The Tale of Smash world

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(Chapter 1: Mixed forms and Mixed Genders)
(Chapter 4: The others Awake)
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But there was no one and nothing followed.  
But there was no one and nothing followed.  
Instead the voice remained silent and the game cube lifted, leaving the city sector undamaged. The User hadn't won.  
Instead the voice remained silent and the game cube lifted, leaving the city sector undamaged. The User hadn't won. Left behind on the ground a young sprite, his dog and two robots watched in dull fascination as the game transformed into a Ring. Normally Games didn't turn into Rings in the Net, But this, This was a Sign that there was Little to No Life in a System, in this case, the Entire Net!
Left behind on the ground a young sprite, his dog and two robots watched in dull fascination as the game disappeared through a hole in the sky.  
"Matrix!" the red robot, Hack, addressed the boy. "You won the game!" "I know!" the discouraged young sprite sighed and studied his feet. "But weren't we supposed to stay in the game?" the blue robot Slash asked nervously, twiddling his fingers and giving the impression he had been caught doing something he shouldn't. "I-I know..." Enzo Matrix stuttered but then his voice grew stronger. "But I couldn't do it! I couldn't leave my family." A moment of tense silence greeted this statement but at last Hack interrupted.  
"Matrix!" the red robot, Hack, addressed the boy. "You won the game!"  
"Hey!" the 'bot's nervousness turned to fear. "What's all this green stuff everywhere?" The others looked around noting the veiny green patches of infection that appeared on the ground and the sides of nearby buildings. They also noticed that the Firewall was absent from sight and the Game Ring Took it's place and formed a Portal. "Daemon must be here!" Enzo realized and then took off running towards the Principle Office leaving the others to follow or not as they chose.
"I know!" the discouraged young sprite sighed and studied his feet.  
As Enzo ran all he could hear was the patter of Frisket's paws and the robotic creaking that let him know that Hack and Slash weren't far behind. That was all. Not even the slither of a null interrupted the all-consuming silence, and the only sight that met his eyes was the eerie glowing leaking infected patches. Patches that, once he slowed down for a better look, appeared more and more like shadows. Shadows of people, mostly binomes, frozen in the midst of disturbingly routine activities. Here was a boy on a zipboard. There a girl held her father's hand... A man and woman stood talking... A mother cradled her baby... But they were gone.  
"But weren't we supposed to stay in the game?" the blue robot Slash asked nervously, twiddling his fingers and giving the impression he had been caught doing something he shouldn't.  
Without citizens working to divert core energy into vital systems, the city would fade the same way dataforms do when they delete. But not now, because the city was instead melting into shadow bugs from 'Super Smash Bros. Brawl' then they float into the Portal... a Weird looking sprite was floating toward the Portal. "Hey! You! Where are you floating?" Said the young sprite. "Doom Dimention..." Fearful of the sight seen by Figuring out something a Fan is using on Subspace for a story, Enzo picked up the pace but his fear gave way to panic and he approached the Principle Office. Already he could see a number of sprite-like shadows clustered around the base of the Gateway platform. "Dot? Bob?" Enzo cried out in despair, hoping that he was wrong, hoping that the sister and friend who had been more like parents to him would come back. But they didn't. The only thing that returned was the empty echo of his words. "Someone?!" Where was Phong? AndrAIa? Mouse? At this point Enzo would have even settled to see Matrix. Matrix who hated and resented him, who had absolutely no patience for him, who in many ways was exactly like him -- a lost child. "Anyone?!" The only one to answer these desperate pleas was Frisket who licked the boy's face as tears began to trickle down his cheeks.  
"I-I know..." Enzo Matrix stuttered but then his voice grew stronger. "But I couldn't do it! I couldn't leave my family."
"I'm sorry!" Enzo sobbed as he buried his face in the dog's neck. He was too late. He couldn't help the others. He couldn't even help himself. Dimly Enzo noted that Hack and Slash had caught up with him and, huddling together pathetically, the four watched as The shadow bugs and viral Energy floated into the Doom Dimention.
A moment of tense silence greeted this statement but at last Hack interrupted.  
"I'm so sorry..."
"Hey!" the 'bot's nervousness turned to fear. "What's all this green stuff everywhere?"
Mainframe was not alone. All across the Net, systems were blown away into the Doom Dimention like candle flames. The last to fall was the once great Super Computer. Here and there a lone survivor, overlooked in the infection, felt their own hope turn to despair as the energy bridges that held the city together winked out of existence and the disks that held aloft the broken spires get sucked into the Doom Dimention. Even the Web was not spared. The chaos usually present in its vast uncharted reaches was now muted and subdued. The Web Knew the Net was Destroied with only the Darkness of the Doom Dimention.
The others looked around noting the veiny green patches of infection that appeared on the ground and the sides of nearby buildings.
''Net-wide Infection
"Daemon must be here!" Enzo realized and then took off running towards the Principle Office leaving the others to follow or not as they chose.
''Net-wide Destruction
As Enzo ran all he could hear was the patter of Frisket's paws and the robotic creaking that let him know that Hack and Slash weren't far behind. That was all. Not even the slither of a null interrupted the all-consuming silence, and the only sight that met his eyes was the eerie glowing infected patches. Patches that, once he slowed down for a better look, appeared more and more like shadows. Shadows of people, mostly binomes, frozen in the midst of disturbingly routine activities. Here was a boy on a zipboard. There a girl held her father's hand... A man and woman stood talking... A mother cradled her baby...  
''A goal long sought by many viruses.  
But they were gone.
''A goal that had long been thwarted
Without citizens working to divert core energy into vital systems, the city's power began to flicker and fade the same way dataforms do moments before they delete.
''A goal that will be forfilled by the Dark Heiress of the Doom Dimention
Fearful of the sight, Enzo picked up the pace but his fear gave way to panic and he approached the Principle Office. Already he could see a number of sprite-like shadows clustered around the base of the Gateway platform.
''-Lord X''
"Dot? Bob?" Enzo cried out in despair, hoping that he was wrong, hoping that the sister and friend who had been more like parents to him would come back. But they didn't. The only thing that returned was the empty echo of his words.  
Only one Keytool survived, Glitch. Not Knowing that he will become a she in a game he and his partner-to-be from the Real world will play in order to Pass the Transdimentional Graduation Test...
"Someone?!" Where was Phong? AndrAIa? Mouse? At this point Enzo would have even settled to see Matrix. Matrix who hated and resented him, who had absolutely no patience for him, who in many ways was exactly like him -- a lost child.  
Had Daemon been present she would have smiled to see all dataforms brought together at last in peace and perfect unity. But Daemon was gone--her function was fulfilled but only after infecting the formats of countless others. In the eerie silence that echoed across the ruined planes of cyberspace, it would seem her accomplishment would go largely unnoticed.  
"Anyone?!" The only one to answer these desperate pleas was Frisket who licked the boy's face as tears began to trickle down his cheeks.  
But it didn't.  
"I'm sorry!" Enzo sobbed as he buried his face in the dog's neck. He was too late. He couldn't help the others. He couldn't even help himself. Dimly Enzo noted that Hack and Slash had caught up with him and, huddling together pathetically, the four watched as Mainframe's sky began to darken in the final Shutdown. and The energy Sea turn purple with subspace...
In a world outside the network - a world only hypothesized by the great thinkers of the Super Computer - in this world, far beyond and yet strangely connected, the stillness was felt. Microsoft Sold Windows Vista for $1.99 and Everyone Bought it because their electronic civilization faded into the Doom Dimention, but Many Users, after upgrading to Vista...still morned the ghosts of the machine. That is where ''his'' Story Begins...
