Kingdom Hearts: Ours/Episode 3: The Secret

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Gonzo Episode Recycled: 3
(Takashi tosses his Soccer Ball down the stairs, it is then caught by his father, Ninten. The other pilots go to their respective families as Walt keeps watch in his disguise as Shoutaro Yatsude)
Walt: (Narration) The Summer Nature School was cancelled after that night, and I watched as the children returned to their respective families. They knew the game had just begun as did I. They had fought but one of the many battles laid out for their future.
(Upon his return to his sister, Kako receives... a punch to the read.)
Kako: What the hell are you doing?
<Sis' Name>: That's what I should be asking you, young man!
Kako: Shut up!
(The Komoda family limousine drives off as Maria looks up into the sky. Her mother comes to confort her.)
Mom: Maria, is there something wrong?
Maria: Oh, it's nothin' ma! I'm just happy to be back in your presence is all...
(They walk along as we look to Chizu and her sister exiting the police station)
Ichiko: Hey, Sis. You alright?
Chizu: Yeah.
Ichiko: Mom and Dad were worried, y'know. (tries to put a coat on Chizu...)
Chizu: I'm fine! (but is promptly rejected...)
(Cut to Kanji)
Stewardess: Your mother was very worried.
Kanji: She didn't have to worry about me, ya know.
Stewardess: That's not precisely true...
(Kanji goes to the Ushiro Siblings)
Waku: Your dad's coming to pick you up, right?
Ushiro: I called him earlier and told him that he didn't have to come.
Waku: Man, When it comes to daddy issues... You're kinda like me.
Ushiro: Shut up...
Kanji: How 'bout you two come with me. (To Yuki, Yumi and Bonnie) You guys too...
Yumi: And risk Ushiro abuse Bonnie the same way he does with Kana? No Way!
Yuki: It's just with the way he treats Kana, We'd rather we stay at Takashi's place.
Waku: Alright!
Kodama: (peeks into the background) I think I can arrange that.
==The Drive==
(Waku is sitting between Yuki and Yumi in the back seat of Ninten's Car. Ninten's on his iPhone talking to his wife, Using Kodama's iPhone as a GPS to guide them to their destination, Hence why Kodama's in the front seat.)
Ninten: Okay, We'll let you in on the conversation through skype. Goodbye Honey. (hangs up) Quite a group of friends you have there.
Waku: Yeah, We've barely gotten to know each other but I have a feeling we're gonna spend alot more time together.
Ninten: And who might you be?
Yuki: My name is Yuki Ichigo, This is my Sister, Yumi.
Yumi: Hey!
Yuki: And our younger cousin from America, Bonnie.
Bonnie: I wanted to go with Mr. Ano... His car isn't this cramped.
Ninten: Well, this is the best car I can afford so we're just gonna have to put up with it...
Kodama: Turn right up ahead...
(They drive to their destination...)
(Kodaka Real Estate. When they arrive, They are greeted by one of Kodama's Elder Brothers.)
<Brother>: Masaru, whats with the brainy specs?
Kodama: They're fake. They make me look smarter, don't they?
<Brother>: Cripes, you say the dumbest things... So what happened?
Kodama: Nothing much, I've recently met a few fellows who I intend to spend a year alongside. Three of which need a place to stay for this year, and I seek that they stay with the Wakus.
<Brother>: You happen to have a guest room right?
Ninten: Yes, of course, with two Twin Beds in case of a family get-together.
Kodama: Excellent. Now we go see my father, he runs the business.
<Brother>: Yeah, Tell Dad he's got a surprise appointment coming up.
Receptionist: Right away, (on the phone.) Masaru has just arrived at the lobby with a client. (beat) Yes. I Understand. (Hangs up and looks towards the group) Right this way, sirs and madames...
(They make their way to the elevator)
Bonnie: I was called a 'madame'! This place is pretty fancy!
(We see our heroes in the elevator.)
Waku: Dad, Don't you work here?
Ninten: Yes, Takashi, I'm in accounting.
(They arrive in the waiting room next to the boardroom.)
Receptionist: He's in a meeting, so it'll take some waiting.
(they sit in the assorted chairs with Takashi taking the Office Chair)
Shoutaro: We gotta close this deal right now before we lose out on this great opportunity! Call up the chairman right now!
Shinichi: Hold on a sec, Pops!
Shoutaro: What is it now?
Shinichi: A public bid on the Mount Tsujimi Landscape will see the public eating us alive in terms of approval ratings!
Shoutaro: Your point is:
Shinichi: Society's in chaos because of that damn Behemoth! And to focus our business on a sliced up mountain after everything that's happened?
