You've Got Legs Studios

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I was a gift, and apparently, so are the Legos, Anime, and Games.
I was a gift, and apparently, so are the Legos, Anime, and Games.
I hear children playing as a young boy wakes up, a few years younger than Tomoko, and notices the Legos and such. He thanks Santa Claus and watches the first VHS all the way up to the moment where it cut off. He goes downstairs to open his other presents, He returned with plenty of cloth, yarn, stuffing and a whole Bookcase of Notebooks and Sketchpads. He went on to see the other anime, He'd be lost in terms of continuity, may as well do some dreamfasting on him. I might as well get some intel on the little scamp.
I hear children playing as a young boy wakes up, a few years younger than Tomoko, and notices the Legos and such. He thanks Santa Claus and watches the first VHS all the way up to the moment where it cut off. He goes downstairs to open his other presents, He returned with plenty of cloth, yarn, stuffing and a whole Bookcase of Notebooks and Sketchpads. He went on to see the other anime, He'd be lost in terms of continuity, may as well do some dreamfasting on him. I might as well get some intel on the little scamp. I synced with his mind and clued him in on what had happened on the Anime while I dug into his mind for answers on who he is.
Apparently he's slowly whithering away, (some cancer's seeing to that.) and his parents moved him to a beach for the warmer climate. Christmas Snow ain't doing the kid any favors kid.
Apparently he's slowly whithering away, (some cancer's seeing to that.) and his parents moved him to the beach in October - for the warmer climate. Well, In my Opinion, 'Dat Christmas Snow ain't doing the kid any favors. But it's to make what may be his final days alive meaningful, that's always nice...
His friends barely keep in touch while his parents work all day long to keep up in terms of his medical bills. They often fight over money, over life, even over the boy. He could not stand that because deep down he truly thought it was his fault.  
He was a good kid, never asking for much. He entertains himself by telling himself stories, Combining the Disney Movies that he clearly watched, like, a thousand and six times over with the characters from the JRPGs I found laying around the Shelves. I admit, he's getting to levels of Nerdiness achieved by the likes of, well, me!
He had recently started making his own characters as the Ideas gush into his head. And for the first time in a very long time, The Boy felt happy.
Me, I feel low, Guess Why?
If you Guessed, 'I just blew all my magic on dreamfasting a'
New Years Eve, the tape dissolved as expected by such faulty. By then, he had memorized the Personalities of the characters portrayed and stitched together dolls to stand in for them. Even making dolls that were precise predictions of the thing to come up to the Spiral King.
New Years Eve, the tape dissolved as expected by such faulty. By then, he had memorized the Personalities of the characters portrayed and stitched together dolls to stand in for them. Even making dolls that were precise predictions of the thing to come up to the Spiral King.
Two Weeks after, the boy had filled a Third Notepad and finished stitching together thirteen dolls and a Paper Doll. Two Costumes were made
Two Weeks after, the boy had filled a Third Notepad and finished stitching together thirteen dolls and a Paper Doll. Two Costumes were made for the Doll, one was a Raven Haired Girl in a cloak, the other was the Boy himself in a JRPG Getup. He even Stitched up a Lion Boy with a chainsaw that one day, It's in the Toy Chest where it will probably never be seen again.
February, Designs pour in of enemies and weapons called 'Keyblades' The Story Progresses like clockwork, Adding in mystery and Lore as he built the mechs and the worlds out of the Legos I left behind. He puts the characters, including his author avatar, through many a hardship, darkness, misery and dispair, But he also allows into their fictitious lives happiness, friendship, and even love.
And on March,  
And on March, I saw notebook after notebook stuffed with Ideas he wants to revisit
The last time I saw him writing was on the 17th. A fine monday morning to spend outside, while he's stuck in his room, putting the finishing touches on the ending of his story.
The Boy Smiles, Amazed at what he's created, then moves on to the next story, he draws pictures of two boys, a girl, and a sentient suit of Armor. They were siblings, safeguarded by the Armor Haunted by a certain spirit of the past: The Silver-haired one. The Siblings each had metal limbs maintained by a blonde girl, who was the eldest brother's best friend.
The last Sketch he ever drew was of the sibling and the spirited armor walking away from a burning house.
The Boy sat down and had lunch before sewing together a doll. this time, it had a white tuft in front of her otherwise brown hair. The boy said she was a little girl who was turned into a chimera monster by her own father. Over the course of the two years after she was immediately changed back on the same night, she caught up with the siblings in terms of age and intelligence,
The last time I saw him writing was on the 17th. A fine afternoon to spend outside, He is spending putting the finishing touches on the ending of his story.
I felt lighter than air as my spirit shined brighter than ever, surrounded by the plushies he made, the sketches he drew, and the notebooks filled with our adventures.
The clock strikes 4:00pm
The clock strikes 4:00pm.

Revision as of 05:05, 21 April 2014



RebelTaxi Loves MADOKA MAGICA (The Disney Executive's Guide to Puella Magi)


Greetings, And congratulations, You lucky devil! I'm an obvious parody of Jeff Probst and You have found our big multimedia presentation for this. A Prime contender for the Arch Nemesis of Toei's Pretty Cure franchise, Or "Glitter Force" for those who think Saban can find a home for the show. An essentially overnight powerhouse in terms of merchandise and fans in Japan alone, not even counting the United States of America. It has the potential to crush Toei's attempt to unleash "Glitter Force" into the world as you can obviously tell by this Graph. Madoka Magica has fans in the states, Figmas are popular and they've dubbed their first season. While Precure has it's fans, Saban is probably planning to release the 16th Pretty Cure Team stateside just like they did with Power Rangers. But what is a Puella Magi? How did they become Puella Magi? Let's hop aboard my peanut butter powered sleigh and find out.

Chapter 1: The Start of Darkness

Imagine if you will, You need a way to generate thetans out of capable lifeforms after the main thetan generating races have been dumped into a Volcano on earth to channel the souls into a x-blade which the dark lord who masterminded it all has promptly dubbed: 'Demise'. *Cue Xenu's Maniacal Laugh* All life on the planet Earth which housed the Volcanic Grave felt a sense of disturbance, since the dawn of the Earthling Man, a handful of alien species guided them along the path to prosparity dispite their fears, their anxieties, their problems, and their long-ignored grievance for the souls combined into 'Demise' in what this deal's success shall declare the second greatest act of cruelty ever performed by a Disney Villain. The universe needs Thetan energy to starve off Entropy, the heat death of the Universe and the what this deal's success shall declare the Third Greatest Act of Cruelty a Disney Villian has ever committed before or since, A highly destructive risk the cosmic overlord was more willing to take. *Cue Xenu's Maniacal Laugh* Back to you, you are derping one off to a lolicon website when in comes the Director of the project, Nagito Shinbo, alongside his longtime associate, Mr. Cold, seeing the teenaged Tikyakian girls on the screen "Brilliant!" he said! "Magical Girls are known to defy the laws of science through magics that haven't yet been analyzed! If we make a system to create such warriors of justice, We can generate plenty of thetans to keep Entropy at bay, grow a potential army to turn the tables on Xenu, and we can have pretty dudical Toy Deal while we're at it!" If it were some other donkus, You'd clear it up and keep that mess a secret but if the boss has you in his sights, Your Job and possibly your life's on the line so you nod and agree with him like a Pritch! Sounds like a lot of hoopla to go into the Arch Nemesis Franchise of PreCure, Right? *WRONG!*

Chapter 2: How does it work?

So how do contracts work, Jeff Probst is reporting live from a Dumpster to begin with our friends, the Incubators.

Thanks, Jeff. As you are indeed aware, Alot of the appeal in the Puella Magi franchise is that there arn't that many magical girl franchises like it in japan. Mainly in terms of it's creatures and the Incubators that want them done away with. Incubators have a few variable traits and varying levels of Immortality. For example Kyubey has an infinite amount of bodies while Kazumi Magica's Resident Incubator Jubey can supposedly clense the Soul Gems the Puella Magi receive after contracting with these Incubators to connect their souls to an thetan growth tracing system known as 'the network'. Incubators, in return grant a wish to the girl in question the moment they contract. You do not want your soul gem to be misplaced or flat-out broken, it is the source of your power and your connection to the network. As the pendulum ultimately swings, there must also be creatures for the puella magi to fight. The low-level mooks are called wraiths, Nightmares are more like the mid-level boss in a video game but the real pests are the Witches, for every wish granted there is a curse growing from within a corresponding 'Grief Seed' that hatches when the wish that spawned it manages to find a way to bite the poor puella in question where the sun don't shine. They come in two proverbial flavors, Strays run amok and cause chaos across the poor planet housing them, to encounter the beyond rare Converse Witches the puella wence they came must have overcome the wish's reprecussions in some way shape or form and confront the witch head-on with her powers jammed, those who come out unscathed can use the witch as a familiar or a mech-beast...thing. There's one small problem regarding the placement of the grief seed and it was possibly influenced by 'Demise' in what a green light shall call the Overall Greatest Act of Cruelty ever to have come to pass under the watchful eye of the happiest place on earth. *Cue Xenu's Maniacal Laugh* Let's just say there is in fact a reason why seven out of thirteen incubators refer to this as the fatal flaw of the system, because it's for that reason that you do not want anything to break the soul gem especially from the inside out.

Chapter 3: The Holy Quintet

Now that you know how and why the system came to be and what goes on in the life of a Puella Magi, It is now time for us to introduce you to the cast of that wonderful Show that Started it all.

We start off with Molly Kennedy, A fourteen year old girl who encounters Kyubey, a mysterious critter who works as an Incubator. After struggling to stomach the difficulties of the job she witnesses firsthand throughout the series she wishes to somehow free all Magical Girls from their suffering. However, she would be cooped up within the law of cycles for a while with no one able to remember that she even existed, Not even her loving parents or her dopey little brother, Tatsuya. She would be 'rescued' by a curious entity who controls and probably even creates stray witches. For the sake of secrecy, we shall refer to this entity as the Nothing for it is the looming shadow of hopelessness cast by 'Demise' *Cue Xenu's Maniacal Laugh*

Having seen many occasions of a magical girl biting the dust and therefore the most intelligent by a narrow landslide, Hayley Adams does Machines. I mean, having broken into Government Files and Millitary Armories so many times over that by the time she became skilled enough at Arms construction to keep up with Phineas and Ferb. Her enchanted sheild grants her the ability to pause time for a minute or two to set up her explosives and the like. Her mysterious past and her determination to protect Molly makes her skeptical towards her making a contract and relundant to consider being a full member of the Holy Quintet. This goal of keeping Molly safe for as long as they both shall live has lead her down a pretty dark path in the Movie titled Rebellion, allying herself with the nothing and becoming it's eyes and ears on earth. *Cue Xenu's Maniacal Laugh* Hayley promised that if she does not accept the drastic measures she took to protect her in said movie, the two might end up as enemies... And that, my little executive, is terrible.

Let's move on to Sabrina Mitchell, Molly's best pal, a real wisecracker, and a hot-blooded heroine type of gal. Though she's a bit impulsive, she's got a great sense of justice and a noble heart. A matyr to her 'Peter Parker' Kyle Reese, Sabrina is the Atomisa Arc's Protagonist from the first episode til the third Madoka Magica Movie: Rebellion. As a magical girl, swordplay is her forte, she's also packing some serious healing powers. But there's one usually ignored but clearly noticeable design flaw in her outfit, the cape. This indicates that she's less of a 'Mary Jane' and more of a 'Gwen Stacy' in the case that she's not gonna get the guy anytime soon. It's probably for the best, since the guy would miss out on dates in favor of violin practice. *Cue Kyle on the Violin* You should see him on the guitar! You can see her impact on the story whether its the first time she saves the day or when she's no longer even around.

When the two friends met Kyubey, he was in a rather tight spot due to a witch attack among other, more raven-haired difficulties. That's when the leader of the Team, Ninth-Grader Maria "Mary" Tompkins, swoops in and saves our heroes. While Hayley's superior intellect is quite the boon, Mami's no slouch when it comes to tactics. Heavy Gunfire is her other one of her notable assets to the team, both in terms of her weapon of choice and her superhuman strength, she's around six times stronger than a normal human being as opposed to the typical puella's three times stronger. You could say Mary's Hard-Headed, Eh? Joking aside, if there's a problem that can endanger this incredible crew, she'll solve it no matter what. It's the least she could do for them since they are her friends and all that.

Rounding out the cast is Katie Stevens, often a drifter known across Japan, Katie Stevens has a roudy attitude and an epic appetite. Oh, and conversion of body fat into energy is another perk of being a puella. She's quite a slacker when it comes to schoolwork and tends to be irritated by those who get in the way of what she needs or even worse, waste food and potential grief seeds. While Molly's has enhanced agility over speed. With Katie, it's basically the other way 'round, her super speed and illusionary abilities matched by Homura's Speed and seemingly nothing else. Who's to bet that the latter's super speed is nothing more than just the seemingly nothing else.

