SSE Dictionary

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Euemace Clan-A Clan trying to protect the Longetivity of the Universe
World-A Landmass protecting Lyoko from the outside
Active Nano
Chroniclers-Those Who truely beleve in Lyoko. Known Croniclers are Masahiro Sakurai and Alexander Cayford.
The Nano the player has "up" and in use.
Princess of Dreams-7 Princesses who are the Key to Unlocking Kingdom Hearts. Known Princesses are Peach, Zelda, Kairi, Aerith, Aelita, Cosmo and Luvbi.
Kingdom Hearts-Known to be the Heart of all Worlds, Untill it is Revieled that inside is Lyoko.
One of the three fictional elements that comprise Fusion Matter. Adaptium allows Fuse's minions to adapt to their environment.
Dreamgaurds-Defenders of the Digital Universe, Known Dreamgaurds are Odd, Urich, Yumi, Aelita, Jerimie, NiGHTS and Sora
Pure Hearts-If United by Subspace, These Can Unlock Kingdom Hearts and Reach Lyoko.
Artists-Those Who truely Beleve in Lyoko so Much, They Can Create New worlds in Lyoko. Known Artists are AC, Trasme, Zyrca and Aelita
One of the three fictional elements that comprise Fusion Matter. Blastons are sub-atomic particles that contain vast amounts of energy.
The Great Maze-A Connection of Worlds Absorbed Into Subspace with Portals all around. No One has Dared to Enter
When two comets collided above the world, debris was sent hurtling to the ground below, most of it sinking into the great volcano, Mt. Kai. Shortly thereafter the shards of debris began to morph into creatures. After growing in the fires of Mt. Kai, the Blastadons emerged. All Blastadons spend years training in the heart of their ancient volcano and emerge as masters of the most powerful magic in the known universe. They are known also for their Dream Weaving Skills and Monomakia. To prove themselves to the order, young members of the Blastadons must return to the heart of the volcano and there forge a gauntlet of fire to fuse to his or her right hand. This extreme rite of passage bonds the Blastadons to the source of their great power, the fires of Mt. Kai.
Once every 100 years, the worlds of Brigadoon and Earth share a dimensional space bubble. This phenomenon causes a dangerous event called Mutual Collapse. At the end of the series, it is revealed that Brigadoon is really a whole organism, and all things living in it are parasites. Aloma also reveals before then end that Earth actually IS the Brigadoon of a long time ago.
When monsters drop items, players pick them up in a C.R.A.T.E. (Contains Really Awesome Things for Everyone). Can also be written without periods: CRATE.
Chat Window
The part of the HUD that captures chat between players, chat in the general area, and dialogue from NPCs.
Coco's eggs
Power-ups that can be obtained throughout the world. Fictionally, these eggs are provided by Coco, the Imaginary Friend.
Dexter's robotic assistant.
Used to collect seedlings inside the containment areas in an infected zone. Come in multiple sizes.
Containment Area
The area inside an infected zone in which players may run "races" to collect seedlings for SACT.
[[Continuity Game]]
The Continuity Game is a moment in time when the Childlike Empress of [[Fantasia]] chooses a new God to Control all of existance. It shall Determine who shall Survive the end of time itself and become the New God. The core of the Game is the Crystal of Truth in the Planet Thra. Should you loose the Game, You and your offspring are erased from time with only Competitors to remember you. There are eighteen Competitors in the Game.
[[Continium Shifts]]
A Moment in time where all time blends together that could spell, In Zim's words: "Screaming Temporal Doom"
Corruption Attack
A type of enemy attack that targets a player's Nano. Employs the concept of "rock, paper, scissors" but uses the fictional elements of Adaptium, Blastons and Cosmix.
One of the three fictional elements that comprise Fusion Matter. Cosmix is a mysterious cosmic gas that possesses many unusual properties.
Creation Item
To create a Nano, players need a certain amount of Fusion Matter and a Nano creation item. The creation item is something iconic from a CN NPC. Examples include: Blossom's hairbow, Samurai Jack's sandal, Bloo's juicebox. Note that Fuse uses creation items to make Fusions. When players defeat a Fusion, they recover the relevant creation item so that they can make a Nano.
An unknown agent which seems to hold the key to stopping the destruction of both worlds somewhere in its DNA. Essential for The Day Of Pasca. Takes on the form of a girl who is Marin's near-exact twin. Aloma reveals that Marin is actually Creis's ancestor.
Day of Pasca
Due to the context and how it is said, it seems that the Day of Pasca is a dangerous ritual that should not happen, and is a sort of last resort for saving the worlds. The falling of the Tower of Bronte to Earth alerted Melan Blue that the Day of Pasca was coming near.
The name of Dexter's company. Located in Tech Square.
Dream Weavers
Those Who truely Beleve in Lyoko so Much, They Can Create New worlds in Lyoko. Known Dream Weavers are AC, Trasme, Zyrca, Sakurai and Aelita.
Those Who truely beleve in Lyoko. Known Dreamers are Sakurai and all Dreamgaurds.