Shoutaro: What are you saying? A restoration of that devastated land'll be just what society needs right now.
Shinichi: But does the restoration of land require a Fucking Golf Course!
Shoutaro: But it's utterly flat right now. To leave it wasting away like this would be wasteful at best.
Shinichi: That mountain was a gift from Mother Nature herself! You can at least make it a place where the community can relax!
Shoutaro: But where's the cash in that?
Shinichi: So you're willing to do anything just to make a quick buck?!
Shoutaro: Hey, I'm a realtor investing in a hot tract of land. What's wrong with that? (a creek of the door reveals an iPad, with the image of a female on screen.) Speaking of hot tracts of land... We're going through with the deal, end of story! Everyone Out!
Shinichi: (as he storms out) Great, because I cant stand another minute of it!
Shoutaro: At least show some clout, Shinichi, You're the senior director of this corporation, you know! You just don't get it yet... Ah, Masaru, so glad you could make it! And Ninten, you need not hide your lady under a facechump screen, her bod's nothing to be ashamed of for a mom.
Riza: Bite Me!
==The others==
(With Kanji, Kana and Ushiro)
Kanji: If you want, we can head up later on and have a quick bite.
Ushiro: Thanks.
(The Siblings and Kanji go their separate routes to their current residence in the Kurazowa Tower. Kana opens to door to their fancy new room, and make themselves confortable)
(With Aiko and Family.)
Mother: Welcome home, Aiko.
Aiko: Hey, when do you think Dad'll be back?
Mother: He'll probably be late again tonight. He's really buzy at work these days.
(Aiko looks to her chair and goes to sit on the Sofa instead)
Aiko: Mom... You wouldn't believe me if I told you we rode in that thing, would you...
(With the Komoda family)
Sen. Komoda: Of course I believe you, Komo. You're honest, kind, I hold you dear to my heart. And you've certainly never told a genuinely good lie in your life. It's just... it never occurred to me that you kids would be caught up in all of this.
Mrs. Komoda: For kids like you to move a monstrosity like that...
Komo: We thought it was just a game at first. We had no idea how it would devolve into something as destructive as this... But now, we're ready to receive our retribution.
Sen. Komoda: All the same, you shouldn't worry since you've told your side of the conflict to the police. From what I've heard, America's SHIELD Agency is trying to negotiate some role in the government's newly established investigation committee and counterforce. I promise I'll do what I can on my end to help out, starting with SHIELD's involvement in the committee... If that's alright with you, of course. (Komo smiles at this as her father looks to his wife) My secretary's still at work, right?
Mrs. Komoda: Of course.
Sen. Komoda: You should go give her a call and ask if she could make a note of what we've said.
==The Break Room==
(We cut to the Studio Trigger Break Room)
Staff: What! You put low tables on the ceiling?
(cut to Walt Disney Pointing Upwards)
Walt: This is the ceiling! Well, in your perspective, of course.
Tod Schimer: You dastard! Why put in an elaborate setpiece on the ceiling of our break room!
(Enter Waku)
Waku: Huh? Mr. Disney?
Walt: Ah, Takashi. Welcome to the Studio Trigger Break Room.
Mahiro Kitoh: You broke down the fourth wall on us?
Walt: Yes. Yes, I did.
Maki: Kitoh Mahiro-Sama! My christler, Walt! You sure do have a lot of ties where they're needed.
(As the following chain of vignettes ensues on screen, Kodama narrates)
Kodama: (Narration) And so the days pass and things happen in our lives. We contemplate our place in the world and how we might be able to change it. We try to hide a joint secret that, unbeknownst to us has already been revealed. And we socialize with people we wouldn't usually be caught dead with under normal circumstances. We were all of the same team and with it, the same creed and yet we were all different kinds of people, Some lives are meant to survive and evolve over time while others only serve to be discarded. Waku falls under the latter category, and that is what interests me. I can tell just by looking at his father that his hot-headed idiocy would have him fall off the face of Zearth. How he survived is anyone's guess. Perhaps it might have something to do with his friend, Kozue and his relationship with her and the others.
<Day 7>
(Nakama is stitching together something and is contemplating using the Psychic Fiber on it.)
<Day 8>
