Kingdom Hearts III/Episode 50

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==A New Hero==
(Xehanort Contemplates this for a while. We cut to the Game Jumpers as Holly Enters the scene)
Fix-It Felix: So, you've made up your mind...
(A Statue of 49-year-old Xander Mabrez is seen as the Megaforce Rangers and Gizmo-In's numerous Students and Faculty stared in awe)
Holly: Of course, I know which game I want to call home
Noah: So what you're saying metaphysical creation itself was changed forever by a lack of creativity and Effort from the producer.
Wreck-It Ralph: so, who's it gonna be...
Joe: Give it a rest, egghead.
Holly: I pick mine... Kingdom Hearts!
Noah: Think of the Traumatic and Psychological consequences that this event could possibly cause, Do you really think It's Possible to accept the Truth now that we've seen it?!
(Spit Takes abound)
Basco: C'mon, let's head on home... (Drags Noah to the Gokaiger)
Calhoun: What in the Frack are you thinking?!
Noah: That is not the way to conclude 52 years of continuity, that's the Metafictional equivilent of an Escher Drawing!
Holly: Think about, All of the native characters have been permanently removed from the storyline, Terra, Ven, Aqua, Xion, Roxas, Isa, Lea, Fakir, Ahiru, Riku, Kairi, Sora and Andy... They're all in the new world that the Doctor Sacrificed himself to create... I'm gonna be the hero of the game because... well, someone has to.  
Go Sensei: It has been an honor to know such wonderful children as yourselves.
(Enter the Surge Protector)
Prof. Weiss: Indeed, We shall miss your services to our Institute and we wish you well in the original universe.
Surge Protector: She's right...The Franchise is Vacant, It requires a new soul for a new story to be made...
Narnie: Wait, so since you're as canon as your brother, Does that mean we'll see your corresponding alternate in this new universe?
(Calhoun Hugs Felix Tightly)
Go Sensei: Brave Heart, Miss Parevel... (Exits in her TARDIS)
Fix-It Felix: Just, Be sure to visit us, alright?
Ni Sensei: You'll be looking for Kiba, Right?
Holly: I will, dad. (to Xander) You know what you need to do.
Tsume: And the others, Odds are they might be reborn as humans but that's why I can count on their offspring to help me track their repurposed Characters.
Xander: Right...
Ni Sensei: They're a long ways away from ya, better start lookin' (Exits in Her Tardis)
(Calhoun seems to be tearing up...Yet she's showing restraint in her voice)
Marvelous: My Nephew's no slouch when it comes to character searching... Good Luck on your future endevors, Tsume... (Tsume exits the scene) You too, Troy.
Calhoun: JP>so all the doctor wanted was to remove himself from existence after more than fifty years... EN>After all this trouble he caused, all the lives he saved, The Doctor only wanted to Take the Easy Way out and essentially kill himself. (A bird's eye view of them silent except in the english version she adds:) Cowardly Bastard.
Troy: Really.
<Free Roam; Return all the Disney Cards>
Marvelous: You've done the most Insanely Idiotic thing any intelligent lifeform, especially a human has ever done. You rallied us, saved us from oblivion and directed us against a group of the most powerful Nobles out there in the anals of creation. The Nothing would have won without you, my boy. A Gentleman would praise a warrior of such a high class. And praise you I shall for your work under Gosei's nurturing wing, Good luck with squashing any of those lingering scraps from the War...
==The Landfill of Exidous==
(They enter the landfill in New Mexico)
Xander M.: Well, Roxanne... That's the Last of Em...
Troy: All the same to you, my lord Montague.
Roxanne: Now for the Last Remains
Roboknight: Estimated Hypertime Shift in T minus two minutes.
(Xander M. is Packing the Master Copies of)
==A new friend==
Xander M.: The Doc's in your hands now...
(As he Pats the Ground, Roxanne is leaning toward him.)
Xander M.: all that's left for us is to claim our money.
Roxanne: Dont you mean My Money, Xander Mabberz? I hate to break it down to you but... This is where we part ways.
Xander M.: Wait, Roxie... You're leaving too?
Roxanne: It's all part of life, kid. Ya Just gotta (swipes her fedora) take what you need and go home...
Xander M.: So that's it... ___ was right, Things always find a way to go from bad to worse in this kind of adventure...
Roxanne: C'mon, Dont be sad...
(Xander M. Finds a message for him. He holds it in his hand and cries on the icon.)
<Free Roam; Return to Game Central Station without Xander M.>
{Crushin' Boots}
(Cameo Dinosaur is playing poker with Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson, Aeleus, Steven Moffat, Eraqus, Wilfred Mott and Brian Williams)
