Episode 331: Not another Recap

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''{Stories of The AC!}''
''{Stories of The AC!}''
'''Kirk the Storyteller:''' Greetings, I'm Kirk the Storyteller, and these are stories of the AC, Past adventures of The Great AC herman and His Pals.
''(James is sitting behind a desk, with a Space Ghost coffee mug. Subtitle box appears and fades [and during subsequent appearances])''
James Kirkconnell:
Space Ghost Expert
'''James Kirkconnell:''' Welcome to the amazing tales of the classic superhero, Space Ghost, who has entertained young and old for generations. I'm James Kirkconnell, and I'll be your host. Tonight our tales from the Vurtual World Lyoko will be re-enacted by the Ghost Planet Dinner Theatre Ensemble, of Doraville, Georgia. Presented for you, the viewer, are a selection of famous moments, from the Famous show Transmorphers
==Story 1==
==Story 1==
'''James Kirkconnell:''' Let's look in as our players interpret the first chapter of Humanized, And now, our word-for-word re-enactment, of a conversation that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. ''(eerie sound effect)''
Ugh my head hurts. Why's everything dark? Oh yeah I passed out, how was that? Sheesh I ask myself too many questions, I hope Hikari isn't too worried about me. Hey how come I can't move? I didn't get paralyzed from that bad of a blow to head did I? How DID I get a blow to the head, I didn’t fall from any height. Wait, I feel something cold on my back. Are…are these ropes, or something, around my paws.
Who!? What the? Somebody just said my name and it sure doesn't sound like the others. Maybe I should just wake up.
The cat-like Digimon slowly opened her eyes, blue irises growing lighter as her eye lids cast less shadow, to focus on a strange man staring down at her. He sure had "dorky, crazy scientist" written all over him. He had puffy, wavy brown hair with no style at all, tiny hazel eyes, glasses, and wore what seemed like a lab coat or something.
"Who are you? Where am I!?" Tailmon growled, just by looking at him she knew he was her enemy.
"Ah yes how rude of me not to introduce myself. I am…ah, wait never mind that," he said, putting his fingers to his lips to shut himself up.
Tailmon growled again, if he didn't want to reveal his name than that meant bad news already!
The scientist twirled around, with his back facing her, "This is my lab, like it?"
His "lab" was only a small, bedroom sized room, with a desk (that only had three drawers), computer, and a few experiments on the desk. It sure was roomy in there, but then she noticed a door next to the desk and a window showing a big white room.
"You call this a lab?" she mumbled to herself.
The scientist heard her, ignored her though, and turned his head to the side with his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head to focus on her, "Ah yes, I found you a good…friend. You might enjoy this present."
Whaaaat? Present? How can a friend be a present? Tailmon thought to herself, and slowly looked over, not wanting to believe him. Maybe he would be just like Daisuke, pointing at a random spot and yelling that there was an elephant there or something, and it wasn't and he'd yell at you saying "ha you looked!" Tailmon looked anyway; she was prone to those kinds of jokes anyway since her curiosity was higher.
I-it can't be!
Her eyes widened the biggest they could without it seeming she'd rip her eyelids apart. There he lay beside her, chained up to a large, platinum "block", was the wizard dressed, magical Digimon…Wizarmon. Her long lost friend, who died to save her and Hikari's life. He seemed to be knocked out just like she was before, and was in a longer, deeper sleep than she was.
"No…I can't be. This is a bad trick! It's horrible, how can you play a trick like this?" Tailmon said, as tears already ran down her cheeks.
"But…it's not a trick," the scientist said, raising an eyebrow.
No! It has to be a trick! Wizarmon's been dead for YEARS! But…then again…he is…there.
She continued to stare at him with a look of disbelief and shock, and still tears flooded from her eyes. Suddenly he began to stir awake, causing her to flinch for a second and the doctor to walk to his desk and grab a strange device. Tailmon didn't fully notice, she was too focused on the one she's longed to see for many years. She wanted to just hug him right away after seeing him, but was too shocked and unable to, being chained up.
Wizarmon too was in shock, but didn't show it, as he was alive and facing Tailmon with a happy grin on her face but had soaked cheeks.
"Tailmon…" he whispered, still groggy, "…hello."
Tailmon coughed a laugh, that's all he could say? She answered anyway, "Wizarmon…"
"Alllright," said the doctor, causing them to swerve their head toward him, "Save the mushy stuff till later." He said that as he loaded an empty syringe-like tube into a gun-like device. It sure looked like a gun, but looked like a fake, colorful one that someone would buy as a water gun or something. He pointed it up, shot his right eye and said, "Time for my experiment to begin."
Tailmon gasped, he was pointing it at Wizarmon! I just get him back, and what? For some crazy guy to kill him right in front of me? This IS a joke!
"No!" Tailmon yelled, she had to stop it, "Don't do it! He's already died before, it just can't happen again! Please don't! Please-"
"Shut it!" the scientist said, turning his eyes over to her but kept his face, body, and gun at Wizarmon, "You're next anyway."
"What?" both Wizarmon and Tailmon said.
The scientist smiled, he almost seemed really friendly then, "You'll see…"
Before Tailmon could say anything else, the "bang" went off and Wizarmon disappeared.
More tears flowed down her cheeks than before, and her eyes and head were already starting to hurt from that.
No…he's gone. Not again.
"Hey!" The scientist said, getting her out of her trance and turning her head slightly to face him, "Look over here." Tailmon fully obeyed, kept her head low, shut her eyes and waited for the bang to come. It came, and she too fell into darkness.
''(Back at the desk)''
'''James Kirkconnell:''' ''(claps)'' And so the two turned into the human couple Aimi and Akio seen in the background Many times these past 100 episodes. and Finally Had returned to normal with their kids in the final chapters. Though the Experiment was to turn a baby into a digimon, Wouldn't it be reasonable if...