(Kanji looks at a box that reads: "Acme Sitcom Robot". His mother signs for it and Carts it off somewhere.)
<Day 9>
(Shoutaro Yatsude brings stacks of physical exam results to Chizu, Maki, and Nakama. <Teacher> looks among one of these to find Chizu's measurements)
<Day 10>
(The chairs spin around, Zearth defeats the <Boss Heartless>, Waku screams as usual. Kodama is wearing earmuffs)
<Day 11>
(Waku passes by Ninten as he straightens his tie. He leads Yuki and Yumi out of the house, Toast in hand, passing Riza as she is doing some arobics)
<Day 12>
(Kozue looks to her collection of Disney Stuff. She picks up a Disney Infinity figurine of Cinderella for a symbolic perpose.)
==The Uniform==
<Day 13>
(Nakama is in her seat with a distinct outfit with six more just like it.)
Koyemshi: You look pretty beat. Using your sleep time for some potentially unfinishable project of yours?
Walt: Koyemshi!
Maria: Hey, is that...
Maki: Cosplay!?
Kanji: Nah, not really. It's a uniform, right?
Nakama: my tailor skills are mediocre at best, so they may not all be that great, but...
Walt: They're great. You should make more of these outfits while you can. In fact, I think I can get a couple friends to help, both from your end and mine.
Komo: The material's quite nice.
Waku: So who gets what, guys? I think I see a small one...
Kodama: Why yes, That's probably mine.
Maki: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's put them on!
(And so, Maki, Komo, Kozoe, Moji, Kodama and Kanji took their uniforms and went to opposite ends, it doesn't take long for Kodama to peek.)
Maki: Hey! Maybe some curtains would be nice!
Koyemshi: ...Fine. (Teleports in a pair of Curtains to hide the six who seek to change into their new uniforms. Walt calls to Kozoe)
Walt: You heard the voice didn't you...
Kozoe: Yes... That means I'm today's pilot! This uniform came just in time!
Walt: Tell me, Kozoe, Because I'm just curious as usual... What do you want for dinner?
<Eyecatch: Kozoe>
=="What do you want for Dinner?"==
=="What do you want for Dinner?"==
(The Cast are eating Spaghetti and Meatballs)
(The Cast are eating Spaghetti and Meatballs)
Maki: Kana! You look cute in that uniform.
Aiko: You too, Kozoe!
Kozoe: How nice of you to notice...
Walt: You should also notice that she made the meal herself.
(Everyone goes to compliment her.)
Kozoe: Why, thank you...
Walt: Kozoe, that Cinderella Figurine in your hand, what do you think it means?
Kozoe: She perseveres, Like I do. I suppose it began with Waku... His seventh birthday saw us playing catch with Moji and Maria, his father got him a baseball with a matching glove. When he tossed the ball far enough into the road, a young girl came to it and asked if it was ours. She went to get it as a Toy Truck was passing by, I tried to save her but it was all for naught. My failure to save her cost me my legs, and for the first time in my life... I felt lost. I didn't want anyone to pity me, yet he insisted on buying me anything Disney he could get me. Earning allowance money and taking part-time jobs to try and make it up to me. I don't want his pity to weigh me down. I love him just the way he is. I'd go to his soccer matches and he'd take me to a Disney Movie. He wouldn't be bothered to pay attention in class, and me, I memorize everything I see.
Walt: Everything you see?
Kozue: Everything.
Walt: ...
Zearth vs. Dimensional Robot 002
:Armorize Form: Striking Zearth
==A wish your heart makes==
==A wish your heart makes==
(Waku lets out his signature Battlecry of Victory as Ichigo picks out his MP3 Player)
Ichigo: Ah, there you are. I promised I'd play a Disney Song for it's maiden voyage as Background Soundtrack so, Bon Appetit! (It starts to play 'A Dream is a Wish your Heart makes')
Kozoe: That song... it feels so nice to hear, from my favorite film. I'd love to meet her... Cinderella, that is... She's just... so perfect... I want to be... just like her...
Waku: Well, she puts up with doing chores. I guess I can commend her for that.
Ushiro: You're an Idiot, Waku-kun. (Taps Kozoe's Wheelchair... It begins to move closer towards the edge.) She means she wants to be able to take care of herself and earn a bright future for herself.
Waku: I knew that, she's passing be in terms of grades, ain't she?
(Withing the song that's playing, The musical score turns mute upon the 'lie' part of the word believing. And with good reason, Symbolic of what is ensuing in the following scene. Ushiro and Waku look behind them to find Kozoe is rolling off Zearth's Chest. Knowing a 500-meter drop to be rather lethal, Waku runs to Kozue, jumping onto the sloped deck of Zearth.)