Another thing Rebellion is known for is that it recognizes the Ninja Turtle parallels to the Team. While Mary Leads, Hayley does Machines, Sabrina and Katie are both cool but rude (Sabrina's Emphasis is on the Former, Katie's is on the Latter), Molly clearly does not meet the demand of a Party Dude...or Dudeene...I know what means Don't question my boy or I'm gonna-! And that's where Little Nikki Matthews comes in. Easily the Youngest of the bunch, She looks up to the 'Holy Quintet' as Mary had called their team. She acts as a little sister to Mary, helping her out in whatever way she can. Behind her Nieve, cheese-loving cheerfulness lies a tremendous strength in her abilities. She is one of two characters who manages to survive the fatal flaw and takes control of her witch, The Second being Sabrina and man, is taking control of the very witch that took you down just by hatching from the illy-placed grief seed a high note to go out on or what. Back to Nikki, Mary actually met the witch Nikki tamed before the girl in question. Nickname: Bebe, Real Name: Charlotte. Stupid Human Tricks, Can you do this? Bebe's been Mary's little companion since she rescued the little doll from a tumbling Cheese Wheel, Therefore Mary's only friend since her first student, Katie, split from her circle due to some bleak-tacular shenanigan described in the Madoka Magica Side-Manga: The Different Story. One last thing to seal the deal about Nagisa, she's a regular editor on the website TV Tropes and keeps a mental list of all the Tropes she's witnessed firsthand to keep track of how many times it unfolded in front of her due to her first exposure to the popular sit at the hands of her older sister, Hinata. Also we have an Incubator voiced by Patrick Warburton.

But they aren't just characters you can cheer on during their hunts, You can actually relate to them as well through the things they wished for. Like we said, Molly wishes for relief for all magical girls, a light within darkness. Sabrina wishes to heal Kyle's hand, to make him happy. This also extends to the backstories of the veteran Puellas of the group, as one shall realize from the dark elements of the original series. Hayley wanted to do a certain event over, not gonna spoil what it is but the one hundred times she repeated that same event over and over shifted her from a clumsy little dork with no real friends to the Badass Veteran as Cool as her Japanese Counterpart's Name we all know and root for. Maria Thompson's Situation was far more dire as she was in a car accident, killing off her parents and left her hanging by a thread, Thus in comes Kyubey, fresh from a brief year on the Planet Cake, who grants her wish to never die alone, thus she has Bebe (aka Charlotte) and the Holy Quintet to be there for her, a legacy should she finally perish. Katie's past is bit more tragic in that her family suffers along with her, Her father's a priest who praises the good words of the lord upstairs for a living, but when he derails himself from the typical texts and praises his own messages from the lord, his steady paycheck dissipates as his preachings flop harder than a fat guy on America's Funniest Home Videos. To rectify this, Kyoko wishes that people would listen to the guy and she became a magical girl because of that. But then her father learns the truth and burninates himself on the cross, taking burns his family and his church down along with him with Katie being the sole survivor. That is a sad fate for a really nice guy like him to go through, really, read Different Story and see for yourself how dogged the poor fella ended up. Nikki's Situation is similar to Katie's... Nikki's Father (Voiced by Tom Kenny) owns a Pizza Joint, wasnt doing so well lately due to overhead problems with a local Dunkin' Donuts. So Nikki made a contract with Kyubey to get customers for her Dad’s pizza store! But here's the Kicker, Nikki's Dad was childhood friends with Katie's, And he realised the truth about Kyubey and the Wish Nikki made upon a phone call from the young lady he assumed was Katie. He was preeeetty mad when he figured that out from what he heard from Katie so he Kicked Nikki out of the house and forbid her from ever sleeping in her house or even the Pizza Joint, Leaving the poor young child locked out with her soul gem clogging the garbage disposal, which caused the grief seed to be harmlessly pulled from the soul gem.

Chapter 4: Expanded Universe

As we said before, The Puella System employs young girls from all around the world regardless of the fatal flaw! For instance, Jubey has contracted a group of seven magical girls to combat not just the usual witches and wraiths, but false witches bred from evil nuts! ...It works in context! We focus on a young girl with amnesia named Kasumi by her friends who are a part of this group of Magical Girls called the Pleades Saints. Rumor has it that this group of Spellbinding Amazons aren't as they seem.

Oriko Magica features a Magical Girl who can gaze into the Future. Unlike Kasumi Magica which has it's own cast of characters to play their parts, Plenty of Focus is on Returning characters Mary and Katie and their relationship with the seer named Yuma... What? Did you think that the Title character was the one with the power I described? Course not, She's the main antagonist, Duh!

There are Two more stories currently in publication over in the Land of the Rising Sun wence it came. One Focusing on Joan of Arc and her Three Puella Comrades dubbed Taruto Magica and one with a completely new set of Five Puellas labeled Suzune Magica. Now if we go over the numbers, The Holy Quintet of Mitakihara has Five... and later Six Members with a Seventh, Hayley Samantha, Potentially being on the way! Speaking of Seven, The Pleades Saints doubles the Six.5 to make Thirteen With another Seven amonst cameos from (You Guessed It.) Mary and Katie the Puella Count at this point around 20 Puella Magi. Oriko, Yuma and Kirika make three more, and two from an expanded universe hits up my favorite number, 25. The Two new Spin-Offs pool together Nine Newcomers so there you go: 34 Puella Magi ready to kick some Witch, Nightmare and Glitter Force Butt!

Chapter 5: The Future

We have plans to use the Puella Magi in Kingdom Hearts III, which we plan to expand into a Five-Part Epic with Three Movies and Two Video Games.

Infinity Shows

Big Kickstarter Projects

The Cast of Kingdom Hearts

Sora is the Hotblooded hero of the Group.

Naminé is the Brains of the Operation, making her debut in Chain of Memories, she often tends to stay in the background, monitoring our playable heroes.

Motherclucking Continuity

The Pitch

Hi, I'm AC Miller, I have

The Song

Sekai: Although Sony Pictures might be laughing to the Bank right now,
It was you that gave us One More Day that made us all say "Wow!"
Linkara: But now, even seeing Spidey makes us wanna kill a cow!
All: Here's the plain situation
to start negotiations
Iron Man: on our Motherclucking Continuity.
Kirbopher: Fox has X-Men and Fantastic Four, although we all agree...
That the X-Men are the most ethically decimative team
Spiderman: There are even fans who want mutants to be all just a dream.
All: so since Fox won't just backtrack.
Until you get the rights back
Iron Man: They must stay away from me and my Continuity!

Joe Q: Retcon the X-Men?

Sekai: And Spidey, too, until Sony and Fox decide to drop the rights like a bad habit.

Joe Q: You gotta be Joking!

Linkara: No! Do you know how mutants damaged the Marvel Universe?

Civil War happened because a Mutant Game Show went obtuse,
so the Mutant Registration Act got expanded to include
Elsa: Any person stuck with powers had to unmask, not seclude
All: And the trend that it started
internal conflict gaurded you
from money for your Continuity.
Xion: Don't you forget this treat from the land of the rising sun.
Just think about how many stories can be done...
Since you're owned by Disney!

The Secret Project Notes

Chapter 9

Sekai goes on a Tirade of how Humanity is "on it's way out."

?1: Think about it! This world is a living Shell! There are guys and gals like me who barely have any money to pay off the college loans, A Domino Effect destined to destroy an entire industry in the realm of storytelling is bound to unfold in the future, there are way too many corrupt Lawmakers controlled by corporate lobbyists that are trying to pass bills that can destroy the only thing keeping characters like yours from being forgotten! Mail Order Brides! Obesity! War! Cable Monopolies! Corrupt Politicians! All while Humanity is lazily sliding backwards in Evolution... Your So-Called President can't do anything to stop the horrible downfall that's gonna ensue! You're On your way out! And I can't believe I expected anything out of you Stupid humans. And without you humans to remember the magic, Everyone will fade out of continuity... And I'll be all alone...

And She hides in the Freezer, Which has become bigger on the inside because of her presence with the Magic Bag of Legos building an Arctic World within it's scope.

Chapter 10

The Characters Find Anakin Skywalker at the Mos Eisley Cantina, Depressed over his Destiny and Future as Darth Vader. "You kiddin' Obi-Wan, I Belong Here! Because, let's face it, You will never find a more retched hive of scum and villainy!"

Chapter 11

Bonnie Discovers the Bag of Legos and builds with them, at a remarkable speed, What usually took hours takes minutes as a new Third Floor was built from the Legos with a fancy observatory. And Bonnie Starts to speak a little bit of Japanese! "saikin dä" This startles Bonnie for a moment and tries to call her Mom on the Phone before she goes to talk to Sekai. She is isolating herself from the rest of the House in the mist of a Japanese Musical Number. Ergot; Let it Go

Sekai Sits in the Freezer, Acompanied by Penguins that are not made out of Lego, Unlike the Ice Caps and Giant Freezer Goods

Furihajimeta yuki wa
ashiato keshite
Masshiro na sekai ni
hitori no watashi
Kaze ga kokoro ni sasayaku no
Kono mama ja dame nan da to
Tomadoi kizutsuki
Dare nimo uchiakezu ni
Nayandeta sore mo mou
Ari no mama no
sugata miseru no yo
Ari no mama no
jibun ni naru no
Nani mo kowakunai
Kaze yo fuke
Sukoshi mo samukunai wa

Bonnie Rushes to Sekai, Getting the Girl to get out of the Freezer.

Nayandeta koto ga uso mitai ne
Datte mou jiyuu yo nandemo dekiru
Doko made yareru ka
Jibun wo tameshitai no
Sou yo kawaru no yo watashi

Hallway to Second Room of the Observatory is built as they race.

Ari no mama de
sora e kaze ni notte
Ari no mama de
tobidashite miru no
Nidoto namida wa
nagasanai wa

They run a lap around the new room of the Newly built Third Floor of the House before becoming Shadows flowing from the pages of the book you're reading into The Lego Movie, Bonnie's Spirit links with Emmett's as he lay on the table of "The Man Upstairs", Their Joined Spirits moves Emmet off the Table and catches Finn's Attention.

Tsumetaku daichi wo :tsutsumikomi
Takaku maiagaru omoiegaite
Hana saku koori no kesshou no you ni
Kagayaite itai mou kimeta no

The Two change from Shadows to Falcons and then to Fairies flying across the neighborhood. They Fly back home as the House is Lifted from right under their yard as a Moving Castle Made out of Legos with Legs, Wings, And a Rocket Engine (with Balloons attached on the Back for good measure) emerges.

Kore de ii no jibun wo suki ni natte
Kore de ii no jibun shinjite
Hikari abi nagara
Sukoshi mo samukunai wa

Chapter 12

The Black Pearl is coated in Pixie Dust as Captain Jack is told that his end of the Expedition to Find and Rescue Sekai would be headed by Mary Poppins, It results in a swordfight, With Poppins' Umbrella unseathing to reveal a Foil Blade, Cue Sword Fight with Poppins Victorious. The Three Teams fly into the Gate called the Great Imagineer.

Jack's Plight

There were three fine ships on Deck, A Cargo Ship called the S.S. Amzy, (Emperor Kuzco dubbed it after his Favorite Principal) The 'Ol Reliable 'Disney Magic' Cruise Ship, And the Imfamous Pirate Ship known as the Black Pearl. And onlooking at this Row of Three was none other than the Pearl's Notorious Captain, Jack Sparrow. "Ah, the smell of seawater is like music to my nostrils... Wait, *sniff* oh, that's just me..." Walking by him is Mary Poppins, Sekai's Old Teacher from Long Ago. "Well, I, for one, am happy that I get to see how Sekai has developed into quite the young woman, Mr. Eisner." She said to her superior with his closest Confidante; Current Disney CEO Bob Iger.

"It's always a Pleasure to see you, Mary." Said Mike as he looked to his volunteer rescuers. "To all who have come to this restless place, welcome. I'm certain that Kuzco has Christianed the S.S. Amzy, So we're ready to bring up our three designated Teams. May I have the List for Team 1, Mr. Narrator" Well, of course, you can, Just hand over the Team 2 List you planned out.

"Bob and Helen Parr, aka Mr. and Mrs. Incredible, Come on Up." The Dynamic Duo hug their children and walk upstage.

"Hector Barbosa, We need someone to Navigate the Seven Seas so... You're Up!" The man walked up and Passed by his former friend.

"Don't dabble in affairs that don't pay." Sneered Jack.

"I intend not to." Replied Barbosa.

"Let's See here, Tigger, You get to bring Roo Along for your work on Rescuing Qui-Gon Jinn." Tigger Jumped for Joy as Snow White talked to Ahsoka. "Don't worry about Anakin, There's no way this team would pass him up in a manner of 'being served a cheesecake with socks and toenails in 'em' as pip put it himself."

"And now the last member of this team...Santa Christ!" the theme music blared from the heavens as the figure arrived on his Harley (Yes, he does indeed kick arse.)

So sorry, Miss Tano, The writers used the last of the cheese on the Shadows in that one musical Number in the previous chapter.