Defenders of the Digital Universe Lyoko, Known Dreamgaurds are Odd, Urich, Yumi, Aelita, Jerimie, NiGHTS Claris, Elliot, Will, Helen, AC and Sora.
Equipped Nano
The three Nanos the player has in the Nano Wheel.
Eruption Attack
A type of enemy attack that creates a target area on the ground that the player must avoid to prevent damage.
Euemace Clan
A Clan trying to protect the Longetivity of the Universe. Important Members include Trasme and Zyrca
Evolved Spawn
A Fusion Spawn that has adapted to its environment is an Evolved Spawn. Most of the enemies in the game are of this type.
Fuse is the leader of Planet Fusion. He is the main enemy in the game. Though Fuse has an "avatar" that can be defeated, we will learn that Fuse and his home planet are one and the same. Over the millenia, Fuse has mastered many different forms of science, magic and technology as a result of his world-conquering.
Fuse's most powerful monsters are the Fusions. These are "dark versions" of the CN NPCs. Fusions do not speak, but they do often mimic their counterpart's behavior. In some cases, Fusions are the polar opposites of their counterparts. For example: Eduardo is timid but Fusion Eduardo is fierce.
Fusion Matter
The "green goo" that Fuse is using to infect our world. Also, all the enemies, including Fuse himself, are comprised of Fusion Matter. When a monster is defeated, it reverts to Fusion Matter, which players can collect. Fusion Matter inside the infected zones is toxic.
Fusion Portal
The doorway to a Fusion's lair.
Fusion Spawn
The basic type of monster in the game. Fusion Spawns mimic their environment to transform into Evolved Spawns.
Gooby Trap
Fuse's minions place these inside infected areas. If these "time bombs" go off, they spread Fusion Matter everywhere, spreading the infection.
Great Machine
Built in conjunction with Dexlabs and Mandark Industries (although Mandark takes all the credit), the Great Machine is used to build Nanos. Players must visit a Great Machine with the appropriate amount of Fusion Matter and a Nano creation item to make a Nano.
Great Maze
A recreation of the worlds the Smashers Traveled Before Wizeman Ended Imaginationland the First time.
Grim's Gardens
Grim's line of day spas and beauty products.
One of four CN NPCs that guide players through the world from start to finish. Guides send emails to the player suggesting missions to undertake. Currently, the four guides are: Ben, Dexter, Edd and Mojo Jojo. Note: in the Free Zone, all players have the same guide: Computress.
Guide Mission
A guide mission is a mission provided by a guide, and always results in a guide reward.
Guide Reward
A special reward unique to a particular guide. Granted at the end of a successfully completed guide mission.
Players may feed gumballs to their Nanos to give them a temporary boost.
Every character has a limited amount of health. When a character's health reaches zero, he/she is knocked out.
Imaginary Friend
In the Cartoon Network Universe, Imaginary Friends are real. Imaginary Friends that don't have homes live at Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. No one really knows how Imaginary Friends are created. They are neither a result of science or magic, but some kind of strange force in between we will refer to as Imaginary Energy. (Fuse's one true weakness. Used in )
Infected Zone
Severely infected areas of the world are called infected zones. Fusion Matter runs rampant here, creating pools of dangerous goo, floating platforms, and other hazards. Players have installed jump pads, zip lines, and other devices to make navigating these areas more effective. Also called "infected areas".
Jump Pad
Also called "bounce pad". Players jump on a jump pad, and they are launched high into the air.
Kingdom Hearts
Thought to be the Heart of all Worlds, Untill it is Revieled that inside is Lyoko.
Players can shoot themselves out of a launcher to get from place to place, particularly inside infected zones. The most common kind of launcher is a cannon.
[[Lock Spartans]]: Artificial Humans created by Joel Dawson for the Initial Perpose of his Webshow Bonus Stage
Mandark Industries
The name of Mandark's company. Located in Tech Square.
The portion of the HUD that contains directional information and waypoints for the player.
Mission Journal
Contains all mission information for the player, including active and completed missions.
Mission Item
An item collected during the course of a mission that cannot be traded or sold. These are "virtual items" and do not appear as 3D objects in the world.
Also known as Bionic Machines. The monomakia are creatures engineered by Lolo's race and some Dream Weavers, each of which is created for a specific purpose such as combat, assassination, transportation, etc. Known Types are Nanos, Trophy Souls and Gunswordsmen
Monamakia that resemble Miniature versions of the CN NPCs that float around the player, granting special attribute boosts and powers.
Nano Book
The part of the player's pack that contains all the player's Nanos.
Nano Changing Station
Players may equip three Nanos from their collection at any given time. If they want to switch out these three Nanos, they must go to a Nano changing station.
Nano Mission
A mission that results in the player obtaining a Nano creation item and the ability to create a new Nano. Nano missions almost always end in a fight with a Fusion boss.
