Viewtiful World of Disney Infinity

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(Opening Segment)
(11: ???)
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:(Iris Out)
:(Iris Out)
===Host Segment 1===
:We cut to the Toy Box as a sleeping Sekai Montague lay on a hammock with her face covered in a Toy Catalogue.
:We cut to the Toy Box as a sleeping Sekai Montague lay on a hammock with her face covered in a Toy Catalogue.
:Announcer: And now, your hostess: Sekai Montague... uh, Your hostess: Sekai Montague... oh, for the love of- Wake Up!
:Announcer: And now, your hostess: Sekai Montague... uh, Your hostess: Sekai Montague... oh, for the love of- Wake Up!
Line 70: Line 70:
:Stewie Griffin: Brian, We could spend the rest of our lives here! It's Perfect!
:Stewie Griffin: Brian, We could spend the rest of our lives here! It's Perfect!
:Brian Griffin: Sounds good to me, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with this place!
:Brian Griffin: Sounds good to me, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with this place!
:Sekai Montague: I wouldn't say it's perfect, Like I said, it's a Sterotypical Disney Universe depicted in a Parody Skit, The script makes it clear that a Comedian Wrote this because he put in the most horrendous stereotype ever attached to us which will show itself in three, two, one, (Opens the Door for Mort) Engage!
:Sekai Montague: I wouldn't say it's perfect, Like I said, it's a Sterotypical Disney Universe depicted in a Parody Skit, The script makes it clear that a Comedian Wrote this because he put in the most insulting, horrendous and overall despicable stereotype ever attached to us which will show itself in three, two, one, (Opens the Door for Mort Goldman) Engage!
:Mort Goldman: Hello Everybody!
:All: JEWWWWWWW!!!! (Benswela Drags in Mort with her tentacles so the Disney Stereotypes can beat the smeg out of Mort, The splatters of blood landing on Sekai's open umbrella.)
:Mickey Mouse: (Facepalm and then says in the style of Keenan Thompson) Whyyy!?
:Sekai Montague: So to denounce this ruinous rumor the joker probably spread and to keep you tuned to channel, We've devised a crackpot scheme to get you back in the Disney Mood after this ongoing mess. Called Disney's Folly at one Point, I know quite a few movies that deserve that Title. Uh, guys, could you get me to the Toy Box cause I cant do the show in my Spiderman Pajamas!
:Stewie Griffin: Alright, I'll push the thing and Drop you off.
:Sekai Montague: Can I do the Honors?
:Stewie Griffin: Suit Yourself.
:Sekai Montague: After you recover from the shock and awe this 'comedian' wrote, please do stick around for the one that started it all: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
:The three are warped away by Tinker Bell, Cue Mort's Corpse.
===Closing Segment===
===Closing Segment===
:Sekai steps down the stairs of the Disney Castle.
:Sekai: Okay, this is usually the part of the show where I either explore a Toy Box you submit to us, show some cartoons in case we have time or sometimes, even read some fanmail. But we have none of that because hey, we just started. So I figured I'd fill you in on who I am... I'm the spunky young apprentice of that old Dreamfinder you know, you met him in the parks... The Imagination Pavilion at Epcot. Red Beard, Purple Threads... Ring a bell to ya?
:Cut to Sekai Slipping back into her Pajamas.
:Sekai: We plotwork Toys almost never cause any major interference with reality, except this one time with the Show's Creator, Tod Schimer, I asked if would imitate this outro for our show, he said: "Sure, why not!". As for me, They say I have a bit of an Ego. Please, Im not egotistical, I'm just saying Disney's bound to buy it all one-by-one. (Looks at a Hasbro Catalogue as she fiddles with the Microwave.) My creator drew me up with seven characters in mind which influenced my design. The obvious characters are Avatar Korra, Sonic the Hedgehog, and the Tenth Doctor. We'll allude to them and the other four across this show, the games, and a few other Projects. (Opens the Microwave and takes out a Hamburger) For example, If I'm aiming for some frankfurter roast, I'm eager to make it a Chilli Dog coated in Cheese because that's the way I like 'em. I am contactually obliged to try out this Hamburger with a secret ingredient, (Under the Bun, she sees:)...Jellybeans... See you next week...
==2: Tron==
==2: Tron==
===Opening Segment===
