Weirdies: The Video Game

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==Game 1: The Beginning==
[[Weirdies: The Video Game/I: The Beginning (PS2)|I]]
[ Chapter 1]
[[Weirdies: The Video Game/II: A New Threat (PS2)|II]]
:Current group members: Original Four
[[Weirdies: The Video Game/III: Revenge of Eggman (PS2)|III]]
:Dimentio and Luna arrive at the Muppet Theater, where they are treated to a performance by David Bowie. Dimentio, being the Bowie nut he is, gets a little too excited when given the chance to perform with his lifelong idol.
[[Weirdies: The Video Game/IV: A Golden Hope (DS)|IV]]
[[Weirdies: The Video Game/V: Chain of Dreams (DS)|V]]
[ Chapter 2]
[[Weirdies: The Video Game/VI: Chapters of The Past (DS)|VI]]
:Current group members: Original Four
[[Weirdies: The Video Game/Sonic and The Weirdies (VII): 7 Rings in Hand (Wii)|VII]]
:With a duet with the great David Bowie under his belt, Dimentio causes even more mischief by placing a Floro Sprout on Zoot. In a desperate attempt at revenge, Jess and Maddie prepare to chase Dimentio to the ends of the universe... that is, if Fleep will get out of the bathroom.
[[Weirdies: The Video Game/Sonic and The Weirdies (VIII): NiGHT of The Wind (Wii)|VIII]]
[ Chapter 3]
:Current group members: Original Four
:Football frenzy! Jess and Maddie's hunt for Dimentio leads them to the GRC Cardinals football field, right in the middle of a home game! Will they be able to find Dimentio before he causes any more trouble? And will the Cardinals win against Tates Creek??? In other news, never let your magical jester get a hold of alcoholic beverages.
[ Chapter 4]
:Current group members: Original Four
:A relaxing(and amusing) cab ride brings Jess back to her humble home, where Dimentio gets a well-deserved hangover. The decision is made to take a vacation to Diamond City.
[ Chapter 5]
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey
:Glorious Diamond City is the next destination for this rag-tag group! Along the way, they'll encounter fat chunks of greed, fantastic pizza, painful earth-shifting experiences and a blue turtle that seems to know Jess...
[ Chapter 6]
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey
:Warning: this chapter is not suitable for those with no sense of rhythm. The Weirdies shake their groove thang at Club Sugar and also meet Mr Thang himself, Jimmy T! This chapter also includes two Nintendo fanboys, a song by the one with the initials D.B.(guess who? XD) and wanton humanization.
[ Chapter 7]
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon
:Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Dribble and Spitz missing from Diamond Taxi! Weirdies(with the addition of Orbulon) mobilize to save cabbies! In unrelated news, I'm gonna quit this newsboy impression right now!
[ Chapter 8]
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez
:Combing an unknown planet's surface yields no results for the Weirdies, until they get help from an unexpected source: Jess' alien boyfriend, Gomez! Jess's deep-seated phobia is also brought up when they encounter something huge and unspeakable...
[ Chapter 9]
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike
:The Weirdies have returned to Diamond City, with a new member in their group and tons of laughs for all! A failed attempt to annoy the crap out of Ashley and Red leads the group to Dr Crygor's island laboratory, where they meet Penny Crygor(the good doctor's granddaughter) and Mike the Karaoke Robot.
[ Chapter 10]
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike
:It's karaoke time! The Weirdies get ready to sing their hearts out with Mike the Karaoke Robot. They also learn things about each other through the songs they choose... at least, that's how I interpreted it.
[ Chapter 11]
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana
:Mikey's newly revealed ability to Surf brings the Weirdies back to the Diamond City mainland, where they go visit Kat and Ana at Diamond Dojo. Ninja kid fighting practice! Dimentio's head gets pulled off by a monkey! And more!