"I'm so sorry..."
==Chapter 1: The Princess of Light==
As Tom4 raced across the endless sea of stars he contemplated his future. Toonami had been his existence his purpose. It had been him. Trapped in his thought's he failed to pay attention to the warning pasted across the controls on the dash. So caught up he was in his musings he didn't even notice the thick ray of light speeding towards him until it was too late.
Mainframe was not alone. All across the Net, systems were blown away into subspace like candle flames. The last to fall was the once great Super Computer. Here and there a lone survivor, overlooked in the infection, felt their own hope turn to despair as the energy bridges that held the city together winked out of existence and the disks that held aloft the broken spires shuddered and collapsed into Subspace.  
In a second the strange whisp of fire eclipsed his ship. The heat spread throughout the cockpit and engine slowly eating away at the outer lining of the hull. He quickly began to notice that the paint on his lower body cracking due to the extreme heat. Suddenly he screamed in bloody agony as his aluminum plating began to melt in to greasy sludge.  
Even the Web was not spared. The chaos usually present in its vast uncharted reaches was now muted and subdued. The Web Knew the Net was Destroied with Green Dust as the only thing in it's Place.
In a last ditch effort to save himself he made an emergency landing on an uncharted Planet in close proximity. The engine ruptured upon contact with the planet's atmosphere and the ship plummeted to the spindly earth. With no party poppers functioning there was nothing to lighten the blow and the ship hit base at full speed.
''Net-wide Infection
Tom4 woke to find himself on a hellish landscape with black earth comprised of Soot and ash. The skies crackled due to the overbearing static electricity and humidity in the air. Everywhere nothing but cavernous nooks with slate fangs bulging out from they're great maws and grotesque mountains spewing hellfire could be seen.
''Net-wide Destruction
As Tom4 tried to stand he quickly faltered. Looking down he noticed in silent horror that his lower half was an oozing mess. Radiator fluids and oils leaking from the unsightly orafice. Quickly realizing that remaining solitary would result in his demise he slowly dragged himself forward.
''A goal long sought by many viruses.  
As the minutes passed it began to become harder to move. His joints protested as he stubbornly continued his vain attempt at salvation. Dragging onward towards his inescapable demise in futility. When suddenly the ground beneath him seized. The spires raging hellish inferno groaned like dieing beasts. Screaming they're injustice towards the stars.  
''A goal that had long been thwarted -- until now.  
The earth beneath Tom4's fingertips began to crumble and crack. Shattering and slipping away in to millions of fragments. Revealing naught but, a frozen sea lied beneath the earth's shattered skin. Falling he slowly realized the foolishness of his actions. Running away from his station instead of remaining and promoting change. Thought's of Sara spilled through his eyes as his life bled away. What had become of her? What was she even? His existence could be called the same, unconfirmed. His progress and release of himself. Becoming a contradiction to his purpose. It was to late late to wonder of the what ifs. So tired.  
''-Lord X''
As he crashed into the frozen sea, he saw no more. Sinking slowly into the eternal sleep known as death.
Only one Keytool survived, Glitch. Not Knowing that he will become a she in a game he and his partner-to-be...
Megabyte POV
Had Daemon been present she would have smiled to see all dataforms brought together at last in peace and perfect unity. But Daemon was gone--her function was fulfilled but only after infecting the formats of countless others. In the eerie silence that echoed across the ruined planes of cyberspace, it would seem her accomplishment would go largely unnoticed.  
:''TOM4 Deactivated'' Finally, I can Escape the Confounds of the Net, The Doom Dimention is Almost Full! I can Meet my Partner in Cri-Oh, right, he's in the Afterlife, pity...
:Now to Manifest Myself outside this Robot, Perhaps a Nearby Saphire would Do. What's this, A robot girl in a Spaceship? "Hello, Anyone? Oh, No! There's No one here...I'll never get my wish Granted..." It's that wizard! Plusleos "It Shall be Granted if you do me a Favor." "Oh, No! Why do you need me?" I Think he's using an Amlulet... what's with those flowers... "Hey, What's going o-" Gah! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!.......
But it didn't.  
Ohno POV
:I Feel cold...Wait a Second, Feel!? "You must be in the Form of a Human to find him." And the Requirements are Exactly what I Wanted to Wish For! "Thank you very Much!" The Portal's Opening... Better Enter. "I'll Be Back Soon!" As I Exited my World, I Felt something, Like Time was Flowing out of Me. I Felt Less energenic, and then I Just...Blanked Out
Megabyte POV
In a world outside the network - a world only hypothesized by the great thinkers of the Super Computer - in this world, far beyond and yet strangely connected, the stillness was felt.  
:So this is Death...I feel Torn apart, Litterally. If A Virus is Frozen in a Shattered Cristal, Someone Can Use its Powers to become a Half Virus. Like Daemon...Like Me...
:I Was just 1-0-1 when I became Killabyte, A Youth, my Emotions were overflowing, and a Viral Rune Would make me a full virus, I Was Stopped at Every Turn. The Darkness in me was in its fullest form, that’s what I was; darkness that longed to expand, to grow, to cover, to change, to control, and to destroy. the Gamecube I Was Sealed away in had game Sprites that spent all of their time having fun. Fun for them consisted of games of baseball, golf, bowling, tennis, and friendly boxing matches. They would play musical instruments and exercise for fun, loving the competition no matter where they traveled, Wherever it was a football feild to a Fancy Resort, whatever the Challenge was Racing or Baseball, but no one ever got too competitive. They Even loved to watch Mariachi bands and Tend to Pokemon!
:"Finally! With this Viral Rune, I can finally become a Full Virus at last!" What a fool I was not to notice Bob with a Lazer dartbow. thus removing my Sprite half from My Viral body. "" Then She Came along "A New Recruit Came in and I Knew a Virus when I Saw one, Especially a Half Virus like you." "W-We were...friends..." my human half fainted, but he didn't Delete...
:Now my life as Megabyte ends, and My Life as Nibitu resumes, and My Human Shell is still stuck in that Game with the Cute (God, I'm Already becomeing Nibitu) Game Sprites. Maybe I Can Manifest myself in the Real World...
And as their electronic civilization crumbled to dust, Many Users Cursed and morned the ghosts of the machine. That is where ''his'' Story Begins...
==Chapter 2: The Boarding School==
==Chapter 1: Mixed forms and Mixed Genders==
:Do You ever get one of those days when the entire net crashes and an overdue prophacy that was supposed to Protect the Net from the Crash Cause makes its way to the world of the Person, and that person is you? I had one of those Days, and Beleve me, It Makes The Fuku Gem, The Sailor Scouts within it, and The Fact that Ketchup Slides off Cheese look like small potatoes. I was in gym class, Swimming, Untill I Found a Readheaded 7 year old girl and a metroid munching on her Youth. I was swimming as fast as I Could to the Girl. Mr. Paul was trying his best to Keep me from Her "Can't You See she's Losing precious Youth, LITTERALLY!!! I GOT TO SAVE HER" she now looked about 11, Mr. Paul Let me off the Hook. She started to grow even faster, Obviously Puberty had taken over, She looks about 13 now. No, 14! Then a lazer transformed the Metroid to Ice. it came from Glitch, From Reboot!!! 'HFA!! Glitch is here, and where there's Glitch, There's mainframe!'
:Do You ever get one of those days when the entire net crashes and an overdue prophacy that was supposed to Protect the Net from the Crash Cause makes its way to the world of the Person, and that person is you? I had one of those Days, and Beleve me, It Makes The Fuku Gem, The Sailor Scouts within it, and The Fact that Ketchup Slides off Cheese look like small potatoes. Here's how My Life changed forever this Fall. First, I Went to this New Boarding School in Japan, And My Scedule goes like this: Math first, Then Computers, Gym, Science, English, Learning Center, Art and Finally, Japanise.