===Opening Segment===
:Sekai is on her Laptop.
:Sekai: Hey, kids. Welcome to the show, There's plenty of Talk around the globe about Cyberspace, Net Neutrality, The World Wide Web and all that but there are quite alot of people upstairs who could mess everything up, Lobbyists who want it Dead and Gone, Corporations who want to restrict it to suit their opinions, and Politicians who Just Don't Get it.
:Sekai is now in a computer lab with a comatose man nearby.
:Sekai: But this week's story takes us deep into the circuitry to see a Rebellion Alliance do battle against a malevolent AI known as the Master Control Program, and how a user is brought in to knock him down to size with a program called: TRON
===Closing Segment===
===Closing Segment===
:Sekai is on Top of a mountain
:Sekai: Yeah, there's nothing quite like the glorious landscapes of our real world to relax your body after a hard days work on your computer. Course knowing you, you'd probably be right about...
:Sekai snaps ner fingers to appear in her bedroom, playing on her 3DS in her Pajamas.
:Sekai: Here, In your bed. Watching Youtube Videos or playing thirty-year-old arcade games on your 3DS. There's this fellow who dreams of a time in the future where we own the manufacturer of this fancy little console, Nintendo. Wanna know who it is? You'll see. (Claps her hands and the lights go off as Fix-It Felix jr. is heard in the Background)
==3: 16 Wishes==
==3: 16 Wishes==
===Opening Sequence===
===Opening Sequence===
:Sekai is stepping out of a rollercoaster.
:Sekai: Childhood is essentially one of the biggest things here at Disney because once you take a liking to something we Cooked up, we're stuck to ya for life! If you enjoy something like Snow White or Pinnochio, Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast, Tangled or Frozen, Star Wars or Avengers, We've probably won you over already. That's because Childhood is a precious and important time in your life but kids these days want to get it over with ASAP. as is the case in this week's story: Sixteen Candles where a Teenage Girl has a very sweet sixteen with sixteen wishes all to herself, that all goes bitter when the girl makes a wish that she'll ultimately regret.
===Closing Sequence===
===Closing Sequence===
:Sekai pops in to check in on us
:Sekai: See what I'm getting at, folks? Childhood is to be cherished for as long as possible and once it's done, it's done! Not too many kids have learned this lesson 'til now, but there are many people from previous generations that take this to heart, sometimes a little too close to heart...
:Sekai is in her Pajamas and is getting ready for Bed.
:Sekai: Childhood makes a big difference in one's Adult Life, Childhood Friends are more likely to stay friends throughout their lifetimes, Memories of that one time at a retailer's bound to cling to you for decades to come, Influences in your past can shape your future and once you have memories of Disney in your system, there's lean-to-slim-to-even-no turning back from that commitment, You may aim for separate paths but if you want to know who essentially raised ya, You know where to look. (Turns off the Light.)
==4: Dumbo==
==4: Dumbo==
===Opening Sequence===
===Opening Sequence===
:Sekai looks up to the sky.
:Sekai: Alot of people bring up the topic of family around me. Truth is, If I even have a family, I can't remember much about it, or at all for that matter
===Closing Sequence===
===Closing Sequence===
==5: ???==
==5: Fantasia==
===Opening Segment===
:Sekai is playing ''Dreams, Dreams'' an Imaginary Flute.
:Sekai: Welcome to the Toy Box, You're just in time to see us make Disney History. At least, In terms of the whole anthology Traditional thing... Spawned from the Silly Symphony Short Film concept 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' after Walt Disney himself Swapped out Dopey for Mickey Mouse to keep him under his employ. We're gonna premiere Fantasia, the third Animated Disney Movie ever produced. There are quite a few who know that good ol' Uncle Walt showed the segments separately, The film sadly was never shown in it's entirety...Until Now, That is!
===Closing Segment===
:Sekai is Clapping in the Balcony.
:Sekai: Brava! Brava! Let us all thank Mr. Stakouski's Orchestra for this wonderful performance, Brava! Yes, this flick was a wonder in the re-release circuit, but in the initial release, Walt Disney lost quite a lot of Money to this thing.