[ Chapter 12]
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana
:The ninja battle from ch11 concludes and the group has nothing to do. So what do you do when you're bored in a costal city? Go to the beach, of course! But the beach is not a place for humans alone. Man's best friend deserves to get in on the action, too! Also, the Weirdies have fun repeatedly knocking Dimentio's head off.
Chapter 13
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana
:While at the beach, the Weirdies discuss their plans for Halloween, the spookiest day of the year, and poke fun at Dimentio coming undone. Also, Cardbo makes a cameo appearance, just for kicks.  Everybody loves Magical Trevor~
Chapter 14
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana
:With the day at the beach done, the group travels to a whole new world. It's Jess's hometown, Chestnut City! They arrive near the City Hall and the Subway, where Dimentio gets into a bit of a jam. Amnesia fun time! Yay!
Chapter 15
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana
:After Dimentio's amnesia has cleared up, he's forced to buy Subway sandwiches for the entire group. Everyone's happy until a certain robot encounters a giant problem...
Chapter 16
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana
:Mike's giant problem grows worse as his rampage causes him to destroy A Taste of China, an awesome Chinese buffet restaurant. Luckily, Jess has the perfect solution to the problem: make Dimentio plug in a jump drive with antiviral data into Mike! It's great in theory, but will the "charming" magician actually cooperate?
==Game 2: A New Enemy==
Chapter 17
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana
:After their latest mishap, the Weirdies deserve a nice break. And what better way to relax than a day shopping? However, there's no true relaxation with these people, as tensions become heightened with the constant delay of Super Smash Bros Brawl and a melting shapeshifter. Also, money is contributed to charity. The Weirdies care!
Chapter 18
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana
:While the Weirdies are looking amongst Wal*Mart's selection of clothing, they meet up with an old friend with a minor dilemma. But when Jess finds something that she's been waiting for all her life(or, at least, two thirds of her life), they come face-to-face with a new enemy...
Chapter 19
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu
:Viral has trapped the Weirdies in cyberspace, along with all the human workers of Wal*Mart. When Penny and Mike try to free everyone using a stolen Kero Ball, a crazed Keronian inventor/curry enthusiast steals it back and turns Zoot and Dimentio into babies. Soon, three former villains free the Weirdies and the Wal*Mart workers, and they band together to defeat Viral! Afterwards, Kururu is forced to join the Weirdies as they go on a ghost-hunting expedition.
Chapter 20
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu
:The Weirdies travel to an unknown location in search of ghosts. When their search comes up bust, Dimentio summons an old friend to annoy everyone. They briefly consider taking a vacation to Hawaii, but disregard it when Jess mentions it's most likely overrun with alien experiments. So they decide to go to Lexington and do crazy stuff!
Chapter 21
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu
:The Weirdies-minus-Dimentio have gotten their fill of PetSmart, so they head over to Barnes and Noble to look at the books. Dimentio takes care of some early Christmas shopping and reveals the newest member of the surprisingly fast-growing David Bowie Fan Club. Later, they help Jess's mom prepare two Thanksgiving meals and they also help to eat them. It’s discovered that Dimentio isn’t very fond of just about every breed of dog.
Chapter 22
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba
:The morning after Thanksgiving is always hard to recover from. Thankfully, Jess has the perfect remedy for the post-Thanksgiving blues: a day at the mall! So, along with a new friend, they head to the Fayette Mall for some ice cream and shopping. Hilarity ensues as Zoot goes to a women's clothing store, Dimentio goes through several pairs of pants and secrets are kept from everyone.
Chapter 23
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba
:The mall craziness continues as Jess tries to buy a copy of Return to Labyrinth volume 2 without Dimentio knowing. Later, most of the split group reunites after a day of shopping and goes to find Zoot. Little do they know that a triple threat lurks in the shadows...
Chapter 24
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba
:Something very weird happens. I won't say what it is right now, just know that it's a weird, overused plot device. After that crap is over, the Weirdies return to Jess's house to decorate the Christmas tree. Gomez reveals his special ability as they string the lights and Dimentio gets into one of many conflicts with Kururu.