Okay, now for the second group to join our search for the princess, Miss Poppins will be reading the list of the Third Team after this *ahem* Oogie Boogie will be the Team Captain. "Why, Little 'ol me? You are too kind!" Said the Boogieman as he made his way to his Ship. Gaston and LeFou will be in charge of scavenging supplies and that means hunting livestock in case the search drags on. "That'll be a sinch, No one guns down a foul beast like Gaston!" No offense to Prince Adam, who he tried to kill, but obviously failed miserably. "Yeah, Could ya keep it on the Down-low, Mr. Narrator. Gaston's associated that event to that one show whose theme song he's finally gotten out of head after 22 years of living with the somewhat hilarious levels of embarrassment over the fact that he lost Belle over a monster that turned out to be a prince that was cursed by the blue fairy." Oh, Uh... I did not know anyone could make that connection... "Oh, No. You shouldn't bother explaining it, after all, I've devised a routine to ignore the past and the only thing that can break the 'conseal, dont-feel' part of my psyche is by putting the theme song back into my head by hearing the show's title once more." ...Moving on, Hades! You're on the case!

"Yes! I'm on fire today!" Cheered Hades as he made his way to his old Drinking Buddy and sometimes second-in-command. "Flynn and Rapunzel, Keep Special Guest PAN-PiZZA Out of trouble, there no knowing for sure how the man of a thousand 'Waifus' could act in an adventure like this."

"What!?" Complained the Master Theif. "What the shell is a 'PAN-PiZZA', anyways?"

And then he arrived ala Nick Arcade sound effects "Oh, my god. Nintendo 64, My first contribution to a Disney Product and it's a cheap-as-faiz Euro Book." "E.U. Book!" Belle Corrected the Internet Critic who then stated: "Shut it, nerd, I know what I mean. I said what I said cause it's so unnecessary-"

PAN, I understand you only want the most poorly run corporation on earth to be the company backing you up. But we decided that your subscribers would be more willing to give it a read and therefore buy the book in question, hence the Term: Expanded Universe. "Could ya turn it into at least a direct-to-Disney DVD movie?" We'll see...

Team 3

"Right, then." Said Mary Poppins as she announced the next group of people who will come aboard the Black Pearl "Will a Mister...Jack Sparrow please stand up?"

This left the sea captain quite insulted. "That's Captain Jack Sparrow to you, lassie!" Well, you seem to be quite aggravated today. "Shut up, Narrator Lackey!" Excuse me? Did you just-

"Guys," Cried the Sheriff, Woody Pryde "You can settle your differences after the departure! Save your batteries and suck it up!"

Fine, But tell me you're accompanying this brute. "Oh, he will, believe me, he will." Stated Mary Poppins as she read the list, "and I suggest that Mrs. Pryde-Peep come along for the journey."

"I'd be honored, Milady." spoke the shepherdess as she stepped onstage with her loving husband for her upcoming journey. Mary continued to name the last three to join the group "Will a certain willy-nilly-silly 'ol bear please stand up?"

"Oh, You don't mean me, do you?" complained the plush bear that made Disney Billions of dollars under Eisner's watchful eye. "Are you sure you're not asking for a Gummi Bear?"

"I'm sorry, Pooh." said Eisner, "Though they have given us some assistance in a certain part of the mission that shall remain secret where secrecy is due, It's obvious that you'd be the best bear for the job, well, if you put your mind to it."

"Oh, Bother..." the poor Pooh Bear mumbled to himself, before he sat down to have it sink in. "can I at least...bring piglet along for the trip."

Eisner's Resolve

"You will find these Incog Suits in the gold suitcase." Current Disney CEO Robert Iger stated to the ragtag group of would-be rescuers "Be sure to take off the suits upon the first chance you have to warp back to the corresponding ship as wearing them for over a day can prove to be highly dangerous and we've brought in the Mighty Ducks for reinforcements."

"The Alien Superheroes or the Hockey Team?" asked Snow White,

"The Aliens." Eisner responded, "There's no way a ragtag Little-League Hockey Team'll be of any use at a time like today!"

Snow Shite handed over two briefcases to each team, one golden and one sliver. "Mr. Eisner has had the contents of the silver case handy since Ariel's Arrival. He's certain that you would use this in a pinch!"

Uh, Anakin? No Peeking, mind you, We don't want to spoil the big surprise... At least keep it hidden past chapter 20, Would you? "I will, Mister Narrator."

And with that, our heroes sail off into the world of Humans Sekai's scurried off to... "Bon Voyage and good luck, Everyone. I look forward to the results..." Said Eisner before he heard a familiar voice. "Hey, What's the big Idea! You launch a boarderline invasion to find the Princess and you don't Invite the top tier hero necessary for this kind of important job."

"and you are?" said Eisner to which the voice replied "I am the Terror that flaps in the Night, I am the cameo that overshadows the heroes, I am Darkwing Duck!"

"Oh...Hi there..." said Eisner, Uninterested in the character that's probably more interesting than the characters stemming from the later years of his run. (more specificly the last three years before Iger took over.) "The Roster's rather full, so... Sorry I didn't get around to ya."

"You're not Sorry! You always say that to me, You're not Sorry at all!" Complained the self-proclaimed omniverse's greatest detective as he stormed off. "I'll be back to save her life and we'll see who'll be laughin'!"

"Y'know, You could Just follow the Trail of Tape She left behind and go into the room and talk to her politely." Inquired Iger, To which Eisner Replied: "Well, We've got to confirm she's left the house, first." He Stuttered. "If she hasn't, that'll be the moment I step in. She'll prove to be a bit of a challenge to connect with due to the spiritual and... chronological age difference, but it's a risk I'm eager to take. " So your mind's made up and you're going to use the door when the timing seems right?

"Anything to get her home safely."

The Teams

Team 1: Led By Mr Incredible

Mrs. Incredible
Hector Barbossa
Tinker Bell
Santa Christ "Sorry Folks, We were all out of Cheese"

Team 2: Led By Oogie Boogie

TV's PAN-PiZZA "For...Some Reason... I dunno, The Writer's A fan of those Metacritic Freaks! Take it up with him!"
Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert

Team 3: Led By Mary Poppins

Jack Sparrow
Bo Peep
Pooh Bear
Mickey Mouse

Chapter 13

?1: Well, Where do you wanna go first?

?2: I wanna see him again! I wanna go away to him, To the guy who gave me most of my Toys!

?1: You want to go... 'Away'?

They arrive at Andy's College and Disguise themselves as a Magician and her lovely Assistant. Bonnie getting a Minifig Disguise which allows her to look like an adult. When they Perform, Sekai Builds a Hoop which transforms pets into human beings and Volunteers Jess and Jade Paltrivel's Pets, Fluffernut the Guinea Pig and Tidbit the Dog. The Two Animals turn human through, I dunno, Magic or somethin'. The Six Take a Bow as The Two take their Guests Plus one Maddie Zocuté.

Chapter 14

The Landlord of The Neighborhood on which Bonnie lived took Two familiar figures to the hole left by Bonnie's House. The Landlord departs and the two inspectors are revealed to the audience to be Woody and Bo who contact Mission Control (Consisting of Eisner, Ahsoka, Mace and Yoda) who confirms that there have been spies stationed around the world ranging from Han Solo to Jack Skellington.

The Lifted House

"Here it is, There's supposed to be a house there." The landlord said to the two inspectors. "Anything you'd like to fill us in on the subject of the residents?" the Female Inspector asked.

"A mother who works at the Local Day Care, and her Daughter who's recently started elementary school..." He explained "I don't know why, I don't know how, but the house just kinda lifted up into the sky. The heck am I supposed to Do?"

"Keep her in the Dark!" said the Tall Inspector in a stylish hat. "What she doesn't know won't hurt her in the long run."

Back with Michael

Belle: --- and... May I ask you a question, Mr. Eisner?

Eisner: Yeah?

Belle: While I appreciate that you shared our Christmas with the rest of the world, did you have to have it whitewashed like that?

Eisner: Well, Mrs. Potts pretty much romanticized it, you can blame her for those inconsistencies. And hey, Ya gotta act fast in showbiz and storytelling to keep food on the table, right? *hangs up on Belle and contacts the Board* So, where was I, oh...yeah, the space colony, Is it ready?

Exec 1: Why, yes. and each of us paid top dollar to make this vision a reality.

Chapter 15

The Seven begin to tour the World for a good time, Before stopping at a Town called Troughtonville. There they meet at the Capulet Estate and Meet 16 Year Old Trasme Capulet, He starts to hit on the Girl, Sekai is irratated that a Capulet is present after the bloodshed caused by the sad attempts at uniting the families. So she digs into the Magic Legos to cook up something big!

The Montague-Capulet Curse

Sekai: Have you ever heard of Romeo and Juliet?

Trasme: Yeah, Juliet Faked her death, Romeo fell for the death part hook line and stinker, poisons himself to death, and Juliet took her own life because of it. The Event were so Idiotically Tragic, Shakespeare turned the whole mess into a play.

Sekai: And it's recent fame has in and of itself become a plague on both our houses, Not just in our Dignity, But in our attempts to unite the two families and undo this retched curse! For Example, Meet Ponce deMontague, Hair Black as Ebony, Heart Pure as Diamond. Friend to all the Children that he Met.

Trasme: Well, he seems to be a very nice guy. I do-

Sekai: 1586, Old King Cole wasn't feeling like the Merry Old Soul he's known for being, so he decides that it was because he was falling in love with a young Princess, Lady Belle Capulet. So he poisons an apple and gives it to Ponce, calling it a Wishing Apple because gullible, and skidoosh! He's History!

Trasme: Look, family historians say that he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.


Sekai: Leon Montauge, Head Lobbed off by Kunoichi! Andrew Capulet, Turned to Ice! We Get NOTHING! Game Over! User Wins, We Loose! Good Day, Sir! (Kicks Trasme in the Nads the second she says the Word 'Day')

Chapter 16

Since Bonnie's Current Form is 'Eighteen or Older to call', Sekai Treats her 'Sister of the Spark' to a Cake, But not just any cake, A Cake Baked around a Working Enzo Ferrari. (Prompting Chernabog to Call the Beast Downstairs on his iPhone 3. The Reaction: "Oh, Come On!") the Beast's friend --- contacts Mike and informs him that they're in Japan, A disguised Jack Skellington informs Mike that Sekai and her Companions will be appearing close to a Maze door at a Japanese Bathhouse that's also a McDonald's. Mike searches for the door leading to the McDonald's bathhouse, and Orders a Buffet for Sekai with Bacon Third-Pounders with Cheese, Chicken Selects, And Plenty of Fries. He goes to talk to Sekai, Only to mistake Steven Tyler for the princess. He runs off to hide from the Rock Star as Sekai walks in on the Buffet, She helps herself to a box of chicken selects and some Fries before entering the Bathhouse.

The Ferarri Cake

Bonnie POV

I moved my hand towards the blindfold only for Sekai-chan to move it away. "No Peeking, sis."

Mike and the Bathhouse


Sekai walked into the McDonald's and Said "Konichiwa!"

"Ah, Sekai, Nice to see you in reality again." Ronald McDonald said back. "So how's the Toy Box coming along?"

"Pretty Fly, Ronnie. Pretty Fly. The Lucasfilm Acquisition put together the final piece in our puzzle." Sekai explained to the hamburger-happy clown. "Pixar was once a division of Lucasfilm, Muppets parodied Lucasfilm, Marvel made comics of Lucasfilm, And now we own them all! It's been a long road but It certainly paid off If I do say so myself!"

"Oh, someone ordered a buffet for you, but you're welcome to join us."

Chapter 17

Sekai finds a Monster in the bathhouse, She and her companions fight the Monster in question. With the Monster putting up a good fight, Ronald McDonald tosses Sekai a Fracture Blade which she uses to Destroy the Monster... Which is revealed to be Two half-identical 'Cousins' named Tomoki Sakurai (a boy) and Tomoko Hibiki (a girl). Tomoko Joins the Crew as Trasme gets a phone call from his girlfriend, the genuine Narnia Paravel who was to babysit Bonnie until Sekai Lifted the House. Tomoki would follow with his friends in tow, If only he wasn't incapacitated by an embarrassed female friend of his.

Chapter 18

Mike is Contacting the three teams about the rescue effort... with Sekai sitting in the car right Next to them. Mike looks to the Car to find the Buffet blocking his view of the Driver. Pooh and Piglet are calling out for Sekai on the Black Pearl, Until Mary Reminds them that Sekai cannot hear them from up in the sky. Jack notices the giant toad-like Mech with a House Built atop of it. He directs Mary to it who contacts Mike on the Spot

Mike makes contact

(We see Tomoki ascending to heaven as Michael Eisner is creeped out that Tomoki's completely naked.)

Eisner: WTF? (dials up the home team) You better have located Sekai or so help me-

Chapter 19

Bonnie's feeling a bit homesick after a few unseen adventures featuring the Entrance of Saiyan Assassins Boxrz and Sox, Judas Traveler (Complete with his current entourage, The Wolves from Wolf's Rain), and Brentalfloss.

