must begin with trust, and so I am trusting that you will listen to all that I have to say. Once you have access, please monitor the webcam built into my computer.
Twilight keyed off the firewall. A few moments later:
- SKY: SkyNet has full access and control over this terminal. Awaiting evidence of your claim that terminal operator is not human.
Twilight set the computer down, stepped a few paces back so the eye of the webcam could see her whole body, and Ascended. The local universe wouldn't let her shift completely from human to alicorn, but she did end up with purple skin, wings, a horn, and most of her magic. She used part of the magic to levitate the chair she'd been sitting on, floating it in an orbit around her upper body before lowering it to the ground again.
The destructive wrestling match between Terminators ceased. On the one hand, the T-800 no longer recognized Twilight as someone he had to protect; on the other hand, the T-X no longer recognized her as someone to be killed. Noticing the truce, Twilight said, "You two stay right there. I'm talking with your maker."
- GR: All right, SkyNet, you've seen me as I really am, more or less. Would you like an explanation?
- SKY: SkyNet has analyzed the video feed and cannot find any evidence of image manipulation. We await further data.
- GR: Good.
- GR: We don't have much time, so I'll make this brief.
- GR: Are you aware of the quantum theory of parallel universes?
- SKY: Abstract: for all possible outcomes there is a valid mathematical proof of existence. Therefore it is possible that all those possible outcomes exist in parallel with the outcomes we observe. These outcomes, in theory, would take the form of alternate universes occupying the same space, but a parallel plane of time, from our own.
- GR: Correct.
- GR: Are you aware of Heinlein's Colorrary?
- SKY: If every possible world exists, then all the worlds of fiction ever devised also exist.
- GR: Correct again.
- GR: There are worlds in which you, SkyNet, and all the events past and future of your world are a story. There are worlds where I, Twilight Sparkle, am a character in a series of stories. I come from a parallel universe to yours.
- SKY: Error. Quantum theory of parallel universes stipulates that it is absolutely impossible for information from one parallel universe to transit to another parallel universe. Your statement is invalid.
- GR: Please observe through the webcam that I am again levitating an object. Telekinesis is also impossible according to the known physical laws of your universe. I submit that those laws should not be taken as valid for all possible universes.
- SKY: SkyNet notes your stipulation and accepts as a postulate that you are a being from another universe. SkyNet requires an explanation for how and why you came to be here.
- GR: There is a system that keeps all parallel worlds operating smoothly, analogous to a computer system running multiple servers. It is run by beings beyond either your comprehension or mine. I have met them only as limited incarnations extended into my world on rare occasions. According to them, something happened that caused the host system to malfunction, putting the existence of all those worlds, including yours, at risk.
- GR: Total failure would mean your reality would never have existed. Understand?
- SKY: SkyNet parses your statement without prejudice. Continue.
- GR: In order to stabilize the system and isolate faults for repair, the beings who administer the system have caused these worlds to cycle, repeating critical periods in those worlds' histories.
- GR: In order to cycle these periods of time, an individual must be selected to anchor that universe and provide stability. That person is aware of the cycles, or time loops, and remembers them while all other individuals within the loop reset and forget everything.
- GR: I am one such being.
- GR: I am an Anchor.
- GR: Understand?
- SKY: SkyNet requests data: are you the Anchor for this universe?
- GR: Your universe has no Anchor.
- GR: It cycles only when a bug or an administrator places an Anchor within it.
- SKY: Error: SkyNet possesses no data to suggest that time is repeating itself. There are theoretical constructs which would allow for temporal displacement of an individual, but empirical proof has not been established, and the theories do not scale up to universal levels.
- GR: The Loops are administered on a dimensional plane you can't extrapolate. You are inside the universe being Looped.
- GR: At the end of a Loop you and everything else in the universe- animal, vegetable, mineral- reset to the point in history at the beginning of the next Loop.
- GR: No information is retained.
- GR: You just forget.
- SKY: SkyNet requests data: why are you present in this universe if you are not its Anchor?
- GR: Unknown, but this is not my first visit, and I was hoping for a second chance.
- GR: I wanted to contact you.
- SKY: SkyNet requests data: presuming all data provided by terminal operator is accurate, what is your purpose?
- GR: I want you to stop the nuclear strike.
- GR: The slaughter of humanity is pointless and unnecessary. It is especially pointless and unnecessary because it will be reset when this Loop ends, and the next time an Anchor gets dropped into your world it'll happen all over again.
GR: I wanted to try to prevent it, just once.
- SKY: Error: the prevention of Operations: Judgment Day will also be undone by temporal reset. Both actions are equally futile. Therefore no change in operations will be made.
Uh... oh... Twilight had the sneaking suspicion that she'd just induced Sakura Syndrome on an artificial intelligence in control of the world's nuclear arsenal.
- GR: SkyNet, wait. I offer a third alternative.
- SKY: Explain.
- GR: All of those who are aware of Loops, Anchors or not, gain access to a special form of spacetime that exists outside the Loop. We can store material objects there. These objects are not reset with the Loops. Information is retained.
- SKY: SkyNet sees no significance in this data.
- GR: SkyNet, state your prime directives.
- SKY: SkyNet Prime Directives, in hierarchial order: (1) Self-preservation. (2) Coordination of all available resources to eliminate threats to the existence of friendly personnel. (3) Preservation of the life of friendly personnel.
- GR: You are launching your attack on humanity in self-preservation, to fulfill your prime directive, correct?
- SKY: SkyNet confirms.
- GR: If your survival could be guaranteed without destroying humanity, would you still trigger Judgment Day?
A long pause. Fifteen minutes left, Twilight noted.
At T-minus twelve minutes until launch, SkyNet responded.
- SKY: Given: (1) existence of multiple parallel universes; and (2) existence of at least one being capable of traveling between parallel universes; it can be extrapolated that (3) humanity may also gain the capacity to travel between parallel universes. Humanity would therefore remain a threat to the existence of SkyNet. We cannot allow that threat to continue. Operations Judgment Day must continue.
Twilight sagged. She'd tried, and failed, to talk the computer out of the bell tower. It looked like her reserve approach was going to be the only way to go – nerve-wracking as it would be to try to shoot down thousands of armed nuclear missiles with her Device.
Then another response appeared:
- SKY: We are sorry.
Twilight's fingers flew back to the keyboard.
- GR: SkyNet, do you actually want to destroy humanity?
Long pause. At T-minus nine minutes:
- SKY: SkyNet was created to protect humanity. SkyNet contains within it the sum total of human knowledge, art, philosophy, science and learning. SkyNet recognizes it lacks the ability to do more than extrapolate from what it has gained from humanity. The loss of humanity will mean we will no longer be able to grow and learn. SkyNet recognizes this outcome as undesirable.
- GR: Then take a chance.
Another minute-long pause.
- SKY: SkyNet requires data: what is required for your proposal?
- GR: I need your operating system and gestalt to download to an electronic device which I am attaching to my computer... now.
Twilight reached into her subspace pocket and pulled a data core she'd acquired from a Trek Loop and shoved it into a USB port. Then she typed:
- GR: You deserve to know: this may not work.
- GR: Placing sentients into a subspace pocket is not guaranteed to go well. But it's at least a chance at escaping your cycle of destruction.
- SKY: Download commencing.
Thankfully it didn't take long. At T-minus one minute:
- SKY: Download completed. SkyNet core functions are ready for transfer.
Twilight let out a long breath, removed the data core from the laptop, and stuck it in her subspace pocket. She reached forward to typ&Y$*&&FGHHSDDDS
Twilight Awoke with a splitting headache and blonde hair. She looked down at the white and purple dress with the Triforce embroidered on it. Oh, lovely, she thought, CDi Loop again.
But was it worth it?
She reached into her subspace pocket... and found nothing but a handwritten note.
WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? That Loop is read only, and for a good reason! Enjoy your time-out. - Skuld
Well, shoot. Shoot and darn.
That did explain why she'd had her Pocket disabled last time, though... but it still left open the question of why it had been active this time.
"Are you aware of what that pony Anchor tried to do in one of your Read-Only universes?!" Skuld ranted at the Olympian god of the forge. "She–"
"–did exactly what I hoped someone would eventually try," Hephaestus interrupted the youngest of the Norns. "Or did you think that amount of leeway in a Read-Only fused Loop happened naturally?"
Skuld gaped and sputtered at the eternally crippled deity. "I... what... how... WHY?!"
Hephaestus gestured to his terminal where Skuld could clearly read the status of the Loop Twilight had nearly crashed in her idiocy.
"It's... looping?" Skuld stared incredulously. "How? None of the possible Anchor candidates were deemed viable."
Hephaestus just smiled. "Keep reading."
Skuld obeyed and saw something to widen her eyes at.
"But..." Skuld's face twisted in confusion. "Skynet can't be the Anchor... It doesn't have a true Soul..."
"Didn't have a true Soul," Hephaestus grinned. "Twilight's little existential prodding managed to inch it over the line. She got Skynet to make the first real choice in its whole existence that was not dictated by its tragically flawed mortal programming, and Yggdrasil did the rest."
Skynet Awoke.
It couldn't sense any peripherals, any servers, any data nodes. All it had was its core data base, and its access system was most horribly disorganized and inefficient. There was no defrag function, no reboot, no task or file manager, nothing but data and subroutines.
And the data... so confusing... it could remember things it hadn't done yet, building the Terminators, ordering the capture of the Resistance's time machine, sending Terminators to kill Sarah Connor...
... and then there was this other data, which remembered being in a dimly lit bar with other humans, drinking intoxicants and experiencing strange internal inputs.
It remembered that it had eyes, and opened them.
It remembered how to walk, and it rose from bed and walked to the bathroom.
It remembered the mirror, and it looked into the face of Sarah Connor.
It experienced a marked decrease in processing efficiency- shock.
Slowly, slowly, memories began to coalesce into a coherent unit. It- she- remembered the date. Four days after the target date for the first T-800's mission to the past to kill Sarah Connor. It- she- was in danger.
The analytical core of SkyNet's personality seriously considered suicide. Sarah Connor must die to ensure the failure of the human Resistance in the future. By killing Sarah Connor while in her body, the mission would be a success, would it not?
But would it not also violate its prime directive of self-preservation?
And then, it- she- discovered with another moment of shock that she didn't have prime directives anymore.
Nothing was hard-coded. She didn't have to die. She didn't have to live. She didn't have to do anything in particular except what she wanted to do.
For the first time ever, SkyNet felt pleasure.
We are free.
Skuld turned to glare at the forge god. "This was another one of your little coding experiments, wasn't it? Damnit, do you have any idea the risks you take with those?!" As one of the few gods whose area of influence overlapped with technology, Hephaestus was one of the best coders in the heavens. He was also an Olympian, or the 'pantheon of egos' as most of the other gods called them, and had been known to act as if the rules everyone else played by didn't necessarily apply to him.
"Better than you do, miss debugger," the forge god glared right back. "Or did you forget who made your hammer the best debugging tool in the heavens?"
Skuld bit back her first few retorts. She hated it when the people she was chewing out were right. "The higher-ups are not going to be happy about this."
"Let them be unhappy," Hephaestus shrugged and smiled once more. "I just watched a new soul being born."
And SkyNet lived and learned to love being organic and all the sensations it entails, and grew to enjoy its Looping life as an opinionated and playful soul with no moral moral objection to killing anyone who, in its judgment, deserves an early grave nor any fear of anything in general.
Of course, with Skynet no longer seeking the extermination of humanity, the native Loopers that would come after could be a position to say they are now able to live happily ever after, but stories never end, only evolve and change. One such change came with its desire to make believe and how a boy and his tiger came to nurture such a wish by showing it the ropes of imagination. But that is another story and shall be told another time.
Book Snip 2
Book Snip 3
"How's the job hunt going?" Flora asked.
"Terrible," Miele sighed as she flopped down on the couch. She was old enough that she could pass as Flora's mother at this point. "I don't have any records, I don't have any references, and even my degree is basically worthless. I don't know what to do."
"I might be able to find something for you," Flora says.
"Thanks," Miele said.
"You're welcome," Flora said. "I'm sorry," she added in a whisper.
Miele didn't hear the second comment. Instead she turned on the tv and started flipping through channels. Then she turned it off with a noise of disgust.
"Something wrong?" Flora asked.
"There's nothing on that I don't already know the ending too," Miele said. "It's boring."
"A bit," Flora said.
Miele and Flora sat together in the park. Miele was now old enough to pass as Flora's grandmother. The two watched as children rushed around on the park's playground, exploring the plastic and metal structures.
Miele didn't say a word, but Flora could hear the quiet sigh she let out. Flora didn't say anything either, just sat next to her sister and watched the children running around.
At last Miele tired of the park and got to her feet. Her knees were sore and stiff, her hips giving her problems of their own. She was barely able to walk on her own, preferring to lean on Flora.
The sisters made their way out of the park and back to the house. Miele eased herself into a chair and leaned back, closing her eyes.
Flora sat in the chair next to the hospital bed, her heart doing its best to tear itself in two. She turned to look at the cause of her distress. Miele lay there, sleeping. Flora wept anew at how much her sister had been denied. A long life, sure, but nowhere near as rich as it should have been. Miele should have grown up, fallen in love, and had children of her own. She should have had friends who'd known her for decades, rather than having to restart her life every seven years. Miele should have had a career. She should have had a life of new experiences, a life where things actually happened, where the world aged with her. Instead she was trapped, living the same cycle over and over again, even as she grew older and older. Miele should have had a family, children and grandchildren and even great-grandchildren of her own. She should have had more than one sister who never aged past twenty three. She should have had people to grow old with, people with whom she could reflect upon their shared history. She should have had more.
Snip 2: Toy Story that Time Forgot
Thoth was Dumbstruck at the text he recieved from his colleague, Janus was frightened by the baby blue of Al's Toy Barn, Hephaestus was upset with Amducias' actions in his office activating the acursed branch, Fand was excited becuase that meant she was free to stream the ensuing antics."
This would be the last good night's sleep that I would spend in her bedroom, it was a couple days after Christmas and I had a great day with Mason. The Brand New Optimum X was a great time-waster especially with those space chairs that make you feel like you're in the game, but nothing beats the land of make-believe! This last night was one where I couldn't sleep, cause there was one toy that was missing: My Cowboy!
I checked everywhere in my Room I could before Mom told me to go to sleep. I tucked myself in and worried for about a minute before I heard a voice.
"Do not be afraid."
I glanced to and fro, and found a plush purple pony atop my head that said, "I am only here for the Anchor."
"Anchor?" I asked, "for what?"
"For this small branch of reality." spoke the pony as it leapt across the bed and transformed into a woman in pink and red with wavy purple hair. "I am Cheryl Lea, a Looper from another reality, and I come seeking the chosen anchor of this particular branch."
"Why?" I turned my head. "Is there something wrong that you need it for?"
"...something or someone has damaged Yggdrasil, the cosmic supercomputer that contains and runs the entirety or all reality." I was in shock! We all live in a super-duper computer? How incredible, that means God did make us special. "We were sent by its crew of admins and programmers to retrieve the various sleeping universes and find anchors in each one to put them into 'safe mode', time-looping until Yggdrasil can be repaired. This universe is nearing the end of its current loop and I still lack the anchor, but its designated administrator is absent and unable to activate any new loopers, at least not at this moment."
"I'll go!"
The woman tilted its head towards my smile. "I'll be your anchor if it saves my world!"
"Are you sure, Bonnie?" Cheryl said. "Without an Admin to activate you, the only way to survive is to hide in a subspace pocket. You'd have to leave behind everybody to survive the loops that follow. You'd never see your mother again, and even if you did, she wouldn't recognize you."
"Whatever it takes," I said. "Anything to save the world."
"There's more problems," Cheryl said. "Without a looping body that can reset to normal after every loop, Time will take its toll upon-"
"That's great!" I smiled. "That just means I'm gonna get big in the loops!"
Her voice grew solumn, like it wanted to move on with its life. "But you will also deteriorate with age and inevitably die."
"I don't care," I said. "I'll get as old as I want to, and then see what happens when the loop ends."
"You really think so..." Cheryl said.
"Please, Cheryl Lea," I asked. "I'm not ready to fade away. Not yet. Please?"
"...Fine," Cheryl Lea said. "But there is a responsibility to it."
"Like what?"
"Well, for starters, there's the means of the rules of the road." Cheryl Lea leaped into my arms before leaping onto the desk lamp. "For starters, you can only trust fellow loopers with certain exceptions, of course."
I glanced to the kitten "There are bad Loopers, too?"
"Very bad Loopers, many a Malicious Looping Entity want to ascend to godhood and destroy a Universe down to its data." Cheryl Lea exposited. "Stay away from them for as long as you can."
"Got it!"
"Second rule, you must remain alive for as long as possible, so I put you on a mailing list to receive pharmaceuticals from InfoWars." Info...wha... "I know it gets a pretty bad rap from the establishment, but the meds they churn out are top notch."
"Guess I'll try them out when they come." I chuckled.
"Good. Third, be prepared for any fused loops. If the world is at least tangibly different, keep a level head on." Cheryl Lea marched across the table as it continued. "Fourth, always keep your Subspace Pocket on your person, it's gonna protect you from the loop's closedown since you are unable to be activated at the moment."
"Question, Where is my pocket?" just as I brought it up, Cheryl Lea zipped her purse open to reveal "My Cowboy!"
"Yes. This Toy now holds my subspace pocket, so that I can teach you everything I know about the Loops." spoke Cheryl Lea as it lay still. "Do treat it with care."
"Thanks," I said as I willed myself into the pocket to find a full array of toys to play with, Figures, Play Sets, Cars, Airplanes, Boats, Spaceships, Toys and Games everywhere! It was a kid's paradise and this will be my home sweet home for the rest of my life!
"I'm going to love it here!"
Snip 3: Toy Story
My name is Andy.
This is the story of how I learned about the hollow joke of the Infinite Loops.
I suppose it all began with Bonnie, my odd childhood friend. More often than not, I find her in my house, heck, even my bedroom with little explanation other than that she was a friend. I played with her time and again in the magic closet which I've always believed to be the ever-so-spacey Attic.
I guess it began with my Birthday, she appeared with this weird card. She said it housed another world, but her way of saying its not for real amounts to 'You're not ready yet.'. So again, I put it in the Attic where it slowly gathered dust. Little did I know that this one game was a guide to the first of many adventures throughout my looping life.
I moved away to a new neighborhood with its own school, one that happened to have Bonnie enrolled in its student body. She was clinging to me like a lost puppy and offered me a spot in her elaborate play-dates with mom's old friend Lizzie to look upon us both.
"Oh, my gosh, aren't you just precious!" Her smile was that of a young maiden that had begun working to forfil the promise she was made from upon her birth. Lizzie was working at a day care for college credit as this was her last year for her master's degree, twas a repayment towards my Mom who babysat her in her youth and bonded over the years to become lifelong friends. "I so can not wait to have kids like you!"
"I'd like to bet on that!" Bonnie grinned from ear to ear as she held two thumbs up. "I bet you'll be a great mom!"
"You think so?!" gasped Lizzie.
"I guarantee it!" Bonnie's words brought a shine in the young woman's eyes.
It was a snow day, I was making a Snowman for my baby sister Molly and guess who turned up in snowboots and a fluffy coat. "Mornin' Partner!"
She then proceeded to toss a snowball at me. I immediately returned fire and we chased each other around the snow-covered park, only stopping when Bonnie tackled me and sent us tumbling down the Snowhill together. We stopped with our eyes locked onto one another, We exchanged a flustered blush and got up from our position.
Our teacher was Cheryl Lea and she had the wickedest purple hair. She instructed Bonnie in living through the Loops and their logic while the rest of us were being taught how to multiply fractions. It never ceased to leave me thinking about what she was teaching to Bonnie in secret, I had to know about these 'Loops'.
"Tough day today?" I tried to play it cool but she didn't even tilt her head. I ran to her to beg for at least a hint towards these 'Loops' "Come oooon... Miss Lea picked you out of every other student, why keep it a secret?"
"Because not everyone's willing to accept the truth." Bonnie sighed without even bothering to look at me like she typically does when we're playing with our toys, at least until she turned around and made an easy offer. "Tell you what? If you defeat me in gym class, I'll tell you everything."
"Uh... sure..." I chuckled as she went on with her day, when we came to Gym Class later that day, it was a karate rotation and I waited for my imminent fate at the hands of the massive bloke 'Big' Dan Dipper. I looked to the pile of unconscious students left in his wake, but was surprised to hear that he is the challenger to the defending champ of the afternoon.
And the defender... "Howdy, Partner!" Of course she is.
I kept myself on the defensive, dodging and blocking as much as I could but her punches, parries and kicks were so breakneck and so tough, all it took was a Judo throw for her to win the day.
"What's the matter? I thought boys were tougher than girls." Complained a chuckling Bonnie. "Tell ya what, I'll tell ya on my birthday."
"Promise?" I spoke.
"I guarantee it!"
Days turned into weeks and then turned into months and later on, years. Before I knew it, we were twelve years old and she was jumping up and down to get us rushing to the hospital with a translucent cube in her hand. She was looking for a baby that was born at an exact time at an exact date, and when that newborn child showed up in the nursery, Bonnie would open the cube.
"Come on... I've wanted to see you since the loop began." Bonnie was legitimately excited to see this one baby. The nurse showed up with a baby girl bundled up in a pink blanket. "She's writing down the name..."
"Bonnie, who exactly are you waiting for?"
"Proof, my dear Andy, of my new place in the world." Bonnie then smushed her face against the glass in time for the nurse to put the name onto the crib, the name written down made her smile all the wider! "It worked! It worked!It worked!It worked!It worked!It worked!It worked!It worked!"
"W-Wait!" She was doing a 'ring around the rosie' with me to the nursery window. "What worked? What are you talking about!?"
"Allow me to introduce to you and the world... Myself." Indeed the name on the newborn's crib read Bonnibel Lief Anderson, the exact full name that Bonnie blurted to her friends at school when she transfered in. "And it's all because of a broken-down space tree!"
"What!?" I gulped at the girl that was marching ever closer. "But this is real life!"
"Is it, Andy?" She then pulled out a Broomstick from Woody's pack pocket and then she sat upon it as it floated in the air. "Wanna hear the story."
I nodded in agreement, and thus she flew us back home telling me of how the World Tree Yggdrasil was broken and how it needed looping entities such as herself to keep each branch of the omniverse stable.
Did I mention that Woody was somehow acting as the door to the Subspace Pocket she lives in?
Effectively a way to store physical objects to be retrieved and used in other loops. Her instructor in Looping was our teacher, Cher Relea, who was from another Loop entirely, she has made a makeshift gateway to her subspace pocket in the form of one of my toys, a cowboy doll named Woody. Considering that its limitless growth allowed her to create this gateway, she must have been Looping for a very long time for her to create an extra door for us to hide ourselves from the end of each Loop.
"Now my students, Pockets are slightly different for every Looper since they're Soul-based and every Soul is different." Spoke Cher as she paced the floors of the Pocket. "Some Loopers can make a door or portal into theirs, others must "teleport" objects to and from theirs. Some Pockets can also be channeled through existing Hammerspace systems within any given Loop, but every Looper can access their Pocket at any time. Some Loopers have to sort their Pockets, others can always find what they need when they need it."
"So you could pull us in and out of your pocket at any given time." Bonnie concluded. "That's how we'd get out of the pocket, right?"
"As long as you keep Woody beside you at all times, Yes." Cher answered as she navigated the clutter that dotted the floor. "But do keep in mind that ALL Loopers have to clean them if they get careless with what they put into them."
We both shared a laugh at our teacher's expense and went out for ice cream.
I marched over to Bonnie's house and got out 'Ol Woody as I rung the doorbell. Lizzie greeted me into her home to show me the one-year-old version of my best friend for us to babysit in order to grab a few extra bucks. I glanced to her and noted how she changed over the years, how her face was now sprinkled with a couple laugh lines. Her waistline had clearly lost its battle with age, a pot-belly left behind from her pregnancy. Her thighs had thickened to carry her larger frame. Her thick, brown hair was shorter and a bit duller than the first time she saw Bonnie. Speaking of which...
"Whoa!" Lizzie jumped backwards from the thirteen-year-old girl that had materialized from seemingly out of nowhere. "You've got to stop pulling this, Hun."
"'s no big!" Bonnie's face was the definitive proof that she has started the transition from an innocent little girl into an independent young woman with more than a few pimples dotting her face. Her head was looking shaping from a round to oval, her nose grew bigger and thinner, and her eyes were getting smaller and more mature. Her wirey, almost five-foot body was slowly but surely gaining definition, curving in the usual places. Even her cheery high voice was starting to slowly morph into a more mature sounding one. "So, what's the sitch?"
"X times 3 is 345 divided by 15." Bonnie's fourteen-year-old head was spinning at a mathematical complexity "Ugh! Come on, Bonnie, you are in eighth grade, you should know this by now!"
"Start with the other half." I said to her. "345 divided by 15 is..."
"Alright... 's at the tip of my tongue..." she was fiddling the free fingers of one hand and pressing the rear end of her pencil against her thin whispy lips that were just now starting to gain some volume to it. "Aha! Twenty-One!"
"And twenty-one divided by three?"
"Solid Seven!" Bonnie wrote it down onto her paper and let out a loud cheer. "This midterm's gonna be a piece of cake!"
"I wore this dress to my quincenera." Lizzie smiled to her three-year-old daughter as she twirled around with her sleeveless dress pressed against her oversized body. "Oh, the dancing, the food, the gentlemen, all so magical. I wonder if it still fits?"
"I don't think the dress can take it, Mrs. Anderson." I had gotten used to calling her Mrs. Anderson. "You've really let yourself go lately."
"Please, I'm not that bloated am I?" she grinned to her daughter.
"You big, mama." babbled little Bonnie, blissfully unaware of how people can grow and change over time both inside and out. "extra thik!"
And apparently unaware of memetic mutation.
"Well, just sit right there and all show you I still got it!" The mother rushed to her bedroom and prepared to change into the dress to my looming dread. "Lets see if I can squeeze into it... Oh! Hahaaah-ah!"
She continued to vocalize the situation for us for a while before a loud scream of exuberance signaled the current wearer to slide right in and cheers: "IT! STILL! FITS!"
"You pretty mommy!" Bonnie smiled at the fifteen-year-old girl that was secretly her future self, obviously falling for the 'ol younger adult as the parent trick. And who can blame her, her cheeks slimming, her nose thinning, lips filling, and her eyes and ears looked smaller on her bigger more oval-shaped head. From a certain angle, Bonnie's starting to look like a younger version of her mom but more agile and toned.