Nano Potion
Given to Nanos to resotre their stamina.
Nano Tuning Station
Used to change a Nano's power.
Nano Wheel
The portion of the HUD that displays the player's three equipped Nanos.
A fictional device that is "branded" into the player's palm in the form of a hologram. NanoCom technology contains the player's Mini-Map, communicator, equipped Nanos, as well as a host of other functions. A catch-all device for all player interactions.
The proper title for a KND Operative.
Contains all the player's stuff, including items, clothing, mission items and Nano Book.
Planet Fusion
Planet Fusion has drifted through the universe for millenia, leaving hundreds of planets in its wake. However, Planet Fusion does not simply destroy or devour its victims, it absorbs them. To prepare its target for absorption, Fuse releases his Fusion Spawns to infect the planet with Fusion Matter, his ultimate goal to "fuse" both planets together. Planet Fusion is actually a sentient organism, and all its monsters (including Fuse) are an extension of the planet itself.
This transportation device allows players to warp from one location to the next. Short for "teleporter".
Every Nano has three powers, but only one can be selected at a time. These powers grant abilities to the player when the Nano is equipped and active. Some powers are active, such as stun. Other powers are passive, such as a jump boost.
Princesses of Dreams
7 Princesses who are the Key to Unlocking Kingdom Hearts. Known Princesses are Peach, Zelda, Kairi, Aerith, Aelita, Cosmo and Luvbi.
Pure Hearts
The Pure Hearts are eight sacred hearts created by the Tribe of Ancients to save the world from the Chaos Heart and Can Unlock Kingdom Hearts and Reach Lyoko. The Pure Hearts seem to be Super Paper Mario's the equivalent of Paper Mario's Star Spirits or Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door's Crystal Stars. Mario must find eight of these throughout his adventure to form the Purity Heart.
Pasca Heart
The Pasca Heart was an artifact created by the Ancients in Super Paper Mario in order to counteract the Chaos Heart and Activate The Day of Pasca. According to Merlumina, the Pasca Heart was divided into the 8 Pure Hearts in order to protect them from evil. Once the four heroes collected all the Pure Hearts, they would combine to create the Pasca Heart, thus shattering the Chaos Heart and stopping the Void.
Resurrect 'Em
Respawn points, provided by Grim, that return players to the world when they get knocked out.
A form of transportation that allows players to travel from one area to the next. Riders are for shorter trips and include methods of transport like broomsticks.
From the Ben 10 universe, the Special Alien Capture Team is an elite government group that deals with extra-terrestrials.
SACT containment drum
Players deposit the seedlings that they collect inside a containment area into a containment drum.
Special deposits of Fusion Matter that, if not collected, will grow into Terrafusers. Collected inside the containment areas.
In an attempt to purge themselves of their weaknesses and become the purest and boldest warriors of their age, the Vikinators channeled all their darkness, pain and fears into their shadows and cut them off. Their shadows were then cast into an abyss and never thought of again. But the darkness was powerful and shadows grew, becoming living fear itself. They took human form and fought their way back from the edge of oblivion; thus the brotherhood of the Shadowmark was born. With Subspace Monomakia in hand. They wanted revenge on the Vikinators for one good reason to get them back for casting them away. They wanted revenge on the Blastadons for trying to conquer the Vikinators, their original form (before the cast away).
Placed by kids inside the infected zones, allowing players to slide from high areas to low areas.
A form of transportation that slides along an elevated track through the world. Players may jump on and off at any time, but cannot control its time of arrival or speed.
Just like players have health, Nanos have stamina. When a Nano's stamina is depleted, it must go away to rest. Taking damage and using powers both deplete a Nano's stamina.
The fictional currency of the world.
A bio-machine built by Fuse that is used to spread Fusion Matter throughout the world. Terrafusers are the engines of Fuse's infection, and can often be seen in the infected zones or in areas of high Fusion Matter concentration.
Trophy Soul
A Trophy Made from a lost Soul by Trasme.
The Vikinators once served the Blastadons as their bodyguards, enforcers and Blacksmith for Monomakia. But the Vikinators felt that the Blastadons had grown arrogant and tried to conquer them. They failed. Vowing revenge they broke from the Blastadons, strengthened their numbers and quickly became a force to be reckoned with.
Weapon Boost
Adds a special charge to your weapon, making it more effective.
World Mission
A world mission is neither a guide mission nor a Nano mission. This can be a standalone adventure or one in a series of missions. Also called "one-off missions".
Zip Line
Placed by kids inside the infected zones, allowing players to navigate dangerous areas more easily.