'''BILLY:''' Quiet, You! ''{Tosses stuff to James}''
'''James Kirkconnell:''' Missed me. ''{Killed by Grim's Sythe}''
'''AELITA:''' He Needs a Pheonix Up! ''{she and some doctors come up}''
''{Cut to a picture of the Stoopid Monkey covered in video tape, with the message "Please stand by. We are experiencing technical difficulties." Snoopy's Christmas is heard in the background with these voices in the Respective order!}''
'''AELITA:''' Jim, Do you have a Pheonix Up!
'''JIM:''' Dr. Zatch is Buying One and it's A Pheonix Down, You Moron!
'''ZATCH:''' I Got one. ''{uses it}''
'''James Kirkconnell:''' It's Okay.
==Story 2==
'''James Kirkconnell:''' Next, Our story will be about Mickey Mouse, And How He Overthrown the Digimon Emperor, Once again, I invite you to witness our word-for-word re-enactment of Mickey's Start as King of the VMK. It took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. ''(eerie sound effect)''
Long ago, in the far away land of Toons, there was a kingdom full of anime and cartoons. In this kingdom, there was a king. He was nicknamed the Digimon Emperor, the ruler of the kingdom. Even thought he was just a mere child, this boy was a genius. He knows everything, he was strong and he acts like an adult not a child. Sadly, he was a ruthless king. The Digimon Emperor was never kind or merciful. All he does each day is collecting big taxes, bullying with the villains and everyone has to do his bidding. Most of all, no one ever disobeyed him, for he will always torture anyone who dared to defy him. One day, the councils had enough of his act. They decided to hold a secret meeting for the entire kingdom, to see which any of the civilians could be the next king.
“Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls.” Wormtail96, the court magician began, stepping out to the court. “We have gathered here, today, for a special meeting.”
All of them listened carefully to what each of the council had said.
“As you know, we have disappointed with the Digimon Emperor. He took away our freedom, he took away our happiness and he took over our lives.” told Yen Sid. “So, we decided to search for a new king, who can rule our kingdom peacefully.”
Murmurs can be heard from the crowd. Some wants to be king, some are not. They thought being the king could be easy and hard at the same time. One of the council and an air warrior named Amberwind992/Priscilla was ordered by Yen Sid to find the chosen kings. Along with her seven friends, she looked around at the people.
Ray Lin, the water warrior, pointed at the crowds and goes to Amberwind992.
“I think he should be the king.” She said suggestively, pointing at Gaston.
They take a look at Gaston, who looked at the mirror pridely. Amberwind992 shook her head, along with the other warriors.
“Gaston can’t be a king.” Tom, the earth warrior shook his head in dismay. “He only thinks about his looks and appearance. A good king should never judge people on their appearance.”
Then, they looked again. For minutes, they examined all of the crowds.
Sally, the light warrior looked at Bobobo. She then goes to them and talked, “This man, Bobobo, he was feared by many people and villains. He even had friends to aid him. I think he should be a king.”
But Roy, the darkness warrior didn’t agree. “I’m sorry, Bobobo is too silly and dumb to be a king.”
“A king should be knowledgeable and wise.” said Samara, the ice warrior.
Then Jason, the fire warrior came over at them. “I got it! Let Omi became the king! He was smart, powerful and never judges people by appearance!”
They stared at Omi for a second. Omi was too busy blabbering about himself. They shook their heads.
“Omi, the Xiaolin warrior. He was powerful and smart indeed, but he was an arrogant child. A king should not be like that.” said Cleric, the thunder warrior.
“If any of these people can’t be a king, how we are going to find one?” asked Sally.
Amberwind992 thinks for a second and answered, “We have no choice but to travel far and wide. There could be someone who’s perfect to be a king.”
From that day on, they looked everywhere for their chosen king. Unfortunately, none of them came into the criteria for a king. They first stopped at Pharaoh Atem’s kingdom and asked him to be their king. Atem refused.
“I’m sorry my friends, but can’t. I need to watch over my kingdom. I will suggest you looked into the streets, for my people could be your king.” Said Atem wisely.
The warriors looked into the streets. They spotted an intelligent, muscled tan man named Bakura. Amberwind992 looked at him for a moment and thought they finally find their king! But she was wrong. All of the sudden, Bakura stole a gold from a poor man. She scratched him off the list,
They travel to the Inca kingdom, where they found an emperor named Kuzco. They asked him if he wants to be a king and he replied…
“Really?! Oh boy! I would love to be your king! You see, after I get in there, I want people to be statues like me, do my chores, build a monument for me, bla, bla, bla, bla…” Kuzco continued to talk until the warrior grew tired with his talk.
“He talked too much about himself!” Jason complained.
“He would never be a good king.” Samara groaned.
"Another Twerp for The Underground Classrooms" AC Said, Dropping Kusco into the underground classrooms
Finally, as the hope came to them, they found their king. It was just a usual day; the warriors arrived in a village. Amberwind992 asked Bugs Bunny to be the king of all Toons.
“Eeehhh… sorry folks! I’m not that powerful to be a king. If you’re looking for one, I suggest you looked at Mickey Mouse.” Bugs bunny answered.
“Mickey… mouse?” Roy asked in curiosity.
“Yeah! My friend is perfect to be our king!” Donald Duck jumped in agreement. “He’s always kind to everyone! Plus, he’s smart and powerful.”
Thinking about what they’ve said, the warrior decided to have a looked at Mickey. As they saw him, he was playing with the children, laughter rang into the air. They also saw him helped an old man find his way home. The warriors nodded, they know what to do. Slowly, they explained to Mickey Mouse, on why he should be a king. Mickey was happy and scared at the same time.
“Me? A king?!” Mickey cried in disbelief. “Oh my gosh. I would like to, but the Digimon Emperor…”
Suddenly, the warrior remembered about the Digimon Emperor.
“Oh no! We’re totally forgotten about him!” cried Ray Lin in panic.