Waku: Kozue! (Kozue rolls farther away from him as he reaches for her.) Kozue, Stop! (Jumps for her and slides on his belly to save her, but to no avail, Kozue fell off the edge of Zearth)
Moji: Waku!
Sora: Waku-kun! You alright?
Daichi: Did you save her!
Komo: Oh gods, Waku-kun!
Maria: Hang tight, Waku!
Ven: Waku!
Terra: Waku!
(after staring at Waku sans Kozue, they all glanced at Ushiro.)
Ushiro: No! I barely tapped the wheelchair! I didn't push her off! (Everyone stares blankly at Ushiro with the sort of contempt you'd expect after witnessing one of their friends pushed someone off a tall building.) It's the Truth! Believe me!
(Kana is frightened by this side of her brother... even moreso than usual.)
Ushiro: What the Hell are you looking at?! (punches Kana)
Maki: 'What the hell are you doing?' is what needs asking here!
(Moji has a concerned look on his face as he sees Takashi at his lowest point yet.)
Waku: No... N-No...
Kodama: (Narration) and so, with the theat of the Social Justice League looming overhead due to Kozoe's fall, Disney punishes Trigger by turning the break room's low tables into cardboard boxes.
Kodama: and so, with the theat of the Social Justice League looming overhead due to Kozoe's fall, Disney punishes Trigger by flip turning the break room upside down and turning it's low tables into cardboard boxes
==The Cardboard Boxes==
==The Cardboard Boxes==
(The Staff are sitting on the ceiling)
(The Staff are sitting on the ceiling)
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Producer: Aw, man. Reversed Gravity? Who does that these days!?
Producer: Aw, man. Reversed Gravity? Who does that these days!?
Director: Apparently Disney, Wanna sing, Kitoh?
Kitoh: We shall but only after this scene plays out below us.
(The Staff groans)
Kitoh: This never happened with Gonzo...
(pan down to the main cast)
Ushiro: It's the Truth, I didn't mean to push her off! Come on guys, Believe me! Waku obviously wouldn't think of killing one of his best friends, So why would I?
Moji: I understand, Ushiro, so calm down. Everyone, lets try to focus on comprehending the situation at hand. If we don't, there wont be an end to this madness.
Waku: I still don't believe it... Kozoe's gone...
Machi: There's no way... she could've survived that fall...
Daichi: But Ushiro clearly didn't push her off on perpose.
Kanji: I'm good with that, I can tell that he's telling the truth.
Waku: and all those casualties... because we found that damn cave...
(Aiko begins weeping.)
Kako: Shut up! Don't cry!
Maki: She can't help it, it's just natural, Okay!
(Komo goes to confort Aiko as she weeps in her arms.)
Komo: Let's just quit, It's not just a game anymore. Can't you tell just by looking, people have died because of both crashes. Judging by the noise coming from the Town, we might have dealt alot of damage to it...
Aiko: The media's gonna find us and stuff us in a Jersey Shore Knockoff, aren't they...
Kako: No way... What the Hell are we gonna do now?!
Komo: Like I said, we should quit now and avoid any further conflict.
Kako: Ain't it a little late for that?!
Waku: He has a point, How can we quit? We can't back out of the contract so we can't run away...
Chizu: But there's a ton of people wounded or dead, so I don't think we'll draw too much suspicion... as long as we keep quiet about it, that is.
Kako: Y-Yeah! That's It!
Komo: We can't, people have ''died'' here just like the last Crash. That level of destruction can't be forgiven!
Kodama: God, You're such a bunch of morons... (everyone looks to him, leaning on the chalkboard) Instead of focusing on who has died along with Kozoe, we must think of those still standing such as ourselves... (we show the rest of the cast as he speaks) Death will act as our bread and butter, so we might as well get used to it for her sake.
Maria: N-No way...
(We see the upside down producers of the anime watching the scene conclude.)
Kitoh: Now you can sing.
(they do just that.)
Director: Man, this sucks...
Producer: Man, this sucks...
Storyboard Artist: Man, this sucks...
Structure Planner: Man, this sucks...
Kitoh: 3, 2, 1, let's jam.
(Cue a panning shot to show the remaining pilots mourning the death of Kozoe as the staff sing their song. The final bit of said song has the camera focus on Waku)
Kitoh: this never happened with Gonzo...
Staff: No matter what we try, the manga screws us up. No matter who we save, we're always out of luck. Maybe we should quit, but we're stuck with this Shit, we've got an Iron-Clad contract and it means that we are totally, totally, totally...