Current revision as of 01:51, 10 October 2011


[edit] A

Active Nano

The Nano the player has "up" and in use.


One of the three fictional elements that comprise Fusion Matter. Adaptium allows Fuse's minions to adapt to their environment.

[edit] B


One of the three fictional elements that comprise Fusion Matter. Blastons are sub-atomic particles that contain vast amounts of energy.


When two comets collided above the world, debris was sent hurtling to the ground below, most of it sinking into the great volcano, Mt. Kai. Shortly thereafter the shards of debris began to morph into creatures. After growing in the fires of Mt. Kai, the Blastadons emerged. All Blastadons spend years training in the heart of their ancient volcano and emerge as masters of the most powerful magic in the known universe. They are known also for their Dream Weaving Skills and Monomakia. To prove themselves to the order, young members of the Blastadons must return to the heart of the volcano and there forge a gauntlet of fire to fuse to his or her right hand. This extreme rite of passage bonds the Blastadons to the source of their great power, the fires of Mt. Kai.


Once every 100 years, the worlds of Brigadoon and Earth share a dimensional space bubble. This phenomenon causes a dangerous event called Mutual Collapse. At the end of the series, it is revealed that Brigadoon is really a whole organism, and all things living in it are parasites. Aloma also reveals before then end that Earth actually IS the Brigadoon of a long time ago.

[edit] C


When monsters drop items, players pick them up in a C.R.A.T.E. (Contains Really Awesome Things for Everyone). Can also be written without periods: CRATE.

Chat Window

The part of the HUD that captures chat between players, chat in the general area, and dialogue from NPCs.