:That's When Things get weird, The Keytool Attached to my wrist like the Omnitrix. "AH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" And then 4 Smash Balls appear and three Aromas appeared, one Pink, One Red and one Blue. I noticed 4 Chicks and Two Dudes appear from the Aromas "GLITCH! GRAPPLE!" It Got Me to the smash ball near the Pink Aroma, I Rescued two of the girls, one with black hair and one one with Pink. "AGAIN!" Red aroma Girls again, Another Redheaded and a Brunette. "AGAIN!!" I Got two the Two Guys, A Blonde and A Guy with Jet Black Hair. "AGAIN!" Back to safety with the last Grapple Smash Ball, and I Put the 5 Girls and 2 Guys on the Floor, I had one Last Command to Rid Me of The Keytool. "GLITCH, TRACK NEAREST GAME!" It Went on it's Way and Me, Just when you thought I had enough Exitement for One Day, "WARNING! INCOMING GAME!" (ZOOT: RHYMING!) "It Better be a Prank Mrs. B" "THIS IS NOT 'MRS. B', YOU IDIOT!" A Gamecube=Glitch Returns. Better Not Get My A** Nullified, Game Time
:The Second Change of My Life was when Memere Moved into the Teniment house of My New Best Friend, Marin Asagi. She's 15 years old and She has an Awesome Singing Voice. When Memere came in, we were Hours away from the Final Broadcast of Toonami, She Conforted me when I Saw TOM fly away from the Planet we spent More than a Year on. Time Passed, Patriots Acctually Lost, Cubs Failed at Baseball, Stock Market in America in Freefall...Man, I May Have to Stay in Japan. and Recently, Because I'm Going as Xialdin This Year, I Found a Second Shard of Saphire and I Felt More Powerful, Normally I Was Overweight with Black hair, Now I Have Blue hair and a Lean Figure, I'm Technicly a Bishoen.
:"Alright...REBOOT!" Good thing Glitch Gave Me an Icon, So I can ReBoot. I Rebooted as My Favorite Character, Link "Alright User, Show Me Your Moves!" He Chose Rocky The Rabbid Raccoon, A Character Parodying Sonic's Appearance in Brawl, I slashed with My Master Sword And Stabbed him in the Chest, And He died in the way sonic Died in Sonic the Disaster, One life Down, 2 to Go! I told this Funny Joke I Heard on that "Max Headroom" Show, "so, I ran into a Moron i dispise vary much," I Sliced Rocky's Head off "And Killed him!" Ha! Ha! one life left. "Forget the Master Sword!" I Put the Sword back in the slot, preparing for my famous Sonich Punch "SONICH..."
:Now to Introduce the Staff and Students, Moving on from 8th Grade Science to 10th Grade is Mr. Timothy Sweeney. Bet it's to Get me Scarred...Anyway, On to the headmaster, The Creepiest man in the School, he even has Dr. Mario as the Med Team! C'mon! That's Gotta be Weird!  
:My Other Friends are Larry Boyd, He's 14. Lilly Turnbull, She's also 14. And Erin, She's 13. All of them have a Secret to Hide, We All found out The Hard Way! Erin Has Aquatic Friends in a Sunken Spaceship. NASA has Recently discovered that there was a Robot that Crashed in the Sea. And they handed it to Us for Experimentation! An Awesome Way for the Robotics Club and the Sci Fi Club to Celebrate the Answer to the Age Old Question "Are We alone?" Marin and Larry are Experimenting with it Untill...
Spax POV
:"PAAAUNCH!!!" You are Ready For the Task, "Gir, Thanks for Playing horribly..." "No Prob, I Don't Know how to play video games."
:Ugh...My Aching...Crainial Unit...Where Am I? Last thing I remember...I Wound up on a distant planet, I Was Dying....
==Chapter 3: Mixed forms and Mixed Genders==
:"GAME OVER" God lost the game, and I am Still not a null. And I think I found A Game Sprite who Decided To Stick around, She had long silver hair, Blue T-Shirt, Blue Skirt and Yellow Socks...Is she a Silver Haired Samus? "What is it, master?" "OMG, It thinks I Control her Very Soul! Man is this Sweet!" "Hey, Are you talking about Me?" D'OH! I Said it out loud! "Sorry, I think you look sweet for a girl." "What are you ta-" then she Finds out about her breasts as if those where not supposed to be here, Definetely not Samus, But she Digs into her Skirt. "WHERE'S MY DICK! OMG!" She Seems Weird, But to Make weird weirder...
:Meanwhile, I was in gym class, Swimming, Untill I Found a Readheaded 7 year old girl and a metroid munching on her Youth. I was swimming as fast as I Could to the Girl. Mr. Paul was trying his best to Keep me from Her "Can't You See she's Losing precious Youth, LITTERALLY!!! I GOT TO SAVE HER" she now looked about 11, Mr. Paul Let me off the Hook. She started to grow even faster, Obviously Puberty had taken over, She looks about 13 now. No, 14! Then a lazer transformed the Metroid to Ice. it came from Glitch, From Reboot!!! 'HFA!! Glitch is here, and where there's Glitch, There's mainframe!'
:"What’s going on?" a sweet voice is heard, I Thought it was the Metroid Girl... "My voice!" Boy, was I Wrong when I Saw the Pink haired girl cover her mouth with her hand. Then The Voice confermed her name "Kolulu…" You’re… a teenager!" How can She be Kolulu-Chan. Unless...
:That's When Things get weird, The Keytool Attached to my wrist like the Omnitrix. "AH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" And then 4 Smash Balls appear and three Aromas appeared, one Pink, One Red and one Blue. I noticed 4 Chicks and Two Dudes appear from the Aromas "GLITCH! GRAPPLE!" It Got Me to the smash ball near the Pink Aroma, I Rescued two of the girls, one with black hair and one one with Pink. "AGAIN!" Red aroma Girls again, Another Redheaded and a Brunette. "AGAIN!!" I Got two the Two Guys, A Blonde and A Guy with Jet Black Hair. "AGAIN!" Back to safety with the last Grapple Smash Ball, and I Put the 5 Girls and 2 Guys on the Floor, I had one Last Command to Rid Me of The Keytool. "GLITCH, TRACK NEAREST GAME!" It Went on it's Way and Me, Just when you thought I had enough Exitement for One Day, "WARNING! INCOMING GAME!" (ZOOT: RHYMING!) "It Better be a Prank Mrs. B" "THIS IS NOT 'MRS. B', YOU IDIOT!" A Gamecube=Glitch Returns. Better Not Get My A** Nullified, Game Time
:"Alright...REBOOT!" Good thing Glitch Gave Me an Icon, So I can ReBoot. I Rebooted as My Favorite Character, Link "Alright User, Show Me Your Moves!" He Chose Rocky The Rabbid Raccoon, A Character Parodying Sonic's Appearance in Brawl, I slashed with My Master Sword And Stabbed him in the Chest, And He died in the way sonic Died in Sonic the Disaster, One life Down, 2 to Go! I told this Funny Joke I Heard on that "Max Headroom" Show, "so, I ran into a Moron i dispise vary much," I Sliced Rocky's Head off "And Killed him!" Ha! Ha! one life left. "Forget the Master Sword!" I Put the Sword back in the slot, preparing for my famous Sonich Punch I Got from the Organisation XIII Costume Cristal "SONICH...PAAAUNCH!!!" He's Going, Going, Gone! AC Strikes Gold! Uh, Oh! An Assist Trophy! And It's in Rocky's Hands! and He Has a Sword (Must be a Parody of Sonic and the Black Knight) Let's Hope it's Someone Useless...
:Oh, No... It's Airman! And I Didn't Play Megaman 2! This Will be Hard, Jump! OUCH!! That Hurt! "AAAAHHH!!! HELP!!!" So this is how it ends, falling to My Doom... Hello, What's this...A Silver Haired Girl? She's a Beauty if I Ever Saw one. I Take it that's this game's Equivilent of Roll only she's wearing a blue shirt instead of a Red one. "Gotcha!" She Saved Me! "Are you alright, Master?" OMG, It thinks I Control her Very Soul! Man is this Sweet! "The Game Gave Me a sprite Sence I wasn't with you." Better Truck it with a Traning Montage! I Have 2600 Lives and 5200 Energy Canisters and 7800 EXP and 57 Pokemon on My Chimecho Roster!
:<Insert Montage>
:"GAME OVER" God lost the game, and I am Still not a null. And I think I found the Game Sprite who Decided To Stick around, and her Attire Changed to a Blue T-Shirt, Blue Skirt and Yellow Socks...Is she a Silver Haired Samus? "What is it, master?" "OMG, She's a Human Like Me!!" "Hey, Are you talking about Me?" D'OH! I Said it out loud! "Sorry, I think you look sweet for a girl." "What are you ta-" then she Finds out about her breasts as if those where not supposed to be here, Definetely not Samus, But she Digs into her Skirt. "WHERE'S MY DICK! IT'S SUPPOSED TO RETURN AFTER THE GAME! OMG!" She Seems Weird, But to Make weird weirder...
:"What’s going on?" a sweet voice is heard, I Thought it was the Metroid Girl... "My voice!" Boy, was I Wrong when I Saw the Pink haired girl cover her mouth with her hand. Then The Voice confermed her name "Kolulu…" You’re… a teenager!" How can She be Kolulu-Chan. Unless my Cristal Summoned them Here! I Got Them Dressed in the Closet, No way I Was going to Look at a Badonkadonk and not get a truckload of Emotional Scars! I Did Everything in existance, thanks to my summer in the Massichusits Tri-State Area! and Designing Fashion was No Exception!