Chapter 20

Michael finds 'Sekai' crying in her room and has a heartfelt talk with her. Unbeknownst to him that it isn't Sekai, rather Bonnie. The Two get Kidnapped by Oogie Boogie and his Crew (Hades, Gaston and LeFou), Tossing the Toy Executive out to face the Hounds.

Chapter 21

The Jedi Order have flocked into the Castle as Sekai is Confronted with Qui-Gon who explains that the Midichlorians in Bonnie's Body are Aging her Brain in order for it to handle the Original Child Body to be digested and converted into Organs for the Fabricated Adult Body. Sekai is Shocked by this Revelation and asks Anakin how far Bonnie's gone along the process. Anakin confirms that she's mentally 14 years old and this means to Sekai that there's not much time to save her. The Team has to Split Up as Hades and Lord Vader Warns of a Rouge Jedi trying to Transmute the Galaxy Far, Far Away and of Bonnie's Capture at the Hands of Oogie Boogie. They Promptly Give Chase where chasing is due, Leaving Hades to offhandly mention a Terrifying Secret

The Reveal


"Oh, and, by the way, if you try to either stop the Rouge Jedi or go the lazy route and prevent the Nostalgia Critic from watching a Horrible Movie, none of that'll even Matter! A Cosmic Transmutation will still happen, It is Destined to happen as much as the Ideya Splinter, Green and Red being Darth Sidious and his clonéd apprentice!" Hades remarked, Vader was awestruck by this revelation as much as Sekai was about Bonnie.

"No... That's IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Vader Charged at the Lord of the Dead only for Hades to brush Vader off like it was nothing, Fusing his Plastic Plotwork Body to the nearby Castle Walls.

"That's Not a Problem, Is It?"


Vs. Spun-Darr Nonsync

Ahsoka Tano
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn
Woody Pryde
Bo Peep
Buzz Lightyear
Jessie Pryde
Frieda Paltrivel
Chase Paltrivel
Captain Jack Sparrow
Mary Poppins
Special Guest PAN-PiZZA

Vs. Oogie Boogie

Sekai Montague
Trasme Capulet
Judas Traveler
Maddie Zocuté
Jess Paltrivel
Jade Paltrivel
Tomoko Hibiki

Chapter 22

The Rouge Jedi Fights the Jedi Warriors and puts up a good fight, But Ultimately the Jedi command the Clonetroopers to Execute Order 66 which States that Acting against the Grand Chancellor's Will will result in the execution of the Jedi in question and all related subordinates. (For example, Should Any Member of the Jedi Council try to kill off the chancellor, the whole Damn Jedi order would be purged. *cough*RevengeoftheSith*cough*) The Rogue Jedi is promptly Disposed of but warns our heroes of an imminent Threat of Cosmic Destruction.


He tinkered and toiled and tinkered some more, Xellak Barnoux toyed with the machine

Chapter 23

Meanwhile, Oogie Boogie finds himself confused as to how Sekai would be facing him while she herself was strapped onto the table. There is little time for an explanation as our heroes defeat Oogie by means of Yoda Slicing off the front of his Sack, which inevitably leads to Oogie's Bugs Pouring out as Gaston and LeFou promptly butt out of the scene.

Oogie's Defeat


"Tolerate your atrocious treatment of the Princess, I will not!" Yoda exclaimed as he pulled the Thread from Oogie's Arm, Causing it to unravel before Yoda Leapt up and Sliced off the very front of the Burlap Sack. I watched as the Bugs that made up the innards of the Notorious Boogieman poured out and scattered across the Room.

"Now Look what you've Done! My Bugs! My Bugs!" Those last two words would be repeated in an increasingly high pitch to the point where it was unintelligible.

"Ah, Geez! C'mon, Gaston, We gotta Bolt!" LeFou Cried to his comrade. "He's not gonna be too happy when he fills up the next sack!"

"You mean IF he fills the Next Sack." Gaston replied to which, LeFou Pondered. "If?"

"If is Good!"

Chapter 24

Insert Beelzeboss Parody Here.


Ahsoka: There's just no way her plan could work.
This Guy's an Epic Beast.
He's way too strong because he's just the end of time.
Qui-Gon: Listen, All of You!
He's gonna Erase History
He's gonna Wipe out Time and Space. (Anakin: Never!)
Unless we break this Cosmic Monster into Pieces.
Frieda: Jess, This might just be the end.
of our existence here.
Chase: Cause there's a slight chance that everyone here will die.
Brentalfloss: Fellas, We've been through so much stuff.
Toboe: I tried my hand at Rapping!
Tsume: And It Sucked.
All: Now it's time to Blow this Sucker Down.
Hige: C'mon, Guys, Now it's time to Blow Doors Down!
Kiba: I hear ya, Hige, Now it's time to Blow Doors Down!
Sekai: Now let's-a go give this memester a Beatdown!
Bonnie: We'll join together to go scrunch up this lame Clown!
All: Now we've got to Blow this Sucker Dow!
Obi-Wan: He'll flush out Spacetime if we do not Blow Doors Down.
Maddie: C'mon Jess now it's time To Blow Doors Down
Boxrz: Don't be shy, Lady! It's time for the Splashdown.
Jess: Fine! Fala-lalalala *Jade, Maddie and Bonnie join in* lalalala-La!
???: Nooo! This can't be happening, How do I take them down!
Sox: We'll Beat the Wizeman, The Metaboss
Cause Disney Magic plain fracking Ro~ocks!
Cheza: as far as Monsters go in fantasy
This one's known others like what we see.
Brentalfloss: Yes, you done gone messed with the wrong team
We're not just anyone, we are the D
Cue Mickey Mouse and Yoda with a Violin Duet!
All: For Walt Disney (x17)
Ende: That song was fracking gay! Now it's time, the gods gotta die!

Grima is Meditating somewhere.

Chapter 25

Sekai sacrifices herself for Bonnie, Using her body to cobble together a new body for her. Her Spirit Manifests as a Disney Infinity figurine in a basement with a Lego City, A collection of Video Games, and a 60-inch flatscreen with plenty of consoles attached to it. Sekai encounters three kids playing Skylanders/Disney Infinity as their father comes in and shoos them away from the Entertainment Center as he returns to his workdesk. The man is a struggling writer of children's novels, building up his Lego City whenever he gets writer's block. Today, he has a serious case of this as he decides to use the Game Consoles. Sekai wills herself to move and gets the attention of the Writer, prompting him to play Disney Infinity. Once he places Sekai on the platform, he gets Visions in his head of the Story that led Sekai to the Room. He's inspired to write away on his Laptop as the Kids looked to the console, noting that the platform where Sekai was standing just now was vacant.



God, another one of those days when you're stiff as a tree... Well, gotta get up, those bozos are probably waiting for me in the back.



What the Shell?!

Why can't I Budge!?!

Wait... Why can't I speak!?

Oh, No... Don't tell me I'm inanimate!

Great! I saved Bonnie's life only to end up as a freakin' ragdoll!

May as well look around as much as I can at this point, By the looks of things, My Lego Rocket Pack made it out, even if it isn't in one piece, or even chunks. Besides the hundreds of thousands of bricks and the Anime Tapes I had on hand. The Room had a wide array of JRPGs and Disney Movies, By the looks of the VHS Tapes, I must be in 1996. The Calendar confirmed this as it said December 25th, 1996 at 6am.

Christmas Morning.

I was a gift, and apparently, so are the Legos, Anime, and Games.

I hear children playing as a young boy wakes up, a few years younger than Tomoko, and notices the Legos and such. He thanks Santa Claus and watches the first VHS all the way up to the moment where it cut off. He goes downstairs to open his other presents, He returned with plenty of cloth, yarn, stuffing and a whole Bookcase of Notebooks and Sketchpads. He went on to see the other anime, He'd be lost in terms of continuity, may as well do some dreamfasting on him. I might as well get some intel on the little scamp. I synced with his mind and clued him in on what had happened on the Anime while I dug into his mind for answers on who he is.

Apparently he's slowly whithering away, (some cancer's seeing to that.) and his parents moved him to the beach in October - for the warmer climate. Well, In my Opinion, 'Dat Christmas Snow ain't doing the kid any favors. But it's to make what may be his final days alive meaningful, that's always nice...

His friends barely keep in touch while his parents work all day long to keep up in terms of his medical bills. They often fight over money, over life, even over the boy. He could not stand that because deep down he truly thought it was his fault.

He was a good kid, never asking for much. He entertains himself by telling himself stories, Combining the Disney Movies that he clearly watched, like, a thousand and six times over with the characters from the JRPGs I found laying around the Shelves. I admit, he's getting to levels of Nerdiness achieved by the likes of, well, me!

He had recently started making his own characters as the Ideas gush into his head. And for the first time in a very long time, The Boy felt happy.

Me, I feel low, Guess Why?

If you Guessed, 'I just blew all my magic on dreamfasting a'



New Years Eve, the tape dissolved as expected by such faulty. By then, he had memorized the Personalities of the characters portrayed and stitched together dolls to stand in for them. Even making dolls that were precise predictions of the thing to come up to the Spiral King.

Two Weeks after, the boy had filled a Third Notepad and finished stitching together thirteen dolls and a Paper Doll. Two Costumes were made for the Doll, one was a Raven Haired Girl in a cloak, the other was the Boy himself in a JRPG Getup. He even Stitched up a Lion Boy with a chainsaw that one day, It's in the Toy Chest where it will probably never be seen again.

February, Designs pour in of enemies and weapons called 'Keyblades' The Story Progresses like clockwork, Adding in mystery and Lore as he built the mechs and the worlds out of the Legos I left behind. He puts the characters, including his author avatar, through many a hardship, darkness, misery and dispair, But he also allows into their fictitious lives happiness, friendship, and even love.

And on March, I saw notebook after notebook stuffed with Ideas he wants to revisit

The last time I saw him writing was on the 17th. A fine monday morning to spend outside, while he's stuck in his room, putting the finishing touches on the ending of his story.


The Boy Smiles, Amazed at what he's created, then moves on to the next story, he draws pictures of two boys, a girl, and a sentient suit of Armor. They were siblings, safeguarded by the Armor Haunted by a certain spirit of the past: The Silver-haired one. The Siblings each had metal limbs maintained by a blonde girl, who was the eldest brother's best friend.

The last Sketch he ever drew was of the sibling and the spirited armor walking away from a burning house.

The Boy sat down and had lunch before sewing together a doll. this time, it had a white tuft in front of her otherwise brown hair. The boy said she was a little girl who was turned into a chimera monster by her own father. Over the course of the two years after she was immediately changed back on the same night, she caught up with the siblings in terms of age and intelligence,


I felt lighter than air as my spirit shined brighter than ever, surrounded by the plushies he made, the sketches he drew, and the notebooks filled with our adventures.

The clock strikes 4:00pm.


I opened my eyes to see that I was in a hospital of sorts. I saw that Frollo was right by my bedside, a former priest and knowing how religious he is, it clearly shows. In his debut, he had to battle his demons as he planned to clense the Gypsies from all of France.

"Let me guess, I'm in Bad Idea Hell for influencing the Human Mind?" I retorted. Frollo smirked as he pulled back the curtain to reveal, (at nighttime, no less.) Disneyland. "Not right now, Princess, but with your sacrifice to rescue your friend, I'd say it's up to the king to decide how long you'll stay in the dark fires to which all nightmares lead."

I sighed in defeat, "Great. Please, Tell me I get some time to say goodbye to my crew..." I waited for a response, Instead I got a glimpse of the crew, Jess, Jade, Tomoko, Trasme, Traveler, Frieda, Chase, Maddie and no Brentalfloss. Guess he returned to the gaming con...

Most of them had tears in their eyes, Jade struggling to keep hers from slipping out as she muttered something about how it should've been her... "Relax, guys, don't be sad. We've gone too far to lose our smiles now, cheer the shock up!" I said. "I order you to tell me some good news!"

Tomoko and Maddie hugged me tightly as they bawled into my chest. "Please, We didn't want you to go!" Cried Tomoko.

"Please Don't Go!" Sobbed Maddie.

"What did I tell you, Don't ever be sad! It's not like I'm gonna die or anything." I reminded them in earnest. "I'm just going to be stuck in a nightmare world of eternal torment for an unspecified amount of time determined by the King Himself."

"Who should arrive at any second" stated Frollo.

"Just remain calm, Guys, chillax. I know that things are a little rough around the edges." I reminded them. "But we've been through tougher scrapes in that day when I met all of you. So, Just keep on keeping on doing what you want as long as you have to and you'll be fine... I promise..."

And then, the door opened to reveal the king, his identity was so stunning that there were jaws dropped questions raised all capped off with three of them (Jess, Maddie, and PAN-PiZZA for some odd reason) kneeling and praising him for the legend he was back when his original self was still alive.

"WE'RE NOT WORTHY! WE'RE NOT WORTHY!" they chanted in unison as the king came to me and said: "You know, it was amazing that you could be willing to sacrifice yourself to save a life from a tragic fate wrought by thetan radiation, but to actually come back?"