Coco's eggs

Power-ups that can be obtained throughout the world. Fictionally, these eggs are provided by Coco, the Imaginary Friend.


Dexter's robotic assistant.


Used to collect seedlings inside the containment areas in an infected zone. Come in multiple sizes.

Containment Area

The area inside an infected zone in which players may run "races" to collect seedlings for SACT.

Continuity Game

The Continuity Game is a moment in time when the Childlike Empress of Fantasia chooses a new God to Control all of existance. It shall Determine who shall Survive the end of time itself and become the New God. The core of the Game is the Crystal of Truth in the Planet Thra. Should you loose the Game, You and your offspring are erased from time with only Competitors to remember you. There are eighteen Competitors in the Game.

Continium Shifts

A Moment in time where all time blends together that could spell, In Zim's words: "Screaming Temporal Doom"

Corruption Attack

A type of enemy attack that targets a player's Nano. Employs the concept of "rock, paper, scissors" but uses the fictional elements of Adaptium, Blastons and Cosmix.


One of the three fictional elements that comprise Fusion Matter. Cosmix is a mysterious cosmic gas that possesses many unusual properties.

Creation Item

To create a Nano, players need a certain amount of Fusion Matter and a Nano creation item. The creation item is something iconic from a CN NPC. Examples include: Blossom's hairbow, Samurai Jack's sandal, Bloo's juicebox. Note that Fuse uses creation items to make Fusions. When players defeat a Fusion, they recover the relevant creation item so that they can make a Nano.


An unknown agent which seems to hold the key to stopping the destruction of both worlds somewhere in its DNA. Essential for The Day Of Pasca. Takes on the form of a girl who is Marin's near-exact twin. Aloma reveals that Marin is actually Creis's ancestor.

[edit] D

Day of Pasca

Due to the context and how it is said, it seems that the Day of Pasca is a dangerous ritual that should not happen, and is a sort of last resort for saving the worlds. The falling of the Tower of Bronte to Earth alerted Melan Blue that the Day of Pasca was coming near.


The name of Dexter's company. Located in Tech Square.

Dream Weavers

Those Who truely Beleve in Lyoko so Much, They Can Create New worlds in Lyoko. Known Dream Weavers are AC, Trasme, Zyrca, Sakurai and Aelita.


Those Who truely beleve in Lyoko. Known Dreamers are Sakurai and all Dreamgaurds.


Defenders of the Digital Universe Lyoko, Known Dreamgaurds are Odd, Urich, Yumi, Aelita, Jerimie, NiGHTS Claris, Elliot, Will, Helen, AC and Sora.

[edit] E

Equipped Nano

The three Nanos the player has in the Nano Wheel.

Eruption Attack

A type of enemy attack that creates a target area on the ground that the player must avoid to prevent damage.

Euemace Clan

A Clan trying to protect the Longetivity of the Universe. Important Members include Trasme and Zyrca

Evolved Spawn

A Fusion Spawn that has adapted to its environment is an Evolved Spawn. Most of the enemies in the game are of this type.

[edit] F


Fuse is the leader of Planet Fusion. He is the main enemy in the game. Though Fuse has an "avatar" that can be defeated, we will learn that Fuse and his home planet are one and the same. Over the millenia, Fuse has mastered many different forms of science, magic and technology as a result of his world-conquering.


Fuse's most powerful monsters are the Fusions. These are "dark versions" of the CN NPCs. Fusions do not speak, but they do often mimic their counterpart's behavior. In some cases, Fusions are the polar opposites of their counterparts. For example: Eduardo is timid but Fusion Eduardo is fierce.

Fusion Matter

The "green goo" that Fuse is using to infect our world. Also, all the enemies, including Fuse himself, are comprised of Fusion Matter. When a monster is defeated, it reverts to Fusion Matter, which players can collect. Fusion Matter inside the infected zones is toxic.

Fusion Portal

The doorway to a Fusion's lair.

Fusion Spawn

The basic type of monster in the game. Fusion Spawns mimic their environment to transform into Evolved Spawns.