“The Digimon Emperor never lets anyone took his throne…” mumbled Samara in anger. “Worst, everyone feared him, even the strongest man.”
“Priscilla/Amber, what are we gonna do?! He’s going to beheaded us and Mickey if he finds out that he’s going to be replaced!” Tom shook her.
For a moment, they were worried, but Tom has an idea. He only needs a little help from someone very special.
Two days later, the councils and the warriors go to the Digimon Emperor’s throne room. Some of them were a little frightened and didn’t know what to say. The Digimon emperor stared at them impatiently.
“Well?!” he bellowed. “Speak up! I haven’t got all day!”
Whiteling bravely came up to him and spoke. “Your majesty, it seems that the civilians want to replace you as a king…”
The Digimon Emperor’s eyes widened in anger. His blood began to boil in anger.
“WHAT?!” he shouted in furious manner. They startled, but Tom came up to him.
“Your majesty, if you please, what we meant to say is that this is a just a competition. The winner shall be a king and your contender is one of your people.” Tom explained to him.
“You asked me to compete against a peasant?” The Digimon Emperor spoke.
They councils nodded their heads. The Digimon Emperor just laughed cruelly and looked at the peasants snidely.
“Fine! I will accept your proposal to competition against a common sucker! Tell them that the competition will started at the crack of dawn. But don’t be disappointed if you contender is a crybaby!” he cackled evilly as he goes back to his room. However, they secretly smiled to each other.
“Let’s see who gets the last laugh, your majesty.” Dr.Dude sneered at him.
The next day, at the crack of dawn, many of the cartoons and animes arrived in the forest. The Digimon Emperor was there, along with villains. The rule of the competition is simple: each contestant must break a large thick branch without any weapons at all, just with their bare hands. Whoever can break it completely, one of them shall be a king. The Digimon Emperor prepared to cut the branch. As he flung his hands at the branch, something happened.
“ARRRRGHHH!!!” The Digimon Emperor cried in pain. He wasn’t able to break the branch completely, but they can see that he was powerful.
The civilians tried so hard not to laugh at him, but they can’t. A loud laughter roared at The Digimon Emperor. The Digimon Emperor stared at them in anger, the civilians stopped them.
“Alright! Where’s the moron who dared to compete against me?” he asked at the councils.
“He’s right here.” Amber told him, pulling Mickey Mouse to her side.
“Wha…” Mickey gulped.
The villains and the Digimon Emperor stared at him for a while and started to laughed, taunted and mocked at him.
“That’s him?! That mouse was your contestant?!” mocked the Digimon Emperor.
“He’s so small!” sneered Mammoth.
“Hey Mouse! Where’s your cheese?” Azula taunted at Mickey.
Mickey started to feel uncomfortable, but Amberwind992 trusted him. Mickey slowly went over to the other thicker branch and flung his hands. Amazingly, with one single blow, the branch was cut in half! The crowd looked in awe. They villains stopped jeering at Mickey with their mouths dropped. The Digimon Emperor stared in disbelief. He was defeated… by a mouse?! But a deal is a deal. The crowds cheered. They finally free from the dreaded Digimon Emperor. As for the emperor himself, he throws his crown in anger and shame. Then he left the country and never been seen again.
Yen Sid looked proudly at the warrior. “Well done! Still, I’m a bit confused. How does he do that?”
Tom just smiled at him and began to tell his clever trick. Before the competition begin, Tom had asked Woddy Woodpecker to make a hole lines around the branch so that Mickey could break the branch easily. The council was proud with Tom’s cleverness. Thus, as Mickey received his crown, he ruled the kingdom peacefully. Everyone would never worry about misery anymore.
''(Back at the desk)''
'''James Kirkconnell:''' ''(claps)'' That ends our story and how, Mickey Mouse becomes the king of the VMK. Though it is not the Real Sto-
''{Cut to the stoopid Monkey, Snoopy's X-Mas continues playing}''
==Story 3==
'''James Kirkconnell:''' Our Third story Has Yet to premere on the Transmorphers series, It's When Danny and Timmy Swap Ages, And now, our word-for-word re-enactment, of a conversation that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. ''(eerie sound effect)''
In Amity Park, Danny and Timmy were at Fenton Works, sitting in the living room working on some homework
"Do you know this math problem?" Timmy shoved the math book toward Danny.
Danny looked at it and sighed, “Nope, I'm not that good at math. Sorry."
"Aw..." Timmy groaned and then smiled at Cosmo and Wanda, "I know! Let's play the 'Not Study Game’!"
"What's the Not Study Game?" Danny asked, confused.
"It's easy to play! Watch!" Cosmo shoves the books away, "See?!"
Danny glanced at Wanda who groaned in agony, “Guys, I have to pass this class, or I'm gonna flunk!"
"It's tough being in high school, isn't it?" Timmy asked.
"Well...DUH!" Danny responded. "And, it's not as easy as being a ten year old kid in an elementary school."
"What?! You think it's easy being ten-years old?!" Timmy cried.
Cosmo and Wanda glanced at one another, clearly seeing an argument coming on.
"It’s so easy being ten." Danny said. "You can have fun all the time and get easy work. I should know, I was ten once."
"Well, being fourteen is definitely cooler." Timmy said back. "You can do whatever you want when you want and not have anyone tell you what to do."
"Please!" Danny said, "I bet you can't even last five minutes being a teenager!"
"Look who's talking," Timmy said. "You can't even do your own homework."
"What about you F average?" Danny asked.
Timmy and Danny both stared each other in the face growling until Danny's ghost sense went off.
"Ghost sense?" Danny wondered, "Oh great, another moron I have to deal with."
"Yeah," Timmy spoke but realizes, "HEY!"
Danny and Timmy both ran outside and spotted Desiree.
"Desiree?" Danny asked surprised. "What are you doing here?"
"It doesn’t matter why she's here." Timmy mentioned as he took out his weapon. "Just kick her butt!"
"Got it!" Danny smiled changing into a ghost and flies toward Desiree.
"Come on," Desiree said. "Surely there must be something your heart desires."
Danny shouted, "Too bad for you, I don't have anything."