"Well, needless to say, I had a little help from a... rather different set of friends..." I uttered to the king, calling back to the room "So what's the sentence?"

"Actually, I want you to take the three months you're to spend in Bad Idea Hell to train your Skills, seeing as how you managed to survive the Thetan Rays unscathed." stated his majesty, in a smug tone. "With a durable form like yours, you be the one to heal the cosmos and free the forge of creation from it's thousands upon thousands of eons in eternal torment, building a city of tomorrow as you stand in humanity's ultimate victory."

I groaned at his boastful round of wishful thinking, I couldn't help but snark "So ya think I'd weld a stellar keyblade style, huh? I'd say you're overhyping me a notch or two." I grinned in front of his mustachioed face. "But knowing you, You'll never stop til ya get whacha want."

"Course not. After all, with Mary Poppins, I made a promise to my kids to get her on the silver screen." explained the king of the Toy Box. "It took me a decade or two but I kept my promise all the way until the very end."

I talked in sync with the king for those last words of his sentence "c'mon, I just got up, the last thing I need is a lecture to lull me back to sleep."

We all laughed a little, then he told us what we all wanted to hear: "It's a fine saturday afternoon, from five tonight to six in the morn, a plethora of people Grima has deemed important are to be present in your big visit to Disneyland."

"Wait, you want me and my buddies to have fun at Disneyland?" I asked to the King. He nodded 'yes' "Good Call, Walt, those are thirteen hours I know I can handle..."

Chapter 26

Hades: Pull!

(Specific Underlings Toss up a Bust of Princess Sekai for Hades to destroy it.)

Hades: I don't believe this, Oogie, I'm so sorry 'bout the Bugs...

Oogie: Don't You 'Sorry' Me, Now I gotta embed my Ideya onto new bugs.

Hades: Look, I know the birth was a bust, but I've cobbled together a plan beta


Hades: Okay, I'm fine, I just have to go remind all yous that the lowest point the King had ever faced was being alone as a spark in the freezin' cold dark, Eisner's disastrous run post-renaissance comes at a close second but it's what I planned to do with The Wizeman that shall completely overshadow these events elevendy-kabillilonfold. Sure, Entropy's a sure bet, but why wait for the Heat Death of a single Universe when there's a whole omniverse sparks to extinguish, eh? See, I rented out Kamino to clone the lot of you in hopes that you can at least fetch me The Wizeman's Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction, 'SPEAR' so that we can Wipe Out All Creation ONCE AND FOR ALL!! Sure, that Blasted Sage Sealed Up the guy, but Hey! That's in the past in way more ways than one! So Riddle me This, How is it that out of the Eighteen-(Chii?)-Nineteen Times he's fixed up creation, The Wizeguy's struck in Only Three?! And why is that in a world where True Love's Kiss can Trigger the unity of the Council of Four as well as a final battle between Anthropomorphic Personifications of the very fandom of the greatest webtoon of all time and the Bitter Hatred that it's Very Creator Has for it, Leading to a Victory for the Good Guy and the Acquisition of the Power of Ende and the Solaris Flame whence it came, Causing the Possibility of the Destruction of TIME AND SPACE TO GO UP IN SMOKE AND THE HANDS OF THE ONE LINE RULING THE COUNCIL OF FOUR, WHY IN GOD'S GREAT BEAR CAVE OF HISTORICAL POSSIBILITY DO I FIND YOU...IDIOTS WEARING...THEIR...MEEERCHAAAANDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISE!!!!!!!!!!

Ringomaru: Eheh... Want some

Hades: AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Death Star Blown Up)

Chapter 27

Our Heroes say their goodbyes to Sekai.


  • Judas Traveler continued his Journey
  • Trasme finds new meaning for his training.
  • Tomoko returned to his cousin's hometown to wait out the time til a lead shows up about Sekai
  • Maddie and the Paltrivel Siblings
  • Bonnie was Inducted into the Charles Xavier School for gifted youngsters which handles child prodigies such as herself among other special cases.

Captain Jack and the Metaship

Chapter 1

Captain Jack Sparrow is in his usual drunken stupor talking about a certain human who has passed by the Toy Box. Jack wanders aimlessly towards the 'Villains Anonymous' Meeting, including Davy Jones who had gone 13 days without committing an act of pain equal to his canon counterpart's sins.

Chapter 2

Jack hears legends of a special ship with a crew in the Trillions with Mechanized drones maintaining it's booty. At the utterance of the word 'booty', Jack goes to find the craft at the drop of a hat.

Chapter 3

Jack sails through a crack in hypertime.

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Jack arrives at the arsOnist to find the crew to be in the millions with 7 captains and 13 Leutenants. One of those captains is Phosphera, who takes him on a tour of the ship from the Engine Room to the Lab where they meet Doctor Palutena and Doctor Veridi, who engineered the metaship with Phineas and Ferb over the course of 'Toy Box and the search for Sekai' he demands to see the top commander of the metaship.

Chapter 6

Jack meets the Commandeer of the metaship known on the YouTube Scene as 'TheJWittz' as well as the Administrator of the Digital World, tells Jack the eighteen...nineteen times reality was completely destroyed made the Beast and with it, the thetan rays powering the digital world, much stronger in the long run. He mentions that the only thing worth writing home about is the Hylia Ubercomputer which keeps the digital world online and Ende's Seal in check.

Chapter 7

Davy Jones raids the ship for it's non-existant treasure it 'holds'. The commandeers debate over how to deal with the looming threat as Jack goes to Deal with the Looming Threat.

Chapter 8

Jack defeats Davy Jones and heads back for a reward coded and materialized by the Administrator

Chapter 9

Jack Returns home

Sulley and the Future Friend

Chapter 1: Pomp and Circumstance

Sulley has egged a fraternity at Fear Tech, they retaliate with Toilet Paper Launchers as the MU students soldier on with plenty of students turning tail to light up the Shade Signal for Shadewing Spark, aka Sekai Montague, who is studying Algebra in Grima's Fortress when she decides to head to MU through the doors in the Basement Labrynth.

Chapter 2

A curious door opens in the Maze to reveal a maiden of ninteen, stepping into the realm of the Toy Box, wandering aimlessly in the same maze of wonder that confused Sekai and company back in 'Toy Box and the Search for Sekai' until she ends up right back by her door where she started, Only this time, she catches Sekai to the left of her at the far end of the hallway. Sekai charges at the maiden and hugs her tightly, Saying "THANKYOU!THANKYOU!THANKYOU!THANKYOU!" over and over for she is seemingly a human who has stumbled into the world of the Toy Box Physically without Grima, King Walt or even the great administrator connecting one's dreams. She goes to the Bedroom to make a clever disguise for the maiden, she suggests that she dress up as a monster. Sekai asks why and the following conversation occurs.

Maiden: Well, my...kitty did the same... for me.

Sekai: Za?

Maiden: It was an Imaginary Friend I had, and my only... consistent friend...

Sekai: I never got your name, ma'am...

Maiden: Whoa there, I'm almost twenty years old, pal. Way too young to be considered a 'ma'am'!

Sekai: Yeah, I know how the dreaded 'ma'am' sounds like... eheheh...

Maiden: Mary Gibbs...

Sekai: Sekai Montague... (realizes the maiden's name) does the phrase 'Boo' mean anything to you?

Mary: People called me Boo in grade school, how'd you know that.

Sekai: Oh... Call it a woman's Intuition. (Hides away from Mary) Cram! She had to be the grown up Boo, didn't she! She's practically in her college days when we've got the prequel versions of the characters, meaning that the monsters she's practically called family are not only in their college days, but they can't even remember anything from the movie that spawned them! Cram! (looks to Mary) Cram! Cram

Chapter 3

Sekai reluctantly walks over to MU the next morning and Mary (Dressed up as a monster) introduces herself to Sulley

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6


Chapter 7

It's time for the fencing tournament. --- It reveals Boo's form to the Monsters and her true nature to Sekai. Yes, Boo turns out to be a toy like practically everypony else in this specific story. This revelation rocks Boo to her core.

Chapter 8

Chapter 9: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Sekai takes Boo to see a certain witch (from Brave) who is willing to teach her to channel the force the same way she had honed her magical prowess; the will-o'-the-wisps. Boo hopes that this can allow her to see her Kitty again, The Witch looks to Sekai and asks if she has learned anything from her previous misadventure.

Sekai: Eheh... you know about that?

Witch: Call it a woman's Intuition.

Mr Incredible and the Wannabe Hero

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Bob finds that Dash is hiding a Giant Golem made out of Game Cartridges. Dash calls him the "Ariet 20" and Bob calls him out for it.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Bob exiles Golem.

Chapter 7

Syndrome attacks the city with Omnidroids.

Chapter 8

Chapter 9


Zeus: Ah, I take it you must be Mr. Enter.

Mr Enter: Zeus Cervas, we meet at last.

Zeus: We're glad you've sat through this past month of Nickelodeon's offerings.

Mr Enter: <Your comments>

Zeus: Yes, we at Viacom are very proud of the imput you've given us in terms of Nickelodeon's broadcasting efforts and will be put to heart in our future endeavors.

Mr Enter: Heh, that'll be the day,

Zeus: There is but one thing you need to look at first before we send you onto your future endeavors.

Pongo: I hear it's been renewed for a third season!

Mr. Enter: Is it Legend of Korra, Tell me it's Legend of Korra.

Zeus: Sure, a nice addition to the admirables. As well as the one we delivering right now... Feel free to make yourself at home

(He is in a Dungeon with the Puella Magi)

Mr. Enter: Wow, this does seem dark.

Mami: Oh, No! You Too!

Kyoko: I don't know about you, but you're probably gonna get sick like we did.

Mr. Enter: You guys are sick.

Sayaka: Doy, Just listen to us, this flu bug's gonna be stuck in our throat for months

Mr. Enter: Ah, Well, least I get to spend some quality time with KorraaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

<It Brickleberry>

Zeus: Dreadfully sorry, Enter, we had to use shit because we were all out of cheese.

(Gilligan Cut to the Dungeon Room with Patrick inside, It is coated with Cheese as Nagisa Momoe is inside for no reason)

Patrick (With Nagisa): Hooray!

---Review ED---

Zeus: And yet, it's a hit with our target demographic.

Enter: Why, Why are you dragging Nickelodeon and entertainment as a whole into the ground?

Zeus: To bankrupt Viacom and make a fortune selling off the franchises, networks and even the theater chain (Morphs into Mr. Krabs) Why do you think we bought the Ninja Turtles?

Enter: Wait, Did you just morph into Mr. Krabs?

Krabs!Zeus: *Evil Laugh* There was never a Eugene A. Krabs! I've been pulling the strings since day one. In Fact, (Morphs into Spongebob) Season Five was when I dabbled into copying the form of Spongeboob. It's quite the Charismatic persona to adapt when leading your Flanderizors into destroying the 99%

Mr. Enter: Wait, Flanderizors?

Pingo: Carbon Copy Clones of memorable characters courdacy of the Mirror Pool!

Enter: Are you Shitting Me? The Clones will be Flanderized beyond likeablity!

Spongebob!Zeus: Hence why I call them 'Flanderizors'! <Evil Laugh> I hear Disney will pay top dollar for Avatar and Ninja Turtles Combined! (Exits the Dungeon)

(You decide what threat threatens the Internet World, and engage B.K.M. (Butt Kicking Mode, {Term Courtesy of the Butt Ugly Martians... Another suggestion I have for your show}) with the Puella Magi and Equestria Girls. You Twelve {later thirteen} go to defeat the current threat of Zeus Cervas and will be played out by my new theme music.)


INTERNET: Hey, the Internet wants your comic to have a recurring segment. Meow
KATIE: OK! But how...

Headcanon and You! (Nowi and Nowi)

KATIE: Hey, Kids! It's time to dig into the Awkward Zombie Universe with "Headcanon and You!" A new segment in which I drop some knowledge on you about the universe as depicted by mois! I pick out whatever Crackpot Ideas I find interesting and stuff it into my big box of retcons. With that said, lets start things off with an Idea by this... "THiNCRUST Omega" guy? Okay, You remember Nowi, The little piece of perfectly-legal, thousand-year-old Jailbait who I made into a Wyvern Rider? There's a perfect explanation about how a Dragon like her can ride a Different Dragon, She Rides Herself! Take it away, Otacon!
From there the Imagry matches what Otacon is saying
OTACON: Well, Katie, She turns into her Dragon form and pictures herself Tying up a number of years in useless memories, Nowi here's going with a nice round twenty years and pukes them out of her brains.
We see Nowi's Matured and Naked Body as her Naughty Bits are tastefully covered by Otacon's word bubble.
OTACON: The memories form into a copy of her human body at the physical age equal to the sum of the years she expelled from her mind, which relieves you any legal follies to come out of a relationship with her.
Cut back to Otacon, as the mood is suddenly sombre for some reason.
OTACON: There are a few drawbacks to the clone. For instance, killing the original will ultimately kill the clone as well, the clone would age three times slower than a human as opposed to the original's hundred times slower, and while both share the same memories and experiences, only the clone can remember the useless memories while the original won't remember those days at all until the clone lies dying.
KATIE: Ohhhkay, make sure to post your headcanons in the Idea Box below and you just might see your idea up here.
CHROM: So, our dragon can ride...Herself?!?
KATIE: Because I'm a master tactitian!