Wilf: So let me get this straight? Your grandson is around sixty years old.
Brian: Well, I felt all oogaly-boobally, spacy-wacy or something when I first met him, There are other universes and another version of my son who came in from another world, the Dimension Glitch saw to that. Reality's a Bitch aint it.
Cameo Dinosaur: I'm a dinosaur.
Aeleus: This is undisputedly true.
==Seeker of Darkness==
(Meanwhile, At the Punch Bowl. Xehanort is finishing his discription of the Seeker of Darkness Saga.)
Xehanort: And that's where I am now...
Sora's Mom: Ah, So everything so far seems much more clear... For the past two weeks, Sora's been having a very strange subconscious condition, every night his dreams would seem completely realistic and believable.
Sora's Dad: I've seen Sora be so distant from me... And Yesterday, His Dream was about himself living on an Island and about to build a raft... Julie, Have you been taking notes...
Julie (Sora's Mom): Yes. Xehanort, since I have a degree in psychology, I can help you sort out why your subconscious gave you these dreams."
Xehanort: I understand, Go ahead...
Julie: In our world, The Real World, things have always been peaceful for us. Our children have been happy with everything available to you. But Sora has been rather bored as of late. In fact that's almost like a catchphrase these days. Since Reality wasnt exciting, He decided to make it exciting with adventures he could only DREAM to have: Having him be a hero despite being so young, Making up people to be his friends, giving himself magical pow-
John Smith: Oh Contrare, Miss Straythe... I Believe they are in the Train back home, I'll Send Superintendant Turner to them and pull some strings so that you can meet them... Right Mr. Turner.
Douglas Turner: I am? (looks to find his Psycic Paper has become a Superintendant ID) I mean, I am! And I'll be right on it. (Rushes to the Train, slowing down.) Facinating, Auryn can create histories when nessicary, I guess That is the one Power is what makes it... Indomitable.
(Back to the Poker Table)
Michael: So, Stevie, anything you gotta share with us, any tricks up your sleeve
Jobs: No, I just-I got nothin'.
Michael: C'mon, Bet some of that iPhone Money, Go all out!
Jobs: I dont think so, I want to keep my dignity, thank you very much.
Michael: Please, It wont even matter, We're gonna go back to the year 2007 even if neither of us wins the game.
Jobs: I Know, but this is how the world works... No iPhone money for you.
Michael: (groans) You're not any fun.
Wilf: Well I think I'm gonna win tonight because I know how to read body vibrations and vital signs!
(We see a deadpan expression from Steve and Michael. The latter perks up as he says.)
Michael: ...Well, Good luck with that.
==The New Backstory==
(We see Xehanort Discussing Julie's Analyasis)
Xehanort: He's never been that thrilled about my wealth, so he fabricated a simple shoreside life. That much is true, But what about his friends...
Julie: To be honest, we thought they were as fictional as his dreams until John said that they were the children I saw in the train.
Xehanort: And the child, My Youngest form...
Julie: (nods 'no') Your grandson. His Older Sister, Suta, Had Drowned in a lake on a school camping trip months after his birth... (hands Xehanort a Wayfinder Charm) This charm was her most treasured possession. She asked you to pass it on to him as a gift since you never had a chance to go to a beach to find such an object for yourself. But Let's get back to my son... The majority of the rest are just characters his imagination derived from all the stories he read in his studies. Sora Loves reading as much as he loves the Walt Disney company, We go to a Disney Park Once or Twice every half a year.
Xehanort: Ah, And are there any exception to that rule...
Julie: Of Course, you already Know Eraqus and Emily, And we know Lea from his father: the head chef at a barbecue restaurant we frequently eat at. Braig's a good friend of Arthur's...though he is a complete JERK..
Stan: Stop Trashin' Braig, Lady. He's just a wise guy at times.
Xehanort: And Arthur is...The Boy's Father
Julie: And your son, Anyway, Braig is a marine currently fighting in the Galaxia Wars, He's on the team looking for Crystal Tokyo. Hence the Guns... And All the Chaos you have wrought in the Dreams alongside Velenex, The End Without End is the embodiment of Paranoia of whether or not we would have a world to live in once we move into the future...
Xehanort: I understand that to be true, after all, It is Cosmic Transmutation.
Julie: Sora enjoys deciphering anagrams, you chose to make his name an anagram, as well as the names of his incarnations and the Organization members. Your Heartless is what my husband could have been.
