Kingdom Hearts: Ours/Episode 4: Quiet

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Gonzo Episode Recycled: 3
(It is dinnertime in the Waku residence, Yumi is scarfing down her ramen while Yuki is taking his time with his. Mother Akari Waku is using traditional chopsticks instead of the forks that Bonnie and the Ichigo Siblings use. Waku family patriarch Ninten and his son Takashi are both served steak, Takashi's favorite dinnertime meal, but the boy's not really feeling it today, and why should he? He had seen Kozoe die but a day ago.)
(It is dinnertime in the Waku residence, Yumi is scarfing down her ramen while Yuki is taking his time with his. Mother Akari Waku is using traditional chopsticks instead of the forks that Bonnie and the Ichigo Siblings use. Waku family patriarch Ninten and his son Takashi are both served steak, Takashi's favorite dinnertime meal, but the boy's not really feeling it today, and why should he? He had seen Kozoe die but a day ago.)
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(We see a young woman on a Treadmill as a man nearby does pushups when the woman's phone rings.)
(We see a young woman on a Treadmill as a man nearby does pushups when the woman's phone rings.)
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(They proceed to watch the interviews conducted in the Nature School, most of them are just stock footage recycled from episode 3 of the original series.)
(They proceed to watch the interviews conducted in the Nature School, most of them are just stock footage recycled from episode 3 of the original series.)
Tanaka: These kids are from the summer nature school, am I right.
Sasami: Yes, and some of these came from around the world. Hence why SHIELD is involved. Doctor Yoshikawa has repaired a Robot from the 'Sitcom Reactor' Project. She made her more relatable with a new vocaloid voice program in your native japanese and her native english because she's, of course, american. Mr. Fury had decided to fly in her and the scientist who had originally built her along with three specific bodyguards to act as a secret service.
(Enter those five characters, Rya Botkins, Joel Dawson, Phil Argus, Cassidy Saban and Elly Strife)
Joel: Hey, Nick promised us that you'd drive us around for ribs?
==Kozoe Kurosaka==
==Kozoe Kurosaka==
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(Futago Hall, The car parks nearby as Aiko finds:)
(Futago Hall, The car parks nearby as Aiko arrives and finds:)
Aiko: Moji-kun!
Aiko: Moji-kun! (runs to him) Where is everyone?
Moji: (points) They're right over there, as expected. In fact the guest of honor's just arrived...
Xion: Kozoe-chan... is dead, isn't she.
(Ninten, Bonnie, Waku and the Ichigo Twins exit the Car and walk toward the group.)
Machi: It looks like Ushiro isn't coming today.
Daichi: Well, given what happened and all... I didn't want to come here either, to be honest.
Kodama: I wanna go home already...
(they stare at Kodama as Waku walks up to them.)
Waku: Hey...
(Ichigo looks to Waku.)
Ichigo: Man. No sense of struggling against your old man?
Waku: Does it even matter?
Ichigo: Wow... He must really be broken, perhaps some laughter will brighten your day, Chizu recommended this guy to provide the laughs.
<Sensei>: So then I said, "Law of Nature, Bitch!"
Undertaker: Yes, tell us the story of you insulting your own mother's request to turn back into a baby...
(back with the cast)
Riku: Wow, that's disturbing... This joke should be funny...
Sora: I don't see it Riku...
Chizu: Look. (They do so and find Kanji and the Ushiro siblings walking up to our surviving heroes.)
(cut to the morgue, where investigators are looking in vain for Kozoe's body)
Doctor: And what do I owe these agents of SHIELD?
Tanaka: Actually, Rya's with SHIELD, We're native japanese if you please.
Rya: Wow, I feel like I'm in a subpar Disney Movie...
Seki: We just want to analyze the body of Miss Kozoe Kurasaka if that's fine with you.
Doctor: Well, you're outta luck, I've sent her back to her family yesterday. They're holding a funeral for the poor girl as we speak.
Rya: I take it her drowned corpse wound up here when it washed ashore days prior.
Doctor: Who said anything about this forsaken girl drowning?
(cut to the funeral, the fifty-four children and four adults are looking towards the coffin of their fallen friend, we cut to see Koyemshi, Eraqus and Xehanort awaiting their opponent in the Cockpit of Zearth. We then see Kozoe's family and friends leaving her flowers. Ninten guides Kozoe's mother to the Summer Nature School group.)
Mrs. Kurasaka: Takashi, and you brought along your entire class.
Waku: Yeah...
Moji: I got the word out to everyone.
Komo: Oh, You have my deepest condolences.
Tedd: Wha- Oh, Sorry, I was watching a anime that kills its main characters regularly on my iPad.
Mrs. Kurasaka: There's so many of you, and you've spent her final days with her. It'd be a challenge, but I think she'd remember you all... (cries in Ninten's Chest.) Thank you!
(Cut to the Morgue again where we see the Doctor opening the file cabinet)
Doctor: Let's see, I put my report on Kozoe Kurasaka in here somewhere... If you told me sooner, I would've kept it here where you'd take it into SHIELD Custody (finds her autopsy) Ah! Here we go! (reads it aloud) No water or even a trace of white foam was found in the body. The contusions and fractured bones observed after her paralysis were clearly obtained postmortem.
Seki: So, what you're saying is?
Rya: She died before she made the plunge?
Doctor: That is correct.
(cut to the funeral)
Mr. Kurasaka: I thank you all for taking time out of your busy day for my loving daughter, Kozoe Kurasaka. The service went swimmingly thanks to you, and now the funeral procession can begin. She was quite energetic and loyal to her friends, She expressed herself through art and memorization after her paralysis, and one the Wakus added fuel to her fire mostly through Disney Products and the like. An example would be when they took her to see Frozen this one time... (starts to break down into tears) and she memorized each song... on the first viewing... (cries into the nearby man's jacket)
(We get a good long look at our heroes as they all mourned for their fallen friend. One thing was for certain...)
Xion: Kozoe-chan's dead, isn't she...?
(Cut to Waku being depressed before we return to the morgue)
(Cut to Waku being depressed before we return to the morgue)
Rya: Then what the hell killed her?
Doctor: I have absolutely no Idea!
Rya: You know I don't like being punk'd so tell us the truth!
Doctor: That is the truth, Besides the Paralysis, her body was clean of any disfunctionality. Everything was present and accounted for, only her soul was absent.
(Kozoe is creamated on earth as the Gaurd Armor appears in the Zeether)
Zearth vs. Gaurd Armor