:She exits the Balcony as we cut back to her Bedroom
:Sekai: He thankfully Made up for it with Dumbo which was thankfully cheaper than Fantasia and Pinnocchio. Yes, Really. This film's message is Experimentation. As long as there is Imagination, we here at Disney shall keep on building up our resorts, our world, and our collection of memorable characters. See ya next week. (Claps her hands to turn off the lights)
==6: Home on the Range==
===Opening Segment===
:We see Sekai Frying some bacon at a barnyard.
:Sekai: Well...Here it is folks, the big one! The most insidious project ever to be developed by the House of Mouse, (Enter Jar-Jar) Key word being developed but don't worry about little orphan Ani, His Day is Coming. I'm talkin' bout Home on the Range, this came out when Disney seemed uneasy with it's currently terminated 2-D Film Animation Department and it was so half-baked that they nearly killed it until Iger saved patched it up with Princess and the Frog only for the Tradition to be crushed alongside 2011's Winnie the Pooh by the last Harry Potter movie. The Characters and landare so unmemorable that their characters never made it into the Toy Box and we're gonna give it the full-on MST3K Treatment, It ain't just me, We've got other Losers ready to rip it a new one, Bob Saget and Mike Nelson are here with me to riff on Disney's Home on the Range!
===Closing Segment===
:Sekai is leaving the theater with Bob and Mike.
:Sekai: Whadiya Think, Sirs?
:Bob/Mike: It Stinks!
:Sekai: See what I mean? This flick was so horrible, It proved Eisener's point that it was out with traditional animation and in with cheap imitations of Will Smith Fish-era Dreamworks! There were mediocre Disney Park Attractions, Direct-to-Video Sequels to Pixar Movies, Disney was becoming as creatively stagnant as It's California Adventure Park, or in other words, Time Warner.
:Sekai slides into bedroom in her Pajamas
:Sekai: Thankfully when Iger took over, he brought fresh Ideas to the table, rekindled their relationship with Pixar, revived 2D least for a while, Fixed up DCA, Turned EuroDisney into Disneyland Paris and overall kept pushing forward in terms of excellent storytelling.
:Sekai jumps into bed.
:Sekai: I'm starting to sense a pattern in this: our second renaissance... What it is-*yawn*-I'm gonna...tell ya later...see ya next week... (claps her hands to turn off the lights.)
==7: Song of the South==
===Opening Segment===
:Sekai is walking through the Toy Box as characters are tossing footballs around.
:Sekai: Hey, Kids. I am so glad that I get to see you this week! Why is that?
:Flashback to two days ago. Sekai is Whining to her King, Smoking a Cigarette
:Sekai: Oh, Come On! I just need this show, It's the only broadcast gig I got!
:???: Only Gig, Arn't the fellas downstairs working on a new show for Disney Channel?
:Sekai: Yeah, But You know how much time it takes! Just throw me a bone and give me a Movie to show this week! I don't wanna be pre-empted!
:???: You...want a movie to share with the Audience downstairs?
:Sekai: Yes, Your Majesty...
:???: ...very well.
:Back to the present, Sekai has a Film Reel in her right hand as she stands right behind (get this!) a sign for the Super Bowl
:Sekai: So here I am with a film you probably never even heard of called 'Song of the South'. Disney Geeks'll recognize this as that one contravercial flick with all 'dem outgrown, discredited stereotypes about Black People. I say its kind of a Bland Film, Uncle Remus, Zip-adee Doo-Dah and the Animation saves it somewhat, but it's still kinda meh... I wonder why the King'd give me this movie to show you guys...
===Closing Segment===
:Sekai is singing along as she Showers Down.
:Sekai: ''Zip-adee doo dah''
:''Zip-adee ay''
:''My, Oh my!''
:''Super Bowl was Today!''
:''Fanciful Tailgate''
:''Passing my Way!''
:''Zip-adee doo dah,''
:''Zip-adee ay''
==8: Wreck-it Ralph==
===Opening Segment===
:Sekai is hanging out on Top of the Nicelander Apartment Building.
:Sekai: Oh, Hey. Welcome to the Show, This week, we actually got a guest on speed dial.
:Enter AlphaOmegaSin
:AlphaOmegaSin: The Hell is this place, Macro Zone
:Sekai: This be the heart of Disney Infinity, my friend. Welcome to the Toy Box. (beat) Look, just clue us in on today's fanletter and we'll get on with the Big Premiere!
:AlphaOmegaSin: What's this? 'Dear Sekai Montague, When will your owners buy Nintendo, Grace from Chicago Illinois'