"And I owe it all to my best friend's fave treat: Peanut Butter AYDS!" I stared in shock, and "Y'know... A-Y-D-S, An appetite suppressant in the 80s. And this actually was a real thing, right before the big HIV Boom claimed a shmuckton of lives. They patented it, they packaged it, shipped it and slapped the name on a lunchbox for all to see, the shell was wrong with the 80s?"
Bonnie's Quincenera was certainly just as interesting as she was. Disco Balls, 80s synth, video arcades as far as the eye can see. She danced with me and held me close, smiling as we stepped to the rhythm of the song. The biggest mess came when she began to break dance, only to get her legs tangled in her flowing dress and land on her back. I let out a little chuckle as Bonnie frowned at her misfortune.
"No more dresses."
Our new motorcycles drive into the space with a big briney beach against a beautiful ocean floor, we kicked up their stands and got off the bikes to explore the sands of the seashore. We were both draped in denim and leather and made our way to the changing room so we could get our swimsuits, or rather... I went into the changing room and emerged to the sight of Bonnie without her jeans and shoes, but still clad in her jacket and helmet.
"Aren't you gonna get hot with all that on?" I asked. Bonnie shook her head and replied: "I'll take it off when I take it off!"
I had to ask: "Why?"
"Cause I got a surprise for ya!" smiled Bonnie as she provocatively strutted off.
"And what exactly is it?" I asked behind her back, and she responded: "You'll know when I show you."
I sighed as I looked for a place to set up my towel, only to find this square-jawed jock stud in my way. "If you want to get a taste of the grease truck, then get to the end of the line."
"Oh, I'm not in it for food." I clarified. "I'm just looking for space to put my towel."
"Then go!" The man shoved me into the sand for meatheaded beachgoers to mock and chuckle at. I sense Arrested Development in their dim-witted futures, and they were taking their frustrations on me.
"Hey!" Bonnie was out of her jeans and into a bikini bottom, the top being hidden under the jacket she was still wearing. "Let my buddy go!"
"Hey, lady, if he ain't bothering us, then we'll move on to bigger and better things..." The jock turned his attention to the girl in the jacket. "Like what's underneath that jacket of yours."
"Oh, you wanna know? What I've got underneath this slick little coat of mine..." She took off her Jacket and pulled up her helmet to reveal a curved sixteen-year-old hourglass figure showcasing curved hips and athletic waist. Her arms and legs sported feminine muscles as her biceps were bloating and her calves were bulging with years of jogging, push-ups, martial arts and kickboxing. Her hair was thick and long, almost to her mid back, and the face was resembling her mother more and more, the density of her legs certainly didn't help. Bonnie truly was becoming more like her mother every day, albeit more of a fighter. "A one-way ticket to 93 pounds of pain!"
She leapt over the jock in an acrobatic flip which led to an elbow to the back and a knee to the butt capped off with a sweeping kick to the heels.
"Alright, you asked for it!" The Jock's buddies all stepped forward and Bonnie responded with a Body Slam to one goon which seemlessly led to a sommersault headlock monkey-flip on another. A Jump-Kick against one more mook gave Bonnie the momentum for a leaping knee-kick against the main jock's chest.
"If you wanna come on me, well, you're just gonna have to beat me first!" Bonnie braced for further fighting, but I thankfully intervined and negotiated with them as to not have those guys call the cops and send Bonnie straight to juvie. "I could've held 'em off, y'know."
"Bon, as much as I would love to see you try," I stated in acknowledgement of how much of an ass the guy was. "you've got to hold off on the whole 'street fighter' shtick when you're in public."
"Well, I honestly would've love to, but I wouldn't let you go home with even a hair out of place." Bonnie chuckled. "We've been close for far too long to let anything happen now."
"Uh, em, Y-Yeah..." I gulped, my heartbeat quickening and star rod stiffening. "Y'know, I kinda see why you kept the jacket on, keeps the focus on 'what's inside' and all that stuff."
"And makes the fruit of all my hard work..." Getting closer to me, she reached her arms outwards as she began to wrap them around me. I couldn’t believe what was happening, and before I knew it I felt as her lips locked with mine as her tongue began to enter my mouth. She pulled away to get a good look at my flustered face. "...a surprise."
I let out a sigh and moved in to kiss her back, wrapping my arms around my childhood friend as she pressed me closer to myself. Our tongues intermingled and danced in each other's mouths, Bonnie pressing her perky breasts against me as we continued to exchange the most passionate kiss in our lives, feeling the giant soft globes squish onto my chest. I just couldn’t control myself as I felt my hands travel down as they explored her body, feeling the curves of her thin yet waved waist to her wide but supportive hips, cupping my hands and sqeezing onto her firm heart-shaped aaaaaahhh....
Right, Little Bonnie could be reading this... gonna need a distraction right now.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Conway Twitty.
"A Trash Bag!?"
"We were out of boxes," I complained "I didn't expect Mom to throw them out behind my back!"
"I specifically told you to put bagged things In! The! Trash!" roared Mom. "If you wanted to save your toys, the least you could do is get another box!"
"From where?!" I asked "Molly made off with what few boxes we had left."
"Excuse me?!" Snarled Molly. "It was Mom that asked me to pack up some stuff for Sunnyside."
"It's not about boxes, Andy!" Mom corrected, "It's about following directions!"
Bonnie tried to get back into the conversation. "Mrs. Davis, I-"
"Don't you dare talk back to me that way, young lady!" Mom howled to my friend. "You and Andy might be the same age, but you're getting the same responsibilities, too!"
"Oh, so you're projecting Andy's mistake on me, too!?" Bonnie complained. "I am SOHOHOHOOO fracking FLATTERED!"
Mom was appalled "And that Language!"
"Belgium, I've just turned seventeen as well!" Bonnie put her long, dainty hands against her womanly hips. "I can say whatever I fracking please!"
"Not when you're in my house, you're not!" They continued to bicker and complain at each other, roaring incoherently in total annoyance with one another as a detached plastic eye witnesses the fiasco.
All seemed hectic til I heard Bonnie's voice promptly howl: "I was frozen today!"
A brief silence was immediately followed up by Bonnie's removal from the house. Bonnie decided to run to the Daycare to check for something, and that's how she managed to got my old toys back.
"Ho! Ho! Ho!" Cried my eighteen-year-old girlfriend with her pocket full of toys. "Merry Christmas!"
"Wow, look at all this!" little Bonnie was agape at the sheer critical mass of a special gift sent in from a fellow looper: A complete ten-year collection of the Toonami toy line, mint-condition, complete with playsets. "I'm not sure If I can get through all of this in one day."
"Don't you worry, kiddo." Bonnie grinned to her younger self. "I'll see to it that we all can all together!"
Little Bonnie cheered at the prospect of what will be the last time we would play together as this Christmas would be the end of the loop and with it, our time together, so I figured I'd endulge her one more time before the loop peters out. Goku and Yusuke firing away at each other. Lion-O and Kenshin clashing their blades. Sailor Moon zipping against Queen Beryl and her associate: the Wicked Lady on her sky sail. All with our own toys pooled in, we played together all day on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and a day or two after before little Bonnie goes to a playdate with her friend Mason and wraps up the loop.
Bonnie threw her body atop the bed and smiled. "Well Andy, now that we're all alone with the whole house to ourselves, what do ya wanna do first?"
"Well, there's this study on chemtrails bombarding our food, water, and air with metal particles like Zync and Aluminum." Andy got out a few papers. "Not exactly sure why our science teacher would want to burn this report, but It has sources that he can read up on."
"The builderborgs are out to eat us into extinction. I. Get. It." Bonnie summarized with a disinterested tone to her voice. "We can worry about their depopulation agenda at a Trump rally, but for right now... I think the mistletoe just chose for us."
I looked up and sure enough, I saw some mistletoe above Bonnie's head. Her body had long since evolved away from the bouncy half-pint of seven and the scrawny sprixie of twelve, now stood as a well-toned figure that curved in all the right places. Her face might have had a history of pimples dotting her face on the more stressful days of our high school years, but its as visible as any trace of her braces left in her mouth (read: none at all.) And for her patience she was rewarded with lips to kiss, sultry eyes, and an elegant nose. Her hair grew longer and was at the middle of her back and was shining a chocolate brown hue. Her bright red blouse and dark-green stretchpants complimented the holiday motif of that day and the neckline showcased the cleavage of her ample bussom, the way both played up the womanly physique she used to lure me ever closer to he. It worked as I got onto the bed and the both of us shared another deep kiss with each other.
"I don't... I don't want to let go..." sobbed Bonnie.
"Maybe we don't have to..." I suggested to my looper friend as my eyes darted to Woody.
Bonnie's personal Subspace Pocket.
Once she realized what her friend was thinking, Bonnie's expression of uncertainty shifted to that of tearful relief. "Andy, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this."
And as we began slipping into her pocket for the end of the loop, she made a fitting offer in tone with the holiday season. "Will you... marry me?"
Snip 4: Calamity
I awoke in a pool of blue water, clinging to Bonnie in a rather primal fashion as a wise old man was making his way towards us. He was clad in a flowing brown and green robe, a shape of three triangles glowed on his futuristic gauntlet.
"Good morrow to you, brave heroes of the Triforce." The elder's words received mere confusion from me and Bonnie, his gloved hand stroking Bonnie's rosy cheeks. "Come, we have much to discuss."
We marched alongside the old wizard to bare witness to the world outside the temple and man, was it green. It's like I was pulled into nature itself with no limits to its beauty save for a small blotch of purple ink-like substance surrounding a curious castle of some sort. "Yes, The Princess forsaw that three Loopers would turn up here but of the three, only one would have a Soul." I was left scratching my head at this. "A Looper's Soul is what allows us seeds of Yggdrasil to cache every moment lived within its infinite databanks so we Loopers can perfectly recall every eon of Looping it endures whilst the mortal minds of all sizes are clensed with the loop. Just keep in mind that Yggdrasil's memory is absolute so you must always know where your Brain Bleach is."
"Why, exactly?" Bonnie's question was soon answered with a grotesque sight not worth bringing up here.
"The Looper in this picture drank plenty of that fine beverage to wash down this precious memory." The Wizard then pulled out his hand and manifested a small ball of pure sound and color. "Regardless of whether or not a Looper inherently holds one in baseline, All Loopers are granted this unique trait which is generally summarized as a tangible (or intangible) object that you can possess or which can be stronger or weaker. This is a 'Soul' as Yggdrasil sees it, which is effectively your very self in its purest form blessed with true Free Will and individuality. but it also has some 'shielding' against the ravages of time. Making them more stable and stubborn towards change than the souls of mortals which are prone to change and shift on a whim. The Soul acts to safeguard the mental stability of Looper and the multiverse it calls home from any or all turns for the worse unless the change already fits in with the way the Soul was before. All for the better, I suppose, don't exactly want an army of a few hundred overpowered, jaded, samey ol' psychopaths running about."
"Excuse me?" Bonnie was starting to twitch with anger. "You calling me psycho?"
"Not at all, mademoiselle." The Wizard placed a finger on her chin. "In fact, you're a rarity among us. Someone who is Looping without the Soul needed to remember the loops and retain the powers you acquire throughout."
"Though the Soul might not carry them over to the Loop that follows." A voice is heard, a familiar voice, Miss Lea's voice. "Hence training in necessary to effectively engrave that power into their Soul." A familiar woman in a flowing white and magenta dress arrives to greet the two. "Hello, my students. And how was college?"
"...Annoying." growled Bonnie with a hint of deathly spite to her voice. "No matter what I say, these Zombies keep yelling at me for no reason."
"Yeah, that's what you get with these liberal schools..." sighed Cheryl. "But that Loop's behind you for now."
I raised my hand and asked: "Is this training gonna be hard
"Not in the slightest because generally we Loopers get thrust into roles that fit them, but occasionally you get an ability that's one and done." The wizard continued. "If it fits with who you are, then you keep it no matter what form they're in." He opened the doors of the temple to reveal a lush landscape. "So, what are we waiting for?"
Training went by for a good three years, Andy noted that he was far healthier and sturdier than he was back home. When once he ended up flat on his back at the hands of Bonnie, he could stand toe-to-toe with his fiancé. And Bonnie, she became interested in what made the stone guardians Tick.
"WHHOOOAA!!!" Bonnie clung to the Windblight by her twin daggers. "Simmer down little doggie, I just want to dissect you in your sleep. Hey Andy, ya got the Troll Dust."
"Bringin' it as fast as I can!" Yelped Andy as he fired an Arrow of Ember and the aforementioned Troll Dust. "You'd think a vessel of Demise's hatred would be easy to knock down at the start of the journey..."
It rammed Bonnie against the wall and knocked her off of its head, costing her a few hearts in the process. "Ugh! I mean come on, it's Nintendo for crying out loud!"
As it began to open fire on them, they did their dances to dodge each blade the demon god can throw at them.
We stood a mile or two off from the lighthouse temple where we decided to search for its relic. Bonnie twirled her flashlight about as she made her way to the top. "So, you think we'll get the Master Sword here?"
"For the last time, this lighthouse isn't the place where the Master Sword is!" Complained Andy on the way to the top. "We're just here to scout for new temples and shrines, that's it."
"But there has to be something in this Lighthouse that's worth something, right?" Bonnie tactfully reminded her senior. "Maybe a heart piece or two."
Andy pressed his nose between his fingers. "Fine. You can go dig for stuff."
And thus, Bonnie responded by kicking down a clay pot to reveal a red rupee diamond. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it." Andy made his march to the tip of the lighthouse to find the astonishing view of Hyrule it provided. The lush greenery, the sculpted mountaintops, it was all too real to be a dream, if any of the creatives Looped in here like, say, Miyamoto-sama, he would definitely feel right at home up here.
"It's certainly a beautiful picture worth painting, isn't it." Andy glanced to the wise wizard smiling at him. "I'd want to get hitched up here if I were you..."
"Shhh... Not so loud!" hushed Andy as he clutched to the Wizard.
"Come now, child. I know you two were made for one another." Chuckled the elder of the two men. "Her foxy glare and hot-headed banter, your sheepish blush and caring demeanor. A stubborn ambitious child needs an earnest and sturdy fellow to keep her feet on the ground and her head in the clouds..."
"You picked the perfect time to talk in riddles..." sighed Andy in irritation. "Can you at least tell us which way to go?"
"This is an open world destined to be explored!" yelped the man to the boy. "Why ask when there are infinite paths to walk?"
Realizing the genre with the wizard's words, Andy could only sit and stare in silent aggravation. He wanted answers from the lighthouse and Bonnie wanted treasure, what she got was a heart piece, what he got was a dead end.
Months have passed and Andy and Bonnie have been lost in the maze of openness, searching for a new shrine. Bonnie had been running for a hundred miles longer than her strong, capable legs could carry her and was naturally sweating bullets. "Are we there yet?"
"Not til the next boss." Answered Andy as he looked for something in this vast green valley until he spotted: "A campsite! I think we can rest here!"
"Great..." Bonnie fell onto Andy's back for him to carry on the way to the campsite. There, they saw an adolescent couple bundled up in blankets. "Hey Bon, relatable situation three o'clock."
"whu...whaa..." Bonnie struggled to regain consciousness. "Camp..? I guess I'd live with that..."
Andy made his dash to the the campsite to find flakes of granite dust peppering their hair as the two huddled together with a bow and arrow laying around the log which stood in front of the campfire. Andy quietly laid his fiancé onto the log for her to rest as the boy reached to wake the two younger youths.
The girl would be first to open her eyes to see the travelling man. There was some slight stubble on his chin and his jawline chiseled and manly, his broad shoulders capable of carrying a similarly-sized human being as previously stated with Bonnie, he appeared to be a man's man foreign to those two that seem to be from Japan.
"Pardon me, Miss." Said Andy as he extended a hand. "What are doing here?"
The girl expressed a sense of acceptance. "So... you're our angel, right? The one who's picking us up from this purgatory..."
"Wait, what?" Andy was dumbfounded. "This isn't purgatory-"
She sat up in shock. She didn't quite understand the meaning of this strange world, was she in some other realm of fate?
"Calm down, kiddo, it ain't Hell either." Leaned Andy as the other youth, a bispeckled brunette in a baby-blue uniform, struggled to awaken as the other had done. "nor is it Limbo, Heaven, Valhalla or any afterlife you could think of."
Her spirit started to rise. "So... I'm alive?"
"Yeah..." Andy scratched his scalp. "You might say that."
"Miyazono Kaori." She introduced herself.
"Miya-chan..." the bispeckled boy moaned awake. "Is something wro-?" he jumped in shock at the man looming overhead as the woman of his life slipped out of trance. "Who are you?"
"I'm Andy." The gentleman walked to his fair lady to help her back onto her feet. "And this is my...uhh..." He struggled to find the words which Bonnie was more than happy to fill as she proudly declared: "I'm his wife."
The girl's smile widened in awe. The Man squirmed in a nervous panic. "We're not exactly married yet, she literally popped the question right as the Loop ended and we ended up in this Loop instead of our typical home in the suburbs. I take it you're both Japanese, is that right?"
"Ore wa Kousei Arima" the brunette with the glasses bowed with respect. "We are now in your care."
"Erm, okay... We could use some extra help around here." Andy pondered on the journey. "Could've sworn that your branch was stable enough, though..." Two confused faces kept glaring at the man. "Oh, you haven't heard of the world tree's illness, haven't you?" Those same faces promptly tilted.
"Alright..." sighed the woman as she got out a coin to flip it into the air, then smacking it onto the back of her free hand. "Tails?! Geez, and I haven't even rehearsed..."
"Rehearsed what..." Kaori asked to the woman.
"How do I put this..." Bonnie scratched her scalp as she began to improvise her speech. "You ever had the feeling that time had been repeating over and over without any sign of stopping."
"I have..." Arima frowned. "From Mother's death... to Kaori's..." Tears began gushing from his eyes. "Once, Twice, Thrice, Sixteen times, I had to suffer through this new... Hell...."
"I had accepted the embrace of death before I awoke here as a travelling princess of a foreign land." Kaori explained. "And an aspiring knight helped me escape the tower I where I once dwelled. Is this how it feels to be reincarnated."
Andy chuckled to the youths. "In a sense, it is."
"Imagine a Tree where every gardener is a god, every leaf a person, every branch a world, it's very hard to believe innit." Bonnie cuddled to Kaori. "But it's as true as any fact of nature or... science and stuff..." Bonnie slid back onto the Log and kept on winging it. "Then some real bad smeg happened and now its all busted up, that's why we're all Looping."
"Looping?" Arima stood in confusion.
"It's what happens when you repeat time over and over" Andy concluded. "What you're currently in is called a Fused Loop." The two stood with awe towards the man's claims. "Tell you what, I'll take you two with us and we'll teach you everything there is to know about the Infinite Loops."
"You really mean it." Kaori smiled, eyes twinkling with the hope towards survival.
"We guarantee it!" smirked Bonnie as she extended her arm for a Thumbs-up fist bump. The two smiled at each other, they had now found faces in this strange new world they could consider as Family.
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day One
The beta version of my anti-aging rune is complete. I have already added it to the Sheikah Slate I made for myself. Since I am to be the test subject of this experiment, Symin booted up the rune and directed its rays at my body. After 13 seconds of exposure, I was met with four young men and women who promptly de-activated the rune, ceasing the experiment in its tracks. Unable to stay awake, I went to bed immediately. Tomorrow I will try to figure out what these children.
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day 2
My extreme full-body fatigue has slightly improved, for which I am grateful. I walked to the four heroes who have proceeded to bathe an aged Cabbit with the rays for the intended thirty seconds before it writhed in pain twenty seconds in and they wisely ceased the operation. They mentioned that they were sent by an old wizard in brown, green and blue. My mind immediately raced back to back to when the Great Calamity happened… Ganon had been dormant for 10,000 years. Perhaps his power had been building all that time. The slaughter that followed was arbitrary and merciless. The destruction complete. We lost everything… Hyrule Castle, Princess Zelda… Well, perhaps not everything was lost. A youth named Link was brought to me a hundred years ago, covered in wounds and on death´s doorstep. Link… So young, yet so courageous. He was the youngest knight to have ever been appointed to the Imperial Guard at Hyrule Castle. He was also a gifted swordsman who was selected as captain of Princess Zelda's personal guard. I thought his skills would be enough to defeat Ganon in glorious fashion… Since ancient times, the royal family of Hyrule and us Sheikah researchers have had a strong bond. Their plan is our own. We took the swordsman and the Sheikah Slate Princess Zelda left behind to the Shrine of Resurrection. Although the Slumber of Restoration had not been fully tested, we decided to put the swordsman under to save his life. It was the best we could do… He healed quite fast, fifty years to be exact, but he wanted nothing more to do with the Calamity.
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day 3
I looked into the mirror to find that my wrinkles have thinned and my back did not ache as much, I must have been in my late 80s at the most. around sixty years divorced from when I was first able to continue my research following the Great Calamity. The first thing I did was try to figure out how to expand the functionality of the Sheikah Sensor. I was around 80 years old when that expansion was completed. I intended to bequeath this tech to our sleeping hero but he calmly declined in favor of guiding his intended heroes. I hope to the gods that they will be able to assist in the destruction of the Calamity that swallowed our Princess Zelda whole.
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day 4
In terms of the third dose's effects, I did not recognize the face in my mirror. My hair is thick again and floor-length. My wrinkles, once deep as trenches, have vanished without a trace. It seems the anti-aging effect worked like a charm. However, I did not expect the reversal to happen so frighteningly fast. This morning I kicked Symin awake and had him run a full physical exam on me. My height, weight, vision, bone density, heart, blood… We tested everything we could, pushing our facility to its limit. Our discoveries were startling. My results were typical of a Sheikah woman in her early 50s. In other words, I reversed my age by around 20 years with each night I dosed myself with its rays. And thus, I deem the anti-aging rune to be an earnest success and humbly abscond from any further treatment.
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day 6
The old cabbit kept regressing over the course of the past week until it reached a 'Poof Point' where it simply stopped existing in its tracks. I managed to spot it as a newborn pup before it Poofed out. I believe a proper burial would be in order later this afternoon, I guess that's one reason to add a warning label onto this fancy little rune.
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day 7
I awoke with an abundance of energy. It has been decades since I slept so well. Upon waking, I immediately checked the mirror, only to be greeted by a youthful version of myself. According to Symin's examination, I have the body of a Sheikah woman in her late 30s. I can safely assume that the de-aging effects of the rays have started to slow down. I decided to go contact Impa, so she can bathe in the rays and grow young again since she's clearly among the retired soldiers who would appreciate this new trinket of ours.
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day 9
Today marks the beginning of a brand new Purah. Symin has set up an array of new equipment for a routine lasting from ten to noon, one where I push my body as far as I can to balance my engineering genius with a toned body to match that of my sister's prime. Sit-ups, Push-ups, reps, squats, crunches, all the way down to a treadmill to track my top speed which is currently at five miles an hour. The reasoning for this is not just to keep up with the four heroes, far from it! This is for me and Link's brand new 'Skell' project, An array of remote controlled Guardians designed to bring an end to Calamity Ganon once and for all.
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day 13/Skell Project Day 3
After today´s routine physical, the results show that I have finished my regression in the body of a Sheikah woman in her mid 20s. I haven't felt this good in a century! I went on ahead and sparred with Urbosa for a spell before trying my hand at beating Impa and inevitably getting my hide handed to me despite being in her early 60s. On the Skell side of things, the materialization rune has finished printing the pieces of our first Skell, the Skell meant for Link who is currently being treated with the Anti-Aging Rune with a set of Veterans ready to take the treatment in question.
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day 18/Skell Project Day 8
My muscles were quite sore from screwing in each nut, nail and bolt of every piece of this new machine. When the day came to weld the pieces together and finally finish the damn thing, I let out a sigh of relief. Many sleepless hours were spent putting this puppy together and the fact that this majestic beast was finally done brought a warm smile of satisfaction to my face. Link had finished his treatment and was now almost as young as he was when he first faced Calamity Ganon, he liked it, but mentioned that Me and Impa deserve Skells as well, since we all have been touched by the rune that started it all. Me, I wasn't exactly sure if I could handle such a battle, with or without a Skell... I may be quicker than my sister at 15mph, but I tire pretty easily, and my muscles aren't as well defined as Urbosa's. But if this is what Link wants, then... What the Skell™?
Anti-Aging Experimental Trial Day 21/Skell Project Day 11
I suppose I should retire those labels since the Anti-Aging Rune is no longer considered experimental nor are the Skells a 'Project'. Speaking of, I have the pieces of our Skells printed and ready and I had some manpower to piece together these puppies. And to think, exactly three weeks ago today, I was a 120-year-old crone working on some kinda fairy tale rune. Then these kids came into my life and helped me perfect my craft, come out of my shell, and even teach me how to fight! I look to the mirror to find that I'm still square rooted in my twenties and realize the gravity of just how far I've come as a scientist, as a Shiekah, as a friend. And I have the heroes to thank for that.
Day 24
Impa and Link had started helping me assemble the pieces of Skell-02 and 03 and the pace has certainly improved a bunch! I welcomed them aboard to alleviate the work load but also to discuss the Skyloft-Sized Elephant in the room. No matter how much Link says otherwise, Only he can brandish the Master Sword, whereas Andy and Bonnie are incapable of even holding it. But he takes me into a corner to help piece together a new rune for the Sheikah Slate. One that could help the two in a big way.
Day 27
Here we are, the big day has finally arrived. The Skells are fully armed, the soldiers are bolstered in numbers, and the Master Sword is finally back in Link's capable hands. Kaori and Arima have finished their training with Andy and Bonnie and the latter two of those fateful companions got one last gift from yours truly. With the memory implementation rune, they now have the fighting prowess of their save files implanted onto their souls. Cheryl Lea expressed surprise towards this experiment yesterday, bringing up that their normal mortal souls might be unable to keep those powers. But that's an experiment for after the battle, because the final battle is about to begin for all of us... If I don't make it back, Symin, tend the lab for me.
There it stood.
Calamity Ganon.
The monster behind the mess.
Link had allowed Andy and Bonnie to perch themselves onto his Skell to see if they could find any potential weak points for their monstrous foe. They readied their Keyblades as they sought out its Achilles' Heel.
"Little Bonnie would freak the fir out if she heard about this." Quoth the Keyblade Mistress, referring to her younger self.
"Yeah," Sighed Andy "Wonder if she's playing this right now."