Xehanort: The business world, and the world at large, is full of corruption. That Heartless represents what your dad would have been if he ended up like the foolish puppets in the industry and politics of our past.
Julie: Your Arthur, Artie as we call him, is a part of him in reality. You see, as a CEO, you have to be willing to make cuts and lay people off. Doing so requires being emotionless, and thus The Dream Artie represents that aspect of him.
Xehanort: And My Posession of Terra...
Julie: ...represents what Sora internally fear his new stepdad WILL be, rather than what he COULD have been like Xehanort's Heartless. This Idea will always be a possibility, because as hard as he tries to be a good person, Sora, it's not easy. If things truly turn for the worse, he may have to take extreme measures to ensure our safety. That's why you associated darkness with him so much.
Xehanort: The Boy named Air, How does he tie into this, besides the Late Doctor that seems to be a central character in the Renewal Book of the bible.
Julie: Light and Darkness was once at odds, used by good and evil respectively. But this being known as the Late Doctor was a key to the return of magic to the universe...That is Magen and the Loop of War represents the Dispair of the Late Doctor. Light represents emotions like joy and compassion while darkness represents feelings like passion and ambition. But there are Cruel Hearted being who weild the Light from Security and self-righteousness as well as those of Darkness wrought by hatred and envy. Such is the Law of Equivilent Exchange. Heartless represent the corrupt and cruel people in our world, while Nobodies represent people who have been so damaged by the world that they are lethargic and apathetic.
Xehanort: The Secrets of the Keyblade, how has it changed
Julie: It is one of Twenty Six Kinds of our new Magic, Called Magen, Now defined as a science, This one is more of a key and less of a blade for Sora. Although it serves as the weapon, its true function is to act as the symbolic key to the Future and Discover more about yourself and open the door to new, hidden types of Magen, seeing as we still dont know when Magen could serface, XMagen is the first to serface, Xander Maberz and the Kadoya Clan used its power to the fullest during the Early 21st Century...
Xehanort: And Where am I in all of this.
Julie: You knew him more than anyone, You were his first Pupil. Sora's going to need a godfather in all of this...
Xehanort: Quite...
==Moffat's New Job==
(Back to the Poker Table)
Brian: Moff, Are you alright?
{Sis Puella Magica}
Moffat: I'm fine, Brian. Of course you're curious about it, I never wrote you... Even though the nothing has been destroied with the Power of Paradise, the darkness will never be destroied, only channeled into new forms: Dimension Glitches that bleed the Creatures of Dispair back into this new reality. And It is up to the Knights of the Hexagon to protect the universe While these children start their lives over to undergo the great mystery of life.
Kyubey: You do understand that the Rickety Old TARDIS that used to belong to a long forgone time lord, And all who join it's cause is your Responcibility now.
Moffat: Yes, Kyubey, I understand this. It's Just, I cant wait to see what happens to the Characters once they get to the year 2113...
Kyubey: Indeed, Although you did land the Pandorica onto the earth in order to maintain the course time will take from now on, It may lead to differing timeframes and Alternate universes leaking into one another. I do hope you realise this Moffat.
Moffat: Don't worry, Old Friend, I can handle it. After all, we only have to worry about The Main Continuity's Enemies and Even those from the Old World have been Greatly Diminished, Whether it be Purification, Peace or straight up erasure. The only way they can bother us is for them to discover the power of a Dimension Glitch and I dont think that would happen anytime soon.
Kyubey: So you want a happy ending for them all just because the Characters Truly Deserve it for the Hardships forced upon them by a friend of yours because you wrote out a character as permanently as you were able due to the actress playing her not wanting anymore work from this series?
Moffat: I know it was that plothole that got me into this mess to begin with, but it's also how I met Saburo, and I just couldnt have been happier for meeting the fellow. It was ultimately our friendship
Kyubey: In other Words, You cheated the machine out of a Tragedy through sheer willpower? Sometimes I cant seem to understand human Emotions...