:Sekai: Well Grace, I'm Glad you asked in that letter I had a Manchild Read! See, David Jaffe, the outspoken creator of the Twisted Metal and God of War video game franchises, He'd love to see us buy Nintendo! Heck, we were shocked when Mario wasn't invited to the 30th Anniversary of Fix-It Felix jr being hooked up at Litwak's Arcade just because the following year and part of the year after that was 'The Year of Luigi'!
:AlphaOmegaSin: Seriously, That's why they couldn't get Mario? Who the hell does that?
:Sekai: Aaaaanywaay˜! Allow us to fill you in as well as Mr. Mario Mario on the Big Party and the one-off story that the party follows.
===Closing Segment===
:Sekai is Polishing an Arcade Machine with AlphaOmegaSin
:Sekai: That's the way to do it, Don't ever try to change your image for the sake of fame and/or glory, you gotta stay true the core of your characteristics. Talk to people if you're contemplating the Lethal Solution, they will say the same thing we do. Back to Nintendo, They've been bleeding money for three years now, There's even a UK Retailer that views Mario Kart 8 as the Wii U's last shot.
:AlphaOmegaSin: So the Million Dollar Question is: When is Disney Gonna Buy Nintendo?
:Sekai: ...When we're ready.
:Alphaomegasin: What! (Walks offscreen to Sekai to find Sekai and himself in Pajamas)
:Sekai: When we find ourselves okay with allowing Nintendo's hundreds upon hundreds of characters into the Disney Family, just like when we were okay with letting in Marvel's 7000+ characters, or that vast galaxy far, far away... We will jump into the Nintendo Madness when we're ready. Because there's nobody Disney would like to be than themselves, Because we like ya just the way you are.
:AlphaOmegaSin: Alright, that's all for this week, Until Next Time: Nerds, Nerdettes and Gamers, Game the F*** on! (Claps his hands, then the lights go off) They're gonna think I wanna bang ya, arn't they?
:Sekai: It's already been Implied so the Tabloids'll probably take it from here so... G'night, Alph!
:AlphaOmegaSin: G'night!
==9: A Night at House of Mouse==
===Opening Segment===
:Sekai is getting herself dressed in a casual class of suit.
===Host Segment "Der Fuher's Face"===
:Sekai walks across the Stage
:Sekai: Allow me to tell you
===Host Segment "Mickey's Surprise"===
:Sekai steps in her usual Spot as the Soda Jerk.
:Sekai: This Next Cartoon stars Minnie Mouse as she tries baking cookies like her momma used to make.
===Closing Segment===
==10: Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace==
===Opening Segment===
===Closing Segment===
==11: James and the Giant Peach==
===Opening Segment===
===Closing Segment===
==12: Tangled==
===Opening Segment===
===Closing Segment===
==13: Equestria Girls==
===Opening Segment===
:Sekai is dancing to the music.
:Sekai: You know what I dig so much about this show? It's the Outro, The music is courdacy of the archive of Sesame Workshop. The imagery captures the look and feel, but is littered in cameos and hints of things to come.
===Closing Segment===
==14: ???==
==15: ???==
==16: ???==
==17: ???==
==18: ???==
==19: ???==
==20: ???==
==21: ???==
==22: ???==
==23: ???==
==24: ???==
==25: Mary Poppins==
===Opening Segment===
===Closing Segment===
==26: Saving Mr. Banks==
===Opening Segment===
===Closing Segment===
:Sekai is standing in front of Disneyland
:Sekai: Yeah, P.L. Travers, Did not enjoy the film... In fact, she hated it, all the way down to Dick Van Dyke's portrayal of Bert! She didn't hate it as much as she expected, after all, who can forget what she called "Let us go out and fly a Kite" but the only thing she truly liked about the movie is that Mr. Banks and by association, her father, ended up redeemed in the end! There's this scene where they discuss selling off Mickey, Walt Refuses as Mickey's become family to him. He's already lost Alice and Oswald, He sure as hell ain't givin' up the mouse! That's Dedication to your craft right there! Come on over here!
:Sekai opens the door to the firehouse, to reveal the Avalanche Studios
:Sekai: This is the Avalanche Studio who produces the Disney Infinity Franchise, These guys work around the clock and develop the ---
:Sekai steps into the Manager's office to reveal that it's the inside of a Helicopter, standing there is Bob Iger
:Sekai: And this man, Bob Iger, Chairman of the Walt Disney Company! This guy found me, Raised me up,
==Rerun Schedule==