:In place of Kolulu’s pink dress was a rose pink tank top, white capris, pink tennis shoes, and her hair had become an inch or two longer down to her shoulders. Tia, she wore a red halter top, black capris, red tennis shoes, and her hair had been cut down to her elbows. Zatch, now just wearing a blue t-shirt that had his name on it, some jeans with blue tennis shoes. His hair and eyes the same too.
:“What’s going on?” Zatch asked with his new voice. “I don’t know. Kolulu’s the one that always listened in social studies at school.” Tia said, pointing to her sister. The girls brests had grown a little bigger and their voices had changed. Lori, Kiyo, and Megumi turned to the now 14 looking girl . “What? Um.. Let’s see, oh, wait! I remember, Ms. Peach, AKA Tia’s and My older sister, Lily, had taught the class about what happens when the king dies. Temporary changes happened every 1000 years. So I guess that this millennium happens to change the mamodo into teenagers.” Kolulu said. “So how are we gonna explain this? We can’t just go home with our parents seeing that the once little kid has turned into a 14 year old student. And say, ’oh, they grow up so fast.’” Kiyo said, panicking. “I don’t know…. Lily said that the side effects are just temporary. So we should get back to normal soon.” Kolulu hoped. “How about we have a meeting this afternoon?” Tia suggested. I sat down with Gina (The Girl I Met in the Game) who Picked up the Tia's book “What the--” Megumi had changed into a little kid! Gina Immediately Let go of the book and Megumi turned back to normal.
:“Hey! What’s going on?” Megumi yelled. “Well, if I turn chibi when she touches the book..” Megumi went over to get her spell book, but when she touched it, nothing happened, Tia took her book and Megumi turned chibi again. “Let’s see the spells… maseshield!” Tia said reading the spell simply. Megumi put her hands out and the circular shield suddenly appeared. “What’s going on?” Kolulu asked. She took her book, and what had happened to Megumi happened to Lori! Zatch, testing it out too, took out the book and watched Kiyo turned chibi. “Aw, Kiyo you looked so cute when you were little” Zatch cooed. “Shut up…” Chibi Kiyo simply said. Man, Is this world Bigger and Better! The sky looks like it was in the Mutual Collapse, wasn't there one moon instead of Two? “Hey, looks like stupid Zatch has a brother!” a voice said. everyone, the bookholder turned back, and the mamodos looked to see who said that. “Naomi!” Zatch complained. “Oh, Zatch already told you about me.” Naomi said. “What do you mean! I am Za---” Kolulu put her hand on his mouth. “His name is Gash, Gash Bell.” Kolulu lied. “What are you talking abo---” Zatch, again cut off, “If you say your name is Zatch, Naomi will get suspicious! Just go with it!” Kolulu whispered. “My name is Koruru.” she lied to Naomi. “Oh, so you two are boyfriend and girl friend.” Naomi teased. Kolulu, a slight red, said, “No, we’re not. We’re just friends.”
:“My name is Tio, why don’t you just get lost ya big teethed freak!” Tia spatted. Kolulu and Zatch snickered while Lori, Megumi, and Kiyo just sweat dropped. Naomi ran away crying. “Geez, that girl really likes you Zatch…” Kolulu teased, hiding her jealousy. “Say what!” Zatch yelled back. Tia rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Anyway…” Kiyo said, drawing their attention. “We’ve gotta get you guys back home. How about we meet back here in an hour?” he asked. "You Guys can Stay in the Teniment! I've got some things to do with my real friends."
==Chapter 4: Stories Collide==
Zatch POV
:“So Zatch, how does it feel to be 14?” Kiyo asked. “I don’t know. I don’t feel any different…” I replied. You know how there’s an ice cream man, well, a yellow tail truck started coming by, yeah, the guy who wrote him in must be a Moron. “Yellow tail! Only 2 bucks!” he shouted. “Okay, Zatch, I don’t have enough money to give you--- Zatch?” Kiyo asked. “That’s okay Kiyo. Yellow tails not really that good anyway.” I replied. “What the! Are you feeling ok? Breath in, breath out.” Kiyo said. “Kiyo, are you feeling ok?” I was so confused. “Me? I should be asking you! I mean, you LOVE yellowtail with a capital L!” Kiyo yelled. “Kiyo. That was when I was 7. I’m 14 now. Well… kinda… I think that the yellow tail phase is over.” I said calmly. “I think I could get used to this…” Kiyo said happily. “Zatch, tomorrow we’re gonna enroll you into this new boarding school. Got it?” he said. Zatch nodded happily. “Now, Gash Bell will have to be good. Not a baka. K?” Kiyo said cautiously. “Kiyo, I’m starting to think we switched personalities.” OH NO! WE’RE GONNA SWITCH BODIES! AAH! Ha! Ha! Ha! Now that’s the Zatch we all know and love. “Look, Zatch, let’s just get home.” Kiyo and he started walking the way to the Takamines’. “Hi sweetie!” Mrs. Takamine said happily. “Um.. Hi mom. This is the son of one of Dad’s friend. He’s recovering so Dad asked us to take care of him. Zatch had gone to stay with him. This is Zatch’s brother, Gash. Gash, meet my mom.” Kiyo lied. “Nice to meet you Kiyo’s mom!” Zatch said happily.
:“Well, aren’t you just the sweetest thing? Come! Come! Sit, sit! We have a spare bed room. So, when is Zatch going to come back?” Mrs. Takamine asked. “Oh, he’s gonna come back in at least a month.” Zatch lied. “That’s fine! Just call me mom!” Mrs. Takamine said delightedly. Zatch just sweat dropped at the over excited ness. “Kiyo, this is gonna be a long month…” Kiyo agreed.  
==Chapter 2: The others Awake==
Kolulu POV
Gltch POV
:“Okay, we have the plan down?” Lori asked. “Yeah. Let’s just get this over with.” I said. I grabbed the pink book as Lori turned into a little kid. “GiaZeruk!” I whispered. Chibi Lori’s eyes glowed a light shade of pink while Lori’s parents eyes glowed the same pink. They both went into the room of the two. “When you wake up, you shall think that Kolulu is my younger sister by 1 year.” Lori said, now a teenager again. “One… two… three…snap out of it!” I said. “Oh, Koruru, Lori you’re home. How was your day with your friends?” Lori’s mother asked. we looked at each other with a smile. “It was great.. Mama.” I replied. this month will be the best month of my life.
:Alright Glitch, Rememer your programming...Where is it? Where are the files?! WHERE'S BOB!?!?! No. Daemon... She Controls the net. I'm alone... Dot...AndrAIa...Hex...Enzo...Mouse...C'Mon, Sparky...You can Make it...They're all gone...
:Who knew fame would be Such a Drag. “Are you sure you’re ready for a duet, Ms. Ooumi?” one of the assistants asked. “Yeah. My… sister is sure of it. Tio, right?” Megumi asked. “Yeah.” “Okay. Can you sing?” the other one asked. “Sure…” I said nervously. “Okay, you’re in!” he said. Why Did I say that...
Erin POV
:"Man, Is AC in for a Surprise this Halloween! first we turn off the lights then we Scare the pants off him! Don't worry, We'll have a change of pants." I Came here Early so I'd initiate operation Zeo Ghost "I'm Here" Man, He's here Early
:I Got the Survivors to the bus and I Sat next to the Girl-Man (LOL) "So... You used to be a dude..." "A Keytool Dude if that is what your Male Users call it..." HFA! IT'S GLITCH! "Apperantly, A keytool turns into a Teenage Girl without his or her Gaurdian." "If that happened in Troop 37, Jimmy would Be Stuck in a body like yours forever"
:"'Sup! I Want you to meet Gina! I Met him in a Game" I Showed her to the Crew "Okay, I Ment her"
Gina POV
:Alright Glitch, let go of the book and Rememer your programming, Mend and Defend...Where is it? Where are the files?! WHERE'S BOB!?!?! No. Daemon... She Controls the net. I'm alone... Dot...AndrAIa...Hex...Enzo...Mouse...C'Mon, Sparky...You can Make it...They're all gone... "So... You used to be a dude..." Said the stranger girl "A Keytool Dude if that is what your Male Users call it... Apperantly, A keytool turns into a Teenage Girl without his or her Gaurdian." I Replied "If that happened in Troop 37, Jimmy would Be Stuck in a body like yours forever" Heh, heh, heh... Master's Jokes make me wanna Stay. But Bob, I Chose him after Vixen, Bob Didn't have A Cadet, there was Enzo...Wait, Sparky...nevermind... "AAAAAHHHHH!!! MONSTER!!!!"  
Glitch POV
Marin POV
:Heh, heh, heh... His Jokes makes me wanna Stay. But Bob, I Chose him after Vixen, Bob Didn't have A Cadet, there was Enzo...Wait, Sparky...nevermind
:"Hi! Everyone! am I Too Early!" I Said "Man, We Have So Much to tell you!" Continued Larry "First, May I introduce you to TO-" Lilly was Interupted by the visage of a girl Running arround in a circle. Heh. That Happened the first time we Seen These guys, Incuding Erin! "It's Okay, He's harmless!" the first human words we heard on this ship, Erin got it written on Dr. Monitor's Face. Erin Still wanted to Know what's in the small Box I Carryed arround my neck. It's an Old friend. Guess it's time to let everyone in on the secret. I Opened up the box and Dropped what was inside, there he was, my souvenier from when I Was in Junior High...