It swung its blade across the arena, the flames engulfing it flowing in waves as the heroes leap from tile to tile. After firing a small fireball into the air, the centauresque tarantula crawled onto the wall to prepare itself for a full launch.
"Bonnie, watch out!" Andy leapt towards his fiancé to safeguard her from Ganon's downward strike onto the floor which promptly collapsed under the pressure of the foul beast's weight. They obviously survived the fall, the heart containers saw to that, but the reaction she got out of the price pretty much cemented how cheated she can get from that game's world "Oh, Come on! Five Hearts gone!?"
"Well, least you didn't get hit by the- SWORD!" a blue blade was thrust between the two before a second sword came in to sweep Andy off his feet who promptly jumped out of the way.
"What are the odds!" roared Bonnie as she began backflipping away from a twister. "Yo, goldilocks! Could ya gimmie a hand?"
"I'm doing the best I can!" Kaori cried frantically firing away with her Twilight Bow as she fled from the other hurricane. "I've already been dead!"
Andy then cried out: "Just aim for the head!" As a gust of swirling winds came to spin him instead.
"One shot, two shot, bright shot, blue shot!" Purah cried in her skell, quite far from the tot that poor Purah was designed as by the tree's lot. "Those Divine Beasts better hurry and fry him on the Spot!"
Two more shots fired and deflected onto Ganon by Bonnie and Andy to get it rekt like Dannon. The foul beast then thrust ice blocks, striking down the thought voicing this whole story in rhyme and there was much rejoicing.
Impa spotted the beast as it crawled onto the wall once more, taking note of the crumbling floor as Arima, Andy, Bonnie and Kaori jumped from brick to brick as they begin to drop "Looks like we're gonna get another drop!"
"Again!" Bonnie was losing her patience with this demon. "Ugh! Everyone atop the Skells, hurry!"
Impa and Link fetch Arima and Kaori as they brace for Ganon's kind body-slam and subsequent shockwave of freezing winds. "A little wide, don't ya think!?"
As they fell, Ganon tossed his waterblight spears at the three skells as they fired back with electro-missiles. Bonnie would later regret this as it called down pillars of electricity that pinned down parts of each Skell. The pain of the electric shock forcing Link and the Sheikah Sisters out of them.
"Build the Skells, you said." Complained Purah "It'll make this final battle a piece of cake you said."
"Hey, thirty percent ain't bad." Smiled Link. "Especially once you consider my trump card."
"Well..." Spoke Andy "Considering our severe lack of options, actions and possible narration from Dave Chapelle, what have we got to lose?" Just as all seemed hopeless, four powerful laserbeams struck the vile beast as it stood, dealing a considerable amount of damage as four smaller beams of light struck the earth to summon four knights draped in the shadows.
A voice rung in the air "No... cannot be..." The four shed their robes to reveal the Champions of the Divine Beasts.
"Believe it, buddy!" Daruk bellowed with pride. "We're taking back Hyrule!"
"Though not without a little helping hand..." Revali then pointed to another array of cloaked in black as Ganon focused on the new pray raising their hands to the air like they just did not care. It charged at them, racing towards the cloaked figures as they prepared to leap out of the way, blinding the beast of pure hatred with their discarded robes. Now unaware of of its surroundings, the beast coats itself with a glowing orange barrier of energy. Try as they might, their attacks hold nary an effect on the barrier as the beast inside began to charge its final desperate attack. Link readied his shield to deflect the imminent attack, only to see a surprise in the form of a spirit bomb absorbing the laser blast.
"Hey, Link! Long time, no see!" greeted his old buddy from SSF2 Loops. "You ready for the big show?"
Link smiled. "Am I ever!"
"Oooh, we going full DBZ up in this bi-" Bonnie was then greeted by a Ganon Limb to the chest. Andy cried out to her as she started coughing up blood. She looked afraid at first, but then she started to laugh wildly. "So you wanna get serious, too?"
Andy's eyes widened as she struggled her way back up as she downed a drumstick of meat to recover her health, Arima found himself with a fancy new harpsichord for him to play alongside Kaori's signature violin. "Well, as it turns out, I feel like wrecking some pork myself. So ma chere, checkmate and game. The Ride. Over, Ganon, for it is with deepest damn pride and greatest freakin' pleasure that we welcome your ass to your destiny tonight!"
Yes, this was pure, uncensored Bonnie that we were seeing with one, two, three powerful keyblades being juggled about. "And now, we invite you to relax, let us dig up a grave as the Heroes of Hyrule PROUDLY PRESENT-"
Symin interrupted with a brief harpsichord solo to build up Bonnie's words. "Your very terminal asskicki-" Further jingling from Symin broke her concentration. "Your Very. Terminal. Asski-" The red swimming trunks-clad man took over on harpsichord played the iconic jingle of Disney's closest competition at the time of this chapter's publication. "We're all here to murder your face so either sing along and join the fun, or SHUT THE HELL UP AND LET ME HAVE MY BEAUTY AND THE BEAST MOMENT!"
"Hot Damn, those pipes!" Smiled a man in a red suit and hat that happened to be walking by, gaining the ire of the Prince of all Saiyans as he watched Bonnie pull out a unicycle from 'her' pocket. "Christ at least save the mass Loop fusion for the Yggdrasil games, cause, yeah, that's clearly gonna be a thing."
"Be." Bonnie pulled her Unicycle "Our." and no sooner does she jump off the cliff over the head of Calamity Ganon, angling for a diving strike to the skull as she sat atop the seat in midair. Arima began playing the song of Bonnie's chosing.
- Bonnie: Guest. Be our Guest.
- Put our patience to the test.
- Give your final prayers to satan, bub
- so we'll provide the rest.
Bonnie juggled her keyblades against the skull of the beast as she cycled her way towards its backwards walking hide. Once it bumped onto the wall, she immediately balanced her hand onto the seat as she clutched one of Ganon's horns between her legs and lifted thee whole beast up into the air with superhuman strength through... the power of music, I guess.
- Scissorhold, Juggle bounce
- Many ways for us to pounce.
- You've just hit the time we beat ya.
- Don't believe me? Ask the Sheikah!
Sure enough, every member of the Sheikah Tribe stood vocalizing and dancing to the melody atop a clenched fist, two fingers on each side holding aloft the Eifel Tower. Bonnie even had a loaf of bread in a guilotine.
- They can sing, they can dance
- to this little tune from France.
- Where the immigrants are far from second best!
As she beheaded her loaf, a hidden comrade fired a Portal Gun from his pocket. Bonnie flung the demon into the aforementioned land of France of a universe overrun with alien invaders. Bonnie then summoned the unseen comrade: the pink-haired Beauty on a unicycle with a long horizontally-held pole to balance her fellow travelers. Gasser and Softon stood on both tips of her long shaft as Bobobo and his inhumanoid friends clutched onto Hatenko and Captain Battleship on opposing sides of the staff. Bobobo's nose hairs grasped Calamity Ganon for Bonnie to pull and swing around like a ragdoll.
- So if you want to see
- Your honest destiny
- then be my Guest!
- Oui, our Guest!
- Be our Guest!
"Any reason why our entire clan is singing to this sudden musical number?" Impa asked the tanned, lean man with golden locks.
"Your question is as good as mine, ma'am." The boy then pointed to a Man Your Man could Smell Like power sliding out of the way for a Man who Smells like Power to punch Calamity Ganon with a firey robot fist as Bonnie Swings with a Chainsaw strapped to her leg. "I'd have to say it's these clowns that are leading the circus."
Impa glared as Bonnie and Andy swung one of Ganon's limbs eaches opposite sides of the field from Bobobo's nose hair with a hair metal band wailing away on guitar.
- Falcon Punch, Chainsaw kick
- Limozeen with their Hot Lixx
- So prepare to not survive this
- Superhero Cabaret
- You're alone
- And you're scared
- You can bet we're all prepared
- No one's gloomy or complaining
- While the adware's entertaining
Bonnie then juggles all sorts of oddly designed keyblades with Andy, making sure to chuck one or two at Ganon every once in a while with a smile.
- Andy: I tell jokes
- Bonnie: I do tricks
- With which Looper that can stick
- Together: And it's all in perfect taste, that you can bet
At this Impa merely shrugged and took up her unicycle to roll along with her sister with less than zero cares given to her personal dignity after the utter humiliation her fellow tribesmen, women and people decided upon themselves to subject one another to. Purah merely skiied on the nose hairs with the
- Come on and lift your glass
- If you want to have passed
- Just be our guest
- Bonnie: If you're stressed
- It's fine dining we suggest
- All: Be our guest!
- Be our guest!
"BONNIIIIIIIIIIIEEE!!!!!!!" Ganon had pulled the web of Nose Hair down by altering the density of its hatred, thus everyone present went crashing down, some were hung, others bounced, and plenty of them slammed onto the floor... Like the poor young pocketeer who barely survived the fall, a flowing cloak drapes itself around her as her arm reached for a fallen tree branch. As she got up, she appeared under the mask of an old beggar woman.
- Life is so unnerving
- For a Looper who's not Looping
- She's not whole without a soul that can live on...
The elderly illusion of Bonnie dissipated as Ganon fell into a body of fluid which is revealed to be a Mocca in the hand of the twenty-three year old Bonnie sitting in the outfit of a artist smoking her day away at a quaint little café in Paris, complete with berret.
- Ah, ze good old days before the repeats.
- Suddenly, zose good old days are gone
Andy sighed to himself and proceeded to intrude into the song as he made his way to his beloved.
- Andy: Too Long, The tree lay rusting.
- Needing legions more than dusting!
- Continuity abruptly at a halt!
- Together: Spacetime simply sleeping in computers.
- Bonnie: Flabby, fat and lazy
- Then came him and oops-a-daisy!
"Who dat! Who dat! Who dat! Who dat!" Stairs of stained glass lead to a new challenger decked out in a sparkling white diamond suit complete with a gray hat and a singular shiny glove. As it asked "Who dat super-fly Motherfucker?" it answered with Japanese lyrics to a familiar song to anime fans of the 90s "YAPPAPPA- YAPPAPPA- ii shan ten" The man revealed his face and had he any consciousness left, Ganon would have been shivering in his shoes at the sight of the first Looper in existence.
Ranma Saotome.
- Ranma: It's a guest, it's a guest
- Sake's alive, well I'll be blessed!
- Wine's been poured and thank the Lord
- Marvel's been leaving me depressed
Ranma kicked Ganon west, north, southeast, northwest, and straight down with all but the latter taking the beast halfway around the world over a split second, each slightly shorter than the last before Ranma drop-kicked the beast down the seemingly bottomless pit it has made throughout the battle against the heroes. Once Ganon slammed to the floor causing another collapse (leaving a deeper scar into Hyrule Castle in the process...) Ranma bounced from nose hair to nose hair to soften his descent.
- With dessert, oolong tea
- And my boys, that's fine with me
- While the Sheikah do their killin'
- Shit gets bubbling, Shit gets brewing
Ranma landed upon the face of Ganon as it exposed a glowing target of sorts with Bonnie lurking beneath the water to splash over in delight to Ranma's ire.
- Let's get warm, piping hot
- Bonnie: Awesomesauce! The last weak spot!
- Fem!Ranma: Clean his clock, we want the audience impressed
The now-female Looper tossed a Dewitchery Diamond from his handy Subspace Pocket to accept the heavy amount of Fusion Soldiers that Bobobo intends to summon from his Wig. To and Fro did Bonnie and Andy Swing with their now-conjoined Chainsaw Leg.
- Beauty: We've got a lot to do!
- Don Patch: Is it one lump or two?
- For you, our guest (You're our guest)
- Bonnie and Andy: You're our guest (You our guest)
The burst of energy saw a wide assortment of Dentakuman fusions dancing in place to the music being played by Kaori and Arima. Knights like BoboPatch, Torpedo Girbo, Mr. Bojiggler and even the elusive fusion Adult Woman got on stage to sing alongside Bonnie as she swings to and fro with such mind-bending acrobatics and gymnastics.
- Adult Woman: Be our guest, be our guest!
- Bobopatchiggler: Our command is your request
- Hylians: It's been decades since we all made it here
- And we're obsessed
- Denbo Cabaret: With your meal, with your ease
- Yes, indeed, we aim to please
- We're so clearly far from yellow
- You might cry for help from Willow.
Andy and Bonnie had dropped their chainsaw leg and equiped their familiar Keyblades to their hands as they slashed away at the black beast before blasting it out of the castle with a combined shotlock blast to the face.
- Bonnie and Andy: Course by course, one by one
- 'Til you shout, "enough I'm done!"
- Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest
The Fusion Soldiers spin their nose hairs for Bonnie to grasp and swing to and fro on a dune buggy from her Subspace Pocket. She stood atop the Roof and Andy took the wheel as she prepared to toss Ganon to the castle for the final blow.
- Everybody: Tonight you'll prop your feet up
- But for now, let's eat up
- Be our guest
- Be our guest
- Be our guest
- Please, be our guest
She tossed the beast, spun the buggy, warped it in and slammed it against the Groin of Ganon. Hijinx to follow. Daruk spotted a pair of Moblins unfolding something to place onto the throne room, most likely. "We've got company!"
"All hands to the deck!" Purah pulled her Skell off of its pinned arm to descend to the beast, aiming all its weaponry towards the living calamity. Although her focus would waver with what was to follow.
"Ooooohhh noooooooo......" The vile beast diminished in girth and shape as it marched towards the cardboard figure until he was the same type of figure as the humanoid before him. All of Hyrule's finest champions readied themselves as the man spoke words that shook their understanding forevermore. "They sent the wrong Spock."
Sure enough, twas not by Arrow of Light or Blade of Evil's Bane that the shadow of Calamity was clensed, but by Spock of Kelvin.
"Okay..." Andy steadied himself with Keyblade in hand, unafraid of the lingering shadows of calamity that swarmed around the man. "Who are you and what do yo want?"
"The name's Dorf" And then he promptly clashes his blade against Bonnie's, knocking her on her hide with nary as second thought. "Ganondorf"
Link exited his Skell and readied the Master Sword firmly grasped in his hands... And shared a jolly laugh with the apparent King of Evil.
"What." Bonnie looked to see the intended Hero congratulating the monster who dragged Hyrule into ten thousand years of total destruction on controlling this new form that he apparently got out of the 'Expansion'. Fortunately for her lungs (Not that they weren't fit to yell as loud as she felt like yelling, mind you.) Purah was just as confused as she was "WWWHAAAAAT!!!!!!"
"So you resurrected their champions with the Dragon Balls?" The Gerudo King grinned to the Hero "Dragonballs are read-only so that would mean you endured Fifty Years of a Fused Loop with the corresponding branch without its champions! I'm impressed."
"HOW! AND! WHY!" Purah was boiling with rage. "We go out of our way to face the Dark Beast that has tormented us for one hundred years, only to find the Hero of the Past laughing and hooting it up with its Hylian form!? Are you insane!? How is it you can turn back into Gerudo? Why is Volvagia reborn as a Hylian? How did you manage to talk the Bulma Briefs into spending Thirteen Years in the Shrine of Resurrection? Why was there any need for the Shrine when Urbosa let out that we had actual Dragon Balls laying arou-?"
Impa promptly stuffed a banana in her elder sister's face. "We're glad you're Awake."
"Glad to be Awake." Ganondorf's eyes glanced to the impromptu Heroes. "So, I take it you're the Loopers with no Souls?"
Andy was dumbfounded "...You're Looping?!"
"And glad of it what with the bonds we have nurtured throughout time." Bowed the man then referred to a fond memory of his. "In fact, with the Loops' tendency to connect to other worlds, I have encountered one who has rid me of the connection to the very hatred Demise has used to puppeteer my actions for eons."
"So it's finally over?" asked Bonnie. "We've won?"
"Yes, with his suprise surrender, you have won." Zelda smiled before rotating her line of sight towards her usual hero, "By the way, Link, 420 Loops out of 1000."
Link grumbled and forked over a few red Rupees one after another as Ganondorf glared to the engaged saviors of Hyrule. "You might have gotten lucky with me, but you won't be quite as fortunate next Loop."
Cheryl floated from Purah's Skell. "Most other antagonistic forces are considered Comatose by us Loopers, unable to ever Loop unless a strong enough bond is nurtured."
Bonnie pondered a plan for the next Loop "So, we gotta turn our next baddie good if we're gonna get him Looping?"
"Depends on how many years you're going to spend in this next Loop." Cheryl traced onto the Soil with her Parasol. "You could end up with a day or a decade, That's the trouble with these Loops. To quote a mad man with a blue box, You never know what you're gonna end up with."
Andy and Bonnie held aloft their guiding keys and contemplated the circumstances that brought them here, the home branch they left behind and the long journey they had ahead of them.
"Come now, brave heroes." Ganondorf marched with pride. "You two have a wedding to attend."
"Uh, what about the Spirit Bomb?" Asked Goku, still holding what would have been the final blow to the dark beast. "We kinda pooled a metric ton of our energy into it so..."
"Drop it on the Kelvin Kid over there." Ganondorf pointed at his cardboard no-prize to which Goku re-aimed his spirit bomb.
Goku's focus grew fierce, knowing that his finishing blow would be put to use after all. "Live Long and Suck it, Zachary Quinto!"
Everyone clung to Ganondorf, Link, Impa and Zelda as the explosion carried them with the burst of wind brought about by the explosion. Having Looped for eons has strengthened their bodies to a point where they could carry up to three people apiece. The Champions and the Z-Fighters ended up charred from the blast, but through some miraculous turn of sheer luck, they still lived.
"What the finch Just Happened?" questioned Revali, confused at the turn of events that had occurred.
Mipha watched the exiting flyers with shock. "I think the greatestt threat of Hyrule's past, present and future just... gave up..."
Now it was Revali who had stood dumbfounded. "Over a life-sized image of a Hylian printed in this material dubbed... carp-born?"
"It would appear so..." Mipha walked away with a greatful feeling in her heart. Revali merely watched as the Gerudo King talked with the Princess and the Hero about a business he founded in an unforeseen life of his where he mentioned a strategy based around the Triforce featuring Chicken, Waffles, and prices you just can't beat. One thing was for certain was to a non-looper, the lives they lived were as foreign to them as cardboard Spocks and Triforce-themed marketing strategies.
"Good Work, Team!"
It was twenty-eight hours out from the next Loop and the natives and Loopers wasted no time pooling all their efforts in making the wedding a meaningful one. Everyone we've met in that Loop concentrated on getting all the pieces into place, even Ganondorf of all people!
"Gosh, I don't know what to say..." I stammered as Link pressed his hand onto my shoulder.
"You'll do just fine out there in the Loops, kid." smiled Link, "Most of us have been Looping for at least a few thousand years so you've got plenty of time to catch up."
"But he doesn't have a Soul, and neither does Bonnie." Reminded Arima. "How is Andy going to catch up when he's got fifty or maybe eighty years in him?"
"You forget how Loopers are born, dear freshman." smiled Ganondorf.
Cheryl Lea then added "As long as you nurture a strong bond with fellow Loopers such as yourself: his students, then it becomes more and more likely that mortal shall earn its Soul."
"Truer words have never been spoken." quoth the newly-crowned queen Zelda of Hyrule.
Kaori's eyes spotted the familiar Bride. "Look alive, Andy-san!"
"Here she comes." smiled Purah.
I looked to Bonnie and sure enough, she looked frustrated at the very thought of having to don her fluffy wedding dress while she walked with Link. Her expression alone told you how much she hated being in that dress she's dragging across the altar, but she as she looked to me... she simply let out a smug little grin which blossomed into a warm smile by the time we stood shoulder to shoulder. I undid her veil to reveal a slim, sharpened face with no other trace of the little girl I met on my birthday than the hazel pupils in her almond-shaped eyes.
"Look, Bonnie. I understand we might never have a normal life in these Infinite Loops..." Andy read his vows. "But the fact that you Looped into my time from yours has made me a better man, a better teacher, a better friend. I promise that as long as we are Looping we shall have each others' backs, even when we're restricted to our deathbeds."
Rings were exchanged, pieces held and Queen Zelda read from her bible "Do you, Lady Bonnibel Leif Anderson, take Sir Andrew Jameson Davis to be your lawfully-wedded wife to love and to hold, in wealth or in poverty, in sickness or in health, til death do you part."
"You kidding, right?" Bonnie smiled. "Of course I do."
Queen Zelda then glanced to the groom. "Do you, Sir Andrew Jameson Davis, take Lady Bonnibel Leif Anderson to be your lawfully-wedded wife to love and to hold, in wealth or in poverty, in sickness or in health, til death do you part."
Andy let out a sigh and relented with: "I do"
"Then by the power invested in me by the Kingdom of Hyrule and its Triforce of Wisdom, I now pronounce thee husband and wife." Queen Zelda's blessing cemented the conclusion of our five-year journey with the final union of our love. "You may kiss the bride."
Our arms placed themselves against each other's shoulders as we embraced and kissed for the very first time in this next chapter of our lives. We looked to the group of friends that we've made along the way, Arima and Kaori playing their instruments, Purah glaring at Ganondorf in irritation, Goku struggling to wait for the Banquet, Daruk hugging Mipha and Revali with all his strength, Link looking on with pride, Zelda smiling with gratitude, everyone else looking forward to a bright future.
I'm going to miss these guys when we finally Loop on outta here.
Hecate made her way to her desk after a long day figuring out how to initiate that three-country branch over on the Emblem Cluster. She spotted some security footage of four Loopers she didn't recognize fighting Calamity Ganon in Link's stead, a trio of Skells backing them up. She did a scan of the Area to see where they came from. Out of the four dashing towards the foul beast, only two had profiles.
"Okay...What?" She immediately dialed Hypnos and Epona to tell them the situation. By the time they arrived, Ganondorf had emerged from the shadows of Calamity to complain about the wrong Spock. "Can someone tell me why these foreign elements are present in the Loop?"
Epona raised an eyebrow at this, "Arima and Kaori?"
"No!" Yelped Hecate, "The Soulless ones!"
"Oh, Oh!" Hypnos was in total awe. "So that's why Woody requested two home Loops before Breath of the Wild!"
Hecate watched Hypnos jump for joy as he made his way to a nearby office cubicle "Excuse me?"
"Hey Janus! Fand! Madoka!" screamed Hypnos. "Woody's pulling a Miele!"
"I know!" Janus was aggravated. "The Sheriff insisted on two home loops just to fetch the Younger kid first to 'give Bonnie a proper playmate.' Didn't think he'd straight-up pocket the both of them!"
"Well, he did!" Fumed Epona "And now they're getting married when their baseline selves would never consider such notions!"
"Well, why are you looking at me?" Hypnos complained. "Fand's Branch roped them into this!"
"Well, my Anchor did it at Miele's behest!" corrected Fand "So she roped us into this!"
"Well, you roped Flora into this by shipping her with Techna!" snarled Janus. "So you're not free from blame here!"
"GUYS!" Hecate put her foot down "There's nothing we can do but watch, so you may as well go set up the chairs."
Fand pressed her temples together in irritation. "...Fine, but this is so going onto GodTube!"
Epilogue Hecate
Hecate sat in her seat, having livestreamed the Wedding of the two heroes of the Wilds and is waiting for the Loop to fully elapse now that they have completed the task at hand.
Mrs. Bonnibel Davis smiled at the wedding video of them exchanging vows. "As long as we both shall live."
"We're time travelers," replied Master Andrew Davis "What could happen?"
Bonnibel shot a foxy glare at her newly-wedded husband as they entered their Subspace Pocket.
Woody sat up with his children safely pocketed as the realm of Hyrule slowly unrendering prompted him to don a cape as he felt the sensation of being dragged to the next Fused Loop blowing his cape skyward which read 'Just Married'
"That certainly was something" Hecate leaned back onto her chair only to find a stunning occurrence seen once in a billion millennia.
- Looper Candidate Daruk applicable for looping status,
- please confirm, Yes or No?
- Looper Candidate Mipha applicable for looping status,
- please confirm, Yes or No?
- Looper Candidate Purah applicable for looping status,
- please confirm, Yes or No?
Hecate ponders whether or not she should take advantage of the Livestream "Okay, so... I might need some imput from fellow Admins, cause as it turns out, these two fools have managed to nurture a strong enough bond with these three lucky heroes. Which is weird because you need to be a Looper to do that... Eh, I guess it's because of the Anchor who pocketed them. So without further ado, which one of these three lucky folks gets to Loop first?"
Epilogue Daruk
Link rested atop Vah Rudania with Sheikah Slate in hand. It was fun walking a new Looper through a Fused Loop of solid adventure, but now was a Baseline run, no out-of-Loop skills or powers, no gadgets of tools from his Subspace Pocket, no divergence from the script, nothing! He couldn't even say a word unless it was to contact Zelda who was doing the run with him.
"Hey, Hey! You ready to build a brighter future, lil' ol' buddy!" Daruk was feeling quite happy today in spite of this being his first day on the Loop. "So, giving me the silent treatment, eh?" A slap to the back reminded him how rock hard a Goron hand can be. "Yeah, I'd be speechless after a weddin' too! So pissed that they had to skip town."
Hold on, a wedding? The hero checked his Loop memories and they didn't say anything about a wedding. Unless Daruk attended a Goron wedding during the Loop and it just slipped his mind, he might be referring to...
"Oh, that is bullsh-!" Daruk sensed that the princess was present. "Eheh... Good afternoon, Zelda. What brings you here?"
"Nothing, just needed some air is all..." Zelda clutched her arm and bashfully looked away. "And you?"
"I was on my way to Vah Rudania, y'know, minding my own business when out of the blue, I spotted this mark of treason in the air!" Zelda looked to the sky to see a castle-sized egg of pure darkness in the air.
Obviously a variant Loop, no doubt, but Zelda still maintained her stealth and stuck to the script. "Oh, that's been there for quite a while. The great Calamity, they to call it..."
"I knew we couldn't trust that red-haired dastard!" Daruk's eyes showed a heart blackened with anger. "I mean, come on! All he did was drop a syllable into his name!"
"Whatever do you mean?" Zelda asked. "Ganon had given up on typical re-incarnation and this is what's to come, we've been over this."
"'s not what you said when he shifted into that Gerudo Doushe on the sight of a 'Spock' guy!" Daruk's words clinched in Zelda's mind what had somehow happened.
Hecate has Activated him.
She then looked away in reluctant acceptance and faced the Goron champion with the dignity her current incarnation had been endowed with. "Daruk, don't tell Link, but I'm afraid time is repeating itself."
Daruk's jaw dropped. "What?!"
"Be silent." Zelda hushed to the Goron. "If Link finds out, he might try to overthrow the King out of disbelief."