Moffat: Well, your complaining isnt going to cut it. (Moffat Picks up a signal, with a digital rednessed.) Oh, sorry. I gotta fold and head into action, Dimension Glitch. (Morphs into AkaRed/Red Melenium Ranger) Let's Morphin' ('Met On) Ikuze, Kyubey...
Michael: OH! Man, That was-
Moffat: AkaRed/Red Melenium Ranger! (Warps out of the scene with Kyubey)
Steve: Huh, That's what I call "thinking different"
==He's Still Him==
(Sari is hanging with Bumblebee's Human Form)
Bumblebee: Are you sure, he's gonna be alright?
Sari: No matter how checkered his past ends up, the past is just that, the past. This is the present, and Optimus Prime will always be the heart of the Autobots.
(Optimus Prime looks to the spirits of the Critic, Atomisa and Peter Parker which are joined by Last Angry Geek, Nysou, Canon!Sayaka to the left and Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin to the right. Ratchet pats him on the back and takes him to the set)
Eraqus: Well, then... I guess we're open for a dealer...
Michael: But where the Faiz are we gonna find another dealer on such extremely short notice?
Xehanort: Um...(everyone looks up to see him)
Rob: Is there a problem?
Xehanort: No no, I, uh, just...thought I'd join you this evening.
Jobs: Of course! Pull up a chair!
(Xehanort sits down)
Brian: (he hands Xehanort the deck) Care to deal?
Xehanort: Oh, thank you. You know, uh, I was actually quite the card player in my youth.
==A Toast==
(Xehanort looks apon Eraqus realizes he is now in paradise. Then he takes a glance of all the characters that stumbled to the end. Tai stood up and tapped his glass with his spoon.)
Tai: "I want to make a toast,"
Alan: "Can I have mine with grape jelly?"
Guilimon: And Peanut Butter
Takato: "Not that kind of toast, Guilimon."
Tai: "I want to wish the good doctor Joe Kido and his new bride, Sally a happy life together. The same for Izzy and Dawn."
(Just as they were about to raise their glass...)
Tai: "Hold on, as leader of this group, I just want to say," (gets a little teary-eyed as we get glimpses of the Digidestined from all the series) "I want to thank Agumon for protecting me and being my friend, I want to thank the lost digimon of digiworld who waited for us to save their world. I want to thank all of you, for your strength and your attributes which kept us saving digiworld and ours. I know that our digimon are humans now, they must feel awkard, but this is our time to be your digimon. You will live new lives and seek out new things. I know you miss your home, but you should have fun at Earth here. A great thanks to Gennai, the great man who saved our tags and our digieggs from Piedmon, Wizardmon who took the blast from Myotismon to save Gatomon and Kari. To a lost world, a world were we had a new adventure everyday. To digiworld, our home away from home. And Even though the Digital World from each of your respective stories still exist ours is as gone as our old home world, and We'll head on to our final destination in Game Central Station."
(Everyone was silent, smiled at Tai as he stood there holding his glass. They clapped at his amazing speech and lifted their glasses and clicked them together and took small swallows. )
Tai: "To Digiworld,"
Digidestined: "To Digiworld."
Xehanort: God, I should've done this a long time ago.
Eraqus: You were always welcome.
Xehanort: Well, five card stud. Nothing wild, and the sky's the limit. (he begins dealing out the cards)
Jobs: Y'know, we already have our cards...
Xehanort: Dont ruin the moment.
Moffat: (NARRATION) Even though we write the scripts to the stories, Chaining every tale in place in order to restrict it. It is where the Doctor rests after a long life of running to all the places in the universe before they flicker and dissapear forever just like he has done. The Children will be free of those painful memories of that one sided war...While I walk onward into the light and continue to fight on behalf of those children. I Remember those stories...and I will never forget them for as long as I Live. Thanks for everything, Doctor Who...Thank you.
Holly: (NARRATION) Humankind cannot gain anything, without first giving something in return, to obtain, something of equal value must be lost, that is alchemy's first law of equivilent exchange, in those days. I truly belived that to be the universe's one and only truth. It extends not only to the magic, but our stories as well. There's no such thing as a painless lesson, You have to endure many a dark thing in the universe costing us our innocence and our spirit. But it's our Hearts that allow us to stay strong and handle the pain, That is what we lifeforms call "bravery". {Stay the Ride Alive} It's because of this bravery that I no longer just see Equivilent exchange as a law of existance anymore, but a Promise that one day, I'll get to see my newfound friends again...
