Episode 8: Kiss for A Kiss

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Together we would be strong, together we would, like this kiss, stay strong for each other, because we both cared.
Together we would be strong, together we would, like this kiss, stay strong for each other, because we both cared.
==Credits Images==
Rouge and Knuckles got married on Angel Island and eventually had two kids. The first was Julie who took after her father mostly, stubborn, hardheaded, strong, and gullible. Knuckles chose her to be the next Guardian in line after his death or when she became the right age. And like Knuckles she took it very seriously.
{Rouge (The Son)}
There other child was a son named Rogue, who took after his mother. He was tricky, sly, and loved jewels. He became a Robin Hood like thief after hearing about the Sly Cooper Team and started stealing from Criminals and giving to the poor.
{an adult Cream teaching kindergarden}
Cream was now a kindergarten teacher, I always knew she would fit the job. Other then that she led a nice life.
{Shadow and a few G.U.N. Agents}
Shadow followed Sonic’s will and became the new Guardian of Earth. Although Eggman was gone, there were still people who wanted to hurt others and take over the world so Shadow took care of them. We helped him once and awhile for old times sake, but he prefers to work alone. He still works with G.U.N and, to all our surprise, has a human girl friend named Jessica who looks a lot like Maria. They haven’t gone too deep in a relationship, but it is growing. Shadow’s also asking G.U.N to help get rid of his Immortality ability so he can live a life like us.
{Vector and Vanilla}
The Chaotix went international, thanks to Sonic’s funds they were able to open an international detective agency all over the world and now they had an army of detectives solving cases left and right. Vector became head of it all, now he was stuck with mostly a desk job, but he’s getting use to it. Vector also finally started to date Vanilla and eventually the married. Of course Vector fainted many times during the wedding.
{Mighty in a lawer suit}
Mighty decided to join the group again after Sonics funeral. Although he didn’t become a detective, he became their new lawyer.
{Espio's Aura}
Espio however is gone. During an investigation in Ethiopia, a bomb went off and Espio was caught in the blast. We all mourned for his death and we were there for his funeral.
{Charmy's Picture on a top 10 detectives list}
Charmy was the most surprising. After Espio’s death, Charmy went into a full blown detective machine. He still had his old personality, but when working on a case he became totally serious and solved any case no matter what with full marks. Charmy had become one the top 10 detectives in the world. He also dated with Cream for a while, but they eventually decided to go as friends.
{Tails(in Air Kitsune Uniform), Reading "Sonic's First adventure by amy Rose"}
As for Amy and me we started small and eventually we were in love with one another. I decided to follow my father’s path and became a full flying Air Force Pilot, the youngest one to be exact. I joined my father’s old squad, The Air Kitsune’s, and when they saw me they thought they saw a ghost. I eventually became captain of the squad and had 2 metals of courage. Amy wrote books about Sonic’s life and his adventures, they were all best sellers and I helped write them.
{Tails Proposing to Amy}
I asked her to marry me a year ago and she said yes. It was the greatest moment of my life.
{Tails and amy with a blue baby boy hedgehog with two fox tails}
Now Amy and I have our first child, a boy.
{The Baby in a crib with the word sonic ingraved}
I asked her what did she want to call him. She said Sonic.
{The Baby Sonic, Now a toddler, with Tails and Amy, with all the Characters who have appeared So Far, Sonic and Espio Being Aura Spirits}
I couldn’t think of a better name.

Current revision as of 16:36, 7 December 2007

Three Weeks.

It’s been three weeks since I let the ashes of my friend fly free as the wind.

Three weeks since I really got out of my house.

I knew I would never get over this so fast, but I wish it still never happened at all.

I’ve been spending the many days wondering what went wrong. What if something else happened to avoid this? Would someone else be dead? Or will nobody? What is Eggman lived but Sonic was dead? What if it was me who died?

I shook my head, I would never understand, no matter how old or wise I get I will never understand.

I was down in my inventing room planning some kind of new engine for my plane, when the phone rang. I walked over to it, I’ve received some calls, most from people saying how sorry Sonic died or to see how I was doing, but most of the time I let the answering machine get them.

I picked it up and pressed the call button, “Hello?”

“Mr. Tails? It’s me Cream.”

“Oh hi. What is it?” I asked trying to sound happy.

“I just want to know how your doing.” Said Cream.

I smiled, “I….guess I’m alright….still….”