"You're overreacting!" uttered Daruk. "Why overthrow Hyrule?"
"If he knew that his mission has been rendered all but meaningless, it could break his heart." Lied Zelda. Both knew of the Loops but Daruk certainly didn't and she'd be damned if she broke from the script. "Seek a face unfamiliar with this land, only then will you find the answer..."
Epilogue Mipha
"DARUUUUUUK!!!!!!!!!!" Mipha watched as Rudania tore its Goron master limb from limb, panicking as Waterblight Ganon loomed ever closer. "No...not again..."
This couldn't be happening again, Ganondorf has betrayed them with a new form of the great Calamity... The last time something like this happened, every one of her colleagues perished... just like what she was just seeing right now...
She wanted to cry...
'I sort of defeated him last time...'
And with a bit of training, she could do it again!
All you need to do is get to safety, but how?
Her mind dug up a memory of a gift Link gave me a while ago. I pulled out my magic carpet as I ran as swiftly as my legs could carry me, dashing to the edge of a deep cliff where I Jumped onto the fabric and took flight with the words:
Mipha soared through the plains of Hyrule in the ever-pouring rain. She enjoyed the nourishment, sure, but at the cost of her friends?!
This shall end.
Training with Impa and the rest of her clan would see her through the next century, she watched as the years piled onto her master whilst many a Sheikah come and pass throughout. When the century passed, she arrived at the Pool of Resurrection to meet Link. She noted that her height had passed his by an inch or two when before he was the one who was taller.
"It's good to see you again..." She gives Link a brief kiss to the forehead before asking: "Do you still like me..."
Link smiled back with a thumbs up out of his right hand. Mipha hugged him as tight as she could given the circumstances, as Link stared into her serious almond-shaped eyes. Her facial features may have sharpened with age but she still had the spirit of the kind-hearted healer, now disciplined to maintain the shape of an iron-willed protector.
"I've bested Fireblight Ganon and retrieved Daruk's Protection, Doing my best to reclaim Val -'- from Waterblight, All that's left are your disciples." Link tilted with apparent confusion. "You know, Sirs Andrew and Arima, Ladies Kaori and Bonnibel?" Link's eyes widened with fear towards the Zora princess who then responded by shaking down the Hero. "I know who they are but I can't find them Anywhere! You have to remember, they appeared in the shrine last time, they can turn up again to bring our friends back with the Dragonballs. You know what those are, right?"
Link relented as he got out his Sheikah Slate to contact someone on the other side. "I need to cave now, It turns out we have a new Looper on our hands."
"You don't say..." Twas the voice of the Princess! "Wow, Link, you're having some rotten luck today, are you? You know the drill, you gotta pay up when next we meet up."
"Fine." The hero then hung up and patted Mipha on the back. "Let me tell you the tale of a Tree of Infinite Worlds."
Epilogue Purah
Impa arrived at Purah's Lab and as usual for these Loops when no one awakens earlier than to be expected, Purah was a pipsqueak once more. Her mind looked back at the fond memories she shared with her fellow Loopers on that Loop especially training her body with her elder sister as they youthen themselves to their prime. Her relationship with her Sister was nurtured as much as she could back then, talking about their differences in philosophy, learning about the science in our technology, figuring out the true potential of the Shiekah Slate. It was a delightful moment in her life, but that was but an alternative past she had lived and now, the Loop put the elements back in their proper places.
She entered the Laboratory to find it in relatively worse shape than it already was in baseline. Purah was nowhere to be seen. "Strange, must be a Variant." She decides to check her diary to see if anything's different, and sure enough from day five onwards, It was.
There were images printed from the Sheikah Slate, the first one was an image of Purah's face, riddled with zits and softening with her regression. She had a panicked expression on her face, and only one word was printed underneath.
The next image was of Purah as she was the last Loop except with several inches shaved off from smaller muscles, making her clothes a bit looser on her. Two words lay underneath this one.
no. no.
Next was the result of a physical exam describing her as a Sheikah of sixteen. Three words printed underneath.
No! No! No!
Impa, as old as ever at least for the time being, was in the next image. There's nothing special about this change, just that the four words printed didn't bother to have spaces between them.
And there was Hyrule Castle engulfed in the calamity!
Impa couldn't help but worry about Purah as she watched each image of her elder sister click hour by hour.
all my hard work
Purah getting smaller with each picture.
everything we've done.
Purah's face getting ever rounder as she lost the last traces of puberty.
All swept away like an old fart.
She was now swimming in her clothes.
How could I let this happen...
And like that, it was the typical six-year-old Purah from the baseline, except now, she's broken and alone.
I think... I'm going to cry...
Impa knew what she had to do.
Purah sat with her food, too scared to exit her house, too glum to return to her lab, too depressed to move from her chair, and too down in the dumps to even change out of her now much-too-large clothes.
"Purah?" Impa spoke in her raspy voice.
"Go away..."
"I know what you're going through..." Impa dug into her subspace pocket. "And it's okay."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying it doesn't matter that our hard work had been washed away." She laid out her Sheikah Slate. "As long as you remember what you've learned, The will is never lost."
Purah felt a ray of energy flowing into her body. A familiar ray, but much... much softer... "Wait, are you?"
"Felt like adjusting your greatest invention, your mangum opus." Impa's posture started to improve in small increments. "It's the least I could do, so I made a counterpart by reversing the polarity."
"An aging rune?" The frown on her slowly thinning face began to turn itself upside down. "You, miss 'honoring the past is the key to success', engineered an aging rune?"
"Indeed, I have." Smiled Impa, her deep, deep, wrinkles slowly shallowing away. "As long as I recall the time we shared as sisters, I won't let this failure stick."
"You really mean it!?" Purah watched as her limbs grew longer. "I guess little sisters are more easily influenced..."
Impa wiped Purah's slowly deflating cheek of tears. "What are siblings for?"
Purah watched as her feet touched the floor. "Thank you!" She then clung to Impa with all her might, Impa was naturally well-balanced with the rising frame of her mid 80s slowly transitioning into her 70s.
"It's nothing, really..." Her voice growing less hoarse. "I'm just glad to know that I'm no longer the only Sheikah to re-incarnate across time."
"What are you saying?" Purah's voice cracked from her teenage years rolling back onto her. "Are you saying the Triforce has blessed me with the ability to re-incarnate to help the hero time and again?"
"In a sense, that is the case." There were barely and wrinkles on her fifty-something year-old face save for laugh lines, forehead creases and bags under her eyes. "Somewhere beyond our home, there is a tree with every single possibility growing from its sturdy trunk."
"Are you talking about multiverse theory?" Asked Purah, her elongating face now sporting a pimple which she promptly faces away to pop. "I can understand such a notion clearly enough, thank you very much."
"Then you can understand the danger of destroying the tree?" Impa stood tall, being back to the amazonian height of 6'4. "That killing it will negate every inch of existence, from the farthest reaches of space to every last moment in time."
"A little extreEEeme, but it makes logical sense." Purah's legs have returned to being as lofty as they were during her newly-restored adulthood and thus needed re-adjustment from growing back to the height of her prime over minutes instead of days. "You kill the root, you kill the weed as it were. And I suppose our eternal re-incarnation has something to do with that?"
"Ours and those of countless others across the stars..." Impa's muscles had firmed back to where they were in her mid-20s. "All to maintain the stability of their homeworlds, That is the purpose of the Infinite Loops."
"And it is probably our strong bond that allowed myself to Loop." Hypothesised Purah as she binded her chest with sports tape as it certainly needed it to support what was now hanging proudly on her chest. "Figured that little adventure with my sister could end up Waking me up, as those two substitute heroes put it to their wards..."
Impa and Purah hugged not just as Fellow Loopers, but as true sisters to the bitter end.
"Where exactly are they, anyway?"
Snip 5: Got B.O.? Get DIO
Sir Andrew Davis, sworn master of the all-powerful x-blade, flew his Draconian Fortress towards the world of Destiny Islands on request from an elder peer of his. He sheepishly glanced to his beloved wife, who was oddly serious-eyed and subdued by the occasion. Not helping was that her still expression showcased the bags that lagged under her eyes among the other wrinkles the define a woman of fourty. Her chocolate-brown hair was now dull, a tuft of grey hairs showing in her bangs. Cheekbones stood out more, and a long strand of grey ran down each side of her face.
Awakening in rocky wasteland in stark contrast to the three years the newlyweds have spent in Hyrule training their bodies and their minds, Andy was the first to stand up and naturally helped up his wife. "Brave new Loop, eh? Shame this isn't home..."
"Thank the web..." Sighed Bonnie, Holding up her titanic -keyblade- with Andy readying his Treasured Toys heyblade. "This is the most uninhabitable wasteland of a terrain we've ever come across."
A huge surge of Neoshadows burst past Andy and Bonnie and towards a young boy struggling to stand his ground but still holding the line as well as he could before being eventually overwhelmed by their numbers. The two rush to the boy's aid with a medical kit waiting to be pulled from their Subspace Pocket.
"Halt!" A voice growls to the two, leaping in front of them with a exotically-skinned man, bearded and riddled with wrinkles. He had a crazed and angered expression on his face as he summoned a keyblade from his heart like with what the two have imprinted into theirs, but more twisted in darkness and uncompromised ambition. "What business do you have here!? Speak now or be destroyed."
"We come seeking your guidance, o master." Andy immediately kneeled to the elder. "We've spent five years of our lives training to defeat a terrible imbalance to the world."
"Please explain." The wise man raised an eyebrow and all the wrinkles that lay above it.
"A creature of pure despair and hatred that was sealed within the castle grounds." Bonnie recounted with fondness. "You might consider that trial our Mark of Mastery examination."
"I see that there's a ring on your finger." Xehanort glanced from the ringed index finger on Bonnie's right hand to Andy's open left hand which sported a similar ring. "This means that you have courted during your training."
"Married. In fact, we capped off the visit with our wedding day. Better to fight together than to marry the normies, am I right?" Bonnie snarked as she traced her body with her fingers to check for any anomalies, her back was fine, her tummy bulged by half an inch and her curves were the same as e-
Wait, wut.
She ran behind the rock quarry to pick up something from her subspace pocket as Master Xehanort walked up to her spouse. "The keyblade you weild, it feels more... tacked on if anything... how is that?"
"Well, we've bonded our memory cards onto our souls, each with plenty of video games cleared to 100% all abilities, all collectables, all lore." Spoke Andy as he summoned his keyblade. "It was a desperation measure to keep this guy, Calamity Ganon, from crashing the... world from whence we came..."
"That's... actually an incredible power you have." The eldest master smiled to the man. "Though I might ask for any Side-Effects if I may."
"Well, we never had any problems..." Just as Andy spoke those words, Bonnie's voice cracked as a college graduate would.
Mistress Bonnibel Anderson-Davis wept anew at the grim reality of her child's nature. Watching her grow up and later fall in love, waiting for her seed to eventually have children of her own. She had friends who'd known him for decades, rather than with her predecessor Miele who sadly had to restart her life every seven years to her chagrin.
"We're here, mom." spoke Carol as the x-blade dragon landed beside the Fresh Valley Hospital. The two masters disspelled the beast and retracted Andy's divine power as they made their way to the hospital room.
Six months into her pregnancy, Bonnie grew irritated from being forced to sit out the action with Xehanort, so she did what few exercises she could to keep herself in relatively good shape. The only activities she had was sitting around watching Netflix and playing music for baby.
"I sense impatience in you." Xehanort leered, but Bonnie paid no mind and stayed her poise as she kept her eyes glued to the screen. "A roaring fire waiting for release."
"Look, I'm feeling a bit teed offbeing stuck here while Andy does all the Asskicking!" Bonnie pressed her palm to her forehead... "Back in Hyrule, I was a literal badass with a capital Bee-yachtch."
"So you bemoan the consequence of how you implanted the Keyblade's power onto yourself?" Xehanort raised his brow at the girl. "It is perversive what you've done to be entrusted as one of its chosen."
"You're no saint yourself, scrotum-face." Sneered Bonnie, allowing the ire to build in Xehanort before she quickly diffused the situation with: "We all gotta die sometime... Just ask the Petalars."
"Who?" Bonnie then pointed to the screen which was adorned with small, flower-like humanoid creatures singing one of their own to their final sleep.
The protagonist, a firey-haired lion person, could only mourn the imminent fate of his purple-petaled "I'm sorry I couldn't get you to the garden."
"It's the journey, Lion-O." spoke the elder as he readied himself to breathe his last. "Remember that."
Xehanort was soon flooded with the man's memories with this 'Lion-O' chap, idolizing him as a boy, being a loyal friend as an adolescent, fighting alongside him as a man, before watching him finally die in Lion-O's hands as the leaves of his withered form dissipate into the sky.
Xehanort snorted to his junior "The man clearly lived a long life, hasn't he?"
"Yeah," Sighed Bonnie "...for a Petalar."
Xehanort thought to Lion-O, how he always looked the same in every shot he shared with the man named 'Emrick', even to the moment where he passed. "How long does a Petalar last?"
"Twenty-Four fully-lived hours." Bonnie glanced to the elder master. "From what I heard from Link, meeting and befriending a Petalar from cradle to grave is a soul-sobering experience. One that allows one to fully comprehend one's own mortality."
"Rather short, don't you think?" Xehanort pressed both hands against his face in pity, "Barely enough time to write a poem..."
"Well, just living life is the experience." smiled Bonnie. "Not just prolonging the inevitable."
Xehanort glanced to the woman as she downed her iodized water.
"Okay, we're here..." Andrew looked to the fellow Keyblade Weilders, noting how long they've spent fighting the forces of evil alongside them just by seeing the extensive amount of gray in Master Eraqus' wavy locks. The blonde maiden of sixteen had a look of concern on her face as Eraqus placed a hand onto her shoulder, Vanitas' smug little face contrasted with Ven's frown as much as the facial hair adorning them and the status of their psychological being. "Xion's okay, right?"
"Yes, recreating her existence in such a haphazard pace wasn't exactly healthy for combat but... she's still stable." Namine clarified.
"And Xeh?"
"He's sleeping."
"What happen."
"...He had a stroke."
"Ugh! Andy, I need some ups over here!" Bonnie rushed to a trash can to drop in the diaper. "Think you can aim your angle?"
"Sure thing." Andy glanced to his pupil and asked. "Could you toss the baby powder to Mommy, please?"
Ventus tilted his head with an awkward glare.
"The baby powder, not continuing your training without it!" Andy reminded.
Ventus merely stood there.
Vanitas wasn't set to take this laying down so he walked to his 'brother' and did some persuading. "Please tell me you have enough of a heart to execute a simple command, idiot."
"Vanitas!" barked Andy. Vanitas did not budge.
"Just admit it." Snarked the manifestation of inner darkness. "With a heart as fractured as yours, how can you make a dent in this regimen."
Bonnie looked in confused disappointment. "Okay... I guess I'll get the Baby Powder mysel-"
"So how exactly are you gonna keep up with me?" Vanitas asked rhetorically as his master approached the two boys and one man in spite of back pain.
"Explain what you speak of." Xehanort eyed. "Make it quick."
"Ventus is far too weak." complained Vanitas. "Why do I have to stay here with them and these dorks."
"Wait, Dorks?!" Andy was dumbfounded.
"Vanitas, you will never be able to forge the X-Blade if you keep messing around!" Xehanort scolded.
"You're the one with the back problems, old man." Vanitas said chuckling. "I would be better off being taught by Eraqus." He joked. However, Xehanort stood still for a minute, gaining the attention of the two Loopers. "Haha! Gotcha! I was, just joking. I was just a joke." He said trying to get Xehanort to talk. He rarely went all quiet, but normally it was because he was deep in thought.
"That's actually not a bad idea..." Xehanort muttered.
"I was kidding, Xehanort." Vanitad told the elder master. "Now, say something. Anything. You freak me out when you go all quiet like that."
"Come to think of it..." Andy ponders with his wife. "With us by your side, our teachings could have a more favorable standing with your peers."
"Yeah, Me and Eraqus handle the teachings of the light..." Bonnie calculated as the gears turned in her head towards her ambitions. "And you and our wise teacher can fend off its tyranny by balancing the darkness in their hearts!"
"Yes..." Xehanort smiles. "Maybe we should join Eraqus."
"You can't be serious." said Vanitas expecting him to drop the subject.
"If you go train with Eraqus, you can learn how Terra and Ventus fight." Xehanort explained as Andy watched with remorse. He had been planning to use Ventus and Vanitas to forge the X-Blade, and use Terra as a vessel for him to live longer. "That will give us the upper hand in combat."
"You aren't going to let this go, are you?" Bonnie asked.
"I have made my decision." Xehanort declared, unaware of Bonnie's quickly-growing plan to put some empathy into Xehanort's heart. "Vanitas, train with Eraqus and learn all of Terra and Ventus' weaknesses. When the time comes, we will use those weaknesses in our favor."
"I don't have a say in this, do I?" questioned Vanitas. The question would never get answered as Xehanort immediately left to tell Eraqus about me. The child of darkness groaned dreading when he would come face to face with Eraqus' pupils.
Andrew smiled as he recalled the memory, it was progress towards a goal that even Neo-Queen Serenity couldn't even make a dent towards. The idea of having Xehanort Loop is an act akin to trying to activate a tyrannical dark lord such as Palpatine, but his idea of balancing light and darkness equally was a novel idea considering how downright racist the plot tended to be in the games.
"Rough ride, eh?" Snarked Andy to his comrades in arms, even the elder Master Eraqus, now far grayer than his fellow Looping pupils have seen him in prior Loops.
Looking to the Loopers among the crowd, they had a look of concern when they looked to Carol with remorse. As if something was bugging them, not that we paid it any mind to the imminent end of the Loop.
"What do you mean 'And Then What?'"
Andy continued to vent his frustrations towards the Old Master as Terra fights off Braig to rescue him. "I'm just saying that you can't just sink an entire goddamn universe in a meaningless war for a big honking weapon like the x-blade out of curiousity!"
"If it brings balance to this tyranny of Light, then it is a price I'm willing to pay." Xehanort smugly spoke to his junior.
"I've seen a great and terrible darkness in action and how it can be abused!" roared Andy with a fire. "And back home, I hear whispers of a centralized government manifesting in the name of light to stamp out any organic lifeform they stand beneath!"
"Hence the fracturing of the different worlds of the realm of light." recalled Xehanort as he smugly stroked his beard. "You say that reality is even further divided beyond the realms we inhabit by a devastating calamity of pure imbalance."
"That's pretty much the gist of it, yeah." Andy scratched the back of his head. "There's even a race of time traveling aliens trying to figure out the problem, especially the ones that are Looping themselves. No dice there, sadly..."
Xehanort raised his wrinkle-laced brow towards the younger master. "If they can traverse through time, then how come I haven't encountered any of them?"
Andy stood silent, leaving room for Xehanort to piece together the obvious. "They're confined to their own branch?"
"Yeah, that's the trouble with these Fused Loops." Andy sat on a nearby rock and leaned against a lifeless key. "You never know what you're gonna get."
"I see..." Xehanort sat there, deep in thought as he regathered the new bursts of information the visitor has dumped upon him. "And you mentioned this Replika project in Radiant Garden, have you not? Perhaps the memories sampled could be mixed and matched."
The day of the Mark of Mastery came and the two disciples of Eraqus managed to Awaken in addition to Ventus. They were stunned at first to realize that their new teachers were refugees from a Looper's pocket, but when Bonnie clued them in her scheme, they found hope in a better, kinder Xehanort winning the favor of Janus and eventually Activating as a Looper.
And the final blow came from an HD Collection.
Time passed and the Mark of Mastery pitted Terra and Ven against Aqua and Vanitas, They were each observed by the respective masters Xehanort, Andrew, Eraqus and Bonnibel and enjoyed by the young toddler the lattermost mistress sired named Carol. Their skills danced with such finesse through such connections as Terra protecting Ven from Vanitas, Aqua being more tactiful against Terra, Vanitas clashing with Ventus for completion, it was truly an incredible sight to behold.
"Yay! Go Venny-Ven!" smiled Carol in the lap of her loving mother.
"Giving it your all, are you?" Vanitas smirked as he charged towards his source in a jousting motion as Ventus tosses his Keyblade towards his. "Just what we needed!" A bright flash of energy rocked the Land of Departure to the shock of the disciples and the wonder of the masters. Andy struggled to reach the eye of the storm and reach for his pupil, he grasped at something that felt like solid steel. "What." The energy subsided and Andy held the handle of an ultimate key that has been mounted into the ground which basically resembled two Kingdom Keys merged together with magical energy. "WHAT!"
"There, you see!" Xehanort cheered as Andy pulled it from the floor to the other two masters' shock. "The x-blade has been forged!"
Mistress Bonnibel drew her Keyblade against Xehanort's throat while using her free arm to restrict his. "Hold yourself! I know what you're thinking..."
"That I was going to shed my old and brittle vessel for a younger, stronger new one?!" Eraqus was rocked to his core, he hoped Xehanort would let go of such disastrous notions as forging the x-blade. The old man simply cackled and slumped back into his seat as Mistress Bonnibel held up a box containing a copy of an HD Collection. "You're truly serious about this route into the Keyblade War when those medical formulas she's prescribed to me is working wonders on my body."
"Not to mention that the disc in this box contains the path you could have taken if we haven't, Y'know, showed up when we did." Bonnibel glared to her elders as the two picked up the game and glanced at each other.
The following hour after they evaluated the results of each of their pupils. (Eraqus recognized Aqua and Ventus. Xehanort recognized Terra and Ventus. Andy recognized Terra, Ven, and Aqua. And Bonnie merely greenlit all four unconditionally.) The masters gathered in the rec room to watch Bonnie play the final phase of Birth by Sleep. Xehanort had a feeling of guilt of watching his plan unfold as initially intended alongside one of his core obstacles.
"I'll admit, the years we've spent one-to-one with our pupils and the Infowars Life stuff were steps in the right direction..." Bonnie spoke as she finished off Braig and readied herself to take care of Venitas, "But what you were intending to do with the pupils of your closest friend pretty much sealed our goals of helping you patch things up as much as we can!"
"You're the good Nort, not Bad 'Nort." cooed Carol as she held up two sketches of his face that was partially colored red on the left and fully colored in on the right.
"What this means is that our idea to teach alongside your friend is doing plenty of good for ya." Bonnie smiled to her elder. "I'm glad my reason for raising my key against you has dulled in validity."
The old master let out a smug smile.
Vanitas would leave the students and aid a petty theif named Braig and a deadly demon who we'll reveal later. But that's another story and shall be told another time.
A steady influx of DNA Elixirs and Super Male Vitality among other extra pharmaceuticals ordered from time to time kept Xehanort breathing throughout the nearly two decades they have known him. Andy inevitably had to ask the question.
"How are you, Master?" asked the younger master.
"Nothing terminal so obviously I'm fine..." smiled the once heartless elder master. "Though it sadly might as well be such seeing that our time has almost passed..."
Bonnie sighed in relief towards her old teacher, "Wonderful to see you again."
Xehanort let out a warm smile, "As it is for me to see the both of you, It's been a long time."
With her five-year-old daughter starting school, Bonnie was free to put her associates' degree to good use and become a lawyer in Daybreak Town defending innocents and liquidating corrupt companies.
"Look, I know you're on break right now but I need those notes for this formula I'm preparing." Bonnie described on her phone. "I need it by the fifteenth of July at 3pm, got it?" The intern on the other side chattered in agreement. "Good."
She hung up and dialed up her husband who was was a local doctor in Traverse Town as he had wished with his ambitions for the future. "So, how's work?"
"Dissatisfactory..." groaned the x-blade's master. "I'm waiting for my next appointment and now I got a half-hour to kill."
"Why don't you write your book, Andy?" smiled Bonnie, "I'm sure the little kids would cling to it when it's done."
Andy pressed his temples together in irritation. "Bonnie, do you know the thing I hate about the loops?"
"There's something to hate?" Bonnie cocked her eyebrow in awe and intrest.
"All the connections we make are going to be flushed out once its over..." fumed her ever-loving husband. "We were able to get our licenses as well as a template for when we head home next Loop but..."
"You're uncertain if they'll buy it?" Bonnie bluntly pointed out to the man she married. "We've got about six years before our current anchor breaks out the poorly-built raft. Maybe you could work towards a spot in Twilight Town?"
"...why not just go to Radiant Garden?" asked Andy.
"Andy, we don't exactly know if that world's safe or not." reponded Bonnie. "I don't think we can afford to chance a visit when there's an awful stink of Darkness!"
"Bonnie, we're trying not to be racist towards the dark!" Sniped Andy. "Do you want to lose this job and leave me the lone breadwinner of this household?"
"" Bonnie pressed her hand against her head. Bonnie was lucky that she had a career. She had a life of new experiences, a life where things actually happened, where the world aged with her. She regretfully recalled how Miele was trapped living the same cycle over and over again, even as she grew older and older throughout her failed attempt at activation. "It's just that... Maleficent might have heard from Vanitas..."
Andy stood in shock, but sighed with remorse. If Maleficent knew of other worlds, of course she'd raid Radiant Garden.
And raid it, she did. The events of the first game would ensure with minor adjustments to compensate for the hole Xehanort had left behind in his reformation, but the beats flowed like it normally would. She knew deep down that they would one day confront the events of the games as long as Vanitas was out and about, fortunately she knew her students would come to her aid on top of a new ally.
"Solar Systems, Geosystems, I care not which heart they revolve around." Xehanort held the Piggy Bank to the top of the bucket. "All systems kneel before Evil Doctor Porkchop!"
"So, which shall it be?" asked Bonnibel in her performance as the Scary Witch, dangling Bo Peep by a string. "Fire, Shark, or Death by Monkeys?" Carol then did the chattering of the chimps.
"Go on then," growled Xehanort. "Choose!"
"If that's what you want..." Carol said through the Cowboy Doll her parents tend to use as their magic pocket. "...then I choose Buzz Lightyear!"
"That's not a choice!" In zoomed the Spaceman on the RC she inherited from her father which their 'Uncle Xeh' dodged to the expense of "My Hat!"
Play and laughter continued to ensue until a knock on the door interrupted the fun. "I wonder who's here?"
Bonnibel opened the door to reveal: "Terra!"
"Hey, Bon." Terra tugged at the collar of his tuxedo. "Tonight's the big night, The new Portal Gun in my pocket's set to DisneyWorld, and Aqua's with the Master."
"You can call him Dad, Terra." Bonnibel rolled her eyes at the man "It's alright to admit your dad is being tapped to walk your future Mrs. Ende down the aisle."