==End Credits==
==End Credits==
:Director/Producer: Tetsuya Nomura
:Director/Producer: Tetsuya Nomura
Line 287: Line 74:
Omniverse: I am all...and I am one...
Omniverse: I am all...and I am one...
:Nostalgia Critic/Dominic/Ask that Guy
:Doug Walker
:The Other Guy/Omega
:Rob Walker
:Linkara/90s Kid/Harvey Finevoice/Dr. Linksano/Moarte
:Lewis Lovhaug
:Cinema Snob/80s Dan
:Brad Jones
:Nostalgia Chick
:Lindsey Ellis
:Andy Davis/Air Kadoya (Born: 11/22/1998)
:Andy Davis/Air Kadoya (Born: 11/22/1998)
Line 309: Line 81:
:Brittany Miller
:Brittany Miller
:The Nth Doctor
:The 9th Sensei
:Sarah Gellar
:Sarah Gellar
Line 410: Line 182:
:Colin Baker
:Colin Baker
:Sylvester McCoy
:Sylvester McCoy
:Paul McGann
:John Hurt
:Christopher Eccleston
:Christopher Eccleston
:David Tennant
:David Tennant
:Matt Smith
:Matt Smith
==Children of Time==
(A Statue of 49-year-old Xander Mabrez is seen as the Megaforce Rangers and Gizmo-In's numerous Students and Faculty stared in awe)
Noah: So what you're saying metaphysical creation itself was changed forever by a lack of creativity and Effort from the producer.
Joe: Give it a rest, egghead.
Noah: Think of the Traumatic and Psychological consequences that this event could possibly cause, Do you really think It's Possible to accept the Truth now that we've seen it?!
Basco: C'mon, let's head on home... (Drags Noah to the Gokaiger)
Noah: That is not the way to conclude 52 years of continuity, that's the Metafictional equivilent of an Escher Drawing!
Go Sensei: It has been an honor to know such wonderful children as yourselves.
Prof. Weiss: Indeed, We shall miss your services to our Institute and we wish you well in the original universe.
Narnie: Wait, so since you're as canon as your brother, Does that mean we'll see your corresponding alternate in this new universe?
Go Sensei: Brave Heart, Miss Parevel... (Exits in her TARDIS)
Ni Sensei: You'll be looking for Kiba, Right?
Tsume: And the others, Odds are they might be reborn as humans but that's why I can count on their offspring to help me track their repurposed Characters.
Ni Sensei: They're a long ways away from ya, better start lookin' (Exits in Her Tardis)
Marvelous: My Nephew's no slouch when it comes to character searching... Good Luck on your future endevors, Tsume... (Tsume exits the scene) You too, Troy.
Troy: Really.
Marvelous: You've done the most Insanely Idiotic thing any intelligent lifeform, especially a human has ever done. You rallied us, saved us from oblivion and directed us against a group of the most powerful Nobles out there in the anals of creation. The Nothing would have won without you, my boy. A Gentleman would praise a warrior of such a high class. And praise you I shall for your work under Gosei's nurturing wing, Good luck with squashing any of those lingering scraps from the War...
Troy: All the same to you, my lord Montague.
Roboknight: Estimated Hypertime Shift in T minus two minutes.
==A new friend==
==Xehanort's New Duds==
(We see Xehanort walking through a Wal-Mart, packing a  handful of Disney Infinity game figurines and a copy of the next Kingdom Hearts game featuring Holly and Vanellope in a cart. Xehanort picks out a few outfits and hats from the clothing isle. We cut to baby Toboe in a stroller being pushed by 'Granny', giggling at a nearby gray wolf who would one day bare Tsume's Mother/Father (Remember, Wolf). Back with Xehanort, he is trying on a green outfit, he rejects it. A cat is meowing as Blue, now a little girl, picks it up while an equally reverted Hige passes by, eating a Doughnut. Xehanort puts on a Fancy Marines Uniform but he chuckles just as he looks at the mirror, clearly this was no good. A little girl finds a Luna Flower growing in the Pavement, she puts it behind her upper earlobe, we see her Face is that of a now fully-human Cheza. Xehanort puts on a Stetson as he nods 'yes' to his Purple Vest, White Coat, Black and Blue Undershirt, Blue Pants with golden swirls on the bottom and Purple Tennis shoes. Lord Darcia III stumbles upon his high school sweetheart in his second year of college, they share a laugh with Fellow students Cher and Hubb. Xehanort fills his cart with Easter/Apology Gift baskets for everyone he has wronged. . Xehanort began to walk a little faster, which led to a run, then a sprint that made it clear that Xehanort was much stronger in this new world because he hadn't felt this pure and radient in decades. Xehanort would later reconcile with the family he will come to cherish forever and live the rest of his life to the fullest until his death 26 years afterwards, but that is another story and shall be told another time.)
==More Credits==
==More Credits==
<More Credits>
<More Credits>