“Mr. Tails, I need your help.” Asked Cream in a worried tone.

I asked her what was wrong.

She then told me that Amy had been ignoring her calls for the last three weeks and she was worried that something was wrong.

I then remembered seeing Amy leave as soon as the ashes were gone. Now I was worried.

“Alright, I’ll go to her apartment and see how she’s doing.” I said, besides, I need to get out.

“Really!? Thank you.” Said Cream who hung up.

I put the phone down and sighed. I hoped Amy was alright and not in trouble.

I decided to take the train instead of flying; Amy’s apartment was close to my house anyway.

(On the Train) I watched the buildings pass by as the train entered the city. I looked around to see if I was alone; an old human who I could tell was a priest by his clothing.

I debated, should I go and ask him? I wasn’t the most religious of people, but still….I had to know…why did God let Sonic die?

The priest turned to me and said, “You have a question in your eyes my child, what is it?”

I gulped as I asked him, “Father….if it’s okay, may I ask you a question?”

“Of course.” Said the Priest who listened to me.

I told him my tale, about Sonic’s death and how I couldn’t understand why he had to die.

“So I want to ask you…..why did Sonic die? He did no wrong…..so why.” I asked.

The priest chuckled, “You my son have asked the same question man has asked since the beginning. Why is it we must die? What is death’s purpose? Why do those who deserve life die when those who deserve death live?”

He then said, “The answer is something no man can answer, as for your question, God has plans for all of us….your friend died for a reason and I’m sure the reason is for good. I promise you that God has a good reason, but you must wait to realize it.”

I nodded, I didn’t fully understand what he said, but I think I understood a little.

The train stopped at the next station and I said, “This is my stop….thank you for your wisdom Father.”

“Any time my child.” Said the priest as I walked away thinking….What was God’s purpose?

(At Amy’s Apartment) When I arrived at the 40 story apartment I took the elevator up to the 39th floor where her apartment was located.

When I arrived at it I knocked and called for her.


I grew worried, something was not right. I grabbed the door knob and, to my luck, it was unlocked.

I opened the door and I saw what looked like a room that was just ransacked.

The living room was a huge mess with clothes, pillows, and furniture looking like a wreck. I saw pictures, mostly of Sonic, broken and on the floor.

I then heard something coming from Amy’s bedroom so I quickly entered and gasped.


Amy was standing on the edge of her window, just about to jump.

I tired to reach for her but she let go and fell.

I didn’t know what I was doing, but I knew I jumped after her. We both kept falling until I grabbed her in the air and used my tails to fly and dragged her in the air, just at the 3rd floor. She kept fighting and struggling, shouting for me to let her go. I flew us to an ally nearby and landed on the ground. I kept holding her as she struggled, crying and screaming.

“LET ME GO!! LET ME DO THIS!!” Cried Amy.

“AMY YOU HAVE TO STOP!! YOU’RE NOT THINKING STRAIGHT!!!” I cried out trying to get her to relax.

“SHUT UP!! I HAVE TO KILL MYSELF I HAVE TOO!!” Cried Amy still struggling.




I slapped her.

She stopped crying and stared at me with shock.

I was breathing so loud you could have heard be a mile a way, I just looked at my hand, shocked that I did that, but I guess it was needed.

I looked at her and said, “I’m sorry…..but I had to snap you out of it….”

Amy just stared at me before I felt her hug me and cried on my chest. I held her as she wept her warm tears on my fur.

I said, “It’s alright….It’s alright…..”

She then said, “I knew……”

She got of my chest and looked down on the floor, “I knew he never loved me the way I wanted him too……..I always hoped…..that maybe someday…..”

I felt sorry for her, I never felt in love before so I couldn’t know what she was feeling.

“But…..how can….how can I find someone like Sonic….I don’t know if I can think of anyone who loves me……I’m……worthless….” She said crying again.

I wanted to stop her from crying. I wanted to help her. I had to help her.

I kissed her……

Wait what?!

I realized that I had just kissed Amy Rose, right on the lips and when I finished I was shocked.

I looked at Amy, she was even more shocked.

Oh my god…..

What did I just do?

Did I love her?

No, or did I ?

I didn’t know what to do.

“I…..I…..I have to go….” Was all I could say as I ran away from her.

(Back at Tails Home) I closed the door and walked to my couch. When I collapsed under it I felt a million questions come at me at once.

Why did I kiss Amy?