[edit] G

Gooby Trap

Fuse's minions place these inside infected areas. If these "time bombs" go off, they spread Fusion Matter everywhere, spreading the infection.

Great Machine

Built in conjunction with Dexlabs and Mandark Industries (although Mandark takes all the credit), the Great Machine is used to build Nanos. Players must visit a Great Machine with the appropriate amount of Fusion Matter and a Nano creation item to make a Nano.

Great Maze

A recreation of the worlds the Smashers Traveled Before Wizeman Ended Imaginationland the First time.

Grim's Gardens

Grim's line of day spas and beauty products.


One of four CN NPCs that guide players through the world from start to finish. Guides send emails to the player suggesting missions to undertake. Currently, the four guides are: Ben, Dexter, Edd and Mojo Jojo. Note: in the Free Zone, all players have the same guide: Computress.

Guide Mission

A guide mission is a mission provided by a guide, and always results in a guide reward.

Guide Reward

A special reward unique to a particular guide. Granted at the end of a successfully completed guide mission.


Players may feed gumballs to their Nanos to give them a temporary boost.

[edit] H


Every character has a limited amount of health. When a character's health reaches zero, he/she is knocked out.

[edit] I

Imaginary Friend

In the Cartoon Network Universe, Imaginary Friends are real. Imaginary Friends that don't have homes live at Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. No one really knows how Imaginary Friends are created. They are neither a result of science or magic, but some kind of strange force in between we will refer to as Imaginary Energy. (Fuse's one true weakness. Used in )

Infected Zone

Severely infected areas of the world are called infected zones. Fusion Matter runs rampant here, creating pools of dangerous goo, floating platforms, and other hazards. Players have installed jump pads, zip lines, and other devices to make navigating these areas more effective. Also called "infected areas".

[edit] J

Jump Pad

Also called "bounce pad". Players jump on a jump pad, and they are launched high into the air.

[edit] K

Kingdom Hearts

Thought to be the Heart of all Worlds, Untill it is Revieled that inside is Lyoko.

[edit] L


Players can shoot themselves out of a launcher to get from place to place, particularly inside infected zones. The most common kind of launcher is a cannon.

Lock Spartans: Artificial Humans created by Joel Dawson for the Initial Perpose of his Webshow Bonus Stage

[edit] M

Mandark Industries

The name of Mandark's company. Located in Tech Square.


The portion of the HUD that contains directional information and waypoints for the player.

Mission Journal

Contains all mission information for the player, including active and completed missions.

Mission Item

An item collected during the course of a mission that cannot be traded or sold. These are "virtual items" and do not appear as 3D objects in the world.


Also known as Bionic Machines. The monomakia are creatures engineered by Lolo's race and some Dream Weavers, each of which is created for a specific purpose such as combat, assassination, transportation, etc. Known Types are Nanos, Trophy Souls and Gunswordsmen

[edit] N


Monamakia that resemble Miniature versions of the CN NPCs that float around the player, granting special attribute boosts and powers.

Nano Book

The part of the player's pack that contains all the player's Nanos.

Nano Changing Station

Players may equip three Nanos from their collection at any given time. If they want to switch out these three Nanos, they must go to a Nano changing station.

Nano Mission

A mission that results in the player obtaining a Nano creation item and the ability to create a new Nano. Nano missions almost always end in a fight with a Fusion boss.

Nano Potion

Given to Nanos to resotre their stamina.

Nano Tuning Station

Used to change a Nano's power.

Nano Wheel

The portion of the HUD that displays the player's three equipped Nanos.


A fictional device that is "branded" into the player's palm in the form of a hologram. NanoCom technology contains the player's Mini-Map, communicator, equipped Nanos, as well as a host of other functions. A catch-all device for all player interactions.


The proper title for a KND Operative.

[edit] O

[edit] P


Contains all the player's stuff, including items, clothing, mission items and Nano Book.