Current revision as of 14:18, 29 January 2014


[edit] Season 1

[edit] 1: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

[edit] Opening Segment

[edit] 1

Bob Iger: Hello and welcome to yet another instance of the tried and true Disney Tradition of the basic TV anthology. But we're about moving forward around here, so this time, we have a hostess instead of myself, the head of the company. Here to explain is John Vignocchi of Avalanche Software.
John Vignocci: Thank you, Mr Iger. Tonight we draw back the curtain on the latest and greatest concoction of the Disney Infinity Team, a fantastic new character, unique to the whole of Disney as she essentially represents the spirit of Disney and the many hearts we've nurtured over the ninety years we've existed dispite the nineteen years she appears to be. As we step into the Disney Infinity Toy Box Together, I must warn you. She can get a little tenacious at times and has a bit of an Ego Problem so just bare with her. With that said, let's begin.
(Iris Out)

[edit] 2

We cut to the Toy Box as a sleeping Sekai Montague lay on a hammock with her face covered in a Toy Catalogue.
Announcer: And now, your hostess: Sekai Montague... uh, Your hostess: Sekai Montague... oh, for the love of- Wake Up!
Sekai wakes up
Sekai Montague: W-What! What's going on?
Announcer: Mr. Iger wants you to host the show!
Sekai Montague: What Shoooooohmygod! ohmygod! ohmygod! ohmygod! I'm actually talking to you humans in Person...Sorta... So what do I do?
Announcer: Entertain them.
Sekai Montague: Well how the Shell do I do that?
In teleport Stewie and Brian (Family Guy)
Brian Griffin: What the hell, what's happened to us?
Stewie Griffin: I don't know but suddenly I feel all warm and fuzzy.
Sekai Montague: Life's good to me sometimes, Just ask Marvel and Lucasfilm. In an animated Disney...Well any thing, we expect nothing but the very best animators both in two-dimensional tv shows and three-dimensional movies and even when you repackage a stereotypical Disney parody into segment of a Disneyland-type variety show, they tend to cost serious spondoli if you catch my drift!
Brian Griffin: Look, there's our house.
We look at the Griffin residence as designed by the Disney Parody. They head forth into the house.
Sekai Montague: Such fluid running animation can only come from our 2-D animation department which I'm still ticked off that we've closed down, thanks a lot, Potter. In days of old, they took a smegton of paper but should you modern day morons actually give 2-D imagery a chance, providing animation of this caliber is only an incredibly expensive piece of animation software and an even more expensive Tablet. They're both stuck to the Animator for life effectively lasting much longer in the long run than cutting down trees or worse, the Hanna-Barbera Repeat Bend. Whadiya think, Stewie?
Stewie Griffin: *Laughing* Look how gayly we run!
Stewie and Brian Tumble out of the doggie door and Sekai leaps in from an open window
Sekai Montague: Mornin' Lois!
Lois Griffin: Oh, Stewie and Brian, and look at you, Miss Montague, it's always a pleasure to see you!
Sekai: Oh, c'mon, Lois, you're making me blush.
Lois Griffin: Well, You've missed the Lasagna Sekai but you've made it just in time for pie!
Peter Griffin: Did somebody say pie?
in comes Peter and the Song finally begins.
Peter: It's a Wonderful Day for Pie
You can ask all the Birds in the sky
Sekai: and they'll tell you real sweet
With a musical tweet
Twitter Bird (Voiced by Quagmire): It's a Wonderful Day for Pie!
Kids: for Pie!
Twitter Bird: for Pie!
Lois Griffin: for Pie!
Coffee Pot (Voiced by Joe Swanson): for Pie!
Sekai: See, this wonderful song about pie and everything audio has to be recorded and paid for, The Voices, Musical Score, all the sound effects (tosses a Pie at a Tree, Besuela {an Ursula knockoff here, Meg Griffin being a Post-Tangled Rapunzel lookalike} cleans up the Cream Pie), all of it that you're hearin' on the speakers! Well, not all of 'it we've got a huge pile of stock sound effects on standby. Thank you Skywalker Sound and clearly my talking has left you dreaming in your sleep so let's get on with the show!
Peter Griffin: It's a Wonderful Day for Pie
Skunk (Voiced by Cleveland Brown): And it smells a lot better than I
Mouse (Voiced by Adam West): Everyone in the House
Peter Griffin: And this Adam West Mouse
All: We all sing with glee
Cause We all agree
It's a wonderful day for pie
Stewie Griffin: Oh, It's wonderful, Brian! Let's live in this universe!
Brian Griffin: Gosh, it's pretty intoxicating, isn't it?
Stewie Griffin: I want to hear more music about pie!
Sekai Montague: How bout an extra set of lyrics about Pie!
Peter Griffin: It's a Wonderful Day for Pie
Mickey Mouse: And it's great knowing that we're alive
Goofy: All the fellas ya meet
Minnie Mouse: Anyone you find sweet
Bees: The Bees making Honey
Fozzie: All things that are Funny
Sekai: The Smucks who owe Money
Bunny (Voiced by Tom Tucker): This Tom Tucker Bunny
All: We all sing with Glee
Cause we all agree
It's a Wonderful, Wonderful Day for Piiiiiiie!
It Zooms headfirst from Disneyland towards the open front door of the Griffin residence.
Old Hag (Voiced by Herbert): You want a Nice Shiny Red Apple to put in that pie?
All: NO!
(The Hag is pelted with Pie as Peter Slams the Door Shut.)

[edit] 3

Stewie Griffin: Brian, We could spend the rest of our lives here! It's Perfect!
Brian Griffin: Sounds good to me, there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with this place!
Sekai Montague: I wouldn't say it's perfect, Like I said, it's a Sterotypical Disney Universe depicted in a Parody Skit, The script makes it clear that a Comedian Wrote this because he put in the most insulting, horrendous and overall despicable stereotype ever attached to us which will show itself in three, two, one, (Opens the Door for Mort Goldman) Engage!
Mort Goldman: Hello Everybody!
All: JEWWWWWWW!!!! (Benswela Drags in Mort with her tentacles so the Disney Stereotypes can beat the smeg out of Mort, The splatters of blood landing on Sekai's open umbrella.)
Mickey Mouse: (Facepalm and then says in the style of Keenan Thompson) Whyyy!?
Sekai Montague: So to denounce this ruinous rumor the joker probably spread and to keep you tuned to channel, We've devised a crackpot scheme to get you back in the Disney Mood after this ongoing mess. Called Disney's Folly at one Point, I know quite a few movies that deserve that Title. Uh, guys, could you get me to the Toy Box cause I cant do the show in my Spiderman Pajamas!
Stewie Griffin: Alright, I'll push the thing and Drop you off.
Sekai Montague: Can I do the Honors?
Stewie Griffin: Suit Yourself.
Sekai Montague: After you recover from the shock and awe this 'comedian' wrote, please do stick around for the one that started it all: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
The three are warped away by Tinker Bell, Cue Mort's Corpse.