Did I lover her?

Does she hate me?

Does she love me?

Did she enjoy it?

Will she kill herself again?

Did I do it because I felt sorry for her?

I groaned, this was too confusing. I still didn’t know if it was a spur of the moment thing or what.

Still….it felt……great.

I thought back to had it felt.

Amy’s lips were like cherries and flowers…..I kind of wish I was kissing her again.

Wait! What I’m I saying?! She’s my friend…not…well….do I?

I was confused…..I never fell in love before and I don’t know if I just did right now.

I needed somebody to talk to about this.

I need somebody who knows love more then me.

Somebody like Knuckles.

I smirked, before Knuckles met Rouge he was clueless on romance, now both of them loved each other.

I sighed as I got out of my house and into the Tornado.

I made a course for Angel Island.

(At Angel Island) I still love it every time I come here. It’s like a jungle and a vacation spot all in one.

As I made my way through the jungle I kept looking for either Rouge or Knuckles. I figured they would be near the Master Emerald’s Shrine.

When I arrived I was treated to quite a scene.

Rouge and Knuckles were currently making our near a tree not to far from where I was.

For a moment an image of me and Amy replaced them, but I shook my head.

“I’m I interrupting something?” I said scaring them both.

“Tails! Jeez, don’t surprise us like that.” Said Knuckles who took in a deep breath.

I smiled, “Sorry, but I didn’t know how long you guys would keep going so I decided to interrupt before night came.”

Knuckles blushed.

“Aw, it’s alright fox boy. You’re just in time to hear us announce the good news.” Said Rouge who wrapped her arms around her favorite Guardian.

I got an idea of what she said, “You mean you guys are engaged?!”

They smiled and nodded.

“That’s great! When’s the wedding?” I asked.

“Six months from now.” Said Knuckles who was blushing, but happy since he found someone special to him.

“Guess what, he proposed to me with the Master Emerald.” Said Rouge.

I laughed at this, after all the times Rouge tired to steal it she was given it at last as a proposal ring.

After a few laughs I asked Knuckles, “Say, Knuckles….is it alright if we talk…..alone?”

Knuckles nodded and asked Rouge to watch the Emerald for a while till he was done talking to me.

“So what’s wrong?” Asked Knuckles.

I sighed, “Amy tried to kill herself.”

Knuckles exploded with concern and questions, but I managed to calm him down and tell him she was alright. Then I told him about me….kissing…Amy and such.

“Now I don’t know what to do or what I’m feeling and since you’re the only one who’s been in a relationship I wanted to know what I should do.” I said.

Knuckles closed his eyes in thought for a while, when he opened them he asked, “Tails….do you care for here?”

“Of course!” I said.

“Do wish Amy the best for her?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I said.

Knuckles sighed and gave a smile, “I think Tails….you really do love her.”

I started at him, “Really?...but I….I don’t know….”

Knuckles but his hand on my shoulder and said, “Trust me, I felt the same way with Rouge when I started hanging around her…..I think you and Amy have to talk about what happened and see what you two should do…cause I think she needs you.”

I nodded, “Alright…thanks.”

“No problem.” Said Knuckles.

I nodded and said I would see him later. I then went back to my plane and started for home.

(Back at My Home) When I landed the Tornado and went to my door, I was surprise to find it open.

I went inside, on alert incase a robber was in.

When I went to the living room I gave a small gasp and relaxed. It was only Amy.

“Tails….” Said Amy getting up from the couch. She was in her normal dress and she looked a bit better.

“Amy…I didn’t know you were coming.” I said.

“I….I wanted to talk to you…..” Said Amy looking down on the floor.

“Are you o.k.?” I asked. I still didn’t know if she was still willing to kill herself or not.

She was silent.

“Look if this is about me slapping you or kissing you I really didn’t mean to-“

“I always knew he didn’t love me.” Said Amy.

I stopped talking.

“I knew…..but I couldn’t accept it…..Sonic was someone I just couldn’t let go…..I guess it was pathetic to keep falling in love with a person who only thinks of you as a friend….sometimes I wanted to give up…but I still kept going….I didn’t have anyone like Sonic in my life so I couldn’t let him go…..it’s so confusing…even when he was gone…..but when I heard it from the will….even though I heard it may times when he was alive…..I just lost it I guess…” Said Amy who was in tears.

I felt useless, I didn’t know what to do. So I walked over to her and hugged her.