Current revision as of 16:31, 2 November 2008


[edit] Prologe

It was a beautiful Sunday as Zatch ran in the park. Kolulu, Tia, and he were playing tag as their partners watched. Kolulu, who had been returned to battle because of the King forcing her to, chased Zatch around the monkey bars because she was it. “Ya can’t catch me Kolulu!” Zatch ran with a small laugh. “Kids…” Kiyo chuckled. “aw, does little Kiyo miss being a wittle kid?” Megumi teased. “Hey!” Kiyo laughed. Megumi play fully pushed him to the ground. Lori rolled her eyes playfully with a small giggle. Kolulu, now chasing Tia, giggled. “Sorry sis! I love ya, but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna go easy on you!” Tia yelled. Kolulu ran so fast on trying to catch her sister, that she didn’t see the toy hidden in the sand, so she tripped.

“Ow!” Kolulu cried. Lori and Megumi, who stopped just enough from torturing Kiyo, ran over to Kolulu (That includes Kiyo) who was by her sister and her crush. “Are you okay, Kolulu?” Lori asked in concern. “Y-yeah. It’s just a small scrape on my knee.” Kolulu stuttered, trying not to cry. Zatch, or AKA, her crush, noticed the toy on the ground was Vulcan. “Oh! I’m sorry Kolulu, I must’ve put Vulcan there when we got to the park. I’m really sorry.” Zatch said apologizing. “It’s okay, Zatch.” Kolulu said blushing a little pink. Nobody really noticed but the humans. Kiyo picked Kolulu up and put her on the park bench. “Lori can you read the spell?” Kolulu pleaded. “Yeah, here we go: Zerusen!” Lori yelled, taking out a pink book.

Kolulu, who had her hand a few inches away from her knee, pinkish aurora came out of her hand and landed on her knee, within a few seconds, the scraped was left with nothing but a scar. “You’ve really got to teach me how to do that…” Zatch joked. Kolulu giggled. “There’s one other thing I wanna say.” Kolulu said. “What’s that?’ Tia asked. Kolulu touched Zatch on the arm and said: “Tag! You’re it!” She the jumped from the bench and ran the same direction Tia did. “Hey! No fair!” Zatch laughed. He ran after the girls within seconds. Zatch ran gleefully from Tia, whom was now it. Kolulu, giggling, suddenly collapsed again with her hands on her head screaming. “Kolulu!” Tia and Zatch yelled in concern, running to the pink haired girl. But they too suddenly collapsed with their hands over their heads. “Kolulu!” “Zatch!” “Tia!” their partners yelled running to them. Kolulu, having pink aurora come over her, red aurora around Tia, and Blue around Zatch, the aurora had absorbed the momodo's partners as well, and then the Net crashed...


The female voice was cold and dispassionate. Had anyone been present, they would have tensed in dreadful anticipation wondering what was to follow.

But there was no one and nothing followed.

Instead the voice remained silent and the game cube lifted, leaving the city sector undamaged. The User hadn't won. Left behind on the ground a young sprite, his dog and two robots watched in dull fascination as the game transformed into a Ring. Normally Games didn't turn into Rings in the Net, But this, This was a Sign that there was Little to No Life in a System, in this case, the Entire Net!

"Matrix!" the red robot, Hack, addressed the boy. "You won the game!" "I know!" the discouraged young sprite sighed and studied his feet. "But weren't we supposed to stay in the game?" the blue robot Slash asked nervously, twiddling his fingers and giving the impression he had been caught doing something he shouldn't. "I-I know..." Enzo Matrix stuttered but then his voice grew stronger. "But I couldn't do it! I couldn't leave my family." A moment of tense silence greeted this statement but at last Hack interrupted.

"Hey!" the 'bot's nervousness turned to fear. "What's all this green stuff everywhere?" The others looked around noting the veiny green patches of infection that appeared on the ground and the sides of nearby buildings. They also noticed that the Firewall was absent from sight and the Game Ring Took it's place and formed a Portal. "Daemon must be here!" Enzo realized and then took off running towards the Principle Office leaving the others to follow or not as they chose.

As Enzo ran all he could hear was the patter of Frisket's paws and the robotic creaking that let him know that Hack and Slash weren't far behind. That was all. Not even the slither of a null interrupted the all-consuming silence, and the only sight that met his eyes was the eerie glowing leaking infected patches. Patches that, once he slowed down for a better look, appeared more and more like shadows. Shadows of people, mostly binomes, frozen in the midst of disturbingly routine activities. Here was a boy on a zipboard. There a girl held her father's hand... A man and woman stood talking... A mother cradled her baby... But they were gone.