Current revision as of 12:04, 17 June 2014

Gonzo Episode Recycled: 3


[edit] Alive

(It is dinnertime in the Waku residence, Yumi is scarfing down her ramen while Yuki is taking his time with his. Mother Akari Waku is using traditional chopsticks instead of the forks that Bonnie and the Ichigo Siblings use. Waku family patriarch Ninten and his son Takashi are both served steak, Takashi's favorite dinnertime meal, but the boy's not really feeling it today, and why should he? He had seen Kozoe die but a day ago.)

Yumi: Are you gonna eat that steak?

Ninten: What's wrong, Takashi? You feeling alright?

Waku: I'm fine, dad...

Akari: So, how was your day...

Waku: Fine, nothing new... (bites into his steak, and starts to cry)

Bonnie: He's still not over what happened on the Mi- (muted by Yumi, who has a depressed expression on her face.)

Akari: What's wrong, don't you like your dinner?

Waku: Course I do! It tastes delicious as always! I'm alive, so that means your cooking, It tastes phenomenal, Mom...

Bonnie: (Cries) Now you you've got me crying... You Jerk.


[edit] SHIELD

(We see a young woman on a Treadmill as a man nearby does pushups when the woman's phone rings.)

Man: Your phone.

Woman: (picks up phone) This is Captain Tanaka, State your business.

Man: (On phone) It's General Sasami, I apologize for disturbing your routine at the gym... But the investigation effort has turned up some leads, You and Lieutenant Seki have to get over here right now.

Tanaka: Understood.

(They proceed to watch the interviews conducted in the Nature School, most of them are just stock footage recycled from episode 3 of the original series.)

Tanaka: These kids are from the summer nature school, am I right.

Sasami: Yes, and some of these came from around the world. Hence why SHIELD is involved. Doctor Yoshikawa has repaired a Robot from the 'Sitcom Reactor' Project. She made her more relatable with a new vocaloid voice program in your native japanese and her native english because she's, of course, american. Mr. Fury had decided to fly in her and the scientist who had originally built her along with three specific bodyguards to act as a secret service.

(Enter those five characters, Rya Botkins, Joel Dawson, Phil Argus, Cassidy Saban and Elly Strife)

Joel: Hey, Nick promised us that you'd drive us around for ribs?

[edit] Kozoe Kurosaka

(Tsubasa and Moji are gossiping amongst one another, Waku being right behind them.)

Waku: (Thought) Hey, Moji, Maria... We gotta talk.

Moji: (Thought) Waku, I'm Sorry, Maybe later at the Kurosaka house.

Waku: (Thought) Thanks... maybe, we could get everyone together for the funeral tomorrow...

Moji: (Thought) Oh, that's right. the body washed ashore the other day...

Kodama: (Narration) Personally, I see her as a casualty and nothing more.

(Cut to the Kurosaka house, in mourning over the loss of their only daughter. Moji and Waku are sitting there with Maria.)