Revision as of 01:26, 2 June 2013



(A Statue of 49-year-old Xander Mabrez is seen as the Megaforce Rangers and Gizmo-In's numerous Students and Faculty stared in awe)

Noah: So what you're saying metaphysical creation itself was changed forever by a lack of creativity and Effort from the producer.

Joe: Give it a rest, egghead.

Noah: Think of the Traumatic and Psychological consequences that this event could possibly cause, Do you really think It's Possible to accept the Truth now that we've seen it?!

Basco: C'mon, let's head on home... (Drags Noah to the Gokaiger)

Noah: That is not the way to conclude 52 years of continuity, that's the Metafictional equivilent of an Escher Drawing!

Go Sensei: It has been an honor to know such wonderful children as yourselves.

Prof. Weiss: Indeed, We shall miss your services to our Institute and we wish you well in the original universe.

Narnie: Wait, so since you're as canon as your brother, Does that mean we'll see your corresponding alternate in this new universe?

Go Sensei: Brave Heart, Miss Parevel... (Exits in her TARDIS)

Ni Sensei: You'll be looking for Kiba, Right?

Tsume: And the others, Odds are they might be reborn as humans but that's why I can count on their offspring to help me track their repurposed Characters.

Ni Sensei: They're a long ways away from ya, better start lookin' (Exits in Her Tardis)

Marvelous: My Nephew's no slouch when it comes to character searching... Good Luck on your future endevors, Tsume... (Tsume exits the scene) You too, Troy.

Troy: Really.

Marvelous: You've done the most Insanely Idiotic thing any intelligent lifeform, especially a human has ever done. You rallied us, saved us from oblivion and directed us against a group of the most powerful Nobles out there in the anals of creation. The Nothing would have won without you, my boy. A Gentleman would praise a warrior of such a high class. And praise you I shall for your work under Gosei's nurturing wing, Good luck with squashing any of those lingering scraps from the War...

Troy: All the same to you, my lord Montague.

Roboknight: Estimated Hypertime Shift in T minus two minutes.


A new friend


End Credits

Director/Producer: Tetsuya Nomura
Co-Directors: Tai Yasue, Gen Urobuchi
Concept Artists+Story: Tetsuya Nomura, Doug Walker, Rob Walker
Producer: Don Bluth
Head Script Writers: Doug and Rob Walker
Side Sora: Rob Walker
Side Xander: Doug Walker, Rob Walker
Side Kiba: Keiko Nobumoto, Don Bluth
Side Kairi: Tetsuya Nomura

Scripts: AC Miller, Tetsuya Nomura, Doug Walker, Rob Walker

Scenario+Cutscene Directors: Masaru Oka, Lee Unkrich

Dialogue Editors: Doug Walker, Rob Walker

Music: Murray Gold, Yoko Shimomura

Executive Producers: Shinji Hashimoto, Steven Speilberg, Sally Campbell

Producers: Rie Nishi, Johnathan Tzchachor

Songs: Gackt, Steve Conte, Utada Hikaru, Jesse McCartney

(We pan out to the Universe, or rather, Thirteen Universes placed together in a single constellation, as we hear all the Voices of the Doctor, his Copies and other people who has harbored the heart of the source.)