Chapter 25
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba
:The tree is decorated, and now it's time to wrap the gifts. Each of the Weirdies go about wrapping gifts in their own way, and when that's done, it's story time! Later, the Weirdies take Yotsuba, Kat and Ana to see Santa, though Dimentio's up to something sneaky in Jess’s house...
Chapter 26
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba
:The wait is over! It's finally Christmas! The fun starts on Christmas Eve, in which Jess allows everyone to participate in her family's tradition of letting everyone open a single gift before going to bed. The next morning, the Weirdies get to open the rest of their presents, with some pretty funny stuff mixed in. Bad jokes are made, stockings are almost stolen, paper is wasted and Dimentio draws the line about co-playing Super Mario Galaxy. Rocketmaaaaaaaan~!
Chapter 27
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba
:A fresh layer of snow has fallen, which presents the Weirdies a perfect opportunity for some harmless, good-natured fun. The fun really kicks off when Jess declares a snowball fight, with the boys against the girls! The girls are seemingly winning, but will a cloth-covered Wartortle turn things around for the boys?
Chapter 28
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba
:Wedding bells will chime in this chapter, as Dimentio is about to marry the girl of his dreams. Can the wedding go on, pardon the pun, without a hitch? And can anyone keep Mikey away from the buffet? Read and find out!
Chapter 29
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS(unofficially)
:After Yotsuba takes a relaxing nap, Zoot has some fun with powdered Jell-O until the sandman(or more accurately, Luna’s ingenious spellwork) arrives for him as well. The Weirdies soon discover that something's wrong with the universe, and for once, Dimentio's ugly face isn't causing it. They also meet three very big fellows who happen to know Mikey very well...
Chapter 30
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS
:Yotsuba's new friend finally makes an appearance for the rest of the Weirdies, and not a moment too soon. There's trouble going on in this universal merger, and something has to be done before all the worlds are destroyed. It's up to two residents of Dillydale, a goblin king wearing too-tight pants and a certain Bowie-loving jester to fix it! Later, Jess treats everyone to a song. Styx fans, please avoid this chapter if you wish to remain able to enjoy Mr Roboto without thinking about this crappy stuff every time you hear it. XD
==Game 3: The Gathering==
Chapter 31
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small
:After the universal merger, the Weirdies have returned to Jess's house, along with NiGHTS. A small stowaway appears in Maddie's backpack, but he's friendly. However, Dimentio has some sort of a bone to pick with him and they start fighting. Soon enough, the fighting stops to make way for a rock session!
Chapter 32
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small
:The Weirdies have had fun rocking out, but now something big has happened. A huge explosion prompts the group to travel to Jess's school, caused by an out-of-place voodoo-man named Sanka Coffie. Meanwhile, Dimentio and Kururu have started fighting again. This time, however, they're pulling out all the stops! Can the fight end without something being totally destroyed?!
Chapter 33
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner
:After the big fight between Dimentio and Kururu has ended, the Weirdies decide to take a road trip down the historical Route 66. Along the way, they meet a new friend, have fun naming the rental RV(aka the Big Rolling Turd) and buy snackies!
Chapter 34
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner
:While camping out on the first night of the road trip, Jess initiates a scary story telling contest. Dimentio is up first, telling the story of a woman with a disturbing dream serving as a warning. Next up is Zoot, who largely makes the whole thing out as a joke. Shooting Star and Maddie's stories seem to be the scariest, but it's Jess's two-part chiller that comes out on top!
Chapter 35
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner
:The Weirdies managed to escape the horror of the campsite and are back on the road. As they pass by a White Castle, they realize nothing's more fun than eating a bunch of tiny burgers! Soon, however, something is unleashed from Dimentio that the rest of the group wish had just stayed hidden...