Timmy scoffed, "Ha! Like you wanting to be young again isn't?!"
"WHAT?!" Danny yelled angrily to Timmy, and he flew in front of Timmy. "You should be the one talking shorty; you complained that you want to be older!"
"Oh please, the only reason you wanna be younger is because math is easier!" Timmy shouted at Danny.
Danny shouted back, “Look who’s talking, the only reason you want to be fourteen is so you can get away with anything!”
“Well, at least being older is perfect!”
“Come on, I can never go back to being a little kid again so it’s a perfect wish!”
“Being fourteen is a much better wish than that!”
Desiree overheard Danny and Timmy's arguing. Then, she smirks evilly. "So you have wished it, then so it shall be." She said as he hands glow and aims for Timmy and Danny.
While the two were still arguing, they didn't notice a pink glow form around them. Then all of a sudden, Danny grew shorter and Timmy grew taller.
The two stopped arguing when they noticed each other.
"Since when did you get taller?" Danny wondered but covered his mouth. He also sounds like Timmy Turner!
"I don’t know, and when did you shrink?" Timmy asked until he realized he sounded a bit like Danny Fenton.
They turn to Desiree and she says, "You're deepest desires have now been granted."
"This isn't what we meant!" Danny shouted angrily. "Change us back!"
"Yeah!" Timmy shouted until he smiled. "Although this is kinda cool."
Danny scowled, "No, this isn't!"
"Who's the short one now?" Timmy teased as he laughed.
"Well you certainly don't act the age you are now, you big brat." Danny mentioned.
When they argued again, Desiree made a nearby mailbox come to life and turn monstrous, before she disappeared.
"Look out!” Timmy screamed. They look up to see a monstrous mailbox and they scream and hold on to each other with Danny in Timmy’s arms as the mailbox strikes, until a gust of wind hits it.
Jimmy and SpongeBob come, and SpongeBob bubble blows it away. Until Jimmy takes a Fenton Thermos out of his backpack and sucks it in.
Danny and Timmy sigh in relief as they fall back to back, but Timmy’s height nearly crushed Danny.
"Danny! You're okay!" SpongeBob smiled and hugs Timmy, but looks at him noticing something strange. "Why are you wearing a pink hat and why are your teeth big?" Then he notices Danny and says, "Timmy, did you get a new hairstyle. That's funny; it looks almost similar to Danny Phantom's."
"SpongeBob!" Danny shouted. "I'M Danny! That's Timmy!"
"Danny? Timmy?" Jimmy asked in shock. "What happened to you guys?"
In Retroville, Danny had explained to Jimmy and SpongeBob about what happened. Also his regular clothes no longer fit him just like Timmy.
"…and that was it." Danny finished.
"Well, it’s not all that bad." SpongeBob said positively. "You get to stay a little kid for a little while longer." He said pinching Danny's cheek.
"Will you cut that out?" Danny growled and SpongeBob stops.
"I guess someone's a little cranky." SpongeBob said as Timmy giggled.
"SpongeBob, I'm ten not one." Danny said annoyed, and then he turned to Jimmy. "Can't you change us back?"
"I'm sorry, I can't." Jimmy answered.
"Why not!?" Timmy yelled
"I don't have any technology that would be able to revert you back to your original ages."
Timmy got an idea. "Then maybe Cosmo and Wanda can help us."
"Sorry, sport." Wanda said. "You know our magic can't affect ghost spells."
"Well, what are we supposed to do?" Danny asked. "Wait to grow up all over again?"
"Timmy will already be an adult when Danny is fourteen again," SpongeBob mentions.
Danny started to panic. "That's even worse!"
"Alright, the trick is not to panic." Jimmy said calmly. "If Desiree was the one who made you this way, then maybe she can switch you guys back."
Danny smiled, "That sounds like a good idea. But what are we supposed to do while you two go find Desiree?"
Jimmy thought hard. "You two will just have to...go about your day."
"You mean you expect us to walk around like this?" Danny asked.
"Maybe you two can pose as each other," SpongeBob suggested.
Danny looked in disbelief. "Oh come on, who would actually believe he's me?"
Soon, Timmy and Danny were wearing each other's clothes.
"I don't think it's gonna work," Jimmy said, "Only an idiot can fall for this trick."
"Hey, Timmy!" Cosmo said to Danny. "Don't tell Danny this, but I was the one that ate his sandwich last week. I only framed SpongeBob."
"See," SpongeBob told Jimmy. "No one will even notice the difference."
SpongeBob dragged Jimmy away while he was still saying, "Of course, if you forget the hair, the teeth, the ghost powers..."
In Amity Park, Danny and Timmy were walking.
"This is so totally cool." Timmy said excitedly.
Danny still looked upset, "I’m still saying no one will ever believe you're me."
"Hey Danny!" Sam and Tucker's voices called out.
"Oh no," Danny panicked. "Sam and Tucker! What'll I do?"
"Turn invisible, fly away." Timmy suggested. "Do something!"
"Right," Danny said as he changed into ghost form. "I'm going to Dimmsdale. See ya later!"
Danny flew away and Sam and Tucker found Timmy.
"Danny, there you are," Tucker said.
Sam noticed something strange about Danny. "You’re not Danny, who are you?"
"What are you talking about?" Timmy said. "It’s me, Danny."
"Then explain the teeth." Sam said in disbelief.
Timmy quickly came up with something, "That's what you get for not brushing your teeth,"
"He's got a point." Tucker told Sam. "I mean have you seen Timmy's giant choppers. You can land a plane on that thing."
'Hey!' Timmy snapped in his mind, "Yeah. What a weirdo."
Tucker pushed Timmy forward and said, "Well, we better start heading for school before you get detention again."
Sam followed along, but still didn't look convince that he was Danny.
''(Back at the desk)''
'''James Kirkconnell:''' ''(claps)'' that's Your Sneak Peak at an Upcoming Episo-
''{Cut to the stoopid Monkey, Snoopy's X-Mas continues playing}''
==Story 4==
'''James Kirkconnell:''' This Episode happens to be one of my favorites, because it has AC herman's 2 Stratabots, Brandy and Mandy, And now, our word-for-word re-enactment, of a conversation that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. ''(eerie sound effect)''
[[Act 284: Stratabots|The Episode]]
''(Back at the desk)''
'''James Kirkconnell:''' ''(claps)'' Those Mess ups on the set was only for sh-
''{Cut to the stoopid Monkey, Snoopy's X-Mas continues playing}''