Current revision as of 20:09, 18 June 2014

Gonzo Episode Recycled: 3


[edit] Home

(Takashi tosses his Soccer Ball down the stairs, it is then caught by his father, Ninten. The other pilots go to their respective families as Walt keeps watch in his disguise as Shoutaro Yatsude)

Walt: (Narration) The Summer Nature School was cancelled after that night, and I watched as the children returned to their respective families. They knew the game had just begun as did I. They had fought but one of the many battles laid out for their future.

(Upon his return to his sister, Kako receives... a punch to the read.)

Kako: What the hell are you doing?

<Sis' Name>: That's what I should be asking you, young man!

Kako: Shut up!

(The Komoda family limousine drives off as Maria looks up into the sky. Her mother comes to confort her.)

Mom: Maria, is there something wrong?

Maria: Oh, it's nothin' ma! I'm just happy to be back in your presence is all...

(They walk along as we look to Chizu and her sister exiting the police station)

Ichiko: Hey, Sis. You alright?

Chizu: Yeah.

Ichiko: Mom and Dad were worried, y'know. (tries to put a coat on Chizu...)

Chizu: I'm fine! (but is promptly rejected...)

(Cut to Kanji)

Stewardess: Your mother was very worried.

Kanji: She didn't have to worry about me, ya know.

Stewardess: That's not precisely true...

(Kanji goes to the Ushiro Siblings)

Waku: Your dad's coming to pick you up, right?

Ushiro: I called him earlier and told him that he didn't have to come.

Waku: Man, When it comes to daddy issues... You're kinda like me.

Ushiro: Shut up...

Kanji: How 'bout you two come with me. (To Yuki, Yumi and Bonnie) You guys too...

Yumi: And risk Ushiro abuse Bonnie the same way he does with Kana? No Way!

Yuki: It's just with the way he treats Kana, We'd rather we stay at Takashi's place.

Waku: Alright!

Kodama: (peeks into the background) I think I can arrange that.


[edit] The Drive

(Waku is sitting between Yuki and Yumi in the back seat of Ninten's Car. Ninten's on his iPhone talking to his wife, Using Kodama's iPhone as a GPS to guide them to their destination, Hence why Kodama's in the front seat.)

Ninten: Okay, We'll let you in on the conversation through skype. Goodbye Honey. (hangs up) Quite a group of friends you have there.

Waku: Yeah, We've barely gotten to know each other but I have a feeling we're gonna spend alot more time together.

Ninten: And who might you be?

Yuki: My name is Yuki Ichigo, This is my Sister, Yumi.

Yumi: Hey!

Yuki: And our younger cousin from America, Bonnie.

Bonnie: I wanted to go with Mr. Ano... His car isn't this cramped.

Ninten: Well, this is the best car I can afford so we're just gonna have to put up with it...

Kodama: Turn right up ahead...

(They drive to their destination...)

[edit] Negotiation

(Kodaka Real Estate. When they arrive, They are greeted by one of Kodama's Elder Brothers.)

<Brother>: Masaru, whats with the brainy specs?

Kodama: They're fake. They make me look smarter, don't they?

<Brother>: Cripes, you say the dumbest things... So what happened?

Kodama: Nothing much, I've recently met a few fellows who I intend to spend a year alongside. Three of which need a place to stay for this year, and I seek that they stay with the Wakus.

<Brother>: You happen to have a guest room right?

Ninten: Yes, of course, with two Twin Beds in case of a family get-together.

Kodama: Excellent. Now we go see my father, he runs the business.

<Brother>: Yeah, Tell Dad he's got a surprise appointment coming up.

Receptionist: Right away, (on the phone.) Masaru has just arrived at the lobby with a client. (beat) Yes. I Understand. (Hangs up and looks towards the group) Right this way, sirs and madames...

(They make their way to the elevator)

Bonnie: I was called a 'madame'! This place is pretty fancy!

(We see our heroes in the elevator.)

Waku: Dad, Don't you work here?

Ninten: Yes, Takashi, I'm in accounting.

(They arrive in the waiting room next to the boardroom.)

Receptionist: He's in a meeting, so it'll take some waiting.

(they sit in the assorted chairs with Takashi taking the Office Chair)

Shoutaro: We gotta close this deal right now before we lose out on this great opportunity! Call up the chairman right now!