[edit] Closing Segment

Sekai steps down the stairs of the Disney Castle.
Sekai: Okay, this is usually the part of the show where I either explore a Toy Box you submit to us, show some cartoons in case we have time or sometimes, even read some fanmail. But we have none of that because hey, we just started. So I figured I'd fill you in on who I am... I'm the spunky young apprentice of that old Dreamfinder you know, you met him in the parks... The Imagination Pavilion at Epcot. Red Beard, Purple Threads... Ring a bell to ya?
Cut to Sekai Slipping back into her Pajamas.
Sekai: We plotwork Toys almost never cause any major interference with reality, except this one time with the Show's Creator, Tod Schimer, I asked if would imitate this outro for our show, he said: "Sure, why not!". As for me, They say I have a bit of an Ego. Please, Im not egotistical, I'm just saying Disney's bound to buy it all one-by-one. (Looks at a Hasbro Catalogue as she fiddles with the Microwave.) My creator drew me up with seven characters in mind which influenced my design. The obvious characters are Avatar Korra, Sonic the Hedgehog, and the Tenth Doctor. We'll allude to them and the other four across this show, the games, and a few other Projects. (Opens the Microwave and takes out a Hamburger) For example, If I'm aiming for some frankfurter roast, I'm eager to make it a Chilli Dog coated in Cheese because that's the way I like 'em. I am contactually obliged to try out this Hamburger with a secret ingredient, (Under the Bun, she sees:)...Jellybeans... See you next week...

[edit] 2: Tron

[edit] Opening Segment

Sekai is on her Laptop.
Sekai: Hey, kids. Welcome to the show, There's plenty of Talk around the globe about Cyberspace, Net Neutrality, The World Wide Web and all that but there are quite alot of people upstairs who could mess everything up, Lobbyists who want it Dead and Gone, Corporations who want to restrict it to suit their opinions, and Politicians who Just Don't Get it.
Sekai is now in a computer lab with a comatose man nearby.
Sekai: But this week's story takes us deep into the circuitry to see a Rebellion Alliance do battle against a malevolent AI known as the Master Control Program, and how a user is brought in to knock him down to size with a program called: TRON

[edit] Closing Segment

Sekai is on Top of a mountain
Sekai: Yeah, there's nothing quite like the glorious landscapes of our real world to relax your body after a hard days work on your computer. Course knowing you, you'd probably be right about...
Sekai snaps ner fingers to appear in her bedroom, playing on her 3DS in her Pajamas.
Sekai: Here, In your bed. Watching Youtube Videos or playing thirty-year-old arcade games on your 3DS. There's this fellow who dreams of a time in the future where we own the manufacturer of this fancy little console, Nintendo. Wanna know who it is? You'll see. (Claps her hands and the lights go off as Fix-It Felix jr. is heard in the Background)

[edit] 3: 16 Wishes

[edit] Opening Sequence

Sekai is stepping out of a rollercoaster.
Sekai: Childhood is essentially one of the biggest things here at Disney because once you take a liking to something we Cooked up, we're stuck to ya for life! If you enjoy something like Snow White or Pinnochio, Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast, Tangled or Frozen, Star Wars or Avengers, We've probably won you over already. That's because Childhood is a precious and important time in your life but kids these days want to get it over with ASAP. as is the case in this week's story: Sixteen Candles where a Teenage Girl has a very sweet sixteen with sixteen wishes all to herself, that all goes bitter when the girl makes a wish that she'll ultimately regret.

[edit] Closing Sequence

Sekai pops in to check in on us
Sekai: See what I'm getting at, folks? Childhood is to be cherished for as long as possible and once it's done, it's done! Not too many kids have learned this lesson 'til now, but there are many people from previous generations that take this to heart, sometimes a little too close to heart...
Sekai is in her Pajamas and is getting ready for Bed.
Sekai: Childhood makes a big difference in one's Adult Life, Childhood Friends are more likely to stay friends throughout their lifetimes, Memories of that one time at a retailer's bound to cling to you for decades to come, Influences in your past can shape your future and once you have memories of Disney in your system, there's lean-to-slim-to-even-no turning back from that commitment, You may aim for separate paths but if you want to know who essentially raised ya, You know where to look. (Turns off the Light.)

[edit] 4: Dumbo

[edit] Opening Sequence

Sekai looks up to the sky.
Sekai: Alot of people bring up the topic of family around me. Truth is, If I even have a family, I can't remember much about it, or at all for that matter

[edit] Closing Sequence

[edit] 5: Fantasia

[edit] Opening Segment

Sekai is playing Dreams, Dreams an Imaginary Flute.
Sekai: Welcome to the Toy Box, You're just in time to see us make Disney History. At least, In terms of the whole anthology Traditional thing... Spawned from the Silly Symphony Short Film concept 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' after Walt Disney himself Swapped out Dopey for Mickey Mouse to keep him under his employ. We're gonna premiere Fantasia, the third Animated Disney Movie ever produced. There are quite a few who know that good ol' Uncle Walt showed the segments separately, The film sadly was never shown in it's entirety...Until Now, That is!