Current revision as of 23:16, 20 December 2007

{Stories of The AC!}

(James is sitting behind a desk, with a Space Ghost coffee mug. Subtitle box appears and fades [and during subsequent appearances])

James Kirkconnell: Space Ghost Expert

James Kirkconnell: Welcome to the amazing tales of the classic superhero, Space Ghost, who has entertained young and old for generations. I'm James Kirkconnell, and I'll be your host. Tonight our tales from the Vurtual World Lyoko will be re-enacted by the Ghost Planet Dinner Theatre Ensemble, of Doraville, Georgia. Presented for you, the viewer, are a selection of famous moments, from the Famous show Transmorphers


[edit] Story 1

James Kirkconnell: Let's look in as our players interpret the first chapter of Humanized, And now, our word-for-word re-enactment, of a conversation that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

Ugh my head hurts. Why's everything dark? Oh yeah I passed out, how was that? Sheesh I ask myself too many questions, I hope Hikari isn't too worried about me. Hey how come I can't move? I didn't get paralyzed from that bad of a blow to head did I? How DID I get a blow to the head, I didn’t fall from any height. Wait, I feel something cold on my back. Are…are these ropes, or something, around my paws.


Who!? What the? Somebody just said my name and it sure doesn't sound like the others. Maybe I should just wake up.

The cat-like Digimon slowly opened her eyes, blue irises growing lighter as her eye lids cast less shadow, to focus on a strange man staring down at her. He sure had "dorky, crazy scientist" written all over him. He had puffy, wavy brown hair with no style at all, tiny hazel eyes, glasses, and wore what seemed like a lab coat or something.

"Who are you? Where am I!?" Tailmon growled, just by looking at him she knew he was her enemy.

"Ah yes how rude of me not to introduce myself. I am…ah, wait never mind that," he said, putting his fingers to his lips to shut himself up.

Tailmon growled again, if he didn't want to reveal his name than that meant bad news already!

The scientist twirled around, with his back facing her, "This is my lab, like it?"

His "lab" was only a small, bedroom sized room, with a desk (that only had three drawers), computer, and a few experiments on the desk. It sure was roomy in there, but then she noticed a door next to the desk and a window showing a big white room.

"You call this a lab?" she mumbled to herself.

The scientist heard her, ignored her though, and turned his head to the side with his eyes almost rolling to the back of his head to focus on her, "Ah yes, I found you a good…friend. You might enjoy this present."

Whaaaat? Present? How can a friend be a present? Tailmon thought to herself, and slowly looked over, not wanting to believe him. Maybe he would be just like Daisuke, pointing at a random spot and yelling that there was an elephant there or something, and it wasn't and he'd yell at you saying "ha you looked!" Tailmon looked anyway; she was prone to those kinds of jokes anyway since her curiosity was higher.

I-it can't be!

Her eyes widened the biggest they could without it seeming she'd rip her eyelids apart. There he lay beside her, chained up to a large, platinum "block", was the wizard dressed, magical Digimon…Wizarmon. Her long lost friend, who died to save her and Hikari's life. He seemed to be knocked out just like she was before, and was in a longer, deeper sleep than she was.

"No…I can't be. This is a bad trick! It's horrible, how can you play a trick like this?" Tailmon said, as tears already ran down her cheeks.

"But…it's not a trick," the scientist said, raising an eyebrow.

No! It has to be a trick! Wizarmon's been dead for YEARS! But…then again…he is…there.

She continued to stare at him with a look of disbelief and shock, and still tears flooded from her eyes. Suddenly he began to stir awake, causing her to flinch for a second and the doctor to walk to his desk and grab a strange device. Tailmon didn't fully notice, she was too focused on the one she's longed to see for many years. She wanted to just hug him right away after seeing him, but was too shocked and unable to, being chained up.

Wizarmon too was in shock, but didn't show it, as he was alive and facing Tailmon with a happy grin on her face but had soaked cheeks.

"Tailmon…" he whispered, still groggy, "…hello."

Tailmon coughed a laugh, that's all he could say? She answered anyway, "Wizarmon…"

"Alllright," said the doctor, causing them to swerve their head toward him, "Save the mushy stuff till later." He said that as he loaded an empty syringe-like tube into a gun-like device. It sure looked like a gun, but looked like a fake, colorful one that someone would buy as a water gun or something. He pointed it up, shot his right eye and said, "Time for my experiment to begin."

Tailmon gasped, he was pointing it at Wizarmon! I just get him back, and what? For some crazy guy to kill him right in front of me? This IS a joke!

"No!" Tailmon yelled, she had to stop it, "Don't do it! He's already died before, it just can't happen again! Please don't! Please-"

"Shut it!" the scientist said, turning his eyes over to her but kept his face, body, and gun at Wizarmon, "You're next anyway."

"What?" both Wizarmon and Tailmon said.

The scientist smiled, he almost seemed really friendly then, "You'll see…"

Before Tailmon could say anything else, the "bang" went off and Wizarmon disappeared.

More tears flowed down her cheeks than before, and her eyes and head were already starting to hurt from that.

No…he's gone. Not again.

"Hey!" The scientist said, getting her out of her trance and turning her head slightly to face him, "Look over here." Tailmon fully obeyed, kept her head low, shut her eyes and waited for the bang to come. It came, and she too fell into darkness.

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: (claps) And so the two turned into the human couple Aimi and Akio seen in the background Many times these past 100 episodes. and Finally Had returned to normal with their kids in the final chapters. Though the Experiment was to turn a baby into a digimon, Wouldn't it be reasonable if...