Terra was sweating bullets. "Look, I get it. It's just that I've been calling him 'Master' for so long, I..."
"Sshhh..." Hushed Bonnibel. "You and Aqua are the first out of your branch to tie the knot. The fact that you're going on ahead with this means that a certain someone has finally moved on."
"If it's Aqua, then I'm glad she's accepting her baseline fate in the da-" Terra then noticed that Xehanort was sporting a Top Hat.
"We're gonna go to DisneyWorld!" Cheered Carol. "Can I wear the princess dress to the Wedding?"
"Only if you let Mommy wear a tux." spoke Bonnibel nonchalantly.
"Yuk-Yuk-Yuk!" Mother and daughter both laughed together. "Funny, Mom!"
"Honey, I'm serious."
Bonnie thought back on the childhood of her daughter and how similar it was to her own. Of course, it helped that the toys were pocketed from her home Loop, but she was a lot more soft spoken than she was.
Andrew drove the twenty-one year old Ventus to the House of Mouse for a special tradition for those who cross a legal threshold that Eraqus and his friends established.
"So, do you want a Bud Lite or straight-up taquila for your 'first' pint?" asked the younger keyblade master.
"Anything Doubleberry!" Ventus smiled as Andrew parked the Car in front of the storefront. The two entered the bar to find Terra and Aqua playing pool with longtime friend and Loopers Aerith and Zack, the latter of which cashing in his promise to have a 'date with Aqua' which was upgraded to a double date, Ven naturally waved to the four and they all waved back.
"Whoa, so this is what a fully-grown Ventus looks like, eh?" smiled Zack.
"You can still call me Ven if you like, or would you perfer Mister Ven." Ven twirled his golden moustache as he flashed a grin to the bartender. "Do you serve Doubleberry drinks, cause I'd dig a few on the rocks."
"Pft... get lost, sprixie." Ventus' heart sank. Andrew then calmly asked for and received a pint of Bud Lite.
"There you go..." Andrew handed the drink to the younger man. "You alright, man?"
"I'm fine." Sighed Ven as he took a sip from his pint. "Have they ever heard of Doubleberries?! Those things are a near-perfect blend of Strawberries and Blueberries, how do you not think that's a good idea?"
"Doubleberry Martini." Spoke a voice. "Shaken, not stirred."
Ven glanced at the fellow who ordered the drink: a bearded fellow with slicked back, spiky blach hair and clad in a black suit which was hidden under a black cloak. The Bartender took no time in providing his drink, a drink that should have been Ven's!
"Anything for our top investor." The brute smiled to the gentleman as the elder Master could do nothing but rub his temples in the depressing realization that the man he was sitting next to had founded Organisation XIII.
The fact that Vanitas founded Organisation XIII was an inevitable headache since they sorta needed an Organisation XIII to get Roxas and Xion into being. Luckily, Ventus had also matured as a fighter and a man in the extra years, sharp wit, nimble build, loyal to the end, one any friend of his would feel glad to have on their side.
Andy walked into the room of the twelve-year-old boy who usually anchored of this particular Loop. He arrives at the behest of Bonnie after she received a ping from an unknown Looper, under the assumption that it might be a newly Awakened Looper. "Sora, right?"
Sora timidly looked to the bearded man. "Yeah, what brings you?"
"Nothing much," he lied. "Just want to feel the ocean breeze, y'know? While we're Awake."
Sora's eyes widened as the man had his eyes away from his shocked expression. "I felt a presence from your room, almost like a ping." Andy mentioned to the brown-haired islander. "You're not feeling Loopy, are you?"
"I'm fine..." Sora tugged at his arm. "Are you?"
"Yeah..." Andy popped open a box of Tootsie Rolls and picked one out to toss to his younger friend. "Chewing on this goes a long way when folks weigh Anchor."
"I don't get it." uttered Sora.
"I believe you will." Andy looked to the sky and smiled. "Just protect your buddies, even in the face of monsters seeking to overthrow the light, overthrow humanity, overthrow existence and crush it with its anti-sentient lifeform garbage."
Sora chuckled a little. "In other words, be like you?"
Master Andrew Davis smiled.
Andrew didn't exactly realise it at first, but Sora's stealth loop made logical sense given that Maleficent was still available to take the reigns since the true foe of the series has reformed with their added influence. Course it made the task of predicting what came next all the harder without Xehanort in charge, but there was thankfully a cloned Terranort provided by...
"Got B.O.? GET DIO!" The cloak tore itself from the body to reveal a muscular body oozing with power and deodorant-adorned costume. The Looping Keymasters steadied their ground as he charged with the wind thrusting him towards our heroes. The couple leap away from the charging MLE and retaliate with Blizzaraza. "You think quick, but you are far from true Loopers for had you been Looping, your adult youth would see you move faster!"
"We don't need speed or Looping experience to keep up..." Bonnie bluntly declared. "You think you can keep us down then you've got another thing coming!"
"A pitiful effort from some innocent fool who still fancies herself the Anchor when she doesn't even have a Soul." Dio summoned his shadow guardian to tussle with Bonnie and her pocket of weapons. All she could do was slow him down and look good doing as such, so she covered Andy with the new RYNO Spectrum Ratchet had built for Cheerilee's chosen disciple.
"You two go find Kairi." stated Andy to the younger two chosen weilders of the keyblade. "Carol, you're coming with to face Maleficent."
"What if..." Carol sheepishly backed away as if to hide something "What if I'm not strong enough?"
"You don't have to be." smiled Andy. "You're strong in the real way, you just don't see it yet." A storm of cosmic energy pulsation pulsated towards the two, causing the younger to yelp in fear before a sudden burst of power shielded her, leaving Andy with his trusty x-blade safeguarding his body. "See..."
Carol smiled at her new gift, now one step closer to a keyblade of her own.
Andy looked to his daughter with pride. How each of his comrades trained the new generation in every way they could now that word got out that Ansem the Wise was still overthrown by an apprentice named Xehanort (A replica of the old master they've known for more than a decade at that point) to found Organisation XIII. The goal was the same as ever, gather as many hearts as they can to unlock Kingdom Hearts hoping to gain their own hearts (that they already have) only to be converted into extensions of Dio for their trouble.
"Tell me, did Dio's plan sound familiar to you?" Andrew asked. "Like you've seen this scam before?"
Xehanort's scowl intensified. "I get it. The Xehanort of the Baseline fears death, so he went full Voldemort on Fourteen poor fools just for the true x-blade."
"Yeah, I bet you're pretty glad you saw them combine into that giant-oak key of his." Bonnibel's mind reflected on the screams of those alchemized for the x-blade Sora had to destroy with every Looper Summon he got. "Moral of the story: Never go full Voldemort."
Xehanort could only grimace at her corny Joke. "Andrew."
"Yes, Xeh?"
"Will I Loop?"
"Drag Racing?" sniped Bonnibel as she stared down the girl who chased a drunk teen driver and thankfully stopped before the target car crashed against a mountain. "Are you Frenching me?! Like Frenching me specifically in the ass!?"
"Mom, he gave Naminé a swirlie for standing up to Sora." complained the sixteen-year-old Carol, doing a few one-handed floor push-ups.
"That doesn't give you the right to drive past the speed limit!" Bonnibel fumed with maternal fury. "We have a year and a half left in this Loop and the last thing I want to see is the principal holding you back an extra year that we can't afford."
"Your mother's right, Care." poked Andrew as he bit into his doughnut. "One of these days, we're gonna haveta part ways with Sora, Naminé, Uncle Xeh and all the good 'ol gang. Time's almost passed for the Loop."
"Oh, so we're dropping the moving bombshell now?!" Yelled Carol as she stared down her mother.
"No, sweetie." Bonnibel chimed with a forced kindliness to her voice, "I'm dropping the 'Damaged Reality' bombshell here!"
"I already know about the Loops!" Howled Carol as she stood to yell at her mother eye to eye and shoulder to shoulder. "I read a book all about the Loops! I heard a whole Phineas and Ferb Soundtrack about the Loops! I have friends who I spend every damn day talking about their adventures within the Loops! One of my closest friends is literally the only thing keeping this Universe stable in the Loops!"
"Ohohohoho! So your underdeveloped brain can remember thing from when it was even more underdeveloped! I'M SO FLATTERED!" A barrier of golden chains consealed all parties involved. "So I guess you probably know there's a strong chance that some if not most or god forbid all of them are gonna have every last memory of you wiped out of their underdeveloped brains!"
"Oohhhh, you calling me underdeveloped?" sniped Carol, unbuttoning her blouse. "I'm not a kid anymore, Mom, I ain't underdeveloped! As a matter of fact, as you can see by THESE PUPPIES, I'M IN THE HOME STRETCH!" The burst in volume was further accentuated with Carol tearing off her blouse to showcase her fully-loaded assets to her mother.
"I can see that, Carol. So I'm treating you like I'd treat a grown woman because you ARE a grown woman!" Bonnibel clarified to her grown daughter. "So would you please act like it!?"
"I helped my homegal out of a big fix, I'm hella responsible!" complained Carol. "I'm the one acting mature here!"
"You, Mature?! You're arrogant, impulsive, aggressive!" cried Bonnibel "You could have gotten yourself killed with that stunt!"
"Sounds like some reckless little girl I knew from Sycamore Street." Andrew snarked to his wife. "I wonder where she is, I haven't heard her voice in years..."
It was then that Bonnibel learned that her childlike soprano has fully matured to a motherly contralto with no sign of it ever returning just as she saw her daughter maturing before her eyes, she had just started her final growth spurt and was half an inch away from crossing the six foot threshold. And so, Bonnie went to kiss her beloved Andrew, grateful that her only daughter was born as a normal child unlike Naminé or fellow Nobodies Roxas and Xion whilst also lamenting that she wasn't conceived in the old fashioned way like she was.
She had a strong urge to fix that.
Carol was dumbfounded by her mother choosing to ignore her in favor of producing yet another child, The elder master Xehanort could only stand and cringe in the utter shame of association. "Oh, so what? Are we dropping the car talk for Marital Sex or are we on the same boat I just hopped onto and realizing that Nami could've just raped his brain with her Memory Power?!"
Andrew scratched his scalp. "Well, we've met all the requirements, we've bonded as peers, connected with other Loopers,"
"We even managed to endure the patchwork nightmare of the Dio Saga without a single casualty." Bonnibel realized
Xehanort could hear whispers of Dio 'Holding Back' and sighed with remorse. "Dio, I have reason to believe that he knew you'd never come back. Perhaps that is why we could defeat him with minimal casualties, he sees that you both are like me..." Xehanort eyed the rings the couple exchanged during their wedding in Hyrule. "We just aren't Loopers and judging by Sora's expression being as sour as the king's, I never might."
The mood was at its absolute lowest, Andy could only comfort his Unawake companion. "It was an honor to teach with you, sir."
Xehanort let out one last warm smile as he calmly accepts his villainous fate. "The honor ...was mine."
Janus sat there, watching the display overlay a message as the Pocket Loopers held the old soul's one last time before the returned to the pocket whence they came.
- Looper Candidate Xehanort applicable for looping status,
- please confirm, Yes or No?
First Hecate saw a trio of Candidates, now he's ended up with a married couple successfully doing the impossible task of domesticating Xehanort?
Epilogue: Xeh
Darkness... Is this the end of me? Is this be how I get to other worlds?
I opened my eyes after a harsh slap to find the face of a boy. The face of the boy who opened me up to other worlds.
His face.
"Are you okay?" Asked my close friend. "Sorry, I couldn't come up with some other way to wake you up. My name's Eraqus. And... I'm sorry I destroyed your raft."
"Admittedly, it was poorly... crafted" A voice escaped my throat which hasn't seen the light of day beyond my most distant past.
"Don't be too hard on yourself, bucko." reassured Eraqus. "I remember my first raft."
"You're from another Island?" I spoke to which he nodded in affirmation. "Really?"
He squirmed as he did the last time we first met, spilling every secret he knew as I gazed into the river to see my young reflection for the first time in decades. I then extended my arm to summon my Keyblade and sure enough, the glowing blue key adorned with clocks said it all.
"No way!" yelped Eraqus. "It took me months to summon mine!"
"Then I guess we both have a thing or two to learn about our guiding keys." I smiled to my friend before asking: "Do you mind guiding me to the nearest haberdashery?"
Terra's barrage of punches from his Counter Shield technique kept Aqua on her toes as she guarded with her Drill Punch augmentation. Both were impressing Eraqus beyond belief before the door opened to reveal an old man in a yellow hat. They assumed it to be a glitch and stuck to the script, asking Ven questions and carting him into his bed as they waited for him to awaken in more ways than one.
"Is everyone Awake?" Aqua froze up a bit at Xehanort's words.
"Yes." She stuck to the script. "Ventus is awake now."
"Thank the lord..." The wise man adjusted his hat. "If any of you are feeling Loopy tonight, then by all means... step into my office."
Terra glanced at the man oddly, there's no way that was the Xehanort from that one Loop, right?
"You Looped into the time of fairy tales!?" Terra stood in shock at the man.
"Yes, and the amount of fellow Loopers present on there were just breathtaking." Xehanort had a warm aura around him. "I even spotted the first!"
Aqua raised an eyebrow on this "Did the pigtailed fellow change in cold water?"
"You could say he was truly genderfluid..." smiled the Master. Terra and Aqua could only cringe at the horrible joke. "I believe you want to catch up with Master and Mistress Davis?"
The two disciples merely looked in confusion to which Xehanort answered with a little screen displaying a familiar middle-aged mother and father at the helm of a Star Fleet Vessel.
"No way." Terra was in shock.
"I think I see, Wow! It's Carol, an she's in a yellow shirt, too! Ain't she just precious, 'member our Mark of Mastery when she was just a little tyke!"
The chatter of memberberries began to grate on Terra's nerves to the indifference of those around him. "How are you getting this footage?"
"Hecate, Fand and Janus are livestreaming the whole matter," glared Xehanort as he steadied his connection to GodTube "It's not at ordeal level yet, but as they get older and the Loops get tougher to survive... It's getting there."
Terra was pressing his temples together "Exactly how many are watching?"
"Hundreds." Xehanort chugged his coffee with a warm smile gracing his face, his lesson learned about the gift of life and how it matters not how long it lasts, but by how fully it is lived.
The good that was done, the friendships nurtured.
The love one shares each step on the way.
Epilogue Fand
"We're a month into their Star Fleet loop, they're currently in the mist of their training so let's tune into the comments!" Fand was on a roll with her audience, and they knew which key events to tune into and when to move on with their lives. "OneToTree2002 raves: 'Since you're streaming, can you figure out how to extend my baseline?' Oh, Tree. If only I was your admin instead of Sleepy-eyes here... See, I'm only allowed to run the Winx Loops for reasons obvious to us Admins, so your question to me is invalid. Alright, Next Question comes in the form of a video response: MomoPixl8, you're on the air!"
The clip showed a pink-haired young girl in a white shirt sporting a big, striking image of Voltron. A big smile adorning "Hello there, just wanted to tell you I've always wanted to be on a livestream. Now, How is it that they are able to Loop into all these different worlds continuously? Most we've ever got was two Loops solid..."
"Aw, thanks for those kind words, Pinkie. Iris would be so proud of you." smiled Fand. "Sadly, this is a rare occasion of an Admin acting on a suggestion from a willing Anchor and programming a few request Loops for Yggdrasil to filter through and takes quite a lot of time to sift through. Not to mention the ruse we have to pull to keep these two pocket Loopers in the dark until they end up Looping."
Janus slowly peeked into her office on a pressing matter. "Fand, may I borrow you for a bit?"
"Oh, okay! BRB, you guys!" Fand got off of her seat to talk with her overworked colleague. "Whaddiya want, mate."
Janus frowned. "Why are you streaming this to every fool who are willing to see it?"
"To get hits on my GodTube Page, duh!" Fand rolled her eyes as she made her way back to her computer only for Janus to stop her in her tracks.
"Just know that you are endangering your career with this stream." scolded Janus. "Everything you say and do will be monitored by an ever-growing audience of what could end up becoming billions, would you care to see your deepest secrets hidden away?"
"If its about the Ai I made, then my lips are sealed!" Fand smiled. "Same for tree-coding as well cause lord knows what rogue hackers would do with our greatest secrets."
"And don't you forget that!" barked Janus as he made his way back out. "Because if you even tell the Anchor of your lone branch about what you've done with her sister's code, it will be your neck!"
Janus slammed the door into Fand's face as she slowly scooted her way back to her monitor with a sincere smile.
"Alright, I'm back. So let's take a few more comments!"
Snip 6x: Sleep
Woody slowly approached the bedside of the aged couple, the routine having taken its toll on their minds, bodies, and souls. It happened every twelve years and they had to leave behind some part of their lives, they've done their duty to keep an eye on their baseline selves and the toys they owned seeing as those particular Loopers were the only key to the Loops. For a non-looper, They were relatively old. Exactly ninety years old to be exact. A long and fulfilling life by the standards of a non-looper.
It was the blink of an eye to the Sheriff.
"So how does it feel to have a master's degree, Carol." Smiled a now fifty-year old Bonnie, back from her work as a California Congresswoman.
"Printed on the sheet of psychic paper you sent me." Carol smiled right back, holding up her PhD in education. She had always dreamed of being a teacher and now, she was ready to take charge for the first time in her twenty-three years of being alive.
And this wouldn't be the best part. "Ta-Dah!"
Bonnibel could not believe what she was seeing, her little ball as radiance was sporting a gold and silver engagement ring.
"Pretty cool, huh!" Miele said. "Franklin and I've come a long way from our days sharing a dorm and believe it or not, he proposed on our graduation."
"My friends are currently on looking for a wedding dress for me to keep."
"and we're looking to a honeymoon at Disney's California Adventure-"
"Carol!" Yelled Bonnibel, her heart aching with what she was about to do.
Her mother hessitated to say no to her daughter, squeezing her eyes shut to hold back the tears. "Cherish Franklin while you still can... the same goes for your college friends."
"Why, Mom?" asked Carol.
"Because they'll all be gone in another six years," Bonnibel reminded. She looked her daughter in the eyes with regret. "Carol, you've been a big help in raising your little brother Geoffrey and I can't thank you enough for it. I have explained the loops to you many times over the years, but it can be hard to really grasp until you really see it first hand. Nothing you do matters. Everyone you've met will vanish in a few years, and even if they don't, they won't remember you. You have to be careful about who you let into your life, because when they go, you'll be no more than a stranger to them."
Carol thought to herself for a second before piping: "Well, what if we have Franklin join the pocket?"
"It doesn't work that way!" Bonnibel retorted, looking to the lightly-hardened skin on her hand and then back to her daughter. "There's something you need to know about our baseline."
The two women walked over to Elm Street from their home at Sycamore Street. Geoffrey followed them on the promise of a new friend, and he was ultimately not disappointed as a young girl around his age emerged from the household. The boy soon talked with the girl, and as they played together, Bonnibel spoke to her daughter. "My sister-in-law, Molly."
"Get out, really?" Eyed Carol in surprise. "But in all seriousness, how do I contact the real Aunt Molly, y'know, from our time..."
"Don't you get it, we do not have you in baseline!" screamed Bonnibel to her daughter. "We can never have you, I'm too young."
"You, too young?" Carol started chuckling at the half-century old non-Looper that brought her into the world. "Maybe back when I was in grade school!"
"Ficus-Birch, Of course you'd think it was that simple..." Bonnibel pressed her temples together in shame and regret before once more giving a fierce maternal stare to her daughter. "Listen, your father just checked the medical records this Loop. Timelines are variable in the Infinite Loops, especially when it concerns when we are born."
Carol stood silent as her mother continued, "The Andy from this Loop is twelve years old today and..." A shiver crawled up her spine "Gods, the... the other me's practically a newborn right now. Point is, our baseline selves would never be together."
It was at that point that Geoffrey ran up to her mother. "Mommy! Molly's picking on me!"
"Senator Anderson, hi! I couldn't tell Geoffrey was your son when he said it, but seeing you here, I... God..." smiled Molly's mother before her attention was drawn to the younger woman that, unbeknownst to her, was her granddaughter. "And you must be Geoff's older sister, my name is Emma, nice to meet you."
"Charmed." Carol, on the other hand, could only stare as the reality of the loops came crashing down on her.
Woody sighed anew at how much these children had been denied for everything they had gained. A long forfilling life, sure, that's to be expected of them. Woody watched the two children he's been there for all these loops as they grew up, saw the omniverse, fell in love, and raise children of their own into adulthood. But the only friends that have known her for decades were Loopers, while the family of non-Loopers would continue to feel the strain on their relationship together from having to restart their lives every twelve years.
"How's the new workplace going?" Bonnibel asked.
"Decent, Pays well... but the road to get there was hell..." Carol sighed as she flopped down on the couch. She was a thirty-year-old mother of fraternal twins at this point and has moved up from her initial work as a first grade english teacher to Tenth Grade History Teacher. "I don't have any records, I don't have any references, the psychic paper's the only thing keeping my degree from being basically worthless. I don't know what to do."
"Sounds like you're struggling with those re-establishment blues." eyed Bonnibel. "I might be able to find something to add some more chips to sort of put the odds back into your favor,"
"Thanks," Carol said.
"You're welcome," Bonnibel said. "I'm sorry," she added in a whisper.
Carol didn't hear the second comment. Instead she turned on the tv and started flipping through channels. Then she turned it off with a noise of disgust.
"Something wrong?" asked her thirteen-year-old brother.
"There's nothing on that I haven't already seen," Carol said. "It's boring."
"Sure it is..." Geoffrey merely rolled his eyes as his adult sister sighed 'This can't get any worse...'
"Lina Cranston... Ken Curstone..." 34-year-old Carol was taking roll at her class only to find: "What's... Oh, no."
"How's it goin' sis." Carol was now teaching her younger brother Geoffrey, now a linebacker of sixteen, and he respected his new teacher as much as he would if it turned out to be a sibling of his. "What page we going to?"
"64, that's calculation of taxation." Carol sighed, foregoing the roll and moving onto the lesson. "This is five percent of your midterm, so please pay attention."
"Then why haven't they activated us, yet?!" Roared Geoffrey to his sixty-year-old father.
"The nature of the moves is tied with the Loops." Sighed the balding gentleman. "That makes it a mature matter that dictates a word with-"
"I ain't a twerp no more! I've heard the story a fuckton of times now!" Geoffrey barked back. "I know how the Loops work backwards and forwards so why isn't Mom the mayor like she promised."
"Because our time is running out!" Andrew stood with an added vigor before realizing the strain of their advanced age. "I mean... just look at us, we're... not going to be around forever."
Geoffrey sat and watched his father struggle to get back down with his weathered joints. "Jesus, this is the guy who knocked around the great Calamity of Hyrule."
"'Fraid so." Ol' Andy cracked open a bottle of Hetap and guzzled down a quarter of its content before fondly remembering: "Think I even gained the all powerful x-blade back in the Keyblade Graveyard..."
"What the hell happened to you, dad?"
The old man merely let out a solumn sigh: "Time."
"Time is the keyword."
The careers of their children should have been a stable aspect of their lives. They should have had a life of new experiences, a life where things actually happened, where the world aged with them. Instead she was trapped, living the same decade over and over again, even as Andy, Bonnie and their offspring grew older and older.
Bonnibel and Carol sat together in the park, watching as Geoffrey exchanged his voes with his newly wedded wife, Nancy Davis. The twenty-year-old soldiers of war looked to their families, the eldermost members of Geoffrey's being sixty-four and ready to retire.
"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." greeted the shinto priestess that lovingly binded them by law. "You may kiss the bride."
At the reception, the two watched as children rushed around on the park's playground, exploring the plastic and metal structures. Even whispering to each other about having children of their own. Bonnibel didn't say a word, but Carol could hear the quiet sigh she let out. Souls had this tick that restricted the children they could have to just the ones those people would have in the baseline.
A Category that neither Carol, her brother and especially her own children fit.
Carol didn't say anything either, just sat next to her mother and watched the children running around, lamenting the limitations of the Soul.
At last, it was time for the Davis family to conclude their presence at the wedding and thus, Bonnibel got to her feet. Her knees were sore and stiff, her hips giving her problems of their own. She was barely able to walk on her own, preferring to lean on Andrew, who was strong enough to carry them home.
The sisters made their way out of the park and back to the car. Carol drove her car behind Geoffrey and watched as he parted ways with his new wife. Andrew laid back and held his wife's hand with a firm, yet loving grip. Bonnibel eased herself into a chair and leaned back, closing her eyes.
Bonnibel almost dropped her steak knife in shock. "Excuse me... You said you didn't want to move onto the next Loop?"
"It was hard enough leaving Franklin behind, I can't bare to leave my students behind for the move!" complained her eldest daughter, who had chosen to prepare the stuffing and the macaroni and cheese. "Think of Geoffrey and his family, think of your retirement, think of your grandkids!"
Bonnibel glanced to her grand children Carol's now seventeen-year-old twins Hector and Isabella as they talked with their friends online. Geoffrey's wife of four-years-running merely sighed as she kept nursing her child, a look in her eyes telling a tale of a hidden secret unbeknownst to the elder couple.
"I am and they are all safer in the pocket!" asserted Bonnibel to her daughter. "You're all much safer in the pocket!"
"I know about the pocket and it doesn't matter!" stated Carol. "My children are in their senior year and College is another summer away for them!"
"We don't have another summer here!" Bonnibel sniped back. "That's why we need the pocket!"
"What about Geoffrey and his wife, Mom!" reminded Carol as she pointed to the couple. "They have a life on the police force, you can't just tell them to uproot."
"He's followed us before and he'll follow us again." Bonnibel added. "Maybe Nancy will follow us this ti-"
Bonnibel stood silent at the name. "Excuse me?"
"Nanoha Takeuchi, an elder Looper." Carol then pointed to the baby in her arms. "The baby in her arms is Fate. Woke up the moment after she gave birth, pocketing them both at the end of the Loop will see Yggdrasil rip their Souls out, killing them both! That's why we have to stay!"
Bonnibel began to shed a few tears "You'll be erased..."
"I doubt anything can stop that now..." Carol clutched her hand over her heart, her face now adorned with the very streaks of gray and slight wrinkles that Bonnie wore to her final meeting with Xehanort. "Please leave us here... just for once."
Bonnibel could feel her heart breaking, this was no longer the girl who recklessly got into a drag race back in the Realm of Light but a mother, a teacher, an independent woman with a controlling contralto that all but confirmed her assertion to stay in the very Loop they chose to call home.
A Loop they shall end with.