Shinichi: Hold on a sec, Pops!

Shoutaro: What is it now?

Shinichi: A public bid on the Mount Tsujimi Landscape will see the public eating us alive in terms of approval ratings!

Shoutaro: Your point is:

Shinichi: Society's in chaos because of that damn Behemoth! And to focus our business on a sliced up mountain after everything that's happened?

Shoutaro: What are you saying? A restoration of that devastated land'll be just what society needs right now.

Shinichi: But does the restoration of land require a Fucking Golf Course!

Shoutaro: But it's utterly flat right now. To leave it wasting away like this would be wasteful at best.

Shinichi: That mountain was a gift from Mother Nature herself! You can at least make it a place where the community can relax!

Shoutaro: But where's the cash in that?

Shinichi: So you're willing to do anything just to make a quick buck?!

Shoutaro: Hey, I'm a realtor investing in a hot tract of land. What's wrong with that? (a creek of the door reveals an iPad, with the image of a female on screen.) Speaking of hot tracts of land... We're going through with the deal, end of story! Everyone Out!

Shinichi: (as he storms out) Great, because I cant stand another minute of it!

Shoutaro: At least show some clout, Shinichi, You're the senior director of this corporation, you know! You just don't get it yet... Ah, Masaru, so glad you could make it! And Ninten, you need not hide your lady under a facechump screen, her bod's nothing to be ashamed of for a mom.

Riza: Bite Me!

[edit] The others

(With Kanji, Kana and Ushiro)

Kanji: If you want, we can head up later on and have a quick bite.

Ushiro: Thanks.

(The Siblings and Kanji go their separate routes to their current residence in the Kurazowa Tower. Kana opens to door to their fancy new room, and make themselves confortable)

(With Aiko and Family.)

Mother: Welcome home, Aiko.

Aiko: Hey, when do you think Dad'll be back?

Mother: He'll probably be late again tonight. He's really buzy at work these days.

(Aiko looks to her chair and goes to sit on the Sofa instead)

Aiko: Mom... You wouldn't believe me if I told you we rode in that thing, would you...

(With the Komoda family)

Sen. Komoda: Of course I believe you, Komo. You're honest, kind, I hold you dear to my heart. And you've certainly never told a genuinely good lie in your life. It's just... it never occurred to me that you kids would be caught up in all of this.

Mrs. Komoda: For kids like you to move a monstrosity like that...

Komo: We thought it was just a game at first. We had no idea how it would devolve into something as destructive as this... But now, we're ready to receive our retribution.

Sen. Komoda: All the same, you shouldn't worry since you've told your side of the conflict to the police. From what I've heard, America's SHIELD Agency is trying to negotiate some role in the government's newly established investigation committee and counterforce. I promise I'll do what I can on my end to help out, starting with SHIELD's involvement in the committee... If that's alright with you, of course. (Komo smiles at this as her father looks to his wife) My secretary's still at work, right?

Mrs. Komoda: Of course.

Sen. Komoda: You should go give her a call and ask if she could make a note of what we've said.

[edit] The Break Room

(We cut to the Studio Trigger Break Room)

Staff: What! You put low tables on the ceiling?

(cut to Walt Disney Pointing Upwards)

Walt: This is the ceiling! Well, in your perspective, of course.

Tod Schimer: You dastard! Why put in an elaborate setpiece on the ceiling of our break room!

(Enter Waku)

Waku: Huh? Mr. Disney?

Walt: Ah, Takashi. Welcome to the Studio Trigger Break Room.

Mahiro Kitoh: You broke down the fourth wall on us?

Walt: Yes. Yes, I did.

Maki: Kitoh Mahiro-Sama! My christler, Walt! You sure do have a lot of ties where they're needed.

[edit] Montage

(As the following chain of vignettes ensues on screen, Kodama narrates)

Kodama: (Narration) And so the days pass and things happen in our lives. We contemplate our place in the world and how we might be able to change it. We try to hide a joint secret that, unbeknownst to us has already been revealed. And we socialize with people we wouldn't usually be caught dead with under normal circumstances. We were all of the same team and with it, the same creed and yet we were all different kinds of people, Some lives are meant to survive and evolve over time while others only serve to be discarded. Waku falls under the latter category, and that is what interests me. I can tell just by looking at his father that his hot-headed idiocy would have him fall off the face of Zearth. How he survived is anyone's guess. Perhaps it might have something to do with his friend, Kozue and his relationship with her and the others.