BILLY: Quiet, You! {Tosses stuff to James}

James Kirkconnell: Missed me. {Killed by Grim's Sythe}

AELITA: He Needs a Pheonix Up! {she and some doctors come up}

{Cut to a picture of the Stoopid Monkey covered in video tape, with the message "Please stand by. We are experiencing technical difficulties." Snoopy's Christmas is heard in the background with these voices in the Respective order!}

AELITA: Jim, Do you have a Pheonix Up!

JIM: Dr. Zatch is Buying One and it's A Pheonix Down, You Moron!

ZATCH: I Got one. {uses it}

James Kirkconnell: It's Okay.

[edit] Story 2

James Kirkconnell: Next, Our story will be about Mickey Mouse, And How He Overthrown the Digimon Emperor, Once again, I invite you to witness our word-for-word re-enactment of Mickey's Start as King of the VMK. It took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

Long ago, in the far away land of Toons, there was a kingdom full of anime and cartoons. In this kingdom, there was a king. He was nicknamed the Digimon Emperor, the ruler of the kingdom. Even thought he was just a mere child, this boy was a genius. He knows everything, he was strong and he acts like an adult not a child. Sadly, he was a ruthless king. The Digimon Emperor was never kind or merciful. All he does each day is collecting big taxes, bullying with the villains and everyone has to do his bidding. Most of all, no one ever disobeyed him, for he will always torture anyone who dared to defy him. One day, the councils had enough of his act. They decided to hold a secret meeting for the entire kingdom, to see which any of the civilians could be the next king.

“Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls.” Wormtail96, the court magician began, stepping out to the court. “We have gathered here, today, for a special meeting.”

All of them listened carefully to what each of the council had said.

“As you know, we have disappointed with the Digimon Emperor. He took away our freedom, he took away our happiness and he took over our lives.” told Yen Sid. “So, we decided to search for a new king, who can rule our kingdom peacefully.”

Murmurs can be heard from the crowd. Some wants to be king, some are not. They thought being the king could be easy and hard at the same time. One of the council and an air warrior named Amberwind992/Priscilla was ordered by Yen Sid to find the chosen kings. Along with her seven friends, she looked around at the people.

Ray Lin, the water warrior, pointed at the crowds and goes to Amberwind992.

“I think he should be the king.” She said suggestively, pointing at Gaston.

They take a look at Gaston, who looked at the mirror pridely. Amberwind992 shook her head, along with the other warriors.

“Gaston can’t be a king.” Tom, the earth warrior shook his head in dismay. “He only thinks about his looks and appearance. A good king should never judge people on their appearance.”

Then, they looked again. For minutes, they examined all of the crowds.

Sally, the light warrior looked at Bobobo. She then goes to them and talked, “This man, Bobobo, he was feared by many people and villains. He even had friends to aid him. I think he should be a king.”

But Roy, the darkness warrior didn’t agree. “I’m sorry, Bobobo is too silly and dumb to be a king.”

“A king should be knowledgeable and wise.” said Samara, the ice warrior.

Then Jason, the fire warrior came over at them. “I got it! Let Omi became the king! He was smart, powerful and never judges people by appearance!”

They stared at Omi for a second. Omi was too busy blabbering about himself. They shook their heads.

“Omi, the Xiaolin warrior. He was powerful and smart indeed, but he was an arrogant child. A king should not be like that.” said Cleric, the thunder warrior.

“If any of these people can’t be a king, how we are going to find one?” asked Sally.

Amberwind992 thinks for a second and answered, “We have no choice but to travel far and wide. There could be someone who’s perfect to be a king.”

From that day on, they looked everywhere for their chosen king. Unfortunately, none of them came into the criteria for a king. They first stopped at Pharaoh Atem’s kingdom and asked him to be their king. Atem refused.

“I’m sorry my friends, but can’t. I need to watch over my kingdom. I will suggest you looked into the streets, for my people could be your king.” Said Atem wisely.

The warriors looked into the streets. They spotted an intelligent, muscled tan man named Bakura. Amberwind992 looked at him for a moment and thought they finally find their king! But she was wrong. All of the sudden, Bakura stole a gold from a poor man. She scratched him off the list,

They travel to the Inca kingdom, where they found an emperor named Kuzco. They asked him if he wants to be a king and he replied…

“Really?! Oh boy! I would love to be your king! You see, after I get in there, I want people to be statues like me, do my chores, build a monument for me, bla, bla, bla, bla…” Kuzco continued to talk until the warrior grew tired with his talk.

“He talked too much about himself!” Jason complained.

“He would never be a good king.” Samara groaned.

"Another Twerp for The Underground Classrooms" AC Said, Dropping Kusco into the underground classrooms

Finally, as the hope came to them, they found their king. It was just a usual day; the warriors arrived in a village. Amberwind992 asked Bugs Bunny to be the king of all Toons.

“Eeehhh… sorry folks! I’m not that powerful to be a king. If you’re looking for one, I suggest you looked at Mickey Mouse.” Bugs bunny answered.

“Mickey… mouse?” Roy asked in curiosity.

“Yeah! My friend is perfect to be our king!” Donald Duck jumped in agreement. “He’s always kind to everyone! Plus, he’s smart and powerful.”

Thinking about what they’ve said, the warrior decided to have a looked at Mickey. As they saw him, he was playing with the children, laughter rang into the air. They also saw him helped an old man find his way home. The warriors nodded, they know what to do. Slowly, they explained to Mickey Mouse, on why he should be a king. Mickey was happy and scared at the same time.

“Me? A king?!” Mickey cried in disbelief. “Oh my gosh. I would like to, but the Digimon Emperor…”

Suddenly, the warrior remembered about the Digimon Emperor.

“Oh no! We’re totally forgotten about him!” cried Ray Lin in panic.

“The Digimon Emperor never lets anyone took his throne…” mumbled Samara in anger. “Worst, everyone feared him, even the strongest man.”

“Priscilla/Amber, what are we gonna do?! He’s going to beheaded us and Mickey if he finds out that he’s going to be replaced!” Tom shook her.

For a moment, they were worried, but Tom has an idea. He only needs a little help from someone very special.