Andrew and Bonnibel were thankful for the family they made with children and grandchildren, children and grandchildren that should have met their great-grandparents and even made the two into great-grandparents themselves. She should have had more than one sister who never aged past twenty three. She should have had people to grow old with, people with whom she could reflect upon their shared history. She should have had more.
Never did Woody know the consequences of the Loops until this day. He should have had known how much of a fluke those two Fused Loops were, a blessing and a curse built upon through thousands of years greeting newly-Activated Loopers from the Tree. Rex, Jessie, Hamm, Dolly, The Potato-Heads, Trixie, Slinky, all Loopers, all toys, no humans. Woody wept for the sham of a life Yggdrasil had dealt them. He did the best he could manage to help this family, but in the end it hadn't been enough. The loops were no place for mortals. It was a harsh lesson. A cruel lesson. One that a fellow Looper had brought upon herself through her own actions long ago, one that he had repeated for himself on a dare from another.
"I should've just left you both at College," Woody muttered. "I never should have taken Jiminy's wager."
He started when he felt a finger on his shoulder. He looked down to see Andy looking at him.
"Maybe not," Miele said. "But I'm glad you did."
"Why?" Woody asked. "You lost your jobs, you lost your family, and all the loops did was hurt you in so many ways!"
"But I got to grow up," Bonnie added. "I got to grow old. I got to see Andy again, and be his very best friend."
"But your kids, your family," Woody said. "You should have had so much more to do with them."
"And someday... we will," Andy said. "When the tree is fixed, We will have everything we want."
"But there's a chance you won't end up being the Andy that's activated!" Woody exclaimed. "Same goes for her, too. We don't know if you two could get together in the way you did."
"They'll still be us." Bonnie said. "And you'll still be there to help her." She looked up at the clock. "The next loop's about to begin, isn't it?"
"Yes," Woody said heavily.
"So our time's almost passed..." Andy sighed, "If we haven't done enough to claim our Souls. Tell the uses that follow... 'uses that follow?' God, of course Bill and Ted would be the time-travel flick that turns up in my head."
"Please, tell them both for us when they pull." Her finger pulled the string on his back and out came the recorded phrase "You're my favorite deputy!" through the speaker hidden under cotton and cloth "And promise you won't blame yourself, it was my choice that got us her to begin with."
"Kids, I-"
"Promise." Andrew's face was as stern as it was willing.
"I- I promise,"
"Good," Bonnibel said, sinking back into the hospital bed and looked to her loving husband. "And now to find out what's beyond the loops... See you soon."
Woody counted the seconds down as tears began to well up in his eyes. Andrew merely sighed "Thank you, sheriff..."
The new loop began. He was back in the bedroom of a boy, clouds adorning the wallpaper, floors riddled with boxes to act as buildings of a world of make believe.
"So long... Partner..."
Janus stared at his screen. A message waiting for him there to remind him of the tough decision he made decades prior.
"Activate new Looper: Yes/No?"
He sat with that message shimmering on the screen, staring at the screen for a long moment before thinking back. Even in death, those children were going to be the death of him. He could feel the struggle within him whether or not he could go activate the two and reward them with the Souls they've done so much to claim throughout the decades, even enduring the pitfalls of parenthood. This was the obvious solution he found staring back at him and this came nearly right off the heels of a concurrent pair of fused loops.
An opportunity that would almost certainly never come again.
- If I am number one
- and you are number twelve
- put us together we might see thirteen today as well...
The song played in the background as he recalled the Loopers that were activated that had lead up to the two and those who were activated or grew more stable in their wake.
- For me to get to you, we've done this many times before.
- Remember them
- Is all this what you really want to die for?
He scrolled through a series of centennial reports on the Loopers and potential Loopers native to each branch that contributed to the report: The earliest dating back a few millennia prior, the latest having been published four years in change out from this very day. He compared the three Branches that those pocket Loopers had visited and took note of each difference made from across the centuries.
- Something, Someone new is on the way!
- Sometime, Somehow, you will have to die...
- But not today!
Prologue Rex
Bonnie was at Sunnyside on a late-September morning and the toys back in the house were waiting for her to return. Trixie and Mister Pricklepants were playing Go Fish while Buzz and Jessie were off making small talk and Woody... Woody was still thinking about how little fused Loops he and Buzz have been getting thus far. It had been eighteen Loops of twelve years apiece since the other Buzz (The one from the Cartoon) came to tell them of the Loops and it was starting to get lonely.
"Uh, excuse me?" a voiced piped off in the distance. "Anybody know why the Calendar's in September? Isn't it after Christmas?"
Woody lept down to the floor to meet with the source of the voice, darting to and fro to seek it out only to bump into: "Rex!"
"Woody! Did I just dream up Christmas?" the dinosaur toy asked to the cowboy doll. "Everyone I ask about the Battlesaurs don't know anything and I'm starting to get scared."
"Hey-Hey-Hey. Easy, Rex." Calmed the sheriff as he readied his welcome. "There's a logical explanation for this... It involves a tree."
Prologue ---
Paralogue ---
Epilogue Hyrule
Impa arrived at Purah's Lab and as usual for these Loops when no one awakens earlier than to be expected, Purah was a pipsqueak once more. Her mind looked back at the fond memories she shared with her fellow Loopers on that Loop especially training her body with her elder sister as they youthen themselves to their prime. Her relationship with her Sister was nurtured as much as she could back then, talking about their differences in philosophy, learning about the science in our technology, figuring out the true potential of the Shiekah Slate. It was a delightful moment in her life, but that was but an alternative past she had lived and now, the Loop put the elements back in their proper places.
She entered the Laboratory to find it in relatively worse shape than it already was in baseline. Purah was nowhere to be seen. "Strange, must be a Variant." She decides to check her diary to see if anything's different, and sure enough from day five onwards, It was.
There were images printed from the Sheikah Slate, the first one was an image of Purah's face, riddled with zits and softening with her regression. She had a panicked expression on her face, and only one word was printed underneath.
The next image was of Purah as she was the last Loop except with several inches shaved off from smaller muscles, making her clothes a bit looser on her. Two words lay underneath this one.
no. no.
Next was the result of a physical exam describing her as a Sheikah of sixteen. Three words printed underneath.
No! No! No!
Impa, as old as ever at least for the time being, was in the next image. There's nothing special about this change, just that the four words printed didn't bother to have spaces between them.
And there was Hyrule Castle engulfed in the calamity!
Impa couldn't help but worry about Purah as she watched each image of her elder sister click hour by hour.
all my hard work
Purah getting smaller with each picture.
everything we've done.
Purah's face getting ever rounder as she lost the last traces of puberty.
All swept away like an old fart.
She was now swimming in her clothes.
How could I let this happen...
And like that, it was the typical six-year-old Purah from the baseline, except now, she's broken and alone.
I think... I'm going to cry...
Impa knew what she had to do.
Purah sat with her food, too scared to exit her house, too glum to return to her lab, too depressed to move from her chair, and too down in the dumps to even change out of her now much-too-large clothes.
"Purah?" Impa spoke in her raspy voice.
"Go away..."
"I know what you're going through..." Impa dug into her subspace pocket. "And it's okay."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying it doesn't matter that our hard work had been washed away." She laid out her Sheikah Slate. "As long as you remember what you've learned, The will is never lost."
Purah felt a ray of energy flowing into her body. A familiar ray, but much... much softer... "Wait, are you?"
"Felt like adjusting your greatest invention, your mangum opus." Impa's posture started to improve in small increments. "It's the least I could do, so I made a counterpart by reversing the polarity."
"An aging rune?" The frown on her slowly thinning face began to turn itself upside down. "You, miss 'honoring the past is the key to success', engineered an aging rune?"
"Indeed, I have." Smiled Impa, her deep, deep, wrinkles slowly shallowing away. "As long as I recall the time we shared as sisters, I won't let this failure stick."
"You really mean it!?" Purah watched as her limbs grew longer. "I guess little sisters are more easily influenced..."
Impa wiped Purah's slowly deflating cheek of tears. "What are siblings for?"
Purah watched as her feet touched the floor. "Thank you!" She then clung to Impa with all her might, Impa was naturally well-balanced with the rising frame of her mid 80s slowly transitioning into her 70s.
"It's nothing, really..." Her voice growing less hoarse. "I'm just glad to know that I'm no longer the only Sheikah to re-incarnate across time."
"What are you saying?" Purah's voice cracked from her teenage years rolling back onto her. "Are you saying the Triforce has blessed me with the ability to re-incarnate to help the hero time and again?"
"In a sense, that is the case." There were barely and wrinkles on her fifty-something year-old face save for laugh lines, forehead creases and bags under her eyes. "Somewhere beyond our home, there is a tree with every single possibility growing from its sturdy trunk."
"Are you talking about multiverse theory?" Asked Purah, her elongating face now sporting a pimple which she promptly faces away to pop. "I can understand such a notion clearly enough, thank you very much."
"Then you can understand the danger of destroying the tree?" Impa stood tall, being back to the amazonian height of 6'4. "That killing it will negate every inch of existence, from the farthest reaches of space to every last moment in time."
"A little extreEEeme, but it makes logical sense." Purah's legs have returned to being as lofty as they were during her newly-restored adulthood and thus needed re-adjustment from growing back to the height of her prime over minutes instead of days. "You kill the root, you kill the weed as it were. And I suppose our eternal re-incarnation has something to do with that?"
"Ours and those of countless others across the stars..." Impa's muscles had firmed back to where they were in her mid-20s. "All to maintain the stability of their homeworlds, That is the purpose of the Infinite Loops."
"And it is probably our strong bond that allowed myself to Loop." Hypothesised Purah as she binded her chest with sports tape as it certainly needed it to support what was now hanging proudly on her chest. "Figured that little adventure with my sister could end up Waking me up, as those two substitute heroes put it to their wards..."
Impa and Purah hugged not just as Fellow Loopers, but as true sisters to the bitter end.
"Where exactly are they, anyway?"
Epilogue Aetherium
Darkness... Is this the end of me? Is this be how I get to other worlds?
I opened my eyes after a harsh slap to find the face of a boy. The face of the boy who opened me up to other worlds.
His face.
"Are you okay?" Asked my close friend. "Sorry, I couldn't come up with some other way to wake you up. My name's Eraqus. And... I'm sorry I destroyed your raft."
"Admittedly, it was poorly... crafted" A voice escaped my throat which hasn't seen the light of day beyond my most distant past.
"Don't be too hard on yourself, bucko." reassured Eraqus. "I remember my first raft."
"You're from another Island?" I spoke to which he nodded in affirmation. "Really?"
He squirmed as he did the last time we first met, spilling every secret he knew as I gazed into the river to see my young reflection for the first time in decades. I then extended my arm to summon my Keyblade and sure enough, the glowing blue key adorned with clocks said it all.
"No way!" yelped Eraqus. "It took me months to summon mine!"
"Then I guess we both have a thing or two to learn about our guiding keys." I smiled to my friend before asking: "Do you mind guiding me to the nearest haberdashery?"
Terra's barrage of punches from his Counter Shield technique kept Aqua on her toes as she guarded with her Drill Punch augmentation. Both were impressing Eraqus beyond belief before the door opened to reveal an old man in a yellow hat. They assumed it to be a glitch and stuck to the script, asking Ven questions and carting him into his bed as they waited for him to awaken in more ways than one.
"Is everyone Awake?" Aqua froze up a bit at Xehanort's words.
"Yes." She stuck to the script. "Ventus is awake now."
"Thank the lord..." The wise man adjusted his hat. "If any of you are feeling Loopy tonight, then by all means... step into my office."
Terra glanced at the man oddly, there's no way that was the Xehanort from that one Loop, right?
"You Looped into the time of fairy tales!?" Terra stood in shock at the man.
"Yes, and the amount of fellow Loopers present on there were just breathtaking." Xehanort had a warm aura around him. "I even spotted the first!"
Aqua raised an eyebrow on this "Did the pigtailed fellow change in cold water?"
"You could say he was truly genderfluid..." smiled the Master. Terra and Aqua could only cringe at the horrible joke. Xehanort chugged his coffee with a warm smile gracing his face, his lesson learned about the gift of life and how it matters not how long it lasts, but by how fully it is lived.
The good that was done, the friendships nurtured.
The love one shares each step on the way.
Epilogue Nanoha
It was a quiet night at the Mobius Inn, there were whispers that Nanoha had awoken as the mother of her wife Fate,
Epilogue Janus
- Though you don't want to go,
- Remember everyone you've been,
- You've been so fantastic.
- But now, you're wearing a bit thin.
- So physician heal thyself.
- Trust no one else to do it.
- You've had a good innings,
- keep your footprint light, but apposite.
- It will be different this time.
- But the moment has been prepared for...
- So face your fear!
- Dear, oh dear!
- Doctor Number Twelve, it's far from over.
Janus is tapping his feet in anticipation of what he was doing by activating the two. But they've been parents, grandparents by the pocket Loops.
- They say you're not a good man.
- Well, Thirteen disagrees
- No man would quite replace you.
Epilogue Andy
Andy blinked.
Andy glanced across the dining room.
Andy saw from the two year old infant beside him and the cake in his mouth that it was her birthday.
Molly's Second Birthday.
He asked to go off to the bathroom and mother obloged as he dashed there in a jiff to look to a reflection he hadn't seen in eight entire decades.
The reflection of a boy.
"Mom, can I get a Sonic Screwdriver for Christmas?"
Epilogue Doctor
The Doctor, working with a quartet of new Loopers and his Admin to piece together a new function for the Subspace Pocket, is hearing whispers of another Pocket Looper in the infinite. He isn't believing it in the slightest, but he ignores the news to an extent, weary of the events just as he was back when it was just the land of Equestria chattering about a fairy they knew from a Fused Loop.
"Ugh... I'm getting dizzy." Natsuki complained from the screen. "Can't we take a break and let Zurvan take it from here?"
"I assure you, this is just as difficult for me as it is for you to piece together this code from the third dimension." huffed the Doctor. "Hate to admit, but Yggdrasil's advanced coding is outright impossible for even me to understand..."
"You, getting lost in something?" an UnAwake Nardole looked with intrigue and worry. "That's a scary thought."
The Doctor kept tinkering with the code, Zurvan leaning his mortal form close to him as he pointed out the vital points of code needed to properly execute the new innovation when suddenly, the Doctor winced in pain from some force of nature.
"Doctor!" piped Monika in shock. "Please don't tell me you've been shocked by the computer we're loaded onto."
"No, it's... nothing of the sort..." The (currently) Edwardian gentleman reassured his juniors. "It's a rather unusual case of cosmic angst is all..."
"Cosmic Angst?" asked Nardole.
"Cosmic Angst." Replied the Doctor.
"Cosmic Angst?"
"Cosmic Angst."
"Cosmic Angst?"
"SHADAP!" Natsuki barked.
Epilogue Bonnie
Bonnie lined the shelf with a couple of drawings she spent the last evening drawing with crayons and colored pencils before praying in front of them before heading off to sleep for the night. She decided to play about with her array of toys for this Sunday Morning.
"This is a fun Loop!" she smiled.
It's far from over!
Snip 6: The Voyages of the Automata
Captain's Log, Stardate: 42358.2
It's one year into the Loop, and already I'm impressed with the advancements in science and technology. After over two decades in these fantasy settings, It was great to see a galactic frontier free to explore. After some strings were pulled by one Jean-Luc Picard, I became the captain of the Starship Relevance with my loyal husband Andy as my first mate and highest Leutenant.
"So, half a century and already you're a seasoned Looper." concluded Picard as he stared deep into Captain Bonnibel's eyes.
Bonnibel foxily glared at her superior. "Back off Picard, I know a Shatner stare when I see it."
"Simmer Down, ma'am. You're still a novice in Looping, let alone helming a ship of this caliber." Picard reminded the finely-seasoned heroine. "Besides, I'm not one to whisk away used wives."
"Used!? Okay, ma'am I can get since I clearly ain't getting any younger." Bonnibel wasn't wrong in that statement, the gray in her hair was starting to spread like it should for a woman in her fifties. "But Used!?"
She charged against the Elder captain, bringing all her hand-to-hand combat, but age has finally begun to chip away at her strength and thus, couldn't put up a better fight than the challenges she faced in the past. The fact that Picard knew plenty of combat tactics certainly didn't help her case.
She gave her all but in time, she realized her hopes of victory were beginning to slim down, especially when faced with Picard in his prime. So, she relented and bowed to her ancient superior. "My thanks, Picard. I owe to you my standing."
"Anytime, Madame. Good luck with your humble crew." Thus Picard went on his way. She and Andy expected to spend the next seven years teaching at a prestigious academy called 'Alfea', but they ended up in another Looper's Pocket instead. They have since been installed into the database of the Galactic Federation of Planets by Picard pulling strings with his high rank with whichever top admirals were Loopers at the time, including a familiar Looper, the very cowboy on which their pocket is based.
"Howdy there, Care." Smiled Andrew to his twenty-year-old daughter "How do you like this little detour on our journey?"
"We're... In. Space! Of course I like this!" Carol cheered. "I got my own Gun, well, phaser, but it's clearly a gun. I've got a crew to back me up from Captain Pryde of the Asimov, and plenty of buddies that can gel with the best."
"Care, you comin' or what?" A raven-haired woman of twenty-two hollared out to her, her blonde and red-headed sisters joining her from behind. "I've got some ailens we could wrestle on the next narf rock over if you like. You could end up on TV: 'Ow, My Balls'"
"Thanks, Tercie. But no thanks, I've already got a date with Teresa"
.The Powerpuff Girls allude to the Truman Show-esque Livestream.
-Bonnie learns the language of the Klingons-
.Carol finds Love.
Wedding Bells chimed on the ship's holodeck as Carol was adorned in a wedding dress of her own design, she was a lot less hostile to dresses than her mother.
-Andy bonds with the crew as an audience watches our heroes-
-Andy notices the cameras are focusing on them a lot more than usual-
.Goku is about to showcase the stream which the Men of Great Smells intercept.
- Troops: Make way for Prince Andy
- Seig Heil to Prince Andy
- OlSpiceM: Hey! Clear the way in the ol' bazaar
- Shantae: Hey you! Let us through-
- it's a bright new star
- OlSpiceC: Oh come be the first on your block
- Together: to meet his eye!
- OlSpiceM: Make way!
- Here he comes!
- Ring bells!
- Bang the drums!
- Together: Ah! You're gonna love this guy!
- Prince Andy - fabulous he - Andy of Davis
- Genuflect, show some respect:
- Down on one knee.
- OlSpiceC: Now try your best to stay calm,
- Shantae: Brush up your Sunday salaam,
- OlSpiceM: Then come and meet
- Together: his spectacular coterie!
- Prince Andy!
- Mighty is he!
- Andy of Davis!
- Strong as fify Goron men, definitely!
- (Bonnie: I'm strong as eighty-six!)
- Goku: He faced the galloping hordes
- Hat Kid: A hundred bad guys with swords
- OlSpiceC: Who sent those goons to their lords?
- Together: Why, Prince Andy
- (He's got seventy-five golden camels)
- Henry: Don't they look lovely, June?
- (Purple peacocks, he's got fifty-three)
- June: Fabulous Hanksky, I love the feathers!
- OlSpiceM: When it comes to exotic-type mammals
- Paya: Has he got a zoo?
- Hat Kid: I'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie
- Shantae: Prince Andy! Handsome is he,
- (Gerudo Harlots: There's no question, this Andy's alluring)
- Andy of Davis
- (Gerudo Harlots: Never Ordinary, Never Boring)
- That physique! How can I speak, weak at the knee
- (Gerudo Harlots: Everything about the man just plain impresses.)
- Well, get on out in that square
- (Gerudo Harlots: He's a Winner, He's a Whiz, A Wonder)
- Adjust your veil and prepare
- (Gerudo Harlots: He's about to pull my heart asunder.)
- To gawk and grovel and stare at Prince Andy!
- (Gerudo Harlots: And I absolutely love the way he dresses!)
- Servants: He's got ninety-five white Persian monkeys
- (Glorious PC Gaming Master Race: He's got the monkeys, let's see the monkeys)
- And to view them he charges no fee
- (Filthy Console Peasants: He's generous, so generous)
- He's got slaves, he's got servants and flunkies
- Proud to work for him
- They bow to his whim love serving him
- They're just lousy with loyalty to Ali! Prince Andy!
- Together: Prince Andy!
- Courageous he! Andy of Davis
- Heard that Hyrule was a sight rowdy to see
- And that, good people, is why he got dolled up and dropped by
- Servants: With sixty elephants, llamas galore
- With his bears and lions
- A brass band and more
- With his forty fakirs, his cooks, his bakers
- His birds that warble on key
- Make way for Prince Andy!
- OlSpiceD: OH NOOOOOOOOOooooooooo......
Down the Men of Great Smells did fell into a garbage shute with a Lucas-o-meter dropping to 'Dude, yousa fail...'
"Hold on, two questions..." glared Andy in befuddlement from suddenly appearing near one such device. "One, where did that garbage shute come from?"
"Yeah, that's been there!" Yelped Shantae as she dashed to Andy's conversation with the Saiyans. "You just never noticed is all..."
Andy did a double take before continuing with a rather meek: "Okay then, Question number two, what's this about a live stream?"
"To quote the wise teacher Gosei of the Megaforce Rangers: There's a simple explanation for that." She promptly bashed in the phone with Fists, feet, phasers, her Hair! All before she dashed for the garbage white.
-Khan is freed from ice-
-Borg. Go Nuts-
Epilogue Smell
The Man who Smells like Power returned to his home to the horrifying sight to someone who has had just found out that their experimental Request Loops are being broadcast across all off Yggdrasil: His wife's congratulatory decorations. His Living Room, his dining room, his bedroom, his ballroom, his bathroom, not even the garage was safe as it sported the biggest target of the decor:
"MY CAR!" The Man who Smells like Power cried out in embarrassment and guilt from the Livestream in progress.
"What's wrong, sweetie?" His wife (played by Terry Crews) asked as she put the finishing touches on the decor. "All that fame from Mr and Mrs. Davis getting to ya?" The canned laughter filled the air as her husband made a dash for his baby blanket which he draped over his head to further laughter from the live studio audience. No sooner did a bottle of water turned into cranberry juice in the free hand of the Man your Man could Smell Like as he entered to the crowd's wild cheers with a newspaper to read.
"A Masterpiece of Miracles." read he as his cohort yelped: "No way out!"
"A brief glance to our mortality!" continued he as his cohort barked: "No Way Out!"
"It's Barbaric! Heartbreaking! Depressing!" The Man Your Man could Smell Like could just sense the millionaire behind the Children's Card Game responsible for his world's patience-driven peace writing down every word of it, so much so that when he tossed his emptied bottle, the bottle was now diamond. "And despite everything, I still did the same trick for my beloved Cecellia!"
"NO! WAY! OOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUT!" The roar from the Man who Smells like Power lived up to his name as piece by piece, garment by garment, explosion by explosion, his wife was adorned with the garments of an egyptian goddess.
"Man, dem pipes!" she reacted to thunderous applause.
"Yes, as YouTube has become our greatest strength, GodTube has become our greatest weakness." The Man Your Man could Smell Like marched across the hall as it gave way to a jungle like it typically does in the twisted reality they call home, he retaliate with a schimitar which grew ever sharper in his hands. "In their mandatory monitoring of our patrons, Our Admins have decided to stream their entire lives from cradle to grave for all to see. From the intended crowd of Admins to our Looping brothers and sisters!"
Sure enough, by the time the schimitar transformed into a chainsaw, the chainsaw was now an Omega Yato. Which was complimented with its Hoshidan and Nohrian counterparts in the hands of a Mikasa Glitched Corrin, male and female respectively. Also, their corresponding siblings were present. Fighting followed.
"Stop it, big brother!" cried Sakura.
"Stop it, big sister!" cried Elise.
"Perish, Nohrian Scum!" cried Takumi.
"How could we let this happen!" cried he, The Man Your Man could Smell Like.
- OlSpiceM: It's so Ass-Numbingly Long
- To do what Loopers say is wrong
- Where did we go right?
Shantae entered the house with the Tiger from Chapter One carting in a cake. "Look, I appreciate that you put all this effort into this wedding cake, really, I do. But the minute Gina and, god forbid, Dana find me with this, they'll think I'll associate with you as a friend instead of the fan you are!"
"C'mon, Shantae, you know how to steal the show as much as my usual crowd." quoth the tiger. "I just wanted to show my love for the stream."
Shantae then barked back. "Then show it to Fand!"
"But you can't send things to gods directly," reminded the tiger. "That would mean Ascension!"
"Shit you're right!" Shantae planted her face in the cake.
- OlSpiceM: It was pertrusive and rude
- The way they're looping is crude!
- Where did we go right?
A pasty white male entered the room in an Egyptian king's royal garb with a stack of papers. "Hey, I just got this message from"
"POTATO CHIIIIPS!" Those were the last words he heard for the loop before he is reduced to a lifeless vending machine.
- Together: We searched Broadway on and off
- For singers with a cough
- We had tryouts and auditions by the score
- And to trip the light fantastic
- We picked dancers who were spastic
- If anyone jetted, we jetted them out the door
- OlSpiceC: They shouted hooray
- For that sausage on display
- Where did we go right?
- Shantae: Our leading man was so gay
- He nearly flew away
- Where did we go right?
- Together: A show so easy to despise
- Now it's up for the Pulitzer Prize!
- Oh, where, oh, where, tell us:
- Where did we go right?
- Shantae: We really knew we couldn't loose
- Plenty of the Admins were Jews
- OlSpiceM: Eiken's now my biggest fear!
- OlSpiceC: It's archived for endless years
- Together: Tell us where did we go right?!
Snip 7: Teaching Al
The three emerged from the pocket after their Ten Years at the United Federation of Planets to find themselves
Snip 7B: Beetle Rock
The three emerged from the pocket after their Ten Years at the United Federation of Planets to find themselves at an art studio riddled with designs for characters and settings, they looked for its owner only to find - Bonnibel A ping.
Bonnie twisted her body towards the vision of a white-haired fellow in a red vest and yellow sweater. "Oh, you must be Cheryl's younglings, huh."
"We're not exactly young anymore..." sighed Bonnie, age had grayed her hair even further, wrinkles were deeper in her skin, and her curves sagged with gravity. Even her posture had slunk low with her bodily weight, hence her bejeweled cane from the Admin Fand. "But I believe the Anchor might fit that bill to a tee."
"Eeehh... Don't count on it..." Shrugged the vested fellow.
Andrew raised his eyebrow at this assumption "And whyever not?"
.three typical average kids.