<Day 7>

(Nakama is stitching together something and is contemplating using the Psychic Fiber on it.)

<Day 8>

(Kanji looks at a box that reads: "Acme Sitcom Robot". His mother signs for it and Carts it off somewhere.)

<Day 9>

(Shoutaro Yatsude brings stacks of physical exam results to Chizu, Maki, and Nakama. <Teacher> looks among one of these to find Chizu's measurements)

<Day 10>

(The chairs spin around, Zearth defeats the <Boss Heartless>, Waku screams as usual. Kodama is wearing earmuffs)

<Day 11>

(Waku passes by Ninten as he straightens his tie. He leads Yuki and Yumi out of the house, Toast in hand, passing Riza as she is doing some arobics)

<Day 12>

(Kozue looks to her collection of Disney Stuff. She picks up a Disney Infinity figurine of Cinderella for a symbolic perpose.)

[edit] The Uniform

<Day 13>

(Nakama is in her seat with a distinct outfit with six more just like it.)

Koyemshi: You look pretty beat. Using your sleep time for some potentially unfinishable project of yours?

Walt: Koyemshi!

Maria: Hey, is that...

Maki: Cosplay!?

Kanji: Nah, not really. It's a uniform, right?

Nakama: my tailor skills are mediocre at best, so they may not all be that great, but...

Walt: They're great. You should make more of these outfits while you can. In fact, I think I can get a couple friends to help, both from your end and mine.

Komo: The material's quite nice.

Waku: So who gets what, guys? I think I see a small one...

Kodama: Why yes, That's probably mine.

Maki: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's put them on!

(And so, Maki, Komo, Kozoe, Moji, Kodama and Kanji took their uniforms and went to opposite ends, it doesn't take long for Kodama to peek.)

Maki: Hey! Maybe some curtains would be nice!

Koyemshi: ...Fine. (Teleports in a pair of Curtains to hide the six who seek to change into their new uniforms. Walt calls to Kozoe)

Walt: You heard the voice didn't you...

Kozoe: Yes... That means I'm today's pilot! This uniform came just in time!

Walt: Tell me, Kozoe, Because I'm just curious as usual... What do you want for dinner?

<Eyecatch: Kozoe>

[edit] "What do you want for Dinner?"

(The Cast are eating Spaghetti and Meatballs)

Maki: Kana! You look cute in that uniform.

Aiko: You too, Kozoe!

Kozoe: How nice of you to notice...

Walt: You should also notice that she made the meal herself.

(Everyone goes to compliment her.)

Kozoe: Why, thank you...

Walt: Kozoe, that Cinderella Figurine in your hand, what do you think it means?

Kozoe: She perseveres, Like I do. I suppose it began with Waku... His seventh birthday saw us playing catch with Moji and Maria, his father got him a baseball with a matching glove. When he tossed the ball far enough into the road, a young girl came to it and asked if it was ours. She went to get it as a Toy Truck was passing by, I tried to save her but it was all for naught. My failure to save her cost me my legs, and for the first time in my life... I felt lost. I didn't want anyone to pity me, yet he insisted on buying me anything Disney he could get me. Earning allowance money and taking part-time jobs to try and make it up to me. I don't want his pity to weigh me down. I love him just the way he is. I'd go to his soccer matches and he'd take me to a Disney Movie. He wouldn't be bothered to pay attention in class, and me, I memorize everything I see.

Walt: Everything you see?

Kozue: Everything.

Walt: ...

[edit] Fight

Zearth vs. Dimensional Robot 002

Armorize Form: Striking Zearth

[edit] A wish your heart makes

(Waku lets out his signature Battlecry of Victory as Ichigo picks out his MP3 Player)

Ichigo: Ah, there you are. I promised I'd play a Disney Song for it's maiden voyage as Background Soundtrack so, Bon Appetit! (It starts to play 'A Dream is a Wish your Heart makes')

Kozoe: That song... it feels so nice to hear, from my favorite film. I'd love to meet her... Cinderella, that is... She's just... so perfect... I want to be... just like her...

Waku: Well, she puts up with doing chores. I guess I can commend her for that.

Ushiro: You're an Idiot, Waku-kun. (Taps Kozoe's Wheelchair... It begins to move closer towards the edge.) She means she wants to be able to take care of herself and earn a bright future for herself.

Waku: I knew that, she's passing be in terms of grades, ain't she?