Two days later, the councils and the warriors go to the Digimon Emperor’s throne room. Some of them were a little frightened and didn’t know what to say. The Digimon emperor stared at them impatiently.

“Well?!” he bellowed. “Speak up! I haven’t got all day!”

Whiteling bravely came up to him and spoke. “Your majesty, it seems that the civilians want to replace you as a king…”

The Digimon Emperor’s eyes widened in anger. His blood began to boil in anger.

“WHAT?!” he shouted in furious manner. They startled, but Tom came up to him.

“Your majesty, if you please, what we meant to say is that this is a just a competition. The winner shall be a king and your contender is one of your people.” Tom explained to him.

“You asked me to compete against a peasant?” The Digimon Emperor spoke.

They councils nodded their heads. The Digimon Emperor just laughed cruelly and looked at the peasants snidely.

“Fine! I will accept your proposal to competition against a common sucker! Tell them that the competition will started at the crack of dawn. But don’t be disappointed if you contender is a crybaby!” he cackled evilly as he goes back to his room. However, they secretly smiled to each other.

“Let’s see who gets the last laugh, your majesty.” Dr.Dude sneered at him.

The next day, at the crack of dawn, many of the cartoons and animes arrived in the forest. The Digimon Emperor was there, along with villains. The rule of the competition is simple: each contestant must break a large thick branch without any weapons at all, just with their bare hands. Whoever can break it completely, one of them shall be a king. The Digimon Emperor prepared to cut the branch. As he flung his hands at the branch, something happened.

“ARRRRGHHH!!!” The Digimon Emperor cried in pain. He wasn’t able to break the branch completely, but they can see that he was powerful.

The civilians tried so hard not to laugh at him, but they can’t. A loud laughter roared at The Digimon Emperor. The Digimon Emperor stared at them in anger, the civilians stopped them.

“Alright! Where’s the moron who dared to compete against me?” he asked at the councils.

“He’s right here.” Amber told him, pulling Mickey Mouse to her side.

“Wha…” Mickey gulped.

The villains and the Digimon Emperor stared at him for a while and started to laughed, taunted and mocked at him.

“That’s him?! That mouse was your contestant?!” mocked the Digimon Emperor.

“He’s so small!” sneered Mammoth.

“Hey Mouse! Where’s your cheese?” Azula taunted at Mickey.

Mickey started to feel uncomfortable, but Amberwind992 trusted him. Mickey slowly went over to the other thicker branch and flung his hands. Amazingly, with one single blow, the branch was cut in half! The crowd looked in awe. They villains stopped jeering at Mickey with their mouths dropped. The Digimon Emperor stared in disbelief. He was defeated… by a mouse?! But a deal is a deal. The crowds cheered. They finally free from the dreaded Digimon Emperor. As for the emperor himself, he throws his crown in anger and shame. Then he left the country and never been seen again.

Yen Sid looked proudly at the warrior. “Well done! Still, I’m a bit confused. How does he do that?”

Tom just smiled at him and began to tell his clever trick. Before the competition begin, Tom had asked Woddy Woodpecker to make a hole lines around the branch so that Mickey could break the branch easily. The council was proud with Tom’s cleverness. Thus, as Mickey received his crown, he ruled the kingdom peacefully. Everyone would never worry about misery anymore.

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: (claps) That ends our story and how, Mickey Mouse becomes the king of the VMK. Though it is not the Real Sto-

{Cut to the stoopid Monkey, Snoopy's X-Mas continues playing}

[edit] Story 3

James Kirkconnell: Our Third story Has Yet to premere on the Transmorphers series, It's When Danny and Timmy Swap Ages, And now, our word-for-word re-enactment, of a conversation that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

In Amity Park, Danny and Timmy were at Fenton Works, sitting in the living room working on some homework

"Do you know this math problem?" Timmy shoved the math book toward Danny.

Danny looked at it and sighed, “Nope, I'm not that good at math. Sorry."

"Aw..." Timmy groaned and then smiled at Cosmo and Wanda, "I know! Let's play the 'Not Study Game’!"

"What's the Not Study Game?" Danny asked, confused.

"It's easy to play! Watch!" Cosmo shoves the books away, "See?!"

Danny glanced at Wanda who groaned in agony, “Guys, I have to pass this class, or I'm gonna flunk!"

"It's tough being in high school, isn't it?" Timmy asked.

"Well...DUH!" Danny responded. "And, it's not as easy as being a ten year old kid in an elementary school."

"What?! You think it's easy being ten-years old?!" Timmy cried.

Cosmo and Wanda glanced at one another, clearly seeing an argument coming on.

"It’s so easy being ten." Danny said. "You can have fun all the time and get easy work. I should know, I was ten once."

"Well, being fourteen is definitely cooler." Timmy said back. "You can do whatever you want when you want and not have anyone tell you what to do."

"Please!" Danny said, "I bet you can't even last five minutes being a teenager!"

"Look who's talking," Timmy said. "You can't even do your own homework."

"What about you F average?" Danny asked.

Timmy and Danny both stared each other in the face growling until Danny's ghost sense went off.

"Ghost sense?" Danny wondered, "Oh great, another moron I have to deal with."

"Yeah," Timmy spoke but realizes, "HEY!"

Danny and Timmy both ran outside and spotted Desiree.

"Desiree?" Danny asked surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"It doesn’t matter why she's here." Timmy mentioned as he took out his weapon. "Just kick her butt!"

"Got it!" Danny smiled changing into a ghost and flies toward Desiree.

"Come on," Desiree said. "Surely there must be something your heart desires."

Danny shouted, "Too bad for you, I don't have anything."

Timmy scoffed, "Ha! Like you wanting to be young again isn't?!"

"WHAT?!" Danny yelled angrily to Timmy, and he flew in front of Timmy. "You should be the one talking shorty; you complained that you want to be older!"

"Oh please, the only reason you wanna be younger is because math is easier!" Timmy shouted at Danny.

Danny shouted back, “Look who’s talking, the only reason you want to be fourteen is so you can get away with anything!”

