Kingdom Hearts: Ours/Episode 2: Zearth

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< Kingdom Hearts: Ours(Difference between revisions)
(The Magazine's loaded)
(More Zoogs)
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Ellie: Hey, I connect with Information-agers easy! Ready to start your first tubular day of your year of saving the world!
Ellie: Hey, I connect with Information-agers easy! Ready to start your first tubular day of your year of saving the world!
Walt: Mrs. Frederickson, I think they get it, now if you could take the suit off.
Ellie: Okay... (Strips away her clothing.)
Walt: (Nosebleed) NoNoNoNo! (covers his nose with a hankerchef) Your Incog suit.
Ellie: You're not any fun. (a spark of imagination flies out and becomes the Toy of Ellie Frederickson as the human Ellie falls to the floor.)
Maki: Okay, A quick question, Those Disney Infinity Figurines...
Kozue: They really come to life?
Walt: Not exactly, they're Zoogs, like MZ and Twitch. Unlike those two who are Networking Zoogs, the Disney character toys are known as Memory Zoogs.
Komo: (raises her hand.) Umm... is it possible to withdraw from these battles.
Komo: (raises her hand.) Umm... is it possible to withdraw from these battles.
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==The Magazine's loaded==
==The Magazine's loaded==
(Everyone's in the Cockpit.)
(Everyone's in the Cockpit.)

Current revision as of 16:36, 17 June 2014

Gonzo Episode Recycled: 2


More Zoogs

Naminé: Clearly, It wasn't a dream, What with the mess he made and all.

Sora: Still, What I'm concerned about is Walt Disney, He said he made some adjustments while we were out cold. Maybe he has those memory powers like with Naminé?

Roxas: You're one to talk Mr-

Voice: Adventure is out there!

(The owner of said voice, a woman in a safari outfit, is hanging upside down. Dotcom goes to her.)

Dotcom: Ellie, Did you have to show up!

Ellie: Please, You internet rapscallions don't know anything about adventure.

Dotcom: You were written into existence through fond memories of a film from 2009. At least try to understand these kids and their slang.

Ellie: Oh, right... Uh, Pretty rad weather we're having, huh?

Koyemshi: Geez, Give it a rest, alright? Her character was born in the 30s or 20s, so her shtick's stuck!

Ellie: Hey, I connect with Information-agers easy! Ready to start your first tubular day of your year of saving the world!

Walt: Mrs. Frederickson, I think they get it, now if you could take the suit off.

Ellie: Okay... (Strips away her clothing.)

Walt: (Nosebleed) NoNoNoNo! (covers his nose with a hankerchef) Your Incog suit.

Ellie: You're not any fun. (a spark of imagination flies out and becomes the Toy of Ellie Frederickson as the human Ellie falls to the floor.)

Maki: Okay, A quick question, Those Disney Infinity Figurines...

Kozue: They really come to life?

Walt: Not exactly, they're Zoogs, like MZ and Twitch. Unlike those two who are Networking Zoogs, the Disney character toys are known as Memory Zoogs.


Komo: (raises her hand.) Umm... is it possible to withdraw from these battles.

Grabber: No can do!

Koyemshi: Once you sign the contract, there is absolutely no turning back!

Ellie: I know, Bogus, right?


The Magazine's loaded

(Everyone's in the Cockpit.)

Moji: This must be...

Aiko: The cockpit.

Kanji: We're back in the robot?

Maki: But there's nothing here.

(Kodama glances to the floor and finds a pair of familiar glasses. He takes them for himself.)

Machi: What's that you got there?

Kodama: Kokopelli's glasses. Turns out they were just for show.

Moji: Where are we, anyway.

Ellie: Deep in the depths of the ocean floor.

Koyemshi: Not to brag or nothing, I can send it anywhere I want.

Ushiro: Hey! There's someone here who didn't sign the contract!

(everyone glances at Kana.)

Grabber: It's all good, buddy! Wouldn't wanna leave anybody out, now. Would you, Mr. Big Brother?

Koyemshi: Either way, the magazine's practically overflowing thanks to good old Uncle Walt, so let's get started!

(New Chairs appear out of thin air.)


(with the Twilight Town Clocktower Balcony.)

Ven: Whoa! You guys get to share that?

Lea: What can I say, Ven. It's what we call the Icing on the cake.

(With Terra and Aqua, analyzing their chairs)

Aqua: Ven, come over here. Our chairs look quite familiar.

Terra: Like someone got inspired by our keyblades and made chairs just for us.

(Eraqus and Xehanort are watching Sora and Riku in awe of their chairs.)

Eraqus: Look at them, Xehanort. Doesn't that bring back memories?

Xehanort: Yes. I see a strong power within both of them, rivalling our own. But in this Riku boy, I see something no one's seen before, he is someone I had hoped to encounter for a long time.

(The Chairs begin spinning right as Kirie reaches to his chair.)

Komo: What!

Aiko: What the-!

(The center glows with a sky blue marking, a different color than Kokopelli's. The chairs stop spinning as it lands on Waku's Chair.)

Waku: Did someone call my name just now.

Koyemshi: So you're next.

Waku: Huh.

Koyemshi: You heard the voice, didn't you?


Zearth vs. Darkside Heartless.


(Our heroes are standin on the chest of the Mighty Zearth)

Maki: ...Crikey.

Kako: Amazing.

Moji: Waku, We should probably get back soon.

Waku: Yeah, I know. (Inhales and Screams to the heavens.)

(Cue Takashi finding an old Scrapbook in the attic near an old Walkman.)

Waku: (Narration) When my dad was in elementary school, he participated in a national soccer tournament. He never told me about it, I never would've suspected it, since he was more into baseball. My father and I were quite different. I was afraid that I'd stop playing soccer like my dad... Like how I was afraid of failing. Now that I'm here, piloting a robot of all things as an invisible champion of justice. (Cut to Waku on the Chest of Zearth, he is talking to Ushiro) Okay, let's head back before they catch us.

Ushiro: Quit embarrassing us, Waku-kun.

Waku: At least I'd treat Kana with respect...

Ushiro: Butt out, it's none of your business.

Waku: Why You! (Cue chase scene around Kozue, Maria, Moji and Kana.)

Maria: There's just no stopping those two, is there.

Waku: (Narration) I don't know why dad stopped playing or when I'll leave the field behind myself. But there's no use thinking about it now. For now, I just feel great.


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