Without citizens working to divert core energy into vital systems, the city would fade the same way dataforms do when they delete. But not now, because the city was instead melting into shadow bugs from 'Super Smash Bros. Brawl' then they float into the Portal... a Weird looking sprite was floating toward the Portal. "Hey! You! Where are you floating?" Said the young sprite. "Doom Dimention..." Fearful of the sight seen by Figuring out something a Fan is using on Subspace for a story, Enzo picked up the pace but his fear gave way to panic and he approached the Principle Office. Already he could see a number of sprite-like shadows clustered around the base of the Gateway platform. "Dot? Bob?" Enzo cried out in despair, hoping that he was wrong, hoping that the sister and friend who had been more like parents to him would come back. But they didn't. The only thing that returned was the empty echo of his words. "Someone?!" Where was Phong? AndrAIa? Mouse? At this point Enzo would have even settled to see Matrix. Matrix who hated and resented him, who had absolutely no patience for him, who in many ways was exactly like him -- a lost child. "Anyone?!" The only one to answer these desperate pleas was Frisket who licked the boy's face as tears began to trickle down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry!" Enzo sobbed as he buried his face in the dog's neck. He was too late. He couldn't help the others. He couldn't even help himself. Dimly Enzo noted that Hack and Slash had caught up with him and, huddling together pathetically, the four watched as The shadow bugs and viral Energy floated into the Doom Dimention.

"I'm so sorry..."

Mainframe was not alone. All across the Net, systems were blown away into the Doom Dimention like candle flames. The last to fall was the once great Super Computer. Here and there a lone survivor, overlooked in the infection, felt their own hope turn to despair as the energy bridges that held the city together winked out of existence and the disks that held aloft the broken spires get sucked into the Doom Dimention. Even the Web was not spared. The chaos usually present in its vast uncharted reaches was now muted and subdued. The Web Knew the Net was Destroied with only the Darkness of the Doom Dimention.

Net-wide Infection

Net-wide Destruction

A goal long sought by many viruses.

A goal that had long been thwarted

A goal that will be forfilled by the Dark Heiress of the Doom Dimention

-Lord X

Only one Keytool survived, Glitch. Not Knowing that he will become a she in a game he and his partner-to-be from the Real world will play in order to Pass the Transdimentional Graduation Test...

Had Daemon been present she would have smiled to see all dataforms brought together at last in peace and perfect unity. But Daemon was gone--her function was fulfilled but only after infecting the formats of countless others. In the eerie silence that echoed across the ruined planes of cyberspace, it would seem her accomplishment would go largely unnoticed.

But it didn't.

In a world outside the network - a world only hypothesized by the great thinkers of the Super Computer - in this world, far beyond and yet strangely connected, the stillness was felt. Microsoft Sold Windows Vista for $1.99 and Everyone Bought it because their electronic civilization faded into the Doom Dimention, but Many Users, after upgrading to Vista...still morned the ghosts of the machine. That is where his Story Begins...

[edit] Chapter 1: The Princess of Light

As Tom4 raced across the endless sea of stars he contemplated his future. Toonami had been his existence his purpose. It had been him. Trapped in his thought's he failed to pay attention to the warning pasted across the controls on the dash. So caught up he was in his musings he didn't even notice the thick ray of light speeding towards him until it was too late.

In a second the strange whisp of fire eclipsed his ship. The heat spread throughout the cockpit and engine slowly eating away at the outer lining of the hull. He quickly began to notice that the paint on his lower body cracking due to the extreme heat. Suddenly he screamed in bloody agony as his aluminum plating began to melt in to greasy sludge.

In a last ditch effort to save himself he made an emergency landing on an uncharted Planet in close proximity. The engine ruptured upon contact with the planet's atmosphere and the ship plummeted to the spindly earth. With no party poppers functioning there was nothing to lighten the blow and the ship hit base at full speed.

Tom4 woke to find himself on a hellish landscape with black earth comprised of Soot and ash. The skies crackled due to the overbearing static electricity and humidity in the air. Everywhere nothing but cavernous nooks with slate fangs bulging out from they're great maws and grotesque mountains spewing hellfire could be seen.

As Tom4 tried to stand he quickly faltered. Looking down he noticed in silent horror that his lower half was an oozing mess. Radiator fluids and oils leaking from the unsightly orafice. Quickly realizing that remaining solitary would result in his demise he slowly dragged himself forward.

As the minutes passed it began to become harder to move. His joints protested as he stubbornly continued his vain attempt at salvation. Dragging onward towards his inescapable demise in futility. When suddenly the ground beneath him seized. The spires raging hellish inferno groaned like dieing beasts. Screaming they're injustice towards the stars.

The earth beneath Tom4's fingertips began to crumble and crack. Shattering and slipping away in to millions of fragments. Revealing naught but, a frozen sea lied beneath the earth's shattered skin. Falling he slowly realized the foolishness of his actions. Running away from his station instead of remaining and promoting change. Thought's of Sara spilled through his eyes as his life bled away. What had become of her? What was she even? His existence could be called the same, unconfirmed. His progress and release of himself. Becoming a contradiction to his purpose. It was to late late to wonder of the what ifs. So tired.

As he crashed into the frozen sea, he saw no more. Sinking slowly into the eternal sleep known as death.

Megabyte POV

TOM4 Deactivated Finally, I can Escape the Confounds of the Net, The Doom Dimention is Almost Full! I can Meet my Partner in Cri-Oh, right, he's in the Afterlife, pity...
Now to Manifest Myself outside this Robot, Perhaps a Nearby Saphire would Do. What's this, A robot girl in a Spaceship? "Hello, Anyone? Oh, No! There's No one here...I'll never get my wish Granted..." It's that wizard! Plusleos "It Shall be Granted if you do me a Favor." "Oh, No! Why do you need me?" I Think he's using an Amlulet... what's with those flowers... "Hey, What's going o-" Gah! Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!.......

Ohno POV

I Feel cold...Wait a Second, Feel!? "You must be in the Form of a Human to find him." And the Requirements are Exactly what I Wanted to Wish For! "Thank you very Much!" The Portal's Opening... Better Enter. "I'll Be Back Soon!" As I Exited my World, I Felt something, Like Time was Flowing out of Me. I Felt Less energenic, and then I Just...Blanked Out

Megabyte POV

So this is Death...I feel Torn apart, Litterally. If A Virus is Frozen in a Shattered Cristal, Someone Can Use its Powers to become a Half Virus. Like Daemon...Like Me...
I Was just 1-0-1 when I became Killabyte, A Youth, my Emotions were overflowing, and a Viral Rune Would make me a full virus, I Was Stopped at Every Turn. The Darkness in me was in its fullest form, that’s what I was; darkness that longed to expand, to grow, to cover, to change, to control, and to destroy. the Gamecube I Was Sealed away in had game Sprites that spent all of their time having fun. Fun for them consisted of games of baseball, golf, bowling, tennis, and friendly boxing matches. They would play musical instruments and exercise for fun, loving the competition no matter where they traveled, Wherever it was a football feild to a Fancy Resort, whatever the Challenge was Racing or Baseball, but no one ever got too competitive. They Even loved to watch Mariachi bands and Tend to Pokemon!
"Finally! With this Viral Rune, I can finally become a Full Virus at last!" What a fool I was not to notice Bob with a Lazer dartbow. thus removing my Sprite half from My Viral body. "" Then She Came along "A New Recruit Came in and I Knew a Virus when I Saw one, Especially a Half Virus like you." "W-We were...friends..." my human half fainted, but he didn't Delete...
Now my life as Megabyte ends, and My Life as Nibitu resumes, and My Human Shell is still stuck in that Game with the Cute (God, I'm Already becomeing Nibitu) Game Sprites. Maybe I Can Manifest myself in the Real World...