Planet Fusion

Planet Fusion has drifted through the universe for millenia, leaving hundreds of planets in its wake. However, Planet Fusion does not simply destroy or devour its victims, it absorbs them. To prepare its target for absorption, Fuse releases his Fusion Spawns to infect the planet with Fusion Matter, his ultimate goal to "fuse" both planets together. Planet Fusion is actually a sentient organism, and all its monsters (including Fuse) are an extension of the planet itself.


This transportation device allows players to warp from one location to the next. Short for "teleporter".


Every Nano has three powers, but only one can be selected at a time. These powers grant abilities to the player when the Nano is equipped and active. Some powers are active, such as stun. Other powers are passive, such as a jump boost.

Princesses of Dreams

7 Princesses who are the Key to Unlocking Kingdom Hearts. Known Princesses are Peach, Zelda, Kairi, Aerith, Aelita, Cosmo and Luvbi.

Pure Hearts

The Pure Hearts are eight sacred hearts created by the Tribe of Ancients to save the world from the Chaos Heart and Can Unlock Kingdom Hearts and Reach Lyoko. The Pure Hearts seem to be Super Paper Mario's the equivalent of Paper Mario's Star Spirits or Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door's Crystal Stars. Mario must find eight of these throughout his adventure to form the Purity Heart.

Pasca Heart

The Pasca Heart was an artifact created by the Ancients in Super Paper Mario in order to counteract the Chaos Heart and Activate The Day of Pasca. According to Merlumina, the Pasca Heart was divided into the 8 Pure Hearts in order to protect them from evil. Once the four heroes collected all the Pure Hearts, they would combine to create the Pasca Heart, thus shattering the Chaos Heart and stopping the Void.

[edit] Q

[edit] R

Resurrect 'Em

Respawn points, provided by Grim, that return players to the world when they get knocked out.


A form of transportation that allows players to travel from one area to the next. Riders are for shorter trips and include methods of transport like broomsticks.

[edit] S


From the Ben 10 universe, the Special Alien Capture Team is an elite government group that deals with extra-terrestrials.

SACT containment drum

Players deposit the seedlings that they collect inside a containment area into a containment drum.


Special deposits of Fusion Matter that, if not collected, will grow into Terrafusers. Collected inside the containment areas.


In an attempt to purge themselves of their weaknesses and become the purest and boldest warriors of their age, the Vikinators channeled all their darkness, pain and fears into their shadows and cut them off. Their shadows were then cast into an abyss and never thought of again. But the darkness was powerful and shadows grew, becoming living fear itself. They took human form and fought their way back from the edge of oblivion; thus the brotherhood of the Shadowmark was born. With Subspace Monomakia in hand. They wanted revenge on the Vikinators for one good reason to get them back for casting them away. They wanted revenge on the Blastadons for trying to conquer the Vikinators, their original form (before the cast away).


Placed by kids inside the infected zones, allowing players to slide from high areas to low areas.


A form of transportation that slides along an elevated track through the world. Players may jump on and off at any time, but cannot control its time of arrival or speed.


Just like players have health, Nanos have stamina. When a Nano's stamina is depleted, it must go away to rest. Taking damage and using powers both deplete a Nano's stamina.

[edit] T


The fictional currency of the world.


A bio-machine built by Fuse that is used to spread Fusion Matter throughout the world. Terrafusers are the engines of Fuse's infection, and can often be seen in the infected zones or in areas of high Fusion Matter concentration.

Trophy Soul

A Trophy Made from a lost Soul by Trasme.

[edit] U

[edit] V


The Vikinators once served the Blastadons as their bodyguards, enforcers and Blacksmith for Monomakia. But the Vikinators felt that the Blastadons had grown arrogant and tried to conquer them. They failed. Vowing revenge they broke from the Blastadons, strengthened their numbers and quickly became a force to be reckoned with.

[edit] W

Weapon Boost

Adds a special charge to your weapon, making it more effective.

World Mission

A world mission is neither a guide mission nor a Nano mission. This can be a standalone adventure or one in a series of missions. Also called "one-off missions".

[edit] X

[edit] Y

[edit] Z

Zip Line

Placed by kids inside the infected zones, allowing players to navigate dangerous areas more easily.

Personal tools