Chapter 36
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner
:Since the rental RV was destroyed, the Weirdies have to find a way back to Jess's house. They manage to hitch a ride from someone who looks suspiciously like Captain Olimar from Pikmin, but let's not worry about that. When they return, Jess commences the ultimate Super Smash Bros Brawl tournament! Who will win it all?! Stick around to find out!
Chapter 37
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner
:The Weirdies Brawl Tournament continues, with teams Dream Magic, Zooty-and-Zoot and Stellar in the semifinals(along with Team Ninja, who got a free pass). Soon, Team Zooty-and-Zoot and Team Stellar lose to Team Dream Magic and Team Ninja. The final battle is about to begin! Who will win, the jesters or the ninjas? While we wait to find out, why don't you go get some popcorn or something?
Chapter 38
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner
:The final battle has ended and the winners of the Weirdies Brawl Tournament have been decided. I'm not gonna tell you who won here, it'd spoil the story! Anyways, after the action-packed tournament fun, the Weirdies need to get some work done in some late spring-cleaning! While the inside is being cleaned, Jess and Maddie tackle the toughest cleaning job of the entire household: washing the dog. Afterwards, the group enjoys some Chinese takeout while watching TV. Dimentio takes a seemingly innocent joke too far, which proves to be hazardous to his health.
Chapter 39
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner
:Dimentio concocts a brilliant plan to throw Jess a surprise party with the help of the rest of the Weirdies, though he has a hard time getting them to cooperate. Later, Jess, Maddie and some others go grocery shopping and stop for ice cream, where they run into Dimentio trying to pick up a cake. Jess also reveals her hidden arsenal of just about every kind of squirt gun imagined. The Bowie-obsessed jester is goin' down!
Chapter 40
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner
:It’s finally Jess's birthday, but no one seems to be in a celebratory mood. In fact, almost everyone has been avoiding her all day. This is because there's a big surprise party being set up in the back yard! Eventually, the ruse is abandoned, Jess gets a lot of useless junk that she'll probably use once then forget about and everyone has a good time. Soon, however, the fun is interrupted when a troubled twosome seeks help from them...
Chapter 41
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner, Chuckie Chan, Toph Bei Fong
:As Shooting Star heals the unconscious Toph, Chuckie explains how they came to be in their current situation. The recollection involves land-surfing, broken English, horribly mutated Pokémon, more broken English and an overweight mad scientist who deserves egg on his face. It's revealed that Earthbending doesn’t work on Chaos Emeralds. The next morning, pranks are pulled, nightmares are revisited and pancakes are consumed. Sounds like fun, right?
Chapter 42
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner, Chuckie Chan, Toph Bei Fong
:It’s finally here! The 42nd chapter!!! The answer to life, the universe and everything itself!!! This glorious 42nd chapter kicks off with a beautiful day highlighted by a spectacular display of the power of Diet Coke and Mentos, and is carried on with a video contest. Entry-granting dances! Darkwing Duck spoofing! Muck monsters! Kung fu! Muck monsters scaring a guy practicing kung fu! And more!
Chapter 43
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner, Chuckie Chan, Toph Bei Fong
:The contest entrants are ready to show their stuff. The video viewing kicks off with Mikey and Toph's ingenious prank on Chuckie, then progresses to viral video parodying. Near the end of the videos, though, it seems that something suspicious has appeared...
Chapter 44
:Current group members: Original Four, Mikey, Orbulon, Gomez, Penny, Mike, Kat, Ana, Kururu, Yotsuba, NiGHTS, Mr Small, Shooting Star Runner, Chuckie Chan, Toph Bei Fong, Glasses Crow, Momoka Aizawa
:Autumn leaves are falling, and there's a certain chill in the air... and no wonder! Halloween is soon approaching! The Weirdies, along with two new friends, head to the mall to get things for a big Halloween bash, including a Jack Skellington music store standee of all things. Seriously, who doesn't like standees?

Current revision as of 16:45, 14 March 2009


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