[edit] Chapter 2: The Boarding School


Do You ever get one of those days when the entire net crashes and an overdue prophacy that was supposed to Protect the Net from the Crash Cause makes its way to the world of the Person, and that person is you? I had one of those Days, and Beleve me, It Makes The Fuku Gem, The Sailor Scouts within it, and The Fact that Ketchup Slides off Cheese look like small potatoes. Here's how My Life changed forever this Fall. First, I Went to this New Boarding School in Japan, And My Scedule goes like this: Math first, Then Computers, Gym, Science, English, Learning Center, Art and Finally, Japanise.
The Second Change of My Life was when Memere Moved into the Teniment house of My New Best Friend, Marin Asagi. She's 15 years old and She has an Awesome Singing Voice. When Memere came in, we were Hours away from the Final Broadcast of Toonami, She Conforted me when I Saw TOM fly away from the Planet we spent More than a Year on. Time Passed, Patriots Acctually Lost, Cubs Failed at Baseball, Stock Market in America in Freefall...Man, I May Have to Stay in Japan. and Recently, Because I'm Going as Xialdin This Year, I Found a Second Shard of Saphire and I Felt More Powerful, Normally I Was Overweight with Black hair, Now I Have Blue hair and a Lean Figure, I'm Technicly a Bishoen.
Now to Introduce the Staff and Students, Moving on from 8th Grade Science to 10th Grade is Mr. Timothy Sweeney. Bet it's to Get me Scarred...Anyway, On to the headmaster, The Creepiest man in the School, he even has Dr. Mario as the Med Team! C'mon! That's Gotta be Weird!
My Other Friends are Larry Boyd, He's 14. Lilly Turnbull, She's also 14. And Erin, She's 13. All of them have a Secret to Hide, We All found out The Hard Way! Erin Has Aquatic Friends in a Sunken Spaceship. NASA has Recently discovered that there was a Robot that Crashed in the Sea. And they handed it to Us for Experimentation! An Awesome Way for the Robotics Club and the Sci Fi Club to Celebrate the Answer to the Age Old Question "Are We alone?" Marin and Larry are Experimenting with it Untill...


Ugh...My Aching...Crainial Unit...Where Am I? Last thing I remember...I Wound up on a distant planet, I Was Dying....

[edit] Chapter 3: Mixed forms and Mixed Genders


Meanwhile, I was in gym class, Swimming, Untill I Found a Readheaded 7 year old girl and a metroid munching on her Youth. I was swimming as fast as I Could to the Girl. Mr. Paul was trying his best to Keep me from Her "Can't You See she's Losing precious Youth, LITTERALLY!!! I GOT TO SAVE HER" she now looked about 11, Mr. Paul Let me off the Hook. She started to grow even faster, Obviously Puberty had taken over, She looks about 13 now. No, 14! Then a lazer transformed the Metroid to Ice. it came from Glitch, From Reboot!!! 'HFA!! Glitch is here, and where there's Glitch, There's mainframe!'
That's When Things get weird, The Keytool Attached to my wrist like the Omnitrix. "AH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" And then 4 Smash Balls appear and three Aromas appeared, one Pink, One Red and one Blue. I noticed 4 Chicks and Two Dudes appear from the Aromas "GLITCH! GRAPPLE!" It Got Me to the smash ball near the Pink Aroma, I Rescued two of the girls, one with black hair and one one with Pink. "AGAIN!" Red aroma Girls again, Another Redheaded and a Brunette. "AGAIN!!" I Got two the Two Guys, A Blonde and A Guy with Jet Black Hair. "AGAIN!" Back to safety with the last Grapple Smash Ball, and I Put the 5 Girls and 2 Guys on the Floor, I had one Last Command to Rid Me of The Keytool. "GLITCH, TRACK NEAREST GAME!" It Went on it's Way and Me, Just when you thought I had enough Exitement for One Day, "WARNING! INCOMING GAME!" (ZOOT: RHYMING!) "It Better be a Prank Mrs. B" "THIS IS NOT 'MRS. B', YOU IDIOT!" A Gamecube=Glitch Returns. Better Not Get My A** Nullified, Game Time
"Alright...REBOOT!" Good thing Glitch Gave Me an Icon, So I can ReBoot. I Rebooted as My Favorite Character, Link "Alright User, Show Me Your Moves!" He Chose Rocky The Rabbid Raccoon, A Character Parodying Sonic's Appearance in Brawl, I slashed with My Master Sword And Stabbed him in the Chest, And He died in the way sonic Died in Sonic the Disaster, One life Down, 2 to Go! I told this Funny Joke I Heard on that "Max Headroom" Show, "so, I ran into a Moron i dispise vary much," I Sliced Rocky's Head off "And Killed him!" Ha! Ha! one life left. "Forget the Master Sword!" I Put the Sword back in the slot, preparing for my famous Sonich Punch I Got from the Organisation XIII Costume Cristal "SONICH...PAAAUNCH!!!" He's Going, Going, Gone! AC Strikes Gold! Uh, Oh! An Assist Trophy! And It's in Rocky's Hands! and He Has a Sword (Must be a Parody of Sonic and the Black Knight) Let's Hope it's Someone Useless...
Oh, No... It's Airman! And I Didn't Play Megaman 2! This Will be Hard, Jump! OUCH!! That Hurt! "AAAAHHH!!! HELP!!!" So this is how it ends, falling to My Doom... Hello, What's this...A Silver Haired Girl? She's a Beauty if I Ever Saw one. I Take it that's this game's Equivilent of Roll only she's wearing a blue shirt instead of a Red one. "Gotcha!" She Saved Me! "Are you alright, Master?" OMG, It thinks I Control her Very Soul! Man is this Sweet! "The Game Gave Me a sprite Sence I wasn't with you." Better Truck it with a Traning Montage! I Have 2600 Lives and 5200 Energy Canisters and 7800 EXP and 57 Pokemon on My Chimecho Roster!
<Insert Montage>
"GAME OVER" God lost the game, and I am Still not a null. And I think I found the Game Sprite who Decided To Stick around, and her Attire Changed to a Blue T-Shirt, Blue Skirt and Yellow Socks...Is she a Silver Haired Samus? "What is it, master?" "OMG, She's a Human Like Me!!" "Hey, Are you talking about Me?" D'OH! I Said it out loud! "Sorry, I think you look sweet for a girl." "What are you ta-" then she Finds out about her breasts as if those where not supposed to be here, Definetely not Samus, But she Digs into her Skirt. "WHERE'S MY DICK! IT'S SUPPOSED TO RETURN AFTER THE GAME! OMG!" She Seems Weird, But to Make weird weirder...
"What’s going on?" a sweet voice is heard, I Thought it was the Metroid Girl... "My voice!" Boy, was I Wrong when I Saw the Pink haired girl cover her mouth with her hand. Then The Voice confermed her name "Kolulu…" You’re… a teenager!" How can She be Kolulu-Chan. Unless my Cristal Summoned them Here! I Got Them Dressed in the Closet, No way I Was going to Look at a Badonkadonk and not get a truckload of Emotional Scars! I Did Everything in existance, thanks to my summer in the Massichusits Tri-State Area! and Designing Fashion was No Exception!
In place of Kolulu’s pink dress was a rose pink tank top, white capris, pink tennis shoes, and her hair had become an inch or two longer down to her shoulders. Tia, she wore a red halter top, black capris, red tennis shoes, and her hair had been cut down to her elbows. Zatch, now just wearing a blue t-shirt that had his name on it, some jeans with blue tennis shoes. His hair and eyes the same too.
“What’s going on?” Zatch asked with his new voice. “I don’t know. Kolulu’s the one that always listened in social studies at school.” Tia said, pointing to her sister. The girls brests had grown a little bigger and their voices had changed. Lori, Kiyo, and Megumi turned to the now 14 looking girl . “What? Um.. Let’s see, oh, wait! I remember, Ms. Peach, AKA Tia’s and My older sister, Lily, had taught the class about what happens when the king dies. Temporary changes happened every 1000 years. So I guess that this millennium happens to change the mamodo into teenagers.” Kolulu said. “So how are we gonna explain this? We can’t just go home with our parents seeing that the once little kid has turned into a 14 year old student. And say, ’oh, they grow up so fast.’” Kiyo said, panicking. “I don’t know…. Lily said that the side effects are just temporary. So we should get back to normal soon.” Kolulu hoped. “How about we have a meeting this afternoon?” Tia suggested. I sat down with Gina (The Girl I Met in the Game) who Picked up the Tia's book “What the--” Megumi had changed into a little kid! Gina Immediately Let go of the book and Megumi turned back to normal.
“Hey! What’s going on?” Megumi yelled. “Well, if I turn chibi when she touches the book..” Megumi went over to get her spell book, but when she touched it, nothing happened, Tia took her book and Megumi turned chibi again. “Let’s see the spells… maseshield!” Tia said reading the spell simply. Megumi put her hands out and the circular shield suddenly appeared. “What’s going on?” Kolulu asked. She took her book, and what had happened to Megumi happened to Lori! Zatch, testing it out too, took out the book and watched Kiyo turned chibi. “Aw, Kiyo you looked so cute when you were little” Zatch cooed. “Shut up…” Chibi Kiyo simply said. Man, Is this world Bigger and Better! The sky looks like it was in the Mutual Collapse, wasn't there one moon instead of Two? “Hey, looks like stupid Zatch has a brother!” a voice said. everyone, the bookholder turned back, and the mamodos looked to see who said that. “Naomi!” Zatch complained. “Oh, Zatch already told you about me.” Naomi said. “What do you mean! I am Za---” Kolulu put her hand on his mouth. “His name is Gash, Gash Bell.” Kolulu lied. “What are you talking abo---” Zatch, again cut off, “If you say your name is Zatch, Naomi will get suspicious! Just go with it!” Kolulu whispered. “My name is Koruru.” she lied to Naomi. “Oh, so you two are boyfriend and girl friend.” Naomi teased. Kolulu, a slight red, said, “No, we’re not. We’re just friends.”
“My name is Tio, why don’t you just get lost ya big teethed freak!” Tia spatted. Kolulu and Zatch snickered while Lori, Megumi, and Kiyo just sweat dropped. Naomi ran away crying. “Geez, that girl really likes you Zatch…” Kolulu teased, hiding her jealousy. “Say what!” Zatch yelled back. Tia rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Anyway…” Kiyo said, drawing their attention. “We’ve gotta get you guys back home. How about we meet back here in an hour?” he asked. "You Guys can Stay in the Teniment! I've got some things to do with my real friends."