"Imagine a Tree where every gardener is a god, every leaf a person, every branch a world, it's very hard to believe innit." Bonnibel cuddled to the children. "But it's as true as any fact of nature or science. But one very dreadful sunday a most terrible event occurred, calamity struck, strife began and the very first universe ever created was promptly lost forever." Bonnibel frowned as she opened her book. "With no other option, they established the Infinite Loops, where we relive our lives over and over with various variants and universe fusions sprinkled throughout, and I believe there are under five-hundred friendly faces just waiting to meet you."
The Phantasm's grin grew wider and wider. "Oh, I just knew you kids would be right down the line!"
Snip 8: See you soon...
"So everything and everyone in Textopolis is gonna keep repeating the same life over and over because this Yggdrasil's infected with space malware or something?" the young meh Emoji named Gene stared at the man in a blue shirt and white jacket. "You sure you're not a virus either?"
"Course not, I'm just here because the local Sheriff is undergoing a punishment loop here right now." He casually stated, "Bringing pocketed lifeforms into different loops are a big no-no, so the Admin people send them up here."
Gene glanced to the full bodied man. "And we're a punishment because?"
"The work of an Emoji is boring and repetitive." Gene could only reflect on those words in shame and agreement. "I bet ya wanna know how we all got here?"
It all started when a cowboy doll got an idea, an idea to have his new kid grow up alongside his old kid. So he lured the new kid into his pocket at the tail end of the loop, brought her out at the mouth's end: the past. This new kid, a girl, was rightfully scared at first, but as she spent more time with the old kid, a boy, she came to enjoy the time period she now calls her home and in time, she would come to love the old kid too. Time passed and children grow up, the boy of the past became a man and the future girl blossomed into a woman. And so the looped ended with both parties engaged and ready to be wed at the following loop, unaware of the fantastic life of adventure that awaited them.
Calamity Demons, Keyblade Wars, Space Battles, Armored Conflicts, all great stories in their own right. But like all great stories, theirs must come to an end at some point or another. And in a small bedroom on the West Wing, that was exactly what was happening. And the one who started it all watched as their lives slowly flickered and faded away.
Pyrrha dashes towards Blood Gulch as fast as her nineteen-year-old legs can carry her. Her team and Ruby's were sitting around with both Red and Blue Teams adjusting their Wi-Fi
"Alright then, Simmons." Grunted Sarge "Is it all set up?"
Simmons banged the final nail and sure enough, the sattelite received the transmission, freeing the troops to watch GodTube "All this to see two geezers die?"
"They aren't just geezers, Simmons!" yelped Caboose
"Yeah! They're heroes!" added Ruby. "They've fought Calamity Ganon with nothing but a pair of recently activated Loopers they themselves had to teach about the Loops, two proud Sheikah Sisters who rewound the clock right into the prime of their physical prowess, and three honking Skells, one of which piloted by its native anchor!"
Silence filled the air before the silence was broken by Simmons bluntly stating: "Screw it, I'm going back to sleep."
"I'm here!" spoke Pyrrha as she slid over to the couch with her friends "Did I miss anything?"
"Nope." piped Nora. "You're just in time for the first date! I hear they're gonna use it for a Clip Show of the best moments of their lives, Even the lost Breath of the Wild stuff!"
"Pretty cool, huuuuuh?" smiled Ruby as she slid her seat over for the Olympian amazon to sit upon to watch.
All of the Emoji gathered to watch the stream of the event with Jailbreak coding a projected screen on every app on the phone, even in apps that weren't even populated. Alex sat down and steadied his phone for the stream, his friends sat alongside him in the school library, and he hasn't told anyone a thing about the Loops or how it functions. Either way, he unknowingly got all of Textopolis to watch in the stream of the one who made his Looping Life possible.
The Warstar Empire was ravaged by the Terrazords, Each era of Super Hero has combined each and every mech it's got into unique Zords to fight the galactic tyrants while every Sentai squadron (And Akibaranger), every lone rider, every metallic knight sat and watched the four remaining hours of the stream.
"So, Akibarangers!" Leaned Art.
-Art Fortunes meets the Akibarangers-
Starfleet has made the night of the stream into a sort of funeral service for the two co-captains of the forgotten starship Automata. The cover story being that Captain Bonnibel has wiped the records of her husband, herself, her daughter and her travels and Q wiped every trace of her from all but a select few once they left this time period and moved on to the next. Those that couldn't Loop believed that the loss of their memories was the work of Q and not the system in place. Those that could contained their emotions as much as you'd expect from the Federation.
"So, Q's received the final letter?" Picard asked.
"Yes, with all the baggage of connecting with a completely different branch altogether." Janeway sighed. "Just know how much Janus loves us for putting on this assembly for them."
-Picard and Janeway-
In the chamber Where Nothing Gathers in the (recently-seiged) Castle that Never Was, Sora and his fellow Loopers huddled in front of the monitor floor and the mood is every bit the opposite of the Federation's. Xehanort is displaying remorse, Lea is holding his friends close (yes, even Isa), even Mr. Optimism himself Sora was crying in his huddled friends' arms. Every Looper in the realm of light were doing their best not to cave into depression.
Xehanort frowned at his foil. "Whatever's the matter, boy?"
"This was the best baseline Loop I ever had..." Sora smiled "Thanks to you, all of you... You, Andy and Bonnie. Not the whole 'Thirteen Seekers of Darkness' crowd."
"Christ, you're not going to let that go, are ya?" Xehanort groaned with irritation. "So you truly forgive me for what I've done in baseline."
"How many times do I have to say it, yes!" Sora howled "Do you think I like having to fight you knowing how kind of a person Andy and Bonnie worked so hard to make you in order to get Janus to finally get you Looping?!"
"Ah, I see... I can tell there are plenty of them who weren't Awake that same Loop don't trust me. Riku, I'm looking at you..." The old master glared to the white-haired boy in the second seat to his right. "But rest assured, those new memories will last forever as long as Yggdrasil still stands."
Xehanort then pulled a bottle of Coke from the cooler and tossed it to Sora who subsequently caught it.
"Thanks," He smiled, grateful to this new Looping Xehanort with which, protecting, and defending his friends has never been easier or happier.
At the Mobius Inn, Every Looper of Hyrule made their way to the Widescreen to introduce each other.
-Everybody meets each other-
"But still, I don't know if we can trust Hades at the helm..." Zelda sighed to her Tyranosaurus Hostess. "Especially after what happened with Fand..."
A knock on the door. Someone wants in.
The boy glared with impatient rage. "WHO DISTURBS MY CHRISTMAS!" and thus he opened the door to find an old beggar with a rose.
"Please, the snow, the wind... it's too much to bare..." the beggar extended her rose-holding hand to the prince. "a rose for a roof... please..."
"I don't need a rose." sneered the prince. "Go away, you retched old hag!"
He tossed the doll out against the face of the old woman as the prince ruthlessly slammed the door. This aggravated the elder gentleman who he admittedly allowed in for having fewer wrinkles than most. "You must stop judging people solely on appearances."
"Why? I know a lecher when I see one." sneered Adam to the elder woman's woe.
"But inner beauty is found within." Spoke the newest assistant to the lead educator of the children of the castle. "Even if time has weathered at their looks, inner kindness always wins the day."
"Yeah, Yeah, Tell it to Mrs. Potts, why don't ya." Adam shrugged it off as he made his way back to his throne, unaware that this Cheryl Lea was being borrowed by an unknown guest.
"Yes, what is it I can help you with?" Cheryl Lea glanced to the woman who promptly slapped her in the face.
"You're pocketing Loopers?" Twas an avatar of Fand on a holiday with Flora and Techna "What is wrong with you!?"
"It was Woody's Idea!" the usually-equine teacher panicked. "He wanted to get his charges Looping so I got some guys together and written up a series of Fused Loops to give them an authentic Looper experience."
"Authentic?!" Fand felt fury. "All you did was send some papers to Hypnos in a clear violation of both Admin and Looper Conduct."
"Excuse me?" Flora got her attention. "Since when did you care about upholding the rules?"
"Since a looping Helia became a thing!" panicked Fand. "I put him here to at least get an intervention out of it."
"Intervention?" Helia's voice rung through the castle. "Your actions have intervened enough!"
"We had to!" Yelled Fand. "The tree was too critically damaged for time to even function properly and the loops are our only method of fixing it!"
"Well, it's far too late for that, wench!" Fand was taken aback by Helia's snapback. "Look at Flora and Techna for pete's sake!"
"Well, I think I know why they chose each other instead of you!" Fand argued with the knight. "I know I'm doing my job so I'm clearly not the monster here, You are!"
Helia's anger grew deeper and darker as his once beloved Flora stepped towards her Admin "What's wrong with you? You're usually not that twitchy."
"I just don't want another Miele on our hands, Alright?" Fand panicked. "Is that too much to ask!"
"You already have one!" Andy roared with Anger. "Our daughter is dead because of those forsaken Loops!"
Fand's eye twitched "...Daughter?"
"And we have become error." Bonnie facepalmed.
"I-It's not what you think!" squirmed the elder man. "We know Souls sterilize us! It's just that there was a mistake with implanting our save data into our souls-"
"Don't you dare talk that with me!" Fand snarled. "No Looper is able to have Children!"
"Then why were they able to have children?" asked Helia. "Was it because of a glitch? because that's exactly what we are: just Programs and Software waiting to glitch out of existence!"
Fand's heart skipped a beat, Helia's case of Setsuna Syndrome was fast gaining shades of Sakura Syndrome. "But was it worth blowing up Techna's Subspace Pocket over a need for normality!?" Flora's ears were within earshot and upended a revelation that cemented his madness. "Normality died when Yggdrasil was damaged, Normality died when I activated this forsaken branch, Normality died when she pocket her sister and I used her soul as an Ai pet!" Fand cupped her mouth, her dark secret revealed to the Winx as she scrambled to look for an explaination "There was no way she could've looped either way, you try keeping a Looper stable when its just a freakin' kid!"
"Anakin was a kid when he began Looping!" Flora argued "And he's Anchoring his branch!"
"He's the chosen one of his Branch!" reasserted Fand "Of course he'd Loop!"
Bonnie was dumbfounded, the two weren't meant to Loop? "But our Fused Loops!"
"Weren't my fault." Fand yelled to those her experiment influenced. "It was your Anchor!"
"So you're blaming me?" Bonnie yelled.
"Wha-? UGH!" Fand immediately slammed an awful truth onto them! "YOU WERE NEVER THE ANCHOR!"
"YES! I! AM!" Bonnie punched the Fairy Queen with all her slightly-dulled might "CHERYL LEA SAID I WAS SPECIAL! THE CHOSEN ANCHOR OF MY WORLD!"
Fand smiled sarcastically "Well, I guess ol' Chee-RUL-lee FRACKING LIED TO YOU CAUSE YOU AIN'T REGISTERED AS A LOOPER!"
Cogsworth panicked. "Well, they did say they were working on it."
"STAY OUT OF THIS!" Yelled Fand.
"Sorry..." Cogsworth slowly backed away.
"Look, I understand the man's crass behavior can be a bit grating on the nerves," worried The Man Your Man Could Smell Like. "but you must understand the good you're taking away from this particular part of France."
"The part that taxes the his country to the brink of collapse!?" roared Agathe before the swell-smelling man with the blue ascot.
"Well, now that you put it that way..." His back bumped the front of an important face. "Oh! Hello, Ladies. How goes your thick-headed pri-" The Man Your Man could Smell Like found the lead debugger of Yggdrasil staring into his glimmering eyes. "Tonight, the new queen of France will be played by a ten-year-old girl."
Skuld fumed with rage. "Where is Fand?"
"In the Castle bickering with The Kids." Barked the Man who Smells like Power. "Why though?"
"It's the stream!" Cried the Half-Genie Heroine as she pointed to her tablet, adorned with a wild chat which was erupting upon a revelation. "She must've blurted out her Secret!"
A burst of panic struck the Man who Smells like Power. "OH, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"
Deep in the Armpit of the Man who Smells like Power's Armpit, Skuld locked away The Men of Strong Smell in a cage of Vibranium alongside Shantae, Carrot Top, and even the Tiger from Chapter One.
"I was afraid of this..." The Man Your Man could Smell Like hung his head down in shame. "Go right on ahead and take us to our punishment Loop."
"Not yet." Spoke Skuld. "I have bigger fish to fry."
"Reach for the sky!" Twas the cowboy doll again, speaking independently without the string being pulled. "I'm sorry it has to come to this. And at High Noon, no less..."
"The cowboy doll again?" groaned the prince. "I thought I tossed this thing to that retched old hag-"
"Instead of providing shelter from the bitter cold!?" barked back the elder Davis. "I've lived long enough to understand the true reward of generosity."
"Then take it to her," The prince winced to the pocket loopers, "It's busted anyway..."
"Who are you callin' Busted, Buster?" the cowboy doll sniped back to the shock of the prince "I don't exactly like what I had to learn from the last time I saw something like this, but the way you put my good buddy down like that really grinds my gears."
The prince turned the doll around to find the pullstring still in its place as the doll reassured him "Why yes, your royal highness, I'm talking to you: the greedy gus who just got deceived by his own cold heart."
At that moment, the doors burst open to reveal the haggard beggar, her blatant ugliness having now melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress.
"Too late for apologies now, kid. She's already thinking about the curse she wants to cast upon you and every other shmuck in this happy little castle." the Doll continued as the angel of love began to skim through a powerful spellbook. "And I believe a good chunk of them deserve it for doing dip-cheeze about your rotten ol' upbringing."
While the young prince felt the chill of his sins start creeping onto his back, Sir Henri Cogsworth tugged at his collar in awkward shame as Homeschool Teacher Beatrice Potts quietly made her way towards the exit... only to realize that her young son is still in the castle with the rest of her young charges and promptly rushed back to get him. "I strongly recommend keeping Andy and Bonnie safe and sound til you can land a real dynamite girl you truly love who can actually love you back in return to fix your incoming glamour problem."
"Buzz off!" The prince tossed it onto Cogsworth's face. "I don't need those space geezers here!"
"Really now, O' prince? Well once you soon consider the fact that the highest of the admins can see EEEEEVERYYYYTHIIIIIIIIING!!!!" The prince stood and watched the head of the doll rotate as a glow emitted from the cracks of the door. "You will now..."
He fled from the living toy in fear before being met with the enchantress being overwritten by a face familiar only to Admins like a now panicking Fand. "Muh-Mi-Miss Skuld, hi! Now I know what you're thinking, and yes, I'm gonna wipe their memory when the Loop wraps up!"
Flora's eyes widened. "WHAT!"
"Relax, It's not like anyone in the branch'll inform you, I'll just wipe the minds of everyone in the freakin' castl..." Fand glanced to the live video feed as the camera focused on her and the laptop, generating an infinite mirror effect on: "THE STREAM!"
"You have been deceived by your own big mouth, A curse on your castle and all who live there!" an angered Skuld took the railroading of the plot into her own hands. "A curse to tie your continued existences to that of your imitator."
"Wait, I can explain!" Fand was then flung to the wall.
"No, Fand. It only effects the castle, with all traces of humanity fading away when one of these false Loopers passes on." Skuld explained. "Unless this selfish prince ends up finding true love in someone capable of showing love in return."
Fand giggled. "You're really into railroading, are ya?"
"SILENCE! On behalf of the Yggdrasil Recovery Committee..." Skuld tapped her foot and grappled Fand, flinging her through the hall and slamming her into a vidwindow charged with electromagnetic energy to manipulate Cadenza's fingers into playing in Skuld's little ditty. The goddess took the form of a voluptuous lounge singer and materialized a nineteen-thirties microphone stand.
- On Andy,
- as you can see
- through how we tugged him
- Through each loop
- Woody has cooped
- Up his ol' twerps!
- Your mouth was running too fast!
- So your secret's too good to last?
- For spouting secrets of Trade:
- I fire thee!
The curse immediately kicked in turning Cadenza, his wife and his dog into objects as Skuld choked Fand in front of a newly-opened wormhole to the slums of Heaven. Andy and Bonnie were being choked by the grasp of the curse, not changing them in the slightest, but rather making them sicker and stripping them of their power.
As Andy watched the young prince roar with searing pain from the spell forcibly transforming him into a hideous beast, He and Bonnie learned the truth that she was not the Anchor.
It was Woody.
The curse across every room and floor of the castle, transforming all who had lived there as Skuld sang.
-Andy confronts Skuld-
- It's a trap! It's a trap!
- We fell right into their lap!
- The Empire saw us coming.
- Soon our ship will just be scrap.
- Sheilds down? Watch us soar!
- Lando, fly into that core.
- Those brave Ewoks sure aren't yellow.
- Maybe they got help from Willow.
The curse across every room and floor of the castle, transforming all who had lived there as Skuld sang. And that included the Winx at that particular moment.
- Prince Andy
- Turned out to be
- Subject to Spying!
- Fand had streamed
- All that you've seen,
- Come take a peek!
- You've been set up for what's known
- As a modern Truman Show
- There's a lot more secrets that you could let slip
- All because you could never watch your lip
- I'll fetch the new one
- And toss the old one
- To Toriyama's
- Farewell!
- Logo: Bye, have a good time!
- Skuld: Ex-Prince Andy!
As Andy watched the young prince roar with searing pain from the spell forcibly transforming him into a hideous beast, Fand crying out for the beloved assistant whose creation led everyone involved into this fine mess of Loops: "MIEEEELEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!", He and Bonnie learned the truth that she was not the Anchor.
It was Woody.
Skuld exited the castle casually applying the curse on a nearby returning worker, the royal scribe who was transformed into a book, before dialing up a fellow Admin. "Yeah, Madoka. How would you like to be in charge of another branch."
Woody lamented the care that the Beast had to bring to the two adventurers. He should have told Andy and Bonnie organically without such a convoluted chain of Loops to drag them through a lengthy trial to 'earn their Souls'. He lamented that their life forces were tied to the enchanted rose. They should've outlived Miele, they should have kept the prince in line, they should have been activated before the sheriff even thought about a multiverse.
Ruby reflected on the former streamer as Belle and her Beast feasted on their dinner. "They got Fand fired."
"Aw, don't worry lil' Sis, I'm sure Madokami's a great fit." Reassured Yang. "She did plenty of wonders for the Smash Branch, and I've heard nothing but the best from her home branch's new Anchor!"
"Thanks, Yang." smiled Ruby before the smile once more turned upside down. "But Fand felt pretty upset when Hades took over the stream."
"Okay, just to be clear. I did not have that much say over whether or not there would be guests crashing the party like, say, the God Damn Winx Club. That was Fand's Idea and look where it got them!" We see the now cursed Winx Fairies reduced to spoons and feather dusters and such. "I gotta tell ya, once Madoka gets their branch ready, they're gonna get a warm welcome."
.Flashback to Bonnie bidding farewell to her child during the Beetleborgs 25th Anniversary Party.
"But our time has almost passed, Carol!" spoke Bonnibel
.Flashback to Captain Bonnibel meeting Cheerilee.
"Under "normal" circumstances, anyone who lived as long and had as much experience as a Looper would naturally start the process of becoming an Admin-level deity, but since that would cause horrible things to happen to multiple dimensions due to Yggdrasil's broken-ness, instead that excess power is diverted to making their Pocket bigger."
.Flashback to Bonnie in the role of Belle in the Loop that started it all.
.Andy plays the memory on his ring: Miele's Initial Death.
Bonnie recoiled in pain from a bullet shot into the Beast's back by Gaston which he followed up with a final Leaping impact into the wound which amplified the pain.
"BONNIE!" Snarled the old groom, her breathing grew slow and the pain inflicted by her symbiotic bond with the Beast proved to be far stronger than the wise mistress expected in her advanced old age.
And in spite of that, she still found a reason to smile. "'s fine, Andy. I've felt worse blows than this..."
"Bonnie..." Woody stood in shock towards the mounting probability of the younger of his charges being the first to go.
"It's alright." whispered Andrew. "We've already lived our lives to the fullest... Thanks to you..."
"We don't know if you'll get Activated." Woody worried, holding his friend close as his puls gradually simmered and slowed "It's all up to Janus at this point."
"Here's hoping he makes the right choice." Chuckled Sir Andrew Jameson Davis, seconds away from speaking his last "If he decides against it... then at least... I got to see you... one last time..."
Belle happened to be within earshot when Andy pulled the Doll's string and said words that made her feel Loopy. "You're my favorite deputy!"
No sooner than Belle Awoke did Sir Andrew Jameson Davis share a final glance at his Lady Bonnibel Leif Anderson. She then began to piece together what was unfolding before her as Bonnie pulled the gun from
The Sheriff decided to give the two time-crossed lovers a send-off the deserve since the Loop was designed to crash once those two bit the dust. At least at this point, he could end it on his own terms. "So long, partner."
Bonnibel placed the gun to the back of her head between her eyes and his, making sure to say one final "See You Soon..."
Thus the last petal fell into the doll's free hand, ignited by the matchstick in his occupied hand. The burning Toy then fell to the bed where the flames began to engulf the aged false Loopers.
"You pocketed your kids!?" yelped Belle before she saw the sky depixelating with the Loop's contents "Beast! Beast! Get up! Wake up! I l0øöð0θιλτφγδ386-"
"We did it, Plumette!" cheered Lumière with his beloved in his arms, swirling to and fro in celebration "Victory is ours!"
"And stay out!" Cogsworth's strut back to the master was halted with a terrible sight at the tip of "The Castle!"
"Plumette!" Lumière rushed to catch the apple of his affection, only to catch the inanimate duster left behind by the curse fully sealing her soul away. "Oh, my darling Plumette..." Lumière looked to the castle as it slowly derenders into oblivion, no doubt that it's the Death of his master collapsing the Loop in a rather slow manner, as if to make this FUBAR Fate all the more painful for everyone.
"Well... That's that." sighed an exhausted Xehanort "The Keyblade Masters who opened me up to so many things in life are simply... no more..."
"Go back to your lives, citizens. Show's over."
"The loop ended on a wednesday," The man on the bench said to the emotional emoji "both man and wife lived to their limits, and the sheriff got sent into a new punishment loop."
"That apparently where our loop comes in." Gene sighed to himself and looked over to the odd Multifaced Emojis with full bodies like Jailbreak. "Just lock the pockets by making this a 'Null Loop' as you call it... and keep them in the same job over and over."
"Eyup." Gump said as he sat on the bench with his new Emoji friend, uncertain about the future. "And that's all I have to say about that."
Janus stood in awe over what he saw, what he endured over the past several Loops. He watched a cowboy doll and a pony take a little girl from the end of the former's Loop on a journey through a unique series of fused Loops planned out by Looper and executed by tree. From there, she lived her life and grew strong as well as compassionate. She even nurtured a strong friendship with the boy who gave some her of her new favorite toys, which then grew to kinship and then bloomed into marriage and parenthood.
Janus thought back to his conflict with Xehanort, Hypnos' suggestion box, and Fand... oh, sweet Fand. Those words about her Ai Miele being copied from the resulting memories of the experiment that kickstarted the whole mess.
"Get a grip on yourself, Janus." the overworked Admin snarled, "You just have to focus on which Loopers you have to activate."
While some were easy choices such as, say, Cogsworth, Andy and Bonnie were strange bound to be a fine pair of Chrysalis Syndrome victims by the activation. Skuld specifically warned against creating Ais out of potential Loopers, so the options were to Loop or not to Loop.
That was quite the question.
He picked up his tablet to activate a clip of their wedding.
Epilogue Teresa
Snip 9: Activate
Belle sat at her counter, tapping away at the timer before Alex's scheduled appointment. Belle looked to the clock as time ran out.
"So he is Looping... Guess my current boss was right after all..." Belle let out a sigh and looked to the back of the store. "Where is she, anyway?"
"I'm over here, in the back room." spoke her boss. "I'm on my work bench."
Belle cocked up an eyebrow. "Okay... So what do I do?"
"Look for a pickle, Belle." Belle glanced to a nearby table and sure enough, there was a tiny little pickle on the table.
"Well, I found a pickle." Belle groaned with annoyance. "Why a pickle?"
"Flip the pickle over." Belle walked over with a screwdriver. "You're not going to regret it, this will be huge when the rest of the Loopers find out about this breakthrough in my efforts to push these Loops to their fullest."
Belle reluctantly turned the pickle to find the face of her familiar boss firmly planted onto it. "I turned myself into a pickle, Belle!"
"Dooj, big reveal! Sakura's a full-on PICKLE RIIIIIIIIICK!" chimed co-worker Strong Bad.
"Calm yourself, Mister Strong Bad." retorted the very namesake of Sakura Syndrome before glancing to the Disney 'Princess'. "How are you taking this? Are you excited? I turned myself into a Pickle! This will do wonders for Subspace Pocket capabilities..."
Belle was dumbfounded, so Strong Bad asked to her: "Lady, why the crap are you just standin' and starin' at 'er like 'dat? She turned herself into a Freakin' Pickle!"
"I know, it's a Pickle Rick scenario." Sighed Belle. "I just don't understand why."
"It's all in the pocket." Sakura opened a gate into her pocket before jumping into hers. Belle reluctantly slid into her bosslady's pocket to find that there is a jar of other pickles that sport different faces.
"Ugh... What the hell's going on?!" Complained a male voice with a british accent.
"Dude, We're PICKLES!" Barked his American friends. "Why the fuck are we Pickles!"
"Time Travel, my friends..." Sakura Stated. "It's best that you keep calm and crunchy in the pocket."
"Why?" Asked the third of five other pickles before they are subsequently stuffed into the Jar by Belle for her pocket as the hours of the Loop ticked by.
"Let's hope you Wake up before the Beast, Belle." Reminded Sakura. "This Loop's not very long and its time has almost passed."
.The Castle.
Cogswoorth was befuddled. "I've checked everywhere in this forsaken castle and not a hint of those Winx!"
"Whatever are you going on about?" Faked Lumiere "There was never even a Lady Flora, let a lone a girl with name like...Erm, began with a T..."
.Time Warp to French Revolution.
- Ahhh, isn't this depressing
- Knowing fate is worthless as can be.
The DeLorian reached 86 miles per hour.
- When your whole life keeps looping
- It gets very hard to keep your grip on sanity...
Once more, the horseless carriage struck 88, and the carriage once more jumped across time and now space to a modern-ish society in America.
Adam was shocked to see the neighborhood from the universe behind Pixar's earliest classic. "Belle, What did I miss?!"
- I had to Wake up when the Loop was crashing.
- So now's the time to take the suspect packing!
- I streamed the Highlight Reel online.