Maria: It feels like we're in a foreign country or something. Even though nothing's changed, not our homes, not our routines, not even our parents are the same as they were before we met... well, That... Nothing's changed and yet, I feel surrounded by strangers.

Waku: It's because no one knows. No one knows about Zoogs, the Zeether, or Kozoe. It feels as if we're isolated from the world around us...

Moji: I know the feeling, We're some of the only people on this rock that knows of this other world.

Maria: Moji-Kun, Waku-Kun.

Waku: everything changed a long time ago, didn't it... When Walt Disney came into our lives, we should've figured out his shtick sooner...

Maria: So even after all that's happened, you still think it's a game...

(Waku glances at the only childhood friend he has left, feeling depressed as all hell...)

Maria: Yeah... I know how it feels.

Moji: (calls up Maki on his iPhone) Hello, Maki. It's Moji. Can you talk right now?

(cut to the Ano residence)

Maki: Yeah, I hear ya. So it's about the funeral service. I get it...

(Cut to the Komoda residence, the phone is ringing, Komo answers.)

Komo: Hello? This is Komoda.

Maki: Hey, Komo. It's Maki. Sorry I called this late at night.

Komo: No big. Anything on your mind?

Maki: Well, to quote an overmilked peacock, the funeral's monday.

(Cut to the Kodaka house.)

Kodama: You mean tomorrow will be Kozoe's long awaited Funeral?

Komo: Yes. You'll be here, right?

Kodama: As much as I dread lingering among the discarded, I guess I feel obligated to.

Riku: So you want the masters to take care of the Zeether Monster while we attend the Funeral?

Kodama: That's correct. It can certainly help with the facade Walt's cooked up for those tangible dream bodies of yours.

Riku: Everyone will be there too, right?

(Cut to the Kingdom Key Detective Agency, Machi is at the phone as a receptionist. Eraqus is unpacking the boxes with Ellie and Xehanort.)

Machi: Of course, Moji's calling in everybody in the group.

Eraqus: I can understand those from the earth but the chosen children of the Keyblade?

Riku: (on phone) Please, Eraqus. Do us this favor. (looks to Koyemshi) You too, Koyemshi...

Koyemshi: Fine, I'll let you punks mourn your missing link.

(Cut to Kanji in his room, sitting at his computer.)

Moji: (on phone) Then, if you could meet in front of Futago Hall tomorrow afternoon at one...

Kanji: Okay.

(Splitscreen engage, one screen focusing on Kanji, another on Moji)

Moji: Also, Ushiro's staying with you, right?

Kanji: Yeah, I'll go tell him, too.

Moji: I don't think you'll have to push him to come, but...

Kanji: It's all up to him, right?

Moji: Right... (A man walks to Moji) Bye. Thanks. (the man sits lays out a drink for Moji) Ah, thank you. (looks into Moji's eyes and walks along, he was Kozoe's father.)


[edit] Suffering

(Bonnie is laying waste to the Unversed Monster.)

Bonnie: Die! Die!Die!Die!Die!Diiiiiiieee!

(fade to the chairs spinning as the next seal glows as sky blue as Waku's battle and Bonnie's battle right before it. It lands on Xehanort's throne. Xehanort looks at Koyemshi with an appeased expression as the mark appears on his face in the form of an X.)

[edit] Drive-Thru

(The day of the Funeral. Ninten is driving Bonnie, Waku and the Ichigo Twins to the Futago Hall, making a pit stop at a Drive-Thru)

Casheer: Welcome to Muplo King Burger, can I take your order.

Ninten: Takashi'll have the Angus Third-Pounder as always, I'll take the Fish Fillet and Lime Soda, the missus'll have the chicken salad wrap, and Kids, what do you want?

Yuki: Chicken Sandwich...

Yumi: Bacon Burger...

Bonnie: Spaghetti and Meatballs...

Ninten: They don't serve pasta, that's Secret Garden down the Block. (Bonnie looks depressed as we jump cut to an open box of chicken nuggets) I'll get you some nuggets, alright?

(Bonnie stares blankly at her nuggets while Yuki and Yumi solemnly eat their sandwiches. Waku eating his fries in a similar manner.)

Ninten: Anything wrong, Takashi?

Waku: Dad, I saw the picture, And I was intrigued by an old hobby of yours... Why couldn't you make it to all my games.

Ninten: (expression goes from shock to depression) Oh, you know Shoutaro. Overtime Wages, pressure at work and all that...

Waku: So, I guess that explains why you keep sending your work friends to record them.

Ninten: Heh, You remember what I got you for your 8th birthday, right?

Waku: You got me a baseball glove...