(Withing the song that's playing, The musical score turns mute upon the 'lie' part of the word believing. And with good reason, Symbolic of what is ensuing in the following scene. Ushiro and Waku look behind them to find Kozoe is rolling off Zearth's Chest. Knowing a 500-meter drop to be rather lethal, Waku runs to Kozue, jumping onto the sloped deck of Zearth.)

Waku: Kozue! (Kozue rolls farther away from him as he reaches for her.) Kozue, Stop! (Jumps for her and slides on his belly to save her, but to no avail, Kozue fell off the edge of Zearth)

Moji: Waku!

Sora: Waku-kun! You alright?

Daichi: Did you save her!

Komo: Oh gods, Waku-kun!

Maria: Hang tight, Waku!

Ven: Waku!

Terra: Waku!

(after staring at Waku sans Kozue, they all glanced at Ushiro.)

Ushiro: No! I barely tapped the wheelchair! I didn't push her off! (Everyone stares blankly at Ushiro with the sort of contempt you'd expect after witnessing one of their friends pushed someone off a tall building.) It's the Truth! Believe me!

(Kana is frightened by this side of her brother... even moreso than usual.)

Ushiro: What the Hell are you looking at?! (punches Kana)

Maki: 'What the hell are you doing?' is what needs asking here!

(Moji has a concerned look on his face as he sees Takashi at his lowest point yet.)

Waku: No... N-No...

Kodama: (Narration) and so, with the theat of the Social Justice League looming overhead due to Kozoe's fall, Disney punishes Trigger by turning the break room's low tables into cardboard boxes.

[edit] The Cardboard Boxes

(The Staff are sitting on the ceiling)

Producer: Aw, man. Reversed Gravity? Who does that these days!?

Director: Apparently Disney, Wanna sing, Kitoh?

Kitoh: We shall but only after this scene plays out below us.

(The Staff groans)

Kitoh: This never happened with Gonzo...

(pan down to the main cast)

Ushiro: It's the Truth, I didn't mean to push her off! Come on guys, Believe me! Waku obviously wouldn't think of killing one of his best friends, So why would I?

Moji: I understand, Ushiro, so calm down. Everyone, lets try to focus on comprehending the situation at hand. If we don't, there wont be an end to this madness.

Waku: I still don't believe it... Kozoe's gone...

Machi: There's no way... she could've survived that fall...

Daichi: But Ushiro clearly didn't push her off on perpose.

Kanji: I'm good with that, I can tell that he's telling the truth.

Waku: and all those casualties... because we found that damn cave...

(Aiko begins weeping.)

Kako: Shut up! Don't cry!

Maki: She can't help it, it's just natural, Okay!

(Komo goes to confort Aiko as she weeps in her arms.)

Komo: Let's just quit, It's not just a game anymore. Can't you tell just by looking, people have died because of both crashes. Judging by the noise coming from the Town, we might have dealt alot of damage to it...

Aiko: The media's gonna find us and stuff us in a Jersey Shore Knockoff, aren't they...

Kako: No way... What the Hell are we gonna do now?!

Komo: Like I said, we should quit now and avoid any further conflict.

Kako: Ain't it a little late for that?!

Waku: He has a point, How can we quit? We can't back out of the contract so we can't run away...

Chizu: But there's a ton of people wounded or dead, so I don't think we'll draw too much suspicion... as long as we keep quiet about it, that is.

Kako: Y-Yeah! That's It!

Komo: We can't, people have died here just like the last Crash. That level of destruction can't be forgiven!

Kodama: God, You're such a bunch of morons... (everyone looks to him, leaning on the chalkboard) Instead of focusing on who has died along with Kozoe, we must think of those still standing such as ourselves... (we show the rest of the cast as he speaks) Death will act as our bread and butter, so we might as well get used to it for her sake.

Maria: N-No way...

(We see the upside down producers of the anime watching the scene conclude.)

Kitoh: Now you can sing.

(they do just that.)

Director: Man, this sucks...

Producer: Man, this sucks...

Storyboard Artist: Man, this sucks...

Structure Planner: Man, this sucks...

Kitoh: 3, 2, 1, let's jam.

(Cue a panning shot to show the remaining pilots mourning the death of Kozoe as the staff sing their song. The final bit of said song has the camera focus on Waku)

Staff: No matter what we try, the manga screws us up. No matter who we save, we're always out of luck. Maybe we should quit, but we're stuck with this Shit, we've got an Iron-Clad contract and it means that we are totally, totally, totally...

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