[edit] Chapter 4: Stories Collide

Zatch POV

“So Zatch, how does it feel to be 14?” Kiyo asked. “I don’t know. I don’t feel any different…” I replied. You know how there’s an ice cream man, well, a yellow tail truck started coming by, yeah, the guy who wrote him in must be a Moron. “Yellow tail! Only 2 bucks!” he shouted. “Okay, Zatch, I don’t have enough money to give you--- Zatch?” Kiyo asked. “That’s okay Kiyo. Yellow tails not really that good anyway.” I replied. “What the! Are you feeling ok? Breath in, breath out.” Kiyo said. “Kiyo, are you feeling ok?” I was so confused. “Me? I should be asking you! I mean, you LOVE yellowtail with a capital L!” Kiyo yelled. “Kiyo. That was when I was 7. I’m 14 now. Well… kinda… I think that the yellow tail phase is over.” I said calmly. “I think I could get used to this…” Kiyo said happily. “Zatch, tomorrow we’re gonna enroll you into this new boarding school. Got it?” he said. Zatch nodded happily. “Now, Gash Bell will have to be good. Not a baka. K?” Kiyo said cautiously. “Kiyo, I’m starting to think we switched personalities.” OH NO! WE’RE GONNA SWITCH BODIES! AAH! Ha! Ha! Ha! Now that’s the Zatch we all know and love. “Look, Zatch, let’s just get home.” Kiyo and he started walking the way to the Takamines’. “Hi sweetie!” Mrs. Takamine said happily. “Um.. Hi mom. This is the son of one of Dad’s friend. He’s recovering so Dad asked us to take care of him. Zatch had gone to stay with him. This is Zatch’s brother, Gash. Gash, meet my mom.” Kiyo lied. “Nice to meet you Kiyo’s mom!” Zatch said happily.
“Well, aren’t you just the sweetest thing? Come! Come! Sit, sit! We have a spare bed room. So, when is Zatch going to come back?” Mrs. Takamine asked. “Oh, he’s gonna come back in at least a month.” Zatch lied. “That’s fine! Just call me mom!” Mrs. Takamine said delightedly. Zatch just sweat dropped at the over excited ness. “Kiyo, this is gonna be a long month…” Kiyo agreed.

Kolulu POV

“Okay, we have the plan down?” Lori asked. “Yeah. Let’s just get this over with.” I said. I grabbed the pink book as Lori turned into a little kid. “GiaZeruk!” I whispered. Chibi Lori’s eyes glowed a light shade of pink while Lori’s parents eyes glowed the same pink. They both went into the room of the two. “When you wake up, you shall think that Kolulu is my younger sister by 1 year.” Lori said, now a teenager again. “One… two… three…snap out of it!” I said. “Oh, Koruru, Lori you’re home. How was your day with your friends?” Lori’s mother asked. we looked at each other with a smile. “It was great.. Mama.” I replied. this month will be the best month of my life.


Who knew fame would be Such a Drag. “Are you sure you’re ready for a duet, Ms. Ooumi?” one of the assistants asked. “Yeah. My… sister is sure of it. Tio, right?” Megumi asked. “Yeah.” “Okay. Can you sing?” the other one asked. “Sure…” I said nervously. “Okay, you’re in!” he said. Why Did I say that...

Erin POV

"Man, Is AC in for a Surprise this Halloween! first we turn off the lights then we Scare the pants off him! Don't worry, We'll have a change of pants." I Came here Early so I'd initiate operation Zeo Ghost "I'm Here" Man, He's here Early


"'Sup! I Want you to meet Gina! I Met him in a Game" I Showed her to the Crew "Okay, I Ment her"

Gina POV

Alright Glitch, let go of the book and Rememer your programming, Mend and Defend...Where is it? Where are the files?! WHERE'S BOB!?!?! No. Daemon... She Controls the net. I'm alone... Dot...AndrAIa...Hex...Enzo...Mouse...C'Mon, Sparky...You can Make it...They're all gone... "So... You used to be a dude..." Said the stranger girl "A Keytool Dude if that is what your Male Users call it... Apperantly, A keytool turns into a Teenage Girl without his or her Gaurdian." I Replied "If that happened in Troop 37, Jimmy would Be Stuck in a body like yours forever" Heh, heh, heh... Master's Jokes make me wanna Stay. But Bob, I Chose him after Vixen, Bob Didn't have A Cadet, there was Enzo...Wait, Sparky...nevermind... "AAAAAHHHHH!!! MONSTER!!!!"

Marin POV

"Hi! Everyone! am I Too Early!" I Said "Man, We Have So Much to tell you!" Continued Larry "First, May I introduce you to TO-" Lilly was Interupted by the visage of a girl Running arround in a circle. Heh. That Happened the first time we Seen These guys, Incuding Erin! "It's Okay, He's harmless!" the first human words we heard on this ship, Erin got it written on Dr. Monitor's Face. Erin Still wanted to Know what's in the small Box I Carryed arround my neck. It's an Old friend. Guess it's time to let everyone in on the secret. I Opened up the box and Dropped what was inside, there he was, my souvenier from when I Was in Junior High...
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