Omniverse: I am all...and I am one...

Andy Davis/Air Kadoya (Born: 11/22/1998)
John Morris
Molly Davis/Maho Kadoya (Born: 5/16/1996)
Brittany Miller
The 9th Sensei
Sarah Gellar
Emily Elric (Born: 7/13/1975)
Laurie Metcalf
Bonnie Anderson (Born: 6/18/1998 UD)
Emily Hahn
Janet Varney
Rose Tyler
Billie Piper
Jackie Tyler
Camille Coduri
Mickey Smith
Noel Clarke
Jack Harkness
John Barrowman
Martha Smith-Jones
Freema Agyaman
Wilfred Mott
Bernard Cribbins
River Song
Alex Kingston
Craig Owens
James Corden
Brian Williams
Mark Williams
Sora Straythe (Born: 8/16/2098)
Hayley Joel Osment
Riku Jishin (Born: 9/17/2097)
David Gahlegger
Kairi Botkins (Born: 3/28/2098)
Hayden Penniter
Namine Botkins (Born: 3/28/2098)
Meaghan Martin
Lea Turnclock (Born: 7/6/2096)
Quinton Flynn
Roxas Straythe (Born: 8/16/2098)
Jesse McCartney
Isa Moonrise (Born: 6/6/2096)
Kirk Thornton
Arthur Xehanort (Born: 12/21/2070)
Paul St. Peter
Xion Botkins (Born: 3/28/2098)
Hayden Penniter
Terra Kadoya (Born: 5/16/2096)
Jason Dohring
Ventus Smithy (Born: 1/17/2098)
Jesse McCartney
Aqua Suiba (Born: 9/7/2096)
Willa Holland
Eraqus Kadoya (Born: 1/9/2069)
Mark Hamill
Anthony Brian Xehanort (Born: 11/23/2043)
Leonard Nemoy
Vanitas Straythe (Born: 8/16/2098)
Hayley Joel Osment
Reitgount Xehanort (Born: 2/14/2097)
Ben Diskin
The Daleks
Nicholas Briggs
In Honor of those Who played the Boy Who Waited
John Morris
Walt Disney
William Hartnell
Richard Hurndall
Patrick Troughton
Jon Pertwee
Tom Baker
Peter Davison
Colin Baker
Sylvester McCoy
Paul McGann
John Hurt
Christopher Eccleston
David Tennant
Matt Smith

Children of Time

More Credits

<More Credits>

Special Thanks
Cristina Cayford
Brandy Glover
Jakob Cayford
Deborah Carol
And All the Squeenix Faithful, Disney Fans, Toku Nuts and Overall Whovians who Kept the ball Rollin' for half a century, It's Been a real Slice!
Executive Producers
Disney Interactive Studios
Square Enix
Channel Awesome
My Very Best Friend
by Air Kadoya

Messages for Sekai

The Deed is Done

(We pan away from the Train and fade to a family portrait of the Kadoyas as The Narration begins. We cut to scenes of Ed and Al's new students before it cuts to Ed reaching out to the Sun as Kiba Howls in front of it as the final Image of the Game)

Kiba: (Narration) They say there's no such place as Paradise. Even if you search to the ends of the earth, there's nothing there. No matter how far you walk, it's always the same road... It just goes on and on. But in spite of that, why am I so driven to find it? It's because I am seeking the friends that I chose to protect even when they no longer know who I am or what we've been through, I want to discover how much the doctor's courage and sacrifice had changed the order of creation forever. I seek closure for all the lives the Nobles have ruined, and the lives that the Students of Gosei had delivered to the new world in the name of their teacher. They might be unrecognisable, So how would I know that it is them that I've found? I hear her voice calling to me, It says search for paradise.

To the Mothership at the BBC,
Thanks for having us end these 52 Badass Years our way.
To our overseas Crumpets,
You're the next generation, make it great!
To our fans,
our haters,
and our new Disney family,
It's always about Change, so expect turbulence
and to all the Children of the x-blade,
Walt Disney Pictures
Pixar Animation Studios
Kingdom Hearts III
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