She cried on my chest and I could feel the pain in her warm soft tears.

“I wanted to die….I wanted him back so much I was willing to kill myself for it, even though he told us to live our lives I just couldn’t without him…..” Said Amy.

Then I spoke, “Then what about us….we love you Amy….your our friend and your have us…..”

Amy looked at me.

“Yeah, I miss Sonic too…..I kept wishing it was me dead and not him…..we all miss him Amy….but…..we have to be strong together…….I will be there for you….and I want you to be there for me…..that way you won’t be alone….and neither will I……” I said holding on to her like she was the last thing precious in the world.

“Tails….” Said Amy, “Do…do you care for me?”

I knew what she meant, “I…I think I do…..no….I really do….”

We were both silent for awhile till I said, “You…want to give it a try?”

Amy gave a small smile and said, “Yes, I would love too.”

We got closer and closer till we could feel the breath from our lips and then we kissed. I felt bliss had entered my mouth and all the things around me didn’t matter, but Amy and me.

I held on closer as we went deeper, our tongues mixing together as we explored every nook of our mouths. What seemed like two minutes, was two decades.

Together we would be strong, together we would, like this kiss, stay strong for each other, because we both cared.

[edit] Credits Images


Rouge and Knuckles got married on Angel Island and eventually had two kids. The first was Julie who took after her father mostly, stubborn, hardheaded, strong, and gullible. Knuckles chose her to be the next Guardian in line after his death or when she became the right age. And like Knuckles she took it very seriously.

{Rouge (The Son)}

There other child was a son named Rogue, who took after his mother. He was tricky, sly, and loved jewels. He became a Robin Hood like thief after hearing about the Sly Cooper Team and started stealing from Criminals and giving to the poor.

{an adult Cream teaching kindergarden}

Cream was now a kindergarten teacher, I always knew she would fit the job. Other then that she led a nice life.

{Shadow and a few G.U.N. Agents}

Shadow followed Sonic’s will and became the new Guardian of Earth. Although Eggman was gone, there were still people who wanted to hurt others and take over the world so Shadow took care of them. We helped him once and awhile for old times sake, but he prefers to work alone. He still works with G.U.N and, to all our surprise, has a human girl friend named Jessica who looks a lot like Maria. They haven’t gone too deep in a relationship, but it is growing. Shadow’s also asking G.U.N to help get rid of his Immortality ability so he can live a life like us.

{Vector and Vanilla}

The Chaotix went international, thanks to Sonic’s funds they were able to open an international detective agency all over the world and now they had an army of detectives solving cases left and right. Vector became head of it all, now he was stuck with mostly a desk job, but he’s getting use to it. Vector also finally started to date Vanilla and eventually the married. Of course Vector fainted many times during the wedding.

{Mighty in a lawer suit}

Mighty decided to join the group again after Sonics funeral. Although he didn’t become a detective, he became their new lawyer.

{Espio's Aura}

Espio however is gone. During an investigation in Ethiopia, a bomb went off and Espio was caught in the blast. We all mourned for his death and we were there for his funeral.

{Charmy's Picture on a top 10 detectives list}

Charmy was the most surprising. After Espio’s death, Charmy went into a full blown detective machine. He still had his old personality, but when working on a case he became totally serious and solved any case no matter what with full marks. Charmy had become one the top 10 detectives in the world. He also dated with Cream for a while, but they eventually decided to go as friends.

{Tails(in Air Kitsune Uniform), Reading "Sonic's First adventure by amy Rose"}

As for Amy and me we started small and eventually we were in love with one another. I decided to follow my father’s path and became a full flying Air Force Pilot, the youngest one to be exact. I joined my father’s old squad, The Air Kitsune’s, and when they saw me they thought they saw a ghost. I eventually became captain of the squad and had 2 metals of courage. Amy wrote books about Sonic’s life and his adventures, they were all best sellers and I helped write them.

{Tails Proposing to Amy}

I asked her to marry me a year ago and she said yes. It was the greatest moment of my life.

{Tails and amy with a blue baby boy hedgehog with two fox tails}

Now Amy and I have our first child, a boy.

{The Baby in a crib with the word sonic ingraved}

I asked her what did she want to call him. She said Sonic.

{The Baby Sonic, Now a toddler, with Tails and Amy, with all the Characters who have appeared So Far, Sonic and Espio Being Aura Spirits}

I couldn’t think of a better name.

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