“Well, at least being older is perfect!”

“Come on, I can never go back to being a little kid again so it’s a perfect wish!”

“Being fourteen is a much better wish than that!”

Desiree overheard Danny and Timmy's arguing. Then, she smirks evilly. "So you have wished it, then so it shall be." She said as he hands glow and aims for Timmy and Danny.

While the two were still arguing, they didn't notice a pink glow form around them. Then all of a sudden, Danny grew shorter and Timmy grew taller.

The two stopped arguing when they noticed each other.

"Since when did you get taller?" Danny wondered but covered his mouth. He also sounds like Timmy Turner!

"I don’t know, and when did you shrink?" Timmy asked until he realized he sounded a bit like Danny Fenton.

They turn to Desiree and she says, "You're deepest desires have now been granted."

"This isn't what we meant!" Danny shouted angrily. "Change us back!"

"Yeah!" Timmy shouted until he smiled. "Although this is kinda cool."

Danny scowled, "No, this isn't!"

"Who's the short one now?" Timmy teased as he laughed.

"Well you certainly don't act the age you are now, you big brat." Danny mentioned.

When they argued again, Desiree made a nearby mailbox come to life and turn monstrous, before she disappeared.

"Look out!” Timmy screamed. They look up to see a monstrous mailbox and they scream and hold on to each other with Danny in Timmy’s arms as the mailbox strikes, until a gust of wind hits it.

Jimmy and SpongeBob come, and SpongeBob bubble blows it away. Until Jimmy takes a Fenton Thermos out of his backpack and sucks it in.

Danny and Timmy sigh in relief as they fall back to back, but Timmy’s height nearly crushed Danny.

"Danny! You're okay!" SpongeBob smiled and hugs Timmy, but looks at him noticing something strange. "Why are you wearing a pink hat and why are your teeth big?" Then he notices Danny and says, "Timmy, did you get a new hairstyle. That's funny; it looks almost similar to Danny Phantom's."

"SpongeBob!" Danny shouted. "I'M Danny! That's Timmy!"

"Danny? Timmy?" Jimmy asked in shock. "What happened to you guys?"

In Retroville, Danny had explained to Jimmy and SpongeBob about what happened. Also his regular clothes no longer fit him just like Timmy.

"…and that was it." Danny finished.

"Well, it’s not all that bad." SpongeBob said positively. "You get to stay a little kid for a little while longer." He said pinching Danny's cheek.

"Will you cut that out?" Danny growled and SpongeBob stops.

"I guess someone's a little cranky." SpongeBob said as Timmy giggled.

"SpongeBob, I'm ten not one." Danny said annoyed, and then he turned to Jimmy. "Can't you change us back?"

"I'm sorry, I can't." Jimmy answered.

"Why not!?" Timmy yelled

"I don't have any technology that would be able to revert you back to your original ages."

Timmy got an idea. "Then maybe Cosmo and Wanda can help us."

"Sorry, sport." Wanda said. "You know our magic can't affect ghost spells."

"Well, what are we supposed to do?" Danny asked. "Wait to grow up all over again?"

"Timmy will already be an adult when Danny is fourteen again," SpongeBob mentions.

Danny started to panic. "That's even worse!"

"Alright, the trick is not to panic." Jimmy said calmly. "If Desiree was the one who made you this way, then maybe she can switch you guys back."

Danny smiled, "That sounds like a good idea. But what are we supposed to do while you two go find Desiree?"

Jimmy thought hard. "You two will just have to...go about your day."

"You mean you expect us to walk around like this?" Danny asked.

"Maybe you two can pose as each other," SpongeBob suggested.

Danny looked in disbelief. "Oh come on, who would actually believe he's me?"

Soon, Timmy and Danny were wearing each other's clothes.

"I don't think it's gonna work," Jimmy said, "Only an idiot can fall for this trick."

"Hey, Timmy!" Cosmo said to Danny. "Don't tell Danny this, but I was the one that ate his sandwich last week. I only framed SpongeBob."

"See," SpongeBob told Jimmy. "No one will even notice the difference."

SpongeBob dragged Jimmy away while he was still saying, "Of course, if you forget the hair, the teeth, the ghost powers..."

In Amity Park, Danny and Timmy were walking.

"This is so totally cool." Timmy said excitedly.

Danny still looked upset, "I’m still saying no one will ever believe you're me."

"Hey Danny!" Sam and Tucker's voices called out.

"Oh no," Danny panicked. "Sam and Tucker! What'll I do?"

"Turn invisible, fly away." Timmy suggested. "Do something!"

"Right," Danny said as he changed into ghost form. "I'm going to Dimmsdale. See ya later!"

Danny flew away and Sam and Tucker found Timmy.

"Danny, there you are," Tucker said.

Sam noticed something strange about Danny. "You’re not Danny, who are you?"

"What are you talking about?" Timmy said. "It’s me, Danny."

"Then explain the teeth." Sam said in disbelief.

Timmy quickly came up with something, "That's what you get for not brushing your teeth,"

"He's got a point." Tucker told Sam. "I mean have you seen Timmy's giant choppers. You can land a plane on that thing."

'Hey!' Timmy snapped in his mind, "Yeah. What a weirdo."

Tucker pushed Timmy forward and said, "Well, we better start heading for school before you get detention again."

Sam followed along, but still didn't look convince that he was Danny.

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: (claps) that's Your Sneak Peak at an Upcoming Episo-

{Cut to the stoopid Monkey, Snoopy's X-Mas continues playing}

[edit] Story 4

James Kirkconnell: This Episode happens to be one of my favorites, because it has AC herman's 2 Stratabots, Brandy and Mandy, And now, our word-for-word re-enactment, of a conversation that took place at a certain time, in a certain dimension, somewhere deep in space. (eerie sound effect)

The Episode

(Back at the desk)

James Kirkconnell: (claps) Those Mess ups on the set was only for sh-

{Cut to the stoopid Monkey, Snoopy's X-Mas continues playing}

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