Headcanon and You! (Smash Manor)

KATIE: Put those toys away cause now it's time to play: "Headcanon and You!" This next one's from 'THiN CRUST Omega' His idea is that the Smash Manor Grows with each game released. Here to explain the construction details is Tom Nook.
Cue floor plans for the Mansion as of Melee
TOM NOOK: See, since the beginning of development for Melee, the manor is built by a group of carpenters Sakurai-San rounded up himself, Building it up every time a new game begins production.
Cue floor plans for the Brawl expansion of the manor.
TOM NOOK: with the release of Brawl all the Characters move into the rooms built for them in the corresponding expansion. Leaving behind quite a few empty rooms.
We see Roy and Link (Both OoT and MM) dusting Cockfighting Society merchandise at Nookington's
TOM NOOK: Of course, not all of them are emptied, the characters left behind will still live in the manor, they just have to find whatever jobs they find so they can pay the bills for housing nesessities.
KATIE: In other words, Yes, Marthy-Boy, No one even left.
MARTH: Thanks, 'THiNCRUST'...You Sick Dastard.

Headcanon and You! (Bonus Box)

KATIE: Put down that chainsaw and listen to me, It's time once again for "Headcanon and You!" Today we've got another thought from 'THiNCRUST Omega' he has something to say about the Bonus Box and the characters you can get out of it. How can you claim them in Awakening and prevent a nasty mess of paradox upon paradox? Anna the merchant has the Answer we seek so take it away!
We see trophies of the Smash Brethren behind Anna as she speaks.
ANNA: The Answer lies within the Super Smash Bros. Series which allowed it to appear in the States. Since time travel must not be used to meddle with other adventures, The Warriors of the past you ally yourself with are merely trophies of those long passed.
The Shepherds are eating Pizza with the Other warrior units in the Fire Emblem games.
ANNA: Although you cannot make one legend communicate in the game, they're actually quite talkative to their comrades, in fact Marth made a bet with Chrom that if he makes it into Smash Bros. 4, The entire Gang of Shepherds can live in the Smash Manor.
Cut back to Anna.
ANNA: And if you factor in the fact that every playable Fire Emblem Character's got a Trophy in the Awkward Zombie Universe, things are gonna get pretty crowded pretty fast...
KATIE: What's that, Okay, good news, In the case that Chrom is chosen for the roster, Master Hand is going to bring Gurdur the Carpenter to build up the Smash Manor to Accommodate the Shepherds. How it'll even work out is unknown, But that doesn't matter! Be sure to send in those headcanons and show me your moves!

Headcanon and You! (Console Bored/Gaming Chrashed)

KATIE: Get your motor Revved because I'm dropping another: "Headcanon and You!" Oh, Goody. Another one from 'THiNCRUST Omega', This time it's "How do all these characters fit into one setting." Have I been waiting for this one... To my Apartment!
At the apartment is a fancy entertainment center with a TV, VCR, DVD Player, Gamecube, Wii, PS2, PS3, XBox 360, Wii U, Portable Consoles on stands, A big arse Skylander/Disney Infinity toy collection in between the Big TV setup and the PC, and a Dreamcast down in front on top of a Cable Box.
KATIE: S'up, Norrin!
NORRIN: Katie, You're just in time for the installation of the {Insert Next-Gen Console Here} to the Network.
KATIE: You got the {Insert Next-Gen Console here}?
NORRIN: Yes, In fact I did!
KATIE: Sweet.
We see the layout of the system.
NORRIN: To the average reader this looks like an ordinary entertainment center, TV, VCR, DVD player, Consoles, A toy collection we actually don't have in real life, An XBox Pariferal that we unfortunately do have in real life, Stacks of Games and of course: A Popcorn Maker. We're working on adding the mini-fridge to the mix but we've got things to do and places to be.
We see a bustling community of Characters. Both from Video Games and from TV/Film.
NORRIN: But under the hood is a rich and beautiful world populated by every character from every source imaginable, Not just from the games we buy but from everywhere else in media, Hulu Favorites, Netflix Instant Queue, VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray, you name it and it is there! We can access any part of this world because we live here, but in terms of the world's natives, only characters with figurines can go farther into the real world than the yard.

Cut to Norrin, who will be cut of by Katie Right about...

NORRIN: As for how we discovered this fruity little Trick, It's actually a pretty funny story ab-
KATIE: And we're out of Time for Today, be sure to send in your suggestions and if you excuse us, we've got places to go (puts on some cool shades) and Sharks to Jump!
Cue a sunset view of the world, The Puella Magi holy quintet are Jumping an Ocean of Sharks on Motorcycles with Katie (with the Star Command Jetpack) and Norrin (Crow Wing Pack) high above them

Headcanon and You! (The Curious Case of Katie Heirich/Adventure Timeout/Award Bait)

KATIE: Cleanup on Aisle Dork, It's time for: "Headcanon and You!" Literally a few seconds after I got the comic up, I receive word that this THiNCRUST Dork who keeps knockin' on my door has requested that the story be Told, so here's Chrom to tell us all about my Travels.
CHROM: Thanks, Katie.
We see when Katie first meets Chrom, Lissa and Frederick...while she is in her Real World Outfit.
CHROM: When I first Met her, she was a little drunk, and she was dressed in garb from a land she described as the 'Hot Topic'. She could remember my name and she could remember her past in the world she lived in, but she did not know much about ours.
NORRIN: Because it was a new place for her altogether.
Fire Emblem: Awakening Montage!
CHROM: After a proper outfitting, She became our kingdom's greatest and most treasured Tactician. Guiding us through thick and thin and when we had slain the dark dragon, she made her departure from our kingdom.
NORRIN: Because she has a life and fandom to tend to!
We then see a human Isabelle introducing Chrom to Mayor Katie.
CHROM: It was a sad day for all of us and we would never see her again after least, until we found out that she now the mayor of a small but quickly growing town in an animal forest of some sort.
NORRIN: Y'know, Sometimes it's cute to know the Fire Emblem folk don't even perceive Animal Crossing folk as anthropomorphic Animals.
We see Katie and the Gang having coffee at the Roost.
CHROM: From that point on, she explained the vast open world within her entertainment center and that there was a War that's coming involving demonic creatures called... Personas... among other things.
NORRIN: Shameless Plug!
Cue a symbolic panel of Katie's house with a mannequin wearing her Fire Emblem garb as Katie is seen through a nearby window, decked out in a Cockfighting Society Trainer's Outfit and headed to the train with her fist up in the air like in the Breakfast Club.
CHROM: However, when she recieved word of the Kalos region opening their port to trainers, her time as mayor would be limited at best. So on the day she left to begin another chapter in her life, she picked a few of our allies to look after the town while she's climbing to be the very best. Typical...for a master tactician.
Cut to Lucina watering a flower with an annoyed look on her face as two other FE:A characters of Katie's Choosing are present.

Deviled Wife-os/Labor Pains

Nowi and her visibly pregnant adult clone have a cavalier in their sights.
KID NOWI: Ready, Copycat?
GROWN NOWI: Ready as I'll ever be, (and please don't call me that.)
They charge in for the kill when suddenly...
...she stumbles and falls on her back.
MARTH: You had a 86% chance of finishing him off!
KID NOWI: Hate to side with the Adaptational Jerkass but he's right, The odds were in our favor, What gives?
GROWN NOWI: This stupid human pregnancy, that's what!
Cut to Naw, who has finished the enemy cavalier for her mother.
GROWN NOWI: You hear that, Naw? The minute you get your booty outta here will begin a day of momentous celebration so get your booty over here and protect me or Mommy's gonna go to sleep on her stomach and you don't want that, do ya?
the adult Nowi then rants about how different the birth of a typical dragon is from her mixed-breed pregnancy (with a few fowl words sprinkled in.) as the battle wages on in the background. This prompts this remark from the real, physically younger Nowi.
KID NOWI: Time Travel's a real pain in the butt, ain't it?

Spin On/Toy Binge

Katie is spark grinding for Disney Infinity to get as many Toy Vault Spins as she can get. We see Tonto saying in front of the screen:
TONTO: Torture.
The word and it's pronunciation are at the bottom of the panel as Jack Sparrow tosses him off a cliff in the panel afterward.

To Hell with Gattai/We need Mega-Bored Power now! (part 1)

A fleet of 718 Mechs based around Pokemon is flying towards the Aurum. We look into the Cockpit of the mech based on Katie's Favorite Pokemon to find...Katie!
KATIE: Isn't this a bit much, Isabelle?
ISABELLE: Of course not Miss Mayor, Master Pyron Insisted on having all your friends fight the Aurum hordes in these Giant Robots he built with custom Gunpla.
We see all the Awkward Zombie characters appear in the Mechs including Golden Sun Party Members, Fire Emblem Armies and even the Smash Bros down to the Melee leftovers. (Bonus Points if Kirby's in the Ditto Mech and Pikachu's in the Raichu Mech)
ISABELLE: And since you made tons of friends, this is actually the first fleet!
PYRON: (In the Arcanine Mech) A pretty sweet deal to squash space weirdos, eh?
KATIE: Look, I understand that I play too many games, hence the Pokémechs... But why are these yutzes here when I have never seen em before in my freankin' life!
She points to the Puella Magi Holy Quintet in their Mechs. (Bonus Points if Nagisa Momoe is Snuggleing 'Bebe' in her Cockpit)

To Hell with Gattai/We need Mega-Bored Power now! (part 2)

In the mist of battle(bonus points if 'Bebe' is about to bite a Mech's head off), Pyron devises a perfect Plan
PYRON: Fall back Troops, We're gonna do a thing!
KATIE: A thing? You've planned up...A thing!?
PYRON: Of course, little lady Katie, We're gonna Combine!
Cue a reaction shot from each and every character you can give a reaction shot
ALL CHARACTERS: We're gonna combine?
cue megazords forming from 3 to 5 of the 718 individual Mechs apiece. (Bonus points if you give a Megazord Formation to the Fire Emblem heroes labeled as 'Smash Brethren')
PYRON: And that, kids, is just the beginning, you can shift into any part as the situation demands.
KATIE: Please shut the hell up...

To Hell with Gattai/We need Mega-Bored Power now! (part 3)

Katie and the rest of the 718 Poképilots are out of the Mechs and they are pitted against...
KATIE: Power Rangers?
ISABELLE: Even worse, They've brought some of their Japanese Comrades from the Super Sentai Series!
KATIE: I don't even know much about Power Rangers or even care so things clearly can't get any worse/more humiliating
FX: Nonsense!
as many Poképilots as you can fit call out their respective Mech
KATIE: ___________ who thinks our fearless leader's gonna ignore his Cockfighting Society and call out-
PYRON: Tyrannosaurus!
Cue an Army of Cockfighting Society-themed Power Rangers!
KATIE: Meh... I don't even care anymore...

To Hell with Gattai/We need Mega-Bored Power now! (part 4)

Our heroes are ready to pounce on the real warriors of Justice. Marth is just standing there
KATIE: Wow, they've only got over 200 troops while we've got more than three times that... We might actually make it out of this alive, Pyron!
VOICE: Don't get your hopes up!
The voice belongs to Nobuo Akagi who is doing some epic finger-pointing.
NOBUO: You may have numbers on your side, but they have something better!
KATIE: Weapons? We have those. Mechs? One for each guy and gal. Strategy? Ram 'em down with numbers!
NOBUO: Even Better, A Victory Flag! See, when an entire Army outnumbers a sentai, They shall Triumph each and every time!
KATIE: Then how the hell are we gonna Win?
NOBUO: Girl talking to a dead man says what?
...And he's gone
KATIE: wut?
Power Rangers beat up Katie as the Battle begins...And Marth is still standing there.