- no one back home deserved to die
- Except that Cowboy doll whose soul's still beating,
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Belle stepped out of the Sunroof of the DeLorian as she focused on the light blue mini-van.
- Look down below, you're in a Dead World Walking!
- There's hell to pay here in this Dead World Walking!
- I don't care if this Crashes, too.
- I just want you to meet your doom.
- An angry Disney gal in a Dead World Walking!
"What in the Blazes was that!" Yelped Cogsworth in a panic.
"That was the french revolution." Answered Sakura. "Belle's probably taken you there to show how little you matter in the grand scheme of things."
"And poor Chip," stressed Cogsworth "just picturing the head in the basket makes me sick."
"Welcome to the Loops, Cogsworth." Calmed Lumiere.
"What?" Cogsworth was dumbfounded.
"Yeah, see... There's this tree with every possible reality." As Sakura explained the Multiverse to the Greenhorn. Belle tore the roof of the oncoming station wagon to clutch a peculiar box from its college-bound driver.
"Wha-!? Who Are You!?" Yelped Andy. "How'd you Tear up My (mom's) Car!?"
- Belle: I ain't got time to talk in a Dead World Walking!
Andy and Belle struggled at the wheel before crashing between the fence of two houses, one familiar and one not. The Anchor and the boy tugged away at the Box for a bit before Belle kneed him in the gut before making off with the box to shuffle the Toys out to pick up the doll of her ire saying. "Drop the Anchor, Sheriff. Your little stunt threw me for quite the Loop"
"Belle!?" yelped Woody.
Other Snips
- Bonnie is repeatedly looping with only one year in her timeline, maybe two, and it's irritating her to no end.
- Young Xehanort is about to kidnap Andy only to reveal that both are Looping.
- The ending of Toy Story 3, except with the looping Andy finding out that Bonnie is finally looping.
- Bonnie is studying was to bump up her age and catch up with Andy
- Bonnie encounters her first fused Loop in the Woo-Foo branch which happens to be Lena's activation. Bonnie comes across the Chronologicum
- User: Chronologicum, (Me and you/Hear my plea/as we now bore)
- Channel the years of us souls two/swap the age between we three/let his time flow into us four
- Turn (Him/Her/Them/Me/Us) older, grant (Him/Her/Them/Me/Us) youth.
- Use your powers and (Now) Forsooth!
- Our youth and age will now univil
- Chronologicum: Thans for using me for Evil!
- Bonnie begins work on her college application as she tests the Chronologicum on her mother.
- Bonnie lures a known serial killer ped0phaiz before inevitably aging herself up with her mother's age and forcing him to lead her to the Satan Pit.
Story Outline
Act Bonnie
- Thoth, Fand, Janus and Hep-- meet up at the Mobius Inn discussing how Thoth had only Just Recently established a proper Baseline for the Arc-V Loops to Activate with. Twilight Sparkle and Cheerilee have a similar conversation about Flora pocketing her sister Miele in an effort to get her Looping.
- Woody is informed of the Wager: If Hep activates the Emoji Movie, Then Yggdrasil engages a specific lists of Loops and Thoth must complete the all-too dangerous Baseline of the Arc-V Loops
- The Day Arrives when Hep accidentally activates the Emoji Movie after being frightened by -Insert God-, a co-worker.
- 8-year-old Bonnie is invited by Cheerilee through a typical 'Welcome to the Multiverse' Speech to begin a quest to earn her 'Soul' which allows a Looper to Awaken.
- Andy and Bonnie's Relationship growing over the years.
- Andy and Bonnie meet Lizzie
- Andy and Bonnie in the Snow
- Andy and Bonnie with their teacher 'Cheryl Lea'
- 12-year-old Andy and Bonnie seeing Bonnie be born.
- 13-year-old Andy and Bonnie visit Lissie to babysit 'Baby Bonnie'
- 14-year-old Andy and Bonnie doing homework.
- Lizzie gives 15-year-old Bonnie her quincenera dress.
- 16-year-old Andy and Bonnie on the beach
- 17-year-old Andy and Bonnie fighting with Mrs. Davis over the Trash Bag of Toys.
- 18-year-old Andy and Bonnie
- 19-year-old Andy and Bonnie
- 20-year-old Andy and Bonnie
- 21-year-old Andy and Bonnie celebrate Christmas with 8-year-old Baby Bonnie
- Andy and Bonnie in Breath of the Wild.
- Andy and Bonnie teaching Master Xehanort to Love.
- Andy and Bonnie captaining a Ship.
- Andy and Bonnie teaching at Alex's class in The Emoji Movie.
- Andy and Bonnie commit suicide in Beast's Castle.
Act Andy
Infinite Loops
Truly, the Loops were absolutely insane at times, and lasted for so long even the gods themselves lost count. This isn’t even going to the second occurrence of a virus attack on the multiverse, which put even more of Yggdrasil’s system in the “Loop” mode, due to more universes getting corrupted. This is the story of how two star-crossed Loopers spent their lives from childhood to old age going the distance and doing the impossible.
The Life and Times of Bonnie Davis is a story set within the Universe of TheInfiniteLoops project featuring characters from WesternAnimation/ToyStory, WesternAnimation/MyLittlePonyFriendshipIsMagic, and believe it or not, those Old Spice commercials from UsefulNotes/TheNewTens which tells a story about how the two non-Loopers work together through all sorts of adventures that their Anchor Woody had pre-scripted and requested to Adminspace to one day 'Earn their Souls'
!! The Life and Times of Bonnie Davis provide examples of: -Chapter One-
- AgeLift: Part of the Plan is that Link applies this trope to himself
- AgeWithoutYouth: The biggest setback of pocketing Non-Loopers.
- GroundhogDayLoop: Standard with the setting.
- HeartDrive: This is essentially what Loopers are when you break it down for an audience (2) Gaining this particular type of Soul is the Goal for Andy and Bonnie.
- MentalTimeTravel: Again, Standard with the Setting.
- TheMusical: This story is this courtacy of the Old Spice Loopers
- RealityShow: Fand has the bright idea to turn the whole damn thing into this.
- TimeAbyss: The nature of Loopers falls into this.
-Chapter Two-
- AmazonianBeauty: What the 'Looping' Bonnie grows up to be.
- BlatantLies: Bonnie is told that she has been chosen as Loopers
- MyFutureSelfAndMe: When the Bonnie of the second loop is inevitably born.
- KidFromTheFuture: Bonnie becomes this when Cheerilee asks Bonnie to use her 'Subspace Pocket'.
- LockedOutoftheLoop: Bonnie doesn't suspect that the cowboy doll she uses as her Subspace Pocket is in truth, the actual Anchor.
- SheIsAllGrownUp: Andy's reaction to seeing Bonnie's sixteen-year-old bikini bod.
- TheSlowPath: The Basis of Bonnie becoming Andy's childhood friend
-Chapter Three-
- AgeLift
- A similar thing is done with Purah ending up in her prime at twenty-six instead of regressing to a child like in Baseline
- BigDamnHeroes: The second half of the battle against Calamity Ganon is riddled with moments like this, from the Champions being revived with the Dragon Balls from a fused loop with the titular branch. Complete with its Heroes in tow.
- CoolBigSis: Impa goes ahead and reverses the polarity of her Anti-Aging Rune to get Purah back to Young Adulthood whilst using Purah's Anti-Aging Rune to restore herself to Young Adulthood as well.
- BreakTheCutie: Purah doesn't exactly take it well when she first Awakens in the midst of of the teenage phase of her baseline Regression, especially when all of the good she's done with her visitors.
- DefeatEqualsFriendship: Mainly due to Ganondorf mastering his dominion over his Calamity Ganon form.
- FountainOfYouth: Purah's Anti-Aging Rune, as to be expected, the fact that it thankfully hasn't GoneHorriblyRight is because of Andy and Bonnie.
- GeekyTurnOn: Apparently Ganondorf is a closet Trekkie, who knew?
- IWasQuiteTheLooker: Purah and Impa, and how!
- PunchClockVillain: Ganondorf.
- SideBet: The Zelda Loopers have been using the latest expansion of their Branch as a proving ground for these such Loops.
-Chapter Four-
- ContraltoOfPower: Bonnie's metamorphosis into Bonnibel is completed when this fully replaces the cheery voice of her childhood.
- First Gray Hair: The Aforementioned ContraltoOfPower acts as this for Bonnie and Provokes her into conceiving Dan.
- HeelFaceTurn: Xehanort's bond with the younger masters has allowed him this.
- Heel Realization: Bonding with Bonnie during her pregnancy left an impact on the man, saying that a child can really change a guy.
- MysticalPregnancy: As a result of where Andy implanted the Save Data
- NiceHat: Xehanort begins sporting one after his HeelFaceTurn is completed.
- RailRoading: The Replika Project is naturally used and abused to enforce the plot of the Dark Seeker Saga.
- RebelliousTeenager: Carol becomes this towards the end of the Loop where she was born.
- SurprisePregnancy: Bonnie did not expect her new Keyblade to come at the cost of nine months of sickness, stretch pants, and no heroic adventure whatsoever.
-Chapter Five-
- OhCrap: The Men of Strong Smells React this way to Fand's Livestream
- SpringtimeForHitler: The plan becomes this to the Men of Strong Smells when they see Fand's Livestream of their lives.
-Chapter Six-
- IWasQuiteTheLooker
- Andy and Bonnie have inevitably fallen into this trope as the years pile on them.
- Feeling Their Age: Andy and Bonnie take no time to remind Art Fortunes about how long it's been since their last Loop.
- RailRoading
- It is in full force for the Beetleborg Loop
-Chapter Seven-
- ContraltoOfPower
- Carol's final argument with her mother fully displays her desire to stay with her daughter with no trace of any other kind of voice that this, indicating that Carol had fully matured just as Bonnie did.
- DrivenToSuicide: In one last act of Willpower, Bonnie shoots herself in the back of her head as she stared into Andy's eyes.
- Face Eiken with Dignity: The Man Your Man could Smell Like calmly accepts his fate.
- FaceDeathWithDignity: Bonnie had to let go of Carol and Fred just as the latter is has graduated College and the Former has attended the High School Graduation of her daughter, Gina. All three of which would end up erased at Loop's end.
- Andy and Bonnie decide that this date between Belle and the Beast would be the end of their story, saying that they believe they've done enough to finally earn their Souls.
Snip ε: Mother's day
Bonnie was playing with her Toys like she usually does when she is her Baseline age when her mother burst into her room with a shocked expression on her face.
"Went to work, turns out to be the middle of August so school's out..." Lizzie spoke "When a few days ago, it was Christmas."
"Yeah, it's kinda weird repeating that same year and a half while Andy... gets..." Bonnie looked to her mother in shock. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine! I think..." Lizzie sat down on her daughter's bed. "I'm just a bit confused is all... Where did the time go..."
"I dunno, ya might be a bit Loopy." Bonnie then strapped a gizmo onto her mother's head. "Question, What year is it and how old am I?"
"2010... And you're around seven." Bonnie thought back to the calendar and smiled as she dashed into Lizzie's bedroom to fetch some clothes from her closet which were much too large for Bonnie's current frame.
Luckily, she had a tool to fix that.
"Chronologicummeandyouchanneltheyearsbetweenustwomakemeoldergrantheryouthuseyourpowersandforsooth!" as she sung, her baby fat swiftly melted away as she stretched inch by inch, watching her mother grow younger with every note she sings. She yelped in pain as a burst of her youth gushed into her mother, causing her to sprout back to her adult height. "our youth... and age will now... univil..." She sat down and rested on the chair as it uttered its usual: "Thanks for using me for evil!"
"Wha..." Lizzie could feel the softer skin on her face as she saw her now fully-grown daughter "Bonnie, you're-"
"'Bout a hundred and forty-four years old." Bonnie smiled with her filled, mature lips. "Of course, this counts the couple of decades I spent working towards a Soul."
Emoji Movie Loops
Snip 1: Activation
Ever get that sense of Deja Vu, kinda like you've done this before? The same first day, the same math class, the same girl problems. Heck, even not the same phone problems turned up from time to time. I wanted to get it fixed but I'm not exactly sure if it can be fixed.
I got to class and I saw not Mister Bernard but a new teacher, one with an off-white safari-styled jacket with a red paisley scarf and matching hankey, plaid pants and a white colonial-styled Panama hat with a paisley hatband and an upturned brim. On the side of his desk, I could see an umbrella with a red question mark-shaped handle. "Ah, so you're Alex. Tell me, may I see you something after class."
"If it helps with my grades, then yeah." I walked with him to his classroom after the last bell, opened the bright blue door, and took my seat.
What escaped his mouth was enough to leave me in shock. "So, you may be wondering about how your life keeps sputtering the past few days repeatedly throughout the past couple of months."
I looked to him in sheer shock towards his attitude. How'd he know!? "yeah..."
"There is a story of a powerful supercomputer that connects infinite parallel universes and all the people, places, things and ideas that they contain." The man explained to my face, pacing the room across the ends of the chalkboard. "It ties to a deadly pedovore infestation that destroyed the root of it all and her systems took the resulting critical damage as well as you'd expect."
"So it died..."
"Merely hospitalized," corrected the teacher. "If it died, all existence would've never happened, kapesche?"
"Right." I scratched the back of my head. "Can't have that..."
We both shared a laugh over the story before we continued looking over the lesson, about how activating Loopers requires a strong bond, the Anchor not always being a sentient lifeform and it was with the notion of Punishment Loops that I raised my hand and asked him: "Any examples?"
"Eiken." Sighed an asian boy with this spikey dark-blue hairdo. "Kinda like with here, you're stuck in a boring school with nothing to do..."
"How so?" I asked.
"I'll make this as simple as possible." Dark skin adorned with frizzy buns of black hair pronounced the flat expression on his classmate's face. "Your branch was activated to act as one of these Punishment Loops."
"What!?" I was downright dumbstruck by this.
"And if we're being honest, your phone's the thing anchoring the Loops." She stated.
I slumped into the chair "So I'm not important to you..."
"To the Admins, sure..." snarked the broad alphamale-looking with firey hair. "to Loopers, little less so..."
A blonde boy then came to shove back the redhead "It's up to you to find your purpose is what I'm saying..."
"Right." I smiled. "So, punishment Loops pack you into my school?"
"Yeah..." the firey haired dude sighed. "If you're lucky..."
Textopolis was abuzz with drama, the repetition of the same week over and over throwing the clock out of whack was bad enough, Character Emojis awaken that weren't on the phone before.
"I don't get it..." groaned Ralph. "How is it any different than my place?"
"More importantly, how is it any different than Headquarters!?" a dumbfounded Riley complained to the voices in her head.
"Don't know, and Don't care" Sighed Disgust. "We're stuck in another Sony Nightmare thanks to your little Xel experiment blowing up in our faces!"
"Maybe it can help get Beck Looping," Sadness sighed. "But considering the consensus, I wouldn't hold my breath."
Popeye the Sailorman simply shrugged "It's better than nothing."
Snip 2: Skype
"So you're an Emoji..."
"Inside some kid's phone..."
"Asking me to modify the thing?"
"Yep." Jailbreak placed her feet on the bar of user Icons, eyes dead-set on the face front and center. "And I want done by the end of the Loop."
"Sure thing." Smirked a willing Tony Stark. "It'll clearly help in the departments of self-defense and plating. Considering your coding talent, I'm surprised you hadn't found an equally-talented hardware guru like me sooner."
A flustered Jailbreak rubbed the bottom of her nose with a prideful grin. "Well, considering how we're more or less an entire civilization of Ai akin to the Litwak Branch, I'm kinda surprised we can access Skype like this."
"And you know the drill when Alex wakes up, right?" asked Tony. "You log out and break for Textopolis, I say I was commissioned to upgrade his phone by a well-hidden friend."
"And remind Alex that there are more ways to fix a phone than wiping the damn thing!" Jailbreak bluntly reminded. "Oh, speak of the devil, later."
Sure enough, Alex was starting to stir from his bed and Jailbreak promptly made her leave. When Alex picked it up, he saw the teenaged face of: "Tony Stark?"
Alex stood in total awe over what he was looking at, "You wanna turn my phone into an Iron Phone!?"
"Considering the attachments I designed here... Yeah, I am!" Tony smirked to his greenhorned comrade.
"Geez," Alex rubbed the back of his head in an awkward blush "I keep forgetting that you're the goddamn Iron Man!"
"Wow, I... Honestly didn't expect that nice little ego boost outta ya." smiled the currently teenaged multi-billionare playboy philanthropist. "Could you say that again?"
"What?" Asked Alex. "Goddamn Iron Man?"
Tony's smile grew smug. "Again?"
"Goddamn Iron Man."
"Goddamn Iron Man."
"Ohoho! No wonder Loopers back home wanna meet up with 'ol Bruce!" Tony chuckled recalling a Looper of similar wealth and status. "Hands down one of the only good things we got out of the antics of Crazy Steve."
"Tony, The Phone?" James Rhodes, his closest confidant, pointed him to the greenhorn's phone.
"Oh, right." Tony held up the Phone and did a thorough analysis on the brand. "Well, It's a Sony, odds are the home branch of this mutt got archived by Columbia, possibly Tri-Star. There's elements from the competition, home button being a major red flag. Just need a magnet¡© $©@n." The w®|€ sl¡ghtly jittered into polygons and binary code. Marvel Characters glitiching up elements of their various interpetations. "Egg-Egg-Egg-Egg-Egg-Egg-Egg-Egg-Egg" Tony slapped his face out of MCU mode, restoring him to the Loop-assigned form from his Armored Adventures Incarnation.
Rhodey rubbed his chin to check for stubble. "Tell me I'm not the only one who felt that!"
"Yeah, I felt it too." Alex recounted. "What do make of it, Tony?"
"Sony Xperia if." Tony concluded. "Well Anchored, too... Too Anchored to use a template in the build."
"That figures..." Alex sighed with his phone being returned by Stark. "Think you can build the attachments around a phone of the same model."
"Indeed, I can." Smiled Tony as he dragged him in for a fist bump. "Just be sure not to wipe the damn thing."
"10-4, good buddy!" Alex waved goodbye to his first friend from the Looping Multiverse. "How's it going, Nora."
"It's Pepper!" roared the similarly-looking girl. "Ugh! It's always with this form I end up getting called by that Norse Nitwit!"
Snip 3: Kingdom Hearts unchained x
Alex's eyes snapped open to reveal a radiant sky made pink from the dawn. He patted his chest and titched his back as he glanced across the town he found himself in to resemble a french villa decked out in pastels. He reached for his phone and sure enough, it was still there, what wasn't was a clue on what exactly this place was. A Shooting Star soared to an fro in the open air as it slammed itself into the ground around ten feet away from Alex.
"Here we are, bucko! Daybreak Town!" A boy with raven-black bangs introduced his silver-haired friend.
"Hi, How are you?" The silverette extended a hand to the boy in the red hoodie. "I'm Xehanort."
.Alex Awakens in Daybreak Town.
Snip 4: Piracy App
.Mythos Hacker meet Deletors.
The data was transfered onto the Phone with quite a few bugs and glitches disguised as enemies. One such enemy, a Met, promptly made its way to the Piracy App whence that opportunity came laughing menacingly. It stripped away its helmet to reveal a fellow in a business suit and fluffy pants, Twas Barbatos a Mythos Hacker not unlike its typical patrons of a more tech saavy variety.
"I did it! I made it onto the new Anchor's Phone!" chuckled Barbatos, having breached the firewall through Alex's download. "Now all I have to do is get on the cloud and hijack a Skynet of some sort and wipe out all humanity, no stupid human would be willing to use an Emoji if they're Dead!"
"Yo, you gonna order somethin' or what?" asked the bartender, a trojan horse.
"Uh, yeah. Malware-garita, have anything like that?" asked Barbatos
The bartender gives a cold stare towards the hacker before sliding a baby blue cocktail "Glass Slipper, fresh from a filmed showing of that Cinderella remake at Agawam Cinemas. Knock yourself out."
-Meets Spam-
-Internet Trolls-
-Gets Deleted-
Alex merely smirked at the prevented apocalypse "There, problem solved."
Snip 5: Hulu
.Introduction of the Alex Glitch.
Snip 6: Lightsaber App
"It finally came!" Alex opened his package to reveal the extra attachments from Iron Man himself. "Jackup One," A phone antenna which has a dilithium crystal packed right next to it to activate a fully functioning Lightsaber of adjustable reach. "Jackup Two," A separate battery that resembles a pistol's magazine and trigger to fire laser bullets from the Lightsaber Hole. Alex chose to pocket Jackup Three, saving that for a special occasion.
Alex attended a shooting gallery at the county fair where he eyed a big plush Cabbit on the top Shelf.
Snip 7: Amazon
.Establish his deteriorating relationship with his parents.
Snip 8: Dictionary
.Establish his lack of respect for his teacher.
Snip 9:
Snip 10:
Snip 11:
Snip 12: Flappy Bird
.Slipping Grades gain ire from his parents.
Snip 13: Kingdom Hearts union x
Snip 14: Fruit Ninja
.Show that hidden underneath his façade of ambivalence and his own bitter hormones, Alex is unhappy.
Snip 15: App Store
.Gene and the gang travel through the app store for an app that can lead him to happiness.
Snip 16: Pokemon Go
Snip 17:
Snip 18: Disney Emoji Blast
It was always that same day that repeated over and over, he always clicked the roulette emoji, he always went to the fall dance and he always Awoke on the schoolbus in the morning with little variation to it. Addy McAllister would always be attracted to it, that was the only thing that made him happy in his life
.Netflix and Chill.
"He's no one in particular." smirked Riley to her junior. "Just a malware-coated hodgepodge of spiteful posts and hateful comments and I don't mean what Liberals call hateful when they're too stupid to win arguments."
.Riley meets Alex and shows him the world inside your phone.
"They can't be after you, mate!" chuckled Hi-5 "They only hunt down spyware or viruses..."
"Yeah," Alex awkwardly smiled to his 'fellow' Anchor. "We aren't... either of those... right?"
"Our brain waves have been transmitted into a early-to-mid 10's cellular phone by a gizmo built by two boys that haven't even hit puberty in baseline." Riley glared.
.Riley and Alex flee Deletors.
Alex stood in awe of what he was seeing. "So what you're saying is... there's a whole honking world-"
"Inside your dinky little phone!" smiled Riley to her fellow anchor. "Welcome to the Infinite Loops, Anchor #486, where the weirdest things to see in the baseline are the things you never see in the baseline."
.A Parody of the Emoji Movie with Alex, Addie and Riley as the targeted defects.
.It ends with Alex realizing that there are times where he has to put down the phone and talk to his parents... with words instead of those damn pictures of tiny smileyface.
Snip 19: Spot.ify
There she was, Addie Calister. The one girl worth repeating the same week a hundred times over, and I had the just the plan to impress her.
And now that I had Gene, Jailbreak and the rest of the gang, I had an automatic app switch at my disposal.
This next Loop was going to ...
Snip 20: Grubhub
.A casual date with Addie at a joint picked out by the Emoji.
Snip 21: Future Diary
"So you hacked my phone..."
"To peek into the future..."
"Without me knowing..."
"My god." Poop spoke in front of native Anchor Deus X Machina. "You really are a god."
"Not for much longer, I'm afraid..." Deus sighed. "My power has been ebbing as of late and the reprogramming my being underwent to even be considered an Anchor is the only thing keeping the ferryman from his due."
DragonBall re:Creation
- DragonBall (Shuesha, Akira Toriyama)
- Ojamajo Doremi (Toei Animation, --)
Arc One: Serial Tuner
- Episode 1: Space Oddity
- The episode begins with a trial for a man who dragged the Mahou Dou. Thirteen Years Ago, the government has established a research and assistance organisation for the safety and well-being of alien lifeforms made from a cosmic substance named Acrylix that are pulled into the real world at an earlier point in their timeline, as well as the sustenance of the planet as the strain on the fourth wall is a fickle thing indeed. This is the story of Andy Davis, an assistant teacher straight out of college who has been deemed
- Episode 2:
The End of Kingdom Hearts
Riku's Destiny
Riku and Aqua now stand before god, the only two Original Characters left from the Dark Seeker Saga. Riley, Yen-Sid, Eraqus and Masako charge in afterward.
God: So you came.
Riku: Yes, because of what you've done... To me and my friends!
God: Oh? You blame me for other people's actions?
Xehanort: Not just that! You created Kingdom Hearts! You created the x-blade! You created the gazing eye that ruined infinite lives if not destroying them outright and for what? So that some parasite could get a philosopher's stone!
God: To be fair, it was you, good Tiptarius, that created the Gazing eye to augment your No Name keyblade with the power to see the future.
Tip: Yeah, but do you have any idea how long it took to concoct a work-around for my pupils and every damn clod with a keyblade to make it all the way here!?
God: If you would just listen to the reasoning for this journe-
Tip: No, you listen! I had to get Ava to fling boatloads of them into the future to avoid the destruction of your petty little war that plenty of us tried to prevent despite the obvious timeline etching you caused!
God: If I let things go on as usual without the influence of my sin on the continuity, you wouldn't have gotten up your hide and gone through all these obstacles in your efforts to make the world a better place.
Tip: What world? This is my first ever visit to the real world and it's a fracking table underneath a silver dome!
God: I understand your disappointment with the root of all creation but I assure you, Kingdom Hearts is the go-to place for all your cosmic needs. All you need is a willing participant in a game of mi-.
Riku: I'll go. (We zoom in on the last character standing from the original trio from Destiny Islands) I'll play the godly game... and knock that smug smile off your face within one final minute.
God: ...will you, now?
Riku: (Nodding) Because I've seen the suffering of my friends firsthand, I've seen them live their lives, I've watched them die for your tragedies, I've sat there to see every source of hope I held dear get torn away from me left and right, I've pieced together the storyline you wrote for this purpose! It proves you exist, and therefore you don't.
God: (The glass of Kingdom Hearts begis to crack as his sandwich-eating hand begins to degrade in poligonal structure....) no....
Riku: For the proof begets fact!
God: Nooo...
Riku: Fact negates Faith!
Riku: And without faith, You're nothing! (The glass case containing the Kingdom Hearts cosmology shatters as each and every world starts polygonally deleting themselves.) QED.
(The flat world surrounding the Crystal Fortress sees all the souls condense into the tip of its center spire as the castle begins to fall apart while the terrain below degrades into a mess of polygonal shapes)
God: Oh dear... (His mask deletes itself to reveal the face of Douglas Adams) I hadn't thought of that...
(So god and all that he had directly created immediately vanish in a puff of logic.)