[edit] Closing Segment

Sekai is Clapping in the Balcony.
Sekai: Brava! Brava! Let us all thank Mr. Stakouski's Orchestra for this wonderful performance, Brava! Yes, this flick was a wonder in the re-release circuit, but in the initial release, Walt Disney lost quite a lot of Money to this thing.
She exits the Balcony as we cut back to her Bedroom
Sekai: He thankfully Made up for it with Dumbo which was thankfully cheaper than Fantasia and Pinnocchio. Yes, Really. This film's message is Experimentation. As long as there is Imagination, we here at Disney shall keep on building up our resorts, our world, and our collection of memorable characters. See ya next week. (Claps her hands to turn off the lights)

[edit] 6: Home on the Range

[edit] Opening Segment

We see Sekai Frying some bacon at a barnyard.
Sekai: Well...Here it is folks, the big one! The most insidious project ever to be developed by the House of Mouse, (Enter Jar-Jar) Key word being developed but don't worry about little orphan Ani, His Day is Coming. I'm talkin' bout Home on the Range, this came out when Disney seemed uneasy with it's currently terminated 2-D Film Animation Department and it was so half-baked that they nearly killed it until Iger saved patched it up with Princess and the Frog only for the Tradition to be crushed alongside 2011's Winnie the Pooh by the last Harry Potter movie. The Characters and landare so unmemorable that their characters never made it into the Toy Box and we're gonna give it the full-on MST3K Treatment, It ain't just me, We've got other Losers ready to rip it a new one, Bob Saget and Mike Nelson are here with me to riff on Disney's Home on the Range!

[edit] Closing Segment

Sekai is leaving the theater with Bob and Mike.
Sekai: Whadiya Think, Sirs?
Bob/Mike: It Stinks!
Sekai: See what I mean? This flick was so horrible, It proved Eisener's point that it was out with traditional animation and in with cheap imitations of Will Smith Fish-era Dreamworks! There were mediocre Disney Park Attractions, Direct-to-Video Sequels to Pixar Movies, Disney was becoming as creatively stagnant as It's California Adventure Park, or in other words, Time Warner.
Sekai slides into bedroom in her Pajamas
Sekai: Thankfully when Iger took over, he brought fresh Ideas to the table, rekindled their relationship with Pixar, revived 2D least for a while, Fixed up DCA, Turned EuroDisney into Disneyland Paris and overall kept pushing forward in terms of excellent storytelling.
Sekai jumps into bed.
Sekai: I'm starting to sense a pattern in this: our second renaissance... What it is-*yawn*-I'm gonna...tell ya later...see ya next week... (claps her hands to turn off the lights.)

[edit] 7: Song of the South

[edit] Opening Segment

Sekai is walking through the Toy Box as characters are tossing footballs around.
Sekai: Hey, Kids. I am so glad that I get to see you this week! Why is that?
Flashback to two days ago. Sekai is Whining to her King, Smoking a Cigarette
Sekai: Oh, Come On! I just need this show, It's the only broadcast gig I got!
???: Only Gig, Arn't the fellas downstairs working on a new show for Disney Channel?
Sekai: Yeah, But You know how much time it takes! Just throw me a bone and give me a Movie to show this week! I don't wanna be pre-empted!
???: You...want a movie to share with the Audience downstairs?
Sekai: Yes, Your Majesty...
???: ...very well.
Back to the present, Sekai has a Film Reel in her right hand as she stands right behind (get this!) a sign for the Super Bowl
Sekai: So here I am with a film you probably never even heard of called 'Song of the South'. Disney Geeks'll recognize this as that one contravercial flick with all 'dem outgrown, discredited stereotypes about Black People. I say its kind of a Bland Film, Uncle Remus, Zip-adee Doo-Dah and the Animation saves it somewhat, but it's still kinda meh... I wonder why the King'd give me this movie to show you guys...