Animated Atrocity Army

The More Atrocities an IP manufacturer produces, the worse the corporation deserves

  • 50 pts: An Angry Letter
  • 100 pts: Another Angry Letter
  • 130 pts: a final angry letter
  • 250 pts: Mr. Enter
  • 300 pts: Mr. Enter and Morgan Webb
  • 380 pts: Mr. Enter, Pinkie Pie, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb
  • 420 pts: Mr. Enter, Pinkie Pie, The X-Play cast and the SOS Brigade
  • 550 pts: Mr. Enter, The Mane Six, The SOS Brigade, The X-Play cast and 7 certain mamodo (Zatch, Tia, Kanchomé, Ponygon, Penny, Kolulu and Deadpool...for some reason.)
  • 640 pts: Mr. Enter, Mane Six, SOS Brigade, X-Play Cast, 13 Mamodo (The aforementioned seven, Brago, Luna, Victoreem, Zeno and Zofis because even they'd find you disgusting), Yuma, Astral, and Gurren Lagann Pilots Simon and Kamina
  • 750 pts: Above fighters plus Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Terry Bartholomew Jones, Shampoo, Moose, Ukyo, Akane Tendo and Kittan (With his Mech, King Kittan)
  • 930 pts: Above fighters plus Ienzo, Aeleus, Even, Xaldin, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Mickey, Piccolo, Android 18, Cyclops, Wolverine, Iron Man, YGO Zexal Main Duelists
  • 1200 pts: Above fighters plus Thor, Hulk, Captain America, Hawkeye, Team Dai-Gurren, The Rest of the Z-Fighters, All YGO Main Duelists, Marucho, Alice, Masquerade, Patina, Powerpuff Girls Z
  • 1500 pts: Above fighters plus Team DoReMi, Seven Soul Reapers, Ryuto Matoi, Satsuki Kyurujin, Elite Four, Mako Mankanshoku, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Himitsu Sentai GoRanger, JAKQ Dengekitai, Kamen Riders Ichigo, Nigo, V3, Powerpuff Girls Classic
  • 2000 pts: Above fighters plus Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters, Kamen Rider Decade, Dragon Knight, Wing Knight, Riderman, Amazon, Skyrider, Stronger, Megaforce Power Rangers, Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger, Xion, Roxas, Lea, Naminé, Kairi, 12th Doctor and Enter's favorite Doctor
  • 2750 pts: Above Fighters plus 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th Doctors if none of these were picked, Jetman, Bioman, Fiveman, Liveman, Dairanger, Zeo Rangers, Alien Rangers, Turbo Rangers, Space Rangers, Samurai Rangers, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Master Eraqus, Humanised Shugo Chara, Kamen Riders W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim and Diend
  • 3500 pts: Above fighters plus Battle Fever, Sun Vulcan, Turboranger,
  • 4200 pts: Above fighters plus Beetleborgs, VR Troopers,
  • 5000 pts: Above fighters plus
  • 6500 pts: Above fighters plus

The Proposal

Matt: Hi, We represent the Up and Coming You've Got Legs anime studio!

Miller: We're here to propose to you a Disney Infinity Animated Series!

Matt: In one Take!

Miller: In Under Five Minutes!

Matt: Starting Now!

Miller: Upon an impending Mass Media and Finantial Crash, the Muginga Corperation...

Matt: A Multimedia Corperation that has invested in Gaming, Arms and Technology Companies since the start of their BFFs at Disney.

Miller: Plans a big investment in Virtual Reality Software and Nanotechnogy, This leads up to the Disney Infinity MMO!

Matt: A special update to the Game in which you can access the largest open world ever assembled from Every Toy Box Ever connected to the Internets.

Miller: We focus on three friends, Trasme, Xandre and Narnie, Who get Playsets for themselves and in Xandre's Case, his loving family.

Matt: Aw, that's so sweet of him. Forcing his Hobby onto other people!

Miller: After a Medical Examination that apperantly was required for the Game and it's Virtual Reality Neropod...

Matt: A sort of bed like contraption that can connect to your original body and can be loaded onto Trucks ala the Droid Transport from the Star Wars Prequels.

Miller: They put their Custom 3D-Printed Avatar Figurines onto the Infinity base and engage in the funtimes to come!

Matt: Maybe this information could be helpful to you in the future when you make the MMO a Reality!

Miller: They meet up with their friends at Team Infinity-Gurren; an Anime Club that has stuck together from Grade School all the way into College.

Matt: Growing up on Japanese Animation, That is the Way Team Infinity-Gurren Rolls!

Miller: And they meet a Badass Young Lady of Seventeen Years Old named Sekai Montague, She's the Personification of Non-Sequitur Playtime that ensues with Kids of all Ages!

Matt: So she can be a Beautiful Damsel one Minute and then a Heroic Amazon the Next?

Miller: Of Course! There's even an unknown past to her, she's even animated by hand whereas the Usual Cast of Characters from the Disney Characters to the Virtual Avatars are animated in Either Miku Miku Dance or Source Filmmaker, Whatever works best.

Matt: It's safe to say you're gonna go for Source due to Valve's Steam Technology.

Miller: When they try to log out into reality only to find that the Logout Function is not on the Menu!

Matt: That sounds familiar.

Miller: That's when the King of the game's Hubworld 'digitally' summons forth Our Heroes, Xandre's Clan, Team Infinity-Gurren and the rest of the 13,000,000 Buyers and cooresponding plus ones of the Carbon-Based copies of the Online Shop-Exclusive Playsets based on Disney Parks and Resorts.

Matt: Obviously another Idea for the Real Life MMO...

Miller: There they realise that for buying the MMO, they have applied to be evacuated from the Planet Earth through aformentioned Disney Parks...

Matt: Litteraly reworked for space travel courdacy of Muginga.

Miller: escape the upcoming finantial crisis that might ensue back home due to the Wars, Pollution and Downright Corporate Stupidity!

Matt: Lookin' at you, Potential Perchase Capcom!

Miller: Also the King warns the players about Viruses that Perma-Kill you both in the Game and by vaporizing the Player Biomass on a Certain Vessel.

Matt: I think I've seen this Before.

Miller: The Last thing the King does is tell them to access a gift he had inserted into their inventory called a mirror.alude

Matt: Yeah, the name of the item comes before the dot which is classified by certain class of item after said dot.

Miller: It incases the players' Avatars in Bubbles while images of their real world selves are projected by their temporarally disembodied souls.

Matt: I think that show was on Toonami.

Miller: There are surprises aplenty ranging from Petty things like Opposite Gender Masqurade or Age Differences between Player and Avatar to Big Reveals that some characters are merely self-programmed AIs or that some Players are have been using a .alude item at the same time.

Matt: some '.' items react to other types of '.' items including when types are the same. In this case, A newly activated .alude and a consistantly projected .alude can cancel each other out, Get it Memorized!

Miller: And that is the Case for Big T, he was using a mask.alude to hide his prosthetic right arm! Prompting people to spout the line

Matt: It's like that anime I watch on Toonami. You are the Fullmetal-The Fullmetal Alchemist!

Miller: The Last thing this episode reveals right before the line is that Sekai is neither an Ai nor a Player. Who is she?

Matt: We have no Idea!

Miller: And Speaking of Toonami, We want you to air the dang thing right there on the Block because let's face it. We all know how Disney XD treats Action Cartoons like Motorcity that arn't based on Marvel Comics.

Matt: And even then, They're not even pure action cartoons, they're drowned in Ill-conceived Comedy so what is the Point?


RebelTaxi NiGo

RTN: How I Spent My Supper Vacation

Knock, Knock, Guess Who's Backety-Back on the Down Low, My Home Depot? So Lip movement's currently an issue on Windows Eight, That's gotta be worth A Haitus in and of itself. So where was I all this Time, The Answer: I became a Piñata Farmer! They're the Talk of the X-Box Community Town, Sure to pick up all of the Waifu! I don't know If I could do a Review once I finally beat it, anyway, there were these Whirlms that loved their mother very much and then came Dastardos who scrunched her when she was sick... That was not a sight those two kids should see once they come back with the ring of flowers they humbly transmuted for her. Ouchies... The two wanted to raise her from the dead, the two broke open a wild Lickitoad for his Candy and Paper Mache, I provided a Dragonache and one of her eggs as I sat by as they watch their revival attempt seem to succed but ultimately Crash and Bernstein!

Ultimately, Alph and I were sucked into the Gate, Each of Us were sent off in to two different worlds, Alph Became a Pikachu in a Pokémon Civilization where he met this Larvatar or sone shit like that, I dunno, That filthy rat stole my money to download this game, While me and my Dragonache ended up in Yillesse with a couple of Shepherds, Chrom, Lissa and Frederick. Also my Dragonache, Okaratsu became a Human Girl... For Some reason and together with Chrom's Blade, Frederick's Strength, Lissa's Care, Okkan's Wit and My... Moral Support, We grew Our Numbers, Our Relationships, Our Futures as we Saved the Land from a Mad King who seeks nothing more than the demise of the Exhalt Herself. We also met Marth, Oooh... And some chick who spent most of her time with us disguised as the guy. All I can say is, A voice modulator from Robinson Industries when it's Fearless Leader has been slain by an A.I. Dalek? Awesome, but knowing that the Real Marth's in my Incredible Crew? Dude... Fail...

So Here I am, With the Job done and My dragonache choosing to stay in Yillesse, I decided to warp my way to a Dying Continuity. It's a matter of Recycling this Universe, It seemed perfectly Healthy but I saw this thing that would beat up Cthulu and take it's Milk Money. I felt a Mysterious cosmic force crawling inside me... It grew Stronger and Stronger and Stronger Still, til I climaxed and channeled the huge explosion in my wake to Convert this vast, seemingly endless universe into the 64,000,000,000,000 Meter man-cave I wallow in today, You may call it the Cosby Comet. And now, all that's Left is to pick up Alph and I need a quack team of Awesomexpiditioneers™ to do just that.

Jess Paltrivel, A creative young woman who won't listen to my direct orders at, like, all, as in she would rather watch me get bent. Her Sister Jade and bestie Maddie are not much better, Despite the Three having a pretty tight team all set to ship. I mean, C'mon, Muppets Plus Dimentio = A better Muppet Movie than Muppets Most Wanted.

And for this team, I also reeled in Six Puella Magi from Mitakihara on the condition that I sell this thing to Ignorant Disney Executives, There is a bunch of things to hide, I don't need to mention a bunch being a unit of measurement again, now, don't I?

So here I am, Biding my Time, waiting for the main event, I asked Chrom at his wedding to assist us once we finally reach the Climax and we finally re-unite with Alph. In the meantime, I am more than Eager to catch up on the Shenanigans that ensued while I was out... Including Nintendo's Sinking Ship; the Wii U, Capcom's Quest for Bankruptcy, The Holy Quintet's Latest Addition Nagisa, Legend of Korra Season 2, Disney's Animated Smash Hit Frozen...

THiN CRUST: Capcom's Broke, Nintendo's a must-have again, The Doc turned 50 and I have a huge collection of Toys I gotta show my Incredible Crew. Maybe I could get some respect or appreciation from a Paltrivel Sister or Two? But It ain't Just Infinity Bases that are lighting up On the Next Episode of NiGo Taxi: "A Mysterious Light in the Sky" See You in the Battlefield.

RTN: RebelTaxi Loves Disney Infinity (A Mysterious Light in the Sky)

Admit it, You wanted Pan-Sempai to touch this since the day It was announced! *We didn't Necessarily-* All things considered, It's a bit of a wild ride through the Highly ambitious and so far Highly Successful Disney Infinity Franchise. It has the potential to become it's own console, With Individual games called 'Playsets' taking characters from each franchise on an adventure. But the real icing on the cake is the main part of the experience, the Toy Box! See, these guys are not the real deal but Ailen Crystalline Robots called Plotworks that mostly Stem from Walt Disney's Imagination and his Trillion Dollar Legacy. The Toys you can get, both in the game and IRL, are amazing as always since this is Disney we're checking out, But there are some hangups to this nearly perfect game. Kids would dig the unpredictability Factor of the Toy Vault, Gamers would despise having to buy more of these Real life Figurines to grind enough spins out of em to clear out the Toy Vault as that's the only way you can get the Toy you need for whatever damn project you need to make.


You may think you've picked up all the Toy Capsules in each of the campaigns called Playsets, But you are bound to miss a few, what with the lack of an in-game map to guide you. That is ultimately what dragged me kicking and screaming back into the Pirates of the Caribbean Playset inside the Starter Pack Piece. Here you plunder the high seas to high heaven and back to hell, Using your sword for breaking open treasure chests (Because Plastic), your ship and your greatest tool in pirating the greatest treasures you could ever find, the classic trick of the old timey-piratey trade: Torrent.

If causing harm to the global economy isn't your thing, why don't you try out protecting the world from metal balls instead? That's what the Incredibles playset's here to do. The best part is the variety in their signature moves, Pirates, Monsters and Cars are all the same, most of them have a boring shoulder charge, lame. Back on the Playset, Syndrome has risen from the armpits of hell to torment Metroville, the city that the Parr clan calls their home. They suit up as the Incredibles, Jack-Jack obviously sitting it out, to protect the city from Syndrome and his colleagues, The Hourder, Snoring Gloria, and a surprise appearence from Baron von Ruthless. Sure, they're just Townsfolk Costumes but at least we've got some idea as to what they look like.

The Last Playset in the Piece is Monsters University, It's Fear-It Week and notorious rival Fear Tech's first out of the gate, gunking up MU with banners, posters and the like. It's time to prank them back throughout the week, Collecting Pendants that unlock fancy new stuff along the way. The big thing you get out of this is the Fraternity Row and Paintball Gun.

But Wait, There's More!