Ninten: And my friend got you a soccer ball... And from that day on, you played with that soccer ball all the time while the glove I got you gathered dust in the attic, never seeing the light of day until you find something troubling you... Just like this past week, even before Kozoe washed ashore.

Waku: Can't tell ya.

Ninten: Why?

Waku: ...because you wouldn't believe me if I told you...

(Ninten turns his eyes toward the road with a look of concern)

[edit] Grief

(Futago Hall, The car parks nearby as Aiko arrives and finds:)

Aiko: Moji-kun! (runs to him) Where is everyone?

Moji: (points) They're right over there, as expected. In fact the guest of honor's just arrived...

(Ninten, Bonnie, Waku and the Ichigo Twins exit the Car and walk toward the group.)

Machi: It looks like Ushiro isn't coming today.

Daichi: Well, given what happened and all... I didn't want to come here either, to be honest.

Kodama: I wanna go home already...

(they stare at Kodama as Waku walks up to them.)

Waku: Hey...

(Ichigo looks to Waku.)

Ichigo: Man. No sense of struggling against your old man?

Waku: Does it even matter?

Ichigo: Wow... He must really be broken, perhaps some laughter will brighten your day, Chizu recommended this guy to provide the laughs.

<Sensei>: So then I said, "Law of Nature, Bitch!"

Undertaker: Yes, tell us the story of you insulting your own mother's request to turn back into a baby...

(back with the cast)

Riku: Wow, that's disturbing... This joke should be funny...

Sora: I don't see it Riku...

Chizu: Look. (They do so and find Kanji and the Ushiro siblings walking up to our surviving heroes.)

[edit] Investigation

(cut to the morgue, where investigators are looking in vain for Kozoe's body)

Doctor: And what do I owe these agents of SHIELD?

Tanaka: Actually, Rya's with SHIELD, We're native japanese if you please.

Rya: Wow, I feel like I'm in a subpar Disney Movie...

Seki: We just want to analyze the body of Miss Kozoe Kurasaka if that's fine with you.

Doctor: Well, you're outta luck, I've sent her back to her family yesterday. They're holding a funeral for the poor girl as we speak.

Rya: I take it her drowned corpse wound up here when it washed ashore days prior.

Doctor: Who said anything about this forsaken girl drowning?

[edit] Loss

(cut to the funeral, the fifty-four children and four adults are looking towards the coffin of their fallen friend, we cut to see Koyemshi, Eraqus and Xehanort awaiting their opponent in the Cockpit of Zearth. We then see Kozoe's family and friends leaving her flowers. Ninten guides Kozoe's mother to the Summer Nature School group.)

Mrs. Kurasaka: Takashi, and you brought along your entire class.

Waku: Yeah...

Moji: I got the word out to everyone.

Komo: Oh, You have my deepest condolences.

Tedd: Wha- Oh, Sorry, I was watching a anime that kills its main characters regularly on my iPad.

Mrs. Kurasaka: There's so many of you, and you've spent her final days with her. It'd be a challenge, but I think she'd remember you all... (cries in Ninten's Chest.) Thank you!

(Cut to the Morgue again where we see the Doctor opening the file cabinet)

Doctor: Let's see, I put my report on Kozoe Kurasaka in here somewhere... If you told me sooner, I would've kept it here where you'd take it into SHIELD Custody (finds her autopsy) Ah! Here we go! (reads it aloud) No water or even a trace of white foam was found in the body. The contusions and fractured bones observed after her paralysis were clearly obtained postmortem.

Seki: So, what you're saying is?

Rya: She died before she made the plunge?

Doctor: That is correct.

(cut to the funeral)

Mr. Kurasaka: I thank you all for taking time out of your busy day for my loving daughter, Kozoe Kurasaka. The service went swimmingly thanks to you, and now the funeral procession can begin. She was quite energetic and loyal to her friends, She expressed herself through art and memorization after her paralysis, and one the Wakus added fuel to her fire mostly through Disney Products and the like. An example would be when they took her to see Frozen this one time... (starts to break down into tears) and she memorized each song... on the first viewing... (cries into the nearby man's jacket)

(We get a good long look at our heroes as they all mourned for their fallen friend. One thing was for certain...)

Xion: Kozoe-chan's dead, isn't she...?

(Cut to Waku being depressed before we return to the morgue)

Rya: Then what the hell killed her?

Doctor: I have absolutely no Idea!

Rya: You know I don't like being punk'd so tell us the truth!

Doctor: That is the truth, Besides the Paralysis, her body was clean of any disfunctionality. Everything was present and accounted for, only her soul was absent.

(Kozoe is creamated on earth as the Gaurd Armor appears in the Zeether)

[edit] Fight

Zearth vs. Gaurd Armor

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