[edit] Closing Segment

Sekai is singing along as she Showers Down.
Sekai: Zip-adee doo dah
Zip-adee ay
My, Oh my!
Super Bowl was Today!
Fanciful Tailgate
Passing my Way!
Zip-adee doo dah,
Zip-adee ay

[edit] 8: Wreck-it Ralph

[edit] Opening Segment

Sekai is hanging out on Top of the Nicelander Apartment Building.
Sekai: Oh, Hey. Welcome to the Show, This week, we actually got a guest on speed dial.
Enter AlphaOmegaSin
AlphaOmegaSin: The Hell is this place, Macro Zone
Sekai: This be the heart of Disney Infinity, my friend. Welcome to the Toy Box. (beat) Look, just clue us in on today's fanletter and we'll get on with the Big Premiere!
AlphaOmegaSin: What's this? 'Dear Sekai Montague, When will your owners buy Nintendo, Grace from Chicago Illinois'
Sekai: Well Grace, I'm Glad you asked in that letter I had a Manchild Read! See, David Jaffe, the outspoken creator of the Twisted Metal and God of War video game franchises, He'd love to see us buy Nintendo! Heck, we were shocked when Mario wasn't invited to the 30th Anniversary of Fix-It Felix jr being hooked up at Litwak's Arcade just because the following year and part of the year after that was 'The Year of Luigi'!
AlphaOmegaSin: Seriously, That's why they couldn't get Mario? Who the hell does that?
Sekai: Aaaaanywaay˜! Allow us to fill you in as well as Mr. Mario Mario on the Big Party and the one-off story that the party follows.

[edit] Closing Segment

Sekai is Polishing an Arcade Machine with AlphaOmegaSin
Sekai: That's the way to do it, Don't ever try to change your image for the sake of fame and/or glory, you gotta stay true the core of your characteristics. Talk to people if you're contemplating the Lethal Solution, they will say the same thing we do. Back to Nintendo, They've been bleeding money for three years now, There's even a UK Retailer that views Mario Kart 8 as the Wii U's last shot.
AlphaOmegaSin: So the Million Dollar Question is: When is Disney Gonna Buy Nintendo?
Sekai: ...When we're ready.
Alphaomegasin: What! (Walks offscreen to Sekai to find Sekai and himself in Pajamas)
Sekai: When we find ourselves okay with allowing Nintendo's hundreds upon hundreds of characters into the Disney Family, just like when we were okay with letting in Marvel's 7000+ characters, or that vast galaxy far, far away... We will jump into the Nintendo Madness when we're ready. Because there's nobody Disney would like to be than themselves, Because we like ya just the way you are.
AlphaOmegaSin: Alright, that's all for this week, Until Next Time: Nerds, Nerdettes and Gamers, Game the F*** on! (Claps his hands, then the lights go off) They're gonna think I wanna bang ya, arn't they?
Sekai: It's already been Implied so the Tabloids'll probably take it from here so... G'night, Alph!
AlphaOmegaSin: G'night!

[edit] 9: A Night at House of Mouse

[edit] Opening Segment

Sekai is getting herself dressed in a casual class of suit.

[edit] Host Segment "Der Fuher's Face"

Sekai walks across the Stage
Sekai: Allow me to tell you

[edit] Host Segment "Mickey's Surprise"

Sekai steps in her usual Spot as the Soda Jerk.
Sekai: This Next Cartoon stars Minnie Mouse as she tries baking cookies like her momma used to make.

[edit] Closing Segment

[edit] 10: Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace

[edit] Opening Segment

[edit] Closing Segment

[edit] 11: James and the Giant Peach

[edit] Opening Segment

[edit] Closing Segment

[edit] 12: Tangled

[edit] Opening Segment

[edit] Closing Segment

[edit] 13: Equestria Girls

[edit] Opening Segment

Sekai is dancing to the music.
Sekai: You know what I dig so much about this show? It's the Outro, The music is courdacy of the archive of Sesame Workshop. The imagery captures the look and feel, but is littered in cameos and hints of things to come.

[edit] Closing Segment

[edit] 14: ???

[edit] 15: ???

[edit] 16: ???

[edit] 17: ???

[edit] 18: ???

[edit] 19: ???

[edit] 20: ???

[edit] 21: ???

[edit] 22: ???

[edit] 23: ???

[edit] 24: ???

[edit] 25: Mary Poppins

[edit] Opening Segment

[edit] Closing Segment

[edit] 26: Saving Mr. Banks

[edit] Opening Segment

[edit] Closing Segment

Sekai is standing in front of Disneyland
Sekai: Yeah, P.L. Travers, Did not enjoy the film... In fact, she hated it, all the way down to Dick Van Dyke's portrayal of Bert! She didn't hate it as much as she expected, after all, who can forget what she called "Let us go out and fly a Kite" but the only thing she truly liked about the movie is that Mr. Banks and by association, her father, ended up redeemed in the end! There's this scene where they discuss selling off Mickey, Walt Refuses as Mickey's become family to him. He's already lost Alice and Oswald, He sure as hell ain't givin' up the mouse! That's Dedication to your craft right there! Come on over here!
Sekai opens the door to the firehouse, to reveal the Avalanche Studios
Sekai: This is the Avalanche Studio who produces the Disney Infinity Franchise, These guys work around the clock and develop the ---
Sekai steps into the Manager's office to reveal that it's the inside of a Helicopter, standing there is Bob Iger
Sekai: And this man, Bob Iger, Chairman of the Walt Disney Company! This guy found me, Raised me up,

[edit] Rerun Schedule

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