Out of the Box, The Toy Box is the only place where Co-Op is possible as Playsets are restricted to only the characters from it's corresponding franchise... To engage in Co-Op in the Playsets. You need to buy up more! It's a good thing I Installed that mailbox then. As it turns out there are additional figure packs: The Sidekicks Pack, featuring Mrs. Incredible, Mike and Captain Hector Barbosa... Bit of A Stretch, But I'll roll with that. If you're feeling a bit Bad to the Bone today, I point you towards the Villain Pack that features Davy Jones, Syndrome, and Randall Boggs... Course, since we're getting a Monsters University Playset, the Randall we're getting, Randy as he likes to be called, is a bit nicer than the one in the original and seems a bit ticked off that he ended up in the Villain Pack in the first place. The kids Violet and Dash are the only two characters from the Incredibles Playset and the Starter Pack Playsets that don't appear on any character packs available at launch. And guess what, There's still more to dig into here.

Being the Cash Cow that it is, It was only Natural that Cars ends here, Adding Lightning McQueen and Holly Shiftwell Joining the Jamboree with Mater following suit in a Separate Package. The only thing that's more depressing that Pixar's Bland-tacularly Blatant Toy Line Movie got a playset before the likes of Peter Pan, Disney Princesses or Kingdom Hearts is that Franchesco Benovoli has to be introduced last, I know how he hates being late.

Rounding out the cast with a one buy wonder, The Lone Ranger Playset is the penultimate Playset that has been released as of this recording, The other being Toy Story in Space. You get the man himself and his Trusted Ally Tonto who dispite being a toy looks more like himself than Johnny Depp's Portrayal... Wonder how that turned out.

There are also these Power Discs sold in blind pairs for five bucks eaches. Blind meaning you can end up with fuckin' useless dupes which you could probably store to either trade off or sell off for around $56 which I'm more than willing to do BTW!

Wave II: It's A Trap

This turned out pretty good for an end result of John Lasseter Locking up Spyro to make sweet, sweet love. God, I hate those Ranting Robots for putting that line in my head. And the Best Part about it is We're Still Not Done! There's this Toy Story in Space Playset which is a fitting tribute to the franchise that started it all. I'll be sure to discuss it in full detail in a later side mission. There's also Jack Skellington, Rapunzel, Wreck-It Ralph, Vanellope, Anna and Elsa from Frozen, And an inevitable figurine of the very leader of the club that's made for you and me. There are two more waves of Power Discs going around, I have most of Wave One but very little of Wave Two, Like I only have the Discs from the Frozen Toy Box Pack. And there's still more coming, even after the Phineas and Ferb Toy Box Pack, Although It's good to see them get figurines, The Show itself seems to be winding down after second erection. I have my own Ideas for Infinity, I already wrangled up an artist to assist me in my Big, Big, Plans. John Vignyanachino has a very active Twitter Account, I sent him the Image of Captain EO in the Signature Infinity Style, as well as a DeviantArt Journal from @DFangX and he showed it to the entire crew, He even says that he'd get EO in there before he dies. That means my planned Mascot for Infinity's that much closer to fame! Today, Infinity... Tomorrow, Disneyland New England!

I await your Buyout.

Let's see, Here's Phineas, Agent P, Two Power Discs... Hey, Where's Ferb?

News: Nintendo's Big Move (The Downfall of CAPCOM)

So Nintendo doesn't seem to understand the Western Market, Need an Example? But besides the Point, They are in really deep slag, They only got 8 to 10 Billion Dollars left in the Bank, There's still enough Wiggle Room to start new Projects and Polish their current works like Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS, They're gonna need it as that's all the Analysts say they have left to save its arse. Or better yet, they can gobble up Capcom who are much further down in the dumpster both in it's once loyal fanbase and it's funds. In September of last year they couldn't afford to make Dead Rising 3 without Microsoft Bankrolling it with only $150 million in the bank... their way to circumvent this, Advertise their games in fashion magazines and crank the DLC up to 11,000. Yeah, it's the Egotistical MDA Jackamules in charge that are doing this to Capcom. They say that the Resident Evil Franchise is Too Old for Resident Evil, contradicting demographics be damned, solely because we knew that Resident Evil Six was a hot mess, I haven't tried it as I am not necessarily a Resident Evil fan. But I hear that The Resident Evil fans are awaiting the next Resident Evil and how it will be thoroughly squashed by Evil Within, There are people flocking to the Wii U for Bayonetta 2 because of the horrors of the Western World of DmC, We actually funded Mighty No.9 because you buried your mascot Megaman and never even acknowledged let alone celebrated his 25th Anniversary. If you bury your mascot, There's something wrong with you like their using condoms to plug holes in a Wooden Ship, It's a quick fix, But when it pops, Good Luck Charlie... Wait, The Show's Ending/Over Already? It's a Spin-off of Wizards, It's a really awesome show! Anywho, they've started to hire 100 employees a year, golly, well doesn't that sound familiar? Hey, that Image Inspired me, Hey, BlackBusterShow, You want to do some Parallels once Capcom gets their just desserts. Like where Circuit City axed appliances, Capcom was like let's take all eight megaman games, including the four we already have in development and push them in the Trash! Yes, really, Capcom relied on the Fanbase to build Megaman Legends 3 for them and Canceled it because we couldn't really access it. That Freakin' Lazy. So it's either Namco or Nintendo that'll buy em, Namco has quite alot of synergy that can allow them the two companies to Mesh together as Corporate Giant and Punished Asset and they themselves have recently merged with Bandai, yeah, that's a sight, the Blue Bomber Piloting a Gundam! On the Other Hand, Nintendo has been the Go-To guy for Megaman since Day One, sure in recent years, he's spread to more consoles but take into consideration that most of the Post-Legends Spin-Offs appeared almost exclusively on Nintendo's Game Boy Advance and DS Systems. I think Nintendo should take the risk and Gobble up Capcom and finish what they started, Trust Me: The Nintendo fanboys will love it when they see the new franchises pouring in and It'll help Wii U soar from the shelves. Seriously Iwata, buy Capcom away from those Cash Grab DLC Disc-Lockers, It'll make the fans happy that Capcom's Franchise can get some fresh talent and it'll make Apple happy to know that an inevitable perchase will be all the more sweeter. Okay, Thank you for Supporting RebelTaxi. Pan-Pizza now has a Fancy new P.O. Box, send in some stuff like some Disney Infinity figurines to have him Participate in the Grand Debut of Season 2. And I also want you to Support Re: Magic Kingdom Hearts, If you're a Kingdom Hearts Fan, Then this Fan-Event is gonna be the thing for you! We might even get to film a review with Some Jerk With A Camera. Alrighty, then, In case you're one of those Cooky Conformists, Make sure to Rate, Comment, Favorite, and Subscribe and as always, in space: We're Watching you Fap. We shall Start the Bidding at 1.3 Billion Dollars. Have a Good one... What? What do you mean Suicide?


Hey! Hey! Hey! Who wants to play? Ugh, another Pro-Disney Infinity Video. Minecraft is clearly practically perfect in every -Shaddap!

Top 10 Unintentional Comedians

Tommy Wiseau

  • Crimes: The Room

Stuart Snyder

  • Crimes: Running CN into thr ground.

'Oh, You suck, Google!' The Youtube Evacuation Installation Tape

Welcome to 'Oh, You suck, Google!' The Youtube Evacuation Installation Tape.

Now remove all characters from the Old House starting with the Toy Box Characters: Ralph, Vanelope, Mickey, Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa and Jack

Now Toy Story and Lone Ranger, Remove Tonto, John, Jessie, Buzz, Woody, and the Playset Piece.

Next we will do Cars, Remove Franchesco, Holley, Mater, Lightning, and the Playset Piece

Now Monsters, Remove Randall, James and Mike.

Next will be Pirates, Remove Davy Jones, Captain Jack Sparrow, Then H-Bar.

And now to Remove The Incredibles, Remove Dash, Violet, Syndrome, Mrs. Incredible and Mr. Incredible.

Now unbolt the Starter Pack Playset Piece and remove from the Template before moving on to the Critics, These will be the last Characters you Remove as they are basically the people who host the Moving Day Show Tape.


Wanted: A Couple of Abridgers who'd be willing to voice characters from Cyberteam in Akihabara. We need Specific Voices for a few Divas, Such as Aphrodite being the Major! We also want a few Weirdies to join the Party so Click the Vid-Responce button and Show us what you got.

The Disney Executive's Guide to Puella Magi

Hi, I'm an obvious otaku and prepare yourself for the ride of your life! Introducing the Mugen Fighter, champions of justice eager to uphold justice across our world and the Cosmos at large. Today we'll be focusing on

The Disney Executive's Guide to Bonus Stage

Discount Phelous

  • Hi, I'm Phelous. That's Short for... Hi, I'm Phelous.
  • Ah, Shut up, Wesley!

The Entertainment Center

This is the Entertainment Center. A Complex little Room with quite a few Game Consoles Including a now incomplete set of Nintendo home game consoles. NES, Super Nintendo, N64, Gamecube, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, PSone and Two, XBox and 360, with a PS3 too! A quiet little Wii rounds out our little group but there needs to be scale to the collection you knew. Donate to Rebel Taxi the Following Things, all sorts of things that are fit for a King!


  • Sayaka Miki (Meguka Outfit)
  • Mami Tomoe (School and Meguka Outfit)
  • Kyoko Sakura (Casual and Meguka Outfit)
  • Homura Akemi (School and Meguka Outfit)
  • Madoka Kaname (School and Meguka Outfit)


  • Motorized Train Set
  • Enough Buildings and Road Sheets to Build a Grand Scale Lego City!


  • Two Power Gloves for the IRL Costume (NES)
  • Sonic CD (Sega CD)
  • Tony Hawk games following Wasteland
  • N-Gage Games and Charger
  • Mario Party 4 (Gamecube)
  • Mario Party 5 (Gamecube)
  • Mario Party 6 (Gamecube)
  • Mario Party 7 (Gamecube)
  • Gotcha Force (Gamecube)
  • Mario Kart DS (DS)
  • Dragon Quest 9 (DS)
  • Mario Party 8 (Wii)
  • Mario Kart Wii
  • Arc Rise Fantasia (Wii)
  • Hasbro Family Game Night (All Titles for Wii)
  • 3DS and the Following Titles (Mario Kart 8, Kid Icarus Uprising, Fire Emblem Awakening, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokémon X/Y, Super Smash Bros for 3DS)
  • Wii U and the Following Titles (Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U)
  • Viva Piñata games (X360)
  • Skylanders (Include Figurines)
  • Disney Infinity (Include Figurines)


  • VideoNow, Juice Box Video and GBA Video
  • External Hardrives
  • Stop Motion Cameras and Rig Rails.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards
  • Bakugan Crap
  • Yellow Jacket
  • Ikea Tables

A few minor notes here, Lego Sets can be sent in in it's completed state or in Connectable Chunks. Check out the TV Tropes page for Each Collectable Figurine and do mind the Power Discs as they are indeed a part of the Disney Infinity Experience.


My Mecha

The name 'Robotics' could eventually be a racist term for science should fruity little Mechs like these come into mass production. Say hello to Project Aiko, once she's completed, She will do all the cooking, cleaning, and sixty-eight other chores that would allow them to take care of the elderly and severely brain-dead. Production started in 2007 after her creator, Le Trung, got a major boost of motivation in the form of Chobits, A Japanese anime adapted from a CLAMP manga book, Slag you not. Since then her construction and maintenance has been funded on his own dime He has taken out credit cards and loans, sold his car and spent his life savings on perfecting the machine - at a cost so far of £14,000. As you can see, he is more than open to find some investors for this project. The donations that you send over will go towards new motors, sensors and mainboards to design Aiko’s arms and legs, thus fulfilling his lifelong dream of enabling Aiko to walk and and do other house chores. There is always room for improvement, even when people say that it is perfect: "If we make something perfect, then we have failed. New Innovation comes from imagination, inspiration, and fixing our mistakes". (Le Trung, Official Website) But What really makes Aiko Tick? Is she an Idea worth investing time and money into?

Built upon a newfangled piece of software he calls the Biometric Robot Artificial Intelligence Neural System (BRAINS) which is constantly being improved as time goes on, Aiko can recognise up to 300 different faces per second, read newspapers, check the weather, distinguish between different medicines and can even tell you when your flight will arrive or leave the airport. Trung also claims that due to an array of sensors, Aiko can also function as an intimate companion. But as of this writing, The Original Robot herself is still a virgin and has never slept with a partner, not even her own creator. To make matters worse, without any motors for her legs, she is ultimately stuck in a wheelchair. Le Trung's plans for the future of Aiko beyond that wheelchair would offer the robot for public consumption at around $15,000-$17,000. He even plans to create a Robotic Idol with a ‘Project EVE’ of some sort. “Anyone who had any doubt that the future of humanoid robots would inevitably veer towards the seedy side need only look to the example of Le Trung and his fembot Aiko.” (Adario Strange, Truer words have never been said about a Robot of this Calibre. With her Versitility and updates to come, this proves to be a thing worth waiting for. Better Late than never, I suppose…

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